#truthfully i was not so confident with this chapter but i think it turned out alright
okaylikeschaewon · 1 month
Chapter 9: Cherry Blossom
~5500 words, male reader, smut
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“Maybe it’s just lust.”
“That didn’t feel like lust,” you argued.
“The way she kissed you, or the way you kissed her?”
“I don’t…” you stammered. “I’m a fucking awful person.”
“Okay hold up,” Sakura grabbed your hands, forcing you to sit down. “Tell me if I got this right. You slept with her because Chaewon told you to, and just now Zuha confessed she might have feelings for you, and then the two of you kissed?”
“She kissed me first.”
“Yeah, and then you kissed her back,” Sakura said gently. “Before we go further, I want you to take a deep breath and relax. You’re not a bad person, it’s going to be okay.”
“Alright,” you followed her advice, inhaling deeply before exhaling. “Thanks for hearing me out by the way, I didn’t know who else to talk to.”
“Well, you did come to me in a bit of a panic,” Sakura chuckled warmly. “But of course I’d hear you out.”
“Yeah, sorry about that.”
“Don’t apologize,” Sakura replied before adding shyly. “Thanks for trusting me.”
“What? Kkura, of course I trust you, that shouldn’t even be a question.”
“Let’s get back to the topic,” Sakura quickly changed the subject. “First of all, I don’t want you to tell Chaewon anything without getting your head straight.”
“I don’t want to hide anything-”
“I’m not telling you to hide anything or to lie,” Sakura interjected. “I’m just telling you that this was a lot to go through, and that I want you to promise me that you won’t rush into telling her this without properly thinking about it first.”
“Won’t Zuha just tell her anyway?”
“From what you’ve told me, there’s no chance of that happening.”
“How can you be so sure?” you questioned her confidence.
“You claim she was borderline in tears when she told you how she felt? There’s no chance she’d tell Chaewon, truthfully it’s probably really tough for her to even admit these feelings to you knowing that you and Chaewon are together,” Sakura explained. “Just trust me on this one.”
“Alright fine,” you replied. “I also don’t want Zuha to feel like she has no one to talk to about this.”
“We can figure that out later, right now I’m concerned about you and only you,” Sakura stated, letting go of your hands.
“So why exactly shouldn’t I go tell Chaewon right now?”
“Think about it, if you rush to tell her this instead of being a little tactful, you know her feelings will be hurt, especially if you don’t even understand it yourself,” Sakura explained slowly, clearly growing impatient. “Also, think about how Zuha would feel, she told you because she trusts you.”
“No, you cannot tell Chaewon yet.”
“Do you want to hurt her?” Sakura asked angrily, shooting daggers at you with her eyes. “If you do, then go. Go tell her. I’m sure it’ll work out fine.”
“Alright, alright I get what you’re saying,” you sighed. “So what should I do?”
“Let’s start with hearing what you actually think,” Sakura suggested, warming back up. “Be honest, do you have feelings for Kazuha?”
“I… don’t think so,” you answered, not nearly as confidently as when Chaewon asked you the same question.
“You don’t think so?” Sakura repeated your answer.
“It’s like… look, the sex was fucking amazing,” you explained.
“Thanks, not what I was asking.”
“Hold on, let me finish,” you continued. “The sex was great, but I haven’t had those feelings for Zuha before.”
“When you say before, does that mean you do have them now?”
“I… don’t think so.”
“Swee-” Sakura immediately paused, her cheeks turning bright pink. “Alright, I really think you should take the night to think about how you feel.”
“Hmm,” you ignored her little slip up. “I can do that.”
“Then tomorrow you’ll know if you should talk to Chaewon or Zuha first,” she continued. “I know you’ll make the right decision, whatever it is.”
“Okay, I’ll sleep on it,” you agreed with her plan.
“Also, is it okay with you if I talk to Zuha about this?” Sakura asked.
“I…” you pondered the question. Part of you wanted to say no because it was an odd scenario, but the other part of you knew that Sakura was smart enough to do it in a way that would work out. “Yeah, you can.”
“Thanks,” Sakura smiled before leaning forward and giving you a hug. “You’re a good person, I know you are.”
“I feel a lot better after talking to you.”
“I’m glad I could help,” Sakura smiled at you after letting go.
“This kinda reminded me of…” you let your voice trail off.
“I know what you mean.”
“Do you ever… think about those days?” you asked spontaneously without thinking. “Sorry, I know we agreed to move on and not talk about it anymore, that was a dumb question.”
“Yeah,” Sakura replied softly, staring at you with a blank stare. “All the time.”
“Remember that video we accidentally made?” Sakura giggled with an undertone of sadness to it, or perhaps nostalgia.
“How could I forget,” you smiled back at her, reminiscing about your past with the girl.
“I still have it.”
“You got this! No! Yes! Noooo.”
“Why am I so bad at this!”
“It’s okay my little cherry blossom, you were so close,” you reassured her while rubbing her shoulder. “Honestly that was just unlucky.”
“Play a round, I’m going to grab some water,” Sakura sighed with pure dejection, making no attempt to hide her sense of defeat.
It felt a tiny bit strange playing again after so long, but it didn’t take long as soon as your fingers felt those lovely mechanical keycaps. There was barely any need for a warm up - it helped that Sakura was considerably lower ranked than you. Not that you were proud to be smurfing, but it did make you feel pretty good knowing you weren’t completely washed at the game.
“How’s it going?” Sakura asked as she walked back into her room, still looking a bit down as she closed the door behind her.
“Oh I’m getting super lucky,” you lied, knowing very well how easy this game was so far. “Here, come finish this one.”
“Play it out, I’ll watch,” she said while taking a seat on your lap. “Wait, you’re… this isn’t even close.”
“Nah it’s not like that,” you teased while flashing the scoreboard for a brief second.
“How do you already have…” she sighed heavily, letting her shoulders noticeably drop as she slumped. “Don’t lose now.”
“I’ll try,” you replied while giving her a gentle kiss on the back of her head before positioning yourself in a way that you could see over her shoulder. “For you,” you added, letting go of the mouse for a moment to give her thigh a little squeeze.
Sakura’s delightful flowery shampoo was a bit distracting, but not as much as her firm ass on your lap. By a bit, you meant incredibly, you could feel the blood slowly moving to your crotch, but you forced yourself to stay focused. The game went on, despite Sakura’s body being right there between your arms, elimination after elimination with hardly any resistance. It was far from impressive in your eyes, but Sakura’s reaction made it feel special.
“Wow!” she gasped, doing a little hop on your lap after yet another successful teamfight. “Damn, you really make it look easy!”
That’s because it was easy, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t help but feel the corners of your lips rise at Sakura's animated reactions: The little cheers when you got an elimination, the gasps when you barely escaped. Her whole body would move and sway, almost as if she was unable to control herself, yet each little bounce of her ass also felt incredibly intentional - like she was trying to make you lose.
“You did it!” she shouted. “Clean sweep incoming?”
“I’m only playing this well because you’re sitting on my lap,” you praised her, hugging her while you waited for the last round to start, earning a little giggle from the adorable girl. “Now, stop being so cute.”
She brought her hands up to her mouth, stifling another giggle playfully. You gave her another little peck on the back of her head as you pushed toward the point. Just like the first round, this one went as smoothly as you would have imagined. That was, until, your team got a bit overzealous. Some may even say cocky, and in their defense it was probably in part due to how easy you were making this game for them.
“If you win this round I’ll give you head,” Sakura blurted out after seeing your team struggling. She definitely assumed it was already over.
Luckily for you, the other team clearly fluked their way to making this round competitive, and you turned it around without much contest. You couldn't help but smile at how easy they made it, silently thanking Sakura’s low elo for putting you up against them. The girl in question had leaned forward, hyper-focused on your gameplay. This did also result in her ass pressing even harder against your body - tempting you to forget about the game to bend her over the desk right then and there.
“Deal,” you teased Sakura after setting yourself up for a sure win.
“I forgot how good you were,” she commented quietly, watching the screen attentively in awe.
“How about this,” you continued after wiping the enemy team once again. “You finish off this game, see what you can do.”
“No no no, I’ll lose,” she quickly shot down the idea, leaning back almost in fear.
Ignoring her protests, you grabbed her arms and placed them on the keyboard and mouse.
“You got this, I believe in you,” you reassured her while nuzzling your face on her shoulder. She was shaking slightly, her nervousness was so ridiculously adorable. After placing your hand on top of hers, you steadied her slightly, calming her nerves. “Breath. You got this, it’s just a game.”
She took a deep breath before leaning forward slightly and focusing. You leaned back to give her space, and your eyes couldn’t help but take a peek at the gorgeous shape of her backside. The way her thin hips made the shape of her ass so much more defined drove you insane. After adoring her heart-shaped ass for a few moments, you shifted your attention to the game.
The way Sakura would maneuver her whole body when she would move in game, the way she would duck her head when she took cover, the way she would make little gasps and take sharp inhales every time she took a hit, it all accumulated into a whole package of irresistible cuteness. That endearing nature of her every action whenever she was gaming was something you found painfully adorable.
It was getting tense, any lead you had built up was erased at this point. Frankly, she should have lost already, but somehow she was holding on. While fumbling with her keys, she eventually equalized the situation again, but she was panicking. Despite that, you found it so exciting watching how into it she was, finding yourself engrossed in her gameplay.
“Come on, you got this,” you muttered under your breath, placing your hands on her hips. “You’re better than them.”
She was way too focused to reply, but you did notice a subtle shift in her posture as she moved forward even more. Her hands were no longer shaking at all, it looked like she was at least somewhat calm and in control now. You gave her hips a tiny little squeeze, reminding her that you were here with her.
The final engagement began. Once again, you were extremely grateful that the last opponent was terrible as mistake after mistake eventually led to Sakura being in a position of sure victory. As one opponent remained, she forgot about all the mechanics of the game and just pressed forward with seemingly nothing but a prayer going on in her head.
“Yes!” she squealed as the word ‘victory’ flashed on the screen.
“I never doubted for a second!” you cheered, squeezing her tightly from behind. “Knew you had it in you!”
Her heavy breaths and limp body made it seem like she had just run a marathon.
“Thanks,” she sighed, leaning backwards on your chest and rubbing your arms with her hands.
“What for? I didn’t do anything.”
“For believing in me,” she laughed, turning her head sideways to give you a kiss. “I didn’t even believe in myself.”
“Oh, well I did have some extra motivation,” she whispered, tightening your grip on her waist. “What were you saying you would do if I won this game again?”
She squirmed a bit, grinding her ass on your crotch very intentionally now.
“I think I said if you win,” she teased. “Last I checked, I’m the one who one.”
“Is that how we’re playing it?”
“I don’t make the rules.”
“Fine,” you said while sliding your hand towards her crotch, gently pressing down on the fabric of her pants. “Play one more game, if you can win again then I’ll do anything you want for the rest of the night.”
“And what if I lose?” she asked while starting the queue.
“You’re going to get a little punishment,” you whispered into her ear while pressing harder on her crotch, making little circles. “But you’re not going to lose, right?”
“R-Right,” she stammered, getting flustered by your touch.
As soon as the game started, you slipped your hand into her pants.
“Ah,” she gasped, “you know, you’re making it really hard to focus.”
“Am I?” you asked innocently, playing with her underwear. There was a growing wet spot, and the more you played with her the bigger it grew. “You did the same to me,” you dismissed her complaint. “It’s almost like I want you to lose.”
It was admirable how she was trying to ignore the stimulation, but her body simply could not hide how she really felt. Her soft, wet folds felt remarkable, even through her underwear. You gently moved your fingers around, smiling as she failed miserably in the game while her pussy got warmer from your touch.
The game so far was a complete stomp, not that you cared at all. At this point, you had slipped your hand into her underwear, rubbing her wetness around between your fingers. You had Sakura squirming like a puppet while you gently played with her clit, toying at the idea of slipping a finger into her pussy. It never happened, even as the game neared the end, you just kept teasing her with your fingertip pressing against her entrance.
“That’s not fair,” she whined as ‘defeat’ covered the screen. “You cheated.”
“Sorry, I don’t make the rules,” you teased back. “Looks like you lost.”
She squeezed her legs together in an attempt to get some reprieve from your fingers.
“What’s the little punishment?” she moaned as you kept trying to move your hand back and forth despite her tightly clenched thighs holding your wrist.
“Don’t think of it as a punishment for you,” you answered, standing up and removing your hand from Sakura’s pants. You brought your finger up to her mouth, letting her taste herself, while with your other hand you pressed down on her upper back until she was bent over her desk. “Think of it as more of a reward for me.”
“And what’s your reward?” Sakura asked, turning her head to look over her shoulder back at you.
“You’re my reward,” you replied, sliding both of your hands down the front of her waistband, feeling her body closely as you slid your hands around her hips until you reached either side of her body. In a single motion, you yanked down both her pants and underwear, letting them fall into a heap at her ankles.
Sakura stepped out of the clothes, kicking them to the side before swaying her ass side to side for you, giving you a show as you freed yourself of your own pants. She thought she knew exactly what was about to happen, but what she didn’t expect was the loud crack of your palm spanking her ass, sending ripples down her thighs.
“Oh!” she gasped in shock, looking back at you again.
“That’s because you’re still wearing a shirt.”
“I’m sorry babe,” Sakura stripped the shirt off before immediately bending over the desk again.
“Good,” you brought your palm down again, this time to her other cheek, eliciting another high pitched squeal from the girl. Without even lifting your palm up from her ass, you slid it up her body, feeling her toned back meticulously, wrapping your hand around her body and cupping her left tit in your fingers. “Ready to get fucked?” you whispered into her ear from behind while pinching her nipple between your fingers.
“Ah,” Sakura’s shriek pierced your ears as she jolted violently at your touch. “Fucking punish me babe.”
Your cock was itching to enter Sakura, practically begging as it twitched. You let go of her nipple, slapped her ass with your hand again and spread her cheek. With your other hand, you lined your cock up with her pussy, getting ready to take what you so desperately desired.
“Wait,” Sakura reached over and opened the top drawer of her desk, pulling out a small bottle that she held for you to take.
“Why do you-” you paused, accepting the bottle before you realized what was going on. “Oh.”
“If you’re going to punish me, punish me properly,” Sakura moaned, reaching back with both hands to spread her ass for you.
Your girlfriend spoke to you in ways no one else could, she did something to you that just drove you to be absolutely psychotic for her. The view of her bent ninety degrees over her desk reaching back with both hands to present her asshole to you was driving you absolutely feral. Taking Sakura in the ass was usually saved for special occasions; It was always an astounding experience.
Did you know why today was a special occasion? No. Did you care? No. Were your hands trembling in anticipation as you opened the bottle of lube? Yes. You flipped the bottle over and squeezed a hefty dollop of lube at the top of Sakura’s ass, letting it spill down slowly. It was difficult to stay patient, but you took your time to make sure she was completely slick, using your hand to spread the lube thoroughly.
Her soft ass, glistening as you massaged the lube into it, felt like heaven between your fingers. You could tell she was getting excited, but Sakura stayed silent, committing to the bit. She wasn’t about to show you her elation - this was a punishment after all.
It was, however, a punishment only by name. You knew how much Sakura loved taking it in the ass, so you wanted to make sure she actually enjoyed it to her full potential. Once you were satisfied with how slippery and shiny her body had become, you wiped whatever was left on your hand across your shaft. The idea of lubing up your cock as well immediately disappeared when you noticed Sakura’s pussy was literally dripping at this point.
After lining up behind her, in one slow and continuous motion, you pushed your cock into Sakura’s pussy until your thighs pressed into her soft ass. You held your cock balls deep in her for just a couple of seconds before moving back equally as slowly, leaving Sakura moaning as your cock left her pussy.
Her pussy, ever so slightly spread now, was glistening before you. Part of you wanted to go back in, but your true objective was lubed up staring right at you. Sakura’s tight asshole was begging for your cock at this point, welcoming your cock. You gave yourself a couple of quick strokes, spreading Sakura’s wetness on your cock before you pressed your tip against her hole.
“Push back,” you commanded her, your tip just slightly spreading her tight asshole apart.
As she leaned back, the slickness of your bodies ended up flinging your cock upwards, slotting it between Sakura’s ass cheeks. You gave her ass another hard spank, as if it was her fault, before lining yourself up with her asshole again.
This time, you held your cock more firmly, letting Sakura do the work once more. It felt fucking divine as your cock disappeared into her asshole inch by inch. She kept pushing back, slowly but surely pushing into almost your entire cock was up her ass. She was tight - unbelievably tight - but it was perfect.
“There we go,” you groaned as you started pumping your hips into her steadily.
Sakura was clearly struggling, even with all the lube, but she never complained or stopped. She moved her hips as much as she could, trying to match your pace at least to some degree. The two of you ended up working together, fighting against the tightness of her asshole as it was sending electric shocks up your spine, the tightness and heat combining in a beautiful mosaic of pleasure, attacking all the nerves in your cock.
The view was equally as beautiful. Sakura’s toned back staring right at you, the way her head dipped down each time your cock pressed forward, her shoulder blades retracting as her arms stretched out, it was all so surreal. Despite her obvious struggle, it was clear that she was enjoying herself, confirmed by one of her hand’s slipping down between her legs.
Her asshole kept taking your cock for a bit longer. Her pussy, with the help of her fingers, launched droplets of her wetness down her inner legs. She was a complete mess at this point, her lower body completely soaked. Her legs even began to tremble slightly.
The signs of her pleasure just gave you all the more motivation to start pushing deeper. Each time you pushed your cock into her ass, you were nearly going all the way. With how well she was taking it now, nothing could hold you back as you started thrusting faster and harder, easing her into more intensity. That was until you had a new idea.
“Turn your webcam on,” you instructed her, pausing your thrusting for a second.
Sakura reached for the mouse, navigating her way through menus while your cock was still balls deep in her asshole. Each time she was about to click, you gave a little half thrust, making her miss again and again.
“Fuck off,” she moaned, desperately clicking until she got the webcam open. “Now what?”
“Fullscreen it, I wanna watch your face while I fuck you.”
She tried to follow your command, but your cock was ready to go and you had started pumping her tight little asshole properly now. She got absolutely no reprieve, not an ounce of amnesty as your cock invaded her body over and over again.
“I can’t fucking…” she cried out before giving up on trying to click entirely, remembering she could fullscreen it by pressing ‘F’ on the keyboard. She slammed her hand against the keys, finally succeeding.
“Good girl,” you taunted her, pausing again to give her ass another hefty slap.
Sakura began checking herself out in the webcam, trying to fix her hair while your hand squeezed and groped her asscheek. You pushed your cock back and forth slowly, enjoying the tight grip of her asshole, watching as Sakura’s face strained itself in a mix of pleasure and struggle. Once she was content with how her hair looked, she bent forward, putting her elbows on the desk.
“The whole point was so I can watch you get fucked,” you grunted as your cock got closer and closer to your orgasm, grabbing a handful of her hair and yanking it back roughly while making sure not to actually hurt her, forcing her head back.
“Then hurry up and fuck me,” she moaned, leaving her mouth open while her head was controlled by the grip you had on her hair. “Fucking cum in my ass already.”
With your free hand, you gave her ass yet another hard slap - this one echoed in the room. You could see Sakura’s reaction so vividly - she definitely felt that one. At this point though, you actually didn’t care. You let go of her hair and grabbed her ass with both hands, struggling to get a proper grip because of all the lube and sweat coating her skin, but you pressed your fingers hard into her soft ass, gripping whatever you could.
Now, with your new support, you could give each thrust the entire force of your body. Each slam sent Sakura’s entire body shaking, threatening to break the desk she was so desperately clinging onto. There was a constant barrage of noises escaping Sakura’s lips combined with the burning pleasure flooding your cock as Sakura’s asshole brought you dangerously close to your orgasm.
It was impossible to stop now. Your vision was going blurry, your extremities were going numb, all the sensation in the world was being split between your ears and your cock. Her moans, her squeals, the constant porn-star level screams and shouts, muffled only in part by the sound of skin on skin whenever your cock jammed itself into her tight ass.
There wasn’t much left in the tank, you were starting to lose strength as you rode the brink of your orgasm for as long as you could. You were hyperventilating at this point, using every remaining ounce your body could muster to keep going, to keep pumping your beautifully tight girlfriend.
At long last, your cock began exploding inside Sakura’s ass. The overwhelming pleasure froze your entire body, sending two or three more torrents of cum deep into her body. Once the most intense moment passed, you coaxed the rest of your cum out by pumping her ass again, moving your hips more slowly and methodically now, timing each thrust with each spurt of cum.
Finally you looked back up, leaving your cock embedded balls deep in Sakura’s ass. She had let her head fall again, her shoulders bouncing up and down with each heavy breath she took. Her hands, balled up in fists, were still trembling on the desk as you grabbed her hair, twisting your hand to get a handful of it, and pulled back so that she was extending her neck backwards. You forcefully pressed your mouth against her slightly parted lips, her warm breath hitting you.
“I’m never getting tired of this,” you moaned into her mouth. “I fucking love you, my little cherry blossom.”
“I love you… too…” she panted back, still struggling to breathe.
It was finally time, as your cock began to soften, to pull out. With a hand on her ass, you pulled your hips back. It was like watching a dam burst with how much cum gushed out of her asshole as soon as you removed your cock.
“Fucking hell,” you panted, sitting down on the floor and scooting back so that your back was resting against the base of Sakura’s bed. In front of you, Sakura was still bent over her desk with her ass up, using her arms to hold herself up as the bend of her knees made it clear her legs could no longer hold her body up. It was quite the view for you to enjoy, watching as your cum slowly dripped out of Sakura’s asshole and onto the floor. “You alright?”
“Yeah,” Sakura answered softly. “But my ass is killing me right now.”
“Come here.”
Sakura pushed herself up off the desk with her arms before turning around, gingerly walking over to you. She lowered herself to the ground, sitting next to you on her side to prevent her ass from touching the floor, leaning against you with her arms around your torso.
“You were such a trooper tonight,” you whispered gently as you wrapped your arm around her body before giving her a kiss. You very lightly slipped your hand between her cheeks, using one finger to massage her asshole. “Does that feel better?”
“Mhmm,” she moaned cutely.
“Good,” you kissed the top of her head as you ran circles around her asshole with your finger.
“Want me to clean your cock off?” Sakura asked casually, sliding one hand down and giving you a couple of playful pumps.
“It’s alright, you’ve done enough for me already.”
“I always do this,” Sakura completely ignored your denial, bending forward over your lap, pausing for just a second to look back at you. “Please only one finger tonight.”
Even though you couldn’t see past the back of her head, you could vividly feel the warmth of her mouth the second she put your cock into her mouth. She sucked your cock with no regard for how filthy the act was, she had absolutely no hesitation - that was probably the hottest part of it all. You let her do her work while your body came back to life, somehow after all that you could feel your cock stiffening yet again.
As per her request, you carefully inserted just your middle finger a knuckle deep into her asshole, being as slow and cautious as possible. You paused for a second when you felt her mouth stop moving, making sure she wasn’t uncomfortable. Once you felt her tongue start swirling around your cock again, you started to gently massage the inside of her asshole.
The mixture of lube, cum, tightness, and warmth felt surprisingly nice on your finger. Hopefully it felt equally nice for Sakura, the girl deserved it with how much enthusiasm she was putting into sucking your cock right now. Her tongue was working overtime, licking every single bit of your shaft, while her lips moved up and down your tip rapidly.
It all happened so fast, without warning you felt a sudden rush of sensation in your cock. Within seconds, you felt your cum launch directly into Sakura’s mouth with the force of a bullet. You were paralyzed briefly as your cock began spewing cum all over her mouth, filling her to the point of overflow, the warm goo mixed with Sakura’s saliva began landing on your crotch.
“Oh my fucking God,” you gasped, regaining consciousness.
“Fin’er,” Sakura moaned at you as she turned her head to face you, a gush of white spilling out of her lips.
“What?” you asked, before realizing you had shoved your finger all the way into her asshole. “Oh!” you gasped before quickly pulling it out.
Sakura gulped heavily, wiping the tears from her eyes as the cum that didn’t spill onto her chin rushed down her throat. She lay her head down on your legs, her cheek against your thigh.
“That really fucking hurt,” she whined. “And no warning?”
“My ba-”
“Have I been punished enough for my actions yet?” she asked, pouting her lips at you.
“Yes, your punishment is over,” you smiled at her, grabbing your limp cock and placing it on her face playfully.
She smiled at you adorable before giving your cock a quick kiss and getting up to her feet.
“We’re both messes,” she stated, looking back over her shoulder and spreading her ass, letting some more remnants of your cum spill to the floor. “I’m not ‘cleaning’ you up out here again, not after that. You can join me in the shower if you want my help this time.”
“Sorry about the finger,” you apologized.
“Don’t worry about it,” she laughed proudly. “With how much you filled my mouth with, I can’t even be upset that you lost control.”
“I don’t know what happened, all of a sudden I just…”
“You’re welcome,” Sakura giggled, leaning down and kissing your cheek before turning around and walking gleefully towards the bathroom.
All you could do was stare at her glistening ass as it jiggled with every step, really taking in the fact that Sakura has been your girlfriend for almost a year at this point. In your eyes, she was perfect, she was everything you wanted in a girl. You couldn’t imagine a life without her being there by your side as your partner.
After a few seconds, you heard the shower turn on in the bathroom. As you got up to join her, you noticed something on the computer screen that must have happened when she was trying to fullscreen the webcam - she had started a recording.
Ask and you shall receive, thank you for those who voted in that poll! I might end up doing polls every now and then again because you guys responded so well to it, and it absolutely motivated me to work on this fic. That being said, keep it up, I can't stress enough how much I love all the support my readers show, I'll continue to read every comment/message/etc.!
Random Sakura chapter. Well, random for you guys, I knew about this one coming of course. Hope you guys like it, this one took me a tiny bit longer than expected, partially because of life being busy, but mostly because I just couldn't quite figure out how I wanted to write some stuff out in this one. Regardless, it's done now, I'm too lazy to spend days proofreading and editing it.
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anzulvr · 9 months
ʚɞ On Purpose Karma x (fem) Reader || Chapter: 1 ୨୧
001 Game Time || Next
[Name] was standing behind the chain-link fence, wide-eyed and immersed in the E-class VS A-class baseball game exhibition.
"You can't seriously be interested in this— since when are you a sports fan?" Kaho scoffed.
"Since today?" Truthfully, [Name] wasn't all that interested in the game, her eyes were set on Karma.
"Oh I get it, you've got a thing for one of the players!"
"What? No! Where'd you get that from?!"
"Shindo right? Don't worry, I won't tell!" Kaho noted with a breathy laugh.
[Name] nodded fervently. It was better for Kaho to believe [Name] liked Shindo rather than word get out that she was dating Karma.
It was Karma's idea to keep everything on the down low, that way people wouldn't give her a hard time for being with him.
"Batter number eight, left fielder, Akabane." The commentator on the speaker brought her attention back to the field.
Karma stayed in place, all eyes were on him.
"Hang on, never pegged you as the type to play dirty, sir. If the rules haven't changed this little gambit ain't legal, they're bogarting the infield umpire should have called 'em on it by now."
His voice grew in confidence by the second, "Oh come on, anyone else smell a rat or is it just me?"
Karma turned to face the fence where most of the main campus was spectating from.
"Oh never mind, you guys are morons! Baseballs like a foreign language to ya!"
[Names] peers collectively grew angry, yelling insults back at him. Karma took it all in stride, turning back with a smile, happy to have elicited a response.
No one expected E class to play this well, even Shindo looked defeated, Kunugigaokas star player was struggling to get a hit against the lowest ranked class.
"Preed, do you mind getting us something to drink?" Kaho half-heartedly requested.
"Yeah I've got you, I'll be back!" He scurried off instantly, anything Kaho asked from him went.
"Kaho… don't you think this is a little much?" [Name] asked.
"It's not like they'll find out. Guys are such idiots."
Kaho dated a lot but not out of love, she got a kick out of toying with people, or maybe she wanted to feel loved, [Name] couldn't know for sure, she was only able to make assumptions based on what she saw on the exterior since Kaho wasn't the type to speak vulnerably.
"You're with three guys this time, and Preed is nice, I feel bad." [Name] said disapprovingly, she kept her tone hushed and careful no one was listening in.
"He'll live… Are you with me or against me?"
"Okay, Okay sorry."
If Kaho wasn't with Preed, she was with Seo or Yozo. [Name] couldn't go a day without third wheeling, ever since Karma was moved down to end class she hadn't had anyone else to hang out with.
Who knew baseball could be so intense? At some point Karma dodged a bat to the face by the millisecond, eventually, the game ended, the speakers blasted for the final announcement.
"The game is over, I can't even— this is insane… the winner is, I never thought I'd say this but the winner is E-class…!"
The students from the main campus complained about the loss as they left, the only people cheering were in end class themselves.
"Preed still isn't back, I'll go look for him, see you around [Name]." Kaho sighed on her way out.
[Name] pulled her phone out and sent Karma a message.
message start
[Name] Meet me at the small building to my left?
Karma looked around the field until his eyes caught yours, his focus went back to your contact as he typed out a reply.
[Karma] Yeah just a second Ill have to make an excuse
message end
"What are you smiling about Karma?" Rio grinned while trying to get a peek at his phone from behind his shoulder, unfortunately for her, he could sense her creeping up on him before she got the chance.
"I'm getting a call, I'll meet back with everyone in a few!"
Once he was out of earshot Rio turned to Hinano "What's he lying for? I wasn't able to read his screen but I know he wasn't getting a call."
"That's suspicious… What if he's hiding a girl!" Says Hinano "Or a body!" Fuwa chimes in
"Out of those two outcomes the body seems more plausible…" Rio laughs, she tilts her head as if she's got a brilliant idea, "Hey Ritsu, you should listen in on what he's doing through his phone!"
"I shouldn't eavesdrop… I told everyone I wouldn't do anything without full consent."
Unfortunately for Ritsu, Rio's knack for sweet-talking has always been unmatched, "Exactly! As his friends we have to look out for him, we can't do that if he's sneaking around all the time, doing this would make you such a caring friend!"
"I'd be caring…? I guess that makes sense, okay I'll do it for friendship!" Ritsu, who’s new to all sorts of human emotions and expressions, naively gathers up her resolve. Now she’s just as involved as the rest of the group.
ᝰ ♡
Karma put his batting helmet on [Name's] head "Sorry you had to watch us destroy your class on the field." He bragged, not anything new.
"I was rooting for you, keeping my poker face was hard!"
"Your eyes were shaped like hearts and you were practically foaming at the mouth, your poker face could use some work."
"I was not! Anyway, how are things in E class? You look pretty close with everyone." [Name] turned the topic around.
"Is that jealousy I hear? Cute, but don't worry [Name] I still like you best."
"I'm not jealous! Just a little worried, the way Mr. Ono decided to send you to end class was harsh."
"I'm good I promise, I like it better in 3E, The only thing I miss about the main campus is you." He flicked her forehead. [Name] handed the helmet back to him, playfully shoving it into his chest.
"I know I complain about how annoying you are every day but, I wish Mr. Ono sent me to End class with you."
Karma smiled and shook his head no, "Don't go getting crazy ideas, tell you what, i'll take you out to eat as a consolation prize!"
"It's not a consolation prize if I wanted you to win!"
"Right, so what I'm hearing is, you're paying?"
"I take it back! I'm so upset you won…please pay for us!"
"Fineee…" He feigns disappointment "We'll go to [Café], right after school tomorrow, don't be late!"
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saintgoths · 2 months
ᴄᴀᴛ ꜰɪɢʜᴛ
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WORD COUNT - 2,214.
RATING - 18+. [protective Ellie, lesbian sex].
SUMMARY - you and ellie get back together, but an angry doris confronts you.
[follow for more content & feedback would be appreciated thank you <3].
previous chapter - chapter seven.
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You smiled, never had you thought you’d have a lover serenading to you. Your hands cupped your face as Ellie hummed, while she easily strummed her fingers against her instrument, you had watched with awe as you listened to the lyrics fall out of her lips, “I watch the moon, let it run my mood, can’t stop thinking of you,” the girl sang, and complimented you had leaned your back against the head board, hands now away from your face and now against your lap as she finished.
“That was amazing,” you said as she put down her guitar against the foot of her bed.
“Thank you,” Ellie acknowledged before she moved herself to kiss you, it was quick and soft, but the smiles between the two of you had mirrored the intense shared passion.
It had been two weeks ever since what had happened, and the two of you were confident to say that it had pushed the two of you closer.
Ellie had now had you in her arms as you comfortably rested on her chest, you stared up at the ceiling. “Did you really mean that song?” You curiously questioned, you looked up at Ellie, hands around her tattooed arm as she stared back at you.
“I can never stop thinking about you,” Ellie truthfully shared and with another kiss, you had gently flipped yourself so you could lay on your stomach. Eager to touch her mouth, you had moved your hands beneath her shirt but the sound of someone knocking on Ellie’s dorm door had stopped the two of you.
Your girlfriend had groaned as she pulled herself off her bed. It had been both Dina and Jesse behind the door, and quickly, you had remembered there was a party the four of you were going to. Jesse said he’d drive, which is why the two of them had gone to pick both of you.
You pulled on your shoes, and now on your feet, both you and Jesse greeted each other, he threw a certain look towards your way before he had commented. “What were you love birds doing?” He questioned; half of his question had sounded serious but you were able to hear the playful tone.
With a knowing look, you arched your eyebrow. “Leave it to your imagination,” you responded as you slipped past him and before he did, Dina slapped his arm.
“Don’t you dare imagine anything,” she comically threatened which had then caused the rest of you to laugh.
It was loud and packed. Both you and Ellie had clung onto each other as the two of you adjusted to the new atmosphere, there had been led lights, drinking competitions and people passionately kissing each other on one of the couches on display
“I wonder if there’s a room we can be in,” you poorly joked, thus Ellie squeezed your hand to reassure you.
“We should get a drink,” she said and with a quick peck on her lip, you told your girlfriend that you’d be the one to get them.
Once you left her side, you scanned for where most of the drinks had come from and made a bee-line towards it once you had found it. You hadn’t realised Doris had been there, but once you had felt someone’s hard eyes dig into you, you had looked up.
You remained silent as you poured both you and Ellie drinks but as you went to leave, Doris had commented.
“You managed to get Ellie back,” Doris said, as if what had come out of her mouth had been irony.
You turned to look at her. “I’m serious about her.”
“It took you time to become serious,” Doris pointed out, which had been true. “To be serious about people, I mean.”
Flatly, you smiled. “The previous people I were with were just stepping stones to get to Ellie I guess.”
Doris smiled right back at you, and in a matter of seconds, the liquid in her cup had been splashed all over you. Everyone turned to look at what had been happening, and annoyed, you had thrown your drink back at Doris as people encouraged the two of you to fight.
Quick on her feet, Ellie immediately stepped in between you and Doris, her eyes dark as she looked at your ex-partner. “Leave [Y/N] the fuck alone!” Ellie rudely spat, and bold, Doris had taken a step forward, ready to speak, but Ellie had been quicker. “I promise I’d give you the beating I should’ve did back in the toilets.”
With a scoff, Doris looked at both you and Ellie up and down before she left. Your arms crossed, you realised how drenched you were, your excitement for the party had been put out the moment Doris threw her drink on you. “I’m wet but not in a good way,” you muttered as Ellie turned to look at you.
Empathetic, Ellie had sighed as she grabbed your wrist. “Come on, let us look for somewhere to dry you up,” she said and obedient, you had followed your girlfriend through the crowds who returned to party to the loud music.
The two of you had found a room to sit in, Ellie had been the one to look for a bathroom and a towel, and once she did, she had used it to dry you up. “At least you still look very pretty,” Ellie said and you rolled your eyes to her comedic timing.
“Please you love being told you’re pretty,” she teased before she kissed you. Tenderly, Ellie had pulled away before she tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “How do you feel?” She asked as she gave you another peck. “Being confronted, and everything with your dad?”
You burst out laughing. “Ellie, we’re about to have sex and you’re asking me about my dad?” You asked and with red cheeks, Ellie kissed you again.
“I’m so stupid,” she mumbled and you agreed, with a smile you pulled her closer as she slipped off your shirt.
You had gently moaned as you could feel her grope your breasts. You could feel the way she circled her thumb around your breast fore she moved her tongue to suck it, her other hand had slipped off your lower garments and to support yourself, you had rested on your elbows as you had watched her desperately devour you. Her mouth had been hot and wet, and every few times she’s suck on your breast she’d fan her hot breath against your skin.
Ellie had slid down your body, left trails of wet kisses against your naked skin till she met with the opening of your legs. Elie had been terrifically wet and had the obsessive crave to rub herself against you, but she had focused on you, had left kisses between your thigs before her mouth wrapped around your pearl, as she sucked, the texture of her tongue had stroked against your slit, and you had shuddered, sensitive, your hand immediately reached for her hair.
The tip of her tongue repeatedly flicked against your clit before she slid her tongue inside, her swift movements had caused you to shake in surprise, her tongue also being aided by her digits had glided inside of you, her fingers arched as she stroked the soft lump inside of your cunt, eyes sunken into yours as she had watched the way your body had twitched.
“Ellie!” You had whined as you could feel yourself quickly cum, with a smirk, Ellie moved herself back to your lips, she had a smirk on her face, a smirk of arrogance, proud of how easy she had made you climax. The Williams girl helped herself to pull off the rest of her clothing, and immediately, your eyes were trained on her lean body.
“Look at me,” she commanded and immediately you did, your lower lips tucked behind your teeth, as you felt her adjust on top of you, your wet skins had barely touched but there was a ghostly gasp that left your lips, and when you had felt the pressure of her weight lean against yours, your eyes softened.
Your hands against her waist you had supported Ellie’s weight on top of yours as she commenced to rub her clit against yours. She moaned as she lowered her body against yours, her face buried between the crook of your neck as she had moaned, her eyes rolled back as the gentle sparks began to increase.
“Kiss me!” She begged and immediately, her lips were pressed against yours, the slick shared between your heat had augmented, and the lewd sting of her pressing your clit against yours had boosted, you had tucked your tongue into her mouth as she had sucked, her thrust had become quicker and more animalistic, greedy to chase her high, Ellie had moved her lips to the sharpness of your jaw, hungry as she used her tongue to lick down your neck.
Intense, your nails had dug into her back, you were almost there, entranced by the way your clit had moved and circled against hers, your eyes watered. “Fuck!” You cried out just as your body started to twitch. “Ellie!” You screamed as you climaxed, stubborn, Ellie had remained against you, her eyes rolled to the back of her head as her figure slowly cloaked with heat.
Her hand that was tightly clasped with yours had dug into your skin, she was wordless, looking down on you as she bounced on your swollen clit, her orgasm coming seconds after yours. Her nectar, spilled against your opened heat as she had then dropped beside you. Briefly, she had pushed a deep sigh as her wet eyes looked up at the ceiling.
“We should get back,” you breathed out as you had then sat up at the side of your bed, your back faced towards her, aware that the sight of her eyes glided down the figure of your back. You held back a smirk, if it had been you two back at her dorm, you would’ve gone for second rounds.
It had been another week, you had remained by Ellie, spent almost the entirety of your term in her dorm, your finals were soon, but reluctant to stay away from you, Ellie had encouraged you to crash at hers.
The both of you knew how’d it end, kissing and touching each other. Ellie singing to you as you wrote about your fashion research, truthfully, the sex had taken over the amount of time you had spent with her, but it had been one of your favourite things to do, lips gently locked with hers as your fingers circled her clit, her tongue slipped into yours as she arched her fingers into your depth.
You had gasped into her mouth as you could feel your orgasm reach, around your fingers you had released, and Ellie had been after you. Currently, with your forehead pressed against each other, you had been the first one to roll against your back.
“After all this,” you said out of exhaustion. “Where should we go?”
“London,” Ellie quickly said and excited your eyes brightened.
You had then sat up. “London,” you said with a smile. “I’d love to go there,” you encouraged as you slipped on your panties.
“And then to Paris, to Rome,” Ellie listed, in early anticipation of what the future held for the both of you. “We go to the Eiffel Tower and we make out under it.”
You hit her shoulder as you teased her. “How corny,” you joked and with the dramatic roll of her eyes, Ellie pulled her hands behind her head.
When you put on the rest of your clothes, Ellie decided to put on her briefs, you phone had then rung and with a dismissive look you had muttered. “I’ll reply to it later.”
Unsure, Ellie stood to her feet, her gazed fixed on your phone, it had vibrated as the screen shined brightly white. “I think it is best that you answer now,” she suggested, though with the sound of her voice, it had appeared more commanding.
With a side smile you reached for it, unaware that the number of missed calls had been detrimental.
It was from your mother.
With a frown you had picked up the call, you had quickly pulled a strand of hair behind your ear as the sound you were met with were the frantic cries of your mother. You didn’t need to hear what she had to say because you knew, it had come to you like a moth to a flame, but with your silence and the stiffness of your body, you didn’t know if you had become paralysed or had been in shock to what your mother finally said.
You knew it was always going to happen, but there was always a delusional hope you had within you that believed that your he would survive, but it was just the inner child naivety. A scared daughter clinging onto her dying father. You had already wept before you mother had spoken, but when her woe words eventually came out of her mouth, clarifying the death of your father, your whole world had come to a stop.
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feedback would be appreciated! if you want to be apart of the tag list comment <3
plus, it is ending there's only one chapter left.
tag list - @liasxeatt
catgirl masterlist
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awkward-tension-art · 4 months
Darkness on Umbara Chp.6 (Rex x Reader)
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Chapter 5. Chapter 7.
The Gorge
cw: Rex x Reader, Reader is a medic, incorrect military procedure, graphic descriptions of injuries, blood, swearing, death and battle, Spoilers for the Umbara Arc, Pong Krell is an asshole, reader insert, names of non-canon dead clones, reader is gender neutral, no use of (Y/N), if i miss a tag LMK
Minors DN
That’s the priority. That's why the 501st had retreated away from the capital. 
A fucking airbase.
You could see it in the distance from where you were. The tall tower was clearly marked by a bright pillar of light that reached towards the clouds.
As Fives, Krell and Rex inspected the area on a cliffside, you and Kix weaved around the men, treating any injuries you saw. Sadly, painkillers were getting to low levels, so you decided to use them for the truly brutal wounds. For those you had to deem were suffering beyond comprehension.
You regretted using them on yourself. 
But, everyone else…well, they were big boys. They just had to handle it. Judging by the uninterested look that Hardcase had while Kix stitched up his shoulder, you were confident that the men weren’t going to complain. 
Your gaze swept over the battalion. The dark, tentacle-like trees had fanned out from the jungle, allowing an easier view of the soldiers. You counted the silhouettes, their white and blue armor stark against the ash colored ground. 
By the end you were right. A majority of the battalion had been injured in some way. Wounds were expected. But this many…It was getting hard to keep up, and judging by the way Kix swayed slightly when he stood, he was feeling the same thing.
“Alright men, we’re splitting the battalion,” Rex called, getting everyone at attention, “Half of you will remain here. The other half, follow me down to the gorge.”
You sighed and watched them go. Your tired steps were about to go to your medical speeder, but Krell halted you, “Doctor, you will be going with them.” He stepped between you and your goal, which was to resupply.
“Respectfully, sir,” you looked up into his small yellow eyes, “I think it would be better if I remained here and-.”
“My orders are for you to go with the platoons down to the gorge.” the besalisk crossed two of his four arms, surprisingly, he wasn’t yelling at you. Instead, his tone was icy and yet uninterested, “I’ve seen how you are during battle, and your expertise is wasted as a backline medic. You will be with the men on the front.”
You blinked and nodded. Was that a compliment? 
“Understood, sir.” you saluted with your uninjured arm and followed the platoon. At this point, arguing with him about your training would only result in a bad outcome.
You found your position next to Kix, who looked very unhappy to see you, “please don’t tell me…” 
“He complimented me,” you gave a sarcastic smile, “Said my expertise was wasted by not being on the front.”
Before Kix could respond, Rex began to speak, getting all the attention onto him, “Alright listen up!” His voice held authority with every word, “We’ll assemble the squads into two divisions. We’ll move straight up this gorge to the airbase on the far side.”
The medic beside you snapped, “The casualties are going to be high!” 
Tup scoffed, “Is Krell trying to get us killed!?”
“You know, I wasn’t sure that Krell was crazy before.” Jesse snarled, helmet in his hand. He practically glared at Rex as he continued, “But now, I’m positive!”
“We had to retreat from the capital because the general pushed a flawed strategy!” It was Fives’ turn to argue, “Now this?”
Hardcase raised his heavy weapon, “I don’t know! Could be fun.”
“Well, I, for one, agree with the general's plan.” Dogma chimed in, seeming much more confident than anyone else. 
“What plan?” You turned to face him, “Blindly rushing into the unknown without a care for the costs isn’t a plan!” Your words might’ve struck Rex, truthfully, you couldn’t look at him to find out. 
You had all the faith in him. You just had no faith in Krell or his tactics. But arguing would seem like you were against your lover and not the temporary General.
“We are running out of time and this is the best option!”
Jesse spoke up again, royally pissed, “No recon? No air support? We don’t know what we’re up against!” He waved his helmet in the air in frustration, “They have weapons we’ve never seen before!” To punctuate his point, he tapped his helmet to his head a couple of times. 
The 501st captain stepped forward, attempting to reason with everyone, “A few of General Skywalker’s plans seemed reckless too, but they worked.”
His words did little to ease the rising tempers, “Yeah, but General Skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front not bringing up the rear like General Krell!” Fives stepped towards Rex, riling up everyone else, “A full frontal assault would leave us too exposed!”
The other men rose up in dissatisfied chatter. They were clearly unhappy with the plan.
“We have to look at other options!”
“It's going to be a meat grinder!”
Rex sighed, frustration clear, “Fives.” He commanded the ARC trooper to follow. The two stepped away, out of earshot. 
“What supplies do we have?” Kix turned to face you, “This…is going to be difficult.”
Wordlessly you took off your pack and knelt to go through the packs you carried. Luckily the both of you stocked up as well as you could from everything on the medical speeder. But it never hurts to check. 
Bandages and bacta were the most needed, and hopefully, you had enough to see this through.
You attempted to get your pack back on by lifting it with your bad arm, only to drop it and hiss in pain. 
“Damnit.” you swallowed, feeling the very bone pulse in agony. It’s only been a few hours since you were shot. Your arm was nowhere near healed. 
Kix put a hand on your uninjured shoulder to hold you steady, “Take it easy.”
“I’m fine,” You mumbled, adjusting your pack, “The men have survived worse than this. How would it look if I burst into tears every time I get hurt?” 
“Nearly getting your arm blasted off isn’t just ‘getting hurt’. If you need a break, the others will understand.” He argued softly.
You shook your head, “And what about you? You’ve been unsteady on your feet from exhaustion for hours and yet you still run around helping those who are wounded.”
“Only because you’ve been taking a majority of them.” Kix responded, though he didn’t argue with your point. 
“Are you two done?” Dogma snapped from his position, “We’re about to start moving.”
“Hey, Dogma, have you considered shutting the fuck up?” An ARF trooper, Jumper, leaned forward on his AT-RT to silence the ground soldier, “How about you don’t pick a fight with the two people keeping all of us alive.”
“Everyone, enough.” Jesse finally stepped in to get everyone quiet, “Now is not the time or the place.” A mere minute later instructions were given. 
You’d go with Rex and his half of the platoon. Kix would go with Fives and Hardcase and their half. 
Splitting up…wonderful idea. There’s no way that could ever go wrong. 
You hung back, keeping your position behind a majority of the men. Noct and Nax, however, were walking on either side of you. As if they were intending to guard you from threats. Your nod to them was in appreciation as both platoons marched forward slowly and carefully. 
Three of those flying beasts that attacked on the main road flew overhead. They didn’t make a dive or move towards anyone on the ground. Instead, you’d think they were fleeing something.
A rapidly approaching rumble cut off your thoughts. The ground was shaking, and it was only getting worse. Nax grabbed your wrist to keep you steady as the vibrations got stronger and louder. Even the AT-RT’s were unstable from the sheer power of the sway.
You raised your comm and began to speak, “Kix, what is going-.”
In the distance, you heard the commotion. Shouting. Booms. It sounded like something was…howling? 
Everything around you was shaking violently, and Kix finally responded, “We’re under attack!”
Without wait, Rex diverted off the original path to aid his brothers. You all ran as quickly as you could despite the dark, dense plant life that hindered your movements. Once you made it over the ridge, you paused, taking in the battle.
Chaos. Chaos and mayhem. At the center of it all, was a tank in the shape of a centipede, marked with blue lights. It roared before slamming down, killing all soldiers under its massive body. 
“Get those rocket launchers down there! Move it troopers!” Rex commanded, pistols in hand and immediately running to aid the soldiers.
The blaster guns that ran down the centipede tanks back were firing in all directions, making it difficult to maneuver or navigate. Still, you managed to get close enough while remaining behind the cover of a massive tree and its roots.
One of the green shots hit Jumper’s AT-RT, killing him in a burst of neon flames.
Another name to your list.
“Watch out!” The ARF trooper next to you called as another tank shot up from the ground. He was hit almost instantly, knocking down from his vehicle. immediately your hands were on him and dragging him behind cover. 
“I got you, Dia.” you reassured, pulling off his helmet.
Pupils uneven. Head injury. Concussion. Watch for seizures or signs of stroke. Traumatic brain injuries were difficult to deal with in such a chaotic environment, but you did what you could with the supplies you have. 
One of the tanks swung its massive head, slamming into one of the troopers that had a much needed rocket launcher. He hit the ground, but curled his body to protect the precious weapon. Once the Umbaran tank turned to continue its destruction, Kix leapt out from the black and red foliage. Thank whatever gods decided to keep him alive!
He grabbed the trooper just as Hardcase got the rocket launcher. You rushed out to join him, taking hold of one of the troopers shoulders, “Follow me!” You shouted, leading the medic to your position of cover hidden in the dense trees. When you returned, there were already several more injured that were taking refuge.
Behind you, there was another explosion. The now headless tank roared before it melted into a screech. Its massive silver and blue body twisted and spasmed as every section burst into flames and destruction. You spotted Fives and Hardcase sprinting to avoid getting hit by its thrashing legs.
Rex called out, tone commanding yet anxious, “Everyone regroup, now! Take cover!” 
The platoons scattered, fleeing into the dark and foggy forest. Luckily the thick trunks and roots of the red, glowing trees were condensed enough the tanks couldn’t push through. 
“Move it! Move it!”
“Let's go!”
“Go! Go! Go!”
You swallowed and looked up at Rex. He was breathing heavily, but still standing. However, you didn’t miss the blood on his wrist. 
You reached into a small pack on your thigh and took out clean bandages as you approached. He would always opt for bandages and not bacta. At every battle, if he got hurt, he’d reject the medicine, saying ‘save it for the next soldier you treat.’ So you’ve learned to just accept his selflessness and use standard first-aid supplies if the wounds weren’t so bad.
“We’re safe for the moment, but they’ll be coming around any second,” He continued to lead the men, not stopping even when you grabbed his wrist and began to bandage it up, “Bring up the launchers, spread detonators along that corridor. Trap them in the bottleneck.” The captain nodded in appreciation once you finished your work. He continued, “We’re going to blow those things sky high.”
Fives rushed past you to a soldier, Hana, who carried explosives in a large pack. He grabbed several of the bombs before running with the other to the narrow part of the gorge. Several others followed the ARC trooper. 
You remained with the injured, just like Kix. Your focus was on the trooper, Hek, in your arms working to stem the bleeding on his chest. However, no matter what you tried, he slipped away under your hands.
Hek. One more death to blame on Krell.
Your priority shifted to Silk, who had sat down and waited patiently with a bleeding, smoldering neck and shoulder wound. Either he was the most patient man in existence, or mentally gone. It didn’t matter though, because you began to patch him up, using whatever you could to save him.
After a few moments, the ground shook violently again, causing you to hold him close to your chest to protect. From the direction of where the men placed bombs, you heard the booms and crackles of their explosives detonating. The tanks they destroyed howled and wailed as it sounded like they crashed into one another, ripping each other apart.
Soldiers had run back to your position to take cover from the resulting explosions. Hardcase dove to your right, getting behind the massive root protecting everyone from the fire. Rex, who was thrown from the force of the bombs, landed on his front right next to you and Silk. Fives and Jesse stumbled, also hitting the dirt after getting shoved by the burst of heat and flames. 
It was a few seconds later when your ears were blessed with silence. Seemed everyone was waiting for…something. Another attack? Or just appreciating the brief moment of calm.
The captain got onto one knee, turned his head to you, and his shoulders slumped slightly with relief, “Good job.” he stood, addressing his men, “Be ready to move out in five.”
Five minutes to rest.
Hardly enough time for you and Kix to tend to all those that were sporting injuries, but you could at least handle the more serious cases. And in those five minutes, despite your best efforts….
Fyre. Vim. Oz. Ringo. North. Gabe. Tro. Tess. Zeb. Sante. Reign. Pheon. Dawn. Nim. Jamie. Jumper. Hek. Recon. Mav. Zeo.
You added a few more names to the list of the dead.
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tokki-tteokbokki · 1 year
One by One
Chapter Seven: The Last
Felix x Fem Reader + Hyunlix x Reader
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After constantly fighting with your boyfriend, Jisung, your relationship abruptly ends.
Unaware of the secret hope of your relationship's demise by your friends.
One by one, the boys can't help themselves.
Chapter Six:
dirty smut eheheh :), mild corruption, inexperienced felix, first time felix, brief threesome, praise, handjob, oral(m rec), semi public sex, unprotected sex, nipple play, external ejaculation
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Felix sat contently with Chan, Changbin, Seungmin, and Jeongin in the cafeteria. Everyone taking bites out of their mid morning snacks. Minho walked up to the table after leaving your office and sending you on your covetous adventure. “Hyung!” Felix chimed, covering his mouth, trying to swallow his bite. “Hello~” Minho greeted, sitting down beside Felix. Felix looked around and realized they were a member short.
“Where’s Hyunjin?” He asked openly. Chan hide his smile by taking a drink of water. “Dancing.” Minho snickered. It took a few seconds for the other members to register what was actually happening. Jeongin turned pink, Seungmin picked up his phone and put it front of his smirking face, Changbin coughed as he tried to swallow his protein shake. Felix barely noticed his friend’s reactions, almost oblivious.
Felix smiled “He’s always working so hard. I’ll get him his favourite as a surprise.” Jeongin and Changbin’s eyes widened, Jeongin was about to say something but was stopped at Seungmin softly kicking him under the table and casually shaking his head. “That’s a great idea!” Minho praised “Right? I’ll see you guys in a bit!” Felix happily stood up collecting his phone and pushing his chair in before trotting merrily away.
The silence was broken by Chan laughing “I didn’t this he would get on the mission this fast!” Minho smirked into his apple “I gave her a bit of push.” There was a brief pause “The faster everyone fucks her the sooner Jisung will stop moping.” “Everyone doing okay?” Chan asked looking around the table. All were nodding except for Changbin, a look of uncertainty painted his face. “Changbin?” Chan taking notice to him. He held it in for a moment before breaking “Is this really the only way?” “Are you scared?” Seungmin snickered “Ya!” Changbin’s voice shouted “Of course not! But this is all seems too good to be true.” He stated. Minho smiled with his regular confidence “Relax, not only is this a perk for us. Those two idiots can finally get back together.”
Felix got Hyunjin’s drink and made his way to the rehearsal room with a pep in his step, knowing this gesture was bound to make him smile. He walked past your office, empty. He assumed you were off with the higher-ups, planning for their schedule. He walked down the corridor in his own world, daydreaming on his way. “Yongbok!” A voice called from behind, he turned around. “Jisung!” Felix greeted “Hey. Have you seen (y/n)?” Jisung’s face looked tired, like he had been up all night replaying the last conversation you two had.
“Oh, no. She’s not in her office, I think she’s with the higher-ups.” Felix relayed “Oh.” Jisung sighed. Felix’s senses went off at Jisung’s energy “You okay?” Jisung took a deep breath “I just need to talk to her, I said some things I shouldn’t have…” He regretted every word, he didn’t mean any of it… Except for the part about you fucking his friends. Truthfully, he relished in the idea of sharing you with them but would want to fuck you so hard in front of them, reminding everyone who exactly you belonged to. There was only one person in the world who knew of his secret desire.
A late night full of drinking lead to their deepest confessions. Going over their biggest fantasies, Jisung explained with fearless liquid courage exactly what he wanted. Little did he know, Minho was in the works of making his dreams come true.
“It’ll be okay… Don’t worry.” Felix put a hand on his shoulder “I’ll let you know if I see her.” Felix sympathetically smiled, Jisung appreciated his friend’s gesture knowing that he always had his best interest in mind. “Thanks.” Jisung thanked as he turned back around and walked away. Felix felt awful about the break up between you two, he knew how much you two meant to each other… Even more, he felt guilty. He felt guilty because numerous nights he’d fantasize about you, spanning from before you and Jisung started dating to now.
Your caring and soft demeanour intrigued him. As someone who has never been kissed, he felt you were the kind of person he’d want to have his first experience with. Time went on and he’d imagine what other things would feel like. He’d imagine how gentle you’d be when you touch him, what your voice would sound like when you praised him for pleasing you. Eventually, he found himself thrusting into his hand, his tip throbbing for release at the thought of you.
Felix continued his way, coming to door he heard the boom of the base. He reached for the knob but heard another sound. Whimpering and moaning. Quietly, he opened the door a crack and peered through. His jaw dropped at the sight. Staring into the reflection, he saw you bouncing on Hyunjin’s cock in complete bliss, Hyunjin gripping your body like a lifeline.
He sneakily opened the door wider, being as quiet as possible. He wanted to see how this was to end. He slipped in the room, standing there completely awestruck at the naughty scene unfolding before him. It wasn’t long before his body started to react, his heartbeat sped up and he felt the blood rush to his cock. He watched as Hyunjin brought you both to completion. You both slumped onto each other, out of breath.
Felix was completely frozen as you and Hyunjin began to move. You stood up and turned to face Hyunjin but immediately noticed Felix. Your pulse skyrocketed and your eyes almost bulged. Hyunjin noticed your petrified expression and turned his head back and met Felix’s stunned stare. A brief moment of panic loomed over all of you and the silence was too painful to bear. Finding his strength Felix quivered “I-I brought you an americ-cano.” His arm raising to show off the iced drink. Hyunjin smiled at the gesture “Come here.” You both looked at Hyunjin, completely confused as to how calm he was. Maybe it was the post nut calmness that kept him cool.
You awkwardly tried to shuffle over to reach your clothes but was stopped as Hyunjin grabbed your wrist, giving you a implying eye. You stayed still and watched as Felix willed himself to come closer. “H-he-here.” He stuttered passing the drink to Hyunjin. Hyunjin took a big sip, exhaling in satisfaction at the taste. He looked back at Felix “It’s okay, (y/n) and I were just showing off dance moves.” He smiled big. “O-oh.” Felix stammered, looking at you in all your nude glory. His cock flexed as he admired your body.
“Pretty right?” Hyunjin interjected “M-mhm.” Felix was painfully bashful as he nodded his head in agreement. “She’s awfully pretty when she’s being fucked don’t you think?” You swallowed hard not knowing what to expect now. “(y/n)” Hyunjin called you standing up from the chair “Sit”. You obeyed and took a seat. Hyunjin pulling his bottoms back up with one hand.
Your knees were pressed together watching as Felix shifted around, his eyes unable to leave you. “Felix,” Hyunjin’s began “Do you want to kiss her?” He asked slipping an arm around his shoulder. He looked at you and suddenly you relaxed. You had the control here. You gently nodded your head, giving him the okay. “Y-yeah, I do…” Felix froze in place, he didn’t know what to do.
There you were, ready and willing. Your nakedness was breathtaking. Hyunjin realized Felix would need more a push “Here, I’ll show you.” Felix still under Hyunjin’s arm they moved closer to you. He gestured for Felix to stay on your right so he could get a good view. Hyunjin placed himself in front of you. “Now, you want to be gentle and sensual.” Hyunjin’s hand cupped your cheek “Just like this.” Felix watched and listened intently, he wanted to do this right. He wanted to make you feel good. Hyunjin smiled at how attentive his band mate was being.
Slowly, Hyunjin leaned in. His breath lingered at your lips for just a moment before his parted lips pressed effortlessly against yours. Hyunjin pulled away and you both looked at Felix. He was blushing an adorable shade of pink underneath his freckles. “Ready?” Hyunjin motioned for Felix to take his place. “Ready.” Felix confirmed.
You were excited, your body already reacting to the thought of Felix’s perfectly shaped lips against yours. Felix took a moment to remove his jacket, he was getting undeniably hot from the whole ordeal. He swallowed hard with nerves before he began to come closer to you. His breath was audible, slightly shaky. “It’s okay, kiss me Felix.” You softly whispered. One corner of his mouth lifted into a half smile.
You felt his hand cup your cheek the same way Hyunjin did. He breath tickled your lips and then finally you felt his lips on yours. He began to kiss you gently and then a little harder. You moaned into the kiss, grabbing both sides of his face. When you finally broke from each other, you both looked at Hyunjin. He stood proudly, sipping his drink. “That was good!” He swallowed “Doesn’t she taste good?” He smirked. You lightly blushed at the remark to which Felix nodded enthusiastically.
Straw in his mouth “Felix, do you want (y/n) to play with you?” Hyunjin asked. Felix looked at you with puppy eyes. Oh my God, he’s so adorable. “Play with me, Noona.” Felix almost whimpered. You almost lost control and threw yourself on him but you held back knowing that Hyunjin still wanted to teach. “(y/n), can Felix touch you?” You looked at Hyunjin and then to Felix, smiling. “Of course.”
Hyunjin made his way behind you, setting the drink on the floor. His hands moved past your neck and down to you breasts. “Pretty huh?” Hyunjin cheekily asking Felix. He was almost drooling as Hyunjin groped and rubbed your tits. You let out a faint moan. Hyunjin’s fingers found their way to your eager nipples, pinching them between his fingers and rolling. You gasped at the feeling.
“Felix, her nipples are really sensitive. They’re getting so hard. Fingers are great but try using your mouth. Come here” Felix inched closer, he looked hungrily looked at your nipples. Hyunjin’s hands moved to you shoulders as if to hold you in place. Felix looked up at you for reassurance, you smiled and nodded eagerly.
His tongue extended out of his mouth and flicked your nipple, making you jump. “…More.” You moaned. Felix felt his dick jump hearing you sound so satisfied. He started again giving little licks around. “Suck on them.” Hyunjin instructed. Felix wasted no time, he wrapped his lips around your nipple and gave you pulsing sucks. “Ah!” You cried, grabbing onto the back of his head. He let out a deep moan that vibrated into your breast that made you squirm.
“That’s good! She can barely stay still” Hyunjin chuckled still holding you in place. Felix continued sucking and moving his tongue around, his other hand finding your other tit to give it attention. He followed Hyunjin’s motions and pinched your nipple. “F-Felix” You whimpered “She’s probably ready” Hyunjin smirked “Open her legs” Felix pulled himself away and spread your knees apart. He inhaled sharply as he saw your glistening cunt on full display. Hyunjin peered down “Oh she’s more than ready.”
He snickered “(y/n), show him where your clit is.” You held out your hand to Felix. You guided his finger to the bud of bursting nerve endings, “Mm, right there.” You sighed “Slowly move your finger up and down over it, remember to be gentle.” Hyunjin instructed. Felix watched your reactions intently as he began to move. “Oh Felix, that’s good baby.” You moaned. Felix’s chest fluttered at your praise.
Hyunjin tilted your chin up and kissed you messily, moaning into his mouth from the pleasure of Felix rubbing you. Suddenly, you felt a finger poke at your dripping little hole, you squealed against Hyunjin’s lips. Hyunjin proud of his inexperienced pal taking the lead, he plunged his tongue into your mouth. Felix, riding his new found confidence squeezed his finger inside you. “Oh my God.” You hear from mumble from below you. Fascinated, Felix began to finger you, constantly looking up at your beautifully scrunched face and listening for the harmonies of your moans.
Hyunjin pulled away and looked at you from above “I trust you’ll show him the rest?” You smiled at him “I got this.” He smiled and wandered next to Felix who was lost in your pussy. “Felix,” He put a hand on his shoulder, making Felix aware “She’ll take good care of you.” Hyunjin stood up, buttoning his shirt and taking his americano with him, he left the room feeling satisfied in more ways than one.
“Felix” You looked down at him “Hm?” “Come here, I want to touch you.” You boldly stated. Felix took his finger out and stood up. Immediately, you noticed his dick begging to be freed from his jeans. You pulled him closer by his waist band. Felix shivered at the feeling of your delicate hands. His face became bashful again, no one had ever seen his dick like this. “Don’t worry” You comforted him as you unzipped him. You pulled his bottoms down and his cock sprung out. You gently wrapped your hand around and stroked upwards once, an immediate release of precum came from his over sensitive tip. “Noona..” His voice became an octave higher. Your hand was devine, better than he ever fantasized.
His brows furrowed and his mouth agape with pants escaping. “Does it feel good?” You looked up at him “So good, Noona… It’s s-so good.” He whimpered, he started bucking his hips back and forth to get more friction. His desperation was adorable. You leaned forward and planted a kiss on his pink tip “Ah Noon-!!” His words cut off as you took him in your mouth. His hand found it’s way on your head as you took him in and out, lapping your tongue around. Felix felt himself being pushed closer to the brink of orgasm. Before he could release he pulled out, leaned down and started kissing you. His sweet gasping intoxicated you, you pulled his hoodie over his head. Exposing a perfectly defined body. “Noona… Please let me make you feel good.”
Felix laid his hoodie on the floor behind you in an attempt to make the hard floor more comfortable. You laid back as Felix hovered over you, sensing his nerves, you helped guide his dick to your dripping entrance. You looked at you one more time for reassurance, you tilted your hips up for confirmation. Never breaking eye contact you felt him ease in. Your face shifted into a lovely expression of pleasure, Felix panted heavily as he continued pushing. “Good boy, keep going.” You praised. Felix moaned loudly at your words, all his wildest inner desires coming true underneath him.
Felix carefully began to thrust, the feeling almost too good. “Noona, you’re so wet..! It feels so good!” He whimpered “F-faster, baby.” Felix sped up, the sound of your bodies colliding filling the room. His rock hard dick brushing against every hot spot in your pussy. You began to tighten around him, making Felix drop his head into the crook of your neck.
His whimpers and cries of pleasure sounded into your ear, driving you to your end. “Felix, I-I’m gonna-“ “Noona, please. Cum for me!” He wrapped one hand around the back of your neck to make sure you felt every thrust. Your walls clenched around him and you exploded orgasmic pulses on his cock.
Felix sloppily thrusted “Can I cum on you?” He shyly asked, you smiled in agreement. His focus now on chasing his end. His face contorted and you felt his dick twitch. He pulled out and jerked his cum all over your swollen cunt.
“You did so good, Felix.” You panted. He smiled and leaned forward, giving you a tender kiss. Felix retrieved some paper towel and helped you clean up before collecting your clothes. You both dressed and sat casually on the floor next to each other.
“How was that for your first time?” Felix looked at you, grinning swinging an arm around you. Ready to tell you how grateful he was.
Hyunjin walked into the cafeteria where his member anxiously awaited the news. Seungmin was the first to notice him “Guys.” He gestured with his head. The rest of the members turned to Hyunjin who began to try to hide his smile. He sat down in Felix’s empty spot and exhaled. “So” Changbin said, awkwardly looking down at his near empty shake. “So” Jeongin joined. Minho couldn’t contain his laughter to which Chan joined. Hyunjin leaned forward “You could’ve given me a warning.” He dramatized “Saw an opportunity and took it.” Minho shrugged. “Where’s Felix?” Changbin added. Hyunjin smirked “Exactly where I was.”
Minho praised himself for his quick orchestration. Now that everyone had their chance at you and finale could finally be planned. Jisung’s ultimate fantasy could unfold and the chance of you two reconciling could be within reach. Minho exhaled and looked at Chan “I think it’s about I told them the plan.” Chan smiled and nodded in agreement. The rest of the members looked at each other curiously, what wondering what craziness lay ahead.
You left the rehearsal studio and made your way back to your office. Upon opening the door, you were startled by someone already inside. “What the hell?” “Hi~” Minho chimed looking up at you. “You scared the shit out of me.” You scolded walking over to your chair. “Sorry about that.” He playfully apologized. “What are you doing here?” You plopped down “You did good, (y/n). Hyunjin and Felix? I’m impressed” You rolled eyes realizing that Minho was behind Felix coming in. “There’s one last thing” Minho began “Huh?” You flexed your brows “This last thing is what’s going to get you two back together.” You slouched back, looking at him intently.
Minho began to explain the final part of this whole plan, you could barely believe what you were hearing. You paced around your office, processing, calling him insane, processing some more, before settling back into your chair and reluctantly beginning to help scheme the last phase of this crazy ordeal.
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tag list: @eastleighsblog @catlove83
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emeritusemeritus · 1 year
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight. Pt 10.
[Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley]
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Part 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Title: Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Predominately set between GOF and OOTP (some canon has been altered to fit the story)
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins. How will she decide who to chose in the end? Amortentia might be able to help, or not.
Warnings: Smut, oral sex, p in v sex, established relationships, threesomes, friends to lovers, all the good stuff. NO Twincest. Mentions of illness, Brief mentions of vomiting. Tiny bit of angst, possessiveness, talk of kids. Mentions of dominant behaviour. Snape has a soft spot for reader. Love potions? But none are actually used. Not beta-read nor spell checked, we die like Sirius ❤️
Okay this one is admittedly a necessary filler so the reader can work out her feelings, but I promise we’re moving into the good stuff next chapter 🤍
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You tuck your letter away under your placemat as you eat, not wanting to open it up in the middle of lunch, even though the others had done so.
Truthfully, you were dreading whatever news your dad had for you and you would rather read it in private, knowing he rarely wrote to you so it must be some form of news, most likely bad.
George kept flicking his gaze to you at he ate, clearly checking on your well-being but you simply pretended that you were fine even though you could feel the pit on anxiety building up inside.
After lunch, you'd all decided not to go back to the lake but to shower and chill in the house as the sun was at its peak and quite frankly, you couldn't sit in it much longer. Hermione had packed already and had everything ready for her leaving later that afternoon, so you took some time to just spend her last few hours all together.
You were all sat around in the lounge, the coolest room in the house, some of you reading, some playing exploding snap and others just chatting. It was nice just to all spend time together even if you weren't all interacting as you escaped the heat in the coolest room.
"Wanna play a game? Like truth or would you rather or something?" Ginny asks after winning another round of exploding snap. "I'm not doing dares with these two here," she says, nodding towards the twins.
"What's that?" Ron says, confused.
"It was on a muggle movie we watched, they take turns and ask each other questions," she shrugs, not really able to elaborate further. "Sometimes it's like would you rather chose A or B."
"We're in," the twins say in unison, moving to sit closer around the coffee table.
You, Hermione and Harry were sat on the sofa, Ron in the armchair and Ginny and the twins were sat around the table on the floor, padded out with cushions.
"Yeah sounds good to me," you say, placing your bookmark into your book and placing it down next to you on the floor.
Everyone mutually agreed and you all began huddling round, deciding on the rules.
"Okay youngest to oldest," Ginny says, hearing immediate protest from the twins. "You chose first yesterday and today, time for a switch up." You laugh at her bossiness, having to sometimes remind yourself that she was the youngest but the twins, Fred especially, had a soft spot for her and actually didn't protest further.
"Right, Harry, truth or would you rather?"
"Umm, would you rather," he says, touching his glasses nervously.
"Would you rather spend the entire day with Draco or Dudley?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. He huffs out a little nervous laugh as he thinks before answering Dudley.
"Ron, truth or would you rather?"
"Would you rather," he says confidently.
"Would you rather, er, throw up slugs again or dance with Snape at the yule ball," Harry says with a devious grin. You had to admit the last one was good but it was much tamer than you originally had thought it would be.
"Vomit slugs, easy," Ron says, brushing his hair out of his face. "Hermione?"
"Um, truth?" She says, unsure of herself.
"Oh erm, ughr," Ron mumbles, not knowing what to ask. Immediately the twins begin to mock him and you even inwardly groan, finding the game boring already. "How many books have you read this summer?"
You roll your eyes and openly groan along with the twins, all three of you finding the questions too boring.
"I'll answer that for her, too many," Fred says, jumping in. "Right I'm switching things up." He immediately stands and walks off, coming back a few minutes later bringing an empty bottle with him, necking the last of the drink before he puts it on the coffee table.
"Whoever it lands on has to answer the question, then they get to ask the next question," He says, spinning the bottle until it lands on Ron.
"Ronald, still a virgin?"
You have to hold back a little chuckle at the sudden shift in tone at Fred's brash words and even without looking you know that Ron is beet red.
Ron manages to huff and puff, squirming in his seat as he does indeed turn bright red.
You found yourself dissociating away from the game as others answered, trying to squirm away from the harsher questions the twins were coming out with. You excused yourself and walked to the kitchen, feigning getting a drink as you sat at the table, pulling out your letter, unable to wait any longer.
"Dear y/n,
Your friend has written you a letter but did not know the address of the friend you were staying with; so please find their letter inside. Hope school is going well and you are staying out of trouble. Best wishes, dad.
You almost rolled your eyes at the bluntness of the note, feeling overwhelmingly relieved that it wasn't a true letter from your father. Casting the note to the side, you pulled out the second letter, written on both sides of regular notebook paper that had been folded somewhat neatly, the girly but messy writing already making you smile.
"My dear y/n,
We miss you so much, when are you coming back to see us? You've not really missed much, apart from Johnny has a girlfriend now! Weird right? It's actually kind of disgustingly cute. School is shit, just like normal but only one term left before college. Everyone misses you, the band just isn't the same without our rock chick.Dad's taking me to London after work on Friday, remember that coffee shop we found last time? I've made him promise to take me and he said that he'd eat the banana bread that you loved so it would feel like you were there with me! Hope to hear from you again soon. Love you! Val, Still your best friend x
You reread the letter multiple times, perfectly envisioning her voice as you read it. You missed her terribly, along with all of your friends, but Val had always been you're closest friend back home.
You sensed a presence behind you and turned to see George watching you with concern. You smiled at him and he looked instantly a little relieved, moving forward to stand behind you, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Is everything okay with your dad?" He asks cautiously, knowing that the relationship was rocky and sometimes a sore spot for you. You snorted a laugh and nodded in reply.
"He was just forwarding a letter from my friend," you explained.
The beginnings of an idea were forming in your head as you looked at George, a rising hopefulness gathering in your belly.
"What time are your parents taking Hermione to the train station?" You asked, looking up at him questioningly, before craning your neck to look at the clock near the staircase.
"Um about two I reckon, why?" George asks, moving to sit beside you at the table in Arthur's usual spot.
"Do you think they'd let me go with them?" You asked and George immediately looked bewildered, "not to catch a train, I wanted to nip into London."
"I don't see why not, why do you want to go to London though?" He asked, thoroughly confused.
"My friends going to be there, I was hoping to surprise her and to be honest I could do with some new stationary before we get back to school," you explained, "maybe a new textbook or two."
"I don't like the idea of you going alone angel, can Fred and I join you?" He asks, warming your heart a little more at his concern. You burst into a smile and nod enthusiastically, it would be nice for you to go with the twins.
"I'd like to meet my friend alone though, no offence," you said, treading carefully. He smiled in understanding.
"Of course angel, you can meet me and Fred after, it would make me feel a lot more comfortable that way," he says nervously and you immediately reach over to kiss his cheek at his sweetness.
"Oi! Fred!" George bellows suddenly as you pull away. Fred walks out not a minute later after hearing his twin calling for him.
"Wanna go to London this afternoon? Y/n wants to go," George says, nodding towards you.
"I'm in," he shrugs, sitting down next to you at the table.
And that is exactly how you found yourself in the centre of a bustling and muggy Diagon Alley on a Friday afternoon with most of the Weasleys. Molly had jumped at the chance to go shopping and Arthur had gone along with it for the sake of his family. You knew where Val would be later that afternoon and hoped to be able to catch her but until then you strolled around Diagon Alley with the twins, having dropped Hermione off at the station and then broken away from the others as you weaved in and out of the stores.
Your first stop was Gringotts to exchange a muggle cheque your father had sent at the start of term for your school supplies before heading to Flourish and Botts for some new supplies.
"Wonder if they still sell Lockhart's shit?" You laugh as George opens the door for you.
"Doubt it, though fiction books always sell better," he laughs, following you towards the textbook area with Fred lingering behind.
Seeing a potion book you didn't own, you briefly flicked through it before putting it back on the shelf, realising it was utter trash. You briefly wondered if Professor Snape would let you borrow any of his own books this year, knowing that though they were much more advanced, they were immeasurably more informative.
You picked up a new textbook that you needed for your defence against the dark arts class and began wandering towards the back section when an overly excited Fred ran up to you and George, wielding a book.
"Twelve fail-safe ways to charm witches!" He says excitedly, laughing whilst flicking through the pages to show you a few diagrams and read out a couple of passages.
"And you need that why?" You asked defensively with a frown, not finding the underlying meaning very funny. He immediately senses your displeasure and his eyes bug out as he stumbles over his words as he tries to explain.
"Not for me princess, obviously, merlin, I meant for us to give it to Ron!" George immediately laughs at the plan and you absently nod, feeling a little off from the whole thing. You begin wandering away from them, making your way back to the potions area as they excitedly flick through the book.
"Professor?" You say smiling, spotting a familiar face within the potions section, his characteristic black hair and flowing capes always recognisable.
"Miss y/l/n," he says, turning in surprise at your voice, an almost smile tugging at his lips in recognition as he looks down into your basket. "I would have thought you already owned a copy of the necessary textbook for my class," he says with a hard but familiar tone, as if there's humour buried deep within it.
"I do sir, I was hoping to find something more advanced but they're all utter drivel," you said honestly, gesturing to the green book you'd looked at earlier. He huffs out a little puff of laughter though he tries to hide it before turning away to look up at the shelf. "Yes," he says, drawing out the syllable of the word before reaching up to the top shelf and pulling down a small, leather bound book that was hidden between two much larger books. He checks the spine and briefly flips it over before handing it to you with an almost smile, "this should be of use to you, it is well beyond the ability of a typical sixth or seventh year but you've exceeded all of my previous expectations, what's one more."
"Thank you Professor," you say as you reach for the book, trying desperately not to blush at his praise.
"Angel- oh, Um, Professor Snape," George says as he bounds around the corner, coming to an immediate holt as he spots the Potion master. Fred, clearly not anticipating his brother's sudden stop, barrels into George from behind as they both look up to see you and Snape conversing.
"Anyway," Snape says, his tone and features immediately hardening as he looks at the troublesome twins before looking back at you, "good day."
You follow him with your eyes, looking down at the book he'd given you before looking up again, just in time to see him cast one last glance at you before exiting the store.
"What did old Snapey want?" Fred said, throwing his arm around your shoulders.
"He recommended a book for me, said it would help me with my NEWTS," you shrugged, not directly trying to knock Fred's arm off of you but also not actively trying to keep it around you, still feeling a little uneasy about the misunderstanding with the book from earlier.
You walked and paid for the two books before shoving them into your little crochet shopping bag and walked over to Quality Quidditch supplies with the twins so that they could fawn over the new brooms and array of merchandise.
Checking the time, you briefly wondered when you should set off for the little muggle coffee shop just outside of Diagon alley that you knew Val would be visiting and decided to have another thirty minutes with the twins before going.
You ran into Molly and Arthur who were sat outside one of the tea shops sharing a pot of tea. They waved excitedly at you all and carried on with their little date that mainly consisted of people-watching and laughing.
You nipped to fetch a new quill and some parchment before eyeing up a new school skirt in Madam Malkin's but couldn't justify spending the money when you're old one would do, at least for the rest of this year. Fred, true to form, had quietly muttered some sexual innuendos about never having enough skirts and how much he liked you in them but you ignored him and instead left without the skirt.
"Okay, I'm going to meet my friend, not sure how long I'll be, where will I find you?" You turned, addressing the twins.
"Take all the time you want. We'll probably be in Gambol and Japes, if not we'll meet outside Ollivanders or come to you?" George said, pointing towards the joke shop on the corner. You nodded and reached out to subtly grab his other hand as you said goodbye. You turned to Fred and he subtly leaned in, looking like he was whispering in your ear and kissed the side of your head gently.
George then reached up and grabbed your shopping bag off your shoulder with a smile, "don't want her seeing any of this do you?" He slung it over his own shoulder and you had to bite your lip at seeing the 6 foot 3 Weasley boy lugging around a rose patterned crochet bag, but it didn't even faze him after wearing a lifetime of Molly's knitted creations.
Walking towards the coffee shop, your nerves were all over the place, firstly hoping that you could catch her and secondly that she would respond well to the surprise if you had your timings right.
Walking in, the little bell above the door chimed and you took a moment to look around at the customers, not seeing her signature blond hair anywhere.
"What can I get you love?" The barista asks and you ordered a caramel macchiato, something that you would never be able to find in the wizarding world. You reached for your little coin purse of muggle money and paid with the change, waiting to collect your drink at the end of the bar. When your drink was ready, you walked over to a table near the window and were immediately thankful that you'd bought along your book so that you'd have something to distract you and that the coffee shop had working air conditioning. Each time the bell chimed, you looked up in hope but then went straight back to reading your book, waiting for the next time.
"You have to get the banana bread!" You heard as the bell chimed and it immediately alerted you to the voice. You grinned as you spotted a shirt female with familiar blonde hair stood beside her absurdly tall dad who had dark brown nearly jet black hair.
They ordered their drinks and cakes, paid and then moved to wait by the end of the bar just as you had. Seeking an opportunity, you stood and walked over to them discreetly before putting on a voice, "excuse me?"
They both turned around with polite but confused smiles on their faces and you couldn't help but laugh at the reaction as waves of recognition passed over them.
"Oh my god!" Val squealed as she threw her arms around you, not a single care in the world about her absurd volume. You beamed and laughed as she rocked you in her arms, thankful you were able to see her again. "What are you doing here?! I thought you were in school? Did you get my letter?" She began to say frantically as she pulled away to look at you. You simply laughed and nodded, not even knowing where to start. She pulled you in for another hug and you held her just as tightly; only realising now how much you'd missed her.
You looked over her shoulder to Adam, her dad, seeing him smile widely at you both. When you pulled apart, he held out the plate of banana bread towards you, gesturing for you to take it as he pulled you into a side hug, having been close since you were five years old.
"No I can't, you have it," you said, trying to protest. He chuckled and ran his hand through his hair, "I don't even like it, I was just doing it to shut her up. It's really good to see you, kid."
He walked off with his drink to sit down near the table where your stuff was, happy to give you both space and to flick through his mobile phone for a while, something you hadn't seen in a long time.
You were desperate for a catch-up with your best girl friend and truthfully, you needed some one to talk through your problems with, someone with an unbiased, outsiders perspective; someone who didn't know the twins at all. The whole Amortentia incident was still fresh in your mind, only worsened by smelling the whizzbang smoke the other night and you were more conflicted than ever about your feelings for both of them. Val was the only one who wouldn't judge you for what you were doing, who you knew you could trust to talk openly to, at least without mentioning the magic.
Val grabbed her drink from the counter and moved over to your original table so that you could chat. She went first, immediately telling you about how she was seeing a guy at school and that her dad didn't know so you had to be cool about it. She told you more about what college she had picked and how the rest of your friends were doing and some chatter about new muggle movies and music you needed to experience
"So, what about you?" She asks, picking the last little bits of her cake off the plate. You huffed out a sigh and placed your drink back down on the table. "Oh no, what happened with Fred?"
You'd told her all about your crush on Fred a few years ago but had never mentioned much about his twin, though you'd spoken about him in a friend way. You figured there was no time like the present to offload all of your complicated feelings.
"It's, complicated," you say, picking at the lid of your coffee, "did I tell you that Fred told me he had feelings for me?"
Judging by her almighty gasp, you assumed not. "Problem is, so did his twin brother." Another almost comical gasp.
"Then I realised that I might also have feelings for you George and things are now a little complicated, to say the least." You were quiet now, just a little above a whisper to avoid someone overbearing.
"So what did you do?" She asks attentively, giving you her full attention. You sighed and looked up at her as you replied.
"I'm kind of dating both? For now, please don't judge me."
"I would never!" She says reaching her hand towards yours, "so you have to decide eventually?"
You nod. "That's the problem. Every time I feel like I'm starting to decide, something tips the scale and I'm right back to the beginning."
You rub your hands over your face trying to relieve some of the tension but of course it doesn't work.
"Who do you see a future with?" She asks, keeping her tone even as she takes a sip of her coffee.
"Well that's the thing, I've been staying with them this week and both of them have said the cutest things about the future and it's got me even more confused. We had separate dates earlier this week and I had a night with George first, well kind of the day and night because Fred was sick and we talked about what we were doing after school and how we both wanted one or two kids etc, and it was such a nice thought. Then the other morning I came downstairs and he was in the kitchen reading the newspaper, shirtless and looking hot as fuck and it made me think that it could be my future you know, husband in the kitchen making breakfast blah blah blah." You took a breath and carried on explaining as she listened to you, "but then with Fred, the other night, he was saying about how we'd live together and he's hold me every night and bring me cups of tea in a morning and god the constant marriage references," you took another breath, trying to remember not to overload her and forcing yourself not to mention the Amortentia outright.
"The thing is, I love them both but in different ways. George brings me comfort, he's gentler and more sensitive, real proper husband material. I can see our future completely and I'd be happy but then there's Fred. We'd have a happy, fun filled life, it would never be boring and I'd be happy with him. But now I know what it's like to be loved by both of them and I can't even bare to think of choosing one and losing the other."
Silence lingers around you both as you finish offloading your thoughts. The weight of your words hangs in the air and you have to shoot a look at Val to check that she's still with you, and then around to check no one was listening.
"What about quick fire questions? We write out the answers or tally them and you can see who you favour?" She asks and to be honest, it sounds like a good plan.
"At this point I'd do anything."
She immediately scoots over to sit beside you rather than across from you and leans down to pull a notebook and pen from her bag. She flicks it open to a blank page and draws a little tally chart with their names at the top.
"So I'll ask you a bunch of different questions and scenarios and you have to say the first one that comes to your mind," she explains as you enthusiastically nod along with her. She suddenly leans in to whisper in your ear. "Quick one, have you slept with them both?"
You nod slowly, feeling as if she would judge you but she simply nods with a neutral expression, as if it was just a regular thing to ask someone.
"Okay, who's messier?"
"Who's grumpier?"
"Who's the most romantic?"
"Who's funnier?"
"Who's more sensitive?"
"Who hugs you more?"
"Who kisses you more?
"Who's hornier?"
"Who gives better head?"
"Who has a bigger dick?"
"Fred," you say, quickly adding, "only by a fraction though." She nods, then begins changing tactics.
"Does Fred want kids?"
"Yeah, but he wants more than George."
"Who's more attractive?"
"They're identical twins," you say blankly but she reaches out and flicks you on the arm.
"And you can tell them apart so there must be differences," she reasons and you can't fault her logic.
"Um Fred? George's nose is a little bigger and his features are a little sharper I guess."
"Okay next set of questions," she says, looking up from her notes, "If you did chose one, who would take the rejection worse?"
"George," you reply, your heart doing a little twang of sadness at the very thought.
"Okay, fast forward five years, it's a Saturday morning, no work, no plans, explain what it would look like with George," she says, preparing to make notes again.
The memory of him in the kitchen the other morning, shirtless and reading the newspaper flashes into your mind.
"I wake up and he's not in bed but there's a hot cup of tea on the bedside table. He's in the kitchen, sat shirtless at the little table, reading the newspaper and sipping his tea. He pulls me into his lap, rests his head on my shoulder and reads the sport scores out to me and any news bits he knows I'd like. I make breakfast for us and we sit and eat at the little table laughing and chatting until we inevitably end up back in bed," you say, listing out each part of your little dream.
Val let's out a little 'aww' as she makes her notes before looking back up to you with a smile, "same scenario but with Fred."
"I wake up and he's sleeping next to me, still holding me from the night before. He wakes up and we don't leave the bed for another hour at least. He makes me tea and we make breakfast together and then we sit watching terrible tv, mocking the actors and awful storylines. He pulls me closer to him to cuddle on the couch and we spend the day just like that."
"Okay different tactic again, I want you to give me the pros for dating Fred or listing his best qualities," she says, flipping over the page and starting a new one entirely.
"He's funny and mischievous, kind to me, very protective. Hot obviously, like little stupid things like running his fingers through his hair or rolling up his sleeves. We're best friends so there's no weirdness and most people think we're dating anyway."
"Okay now George."
"Funny, sensitive and sweet, more considerate than Fred and more likely to notice somethings wrong. More likely to think ahead, and to apologise. He's comfort for me."
"And now worst qualities of Fred."
"Doesn't always think things through, can be impulsive and not think of the consequences. He can be a little mean, to his brothers and stuff, just a little more brutal than George is. He can be a little grumpy sometimes, usually about other guys or whatever like he's a little possessive. Not always the most responsible and can be a little unreliable."
"And George?"
"Follows Fred diligently, a little insecure, not as confident in himself, same as Fred that he doesn't always think of consequences."
"Okay last one, what are the pros and cons of being in a relationship with them in general?"
"Pros; wonderful family, great parents in law, I get along really well with their other siblings, share the same friends. I'd be happy."
"Um well I guess there family isn't rich or anything, not that it bothers me, but for some maybe that's a thing? The only con is hurting the other brother."
"Right, your conclusion," she says, adding up the tally before looking back at you.
“You’re screwed.”
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Part one
Pairings: pre cult kai anderson x female reader x cult kai anderson
Summary: youre a new professor, fresh out of university. A coworker of yours leaves work on injury resulting in a senior class unattended to. That is when you accept the responsibility to cover the senior class and ready them for their final exams, what happens when a certain senior takes a liking to you.
What happens when he likes you more than a student should.
Warnings: pre cult kai turns into cult kai, age gap, teacher x student, sub kai anderson, dom kai anderson, smut, yandere tendencies, manipulation, crying, slapping, male masterbation, grinding, forcing kissing, threatening, blackmail.
Trying something out here just work with me for a little bit plz😅😖
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"Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, my name is professor l/n and I will be taking this class over for the remainder of the year"
You spoke to the room with forced confidence, all of their eyes on you watching as you spoke to everyone in the room you stood infornt of your desk clasping your hands together facing your crowd of new students, "your previous professor has unfortunately injured themselves and can't come to work"
You paused, the room was silent.
"I will allow questions to be asked now if anyone has any"
You waited patiently, your eyes darting around the room for any risen hands.
You walked back behind your desk and sat down on the seat that wasn't yours, although you wouldn't mind pinching it as the pillowy fabric softened your landing. "If there are none I shall move onto today's class-" you grabbed ahold of the 3 textbooks piled up on the large dark wood desk infront of you, your fingers flipped through the hundreds of pages eyes focused on the chapter number.
"I have a question"
The silence was broken, you looked up from the textbook, your eyes wandering across the lecture room, which wasn't hard thankfully as it was a rather small room, you made eye contact with a man.
"Ah, excuse me for not seeing you earlier, what is your question sir?"
You sat up straight awaiting your students reply.
"Are you single"
The strength you have to stop the obvious eye roll from happening was impressive.
"What is your name sir?"
"Well Connor, I dont think that is an appropriate question to ask your professor"
After Connor had broken the ice a handful of other students asked questions which you ofcourse answered truthfully, I am a new teacher,I'm not sure what happened happened your professor, I am 26 years old, yes I will be carrying off from where your old professor left off.
"Now of there are no other questiones I would like to get on with the lesson"
Out of all of the eyes on you there was one different from the rest, a pair that were staring harder than everyone else, you could feel a sense of weariness creep up on you.
What was going on?
Why were you feeling like this?
You choked down the gulp that was caught in your throat and resulted back to the large books infront of you instructing your students to read the text and answer questiones.
As they done so, that feeling if nervousness itched it's way back back you, your eyes shot up from your notebooks to your class, everyone's eyes were drawn to their laps reading the books placed in their hands or infront of them.
Everyone but one.
Your eyes locked, you had never felt so startled by anything in your life other than the strong eyecontact one of your students gave you.
It was quick, you caught him staring and he jumped and buried his nose into the book, the contact mightve only lasted a secind but it felt longer, you felt asthough you were being put under a microscope being analysed.
The rest of the class somewhat flew by, by the end of the class you had instructed the class to prepare a sideshow presentation on a topic of their choice asking as it referred back to the main topic they were learning.
You also gave them the choice of either working alone or in pairs, most of your students instantly paired with one another, infant all of the students in your class were paired with someone.
All but one.
As everyone left you reminded the students to have the presentation done by next week or else it would result in an automatic fail.
One by one the class decreased in size and before you knew it the lecture room was empty, you had completely forgotten you now had free periods as you were only teaching a senior class. To relax you took out a book and a cereal bar from your coat pocket and lay back in your seat.
"Professor l/n"
You almost choked on your cereal bar, you instantly sat forward in your seat and flipped the magazine shut.
"H-How many I help you Mr...."
"My name is kai, kai anderson"
He loomed over your desk, his body awkwardly shifting his weight. Although his body language seemed rigid and tense his eyes bore into yours, He was younger than you yet you felt intimidated under his gaze.
"Nice to meet you Mr Anderson is there anything I can do for you"
You sat for a while waiting for kai to speak but all he done was stare at you and the floor.
"Well if there isn't anythi-"
"You shouldn't eat that" kai interrupted
"Excuse me Mr Anderson?"
"You never know what's been put in those bars, you could be eating something entirely different to what you think you are"
Your head was empty of responses.
"Here", kai dipped his hand into his backpack reaching out another cereal bar, this one youbhad never seen before, its packaging being completely unrecognisable,"this is safe"
He holds the cereal bar out to you wanting and waiting for you to take it with your own hand instead of placing it on the desk.
"My amderson I don't feel comfortable taking this from you it's yours" you hide the fact that you don't trust anything a stranger gives you with a simple excuse.
"Take it, I have more in my bag"
He holds the breakfast bar out closer to you after brushing your words from his head, you have no other choice than to take the bar unless you would rather sit and awkwardly refuse his gift for the rest of the day.
"What? Don't trust me?"
Kais eyes remained glued ti your face, his facial expression never changing from the blank look on his face.
"I didn't do anything to it"
You gulp and slowly your hand raises to meet kais taking ahold of the breakfast bar and attempting to pull it away from him. When the cereal bar refuses to move you let go of it but keep your hand close to it, kai smiles and holds the cereal bar with his whole hand before placing it in yours.
Your hands touched, his rough fingers brushing off of your palm as he finally let go of the cereal bar. You felt unsettled about how long he kept his hand on yours.
"Thankyou very much Mr Anderson you may leave now, I'm sure you need to get to your next class"
Kai stares at you for a few more minutes before smiling and breathing out a awkward laugh, he begins to walk away from your desk.
"You don't have to call me Mr Anderson, just kai"
You didn't bother give him another response and sat silently looking down at your lap where the new cereal bar was until you heard the sound of the doors to the lecture room open and close.
Not a second went by before you threw the breakfast bar into the small trash can beside the desk.
Two weeks had gone by and the rate if weird interaction with kai had increased. you would often catch him staring at you at times where he should have been occupied with something else like reading or researching.
You would leave the lecture room, locking the doors, and would catch a glimpse of kai darting around corners or walking away from you.
One thing that seemed to happen far too often than that should was that everyday after you taught kais class he would awkwardly walk to your desk and hold out another cereal bar, he would stand there until you took it and waited for you to thank him before her left the room, and everytime he left you would throw the cereal bar away not even bothering to give it a chance.
Yet you never seemed to catch him taking sneaking photos of you during and after class.
Two months had since then passed and kai had seemed to grow alot more attached to you than you jad hoped, he would spend as much time as he could with you, his lunch, his free periods and would often ask to walk you to your car.
He came physically closer to you, whenever he was sat down he would chose the seat closest to you when in class but if the two of you were alone he would drag a seat right next to yours and plonk himself Down by your side.
What worried you the most was he was becoming a lot more dominant.
Kai would try to touch you, rub your shoulders, pat your back, brush hair from your face, and when you denied him access he would throw a small fit and get mad at you, you would then remind him that he didn't have to stay with you at lunch and he could leave at any time.
It was lunch time now, and ofcourse kai was with you in your room, he always followed the same routine, he would sit infront of you, pull out a large textbook and read, well, pretend to. This day was no different, kai sat in his normal seat, the one right infront of the teachers desk, he pulled out a large book placed it on the small table infront of him and a bottle of water.
You had made a routine for yourself whenever kai was around you, even in class. You would simply ignore him, pick other students to answer questiones, look down at your phone or the books infront of you and eat when every he asked you a question
And that's exactly what you done as soon as he entered the lecture room.
Everything was going as usual until the constant sound of thumping reached your ears, you had hought at first it was one of kais futile attempts to gain your attention as it wasn't the first time he had plucked one or two of your feathers just to get you to look at him.
The noises didn't stop, what the hell was happening?
You brought your head up eyes connecting with kais and holding each other in locked eye contact.
You always felt intimidated by kai, even though he was younger than you and you were his professor he always made you feel naked.
You wanted nothing more than to break the eye contact between you and your questionable student , your eyes tracked down back to your book but stopped in horror.
Kai was touching himself as he watched you read, and he didn't stop now that you had caught him.
Infact at the sight of your horrified face kai let out a whine and continued to touch himself. You froze, what could you do, if he was bold enough to madterbate infront of you he wouldn't feel threatened by you telling the Dean.
When kai noticed you didn't move he spread his legs wider, his cock on full display as he pumped his fist up his length, your eyes were glued to his hand watching as he would slightly twist his hand as he got nearer to the head of his cock.
Kai threw his head back at the feeling of knowing you were staring at him, he relished in the feeling of your eyes never moving from his dick. He never knew you would react this way, he decided to do it on a whim to see what your initial reaction to him would be.
A guttural moan left his lips as his left hand shot up to grab onto the books on the table beside him, the pages crumpled underneath his grasp yet he spared them no mercy, oh how he wished it was you who he was touching.
He often would imagine you instead of his hand, a perverted smile plastering his face at night as he imagined fucking you against you desk infront of his class, infront of Connor.
He couldn't even imagine how tight and wet you'd be but he wanted to find out so badly, it was a need for him.
His eyes peeled open just to stare at you through foggy eyes, he wanted you to witness him cum to you, for you, and he knew you'd enjoy it that's why you hadn't looked away yet.
Your heart was thumping in your chest, your legs were useless as you sat nailed to the chair, your bottom half wriggled uncomfortable against the plush cushion under you as you watched kai.
The noises coming from his mouth were loud and lewd, you were sure if anyone was outside your room they would be able to hear kais outbursts of pleasure.
But did you care?
The sight of kais strained cock was engraved into your mind, his body was telling you in its own way it was ready to come undone, his pink tip glistened with the precum that oozed out of his cock with every pump of his fist.
Your cheeks burned as your ears rung at the sound of kai almost whimpering out your name. You couldn't help but cross your leg over the other to settle the subtle thump between your legs.
What was wrong with you
This is disgusting why am I watching
Why won't I look away
When kai came his body froze for seconds before becoming extremely limp, only his eyes moved to stare back at yours not bothering about his now softening cock that was yet to be tucked back into his pants.
Your mind was short of anything to say
the only words coming to mind were
"What, the, fuck".
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latoyalestrange · 11 months
p .pascal x f!oc
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jfc you guys. im so sorry for the delay, truthfully i have been so sucked up in work and my other hobbies that its hard to get to writing, especially at stuff this length. i hope the length of this one kind of makes up for it and also that i can get the next chapter out sooner.
Masterlist | Playlist
Summary: Naela is nervous for the season premier. It ends up going swimmingly, but the celebration is ruined during the after party.
Words: 4.1k
Warnings: Angst, self esteem issues, violence, hurt/comfort, toxic bf, blood, sexual tension, mutual pining, toxic relationship, jealousy, hot bloody face trope, not edited
Taglist: @marvel-sw-lover , @lokislittle , @red-red-rogue, @babukat , @joels-darlin , @weho2kcmo , @violac0la , @poodlebae , @darleneslane , @absssposts
comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
The weeks leading up to the release of the first season had Naela incredibly high-strung. Between the fan accounts posting edits of the little footage they had, and the constant questions from news outlets, she couldn't get Pedro out of her head no matter how hard she tried. Everything was Pedro this, Narcos that. Josh wasn't on social media that often so it wasn't hard to keep it all from him. Knowing it would upset him, she held it in and pretended it wasn't happening.
That was, until the premier. Luckily, Boyd was nice enough to invite Josh to the after party, although he wasn't psyched to be barred from the event. A part of her wished Boyd hadn't been so kind as she was putting the finishing touches on her look in the mirror.
Her signature scarlet color draped over her frame in a silk slip-dress that stopped just above her ankles. A teasing slit trailed up her leg, showing off her favorite feature: her plump thighs. She twirled her hair into a curly up-do, thinking it was a crime to hide the low back of the dress. Normally, she preferred a glowy, sheer makeup look but tonight she would be a flash-photography spectacle. She needed full-coverage, a dramatic eye and the perfect glossy lip to tie it all together.
Looking in the mirror, she could hardly recognize herself, but in a good way that made it impossible to stop smiling. She felt more confidence than the last four weeks combined since leaving Columbia. Seeing the look on Pedro’s face when she opened the door made that feeling skyrocket as well.
His eyes instantly lit up, darting up and down her body as he took in the sight. He too was dressed to the nines, a perfectly tailored black suit jacket covering his broad shoulders, accompanied by matching slacks and a pop of color in the partially undone dress shirt. His stubble shaped his sharp jaw perfectly and his tossled hair somehow looked devilishly handsome yet so casual at the same time.
“How’d you know I was wearing red?” She quizzed him, pointing at the evidence.
“You always wear red to special occasions. The first cast dinner and the last, you wore red dresses,” he quickly answered without another thought. She squinted at him and looked around for cameras jokingly.
He chuckled at her antics, “Hey, I know you,” he reasoned. Upon joining him in the doorway again, she realized one hand was hidden behind his back. He slowly drew it out, revealing a small, light blue bag.
No. No fucking way.
“I didn’t know what kind of flowers you liked, but I knew you liked gold instead of silver, so,” he shrugged casually, his smug expression contradicting his nonchalant tone. It was her turn to pick her jaw up off the floor as she recognized the logo on the bag, Tiffany & Co.
“Pedro, you have to return that,” she shook her head, a protective hand over her heart and the other covering her mouth.
“At least look at it,” he started, holding the bag out further. “You know you want to, c’mon.”
She sighed, glaring at him with a smile on her face before taking the bag and pulling out the matching rectangular box. He instinctively took the bag out of her hands to allow her mobility as she excitedly opened the gift.
Inside was a gold necklace that carried a dainty pendant, which apon further inspection, was a lowercase ‘p’. She looked up at him, a playfully unamused look on her face.
“Gotta make it seem real, right?” His smirk quickly turned to a smile at her inability to be angry with him.
“Right,” she agreed sarcastically before gently lifting the expensive piece of jewelry out of it’s box. Pedro took both in his hands, slipping the container into the bag and unclasping the necklace. He motioned for her to turn around, and she obliged, shivering at the feeling of his hands ghosting over her neck. Once she felt him secure it, her hand darted up to the pendant, feeling it between her fingertips as she turned to face him again. She couldn't fathom being able to just drop that much money on a necklace for someone you're not even dating.
“Thank you.” She admitted sincerely, almost making him melt with her doe-eyed expression. “Next time just get me sunflowers,” she added teasingly.
“Noted,” he played along, chuckling as he let his hand rest on the door frame.
She blinked, struggling to form words for a moment as he loomed over her with a smug look in his eye. "I-- um, just need to put on my shoes."
"Sure," he nodded, holding the door as he followed her into the living room. He noticed the strappy nude heels laid out perfectly next to the couch. She fell onto the plush cushions and one leg over the other, attempting to get the best angle. She tried to fasten the tiny buckle for a few unsuccessful moments before Pedro started toward her.
"You don't have to--" Before she could finish, he had already stooped down on one knee, a flippant expression on his face. He held out one hand, silently urging her to let him help. She rolled her eyes and tried the clasp again, only to find his hand sliding under her knee and gliding all the way down and holding her ankle gently in his grasp.
He furrowed his brow at the puzzle on the side of her shoe for mere seconds before securing it and placing her heel comfortably on the floor. He waved for the second half of the challenge, and this time she gratefully allowed him. Soon, he was straightening his spine and offering his hand once more, this time to pull her to her feet.
"All set?" She glanced around the room, looking for her purse until she spotted it on the kitchen counter. She quickly threw the small, faux leather bag over her shoulder and let Pedro lead her out of her apartment. She locked the door behind her and locked eyes with a grinning Pedro before following him to the elevator.
The only comparable experience to being on the runway that Naela had was when haunted houses used those strobe lights. It was almost disorienting, especially with dozens of people shouting for her attention. Holding tightly onto Pedro's muscular forearm and the encouragements he whispered in her ear were the only things keeping her grounded.
"You look so pretty."
"I'm gonna step forward so they can get some of just you, okay?"
"You're doing a really good job."
"Almost done, hermosa."
Once they reached the end of the photography portion, they separated to talk to a few of the interviewers. Pedro stopped at Vanity Fair, while Naela continued until she saw a younger woman with The New York Times. She honestly reminded Naela of herself, with her curly brown hair and tan skin, and she found comfort in that.
"Naela Rivera, just the girl I wanted to see! Morgan with NYT, so nice to meet you," she blurted out enthusiastically, extending her hand in greetings. Naela enveloped her soft hand in her own and smiled brightly at the woman.
"Nice to meet you too!"
"I won't take up too much of your time, you have so many people to talk to." She paused to laugh with her. "I just have three questions for you, Naela."
She nodded at the woman, giving her consent.
"So, I think what is pressing on everyone's minds is how you got your name! It's so beautiful!" Naela palmed her chest and smiled humbly.
"Aw, thank you-- the name itself has a bunch of different origins, but pretty much everywhere it means 'winner' or 'strong'." The woman nodded along with her, listening intently.
"I think we could all definitely say that you are a winner, Naela. You just landed this huge role, and on top of that you're dating Pedro Pascal! I don't think there's a woman out there that doesn't want to be you or be with you!" Naela laughed on the outside, but she desperately wanted to tell everyone the truth about Hollywood. For the sake of her career, she fronted with a dashing smile.
"Thats very kind of you," she added calmly.
"Now, I won't ask you about Pedro, I'm sure everyone bugs you enough about it," Thank god. "But I do want to know, what does your future look like to you-- do you think you'll stay with TV, maybe move to movies, or possibly delving into the music side of things." Naela scoffed playfully at the thought of her trying to write a song.
"Definitely not music, but I'm open to exploring new roles-- I'm really excited to."
"Yes, I think everyone is excited to see you in more projects too-- with just the small clips we've seen, you've gotten so much positive feedback!" Naela nodded, although she was mostly unaware of the comments left by fans. She tried her best to stay off of the internet these days.
"Well, Naela Rivera, thank you so much for stopping to talk with me, I just have one more question before you go-- I've got to know who you're wearing." Morgan offered her the microphone as Naela frantically searched her mind for the answer.
"Oh, my dress?" She asked, glancing down at the shiny fabric to try and regain her memory. "Ralph Lauren, I think!" She answered not-so-confidently, making the interviewer laugh once more.
"You look gorgeous, Naela. Have a wonderful night!" Just as they were finishing up, she felt a strong hand gently tug her away. She looked up to see Pedro smiling down at her.
"We don't have to do another one if you don't want to," he reasoned, as if he could sense she was ready to go inside. Naela shook her head and smiled bashfully, averting her eyes to the crimson carpet beneath her heals. Pedro reassured her it was okay before leading her through the back entrance of the theater. The inside was essentially a larger, more grand movie theater with security. Only a few people, of with Naela didn't recognize, were scattered in the seats. Pedro knew exactly where to go, leading her to the reserved part of the theater and stopping at their names, which were of course placed next to each other. Their seats were only a few rows back from the front and in the dead center of the isle.
The two sat mostly in silence as the attendees slowly trickled in, all dressed in semi-formal attire with a few sore thumbs here and there. Just before the designated start time, Boyd arrived with Joanne in tow and their respective plus one's. The group stayed standing to greet one another for a few moments before they noticed the sudden shift in the lighting. The spotlights at the edge of the stage lit up the area as the director, Tom, walked out. Everyone took their seats before he started.
"Welcome, everyone! Thank you so much for coming out, the support here and everywhere has just been so overwhelming," he paused for a bundle of applause. "I also want to thank my incredible crew and cast; you guys are what made this possible. Special thanks to Boyd, Pedro, and Naela, our main characters. They worked so, so hard on this, and trust me, it was a lot," he added, half-joking. Another round of applause, this time directed at the trio in the center of the theater. Those close enough congratulated them. Naela couldn't stop blushing between the praise and Pedro's thigh resting against hers.
The rest of the event went swimmingly; luckily the most the audience saw of Naela and Pedro was a steamy make out scene. However, the night was far from over. She was excited for the afterparty, but more so nervous because her boyfriend and Pedro would be in the same room, which was a recipe for chaos at this stage. She was going to do everything she could to keep the peace and make sure everyone had a good night. Except for herself, apparently, because that meant she was glued to Josh's side for most of the night.
Around an hour in, Josh already had a few too many. He was lounging on Boyd's couch as if it were his own, opened beer bottle propped up on his knee as he reclined. Naela's arms were crossed as she sat next to him, sober and bored out of her mind.
"Hey, I have a good idea," he proposed sloppily, slurring his words as he turned to face her. Naela raised her brow, urging him to answer with a fictitious interest. "We should get out of here." He bit his lip and let his eyes fall to the valley of her breasts. She tried to hide her disgust as she gently pushed him away.
"No, that's not a good idea," she answered simply, keeping her tone as gentle as possible. His face twisted to anger as he scoffed and downed the rest of the bottle in one go.
"Fine," he spat as he rose from the couch and walking through the glass doors to join the other half of the party outside. Naela sighed and rolled her eyes. She just hoped he wouldn't be too much of a bother without her to supervise. Free of her restraints, she rose to her feet, heels clicking against the wood as she made her rounds, looking for one familiar face.
When the only place left to look was outside, she felt a gentle tug on her forearm. The corners of her mouth turned up expectantly, but she was left disappointed when she was met with a woman she didn’t know.
“Oh! Hi,” Naela started politely, noticing the bright smiles on the woman and her friend’s face.
“Hi, Naela, right?” She nodded instinctively, but her expression faltered when her eyes darted to the woman’s hand that dug her phone out of her purse.
“Can we get a picture?” Before Naela could respond, the two woman took their positions on either side of her. They posed and before she knew it, the flash was going off and the photo was over.
“Thanks so much! Hey, do you know where Boyd is? We’d love to meet him.” Naela was starting to wonder who let them in.
As if he sensed the trouble, Pedro joined them, placing a comforting hand on Naela’s shoulder.
“Mind if I borrow you for a second? Cool.” Without letting her answer, he lead her in the opposite direction, back to the living room. She joined him on the empty space her and her boyfriend left moments ago.
“Some might consider that rude, Pedro,” she scolded with an unconvincing smile.
“I don’t care,” he shrugged, chuckling a bit at his harsh honesty.
“Thank you,” she added sincerily, squeezing his firm bicep for a bit longer than she should have.
“Sometimes you have to be rude to those people. If you keep letting them overstep your boundaries, they won’t stop.” He took an indulgent sip from the plastic cup in his hand as if what he was saying reminded him of something he’d rather forget.
“Sounds like you’re speaking from experience,” she prodded as she shifted in her seat to face him more. With her entire body turned toward him, he had her full attention.
“I am,” he responded simply, taking another sip. “It happens to everyone. After my season of Game of Thrones released, a lot of people asked to put their thumbs on my eyes like this.” He demonstrated, turning his wrists so his thumbs were pressing into his eye sockets. She giggled at the pose, but continued to listen.
“At first I let them, I thought it was cool— but then one day, I got really bad pink eye.” He scrunched his nose with disgust as they felt a mutual cringe.
“Aw, no.” She mirrored his expression, sticking her tongue out at the thought of a dirty stranger’s hands on her face.
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Probably shouldn’t have been doing that in New York, of all places—“
His sentence was cut short of whatever caught his eye. Naela didn’t notice at first, but Pedro’s smile had entirely dropped. She followed his gaze to see that Josh had suddenly appeared, standing just a few feet away from the couch. He stepped even closer, an unreadable look in his eye. Naela’s heart quickened as her entire body tensed in his presence.
“Hey, babe….what’s going on here?” he asked knowingly. He wasn’t yelling but Naela could tell he was more irate than she’d ever seen him. That coupled with the liquor had her heart racing.
“Nothing, we’re just talking—“
“Just talking? He sure showed up pretty quick when I left.” He took another step forward, his voice growing in volume with every sentence.
Pedro raised a protective hand in front of Naela, “Hey, man, let’s just calm down, okay?”
“Calm down? You need to calm down off my woman!” Although it made no sense, in his drunken state, his loud babbling was starting to attract the attention of the other partygoers.
“Josh, please—“
“Josh, please!” He whined mockingly at her. Pedro’s jaw clenched as his fists tightened at his side. “I don’t want to hear your whore mouth—“
“Okay, you’re done!” Pedro shot to his feet, using his hands to push John away from her. “Get the fuck out before I call the police,” he added in a low, but booming voice. They had the entire room’s attention now, much to Naela’s dislike. She followed the two, staying a safe distance away while begging them to stop.
“Sure, call the police instead. If you were a good enough man for Naela, you’d fight me!”
As if it flipped a switch it Pedro’s brain, Josh’s words suddenly alleviated any desire he had to diffuse the situation. He was no longer playing defense.
“Really? Cause I didn’t have to do any of this! She came to me, John!”
Josh’s face twisted up like Naela had never seen. His nostrils flared, his mouth turned down and his brow furrowed. There was a brief moment of silence before Josh drew back his balled fist and drove it straight through the side of Pedro’s face. Naela shrieked, covering her mouth instinctively. Pedro stumbled back a bit, but regained his balance fairly quickly, touching where he felt the burn of a tiny cut on his cheekbone. Josh stood there, seething, before Boyd and a few of his other male friends finally arrived to remove him. They roughly grabbed his arms and dragged him toward the front door, which wasn’t far away from where everyone gathered in the living room.
“Naela! Naela!” He called out hoarsely. They let go of him once they were in the doorway. He straightened his clothes before waving her over.
“Lets go Naela,” he demanded. She stood stunned for a moment. If she went with Josh, it would surely be hell when they got home. The rest of her contract would be hell, in fact. If she stayed…she would be alone. But maybe being with Josh was becoming scarier than being alone.
“No,” she answered simply. She glanced over at Pedro, a small streak of blood falling down his cheek. Somehow, he looked relieved.
“No?!” He called back, looking just as angry as before.
“How fucking dare—!” The men that still guarded him finally pushed him all the way out, shutting the door behind them before he could finish. A small group of a people clapped for his removal, but Naela hardly noticed as the party slowly resumed. She froze for a moment, entirely shocked that Josh would cause a scene like that. She folded her arms protectively in front of herself, trying to breathe and slow down her heart rate. Putting his injury aside, Pedro stepped toward her, giving her a comforting smile before engulfing her in his strong arms. She finally felt like she could take a full breath.
“I’m sorry," she muttered into his chest, lazily hanging her arms around his waist.
"You don't have to be sorry." He let his chin rest on the top of her head as she relaxed. Not wanting to intrude, Boyd gave Pedro a thumbs up, silently asking if they were okay. Pedro nodded, continuing to hold Naela as long as she wanted him to.
After a few moments of deep breathing, she withdrew from him to take a look at his face. She raised her hand, turning his face and wincing as she did so. She could swear his face had already started to swell.
"Here, I'll clean that up for you. Come on." She gently led him to the guest bathroom he was in just moments before and began rummaging through the cabinets and drawers.
"Should've guessed Boyd wouldn't have a first aid kit," she admitted, chuckling awkwardly and breaking the uncomfortable silence. Pedro huffed, his smile slowly returning.
"Towel and some warm water would do just fine," she reasoned as she took a cloth from the stack next to the sink and damped it in the sink. He leaned onto the counter, anticipating the pain. Once she could see the steam coming from the water, she rang out the excess and put the warm towel on his cheek. It was his turn to wince as it stung his small, but still fresh wound.
"I know, I'm sorry," she whispered, her focus locked on his cheek as she dabbed the cloth. Once the sharpness subsided, he allowed his hand to fall on her waist as she stood so close to him. He knew in his heart that it wouldn't be the right time for a while, but he was at least thankful he was allowed to touch her like this again. Once his face was clean, she folded the towel over the wrack next to the shower to dry. He still let his weight rest against the counter as he smiled contently at her. She mirrored his expression and joined him on the counter.
"Thank you," she added sincerely.
"I'm just happy you didn't leave with him," he admitted, the corners of his mouth slightly falling to give her his signature doe eyes. She shifted her gaze, trying to hide the way that look made her feel. Before she could retort, he gasped lightly, as if something suddenly popped into his head.
"You can't go home tonight, can you?" Seemingly, she hadn't thought about it either, as she looked surprised as well.
"No, you're right. I can't," she echoed, searching her mind for a solution.
"What a shame," he added sarcastically, a knowing smirk returning to his face. "Guess you have to come home with me."
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "I guess so."
Naela soon realized that Pedro was being incredibly modest about his apartment. It wasn't huge, but it was nothing short of luxury. Modern appliances and interior, scattered with bits of his personality in the decorations. Movie posters and various sports memorabilia lined the walls, along with sizeable DVD and record collection in the shelves on the other end of the room. She didn't look around for too long, though. Before they could settle in, she was already rummaging through his freezer for something to put over his eye. She found a bag of frozen peas pretty quickly, and instantly handed it to him to press over his eye.
"Thank you," he groaned, already feeling some sort of relief from the cold. She sighed, a pained look on her face.
"I'm just so sorry, Pedro--"
"Ah! No more of that." He raised his hand, warning her to stop. "This was not your fault."
She sighed, "It kind of was, though." She quickly started to spiral, listing her regrets over and over. "If I hadn't kissed you--"
"I would've kissed you anyway. I wanted to. You just did it first," he admitted. Naela sighed and let her shoulders drop again. Their eyes lingered on one another for a moment before Naela couldn't suppress her laughter anymore. There they were, having the most honest conversation ever, and yet he had a bag of frozen vegetables over his black eye. He shook his head and joined in. He knew how ridiculous it must've looked.
"You promise we're okay?" She needed to know. She was undoubtedly alone now, and even if she wanted Pedro, they both knew she needed to heal.
"I promise," he reassured her.
reblog if you made it to the end!
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sofasoap · 2 years
Little Heart
Pairing : Din Djarin x f!reader. Summary: little drabble post- Heartbreak series. Takes place a few weeks or so after the kidnapping incident. 
N1 is cool, but it is too small. Din got something else. 
Mature theme. strong languages. Some warnings I am not gonna list here, because it will spoil the plot.  And the timeline and lores might be a bit funky. It’s AU and fanfic.  just… roll with it. Also weird Mando’a? Blame me. And the google. Just read the English translation bit. 
English isn’t my first language, so I apologise for any mistakes. 
A/N: I thought my juice ran dry. But it didn’t. I am glad it didn’t. So there is another chapter to the series, or side drabble really.
As Promised @groguspicklejar, here's the fluff that will keep you going. @deakyjoe and @josephquinnswhore, here are sprinkle of tooth rotting sweetness for you both too.
MASTERLIST for the previous stories in this multi-part fic.
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There’s that strange fluttering feeling again.  You remember the first time you felt it while back at your parent’s estate on Naboo, waiting for Din to rescue you. Little warmth rising, not uncomfortable, but enough to make you aware of it. Grogu has been acting a bit strange as well, he loves coming up to you, hugging your middle, patting it and looking up at you with a big smile, showing his adorable little fangs. 
Everything has settled back to… relatively normal? Since the incident. Din has introduced you to the convert as his riduur, HIS QUEEN. You blushed at the thought. 
Armorer sat you down, privately, without the prying eyes of the whole covert or your family by your side. Asking you all the sharp questions. How did you come to know Din, how did you know about Mandalorian cultures, do you intend to take the vow and follow the creed.
You were nervous, but try to answer the question as truthfully as you can. You really don’t want to ruin Din’s relationship with his Covert, after he worked so hard redeeming himself.  You surprised Armorer with your ability to speak Mando’a, well, at least you think so, with the very subtle movement she displayed ( you almost missed it ) as you opened your mouth.  “There is no requirement of Mand’alor ‘s riduur  to be a Mandalorian? Right?” You were half hoping all the teachings from your nanny were correct OR at least you remember correctly. Trying to show as much confidence as you. If she refuses, you are ready to use Paz’s riduur as an excuse.
“Very well.” She replied at last, after a brief silence. Seemingly somehow satisfied with your answer, even with your refusal of accepting the creed and becoming a fully fledge Mandalorian. She nodded to you, stood up, signalling the end of the conversation. Just as you were about to walk out, she stopped you, and asked you to hold out your hand. Finding it very strange but still complying with her request, she took your hand, had a good look at it, turned it over and mumbled briefly before letting it go. Secretly sigh in relief as you walk out of the room, where Din has been hovering around the door anxiously during the meeting, rushing over to you. “Cyar’ika, are you ok? Did she ….” “ What do you think I will do to her, Din?” Both you and Din jumped a little hearing Armorer’s voice behind you. Din ducked his head down, like a little boy caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing, you chuckled a little. “ By the way, you will need to find more beskar ingot soon, for your aliit.” Leaving you both with the mysterious parting words before heading back into her workshop,  you and Din look at each other, in confusion. Din led you back into your private guest quarter, with his arm around your waist the whole time. He’s been acting very protective, a bit overprotective actually, since the incident. Almost not leaving you out of his sight ( you had to kick him out of the refresher a few times. Embarrassingly.)  You can't blame the man. Looking around the room, you see Grogu’s floating pram empty. 
“ Where is Grogu?” 
“ He is playing with Paz’s adike. It’s good for him to interact with other adike sometimes around the same age as him.” ‘ Same age... You mean…. Paz?” Din laughed. “ Alright, I might have phrased that wrong. Adike, who has the same mental age as him. Paz and riduur said he can stay there until after dinner time. So we can have some time alone.” 
You raised your eyebrow. Looking back to the room door, making sure it’s locked before hovering your hand up to his helmet,silently asking for permission to take it off. He moves forward a little, lowering his head to let you gently remove the helmet. “ Hello my king.” You teased. No matter how many times you have seen his face already, you still get the same butterfly feeling when he takes his helmet off. 
“Hello my queen.”  he cups your face with his hand, gently leaning forward, touching the forehead together. “ You are all sweaty.” you complained as you ran your hand through his curly mess of hair. “ Been training with Paz and a few of the younglings.” he rang his hand down your side, towards your waist, pulling you a bit closer. You feel that strange flutter again. 
“Ru'kel ner riduur vaabir ni te ijaat be gaa'tayl ni at cinarin laam?” ( Would my wife do me the honour of helping me to clean up?) He whispered into your ear, dropping a few light kisses here and there. “ Your wish is my command, my Mand’alor.” 
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“I .. got a few business to attend to off planet. I need you to stay with either Peli or Boba. Or between them both. For a few days.”“ Why does this sound oddly familiar?" you mumbled. “ I hope I won’t get another bounty hit on me again.” You joked. Din pulled you in tighter from behind. “I.. I am sure you won’t. I made sure of it.”  you hummed. True. Who will dare to put a bounty on you now? 
“ Anyway, I am sure they will be excited to see their favourite little pea again. I wouldn’t be away too long.” That’s what he said to you a few weeks ago. And you hardly heard from him since. “He is fine.” Boba reassures you as he bounces Grogu in his lap, offers you no further explanation as to how he knows, while Fennec throws him a few items to make it float with force. “ Training him.” She said once. Secretly they just enjoy the presence of their favourite adopted nephew.  You stayed between Fett’s palace and Peli’s workshop for a few days, helping them with any repairs, just to distract yourself with thinking too much. That fluttering feeling has increased and more, and you start to have a fair suspicion what it might be. One day you pull Fennec aside, asking her if you can use the medical facility you knew Boba had in his palace. Whispering to her your reasoning, you see surprise on her face, but didn’t comment. Ushering you along, towards Boba’s office, asking for permission.
“You hurt? Din will kill me if you are injured..”
“ Woman problems. Ask no more.”  Fennec ended the conversation there. You were grateful for her help. Boba didn’t ask any more questions, leading you to the medical chamber and setting the medical droids up before leaving the room with Fennec to give you a bit of privacy. After a few questions and scans from the droid, you look at the screen, showing the result. Your suspicion was confirmed.  
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Din finally appeared again a few weeks later. Grogu force jumped towards his buir, happy to see him again.  Following behind him in careful steps, you greeted him with a mysterious smile. 
He half regretted leaving you there, but he had to do this by himself.  To make up the wrongs he did previously. Pulling you into a tight hug, gosh, how he misses your touch. He is hoping he wouldn’t need to do this again. To leave you, to be apart from you. From his aliit. 
“ I miss you. So much.” You whispered into his chest. 
“ I know. Me too. I am sorry.”
Boba appeared behind you,” Welcome back Vod. You got everything you need?” Things? What things? Sounded like Boba knows something you don’t.  You look back up to Din, suspiciously.  He avoided your gaze, and nodded to Boba. “ We will leave immediately.” “ You're not going to stay for the night?” You frowned. 
“Time sensitive matter. Come on, I’ll help you pack.” Din pick up Grogu and with arm around your waist, leading you back to the palace. 
Hours later, the clan of three is back into space. Travelling to some unknown destination. 
“ It’s a surprise.” He smiled at you. Din’s lip was sealed. Wouldn’t tell you what he was planning. You also saw him whispering something to Grogu, and Grogu responded enthusiastically with coos and squeals. Your eyes narrowed at them, what are the boys plotting? 
After long travel, the ship arrived on a small planet.  Din finally let out a bit of information about where he has taken his family to.
“ We are not far away from the Codia system.” You are utterly shocked that you have travelled so far out, so close to the wild space. 
“ Boba found this place once when he was chasing down a bounty. Not many people know the existence of this planet.” He explained as he did the landing checks.
You looked out the cockpit window. It’s coming up to sunset time on this planet, you have landed on a large patch of grassland, full of flowers, and there’s a small lake beside it. You were entranced. “Patu.” Grogu pulled your gown a little, trying to get your attention. You smiled at him, and whispered an apology. 
“ Sorry adi’ka, buir probably can’t pick you up as often from now on.”  To your surprise, he coo’ed back in response, and nodded his head, before waddling towards his other buir. Din tilted his head, you can feel and see the confusion with his body language. He must have heard your response to Grogu. You shook your head and proceeded to open the ramp door. A gust of breeze hits you as soon as the ramp opens. The air smells sweet with all the blooming flowers, and a hint of saltiness. You guess the lake might be a body of salty water rather than fresh water. 
Slowly making your way down you look around, taking in the beautiful scenery. This reminds you of Naboo, in a way. Even with the trauma and memories of childhood, you still miss Naboo. The lush greens and waterfalls, but you doubt you will be heading back that way anytime soon, unless for any urgent or business trips. You turned around as you heard the two boys setting up a picnic spread on the grass. Shaking out a blanket, Din walked over to you, with his hands out, leading you to sit on the ground. As soon as you sat down, you feel Grogu patting gently on your arm, you turned to the side, looking down at him, he was smiling and happy as he got your attention, and proceed to open a little brown box that you didn’t notice was there before, with much effort, and carefully took out the content from the said box. 
Five Blossom cake. 
“Cyar’ika.” You turn back to Din, as he called you, unmodulated voice. He is kneeling down, on one knee, without his helmet. 
“I..am sorry I couldn’t do any better before.” he gulped.” I want to make up for my previous mistakes…” OH gosh, he remembered your words. 
You know, I always thought it would be a romantic proposal. Sitting by the lake, having a picnic by the sunset, with Grogu bringing me my favourite five blossom cake , and you popping the question at the same time.
You took a shuddered breath, tears rolling down your face. “I know you have agreed already and.. Well, we are married.” he let out a nervous chuckle.” But I will ask again… mesh’la, cyare, my life. Would you marry me?” You nodded your head furiously, turning into uncontrollable sobs. Damn the hormones. 
Grogu let out a happy coo and hugged your thigh with his tiny little body, while Din pulled you in and both of you buried into each other’s neck. 
He reluctantly pulled away after a while, and picked up a metal box beside him. Upon opening, you see two beautifully crafted arm brace, with small mudhorn sigil on both. It’s made of beskar, you realised. “I had the Armorer crafted this for you… I only realise both Grogu and I have armour made of beskar, and you .. I haven’t gifted you anything since we got married…” You held out your arms, letting him put on the brace for you. It fits perfectly. While admiring it's beauty, it dawned on you why Armorer was looking at your hand. She was trying to measure it. "So this is why you were running around for last few weeks?"
"I was scouting the location.. and I had information of where beskar ingots are, .. I am sorry to be away from you for so long, Cyare."
Another realisation hit at the same time. “Remember what Armorer said that day? About more ingots is needed for our aliit?” he frowned a little, not quite getting where you were going with the conversation. Softly taking his hand, moving it towards your stomach. “ You are going to be a buir.” “I am a buir, to Grogu already, aren’t I?” You shook your head, laughing, “ How about buir to two adike?” Din gasped. Oh , now he understands.
“ You… “ looking down at your stomach, realising why you been wearing more loose item dress and clothes since he saw you again on Tatooine, look of disbelief, and then joy. His clan, once he thought had fallen apart, lost, now will soon be a clan of four.
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Thank you for reading! as always, any likes, comments and reblogs always appreciated :) spread the joy of space husband.
@frogtits1 @memester-png
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soobjvn · 1 year
TULIPS 🌷⁎︎° ✳︎ CHAPTER 19 : “ the c word ,,
↳︎ cw: written + smau; lightly proofread
[ prev. ✧︎ toc. ✧︎ next. ]
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“YOU LOOK NICE,” winter commented from behind their market booth, looking up from the keychains she’d just arranged to y/n’s outfit. she wore a summer dress scattered with a strawberry pattern, a matching white purse in one hand and her phone in the other. “i wonder what the occasion is…”
“ok shut up.” she retorted while winter snickered. “how can i help?”
“admit you like yeonjun.”
“i meant with the booth,” winter smiled as she took note of the blush that painted y/n’s cheeks at the yeonjun remark.
“i know, y/n. and, nothing! yunjin went to go get the rest of the bags from the dorm; the two of us will be fine.”
“alright, but if you need help, just call me, ok?”
“y/n, we’re selling crochet not building a bomb. but sweet of you to abandon your man for us!”
“he’s not-“
“ah, ah, ah,” winter held her hand up, stopping y/n from continuing. “if i say it, it’ll happen.”
“yeah, okay.”
“can you just admit there’s a little something there?” y/n crossed her arms.
“maybe a teeny, tiny bit. like a smidge.” y/n pinched her fingers. smidge my ass, winter thought.
“finally!” as if summoned by the confession, yunjin appeared behind the booth with a box of their handmade purses and totes. “i think the earth just shook; mercury went into retrograde.”
“you guys are awful,” y/n laughed. she looked at her phone for the time. 1:27 it read; the market didn’t officially start until 2, meaning she’d have a bit until yeonjun came. she didn’t expect him to show up right when it opened, but they hadn’t specified a time either. she felt a bit disappointed to have to wait for his arrival.
“liar, you love us,” winter responded.
“whatever. i’m gonna go look around. i’ll see you guys later?”
“she’s growing up so fast,” yunjin and winter wiped fake tears while linking arms, causing a snort from y/n as she walked away to explore the market.
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Y/N WAS LOOKING at a jewelry booth when her phone buzzed in her hand.
jun!: hey y/n, i’m here :)
y/n caught herself smile at the text. dammit.
y/n: hey! i’ll come meet you. what booth are you by?
jun!: ok! i think it’s some sort of paper mache tent…? 💀
y/n: yeah that one ALWAYS sucks.
jun!: seriously who is buying these??? idk if this one’s a dinosaur or a fallopian tube but it has no right to be 45 bucks.
y/n: PLS 😭
y/n: i see the tent! i’ll be there in a sec
jun!: y/n hurry this booth scares me
she walked over to the booth yeonjun had (concerningly) described, and couldn’t hide the grin that spread across her face when she saw him. he was dressed in a light blue button down with the sleeves slightly rolled and navy pants, and his black hair rustled in the summer breeze. his dark brown eyes wandered the surplus of students, seemingly looking for one in particular. he had a neutral expression, almost disappointed, she noticed.
truthfully, yeonjun had arrived before texting y/n; 12 minutes prior, to be exact. he presumed the market would have flowers he could buy y/n, feeling a surge of confidence to hint at his feelings. kai agreed the notion was sweet, especially since he’d planned to buy her favorite flowers: tulips. yet, he scanned what felt like 20 booths of flowers, none having the desired type. he sent kai a disappointed message. it was then he then finally texted y/n.
but, he replaced the frown by reciprocating y/n’s smile when his eyes finally met hers, and he walked over to wrap her in a friendly hug. y/n didn’t recall feeling bubbly when she initiated a hug the first time they’d went out, or anytime they’d seen each other in between, for that matter.
yeonjun, on the other hand, was used to the turning of his stomach in her presence, which had only happened 10 times more often and intensely since their conversation at the karaoke booth. he, too, took the time to study her stature, which he’d officially deemed as perfect. he watched as her eyes lit up under the sunlight as she released from the hug.
yeonjun ran a hand through his hair. “where to first?”
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“I WARNED YOU about my skills, y/n.”
“you threatened me with your ‘nobel peace prize in ring tossing’, so excuse me if i wasn’t all that intimated,” they both laughed as they walked nearly shoulder-to-shoulder. the two had been exploring the market for nearly an hour and a half now, and were departing the fair game booth. y/n had, sadly, been defeated in practically every game. yeonjun made it up to her, though, by giving her the plush he had got from winning basketball. “what should we name him?”
yeonjun smiled at the ‘we.’ “yeonjun junior.”
“absolutely not,” she laughed when he dramatically frowned. “oh, jun, that’s our booth over there!” she grabbed his hand, skipping over to yunjin and winter. the two girls smirked at the sight of them. they giggled seeing yeonjun’s ears red with adoration and a giddy smile plastered on y/n.
“finally,” yunjin said. y/n rolled her eyes. “we thought you’d forgotten about us.”
“i still can’t believe you left us for your boyf-” yunjin nudged her, holding in a laugh. y/n glared at winter. yeonjun’s grin widened.
“so i’m your boyfriend now?” he turned to look at y/n, who would typically remain composed in most situations. when the situation involved yeonjun, however, that quality did not apply.
“no! i didn’t say that! well, not that it’d be a bad thing,” yunjin couldn’t keep her laugh in any longer. “but not that i’m asking for that, either! i’m very happy being single!” the embarrassment finally set when yeonjun, too, giggled. winter didn’t dare laugh, thinking about the scolding she’d later receive.
“you’re cute, y/n.”
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TAGLIST 🌷 @bangchansbae @raehyun-byeoll @yyawnjun @junhuicosmo @n034sy @wintertxt @fanfangying1304 @crystal-jellies @gyuszie @lightprincess-world @hyuneyeon @tocupid @cookiehaos (bold couldn’t be tagged)
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A/N 🌷 hey… how’s everyone doing 🚶‍♀️… i know its been forever since i’ve updated; i was traveling, and i’m starting up school again so my stress was just 📈📈📈. but we’re all good now!! i’ll continue to post whenever i can, which will most likely be weekends 🫶. thank u for the patience and support thus far!
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tryin2writehere · 2 months
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TW: Descriptions of violence and non-con, so if that is difficult for you to read about, please skip this bit of fic and take care of you!
Chapter 1 is
People In Glass Houses
Chapter 2
Edward Horniman’s voice was a trip down a long gravel road at midnight, rumbling out his ridiculously confident effusions. Sometimes that voice just uttering Susie’s name flared an inconvenient arousal within. She often contemplated how lovely it would be to hear him reading aloud, vacillating between his clipped, precise enunciations and his rocky waterfall oratory. Ideally, Eddie reading to her would include wrapping his mouth around luscious descriptions and dipping his tongue upon an abundance of flowery syllables. Gabriel García Márquez? Alice Munro? Nabokov? Truthfully, he could read the fucking Magna Carta, and she’d thrill to hear his voice octave-dive, the wondrous way it did sometimes. The man missed his calling; he should be working for Audible.
Certainly old enough to know her own foibles, Susie mentally cursed her wretched streak of impulsivity. If Eddie opened his mouth close enough (sans cigar,) she’d have him on the nearest flat surface.
Thank the stars for GPS. She hadn't even noticed the time pass, the landscape change, or the weather turn. Approaching Birmingham, a rainy gray wall shrouded fields and roads, and light fog swirled like ghosts on the ash tarmac. The polyrhythm of the windscreen wipers and the tiny raindrops swayed her back to meandering thoughts of Edward.
Susie decided it was inevitable. One day, one of them was going to hold eye contact a moment too long, and that would be it. It would sweep them away like a brush fire, feeding on their oxygen, and… what in the hell was she thinking? It was beyond reckless to even entertain fantasies, and she chided herself.
Far worse than carnal desires for Eddie was the equilibrium she noticed in his company. Accustomed to operating alone, Susie truly rarely felt lonely. But now? Now, she craved his steadying presence and the meter of their banter. She longed for the way he regarded her, listened earnestly, trusted her vault of knowledge and experience. She enjoyed the pull and push; it reset her in a way. He validated her authority even while he toyed with their power dynamic. She found his respect seemingly eclipsing his fear of her, and she wasn’t sure she’d EVER experienced this in a relationship that wasn’t blood-bound. She reveled in his quickened breathing pattern when she’d antagonized him, his parted mouth when astonished, his sweet tobacco and woody Blenheim smell, the intensity of his coal-black gaze in low light, the flexing of his enormous strong hands -
“Fucking hell,” she huffed a sigh in frustration, acutely aware that she’d circled back around to lust. Again.
As she pulled into the Walsh’s Gym car park, she drew her thoughts to the task ahead: how to coax a bargain from a notoriously licentious wanker. As luck would have it, Susie excelled in appealing to the pragmatism of the depraved, and this bolstered her confidence.
“You here to see Mr. Walsh?” A lanky man with ginger hair swung the glass door open, ushering her inside.
“I am. Susie Glass,” she introduced herself, stepping into the white glossy lobby, endless photos of boxers wainscoted the walls.
“I’m Sean,” he said, and nodded at a squat man dressed like a cartoon cat burglar in front of the reception desk, “that’s Don.”
“How’s it?” Don nodded, barely making eye contact as he rummaged through the thigh pockets of his black… leggings? Was he wearing leggings? She amended her cat burglar analogy to beat poet/jazz dancer.
“He’ll be down in two ticks,” Sean drew her attention in time for her to see his eyes sweeping over her body. “Mr. Walsh has great taste.”
She raised an eyebrow, “in what, Sean?”
He snorted, “in whatever you are.”
“Sugar and spice and everything nice,” Don stated without inflection, his expressionless brown eyes lifted to her as he mumbled, “found it.” He flicked his knife out of his leggings pocket, saluted her with the knife hand and dove over the reception desk with Balanchine-like elegance. Definitely a dancer.
“You’re gonna dull that gorgeous knife. Use a fuckin box cutter!” Sean shook his head in dismay.
“I didn’t see any other cars; are you closed today?”
Sean and Don exchanged a look and Sean snickered, “uh yeah, we’re closed.”
Don amended, “to the public.”
“I see you’ve met Sean and Don,” a booming voice called.
“Mr. Walsh,” she said by way of greeting when she spotted him strutting towards her.
“Ah no, love, you call me Sugar,” he smiled his oversized capped teeth, like a row of fresh white marble tombstones. He was a startlingly imposing man, at least 6’4” and obviously muscular in his fitted white designer tracksuit. His big square head was topped with a full head of blonde hair, curls product-tamed into place, grays brushing his temples. Through the cauliflower ear and the wide crooked nose of a former pugilist, she could see he was likely considered a handsome man.
“Let me give you the grand tour!” He placed his hand on her back and guided her to the right open doorway.
Sean interjected, before they were fully through the door, “Mr. Walsh, that shipment came in this morning.”
He stopped, hand still on Susie’s back and growled, “did you inventory it?”
“Well inventory it then ya fucking eejit!” He laughed loudly, guiding Susie to the right with a squint of his gray eyes.
As they walked away, Susie heard the distinct metallic clicks and clacks of guns.
He led her into a red brick-ensconced training hall. Black heavy bags lined both sides of the room, hanging like abattoir hunks of meat on hooks. Enormous windows topped the brick walls, which would have typically given the room a vibrant quality. As it was, with an overcast sky, lights off, and dead quiet, it just felt like a slaughterhouse.
Susie stopped at the last heavy bag, “your gym is stunning, Sugar. Are these new?”
“Aye, they are. We don’t use this gym as we do the others. Well, not for the training anyway,” he winked and laughed, further confirming the talk that Sugar’s side hustle was indeed weapons trafficking.
Turning to her, walking backward, Sugar prattled off his history of purchases for the gyms punctuated by fighter accomplishments. She enviously eyed the red tatami springboard floors they walked upon, wondering what method could keep them so immaculate. Susie attempted to shutter the redesigns that populated her mind as they talked.
Sugar led her through another area with huge vaulted ceilings and five boxing rings, boasting of his success, “no other gym in England has turned out as many wins.
That was an outright lie, of course, but Susie didn’t balk. She was no stranger to the arrogant blustering of giant egos. She had wrangled worse.
As they entered the next doorway, she clocked the building's orientation as a horseshoe shape. It briefly conjured memories of the horseshoe above the door of her childhood home. “Pointing up, to catch all of the luck,” her mother had whispered to her, as though it was a secret. Well, it didn’t fucking work. But this would. Perhaps she would name it: “The Horseshoe.” She could hear her brother’s voice in her head, “what the fucks that got to do with fightin’?”
“Drink?” Sugar offered as they entered his office.
“Sure,” she sat at a mahogany table plonked at an odd angle within the large room.
He handed her a glass of whiskey and took his to what could only be described as a leather throne of a chair tucked behind the largest desk she had ever seen.
“This is Middleton Distillery. You know it?”
“I do.”
“So Susie Glass, what’s a pretty puff dealer like you want with a boxing outfit?”
She sipped her whiskey, and it reminded her that if she was going to drink posh Irish whiskey, she preferred Redbreast 32.
“Your succinct description is a bit off the mark.”
He laughed at her, “is that a fact?”
“I own and operate GlassKnuckle,” she offered. “My brother is a boxer, and my grandfather was a boxer. I’m interested in expanding, and this area would be ideal.”
“Yer fucking kidding! This area??” He slammed his hand on the desk. “ridiculous shite.”
“Which part?” She asked coolly.
“This has been my home for twenty years, and I’ll tell ya, it’s gone to gentrification, hasn’t it? Fucking hipster craft beer arseholes! I hate them all. It’s all I can not do to gut the little fuckers with their wee coffees and their precious art shows,” he swallowed the last quarter of his whiskey in one large gulp. “Used to be a standup neighborhood with decent folk.”
“So, not fond of Digbeth. I can understand that; the location does suits my needs, if we can come to a mutually agreaable deal.”
He was as well groomed as his unused gym, his nails manicured, he smelled strongly of some pine-forward cologne. She decided his attention to the superficial likely didn’t stem from breeding; instead, much like her own meticulous appearance, a stab at the control and exuding power.
“Another?” He offered as he poured himself a generous glass.
“I’m still working on this one,” she smiled politely.
“You nurse a drink better than Florence Nightengale,”
“Moderation has its merits,” she replied flatly.
He raised his eyebrows, “Are you judging me, Susie Glass?”
“Not in the slightest.”
“That’s good,” his face relaxed as much as she figured the Botox would allow, and he loudly drank the entire glass.
She sat patiently, sipped at her drink and waited for a natural opening to wrap this shit up, “Sugar, are you entertaining offers on this location?”
“I am,” he smiled and pointed to the picture on the wall with his gold ring-adorned fingers. “You know who that bloke is?”
“I do. Hero of yours?”
“Hero to everyone, should be. We have a statue back home, but here, right underappreciated, Rinty is.”
“I’m sure. Where’s home?”
“Belfast. But you know Rinty, he said, ‘It ain’t about how hard you can hit. It’s about how hard you can hit and keep moving forward.’ I feel sometimes I can hear him saying this to me. I just keep moving forward.”
Susie was well aware that quote was from the film Rocky, and wondered if he was fucking with her, until she noticed a framed quotation also misattributed to Rinty on the shelves behind his desk.
Her vision blurred momentarily, and she felt weighted with sleepiness. She made a mental note to grab one of those wee espressos from a hipster arsehole when this was done.
“And I’ll tell you what else, he could fucking sing!” He boisterously announced and pitched his glass into the wall, physically delighting in the thunderous crash with a loud laugh, his head kicked back. She hoped she hadn’t flinched.
“Sean and Don are fantastic with a Hoover and a mop,” he explained, as though it made sense to casually smash glasses into walls if one’s henchmen are good at cleaning. Cunt.
“I’ll sing it for you, one of Rinty’s favorites.” He wasn’t asking.
He loudly launched into a verse of “The Fields of Athenry.” Susie desperately attempted to somewhat hold the uncomfortable eye contact while he crooned to her.
She hoped he wasn’t set on singing another verse and clapped, quickly complimenting him, “you’ve a lovely singing voice Sugar.”
What she would have initially described as loquacious was now resembling mania. No matter. He wouldn’t be the first unhinged business acquaintance she’d worked with, and he certainly wouldn’t be the last.
The dizziness returned and she felt more at . She’d only had three-quarters of her glass, and when the force of realization hit her, she nearly shook. She steeled herself and looked into his eyes, which matched the dreary sky, “if you’re game, I’d love to discuss details with you, but I need to use the loo first.”
She stood and the room spun.
“You good there?” he stood as well.
She steadied herself and turned from him, “the loo this way?” She pointed and began walking away from Sugar as fast as she considered nonchalant.
“Yeah just up the stairs to your left.”
Stairs? Fucking great. She saw the stairs in the distance, her vision blurring in and out like faulty binoculars.
As casually as possible while attempting to walk with authority, she unbuttoned the top button on her blue blouse, and using her pinky to hold the sheath in place under her center bra wire, she slid the bone knife she had tucked between her breasts into her hand.
With no small amount of force, she slammed into the wall and was suddenly sandwiched between the bricks and Sugar’s body. Sugar’s mouth hovered at her ear, “look a bit wobbly Susie, you need a hand.”
He wasn’t asking.
“Get off of me,” she ordered with a calm ferocity.
“You drank too much,” he roughly spun her by the shoulders to face him and pressed her back further against the bricks.
“You clearly don’t know what you’ve done.”
“Just relax Susie,” he said pressing himself against her more firmly, his hands on her.
“You’re going to get off of me, or I’m going to fucking kill you.”
“Just relax,” he ripped her shirt open with a flick of his fingers, and panic surged forward. Don’t fucking panic.
Her right arm was pinned against the wall, and she was using her left to try and push Sugar away from her.
Reworking her strategy as quick as her foggy brain would allow she spat, “that quote isn’t Rinty you fuckwit. it’s Rocky Balboa.”
That got his attention and he pulled back a bit to look at her face, “what are you on about?”
“And Barry McGuigan was an infinitely better boxer than fucking Rinty,” she sneered.
“McGuigan?! He was a fuckin eejit! Fuckin tout pussy!” He screamed, towering over her.
Susie felt her arm finally free of his weight and jammed her knife into his left eye socket with as much force as she could muster. He hurtled backwards as she yanked her knife back out of his eye. She dropped to the ground with a muted thud, her legs unexpectedly going out. He clutched his eye with a hand screaming, and she sunk her knife into his crotch, then frantically scuttled backward away from him.
Her legs felt like foreign objects on the cool textured floor.
“Purse, purse, purse, purse,” this was the mantra as she crawled, her hands slapping the floor, her knees and shins burning as she frantically dragged them along. Why was she so fucking loud?
Her vision telescoped into a purse vignette, and everything else was blurry and terribly far away. After crawling endlessly, she reached her purse and clumsily poured everything out on the floor with an immense clatter. What did she need? What the fuck was she looking for? Who was hollering? And there it was, gleaming amongst the clutter, her beautiful Beretta. She clutched at the textured grip and upright upon her knees turned in time to see what appeared to be an armed Sean and Don hustling toward her. Which was which?
She used one of her hands to push herself to standing, and hobbled towards them, towards the slaughterhouse.
“What the fuck is going on?” Sean (or maybe Don) squeaked, eyes wide, swinging his gun around.
“Holy shit!” Don (or possibly Sean) yelled when he spotted Susie.
Count them Susie.
“Count what?” Don asked.
She fired at them. OneTwoThreeFourFive,” she watched them collapse to the ground, unmoving.
“Five shots; three left,” she thought, or possibly said aloud.
Quite suddenly, she couldn’t breathe; was she in a straitjacket; no, she was being crushed in a bin lorry. Dizziness and confusion consumed her, and she desperately willed herself to make sense of what was happening.
Sugar Walsh’s arms were crushing her (clearly not a bin lorry,) and he was behind her and bellowing something, but she couldn’t understand words. They slammed into the floor; he rolled her onto her back, straddling her, his hands on her throat squeezing, blood dripping onto her face from his, huffing and puffing his whisky-tinged breath on her.
Do something!
She remembered the gun in her hand, deliberately pulled her noodle arm up, squeezed the trigger and Sugar’s head exploded. His enormous body collapsed fully on top of her like an avalanche of giant Irish cunt.
Her breath wooshed out like a bellows, and she couldn’t get it back. But she was alive. She couldn’t move, but she was alive. She used her free arm to wench his shoulder pit up up up far enough for her nose and mouth and chin to wedge from underneath him, and then blackness closed in.
When she regained consciousness, she frantically tried to move her pinned body, wiggling and screaming, “get the fuck off me!”
“Fuck!” She cried, and an epiphany struck her addled brain.
Phone, phone, phone, phone, phone, phone. Where is it??
She yelled, “Hey Siri!”
She thought she heard her phone respond. Dizziness weighted her body. Stay awake, stay awake, stay awake!
“Text The Duke my location!”
“Send your location to The Duke?”
“YES! Yes!”
“It’s sent,” she thought she heard Siri say, and the last thought she had before the darkness swooped in again was “I hope I don’t chuck up.”
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kay-wren · 25 days
I'll Come Running - R.C. - Chapter 46
"You wanna go somewhere?"
The first words out of Rafe's mouth following his spell of silence shocked Jessie. She didn't expect him to command her so well with just one simple, hushed, sentence. Truthfully, Rafe didn't expect it either, yet he could see that it worked due to the knitted eyebrows and silence from his wife. He had to capitalize on the moment despite his clear shock that Jessie was in the state that she was in, so he asked her the question.
"What do you mean?" Jessie asked simply, not peeling her eyes away from Rafe clearly searching for an answer in the blue orbs. Rafe held his gaze as well, trying to fire back with the same fiery darts of lust and passion to entice Jessie further. It worked, as she was now hanging onto every word that fell out of his mouth, just like Rafe did a few minutes ago. He smirked in response and began playing with the ends of her long hair.
"You and me... taking a little trip... just to get your mind off things."
Despite Jessie always loving when Rafe played with her hair, she didn't budge, as she quickly figured out what he was doing. She chuckled darkly and looked away from Rafe with ease, taking another hit of her cigarette and blowing the smoke once more.
"I don't need to get my mind off of anything, country club." Jessie smirked, now looking back at Rafe. "But you sure as hell do."
Rafe wasn't happy that his initial plan didn't work, but he decided to roll with what he was given.
"But you're open to going somewhere right?" Rafe whispered as he looked at Jessie's lips and then back up into her eyes.
"Sure..." Jessie shrugged with a cocky smile that Rafe had a love-hate relationship with. "Where do you wanna go?" She asked with an eye roll. Rafe acted like he pondered the question, when in reality he had the perfect trip already planned out, a trip that hopefully would put Jessie's mind at ease and get her to open up again. He felt like he was back on his balcony four years ago, smoking with Jessie for the first time just to get her to stick around long enough to open up to him. Some things never change.
"Blue Ridge?" Rafe asked, his arms planted firmly around Jessie's torso. Rafe could see the wheels turning in his wife's head as she had the sudden realization what he was referring to. She chuckled lightly as she looked towards the ground.
"You're parents still have that cabin in the mountains over there? I thought that was just something you told me just to flex." Jessie joked. Rafe laughed in response.
"Yeah, we still have it... well, I have it." Rafe said softly as he licked his lips and brought his hand up to tuck Jessie's hair behind her ear. Rafe looked at her lovingly as if to silently plead with her to agree to go. "Just you and me, in the mountains for maybe a few days or a week or however long you want."
"But what about Charley?"
"The pogues can watch her." Rafe answered with a shrug as if it was no big deal. Jessie scoffed at the idea.
"Rafe, don't get me wrong, I trust JJ and the rest of them with Charley but... they don't exactly have experience taking care of a toddler longer than five minutes. It's a totally different thing to be in charge of her 24/7." Jessie explained with hesitation.
"We got her, Jess." Sarah interrupted as she propped herself up on the door behind them, drinking a cup of hot coffee. Rafe and Jessie both looked behind them to look at the girl that snuck up on them.
"Yeah, I would think between all five of us we could all have eyes on her." JJ said confidently as he made his way back outside. Jessie still wasn't convinced, now putting out her cigarette and looking back at Rafe.
"But what about safety... I mean, we're still kinda exposed with a giant ass cross made of gold and on the run from the cops." Jessie asked. Rafe didn't falter, he only tightened his grip on the girl in his lap for reassurance.
"I've got security. I'll have them take care of it. Charley won't even know they're here." Rafe assured in a soft, understanding tone. He was really going the extra mile. JJ knew Rafe had to seal the deal on getting Jessie away for a few days to get her to come to her senses.
"Come on, Jess. When's the last time you actually took a vacation without Charley?" JJ asked, now coming around and setting on the coffee table in front of the two. Jessie's reply was quick.
"Exactly," JJ responded, "as much as it pains me to think of you two alone in the mountains together doing god knows what to each other... it really could be good for you." JJ reiterated, trying not to physically shutter at the godforsaken ideas in his head of his sister and Rafe. The two of them both just rolled their eyes and laughed at the blonde boy. Jessie looked back at Rafe one last time for reassurance.
"Okay." She sighed. Jessie could see the excitement all over Rafe's face as he pulled her closer and kissed her head softly.
"We leave today." Rafe said.
"Alright, baby. Mommy and daddy are gonna go away for just a few days but we will be back as soon as you know it! You get to spend a few days with Uncle JJ!" Jessie put on her best front to look excited as she hugged her daughter tightly in the driveway of the Chat. Rafe was loading their modest weekend bags in his truck, eventually making his way over to his girls.
"Yayayayay!" Charley cheered as she jumped up and down. It was just as hard for Jessie leave Charley with JJ as it was to leave her with Mama and Tom, she didn't think the goodbyes would ever get easier. She was at least grateful that Charley was excited and didn't seem to understand that her mom and dad would be gone.
"But mommy will call every night so she can see you and talk to you okay?" Jessie reassured the toddler. JJ and Rafe both looked at each other, knowing the call wouldn't be for Charley.
"Mommy doesn't have to call. Uncle JJ's got it alllll under control." JJ said cooly as he crossed his arms in confidence. Jessie just looked up and gave her brother a side eye. Rafe on the other hand, found the comment not only funny, but necessary.
"Mommy's gonna be a little busy." Rafe muttered as he leaned closer to JJ so only he could hear. He most definitely forgot who he was talking to though, and JJ quickly cut the comedy as he made a look of disgust.
"I could've gone my whole like without that image in my head." JJ simply said looking at Rafe with judgement. Rafe just snickered like a little boy and squatted down to be eye level with his two girls. He set his attention on his daughter with sincere eyes.
"If you need daddy, you tell Uncle JJ to call, okay? And I'll come running." Rafe insisted as he looked at Charley with a face that showed he meant business.
"Okayyyyy." Charley nodded frantically, still not totally gripping the gravity of the situation, which both of them were grateful for.
"Give me a hug, darlin." Rafe asked as he opened up his arms to squeeze his daughter tight and plant a kiss on her head. "You're gonna have fun with Uncle JJ and Aunt Sarah!"
"And Uncle Pope, Uncle John B, and Aunt Kie!" JJ joined in with a pointed finger.
Once hugs and kisses had been exchanged, Rafe helped his wife into the passenger side of the truck, then made his way back over to the driver's side. He eyed JJ with a playful yet somewhat serious look.
"Don't lose my kid." Rafe said with a finger pointed to JJ's chest. "Whatever you do to her, I do to you. Don't be a jackass."
JJ only saluted comically to the man in front of him with a clearly fake look of seriousness.
"Sir yes sir! Responsible adult reporting for duty!"
JJ's response did not make Rafe feel like he was any less of a jackass, yet he still knew he could trust him. Just because Charley might not be taken care of the way that Jessie and him would do it, doesn't mean that she wasn't in good hands. Rafe had to remember that. Rafe simply shook his head in response and got in the truck to begin a much needed short road trip to the quiet Blue Ridge Mountains.
Jessie wasted no time in striking up a conversation with her husband. She tried to make it seem casual, but it was anything but.
"So you wanna tell me the real reason you're taking me on a little mommy and daddy get away?" Jessie asked with a smirk on her face as she leaned back in her seat and propped her converse clad feet on the dash. Rafe always hated when she did that, but he knew better than to ever tell her she couldn't do something.
"We can't just get away just the two of us for a couple of days? I've gotta have a motive?" Rafe said jokingly as if he was offended. Jessie could see right through his little plan.
"Well... given that we just came off yet another series of traumatic experiences and we should most definitely be on the run right now, and yet you decide to make a pit stop to the Blue Ridge Mountains with just me in tow... yeah... I would say you have a motive." Jessie explained confidently, looking over at Rafe. He locked his jaw in an attempt to mask his annoyance that Jessie could never take anything for what it was, it was a defense mechanism for her, it's been what's kept her alive.
"I just... know that... you've been tense since everything happened..." Rafe trailed off as he grabbed Jessie hand over the console. "... and I just wanna give you time to decompress... no kids... no pogues... just me and you."
Jessie rolled her eyes.
"I'm fine, Rafe! I've been telling you this!" Jessie reiterated through evident irritation. Rafe wanted to strike back, telling her that she in fact was not fine, but he had to remember the objective of this trip: to get her to relax and be willing to take that guard down. Instead of argue with the brick wall that was Jessie Cameron, he simply opted to nod his head.
"Well then I'm glad, babe..." Rafe said through a fake smile as he brought the back of her hand up to kiss it gently. "Then let's just enjoy this little trip and maybe we can brainstorm where we're gonna go after this."
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snowdropluck204 · 9 months
You're My Prize - Todoroki Shoto x Fem! Reader (Mafia AU!) - Pt 3
Sorry this took so long, once again... I'm a bad author... Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! ______________________________
3rd Person pov
Shoto sat in total shock, not only had he learned that his father had happily handed him over to a Yakuza syndicate, but the leader of said syndicate wanted him to be her 'little dove', chose him over any money his father could have easily given her...
(y/n) was still stood behind him, her chest against his back and her hands gently caressing his arms. The sweet, gentle smile was back on her face, a far cry from the confident smirk she was wearing earlier. Shoto was so confused! Which side of her was the real her? (y/n) seemed to notice that the poor man wasn't processing all of this very well. She tried to lean away from him, to give him time to get used to all of this information, but Shoto wrapped his fingers tightly around her gloved hands, tugging her back to him.
Kenji moved quickly, starting to make his way over to the two of them, clearly believing that Shoto was going to attack (y/n), but she held up a hand, halting him in his place. She brought Shoto's head to her chest, soothingly stroking his hair. Even though the chair in between them made this position uncomfortable, Shoto was grateful for the comfort.
(y/n) felt awful for the man, he had just had the life he knew ripped away from him, now he was in a cold, seemingly empty house, surrounded by strangers and a woman who wants to use him for her own devices. Looking up from Shoto, (y/n) looked up at Kenji, "Get my room ready, he'll be staying with me for a while." She told him, her voice all business but the words she used made Shoto look up at her with a start.
"What?" He asked, curious. His eyes glistened with brimming tears, looking into them, (y/n)'s heart melted slightly. She tried to be the cold-blooded killer she was, but she couldn't help it, her heart ached for this poor man.
"You can't be on your own with all this new information, you don't have to stay in my room if you don't to, I just thought it might be something you'd like, you might feel more comfortable in your own room of course..." (y/n) had begun rambling, she never did this. She was always calm and collected, saying what was on my mind in a concise manner. (y/n) could see even Kenji being shocked at her behaviour.
She didn't want to make Shoto any more uncomfortable and scared than he already was. He looked into her eyes, his mismatched eyes meeting (e/c), he nodded gently. (y/n) smiled softly at him, "So, dinner?" She asked, he nodded again, still confused and speechless. "If you want to know anything, my inside businesses, the people who work for me, anything, just ask. I can't guarantee I'll be completely honest with you at the moment, I don't know if you can be fully trusted yet." She said truthfully.
Shoto nodded, picking at his food that had been placed in front of him, (y/n) sat in the chair to his side, not across from him, she wasn't hugely hungry, and he needed her close at that moment. As he sat there, thinking and eating, she gently raked her fingers through his hair, doing her best to calm him.
"Who was that man? The one you... That I saw earlier?" He asked timidly. She could admit, it was quite amusing to see the once great pro hero Shoto Todoroki so bashful in her presence, (y/n) couldn't help a small smile.
"That man was just a calculation error. He owed me a significant amount of money, he had the ability to pay me back, not once, but twice, he chose to spend that money on his gambling addictions. Whatever he owed me, has been written off and his family will be compensated for his passing." She told him, her voice back to being business like.
Shoto looked intrigued but obviously quite horrified, it's not every day a person you're having dinner with turns out to have killed someone, let alone as many people as (y/n) have. "But, how could you say that...?" He asked softly, so soft it was a whisper.
"Say what my dove?" She asked him, using a napkin to wipe the corner of his mouth, causing him to blush. (y/n) couldn't help but smirk slightly, the satisfaction of getting him to blush was too insistent.
"You called him a calculation error... Acting as though his death meant nothing, you've left a family without a father and a husband and you're showing no remorse for it..." He told her, his voice becoming more confident as he grew more passionate in his point, too bad it was misguided passion.
"Dove, if you knew what I knew, about human beings, about Fujima Hiroto, you would understand why I did what I did. Mr Fujima was nothing but a petty thief, a terrible gambler and a wife beater." (y/n) began talking light and sweet, but her voice became hard and venomous. "If there is one thing I cannot abide, it's domestic violence, in any form."
Shoto sat shocked, he hadn't known any of that about the man, obviously because he had just seen the murder, nothing else, but was all of that really true, he looked to Kenji for some sort of answer, he solemnly nodded his head, revealing more than an answer. (y/n) raised a hand behind her head slightly, Kenji walking up and placing a file in her hands.
Setting the file down in front of Shoto, she began flipping through it, there were dozens of pictures of Mr Fujima doing less than legal things... Bribing an officer, leaving an illegal casino, countless images of him abusing his wife, and pages upon pages of papers that seem to indicate him being involved in organising and illegal fighting ring and fraud...
"Yes Mr Fujima owed me money, but if he were an honest man, I would have looked the other way and agreed to another extension, but he could have paid me back in full within the agreed upon time, he chose to spend and lose that money in a number of days. We have returned the money we took from him as payment to his wife, she will always be able to call on us if she needs help and we will gladly give it." (y/n) continued, less cold now.
"Now if you're finished with dinner, we could go to bed, it's getting late." There wasn't much room for argument as she stood up and took his hand in her's, gently nudging him from the chair. "Kenji, could you set up my room with some pyjamas for Shoto, I'll be taking him on a little tour in the meantime." She asked.
Kenji nodded and left with a small bow. Shoto was confused and said so, "I'm perplexed, if you've known Kenji for so long and have been friends since you were children, why on earth do you treat him as a butler?" He asked, leading (y/n) to smile sweetly.
"Kenji is my oldest and dearest friend, but this was the role he chose for himself, he would prefer to be behind the scenes and act as the face of family, when in reality, he was always the carer, he would look after people when they were sick or sad, so this role allows him to do just that, he has my back and I have his." (y/n) explained simply.
Shoto nodded, although he was still confused, "Let's go dove, you can comprehend things after a good night's sleep." She told him, as we began walking through the many halls of the manor.
"To your left is the west wing, not forbidden by any means but you may prefer not to visit there, it's mainly business rooms and other... Activities." (y/n) told him, my voice dipping slightly, Shoto nodded quickly as she giggled at the aghast look on his face.
"The East wing is where most of the rooms are, although the only bedrooms currently in use are a few guest rooms for some of the staff, my room, your room and Kenji's. Other than that, there are multiple libraries with hundreds of books, an indoor and outdoor pool, the billiards room, ballroom, obviously you've seen our dining room, the parlour, the gallery and the gardens." (y/n) listed all of the amenities as though they were a daily occurrence, which for her they were.
Shoto's mind was running at a million miles a minute, his thoughts kept bouncing back to his father, his family was rich, but nothing like this! This manor made his home look like a dungeon, which of course to him it was... Previously, he was fretting about how to get away from this place, how to escape, now his brain was going through all the decisions it could. Which room to visit first? Naturally he was interested by the libraries, or the ballroom, or the gallery?
(y/n) laughed from her place beside him, "Don't worry my dove, we have all the time in the world, I have the day off this weekend, we shall explore then and I can show you around properly."
Shoto nodded excitedly, "I would enjoy that." He told her, a small smile gracing his face for the first time since that morning.
Just like that the tour was over, and Shoto had a new thing to worry about, he would be sleeping in the same room, and presumably, the same bed, as (y/n)... __________________________________
This chapter is slightly shorter than the others because it's getting late and I wanted to get this published! I am so sorry about the wait, but hopefully I should be more productive for a bit! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Xxx
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satansapostle6 · 3 months
Lovers and Liars | Draco Malfoy
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Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott, both determined and resourceful from reputable houses, find themselves at odds in the name of love.
Warning: Mature themes/language. Violence. Sexual content.
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine: Fear and Forgiveness
Lorelei Morrigan sat at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall, staring emptily at her goblet. She glanced over at Theo, whom she had made up with since their period of annoyance at one another. Why they had fought over Harry Potter of all people, Lorelei truthfully had no idea. Theo had admitted his tendency toward jealousy, as well as his fault in their fight, and so everything was just as it was before. But Lorelei still hadn’t told Theo.
She hadn’t told him about her progress with Moody, and she certainly hadn’t told him that she’d committed murder. Lorelei knew that she and Theo had practically dreamed about this. They’d planned together to find whoever was trying to bring Lord Voldemort back, to earn their share of the glory when he did finally come back, but something about the way things happened after the Second Task made her rethink everything.
She had discovered Barty Crouch Jr.’s secret on her on. She had stolen from Professor Snape’s personal stores on her own. She killed Barty Crouch Sr. on her own. Lorelei found that she was perfectly capable of becoming powerful, more powerful than she already was, on her own. She didn’t need Theodore Nott by her side. He’d been asking her again and again to speak to Crouch Jr. about getting him in on the plan, but Lorelei found herself hesitating. She’d originally thought that she actually wanted him by her side, but for some reason, that didn’t seem to be completely true.
Why, Lorelei didn’t know. Theo was kind, and devoted to her. He loved her. He would have done anything from her, and he was capable of almost anything as well. She would’ve thought that Theodore Nott was the only person actually capable of giving her the world, even if it was promised. But something about his jealousy threw her off; it was almost as if, on some level, he didn’t trust her. Which made her not want to fully trust him, either.
Lorelei knew that the reason for Theo’s distrustful nature was his intelligent one. Theo questioned everything, and he was smart to. He was the only person she’d ever met who saw the world just as clearly as she did, and it scared her.
Lorelei and Theo both stopped in the corridor outside the Great Hall. Daphne Greengrass, it seemed, had something to say to her. Lorelei stepped in front of Theo as he just watched suspiciously.
“Daphne,” Lorelei greeted her indifferently.
“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Daphne asked.
Lorelei turned back to Theo, nodding as he just stood there, still not trusting Daphne. Theo Nott was not known to forgive, or forget. But given Lorelei’s signal, he nodded back reluctantly, disappearing down the corridor as he left the girls to speak.
“What did you want to talk about?” Lorelei asked her, not seeming very eager to listen to her.
“Look, I’m really sorry about Pansy. She’s gone mad, and I know that,” the blonde confided in her. “I don’t think anything she says about you is fair.”
“It’s fine,” Lorelei shrugged. “You have to side with her. I get it.”
Daphne sighed, all too aware of her situation “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to have to choose sides. I didn’t want it to be this way,” she promised her.
“It’s fine, Daph. I understand,” Lorelei reassured her. “I don’t care about that.”
“Look, I get if you’re angry, but I just thought I should warn you… Pansy’s angry about you and Draco hanging out,” Daphne warned. “She’s… probably going to retaliate soon.”
“I can handle her,” Lorelei said calmly.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Daphne said, an uncomfortable expression on her face. “When I say she’s gone mad… She’s gone mad. She won’t stop until everyone hates you. I’ve tried to talk sense into her, but she won’t listen.”
“I’ll be fine,” Lorelei promised. “Thanks.”
Daphne nodded regretfully, lingering hesitantly for a moment before she disappeared.
During Transfiguration, Lorelei had nothing but Pansy on her mind. She knew exactly the kinds of things Pansy Parkinson was saying about her behind her back; she wasn’t stupid. She knew it was slanderous, and she knew it was foul. The basic insults were easy to imagine; Lorelei knew Pansy’s first instinct would be to call her a slag, or ugly, or even insane. But she also knew that when it came to her most passionate vendettas, such as her hatred for Hermione Granger, Pansy could get creative.
She wasn’t as imaginative as Lorelei, of course, but she could be quite determined. But another enemy Lorelei knew not to underestimate was Draco Malfoy. Of course, Draco Malfoy wasn’t her ‘enemy’ in the common sense of the word. He didn’t even know he was her enemy. Draco would have even said he was fond of Lorelei Morrigan, but of course, that was the trouble.
Lorelei knew that associating herself in any way with Draco Malfoy was a risk. It had already cost her her fragile relationship with Pansy Parkinson. But of course, it came with far more perks than it did disadvantages; Draco was richer, and more powerful than Pansy. Plus, he was a boy; the world was his oyster. But Lorelei knew that being a part of Draco Malfoy’s world came with a lot of strife. For one, it made Pansy resent her.
Draco Malfoy was no friend to her in that his presence meant she was a target to people like Pansy, other people who also wanted to be a part of his world. Draco might’ve been a potential friend to her, but he was still as good as an enemy. He was selfish, rude, and arrogant. Even if he wasn’t to her, he still loved selfishly, rudely, and arrogantly. People, even the ones he liked, were just pawns to him. It didn’t matter to him what would happen to them; he had to show affection in the way he wanted to. He still owned the people he loved.
Lorelei was wary of people who were unaware of themselves. She didn’t trust people whose eyes were unopened to the chaos around them. Draco wasn’t always aware of his trajectory, but in some ways, neither was Theo. He was proud, and just as selfish of a friend as Draco, albeit in a slightly different way. She watched as he stood, coming up to the front with Professor McGonagall as she asked him to complete the Transfiguration she had set up on the board.
Lorelei watched the empty seat beside her immediately get filled. Draco Malfoy had jumped up out of his seat the moment Theodore had gotten up, taking the seat right next to Lorelei as he grinned, turning to face her.
“What are you doing?” she questioned.
“What? I can’t say ‘hello’ to a friend?” Draco said defensively.
“It’s rude to take someone else’s seat,” she reminded him, facing forward.
Draco refused to let her ignore him.
“It’s rude not to say ‘hello’ back to someone,” he quipped.
Lorelei just rolled her eyes at him.
“You look very nice today,” he tried again.
She let out a long, pointed sigh. “Why don’t you go and tell Pansy that? I’m sure she’d appreciate it.”
Draco just brushed the idea off, still attempting to start an actual conversation with her.
“But she doesn’t look nice today,” he said far too quickly.
Lorelei found it difficult to take him seriously.
“I’m dating Theo,” she reminded him promptly.
“So I’ve heard,” he accepted with a sarcastic smile. “Might I ask why? Surely he wasn’t your richest option. Does he really like you that much? Does he love you, even?”
Lorelei hardly dignified this with any acknowledgment.
“Doesn’t matter,” Draco deduced for himself, “You don’t love him.”
“What makes you so sure?” she asked, tired of his cocky assumptions.
Draco just smirked, as if he was the one with the upper hand in the exchange.
“You’re bored. I can see it in your eyes,” he whispered, so that only she could hear.
She froze as she just sat there, listening with her eyes facing forward.
“He’s wooed you enough to get you, but not enough to keep you,” Draco said obnoxiously. “Nott’s a proper sort of bloke. He thinks before he acts, and he never acts unless he has to. He bores you,” he insisted.
Lorelei just shook her head, not having anything to say to him.
“Are you with Theo because you like him, or because he likes you?” Draco asked softly.
Lorelei scoffed at the question, knowing how to shut him up.
“Do you want me because you want me, or because Theo does?”
This did indeed prompt a long silence between them. She silently rejoiced as Theo began walking back to his seat, stopping in front of Draco as he just looked down at him expectantly, challenged by his attempt at irritating him. Draco just grinned, looking up at him with an innocent expression.
“Hey, Theo,” Draco said knowingly.
“Malfoy,” Theo said, looking down at him distastefully.
“Catch the Second Task last week?” Draco crossed his arms, a shit-eating grin on his face.
Draco knew exactly how to provoke him.
“What? Not in the mood for polite conversation?” he asked humorously. “Alright, fine then.”
He got up from the seat, slapping his hands on the desk next to Lorelei’s before running off to his seat before Professor McGonagall noticed the momentary commotion. Lorelei watched as Theo sat down, a slight scowl on his face, silently looking down at the tiny slip of parchment that Draco had subtly slid underneath her hand.
The tiny note that Draco had written to Lorelei was troubling to her, at the very least. It was obviously very vague, and consisted of the details of some clandestine meeting that he was trying to initiate in oddly nice, but still boyish handwriting.
10:00 Tonight, Under The Swords
- D.M.
Lorelei unfolded the note in the girls’ bathroom, unsure as to what it even meant. ‘10:00 tonight’ was obvious, of course, but ‘under the swords’ was both nonsensical and ambiguous. She tucked the note into her robes as she emerged from the bathroom, finding herself unable to put the strange invitation out of her mind. She figured it would more than likely be something stupid and arrogant, like some attempt to steal her away from Theo.
Lorelei knew she should just ignore the whole thing, but a small part of her was just curious as to how Draco thought he would manage to take Theodore Nott’s girlfriend. There was no way he thought he would actually succeed. Even Lorelei wouldn’t have expected Draco Malfoy to be that delusional.
Lorelei was unable to resist secretly spending the rest of her day contemplating the cryptic meeting place in Draco Malfoy’s note. It was odd, and hardly detailed. She had no idea how he expected her to figure out what he had meant. It had to be some sort of joke, or other way of messing with her. Perhaps he just wanted her to spent the entire day unable to figure out where to meet him. Perhaps he wanted her to spend the entire night wandering the castle, only to be caught by Mr. Filch.
Lorelei knew she had every reason to just put the idea out of her head entirely. She knew she shouldn’t be entertaining Draco’s childish arrogance especially considering Theo’s insecurities regarding him. But she couldn’t help wanting to see just what Draco would have to say to her in the privacy of 10:00 at night alone, as opposed to everything he’d said right there out in the open during Transfiguration.
Yes, Draco’s boldness was laughable, and reprehensible, and yet it was also admittedly rather entertaining. Lorelei tried to put the thought of meeting Draco out of her mind as she and Theo ventured outside, to the empty training grounds. Flying classes had already come to an end for the day, leaving a beautiful, clear grass field.
Just as Lorelei had engaged herself fully in the conversation she was having with Theo about Crabbe and Goyle’s subservience, she looked up at the statue atop one of the towers. Of course, it had to be of a warrior wielding two swords. Lorelei looked up at the stone statue for a moment, sighing as she knew what she’d probably end up doing.
That night, Lorelei carefully snuck out of the dungeons after everyone had gone off to bed, using an Invisibility Charm so that no one would see her. She stealthily made her way out of the castle and out to the training grounds, deciding it best to remain invisible until she knew exactly what she was walking into. Surprisingly, Lorelei found that Draco Malfoy was already waiting for her on the training grounds.
From what she could tell, he seemed perfectly genuine, as opposed to being there to play some sort of trick, albeit impatient. He just stood there on the grass, no longer in his school clothes. He was wearing a black sweater, and a matching pair of pants. Fully aware that she had the advantage, Lorelei decided she’d have a bit of fun with him before revealing herself. She quietly snuck behind Draco, fighting the urge to laugh as she quickly tapped him on the shoulder.
As expected, he whipped around, terrified as he let out a completely involuntary yelp out of fear.
“Who’s there?!” he demanded, obviously trying his best to seem intimidating.
Lorelei laughed as she undid the Invisibility Charm, still keeled over as she pointed a finger at him. Draco just frowned, embarrassed as he realized Lorelei had been playing a trick on him.
“Okay, very funny, Lorelei!” he spat, looking almost hurt.
She continued laughing, finding it funnier the angrier he got.
“You looked so funny!” she burst out laughing, still imagining the look on his face.
“Do you want someone to hear us?!” Draco demanded.
“No,” she blurted out, spitting out her last laugh. “I’m sorry.”
Draco sighed, crossing his arms like a disappointed parent. “And to think, I actually wanted to do something nice,” he muttered.
“Okay, I’m sorry. What did you want to see me about?” Lorelei asked him.
He sighed, brushing off his irritation towards her as he picked something up off the ground. His black Nimbus 2001.
“This was the surprise,” he explained.
“I don’t understand.”
“I wanted to go for a ride. I’ve been so bored since they cancelled Quidditch,” he told her. “Thought I’d ask you to join me.”
She looked at the broom, and then back at him.
“You wanted to take me up on your broom?” she questioned skeptically.
“Yeah,” Draco insisted, offended by her confusion. “Why? You scared, Morrigan?”
“Of you dropping me from the Astronomy Tower? Yes,” Lorelei stated.
“I won’t drop you!” he argued, mounting the broom. “Come on!”
“I’m not entirely convinced,” she remarked.
Draco huffed irritably, trying to think of the best possible argument.
“I’ll let you sit in front,” he offered impatiently.
Lorelei sighed, knowing it was very likely that she’d regret it for at least a moment. She aligned herself with the broom, swinging her leg over as she sat on the broomstick in front of Draco. She held on tight, not wanting to be caught off guard in case Draco decided to go fast to scare her.
“You’re good at flying, right?” he thought.
Lorelei nodded.
“Okay. Ready?” Draco asked from behind her.
“Ready,” she responded.
“I’m going to hold onto you. Is that okay?” he asked quietly.
Admittedly, Lorelei hadn’t expected Draco to explicitly ask for actual permission, nor did she expect him to do it so timidly.
“Yeah,” she nodded, feeling better about humoring him.
She braced herself as Draco wrapped an arm around her while steadying the other hand on the broom in front of hers, preparing himself in case he suddenly needed to take control of the broom.
“Alright. Go,” Draco nodded.
He lifted his legs up as she kicked her feet off the ground, allowing them to take off. Lorelei gradually pointed the broomstick upwards, allowing them to rocket upwards into the sky. They hovered comfortably above the training grounds for a while, looking down at the green grass below them.
“Do you do this often?” Lorelei asked curiously.
“What?” he replied. “Flying at night?”
“Yeah,” she nodded.
“Yeah. I like coming up here at night. It helps me clear my mind,” Draco explained.
“What could you possibly have on your mind?” Lorelei said humorously.
“You’d be surprised,” Draco said softly, as she turned back to look at him.
Lorelei paused for a moment, finding a strange depth to the silence between them. Draco quickly shook off the strange energy before she could say anything, grabbing ahold of the broom with his hands in front of hers.
“It’s fun flying out here with no one to stop you,” he shared. “Watch.”
Before Lorelei could think, he took charge and aimed the broomstick upwards, allowing them to soar up so high Lorelei feared they might crash into the moon. The broom was moving faster than she’d ever been before, and she couldn’t help but let out an involuntary scream. Draco laughed hysterically as she screamed, enjoying every bit of it. He let out a hearty chuckle as he moved the broom and forced it to go up and down, sideways, and in horrendous loops.
As Lorelei felt herself getting more and more scared, she could feel Draco’s hands resting on her waist, holding onto her tight as they flew in nauseating patterns. Eventually, they stopped hundreds of feet up in the air, so high up Lorelei could hardly see the ground below.
“I hate you,” she said begrudgingly.
“As long as you’re thinking about me,” Draco smirked, earning him a warning look.
Lorelei looked down at the castle from up on his Nimbus, admiring the view as Draco tried to align his line of sight with hers, seeing his favorite view through her eyes.
“This is a beautiful view,” she confessed, looking down at the trees and the water beneath them.
“I told you,” Draco agreed. “I come up here at least once a week.”
“You’re not afraid of getting caught?”
He shrugged. “I never get caught.”
She thought for a moment, taking in this new information she seemed to be getting about Draco Malfoy.
“Why do you like doing this?” Lorelei asked him.
“To clear my head,” he repeated.
“No. Why?” she asked again.
This made him think. He didn’t answer for a moment, considering telling her the full truth.
“I don’t know. There’s just something about good view at night, alone. It’s the only time I like being alone,” Draco confessed.
“That makes sense,” she said gently, deciding to offer him some semblance of genuine sympathy.
“I know you think I’m an idiot,” Draco said after a while.
He sounded hurt, as if the thought actually bothered him. Lorelei looked down at the ground, realizing that he actually knew what she was thinking all those times they’d exchanged words here and her during classes and at the Slytherin table. Lorelei knew she’d given Draco an idea of how stupid and pathetic she thought he was, but she never thought it would actually bother her.
“But… you are an idiot,” she joked, incapable of giving him the time of day.
“Maybe,” Draco admitted, considering the possibility. “But, I’m more than you think I am,” he expressed.
She thought about this for a moment.
“I have… feelings,” he tried.
“Feelings? That’s what you think depth is?” Lorelei asked him.
“Isn’t it, though?” he pointed out.
She shrugged. “That’s part of it.”
“Well… I’m not as stupid as I let them think I am,” Draco thought bitterly.
“Then why do you let them think you’re stupid?” she asked.
“I dunno,” he admitted. “I guess it’s just freeing to know I could be if I wanted to,” he considered.
Lorelei nodded, understanding exactly what he meant for the first time.
“I wish I could be stupid,” Draco thought wistfully. “It’d make things a lot easier.”
“I know what you mean,” she offered.
“See?” he pointed out. “It’s so much better when you’re nice.”
“What makes you think I’m being nice?” she turned to look at him.
Draco let out a light chuckle, pale blue eyes looking down as he avoided her gaze for a moment.
“I can see it. In the way you look at me.”
Lorelei adjusted herself on the broom, turning more so that she was facing him.
“How do I look at you?” she asked inquisitively.
Draco’s heart skipped a beat. He actually felt it stop, but then just laughed as he realized he was talking to Lorelei, and she’d never actually be serious.
“You’re… The most intense person I’ve ever met,” Draco admitted.
“Why?” she questioned.
“I don’t know. There’s no one like you,” Draco said with certainty.
Lorelei paused for a moment, realizing she didn’t necessarily deserve the compliment. She almost found herself wishing for a moment that she could tell Draco that she was a murderer.
“What if I told you I’m not a good person?” she said finally.
Draco just looked at her blankly, not skipping a beat.
“Good people are boring,” he said dismissively.
“But, what if I’m a bad person?” Lorelei asked, curious as to what he would actually think. “What if I’ve done something truly unforgivable?” she said quietly.
Draco smiled. “You know, I’d forgive you.”
“Why?” Lorelei questioned, as if appalled by the response.
“I don’t know. Some people are worth forgiving,” he reflected. “If I didn’t forgive anyone who did something unforgivable, I’d have no one.”
He looked into her eyes, hoping he’d provided some insight. She just nodded, accepting the answer.
“But, would you want someone evil?” she wondered.
Draco smiled. “If they were willing to do evil things for me… That’s not so evil.”
Chapter Ten
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[ID: 2 dialogue bubbles. The first one on the left says "If you didn't have your body..." The second one picks it up where the last one left off. It says "...you would definitely be like me." /End ID.]
i know that daniel will probably be haunted by these words and wonder whether there's some truth to them but imo while jiho is right that daniel only got better as a consequence of having 2 bodies, jiho and daniel are very different people
jiho is right that they suffered similarly by being bullied for their looks and he is also right that daniel was able to escape that when he switched, but the things that sets them apart are 2 things imo: kindness and a fighting spirit.
you see, when given the opportunity, daniel chooses kindness. jiho has to be grudgingly coaxed into it. when daniel got his second body, he decided to use his privilege to stop jiho and duke from being bullied. he gave duke a nudge and duke ran with it. he tried to do the same with jiho and jiho got entitled. truthfully, if jiho had gotten a second body, i cannot imagine he would have done similarly. he simply would not have become the handsome and strong saviour of the weak. if anything, he probably would have cozied up to vin jin and become a bully himself.
i dont think daniel would have improved without the confidence his second body gave him and the opportunities it opened to him, but the thing with people is that most don't improve without some kind of support. while his mom tried his best, we see him hiding stuff from her since the beginning as to not worry her, so there's only so much she can do. once he got support tho, just a little, he thrived. jiho, well, is not the same way. he got it, but he focused on the wrong things, and, as the last chapter of his arc pointed out, his schizophrenia didn't help his situation and overall personality.
now, im not sure fighting spirit is the correct term, but english is not my first language so i hope i will be able to make clear what i mean.
so at the beginning of the story neither daniel nor jiho fight. they don't have the confidence, the strength, the technique, etc. they both learn to fight in different parts of their lives: daniel with his friends in an attempt to become better and jiho in prison in an attempt to survive. since they are in such different places for this, we cannot compare them. however, we can compare their spirit.
at every opportunity, daniel is trying to do good. when daniel has to make a tough choice, he doesn't shy away from it. he's making mistakes, and he doesn't let people stop him, but because he cannot conceive giving up now that he knows what he is capable of. on the other hand, jiho fought, sure, and we see he is taking decisive action, but all with the intention of getting a second body so he can escape. daniel even offers him a second chance, despite everything he did, which includes but it is not limited to trying to kill him, and he turns him away to try to kill him again. why? perhaps because it's difficult. it's easier to think you can't change. that way, you can't disappoint yourself. despite what he said, we know it's not because he actually thinks people dont change. his mind didn't conjure an image of his past self trailing after him like a spectre, like a whole ass different person, for nothing. in the end, when refused the chance to escape and fearing betrayal from jake, he committed suicide. jiho didn't sit on the edge the building by mistake. although he didn't know it yet, the moment he had stepped foot on the roof, he had given up.
tldr: despite their similarities, when given a little help, daniel chooses to be better, helps others, and offers second chances. jiho, on the other hand, doesn't.
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ant-thebooknerd · 6 months
Hey guys, here's another chapter from my Wattpad book. This one is set after Believe Me, and from Warner's POV. Features Kenji and Warner friendship. There will be a part 2 to this, but it will probably take a while.
"Hey buddy, guess what?"
I roll my eyes. I am standing in the common room tent, or what Kenji calls the "VIP dining room". Nazeera and Ella are gone for the day, and I am on special orders from my wife to hang out with him. 
If I had to be honest with myself, I do not hate him as much as I once did. I would still rather impale myself on a pike than admit that to him, but still. Progress is progress. 
"What do you want, Kenji?" I reply, already bored of him. 
"I got us matching friendship bracelets!" says Kenji, a big bright smile on his face. 
I almost manage to choke on air. I turn around to fully face Kenji and look up at his grinning face. For the first time in a while, I am left speechless. I try to speak, but all that emerges is a series of incoherent stutters. Any sense of dignity and composure abandons me faster than my father did. Did this grown man just-
The idiot in question is doing his absolute very best not to laugh at my expression. However, his 'absolute very best' isn't good enough, (like everything else about him) and he explodes into a wave of hysterical laughter. 
"Excuse me? You, a delusional grown man, just asked me, who is only here to fulfil the wishes of his wife, and who wants absolutely nothing to do with you, to wear matching bracelets? Do you even realise-!?"
"Okay, okay!" Kenji cuts me off, hands in the air, feigning innocence. He is still chuckling. "Wow man, I didn't think you'd get so worked up. Ouch! It's alright, we'll work towards it."
I would very much like to retract my previous statement of not hating him. The world is a better place without Kenji Kishimoto.
I shake my head, embarrassed at my outburst. I should have expected this type of behaviour from the moron. "No, not a chance," I tell him, much calmer.  "Now, let's decide on something to do together that will require minimal contact and communication but enough so that we can tell the girls we hung out." 
Kenji looks down at me. My height is not something that makes me feel insecure, but I loathe how I have to look up at him.
 "Really man? That is the only reason you want to hang out? To please Juliette? Don't tell me it's got nothing to do with our growing friendship." he says, grinning. 
I sigh. It is clear that Kenji considers us to be friends, and I have to agree that we have gotten a lot closer since my wedding to Ella. That doesn't mean I am happy about it. 
"I suppose I can truthfully say that I do not wish you a miserable and painful death. I do not quarrel with you dying, but perhaps not painfully. But don't get me wrong, I will not miss you."
Somehow, he finds that funny.
"Sure, man. Do you want to play UNO?" he asks, amused, taking a red cardboard box out of his pocket. I do not know why he would carry such a thing around, but he has done many other even more questionable things, so I let it slide.
"UNO? As in, the number one in Spanish?" I say. I look closer at the box he is holding, from which he takes out two piles of colourful cards.
"Well, aren't you just a fun, shining ray of sunshine," he replies before he shuffles the cards.
Ten minutes later, we are halfway through a round, and I now know all the rules of UNO, which I only agreed to after finding out Juliette enjoys this game.
Kenji places down a Blue 2, having seven cards left in his hand. I have three. A Blue Skip, a Blue 6 and a Blue 8. I am feeling pretty confident, and place down my Skip card followed by my 6, and say "Uno,". All I need is for him to put down a blue card, or nothing. There is no prize to be won from this game, but I will greatly enjoy beating Kenji.
He puts down a Red 6. "Idiot," I tell him. I pick up a card, and it is a Yellow 3. I was so close.
His turn. Red Skip, taking my turn. Green Skip, taking it again, then a Green +2. I scowl and pick up my two cards. A Blue 7 and Red +2. 
Apparently, many people play differently, but the way Kenji was taught says that you are not allowed to play a card the same turn you just picked up one. 
He also told me he used to play with his parents.
Red 9 is what he puts down. I have no cards that I can respond with, so I pick up another card. A Red 4. My dreams of winning this game of UNO fade away more and more with each card I pick up. 
"Brainless delinquent," I mutter under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear.
He places down a +4 and says "UNO", but it doesn't matter. This is my chance. My chance for redemption. To avenge my lost UNO. Payback.
I throw down my Red +2 and stare him down. This is what he gets for trying to beat me, for thinking he even stood a chance. Now he has to pick up 6 cards and it's all ove-
A +4 card falls from his hand on top of my +2. He...wins?
Kenji jumps up from his chair and starts cheering. "Woohoo! Guess who just won! Me, motherfucker! Yeah! I win! Take that, you insufferable dipshit!"
"Moron!" I snap back. "This is a game of luck. Rest assured, if it came down to skill, I would have destroyed you within two minutes."
"What I'm hearing is a sore loser!"
"I am not a sore loser! You uneducated swine!"
"Ha, look who is breaking out the meaningless insults. Ran out, Warner? Got nothing to insult me on?" He taunts.
"Not at all, I simply have too many. For example, you incompetent imbecile, you have absolutely zero fashion sense. Those sneakers do not at all go well with those trousers, and your shirt doesn't even match your skin tone. Amateur!"
To my regret, Kenji actually looks down at what he is wearing. It is a grey T-shirt, black joggers with three white stripes down the side, and black runners. Overall, it is not too bad, especially considering the available options here, but I had to respond in some way.
"Okay, well my bad that I grew up at Omega Point and never got the chance to even buy my own clothes. What would you know about that, knowing that you probably have closets full of colour-coded clothing, made from the finest silks and materials?" He mocks.
"You're overexaggerating," I reply. It is mostly suits.
"And you're an inconsiderate ass. When the hell did I ever have the chance to find myself some decent clothes? Definitely not while the world was going to fucking hell and it was up to us to fix it. Fuck off." 
He looks genuinely upset. I realise, too late, that he is right. At the same time, I hate him for making me feel bad.
I sigh. "I apologise for that last comment. It is not your fault, nor is the outfit as bad as I said."
I feel the shift in his mood when he asks me "What's wrong with it?"
The question surprises me. I would not have expected him to care what I think, but he recognises that I know my way around the wardrobe. 
Also, since he started dating Nazeera, I have noticed subtle changes in his life. He started styling his hair a bit neater (she always ends up ruffling it, but I think that's the point), going to the gym (they have a small one at the Sanctuary) a lot more and doesn't swear as often. I do know about the deal he made with Castle, but he seems to be sticking with it a lot better since Nazeera started giving him dirty looks when he swore. I am pretty sure Castle told her to do that.
Whatever it is, he is a lot more put-together nowadays but could be a lot more so if he changes his style. That is something I could help with. But, am I willing to use my free time, my knowledge and my clothes to help this idiot?
I am shocked to find that the answer is yes. I want to say that it is because he is friends with Ella, but I do not lie to myself. He was there for me during the break-up, during my panic attack, was with me when we saved Ella from Oceania and was right beside me for my wedding. 
I check my watch, a wedding gift from Nazeera. 
"Ella and Nazeera said they will be back by 9:00 pm, which leaves us with just over 4 hours. We can go to my house and fix your fashion disaster."
His eyes go wide. "Wait, actually? You'll help me out with this?"
"Let's go," I say, my back already turned from him, walking out of the tent. "Before I regret this."
Welp, here's this! I really don't know much about fashion so someone (me) is going to have to do some research before writing Part 2 to this or  find a way to write so that her obvious lack of fashion sense doesn't show. Hope you enjoyed!
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