#trust me when i say i started grinning when i heard Stargazer come on :’) took me a second to realise and i’m so glad they got it in there
graviticdeeds · 1 year
I was having a discussion with a friend about certain lore implications in AC6, esp regarding the NG++ events and the final boss.
We couldn’t quite figure out what Kate’s deal was, so that bears more investigation I think, cus for our playthroughs she more or less got doomed to obscurity after the coral supply mission. So there’s likely something to scope out from there.
Had to explain about the ending song, ie: FreQuency, since nothing else in the AC6 OST is remotely like it. Which was pretty entertaining for me, given the added production quality to a scrappy garage band sound from ~10 years ago.
Still got some ‘oh no’ vibes from NG++. Still trying to wrap my head around the theory I have… At a glance, it seems like it’s a happy end, but that’s highly debatable to me, given that Armored Cores are basically war machines.
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kast43 · 3 years
•Lucifer took MC out to run some errands
•he made a mental note that MC would look up at the sky often
•asking strange questions about the weather in the Devildom
•maybe MC was interested in what rain was like here?
•mc rushed to get back home, but it was when some distant thunder rolled across the sky when things turned odd.
•MC let out a small yelp, and then ran into the nearest closed door
•which was a closet
•although he would think it was cute, he suddenly realised what was going on
•he went to the closet and opened it to find MC had shoved themselves in the deepest corner of the room
•"MC, is everything alright?" He asked peeking in
•mc had their eyes closed tight and covered their ears
•a louder roll of thunder, MC flinched again
•lucifer frowned at the scene, it dawned on him that MC was scared of thunderstorms.
•he reached out his hand to mc
•"do you trust me?" He asked, mc slowly nodding and taking his hand
•He took MC out of the closet
•he covered Mc's ears tightly and lead them to Lucifer's room
•he set MC down, and then started a record.
•he raised the volume to a pleasing level, and then grabbed blankets.
•draped MC with the warm blankets, then went to sit next to MC.
•the first roll of thunder heard over the music MC flinched and Lucifer reached an arm around MC to bring them to his chest.
•he would stroke MCs hair
•"you should know that nothing will harm you, so long as I am with you"
•MC would be so calm they would fall asleep in Lucifers arms
•Mammon and MC were prob just vibing at the house, ya know...
•A roll of thunder strikes, but Mammon pays no attention to it.
•MC however just froze.
•He noticed, "Oi, what's the matter with you?" Mammon would ask, a bit annoyed as usual.
•MC  tried to act cool, but hearing the thunder getting louder, and the flashing caused them to dive under the table.
•Mammon was big confused, looking under the table.
•"What? Don't tell me your afraid of a little thunder?" He would ask with a grin.
•when he saw MC cowarding under the table, he felt his heart drop, his grin would fade.
•he wanted to help, but didn't know how.
•ya boy just got under the table with MC and sat next ti them.
•"hey! Don't be afraid, with The Great Mammon(tm) beside you NOTHING stands a chance! Not even some silly thunder strikes."
•this would make MC laugh, and Mammon would have an idea
•mammon spent the time telling MC about his wild gambling adventures, how he would escape the 'evil witches', etc.
•by the time  Mammon was done telling his stories it was really late...most likely crashed in Mammons bed.
•Levi just wanted to show off his new purchase
•a figurine from his new guilty pleasure "I Went To The Kitchen To Eat A Snack, And Ate A Prince Who Had Been Turned Into A Sticky Bun. Now I Was Kiddnaped By The Royal Family And Now Am The Crown Prince Of This Dimension and Betrothed To A Beautiful Princess Who Hates Me." [Omg I hated that]
•he sent MC a Text to come to his room ASAP
• MC came pretty quickly, to his surprise.
•The first roll of thunder, Levi just got annoyed
•"It was not suppose to rain today." He complained, as he too does not like thunder storms.
•He turns to MC to see them just crouched down on the floor, ears covered and eyes  closed tight.
•he seems to recall a conversation they had with MC when they were trying to make him feel better about being nervous.
•he felt a pain in his heart, MC told him of their fear of thunder, but never believed  them.
• MC was so brave and strong, how could someone like that be scared of some loud noise?
•first, this boy panics
•It was about the 3rd or 4th roll of thunder that he had an idea
•He took his head phones, connected them to his PC, and started to play his favorite anime.
•he carefully placed the headphones over MC's ears and set them on the bed.
•he took a blanket and covered MC, then sat down and watched the anime with MC.
•he couldn't hear the anime, but he had seen it so many times he had it memorized.
•If the thunder could still be heard, MC got closer to Levi, which he didn't hate but...ya know
•He was tutoring MC when it happened, in the main hall.
•basically going over any questions MC had about the subject.
•at the first strike of Thunder, MC lost all focus and just used a book to cover their head.
•it was just a sudden reaction MC had, they knew this was silly, but it felt safe to them.
•Satan took pause, not really sure what brought this on all of a sudden.
•at the second strike, MC was now under the coffee table.
•Satan was smart, so he connected the dots pretty quickly.
•surprised someone like MC would be scared of something so trivial, but understanding none the less.
•he wants to continue studying, but cannot seem to lure MC out from under the table.
•he gets an idea, grabbing the blankets and pillows nearby
•the boy makes a pillow fort around MC
•"Fine, if you won't study up here, then we can study down here..." he says crawling in beside MC.
•brings pillows and blankets under the fort.
•MC was both comfortable and distracted from the thunderstorm
•did not take long before they were listening to audio books and getting cozy
•they both fell asleep cuddled next to each other
•Mammon big jealous
•Fear is not an avenue that he often travels
•who could fear anything when an Adonis like him roamed the halls?
•MC stopped responding to his Devilchats, and he was feeling SUPER affectionate today.
•He would have skipped all the way down to MC's room and let himself in
•[all the brothers do this and it makes me heated 😤]
•"MC why are you ignoring me~♡" he would ask, but stop in his tracks when he saw MC in bed, completly covered by blankets and pillows.
•thinking this was a weird way of flirting, he sat on the bed and rubbed MC's back.
•when he felt MC was shaking, and hearing the fear in their tone made him think.
•was not until MC outright admitted they were scared of thunderstorms until Asmo [bless his heart] finally realized
•but, being the avatar of Lust, he had a better idea in mind.
•instead of MC being scared of thunderstorms, he would make them love thunderstorms
•[this is where it gets 🌟spicy🌟 so minors skip ahead]
•Asmo crawled under the blankets and cuddled with MC.
•if MC consented, then he would start kissing every part of MC's body
•which would lead to kissed on the mouth
•which would lead to making out
•which would lead to clothes being removed
•which would lead to....home run!
•Asmo would make it to whenever MC thought of thunderstorms, they would think of him
•which is...one way of handling a fear 🤣
•it would happen when Beelz and MC were outdone a dinner date
•they both wanted to try this new Devildom all you could eat buffet
•Beelz would be the last to notice the thunderstorm.
•however he would quickly notice the change in MC's whole demeanor.
•Suddenly MC was not hungry and stiffened up.
•Even if he was more focused on eating, he could sense MC was scared...of what he didn't know.
•he wanted to continue eating, but he also didn't want to leave MC vulnerable.
•he decided to go and sit right next to MC.
•He leaned in close to MC
•"What's wrong? Is there someone scaring you? Does the food taste bad?" He asked
• MC wouldn't outright admit it at first
•"do you want to leave?" He asked, getting ready to hop out of the booth
•MC knew how much Beelz was looking forward to this, so they finally admitted that they in fact didn't want to leave, they didn't like thunderstorms
•It took the poor guy a second, but then he smiled ear to ear.
•"Oh, for a second there I thought you were having a horrible time."
• without much thought he took off his jacket and threw it around MC.
•how did his jacket smell like cookies? It was so warm too
• Beelz would throw his free arm around MC, the other was grabbing food
•"Okay, I liked this one...try a bite of this" he would say, now feeding MC tenderly.
•nothing is worse than being scared on an empty stomach!
•MC might even eat too much and start to doze off while Beelz was still nibbling
•imma be honest, he is smarter than he let's on
•there have been past thunderstorms Nd he had noticed MC acting strange at those times
•one night while Mc and Belphie were stargazing, it started to thunderstorm.
•What a way to ruin the mood
•now MC was flustered.
•evennif he was comfy, he got up and helped MC up.
•he would have escorted MC to their special attic space.
• crawled into the bed, and making sure that MC was extra comfortable.
•more pillows, more blankets, more covering and tucking.
•MC only protested when they had become a blanket burrito
•"Belphie, what are you doing?" Mc finally asked chuckling
•"Making you into the ultimate cuddle buddy. It's going to be a long night" he stated, now wrapping his limbs around MC, the blanket burrito
•MC laughed "I can't move!"
•"oh...you wanted to move?" He would ask, only shifting MC to one side to face him now
•"come on, what if I get hot?" Mc asked chuckling
•Belphie looked into MC's eyes
•"then I will happily undress you" he stated cuddling as close as he could "now...do you want to watch some Demontube?"
•knowing this would help MC fall asleep faster
•MC fell asleep peaceful, operation distract and replace worked
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onlyfreds · 4 years
Second Star to the Right | F.W.
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Title: Second Star to the Right
Requested: Yes/No
Summary: On a certain night when Y/N can’t sleep. “Peter Pan” immediately comes to her rescue.
“Can’t sleep either?” A familiar voice asked as I looked up, going down the last step of the stair, my heart beating faster as I saw Fred.
I smiled as I sat down next to him on the couch, enjoying the heat of the common room fire. “Yeah. And it’s pretty obvious that you have the same problem.”
He nodded, “Yeah, I was just thinking about someone.”
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.” Fred said, causing me to pout.
He smiled as he looked towards the window, “Wanna go stargazing?”
I glanced over at the window, “Sure. Why not?”
A sparkle suddenly appeared in his eyes, a telltale sign that he had an idea.
“Wait here.” He said as he took off up to his dorm room.
My mind wandered to what his idea was, probably a last-minute prank. I have been in love with the redheaded twin for as long as I can remember. I know, it was just like any other story, falling in love with your best friend.
“You ready to go?” He asked, interrupting my thoughts, causing me to look up at him, my jaw dropping.
He was wearing a green shirt and pants of the same color, similar to the style of Peter Pan.
A thin band was around his head and a small green hat was on his ginger hair. He looked at me, a huge grin on his face, waiting for my reaction.
He was dressed as Peter Pan.
“I think it’s a bit too early for Halloween.” I joked.
He laughed, “It’s not actually for Halloween. It’s for you.” He said.
I was taken aback, “Me?”
A sheepish grin grew on his lips, “Yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck, “I just remember about the muggle fairytale you told me. The one about Peter Pan and Neverland.”
He glanced towards the window, “And to go to Neverland, you have to go to the second star to the right and straight on till morning.”
I looked at the sky, sure enough there was the second star to right, shining brightly in the night.
Fred held out his hand, “So, wanna go to Neverland?”
I smiled, taking it, “Take me away then, Freddie. Or should I say, Peter Pan?”
We ran through the corridors, our laughter echoing off the walls, hiding to avoid the teachers every now and then.
We arrived at the Black Lake still laughing like crazy, the wind blowing through our hair. We sat down on the grass, taking a quick break.
“So,” I said, leaning on my elbows, “how did you manage to acquire that costume?” I asked.
He blushed as he rubbed the back of his neck, “I’ve had help from Harry and Hermione.”
I smiled, looking up at the night sky, “But why, Peter Pan?”
Fred grinned, “I think that I kind of liked the idea of going to a place where no one would care how childish you act. The idea of having comfort in showing that no matter how old you are, you could still be a child at heart.” He turned to me, “Besides you were the one who told me that story.”
I laughed, “So, let’s say Hermione told you that story.”
He chuckled, “I would definitely forget about it within 2 seconds.”
Fred stood up, running a hand through his windswept hair, “Want a better view of the stars?”
I stood up, “Where? The astronomy tower?”
A smile lit up his handsome features as he shook his head, “There’s someplace with a much better view.”
I cocked my head to the side, “And where is that?”
He took my hand and pulled me further through the castle, “You’ll see.”
We arrived at the Quidditch pitch as Fred took out his broom from the shed.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
Fred looked at me, allowing me to spot the sparkle in his eyes that was present earlier.
“Giving you a better view of the stars.”
My eyes widened as I realized what he meant, “Are you mad?” I said.
He climbed onto the broom, holding out his hand to me, “Do you trust me?”
I raised an eyebrow at him while crossing my arms over my chest, “With my life? Yes. But, riding on your broom just to have a better view of the stars? Maybe not.”
He chuckled as I smiled, “But, I think I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt anyway.” I said as I took his hand and climbed on.
Without a warning, he then took off.
“Woah!” I yelped as I wrapped my arms around his torso to keep myself from falling off.
“Hold on, darling!” Fred said as he went higher.
“I don’t plan on letting go anyway.” I said as the wind blew through my hair.
A few minutes later, we came to a stop. And Fred was right, the view was much better here.
“It is better.” I said in awe.
“Stars are beautiful, but they may not take part in anything, they must just look on forever.” Fred suddenly said.
I looked at him in disbelief, blushing slightly as I realized that he was staring at me, “You remembered.” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.
He smiled, tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear, “Of course. I told you I remember everything you tell me.”
When the sun started to come up, we flew back down to the ground. Fred returned the broom to the shed.
“I think that they’re still one more thing we need to do while we’re still in Neverland.” He said with a sweet smile that made the butterflies in my stomach come alive.
“And what is that?” I asked.
He bowed down as he took my hand and kissed the back of it, “May I have this dance?”
I giggled then gave a little curtsy as I said, “It would be my pleasure.”
There was no music, but Fred spun me around in his arms as if there was music playing.
(Author’s POV)
To others, especially to the ones that don’t know the two of them that well, it would have been a weird sight. The two of them were dancing on the grass with no music. The ginger was wearing a green costume. The both of them laughing, making it obvious that they were having the time of their lives.
But to their close friends, who have watched them pining at each other for the past year, the friends who have watched them be oblivious to the obvious fact that they are in love with each other. It would have been a sight for sore eyes for their friends. Nobody can deny the fact that they were hopelessly in love.
To Fred, it would have been one of the happiest days of his life. The girl that he loved dearly was dancing in his arms. The girl that he loved was happy with the adventure that they just had. He was ecstatic because he could see the smile on Y/N’s face. She was the girl who owned his heart, he couldn’t deny that she had him wrapped around her finger, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.
To Y/N, the night that she had with Fred felt like a dream. It was a dream that she never wanted to wake up from. It was a dream that she wanted to live in forever. She was at her happiest when she was with him. She never needed to pretend that she was someone else whenever she was with Fred. If there was one person in the world she can’t live without, it was Fred.
Ask anyone in Hogwarts, even the Professors, no one will deny that Fred Weasley and Y/N L/N were in love with each other,
(Reader’s POV)
Fred spun me around one last time, before we sat down on the grass.
“What are you thinking about?” I asked, seeing the look on his face.
He looked at me, coming out of his trance, “Do you remember when I told you that the reason I couldn’t sleep was because I was thinking about someone?”
I nodded, “Yeah, why?”
“Because that someone is you.” He said, leaning back on his elbows.
I followed suit, matching his position, “Me?”
He looked down, the smile evident on his face, “Yeah, I think about you all the time. You’re so gorgeous, you’re so smart, amazing, brilliant, kind, sweet, caring, loving. You laugh at my puns and my stupid jokes. You’re always there when I need a shoulder to cry on. You know and understand the real me. It’s like you’re my Neverland, you’re my Peter Pan. You don’t care how childish I act. And I find refuge in you.” He looked up, his chocolate brown eyes meeting mine, “I don’t think I can keep it a secret anymore. But I love you Y/N. More as a friend, I love you.”
I was speechless, I couldn’t believe what I heard, Fred Weasley, my best friend, the boy I had been head over heels in love with ever since I could remember shares the same feelings as me.
“Look,” He said, “I understand if you don’t-“
I leaned forward and crashed my lips with his, interrupting whatever he was going to say. He placed one hand on my cheek as the other went promptly to my waist. He started kissing me as if I was oxygen, as if his life depended on it. Our lips moved together, finally having the moment we always longed for.
We pulled away minutes later, lungs demanding oxygen.
“I love you too Freddie.” I said looking up at him, a pinkish tint painting his cheeks, “I always have.”
A few minutes of staying in comfortable silence being cuddled up by Fred’s side, resting my head on his chest.
“Peter Pan was right.” I suddenly said.
Fred raised an eyebrow, “About what?”
“Dreams do come true, if only we wish hard enough.”
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
Mako and 47
so my 47 is bonfire by childish gambino and yeah i don’t feel very comfortable with this so i’m using number 48 if that’s alright
(can we be friends?) - mako x reader
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pairing: mako x reader
wc: 1.2k
warning: none :)
taglist: @missmorosis @biqherosix @draqondance
could you be my best friend?
lets hang out every weekend
“makkkoooooo.” you dragged out your friends name as you stepped into the pro bending gym, minutes after the sun had risen. on any other day of the week, your brother would be accompanying you to his team’s practice but it was sunday so they had the day off.
you quickly scanned the room and pouted slightly when you realised the fire bender was still up in the loft of the arena.
“in the last month you’ve only been late once, proud of you for keeping your streak up.” you spun around a smile on your face as soon as you heard his voice and were met with your best friend.
“well someone’s got to be here on time, you’re a minute late.” you teased as you embraced your friend, giving him a little extra squeeze when he wrapped his arms around you.
“we don’t even have a set time y/n, we literally said right when the sun rises.” he laughed while he placed his on your shoulder in order to return the squeeze. you could feel his chest shake with the laughter making you smile a little.
“yeah well you were still late for our sunday breakfast, and you live in this damn arena!” you exclaimed as you both separated. you looked up at him with a teasing sign and he simply rolled his eyes.
“come on, i’m starving.” he grabbed your hand and just like you did every weekend, you went down to the local fire nation bakery to get breakfast and watch republic city wake up.
we’re driving every night
stare at people that we like
you waited outside the cactus juice bar for mako to finally come out. he insisted on going to the bathroom before you two went out for your weekly night drive around republic city on your motorcycle. you stared at the sato mobiles pass in front of you, the stretch between each of them becoming bigger and bigger as everyone went home for the night.
“okay! i’m here.” you were broken out of your trance as mako closed the door to the popular bar behind him, wrapping his signature red scarf around him.
“took you long enough.” you teased. unbeknownst to you, the firebender had taken extra time to fix his hair and eyebrows to try to impress you, he did it every week when you’d spend the day together. he would never express his feelings for you in order to not only preserve your friendship but his friendship with your older brother, hasook, who just happened to be his teammate.
he rolled his eyes and gave you a small punch in the shoulder, unaware of how to react to that which just made you laugh at how emotionally dumb your friend was.
“im driving.” he exclaimed as you started to sit in the front of your motorcycle. you rose an eyebrow, knowing that he’d see it thanks to the street lamps providing some sort of light in the night streets.
“hasook will kill me if he finds out but show me what you got big boy.” you excitedly said. he’d driven it once a couple of months ago when you first started your sunday tradition but as soon as your brother found out, he gave you an entire lecture as to why only you should drive it and that mako would probably crash it, oh well.
you threw him the extra helmet before clipping yours on. he mirrored you then took his place in the front as you scooted backwards to give him space. while he gripped the handles tightly, you unconsciously had a tight grip around his own waist.
before starting the engine he noticed your grip around his waist and wondered why it was so tight, were you really that scared of his driving
“you know you don’t have to suffocate me.” he joked, slightly turning his head back to see a small blush dust your cheeks as you mumbled an apology and loosened your embrace. he immediately regretted saying that as he realised that he kind of liked your tight embrace as it meant that you were closer to him.
the sheer embarrassment of that moment made you want to cuddle your head into his back but your helmet prevented you from doing so. you closed your eyes as he started the engine and drove off.
within minutes you felt a serene sensation overcome you, the wind of the night air was cool on your skin and was an incredible and relaxation sensation.
mako shot a glance over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of the state you were in and his heart felt warm. god did he wish he knew how to tell you how beautiful you were and how much he loved spending time with you. he would give everything up if it meant that he could look at you, feeling completely free, forever.
could you be my best friend?
ill tell you all my secrets
“can i tell you something?” you asked, tearing your gaze away from the stars and turning your full body to face him.
he kept his eyes on the sky but bummed as a way to let you know he was listening. his heart rate picked up slightly at the question, unsure of where the conversation would lead.
“sometimes i wish hasook would just, i don’t know, stop being so protective of me.” you confessed, a sigh leaving your lips at the thought of your brother. you continued your rant. “like, first of all, the story with the motorcycle. it’s mine and i trust you to drive, why does he get to dictate who drives it. he’s also said he didn’t fully appreciate our weekly meet-ups, as if it had anything to with him! you’re my best friend, i get to do whatever i want with you and he shouldn’t get a say!”
your voice had risen higher then you’d like to. with a cringe, you rolled back onto your back to mirror mako looking at the stars. mako contemplated what to answer, he didn’t want to seem against you but he understood where your brother came from. he did have to admit that the best friend part made his heart warm but also made it hurt, he’d never be more than a friend in your eyes.
“it’s fine, you don’t have to answer, i just needed to get it off my chest.” you finally said after silence had fallen between the two of you, slightly embarrassed at your stupid feelings.
“no, no it’s okay.” mako reassured, turning his head to admire your side profile as you looked at the stars.
“i understand where your brother is coming from though, i feel the same way about bolin. if anything would happen to him, i just don’t know what i would do.” it was now his turn to confess, his eyes searching for a sign of your understanding.
you turned to face him once again and met his eyes as a smile crept up on your face.
“it’s funny because i think it’s cute how protective you are of bo, but detest hasook for acting that way.” you giggled, a sound that made mako grin from ear to ear.
god was he head over heels for you. you both would end your time together by riding out of the city and find some grass to stargaze on. some times, the stargazing was silent and simply content with enjoying each other’s presence, other times, you both shared your secrets and whatever was on your mind. he wished he could tell you this secret that he held so close to his heart.
one day he would, one day he’d be more than your best friend, that’s what he liked to tell himself.
could you be my best friend? can we be friends?
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supercalvin · 4 years
Hey! Hope ur well and thriving, if not that’s alright too, I just hope ur taking care of yourself in any case! I have a prompt I’ve thinking about for a bit I wanted to submit because truthfully I *can’t stop* thinking about it lol. Anyway I was imaging an 80’s au, Merlin and Arthur meet in Italy or like Greece and Merlin is just a local because his dad lives there and Arthur is visiting maybe for the summer (because he’s rich duh) and they have a lovely summer romance 😌
I want you to know that I thought of Mamma Mia before anything else and I will stand by that. Also, this was an excuse to put Arthur in dolphin shorts and a crop top because the 80s just be like that.
(Also thanks to @beacuzz-i-can for your help, you’re brilliant!)
Arthur had been allowed this one summer. After graduating, his father had allowed Arthur three months of freedom before he would sell his soul to Pendragon Corp. (His father had likely phrased it differently, but that was what Arthur heard.) So Arthur decided to pack up a suitcase and travel Europe for a few months. As for Uther, he didn’t seem to care what his son did, as long as Arthur sent off a postcard back periodically.
But unbeknownst to Uther, Arthur had picked up a dozen postcards on his train ride across Europe. Instead of going to Paris, West Berlin, or Barcelona like he had told his Dad, Arthur was headed to Greece.  Specifically a small island that most people didn’t know of and Arthur still couldn’t pronounce.
There, Arthur was going to find the beach cottage where his mother had spent most of her summers. Arthur hadn’t even known of its existence until he was eighteen. But when Arthur had mentioned visiting, Uther had practically burst a blood vessel. So he was going to send back false postcards and spend three months doing whatever he wanted, before he had to button-up and follow orders.
It took a few nauseating ferry rides and one dodgy boat to get him to the island.
As soon as he arrived, it was clear he was in over his head. The place was so small that everyone immediately spotted him as an outsider and jumped on him. When he explained in broken Greek why he was there, a group of locals immediately led him down the road, where Arthur found the cottage. It was crumbling and in horrible shape, but in Arthur’s eyes it was glorious. In his mind he could see it at it’s peak: sleek white stucco walls, balconies with mosaic floors, and rock steps leading to a rocky shore.
Arthur spent most of his first week there cleaning out the cottage and buying cheap furniture at a local thrift shop. The cottage became a funny little eclectic space. Arthur was slowly falling in love with it.
Arthur was working on fixing a door (he wasn’t anywhere near to a handyman, but he liked working with his hands and he was fairly proud of how well he had done so far), when he was interrupted.
Arthur startled. He wasn’t exactly expecting guests. He was covered in sweat and dirt. He was in his dolphin shorts and a t-shirt he had cut at the waist. He wiped his brow and looked up to find a skinny young man watching at him.
“You must be Arthur!”
Arthur felt his jaw drop, “You speak English?”
The man grinned and held out his hand, “I’m Merlin. My mum’s Welsh, but I live here with my Dad. I heard there was a mysterious Englishman cleaning up this old cottage and had to come see it for myself.”
The man was smiling ear-to-ear. He was in neon pink shorts and a geometric print shirt that was popped open to reveal a hair-speckled chest. Arthur quickly lifted his eyes.
Arthur took his hand, “Arthur Pendragon. This was my mum’s cottage.”
“Ygraine,” Merlin said as it was normal for a stranger to say his mum’s name. “Everyone loved her. Well, I mean so I’ve heard.”
Arthur nodded, a little too overwhelmed to answer. Merlin didn’t seem to mind and continued to chatter. He tossed Arthur a soda that he pulled from his bag and then offered to show him around the island.
That was only the seventh day of Arthur’s visit and Arthur didn’t think he spent another day alone. Every single day Merlin would take him somewhere (the sandstone cliffs, the caves beyond the beach, and the best places to stargaze) or Merlin would give a helping hand as Arthur repaired the cottage (he was horribly clumsy and Arthur didn’t trust him five feet away from a hammer, but he made great company.)
Everyone on the island was a bit weird, but Arthur couldn’t tell if that was just because he was an outsider and he didn’t speak the language, or if he was just being judgment. One night, Arthur had mentioned it, after having shared a large bottle of wine between them, and Merlin had laughed and told him cryptically, ‘People of the sea don’t trust easily. But don’t worry, you’re safe with us.’
Arthur had brushed it off as drunken nonsense.
If only he had thought more about it. When August rolled around, Arthur started to become acutely aware that his time was coming to an end. He only had two more postcards on his desk (Barcelona and Madrid). He took in the room: the smell of sea salt, the cool air, and cluttered furniture highlighted by a orange sunset. On the sofa, Merlin dozed with his head pillowed on his own hands, wrapped up in Arthur’s wool sweater. Arthur’s heart tugged in his chest.
This summer was supposed to be about doing what he wanted before it was all taken away from him. Arthur’s heart hammered in his chest as he walked forward to kneel next to the sofa. Merlin shifted in his sleep, nuzzling into the wool.
Arthur ran a hand over Merlin’s brow. “It’s getting late.”
Merlin mumbled, “Don’t wan’ ‘o go.”
Arthur couldn’t resist, so he pressed a kiss to Merlin’s brow, “Your Dad would worry I’d stolen you like I was Hades. He already doesn’t like me.”
Merlin’s eyes flicked open suddenly and Arthur heard his breath catch. Arthur held his breath, unsure what to expect. Merlin didn’t seem opposed to such affection from a man, but it was so, so hard to tell.
Luckily, Arthur didn’t have to wait long, Merlin leaned up on his elbow and gave a sloppy crooked kiss to Arthur’s lips, which he eagerly returned.
Later, they laid in bed with the windows open to the ocean breeze, the sheer curtains blowing across them. Arthur ran his fingers over Merlin’s spine, where Merlin had a simple trident tattoo. Arthur had been surprised by it, but hadn’t said anything, too wrapped up in getting his hands on Merlin.
Now he was lying there, trying not to think about how many days he had left (18), or how right it felt to have Merlin by his side (Arthur was fairly sure he was desperately in love already) or how the cottage felt like home (far more than Uther’s manor ever did).
Arthur startled as he hadn’t realized Merlin was awake.
“Yeah?” he whispered, pressing a kiss to Merlin’s hair.
Merlin’s fingers traced over Arthur’s chest nervously.
“What is it?”
“You know how you said the folks here are kind of strange?”
Arthur nodded, not sure where this was going.
Merlin sighed and lifted himself so that he was hovering over Arthur. Merlin stared down, evaluating Arthur for a long time. Arthur let him, not sure how he was meant to pass this test. Arthur lifted his hand and cupped Merlin’s jaw, tucking his fingers behind Merlin’s ear.
Merlin smiled and leaned down for a kiss. “It’s complicated.”
“I can deal with complicated.”
Merlin laughed, as if skeptical. “Everyone on this island has this birthmark,” Merlin gestured to his back, and Arthur realized the marking wasn’t nearly dark enough to be a tattoo. It was a dark brown, rather than the green-black of ink. “It’s a mark of nereid. Do you know what that is?”
“Like Achilles’ mother? In the myths?”
Merlin nodded, “We protect the sea and the people who travel on it…I know it sounds mad…”
Arthur’s face must have shown his confusion because Merlin sighed and sat up in bed. Arthur followed, reaching out to stop Merlin from running away (he didn’t think he could bear it). Instead of leaving, Merlin reached out his hand to the glass of water sitting on the bedside table. With a flick of his wrist, the water formed into a glob and rose in the air.
Arthur blinked at it and then at Merlin.
“You’re a mermaid.”
Merlin looked offended. “Nereid!”
Arthur smiled, “Merman?”
Merlin splashed the water onto Arthur and so it was only right that Arthur tackled him back into the bed, their laughter filling the entire cottage.
(Later Arthur would send off one last postcard, telling his father to go shove it and that if he wanted to speak to him, he was starting a bed and breakfast on a small Greek Island with his new boyfriend.)
106 notes · View notes
Cloudwalker Series Part 18
You know the meme where the cat is surrounded by knives with a smug look on their face? Can’t help but wonder if that’s how I’m gonna end up by the end of this. Starts off with really cute fluff and then plummets down into angsty whumpy fun times.
Warnings: Contains injuries such as claw marks and bites, blood, characters having panic attacks, big scars from amputations, and a bit of nudity.
Master-list Here
Approx WC: 3400 (I pondered splitting this one in half but I decided nah)
The time was passing by faster than Blue wanted it to, but he was also enjoying himself. For the first time in a long time, he felt like a cloudwalker again. He liked being able to play and roll around with Ihuka, to spend time with Dyan relaxing and enjoy each other's company in the early mornings while Ihuka was still asleep. Blue liked talking to him, he liked how he listened and didn’t interrupt and just... always managed to say the right thing. He wished he didn’t have to go.
Since lifting him and Dyan up in the air, Avizon had been confined to his bed while Orrien had looked after him and treated his fever. Blue felt guilty about it, he should have known that Avizon would be drained. Orrien had swatted those concerns of his away, insisting it wasn’t his fault. Avizon had offered to do it, and had done it. 
It seemed like a mild enough illness, or at least, Orrien had told them not to worry. He was asleep most of the time, just getting it out of his system by resting. It had meant the birds had been free to do whatever they wanted, and that had been to stay with Blue.
Blue had struggled to get the image of Avizon out of his mind. He’d looked so sick and pale and his eyes were dark and dull. Blue had brought him soup a few times and Avizon had looked awful. His breathing had been raspy, but he’d managed to force himself up, to mumble a thanks and eat maybe a quarter of the bowl. but he was healing more and more. Avizon scared him more than he wanted to admit. He’d really hurt Ihuka, and he couldn’t help but fear making a wrong move, even if Orrien reassured him that Avizon had changed and certainly wouldn’t hurt him.
But around Dyan, he felt safe… he didn’t understand why. It wasn’t like Dyan could protect him. Perhaps it was because they’d had similar experiences- whatever it was, it was good. He was glad he had friends like Dyan and Ihuka now. The days weren’t so lonely and long...
The night before, the three of them had climbed onto the roof to stargaze. It was an activity Blue did more than he liked to admit, dreaming about the days when he’s been able to fly up there to try to meet them. He’d wanted to share it with them. Dyan had really loved it up there, and the three had eaten liquorice together. Blue had given Ihuka and Dyan some fruit too. Ihuka had been very confused by the taste and the texture, but after a few confused bites, he’d grown to enjoy it. Nectarines were Blue’s favourite fruit that Orrien was able to get for him. Dyan wasn’t quite so horrified by the idea of eating the fruit, but he’d been awkward with eating it, trying to catch all the juice that dripped down his arms.
Blue smiled to himself as he lay in bed between the two of them as the sun peeked through the window. They’d all stayed up late, and Dyan had ended up falling asleep against Blue’s shoulder on the roof, holding his hand as a reassurance. He’d been afraid of getting caught or falling off. But Blue had managed to comfort him. 
They had indeed been caught, not that they were in trouble. Dyan had stayed asleep, a good sign as to how relaxed he had become. Orrien had managed to carefully carry him downstairs and back to bed. Blue and Ihuka had snuggled up to him and they’d fallen asleep.
But now he was a little late for caring for the horses, so he couldn’t savour the peace. He crept out of bed, though unsuccessfully. Dyan woke up, opening one eye. “Huh… when did I...”
“Orrien carried you down, you fell asleep,” Blue explained, shoving on his big boots. He rubbed his eyes and yawned, “You wanna come?” Dyan nodded quickly and made his way out of the mess of blankets and wings. He’d only just gotten out of the bed when the door opened to reveal Orrien.
“I have a spot of news. Avizon’s fever has broken. He intends to go home tomorrow.” Blue’s face fell. “Alright...”
Orrien ruffled his hair and smiled softly. “Don’t be glum, lad. So today, I want you to all go and have fun. Chores are cancelled today.” What? No, he couldn’t let Orrien do everything on his own, he was old. “But-” “I can manage, Blue, and besides, I want Avizon to prove he’s as healed as he says he is. It’s his turn.”
Blue sighed and let his head drop for a moment, “If you’re sure, thank you… I was wondering if we could go to the lake today?” “Hmm, it’s a little further out than I’d like you to be, but I can go with you and forage.” Blue nodded, “Thank you. I would like that.”
Orrien nodded. “Well then, it seems you’d best try to wake Ihuka up.”
Orrien left and Blue and Dyan looked at each other. Dyan grinned shyly and picked up a pillow, before hitting Ihuka on his buttocks. Hard enough to feel it, but not enough to startle him and scare him. Ihuka grumbled and reached for it, throwing it back at Dyan. It managed to hit him in the face with a soft oof, so Dyan hit him again, a little harder and in the back.
“Wake up, wake up! We can go and play in the lake today!” Dyan cheeped, hitting him again and again with the soft pillow until he finally turned onto his back, taking care not to pluck out any feathers. Dyan tossed the pillow onto him, leaving it to just lie on his face. “How can you be so awake?...” Ihuka groaned. He yawned and sat up.
The three of them got ready quickly, and they heard Orrien and Avizon outside.
“Are you trying to rip my stitches?” “You’re going to manage that without my help, m’boy,” Orrien said. “My point is you’re not healed enough. What are you so determined to get back for?” "There are things that need guarding in the castle and I don't want some maniac getting their hands on them. Besides, I feel a lot safer in a castle than a little farm."
“Didn’t I teach you feel safe within yourself and abilities, not a place?” “Well, yes, but that doesn’t mean a castle isn’t more fortified than a farmhouse.” Orrien studied him for a moment. “You’re dependent on it… You haven’t left for so long… even as the most powerful man.”
Avizon sighed and shook his head, but then he looked up at the window and spotted the three of them. Blue and Dyan tried to hide, but Ihuka stayed standing, unaware the others had moved. Avizon shook his head and smiled.
They made their way downstairs once they were all ready and once Orrien was ready, they set off. Avizon was happier staying at the house, finishing tending to the animals and then he could sit and rest for the rest of the day.
Blue kept close to Orrien as they walked, keeping his head constantly moving, looking for danger, for the threat of men. “You’re alright, Blue,” Orrien said softly. “You’re safe and you’re going to have a fun day, remember? You can spend a few hours by the lake and play.”
Blue nodded slowly and took a deep breath to calm himself. “Yes… i.it’s going to be fun,” Blue said softly. “I’m safe… I’m safe.” Dyan inched closer to him and offered him a hand to hold. Blue took it with a shy smile. Orrien raised an eyebrow before shrugging and smiling. “Good lad. Here we are anyway.”
They made it to the lake and Orrien set down a basket full of fruit and meats and then a towel for them to share. “Remember, Blue,” Orrien said gently. “If anything happens, which I doubt, but if. Pretend to be a human. It’s awful, but pretend that you own them, that you’re minding them for me. It will keep you safe.”
Blue nodded silently.
Orrien smiled, ruffled his hair, and left them to play. Ihuka went straight into the water and splashed around, putting his head half under and blowing bubbles, and spending the time to wash his feathers. Dyan was hesitant.
“What’s wrong?” Blue asked him gently “T.the water… I’ve… I’ve never...” Blue’s face fell. “You’ve never been in real water- like outside water?” Dyan lowered his head. “I’m sorry. I’ve never even seen something like this before... I didn’t think it’d be scary, but...”
Blue took off his boots and then reached for his shirt but paused. He didn’t want all his clothes to get soaked, but he was also self-conscious. He felt the joints twitching in his back, joints that had once served the purpose of carrying his wings. His scars from where he’d had his wings removed weren’t clean cuts, and they’d healed badly. He hadn’t planned on really going in the water, but if Dyan had never even gotten to see something like this, well, he had to help him. He’d lived and lost, but Dyan had never gotten to experience it. He took off his shirt and took a deep breath. Dyan understood scars, he wasn’t afraid to show him. He took his pants off but left his undergarments on.
Blue held out his hand. “Trust me.”
Dyan bit his lip but nodded. Blue waited until he’d taken off most of his clothes and then Dyan took his hand. They waded forward together, but Dyan paused before his feet touched the water. “Just one little step,” Blue said softly.
Dyan closed his eyes tight and jumped, making Blue’s legs cold and wet. “Well, that wasn’t little, but you did it!” Blue cheeped. “It’s cold!“ he shrieked with a giggle.
He watched as Dyan stood fascinated for a moment, before he started to move around, to kick his legs out. He let out a happy trill noise and waded deeper, up to his hips. He splashed and giggled and Blue joined him, letting himself be silly for a little while.
Ihuka showed Dyan how to bathe his wings in the water, and Dyan seemed to really enjoy it.  They played and had contests to see who could throw the pebbles the furthest, and Blue went for a swim, but Dyan and Ihuka were too afraid to follow with the weight of their wings.
Blue guessed over an hour had passed, but he wouldn’t be surprised if it had been longer. He was getting cold, so he put his shirt back on and his boots after struggling to get all the sand and gravel off his feet. They all sat by the lake and ate, snuggling together under blankets to warm up.
Life was good, and it was better by Dyan, but then Blue paused, hearing something. Ihuka froze too. Blue heard it again, the soft whoosh. That was someone flying, and true enough, when he looked up, he saw a white winged cloudwalker.
And they were flying right towards him, with their teeth bared and claws ready. 
Ihuka shrieked out a warning and Blue tried to get up to run, to move, but the cloudwalker was fast. They tumbled backwards with the massive weight slamming into him. Blue cried out, feeling claws dig into his shoulder and skin tear. Instincts made him fight, to try to claw and bite like he used to but he had no nails, and he had no fangs. He was-
“Human!” the cloudwalker hissed. It snapped at his throat and Blue barely managed to push him to the side, saving his throat, but he bit his shoulder. Blue screamed but he didn’t get the time to do anything else. Ihuka dived at the cloudwalker, but he clawed at Ihuka’s chest, knocking him back as he did so just long enough to drag Blue into the air. Blue let out a mercy squeak.
Dyan screeched and leapt up, flapping his wings hard, just getting high enough to grab Blue’s leg, to be able to reach the other cloudwalker and actually started to fight him in midair. Biting, scratching, snarling, the noise was awful and brought the panic to spike in Blue’s chest, but Dyan’s midair fight forced the cloudwalker to let go of Blue.
Blue clamped his eyes shut, bracing for hitting the hard stone ground, but he was met by air. He dared to open his eyes and saw Orrien at the treeline, his hand outstretched. He looked over to see Dyan had also been caught from falling, covered in blood and whimpering. The cloudwalker screeched at the two of them. “Stupids!” He shouted. “He’s human! You’re prisoners! Fight! Flee!”
“He’s one of us!” Ihuka roared. “Leave him alone!”
The cloudwalker landed on the ground, fluffing up his feathers with his teeth bared, oh so ready to fight. Ihuka did the same and Dyan dragged himself up despite the pain he was in and followed suit, and he was a lot bigger. They were both in between Blue and the new cloudwalker, snapping and snarling, hurling threats back and forth. But Blue didn’t care. He had to go. He knew there was a little cave close by, just on the side of the cliff behind them. He couldn’t stay here.
As soon as Orrien put him on the ground he sprinted off, doing the only thing he was good for now, and that was hiding, letting others fight his battles for him because he was powerless. Human. Blood streamed down his body from his wounds. He heard the squawking and squealing of a small fight but then he heard flapping again and squeaked, “let me go! They took my wings, please! They took my wings!”
“You speak?!” But Blue didn’t answer, he kept running, rushing into the little nook, not caring how he hit his body on the rocks and left bruises. He wedged himself in the little gap and struggled to not sob. He hoped this was enough to keep him safe. He didn’t want to fight, he didn’t want to bleed and hurt any more. Not anymore. He’d suffered enough for a lifetime.
The cloudwalker stopped right beside the opening of the cave and Blue whined. He kicked off one of his boots and threw it at the cloudwalker who growled. He stared at his foot for a little while. “I couldn’t stop them,” Blue whispered, “The other humans… they took everything… Please just go, leave me alone. I’m sorry- f.for whatever I’ve done I’m sorry!”
“You should be dead, ghost. How are you alive?”
Blue curled up, but after a few short moments, the others came running up to him, finally catching up. The cloudwalker hissed at them and flew up into the air and disappeared from sight. Blue could only shudder and take in just how many scratches he had as well as the bites. He knew cloudwalkers in this area had venom which could paralyse their prey. He was lucky the venom didn’t seem to be working very well, but he still felt awful from it, sluggish, and tired, but he could move.
The others were here now. Blue whimpered, but he wouldn’t move. He was scared, it was just more proof that he wasn’t a cloudwalker anymore, that neither side wanted him. He cried into his knees and curled up tight.
“Blue?” Orrien called gently. “It’s safe, lad. He’s gone. Are you hurt?”
Blue couldn’t calm down, couldn’t stop crying. Orrien tried to inch his way forward, but Blue whimpered and that was Orrien’s queue to stop. “Blue? Oh, lad, shhhhhh. It’s okay. You’re safe now… You’re bleeding, can I come and see them?”
“I just want to be happy,” Blue cried. “Why can’t I be happy?! What did I do wrong? W.what did...” his sobs got too strong and he couldn’t find his words. He choked on his tears. He hit the ground beneath him, screaming, groaning, crying uncontrollably.
“It’s not like that Blue… Come on, lad, please let me get to you. Let me take away the pain.”
But he just couldn’t stop crying. He shook his head and looked up in the sky. Blue had heard scary stories before about ghosts and monsters, stories where characters had known the things were out there. He knew how they felt, and he was terrified of that cloudwalker coming back, just like one of those monsters.
Dyan inched closer on all fours, carrying a deep cut on his shoulder and dozens of other injuries, but he didn’t seem to care. “Blue… do you trust me?” he asked quietly. “It’s not you that I don’t trust. I.It’s out there… No one wants me, everyone just wants to hurt me.”
“I don’t, Ihuka doesn’t, Orrien doesn’t,” Dyan said. “We want to protect you. You’re not alone.”
Blue was reluctant to look up at him, his eyes were full of tears and his lip trembled.
Orrien decided to step back, to give Dyan a chance to speak to him. Blue didn’t want to leave that little space, he was safe, he was secure, he was away from the pain.
Dyan reached forward, only with his hand. It was a relief on his mind when Dyan spoke the human language. The thought stung. He was forgetting his own language... “Can you hold my hand?” Dyan asked.
Blue swallowed hard but managed to do that. His hand was shaking so badly. He sat like that for a few moments, holding onto Dyan’s hand like it was a lifeline. “Will you trust me? We will all keep you safe and I promise that they’ve gone,” Dyan said.
Blue was hesitant, but when Dyan took a step back, Blue couldn’t let go of his hand. He didn’t want to, so he had to move a little further forward. He stared up at the sky, waiting for something to jump on him, but nothing did. The skies were bright and sunny just as they were before.
“Trust me,” Dyan whispered, taking another step back. Blue had the choice to let go, he could have shied away and hidden back inside, but Dyan’s expression was so calm and reassuring. It shouldn’t have been. He held on tight to Dyan’s hand, it was an anchor point and he didn’t want to let it go. Guilt chewed at him, knowing that Dyan was hurt, he was bleeding, he’d been attacked and here he was trying to help him out of his little cave of safety. He wasn’t getting the help because he was so determined to help him.
Another step, then Blue stopped, he was right at the edge of the mouth. Any further and he’d be in the open. Ihuka put his wing over the cave, like an extended roof. Orrien gave him gentle praise. A deep breath, and after a gentle squeeze from Dyan, he was finally out.
He was out, but now he was shaking, and he’d frozen up, still clinging to Dyan’s hand. Dyan came closer to him, letting him wrap his arms around him. Dyan used his wings to shield him from view. Blue let out a weak sob and fell to his knees.
“Stay here, I’ll be back in the blink of an eye,” Orrien said.
He wasn’t exaggerating. He put a hand on Ihuka’s shoulder and teleported away. Blue whimpered, but no sooner had he finished the noise, Orrien was back.
“Now you two, let’s get you home.” He held out a hand, and Blue took it with a gulp while he held onto Dyan.
When he opened his eyes again, he was back at the house, back in his room. He sobbed. He’d ended today so badly. He’d been so happy and now he was a trembling mess.
Orrien hushed him gently and eased both Dyan and Blue into sitting on the bed. Orrien managed to cup Blue’s cheek without him shying away.
“It’s alright, lad. That was a hard thing you had to go through… I’m going to heal your wounds, some of these are too deep to leave. You too Dyan, that was a nasty little scrap you got into.”
Dyan nodded silently, still holding Blue’s hand. Blue couldn’t help but lean against him. He was getting tired, everything was slowing down, fading off into nothing. Maybe it was the venom, maybe his feelings were just too strong, or it was blood loss, he didn’t know. He didn’t care. He had Dyan next to him, that’s all he needed for now.
“Blue? Eyes open, lad. Blue- Blue!”
But Blue was already asleep.
Sorry not sorry I had to hurt the boi.
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tackyink · 3 years
Last and longest, 1600 words. Manga spoilers.
The lack of footsteps at night is disconcerting.
Jujutsu High isn’t that different from her former residence, in the sense of being nested in a forest and built in a traditional style. Sleeping on a bed instead of a futon took some time to get used to, but it was fine. The sounds coming from outside are just what she’s used to — the odd night bird, the crickets and cicadas taking turns to compose a strident symphony that, she learned a few years prior, does bother many city people — and would effortlessly lull her to sleep was it not for the lack of percussion from inside.
The Tatsumi manor is a hub of activity day and night, a natural consequence of being an extense family with servants. It is the latter who mainly move at night, while the family members are asleep, either finishing their work for the day or getting an early start for the next. Shiho didn’t pay them any mind when she moved to that residence, but as she grew up she learned to distinguish the regular footsteps of the staff from the occasional interruptions in their routine. Once a pattern broke, it meant that something was happening in the house, and if that was the case, it was best to stay still and listen until the storm blew over. Chiaki, on occasion, hid in Shiho’s room at night, and Shiho played along if Chiaki was questioned about it. Their story was that Shiho had nightmares and was scared of sleeping alone, and since Chiaki’s job was to be at her beck and call day and night, they didn’t think anything of it.
Shiho’s used to waking up at once when a floorboard creaks too close to her room, but having no noise at all? It is unnatural, and the empty space where all the noise should be doesn’t feel any better than the constant, familiar state of vigilance.
If she’s lucky, she’s so tired that the lights turn off the moment her head hits the pillow. But excluding the days when she’s sent to get field experience, the moments of absolute exhaustion are less and less frequent the more her physical condition strengthens and she doesn’t have to exert herself so much to complete her daily tasks.
It’s the end of the second semester and she’s staring at the ceiling of her room for the second night in a row. Suguru expressed concern that morning when he saw her sleepy face, which was very sweet of him, but then the others poked fun at how gross she looked and nobody paid her any mind anymore. She isn’t looking forward to running on three hours of sleep again, but she hopes that at least that means that she’s going to sleep like a rock the next day. It often works like that.
She’s lost count of how many times she’s turned in her bed when something hits the deck outside and she jumps out of her skin because she didn’t hear anything approaching.
She waits, ear trained outside, when the same thing happens. Confused, and perhaps the slightest bit scared, she leaves her bed to check through the curtains. It takes her a while to notice the two small pebbles sitting on the deck. Long enough, in fact, that another one collides with it before she can open the glass door and look at the direction from which it came.
Four empty rooms down the row, Gojo Satoru is lying on the floor with half his body inside his room and half on the deck, undoubtedly the sniper Shiho was looking for, and she replies to his hostile advances with the universal arm gesture for what are you doing? 
“Can’t sleep,” he says.
She blinks very slowly. She’s probably grimacing, but people shouldn’t be required to be self-aware in the wee hours of the night. Morning? So she thinks what the hell, backs into her room to get a jacket, and she walks the length of the deck towards him.
It is so tempting to step on his face that she gives in.
“You’re so mean.” He’s grinning when she removes the foot from his face because, evidently, she hasn’t been able to touch him.
“Couldn’t resist,” she says, or at least tries to when a huge yawn makes its way out at the same time. He chuckles. “Trying to wake up people while they sleep is mean too.”
“You weren’t sleeping, though.”
Her eyes narrow. “Are you spying on me?”
“Not intentionally. All the rooms between yours and mine are empty. I see your cursed energy.”
“You could look at Suguru’s.” Who is adjacent to him on the other side.
He pouts. “But he’s asleep.”
This time he moves to push her away when her feet starts to descend on his face again.
Satisfied with that, Shiho sits cross legged next to him. “Why are you here?”
“The Six Eyes make it hard to sleep.”
Oh. That made a lot of sense. “That’s shitty.”
He laughs good naturedly, but there’s a tired edge to it. “What’s your deal?”
“Not enough noise.”
“Yeah. I guess I’m not used to it yet.”
“I didn’t take the Tatsumi manor for a lively place. Every time I’ve met the head of your family he looked like was trying to dislodge a pole from his ass and failing.”
Her mouth twists at the memory of the man. “He’s not trying, I assure you.”
“Not fond of him?”
He takes her lack of response as a valid answer, though it isn’t as though she didn’t want to talk. She just didn’t know how to word what she needed to say.
“Not fond of him.”
She settles on what she thinks is a good enough response to an audience who will appreciate it. “He and his sons can choke.”
It’s the closest he’s seen Satoru to wearing a scandalized look. Not quite there, though, but he was not expecting that comment from her.
“They’re awful. Very… traditional, in the worst possible sense.”
“Hmm. So I’ve heard.”
She wonders how much, but she doesn’t ask.
“Sometimes I stargaze when I can’t sleep,” he suddenly says, and she welcomes the distraction.
Looking up, she understands what he was doing on the floor. “Oh.”
The idle thought that it makes sense, since his eyes look a lot like a lighter version of the starry sky above the school lingers for a bit in her mind before she realizes what she’s thinking and frowns. When has she developed a flair for the artistic?
“The eaves get in the way, though. Wanna go up?”
“Up where?”
He points at the roof. “Duh.” He gets up and smiles in that way of his that says he’s going to get his way and he knows it, and extends a hand towards Shiho. “Are you coming or not?”
Shiho regards the hand as a contract she should meticulously read before signing. Logically speaking, he is the fastest way to the roof, and she is unwilling to climb, so it’s either his hand or resuming her contemplation of the ceiling. Of course, accepting the offer also means a measure of trust that she’s not sure she should give to anyone grinning that way, much less this guy. “Fine.”
She’s taking his hand at the same time she gives her reply, and the word is barely out of her mouth when she’s suddenly standing barefooted on inclined singles.
After a brief second of panic in which she grasps his hand painfully tight, she regains her balance and says, “You’re a menace.” She hears him laugh and suspects he takes it as a compliment. Maybe he should.
They do their best not to slip as they sit down, but their shuffling around must have been louder than they thought, or maybe their neighbor is a light sleeper, because no sooner than they’ve made themselves comfortable, there’s a sound of sliding doors below and Suguru walks out of his room. Uncannily coordinated, they stay very still and quiet and watch their classmate inspect his surroundings to locate the source of the noises, but the moment he looks up at them Shiho’s face is split by a sincere smile and she waves at him. 
He’s confused, and frowning, but mostly confused. “What are you doing?”
“We can’t sleep! Come with us?” she asks, hopeful.
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?”
For a second before Satoru opened his big mouth it looked like he was going to say yes, but instead he retorts, “Are you stupid? We have class in the morning!”
Shiho gets it, because Satoru’s face always makes everyone want to say no. It’s hilarious and annoying, depending on what side of the conversation you’re on.
“Bring snacks!” he says at his friend, and Shiho lets out an unladylike snort that makes her cover her mouth.
Suguru looks so affronted by the assumption that he’s going to join them in their nonsense that they’re convinced that he’s gone back inside to sleep, but he surprises them when he reappears right away and throws a bag of crackers at Satoru that does hit him smack dab in the middle of the face, and Shiho’s still vicariously celebrating that little victory when he steps on the roof with the help of a curse and sits between the two of them.
“Someone needs to keep an eye on you,” he says to Satoru with a smile of his own, taking back his bag of crackers and opening it.
Shiho doesn’t get her three hours of sleep, but she thinks the tradeoff’s been worth it.
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Moonlight - Christen Press Imagine
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“You shouldn’t have bought this.” Christen said as I grinned at the forward. “You can’t afford it.”
“No, it’s fine…” I said as she gave me a serious look.
“(Y/N)…” she said softly as I smiled at her.
“Christen…” I matched her tone earning a small smile from the forward. “Seriously…that smile on your face makes this completely worth it.”
She didn’t say a word as she took a step forward giving me a kiss on the lips. I smiled pulling her closer as she kept herself close to me. I opened my eyes at the same time she did. I couldn’t help but smile as her eyes connected with mine.
“I love you so much.” I said as she smiled leaning in to give me another kiss.
“I love you too.”
I bought you things that I didn't even have the money for
If I could make you feel so rich, I don't mind feeling poor
There's something about you so addictive, had me needing more
Yeah, I just wanna hold you
Baby, you the one I want
I know I've said this all before but I'll say it again
You the only one I want and girl, I can't pretend
I remember cloudy days, we cuddled in my bed
The thought of losing you just makes no sense inside my head
“I could stay here forever…” I mumbled as Christen adjusted her position so that we were closer.
“Me too.” She mumbled back, placing a kiss on my jaw. I glanced out the window taking note of the overcast weather. The tv was playing at a low volume as Christen and I laid in bed together.
I loved days off where we could just be lazy together. We didn’t have to worry about schedules or training…just being lazy in bed together.
“I love you so much…I really could stay here forever with you.” I said as she turned towards me with a small smile.
“I love you too and I absolutely believe you…you’re too lazy.” I let out a laugh as she poked my side.
“I am not lazy.” I said as she gave me a look.
“Yes, you are…I love you, but you’re lazy…” she said as I shot her an offended look.
“Oh yeah?” I questioned as she nodded her head with an amused look. I immediately flipped us a little, so I was on top of her as I started attacking her sides. She started laughing as she tried to stop me.
“No. No. I give…stop…” she said in between laughs. I stopped for a moment as she stared up at me with a giant smile on her face. I smiled at her glancing down at her lips as I leaned down to place a kiss.
She smiled wrapping her arms around me pulling me as close as I could be. We kissed for a few moments before I was flipped on my back and she got her revenge.
“How do you like it?” she asked laughing as I couldn’t contain my own laughter.
“Okay…I give!” I said after a moment of trying to escape but finding no luck.
“I win!” she said grinning from on top of me.
“Did you?” I questioned leaning up as her hands came to rest on my shoulders. “I would guess I won based on this position…”
“oh yeah?” she mimicked me from earlier as I nodded my head before she leaned in to kiss me.
“I love you so much.” I mumbled against her lips as she leaned her forehead against mine.
“I love you too.” 
You the reason I believe that love is real
Ain't nobody make me feel, the way you make me feel
Darling, tell me is it real?
Or was I lying to myself just to make it feel so real?
Ain't nobody gon' love you like I love you
Ain't nobody gon' want you like I want you
Ain't nobody gon' trust you like I trust you
Ain't nobody gon' ain't nobody gon'
“How are you holding up?” I turned towards JJ who gave me a sad smile. I didn’t say anything back as I just shrugged my shoulders. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Why would I want to do that?” I asked giving her a look as she crossed her arms.
“Maybe you’ll feel better…”
“I doubt it.” I answered grabbing the rest of my training gear. She followed me out of the room as we made our way downstairs to get on the bus to go to training. I climbed onto the bus and made my way towards the back where JJ and I sat. My movements delayed a little when my eyes connected with somber green. I immediately looked away and continued my walk to the back. I sat down as JJ took the seat next to me.
“Are you okay?” she asked me after a moment as I shook my head.
“I really don’t want to talk about it.” I said as she nodded her head.
“Well, I am here if you change your mind…” she said as I gave her an appreciative smile before looking out the window.  
Training was brutal. I did my best to avoid the forward, but she and I were on the same team and so we were forced to interact. I don’t think everyone knew we were broken up based on the odd looks we were getting from the team.
Once training was done, I made my way straight to the locker room. I took a quick shower before going and sitting on the bus. I wasn’t in the mood to interact with anyone else. I wanted nothing more for the ground to open up and swallow me whole.
Arriving back at the hotel was a relief, until I realized I would have to get past everyone else to get to my room. I managed to avoid everyone until I actually reached my room. JJ, Alex, Kelley, and Crystal immediately followed me into the room causing me to groan.
“Are you okay?” Alex asked immediately as I sat there with an exhausted expression.
“What’s up with you and Chris? Did you guys get into a fight?” Kelley asked as I bit my lip trying to fight back the tears. I could see JJ shaking her head out of the corner of my eye as I let out a heavy sigh.
“We broke up.” I said as the tears then began to fall. I angrily wiped them away as they all stared at me in shock.
“What?” Crystal said in disbelief as I nodded my head. “Why?”
“It’s just not what she wanted anymore…I wasn’t what she wanted.” I answered as I got sad looks from all of them. I licked my lips as I tried to stop my tears and swallow the pain from my throat.
I rested my head on Alex’s shoulder as she pulled me into a tight hug. That seemed to be what got my resolve to crack as I let out a choked sob.
“It’s okay…” she said softly as I let out a whimper.
“I just…I don’t know how to do this without her.” I said as Kelley came closer to me.
“You do…and you will…not everything is meant to work out (Y/N)…” I nodded my head as they continued to comfort me. The rest of the day was spent with them trying to make me feel better.
“Was it a lie?” I questioned out loud at one point as they all looked to me.
“What?” JJ asked with confusion on her face.
“My relationship…” I said after a moment. “Was it all a lie?”
“No.” Crystal said as I looked at her.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Despite what has happened, I think she really did love you and I know you loved her…and that is real.”
“Yeah…maybe…” I mumbled as I laid down.
I can't love nobody anymore
You the only one that I ever want
I compare her to you, she has never won
Now I wanna just be all alone
Nobody love me like you
And I can't love nobody back
You remind me of the moon
'Cause every night you coming back
What am I supposed to do?
If I'm so in love with you
I cannot get over you
I cannot get over you
“So, things with Abby are going well…” JJ said, giving me a small smile as I rolled my eyes.
“I don’t know.” I said as she smiled.
“You seem happy…” I gave her a look as she sighed. “…or as happy as you can be.”
“I feel guilty.” I admitted as she gave me a sympathetic look.
“I’m out here trying to make it work with Abby, but I know that I’m not over Christen…” I said as she nodded her head.
“Yeah, but how could you ever get over Christen if you don’t give others a chance to win your heart?”
“Yeah, but…it’s all making me feel like a shit person…” I admitted as she raised a brow at me. “I can’t even look in Abby’s eyes without immediately comparing it to Christen…and the really shitty part…Christen wins every time…no matter what it is…Christen always wins.”
“So, then maybe you should take some more time…” JJ said as I nodded my head. “Abby really likes you and she should know that you aren’t ready yet…”
“I feel bad.”
“I know, but I think she’ll appreciate it more if you are honest with her.”
“I agree.” I said finally as she gave me a supportive smile.
“Are you still angry?” she asked after a few moments as I shook my head.
“No…I’m not angry. Just very sad.” I answered looking down. “I want her back…but I don’t know…”
“If it’s meant to be, then time will tell…”
“Don’t get my hopes up…” I said as she gave me a small smile.
Since you left me every night I go stare at the moon
Wishing it was you and I, that's something we would do
Every Sunday morning I go watch the flowers bloom
I do things we used to do, hoping I'll run into you
What's a lie and what's the truth
I cannot get over you
Doesn't matter what I do
Everyone just looks like you
Girl, I smell you everywhere
Smell your perfume and your hair
I try to act like I don't care
Everyone knows that I care
I took a deep breath as the fresh night air entered my lungs. I kept my eyes closed before opening them and resting my gaze on the moon. Stargazing was such a stupid thing to do, but it was something that I always enjoyed with Christen. It was our thing.
“See something interesting?” I froze at the voice as I felt my whole body go into shock. I turned to see Christen approaching. She had a small smile on her face which fell quickly upon seeing my shock. “Mind if I join?”
“You can do whatever you want…” I said quickly as she leaned next to me. I shuffled a little to put some space between us.
“It feels amazing out here.” I kept my gaze downward as she turned to face me. “Don’t you agree?”
“I guess…” I mumbled as she sighed.
“What do you want?” I asked abruptly as she stopped and stared at me.
“I heard you and Abby broke up…” she said as I stared at her.
“We were never really together.” I said looking back down at the ground.
“Oh…well, I was sorry to hear it…you guys seemed cute.” She said as I scoffed.
“Please don’t talk to me about Abby…” I said as she gave me a sad look.
“We were friends once you know…” I immediately turned towards her giving her a sour look.
“We have never been friends…even when we weren’t together…we were never just friends…” I said as I turned to walk back towards the hotel.
“What?” I snapped looking at her.
“I’m sorry.” She said as I stared at her. There was a pleading look on her face as I stared at her.
“I know…but it doesn’t change anything.” I said before going into the hotel.
The next day I did my best to avoid Christen, but she had made it clear that she was looking to talk to me. I thought I was safe once I arrived back to my room, but the immediate knock on my door told me that she had followed me. I went and stood staring at the door as I heard another knock.
“(Y/N)…please let me in.” I heard her say softly as I felt the tears well in my eyes. I wiped them away before opening the door. She gave me a sad look as I motioned for her to enter.
“What do you want Christen…?” I asked with an exhausted tone.
“I just want to talk…”
“About what?”
“Why did you break up with Abby?” she asked as I stared at her.
“What?” I stared at her as she asked the question again. “I told you…I am not talking about that with you.”
“Why?” I gave her a look as she shook her head. “Why did you do it?”
“Because of you!” I said finally as she stared at me. “I still love you. I think about you all the time and I know that I cannot even think about dating anyone else when my heart is still completely yours…is that what you want to hear?” I questioned as she kept her gaze on me. “Do you want to hear that I can’t get over you…that I am an idiot because I do stupid shit like going certain places with the hope that I will run into you even though it breaks my heart to even look at you…?”
“Please Christen…just go…” I said as she stared at me before exiting the room. I released a breath before falling into the bed. “God…I hate my life.”
You the reason I believe that love is real
Ain't nobody make me feel, the way you make me feel
Darling, tell me is it real?
Or was I lying to myself just to make it feel so real?
Ain't nobody gon' love you like I love you
Ain't nobody gon' want you like I want you
Ain't nobody gon' trust you like I trust you
Ain't nobody gon', ain't nobody gon', no
Ain't nobody gon' love you like I love you
Ain't nobody gon' trust you like I trust you
Ain't nobody gon' want you like I want you
Ain't nobody gon' ain't nobody gon'
Trust you, like I trust you
Ain't nobody gon'
Love you, like I love you
Ain't nobody gon'
Ain't nobody gon'
Ain't nobody gon'
“I love you too.” I looked over at Christen who gave me a sad look.
“Excuse me.” I said as she came closer to me.
“I still love you.” She said as I clenched my jaw. “That’s why I needed to know why you and Abby broke up. I needed to know that you still loved me.”
“You say that like I could ever stop…” I said as she gave a small smile.
“I had to be sure.”
“Why now?” I asked as she looked down.
“I realized I am an idiot because I can’t imagine my life without you. You’re the reason I even believe in love…”
“Do you think it’s that easy?” I questioned as she gave me a pained look.
“No. I have to earn your trust back and show you that I really do love you…I am so sorry for all the pain I have put you through.”
“Christen…I don’t know…” I said looking down as she sighed.
“You don’t have to say yes right away…I don’t expect you to, but I swear to god I am here and I am not leaving again…no one could make me feel as loved as you do…and I would be an absolute idiot to let you go a second time.” she said, taking my face into hers.
“You broke my heart.” I said looking into her eyes as she nodded her head.
“I know…and I swear to god I am going to fix it.” She said as I stared at her. I could see the honesty in her eyes as I debated what to do. I know deep down I still want her, and I will never stop wanting her, but she shattered my heart. Could I really let that go?
“I can’t say yes…at least not right away…” I said as she nodded her head. “…but maybe with time…we can be together again.”
“I’ll wait as long as you need me to.” She said kissing my cheek. I nodded my head before dropping it to her shoulder. As on guard as I was, it was an absolute relief to be back on her arms. I guess only time will tell what happens next…
The End.  
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asa-kai · 4 years
Ref. to Chapter 177
Faint chirps of sparrows blending with the soft blow of air from the sea. All of that is crystal clear for Saionji Ukyo the former Sonar man from the Kingdom of Science.
It was almost like yesterday, when they were still sailing on the big blue beneath the widespread  sky along with seagulls and now they are making their way to their next destination-South America.
After a long day of riding their motorbikes the crew made a stop to eat and rest. Thanks to Senku's customized motorbikes they can quickly outrun Stanley and his team.
Although they made it that far, the fact they're being pursued can't settle in Ukyo's mind.
Looking around finding a high place to spend the night he found a huge boulder high enough for anyone to bother climbing but just the right one for him to reach the top.
This little climbing is nothing compared to his past special forces training, he proudly recall. It would be nice though if he can find a tree on the dessert just like that back on the days when he's still working for the Tsukasa's Empire. Where he will watch Tsukasa break human statues in front of him....
Shaking off the bad memories, he perched on the top absorbing the nostalgia  of the night.
"Finally a relaxing silence" he thought to himself.
Or he thought so......
The minimal noises from the campfire can't escape his sensitive ears. The laughter and the conversations are still loud enough for him to be heard.
"It can't be helped, if only I can shut them like my eyes." Ukyo pouted gazing above the night sky again.
He kept wondering if they could defeat Stanley or reach their destination safely or if they could even survive anything that could happen tonight.
He was so disturbed of the thought of what he's going to do if Senku can't fufill his promise that nobody dies. Calming his nerves and clearing his thoughts he starts to close his tired eyes.
Just then he heard footsteps below coming toward the boulder his perching on and base on the weight,speed and pattern of the footsteps it matches someone from the battle team.
"Kohaku?" Ukyo mumbled without realizing saying it out loud.
The huntress' vigilant eyes suddenly looked up to the perching archer.
"What are you doing up there?"
Before the young man can say a word he was surprised to see Kohaku sitting next to him enough for sending him to jolt.
She's really fast. The boulder must be really just a pebble to her
Despite the archer's obvious reaction the huntress seems to be deep into thoughts. She tilt her head up to sky and smile wistfully. Forgetting what just happened the man beside decided to join his new company's little stargazing.
The breeze is faint yet cool, chilling their skin but making one smile lightly.
Kohaku turned her head into the campfire's direction and stared back to the sky. Noticing that she's been doing it five times from now,Ukyo getting concerned finally asked the restless lady.
"Um...You've been looking back five times already...what seems to be the matter?"
" Oh sorry....did I bothered you?"Kohaku replied flustered.
" No not at all but I just get a little concrened." He sheepishly smiled.
The crescent moon dimly radiates light on landscape around them. Its almost vague but Ukyo can absolutely tell that Kohaku just smiled again. A meaningful yet gloom smile at that, as she turn around again back to the usual place under her observation.
"So...are you looking at Senku?" Ukyo forcedly scoffed.
Kohaku darted her eyes at the resident archer with a fearful look. However the pink blush on her face gave away the answer.
"Ukyo don't tell me...."
Her voice alone is already eerie when shes talking like that, no wonder they call her beastly names. But right now Ukyo fears that she'll blow, he can't break his good impression he left on Kohaku.
No one would want to ruin her trust
....."you can hear other people's thoughts?!"
Ukyo let out a loud laugh that Kohaku have never heard coming from him. Since he is usually silent the huntress was left jaw dropped.
"Sorry, I just thought it was absurd but its obvious that your looking at our crafty scientist."
Looking at Kohaku's blank face he continued.
"Observance is everything Kohaku you know that right? First of all Hyoga and Tsukasa is present on the campfire so you will have no reason to be worry of a sudden attack. Second you just finished putting Suika to sleep so you came up here to unwind, clearly enough to conclude that your confident that the crew is safe"
" But Ukyo how did you know I was looking at Senku?" Kohaku questioned poking her chin.
Ukyo took off his hat and start tossing it and then he answered.
" Well you know....I spend my free time observing both nature and people and through all that there's not a time I will not hear a talk about you two especially from Ginro..."
" Ginro....that scum..."
" Its not his fault though since his trying his best to lower his voice, I just happen to still hear it anyway." He concluded wearing his makeshift hat again.
"Oh having such great ears an advantage yes?" Kohaku sarcastically grinned.
" Its not that great"  Ukyo defended, besides you two usually hang out together-just the two of you." Realizing he had said to much Ukyo turn to Kohaku to see her reaction.
" Oh so your a stalker now huh?" Kohaku even grinned wider and there is literally like a black smoke surrounding her right now.
Ukyo gulped down with two beads of sweat on his face, but what he expects on what the huntress is going to do is turned down though.
Kohaku hug her knees and hide her face.
"Who am I to be offended by you...Im the same too. I will sometimes shortly glance at Senku when he's not aware and I don't know why. I constantly worry about him as an ally and friend but I think its getting out of hand and  becoming a habit."
Although Kohaku is not showing a bit of faze on her tone but he can tell that she's worried and troubled for some reason.
"At least you can just close your eyes and never look again." Ukyo pointed out.
" That's the problem I can't turn away my eyes on him nor I can shut them. Not when there's another girl beside him" Kohaku's voice cracked at the last words she said.
Ukyo just came to a realization how wonderous yet coincedental life  can be sometime
Moments ago  he's worrying about the well-being of his friends who are safe sound but his companion is worrying about her problem on worrying too much  about Senku than the given normal.
Him worrying about the things that are still not happening.
Her worrying about a small thing but tormenting her right now
However he can relate on Kohaku's envy on her advantageous sense of sight.
"Our so called gifts can be such a nuisance huh? But maybe you can still use their trouble you know?"
Kohaku is now a friend and an ally to him and he will gladly help her if she need it.
It is the first time he'll personally offer help to the mighty huntress. Given Kohaku's physique its almost though she will need no help but ironically right now  she's carrying which sometging which is to say in the old world a common problem but even she the mighty Kohaku can't handle it on her own. Theres no human who haven't experienced jealousy not even once.
Kohaku hanging on what he just said paid her attention closely to the archer as if like  desperate child looking for answers.
Ukyo can't even conclude if she's solely worrying about Senku's well-being or if its something more than that and it looks like Kohaku is doubting herself as well.
Ukyo took a deep breath hoping what he's going to say will help.
"Like I said Kohaku, observation is everything."
The huntress gets even more attentive at this point. Confirming the words in his head Ukyo continues.
"The truth is I'm also envious of my sensitive hearing, sometimes I will hear things Im not suppose to hear but you know what really helps? Ukyo paused giving a warm smile.
Yes what Kohaku needs right now is emphathy  even though his knowledge in psychology is inferior that of Gen but it is one of the common and genuine way to help out anyone.
..."I just let it."
Kohaku slightly flinch and her eyes widened.
"Forcing yourself to hold it in even when your about to throw up just makes matters worse right?  I should know, my first day at the submarine makes me really sick that I want to pull my gut out."
Yes your'e not alone
" Uh sorry about the gruesome illustration."
"No its only normal." Kohaku brushed off.
That's Senku's lioness for you
"I knew Im not the only one... But what I fear if I get attach to him and letting go will be more difficult." Kohaku lamented.
The issue is now clear. She's just blaming it all to her eyes but the real deal is her feelings.
She's growing alright and it is unavoidable for anyone to feel that way.
Like Ukyo can see Senku and Kohaku had been literally went through blades and stones and their mutual trust makes them good friends but somehow its likly that one might start to look at the other differently.
The pair were silent for a while. Letting the evening aura take over making light sounds of air passing through stones.
Ukyo rest his head against his arms for a second trying to get answers for Kohaku's problem.
Is he even fit for solving her problem,maybe it would be better if Gen will tell her....no does he even need to solve it?
"Sorry if I bother you Ukyo, I  get too emotional sometimes." Kohaku stand up and started to brush off the dirt from her navy blue dress and just as she's about to wave goodnight, she sensed a sudden spark beside her. Right there, Ukyo made a little  fire from using his bows and with a dozen of small sticks he gathered.
"The answer depends on your resolve Kohaku...you can either choose to look at him forever or shut your eyes, whatever works best for you all I can do is give you my advice. I don't have the authority to tell you what to do...... But right now why don't you let your senses take you somewhere else. It's getting cold you know." Ukyo hummed while putting more ignition on the fire.
Kohaku was drawn to the relaxing warmth of the newly made campfire a little smaller than that with the rest of the crew. Without knowing it she's starting to forget on what she's chafing about, a moment ago.
Unexpectedly an east wind blew caugthing the duo off-guard letting Kohaku's hair went loose and almost taking Ukyo's hat away. Without warning a stronger wind came and blew their makeshift campfire away, getting dark again so suddenly made Kohaku laugh akin to Ukyo who's groaning over the blown campfire.
"Well, some things don't always look and stay as they seem, one minute ago we have the fire I thought will hold yet now its already gone."Ukyo chuckled though  attempting to make the fire again.
"That makes sense....everything change eventually, up to the point where a problem is no more." Kohaku softly stated coming up to her realization.
Ukyo smiled he was  relieved that Kohaku finally get what he means.
"Well Im glad the lesson Im implying  reached you."The archer exclaimed.
" Life goes on Kohaku"
Kohaku nod and smile in agreement.
"Yeah...I also learned you should never build a small fire on a high windy place". She jokingly concluded.
"Come  on I know that....."Ukyo sheepishly laughed.
The night even grew darker but the stars and the moon appears to grew  even brighter. The pair enjoyed the diamond ornamented void as the evening hyms envelops around them.
"Listen Kohaku" Ukyo whispered.
"This might be just one of my ideals but I always believe that life has many angles that each one can see and discover that's why I don't like anyone to die  because they won't be able to enjoy it if they're dead... So Im convincing you to look at the other angles too Kohaku."
The huntress eyes were opened a hint of sparkles will be found in her eyes and a warm smile on her face being moved of what just her trustworthy comrade said. Although it's still not clear in her mind what he is saying. But whatever it is she will someday understand just like what he said life goes on.
" I'll gladly take the advice,I will surely enjoy, look forward to it."
Obviously this is my first fanfic... Just to be frank I got tired reading the romance genre so I made something platonic and between- friends -kind -of- a -thing fanfic between low-key duo in dr. Stone. (Yes you just read it)
Speaking of low-key I'm also making fanfic for other underrated dcst (so called canon couples)
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
Soooooooo you said you could do a whole post on Hazel and Joe and I WANNA SEE THIS PLS SUNSHINE
YES MAAM!! hazel and joe’s friends to lover truly gives me SO MUCH LIFE!! i just wanted to finally write a friends to lover where they had set foundations, trust, loyalty, memories, inside jokes, all of it, to make it clear to the readers that they had history, i just wanted to show how they worked throughout the whole story, and the reason it took as long as it did was to truly show their devotion. i’m sorry if this post is LONG AS HELL but i adore these two :) 
WARNING THIS IS SO UNHEALTHILY LONG LIKE WHAT AM I DOING BUT I LOVE THEM AND HAVE NO SHAME -> this is only for the soldier of stars, so if you fancy stuff from Ad Astra, i can do that as well LOL 
Hazel Parker and Joe Liebgott - Friends to Lovers
Am I going to give a thorough in depth analysis of their friendship together? YES MA’AM! Honestly writing these two showed me, that even in dark times you can love someone for who they are, just so many things about how love continues to get through boundary after boundary and these two I feel showed me that, and it makes my heart warm :)) ANDDDD since this post is so ungodly long and just the first book LOL if you want me to do it for Ad Astra Per Aspera, i gladly can, but i didn’t want to continue to make it longer and longer HAHA <3
The First Meeting 
I loved that when they first met, Hazel managed to shut up both George Luz and Joe Liebgott with one sentence. And I think it’s where we see that Hazel isn’t what many people suspect she is because she regards the fact that if it’s worth fighting for, you’ll fight for it, and to be honest that’s okay. To fight for what’s right for you. And for Joe, seeing someone, supposedly viewed as innocent, clearly then state afterwards that she would fight for what was right as well -> something maybe not suspected of her, it draws Joe in. 
The First Stargaze
Stargazing as you know it, is one of the most important aspects in Hazel’s life and Joe coming out to stargaze with her, something that so is not Joe Liebgott, really signifies their friendship for me personally, just because Joe left the dance, to stargaze with Hazel, I mean if that isn’t the start of a friendship I’m not sure what is :)
Teasing - the softest and purest
Hazel had started offering Liebgott her notes, and soon enough they were sharing notes, huddled side by side, writing things down together, and sometimes Joe would bump her as she wrote just to mess her up or peeve her off the deep end. But it was all good fun in the end.
" You know, Joe, hitting my shoulder and messing up my notes, is messing up your notes as well." Hazel had told him one afternoon as Lieutenant Winters stood at the front of the group going over spits of information based on the ideology of the ground and its importance when doing practice runs or drills that were supposed to be of semblance to real combat. 
" I don't entirely care, Parker, I'm just here to annoy ya." Joe mumbled back as Winters voice grew louder. 
" Funny," muttered Hazel, as she kicked his foot under the table. She saw Joe smirk at her. He kicked her foot back and she glanced over towards him.
" What?" he asked, like he didn't just hit her foot.
" I'm a sniper, Joe," Hazel said softly, as she wrote another few words down in her book.
" And?"
" Well," Hazel said as Winters glanced towards the two, " my bullets came move 1,000 feet per second, Joe."
" Right," Joe said.
" And, I know the spots in the body where the most pain could be inflicted upon bullet entry." Hazel said with a nod looking up at the board again.
" Oh right I forgot." Joe said as Hazel let a giggle pass her lips.
Flowers - The Time Joe Brought Flowers
When she [Grace Burnett] opened the door she smiled wide and let out a jolly laugh.
" Well, she'll be happy to see you all." Grace said as Hazel looked over and watched as a bouquet of yellow flowers appeared with Joe Liebgott as the handler, with Shifty just behind him with Catherine and Lizzie bringing up the rear, with a laughing George Luz, which was no surprise. 
" There she is!" Joe called noticing the girl on the couch, curled up into a blanket with sunken in eyes. Hazel smiled weakly.
" Hi." she croaked out.
" Aw, honey." Catherine said, as she frowned with sad eyes, hearing her lost voice. Joe was the first to reach her and pull her into a hug.
" I'm sick." Hazel said as Joe held her close, smelling of pine and cigarette smoke. Joe pulled back with a smirk, a few strands of hair in his face.
" I don't care about that, Parker." Joe said, before holding out the flowers as the rest of the guys filtered into the room, " These are for you." Hazel smiled at him with blushing cheeks.
" Aww, thanks guys." Hazel said, turning and coughing briefly.
" You can thank this guy right here," George said slapping Joe on the shoulders, to which Joe glared.
" Thanks Joe." Hazel said to him and he smiled at her with a nod.
Joe Talks About His Mom 
" You sound like you have a nice family." Hazel said as she glanced at him. Joe glanced at her.
" Yeah, I'd say I do, but mama runs the house. You respect her or you get a slap." Joe said and Hazel smiled shyly, as Joe glanced at her.
" 'Course, you know me, I upset her a few times when I shouldn't have." Joe said. Hazel watched him.
" I got in fights a lot, bruised bloody knuckles, some skinny guy like me getting beat up in the bar down the street." Joe said, shrugging before looking at Hazel, 
" Ever since I was a kid really." Hazel softly watched him, with concerned eyes.
" I'd get pushed down in the park?" Joe started, nodding his head as he picked at his fingers, annoyed, " I'd cry. And I'd go running home to my mom, where she'd give me hugs and kisses, and then some of that Hershey's chocolate."
" It's why you love it so much." Hazel said, shifting closer to Joe in the cold and looking at him gently. Joe felt a small smile on his face as he watched her.
" Yeah, you could say that." Joe said as Hazel grinned.
Joe loves his mom and I LIVE BY THAT. And chocolate being a comfort food because it reminds him of his mom, like yes, I’m going with that, and I just love that Hazel sits and listens to him, it makes me SOFT. Because mainly they both just love their mothers :)
Tricks and Pranks
She glanced towards Liebgott again thinking of her innocent little plan from this morning. She grinned to herself, before slowly bringing her socked feet over the edge to touch the ground. She slowly stood, with her outstretched hands in front of her, tip-toeing towards the sleeping man in his bed. She wanted to get him back after almost a year of the playful teasing she endured from him. And plus, they were friends, she had every right to wake him from a peaceful sleep. Hazel watched Joe shift a bit in his bed and then resume snoring again. Hazel smirked to herself. 
Then she acted. She jumped lightly onto him, right next to his ear, and had to let out a laugh before saying a quick boo in his ear. Joe shot awake underneath her, and it seemed his first instinct was to latch onto her, shoving her to his side, down into the bed, his eyes wide, breathing heavy. But all he saw was Hazel, beside him, small giggles leaving her lips as she squeezed her eyes shut, laughing. Joe tried to be mad at the girl for waking him up, but he felt he couldn't be mad at her. She was too innocent to be remotely upset for waking him up.
" Well, good morning to you, too." Joe muttered out as Hazel managed to let out one final laugh, before looking at him.
" That's for those months of teasing me." Hazel said as she giggled again. Joe couldn't keep the smirk that crawled onto his face off, as Hazel laughed.
" You're gonna get it, Parker." Joe said as Hazel just laughed, turning to roll off the bed to her socked feet again, a smile on her face.
" Sure," Hazel said, as she turned to him, with innocent eyes, and then frowned, " but why would you do that to me?" Joe bit his lip.
" Those puppy dog eyes don't work on me anymore, Parker." Joe said as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, " Only when you were sick and that was it." Hazel giggled.
" Can you two shut up?" a voice groaned and the two looked towards Chuck who's body hadn't moved as the voice crept out from around the pillow.
" Yeah Hazel." Joe said childishly as Hazel scoffed.
" You shut up." Hazel said, swinging her foot out towards his bed like a kid.
" No you." Joe argued.
" How about you both shut your yaps!" Bill yelled as he lied on his side across the barrack, his voice annoyed. Hazel couldn't help but look away and let a giggle past her lips childishly as Joe smirked at her. They were just kids. Hazel and Joe together were a pair of childish kids basically.
Comfort + Respecting Privacy
Joe Liebgott was the one who sat down beside his best friend, wrapping his warm, comforting arm around her shoulder and letting her rest her head on his shoulder. Joe wasn't about to start asking Hazel what was wrong, he had learned from his sisters that sometimes they just liked to be held in hugs and not talked to. That being there and being held was enough. Hazel wasn't used to that sort of comfort but she was beginning to welcome it with open arms. Joe came to a realization that night; he didn't like seeing Hazel cry. When Joe finally got Hazel resting, or at least attempting rest, he saw the letter that she had dropped to the side. But Joe held himself and closed the letter up and placed it beside the girl's boots. It was for her eyes only and he respected that.
Joe respecting her privacy with the letter from her father, truly shows the amount of respect he holds for her and I truly find it so beautiful, that middle line in bold, like I just love their friendship so much.
D-Day Hug
" Oh, Easy Company!" the group heard. The group turned and faceswere filled with relief to see more members of Easy sitting on the edge with bright smiles on their faces. A smile blossomed on Hazel's face as she recognized Joe Liebgott immediately.
" Joe!" she said excitedly as he neared her. A smile lit up his features as he immediately came upon the girl and wrapped his arms around her. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and hugged him so tight, she wasn't sure if he was still breathing or not. She could've cried as he held her tightly in his arms, so protectively. She had never wanted to hug someone as much as she did now, just to have someone's arms around her, holding her and securing her. She never knew what security a hug could provide.
Physical touch is an important aspect for both of them, especially the meaning of a hug for the both of them. After this, Joe comforts her after her encounter with a German on D-Day, and it’s the first time Joe reassures her about a very real and impactful and painful, traumatizing situation. From her on we see where Hazel knows she can trust Joe with her emotions. 
Talking About Their Faith
" Did you think you'd be here?" Joe asked her, " You know after you joined the WAC?" Hazel glanced at him and let out a tiny sigh before glancing at the sky again.
" I believe in God, Joe." Hazel said softly and then looked at him. Joe watched her softly.
" God believed that he could put me through something like this, and I believed I could to," Hazel said softly, eyes shining with stars in them, " so when the flyer came I signed up." Hazel looked at him with a sad shrug. He didn't know about her dad. But she didn't want to gain all his trust and then show him that she really feared trusting people so much. But the thing was, she trusted Joe, a lot. They were best friends.
This was just so important, for Joe, for Hazel, for both of them, to sit under the stars in the middle of Normandy and for Hazel to tell Joe about her faith in God, and think about her trust she held in Joe. I loved this moment.
Flowers 2.0
That's when there was a knock on the door.
" Blasted, who could that be at this time?" Harry said throwing his kitchen towel over his shoulder and heading up the step towards the door. Harry opened the door as the three women watched and saw Harry's face light up.
" I knew it was you!" Harry called, stepping out to hug the person on the other side, " C'mon in ya blood Yank, gave me half a scare." Hazel raised a brow watching as Lizzie sipped her tea softly. That's when it was non-other than Joe Liebgott who stepped through the door, a smirk upon his features, hair a bit fluffier than normal, and a bouquet of flowers in his grasp. She watched Lizzie smirk and lean over to Hazel and Grace.
" And supposedly he's just a best friend." Lizzie murmured. Hazel shoved Lizzie's shoulder as Lizzie chuckled. Grace smiled at the blush that bloomed on Hazel's face.
" There she is!" called Joe as he entered the kitchen and went over to Hazel first, grabbing her in a hug from behind.
" These are for you." Joe said as he handed her the flowers.
" Aw thank you, Joe," Hazel said, fighting down more of a blush than she ever had.
" Where'd you get them, Joe?" grace asked as Joe gave her a quick hug.
" Down at the market, they have the best flowers there." Joe said, before giving Lizzie a quick hug and resuming standing next to the little island a smile on his features as he watched Hazel gently sniff the flowers and smile at them.
" Thank you, Joe, really." Hazel said.
" What can I say? You're turning 20, I say yellow flowers are pretty important for that." Joe said and Hazel grinned.
Need I say more LOL
Having Each Other’s Backs
" Hey, man what's your issue?" one replacement snapped.
" My issue is, you're not treating her right, and I don't like that. Either grow up or go home. There's a reason you're here." Joe snapped. The replacements stared at him.
" Disrespecting her or any women, is never the reason." Joe snapped again, " you're here to fight a war. And that war's a scary thing, so open your damn eyes and get that through your brains." Joe then put the cigarette back on his lips, and turned away from them and walked back over to Hazel who stared with wide eyes at him. He just placed an arm over her shoulder and turned her around.
" I promise you right now that I'm fuming inside." Joe said to her through the cigarette on his lips. Hazel smiled softly. Joe always had her back, even when she felt she couldn't say anything.
“Best Friend Privileges” 
" Let me show ya." Joe said as he pushed from the counter and walked to her side. She glanced at him.
" No." Hazel said, a small smirk on her face.
" Good luck Joe, she's rubbing off on you." Catherine said leaning back to watch. Hazel laughed.
" No?" Joe said a smirk on her face, " Come on, I wanna help you." Hazel pulled the dart back shaking her head. Joe stared at her, a smirk on his face.
" What? No best friend privileges?" he said. Best friend privileges; a cute little phrase that Hazel and Joe had started tagging onto the end of things, when they would play around and they couldn't get what either of them wanted, or just to annoy the other.
“ Best friend privileges”? ok you two LOL
Joe watched Hazel's eyes, even if it were from the side. He didn't know what had gotten into him, but Hazel truly fascinated him. And it was a good fascination. A fascination in the sense of adoration. And Joe never thought he'd adore Hazel as much as he did, because he kept a tight circle usually. But Hazel....Hazel was Hazel. She wasn't fake, she wasn't someone who tried to be someone else, she was loyal and trustworthy and genuine and Joe just knew he could talk to her about anything. 
Joe had never admitted it to anyone, but he had always thought that even from the start that she had a beautiful soul. And even if it were cliche, he had never met someone who was like Hazel. And he was glad that the person he did meet was Hazel. Maybe it was the look in her eyes when she greeted everyone in the barracks as he stood cowering in the corner pissed off at Bill Guarnere for the fight that broke out between the two of them, and then the anger that resided with him the rest of the boat ride. Maybe it was the fairly firm handshake she had offered and the way her eyes were gentle enough to tell a different story compared to the rest of the company. Maybe it was because she didn't approach him, asking what the other girls would ask; a dance, a kiss. Maybe it was because she had accepted Joe for who he was and didn't seem to care that he was a real asshole or that he was someone who would fight people, until his hands dripped crimson red blood, down his knuckles and into his fingers. 
Maybe it was what she had said to him, as she looked into her eyes, without fear, that sometimes people fought because they fought for what they believed in. Maybe because instead of doubting himself for launching at Bill, he actually believed it, for a probable cause. Joe didn't know what it was, why he was the way he was, but Hazel had accepted him for him - and she always seemed to do that with every person. Joe Liebgott felt there was no higher strength than that.
Soft Joe? YES MA’AM. Need I even say more about this scene.
The Two Beans Defending Each Other
Joe and Hazel, the two peas in a pod they were, were practically inseparable after the events of Nuenen and especially her ongoing sickness which fought her throat like a dragon in a cage. So there they were, passed out and exhausted as they snored silently side by side curled in balls like those cats you saw in the window shops on Main Street. But Joe, being the person he was, cared for his friends in any way he could. He agreed, he was an asshole, but he was asshole for specific reasons most of the time. But with his friends, that was different. Especially a friend, a best friend at that who was sick and was kept up at night by coughs or a fever or the chills. 
Over the past few weeks, he had been staying closer to Hazel than before, making sure she ate and drank, making sure she slept and was warm and if there was medicine that Gene could provide that she could get some. And so sleeping next to her, was another way to make sure that if she started coughing, he was there, to make sure he patted her back, and got her water. But he'd always been that way whenever one of his family members were sick. He was cocky, and admittedly rude sometimes, and he had a crude sense of humor, but family and friends were important and when he cared, he cared; he didn't try to hide that. And many of the men knew that about Joe. When Joe cared about someone, he did everything in his power to make sure they were alright. 
And in this case, it was Hazel. Catherine looked up from her cup of water towards Joe and Hazel who were curled up, sound asleep and smiled softly. Catherine truly admired their companionship. They were complete opposites, yet they were best friends who understood each other like the backs of their own hands. If Hazel was doing it, Joe probably was as well and where ever the one went, the other followed. And they acted like actual children, but knew when to get serious. And if you messed with either one of them, hell came for them.
I can’t preach enough about these two having each other’s back, it’s the cutest thing and it makes me so soft. But Joe being by her side as she is horribly sick, is one of the purest things ever, just to make sure she’s okay, I can’t even describe how important it is that he sticks around as she is so ungodly sick. (+Joe Liebgott punching Cobb out the week before for saying something about Hazel, but maybe that’ll be another post :))
Physical Touch > Comfort
Hazel watched Joe come up the dike, her eyes softly resting on him. Joe met her eyes from across the large area. Hazel bit her lip and then slowly approached Joe who stood, seemingly waiting to rip off someone's head. Joe didn't scare Hazel, whether he was happy, whether he was sad, whether he was upset. She never feared a friend. She never feared someone she trusted, but sometimes they broke your heart in the end. And that's where Hazel was careful. But Joe. Joe she trusted deeply. Hazel looked up at him, as he tried to contain himself, contain the anger that seemed to want to spill past every inch of him. Hazel slowly reached forward and gently pushed up the brim of his helmet from his eyes. Joe felt his eyes close at the soft touch. When he opened his eyes next, Hazel's soft eyes were watching his. Her eyes then went to his neck. She slowly reached to his wound and gently touched the skin on his neck. He flinched.
" Make sure you get that checked out, Joe." Hazel whispered softly. Joe looked at her and forcefully nodded. He was angry, so angry. Hazel knew that physical touch calmed Joe more than anything; it was something his mother had always done from what he had told her about Mrs. Liebgott. Liebgott had told Hazel that his mother would always try to hug him, brush her hands through his hair or scuff it up to annoy him, gently pat his shoulder, give him a rub on the back. So Hazel slowly reached forward and adjusted his collar and the part of his ODs which buttoned up on the front. Joe watched his friend, her gentle eyes remaining so focused even after the chaos of the battle they'd just gone through, the little bit of her tongue poking out from her lips as she remained focused on adjusting the front of his ODs, her freckles more prominent from the constant sun she had been getting, the way her blue eyes flitted about. Joe slowly reached up and wrapped his hands around Hazel's, causing her to look up towards him slowly. Joe let out a shaky breath, attempting to calm himself. Hazel always calmed him down, even if she didn't know it. Joe then didn't hesitate to slowly wrap his arms in a trembling hug around her neck and pull her into his arms. Hazel slowly hugged him back, pulling him close, holding him there. Sometimes the boys needed to be held, it was human nature.
Hazel comforting Joe, quite possibly is the purest thing I’ve ever written in my life and the fact she makes him calmer and more controlled makes me love them even more!! <3
Joe Returning From His Neck Wound
" Guess who?" a voice asked and Hazel's eyes widened. 
" The life size Hershey bar?" Hazel asked quietly, a small smile starting to bloom on her face.
" I think better than that." the voice said and Hazel slowly turned her head.
" Joe!" Hazel cried, shooting up from her bed to wrap her arms around his neck. She heard Joe laugh in her ear as he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her close. She cuddled her head into his neck, a small smile on her face, as she squeezed her eyes shut. She had missed him more than she thought.
" I missed you Joe." Hazel said quietly so only he could hear. She felt his chest rumble, he chuckled. He smelled like pine, a good pine scent, the one you smelled in winter in the mountains, sorta like when you would get a Christmas tree, and there was that familiar hint of smoke. It was comforting.
" I missed you more, Parker." Joe said and Hazel grinned. Hazel just squeezed him tighter in the hug, he was back and he was here.
There’s too many good parts in the Paris chapters to even sight, so I’m just going to tell my own view on it, where we finally see Hazel trust Joe enough to tell him about her past, where Joe finally realizes he loves her after the French Aritst drew her and all we see is his interior monlogue of the entire thing of him just straight up ADMIRING her. And Hazel telling Joe about her past, trusting him enough to know, is something VERY important to her and to both of them because Hazel doesn’t tell many people so telling Joe is H U G E. And then of course the Effiel Tower and he helps her DANCE AGAIN because dancing centers around the bad memories of her father who left her and we see Joe really starting to fall in love. AH. It just makes me so so happy to see it and there’s too many adorable things to sight so here’s the chapters:
57 through 58: https://my.w.tt/v6dzKHBML8
Joe Tells George About His Feelings (+Their Underrated Friendship)
I really wanted to bring about the friendship of Joe Liebgott and George Luz, because I feel like they’d be a chaotic duo and writing them is always chaotic and it is HILARIOUS but also full of brotherly love and just Joe telling George about his realization of his feeling for Hazel. We start to see Joe, really starting to get these feelings, but also remembering there is a war on and getting attached could easily get any of them killed in the end, so it’s very much a tough mental battle.
Joe and Hazel Talking About Lieutenant Dike
Honestly these two gossiping about Dike gave me so MUCH LIFE.
" Sergeant Lipton, he told me you had to go on OP duty. Supposedly one's been dug out." he said.
" Sir, what OP, there's multiple." Hazel asked him quickly, confused.
" He said there's one around here." Dike said looking past her and Joe, " I'm not sure, he just told me to find you and that you and Powers I believe are on duty first."
" Yes, sir." Hazel said as Dike nodded and then walked right past them. Hazel and Joe watched side by side as Dike walked away, with the audacity to be whistling as he did so.
" We are in the middle of a fucking war, right?" Joe muttered. Hazel glanced at Joe.
" I don't think he cares." Hazel said. And that wasn't in any way going to be beneficial to the men and women of Easy Company.
" You sure you're staying warm?" Joe asked Hazel as they approached the foxhole where Shifty sat, cleaning his weapon.
" Yeah, of course I am." Hazel said.
" Well, you're tiny, Hazel, and tiny and cold don't exactly mesh if you think of it." Joe said as Hazel smirked. She watched Joe's eyes search hers softly. Joe wished he could do something more to make her warmer, but he could barely maintain 98.6 for himself. She looked like she was freezing.
Hazel Tells Joe About Life After The War For Her
" What's on your mind?" Joe asked her, watching as she glanced towards him and a small laugh escaped her.
" It's stupid, Joe." she said. Joe quirked a smirk her way.
" Really? Try me, Parker." Joe said and Hazel grinned, shrugging.
" I don't know, as a little girl you always think about life when you're older and stuff like that," Hazel said and Joe watched her softly, " I've just been thinking a lot about life, after the war." Joe dropped the smirk and a smile filled his features.
" Just the little things, what I might name my first daughter, or what pictures I might hang up in my living room, just little things like that." Hazel said, with a shrug, a small smile. Joe watched Hazel smile and then loop her fingers together, nodding softly.
" You got a name in mind?" Joe asked her and she glanced towards him, fighting down the tiny blush that was on her cheeks.
" I don't know," she said, a nervous giggle escaping her lips, she never had told anyone she thought about this often.
" Why you nervous, it's just me?" Joe said as she giggled softly again.
" Juliette." Hazel said quietly, with a small nod, before peaking up at Joe who watched her intently, " Not from Romeo and Juliet, but the French way. There was a girl in my elementary school who spelled her name that way and she was always so nice to me. I've always liked the name." Hazel smiled fondly, as if a memory were resurfacing in her brain.
" It's a pretty name." Joe said and Hazel looked up at Joe.
" Yeah," Hazel said," I don't know, it's a unique spelling, I like it." Joe smiled at her, and she smiled brightly back. Even in the cold, she found a way to smile and that warmed his heart because currently she was the only thing making him smile.
ACK MY HEART. but for me this scene I felt was important because even in the middle of the war, Hazel is still thinking about life afterwards and CHILDREN something so innocent, so gentle, so kind, so warm, something to vastly different from that of the horror of the cold and blistery Bastogne. 
Hazel and Joe After the Solo Patrol
" How was it?" Joe asked her, and she glanced up at him. Hazel let out a sigh and shrugged.
" Just seeing his body there," Hazel said shaking her head, " it wasn't what I expected to see. You know, I was just thinking of what his parents are going to think when they get his dog tag." Joe looked at her.
" He was only a year younger than me," Hazel said, shaking her head.
" I know I'm not the most sentimental type, Hazel, but I know when something's bothering you. You know you can talk to me, I am your best friend. I hate to think you'll keep it on your chest," Joe said as he looked her way. Hazel's heart warmed. Hazel smiled at him, and Joe noticed her dimples show up. They always did when she smiled. She curled her knees up to her chest and let out a sigh.
" Thank you, Joe," she said quietly looking at him in the silence of the snow falling outside and hitting the top of the tarp. The two looked at each other, as Hazel's eyes seemed to shine in the night. Hazel gently took his hand in hers and began gently curling and uncurling his fingers. Joe watched her, his heart pounding faster and faster by the second and she didn't even know.
" You're still wearing this?" she said with a slight giggle, touching the bracelet she had given Joe, which lay on his wrist.
" Of course I am," Joe said, as he watched Hazel smile.
" You just have a little piece of me," she said, her fingers like ice on his skin, and Joe watched her smile. Then she looked up at him and her smile grew, like a child in a candy store.
THIS!! They can have a very REAL conversation about life, but then can easily make each other feel so much better with just a few words, even just a look, they just know how to make one another feel better, to keep humanity around, something the war deprives them of.
Chrismtas 1944 -> Singing
I wanted to make a scene on Christmas Day 1944, where we see the group have a bit of humanity, singing Christmas songs in the snow, a bit of that realness, that human like atmosphere or Christmas that they all miss still very real and very prevalent in most cases. 
" Sleigh bells ring, are you listening..." George sang joyfully, wrapping his arm around Bill's shoulder, before poking Bill's ear. Bill swatted at his hand as George chuckled.
" In the lane snow is glistening, a beautiful sight we're happy tonight, walking in a winter wonderland..." Bill sang and George gave a whoop. Hazel laughed lightly before looking back at Joe.
" What?" she said softly, reaching forward to tilt his helmet up from his dark eyes.
" Happy looks good on you." he said with a small smile. Hazel blushed and thanked God for the darkness that night provided. Thank God for the darkness.
" Joe..." she whispered.
" I'm serious, you've been through a lot, and seeing you happy, it's a nice sight to see." he whispered softly to her. Hazel let out a tiny giggle, looking down at her hands, before looking back up at Joe. He was smiling.
Joe Comes Back From Being Winters’ Runner
This scene centers heavily on Joe coming back from being Winters’ Runner at Battalion for a few days, but eventually was sent back to the company because of the way he was with prisoners, but it is between him and Hazel. And normally Joe’s this soft sorta guy around her, but when he approaches her, he’s glum, and dealing with a lot of emotions of anger and hate. And Hazel doesn’t tell him “Joe, you have to be happier.” No, she tells him straight up, that it is okay to feel those things and in time you will get better, but those sad feelings are okay, and I feel that was important between them and for Joe to hear from Hazel, for her to tell him, it is okay to feel things, those sort of emotions. But by the end, we see him lighten up a bit, because I mean Joe with Hazel? He can’t help but soften up. 
" It's okay to feel that, I feel it too," she said softly rubbing his arm," your emotions, they're important, it's okay to feel that way." God, Hazel made him so happy, even with just a sentence like that.
" I don't think I've told you thank you enough," Joe said glancing at her. She quirked an innocent brow.
" Just, you're always there for me and my bullshit," Joe said shrugging as she smiled.
" And you're there for mine." she said with a toothy smile from under the brim of her helmet. Joe's heart warmed.
Quiet Comfort
That night, at the dinner line, it was so quiet. Catherine didn't show up for dinner. Hazel and Lizzie were there, but they were so quiet and closed off, that they could barely talk with tear filled eyes, and red, blood-shot eyes. Joe Liebgott sat next to Hazel that night, on the log from earlier that afternoon, as she pushed the food around in the tin. Joe could see her holding back her trembling lip, as well as the tears that wanted to fall from her eyes. So Joe decided to sit beside her and eat quietly, and not say anything. Hazel needed him to know that she appreciated him just sitting there, without saying a word. She slowly reached forward, and grabbed his hand with her gloved one without even making eye contact. She interlaced their fingers, sucking in a shaking breath as she did so. Her hand was cold in his own warm one, but Joe knew it meant the world to Hazel. Joe knew that as thanks from her, especially right now.
To Hazel, Bill Guarnere and Joe Toye meant the world to her; they were like big brothers, always looking out for her, protecting her, defending her, comforting her, just there for her, so she’s hurt after they get wounded, and Joe knows that he just has to sit by her side and not say a word to let her know that he’s there. 
Joe And Hazel Talk About The Stars and Sadness
THIS SCENE IT IS SO UNGODLY IMPORTANT FOR BOTH OF THEM - for Joe to come and see Hazel upset and ultimately comfort her and let her know that he’s there for her, it just ACK. 
" I'm sorry your sad, Hazel," Joe whispered beside her and she looked at him, " I wish there was something I could do to take it away." Hazel watched his eyes search hers and smiled gently; she knew he was truthful in his words. Joe Liebgott was always truthful to her, no matter what, they were best friends.
" Can you just stay here with me?" she whispered softly, as her eyes welled with more tears.
" Yeah," Joe said immediately, a small smile on his face, " of course, what type of best friend would I be?" Hazel let out a slight giggle that settled Joe for the moment. Joe gently wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she rested her weary head against his shoulder, shutting her eyes. Joe brought her as close as he could, her tiny body, shaking in his grasp as she lay there so quietly.
" I'm glad we're friends you know? Best friends?" Joe said quietly, " Remember I told you how fascinating it was to see your love for the stars? Or how caring and kind you were to everyone and how strong you were?" Hazel gently looked up to meet his eyes with her own and she smiled softly at him.
" How'd I get so lucky to have a friend like you?" Joe said to her and Hazel felt more tears rush to her eyes as she watched him, his face turning blurry from the tears.
" Do you want to tell me about the stars?" he whispered softly, brushing a stray tear from her cheek that trailed down from her sad, blue eyes.
" Yes," she whispered softly watching him and she saw him smile.
" Alright, get comfy," Joe said as she giggled a bit cuddling into his side, and they looked up towards the gleaming stars.
" I'm excited," he whispered as if he were a kid about to watch a movie and Hazel giggled.
Okay so this scene is actually much longer but I wanted to show Joe’s comfort levels from letting her know she’s there, making her feel better, staying with her to comfort her, to hold her, just let her feel safe finally, that sort of thing, and letting her talk about whatever she wants and then ultimately being the most patient listener and it makes me S O F T AHHHHHH I swear these two ruin me.
I AM SORRY THIS IS AS LONG AS IT IS O M G i promise to control myself, but i was like screw it i love these two so much and they deserve this post :) i hope this works!! but i’ll be happy to do ad astra, as i’ve said, because i didn’t realize how long just the soldier of stars would be OMG LOL!! i had so much fun because i relived so many adorable moments that i forgot happened and i can’t thank you enoguh for this post on my little, innocent babies who deserve happiness and the world ;) thank you so so much, truly!! <3
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spectralscathath · 4 years
There's Starlight In Your Smiles- Blacksun Oneshot
Another day in Menagerie, another sunset, another sky full of stars.
Blake would spend an eternity stargazing with Sun, but she can settle for a night.
Commissioned Blacksun oneshot for Mona.
Ao3 link, fanfiction link
Blake watched as the last rays of light shone over Menagerie, cutting through the tree leaves with a gold sheen that was almost tangible. She sighed to herself, looking down at a scroll empty of signatures. Still nothing. No matter how much she tried, it seemed that the people of Menagerie just couldn’t bring themselves to worry about a human kingdom.
Even though she understood the reluctance, that didn’t mean she had to like it. 
She heard a rustle, ear swivelling to track the sound as Sun hopped lightly through the trees to join her. He really could move fast when he put his mind to it. She turned to his direction, waiting for him to land next to her, blond hair messier than usual from his freerunning. 
His dark eyes tracked over her, before locking with her gaze. “So, bad news, the people on the mountain border of the town aren’t interested. Sorry Blake.”
“It’s fine. We just have to keep trying.” She had to help Haven. Somehow. Maybe that would make up for her nightmares about Beacon. “I didn’t get any signatures either.”
“Hey, we’ll help Haven. It’s gonna be fine.” Sun reassured her, and he sounded so sure of himself that she almost believed him. He pulled out his scroll, rolling his left shoulder a little. “Wanna go hit up that nocturnal district you mentioned?”
She sighed and brushed some of her hair out of her face. “I don’t know if I’m up for any more rejections tonight.”
“So, back to your place?” Sun put his scroll away. 
“I don’t know.” Her ears tilted down, her eyes dropping to the ground. “Ilia’s been watching the house. Or she’s watching us. I don’t think I’m ready to go back there yet.” She hated knowing she was under surveillance the way she was. She couldn’t even spot Ilia most of the time. Her camouflage was too good. 
“We could stay out, if you like?” Sun offered, putting a gentle hand on her shoulder. She appreciated the gesture of support. “Grab dinner, stargaze, evening walk on the beach, you pick.”
She tilted her head, smiling slightly as she looked up into his eyes. “Stargazing? That’s what you’re suggesting?”
“Hey, come on, stars are cool,” he defended, a hint of laughter threading through his voice. Now that she wasn’t so trapped in her own despair and guilt, she could appreciate how quick he was to smile, how close to the surface his joy was. 
“You’re right. Come on, I know where the best view in Kuo Kuana is.” Her ears pricked a little as her smile warmed, walking through alleys until she was in amongst the palm trees that filled the space between houses. 
She picked the largest, getting ready to climb it. She took a few steps back before she ran up the tree, using a shadow clone to give herself a boost upwards. It was easy enough to scale, getting her up above the lanterns that lined Menagerie’s streets, leaving them with an unobstructed view of the night sky. 
She situated herself right at the top, making sure to leave room as Sun followed her up, his tail twitching to keep his balance as he sat down. His arm brushed against hers as he got settled, the leaves swaying a little under his weight. He looked up and let out an impressed whistle, the light from the rising moon catching in his hair and turning it pale white. 
Blake wrapped her arms around her knees, watching him contentedly as he looked at all the constellations. “See any you don’t know?”
“There’s one that looks like a boot, I don’t know that one.” He pointed it out. 
“It’s a fish.” She studied it, tilting her head. Actually, if she squinted, she could see what he meant. “My favourite is The Dancers. I used to always try and spot them every night when I was little.”
“Where’s that one?” 
She took his hand and pointed it at the constellation for him, deliberately not noticing how warm his arm was even through his gauntlets. “They’re always south-east of everything. When I was travelling with the White Fang, when I missed Menagerie, I’d look for them.”
“Because that way home lay?” Sun clarified, his tail reaching around to brush comfortingly against her hand. 
She smiled weakly. “Yep. What about you?”
“Stars are used to navigate in Vacuo. The Western Star was the one I liked the most. Brightest star in the sky, I could never get lost when I could see it. Always found my way.” he grinned as he said it, and she could almost picture him in Vacuo, watching the sky and measuring the stars like they were his own personal compass. 
“Can you see it here?” She looked in the opposite direction of The Dancers, squinting at where the sun had disappeared over the sea. Nothing unusually bright there.
“Nope! Don’t need to,” he said cheerfully. 
“Even if it led you home?” She raised a brow, actually somewhat curious to hear a little bit more about him. She was starting to realise that they never talked about him. Not about Mistral, or Vacuo, or his life, or his past, or his family. It was always about her. 
“Home’s not a place for me, Blake,” Sun chuckled, like the idea was absurd. “It’s people. People I can trust to have my back, and I’ve got theirs. Whatever they need. When I’m with the people I love, I’m home.”
“Like your team?” He was always so devoted to them in Beacon. They’d been fun to hang out with, when she’d done so. A lot of it was Sun’s sheer irrepressible light, but their antics had been amusing. They never judged her. They never judged Sun for his tail, and would never have judged her for her ears. She liked that security.
“Well, yeah,” Sun placed a hand on his left shoulder, giving it a roll as he tossed her a grin. It was a quirk he’d picked up ever since the fight with Ilia, to loosen the tension that gathered there so easily.  “And like you.”
She blinked at him, unable to quite find any words. He seemed to say it so easily. He’d given her so much loyalty and trust, even when he’d nearly died from being impaled. The wound had tightened the muscles all around his shoulder, giving rise to his new habit. He still had the scar, on his chest and back, and always would. Just like the notch Adam left on her stomach.
Ilia had barely missed his heart, and even then the lightning dust from her weapon had caused electric damage, cardiac arrest. She’d hurt his heart.
His heart had nearly been stopped, because of- 
No. not because of her. He’d made that choice. She couldn’t devalue him that way. He mattered too much for her to do that. She could put the same trust in him that he gave her, not to try and control him, but to support him.
Blake shifted a little closer, hesitating before she patted his shoulder. “Thank you.” For everything. 
He placed his hand over hers for a moment, his smile impossibly softening even more. “Nothing to thank me for.”
How wrong he was. She had been terrified, choking on so much fear she couldn’t breathe. He hadn’t healed her. She’d had to do that herself. But he’d been there, showing her she wasn’t alone. Being there, even when she was lashing out and pushing him away. He still cared about her. He didn’t even feel like he was owed anything, he’d just done it because he loved her. In some way, at least.
It was so different from everything she’d known before. Even how they’d met, it hadn’t been through a shared cause, it had just been random chance. He’d been on his way to Beacon, and he’d just happened to find her when she’d needed a friend. Someone who wouldn’t judge her for the cat ears atop her head. 
The endless positivity and validation, of her race, of her feelings, of her, it was a breath of fresh air after a life of fighting. He never felt like she had to fight for anything. He listened when she spoke, and he gave her space when she told him she needed it, and when she did fight him, when she’d tried to shut him out, that was the only time he’d fought back. The only time he’d fought her on her choices was when they would have hurt her. 
She’d hurt him and he’d still chosen to stay. He didn’t run away from her. 
She was tired of doing the same. Of running. She was trying to be braver. 
She felt courage rise in her, and it took her a second to recognise the feeling. She should tell him that she- “Sun?”
“Hm?” He gave her his full attention, pulled out of whatever he’d been thinking. 
“I-” really like you? Maybe even- “I like stargazing with you.”
Okay. Maybe she wasn’t brave enough yet for that.
“I like it too.” Sun grinned at her, his tail flicking around to boop lightly against the tip of her nose. She sneezed, nose crinkling, and he barely stifled his laugh. 
She couldn’t even be mad at him for it, despite her faked glare. She just shifted a little closer, smiling faintly, and returned her gaze to the sky. “You really think we’ll save Haven?”
“I have to.” He looked up at the moon, shattered pieces scattering across the sky. “If the White Fang blows it up- I liked Haven. It’s a cool school.”
Blake sighed, a cool breeze drifting off the ocean and playing with the dark strands of her hair. “Sometimes I forget you actually went there,” she confessed. “For me, this is about preventing Beacon from happening again, but for you it’s more personal, isn’t it?”
“I have friends there,” he nodded. “I really hate the White Fang. You sure taking it back is the right move?”
“Yes. I refuse to let the legacy of the White Fang be one of hatred and spite. I’m going to fix it.” She couldn’t do it alone, though. “We’re going to fix it.”
“I could get behind that. Enough politics, though. We’re here to stargaze, right?” He grinned and rolled his left shoulder again, holding it as he did. 
“We are, right,” she laughed, one ear twitching. She shifted a little closer to him, letting her shoulder press against his. She felt him stiffen up a little bit before he gave her a slight nudge, a return of the affection. “Sun?”
“I’m glad you came to Menagerie with me. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” Not only the fights, and the White Fang, but the company was welcome. Her parents were great, and she loved them, but it had been a long time. There was still awkwardness around even the most basic topics, like how she took her tea.
Sun had become her friend recently enough and long enough that companionship was easy.
Even if she had just chickened out on telling him just how much she appreciated that companionship.
She still had time. Right now wasn’t a good time anyway, with Ilia watching them. Once they had taken the White Fang back, she could tell him.
“You don’t need to thank me for having your back, Blake.” Sun smiled at her and raised his arm, half-offering and half-asking if he could put it around her shoulders. She moved closer and felt it settle like a comforting weight on her back, careful not to pull her hair.
“Well, you can’t stop me, can you? You’ll just have to accept my gratitude.” Her ears pricked as she rested her head on his shoulder, soaking in his warmth.
He laughed softly, the sound reverberating through his chest and into her cheek. “Anything for you, Blake.”
She knew he meant it.
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Safety In Numbers
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So, uh, took some liberties with this one, because that’s the world we live in, and that’s just how things are.
WARNING:  Animal death.
You’re not one to be easily frightened, but you couldn’t help but rest your hand on the stock of your rifle as you glared into the darkness at the edge of your camp.  “I think that’s close enough, don’t you?”
Bear Ghost, your Andalusian white enough to glow in the dark, tossed its head, ears swiveled in the direction of the intruder.  Your unwelcome guest raised his hands, letting the gold accents on his shirt and hat flash in the spluttering firelight of your camp.  “Easy there, easy…didn’t mean to frighten you.  Heh, heh…”
Your grip tightened as the posh English accent registered.  You knew who this was, not that it meant you’re any safer out here in the Midwestern wilderness.  Diego-Fucking-Brando was unlikely to qualify for sainthood, to put it mildly, and tonight was the worst possible night for whatever underhanded tactics he might try.
The other riders you’ve banded with have noticed the newcomer by now, and moved to flank you.  Nobody’s pointing their guns yet, but the situation was certainly tense; you saw Wesson’s hand tense over his revolver, and Thompson’s rifle was slung over his shoulder in that too-casual way he adopted when he was preparing to shoot.  You watched Diego’s eyes rove over each of you, clearly calculating the situation and working out what his approach should be, as his horse pawed the ground.  Bear Ghost mimicked the action, though his was from definite nervousness.
Diego’s eyes were so blue, even in the near-blackness of the moonless night.  The color was intense, almost unnaturally so, and the way the shadows played over his face made it easy to imagine more monstrous features.  He took another step forward, properly illuminating himself in the campfire’s light, and you kicked yourself for being so paranoid; his features were handsome and arrogant, but all too human.  It was bad enough that you were being stalked by a monster; did you have to start imagining them on horseback, too?
“Are you sure I can’t give you the pleasure of my company?” he wheedled.  “It’s dark out here, and bitterly cold.  Safety’s in numbers, they always say…”
Safety in numbers.  The words sent a flash of memory through your head, of white teeth and unnatural shadow, and your next words—to tell him off, to leave before you opened fire—died in your throat.
Smith, ever the voice of mercy in your little group, noticed your hesitation.  “C’mon, Colt.  I’ve got no love for him same as you, but it’ll be murder to leave a man by his lonesome out there, what with the—“
“Oh, don’t scare the man.” his brother cut him off and stepped to the side, gesturing to the campfire.  “You can spend the night with us, but we’ll have to ask you to keep your distance from our horses, and we won’t be riding together come morning.”
Diego obligingly slid off his horse’s back in that arrogantly elegant little flip he does when trying to show off.  You were very pointedly not looking, suddenly busying yourself with the coffee you’d been making before you were interrupted by his arrival.
Honestly, that was for the best.  You were still shaken up by the events of the past few days, still easily spooked, and seeing the strangely cracked skin on the side of his face before he adjusted his bandage would have only made things worse.
“So…you’re going by Colt, now?” the words drifted a little on the evening breeze, making you groan.
Diego, to his credit (and your relief), had felt no need to get buddy-buddy just because he was sharing your fire; once he’d collected his coffee and some dinner, he’d retreated to the far side of the camp to tend to his horse, rebuffing Smith’s perfunctory attempts at conversation.  You wished he would, though; if his attention was on something else, it wouldn’t be on you.
He was watching, when Thompson’s hands brushed against yours as he took a seat next to you, and he was watching when Smith started with his stargazing and you shepherded him back to the safety of the group.  He was watching when you checked on Bear Ghost and the other horses.
Hell, you didn’t think he’d stopped watching you since he’d shown up tonight.  Thompson and the brothers had all headed to bed already, trusting you with the first watch, though the former whispered in passing that he’d stay up just in case Diego tried anything when you were apparently alone.
For the first hour or so, he hadn’t said anything, just sat by his horse and watched you pretend to not be watching him, as the night wind toyed with some dried leaves and something made scratching noises in the distance that made you shiver.
Now that he was apparently certain only the two of you were left awake, though, he’d approached.  Not close enough that you felt justified pointing the gun at him, but when he carefully lowered himself into the spot Thompson had occupied only a couple hours before, you found yourself holding your breath.
“I needed a fresh start, I guess.  Had to get away from my history in the racing circuit, under that…other name.”
“Your real name, you mean?  The name praised in every paper on the East Coast for your unerring skill and peerless talent?  That name?” he leered, the firelight doing something strange to the edges of his mouth.  You averted your gaze.
“If I wanted to talk about it, Diego, I would have.  It’s just Colt, now.  For as long as Thompson and the brothers’ll have me, anyway.”
I hope it’s forever, you wanted to say, but that felt embarrassingly personal to declare somehow, and Diego wasn’t really the kind of person you wanted to have this conversation with, anyway.  You didn’t have to look at his face to know he was frowning.
“Hrmm,” he replied, in a way that could have been interpreted as ‘I respect your boundaries, Colt, and I’ve decided not to press for more information despite my burning curiosity’, but what you suspected to be ‘wow! I just realized I didn’t care about this at all, actually, and I’m relieved you stopped before I had to get up and walk away from the conversation’.
He opened his mouth to say something else, but shut it again with an irritated snap as one of the tent flaps popped open and Wesson came into view, suppressing a yawn.
“Diego seduce you into racing with him instead yet, Colt?” he called as he wandered into the brush to take a piss.  
The blond curled his lip, but you grinned and called back.  “I’m giving it some pretty serious thought…he’s promised me a fortune back in England, and also to marry me.  I’m still holding out, though, I’m hoping for his horse.”
Wesson gave a bark of laughter (answered by a muffled “Chrissakes, shut up!” from Smith’s tent) as he finished up and came back.
“Is that all it would take to buy your talent?” Diego asked, eyebrow raised.  “This may be easier than I thought.”
The way he said it was easy to play off as a joke, but the idea—that Diego Brando, genius jockey, even considered you worthwhile competition—made you pause, even if you’d just promised you’d left that life behind.  Wesson caught the look and chuckled.
“Don’t let Thompson hear you talk like that.  He’s gotten pretty fond of you, y’know…keeps dithering about how to ask you to stay with us once this whole race thing’s over.”  Wesson gave you a knowing smile and threw another couple logs onto the campfire.
“Has he, now.”  Diego hissed, almost inaudible over the crackling of the flames.  His handsome features, already distorted by the uneven shadows of the firelight, now looked downright monstrous.  He glared at the tent the other man was resting in, then back at you.
You decided to go to bed.
The first thing you registered upon waking up was that it was still impossibly dark.
The second thing you registered was the hand over your mouth.
You shouted, a sound strangled by your assailant as they held you down, and it took several desperate seconds of struggling for your gun before you realized it was Wesson, trying to get you to stop with frantic, hushed whispers.
He had to repeat himself a fourth time before the words finally registered, finally taking his hand off your face.
“Smith’s dead and Thompson and Diego are gone.  We need to get out of here.”
“What?” you repeated, dumbly.  Smith—excellent with a knife and unbeatable as a navigator, who had seen so much and somehow maintained an attitude of ‘let’s be nice to other racers even though the Run has been nothing short of cutthroat’—dead?  How?
The stench of blood registered in your nostrils as you wrapped your head around the words.  How hadn’t you noticed it before?
“Smith is dead,” Wesson repeated, a definite wobble in his voice, “Thompson and Diego are gone.  I think…I think it took them.  We need to go.”
It had finally come.  Fear, numb and overwhelming, threatened to paralyze you, but Wesson was already moving, grounding you in the moment.  Cold metal forced itself into your hands.  Your rifle.  It was all you were carrying with you—Wesson barely gave you time to put on your boots before he grabbed your hand and lead you through the hole he’d cut in the side of your tent, slipping in the mud left behind by a recent rain.  You could barely keep up as he dragged you toward your horses, still tied to their tree but only barely; Bear Ghost had all but torn himself free in a frenzy of terror, and the other three were…
It hadn’t rained.
In the moment you realized this, Wesson lost his footing entirely, plummeting to the ground and sending a wave of gore splashing over your boots as he landed squarely in the eviscerated remains of his own horse.  One glassy eye stared up at you as you frantically pulled him back to his feet, deaf to his disgusted spluttering as he tried to get the blood out of his mouth.  You heard a crunch underfoot as your heel crushed the remains of Bonnie Tyler’s jaw, torn off and left half-buried in the mud a few feet away, but more importantly you heard the rattling hiss of something that was very definitely not a deer, coming from the direction of the campfire.
“Fuck.  Shit!  Get on, Wesson!” you whispered, forcing yourself onto Bear Ghost’s back, holding a hand out for him.  Instead of taking it, however, Wesson pulled a knife and cut the rope tethering your horse to its tree, letting it give into instinct and flee into the darkness in a mad dash.  You were too surprised by the move to react; all you could do was hang on.
“Wesson!”  You screamed, whipping your head around, and the last thing you saw as he disappeared from view was the flash from his rifle—your rifle, he must have taken it from you in the confusion—as he took aim and fired, still desperately trying to buy you the seconds you needed to escape, abandoning his own hope for survival in the same breath.
Tears blurred your vision, making it impossible to navigate even if you could somehow see in the dark, and you found yourself letting Bear Ghost dictate where to go.  Was this a nightmare?  It had to be.  It was too close to what you’d been dreading but didn’t dare voice—the loss of your precious friends to a nameless horror that stalked the night and finally made its move, something that could dodge a bullet and gouge stone with its claws, something that wouldn’t stop until it had finally eaten you alive.
Help.  You had to get help.  But where could you go that could protect you from a living, breathing monster?  As if recalling the words of another lifetime, you remembered that the nearest town was a day and a half’s ride away.
It might as well have been on the moon, for all the good it would do you now.  Hell, you could say that for a town an hour’s ride away, ten minutes away, because there was something else in the hills with you now, and your horse didn’t have a hope in hell of outrunning it.  
You’d almost missed it.  Its gait matched Bear Ghost’s almost perfectly, and it hadn’t been directly behind you, so you wouldn’t have seen it looking back.  Even now that you knew where to look, though, you didn’t have a clear idea of what exactly you were looking at.
That was Diego’s horse.  You knew it well enough, had stared at its ass for more than long enough on those perilous stretches where you were so close to passing him, but the thing riding it was unlike any living being you’d ever seen before.
It had a tail, one that lashed the air as it egged Silver Bullet closer and closer to you.  
It had claws, talons thicker than your fist that somehow managed to grip the reins without gouging the horse.
It had eyes, electric blue and full of a malevolent intelligence no animal could possess, eyes that had been fixed on you since…
No.  It couldn’t be.
Belatedly, you realized you’d let the other rider—this Not-Diego, whose muzzle gleamed in the starlight with a dark liquid you knew to be blood—get far, far too close.  Bear Ghost was foaming at the mouth in its mad dash to get away, but for every few strides it took, Silver Bullet somehow managed to take one more, until the two of you were neck and neck, separated only by a few meters.  You yanked the reins in one hand as you made one last, desperate gamble, reaching down your boot for the concealed pistol and pulling it up, aiming and firing in a wild shot that was more like a prayer than anything—
In that moment, faster than your eye could follow, the thing jumped, slamming into Bear Ghost’s side, tearing into its flesh with the massive talons on its feet. Its jaws opened, surely about to rip into your own flesh and tear your head clean off—
The world became a blur as Bear Ghost screamed again with a desperate finality, losing its balance under the weight of the Not-Diego and plummeting to the side.  You hit the ground with a graceless thud and rolled a meter or two, barely able to register the wind knocked out of you as you stared up at your horse, transfixed.  Time seemed to slow to a crawl as its full weight hovered overhead, its body contorted in a grotesque dance, and you found yourself hoping that the fall would kill you before the monster could, that you would be crushed before you had to endure the agony of being eaten alive.
Sorry, Wesson.  Looks like you did all that for nothing.
Teeth sank into your shoulder and pulled just as twelve hundred pounds of horse slammed into the earth, obliterating the spot you occupied a fraction of a second previously.  Your breath came in shaky, hysterical gasps as you watched Bear Ghost writhe in place, unable to get up or escape.  You found yourself struggling to your elbows to get up and help it, but a massive reptilian foot suddenly put its weight on your chest, keeping you in place, the points of the talons puncturing your jacket and grazing your skin.
The Not-Diego’s face came into view, teeth bared in a hideous grin as it breathed in the smell of your blood with quick, hungry snorts.  You shut your eyes.  If you wished hard enough, prayed hard enough to a god you stopped believing in years ago, maybe this would all turn out to be a dream.
“I’m really sorry about your horse,” the surprisingly human voice startled you into opening your eyes, to see the monster sitting on your chest had turned back into a man…mostly a man.  The feral, too-large grin you thought had been a trick of the firelight loomed at you now, as horrifically real as the rest of the night had been.
“What a shame…looks like you won’t be racing with your little pack anymore.  You’ll have to ride with me, instead…safety in numbers, and all that.”
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magewriter · 5 years
Enough to go Around
For katieisagoddess who asked for Kalex to AgentSuperCorp. Kara and Alex are together, but no one knows except Eliza and J’onn. They go on a date one night, and Lena sees them (she’s not mad that Kara didn’t tell her about being Supergirl) doesn’t quite catch that they’re leaving a date, asks Kara out on a date. Kara and Alex share a look, tell her that they’re actually dating, then offer to have her join them.
I own nothing. Another prompt fill!
Words: 3626
Alex stared down the women across from her.
Why did the stupid alien have to be so damn attractive?
More importantly, why did their resident billionaire philanthropist also have to be so attractive as well? Lena was looking between them as if she were watching a tennis match.
Between the two of them, Alex was glad she had her training to fall back on. She would lament to Kara over the situation later. The billionaire in question was her best friend after all.
Actually, Kara might just try to set the two of them up. Her sister was like that, despite her fairly obvious crush on the CEO.
“Just admit defeat Agent Danvers,” Supergirl spoke, her attempts to keep a straight face not fairing very well. “Ms. Luthor is correct in this case.”
Lena made absolutely no attempt to hide her smirk. She set down her cards. A royal flush stared back at Alex mockingly.
Why, between the three of them, had they only had a deck of lead-backed playing cards for entertainment? Alex made a mental note to outfit the lockdown rooms with something else just in case (when) something like this happened again.
What had happened was some idiot hadn’t followed proper lab procedures, releasing a chemical agent that resulted in the entire building going into a quarantine lockdown until the air scrubbers could do the basic and DEO agents from the desert base could get into the city to clear the building.
Since neither Supergirl nor Lena Luthor was meant to be in the DEO, Alex had dragged them into the room attached to her lab. She was the only one with direct access, so she would be able to scrub the footage later. Brainy would have already done so to anything showing the two women being present at all.
And so here they were, several hours into lockdown and the only way to apparently keep Supergirl from having a claustrophobic meltdown was cuddles and games. Hence the worn deck of playing cards and many rounds of poker.
Alex shelved the thought that Supergirl was a lot like Kara in that respect. Her little sister hated small spaces. Cuddles and mental distractions (and sometimes food, but that was in short supply right now) were really the only ways to help her calm down and stay that way.
Supergirl was tucked up against Lena’s side at the moment, but her bare feet were settled beneath Alex’s crossed legs. The agent had to give her some credit, her toes weren’t cold.
“Fine,” Alex tossed down her cards. A trio of Kings and a pair of Aces was a good hand, against anything else. “New game please, anything but poker.”
“Blackjack or Texas Hold’em?” Lena gathered the cards up and began to shuffle them.
Alex would remember that day clearly for some time after her memories were returned. It had made her think of several things she never would have otherwise.
Like the fact that her crush on Kara was nowhere near as gone as she thought it was. She had apparently just needed to take the sister-conditioning out of the equation to act on it. Admitting to these feelings had brought them to now, entangled together on Kara’s couch.
“Oh…wow,” she breathed once they stopped kissing.
“I have wanted to do that for so long,” Kara whispered. She wasn’t nearly as breathless as Alex, but she was vibrating in her excitement.
This was practically everything she had wanted since she understood that relationships did not work the same on Earth as they had on Krypton.
She may have taken slight advantage of Alex not knowing she was Supergirl but flirting with her while in uniform, but Alex had chosen to respond to said flirting. That they had continued said flirting after Alex had her memories back, well, that had been Alex’s choice as well.
“Why didn’t you just do it?” Alex asked in a moment of curiosity.
Kara scowled at her. “Because I didn’t want to hear the ‘that’s not how it works on Earth Kara’ lecture again.” She finally noticed she was vibrating and focused on calming down enough to stop. “Besides, at least I had you even if we weren’t together. I want you to be happy Alex, even if it wasn’t with me.”
Alex winched, thinking of Maggie, Sam, Sara, and a few others that she had been with since figuring out she was a lesbian and not just weird for having a crush on her alien foster sister. Being in love with, she silently amended the thought.
“What about your crush on Lena?” She teased, tugging her alien back into her lap.
Kara blushed, but returned the statement. “What about yours?”
“Later,” Alex decreed, kissing Kara again. “I want to go out on an actual date with you where we both know it’s a date and we don’t call it anything else.”
Kara’s face brightened. “When? Where? Locally or I can fly us somewhere?”
Alex chuckled. “Calm down. We’ll save the superpowers for another night.”
Their first date went well. Alex took them to a movie she knew they would both enjoy while Kara took them to a probably not legal lookout spot for a picnic and stargazing.
Six weeks in and the only ones really aware of the change in their relationship were J’onn and Eliza. Kara really didn’t understand how that was possible, since neither were outright hiding it.
Huh, she supposed they really had been like that forever. They certainly hadn’t changed much in how they acted around each other. They had added kissing to their greetings, but as neither had any interest in PDA they were kept private. Kara didn’t want to even think about the chaos that would eschew if word got out that Supergirl had a lover.
She perked up when she heard Alex enter the apartment. They really should talk about moving to a singular abode. They were together more often than not.
“So, date night?” Alex wrapped her arms around her girlfriend. That was nice, being able to claim Kara as such.
Kara leaned back into the hold. “We can try that new place on the south side?” She suggested. “Lena mentioned that they have an eating challenge, which means you can take bets from those who underestimate me.”
Alex hummed at the thought, thinking it over. “How is our resident CEO? I haven’t seen her lately.”
“Busy, and she’s going through PAs almost as fast as Ms. Grant right now.” Kara shook her head. “They just can’t keep up with her, or they try and have a break-down which makes Lena feel bad.”
“And so you,” Alex pecked her on the cheek, “have been taking her lunch to give them a break and make certain she eats?”
“Yes,” Kara poked her side, making Alex shift away to avoid being tickled. “Jess told me point blank to my face that she doesn’t understand how I deal with two of you.”
Alex reddened. It was one of the many things she and Lena had in common. It was also one of the things that drew Alex to the other woman. Who better for a workaholic than another workaholic?
“She also knows, and so does Jess.” Kara said absently, turning so she was holding Alex. She floated them above the floor, making her girlfriend squeak at the sudden shift.
“Knows what exactly, and how many NDAs am I going to need to ask for from HR?”
“Supergirl and none, because neither of them are going to say anything. Lena isn’t mad anymore and we talked about it, although I think Jess and Sam may have talked her down from her original response.” Kara frowned, brow furrowed. “I hate that I hurt her Alex, that we hurt her. She trusts us and she’s hurt because she feels like we don’t trust her.”
“Hey,” Alex got Kara to look at her. “You owe no one your secret, no matter what the relationship. We do trust Lena, but this past year has been crazy even for us.” She shifted so she was comfortable sitting on Kara’s crossed legs. She grinned, pushing Kara so they were lying horizontal in the air. Like a cat, she stretched out on the other woman.
Kara giggled, adjusting so that Alex wouldn’t roll off. They would do this often as teenagers and even more now that they were together. They settled that way, basking in the warm glow from the sunlight filtering in thru the windows.
“Come on,” Alex finally said, shifting to roll off onto her own feet. “I still want to go out tonight.”
“Okay,” Kara allowed gravity to affect her again, settling lightly onto her feet. “Are you on-call tonight?”
“Nope,” Alex had a Cheshire-esque smile on her face. “Unless the world is ending, we’re both covered. So no suite tonight and I’ll leave my guns at home.”
Kara eyed her with suspicion. Alex had said guns not weapons. She had emptied Alex’s pockets on several occasions. Her girlfriend was capable of hiding a wide variety of objects on her person, many seemingly innocent until an attacker was bleeding or otherwise incapacitated.
The agent rolled her eyes. “Fine, I’ll leave all of my nice weapons at home where they’ll be lonely and neglected.”
“They’ll get over it,” Kara retorted.
Grumbling, Alex began pulling out a truly astonishing amount of items. She wasn’t dressed for work, having already changed before coming over to Kara’s. Would it be too strange to start talking about moving in together? Kara didn’t have what Alex would deem appropriate weapons storage, plus it wasn’t as if Alex didn’t already have a large number of her things here to begin with or Kara at hers.
“Ready?” Kara ignored the pile of gadgets and weaponry Alex had placed on the table.
“Yeah, let’s lock up and go.” Alex looked at the pile of things. Maybe just one? Kara had her powers always, surly she could bring just one…
“Come on,” Kara tugged her towards the door. She swung back and picked up a pocket knife that probably wasn’t one, handing it to her lover. “Stop pouting. That’s my line.”
Laughing, Alex took the offered weapon and attached to her belt. “Come on dork. Show me this restaurant.”
The ‘new place on the south side’ turned out to be a strange amalgamation of Chinese and American cuisine. The eating challenge was one hundred potstickers in an hour. The platter was a mix of every flavor of potsticker (Alex would later argue that some of the combinations should not count as a potsticker) offered, equating to ten sets of ten.
Kara’s eyes were wide at such a thing and ordered two. Alex had managed to keep a blank face, but inside she was cackling madly. Within ten minutes of placing their order, Alex had placed a dozen bets with other patrons and two servers. She had gotten herself the trial platter of the potstickers, a dish a tenth of the size of what was served to Kara.
Alex sat back to enjoy the show as the timer started. She knew some people found it disgusting, watching someone shovel food into their mouths the way Kara could. She was immune to it by this point. Other people’s reactions were far more entertaining.
“Alex, these are so good! Did you try yours?” Kara finished off the ones described as a pizza in a potsticker (pepperoni, sausage, and cheese in a tomato sauce shoved in the dumpling wrapper).
“Huh…that’s a really weird texture.” Alex glanced at the plate to see the label, agreeing that the beans did give it a strange but not entirely unpleasant texture. She did make a note to try the chili on its own, to which Kara agreed.
“Bleh, never ordering these on their own but Lena will like them.” This was about the vegetarian ones which contained kale. Alex took a picture as proof to show Lena that Kara had willingly eaten the vegetable.
The traditional ones barely lasted a blink. Alex had eaten that one first off her plate, just to save it from disappearing into Kara’s stomach.
“Oh, spicy!” Kara said with delight as she demolished the buffalo chicken filled dumplings. The habanero ranch ones followed, chased down by the small glass of milk that came with it.
More than half done, Alex checked the clock. They still had thirty minutes.
“Oh my…Alex we have to learn how to make these!” Kara stuffed the rest of the cheeseburger potstickers in mouth almost as fast as she had the traditional and pizza versions.
Alex scoffed. “Not unless you want a hazmat team in the apartment.”
“We’re not that bad!” Kara defended. They always managed Thanksgiving and simple dishes easily enough. Potstickers couldn’t be that difficult to make! Then she could have them every day!
“Finish your food,” Alex prodded her. She was keeping an even tally (as she always did) on what Kara did and did not like.
“Hmm…this taste more like crab ragoon than a potsticker,” Kara commented, inhaling them. That was one of Alex’s and Lena’s preferred side dishes when they ordered Chinese take-out. Kara didn’t mind it; that always meant more potstickers for her.
“ohh…Philly cheese steak!” Alex was tempted to snag some of those, but refrained. She could always get her own order.
The final one was sweet, more desert than appetizer. It was styled after a traditional apple pie and was encrusted with cinnamon sugar (Alex argued that it was closer to an empanada than a potsticker).
Grinning, Alex hit the button to stop the clock with ten minutes to spare. Her girlfriend had just eaten two hundred potstickers in fifty minutes and earned Alex nearly double that plus her own meal was covered.
As Alex collected her winnings, Kara got her picture taken to be placed on the wall with the others who had defeated the challenge. There weren’t many and Kara’s picture got pride of place.
“Still hungry?” Alex asked her softly.
“I’m good for now. Want to take a walk on the pier?” Kara held out her hand.
“Sure,” Alex took the offered hand, lacing their fingers together.
They both looked up, a bit surprised to see the woman who had been the topic of their earlier conversation.
“Lena! Hi!” Kara released Alex’s hand so she could hug their friend.
“Hey Lena,” Alex greeted, taking the other woman in.
The CEO was dressed down (for her) in tight jeans and a loose MIT hoodie (not, Alex noted, the faded one she favored on movie nights). She also wasn’t wearing heels, so she was now shorter than the both of them. Alex approved of the sturdy look to the boots. Kara caught her looking and smiled.
Lena, for her part, hugged Kara tightly. She hadn’t meant to interrupt what was clearly a Sister’s Night, and they had done something if the shit-eating grin on Alex’s face was any indication. She breathed in Kara’s scent, it’s familiarity comforting and giving her the courage to be spontaneous.
“Can I ask you something?” Lena asked softly.
Kara’s smile was soft. “Sure.”
“Kara Danvers, would you go on a date with me?”
Kara blinked. Alex blinked. Lena fidgeted, wondering if she had misread the signals she often got from both women. She liked both of them, but she had met and fallen for Kara first. If Kara said no, Lena was determined to remain friends with both of them (after a bit of time to build back up certain walls).
“Oh…um…” Kara exchanged a look with Alex. “We already on a date.” She said in answer. “We’ve been dating for weeks.”
“Oh…oh…” well…that was heartbreaking. Not entirely unexpected, but still heartbreaking. “I see...I’ll just leave you to it then.”
The pair exchanged another look. Kara didn’t mind in the least bit. Trios and Quads, while not prolific were not uncommon on Krypton. The Matrix matched those who would suit the needs of Krypton both current and future; sometimes that meant more than a simple pair. Two of her classmates had had parents in sets of three; another had had a set of four.
“Join us,” Alex offered. She wasn’t entirely certain how this was going to work out, but she was willing to try. She liked Lena. Given the chance, she was certain she would love her just as much as Kara already did.
“I don’t wish to intrude,” Lena made to step back but Kara tightened her hold on Lena’s hand.
“Humans,” she huffed in Kryptonian. She had more than enough love for the both of them and she had no doubt they were the same, in their own ways. “You wouldn’t be intruding Lena, we want you to join us and be part of our date.” She took a step closer to Alex, holding out her other hand. “If you wanted to.”
“We want you to,” Alex offered her free hand. “We’re going for a walk along the pier, possibly for ice cream if they’re still open.”
“You’re both serious,” Lena said, looking at them with surprise. They really were, she was coming to accept as they looked at her and waited for her response.
“Of course we are.” Kara asserted. Alex nodded in agreement.
She hesitated for a moment longer before taking Alex’s offered hand. In an instant that screamed of Kara using her speed, Lena found herself tucked between them and being led towards the dimly lit pier and the setting sun.
“So what were you doing out here?” Alex asked, tucking a hand into Kara’s back pocket. Her arm was just long enough to fit comfortable around both her companions.
Lena blushed. “I was coming to pick up dinner before going to Kara’s, to ask her out.” Or a movie night if she chickened out. Either way, she would get to spend time with the blonde.
“Wait, does that mean you haven’t eaten yet? Lena, lunch was hours ago!”
Both of them laughed at the blonde’s incredulous look.
“Alex, we have to fix this! I’ll be right back.” Kara disappeared, leaving them alone.
“Kara,” Alex held up her wallet. Kara came back, snatched it, and disappeared again. “Stay local!” Alex called out, knowing Kara would hear her.
“Just how often doesn’t she listen to that bit?” Lena asked, daring to lean further into Alex’s embrace. The other woman was warm and felt safe, something that Lena normally only associated with Kara.
“Often enough, has she ever brought you these fluffy stuffed bread rolls?”
“Yes, several times,” Lena answered warily.
Alex nodded. “She tell you they’re from a tiny little shop around the corner of somewhere really vague?”
“Yeah, they’re from this tiny little place in an equally tiny French town.” Alex told her. “Has she ever brought you borsht?”
“Once or twice…and she brought it from somewhere in Russia.” Lena tallied up the various things Kara had ever brought her.
“No,” Alex snickered, “she gets that from NYC. She did get Lucy vodka from Russia once, last year for the holidays. She picked mom up some tea from there as well.” She found a picnic table they could sit at. “Kara loves food, which I know you know, but feeding people is also a way for her to show how much she cares for someone. The exchange of food is also part of Kryptonian courting practices.”
Lena blinked at her. “Just how long as Kara, either on accident or purposefully, been courting us?”
“Me since high school, you…” Alex paused for thought. “I think she started doing it on purpose after frat-boy left." That was probably some of the worst advice she’d ever given Kara. “Honestly, it’s not something I think she’s even aware she does. Human mating rituals confuse her a lot more than I ever thought they did.”
“I see,” it certainly made a lot of sense. “Are you just doing this for her?”
“Yes and no,” Alex admitted after a moment of silence. “Yes, because I will do absolutely anything for Kara. No, because I have a crush on you and would like to see how well we click romantically.” She huffed in exasperation. “Not knowing Kara was Supergirl was the most frustrating eight months of my life.”
“Wait, what?”
Alex explained much of what had been going on the past year, including the crushes she had developed for two people on top of her long suppressed feelings for her foster sister.
“The press is going to have a field day with this,” Lena decided she didn’t care at the moment.
Alex chuckled darkly. “Let them try.”
“I’m back!” Kara smiled widely at them, handing over two boxes.
“These are potstickers,” Lena said in surprise. Kara never shared potstickers. Even Alex had to fight for them. She looked over to see what Alex had been given. It appeared to be some kind of donut. Whatever it was, Alex was happily tearing into it.
“Kale potstickers,” Kara answered, happy to babble about the eating challenge. “Alex took a picture as proof I ate them.”
Lena tried them, surprised to find she liked the taste and texture. It wasn’t entirely well-balanced as far as meals went, but she had become accustomed to that when eating with Kara. She did enjoy the little berry tarts Kara had brought as well.
“Ice cream now?”
Alex laughed, ruffling Kara’s hair. “Come on. Jerry’s should still be open.”
Lena found herself placed back in the center as they continued their walk around the pier. She settled in.
She had a feeling this was the start of something wonderful. She didn’t see the shared look of her companions as they agreed with her unspoken thought.
The start of something wonderful indeed.
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onlytrueinparadise · 5 years
Romance University
A Sanders Sides AU
Chapter 2 A Study of the Universe
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Summary: Roman gets really dramatic and sentimental on anniversaries.
Pairing: Romantic Logince
Wordcount: 974
Tags: TA!Logan, collegestudent!sides, college tw, remus sanders, deceit sanders, theatre, fluffy, blindfold, crying, planetarium
"Patton, what would you say are the relationship milestones, when one would expect a gift or some such thing?" Logan was tidying up after a particularly active tutoring session.
"I'd say.. first month, first year, and then every following year with more fancy gifts on big years like 10, 25 whatever." Patton's face took on a sly grin, "that's right, it's been about a month, hasn't it?"
"A-a month? What's been a month?! I have no idea what you're blabbering about. Honestly, Patton, where do you get your ideas?" Papers kept slipping through the TA's hands.
Patton left the poor man to himself and met up with the rest of the usual discussion group.
"I want it to be special! Not any old anniversary! We had to brave a lot of outside forces to be together so one month is really important!" Ro vents to his friends, "And.. he's really important to me.. I want to make sure he knows that.."
"I don't know why you won't let us meet him! We could snoop out his interests, plan an anniversary so good he'll have to do the do with you!"
"Remus, that's gross." Virgil chided.
The group of 5 were an odd mix and had met through the only circumstances such a diverse bunch could: A difficult class with a terrible professor. The eternally late professor Remi Sleep's Calc 101 could hardly constitute a class. These lone 5 had stayed in the class past drop deadline forming a bond only forged through harrowing tests and deadly pop quizzes. Roman Creativity was a sort of leader, Patton Love acted as father with Virgil Noid as mother, Remus Thoughts was the weirdo, and Dee Ceit was the quiet one but could be called to stranger behavior given the right kind of party.
The father stepped in, "It's alright, Ro, tell us when you're ready." As if most of us haven't figured it out already.
"Oi, Dee, can you send me the recording of the last discussion?" The mother was a disaster artist who never took notes.
"What'ssss the point of going to disssscussion if you're not going to disscussssss?"
"Come on Dee, you don't pay attention to Lolo either."
"Send everyone the recording, Dee, and drop the snake act, I made that joke about law students a week ago and I said I'm sorry." Roman pleaded.
"Sssssorry is for sssssuckersss."
"Pat, can I take an aside?"
"Sure kiddo, wassup?"
Roman and Patton moved a little away from the group.
"I want to run my anniversary plan by you, I uh figured you'd be the best given your.. experience."
"I wouldn't call my research paper on the revival of romance through fanfiction experience but I'm glad you trust me, shoot."
Logan was a nervous wreck. He had the perfect gift, tickets to Wicked at a prestigious theatre, but he hated not knowing Roman's plans. Normally, Logan planned their dates, taking control allowed him to better control his feelings. The uncertainty was eating him alive.
That evening he found Roman outside his apartment accompanied by a bouquet of stargazer lilies. They had reservations for a premier restaurant in town. The dinner was divine, a simple yet luxurious date. Logan began to relax, nice and simple, not what he expected from the theater major with a penchant for the dramatic, but maybe he overestimated him.
In the car, Logan handed over his gift, "I hope you like it."
Ro handed it back, shaking his head, "We're not done yet." 
They drove back to the college. Roman opened Logan's door, "Come on, close your eyes and take my hand."
Logan heard they passed through large doors, linoleum floors, and more doors. Suddenly they stopped in a carpeted room.
"Stay here, keep your eyes closed."
A microphone crackled and a projector started up. Over the mic came Roman's voice, "Open your eyes now."
Logan found himself inside the planetarium. Roman stood at the podium next to the spherical projector at the center of the room. The room was dark except for a soft light on Roman's face and the constellations glittering on the ceiling.
Roman smiled shyly as Logan gazed awestruck around the room. How can it be possible to be that cute? "Ahem!" The theater nerd flings his arm out a la Opera Ghost, "Behold! The universe!"
"Ro- this is-"
"Let me finish idiot!" Roman takes a deep breath, "Logan, I brought you here to this little universe, to show you the marvels of this world and worlds beyond, to make sure you understood your importance to me. We're risking a lot to be together and it pains me to no end how easily we could fall apart, but I love you, I love my giant nerd. I want us to endure, I want to make it to the day we no longer have to hide and beyond, because, Logan, with you I've never felt more inspired, with you I feel like we have... our own little universe."
Tears filled Logan's eyes, the stars blurred together, and he put his face in his hands, "Mmrph mmph tff."
"What?" Ro runs to the human puddle, "Are you okay?"
The puddle gains enough composure to lift his head from Roman's chest. His sparkling eyes catch Ro off guard.
"I said," sniffle "I love you too."
Mother, father, quiet one, and weirdo wait behind the bushes outside the planetarium. Weirdo is fast asleep.
"I hope it went well."
"I'm ssssure it did."
"Ro's not even here, why are you still doing that?"
"Shh-shh here they come!"
Roman and Logan exit the front doors but they don't get very far. Logan grabs Roman's red tie and pulls him into a kiss. The lamppost bathes them in rays of soft yellow light as they create their own little universe.
"Happy One Month, my prince."
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Forest spirit love; AU!Brian May x reader
*Author’s note*
Okay so I was skeptical about posting this but after searching the rabbit hole of the Queen fandom I came across some AU fics so I thought I might dip my toes into this. Also I want to point out that this was heavily inspired by the youtube channel ForTheDreamers ASMR (which I recommend you all to look up his stuff is FREAKIN AMAZING!!!) So I hope everyone likes this fic and gives this AU a chance and I may try another one soon once I catch up on requests.
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*??? POV*
It was like any other day of venturing through the forest.  Spring had once again come and the flowers were all in bloom, the grass was greener than ever before, more animals were out and about greeting one another, it was paradise here in the woods.
But while traveling along my usual path, I came across something I hadn’t seen in forever.  A human.  A female human napping underneath the oak tree.  My natural curious nature always got the best of me as I walked up towards the human and when I finally got a good look at her, I was in awe.
She was beautiful. Her (h/c) shined underneath the patches of sun that managed to shine down on her.
“Hey, hello? Hello?” I sniffed her trying to get a sense of who she was or if she was a threat. I also took notice that her scene was alluring and sweet, almost hypnotic.  That’s when I noticed that she was starting to wake up.
*My POV*
It was a long hike through the woods on this nice spring afternoon.  The temperature was just right and the countryside of England was so beautiful that I was so happy that I finally moved out of America and into this luscious state.  I guess I must’ve been exhausted because next thing I knew I had sat down underneath a tree for a break and some shade from the sun and I must’ve ended up falling asleep.
I then heard a male voice calling out to me and when I awoke I saw him. Extremely curly brown hair, the deepest blue eyes I’ve ever seen that sorta had an additional spark to them.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. It’s okay I won’t hurt you; I promise. I’m just a little curious by nature. I saw you napping here under this tree and I couldn’t help but wander over. I assure you I’m completely harmless.”
“It’s okay. I just—didn’t expect to meet someone else out here.”
“Yeah no one hardly comes into the forest, other than me.” He said. “I—I hope you don’t think of me rude but seeing you this close, you’re—awfully cute aren’t you?” He softly chuckled which made me blush lightly.  As I looked down shyly that’s when I began to notice the tail that seemed attached to him.
It was long, fluffy and brown much like his hair, when I looked back up at him I soon took notice that from his curly hair, brown cat-like ears also stood out.  I heard him softly chuckle again and he said.
“So you noticed?”
“Sorry I—I didn’t mean to stare it’s just……”
“No, no I get it. These do set me apart from your kind don’t they?” he said.
“So they’re—real?”
“Oh yes I can assure you they’re real. This is not a costume at all.” He spoke with a gentle smile.
“So if you don’t mind me asking—what are you?”
“What am I? Why don’t you take a guess, hmm? My instincts are rather sharp and they have me believing that you have a few ideas as to what I am. And in my particular case, you have twice the chance being correct.” He grinned softly waiting for my response.
Since I was a folklore enthusiast I observed the ears and tail and came down to two options.
“Okay—I’m gonna have to go with either a kitsune or a neko.”
“So you think I’m either a kitsune or a neko huh?” He said as he had this judgement look in his eyes, almost like he was offended by what I said.  I nodded sheepishly hoping that I was correct and like the snap of your fingers, his face warmed up in the gentle smile of his as he continued in a lighter tone, “Bingo! Actually I’m both. I’m half kitsune and half neko.”
“Wow, is—that even possible?”
“Of course it is, why wouldn’t it be? I’m standing—well I’m leaning right in front of you.” Now that he’s said what he was I could definitely see the traits.
He had the cheeky and trickster aurora of a kitsune but he also had this gentleness and calmness that came with the nekos.
“I mean I was born this way; these eyes, tail and ears aren’t just for show.” I softly smiled at him.
“Could I—if it’s not crossing any boundaries, maybe touch them?” I shyly gestured toward his ears. They perked up as his face became surprised as he said.
“R-really? You want to touch them?”
“Again if I’m crossing boundaries here we can forget what I just said I was just—”
“No, no it’s—it’s fine. Well,” he sighed deeply and confessed, “To be honest, you’re the first person to ever want to touch them. Most humans just turn and run at the mere sight of me because they were scared of me. I’m honestly surprised that you have managed to stay this long and actually began talking to me. So for you to actually listen to me, talk to me and now wanting to touch my ears it—it makes me happy and relieved knowing that I’m not such a monster.”
Aww this poor guy. All he wanted was someone to talk to, and all people ever did from him was run. Typical human behavior for us to run at the sight of something that’s not natural.  I mean if he wasn’t this friendly or nice I would run because that’s how I define a monster.
Not by how someone looks, but how they act.  And this guy clearly wasn’t a monster.  All he wanted was a friend.
“But again I don’t mind, by all means.” He lowered himself slightly and I slowly reached out and began stroking his brown ears.  They felt soft almost like a dog’s ears.  As I scratched and rubbed around his ears, the man softly moaned and chuckled as he leaned into my hand.  At one point claiming that one spot tickled him.  As soon as I stopped he opened his eyes he spoke again, “That felt nice.”
“I’m glad, I’ve been told I’ve got the best scratching nails. Your ears are quite soft too, kinda like a dogs.”
“Yeah I guess they would be like a dog’s. Except softer. Mainly because I don’t spend all my time rolling around in mud or chasing squirrels.” I raised my brow at him skeptically not believing him.
“Uh-huh.” I said skeptically.
“Well…..not a whole lot.” I softly laughed and shook my head at him. “Oh how rude of me, I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Brian May. And I’m part kitsune and part neko, what’s your name?”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) (l/n), all human.” I introduced myself.
“It think it fits you, I like it. Nice to meet you.” He held out his hand and I took it and we shook hands.  Wow at least we have a common greeting curtesy.  After shaking hands Brian then spoke up again, “So—what brought you this deep into the forest? Surely a nap under this tree wasn’t what brought you here?”
“Oh well I just wanted to get the chance to get back to nature. To touch it, feel it and just get wrapped up in its embrace. Sounds hippie I know.”
“No, no that’s great. Amazing actually. I just knew you were different, my instincts told me so, which is why I had to meet you.”
“And I’m glad you did.” I admitted shyly.
“Say (y/n)?”
“Where you come from, are—all human girls just as—cute and nice as you are? Or are you just a special case?” at that point my face was burning up bright red. “Are—are you alright? You didn’t happen to eat the green berries did you?” Oh god he was too cute acting like this.
“No, no I’m fine Brian.”
“Okay if you say so.” I cleared my throat softly and answered his question.
“Truthfully I’m…..average. Maybe even below average.” I muttered the last part quietly to myself but I should’ve known that his ears would pick it up as he said.
“Below average?” He scoffed for a second before continuing, “Whoever told you that must either be blind or filled with jealousy. Because I don’t see how anyone could be cuter than you.” I felt him stroke a strand of hair out of my face which made my blush intensify.
“So what—what are you doing out here Brian?” I tried to change the subject back to him now.
“Well—this is my home. Actually our home. This forest is home to many creatures, like me. All the animals and I share this forest together. Living in harmony with one another and living off the land.”
“Wow so everything in this forest—”
“Belongs to me? Pretty much. Although I have my own private little home not too far from here. But like I said I share the land with the animals that have been here before me.” He answered with a soft smile, showing off his canine teeth.
“Well I hope I’m not trespassing.”
“Oh no not at all. As I said many humans are welcome to come into the forest. They just choose not to whether because of the folk legend of these woods being filled with dangerous creatures or—me. But it’s nice for a change to see someone make the journey. So long as humans respect nature and look after it, then we have no reason to confront or attack humans. Most of the time we’d just hide away and keep our distance. Not me of course, whenever I see a human I just—have to talk to them. Ask them questions of where they’ve been, what they’re doing here, all that stuff.”
“You are a curious fellow, aren’t you?”
“It’s a habit. But I’ve always been fascinated by wanting to have a glimpse into a world so different from my own.”
For the rest of the afternoon, I allowed Brian to join me and we sat close together, and I mean really close like his side touching mine close.  Most times I wouldn’t let a guy I just met sit this close to me, but with Brian I just felt this comforting aurora about him, like I could trust him.
We talked about our families and other small things like I told him my reason for coming to England was to escape the pressures that America was going through right now, I told him about my family and what I was studying astronomy in school.
His ears immediately perked up at the mention of the fact I knew about the stars since he always loved stargazing every night.  He’d also love to hear the astronomers and astrophysicist that would come out here to study the stars and listen to their talks about the cosmos.
Pretty soon, Brian and I formed a tight friendship in just a few hours of chatting the afternoon away until the sun began to set and I had to head back home before it got dark.
A few days later after finally settling down some roots in my home, I returned back to the forest as it was another nice spring day.  I soon came to the exact same tree I once napped on to see Brian lying there under the shade sleeping away.  I smiled and quietly walked up towards him.
“Brian? Brian~” I softly sung out his name.  He kept sleeping until an idea came to mind.  I sat down beside him and began scratching his ears and they softly twitched as his tail patted softly on the ground and I could hear him moan out some laughs as a smile spread across his face.  His eyes soon opened and he said.
“Oh (y/n) it’s you.”
“Afternoon sleepyhead.” I said. “Hope you didn’t mind me waking you up like that.”
“No, not at all. Now I can finally say that for the first time I’ve been woken up by ear scratches.” He said as he stretched out his arms, his long claw-like fingers curling inward toward his palm as he stretched himself out like a cat. “You know just the right spot.”
“Yeah, and kinda ironic considering that it was me waking you up this time around.” Brian softly chuckled and said.
“Yes, that is ironic.”
“And under the exact same tree as well.”
“Really I—I suppose it is.” He admitted shyly.
“Were—were you waiting up for me?”
“What? No well no, no I—” he sighed deeply and said, “I can’t keep anything from you. Honestly I was hoping to see you again. And you’re still as adorable as I remember.” I blushed at his shy admission and I said.
“Aww well the same could be said for you.”
“Aww thank you.”
“May I join you?”
“Oh yes please by all means, join me.” I sat down close beside him and the two of us just observed the quiet and peacefulness of the birds chirping and the crickets singing. I could hear Brian take a soft but deep inhale through his nose before exhaling the same way.  “You smell so nice, just as I remember.” I shyly smiled.
I remember the first day while we were talking, Brian couldn’t help but compliment my scent.  He apologized profusely because he didn’t want to sound creepy but I told him it was fine and that I took it as a compliment.
“You know it’s just the perfume.” I told him.
“No. My keen nose can tell the difference between your scent and the fragrance you humans use. And I was referring to your scent. Though that other scent smells nice too.” He chuckled softly.
“So Mr. Keen nose, what does my natural scent smell like?” I challenged him.  He grinned and sniffed my neck as he said as he occasionally sniffed me.
“Well if I had to take a wild guess I would say….Pergamon, pink amber…magnolia and….peach? No….Nectarine.”
“Wow that is a sharp nose you have there, Brian.”
“Thank you, my nose is quite sharp.”
“Okay now I want you to tell me how you would describe it without cheating.” I said emphasizing my last word with a gently poke to the tip of his nose.  He chuckled and said.
“Me a cheater? Aww, you wound me. Well if I had to say what you smelled like without knowing all the right scents, I’d say—” he leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “You smell amazing.” I blushed feeling his hot breath against my ear which made him softly laugh.
“Since you know what I smell like, I wonder what your scent is?”
“Well only you can tell me that.” He said.  I scooted closer to him and softly sniffed around his shoulder trying to guess what he smelled like.
*Brian’s POV*
As (y/n) was sniffing me, I couldn’t help but get lost in hers.  I sniffed around her shoulder and neck once more and just fell under the spell of her beautiful scent.  It was like being covered with a warm blanket and tickled my nose every time.
“Light and refreshing like the forest air.” I heard her say. I lightly chuckled and said.
“That would make sense.” Suddenly I jolted as I felt her hand gently touch my tail.
“You okay?” She asked.
“It’s fine you just startled me touching my tail.”
“Sorry I just—it just looked so soft and I barely touched it, I didn’t think you’d react that way. I shouldn’t have done it I’m sorry.” Ohh seeing her look so sad broke my heart so I assured her.
“I—I don’t mind it’s just I wasn’t expecting it.”
“You sure?” she asked.
“Yeah, go on.” My tail lifted up into her lap and she gently observed it.
“It’s so long.” She said as she stroked the brown fur of my tail.
“Yeah it’s quite long, like a cat’s only fluffier.”
“And soft.” She added.
“Yeah well…..I do take quite good care of it, kitsune trait I suppose.” She continued to stroke my tail and I couldn’t help but close my eyes at how good it felt to have someone else stroke my tail.  
(Y/n) always had such a gentle touch and it was nice to fell her stroke or pet me, it felt like I had died and gone to paradise.
“It feel so nice when you stroke it like that.” I told her.  She looked at me and smiled softly and continued stroking it.  Then an idea soon popped into my mind.
I’ve seen some human males do this to their female partners whenever they would come here and my tail was just the perfect weapon to use.  
First I allowed her to keep stroking my tail without causing any alarm on my part.  Once she was done, I slowly wrapped my arms around her stomach and pulled her close to me, almost like I was hugging her.
Poor sweet (y/n), she had no idea what was about to come her way.
“What about if I—tickle you with it!” I then began my tickle attack by first wiggling my tail at the right side of her neck.  She scrunched herself inward trying to protect herself but I would move my tail towards her bare calves and tickle them, getting under her knees.  
She let out some squeaks as she giggled and laughed trying to get away but I kept a firm grip on her. I just couldn’t help but softly chuckle at just how adorable she was right now.
I then decided to be a little more cheeky and lift her shirt up exposing her stomach just so my tail could brush against it since I’ve seen the most humans seem to be ticklish on their stomach areas.  And I was correct as her laughter seemed to grow louder as she tried to set herself free trying to escape from my tail still tickling her stomach.
“Aww you’re so adorable.” I told her.
“Brian stohahahap! Pleheheheasse stohahahp ihihit!” I let up and allowed her to catch her breath but I still kept a gentle hold around her stomach.  Her head rested against my shoulder as she panted out, “You’re….cruel…..bastard.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself.” I said.
*My POV*
I shook my head at him and said.
“You were planning that out, weren’t you?”
“I’ve got no idea what you’re talking about.” He said with a cheeky grin which made me shake my head at him as he chuckled softly.  “So, what brought you back out here? Was there—something else you need from the forest?”
“Actually I—already found it.” I admitted shyly.
“You—you have? Well tell me what it is and I’ll go get it for you.” I looked into Brian’s eyes and felt my heart racing rapidly.  I didn’t want to verbally admit that it was him that I had found so I just said.
“Well the thing is I—I can’t actually take it home with me?” He tilted his head in that same adorable fashion before he said.
“You know if it’s too heavy, I can help you carry it.”
“No, no it’s fine, it wouldn’t work anyways. Besides I’d—rather keep coming back here, instead of taking it.” He softly laughed and said.
“If I didn’t know any better (y/n), I’d say you were after a whole tree.” I softly giggled and said.
“Yeah I suppose I must be.”
“But you know I—I wouldn’t mind if you kept coming to visit.” He admitted shyly.  I looked up at him and as his ears bent backwards shyly he admitted, “I—I hope I’m not asking too much or being selfish; but…..w-would….would you come to visit me again? I understand if you don’t have the time or don’t wa—”
“Of course Brian, I’ll always come visit whenever I can.” I interrupted him.
“Oh you will?” I nodded and his ears perked up as he happily said. “That’s fantastic. Thank you. I’ve really enjoyed my time with you.”
“Me too.” We continued to cuddle underneath the shady willow tree and I sighed deeply and said. “God England is just so beautiful in the springtime. Much better than it is back in America, specifically my state. It’s either still snowing or extremely hot during its spring weather.”
“Really? That must be unbearable.”
“You have no idea, it’s like there’s only summer and winter. But no autumn or spring. Hot or cold weather that’s all goodbye and good freakin luck.” I complained as I heard Brian softly chuckle.
“Well I’m glad that you came to live here.” I turned to him and said with a soft smile and a light blush.
“I’m glad I did too.” We looked out beyond the fields of flowers and Brian said.
“You definitely picked the right tree to nap under, this willow tree gives out the perfect amount of shade.”
“Yeah, but it’s not exactly the most comfortable spot to sleep on.” I then let out a yawn as I tried to make myself comfortable.
“You do look exhausted. Did you not get enough sleep last night (y/n)?” Brian asked as his face was full of nothing with concern.
“Not really. The neighbor’s dog kept barking all night long. For what reason I have no idea but it was this loud, aggressive and ferocious barking. I wanted to complain but I was scared they’d let their dog attack me.”
“Aww you poor thing~.” He said as he stroked my hair. “You know if you want, you could rest your head on my lap—” I didn’t even give him a chance to finish as I immediately set myself down and placed my head on his lap and looked up at him. “Well you didn’t need much convincing.” He teased.
“Shut up.” I grumbled as he chuckled softly and stroked through my hair.  I moaned softly and adjusted myself comfortably in his lap as his soothing strokes made me feel sleepy.
“Does it feel nice when I stroke your hair?” I hummed as I lightly nodded. “You’re so cute, and your hair is so soft.” He praised.  I blushed once again before letting out a soft yawn.
“Sorry Brian I—I just…..”
“It’s okay. You can fall asleep if you’d like (y/n). I’ll look after you. I may not look it but, I’m stronger than I seem.” I softly smiled up at him and whispered.
“That’s good to know. So that way in case any bears come and attack me, I’ve got you to protect me.”
“Exactly. Although there’s not that much danger here in this forest. At least not a danger to you. But it is still good to have someone with you, just to look after you and all.” Brian continued to ramble which made me softly giggle up at him and I pet his tail to get him to shut up.  
He looked down at me and after the intel shock, he just smiled warmly down at me.
“I was rambling again wasn’t I?”
“Just a bit.” I yawned once again.
“Sorry. Shut your eyes and get some sleep, I’ll look after you.” I then shut my eyes and with Brian’s claws gently stroking through my hair, I soon fell fast asleep right there in his lap.
*Brian’s POV*
As I watched (y/n) slowly fall fast asleep from my stroking and the coolness of the weather and the shade of the tree, I couldn’t help but admire her beauty.  
She’s just as beautiful as the first day I met her when she was sleeping that day.
“Sweet dreams darling.” I whispered.  I then slowly leaned down and just instinctively kissed her forehead and watched her as she slept while I kept stroking through her hair to help ensure that she stayed asleep.
*My POV*
Within the next few weeks whenever I could, I visited Brian in the forest.  Somedays we’d just sit under the tree, other times we went down to the spring where he had taken me when we first met each other, and some visits would be at nightfall under the stars where he would tell me all that he knew about them.
Like today.  I had been so busy with work that by the time I had gotten to the forest, it was already pitch black.  So using my flashlight I walked through the forest to try and find Brian.
“Oh you’re a cute little girl aren’t yah? And what’s your name?” I heard Brian’s voice say softly. I kept hearing him talking to something because I wasn’t hearing a response back.  I walked further ahead until I found him talking to a beautiful young red fox.  “Seems you enjoy a nice head rub too, huh?” I guess my flashlight must’ve gotten their attention cause next thing I knew Brian turned around and the second he saw me, he smile widely and said, “Oh (y/n) you’re back.”
“Yeah. Sorry it’s so late though. There was a major accident on the road and traffic was just god awful. Hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.”
“None at all, I was just saying hello to my little friend Hannah here. She seemed lost so I thought I would give her some company.”
“Aww that’s so sweet of you to do that.” He looked down bashfully and I continued, “Guess the fox ears and tail helped her trust you even more.”
“Yeah, animals don’t seem to be afraid of me. I guess because of these they see me as one of them.”
“Would it—be alright if I came around?” I asked hesitantly.
“Of course, just—walk slowly and carefully.” I nodded in understandment and carefully walked around as Brian assured the young fox cub. “It’s okay girl, you can trust her. She’s very sweet and kind.”
I knelt down beside Brian and shined my light on her and awed at how cute she was.  I had never seen a fox this close before, the only time I ever got to see one was on TV but now seeing one up close was just—wow.
“She’s so cute.” I awed.
“Yeah. Looks to be about 8 months old. So she must’ve just recently left her mother.”
“Recently? How long do foxes stay with their mother?”
“After 7 months they just leave the den.”
“Aww, that’s so sad.”
“Nature works differently than how humans work. They’re pretty much adults at either a few months or just a couple of years depending on the species.”
“Really?” He nodded.
“Can I—can I pet her?”
“Sure, just let her sniff your hand first, slowly reach out toward her so that she won’t see you as a threat.” I nodded and slowly extended my hand out and kept it still as Brian also instructed me to do.  Hannah slowly walked up towards my hand and softly sniffed it.  After a couple of sniffs, she nudged her head into my palm.
I giggled softly and Brian spoke up.
“Looks like she trusts you. A true gesture of a kind soul.” I blushed at his poetic phrasing before finally petting her.  I scratched behind her ears and she really seemed to like that as she got closer to me and demanded more.  “She seems to really like that; you do have the best touch for a good ear scratch.”
“You would know that Brian. Did you tell her about my superior scratching in advance?”
“It may have slipped out in conversation.” I smiled and kept petting her.
“Wow her fur is so soft.”
“Yeah and vibrant too. Most fox cubs I see barely know how to keep themselves clean, she must’ve had a good mum to teach her proper hygiene. You should also feel her tail too, it feels so—ahh!” Brian let out a cry as I stroked his tail instead of Hannah’s.  And at his cry, it caused her to jump away and run off deep into the woods.
I laughed softly as Brian calmed down from his brief shock and said to me.
“I meant her tail not mine. Aww I scared her off.”
“Sorry Brian. But in all honesty, I’d rather pet your tail than any other foxes.”
“R-really?” I nodded and he stammered softly, “Erm well I—I would…..like that.” He sighed deeply and continued, “It—truly makes me happy to hear you say that, cause I honestly thought you’d be scared of me right about now.”
“Of course not Brian, how could I think that? And if—I’m being honest I…..I think you’re cute.” I admitted as I went back to stroking his tail.
“R-really?” I nodded shyly.  Brian smiled that adorable boyish smile of his as he admitted shyly, “When—when you say that and pet my tail…..my heart races. If you were to—scratch my ears as well I’d probably…..” he stopped as I went ahead and immediately began to scratch behind his ears.
He let out a low, pleasurable moan as he leaned up against my hand as he said as he lay his head down in my lap.
“That just feels so nice.”
“I’m glad.” I answered softly.  I kept stroking and scratching around his ears leaving Brian to cuddle further into my lap as he said.
“How do you know just the perfect spot? I could stay like this forever.”
“Me too.” I answered him.  We stayed silent for a moment before he said.
“I would feel bad though,” I looked down at him confused as he further explained, “It’s not fair that I get all the pets.” He then got off of my lap and said, “Here, put your head in my lap, oh! Wow again you didn’t need much convincing huh?” I grinned up at him as I adjusted my head into his lap and just stared up at him.  “Here, let me rub your ears.”
He then began to rub my ears.  He was mindful of his long claw-like nails as they rubbed my ears then he kept his right hand rubbing my right ear while his left soon began to stroke and pet through my hair.  I shut my eyes at the soothing feeling I sighed in pure content.
“How’s that feel love? Oh sorry is—is it alright for me to call you that?”
“I don’t mind.” I said as I looked up at him.
“Okay, good.”
“And to answer your question, it feels wonderful. Thank you Brian.”
“Anytime. I mean I know it doesn’t compare to a kitsune or neko but I’m glad you like the feeling of it love.” He then reached over toward my flashlight and shut it off so that way the only light reflecting over the land were the moon and stars.
“It’s a gorgeous night.” I softly whispered as I looked up to the night sky.
“Yeah, beautiful.” I heard Brian whisper.  I turned to Brian to see him looking down at me.  With the light of the full moon, his eyes and face just seemed to glow with this god-like complexion.  My heart raced erratically and I felt my blush deepen, oh I pray to god he can’t see the blush on my face.
*Brian’s POV*
Even when she spoke the beauty that the night sky had to offer, I was actually referring to another beauty that was before me, and she was lying in my lap.  The moon reflected her bright (e/c) eyes and her hair shined like the stars in the sky.
I noticed the redness come across her face as I spoke up and kept stroking her hair.  I softly smiled down at her and lightly bopped her nose which made her giggle and I chuckled softly down at her.
“Tell me a story Brian.” She said.
“What would you like?”
“Anything. I….just want to hear your voice.” She admitted shyly. Aww she was so cute like this.  I thought about the right story when it finally came to me.
I then told her the story of a neko man named Harold who lives here in England and had an interest in designer and he loved to travel to discover architecture designs.  Then one day when he was in Scotland, he came across a Kitsune named Ruth and together the two of them slowly forged a friendship with each other, until one day after a few months of seeing each other, their friendship became something more.
As their love began to grow, they both married and settled down into this very forest and then soon within a few years, they had a son who was half kitsune and half neko. As she listened to the story, her face turned to realization as she said.
“You.” I smiled and nodded and said.
“Yep, that’s me. That’s how my parents met.”
“Aww that was a beautiful story.”
“You think so? Yeah I always thought so too. They used to tell it to me when I was a child to go to sleep.”
*My POV*
At hearing the story of Brian’s parents and how they met, it just sounded so romantic and beautiful. And in a way it kinda resembled how Brian and I met each other.
“They sound like wonderful people; think I could meet them sometime?”
“Really? Well I’d be happy for you to meet them. They’re away for now but they’ll be back soon.”
“Oh they still travel?”
“Whenever they can, not as much as they used to but yeah. What about you do you travel much?”
“Huh I wish. I could only save up enough money to just travel here. And that alone took me years to save up.”
“I see. The concept of money can make it hard to travel.”
“Tell me about it. What about you Bri?”
“No the pope, of course you. Would you ever like to see the world?”
“Well—I would really like to, but…I feel so at home in this forest. And even with the story of my parents’ meeting, it does make me fearful feeling alone if I were to travel.”
“Ohh Brian.” I said solemnly as I placed my hand on top of his.  He looked up at me and he placed his other hand on top of mine as he said.
“Except when I’m with you. I feel even more at home with you than alone here in the forest. I value your company so much (y/n).” I smiled shyly and said.
“Well you know, if you’d like I would be more than happy to travel with you, should you choose to go.”
“R-really? I can’t ask that of you….”
“Brian, you’re not asking, I’m wanting.”
“You—you’d really go with me?” I nodded and he said with a soft smile, “Oh great. Yes, yes I’d be happy if you’d join me. I value your company so much. However; you’ve got so much going in your life right now. I can wait, we don’t have to go right now, there’s no rush. Just let me know and we can go.”
“You’ve got a deal Brian May. Heck maybe on one of our travels I can take you to America, let you see my homeland.”
“That would be fantastic. I’d love to see America. I can’t wait.”
We remained sitting close together looking up at the stars, Brian’s head resting on my lap while I stroked through his curly hair.
“(Y/n).” I looked down at him and hummed softly acknowledging that I heard him.  He fidgeted for a brief moment before saying, “Are—are you sure there isn’t anything I can find for you? I know you always come out here for something and by the time I see you, you seem to find it but I really wanna help you find it this time.”
Oh god I feared this moment would come.  I’ve debated whether to tell him the truth or not fearing how he would react, but I guess he’s got me in a box now.
“I…..I’m surprised you haven’t figured it out.” He tilted his head up at me and sat up and said.
“I’m sorry figured what out?”
“Brian……” I looked at him and tried to speak up but only a heavy sigh came out.  My face was burning red as my hands fiddled with each other as my eyes looked down at my hands finding them more interesting, I felt Brian place his hand on top of mine while his other gently tilted my chin up.
“It’s okay (y/n). You know you can tell me anything, I won’t judge you.” My heart raced and I swore it was going to burst out of my chest and I finally managed to say.
“There’s a different reason. Why I keep coming out here?”
“Oh? What is it?” I looked straight into his eyes and finally confessed.
“It’s you Bri.”
His eyes widened and his face turned to shock.
“M-Me? You…..you were coming out here—just for me?” I nodded bashfully. “S-so all those times of you getting herbs and flowers they…..they weren’t…..”
“Only the first time though Brian. The rest was to see you.” I admitted.  “I—I’m sorry for lying to you.”
“What no. No it’s—it’s fine. I just…..oh wow my…..my heart’s beating so fast, I…..I…..” Brian and I stared directly into each other’s eyes.  He seemed conflicted like he wanted to do something but there was something stopping him, that was until he leaned forward and I felt him give me a soft peck.
On the lips.
After the gentle peck, he suddenly became nervous as his ears dropped backward as he began to stammer.
“Oh god. I-I-I-I-I-I’m so sorry (y/n). I-I-I didn’t mean to did…..did I—” I stopped him by cupping his face and I leaned up and kissed him.  A more meaningful and loving kiss.  A kiss that poured out every emotion that I was feeling at this very moment.
When the dire need of air became a burden, we separated from each other softly panting, our breaths mixing together with one another as Brian bashfully chuckled and stammered out.
“I—I don’t know what to say. I’m just….so happy. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this happy before.”
“Me neither.” I admitted.
“I-I-I-I didn’t think you’d felt the same way about me.”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, be—because I’m….not human and I’m….used to scaring people.” He confessed insecurely. I cupped the side of his face and said.
“Brian, you are anything but terrifying. You’re sweet, funny, kind, loyal and the kindest soul I have ever met. You could have two heads and four arms and I’d still feel the same way as I do right now.”
“You—really think I’m cute?” I nodded. His smile grew wide as he said.
“I…..I knew there was a reason why I’ve always found you beautiful. Not just because of your looks but—you’re personality. I had a feeling from the moment I first met you sleeping out here in these woods. You—just had this natural spirit about you, like you loved nature and it loved you back. Is—is it alright if I—I kiss y…..” I interrupted him by kissing him once more.
He softly moaned and I felt his arms wrap around my waist and one of his hands quickly come up and cup the side of my face deepening the kiss.
“You never….have to…..ask…..again.” I stated between kisses.  After our second small make out session we touched foreheads with each other as Brian whispered out.
“I think—no. I’m certain that…..I love you.”  At those three words my heart exploded.  I smiled widely and I felt tears form in my eyes as I confessed.
“I love you too, Brian.” His ears perked up and he asked.
“Yes.”  He suddenly embraced me and even with his lean figure, I could definitely feel the strength in his arms.  I buried my face into his neck and heard him whisper in the shell of my ear as he buried his face into my neck.
“You’re so warm. And I never wanna let go of you.”
“Me neither.”
*Brian’s POV*
God I can’t believe this.  The woman I’ve admired and loved since the moment I first met her was finally mine. She was finally in my arms.  It felt like the world had stopped and all that mattered was her and I, together holding each other.
“This is so perfect. I’m so thankful to have you.” I separated from her and cupped her cheek and leaned down and captured her lips with mine once more.  I felt her hand wrap around behind my neck bringing me closer to her while I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close to me.
My heart pounded in my chest, almost like it was about to burst out as her warm, soft lips kissed mine.  After what felt like an eternity kissing, we had to separate our breaths mixing with each other’s once more.  I stroked her cheek with my thumb and not once averted my gaze from her.
“What shall we do now?”
“Can I—pet your tail some more?” she asked.  I softly chuckled and said as I offered it to her.
“Of course my love.” I set her between my legs which allowed her back to lay against my chest while I had my arms wrapped around her as she stroked my tail.  I purred softly as I nuzzled into her hair smelling her unique scent as well as lying kisses all over her head.  “What else shall we do?”
“How about the stream? It’s been awhile since we’ve been there.”  Indeed it has.  I introduced her to the stream on the day we met for a nice relaxing swim since that day was pretty warm for a spring day.  Since it’s been cool lately there wasn’t really a need for a swim but now, swimming under the moonlight, it sounded like paradise.
“Of course my darling, it’s been awhile since we’ve been to our secret little getaway.” She giggled softly as I stood up and came up in front of her, presenting her my hand.
She took it and I helped her stand up and soon the two of us walked toward the stream side by side.
*My POV*
We were now officially at the stream; Brian was currently swimming in the stream while I merely just sat along the edge with my legs dipped along the cool water.  
With the moonlight reflecting off of the water, it made Brian appear more mythical and handsomer than usual, especially with his hair now madded down from the usual poofy curls.  He swam up towards me and said as he leaned his head on top of my lap.
“What’s got you so deep in thought love?”
“Just observing the handsome merman whose come to see me.” He chuckled softly and said.
“I think you’re confusing me with a friend of mine.” At that statement, my jaw dropped as I gapped out.
“Wait, you—you mean…..”
“Yes, sirens and mermaids are real too. Although if you ask me in regard to my friend, he’s a smug little bastard.” I giggled softly as he leaned up and kissed me.  I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and felt his hands at my waist.  Suddenly I was pulled into the water and the coldness of the water made me shriek as Brian chuckled out, “But he did teach me a few handy tricks.”
I gasped at him in mock shock and splashed him in the face before swimming towards the other side of the stream.  Of course it was all in vain as he grabbed me by my ankle and pulled me in towards him and soon we floated there in the water chest to chest, the two of us laughing softly.
We stared deeply into each other’s eyes, Brian’s kitsune/neko blue eyes just glowed from the light of the moon and his features were defined from the light.  I slowly leaned in and pecked him lightly on the cheek before shyly turning away.
But Brian immediately used his thumb and index finger to tilt my chin back up so that I was forced to face him again.  His thumb gently stroked my lower lips as he whispered.
“You missed love.” He then leaned downward and our lips collided with each other’s once more in a passionate and loving dance.  I combed my fingers through his wet, curly hair while his hand cupped the back of my neck, gently stroking it.  After a few minutes we broke away from each other panting softly.
“I love you Brian May.”
“I love you too, and I am so happy to call you mine at last.” I leaned my head over his heart. The rest of the night it was just us two swaying and floating in the water or lying on the patch of grass cuddled up together to keep warm as Brian pointed out and told me more stories that he knew of the cosmos, all the while sharing and exchanging sweet and loving kisses.
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staytheb · 5 years
He Is
Pairing: INFINITE’s Sunggyu x OC [Aerin] Genre: flowershop!au, slice of life, slight fluff Word Count: 2,052 Summary: Flowers are love's truest language. Sunggyu stops by a flower shop to run an errand for his brother-in-law. Over time he frequents the shop to purchase flowers, but to also get to know the worker as well. One day, Aerin doesn’t show up and the shop closes for the time being.
Warning: none, but this hasn’t been again proof-read as i’m sharing this from a year ago where it was last proof-read. lol
first off i’m sharing this just so that i can have another place to put this story here on tumblr. second of all, i’m not sure if i’ll take request for INFINITE stories, so they’ll be on the list, but not for any request atm. and this was for a contest of sort, but that went on hiatus and so yeah. this was my first ever INFINITE story with Leader Gyu and i quite like how it turned out as i was inspired by the song She Is by Clazziquai Project and hence the title for this fic. anyways, i think that’s about it so happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Aerin was casually working the counter as she was arranging a bouquet of white carnations for a client that would be picking it up in less than an hour. She heard the door's bells chimed and looked up to greet the customer with a cheerful expression.
"Hello. Welcome to Inspirit Petals. Is there anything I can help you with?"
The female customer smiled, but shook her head before browsing around. Aerin went back to what she was doing and had just put the finishing touch to the bouquet with a bright smile when the door chimed once more. She repeated her greeting as the male walked up to the counter.
"Hi. I'm the one that's supposed to pick up a flower arrangement for Lee Taehyun."
"Oh, so you're not Lee Taehyun?"
"No. I'm his brother-in-law, Kim Sunggyu. Is that fine?"
"Yeah, I just need you to sign that you've picked them up for confirmation purposes."
Aerin went to the computer to pull up the file before turning it around for Sunggyu to sign.
"Just need your signature right here and you'll be on your way."
Sunggyu viewed the contents before using his index finger to sign his name. Aerin took the computer back and finished the rest up to print out a receipt. While it did that, she bundled up the bouquet and handed both items to Sunggyu.
"There you go. Have a wonderful day."
"Thanks." Sunggyu paused before leaving and looked at the bouquet. "These are white carnations, right?"
"Yes they are." Aerin smiled with a nod.
"Are you sure?" Sunggyu questioned as he looked from the female and the flowers.
"Yes, I'm sure."
"No, but seriously. These are white carnations, right?"
"Yes. Mr. Lee wanted something that was pure also for good luck. They mean Woman's Good Luck Gift and Pure Love."
"Well, it's for my sister and I don't want to give her the wrong flowers. Can you double check?"
"Seriously? No, I'm not sure and am totally wrong. That's why I'm working at a flower shop owned by my father for the past twenty-something years." Aerin replied in a sarcastic tone, but her face remained aloof.
Sunggyu eyed her, but realized he was making a fool of himself. He gave her a nod and left shortly afterwards.
"Wow, what a prick. Hate when people do that." Aerin muttered as she sat on the high stool and played on the computer since the previous customer from before had left when Sunggyu had entered.
The next time Aerin saw Sunggyu again was a few weeks later at the flower shop again, but she had no recollection of their encounter as it wasn't important for her to remember someone that gave her a bad impression.
"Hello. Welcome to Inspirit Petals. How may I help you?"
She greeted seeing the male customer looking a bit flustered as he ran a hand through his hair. She watched him a moment longer, but Aerin assumed he didn't hear her and so she just went back to trimming the white stargazer lilies for another client to pick up later today.
"I'll take an order of those." Sunggyu said as he pointed to the vase of the white stargazer lilies.
Aerin shot him a look with a raised eyebrow. "Do you even know what these symbolizes?"
"Does it matter? It looks nice. I'll take it."
"They represent sympathy. Are you sorry for something?"
"No. Why would I be? My friend is about to propose to his long-term girlfriend and I'm in charge of picking up the flowers."
Aerin mentally rolled her eyes as she moved the stargazer off to the side and headed towards the back. Sunggyu frowned as he watched the female go to the back and later returned with another white flower.
"Here we go. These are orange blossoms and would work better for your friend's occasion than those." Aerin said while motioning her head to the stargazers. "They represent Eternal Love as well as Marriage and Fruitfulness."
"Are you sure I can't use the other one?" Sunggyu asked pointing at the white stargazer lilies. "I think they look prettier."
"I'm positive that you don't want to use the other one."
"Are you sure?"
"No. I don't know anything. I would love to send you off giving those stargazers to your friend to give to his future fiancee and for the wedding to never happen in the end." Aerin replied sarcastically with a bored expression.
Sunggyu regarded her a bit before slowly speaking again. "Is that supposed to be funny?"
Aerin actually rolled her eyes this time. "No. So do you want the orange blossoms or not?"
"Well, since the other bouquet for my brother-in-law was perfect and correct, I'll trust your judgement." He smiled at her and Aerin was caught off guard by his attractive smile. "Um, yeah, you're welcome. I'll, be back."
Aerin swiftly turned around and went to the back to make Sunggyu a bouquet and returned with the finished product.
After Sunggyu had paid for the bouquet he lingered a little longer. "Thanks. Name?"
"They're called orange blossom."
"I meant yours."
"So I could thank you."
"It's not important." She shot him a quick smile before resuming back to tending the white stargazer lilies.
Sunggyu sheepishly smile before his eyes caught sight of something and he grinned. "Well, thank you, Aerin. Have a wonderful day."
"You're welcome and you, too." She replied absent-mindlessly before shooting her head up with widened eyes to only see that the male has exited the shop already. "How did he know my name?"
Aerin shrugged and looked back down to the stargazers and noticed her name-tag. "Right. Wow, Aerin."
From then on, Sunggyu would visit Inspirit Petals often enough to purchase flowers for any kind of occasion he could think of that wouldn't seem like he had nothing to do with his life. Aerin at first thought it was a nuisance, but eventually she looked forward to his visits. She wondered what he would buy this time around.
Last time Sunggyu came was for a colleague's birthday. A female and he wanted to do something nice, but not to the point where it was like he was confessing his love or anything along the lines towards her. Aerin found him a bumbling mess when he was telling her that he was interested in someone, but not his colleague. Then he caught himself and tried to talk about something else. Aerin thought he was cute.
A sort of relationship beyond worker and customer occurred between the two although Aerin never saw him outside of the flower shop although Sunggyu would not so discreetly invite her out as he would mentioned certain events here and there. Aerin would casually declined since she didn't really know the guy, and she was still busy running the shop since her father wasn't feeling well lately.
Anyways, one day Sunggyu came by the shop, but found that it was already closed for the day. He frowned at the hand-written sign detailing that the shop would be closed for a while and that it would re-open soon. It didn't give a specific date and Sunggyu wondered if everything was fine with Aerin.
A week later, Sunggyu returned, but the shop was still closed. He tried calling, but was always met with the answering machine. He would come by during different times of the day to see if he would run into anyone, but nothing. His heart ached from not being able to see Aerin as well as not know of her situation. He resumed his life as to distract himself from Inspirit Petals sudden hiatus.
Several days later, Sunggyu happened to walk by Inspirit Petals and was surprised that it was suddenly opened for business. With a smile he entered the store, but Aerin was no where in sight. His smile quickly dropped upon that notion.
"Hello. Welcome to Inspir-Sunggyu?" His friend, Woohyun, said his name in a questioning tone. "What are you doing here?"
"Woohyun? When did you start working here?" Sunggyu asked the younger male instead.
"Oh, I'm just helping out a friend. She's been unable to work so me and Sijin have been trying to run this place as to not let the flowers wilt."
"I see. Sijin knows Aerin?"
"Oh, you know Aerin? Funny, she never mentioned you. Anyways, yeah Sijin and Aerin have been childhood friends since forever."
"Could I ask what happened with Aerin?"
"Well, I don't know if I'm someone that can just say it. But-"
"Woohyun." Came a soft voice as Sunggyu recognized Sijin who was coming out from the back while carrying a bouquet of yellow flowers he didn't know of.
"Hi, Sijin." Sunggyu greeted her with a smile as the female returned the gesture. "Hello, Sunggyu. What brings you here?"
"He's asking about Aerin." Woohyun whispered, but it wasn't discreet enough as Sunggyu rolled his eyes at his friend's behavior.
"Oh? How do you know Aerin?"
"I got to know her since I would come to Inspirit Petals for flowers." Sunggyu explained. "The first time was for my brother-in-law and then just recently another time for a colleague at work."
"I see, well, Aerin won't be returning until she's ready." Sijin informed Sunggyu as the male slightly frowned.
"Did something happen?"
"Her father passed away."
Sunggyu's expression turned to one of sadness as he wasn't sure what to say or do. He stood there awkwardly wondering what he should do next. Then his eyes lingered onto the bouquet in Sijin's hands and he thought of something.
"You wouldn't happen to know the meaning of those flowers in your hands, do you?" He asked with a shy demeanor.
"These?" Sijin questioned while lifting up the yellow flowers in her hands. "They're called Zinnia and they mean Daily Remembrance."
"Oh, um, then do you know the kind of flowers to comfort someone with?"
Aerin opened her door to see Sunggyu standing on the other side. The duo just stared at one another in silence with none of them wanting to say anything as it's been weeks since they've seen each other, but also Aerin never thought she would meet Sunggyu outside Inspirit Petals.
"Hi." They both said at the same time with Sunggyu chuckling nervously.
He then held the white poppies in front of him as Aerin looked at the bouquet and knew the meaning, but wasn't sure what Sunggyu was trying to convey on his part.
"These are for you." Sunggyu offered the bouquet to Aerin. "I heard about your dad from Sijin at the shop. My condolences."
"Oh, um, thank you." Aerin let out awkwardly as she wasn't expecting something like this from him and took the white poppies. "That's very kind of you."
Sunggyu smiled. "Well, you've always gave me the right kind of flowers for my occasions, and so I thought that you should received them, too."
Aerin cracked a smile. "At least you always went with the right meaning with help."
They both chuckled and then silence fell upon them again.
Sunggyu let out a cough as he tried to formulate the right words to ask Aerin out despite her current situation with a passed loved one. "So um, you can say no if you want, but my band is playing tonight at this college for some fundraiser." Sunggyu began before rushing the last bits. "But it would be cool if you came out to cheer for us. If you want that is."
Aerin chuckled at the male's behavior as she contemplated his words. "Sure. It'll be nice to do something and get out of the house."
"Great. It starts at eight. I'll let you know the name of the college."
Before Sunggyu could walk off, Aerin called his name.
"I'm pretty sure you'll need my actual phone number to message me the details, right?" Aerin said with a playful look.
"Right, right." Sunggyu laughed a bit embarrassed as he brought out his phone and he and Aerin exchanged numbers. "I'll text you soon."
"Can't wait and thanks for the flowers, Sunggyu. I greatly appreciate it."
"You're welcome, Aerin. Glad you like them."
"See you at eight."
"Oh, yeah. See you."
Aerin watched Sunggyu with a smile as she held the bouquet closed to her chest.
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