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metalwarrior22 · 2 months ago
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bgHjkYh by Denadareth Korra and Asami find a stray cat. OF COURSE they're not going to adopt her. What's more they have a list of rules for the cat to follow while they're searching for a forever home for her. This can only end one way. Words: 3945, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Korra (Avatar), Asami Sato, Kya II (Avatar), Tahno (Avatar), Hasook (Avatar) Relationships: Korra/Asami Sato, Lin Beifong/Kya II Additional Tags: Korrasami week 2024, Rules, Obedience, Dom/sub, Cats, If you know cats the tags make more sense, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Day 4 - Domestic, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Living Together Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bgHjkYh
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orangepanic · 6 months ago
Oh god this list is so long um
Hiroshi Sato/Firelord Izumi June/Colonel Mongke Tahno/Ginger Azula/Joo Dee Wing Beifong/Izumi's Daughter Wing Beifong/Hasook Wing Beifong/Eska (Wing is really shippable, okay?) Korra/Ginger Viper/Jargala Omo (I have been dragged onto this pool noodle) Jet/Agni (yes the sun spirit that Agni) Mako/Jinora (also got dragged onto this one)
sure I'm forgetting someone
followers. tell me ur fav rarepairs. like. no one ships them except you and maybe a signgle friend you convinced type of rarepairs
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schoenes-thailand · 9 months ago
Betrunkener 86-jähriger Thailänder ersticht seinen Freund wegen "Respektlosigkeit"
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Ein 86-jähriger Thailänder hat gestern in der Isaan-Provinz Udon Thani einen 49-jährigen Freund aus Respektlosigkeit erstochen, nachdem sie gemeinsam Alkohol getrunken hatten. Beamte der Polizeistation Nong Han wurden über den Tod des 49-Jährigen informiert. Beamte der Polizeistation Nong Han wurden gestern, am 13. Mai, gegen 12.30 Uhr auf den Tod des 49-jährigen Mannes Anan Kongchang aufmerksam gemacht. Der Vorfall ereignete sich in einer Hütte in der Gemeinde Ban Non Hua Chiang im Bezirk Nong Harn, einem Gemeinschaftsbezirk und Treffpunkt für die Bewohner, um Alkohol zu trinken. Anan erlitt eine Stichwunde in der Mitte seiner Brust und wurde noch am Tatort für tot erklärt. Der Verdächtige, der 86-jährige Jampa Hasook, war am Tatort, da er wegen Trunkenheit nicht fliehen konnte. Jampa teilte Polizei und Reportern mit, dass er Anan aus Respektlosigkeit getötet habe. „Ich habe ihm Alkohol spendiert, aber er hat mich nicht einmal respektiert. Er hat mich beleidigt, also habe ich ihn erstochen. Es ist eine Frage der männlichen Ehre, sich von niemandem beleidigen zu lassen“, sagte Jampa gegenüber den Ermittlern. Da Jampa betrunken war, konnte die Polizei am Tag des Vorfalls keine Nachstellung durchführen. Beamte brachten ihn zur weiteren Vernehmung und einem Gerichtsverfahren auf die Polizeiwache. Ein Zeuge, der 69-jährige Choosak, sagte der Polizei, dass Jampa, Anan und er an diesem Tag seit 6 Uhr morgens gemeinsam Alkohol getrunken hätten, weil Jampa weiterhin Alkohol gekauft habe. Anan beschwerte sich über Jampa, was zu Jampas Wut und einem tödlichen Angriff führte . Die Einzelheiten der Beschwerde wurden nicht bekannt gegeben. Choosak gab an, dass er versucht habe, in den Angriff einzugreifen, und dabei auch in der Nähe seines Auges verletzt worden sei. Aufgrund seiner Trunkenheit blieben seine Bemühungen jedoch erfolglos. Er drückte seine Trauer über den Verlust seines Freundes und den Schock darüber aus, dass Personen, die häufig zusammen tranken, zu Gewalt greifen konnten, die zum Tode führte. Die Schwester des Verstorbenen, die 54-jährige Nuanchan Kongchang, sagte gegenüber Channel 3, dass ihr jüngerer Bruder noch nie zuvor in Konflikte mit Einheimischen in der Gegend verwickelt gewesen sei. Sie glaubte, dass Alkohol und Trunkenheit die Hauptursache für den Mord waren. Dem Polizeibericht zufolge wurde Jampa gemäß Abschnitt 288 des Strafgesetzes angeklagt: vorsätzlicher Mord. Die Strafe ist die Todesstrafe, eine lebenslange Freiheitsstrafe oder eine Freiheitsstrafe von 15 bis 20 Jahren.   Quelle: The Thaiger Read the full article
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sokkas-honour · 4 years ago
Mako and 47
so my 47 is bonfire by childish gambino and yeah i don’t feel very comfortable with this so i’m using number 48 if that’s alright
(can we be friends?) - mako x reader
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pairing: mako x reader
wc: 1.2k
warning: none :)
taglist: @missmorosis @biqherosix @draqondance
could you be my best friend?
lets hang out every weekend
“makkkoooooo.” you dragged out your friends name as you stepped into the pro bending gym, minutes after the sun had risen. on any other day of the week, your brother would be accompanying you to his team’s practice but it was sunday so they had the day off.
you quickly scanned the room and pouted slightly when you realised the fire bender was still up in the loft of the arena.
“in the last month you’ve only been late once, proud of you for keeping your streak up.” you spun around a smile on your face as soon as you heard his voice and were met with your best friend.
“well someone’s got to be here on time, you’re a minute late.” you teased as you embraced your friend, giving him a little extra squeeze when he wrapped his arms around you.
“we don’t even have a set time y/n, we literally said right when the sun rises.” he laughed while he placed his on your shoulder in order to return the squeeze. you could feel his chest shake with the laughter making you smile a little.
“yeah well you were still late for our sunday breakfast, and you live in this damn arena!” you exclaimed as you both separated. you looked up at him with a teasing sign and he simply rolled his eyes.
“come on, i’m starving.” he grabbed your hand and just like you did every weekend, you went down to the local fire nation bakery to get breakfast and watch republic city wake up.
we’re driving every night
stare at people that we like
you waited outside the cactus juice bar for mako to finally come out. he insisted on going to the bathroom before you two went out for your weekly night drive around republic city on your motorcycle. you stared at the sato mobiles pass in front of you, the stretch between each of them becoming bigger and bigger as everyone went home for the night.
“okay! i’m here.” you were broken out of your trance as mako closed the door to the popular bar behind him, wrapping his signature red scarf around him.
“took you long enough.” you teased. unbeknownst to you, the firebender had taken extra time to fix his hair and eyebrows to try to impress you, he did it every week when you’d spend the day together. he would never express his feelings for you in order to not only preserve your friendship but his friendship with your older brother, hasook, who just happened to be his teammate.
he rolled his eyes and gave you a small punch in the shoulder, unaware of how to react to that which just made you laugh at how emotionally dumb your friend was.
“im driving.” he exclaimed as you started to sit in the front of your motorcycle. you rose an eyebrow, knowing that he’d see it thanks to the street lamps providing some sort of light in the night streets.
“hasook will kill me if he finds out but show me what you got big boy.” you excitedly said. he’d driven it once a couple of months ago when you first started your sunday tradition but as soon as your brother found out, he gave you an entire lecture as to why only you should drive it and that mako would probably crash it, oh well.
you threw him the extra helmet before clipping yours on. he mirrored you then took his place in the front as you scooted backwards to give him space. while he gripped the handles tightly, you unconsciously had a tight grip around his own waist.
before starting the engine he noticed your grip around his waist and wondered why it was so tight, were you really that scared of his driving
“you know you don’t have to suffocate me.” he joked, slightly turning his head back to see a small blush dust your cheeks as you mumbled an apology and loosened your embrace. he immediately regretted saying that as he realised that he kind of liked your tight embrace as it meant that you were closer to him.
the sheer embarrassment of that moment made you want to cuddle your head into his back but your helmet prevented you from doing so. you closed your eyes as he started the engine and drove off.
within minutes you felt a serene sensation overcome you, the wind of the night air was cool on your skin and was an incredible and relaxation sensation.
mako shot a glance over his shoulder and caught a glimpse of the state you were in and his heart felt warm. god did he wish he knew how to tell you how beautiful you were and how much he loved spending time with you. he would give everything up if it meant that he could look at you, feeling completely free, forever.
could you be my best friend?
ill tell you all my secrets
“can i tell you something?” you asked, tearing your gaze away from the stars and turning your full body to face him.
he kept his eyes on the sky but bummed as a way to let you know he was listening. his heart rate picked up slightly at the question, unsure of where the conversation would lead.
“sometimes i wish hasook would just, i don’t know, stop being so protective of me.” you confessed, a sigh leaving your lips at the thought of your brother. you continued your rant. “like, first of all, the story with the motorcycle. it’s mine and i trust you to drive, why does he get to dictate who drives it. he’s also said he didn’t fully appreciate our weekly meet-ups, as if it had anything to with him! you’re my best friend, i get to do whatever i want with you and he shouldn’t get a say!”
your voice had risen higher then you’d like to. with a cringe, you rolled back onto your back to mirror mako looking at the stars. mako contemplated what to answer, he didn’t want to seem against you but he understood where your brother came from. he did have to admit that the best friend part made his heart warm but also made it hurt, he’d never be more than a friend in your eyes.
“it’s fine, you don’t have to answer, i just needed to get it off my chest.” you finally said after silence had fallen between the two of you, slightly embarrassed at your stupid feelings.
“no, no it’s okay.” mako reassured, turning his head to admire your side profile as you looked at the stars.
“i understand where your brother is coming from though, i feel the same way about bolin. if anything would happen to him, i just don’t know what i would do.” it was now his turn to confess, his eyes searching for a sign of your understanding.
you turned to face him once again and met his eyes as a smile crept up on your face.
“it’s funny because i think it’s cute how protective you are of bo, but detest hasook for acting that way.” you giggled, a sound that made mako grin from ear to ear.
god was he head over heels for you. you both would end your time together by riding out of the city and find some grass to stargaze on. some times, the stargazing was silent and simply content with enjoying each other’s presence, other times, you both shared your secrets and whatever was on your mind. he wished he could tell you this secret that he held so close to his heart.
one day he would, one day he’d be more than your best friend, that’s what he liked to tell himself.
could you be my best friend? can we be friends?
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orangepanic · 3 years ago
Chapter 12 of The Education of Wing Beifong, Wing/Hasook, Sexy Letters
In case you needed proof that everything I touch turns to angst eventually.
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korrasgonefishing · 9 months ago
OMG?? YES YES YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!! I overanalysed and added some stuff!!
It's less "what if it was more chill" and more about "the coin has two sides" type of thing, finding the good in the bad, you know? But I totally get you. Also I'm really glad to know you liked my post that much, because your post is insane it's sooo good!
Fem!Mako not having a single woman to look up to or to rely on in her childhood is awfully sad to think about. I thought that if avatar world is much less sexist than ours, then there should have been at least some female gangsters, right? But when you watch the show, looking for the background characters or trying to notice background details, there's not a single woman in sight. So we're left with Mako trying to navigate through everything mostly on her own, not counting the small moments when women around give her tips and advices with the limited time they have together - they all have their jobs to do, after all, not much time to chat.
Oh yeaaaaah!!! Momboss and detectivedaughter! So true! Mako finally finding an older woman she can rely on, Lin seeing so much of herself in this girl she begins to treat her like a daughter she never had. Lin realising how Mako never had the chance to fully explore girlhood and going "I had to figure this out on my own, but you won't have to, I'm going to help and I'm not taking no for an answer". Two emotionally repressed women taking care each other, having a cute mother-daughter relationship - from a safe distance, of course, because they're weirdos <3
Comphet (by the way, sorry to hear that you had to deal with this yourself - I hope you're doing better now)... Much to think about... Wait, would she have dated Hasook (the waterbender in their team before Korra joined btw) and made everything worse, leading to him leaving Fire Ferrets after he does poorly in a match and Mako tried (in a rather rude manner) to figure out why he thew the match? Would that be the reason she could tell Bolin to not date Korra, because "dating your teammates is a bad idea" - she would have been speaking from experience? Not sure though if Bolin would have acted on his crush on Korra when there's no one around dating in real time. What is interesting is that fem!Mako learned the hard way that men can be incredibly cruel, and yet she still keeps forcing herself into straight dating. Because she can't have feelings for Korra, liking men and going on dates with them is the norm, right? It's almost like she is doomed to be proven again and again that most men are awful. Thus she forces herself to be an example for Bolin again. Because her poor little bro has no positive male role models besides Toza. So when Lin comes around Mako finally can feel at piece. She finally has an adult woman she looks up to. She allows herself to be taken care of now! Were the circumstances a little bit different she would have thought of Lin as her mother - she probably still feels that deep down, but she would never tell that to anyone, not here and not now. Fem!Mako and Lin both allowing themselves to be vunerable around each other... And after Mako finally has someone to rely on she starts to see that some adult men around aren't that bad - Tenzin is ok (when you don't think too hard about how exactly older he is than Pema), Bumi is not bad either. Bolin is in good hands, letting him hang around Air Temple island is not a bad idea. She can stop worrying so much about him and let him be mostly on his own. Varrick though... Well, I guess I'm giving her another reason to hate his guts lol - get away from her brother, she has seen how you treat your main actress, you're a bad influence -_-
Oooh fem!Mako's gender issues, my favorite! She's so gender. But what could be interesting to me is fem!Mako being properly introduced to the gendered stuff, finally being given a choice - and then she tries it out and she doesn't like it. Surviving on the streets, she wasn't given a choice - no matter how pressing the societal expectations of how a girl should look or act, it didn't matter in the moment she and her little brother were just trying to make it to the next day. Her femininity was ripped from her. And now she was finally given an option. Mako was finally guided by Lin, whom she would consider her mother if the memory of her actual mother wasn't so idealised and distant, she tried to see what sticks, and she didn't quite get it. She has a right to refuse it. The world doesn't have to operate under secret rules anymore. She is grateful to learn this, she knows the nuances of how it works now and she still decied that it's not for her. It's nobody's choice to make but hers. You know, like Toph in "Tales of Ba Sing Se", or Smellerbee style? Her relationship with femininity is complex and also she's butch, your honour 👍 (mom said it's my turn to project on her) Lesbian!Makorra - two gnc girlfriends ooooh...
sooo in regards to @korrasgonefishing’s post that I rb mentioning my fem!mako post and how I was talking about how the bending brothers’ batman ahh backstory would be even more tragic for a little girl because humans can be miserable creatures and they were like ‘oh but what if it was more chill’ and then got talking about bloodstains and I was thinking
oh. mako was orphaned at 8 years old. her mom never would’ve had time to teach her little girl about periods because why would she? they have all the time in the world.
and that’s got me thinking, damn, she wouldn’t have known anything about girlhood. maybe the prostitutes who take pity might tell her the blood doesn’t mean she’s dying, but they probably don’t have much more to teach her that she wants to know, nor would many care to spare the time. and im sure canon mako was the same, not really knowing anything about what to do when he got older, only able to teach bolin how to shave when he’s got a million little nicks on his own face from trial and error.
and that was sad again, my apologies. but it could be happy! and guess howwwwww,, momboss and daughtercop!
so since they’re the sillies ever and also chronically emotionally impaired, their girlhood bonding moment when mako fucks up. (also both of them not really having ‘girlhood’ because of shit ass childhoods… hmm beifong family angst save me…. wait lin beifong learning how to girl on her own because toph never thought to teach her… toph realizing she fucked up way too late because it wasn’t forcing her girl to be a dolly the way toph’s parents had forced her, she just wanted to learn how 2 use eyeshadow,,,, beifong angst save me)
so anyways. mako is so #silly and unaware that chronic lesbianism exists so she’s trying to comphet so hard and going on dates with the biggest fuckin douchebags ever (bcuz they’re ‘manly’ and she has a reason other than being queer for not really liking them) and trying to convince herself she does like them. and essentially she finds this one guy who realllllly fucks her over and he comes into the station to try and embarrass her too, going off about how she could use some makeup and that she acts more like a man than him and. ouch. because she’s always had this problem, she tries to make herself a role model for bolin, but she hates it because being a girl is a piece of her identity that literally cannot be taken away and she’s just letting herself lose it? my fem!mako is cis but she has so many gender feelings because. yeah.
anyway lin to the rescue! who tf are YOU to come into MY station and harass MY officer? I suggest you walk ur smelly ass right back out or you don’t want to find the fuck out what I can charge you with. cuz she’s silly.
and then cue sullen pissy mako cuz she’s like… 18. she’s still a teenager and one of her biggest insecurities just got targeted in front of all her coworkers who she knows already don’t respect her. so she’s miserable the rest of the day,,, until lin to the rescue again!!!
she pulls her daughter aside cuz she’s worried (not that she’ll say so) and is like. don’t let him get to you cuz he’s an asshole and doesn’t really have much worth saying and less worth listening to. you’re allowed to wear light makeup and stuff at the station if you want to, and if you’re really bugged I can pinch someone’s ear to get you some accommodations. because she’s mother.
but then mako is like I FONT KNOW HOWWWW and crying cuz she’s lowkey devastated she never had someone to teach her… anything. she doesn’t really know how to use pads (being broke means you learn how to make bootlegs of, like, everything), she’s never even owned makeup, she hasn’t worn a dress since she was 7, and she doesn’t know any of the girl things every girl seems to know because she has no mom‼️‼️
and lin goes. hm. I am tragically reminded of myself right now. instead of Dealing with that, I’m going to aggressively help and thus permanently insert myself as a mother figure in my favorite kid’s life. so she, over time and gradually less awkward invitations to her house, teaches mako how to use makeup, slightly enjoying being able to experiment with mako’s uniquely distinct features. she teaches her about period cycles and how to cope, and goes shopping for pretty clothes that she insists on paying for at the last second (“you paid for the food already.” “yeah, chief, from the CHEAPEST VENDOR IN RC?? I thought you hated their food!?” she does. she knew mako needed to pay for something, and felt bad picking anything pricey.) and tells mako about her own girlhood and they both are girls.
this is insane wish fulfillment for me btw. what I could’ve had w my mom if I was normal lololol but anyway. I hope that got silly enough at the end cuz I was thinking about my own comphet era writing this and it hurt my soul a little bit !!
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romaheroic · 7 years ago
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The blades season finale was soooooo good!!
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miirshroom-art · 7 years ago
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Oceans full of Leviathans, Many Many Ghost Problems, and Beer made of Mushrooms
Blades in the Dark moodboard just in time for the episode 15 season finale of the excellent twitch.tv/surpriseroundrpg series run by @corporategeomancy !!!
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katartna · 7 years ago
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Caught up with Blades in the Dark recently on twitch.tv/warpedlamp and it’s so freaking cool and the whole dark crime aesthetic is right up my edgy alley. The latest episode’s downtimes were both endearing and hysterical so I had to draw little snippets of them! What a crazy lovable gang they are.
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avtrkorra · 3 years ago
I'm convinced that people who still seethe at korrasami are mad because irl they couldn't bag either of them 🎻
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metalwarrior22 · 6 months ago
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/p3vAe2F by Scion_ofPoseidon Full summary will be below, at the head of the first chapter. New to LOK. This is a modern AU. This is mostly a field test. I posted some of this on FF.net, but unsure how or if it's actually faring. Found some time to try this; new to AO3 as well. I landed on the title Inevitable. Basically... Korra and Asami have been near each other all of their lives, but don't actually meet or know of each other's existence until they're 18. Their parents have the answers to why. What happens when they finally do meet? They immediately begin to unravel each other's lives. They start to change each other, but Korra is a stubborn creature of habit. The origins of their connection will be revealed. Asami will undergo transformations and fill a lifelong void. Korra will learn that not everything is a fight, and that some things truly are inevitable. She won't be alone in her changes, nor will Asami. Their friends will experience their own alterations, and romances. But Korra and her 3 friends have had their fair share of crap and won't be tied back down so easily. That's the real challenge that Asami and her girlfriends must face. Four against four. Tough versus cute. Stout versus hot. How will it go? Words: , Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: Mature Warnings: Underage Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi, Other Characters: Korra (Avatar), Bolin (Avatar), Mako (Avatar), Jargala Omo, Asami Sato, Opal (Avatar), Ginger (Avatar), Senna (Avatar), Tonraq (Avatar), Naga (Avatar), Pabu (Avatar), Hiroshi Sato, Yasuko Sato, San (Avatar), Naoki (Avatar), Suyin Beifong, Baatar Sr. (Avatar), Baatar Jr. (Avatar), Huan (Avatar), Wei (Avatar), Wing (Avatar), Kuvira (Avatar), Kya II (Avatar), Lin Beifong, Varrick (Avatar), Zhu Li Moon, Bumi II (Avatar), Iroh II (Avatar), Tokuga (Avatar), Tahno (Avatar), Ghazan (Avatar), Tenzin (Avatar), Pema (Avatar), Jinora (Avatar), Ikki (Avatar), Meelo (Avatar), Rohan (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Toph Beifong, Zuko (Avatar), Kai (Avatar), Hasook (Avatar) Relationships: Korra/Asami Sato, Bolin/Opal (Avatar), Ginger/Jargala Omo, Senna/Tonraq (Avatar), Hiroshi Sato/Yasuko Sato, Pema/Tenzin (Avatar), Lin Beifong/Kya (Avatar), Baatar Sr./Suyin Beifong, Zhu Li Moon/Varrick, Naoki/San (Avatar), Jinora/Kai (Avatar) Additional Tags: Light Angst, Comedy, Romantic Comedy, Friends to Lovers, Friends With Benefits, Drama & Romance, Childhood Memories, Implied/Referenced Homophobia, Underage Sex, Eventual Korra/Asami Sato, Fluff and Smut, Friendship/Love, Korra Has a Penis (Avatar), Marijuana, Alcohol, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Bisexuality, Intersex Korra (Avatar), Polyamory Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/p3vAe2F
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avatar-march-madness · 3 years ago
Day Five: First Time
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Art by @badlucksav
Everyone wants their first time to be perfect, and with that special someone.
AO3 Stats:
LoK (M): 40 fics including Korrasami, Korraava, Asami Sato/Raava, Amon/Lieutenant, Kyalin, Korvira, Kainora, Iroh II/OC, Broh, Wuko, Weilin, Linzin, Tahnorra, and Baavira
LoK (E): 84 fics including Korrasami, Korvira, Tahnorra, Korrlok, Amorra, Bokorra, Broh, Kyalin, Amon/Lieutenant, Kuvopal, Bolin/Reader, Mako/Amon, Makroh, Kainora, Wuko, Bolin/Hasook, Bolin/Fangirls, Makorra, Amon/Bolin, Tahno/OC, Kuvirasami, Lin Beifong/Reader, ShadyZolt, BoLin, Huko, Mingzan, and Bumi II/OC
AtLA (M): 61 fics including Zutara, Kataang, Maiko, Jetko, Zukka, Rozin, TophLee, Tokka, Zutaraang, Sukka, Jeongdao, Jetzula, Toko, Zukaang, Bakoda, Yueki, Sokkla, TyZula, Taang, Jeeko, Jetkoaang, Jetaang, and Azutara
AtLA (E): 118 fics including Rangshi, Kataang, Sokkaang, Zukka, Zutara, Zukoda, Azutara, Zukaang, Harutara, Jetkka, Sukka, Jetko, Sukitara, Maikotoph, Bakoda, MaiZukka, Zutaraang, MaiLee, TyZula, Yueki, Maizula, Jetkotara, Kanna/Hama, Zuki, Hazula, Jeeko, Toko, Sokka/Reader, MaiToph, Sokkla, Jetzukka, Zhayu, Zuko/Reader, Sukka, Maiko, Jinko, and Zuko/OC
Fic Recs:
Incendiaries by @orangepanic - Irosami
Uncomplicated by @alishatheninth - Amon’s Lieutenant/Daw
A First Time For Everything by Naite_Leaf - Maiko
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spice-mice · 4 years ago
i love you too - mako x reader
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Title: I Love You Too.
Pairing: Mako x Reader
Word Count: 1062
Summary: Mako tries to bail on your date and you get into a fight.
Warnings: yelling, fighting, crying. If there’s any more, just let me know.
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You sat with Mako and the rest of Team Avatar around a circular table inside Narook's Seaweed Noodlery. Mako laughed as Korra told a joke about fish, or something along those lines. You weren’t really paying attention, as you were too busy watching Mako. You were so unbelievably lucky to have him as your boyfriend. His laugh made your heart soar, and his smile alone could make you forget how to breathe. Kissing him was like getting hit with a wave of serotonin, and having his arms wrapped around you gave you an overwhelming sense of home. 
You and mako had started dating about a month after he joined the Fire Ferrets. You actually met at one of his games. He saw you in the crowd, and from the moment he approached you, you were head over heels in love with him. He asked you to go to lunch with him, and you two immediately clicked. You supported him in everything he did, and he was always there for you. He made your brain all fuzzy, but one thing was abundantly clear: you were in love with him. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts by Mako turning to you and smiling. He reached under the table, and grabbed your hand. “Anyway,” he said, “Me and y/n should probably get going. We have a date tonight, and we all know they tend to take forever to get ready.” 
You bid your goodbyes and headed out the doors. Once outside, he stopped and looked at you, concerned. “Are you okay? You didn’t really talk much in there.”
“Yeah, I was just a little distracted.”
“By what?”
You stepped closer to him, so that your noses were practically touching. “You.”
Mako cupped your face and brought your lips gently to his. Fireworks exploded in your chest at the contact. It certainly wasn’t your first kiss, but it still had the exact same affect. 
You pulled away softly and laid your forehead against his. “I love you,” you whispered. “So much.”
“I love you too.”
- - -
When you got back to your shared apartment, you pulled Mako onto the bed and threw his arms around you.
He laughed. “What are you doing?”
“It’s cold outside, and you’re so warm.” 
“That’s fair, I guess.” He pulled you close to his chest and stroked your hair. Mako’s heat engulfed your body, and you felt so safe. Just before you drifted off to sleep, you felt Mako press a soft kiss to your forehead.
- - -
When you awoke, Mako had already gotten out of bed. You just assumed he went to prepare for the date, so you decided to do the same. You got yourself completely ready, so that when it was time to leave, there was no way you would be late. When you stepped out of your room, though, you saw Mako walking out the door.
“Where are you going? We don’t have to leave for at least another hour.”
“The station needs me. There’s a pretty important case.”
“It’s Saturday. You can do it tomorrow. We already have plans.” Your voice pierced the air like a knife. You two hadn’t gone on a date in two months, and Mako was not going to bail on you again.
“Y/n, my job is important-”
“And I’m not? Why can’t you put me first for once? I do everything for you, and all you do is bail on dates with me to go do police stuff that you always end up saying ‘wasn’t that urgent anyway’. Do you even want to spend time with me?”
“I literally cuddled with you an hour ago!”
“You’re only all sweet and cuddly when you have nothing else to do. Then, when something comes along, you’re up and out the door, leaving me by myself.”
“You don’t understand!”
“You’re right, I don’t understand. I don’t understand why you don't even try in this relationship.”
“Because not everything’s about you,” He yelled. “I have other priorities!”
You went silent and started to tear up. He had never yelled at you before. When Mako saw what he had done, he rushed forward to hug you. 
“I’m sorry-”
You pushed him back. “Why am I never good enough for you?”
His tone immediately softened. “What?”
“When Hasook left the team, I offered to be your waterbender, but you didn’t even listen. You just asked Korra instead. Whenever I try to go out with you, you always end up bailing or inviting your friends. I bet you don’t even know why I was so excited for this date, do you?”
He was silent.
“It’s my birthday, Mako. It’s one of the only days of the year when I’m not doing everything for everyone else, and you forgot it.” You looked at him, tears now spilling down onto your cheeks. “Go. You can go work on your super important police business. I’ll just invite Asami to go to dinner with me. I’m not letting you ruin my birthday.” With that, you marched out the door and called Asami.
- - -
When you came home that night, you found Mako sitting in the living room. You ignored him and went straight into the bathroom to get ready for bed, as you had no intention of talking to him.
Mako, however, had different plans. He followed you into the bathroom saying, “Y/n, I’m sorry, please just let me give you an apology.”
You didn’t say anything, just nodded and sat on the sink. 
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like you weren’t good enough. I’m sorry I forgot your birthday. You mean everything to me, and I never meant to make you feel anything less. I’m sorry I let my ambitions get in the way of our relationship, and I never intend to let that happen again. You don’t have to accept my apology because I know that I really hurt you. But If you did choose to let me be your boyfriend again, I would make sure to let you know how much I love you and how much you mean to me at every chance I got.”
You let a smile spread across your face as you pulled Mako in by his shirt collar and smashed your lips to his. “I still love you, you loser.”
“I love you too.”
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This was my first story, so I hope you enjoyed it! I’m going to try and upload pretty often, and if you have any requests, they’re open. Thanks for reading!
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sokkas-honour · 4 years ago
if only you knew - bolin x reader
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pairing: bolin x reader (gender neutral)
summary: bolin, your best friend, had always had your heart even when you were in a relationship, what happens when you find yourself drunk, with thoughts of confessing on your mind. -> request by anon
wc: 2.7k
warnings: drinking, mentions of vomiting, some harsh language.
his green eyes, spirits could you stare into them forever. the way they twinkled whenever he spoke about something he loved, the passion in basically all of his words, his way of taking the challenges the world would throw at him with arms wide open, the way he was just the most amiable person in every room he stepped into.
“hey bo!” when your eyes locked from across the little ba sing se mall, a huge smile spread across your lips at the sight of your best friend, spotting him in the crowd as soon as you stepped into the building complex, you’d be able to spot him anywhere.
“y/n!” he exclaimed as soon as your voice confirmed it was you, slightly hidden by the sheer amount of people gathered in the mall.he quickly frayed a path for himself, bumping into a couple of shoppers on accident. a huge grin on his face as he made his way towards you, sheer excitement at the thought of just seeing you.
when you saw his smile, you felt your heart start racing, his smile could light up any room and could make your darkest days bright with a simple flashing of it. you stayed in place as you waited for him, eyes not leaving him, your feet tapping in anticipation of him greeting you the way he always would, with a huge hug that would make you feel safe and warm. 
you didn't have to wait long as, before you knew it, you found yourself pressed against his chest as his arms enveloped you, squeezing the life out of you. a laugh escaped your lips as you quickly wrapped yours around his waist, nuzzling into him as he placed his chin on your head. spirits did you wish you could freeze time, that you could spend the rest of your life within his strong arms, listening to his heartbeat that was suspiciously faster than normal, but you brushed it off as simple leftover from the adrenaline of seeing his best friend and running across a fairly large crowd.
“when did you get here?” you asked, your voice muffled by the fabric of his shirt that you refused to tear away from, his scent of warm soup filled your nose, making you feel at home, it was impossible not to feel at home in his arms, when you were with him, it was impossible to not feel right at home with him.
“five minutes ago? maybe? i don't know.” much to your dismay, he unwrapped his arms from you, meaning you’d have to leave his body warmth, the cold feeling of not being pressed against the earthbender hitting you as soon as you removed yourself from around him. spirits did you wish the hug had lingered longer than it already had. the excitement in his voice didn't seem to falter, it rarely did. bolin always seemed to be excited about the littlest things in life, just one more thing about him that made you weak in the knees  simply thinking about it.
“sorry for making you wait.” you apologised, the smile that had set on your lips when you first saw him from across the crowd still present, it having even grown since the hug. 
“don’t be! it’s totally fine!” he insisted. that was another thing you loved about him, he never seemed to be bothered by small things that could rile some people up, he never seemed to be bothered by your faults that others might judge you for.
“are you looking for anything in particular.” you finally broke your shared gaze, opting to scan the surroundings of the middle ring of the little ba sing se fashion mall, still sending a small side glance at him while you did so.
“well i thought we could grab some crab puffs that i told you about from that one place not too far from here?” bolin suggested, rocking back and forth on his heels as he waited for your reaction.
“sounds good, lead the way.” you finally came back to him, eager to be able to taste the dish that bolin had raved about a week or so ago when the both of you were wandering around avatar korra park after his shift working for zhu li. 
bolin nodded, throwing his arm around your shoulders in order to guide you to the food stall while keeping you close to him. a bit of heat rushed to your cheeks at the sudden proximity, not expecting it to happen. mentally cursing yourself, hoping that the blush would disappear as soon as he would turn his attention back to you, currently determined to get the two of you to where the crab puffs were located. you followed, making sure to keep up with his pace, not wanting him to have to drop his arm, enjoying the slight body heat radiating off of him.
“we’re here!” he proclaimed, arm removing itself from around your neck as both of them extended upwards, almost as if he were about to hug the air in order to emphasize the fact that you’d finish your small walk and had arrived at your destination. 
“it smells good.” your eyes widened as you took in the smell of the whatever was cooking behind the counter, further in the stall. the delicious smell making your mouth water and your stomach rumble in hunger, hoping that it wouldn't take too long to be ready so you could taste it. if the crab puffs tasted as good as the smell did, then bolin was a certified genius when it came to food recommendations, to be fair he always was except for the one time he forced the krew to taste the rather disgusting smoked sea slug he had ordered at some fire nation restaurant. you could've sworn that you would’ve vomited right then and there.
bolin moved forward to approach the short man behind the counter, ordering two servings of crab puffs for the both of you and paying before making his way back to you, informing you that the two of you had less than a ten minute way before they were ready.
“do you need to get anything else while we’re here?” you decided that you might as well try to kill time as you waited for your food. you two had simply met up to spend time with each other, figuring that the mall would be a great place for the two of you to goof around.
“not really, but if i find anything for opal then that’d be great.” there it was, the mention of his girlfriend, you knew it was coming, it was stupid to tyhink that you could hang out with your best friend without a mention of significant others. you felt your mood falter slightly but made sure to keep the same bright expression you had been wearing since you had met up with bolin minutes ago.
“an anniversary coming up?” spirits did you wish the food would be ready already so the conversation could finally stray away from talking about relationships, wanting to just forget that the both of you were in your own respective relationships while you still felt like a school kid spending time with their first crush.
“yeah! five years.” he exclaimed, a giddy smile on his face as he thought of the beautiful earth kingdom girl he had met while the krew was traveling all around opal’s birth nation, looking for the new generation of airbenders that has surged following harmonic convergence, his girlfriend being one of them as they stopped by zoafu. 
you remembered the pain you had felt when your best friend seemed to have fallen head over heels for opal as soon as he laid eyes on her, how he became so nervous around her, how he became so in love with her in mere seconds. you remembered watching from the sidelines, your heart cracking slightly at seeing him fall for a girl once more as you had seen so many times, only this time it seemed as if it would actually last, their connection being strong from their first conversation. it was so strong that it lasted the four years following korra defeating zaheer, the fall of the earth kingdom, it lasted with the long distance while the couple were both on opposites sides but with the same idea of helping rebuild the earth kingdom, bolin finding himself in kuvira’s team and opal with the airbenders.
you two hadn't seen each other much considering you were helping out asami with her company but spirits did you miss him, did you wish you could just take a five minutes walk to see him, spend a night together eating noodles and just laughing about old times, just spending time with him and only him. when the news of him coming back to republic city, you were over the moon at the thought of seeing him, and some twisted part of you felt excited that opal and bolin were at a rather hard time in their relationship before she eventually came to forgive him after he helped save her family that had been captured.
After varrick and zhu li’s wedding, seeing them be together, love in their eyes as they danced, you realised that their relationship would persevere through anything, meaning you had to just stand by and watch any chance you had of being with your best friend evaporate. the hope you had had been slowly dwindling but some part of you still held on tightly, naively if you really thought about it.
so you tried your hardest to move on, stay close friends with bolin as you couldn't imagine cutting him out of your life, him being your lifeline even if he didnt know it and it would raise suspicions meaning your confession would have slipped but now, you had been in a relationship with a couple of months with a lovely water tribe boy that the brothers were familiar with, hasook. you two had met one night as he recognized you while you were alone at narook’s, picking up noodles for a night between bo and yourself, and you two got to talking, and talking became dates which blossomed into a relationship. but no matter how sweet he was, no matter how caring he was, he couldn't surpass the boy you had been in love with for years, not by a long shot.
“how long have you and hasook been together?” he mustve noticed you spacing out, staring mindlessly at the crowd of moving people near the shop.
“five months maybe? im not the best at keeping track of these things.” you joked, shaking your head to take you out of your thoughts of longing for what could've been if you had just taken the chance to say how you felt about him way back when he was still a part of the fire ferrets and you watched him get his heart broken by korra.
“well then maybe we can both pick up things for anniversaries!” he suggested excitedly while you just nodded, your smile not completely reaching your eyes.
“after the food though.” your comment made him laugh and you felt your knees go weak at that simple sound, a human reaction so simple yet so pure, especially when it came from bolin. no matter the years that you two had been friends, hearing him laugh, especially if it was because of you, always brightened your mood no matter what, it should be illegal how beautiful of a sound it was.
a week later, bolin had invited you  and the rest of the krew out for a night on the town, only the twist was everyone had to bring their date, meaning bo would be bringing opal and you’d bring hasook along, something you definitely didnt want to do, not wanting to share your time with bolin with anyone else, especially if it meant completely repressing your feelings and projecting them onto your partner. it was unfair to hasook that you harbored such strong feelings for your best friend, even if you did like your boyfriend, you didnt think that you loved him the same way you actually loved bolin, the water bender didnt make your heart swoon with one look quite like the way the earthbender did.
the way the night played out was definitely not how you wanted to but it started out as any night at the cactus juice bar did, a round of shots around a table as everyone broke off into different conversations. mako and hasook took the time to catch up, not having seen each other since they kicked him off the team back when amon was still a threat, asami and opal were discussing some book that they had both been reading, which left bolin, korra, and yourself trying to figure out what other drinks you’d be getting. a bet had been made on how far the three of you could go without throwing up, korra challenging the two of you, bolin taking a minute or so of thinking before finally accepting whereas you were down as soon as the words left her mouth, wanting to just forget about how awkward the situation was for you mentally, being with your boyfriend and the guy you loved was with his longtime girlfriend.
the three of you excused yourself from the table in order to sit at the bar and down multiple rounds of shots, leaving the four others to keep talking amongst each other without the annoyance of future drunks embarrassing them.
unbeknownst to you, as you stared at the menu of drinks, bolin eye’s were fixated on you as his mind raced, nervous that the lack of critical thinking caused by the alcohol would lead him to ruining three different relationships with just one sentence, keeping his feelings a secret was so much easier to do while sober and every time he’d gotten drunk with you, he’d always been minutes away from letting it slip so he hoped that some part of him would still be sober enough to keep his mouth shut. he pushed his thoughts at the back of his mind as soon as he realised a small shot glass had been placed in front of him and both of his friends were looking at him with a huge grin on their faces, their own glass in their hand as they waited for him to be ready.
“cheers!” he exclaimed, grabbing his and downing it in mere seconds, closely followed by both korra and yourself, the alcohol burning your throat as it slipped into your system.
a couple of more were downed and the three of you were slowly turning into caricatures of yourselves, the alcohol now having taken the wheel. korra was eyeing some of the buffest guys in the room, most likely thinking about how fast she could tackle them to the ground without breaking a sweat while both you and bolin, unknowingly, were both thinking of the same thing, whether or not a confession would slip past your lips now that all critical thinking had been thrown out the window, possibly ruining the night and your dynamic forever.
suddenly, korra started turning to get up, glaring at a man who seemed to be glaring back. spotting her movement immediately, you grabbed her wrist, not wanting to deal with her competitive side now, especially if it meant getting lectured by asami on how stupid of an idea the challenge was.
“korra, i dont think fighting some guy right now is a good idea.” you insisted, grip getting tighter as bolin alarmingly watched the situation go down.
“y/n, i dont think dating some guy while being in love with bolin is a good idea either but you dont see me ruining your fun.” she slipped out, clearly annoyed you were keeping her from having her fun. your grip on her dropped as your heart did as well, not expecting her to be the one to slip up tonight, not expecting her to be the one to ruin everything, not expecting her to tell your biggest secret, that you were in love with your best friend.
“shit y/n, im sorry.” realisation washed over her as soon as she saw your face drop, guilt immediately eating her up as she saw you dash out of the bar as fast as possible, leaving a guilty korra, a slightly concerned group of friend who saw you abruptly leave, and a stunned bolin who just heard something he wished he’d heard long ago.
before anyone could react any further, bolin finally came to his senses and followed you out, knowing you two needed to have a conversation, away from the loud band that was playing, away from your friend’s gaze, outside, where it was just the two of you without any walls up.
the cold air had hit you as soon as you stepped out, surprised that the street was relatively empty for this late at night. you just stood there, seemingly frozen in place as you kept processing over and over the words that the avatar let out, she was right, you were aware of it, but you wouldve preferred if she hadnt said it in front of the guy that had stolen your heart when you were still a teenager.
“hey y/n.” you barely registered his voice, too lost in hearing the faint sounds of the city to fully pay attention to his voice. you didnt bother turning around, not wanting to confront him after that embarrassing moment, not wanting to even see him until the humiliation of it all left your mind.
“listen, i thought you should know something.” you didnt move but you could feel his presence right next to you, closing the short distance between the two of you to fully tell you what his drunk brain really wanted you to know, something a sober version of him would never dare to admit in fear of forever ruining the strong friendship the two of you had, but since you felt the same way he did, the fear was gone, replaced with the uncertainty of how the rest of this would play out.
“i’ve always liked you, when i first met you i knew that i couldnt live without you in my life. i always assumed you didnt like me like that so i kept it to myself but then i met opal, and im really happy with her y/n, hopefully you can understand that. i dont want to lose you since you’ll always have a piece of my heart no matter what.” he took a deep breath before letting the sincerely words flow, speaking from his hearts. 
you felt your breath hitch slightly at his confession and his last words kept replaying in your mind as you felt the alcohol pump adrenaline and confidence through your veins as you finally turned to face him, meeting his compassionate and beautiful green eyes looking at you, waiting for some sort of reaction. and before you knew it, your lips were on his, pouring out every repressed emotion you had for your best friend into one kiss, the one kiss you had been craving for so long, the one kiss that you had dreamt so long about.
for a second he kissed back, seemingly melting into the kiss as well before he sobered up slightly, hands on your shoulders as he pushed you away.
“no, we cant- i cant do this, i told you im happy with opal, and youre happy with hasook.” he nervously said, slight annoyance at his actions and yours evident in his tone. before you could respond, before you could retaliate, he had quickly turned around, mumbling an apology on how he had to go back inside, leaving you alone with the cold night air nipping at your skin, left alone with your thoughts once more.
general taglist: @biqherosix @butterfly-skinnylegend @draqondance @alteasmoon @yuesallura @staygoldsquatchling02
lok only taglist: @welovediaaxx @firelady-jay @callmecopper
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orangepanic · 2 years ago
Obviously Irosami is the chef's kiss of all rare pairs, but what other rare pairs do you enjoy? What's your favorite crack ship?
Hoo boy. Here we go.
The problem is, there are pairs I enjoy writing, pairs I enjoy reading, and pairs I enjoy specifically because there is someone I love reading who writes this pair phenomenally or just throws their whole heart into it. There are also different levels of enjoyment, from "will die for them" to "will read if I come across it" to "appreciate it exists" to "like it better than other pairs." So this is an inexact science at best. I'll do what I can.
Foaming at the mouth thinking of them, it's canon:
June x Colonel Mongke Lin Beifong x Lightning Bolt Zolt Toph Beifong x Satoru Tahno x Ginger
Favorite crack ships:
Ursa x The Boulder Wing Beifong x Hasook Hiroshi Sato x Firelord Izumi
Rare ships I love for the drama/asthetic/sheer comedic or tragic potential:
Korra x Amon Korra x Tarrlok Tahno x Korra Bolin x Korra (so basically all the Korra ships go here I see) Jet x Ty Lee Lin Beifong x Bumi Mako x Kuvira Tahno x Prince Wu Baatar Jr x Eska Iroh II x Kuvira
Rare ships I love because a talented creator made something amazing and now I can't help but ship it: Zhao x Ty Lee Zhao x Yue Jet x Yue Toph Beifong x Kanto Wan x Korra Mai x Piandao Mako x Iroh II Mako x Jinora Mako x Lin Beifong Korra x Kuvira Toph x Aang Sokka x Azula Ikki x Huan Beifong Lt. Jee x Ursa Lu Ten x Yue Smellerbee x Longshot Amon's Lieutenant x Daw
I'm sure I'm forgetting some ships here, too. There are so many wonderful rarepairs in the world, and so many amazing creators making me love them.
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gladerwolfstarkimagines · 4 years ago
Mako x female water bender imagine
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Imagine volunteering to be Mako and Bolin’s stand-in water bending teammate for a few pro-bending matches and Mako strongly opposing the idea, telling you flat out you’re not good enough. You and Mako have always had a rocky relationship and you figure his dislike for you is why he won’t let you compete but it’s more the opposite. He’s refusing to let you compete because he has feelings for you and doesn’t want you to get hurt.
Part two here
Your POV
You could tell the training session had gone badly from the second you heard Mako and Bolin’s footsteps on the approach to your shared loft. If they’d had a good session Bolin would always come bounding in but the footsteps were slow and heavy so you knew they’d had another hard time. “Hey y/n” Bolin said pushing the door open dramatically and you frowned “that bad huh?”. Bolin nodded his head “we sucked and Hasook quit!”. “He quit?” you asked surprised, you knew their water bender team mate was flaky but to quit right in the middle of a season? “But why?” you asked  “you’ve only lost a few matches you have pleanty of time to turn the season around”. “He doesn’t care” Mako sighed “he’s never really cared and now he’s just abandonned us”. “I still think he’ll come back if you maybe just apologise...” Bolin started and Mako spun on “I will not apologise! I meant what I said, he’s not even a good probender we can find someone else”. “But by tomorrow?” Bolin asked “Mako we don’t have any reserves”. “I know but I was thinking we could try poaching one from another team”. “We can’t afford that” Bolin cried “we can barely afford me and you!”. Mako sighed “well we’ll think of someway...”. “How? Mako if we don’t find someone and soon then we’re toast, we’ll be kicked out of the league, out of the loft..”. “Don’t you think I know that” Mako cried and you coughed awkwardly. “I could do it?”. Mako and Bolin paused mid argument and looked at you. “I mean until you find a professional replacement, I could fill in temporarily”. Mako frowned but Bolin grinned "seriously? You’d do that for us?". You shrugged "i mean yeah why not? I’m not a bad water bender, I could do it until you find someone more qualified". Bolin cheered ready to celebrate when Mako ruined the mood with one word.  "No" Mako said without even considering the idea and you felt your excitment plummet. "Why? I know all your plays and both of you well, plus i’ve helped you out at practices before and if you don’t have someone by tomorrow you’re out for the season". "Exactly" bolin nodded "y/n’s the perfect fit". You grinned as Bolin wrapped an arm around you and both turned awkwardly to Mako waiting for the final verdict. He seemed in a worse mood than ever and rolled his eyes "you’re not qualified, you'll get hurt and be a liability, you’re not doing it" and walked away. “A liabilty?” you called after him but he didn’t reply. You turned to Bolin furious “a liability?”. “He didn’t mean that he’s just angry, I’ll work on it I promise”. You frowned and went to follow Mako to argue with him but Bolin caught your arm “no y/n why don’t you both cool off? I’ll start a nice meal and then when we’re all calm, rested and fed we can discuss it properly, yes?”. You sighed but nodded “okay”. “Great” Bolin cried “you go relax I’ll call you when dinner’s ready”.
Your stomach growled and you frowned at the door. It had been 2 hours and still no call from Bolin, how much longer did he think you needed to calm down? You sighed before realising you couldn’t hear any noise from the kitchen, if Bolin was cooking surely he’d be making noise. You opened your door and found the loft empty, Bolin and the food nowhere in sight. Actually that wasn’t right, the ingredients were all there but that was as far as Bolin got apparently. You sighed shaking your head and started making the food instead. Five minutes later Mako’s door opened “Bolin how much longer is the food going to take i’m starving” before stopping when he saw you. “Bolin didn’t get past taking the ingredients out of the fridge so you’re going to have wait a while” you said coldly and Mako nodded. “Well if i help it’ll get done quicker” and grabbed some vegetables that needed peeling. As Mako joined you in the kitchen you realised this was probably a set up.  You suspected Bolin had done this on purpose and sighed. Mako stood next to you but made no effort to talk or even look in your direction. It was uncomfortably tense and you couldn’t not saying anything. “So you changed your mind yet?” you asked and Mako shook his head “nope”. “You realise you’re being stupid don’t you?” you asked “there’s no reaon why I couldn’t atleast try!”. “Yeah well I’m the leader and I say you’re not doing it”. You scoffed and threw the pan you were holding down leaving the kitchen. “Y/n” Mako sighed “I’m not doing this because I want to, I’m doing it for you”. “For me? because I’m so useless I couldn’t possibly be of use to you?” you yelled and Mako sighed. "Y/n I’m not refusing to let you play because i think you’re useless". "Yeah well calling me a liability really proves that" you scoffed and Mako glared. "I’m trying to apologise". "Ow really?" you asked "because usually that starts with i’m sorry y/n or i was wrong or i was a dick, not i don’t think you’re completely useless y/n". "I didn’t say it like that you’re twisting my words!" Mako cried and you rolled your eyes "whatever i’m going out". "You are? But y/n it’s late" Mako said worried considering the neighbourhod you lived in. You didn’t care though and ignored him slamming the door hard.  
Mako’s POV
Mako was furious, you were so infuriating when you got angry! You were so stubborn and never listened to him. It was dark and late, you shouldn’t be going out into the streets alone, you lived in an awful neighbourhood. Not to mention considering the three of you used to be associated with the Shady Shin’s gang all the gangs around here know who you are. He waited ten minutes before following you, his anger overshadowed by his worry for you. Mako had an idea of where you’d go. Although you’d left Shady Shin’s gang with Mako and Bolin you still held the gang in a positive view and had the ridiculous notion the gang members were simply *old friends* and treated them as such. Mako told you not to, he told you the gang didn’t care about you anymore but would you listen? No. Mako entered the gang’s chosen bar and looked around for you. He couldn’t spot you but knew you’d be here somewhere. "Mako?" someone called and he turned to see an *old friend*. "Thought you’d gone straight" the man smirked "you finally come crawling back realising that life doesn’t work for guys like us?" the man asked and Mako resisted the urge to roll his eyes. "No i’ve just lost something and thought it might be here". “Your brother’s girl? She’s here". Mako forgot how much he hated that, everyone at the gang assumed you and Bolin were a thing just because you obviously got on. "Y/n isn’t Bolin’s girl" Mako spat and the man smirked raising an eyebrow "ow yeah forgot you were sweeter on her than him even though she’s with him more...that’s gotta be annoying, her prefering him". "Where is she?" Mako asked through gritted teeth and the man smirked as Mako grabbed him. "She’s back there, in Shadys Shin’s private box, guess one of his men’s taking a liking to her too, i’d hurry if i was you". Mako pushed through the door quickly and scanned the room for you. He spotted you sat with the only other girl in the room, some girl you still classed as a friend, Shady Shin not far away from you. Everyone looked up as Mako entered apart from you. The girl beside you nudged you and you looked up and paled seeing Mako.
Your POV
"Hey y/n thought you said none of your loser boys would be here" one of Shady Shin’s men called. You grimanced and glared at the speaker "he’s not mine and i didn’t know he’d be here". “Well get rid of him before we do” Shady Shin snarled. You saw Mako get ready for a fight and stood up “fine alright i’ll sort it”. You reached Mako and tugged his arm towards the door. As soon as you were out of ear shot Mako launched into a lecture "why are you here?" he cried "y/n these are bad people and you came alone! I know you think they care about you but they don’t, not like me and Bolin do!". "Bolin sure" you nodded "you only ever tolerated me, you let me hang around because i was good at being sneaky, because the rent 3 ways was cheaper, because Bolin wanted me there not because you did". "You know that’s not true" Mako said "you know i like you". "Ow yeah how have you proved that?". "So what just because i’m not like Bolin and don’t wear my heart on my sleeve i can’t like you? I’m just not emotional like him y/n! I don’t do elaborate gestures to prove i like you". "So what do you do?" you cried and Mako glared. "I pretend i’ve split the food three ways when i split it two ways between you and Bolin, i get into fights with shady shins men over them waiting outisde our apartment for you, i change my training schedule or Bolin’s so one of us can finish at the same time you finish work so you don’t have to walk home in the dark alone, I come in here knowing i’ll have so many targets on my back but i do it anyway! I make you so angry at me by refusing to let you compete in the tournament because i’m terrified of you getting hurt y/n! It’s my worst fear something bad happening to you or Bolin...that’s why I can’t have you in the ring with us! I know Bolin can take a hit but I can still protect him to an extent but if you were both there...I can’t protect both of you and if something happened to you in the tournament...i’d rather get kicked out then let that happen". "You...that’s why you didnt want me competing? you don’t think i’m useless?". Mako shook his head "no i actually think you’d be a good fit but i’ve seen the best taken out by rogue disks or a slap of water...i don’t pro-bend because i enjoy it! I do it because it gave me, you and Bolin a home, a way to escape the gang, i did it to keep you safe not to put you in danger". You paused and looked at Mako "why didn’t you just tell me all this? Why make yourself out as the bad guy?". "I don’t know because it’s easy to sell? I’m used to being the stick in the mud so it’s easy. Because it’s easier to act like i don’t care or be rude than admit that i do? Because i’m scared of what you'll think of me if i do...if you know how much i care". You smiled "Mako..." you started but he carried on. "But i’m sick of that, I’m tired of seeing you look at me like you hate me when you look at Bolin with so much fondness. I’m sick of Bolin getting all your affection, all your smiles and you think i’m just some cold prick who doesn’t care about you but i do care y/n a lot and i want to show you that! I want affection from you! I want...well you". You paused surprised but smiled "you do?". Mako nodded and then seeing the way you were looking at him crashed into you. Mako was in such a rush it was messy and a bit harsh but you didn’t care. The kiss was good, really good. This was why Mako was so popular with girls you figured wrapping your arms around his neck. Mako seemed genuinely surprised you would kiss him back but that didn’t stop him making the most of it. He pushed you back against the door hastily and you smirked at his enthusiasm. "And all this time I thought you hated me" you breathed and Mako shook his head breaking away from you long enough to look you in the eye "never, more of the opposite". He kissed you again and you smiled getting more and more lost in the feeling when the police showed up. Sirens blared and you and Mako jumped apart. "We can’t be spotted here" Mako said grabbing your hand "if we get caught we won’t be allowed to compete tomorrow, we have to go!". You nodded and followed as Mako dragged you away from the noise. You scrambled over fences and across rooftops until the sirens died away and you neared your home. You were still hand in hand as you ascended to your attic and Mako paused outside the door "y/n...". "You said we" you smiled "when the police showed up, you said if we can’t get caught because we won’t be able to complete tomorrow, we not you, does this mean you’re letting me join the team?". Mako sighed but nodded "i can’t protect you forever, if you want to do this i’ll support you". You grinned "even though you like me?". Mako nodded swallowing nervously "yes, you're not mine to tell what to do even if i like you". "Good answer" you smiled and went to open the door but Mako stopped you "erm y/n...you kissed me back, atleast I think you did, does that mean...do you like me too?". "You tell me" you shrugged leaning up to kiss him again. This time you made it slow and deliberate instead of the heated kiss from before. You lingered and took your time and when you pulled away Mako was breathless. "yes?" he asked and you smirked "yes Mako". Mako grinned and unlocked the door in a daze. You smiled as he lumbered into the room glancing at you every so often. The air was tense between you again but now in a good way. Bolin burst in suddenly and picked up on the tension immediately "Hey what happened in here, it feels weird". "We sorted it" you replied looking to Mako who smirked "yeah y/n’s competing with us tomorrow". "She is?" Bolin asked "you agreed to that?". Mako nodded "if y/n wants to do it who am i stop her?". You shot him an approving smile as Bolin hugged you "yay y/n this is going to be so cool!". Bolin crashed you into a hug again and you smiled but looked over his shoulder at Mako. Knowing all you knew now it was like looking at a completely different person. Now when he looked at you, that familiar intense serious look, it made you blush, made you feel cared for and protected. When you saw his lips twitch you knew he was trying not to smile and he turned away cheeks slightly red. If only he’d told you sooner...but it was okay, you were good at making up for lost time.
So i’m planning on maybe doing a continuation of this with them being teammates who live together, train together and compete together all while dating and trying to keep it a secret from Bolin all at the same time but i’ll see :)
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