#truly the epitome of all things Cool and Awesome
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i am not cool at all. i dance while humming my favorite songs at work when the stores empty. once someone who very well knew my name asked me "do you have a name?" so i told them "yes its jj" and they were talking about someone else
#a toy got damaged [the packaging was messed up] and i listened to the full “try me” song and started humming it through my shift#truly the epitome of all things Cool and Awesome#more like certified dork#🧟
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Incorrect Shakespeare Quotes: Much Ado About Nothing 3
Beatrice : I have very high standards, you know.
Benedick : I can make spaghetti...
Beatrice : Oh no! You're meeting all my standards!
Benedick : *on the phone* Hey Beatrice , do you know my blood type?
Beatrice : Of course, it's B negative.
Benedick : Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
*Benedick and Beatrice are in Paris.*
Benedick : I'm...moved. I...I don't know what it is I'm feeling right now. I feel...destiny?
Beatrice : But...
Benedick : I don't know what it is. I feel like... I just never thought I'd see it with my own two eyes. And here it is. It's just there. It's right in front of me, and...
Beatrice : This is what you wanted to see? The bridge from Inception?
Benedick : Yeah.
Beatrice : But the Eiffel Tower is behind us, babe.
Benedick : Yeah, but this is the bridge FROM INCEPTION.
Beatrice : Okay, alright.
Benedick : Wait you like me? For my personality?
Beatrice : I know, I was surprised too.
Benedick , looking over Beatrice ’s shoulder: You can draw?
Beatrice , stopping what they were doing: You can speak?
Beatrice : BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Benedick : Can I ask a dumb question?
Beatrice : Better than anyone I know.
Benedick : What are you eating?
Beatrice : You wouldn't like it, it's really salty.
Benedick : I like you, don't I?
Beatrice : I can’t believe all these people are wearing black. black is supposed to be my thing, they’re all just posers.
Benedick : Beatrice, for the last time, we’re at a funeral.
Beatrice, to Benedick: Are you peanuts? Because I want to boil you alive.
Benedick : Guess what I'm about to get!
Beatrice : On my nerves.
Beatrice : What are you doing here?
Benedick : I could ask you the same question.
Beatrice : I live here. This is my house.
Benedick : I should probably ask you a different question.
Benedick : I am so cool. I am an absolute Chad. I am the epitome of coolness and awesomeness—
Beatrice : Hi.
Benedick : *melts down in a flustered heap of softness*
Benedick : Beatrice is playing hard to get.
Benedick : Little do they know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Hairdresser: How would you like your hair cut?
Beatrice : Preferably with scissors, but a sword could be badass.
Benedick : I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right back.
Beatrice : Why are you telling me this, I don't care.
Beatrice , right after Benedick leaves the room: I miss them already.
Benedick : Beatrice , I sense hostility.
Beatrice : Good, because I hate you.
Benedick : Are you busy?
Beatrice : Yes.
Benedick : Cool, listen to this...
Beatrice : Can I ask you for a favor?
Benedick : I would literally die for you, but continue.
Beatrice : We need to talk about you starting sentences that way.
Beatrice : You are an absolute fucking dork.
Benedick , singing: Yeah, but I'm your dork!
Beatrice : *sighs* Yeah, you're my dork.
Benedick , admiring a sleeping Beatrice : You’re so cute.
Beatrice , sleepily: I could beat your ass.
Benedick , lovingly: I know.
Benedick : Met a dumbass today. Awful.
Beatrice : You looked in a mirror?
Benedick : someday you will have to answer for your actions and god may not be so merciful.
Benedick: They don’t make them like me no more. I’m the last of my kind.
Beatrice: Thank god.
Benedick: Are we fighting or flirting?
Beatrice: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-
Benedick: Your point?
Beatrice: I can’t believe we have to be stuck in this room together!
Benedick, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate.
Benedick: We all have our demons.
Benedick, grabbing Beatrice: This one’s mine.
Benedick: Could you be anymore annoying?
Beatrice: Yes.
Benedick: This date is boring!
Beatrice: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.
Benedick: Then why did you invite me?
Beatrice: I didnt, I specifically said "don't come with me," then you said, "fuck you Beatrice I'll do whatever I want!
Benedick: Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?
Beatrice: If you can ask the questions without the usual level of stupid.
#much ado about nothing#much ado#beatrice#Benedick#benedick and beatrice#ben and bea#shakespeare#incorrect shakespeare
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MAME LMAOOOO hes gunna be like “oh my god theyre alone in the bedroom what are they doing” then he hears angry yelling turns out takeru just red shell’d you in mario kart right before the finish line and now youre at his throat (he kisses you as an apology BUT MAME DOESNT NEED TO KNOW THAT!!!!)
AAAAA HOPELESS ROMANTIC FENGFAN,,, oh my god imagine that pumpkaboo is like. the smallest size. and you nickname him 小凡 because his face is exactly like fengfan’s when he pouts ☹️ and fengfan cant even feel mad that hes being teased BECAUSE HES ACTIVELY TRYING TO STOP HIS BRAIN FROM MAKING WEDDING PLANS LIKE WDYM YOU NAMED HIM AFTER ME-
LMAOO RUKI BEING A DORK AND HIS MEOWTH TRYING TO HELP,,, you glance over at his rapidash making heart shaped hoof marks in the grass for your rapidash. and you realize. you and your rapidash both seem to like losers
CRAFTY AYANE IM GUNNA CRY THATS ADORABLE 🥺 HER AND HER AMBIPOM AND SMEARGLE ALWAYS AT WORK MAKING AWESOME NEW STUFF FOR EVERYONE and omg i can picture the jars already. they have a little tag for his brand and a teddiursa charm HFNFHFNFHD
LMAOLDJDKD yea junki and ayuta are definitely the types to have an encounter with some otherwordly pokemon like. you show junki an ultra beast and hes like “oh yea i think ive seen that one before flying past my house!!” and youre like WHAT
KYO’S LOVE LANGUAGE IS FOOD FRRRR LIKE YOU WANT A CASTELLIACONE?? WELL GUESS WHAT I KNOW SOMEONE WITH SOME and omg frigibax and bergmite beef,,, literally will be fully evolved and still gnawing at each other
LMAO SHO WOULD JUST SMILE LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN HE SEES THE GIRL HE LIKES PLS he like. devolves into himbo mode its adorable and he gets so giggly and you dont even realize its because of you!!!
AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT MINUN YOURE SO RIGHT and omg i can already imagine her gym like its a repurposed factory and the obstacles add to the battle,,,
LMAOKFJDJD mechanic hiroto all grimed up tho,, but yes takumi is absolutely. lost. like hes just happy to be here following you around like a puppy
AUDINO KOSHIN WOULD BE ADORABLE OMG he would also love a jumpluff that he got from sho i think
LOOOOOL mame and jin are literally the epitome of the we're so back/it's so over meme... they're just hoping for a permanent win. but maybe they'll have to wait another century of you two (just takeru) flirting around .......
that would be so perfect LMAO he's been more out of it recently so you're like fengfan what's going on and he's like uhhh um what'd you say now and you're like ok............ he's up to smth
not the juxtaposition between you two and your pokemon horses LOOOOOL they truly do take after their trainer.... except i think ruki is less courageous than his own pokemon 🤣
YES OMG they have an art studio and she's determined to master the art of pottery.... maybe she'll go over to ran's gym and see if she can spare any metal...... probably loves upcycling stuff into cool things........ AND AHH!!!!!! YOURE SO RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! the imagery is crazy
omg you're like omg kartana is so cool and he's like wait huh what is a kartana and you show him. and he's like. WAIT i've SEEN one flying outside before!!!!!!!! truly a junki moment
it is totally beyond you how so many people he knows LOL if he wants to keep things warm he's got like a darumaka friend so your food options are truly unlimited....... and yeah LOL they'll constantly be trying to intimidate each other
oh yeah you have no idea whatsoever. you kinda just assume sho's a kind of shy guy and don't think too much about it but . its only around you apparently according to like your friend shosei but who knows.....
YEHA OMG her gym badge is made of a bunch of shiny bronze cogs with a red crystal inside the colour of her scizor........
YOURE SO RIGHT sho's backyard probably has an endemic of skiploom so he's like hey you can absolutely catch one if you want and koshin's like. well. if you do say so then
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howdy i'm here to ask you about the truly terrible book you read over shabbat. what was it and why was it so terrible?
thank you SO much for asking
it was a bad book.
it was written for 12 year olds. I am not a 12 year old. I'm not counting this against it though because that's on me for reading a book for 12 year olds
It was called The Fourteenth Goldfish and the only thing the back of the book description talked about was an immortal goldfish. I thought I was going to read a book about an immortal goldfish. THE IMMORTAL GOLDFISH WAS A METAPHOR! I WAS SO PISSED! I WANTED TO READ ABOUT AN IMMORTAL GOLDFISH!
Okay now into the plot of the book. Some context, I'm a theatre technician. I work in theatre it's my job.
The story was about a girl who was raised by two parents who work in theatre, and her mom's father (her grandfather) is a big science guy, he has TWO PhDs (this is reiterated a lot), he's SMART, he knows STEM! And the grandfather is always on his daughter (the mom's) ass about being flighty and artistic and not caring about science and wasting her life in an arts field
The mom's boyfriend went to MIT and Harvard and works as a video game designer and the grandfather thinks that is just and ABSOLUTE waste of a degree
And the mom is always making fun of the scientist grandfather for being heartless and having no imagination
The grandfather thought about going into theatre as a kid but he asked too many questions about why the theatre department did things certain ways and got chased out. do you KNOW how many questions i ask every fucking day?
STEM AND ART ARE NOT INCOMPATIBLE HOLY SHIT! THEATRE AND SCIENCE ARE NOT AT ODDS WITH ON ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!! so that really pissed me off. what are we teaching the children.
The scientist grandfather discovers a cure for aging and reverse ages himself into the body of a 13 year old. He goes to live with the girl and her mom because he can't live alone as a 13 year old cause that's weird
When he lives there he starts teaching the girl about SCIENCE and STEM and how to be a SCIENTIST because her theatrical mother has completely neglected this part of her education, because all theatre people hate science.
He's teaching his granddaughter about science and how cool and awesome it is, and the point of the story does end up being "you have to consider ethics when you do science" but that doesn't get introduced until like the third to last page so he spend the entire book being a WILDLY unethical scientist
He's originally like "i'm gonna publish my research about reverse aging and win a nobel prize" and at first the granddaughter thinks that's the COOLEST thing but by the end of the book she's like "that will change the world as we know it, maybe let's not"
But this man... this man...
He discovers a way to reverse age himself
there is NO IRB
He teaches the granddaughter about great scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, who never did anything wrong or morally grey in his life.
And then at the end when the granddaughter is like “maybe we don’t publish because i considered ethics for one second” he FLUSHES ALL OF HIS RESEARCH DOWN THE TOILET
So I'm reading this book just screaming about how ethically unsound this entire thing is. The grandfather is just the absolute epitome of a STEM man who has never considered humanities or why humanities is valuable ever in his entire life.
This grandfather needs to learn what an ethics class is and needs to stop shitting on theatre and needs to understand that STEM and humanities are not at odds with one another
so that's the fourteenth goldfish. I probably wasn't the target audience but we can do better in our middle school lit choices. I believe we can. we deserve better.
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appreciation post for the types✨
from your local intp🖤
✨The Sensors✨
estj (the executive)
Oh the executive, the most organized and loud boss bitch to ever exist. You cut through the bullshit and do not let anything stand in your way. And yet, like you're intuitive counter part (entj) you are quite sensitive if and when something hurts your feelings. Even though you're an expert at being all business during business hours, you still know how to have fun. and omg you have such a dorky sense of humor and love random facts, we love that. you are/can/will be a great leader/parent. All in all you are THEE boss and everyone knows it. keeping leading and kicking ass. 👏🏼
estp (the entrepreneur)
i absolutely adore estp's. you are the epitome of one of my fav character arcs. which is the charismatic rogue, who possibly drinks a lil more than they should, but can handle their liquor like a sailor (amazingly). you never back down from a challenge. you are so fun and wild in a han solo type of way, that just makes everyone want to be around you. but the best thing about you, is the way (deep down & to those you let close know) you are actually such a sweetheart. you would get hit by a bus trying to rush to make sure a friend is ok. you would take a bullet for any of your loved ones and let them cry on your shoulder. you're secretly the white knight but you're happy to let everyone think you're just the brash rogue. you're one of my best friends and someone i will adore with all my heart till the end of time.💕
p.s if you don't have an estp in your life, get one ASAP. they are a necessity for a complete friend group.
istj (the logistician)
oof, yes istj's. so sublet in their charm, and ready to die for what they believe in. i love the istj because you have two of an intp's fav qualities at your core. badassery & humility. you're like this pillar of certainty. even if you are uncertain about something, no one would ever be able to tell. you have a way of decision making that's not loud or overwhelming. which is why intp's love when you plan things.  you're also quiet at first, but if you're challenged, you would never let someone walk all over you or something/someone that matters to you. i also love that you're one of the types (alongside infp & entj) that is sooo funny and goofy when you're drunk. like a lil toddler. #adorable
istp (the engineer)
ahhhh, the intp's sensing counter part. istp's fucking rule. truly. you believe in many of the same principles intps do. the main one being, keeping an open mind without fore fitting you're own beliefs. your exterior calm and collected nature makes you cool af. AND you also have such a FANTASTIC sense of sarcastic humor. like yes bitch. i love the way intps are the idealists and istps are the doers. if an istp and intp got together, ooof the world better beware the chaos that would ensue. also you guys have thee COOLEST fictional characters. the first one that always comes to mind is Arya Stark from Game of Thrones. like suchhhhhhh a badass who also roasts literally EVERY single person in that show no matter if it's the fucking leader of the house you're at war with. out of all the types i think you would be the best assassin. to sum up i think the word i always relate to you is... cool. 😎 like plain and simple. 💀🤘🏼
p.s let's be partners in crime. 😁🚨🚓
esfj (the consul)
ok, ok, so first things first, because you are so opposite of the intp, i know we can butt heads sometimes. the main reason this happens is because nt's will see you're want to make others happy as a negative. HOWEVER, as i have gotten to know and respect an esfj as they are a part of my family (irl). i can say that the perceived notion of esfj's wanting to please everyone to get them to like them is a bit misguided. while esfjs DO want everyone to be happy, it's not always about being the popular kid. it's actually because they care about others. AND not just others but like situations. they really care if a party or a dinner is going smoothly. because they want events and people to have an enjoyable time and be happy. so esfj's I SEE YOU. and i genuinely appreciate how much you care about even the smmmmallest things. you are very dependable and high key you've taught me a lot. like how/why it's important to always say please and thank you. and you showed me that having emotions (like being nervous) isn't a weakness and it actually shows us what's important. esfj's are HIGHLY underrated, and much more wise than anyone gives you credit for.
p.s you are so much fun to prank and you always give as good as you get. 🤘🏼
esfp (the entertainer)
holy shit. that's all i can think when i think of the memories we share. we somehow bring out the worst/best in one another. you and infp are the ones i tell first when i get good news because i know you'll hype me the fuck up. we have sooooooooooo much fun together. you are so absolutely awesome and one of my best friends in the whole wide world. if i have a passing random idea, YOU WILL DO IT. i can be like "wouldn't it be funny if someone got on the hood of the car and twerked" and you're hilarious crazy ass will literally jump out of the car and do it. just because it's funny. you can party soooo hard, like rockstar level. you 100% need you're own reality show. your presence makes my introverted self feel more confident even when i'm at my lowest. with all that chaotic-ness said, you are actually a REALLY good parent/s.o?? such a crazy bitch, but also wife material?? like are you real?? anywayyyyy, just wanna say esfp's are the bad bitches of the types (no gender intended, bitches is gender neutral). and i can't wait for our next adventure. 🤩💜
isfj (the defender)
ok so even though you're a feeling type, i would have to say you're the most logical out of ALL the feeling types. i think it comes from you're mama bear (no specific gender intended) core. you don't put up with anyone's shit when it comes to those you care about. and dayummm will you fuck someone up (metaphorically and literally) if they come for your loved ones. you are VERY intelligent and people often underestimate you. the word that comes to mind when i think about isfjs is... resolve. your resolve in the face of hardship is so inspiring and something to be feared. i really love the way you seem so chill and even sweet and gracious and then it's like... oh fuck mamas here... but you don't even have to raise your voice to get your point across. like the istj, you've got a certainty and loyalty that intp's lovvveee. we never have to guess where you're loyalties are, because you don't just say, you show, through real actions. and we love that. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🐻
isfp (the adventurer)
oh the isfp, no one and i mean no one can match the intp's weird out of the box thinking like you. can. you view the world in SUCH a unique way. you not only see things in deep meaningful aesthetics, but you make them a reality. you love to push the envelope of what are perceived social normals. and we lovvvvvvve that shit. you're life can be so out there, but you still respect and can make friends with just about anyone. you're so sweet and creative. and you always show me something sooooo interesting. a hidden gem, a beautiful view spot, a hole in the wall place to eat. you've got that thing that xntp's sort of fall head over heels for, but in a subtle way to where we don't even realize it. and you can make time the illusion it actually is, not even noticing that we've been hanging out for like 12 hours, because it felt like 30 minutes. and omg talk about talented! anything that requires creativity you are always so good at, like wtf?? 😂👏🏼 i will end this by saying; you're simultaneously the most tranquil yet exciting person i've ever met. and truly one of a kind. keep doing exactly what you're doing and i can't wait to see what you come up with next.
p.s you are my top choice, to go to Bali & Tulum with✨🤍☯️
#mbti#appreciation post#based on people i know irl#16 personalities#mbti humor#mbti memes#sensors#estj#estp#istj#istp#esfj#esfp#isfj#isfp#entj#entp#intj#intp#infj#infp#enfp#enfj#miss my isfp#they live far away#thankfully my esfp lives 4 mins away#mbti things#mbti shit post#mbti friendships#mbti relationships
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You are your top 5 Shadow agents
I don’t talk about the Agents as much as I should, even though I constantly try to stress their importance, because I’m working on essays for them individually. To be honest, I think about the Agents practically every day to the point I have a hard time separating my headcanons from the actual canon material, but I have to stay true to it, and the lack of material regarding them means that the only way I can truly talk about their characterization is by diving deep into the novels and taking notes, which I don’t have much time to do, and then finding the right books or moments to talk about, which is even more difficult.
This by no means constitutes my big thinkpiece on them, but it’s a start, and ultimately narrowing it down was a lot harder than I expected. This order is by no means final, if you asked me this question next week or next month I’d probably have a different answer, but it’s the 5 that I find myself thinking on the most.
Honorable mentions: Jericho Druke and Myra Reldon, who are incredibly awesome characters conceptually and who have great moments each, and whom I definitely think deserve big turns on the spotlight if the Agents ever get put on the spotlight again, but are held back by issues with their presentation and lack of prominence. Margo Lane, whom only just narrowly missed the cut because, as much as I like her and think she gets an underseved bad rep and definitely has great things going for her, I sadly have to concede isn’t as consistently great or well-written as she should be. Clyde Burke, whom I definitely like a lot based on what I’ve read and consider an integral part of the line-up, but haven’t read enough of the novels he’s in to really solidify him as one of my favorites just yet. And Slade Farrow, who is a bit too complicated to talk about superficially.
Allright, so here they are
Number 5: Burbank
As the center of all communications within The Shadow’s network and the only character in the series who is even more mysterious and elusive than The Shadow himself, Burbank is fascinating and the kind of character who simultaneously seems to be both begging for an in-depth exploration and yet who also should be dead last on the list of mysteries about the series we want spoiled, because nobody wants the mystery ruined. He’s a bit of cipher personality-wise compared to the other agents, but he kind of has to be, and I think it helps to illustrate the many forms the agents of The Shadow can and should take, that one of them is this total mystery whom we know nothing about and yet is so vital to the whole thing. And it’s interesting also because, for all the many variations we’ve had on The Shadow’s life and thoughts and feelings and etc over the years, Burbank has stayed more or less the same. Whatever variations he’s had in design aside, Burbank just is.
The pulps did often have moments where we would get to see moments that told us a little more about Burbank, gestures he did, capabilities he had and didn’t have, little details Gibson would sprinkle in to keep people fascinated. Several scenes with Burbank are almost presented like you’re watching a movie, in the way Gibson keeps describing his face being mysteriously blocked from view by objects or lighting, like not even in your mind you are supposed to know what he is. And it’s all the more fascinating because, unlike The Shadow, as far as we know, Burbank is just some guy who’s good with tech, who was only recruited in the 2nd story but apparently knows The Shadow from before it, and whom The Shadow entrusted with virtually every secret necessary to keep his operations running.
It’s kind of a sign as to how utterly neglected the agents are that, to this day, few writers who’ve ever touched The Shadow has ever come close to giving us any sort of explanation or backstory or anything on Burbank, and I refuse to believe these people had that much self-control. Of course I have my own ideas for Burbank, but even I would hesitate to put them on a story, because Burbank epitomizes that double-edged sword that comes with a solid narrative mystery. Burbank just is, and hopefully he will stay that way.
Number 4: Dr Roy Tam
Mention of Dr. Tam meant much to Sayre. He was acquainted with Roy Tam, the Chinese physician. He knew that Tam was a power in Chinatown; one who worked for good
Unrolling a map, Tam showed the entire Manhattan area, studded with tiny dots in districts quite remote from Chinatown.
"These represent my outposts," he said soberly. "They are places, owned by Chinese - restaurants, laundries, curio shops, other places of business. In each of these places, I have a friend."
The Shadow understood. Dr. Tam was the motivating factor among the Chinese who adapted themselves to American ways. His mission was to create good will among races, to put an end to prejudice and superstition.
A newer and more sober spirit had replaced the old and dangerous festivities. Feuds in Chinatown were a thing of the forgotten past. Dr. Tam and his associates had done much to bring about the present sentiment; but there were persons - even among that group - who felt regret at the passing of old traditions.
Dr Tam is a remarkably layered character for one that only appears in about ten stories, and he’s one of the agents I’m most eager to discuss in-depth. He’s another one of those agents that Gibson introduced by tricking you into seeing him as a villain, as a Yellow Peril cliche, until he is revealed to be in fact a good man. Not just good, Roy Tam is presented as a powerful, influential and cunning Chinese man with a lot of assistants secretly working for him, and who is consistently presented as a progressive, pacifistic, benevolent civic leader and ally, even friend, of The Shadow.
Tam is very much westernized and the stories paint that mostly as a good thing, and this is one of the areas that I think could very much result in an interesting story that looks at the ramifications of his role, because of course not everyone is going to agree with his viewpoints, of course him being an advocate against superstition and tradition isn’t necessarily a good thing (and it’s not how Yat Soon, The Shadow’s other major Chinese ally, works, which puts the two at odds), and of course it’s a complicated situation, but the fact that Tam invites this kind of debate at all I think is something very interesting
Largely because of the movie, Dr Tam is one of the few agents of The Shadow who’s managed to sustain appearences in modern stories, and none of them have ever really went with his original angle as a powerful civic leader. Instead he’s been largely painted as either a scientist, like in the movie, a general practitioner, and a psychiatrist, and his age has been all over the board.
I prefer him in his original form but I also very much like the idea of Roy Tam being, like the Chinese supervillains he was created to be a subversion of, an incredible genius who’s got skills in all fields that can fit under the “Dr” part of his job and is also an incredibly capable leader able to unify splintered communities under a cause of unity and cooperation, someone who absolutely could be the adventuring genius so many other pulp heroes are, except he dedicates himself wholesale to his community and the fight against prejudice and the betterment of lives, even if he’s misguided or wrong at some of the causes he takes up. I really think this character could partake in really great stories if ever brought back.
Number 3: Cliff Marsland
(Fan-art by @cryptixcreations)
Cliff may have actually been the first agent I really fell in love with based on concept alone, even before I read the stories he was a part of and started loving all of the others. He’s one of the few agents who has prior history with The Shadow and we get ever so tantalizing hints at his background that we ultimately never get to learn about in full. He’s the resident tough guy and underworld contact of The Shadow, which in any other series might have made him the biggest badass and a loner action hero who’s too cool for things like thinking and relying on others for help. But here, trying to be that only gets Cliff into trouble, and circumstances gradually morph him into the series equivalent of a Team Dad.
He was one of the agents who we got to see develop as a character. As he appears more frequently past his introduction, he grows from a headstrong, careless jackass, mostly interested in the action parts of the job, who “resigned himself to an adventurous career with violent death as its inevitable termination”, into one of the most reliable and capable agents, taking the lead during action scenes but otherwise fully defering leadership to Harry, and being the agent most likely to partake in gunfights and rescue The Shadow out of trouble, joining in missions like infiltrating circuses or high-society clubs and forming very strong friendships with Harry, Clyde & Hawkeye, who almost kills a man with his bare hands when he thinks Harry’s been killed. He’s the hardass, square-jawed ex-con who plays the reputation of a brutal killer, and is in reality a great friend, ally and husband (Arline has sadly only been mentioned in three stories), on top of being an invaluable fighter and secret agent.
Cliff could have easily been the protagonist of a long-running series all his own and that’s one of my favorite aspects of The Shadow’s agents. They are people with agency, goals and dreams and relationships and lives beyond the roles they play, they all have strengths and weaknesses and faults and positives that bring them much closer to us than The Shadow could ever be, with no end to the variety of roles they can take, and Cliff in particular is a character I’m very attached to.
I do hope that he eventually found peace in a quiet life with Arline once his business with The Shadow was over.
Number 2: Harry Vincent
The Shadow as a franchise has been vastly worse off as a result of Harry Vincent being completely sidelined and mischaracterized in virtually every adaptation since, and the sheer love that Shadow fans hold for Harry purely may be the closest thing to a true universal opinion in the fandom.
Harry is a lot of things: the audience surrogate, the protagonist of much of the early stories, the leader of the agents in field duty, the dude in distress who gets kidnapped far more than even Margo, a hopeless romantic, an action hero, the one who gets sent to recruit agents because all The Shadow has to do is send Harry on an assignment and wait for him to come back with a new friend. He is a competent, resourceful, strong, extremely kind ball of sunshine who's got the potential for greatness, even if he can't see it.
And for this post I’m going to highlight this: Harry is, on top of all that, the ultimate embodiment of what The Shadow strives to protect, help and uplift. He is the living proof that The Shadow's mission has a good, positive effect in the world, long after criminals are brought to justice and plots are failed and victims are rescued, purely by the fact that he’s alive and helping others who were once like him. Someone who, despite having so much to offer, could have easily been swept away by the world’s callousness and cruelty, if The Shadow wasn’t there to rescue him and uplift him.
I liked The Shadow pretty much at first sight after seeing the character’s design and listening to episodes of the radio show, and my appreciation for the character grew after reading The Shadow’s Shadow, but it wasn’t until I encountered @oldschoolcrimefighters and her brilliantly informative writings on The Shadow and Harry that I not only fell in love with the series, but decided to do everything in my power to try and get other people to love it too and see the potential it has. I think a lot more people should at least be aware of why Harry matters.
Number 1: Moe Shrevnitz
I was honestly a bit surprised when I rounded up all of the agents to make this list and Shrevy here ended up in Number One, but in hindsight, it may have been obvious all along.
My reasonings as to why Shrevy is my favorite agent do get a bit too personal, especially because of something that happened to me as I was writing this post, so I’m putting it on a separate post here.
#the shadow#pulp heroes#pulp fiction#replies tag#harry vincent#moe shrevnitz#roy tam#cliff marsland#burbank
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I'm really tired of seeing all of these negative Asks pertaining to Sakura... Sigh... It seems like some people really enjoy your post when Sakura is cast in a negative light. Therefore, let me ask a positive question. What are your most favorite moments of Sakura? Thank you in advance for answering.
3. The moment she moved to protect Sasuke from Gaara with her life:
Because this demonstrated such courage, and it showcased just how far she had come since the Forest of Death. In that instance, she was paralysed with fear in the face of adversity. Now, she looked death straight in the face, only this time, she chose not to move. Sakura was fully aware that she was absolutely powerless to stop Gaara, yet she put her life on the line to protect Sasuke in any way that she could. It was one of those instances in which the person’s body “just moved by itself” because she only had a split second to think as she saw Gaara heading towards Sasuke with a killing intent. This was also the scene that made me 100% certain that Sakura no longer had any form of crush on Sasuke; she loved him, through and through.
2. The moment she awakened the Byakugou Seal during the war and went smashy smashy:
Because how awesome was this scene? She turned the battlefield into her own personal playground, and demonstrated extreme and even frightening levels of strength, much to the shock and awe of everyone in the Allied Shinobi Forces (well, apart from Sasuke of course). It was also during this scene that Hashirama, “The God of Shinobi” himself, all but confirmed that Sakura was well on her way to surpassing her master.
1. The moment she made the single most epic entrance EVER:
Because I’m a fanboy of fierce looks (just refer to this post for evidence of that), and in this scene, Sakura displayed the biggest “Don’t FUCK with my family” look I had seen in recent memory. In Sakura came to save her husband and daughter, and did so by rupturing every internal organ in Shin’s body with one punch, and then proceeded to give that exquisite look. Such badassery!
3. The moment he admitted his loss:

Because this was the moment where the Curse of Hatred was effectively eradicated. Sasuke had overcome his hatred, and was finally able to embrace the Will of Fire fully; the main goal of Part 2 had been achieved, and it was really nice to see him genuinely smiling again.
2. The moment he protected Konoha from a meteorite:
Because this moment was the epitome of badassery, and it remains my favourite scene from The Last. There Kakashi and a platoon of other ninja were, at the mercy of this huge meteorite, and in comes Sasuke to destroy it and save all of them while stating his desire to protect the village while Naruto’s not around, thereby cementing his position as one of Konoha’s joint top protectors. He would then disappear as quickly as he appeared… It was just really cool.
1. The moment he awakened his Mangekyou Sharingan:
Because this moment… This moment… It was 200 chapters in the making; ever since Sasuke first mentioned the importance of killing your best friend, I knew he’d awaken the Mangekyou at some point or another, it was simply a matter of time. And when he finally did, it was just such an “Oh shit!” moment, not only because of the power boost that it signified, but also because of his words as it happened - he intended to crush Konoha. This was the point at which shit really started to hit the fan, and I was very hyped.
3. Chapter 181:

Because this was an iconic chapter and arguably one of the most crucial and biggest turning points in the entire series; and its sheer significance was huge. All sorts of different references and throwbacks to this chapter would be made throughout the manga, and would always serve as Sakura’s main incentive for never giving up on Sasuke. Sakura earnestly confessed her love for him, and while sincerely grateful for everything she had done for him, he simply couldn’t deter from his path; he deemed it too late. However, this was enough for Sakura to realise that this wasn’t the only path available to Sasuke. Thus, from this point onward, Sakura would strive to make Sasuke realise that a better future was still within his grasp, regardless of whether he felt as though he had no choice but to walk the Avenger’s path.
2. The forehead poke:

Because this was Sasuke’s ultimate expression of affection, and he used on Sakura of all people. Sasuke had been saved from the darkness and hatred that had been holding his heart captive for so long, and now that he was able to see things with clarity, and embrace the love that was offered to him, the feeling was finally enabled to grow beyond platonic companionship into something more; he was beginning to see Sakura Haruno for who she truly was. It was also a nice touch that Sakura was finally able to look directly into Sasuke’s eyes as he demonstrated his affection for her, because Sakura had asked Sasuke whether or not she still had a place in his heart in 693. Well, this served as a rather elaborate answer to her question.
1. Their intimacy in Gaiden Chapter 9, with Sarada looking on:
Because when you remember all that Sasuke and Sakura have gone through with each other, and then you see a panel like this, it just evokes so much emotion, because you know that they’ve come such a long way. Whenever I look at this panel, I just think to myself “well done guys, I’m happy for you”. Even though times were difficult, they were working through them together and were fully supportive of one another as husband and wife. It was really nice to see. Furthermore, the fact that this was what assured Sarada that there was indeed genuine love between her parents, made this scene that much better ^_^
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So this first piece I found in a folder on my computer called “Old art organize later” within a folder called “ REALLY OLD ART” I drew this in 2006 and the jpeg was titled:
“My most awesome dragon evur”
Also noted was my attempt at signing my name in Japanesef saldkfjsdlf because i was 11 and anime was THEE coolest thing to me.
Okay the rest is going under a read more because this is gonna be LONG
here are some gems from 2007
yes this is a kk slider gijinka faksdjfalsdjf
next up we have my attempt to make super paper mario characters into handsome anime men
it was a this point i was a young baby on deviant art longing to do “digital” art because thats what all the really cool artists did, i didnt have a tablet and the photoshop-esque thing i had was a pirated copy of JASC Paintshop 7 (or maybe it was 8), so what did I make with newly unlocked DIGITAL ART POWERS??
and this charming thing which was my intepretation of what the The Thing Behind the Wall in Johnny the Homicidal Maniac looked like:
but these were only the beginning of my long and arduous journey as an artist, 2009 came and I entered highschool 13 years old and with nothing but the power of deviant art and being an outcast with 2 friends on my side so here are some of my favorites from that era of Noo art:

^^^ this is in fact EXACTLY what i looked like at 13

its kind of funny bc looking back you can absolutely tell id been drawing dragons/wolves since i was like able to hold a pencil but didnt start drawing humanoid characters until i was 12 afjlakfjs
yes one of those aliens was kisame

every day knowing that I get to claim ownership over this is truly exhilarating the girl with the pigtails was my OC that was definitely not just me. Her name was Delainbow, she was Sasuke’s daughter and she is truly the epitome of everything that was good about my childhood


this is genuinely what I wanted to be when i was 13 god I love it
oh fuck i missed this one from 2008
god GOd i love these all so much I WAS SO FREE I JUST DREW WHATEVER AND DIDNT CARE
ok just gonna put a few more without comment but these are all 2009 again

Moving on to 2010-2012 era art

shout out to teenage me for still being not the worst at drawing animals
the freaking EDGE
so there was some point here where i started trying to stop drawing “anime” bc i was tired of ppl making fun of me so I figured if I didnt draw anime ppl would take me more seriously when in reality those ppl just sucked and so did my highschool art teacher

like... YUCK???? what the fuck was i was I even accomplishing here aksdjfaskjfkasldjf

my wolves still were still way cooler then the rest of my art lol
alright carrying onto late highschool early college, its summer of 2012 im on tumblr, im a homestuck, and ive gotten a laptop and tablet as a gift for getting into art school (yeah I drew like aformentioned above and still got into art school) sadly i dont have any scans of the stuff i drew for that portfolio, it was mostly still lifes i drew like a boot and a skull haha
okay so here are the gems i made upon finally getting a computer of my own, photoshop and bamboo wacom tablet,
here she is my first attempt to paint in photoshop....s fjaskdjfaskljfklasd

the rest of these are all from like my first fall/winter semester of college when i actually started getting a real art education and not just shitty no budget rural hometown highschool art class

So that picture of zachary which is honestly NOT thaaaaaat bad was one of the first things I ever posted to break 500 notes, i think a fewwww of my homestuck drawings had come close after like months of being on the site but like that zachary was one of the first times id genuinely been a little succesful with sharing my art online and im still very grateful to everyone who liked and reblogged it ^u^
After that well, i do have a lot more bad art but its not quite as funny as my pre-college stuff from that point on you mostly just see me struggling to improve anatomy and struggling to get through school (which ultimately took me 8 years to get through bc art school is terrible on your mental health and i had to do the last 4 years as a half time student)
but thats kind of a sad note to end on so heres just a few more gems i think you all should see if you’ve taken the time to read this haha
Thank you if you took the time to scroll through all of this i hope you had a laugh and that if you’re ever feeling down about your art to remember that we all start at the bottom and you can only go up from there no matter how long it takes you! Don’t give up and honestly just draw your truth <3
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Psycho Analysis: Huey Emmerich
(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
The Metal Gear franchise is known for its hammy and despicable villains, villains with complicated schemes, giant robots, and awesome boss battles. But what if I told you that, out of all the villains in the series, the most disgusting, vile, reprehensible, and cruel one had the same face and voice as the kindest man in the series.
Huey Emmerich is, in short, a piece of shit. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this worthless ass. This may seem a bit shocking if you’ve only played Peace Walker, where he seems little more than a clone of his son Otacon, or Metal Gear Solid 2, where he is mentioned as having committed suicide after catching his wife taking advantage of Otacon. But play through The Phantom Pain, and you’ll soon see that Huey is perhaps the most morally reprehensible monster in the entire game, and maybe the entire franchise.
And you will absolutely, without a doubt, love to hate him.
Motivation/Goals: Huey is motivated by one thing and one thing only: cowardice. He sells out Big Boss to Cipher to for a job offer and then lies out his ass to Venom, Ocelot, and Kaz when they eventually come and get him. Huey is just always in it for himself, and is perfectly willing to screw over any person who gets in the way of his research; even back in Peace Walker, he was strangely happy about cheerfully being able to continue developing WMDs for Big Boss and company after betraying his (admittedly crappy) former boss Hot Coldman, and after that he abandoned his wife to die for daring to hide their child Hal away from him before he could use the kid as a living battery in Metal Gear Sahelanthropus.
And while being a megalomaniac is nothing new for A villain in this franchise, Huey takes it to the next level by never once accepting any responsibility. He constantly shifts blame onto others, denies doing anything bad ever, and lies, lies, and lies to the point of insanity. At one point he straight up continues to insist his wife Strangelove committed suicide even when irrefutable evidence was shown that he left her to die inside the Mammal Pod. The man is a pathetic, nasty little weasel through and through, and his complete and utter lack of honor just makes him stand out as reprehensible even when compared to an absolute lunatic like Skull Face or even a violent brute like Eli (AKA Liquid Snake).
Performance: Christopher Randolph, the actor for Hal, somehow manages to turn everything good, sweet, and heroic about Snake’s best pal Otacon and turn it on its head for Huey. Huey has the same voice and the same face as his son, but his actions and deeds show that, no, this man is absolutely nothing like his son, and is in fact the very antithesis of who Otacon is. Props to Randolph for using the same voice we’ve come to know and love and delivering a performance so twisted that even if it is the same voice, there is absolutely no way you would ever confuse Huey dialogue for Otacon dialogue.
Final Fate: The best part about Huey is that he is constantly, constantly getting his ass handed to him. In The Phantom Pain, after he unleashes a virus onto Mother Base which forces Venom to put down some of his own soldiers, with Huey blaming him all the while, Huey is put on trial and found guilty, because… of course he is. Literally the only person who believes Huey is innocent is Huey himself, and that is because he outright rejects reality and all of the evidence against him. Venom casts him adrift on a dinky life boat, one that begins leaking and causes Huey to ditch his precious robotic legs to the sea, turning him into little more than a miserable cripple once again.
But if you thought that Huey would go out in any other way other than making the world a more miserable, bitter place, you’d be wrong. Years later, he discovers his second wife having an affair – that is to say, statutory raping – his son, Otacon. Rather than being a good father and trying to do anything about this sexual abuse of his child, Huey decides to do the world a favor and kill himself… but unfortunately, he drags his stepdaughter Emma along with him, causing her to nearly drown and giving her a crippling fear of water as a result.
And when you first play Metal Gear Solid 2, this seems like an awful, depressing tragedy… but after playing The Phantom Pain, it becomes abundantly clear that Huey’s suicide was one final, spiteful act., and Emma nearly dying was almost certainly on purpose. His final act in life was to try and spite his own son and the woman who was abusing his son by taking away the person they loved most in the world. He saw his own son as having cuckolded him and took his son’s sexual abuse as a blow to his own masculinity, and so went out of his way to hurt and traumatize him in the only way he knew how: by dragging innocent people down with him. Huey Emmerich couldn’t even kill himself without ruining everything.
Best Scene: Pick a scene where Huey is abused or forced to face consequences, be it Hot Coldman or Skull Face pushing him down the stairs and causing him to piss himself, Ocelot torturing him brutally, or Venom banishing him from Mother Base and sending him back to the world to be revealed as a fraud, and you’ve got yourself a good time. The sound of Huey suffering is music to the ears.
Best Quote: I think the quote that truly defines how much of a despicable two-faced hypocrite Huey is would be the vicious verbal berating he gives you as you kill the Diamond Dogs infected with the parasite that he released. He berates Venom for doing this despite being fully to blame for the situation. It is the culmination of this snivelling little bastard’s arc, and he’s only revealed to be worse from there.
Final Thoughts & Score: Huey is perhaps the ultimate hate sink in all of fiction. There is absolutely nothing likable about the guy; he’s a pathetic coward, he constantly lies, he’s an utter prick to everyone around him, and he causes untold amounts of suffering all while whining and crying about how it’s totally not his fault! He commits atrocity after atrocity, heinous act after heinous act, and spreads so much misery, and he does it all without ever once looking cool or intimidating like just about every other villain in the franchise. You’d think this would make him the bottom of the barrel and a terrible character… but it does the opposite.
Huey serves as a dark contrast to his own son and helps to highlight how much of a better man Otacon is. Both came from similar backgrounds and both have similar roles, with both developing Metal Gears and befriending a Snake. The difference, though, is that Hal has a moral courage that allows him to own up to his mistakes, accept responsibility for his actions, and dedicate himself to doing better. The man is so utterly selfless that he basically blames himself for his stepmother raping him; Hal is beyond humble, to an almost martyr-like degree, and truly lives up to the ideals of The Boss more than anyone in the series. His mother would be so proud of that. Meanwhile, Huey lacks that, and as shown throughout The Phantom Pain, his lies eventually pile up to the point where even he can’t escape the truth, and he suffers for it. Huey is a cautionary look at what would have happened if Hal didn’t have the spine to stand up for what was right and own up to his mistake, and this is nowhere more evident than Hal having a long-lasting relationship with Snake that went until the day he died whereas Huey was cut out of the life of Venom with extreme prejudice after Huey again and again stabbed his so-called friends in the back.
But aside from this wonderful contrast, I think how awful Huey is becomes more acceptable because he constantly, constantly suffers for it. The man gets constantly put through the wringer for his lies and schemes, and is despised and treated like garbage by Ocelot and Kaz. His own wife even hated him and considered Hal her kid with The Boss more than with him. Huey’s own moral failings catch up with him, and while it doesn’t lessen how evil it is, it does give you a sense of catharsis when that son of a bitch gets kicked, literally or otherwise.
Huey gets a 10/10. No, I’m not exaggerating. He isn’t the most impressive villain in the franchise. He’s not flashy, or hammy, or over-the-top and exciting. Huey is a very real, very miserable type of person who is cowardly, self-serving, and loathsome, and it is just so much fun to watch him suffer for his own sins. He is the epitome of “love to hate” villains; it’s just such a blast to despise this man and attribute everything awful to him, even if it isn’t really his fault. He’s a dark deconstruction of the lovable coward, he’s an utterly evil reprehensible bastard, and I hate him oh so very much… but it’s the kind of hate that I’m happy to have.
Fuck you, Huey.
#Psycho Analysis#Huey Emmerich#Metal Gear#Metal Gear Solid#The Phantom Pain#Peace Walker#Christopher Randolph
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You still look like a movie (DickWally, side JayTim)
When Gotham Academy offered him a position, Wally jumped at the chance. He’d trained as a teacher here, after all, and he thought the city could use all the help it could get.
The memories of grad school were a mixed bag, as these things tended to be. Living prices in Gotham had been low, still were, which had been what allowed Wally to truly break away from his father for the first time. He’d made his first best friend here and had his heart broken.
That had been ten years ago, though. When he arrived at school the week before the term started, Wally was determined to make new memories.
His hiring had been kinda last-minute, so he didn’t expect any arrangements to have been made for his first day. Apparently, the old teacher had been kidnapped by a clown-penguin or something? Gotham was so weird.
But there was a figure waiting for him at the gates. And he looked familiar.
Wally blinked. “Jason?”
Jason Todd grinned and ground out his cigarette. “Hi, Wally. I’m your welcome committee.”
So Dick’s delinquent little brother had grown up to become a teacher, too, huh? Who’d have thought? The students they met on the corridors clearly liked him, though, judging by the enthusiastic greetings they got. Jason was kinda doing a half-assed job of showing him around, though, soon abandoning it entirely to drag Wally into one of the classrooms.
A pale, dark-haired young man gave Jason a wave, then smiled politely at Wally. “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met.”
Wally was about to introduce himself, but Jason intervened. “Wally, this is Tim Drake. He teaches CS and, occasionally, Math. Tim, this Wally, our new Chemistry teacher.”
“West?” Tim asked, peering at Wally’s face. “Wait, are you that Wally?”
“Uhm.” Wally didn’t know how to answer that question.
Luckily, Jason seemed to know exactly what Tim was talking about. “Yes. Yes, he is.”
Wally watched in confusion as Tim’s smile suddenly turned a lot more genuine. “Welcome to Gotham Academy, then, Wally. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Wally was just going to ignore that. “Thanks. Good to be here. You another brother?” Wally had always bet Dick that Bruce Wayne’s adoptions wouldn’t stop at two. That man screamed ‘father energy’ as loudly as ‘will not be in a stable long-term relationship.’ Of course, he’d adopt.
“Sort of.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Definitely. You know that if we’d divorce, Bruce would sign the papers in a heartbeat.”
“I’m a grown man.”
“You think that’ll stop him?”
Oh. Okay, then.
One of the reasons Wally had been so eager to leave his old school had been the constantly-reinforced need to stay in the closet. And here he was and the first two dudes he met were married to each other.
“Anyway,” Tim pointedly turned back to Wally, “Dick will be so happy to see you.”
Would he, though? And more importantly - “Does he teach here?”
“Does he ever.”
“Jason’s just here on loan,” Tim explained. “He usually teaches at the other end of town. Dick’s the one that roped him into this.”
“That’s cool. That you’re doing that, I mean; in my old school people always refused to help out even when we didn’t have an English teacher for six months—”
“Right,” Jason said. “Let’s get going.”
This was good, Wally thought as he followed Jason through even more corridors. He’d get to see Dick again, but he’d have time to prepare for it. Once he sorted through the mix of dread and joy rushing through him at the prospect, he’d be fine. Great, even. Totally cool.
They turned a corner, and Jason called out: “Yo, Dick, check out who just joined our school!”
Dick Grayson turned around to where he’d been talking to one of the administrators, and. Uh.
Dick, as a teenager, had been short and wiry. As a young man, he’d been the epitome of an athlete, lean and with a flexibility that had caused Wally some sleepless nights.
As a man in his thirties, he was a total fucking knockout, Jesus. Where had that jawline come from?? Wally hadn’t acquired anything like that. It was unfair!
“Robin!” Wally called back, unable to resist that smile or the hug Dick immediately drew him into.
“I haven’t seen you in ages!” Dick grinned. “Awesome to have you here, Walls.”
See, that was the thing about Dick. He might be one of the weirdest people Wally knew, thanks to his family, but also the nicest. He’d even pretend it hadn’t been Wally’s massive, creepy crush on him that had caused him to flee to the other side of the planet.
“Yeah, well, last thing I heard, you were in China. What in God’s name possessed you to come back here?”
Dick shrugged, running a hand through his hair. “I dunno, man, it always comes back to this, doesn’t it?”
Considering the situation, he and Dick in a hallway in Gotham, Wally had to agree. “I guess.”
When the silence stretched on a bit too long, Dick finally looked away from Wally. “Hey, Jason, if you want, I can take over the tour—”
Jason had already left.
It was incredible how easy it was to fall back into old patterns with Dick. Two months in and Wally was as regularly a guest in Dick’s office as Dick was at Wally’s apartment after work, which is to say, almost every day, including today.
“Do you need anything else?” he heard Dick say. The group of students shook their heads, so Wally had no qualms about walking in.
“Walls, hey,” Dick smiled when he saw him. “Lemme just finish that form, and I’m all yours.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” Wally was dying to tell Dick about the shit John from 4a had tried to pull away, but it would need to wait until the group of students that was still lingering outside had moved out of earshot.
“See, I told you he’d be taken,” he heard one of them say. “Guys like that don’t reach their thirties single. He’s certainly not interested in you.”
“Oh, shut up!”
“Don’t be sad,” a third voice interjected helpfully. “Mr Grayson is like the hottest teacher around. No shame in losing out.”
Wally would very much like to tell them how much he resented the implication he would go for a teenage girl if Dick were slightly less hot.
Wait, what was he thinking?
Wally glanced at Dick. He was still focused on his paperwork and hadn’t heard anything.
Good. Last thing Wally needed was for his stupid crush to fuck things up between them again.
“So that’s happening again, huh?”
“...why are you crowding me into a wall?” Wally asked curiously. It was quite impressive, really, the way Jason towered over him despite not being that much taller. If Wally weren’t so sure he could outrun Jason, he would even feel slightly intimidated.
Jason backed off a bit, still glowering. “Just be glad it’s me and not the munchkin parade. Damian was all for locking you two into an attic at swordpoint.” He pointed his thumb vaguely into the direction of Dick’s office. “I’ve heard the students discuss running interference, Wally. This has to stop.”
Wally sighed. Trust the Waynes to have figured him out. “Am I that obvious?”
“Not obvious enough, apparently.” Jason snorted. “Do us all a favor and actually kiss him this time. He’s a dumbass who thinks this has always been one-sided.”
“Well, yeah.” Wally’s brain decided to skip right over ‘kiss him,’ because what. “It has, I’m just being stupid; I know Dick isn’t interested in me that way, but it’s so nice to have him back, he’s my best friend and I missed him so much, that’s more important than being in love with him.”
“I think that you need to kiss him,” Jason said again, more loudly, and why was he speaking so loudly, almost as if he wanted someone else than Wally to hear it—
Wally turned.
Dick was gaping at him. There wasn’t a better word for it. Even he couldn’t make that level of ‘wtf’ look attractive.
Of course, he’d heard all of that. Wally wanted to sink into the ground. “You, uh. Maybe wanna talk about that?”
“Yeah,” Dick nodded. “Yeah, I think we should.” He made toward his office but abruptly turned back before he’d finished the movement. “No, actually, we should follow Jason’s advice.”
Wally heard grumbling behind him. “I’ve been saying.” He’d tear Jason a new one for this, he swore, right after he found out what Dick meant by that.
And then he did find out and forgot all about Jason Todd, because Dick was—rather predictably, but still incomprehensibly to Wally—kissing him, and that was more important than anything else.
The first few years after Dick had left, Wally had idly fantasized about this. In his mind, there had been elaborate love confessions that displayed a degree of coherency neither of them ever possessed in real life; kisses in the rain, maybe, or at an airport; Dick somehow swooping in and rescuing Wally from what his life had become.
Later, when he’d started getting his shit together, the phantasies turned more mundane. What it would be like to have Dick with him again. How Dick would laugh at Wally’s impression of his annoying boss; whether he’d get along with Wally’s new friends; what Dick’s opinion on fidget toys might be.
And yes, how it would feel to be kissing him the corridor for the entire world to see. That, too.
The answer?
Even better than Wally could’ve ever imagined.
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The Name of All Things Book Review

The Name of All Things Book Review by Jenn lyons
I swear to God that I feel like I have been reading this book for my entire life. I can’t remember a time I wasn’t reading Jenn Lyons’ next installment in the A Chorus of Dragons Series.
And while I found the first installment, The Ruin of Kings, filled with jargon, confusing for a large portion, and sometimes over inundated with the many god-kings, characters, and places, I also found it action-packed, whimsical, and truly original with her use of POV and world building.
This unfortunately all goes to shit in the sequel.
I was excited enough about The Ruin of Kings to immediately pick up the sequel and read it with starry eyes and enthusiastic gusto. However, it was quickly established that this novel was not like the others for one dominant reason: the main character.
Now, I won’t get into the nitty gritty about why I enjoyed Khirin D’Mon as a main character in the last book, as you could simply read my review about it here, but to summarize, I found him witty, charming, engaging, and driven. Perhaps naively, although I truly feel like I was duped, Khirin is hardly in the second installment at all (even if the jacket cover makes you believe otherwise).
Instead, the main character of book two is a girl named Janel Danorak who has suffered at the hands of the demon Xaltorath (just like Khirin) and has manifested superhuman-strength as a result. It chronicles her life up to the current present where she is currently sitting in a tavern with Khirin three days after the conclusion of last book and is essentially telling Khirin every single fucking thing that has happened to her in her lifetime to bring her to the current moment.
It is beyond maddening.
If Lyons thought she was creatively manipulating the narrative by doing a paltry back-and-forth maneuver in which Janel and Brother Qown are re-telling their own stories to “bring Khirin up to speed” it failed. I didn’t find it clever, charming, or engaging. Instead I was irritated, bored, and indifferent.
Instead of getting more action, progressing the plot, establishing more of the world, building relationships that have already been established, and you know, advancing Khirin’s character and motives, a character we have entirely seen the world through up to his point, we instead get what comes across to me as the longest, most boring “filler” in the history of books I have ever read.
This whole almost-600-page book felt like a, “Oops. I wanted to include all this information earlier cause it’s important. Yeah. Important. I’ll just spend a whole book talking about shit that doesn’t matter and that already happened so that I can tell everyone how important Janel is. Perfect.”
I don’t remember the last time I was so frustrated finishing a book. This book did nothing, and I mean nothing, to progress anything that happened in book one except for maybe the last forty pages, and that’s being generous. Instead, it was essentially Lyons’ way of word vomiting exposition onto her audience without actually telling an engaging story or continuing book one in any fashion. Make no mistake, ladies and gentleman, this is the Janel Danorak show and nothing else.
Maybe I wouldn’t have hated it so much if I actually found Janel to be an engaging character like Khirin, or even like Thurvishar, Tyentso, or Teraeth, but nope. Hell, I would have taken Senera or Brother Qown over Janel any day, as they were much more interesting side characters than Janel could ever hope to be.
To me, Janel came across as the most generic crybaby who whined like a little bitch and pretended to be strong for the entire book when she was really just unintelligent, uninspired, and lacking in every way. Lyons tries very, very hard to tell you that Janel is amazing. She’s so cool, so strong, so authoritative, so different, omg. But no.
Unlike book one, where we learn Khirin’s characteristics through trial and error and are able to deduce them for ourselves, Lyons switches methods completely in this book and just tells us over and over again that Janel is super awesome hoping that it will stick.
It doesn’t.
And on top of that, why do Khirin and her get together at the end? Why does Khirin give one inch of a damn about her?? He has no reason to. He’s known her for three goddamn days as that is the duration of THIS WHOLE BOOK. It’s completely out-of-character for Khirin and frustratingly nonsensical. It simply serves as another example of how Lyons is spoon-feeding us how cool Janel is when all it really does is make me never want to pick up the book again.
I can’t even really say anything about the plot. Which, it being 600 pages is pretty pathetic. Bottom line: Janel needs to kill a dragon. She needs a special spear to do it. She spends a vastly inordinate amount of time getting this spear and dicking around and then goes to kill the dragon. Oh, and Senera and Relos Var are killing people like normal and Relos Var betrays everyone again.
That’s about it. That’s the whole book.
Hopefully now you can see why I’m so vexed. There was no reason Lyons needed to take this much time and this length to tell Janel’s story. Quite honestly, a chapter or two would have sufficed for her background and then her and Khirin could have set off for their adventure. That’s it. That’s what should have happened.
But it didn’t. It didn’t at all. And this poorly paced, poorly written, horribly executed sequel was the epitome of a disappointment.
Recommendation: I don’t even know. Read The Ruin of Kings and pretend it’s a stand-alone novel. When the third book comes out, check Google Pages to make sure the whole thing isn’t a flashback of Janel Danorak and I might be interested. Huge emphasis on the might. This is why I stick to YA, people.
Score: 3/10
#thenameofallthings#jenn lyons#the ruin of kings#book blog#books#book review#Book Recommendations#book rec#fiction#popular fiction#the name of all things
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It is with great sadness that I am informing you, fans of this tumblr site, that breanswedzone died of natural causes this weekend. These are the words of breans jr, his son, who despite being discussed from time to time on here in a somewhat vulgar fashion, has decided to honor and continue breans legacy on this platform.
This was breans senior’s favourite song of all time, and to start off my writings on this site, I have decided to post in full a review of this record that breans wrote, back when he was writing music reviews on a regular basis (what a loser). hahah, just kidding, I love my dad. Anyway, here’s the review..
The Replacements huh, geez, what a bunch of drunks! Whether it be their awesome appearance on SNL wherein Paul Westerberg audibly commanded Bob Stinson to 'come on, fucker!' (you know what I say about vulgarity, but I’m willing to let the boys off the hook, ehhhh it’s ROCK AND ROLL MUSIC after all) or their reputation as a hard drinking, 'let it all hang out' kinda live act, The Replacements sure seem an unlikely bunch to have crafted not one but two proto indie masterpieces. To the initiated this is not so surprising, because when it comes to the accuracy of their playing, they're more than capable of putting the oversimplification of their sound (see above), written about all too often, to bed. Even in their early stages as a hardcore group (when Tommy Stinson was just 14) they really had their act together when they wanted to. Check out this fantastic live performance from 1982 and listen out for Something to Du - they're not the tightest band on the planet but boy do they tear it up there. Tim arrived one year after their canonised Let it Be, and to my taste happens to be the stronger record - not that it actually matters a rats ass which of whose record I like more than whatever - only to say that I'm listening to it today because it's actually one of my very, very favourite albums, and to be honest I probably haven't gone a week in a year or so where I haven't played a song on this thing. Lets deal with that one big black sheep straight away, you know the one... that big, stupid mess; Dose of Thunder does indeed kind of suck even though about 40% of the time I play it I find myself really enjoying it. The other 60% though... not even Bob's admittedly cool solo can save it. A lot of people seem to disregard Lay it Down Clown in the same way, and although I agree it doesn't match the peaks here (very few things do), it's so much more fun and energetic. If you play it really loud the Replacements turn into this supercharged rock and roll band for two and a half dumb minutes and it's kind of awesome. In terms of guitarist/singer combos that just really seem to get each other, it doesn't come much more profound than Stinson/Westerberg. There's a desperation in Paul's voice when he sings something like 'if being afraid is a crime we hang side by side' in Swingin Party that really makes you believe him where you perhaps wouldn't someone else. Bob's little solo moment in the middle of the track takes the lyric right where it left off and turns it into a few relaxed phrases that couldn't do a better job of echoing his counterpart sonically. You can't fake that stuff, these guys meant every word they said on here - in other words, powerful songwriting. Similarly, check out the guitar work on one of the other soaring peaks of this record; Left of the Dial, in which the jangle of R.E.M. meets the power pop of Big Star in a comparison so overused that it's almost redundant. Just those opening seconds alone tell you a lot about what's going on here; the longing, a sense of retrospect, love, and most importantly of all, a sense of hope that the singer knows is in fact hopeless; everything is temporary. And then Paul just belts out the tune and it culminates in that little run down that the bass does and that kind of goofy snare finisher to wrap everything up. A perfect song. I just love it so much. There's a lot of fun to be had on the rest of the album here, and certainly plenty more curiously profound moments. The last 20 seconds of Kiss Me on the Bus makes an already great track, I'll buy features Stinson letting rip some really sharp fills, Waitress in the Sky adds a lot of charm to an already deeply personal and character filled first side, while Here Comes a Regular wraps it all up in a truly surprising ode to wasted days and a sense of drunken depression that really sticks with you long after the album has finished. The Replacements weren't just alcoholics, they were the epitome of what makes rock and roll music resonate with so many people - you can hear it in the shout at the beginning of Bastards of Young, the final chorus of Little Mascara. Hold my life because I just might lose it. RIP Bob Stinson.
Anyway, there it is. Kind of a idiot to have wasted probably an hour or so of his miserable life on a piece of crap like that but it kept the old fella happy for a while. God bless you breans senior!
Here’s to more breanswebzone content, minus the stupid word plays, and plus a whole lot of extreme shit, curated by yours truly, breans jr.
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Hey there! This question reminds me of a post I did a little ways back on favorite characters. For me, it's really hard to choose a specific character that I love the most because I love many aspects of many different guys (^_^*)
Below is the collage I made of my top nine favorite characters, pretty much in the order of how much I love them (even though I still can't pick a favorite).

Victor - I love Victor for many reasons, one being that he is literally 110% my type. I love tall, muscular guys with dark hair and blue eyes, and he completely fits the bill. Victor is cool, refined, sarcastic, and rich - basically the total package lol. I also like that while he constantly teases even puts MC down at times, you can tell he truly cares about her through his actions. Every time I read anything with Victor, I'm always left wanting more, and that's the beauty of Mr. Love. Also, brownie points because he can cook.
Nobunaga - Nobunaga was the first otome route I ever read. That's right - ever. After reading his, I was absolutely hooked and the rest is history. I still love him dearly to this day, not just because I find his character attractive and love his cute, goofy, headstrong personality and seductiveness, but also because of the nostalgia I get when I think of him. It's like a first boyfriend - you never truly forget them, and you compare all the others to them. Nobunaga will always have a special place in my heart for this reason.
Kiro - Kiro is literally the cutest, sweetest thing in existence and I love him so much. If I were to date a guy in real life from any of my otome games, it would probably come down to either Kiro or Victor. I love Kiro because while he may appear to be a cute lil cinnamon bun on the outside, he also has a decent amount of mystery and bad-assery (is that a word or did I just invent that) up his sleeve (*cough cough* hacker Kiro anyone?). Every time I read his scenes, I find myself grinning like an absolute idiot at my phone screen. Kiro always knows how to cheer MC (and me!) up, and is pretty dorky and funny but also super soft and romantic. Ultimate boyfriend material right here. I'd do anything to be his Miss Chips.
Lancelot - Nobunaga was my first route in Ikémen Sengoku, and Lance was my first route in Ikémen Revolution. Again, definitely some nostalgia feelings and undying loyalty here because of it. I also like Lance because it was slow-building. I'm a huge sucker for tropes where MC and main guy don't get along at first, and might even hate each other, but then grow to realize that they love one another deep down. Lancelot's route was filled of so much passion and desire for me, and I absolutely loved unraveling the mystery of who he is and what he wants to do to Cradle. Straight up otome-style Beauty and the Beast. Honestly writing this is making me want to replay him again hehe (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Le Comte de Saint-Germain - While I haven't played Le Comte yet for obvious reasons (give him at least his jp route soon Cybird, I'm begging you), I love Le Comte's look and the fact he practically oozes power. I love guys who can take control, and Le Comte is the epitome of that in Ikevamp. He has money, he has a royal title, he owns the mansion, and he's a pureblood vampire... what more could you ask for? Ideally, Saint-Germain would turn me into a vampire and we'd spend the rest of our days time traveling across the world.
Mitsuhide - Misunderstood, mysterious, and absolutely stunning- all words that describe Mitsuhide. I love the fact that while he comes off as a sneaky, backstabbing prick, you come to realize later on that that might not be the case. I am not prepared for when his route comes out in eng - that's all I have to say. #mysnek <3
Arthur - Arthur fits my type of guy (i.e. same description as Victor). His blue eyes are absolutely stunning, and his mole is soooo cute *squeals*. I love the fact that he's a lady's man and comes off as super flirty, and my fingers are crossed that his route is the next one to be released in eng since that's the pattern that was followed for jp. I need him ASAP.
Gavin - Gavin lowkey reminds me of this guy I was obsessed with in high school. Popular, boy next door, sweet, and protective. It's probably why I also love him so much. That, and the fact he's a cop hehe - gotta love a man in uniform. Also, Gavin has my favorite superpower out of all the guys. If you know me, you know if I could have any power it would be flight, and so a date with Gavin swaying mid-air underneath the stars sounds pretty. freaking. awesome.
Leonardo - Ah, Leonardo. The very last of my top nine. I love Leonardo because he oozes charisma and confidence - total alpha male. Also, he is super sweet to MC, making his route enjoyable to read for the hopeless romantic in me. I love Italian (I'm minoring in it) so it's a definite bonus for me that he'll throw in some Italian words and phrases here and there. Also, Cara Mia is like the cutest pet name ever - gentlemen, take notes. He is also my first route in Ikémen Vampire (are you seeing a pattern here with first routes because I definitely am???).
BONUS: Amon - Almost every one tells me I'm mentally insane for loving Amon and honestly I probably am. I love his wild, untamed look (I mean- that hair, c'mon). I also am a sucker for misunderstood villain types, so if they did end up giving him even just a short route with a redemption trope, I would loooove it with my entire soul and being. Also, MAGIC. (shameless plug: my Amon fan account blog @inlovewithlordamon)
#ask-lauren#ikemen vampire#ikevamp#ikemen revolution#ikemen sengoku#ikesen#ikerev#mr love#mr love queen's choice#ask lauren
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Some Video Game Ratings
> Heavy Rain - 2010 - 3.5/5
good enough gameplay, somewhat interesting story, nice twist, but the stupidest most unbelievable kids in all of history. Only a few emotional moments but otherwise pretty bland. Fun though.
>Horizon Zero Dawn - 2017 - 4.5/5
fuckin awesome concept and execution, love the clothes options, love the progress from outcast to basically a fuckin goddess, that she’s a clone of Elisabeth, her finding her body at the end fuckin made me cry, it was beautiful and so realistic and grounded, everything felt like it could have truly happened, the ruins of the city they have no concept of, just bits of strange metal. The whole gaia program and the enemies being manipulated by the dark side of it. Love alloy, love the gameplay – stealth and otherwise, love the story, love the visuals. Boyyyyyy. Love this game.
>Ratchet and Clank - 2016 - 2/5
nostalgic and pretty fun, clean but dull visuals, fine voice acting, but very much a children’s game with very little depth to story or characterisation. Meh.
>Until Dawn - 2015 - 4.5/5
fuck me another fantastic game, story was brilliant, twists and turns and people dying at any moment, visuals were great, acting was stellar, action and sneaky scenes were terrifying tryna hold that controller as still as possible, literally put it down at times to keep us from getting our jaw ripped off. Quick time events were fun and stressful. Was actually really fun to replay episodes to get achievements and all collectibles. Fkn love this game, Sam and Mike for the win, with Emily a close second, Matt and Chris are meh but Ashley can suck a fat one, like damn that chick was a fuck up.
>Rise of the Tomb Raider - 2015 - 2/5
good visuals, kinda fun gameplay, only interesting scene where Lara shows any kind of characterisation is where she meets Jacob in the cells and their chat there. Otherwise #notmylara. She’s not even stoic and cold, she’s just blank. Her voice actress is shit, the story is like, not even there who cares. But hair and clothing is pretty g, as is seeing the bow get better.
>Batman: the Telltale series - 2016 - 3.5/5
boy this was pretty g, chilling smashing out quick time events, batman looked a bit odd and had too many expressions and it was a bit slow at times, but some options were sick, like impaling that dude in front of a newscrew. All exploded uphill when suddenly wayne was locked in Arkham and he met fkn ‘John Doe’ who was nice if a little off and sincerely eager to be Wayne’s bestie. I decided at that moment that at all times I would go along with my dude John. Some other uninteresting stuff happened, I beat Cobblepot as Bruce and then some other stuff happened like honestly story was unmemorable as fuck. But it was a fun enough time, especially with mr pre-joker hanging around whoop whoop. Also no one cares about Selina Kyle, just scrap her honestly. Actually good twist with vale being Arkham or whatever and wayne getting shot in the ear instead of letting Alfred get hurt, shout out to my bby Alfred. But otherwise it was decent game.
>GoT: the Telltale series - 2014 - 2.5/5
only cared about Rodrick and whats her face in king’s landing. Other black cloak guy was forgettable, dude running around Dorne n meeting khaleesi even more so. Made kings landing girl good at the game, manipulating here and there, doing what she could to keep alive, keeping everyone at arms length. Had her accept whatshisface’s proposal and sacrifice her one loyal friend the coal boy to stay alive. Brutal, I loved it. Rodrick and getting him strong enough to fuck off the whitehills was sick, but tragically had him sacrifice himself for his dumbass little brother but tho I regret it I knew it was what the loyal family man would have done. But anyway visuals sucked ass, gameplay was telltale’s usual fuckery and there you go who gives a shit about the rest amirite.
>Amnesia: the dark descent - 2010 - 4/5
good atmosphere, ambient lighting and sounds make you tense AF, stories pretty good, finding out that you were a piece of shit helping alexander torture people for his whatevers to power them before he had to kill a kid or a woman or something and decided he felt like shit and didn’t wanna do it anymore so took a forget potion to reset himself and hopefully work to stop what he helped alexander start. Also I think alexander was an alien but whatevs. Bad guys were scary at first but you soon realise that the majority of them patrol for a bit but if you wait long enough they literally just fuck off and youre free to do what you want its fully wack. Had fun, mechanics were cool, visuals were good for its time. It was hella dark so keeping enough oil for the lantern was enough. Most of the story was told in letters, which were badly read by the actors but you could just skip em so no real worries. A few puzzles and collecting shit here and there. In a solidly well done game.
>Fallout: New Vegas - 2010 - 5/5
occasionally characters mention people/things that you didn’t or didn’t even have the option to, mention or ask about, had a lot of experiences with enemies warping through walls or getting stuck in the ground, crashes with fire effects, female models talking with male voices, game freezing on loading screens and having to restart entire system to get out of it. All of this is forgiven because fallout new vegas is a fucking gem – it is the epitome of a RPG, you can do and be almost anything you want. The customisation is awesome, the factions and faction clothes are fantastic. The karmas a bit iffy because my character is a kleptomaniac and stealing lowers your karma so I’m basically the Devil but everyone in the wasteland loves me? But again, I can forgive. I’ve played this multiple times and am still finding new quests or new ways to complete old quests; new places, new people to talk to etc etc. this game is beautiful, I love it. Closest thing to perfection you’re gonna find.
#video games#rating#reviews#review#games#fallout#fallout: new vegas#batman: the telltale series#game of thrones: the telltale series#heavy rain#horizon zero dawn#ratchet and clank#until dawn#rise of the tomb raider#amnesia: the dark descent
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in all my years on tumblr, this is still one of my favorite gifs of tay in existence, so i shall use it now on my mega ooc appreciation post.
i am still on hiatus — it has been a ROUGH 36 hours my dudes — but i did want to drop in and post some ic/ooc appreciation things while this week is still here because i am all in the business of sharing the love. it’s one of the many reasons i absolutely adore this group. this group has always been about love, for me, and would probably be the singular word i’d use to describe my experience here.
i joined this lovely bunch back in july, i do believe? i had actually just finished up writing and self-publishing my third book which wound up being a behemoth (seriously it was a lot) and while i was absolutely and completely braindead when it came to writing, i still wanted to write. i’m a writer. that’s who i am and that’s who i’ll always be. i wanted something a lot more low-stakes, kind of go-with-the-flow, no real pressure and more collaborative than the isolating fun of novel-writing, so i turned back to roleplay. hollywood rps have always been my absolute favorites in the rpc for whatever reason; i have such fond memories in hollywood groups and it’s a fun and creative way for me to just project the love i have for my faves. after a few experiences in groups during late 2017 and early 2018 i was pretty sure that i was done with roleplay. it just wasn’t the same for me, no matter where i went. priorities had shifted and it was no longer about writing because you loved to write. but, me being ever the optimist, i decided to dive back into the tags and see what was still around or had recently popped up. i found this group and i saw that they had just had a taylor swift removed from the group, and hi hello nice to meet you i am taylor swift trash no. 1!!!, i felt like it was all Meant To Be or something like that (plus, she was taken in every other group and that’s who i really wanted to put a hand at writing). so i put in an app for her, got accepted, and i have been plaguing your dashes ever since :~))
in the four-ish months that i have been here, so much has happened in my life. i started my (outrageously stressful) junior year of college, i lost my grandma, i went to go see queen swift in atlanta and meet my baby princess camila, i have had major friend complications and doubts about my career track and i have had just really boring, empty days where everything was going seemingly okay. this group has been there for me through every high, low, and in between. this group has been my escape to run to when i’m stressed or up late at night and can’t sleep or just really looking to be social or want to write something. this group has been so welcoming, warm, and fun; i have had the opportunity to explore my character any which way that i please and form awesome plots with people, and even more awesome friendships ooc. some of you send really, really kind things my way which, fyi, i’m super grateful for and have probably cried over because this was the first time i not only felt welcomed in a group as taylor, but felt welcomed in a group as me. i am so grateful that i get to call this place my internet home and there is absolutely nowhere else i would rather be spending my free time writing. i stand by what i say: this is the best group in the tags, hands down. you could not ask for a more inclusive, diverse, welcoming, creative playground to spend your time on. to all the lovely admins over on main @hollywoodfamerp thank you for doing the heavy lifting and giving us a safe and warm place that we can call home. the work you do never goes unnoticed. you are appreciated and you are so, so loved. ♡
some ~personal~ shoutouts:
@nhxran — peyton, you are without a doubt one of my best friends both in this group and just in general. we had an immediate chemistry as writing partners from that very first starter reply and nothing about that has changed. you are the writing partner i always hoped i would find in a group due to how generous you are in every reply, the way you are willing to headcanon and brainstorm (even at the craziest of hours) and i still remain in awe of you as a roleplayer with the way you juggle such diverse characters, all of which have their prominent voices that never seem to overlap. you are the roleplayer i wish i could be. even though we might sometimes be ships in the night ic, ooc i know that you are always there and you always have my back, and i truly hope you know that the same goes for you. i love you, you intelligent, creative, witty, beautiful, heart-of-gold woman you. i would not have stayed in this group if i had not met you. you are one of my favorite people, period. thank you for being one of my dearest friends.
@cara-x-delevingne — mickey, the first person to ever pop into my ims and say hello (and you were FAST about it too, lol), you have been one of my favorite people to write with! the way you breathe a life into your characters is almost unparalleled to any writer, much less any writer in a hwood group. you have such a talent and not only that, you are funny and kind and inclusive and i am so glad that there are people like you (and you) still out there in this world. we need more people like you. thank you for one of the most epic friendships i’ve ever written in a group and always challenging me to step up to the plate and bring my a-game with taylor. you inspire me and i love you. never change.
@armiehmmer — graaaaace, the law to my swift! you were actually one of the reasons i joined this rp; before i joined i stalked a few blogs and as i have told you (and you have probably seen via my wildin’ ass on twitter) i love jen, so much. i saw how dedicated you were to your jen and how included she was, which i thought was amazing because like my girl t, some people just aren’t about. i figured if you could put in the effort and grind hard enough with her and get positive results, i could do the same for taylor. and here we both are, killin’ it. you are such a lovely person who has always been nothing but kind, i am still endlessly jealous you were in pasadena for rep tour but we’ll let it slide for now, lol. i love you, thank you for being the epitome of grace in this roleplay. you’re a pure light and the dash is dimmer without you on it.
@jstntimberfake — nicki, or should i say, GOD, i don’t know where to begin with you. you are the reason i almost took home a jt standup from 2nd and charles. i love everything that you do on both of your characters. you become them, they stand so far away from the person that you actually are and i think that is the testament of a true, talented writer: they are able to convince you that they’re someone else. and you do, every time. i’m just really, really happy that i get to say that i’m in the same rp group as you because it makes me feel like a Cool Kid on the playground who has light up sneakers. you are so cool and it sometimes lowkey intimidates me, how amazing and talented you are. thank you for always putting a smile on my face. love ya love ya
@itsscarjo — aria, my magnificent love. you are so well spoken and kind and as my clumsy twin, i have no choice but to love you dearly. it’s so nice to just have somebody to talk to sometimes and every time we’ve talked, it’s like being all bundled up in a warm fuzzy blanket. you are so easy to talk to and i cannot wait for the things you and i do on all of our people now that our lives have calmed the heck down and we can come on and write. thank you for being such a spectacular, inviting person. i had several other people sing your praises to me when you joined the group and i can wholeheartedly agree with them. you are one of a kind. big love
@aubreycplaza — marissa, i mcfreakin’ adore you. i’ll be honest, i have not had the best experiences with aubreys in the past but that all goes out the window with you. i’m obsessed with you and all of your people, and to know you and get to write with you is an absolute pleasure. thank you for being so much fun to write with, thank you for giving me so much quality stuff to stalk while i’m on the dash and feeling like trash, thank you for being so understanding of me constantly feeling like trash, i adore you. can’t wait for tay and aubrey to finally go on their fuckin girls trip and become little jetsetters together (forevaaaa)
@jamesrodriqez — hello stranger idk you but i think you’re pretty cool! and i think that you have been one of the most entertaining, fun people to write with in these last couple of weeks when i feel like i’m barely able to write two sentences that haven’t been written onto a powerpoint that i’m copying off of. you just give me so much excitement about writing and plotting and that excitement is something that can be difficult to find again after you’ve gotten comfortable in a group. thank you for keeping things refreshing and new for me and taylor. i’m excited to get back to all of our fun shenanigans (and to love on your new people bc yes amen) #jandrea forever
@jarpadking — nikki! first of all, i’m in awe at how fast you can come up with replies on TWO characters that are so well-crafted and authentic to that person’s voice. i struggle just writing a single coherent reply on taylor half the time, lmao. you are one of the hearts in this group, the way you make it an effort to branch out and talk to every single person and create connections with both the mun and the character. you’re one of the unsung heroes and if we could all be a little more you like you, we’d be the best roleplayers around. love you so much, my dear, and of course, thank you for being so warm and inclusive. people like you are rare
@itskeeoone — i have spent all day binging pll because that is how i choose to veg out and every time i see keegan on screen now, i think of you, em. you just write him so wonderfully and truthfully and i don’t ever want to let you go (please don’t ever leave this group or i’ll cry). taylor and keegan have given me all the life, they are very similar people and i’m happy that my 15 year old self’s dreams are coming true by their worlds colliding here in the group. i’m so excited to write even more with you now that the holidays are coming and i’ll actually, y’know, BE AROUND, but yes. love you.
@goddamnjade — lucy, you know anybody that is as big into the dance scene as i am HAS to get a spot on this appreciation post ;) but also, you have just been one of the loveliest people ever? i think you’re one of the hearts in this group, the reason that it is why it is and the reason that it’s so warm and welcoming. you are so inclusive and fun to write with and i really hope that i get to talk with you more ooc because i adore youuuu!
@yosebstan — rileyyyy, gotta admit, sometimes you intimidate me but it is only because you are an absolute fuckin’ legend in this group, and not just because of your admin status. your characters have something that a lot of people try hard to encompass but can’t ever capture, and that’s longevity. your characters never feel stale, they always feel new and fresh and like real people, not just tropes or over-concentrated personality traits and i get so excited every time i see one of your people on the dash. i’m lucky to be in a group with you, so so lucky. i sometimes hope your natural inclination for rp will rub off on me and make me a better writer. love you, and i really hope we get to do some fun stuff in the future!!
@jpgsasha — cami, you and i clicked so fast when we started replying to each other’s stuff back when you still had camila and i cannot WAIT to write with you as my honey sasha (seriously, a fuckin’ plus switch). we had some of the LONGEST replies on the dash at one point but when you’re inspired, you’re inspired! thank you for inspiring me and being one of the most down to earth people in this group. you deserve all the fuckin’ love. please love me so i can give it to you.
@avycias — katieeee!! it legit surprised me to find out how close we are to one another #hurricane watch friends, lol. you are so sweet and your alycia is absolutely legendary, i was biting at the bit to write with you from the minute i joined this group. i hope we get to do all of the things with taylor and alycia because writing with you makes me so happy. you are wildly talented and the way alycia comes to life every time you type something is magical. you write her with a conviction and you make her your own and i think that’s why i adore her so much. thank you for being you. love you much babes
@milesdominic — marie! miles and taylor had one of the cutest friendships ever and it needs to make a comeback asap, because 1) that, and 2) writing with you comes so naturally (*plays naturally by selena gomez and the scene*). i barely have to think about what i want to reply to you with because there’s a chemistry there that is hard to replicate; thank you for keeping me on my toes and my brain alert and being such a fun person to write with. you give me the chance to explore sides of taylor’s voice that other people look over and that i love, and that’s all anybody could ask in a writing partner, someone who allows them to run wild!
@blccmtroye — fiona, i fuckin’ love your troye. he is too much fun to interact with, and i am thankful that you gave this group a shot (and that you gave me a shot). i couldn’t imagine this place without the wit and the charm that you supply with every single post you make.
@flynnpls — marie, i’m just in love with all of your people and you. you’re one of the people i feel like i admire from afar because i stay in awe of the way you write and how effortless it seems to come to you. you balance all of these different personalities with finesse and i really do feel like i’m talking to or reading the words of the actual celebrity in every single reply. i am crossing my fingers that i get the opportunity to write some really incredible things with you here in the future because i have such mad respect for you.
+ to everyone else that i either forgot to mention, have not really formed connections with outside of replies or haven’t had the chance to talk to you/your babies due to my super fun hiatus: i stalk so many of you on the dash and keep up with your plots and where you take your characters and it really and truly is such a privilege to be in the same group as you. they say that birds of a feather flock together and if that’s the case, i am simply a reflection of all the things y’all are. kind, funny, clever, creative, welcoming, intelligent, and a part of something, and i could not ask for more. i love all of you, whether we’ve talked or not (believe me i probably stalk you and just love you from afar) and any time you ever need a friend, call me beep meeeeee. i’m always game to do things with taylor and explore her more through whatever plots or connections we could create, and i promise that if i don’t respond to an im, it’s because i’m off on hiatus or it got eaten. i want to do ALL the things with ALL of you. come hit me up! let me love you! k thanks!!!
obligatory thank you note to my queen taylor alison for existing. love u bitch.
xx, caroline
#hfrpappreciation#♚ ; tswift and tpain.#i spent 2 hours typing this so if you'll excuse me i'm off to get food and start throwing shit in a suitcase since i'm leaving tomorrow at 7#yay for early mornings#said no one ever
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Growing up I recall a soft drink advert where they used to make the claim ‘the revolution will not be televised’. Given all the crap we see on TV these days I kind of hope that it is.
Don’t get me wrong, a revolution does not have to be a long series of riots or violence. It could be something completely different, but something that leads to a shift. Who knows maybe something akin to a revolution is actually taking place.
The reason I feel we need something akin to a revolution is that bubbling away under the surface of life is deep unhappiness. In the past decade or two so many things have been surfaced that have shocked us.
Across the globe, politics has quite frankly gone bat shit crazy. Unrest and discomfort in daily life are becoming the norm.
We had a global financial crisis that didn’t correct any of the wrongs that underpinned it.
On a weekly basis, we are learning that the people we celebrate and reward so highly, flout their positions and commit heinous harms. Justice is never likely to be served.
Huge corporations and powerful individuals continue to increase the divide between the haves and have nots.
It’s as if all of the rich and powerful have totally forgotten the concept of ‘with great power comes responsibility’. Failure is richly rewarded for some, irrespective of the cost it brings.
The masses though are placated with toys and avenues to keep them from rising up. I have never witnessed such a monumentally awesome age of great television. Fuck the real world problems out there, I’ve got several hundred hours of Netflix marathons to get through.
Then you feel a bit guilty that you are failing in your civic duty, so you decide to send an ironic GIF to Donald Trump – you know doing your bit.
You could cancel your Amazon Prime account and vote with your feet, but then you’d have to wait a few days for your deliveries.
You’d use a search engine to find a different provider, but you like Google. Google knows you so well that when you start typing shit it predicts what you want and you don’t need to hit another key.
It doesn’t scare you at all, not even the fact that you clearly have an Asian babes obsession or some of the suggestions are a bit worrying.
Sure, someone else could get right on that issue. Politicians for instance. They should be sorting this shit out, except they are far too busy trying to pretend to rule the world and avoid answering difficult questions.

Be honest. We are quite simply fucked right now. A revolution might be exactly what we need.
You may be in need of a little more convincing. You know as you are sat there skipping words and sentences for a quick fix that tells you whether this is worth your time or not.
5 minutes of your time, taking you from your busy life. The one where you're a battery plugged into a system that is fucking you every day. At least it all fits conveniently into your phone, I guess.
So, here it goes.
People have become weak
Everybody seems to be offended, like, all of the time. You can’t say shit anymore without someone either correcting you or reminding you of the new rules of engagement that nobody agreed to.
If you are one of these people, don’t be offended when I say that you are total Thundercunt. Seriously, I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
If you came here hoping to find something to annoy you, then you aren’t paying attention. Unplug your earphones and look at the world around you. It’s fucked. You could focus your efforts on doing something productive even if that’s being a better person, or a little less sensitive.
There’s plenty to be pissed about. People don’t want to focus on the big stuff that matters. They’d rather freak the fuck out about inconsequential nonsense that bruises their fragile egos.
We need a revolution so that we can all ‘man the fuck up’ (sorry feminazis) and start fixing shit like we’re Bob the Builder (or Betty if it makes you feel better).
We need to change the news narrative. Anyone else bored to tears with the daily Brexit coverage? Seriously, this storyline is more drawn out than the whole Ross and Rachael will-they-won’t-they saga.
For all the super-intelligent University educated geniuses that just graduated and have no fucking idea who Ross or Rachael are, go check out a TV show called ‘Friends’. It’s probably on the History channel these days anyway.
Brexit is like an un-flushable turd. A repetitive narrative that papers and broadcasters trot out every day. Seriously, this shite is more convoluted and contrived than the X Factor. It’s the epitome of the lowest form of entertainment and we need to change the record.
Whether you are for a Sunnyside-up Brexit or a Brexit with a side of Unicorn steak, I couldn’t give a damn. A revolution might at the very least give us all something new to get excited about and something we could all rally behind.
We need unity not division
Issues like politics, sport, and even mild banter have become so immersed in the underlying anger we're silently drowning in that no one seems able to have fun anymore.
I cannot remember a time when so many comedians couldn’t make a decent joke about the moronic state of the world and instead make sniping remarks to canned laughter.
Every decent sporting event seems to get overrun with people’s inability to enjoy the spectacle for what it is. Social media and chat forums are littered with petulant hatred and jingoistic tribal bullshit. The Brexit ‘have your say’ plays out like an anthem of bitterness with new vitriolic names invented every day.
We are descending into a bunch of spoiled children who express their pent up feelings through sending passive aggressive memes, angry hashtags and all manner of confusing emojis to make some innocuous point.
We are slowly becoming a mathematician with a broken calculator to solve all our problems. It can’t always be about division (see what I did there).
This diversity bullshit just isn’t working, let’s try something new like a bit of unity. You know: adding shit up to something bigger. I’m fairly sure Einstein would approve, and he was a smart guy.
Some folks need something better to do
If you spend most of your life sitting on your butt. You have all your stuff delivered to your door and your thoughts delivered to your phone or through your TV or laptop – you need a revolution.
We can call it a hobby or a social bonding activity. It’ll be a bit weird because all your new ‘friends’ might not look exactly like you, but you might learn a thing or two about the real world you live in.
Echo chambers are nice and safe because everyone in them thinks the same stuff. However, the real world is full of people ready to blow your mind in more than 140 characters or a 5-minute blog post. It could be exciting.
If you need convincing, watch the Matrix. Neo was simply sad old Thomas Anderson miserable as fuck, then he met Morpheus and learned to fly and loads of other cool shit.
If you already know what you think and it makes you comfortable to surround yourself with other people just like you, perhaps you should just join a cult and be done with it.
The system is broken
Seriously, guys, we have seriously screwed the pooch with the world at the moment.
The system’s broken and we are all just standing around waiting for inevitability to prevail.
The Avengers won't be coming to save us. Anyone who saw last year’s movie knows they are a bit down on their luck at the moment.
Thanos’ minions seem to be running the world and we all need to step up and become superheroes in our own right.
If you want to whip out the Lycra or Spandex – go for it. But do something, even if it’s just being better or not throwing hate out to the world because someone is different from you.
I don’t care if the revolution happens or even if it is streamed on Netflix or some other site. Change needs to happen and often that is as simple as everyone trying to be less of a douchebag than they might have normally been.
The only thing I can offer as a ‘reward’ or promise is that we might actually get some decent music back on the scene.
Revolutions tend to come out best in song. There has been no truly great era of music for decades now, and if ever there was a more compelling reason for a revolution this would be it.
Music is the anthem of the soul. It’s time for it to wake up and belt out something beautiful.

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