#truely hellish
dave-the-timelord · 2 years
The way I wish I could just be moss or somethings 😕
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thekingofwinterblog · 2 months
Fundamental Flaws
So one interesting thing i noticed about the League's flaws, is that the things that kept them from working together at the start, remained the basic flaws that prevented them from helping each other overcome their own flaws.
Namely that they all joined together out of convinience, and they never really got to the level where that actually changed.
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When Himiko joins the league, she introduces herself with her seemingly rather confusing motives, namely that she wants a world that is easier for her to live in.
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Shigaraki does not understand her wishes at all, and of course lashes out shortly after this after dabi has introduced himself as well, having deemed both of them as not the sort he wants to hang around him.
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Dabi by contrast doesnt even try to explain his motives or goals beyond the very vague "fullfill stain's will."
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The end result of this is that Shigaraki doesnt even attempt to understand either, and decides to just kill them.
The funny thing is... this kinda attitude never really changes.
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Compress even notes it as one of the main reasons he loved the league so much. it didnt pry into his backstory and just took him in regardless.
This attitude is what managed to bring the league together as a force... but it also prevented them from truly truly growing as a group.
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Because of the fact nobody wanted or even tried to learn each other's backstories and deeper motivations, none of them ever managed or tried to Help Dabi make a possible future for himself where he could get his vengeance on Endeavor, and still get to live afterwards, instead they just let him burn on, even encouraging him to do so, with the end result that he came to a hellish innevitable march towards death.
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Dabi himself tried to help Toga emotionally by setting her childhood home ablaze and rally her heart towards vengeance and freedom, because that's what he is motivated by, but he completely failed to understand what she actually wanted out of life, the reason why out of the entire league, the only person she was able to transform into was Twice, because he was the only one who actually tried to understand her.
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This in turn means that Toga ultimately ended up seeking what she truely wanted amongst the heroes, and finally found in uraraka, what she had been afraid to seek/never got from most of the league.
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Something that ultimately cost them the war.
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this is best showcased when Shigaraki actually lays out his motivations and feelings for villainy, and the rest of his crew(other than spinner) is either completely disinterested, dissapointed or confused.
None of them actually cares about Shigaraki's motives other than spinner, not even Twice.
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only spinner and the doctor(who doesnt give a shit about Shigaraki himself) actually cares at all.
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of the rest, the only one who even attempts to understand Shigaraki is Toga, and not because she cares about how he feels about it, but because she begun to realise that her goals and interests are ultimately incompatible with shigaraki's(something that would come to fruition during the final arc).
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Out of the league, the only one who even tried to understand and did care about shigaraki's motives, and attempted to figure out how they allign with his own wishes, is spinner, and it's not a coincidence that at the very end, he is the only one Shigaraki left his final words to, even if Shigaraki loved the other main members of the league.
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The five people Shigaraki Tomura truly cared about in his hearts of hearts at the end... But even here where his feelings are laid bare, there is also another, sad truth.
Kurogiri, the man who effectively cared for Shigaraki as his own son isnt included amongst them.
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Kurogiri is a rather complicated character, but it's clear by his final words, that he truly loved the league, just like compress did, and hoped they would be reunited in whatever came next.
It's not clear WHY shigaraki felt like this(maybe once he learned the man was a Nomu that pretty much sealed his ability to think of him as an actual person) but it goes to hammer in the fact that the league was just on a fundamental level not able to try to reach out and understand the motivations of each other.
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the main exception to this, and the only one who seems to at least have wanted to understand everyone else is Twice, withouth any doubt the true heart of the League of Villains. The only one who everyone, even cold, brutal dabi considered a close friend.
he is the only one who understood Toga, who always opened his heart bare for the entire league, and when it seemed Hawks was about to join that number, he did everything he could to make him feel welcome and to actually understand what hawks was teaching him.
it's not a coincidence that it is when he dies, that the league really begins to come loose at the seams.
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Dabi completely loses it in a way he hasnt done since the time he snapped and tried to kill shoto as a baby, and afterwards any and all morals and reservations completely evaporates in his heart, which is is replaced by a fire that doesnt go out until he literarily cant do anything anymore, having become a burnt out husk.
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Toga as to confront the fact that she is living in a fantasy and has to actually commit to the league and it's goals or go her own way.
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Mr compress tries to step up to fill in the void Twice left behind, but the grandpa of the group ultimately realizes that somebody is gonna have to sacrifice it all, and decides that like any good father figure, the duty will fall to him. Thus any wisdom he might have been able to impart to the next generation is lost when he becomes the next leaguer to fall right after twice.
But he could have shared these bits of wisdom at any time before this... his goals, his background, the origins of his unique insight into the world. But he didnt. only here, at the very end is he willing to put all of his cards on the table for the league he loved so much.
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Spinner doubles down of his friendship to shigaraki, but in the process lets all of his other relationships in the league falter in the hour when they matter the most, when everyone needs to stick together, and by doing so ultimately fails shigaraki as well by not reaching out to him as he's suffering.
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Withouth twice and compress, Shigaraki in his most critical hour, when the question of wheter he or AFO will rule this new body, has nobody who has no reservations about reaching out to him to try to be his emotinal support, with all the rest of the league literarily just standing by listening/staring at this mental battle as he suffers.
In essence, all of the leagues problems and weaknesses could have been solved if they had actually been willing to talk to each other to understand their respective ideas and goals in life.
Instead, they did the opposite of what the members of 1-A and aizawa did, and let everything foster and grow until the rot destroyed all of them from the inside out.
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princeanxious · 1 year
Aight. Screaming into the Void time once again:
I am going to yeet my brain into a pocket dimension, I'm going to strip my soul from this useless flesh suit and use the leftover bones as armor to line my wrath with, the cells in this body fight desperately to keep me alive and yet the synapses in the dumb ball of mental illness jello within my skull desperately demands the opposite.
Emotions are volatile or silenced, to feel them is to be encompassed with an all-consuming suffocating energy that screams for mercy and purpose, to suppress feeling them is to gain a moment to breathe freely in the all encompassing void.
To take care of this hellish body is to find oneself exhausted but alive, doing everything right and yet still picking up broken pieces and chunks every month like clockwork, surviving but not living, there is no rest for bones that have never truely had it, only pain and lead weight for a body that has never been without it.
I am not dying, but I do not feel like I am living. I do not have hope instilled in me, just survival. I do not look toward the future with any feeling, and refuse to return to the past. The present moment grips me like rain under gravity, unyielding and cold but necessary. Absolute.
Years of work I have put into this shambling shell and it's core, and hate that I still feel Grey. I am proud of how far I've come, but aimlessness still haunts me.
Words and pills can only help so far, but it's hard to find lost hope to cling to when you'd never had any hope to lose in the first place.
All I want is to just be at peace with being alive, and neither my brain nor body will grant me even that.
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nvrcmplt · 1 year
" RUIN doesn't have much steam in 'em anymore. " WAR flicks the cig to drop the ashes along the greens of the grass. The years didn't do much to help his utter lack of decorum, it seems. " About time for him to retire. " huff. Truely a shame when spirits of war like that 'em don't meet their proper end with rage, fire and steel, but. . this was a very natural thing. When that fire burns out, when all you've got is embers. . . you crave the peace.
War wouldn't deny him his rest, even if he pushed the stallion to ride off into hell one last time. He always was a bit of a softie. " The position's gonna be vacant soon. " [ for WAR and Günter ]
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"Oh, the old git finally outta gas?" A charming comment from an offspring but it wasn't like Hellish beasts were really known for their maternal love or familial love. Being a stallion in the wild would have meant Gunter being chased out of his herd to begin with - so he didn't feel sad for Ruin's end finally meeting that giant war beast.
It was irritating at a point though since it just meant that now Gunter was no longer allowed the freedoms of roaming the lands as he saw fit. Though, at least he won't be bored under WAR's saddle. At the end of the day, he was created for this means, to carry War through the bloody fields of corpse and weapon alike. It was pretty sad though, no more blue skies and eating his fill to nap in a field he comes across. Or go galloping around withe Beschutzer whenever they wanted to look around on human settlements and the likes.
"Ah - hope you got me a new saddle, WAR?" He spoke with ease, moving to release his arms from leaning on the wooden fence between them and instead hop over it with a heavy thud. Dusting his gloves off and smiling as his golden iris shimmers with a flick of flame; "I'll fill the spot since you're asking so kindly."
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Hello Ms. Roo, can I call you that? I have a question. And it's about an opinion you might have on this subject, well kinda two unrealated subjects mashed together that may or may not be taking place in your world as we speak, hehe...
Here it is, in your opinion whats more important? Two demons trying to figure out their oh so complicated relationship, or two humans on earth right now 𝘰𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝘩𝘺𝘱𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭 trying to figure out the 'kinks', as they call it to a portal that they plan to finish in order travel to 𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡 𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛? And they just so are about capable to? I would love to hear your thoughts on this idea, Ms. Roo. If you are willing to share of course. Anyways, have a hellish day, Ms. Roo.
Relationship advice from me, seriously~?
Honey asmodeus would give better advice then yours truely~
As for the idea of a portal to hell....
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I'm interested~
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a-moment-to-breath · 9 months
It's fucking wild my life.
Quite hellish
Like it's nice your trying but like yeah
That's not good.
I just don't know.
My feelings are comprised, strained maybe.
I'm annoyed as fuck honestly.
You say all those things but there is 0 action to back it up atm.
I hate to say your right but your doing nothing good atm
Still texting her right?
The vibe feels off cause I've just changed the way I view your love.
I question if it's truely unconditional.
You've hurt me alot this past week.
I'm pretty done with it now so.
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Welp, I'm back now after how long of being away? These past weeks have been hellish and the oncoming ones might be the same way but idk if this situation could get better at all.
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jophiel-shakes · 2 years
Can i ask for a romantic male reader x Sun and Moon headcanons, which reader is a daycare worker whos scared of robots? Ik this seems unlikely but he needs money thats why he got the job. How would Sun and Moon approach the reader and how they started dating? Thank youuu
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note :: reader has a crippling fear of animatronics, but needs cash real bad. Great thing they’re in good hands with the daycare robots.
warning :: none
reader pronouns :: none used
relationship :: enemies to lovers?
Let’s face it, you’re broke.
And it you’re willing to prostitute yourself out to any paying job. Any.
You hoped that one of the hundred applications you sent to local stores would come back with an acceptance letter or phone call, and they did! Just not the job you were prepared for.
The massive pizzaplex down the road, the one filled with creepy crawly animatronics. Great. Just great.
Don’t forget, you’re working with one of them! Even better!
Your first day of work was pretty hellish. You were always tensed, looking over your shoulder and being prepared for some sort of confrontation with a machine. One of the map bots gave you a hell of a scare.
Once in the daycare, you got an even worse scare from Sun.
“Hello hello! Welcome to-”
You scream and fall over, right on your butt. Like a goat being paralysed.
He gasps, “oh no! I’m sorry dear friend, that must’ve hurt!”
You can only stare at him with anxiety ridden eyes and stiff limbs. He doesn’t seem to notice and continues to talk to you freely, whilst helping you up.
“You must be my new playmate! Welcome, welcome! I’m so sorry about the mess, dirty dirty! I’ll show you around.”
Throughout his little ‘tour’ you’re still with fear, no talking or moving. He doesn’t seem to notice (or care).
Sun is usually very ignorant of your fear, you only come across as shy to him.
Moon understands that you’re afraid and he plays on it a little bit, scaring you any chance he gets. It’s all for fun though, he never had and plans to truely frighten you.
Because Sun’s attitude is as bright as ever, it becomes easier to warm up to him first.
Honestly Sun is completely smitten with you, so he’s just constantly throwing love at you until you give it back. Which may take a while, but he’s not the type to give up.
Sun’s love may or may not have seeped over to Moon.
Moon is a lot better at hiding his feelings, but shows his affection through gentlemen like gestures. He’s fancy like that.
After constant positive exposure, your fear becomes desensitised and you’re finally able to feel more emotions towards them- mainly love.
Yes, yes, cue the fluff.
It’s obvious you’re all in love with one another and it takes some talking to before relationship statuses are set.
“Are you sure, my love? You’re not frightened anymore? We can wait, as long as you may need.” Since Sun never understood your fear, Moon was the best to converse with.
“I’m getting better at managing my.. emotions.” You wave him off. “I at least want to try.”
Now cue the three sided romance.
The relationship doesn’t come without it’s bad days; you tensing at their sudden movements, cringing at mechanical moments, etc. but relationships take work, and you’re all willing to put in the effort.
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arkfeather · 4 years
if u guys think ur cringe just take a look inside my brain. then youll see
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vinehasnohopeleft · 2 years
"Go write something" they say. "It'll be fun" they say as I currently sit here, watching all of SuperHorrorBro's video about Ghostwire Tokyo and-
"All I wanted to do was...fight." Tom's shaky voice echoed through the bright place, neon lights flashing on and off and car horns were heard from all around. Duncan wanted this to be over or at least shoot all the stupid lights that flashed.
Duncan sat crouched in a vent as he watched a large cat dash by, the cat's head replaced with Tom's head with a cracked frowning mask to hide his true face. Duncan tried his best to ignore the sickening crackles and pops that echoed as the frowning twin walked.
"The tails are the weak points." Tim's voice echoed. Duncan noted how his voice was coated in a sorrowful tone, which was unusual since Tim was stubborn and had more of a sassy, irritated tone, But Duncan guesses it's because he had to kill his twin; the only person that stuck with him.
"I always stood behind someone else..." Tom's voice rang in the air.
Duncan took a breath before sneaking out and around to catch up to the boss without catching the other's attention.
"You're in position, grab the core!"
Duncan managed to grab one of the cores that was on one of the three tails and pulled it so that he could destroy it. Tom gave a startled cry as the core was pulled, removed, and destroyed.
Tom gave a snarl before jumping into a higher level which Duncan took as a sign to hide in the vents.
"A burden... That's all I am." The sickening crackle and pops soon filled the silent air as boss passed by "always having to be protected."
Duncan managed to sneak up on him once more and destroy another core, leaving one left. But the next time, he wasn't as lucky; he made some noise which caught Tom's attention and caused him to turn around and attack him.
Duncan managed to get away with a scratch, a pretty big one, on his side and with no food to spare at the moment, Duncan was left to stay hidden and heal a bit.
"All I wanted to do was protect him." Tim's voice said which startled Duncan "I didn't expect him to feel like such a burden. He was... Weak." The word 'weak' sound forced, weak even, out of Tim's mouth.
"I get it," Duncan said quietly "all you wanted to do was protect someone you cared about, I understand that feeling." Duncan truely did. Even though he got into fights with Travis, he still cared about him! Wanting nothing more than to keep him safe from whatever this hellish world became.
"You and Travis were pretty close, huh?"
"I guess you can say that. Yes, while we had our differences, we still cared for each other." Duncan replied. "All you wanted to do was protect Tom, and I guess he understands it, but it seems like her was treated more like a doll than anything by the people around him, huh?"
"I never viewed it that way. I was the only person that he stayed around since we are, well, twins. We never got along with our parents and with our oldest brother, we stuck more to ourselves but Lillian would cling on every now and again." Tim stated "but that statement makes me think of the doctors that came by to check on him, they never let him do anything on his own, they always made sure he stayed in bed, and just...like how you said it: they treated him like a doll. A burden, almost..."
Duncan glanced at the ground then to his hand that held his side, seeing the red crimson fall to the floor. He sighed before sneaking out of hiding to destroy the last core. The brunette watched as Tom gave a cry as he turned to attack him before disappeared into smoke. Duncan could've swore he heard Tim mumble an apology once Tim and Duncan reconnected.
Duncan wished to say something bet didn't as they returned to over world and away for Tom's nightmare.
Don't know if I plan on making this an actual au, more of a "I'm watching some videos of Ghostwite Tokyo, might as well write something based on it" so take it with a grain of salt.
I planned on writing this with Sam but decided Tom for some reason or another.
I'll be damned if I don't write this or something similar with Sam being the boss that feel like a burden because everyone thinks he is a snowflake, so yeah, get ready for that at some point-
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samanthachan · 3 years
Obey me adbridged
Dodge Mc
Mc : so your going to teach me a new spell
Belphie: not exactly
Satan : it’s an important skill though
Solomon: shadow attack
Mc : you almost killed me you aimed it right for me what’s wrong with you
Belphie: what’s wrong with you didn’t dodge
All three of them start attacking
Solomon: dodge this and this
We all have issues
Mc : my issues are I don’t know how to properly grieve , I have hellish nightmares and I don’t know how to cope trauma
Mc : Levi has serve socail aneixty , and self condfedeince issues
Mc : Asmo worries no one will ever truely love him
Mc : Belphies depressed and blames himself for his sister’s death
Mc : beel also blames himself for his sisters death
Mc : Barbatos doesn’t take care of himself emotionally often
Mc : Luke was taught preduices at a young age
Mc : satan has identity issues , self confidence issues and bad anger issues
Mc : mammon has confidence issues , self esteem issues , is a kleptomaniac, and is often a family scapegoat
Mc : Solomon has watched almost all of his lovers die
Mc : Lucifer is a sadist who does cruel punishments and has no idea what a healthy relationship is
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fumikomiyasaki · 2 years
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The Mission
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The instructions were clear as day as his father called him to his room in the morning...
"You are going to the interschool Festival undercover as a Night Raven College student... you are going to locate a former stray... an informant who lost side of his Mission...and we will Welcome him back here with open arms..."
And so he put on the school uniform and covered his tattoos. If he didn't choose this path he could have been one of these students... and so he made his way among these other students... noticing a familiar face... Mellow his fellow childhood friend, chatting with a blue haired person. Despite seeing his friend after such a long time He barely reacted at all... why should he talk to him, he discarded his old life for the sake of this one... and so he hid behind many students and snuck in the transportation to Hourglass Station Academy... taking part in the feast they prepared... however his target was not far...
As he walked behind the Black haired boy who was preparing things he approached him. He turned around pointing a cooking knife at Leroy.
"You... you work for HIM aren't you..."
"So you already sense it... I heard a lot about you... Kayne Saocheng... and how you ran away from it."
"I heard he had a son but never thought he would return to him."
Leroy chuckled.
"I didn't do it for that sorry excuse of a father... I know he only wants to control me actually... but I play along to get what I want... revenge."
As Kayne heard that he put His knife down...
"And that Is why on his order you want to get me back to this hellish place?"
Leroy nodded.
"Either that or your precious young Master will die today... and that Is why you ran away in the first place right... join us and he is safe... but refuse and we take him our this very day."
Kayne glared at him.
"You really sink that low like him?"
"Well If I don't however do I gain enough trust to let me use him for my own purpose."
And so the black haired boy left his cooking knife on the table and began writing a note.
"I will join you but only until the opportunity arises and I can get my revenge too..."
"Oh... I can guess you probably wanna pay back my father... why not... you help me with my revenge and I help you with yours...sounds very interesting..."
Leroys grin was sharp while Kayne still looked in distrust... he left his apron and a not to Samuel that he has to leave for a while...
They returned to Violet family Quarters...
"Why... finally my two sons came back, what a delight... good to see you again Kayne... why the cold stare."
He still stared daggers at him...
"Fine, I know I sadly can't punish you for running away thanks to your Unique Magic but... I am truely happy to see you back at our side. You did well Leroy... now let's get back to that new task I have for you...."
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bruciewayne · 5 years
i’m going back to school next monday so u won’t get a torrent of shitty posts ALL day, only from the hours of 5 to 3
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kotekie · 4 years
-Freddy Riley and his hated contradiction-
A lawyer understands the ins and outs of the law. He knows how to play by the rules and how to twist them towards his own advantage.
Yet they should also know how to frame themselves as rule abiding when they are not.
Truely, it would not be too difficult for him to make it so the butcher fell out the window into the sight of the hunter. While he remained safe upon the second floor of the abandoned hospital.
Another piece of revenge for Martha.
It was just the two of them left. Miss Sweetheart and ‘lucky guy’ had already been eliminated.
The hunter prowled beneath them. Moving back and forth. Searching for them.
She held onto her chest with hands forever stained with blood.
Being near her made him sick.
Didn’t it?
You need to rest it for a few days
The same blood marked hands bandaging his wounds as they hid away from the hunter
Her eyes told him she knew what he was doing. That detective finally completing his diary revealed it all to them.
She didn’t say anything. Merely kept Miss Sweetheart away from him.
Not that he would do anything to her. She and 'Lucky’ were the only two he liked.
He had rescued her once or twice. The hunter was gone. Their best chance at winning the match was to keep as many of them alive.
He had left her behind when he could. She had killed Martha . Of course he would-
The last match where he had saved her even tho he had been at the gate did not count-
His hands gripped into the map. Making a brief sound. Her head darted towards him as he quickly loosened. Their eyes slowly turning towards the hunter.
Brief fear pierced their hearts as they stared down. The hunter stood there. Before marching off again. Their heart beats began to relax. The purple glow remained but had grown weaker.
If she fell down now the hunter would still find her. Then likely chase her and chair her. Of which he would then be able to escape through the dungeon.
They had two ciphers left. Unless there was a miracle it was unlikely they would escape.
But he did nothing.
He did nothing.
He was tired.
He loved Martha. Time and time again. Over and over he had subtly carried out revenge in this eternal cycle of this hellish game.
Yet he did nothing. Instead once they were sure the hunter was gone they jumped down together. Went over to the nearest cipher. In a vain attempt tried to decode as fast as they could.
He had grown tired of revenge.
A hated contradiction.
Why wasn’t he still angry. Why. Why did he feel this way.
He should make Emily Dyer- No Lydia Jones suffer for all eternity. Die a hundred deaths.
But he couldn’t care enough to do so anymore.
She had already died… he didn’t recall how many. They all flew past in his mind.
She never spoke a word. Only gave him a knowing look.
The hunter found them.
Emily went down first. The hunter dragged her to the chair.
He could go and leave her. Find the dungeon.
'Don’t move I’m coming!’
Less then two survivors escaped.
None escaped.
Miss Sweetheart and 'Lucky’ had already returned to the manor.
He and Emily were left alone in the post match room. Hell Ember would arrive soon. He headed to leave.
“Mr Riley.” She said. “Why did you-”
“If I escaped we still would have lost. It was more beneficial to try and gain a victory, however unlikely then a secured escape.”
“Is that so?” She questioned. His back was still turned to her.
“Yes. Of course. I haven’t forgiven you Lydia. But my priority is surviving this game and escaping this manor with my mind intact.” He folded up his map. “The hunter will be returning soon. And Miss Woods may have 'lucky’ with her but that roach is still there.”
“Yes. Yes.” She rushed past him. She looked back at him. Eyes filled with conflicting emotions. Before she ran towards the survivors lobby.
Hell Ember’s thundering footsteps came behind him.
Freddy ran.
Forgiveness was not a necessity in cooperation.
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chaospage · 4 years
(Continued) @fanaticartisan
Red could only beam with happiness when Teival signed, not only what they practiced but also in calling him friend and signing his name. It warmed his heart, and even more so when the other rested his head against his. Immediately letting out a soft, rumbling purr.
Although he paused into silence when Teival spoke. The emotion in the other’s voice. The trembling and unsteady breathing that clung to each word. It made his heart ache in a way he didn’t understand, but he knew, it was a good feeling. The feeling that someone was glad to have come across him, truely glad, despite being thrown into such a hellish place.
He didn’t know what to say, so he didn’t. Instead, he let out a soft whine and nuzzled his face against Teival’s. A whine straight from his heart, full of feeling and so glad to have met the elf. So thankful that it was Teival, who had in a way, rescued him from such an awful place. He never thought, in all his years that he would leave. Never thought, that he would come to such a beautiful world of colors and soft hay. He had no words to express how happy and thankful he was, and for the first time ever, he knew that it was okay.
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natjoofficial · 4 years
Technology, Culture, Creative pratice week 1
Alrighty, lets see. 
In breif we had a small task of going to a art gallery and taking pictures of an exhibit they’re showcasing, photos involving technology of some stuff, then answer questions.
Of course, I can be more detailed with that, but knowing anyone who follows me despite not being in my university, I’m sure they won’t care and skip past this.
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First off we have this just lovely picture of the most hellish airport ever conceptionalised. This is worst than Prague’s Kafka international airport (Onion reference, don’t worry about it).
1.What is the cultural context of what you see in the image?
Human reliance on airports in the morden age, how large they’re getting, how alien they truely are.
2.What technologies are apparent in the image?
What caught my interest with this image was the amount of historically important aeroplanes were caught in it. Aircrafts such as a Boeing 747s to old warplanes to the one that caught my attention the quickest; the Concord.
3.What creative practices can you name in the context of this image?
Photography, Photoshop. I reckon there could be a chance the artist, Cassio, may have also used an AI to stitch it all together, although I cannot say for certain.
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This one also caught my attention. Certain things to it seem “perfect”, expecially everything in the forground; a scientist showing a man an artefact, 3 friends standing side by side talking of something out of camera, a family with a pram. It just seems quite perfect.
1.What is the cultural context of what you see in the image?
It’s of how we have stored and preserved human history for future generations to walk into, experience and learn about.
2.What technologies are apparent in the image? 
Lighting to make sure the structure is well lit for observers to see, to also catch the on looker’s attention. 
3.What creative practices can you name in the context of this image? 
Most of it, besides the person taking the picture, is in the form of the art on the ancient structure; Architecture and sculpture.
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1.What is the cultural context of what you see in the image?
Human technology and how we honestly are basically what we invision when we think of aliens. At least to nature. 
2.What technologies are apparent in the image?
LED lighting, buildings. To be honest, there are two main points of this image; the nature and the unidentifyable human structure above it, overshadowing it. 
3.What creative practices can you name in the context of this image?
Photography... honestly, I don’t quite know what the teacher wanted us to do with this question besides stating the obvious.
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