#true ouroborous
ireallydohateyou2 · 8 months
Tumblr is chock-full of people far too consumed by their own desire/need to be loved & listened to, than to be there for any other, aside from their own (self)
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lemonhemlock · 17 days
I did not get into Game of thrones when it first started airing. In fact, I waited until it was long past it's heyday (around s6 or 7) to check it out because the marketing and the conversation surrounding it misled me into thinking it was nothing more than "grimdark" bullshit. As one famous YouTuber sarcastically called it "hot fantasy that fucks." So, I avoided Martin's work for literal years due to the impression that I got from online reactors and show-only casuals who did as you and a few others have described as his work being fundamentally misinterpreted.
Fortunately, I overcame my hang-ups, purchased the books (even the supplementary material) and fell down an entire rabbit hole of ASOIAF which led me to recognizing that this world he spent decades creating is far more complex than what had been portrayed onscreen. Regardless of the possibility of the books remaining unfinished (which I am fine with, personally), what George has created is a genuine work of art that I imagine took a tremendous amount of time and energy. So, for so many people online to behave like children and throw tantrums because they feel entitled to him (ew) instead of ushering forth more reasonable conversations and legitimate debates about the nature of his situation frankly makes me look at this fandom with a heavy dose of skepticism.
It is truly baffling to hear even professional critics and see articles describing George as being "ungrateful" or "unprofessional" when it has been well-documented just how often authors get locked out of the adaptation process and left to the wayside as consultants. Look at what happened to Rick Riordan and Christopher Paolini! George R.R. Martin is not the only author to have qualms with how a multimillion dollar studio has mishandled his creative work, and to act like he should remain silent just because he's amassed a certain degree of wealth is quite frankly, ridiculous. He shouldn't have to settle down, be grateful, and stay quiet because the greedy corporate executives and their media drones will get offended by actual criticism that could alter the perception of the adaption being revealed as mediocre for having departed from the source material.
TLDR: authors should be allowed to speak up about their art being sacrificed for commercialization.
Thank you so much for this message, anon! This needs to be talked about more, because I don't think a lot of commentators truly understand the vulgar, late-capitalistic sheen that seems to set in and slowly poison any ASOIAF adaptation. It honestly baffles me how quick some members of this fandom are to rush to the defense of, what is essentially (let's not be kidding ourselves here), a cashgrab by a giant corporation to the detriment of the actual artist and the actual creative foundation behind it.
Why else would "MAX" (if that is even their name) make another (or several other) ASOIAF adaptations? Not to stay true to any philosophical aesthetic vision, as it has become more than apparent with Season 2, but to increase shareholder profits by appealing to the lowest common denominator. Even the basic premise has been shifted in order to address popular trends and satisfy the mindless consumer that doesn't want to engage with anything deeper than their favourite tropes, prettily packaged:
from a story about a doomed ouroborous family superimposed on the pitfalls of feudalism, with villainy and heroism to be found on both sides, it has been simplified and reduced to a narrative that exalts white feminism and disqualifies anyone who opposes its girlboss protagonist. This is Sheryl Sandberg's version of Fire and Blood.
Truly, I think Sara Hess did (unintentionally) outline it the best: "civilians don't matter in Game of Thrones". They don't matter in Game of Thrones, but they matter in A Song of Ice and Fire. The entire heart of the series is contained in Septon Maribald's speech. The writers "kind of", must have forgotten, though.
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ceruleanserendipity · 8 months
The Magnus Protocol, Horror, and the Ouroborous of Love and Obsession
Buckle up.
Also known as "Goose is Very, Very Normal About How Love, Obsession, and Consumption (no, not that kind) Are Prevalent in Horror Media."
ALSO known as "I Can't Stop Thinking About The Magnus Protocol and the Running Theme, So You Get to Suffer With Me!"
Okay. Hi, hello, I'm Goose, and I needed to write about this before I annoy all of my friends too much about it. Horror is one of my favorite genres in any medium, and I love literary analysis. I've been listening to The Magnus Protocol (an excellent podcast) like my life depends on it, so I of course have thoughts.
Let's talk love. Love is an amazing theme in any medium, and personally one of my favorite things to look for. Like, romance movies are incredibly popular for a reason right? I will never dog on a good romcom or fairytale. HOWEVER. Something I appreciate about horror, specifically film and TV, is how love is an underlying theme. There are so many ways to portray love as a persisting force in horror; one of my favorite examples of this is The Haunting of Bly Manor (and like, everything Mike Flanagan does, honestly). The driving force of this show lies in Dani and her relationships, the way she deals with an ex-love, the way she comes to terms with a new one, and most importantly, in how her love continues throughout the horror of the series and even after, a persevering thing that makes me swoon more than a Nicholas Sparks book. I don't want to get too detailed, because, well, spoilers, but I wanted to give you my baseline idea on love as a thematic element.
Obsession. A word that tends to be thrown around rather lightly, and I am guilty! "Oh I'm obsessed," "latest obsession," etc. etc. etc.. Obsession in its barest form though is something that is constant preoccupation, invading daily life. All-consuming passion, something you can't get rid of easily. Love can devolve into obsession if one isn't careful, which is why the inherent horror of love and obsession go hand in hand, a snake eating its own tail and never letting go, because what would one abstract be without the other?
Now, let's talk Magnus!
In The Magnus Archives, there is a very clear love in a very twisted sense (mm my favorite). Who's the first person that comes to mind? Jane Prentiss, of course! She succumbs to the Corruption. The Corruption itself preys on those who are susceptible to toxicity, who have trouble with boundaries in relationships. Something I've always found terribly interesting is that desire to be consumed by something you adore so much. I understand it. In fact, many of the Fears in Archives are tied to some form of love, adoration, even worship.
This isn't exactly the case in The Magnus Protocol, at least, not the way I see it.
Thus far, Protocol has been distinctly more focused on body horror (another rant about my love for that another day) but something I've noticed since the first episode is that love, specifically obsession with something the subject loves, is prevalent throughout each "statement," as I've been calling them. While I'm aware they aren't true statements, but rather case files, in a sense, I'm attached to the term, so I'm sticking with it. Argue with the wall.
Episode one, we see two instances of love— first in a woman searching so desperately for her husband that she's willing to risk her safety for love. Secondly, we see a person so obsessed with exploration that he spirals into mania. Is it a passion? Yes. Hobbies, like urban exploration, are inherently something to be loved.
Episode two, the search for perfection is deeply tied to obsession. To mania. Daria is entrenched in the idea of loving oneself to the extent that she is willing to mutilate herself for it. Again, obsession. Devotion.
Episode three, the doctor is so in love with his wife (toxic love is, unfortunately, still a form of love. Infatuation perhaps, but a form of love nonetheless.), that he kills her. His later fixation after her death, causing that spiral into madness, is the product of going "further," as I mentioned earlier.
Episode four. Perfection is holding hands with obsession. Wanting to be perfect at something you adore is relatable, isn't it? There is so much inherent terror in adoration, and that's the real crux of this episode, at least in my personal opinion.
In episode five, it took me a moment to really jive with the story, but our narrator's love of horror itself is his downfall. His desensitization, his familiarity, it makes him foolhardy. Hasn't that happened to you? Being blindsided by the thing you treasure most, the thing that brings you comfort?
At its core, horror is hungry and consumptive. Most, if not all, horror will have something that requires a "sacrifice," or something of the sort. A slasher needs a victim, a demon needs a body, a knife needs blood, a voyeur needs a subject. Love and obsession are separated by the thinnest air; infatuation and love are so quick to consume a person that it is one of the more dangerous experiences. Love drives a person to fear, whether that's losing oneself or the object of affection. We fear what we love. We become addicted to that exhilaration of heightened fear response.
At the present moment, Protocol has been hitting it out of the park when weaving love into its stories, and I, for one, can't wait for more.
If you have complaints, leave them in the box.
Kisses!!!! Love from,
Goose <3
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cadilver · 5 months
intro post :)
this is cadilver!
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they/he. nicknames are cool (cad/caddie/whatever)
they're a normal Point with normal Hobbies and a very normal Not Too Dangerous World that is Hospitable to Visitors. Definitely! they don't know why Cyalm Named it Night of Nightmares it's just a Graveyard and a Haunted Mansion and a Catacombs with no Nightmares to be found Anywhere not even in their Vault. um. well they might be Lying about That but it's really not your Business anyway.
// will be the ooc marker for this blog. and yeah cad talks like That (not in 3rd person) and the Capitalizations are worse when he's nervous/lying.
Asks are open! I'll probably make/write stuff even if no one asks anything, but hey why not.
run by @p7agu3 btw
Lore/Design/Backstory infodump below (may contain spoilers, if i end up actually doing anything with this storytelling wise)
cadilver is a portmanteau of "cadaver" and "silver". his aspects include, predictably, metal and general undead shenanigans, though he was also really into Halloween for backstory reasons when he was. alive? (complicated) so that carried over as well. he gets to join the holiday gang (compale and arrolin). stuff happens :) that i may write about proper if i get the motivation
his true form symbol is a concentric cloverleaf pattern, in the orientation associated with metal jewelry and not highways. mostly cause i thought it looked cool and not for deeper meaning. their normal symbol is more. interpretable. it's his prepoint's 'eyes', yes, but also infinity, cool sunglasses, ouroborous, venn diagram. you can really go crazy with it. it's mostly just them big ol eyes.
oh yeah! prepoint lore. i haven't fully decided how much of the p7v plague lore i want to use for him (some of it is insane and wouldn't fit AF well) but what's definitely sticking is the facts that he was undead (if cyalm can pointify a robot then reanimating a reanimated corpse is light work. also, name), cavorted around in a plague doctor costume, was powerful enough to at least hold out against cyalm in a fight, and [definitely something i wanna reveal later].
interestingly, they're more "alive" now than they were before, having a complete kinda-organic body, fully functional senses, and the capability to experience emotion normally. cyalm did some witchery fr. on the downside they just "die" as a extreme stress response now. like a possum. apparently that's called "thanatosis", which is a really good word. usually it takes specific triggers to set him off that badly.
cad's world is functionally the 9th because ixol has been pretty much exiled from the Emporium. the two have never met (cad was Pointified later), and (probably) won't meet until AF2's events. ixol has yet to draw the message or their symbol on the walls to indicate their location. the other points knew ixol somewhat but unanimously (some more reluctantly than others) agreed to exile them once they started hearing voices.
the world is called Night of Nightmares (double reference lol) and is located in the same area as Battery Canyon, maybe on the right side.
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abnerkrill · 2 years
every day rop creators get anons saying, unprompted, the meanest shit. a good percentage of it is racist.
in a decade on tumblr, having participated in pretty much all the major fandoms, i’ve never seen anything like it. part of it is trolls and right-wing fans being shitty, of course. but well-meaning supposedly progressive fans are also so protective of lotr and so ignorant of the ways white supremacy has infiltrated Tolkien fandom they’re consuming and regurgitating the right-wing rhetoric about the show. (besides, while I understand boycotting amazon, no one has this energy for league of their own and good omens.)
I continue to block liberally. but the Tolkien fans who tried to gatekeep fandom from rop interlopers to preserve “true” fandom, or who hypocritically railed against rop’s amazon association, and who ever sent anon hate, “maybe… you’re the bad guys”? (reference to outdated meme. humor me.) maybe try some self-reflection instead of acting with all the grace and maturity of a 4-year-old throwing a temper tantrum because some other kid got a toy.
ironically, many/most rop fans are, indeed, fans of the legendarium, and were before rop and will continue to be after rop. but we’re witnessing the fandom attempting to eat itself, ouroborous gnawing on its tail, in a misdirected attempt to preserve itself that is actually causing harm.
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kurosin · 2 years
I am making a new thread here.
Enlkanomiya probably never stood a chance of coming back, that's what I am saying. The music themes for Enkanomiya aren't even in line with other styles of Genshin. It features heavy violins and that usually speaks of tragedy. The God they worship was Ouroborous, then Istaroth a bit, and then Orobashi joined. So, Enkanomiya worshiped two snakes. Orobashi is even revered on Watatsumi island because he is the one who created it.
After not being able to end warring Gods during Archon War, he leaves Teyvat. And then after ending up in Enkanomiya, Orobashi read their book Before Sun and Moon, and learned about Seven Sovereigns (original elemental dragons that ruled Teyvat), about Primordial One, the Second One Who Came, and was like.. Damn son. That book likely gives Orobashi the idea that one of the Sovereigns is gonna be reborn among the Vishaps. And starts to experiment. For that that Heavenly Principles charges him and his people with counts of blasphemy, and instead of letting his people suffer, he takes the punishment.
Orobashi is back in Teyvat, Watatsumi Island isn't very crop-rich. People are suffering. Orobashi knows that going to war with nearby islands would be a death sentence as Raiden Shogun will slay him, leaving Watatsumi without a God. And that's exactly what happened. Raiden allowed Watatsuumi to worship Orobashi after his death.
Good call. The previous thread was getting long lmao
Yeah, I'm an idiot. I forgot the name of God of Time and thought Istaroth was a separate person. But yes, the overall theme and history of that place just screams 'the end of a chapter'.
Watatsumi Island really went through it, damn. I don't think it's very fair that Orobashi had to suffer consequences over the mistake of Istaroth because if that acknowledge was so forbidden, why leave the book somewhere that curious eyes could find in the first place? Why even write the events down on paper if it's obvious that the truth is meant to die out with the ones who was there to actually witness it? I wonder if Istaroth is still alive or if she faced any punishment for it. Unless HP is one of the four shades, I kinda doubt it could punish such a prominent figure of Teyvat. I guess it would depend on Primordial One and their relations with its four shades. Would it be the possessive type who would rather punish but keep them since it's literally only four of them? Or would it have no problem getting rid of one of them if they step out of line? Only time can tell as we learn more.
But the way everything played out really just feels like a warning call of a potential rematch. If it's true that this Sovereign of water might take on a human form, I don't think it's going to look good for Celestia, HP and the Abyss. As dragons, it might be a bit easy to keep them restricted but taking on newer forms will make moving about far more easier. Especially now that Traveler opened those doors and, I don't think, ever closed them. It would make blending in to lie in wait easy. Why I think so? Because I highly doubt powerful beings being forcefully stripped of their world and displaced wouldn't be building up centuries of resentment. Lowkey, I would've been pissed too.
Ah, now that I remembered something, I don't think Istaroth could've possibly died during that time. Last time she was mentioned was during the cataclysm as Ei believed that she was the one who helped Makoto. If that's the case, where is she I wonder? And would she be considered equal to HP and the gods or above them?
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ardentguilt · 10 months
((Ok for me it’s because tattoos have meaning and they also double as coverups for scars and I figure if I’m gonna have scars for the rest of my life why not pretty things up a bit.
The heart with the ekg line on the underside of my left wrist represents survival. I’m still here even after everything that’s been thrown at me.
The ouroborous around my right wrist symbolises the cycle of rebirth and recreation. I got beat down and broken but I picked up the pieces and remade myself as my true self and in time I will return to the dust that formed me.
Aries on my right shoulder. Being a fire sign it’s my reminder that I’m a fighter. I have a fire inside and I’ll stand my ground against adversity.
The series of big cats in flowers on my left arm symbolise the mutuality of strength (the cats) and softness (the flowers) the two aren’t mutually exclusive and can exist together. You can be strong without sacrificing kindness.
And the death moth on my upper back to me is a symbol of protection from harm.
Also I just wanna say tattoos don’t ALWAYS hurt. It depends on the skill of the artist, the location being tattooed and your personal pain tolerance.
I would describe the tattooing process as mostly that same sort of sensation as hot oil splashing up from a pan but it’s sometimes sharper like a thin blade. It’ll hurt more where there’s less fat so for example getting your thigh done will hurt less than somewhere like your wrist. The ribs are generally the worst spot pain wise.
Me personally I have an apparently freakish pain tolerance so I’ve never felt anything while being tattooed that’s enough to have me tap out for a break. The fact I never move of flinch throughout the process has had me likened to the artist tattooing a side of beef 😂))
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oboroswatches · 3 months
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Discover the Luxurious OUROBOROS X02 Watch: A Fusion of Elegance and Precision
Product parameters
Product model: X02
Product type: automatic up-chain
Dial diameter: 42.3mm
Case thickness: 14mm
Strap width: 28.8mm (widest)
Case material: synthetic sapphire
Strap material: fluorine rubber
Waterproof depth: 5ATM
Class style: Ouroboros custom clasp
Are you in the market for a sophisticated timepiece that combines cutting-edge technology with timeless elegance? Look no further than the X02 watch, priced at an attractive $495 (USD). This remarkable watch is more than just a tool for telling time; it’s a statement of style, precision, and craftsmanship.
Exquisite Design and Superior Materials
The X02 watch boasts a meticulously designed exterior, featuring a 42.3mm dial diameter and a 14mm thick case. Its strap, measuring 28.8mm at its widest point, is crafted from premium fluorine rubber, the same material used by renowned watch brands like Richard. This imported, environmentally friendly material offers exceptional oil, corrosion, and oxidation resistance, ensuring durability and a comfortable fit that adapts to the wrist's curve.
Color Options
The X02 is available in two classic colors:
Silent White: A timeless shade that exudes elegance and versatility.
Individual Black: A bold choice for those who prefer a striking, sophisticated look.
Sapphire Mirror Body
The X02 watch features a full-body sapphire mirror with 5N grade purity, reaching up to 99.999% transparency. This ensures unparalleled clarity, allowing you to witness the intricate movements within. The sapphire’s hardness is comparable to diamonds, providing robust protection for the internal mechanisms.
The panoramic hollow design of the X02 offers a captivating view of its mechanical heart. Every tick and tock is a testament to the precise craftsmanship that defines this watch. The open-face design not only enhances its aesthetic appeal but also showcases the meticulous engineering behind it.
Performance and Reliability
Long-lasting Kinetic Energy
One of the standout features of the X02 is its impressive 80-hour kinetic energy reserve. With a single winding, this watch maintains accurate timing for three consecutive days. The torque attenuation curve ensures a steady release of kinetic energy, providing consistent performance.
The Ouroboros special supply movement inside the X02 guarantees reliability and precision. With an error margin of just -15 to +30 seconds per 24 hours, this watch is perfect for mastering personal time management.
A Watch Built for Life
The X02 watch is designed to withstand the rigors of everyday life while maintaining its pristine appearance. With a waterproof depth of 5ATM, it’s suitable for various activities, offering peace of mind wherever you go. The Ouroboros custom clasp adds a touch of uniqueness and security, ensuring the watch stays firmly in place.
The X02 watch is more than just a timekeeping device; it's a masterpiece of design and engineering. Priced at $495, it offers exceptional value for a watch of this caliber. Whether you choose the Silent White or Individual Black variant, the X02 is sure to make a statement on your wrist. Embrace the fusion of elegance and precision with the X02 watch – a true testament to quality and style.
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theeverlastingshade · 7 months
plastic death- glass beach
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I was more apprehensive going into the 2nd glass beach record, plastic death, than I have been for any record that I can think of throughout the last several years. The band's excellent, aptly titled debut LP, the first glass beach album, was a true lightning in a bottle fusion of emo, prog, art rock, and chiptune that sounded completely unlike anything before and after, and it defined the sound of emo's 5th wave as we know it. They dropped a great EP titled 1015 the following year, and an album consisting of their peers remixing songs from their first record dropped the year after that, but it wasn't until last year that news of gb’s true follow-up began to materialize. Both singles, "the cia" and "rare animal", respectively, were strong returns to form that retained the band's urgent, tuneful strengths, but neither sounded like the band was really pushing their sound forward in any particularly exciting ways. Thankfully my fears quickly dissipated, as pd has turned out to be yet another triumph from a band as delightfully confounding and idiosyncratic as ever.
The opening song, "coelacanth" is a far-cry from the explosive emo epic that opened their first record with its disarming slow-burn build despite eventually hitting a frantic guitar coda, and it effectively sets the tone for this record's most notable shift. On pd, the influence of prog has been amplified to a disarmingly pervasive degree. While prog has always been a significant component of their sound, with the push/pull of prog's ambitious scope against emo's immediacy being a large part of their allure from the jump, the scales tip far more in favor of the former this time around. The songs are stranger, more enveloping, and more often than not take some time before completely revealing themselves. There are still terrific melodies scattered throughout, particularly on those aforementioned singles, as well as the two highlights "puppy" and "cul-de-sac", that incorporate go for broke gang vocal harmonies that seem gleefully at odds with the prog undercurrent, but they’re still ultimately in service of it. Thankfully, the heightened level of proficiency, obtuse structures, and sonic ambition never come at the expense of deeply heartfelt songcraft.
Where tfgba was more direct with its thematic concerns in a grandiose, music theater-leaning presentation, pd is far more oblique without completely shedding their melodramatic flair. The bright acoustic guitar pop of breather "guitar song", is probably the most musically straightforward song on the pd, but the lyrics are a stream of consciousness seeming concoction of surrealist musings "On doric legs/Tail to head, or the ourobors won't flow/Only love, drunk isotope/Your burning hearth, your self-appointed silhouette" that are superbly juxtaposed here, and indicative of the general lyrical shift. Front person J McClendon has stated that "motion" is a comment on the relentless, dehumanizing demands imposed by capitalism, which is beautifully realized by the menacing horns and racing rhythms alongside J's unnerving vocals "I am not a person/Beyond my own success/Beneath my chitin jacket/I wear no human flesh" while the droning string-laden reverie “the killer” uses imagery of a hunter mercy killing a fox as an allegory for living in the suburbs “A trail of blood/Crimson and warm splattered across the ragged bush/“Oh little fox, you got caught in the hunter’s trap””. Themes of wasted youth, mental illness, greed, and alienation emerge throughout the course of pd, and despite not being as straightforward, each song is rendered with a sharper, more emotionally honest eye for detail than on their prior work.
True to form, the best songs on pd are the ones that lull you into a sense of familiarity before seamlessly pulling the rug out from underneath you and taking you somewhere completely unexpected with a profound sense of urgency. Early highlight "slip under the door" weaves together ambient electronic music, post-hardcore, art-rock, and screamo alone within the course of 5 minutes in a masterful display of dynamics and sequencing, but they never exceed their depth, and the audacity never overshadows the fact that they're completely pulling something this absurdly ambitious off. A song like "cul-de-sac" begins fairly straightforward but then just continues to build into this soaring, rapid-fire strumming riff-fest that never loses sight of a strong melody, whereas a song like "puppy" is a slow and steady emo strut that seemingly out nowhere erupts into the most cathartic coda that I'll probably hear all year. And on the sprawling, nearly 10 minute centerpiece, "commatose", the band's deft fusion of prog and emo (with a little of that classic gb chiptune spice) is most acutely felt as the song unravels into a nervy fantasia of emotional outbursts and virtuosity in service of vulnerability. It's an astonishing tour de force that feels like pd's answer to "Yoshi's Island", but its scope is even grander.
The 5 years between records paid off tremendously for gb as pd is the rare sophomore album that matches and even improves on the promise of a classic debut. While gb are hardly the first band to draw influence from music as seemingly disparate as Charles Mingus and Aphex Twin, they remain the rare sort of band that filters their avant-garde aspirations into music that bleeds with an overt, unabashedly humanistic pulse. There's a remarkable level of depth at every turn here, and the band's thrilling juxtapositions and deliriously eclectic impulses have resulted in a record that's unusually thrilling in scope with an approachability that seems to completely defy prog convention in the best way imaginable. So much of pd shouldn't work on paper, but the band's musicianship has caught up to their ambitions in a way that really allows these kind of experiments to work. The songs on pd don't sound like the sort of thing that I can really imagine anyone else even attempting, save for probably "guitar song". It's staggering to think of where gb could go on LP3 if they approach it with this kind of breathing room between records.
Essentials: "commatose", "cul-de-sac", "puppy"
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antihumanism · 10 months
i must say your use of a done to death meme format from a 25 year old show to complain about how someone else is being unoriginal was certainly a daring stab at comedy, the hypocrisy of trotting out something so wildly overused and tedious and safe to complain about other people being the same was ... lol jk, actually you're stupid asshole riding cruise control for cool among the lamest people on earth and the closest you will ever get to being funny is when you die by snapping your own spine while trying to pretzel yourself around to huff your own farts and the post-death shits cause you to spray your own feces all over your own face and down your own throat creating a perfect ouroborous of crap, not because this death is original, all of your useless cretins die the same way, but it is, nevertheless, a true classic that will never go out of style
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asoulofatlantis · 11 months
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She says, after beeing a Spriggan herself for less than 2 months ^^'
(Urg... while they are somehwat nice, I still have so many connect-events still to do before I can continue with the 4SPGs I have to do and then finally continue with the main story T.T)
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I am so done with this. I do Agnes Connect Event and then I leave it at that. I will force myself to do the others when the official translation is out.
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Oh look, 8 years too. What a coincidence that all is... *achem*
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One of the many things I love about Trails is that family-relationships and childhood-memories are often important parts of the characters, their storys and their development. And we have all kind of family-realtionships too. Agnes is rather a "normal" family, despite the issues and dead mother and all, but we had also Machias whos Cousin was almost like a mother-figure to him, while his father was raising him on his own. Or we have Quatre who lives with people who are not blood related to them but they still are and consider themselves as family. Its a great thing.
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That would certanly be very romantic ♥ But... I don't think this wish will come true with Van tho. Sadly.
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Who the freaking hell is under that damn helmet is a question that keeps me busy more than the question what the hell Greamhart is planning XD She can fly and has appearantly had a good teacher, they even say she is a "Major" as in Military, like Claire. She has been gone over the new year too and... uh... it really doesn't sound like someone we know... but why hide her face then?
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I really enjoy watching this.
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I wonder how we will deal with her in Kuro 3, now that part of her identity has been revealed to us?
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I love how he backs away because he knows very well that unlike Feri, she is not coming for a hug, she is PISSED OFF! XD
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He made her cry! Shame on you Van!
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Please do! I really just want to finish this game at this point ^^'
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You know... all the things that Ourobors or people from Ourobors did in the first and this game, were under the rules of the non-interference contract. HOWEVER... this contract is almost up and I am as scared as I am exited to find out what Ouroboros is pulling as soon as they can pull something ^^'
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These Enforcers has become the weirdest mix possible at this point....
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Her character matches Lapis character in an interesting way XD
I finally reached the final better. Lets get this over with!
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lemonhemlock · 10 days
I think they were going with Alimond but after s2 backlash they might cancel their plans, people were upset and angry by that Daemon/Alyssa scene and he didn't even know who he was with. Or maybe we'll get visions of a naked Aemond in Alicent's arms to parallel his scene with Sylvie idk
it's true that some people (mainly daemon stans i think) were angry with the daemon/alyssa scene, but after s2 finished and proved to be such an incoherent dud, i really don't think it's even made it in the top 10 points of criticism leveled at hotd. the show has much more substantial, genuine problems than that, especially since daemon is shown to actually pledge himself for real to rhaenyra after the entire harrenhal experience. so no "true" harm done for TB there.
if you ask me, it's one of the very few show additions i would actually go as far as to call excellent. of course daemon would want to fuck his mum, this is where the targaryen incest ouroborous is heading. daemon himself actually went beyond the brother-sister boundary (where this taboo is usually contained with the targaryens) by marrying his own niece. what's one more level?
but, they are ultimately cowards, because the alimond parallel with daemyssa was right there and they should have leaned into it if they wanted to build so badly on the aemond-daemon similarities.
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fireblight · 3 years
‘  give me 10 reasons why i shouldn’t just turn into a slug right now  ’
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❝I'm thinkin', but on all levels it's an improvement. It's almost an insult to slugs t'suggest that yer on the same level. I mean, look at those weird slugs Tsunade an' Sakura use. Those are useful as hell.❞
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csolarstorm · 2 years
Did everyone's Nintendo Direct wishes come true?
While most of my wishlist didn't make it, they definitely delivered with Breath of the Wild 2, or now, Tears of the Kingdom.
Tears of the Kingdom is actually a really fitting name for a Breath of the Wild sequel, and we can infer a few things from it too.
Not only are these tears from grief over a fallen kingdom, but they probably refer to the liquid that the Shiekah technology uses. Every time you download something, it drips into your slate like a teardrop.
The two titles are parallel too. "Breath" and "tears" are both intimate, natural human processes, and sometimes reactions to sublime and emotional situations, such as witnessing a panorama of an open world for the first time, or recalling fond memories of those who passed away.
While the first title was about exploring the open-world wild that Hyrule reverted to after it fell, so far every Tears of the Kingdom trailer leans in to Link exploring places of hidden lore about the kingdom of Hyrule, from temples in the sky to the mummified remains of Ganon himself underneath the castle. The graphic behind the game's logo isn't a flower like the first - it's a symbol of a kingdom's story.
From the look of this Ouroborous-style logo, Link might be investigating the cycle of resurrection that keeps Ganon coming back.
A surprising amount that can be gathered from a title people were complaining about in the livestream chat. : / Breath of the Wild's title had its detractors too.
The sky exploration mechanics are looking more awesome with teach new trailer. I love the idea of Link's new surfboard-style glider.
Just remember: if the release date gets pushed back like Breath of the Wild did, it's better to make sure employees have a healthy work-life balance rather than making them rush their work and doing a mediocre job.
Congratulations to everyone who's been waiting for Pikmin 4 for so long! I'm not in that camp, but it's cool to see others hyped.
And for whoever is about to pre-order like half a dozen farm simulators, have fun!
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voidic3ntity · 2 years
true knowledge is found within discomfort & within suffering: & still, lost within the darkness, the lone individual remains in stasis, forever unconscious of the psychic process, begins to reject the messages & methods illuminated by an inner pain; seeking an egocentric momentary notoriety & disconnecting from the messages, a process of reconnection, within these endless moments, the ouroboric unified cycle of habituated disappointments begin to dissolution of the fabricated self.
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definegodliness · 3 years
Muse: cyclical transcendence
She wields death As if it's a ribbon in rhythmic gymnastics, So full of life it's enigmatic; She lowers herself In the sludge of ruination, Yet whether sinking, drowning, Or violently reemerging, She will offer detailed descriptions Of the rotten foliage Like a brilliant botanist, Acknowledging Time, and all it gives and takes. Then she will speak; write, As if granting second lives To these buttoning flowers Now lain to waste, Etching their stories in time-space Before they're off to feed A new generation. She is a Cyclical, timeless being; Corkscrewing existence Since ever it did shape up to plug The free flowing of consciousness. She lets the wine breathe, And, so keen, her senses, She experiences Every grape's lifespan; The vine, the vineyard; The attentive fingers Of the long gone viticulturist... So can it be Life, And death, And rebirth's ever after All fit in her crystalline glass; Its mixture, Her ouroboric elixir. She drinks, She savours; She lives -- Again.
--- 18-8-2021, M.A. Tempels © “... written for my oldest and dearest friend here on Tumblr. Happy Birthday, @haikkun!! Haha, I could have just written ‘Muse: Maureen Armstrong’, but you know I’m a sucker for uniformity. And vaguetry is part of the series! However, today is your special day, and I hope you’ll have a good one. I hope this poem will contribute to that a little.
To those reading this, I’d like to forward you to > this post < , go on and say ‘hello!’, or drop something nice in Maureen’s inbox. If ever you’ve wanted to make a birthday wish come true, this is your chance!”
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