#tros poster
normalfem · 1 year
I dropped star wars immediately after watching tRoS bc it was a bunch of bullshit however the original trilogy is still very close to my heart . I rewatch empire strikes back all the time
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redrascal1 · 11 months
I recently posted a quote from a JCF poster which includes a line that summons up exactly how I feel about Rey.
She has already stolen the Skywalker name undeservingly, her character has already been responsible for a couple of character assassinations, and at the end of the day I don’t care much for her character because the sequels made me not care (predominantly TLJ and TROS, she was fine in TFA)
Rey was fine in TFA. I did NOT like how she managed to pull off a Jedi Mind Trick with zero training; if she had been Obi Wan's granddaughter it might have worked as it was a favourite trick of his and could have been put down to genes. But, her defeating Kylo could be explained as due to his reluctance to kill her and blood loss from his wound.
I liked her in TLJ right up until she tried to take the lightsabre from Kylo. But, Rian Johnson admitted he had to change some of his story to allow for Trevorrow's version, and Rey could still have been salvaged by TROS.
But as the JCF poster rightly pointed out, TROS Rey was indeed responsible for character assassinations. Kylo, who was reduced to her life force donor - for crying out loud, they could at least have allowed him a role in killing off Palpatine, the man had destroyed his family.
Finn. Much as I have lost my respect for Boyega post the pipe business, Rian set up Finn's character arc beautifully for TROS, only for him to be reduced to a groupie following Rey around screaming her name. Even his Force sensitivity amounted to nothing.
And...as I have said countless times before, Leia. She was destroyed as a wife and mother by TROS, and I will never forgive them for this, just as I'll never forgive them for killing off the last Skywalker.
They did all this just to promote Rey. As a 'goddess' so perfect Leia preferred her to her own son, Finn had no function except to adore her, and Kylo was only good enough to die saving her.
Does anyone really want to see more of this inhuman creature? Wake up and smell the coffee, Kathleen.
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choivoi74 · 6 months
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Poster phim My Broken Mariko do tác giả manga vẽ trông đẹp thật. Manga chỉ có 5 chương, đầy đủ baohanh tramcam tutu cho ai muốn tìm truyện buồn để đọc. Shiino sau khi nghe tin người bạn Mariko qua đời đã đến cướp hũ tro cốt của Mariko, đưa đến nơi mà hồi còn sống cô muốn đến...
Đọc truyện này thấy Mariko có một chút giống Aiko bên Oyasumi Punpun, hết cứu, hết hy vọng ... Đều là nạn nhân của những gia đình tệ hại, đều vỡ vụn không cứu rỗi được nữa nên đành ra đi. Thực ra vào giây phút nhân vật quyết định kết liễu chính mình không biết họ đã nghĩ gì, truyện cũng không diễn tả. Mọi thứ còn lại chỉ là hình dáng bất động và dòng chữ "Hy vọng cậu sẽ không quên tớ" của Aiko. Hay hũ tro cốt của Mariko và bức thư "Gửi Shii-chan"...
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narcopharmacist · 6 months
As fillers for my days when I don't read the current fic I'm still into right now entitled Between Dreams & Temptations by tasogareban (because I have been busy with studying and school shit that I think of reading fanfic a distraction, + my anxiety won't let me read because reading fanfics is a ME time), I watched video essays about Reylo, and about the last episode of thr sequel I have yet to watch (because I have not finished the aforementioned fanfic, and this fic is set after between TFA and TLJ so I don't want to cloud my mind with TROS, knowing how it ends already).
The first Reylo video essay I watched was entitled Reylo Theory Explained to the Haters | Why Rey and Kylo Ren Together Makes Sense by The Den of Nerds. It was an OK take, and he said he took his content inspiration from a 3 part series by Vincent Vendetta, so I went ahead and watched those as well. I liked Vincent Vendetta's videos more, and these videos were released after the first movie, episode 8, The Force Awakens. When I read the comments I think people were just speculating / predicting about Reylo happening in the next movie. It was a really good watch. I can't believe Star Wars official posters/merch hinted so much Reylo 😭
Reylo Explained Part 1 - Vincent Vendetta
Reylo Explained Part 2
Reylo Explained Part 3
Last night, I watched what I thought was a video talking about Reylo in TROS, but she talked about TROS in general.
Video title: Oh no! The Rise of Skywalker was real bad :( by Jenny Nicholson
This was hilarious 😂 And I recently just contemplated about whether watching TROS would be even worth my time. The way she talked about it the story felt like it's going to be just a wild goose chase (with the map and Palpatine). It sounds like the movie's premise is really bad.
The comments on the video are so funny tho!
Who are you?
I'm Rey.
Rey who?
Reydio GAGA
I already know what happens to Reylo, well, most especially Ben, so I feel like if I watch TROS I'll just have to take it with a grain of fucking salt, and just watch it for the Reylo bond scenes and the kiss.
I've already bookmarked fix-it fics post-TROS for Reylo 😭😭🥴
Currently I'm watching Reylo: A Complicated History by Joe Brennan. This was released in 2021, so quite fresh from the last movie of the sequel.
I am also going crazy about Adam Driver edits on Tiktok like I cannot stop thinking about Ben Solo like 😮‍💨
This was the edit that started it all for me. Hearing Kali Uchis reminded me of the song she had with Tyler the Creator, and now that song is something I dedicate to Reylo 😭
Song: See You Again by Tyler the Creator
Kali's part:
Can I get a kiss?
And can you make it last forever?
I said I'm 'bout to go to war (Uh-huh)
And I don't know if I'ma see you again
Can I get a kiss? (Can I?)
And can you make it last forever? (Can you?)
I said I'm 'bout to go to war (I'm 'bout to)
And I don't know if I'ma see you again
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quillsmora · 2 years
Hopefully it's okay to ask you a question because I'm wondering do you know why Gamora hasn't been included in the vol 3 merch? I ran across some stuff a while ago and when she wasn't included I assumed it was just a one off incident. But I just ran across some other merch and she's still absent. So I'm not sure if they are waiting for the movie to create merch for her or what
Firstly, it's always okay to ask me questions about this stuff! I love talking about film marketing (I did study this stuff for 2 years after all). Always feel free to send me asks about anything!
As for your question here's my honest answer: I'm not entirely sure. There are a few logical conclusions though.
Spoilers. Historically the first wave of MCU merch is very clean when it comes to the events of the movie, only featuring characters we know will be in it and vague aesthetics that align with the plot. So far the main advertisements and merch for Vol 3 have featured the Guardians in their comic-accurate group suits, which we haven't seen Gamora in. She might end up getting that suit in the movie, but we have no idea and that would be a major spoiler, so it's easier to leave her out of cereal box promotions and toy box art to keep that unified aesthetic.
Along the same lines as spoilers but deserving of their own point is the LEGO sets. LEGO sets are 50/50 when it comes to being accurate to the events of the movie because again, spoilers. The Endgame sets they released to go along with the movie had absolutely nothing to do with the actual plot because sets get leaked so often and Disney didn't want the plot of their biggest superhero movie ever to be ruined. The Wakanda Forever and Multiverse of Madness sets were also pretty vague if I remember correctly. It's easiest to leave Gamora out of sets like the Guardians HQ or the Bowie because while she might actually be in those scenes, we won't know until the movie comes out (we can assume she'll be on the Bowie at one point based on that shot of her pulling out a knife but it's not official). Since the LEGO sets and toy lines release weeks before the movies, it's again easier to exclude Gamora from these first waves of merch.
The historically bad representation of Gamora on merch already. Outside of figures like Funko Pops and Marvel Legends, it's always been nearly impossible to find officially licensed merch of just Gamora, especially cute good looking merch. This has also been an issue with most of the MCU's female heroes but it's definitely gotten better these past few years. Unfortunately due to Gamora's role in Vol 3 being pretty secretive, that positive change doesn't get to apply to her this first wave.
So basically TL;DR, don't stress about this too much. We're still 2 months out from the movie's release and a month away from promo and press starting. Yes, it sucks that so far Gamora isn't being featured in anything outside of posters and trailers, and yes it's valid to be upset and frustrated with that. But remember that there's still a whole other wave of merch to come after the movie's release, and Zoe Saldaña is still second-billed. She and Chris Pratt were the last two (humans) to wrap the movie. James Gunn wouldn't have brought Gamora back if he didn't want to. If you're still feeling uneasy or worried (which I totally get!) @enigma731 has some great posts about why Gamora will be fine.
Sorry this is so damn long, I kinda got carried away lol. But yeah I do wish there was at least like a Funko Pop or something and find it ridiculous that Kraglin of all people is getting more merch than the female lead, but I'm personally not getting too worried right now because we still have two months until the movie. It's not looking completely terrible right now. (Trust me, I was a Star Wars sequels stan during 2019 TROS press. That movie's plot was leaked via an official German Burger King ad. If it ever gets that bad for Vol 3 you will definitely hear about it from me lol).
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the-force-awakens · 1 year
If I may ask another top five? Top five favorite gifs you've made?
ohh. Oh that's a hard question I like this 👀 I am... extremely tired and out of spoons so I won't link to any sets but off the top of my head: i like my disabled flag Pantone Poe gifset, the poe + autistic traits set i made over on @userpoe, the tros movie poster edit (that's definitely my fave of all time), my honeycomb moon knight set, annnd I did this one pink and purple sequel trilogy gifset last year that didnt get any notes but i adore it!
I'm also gonna include some of my favorite gifs I've made that I have saved on my phone, under the cut:
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jlongbone · 2 years
You still got that TROS meme where its that big tiddy rey artwork as a poster in the falcon?
I need it for reasons
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devosopmaandag · 3 months
De evangeliste
En opnieuw hield ik een pleidooi voor de poëzie. Steeds drie keer op een middag in iemands tuin. Mijn ooit bedachte titel 'Is poëzie voor Hogere Wezens?' begint zich om te vormen naar 'Is poëzie voor minderheden?'. Slechts een handjevol mensen verschijnt steeds. Gisteren voelde ik me opnieuw een beetje een evangeliste. Daarvan zijn er enkele soorten: de lijdzaam wachtende twee mannen en/of vrouwen naast een rolkoffertje met een bescheiden plakkaat waarop zoiets als 'God zoekt U' staat, de zwarte vrouw bij de brug die met een ijzeren blijmoedigheid iedereen toelacht en lichtjes dansend 'Jesus loves you' verkondigt en er is de man op de markt die met een galmende stentorstem zijn evangelische boodschap verkondigt en iedere dominee verslaat als standwerker. Ik vrees dat ik het dichtst bij de zwarte vrouw sta. Maar ik ben genoeg onderwijzeres om te weten dat er meer nodig is om de mens de kracht, liefde en betekenis van poëzie te doen inzien.
De zon scheen vriendelijk, er woei een licht briesje. In de kleine ommuurde stadstuin groeide een wingerd, een klimmende braam barstte van het rode fruit met aan het uiteinde van elke tros een glimmende zwarte die 'pluk me' fluisterde. Rechts van mij kon ik zo enkele blauwe bessen plukken en achter mij lonkten enkele rijpe frambozen. Meerdere keren zong een merel vanaf het dak. Er stonden te veel stoelen en bankjes klaar. De gastheer en gastvrouw hadden een rijkelijke ontvangst georganiseerd. Ik was er klaar voor.
Als met de paar schaarse bezoekers toch het onherroepelijke moment aanbrak om te beginnen, voelde ik mij eigenlijk helemaal niet als de zwarte vrouw maar als een vrouw alleen naast een rolkoffertje en zonder poster. Het is alsof iemand mij een duw in de rug gaf en ik niet anders kon doen dan mijn mond open te doen. Het was niet Calliope die mij duwde, maar eerder Mercurius: de god van de handel, dieven en winst. Ik moest mijn publiek op zijn minst van iets overtuigen – dus toch de man met de galmende stentorstem.
Maar zoals het in het verfijnde spel van de toevallige ontmoeting tussen menselijke wezens gaat, er gebeurden natuurlijk mooie dingen. Iemand zong na afloop van mijn verhaal met licht trillende stem een Fries lied, twee verdwaald lijkende jongens van zeventien waren zeer aandachtig, een van hen schreef zelf gedichten maar, nee, niet om voor te lezen, een dichteres droeg haar liefde voor het Fries voor, een jonge vrouw las een gedicht voor van Joost Oomen ( “...het is moeilijk voor het publiek / om in een gedicht te knijpen...”). Een iets oudere vrouw las een gedicht van Louise Glück voor: “...eindigde de nacht niet, was de aarde niet / veilig toen ze werd beplant / hadden we de zaden niet gezaaid, / had de aarde ons niet nodig, / de wijnstokken, zijn ze geoogst?...” En dat alles terwijl vanuit het gebouw ernaast zachtjes psalmen doordrongen in de tuin.
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scontomio · 3 months
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💣 Borsa a tracolla Desigual Bols_amorina PU Donna. 🤑 a soli 39,97�� ➡️ https://www.scontomio.com/coupon/borsa-a-tracolla-desigual-bols_amorina-pu-donna/?feed_id=248735&_unique_id=66743724b6321&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Poster&utm_term=Borsa%20a%20tracolla%20Desigual%20Bols_amorina%20PU%20Donna. La borsa a tracolla Desigual Bols_amorina 24 Tro è un accessorio elegante e versatile per la donna moderna. Caratterizzata da fiori geometrici fustellati su uno sfondo a contrasto, offre un design unico e alla moda. Dotata di diverse tasche esterne ed interne, permette di organizzare al meglio gli oggetti personali. La chiusura magnetica con dettaglio da indossare come pochette aggiunge un tocco di originalità. Con 2 scomparti e 2 manici rimovibili in similpelle, corti con nodo o lunga cinghia regolabile, si adatta a diverse esigenze e stili. Ideale per un look sofisticato e pratico. #coupon #desigual #borseatracolla #offerteamazon #scontomio
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personal-reporter · 11 months
La bomba al Wow di Milano
Fino al 28 gennaio 2024 al Wow di Milano con la mostra La bomba il protagonista è il fascino dell’apocalisse nucleare, tra fumetto, illustrazione e cartoons. Fin dal 1945, la bomba atomica è entrata nell’immaginario, infatti tantissime opere, dal fumetto al cinema, hanno raccontato cosa succederebbe in un conflitto nucleare, oltre a un futuro in cui l’energia atomica avrebbe potuto migliorare la vita di tutti o hanno rivelato i retroscena di alcuni episodi fondamentali della storia del secolo scorso. Il percorso espositivo è scandito da pannelli di approfondimento sulle tappe storiche fondamentali dell’energia nucleare e della bomba atomica, seguite da approfondimenti tra  tavole originali, pagine a fumetti, manifesti cinematografici, riviste, giornali e oggettistica. L’atomo e l’energia nucleare sono al centro di due importanti storie a fumetti statunitensi, Nel mondo degli atomi con Brick Bradford, in cui l’eroe e i suoi amici vengono miniaturizzati per un viaggio all’interno della struttura della materia, e Il mistero dell’Uomo Nuvola, un’avventura di Topolino dove uno scienziato in grado di imbrigliare la potenza dell’atomo decide di distaccarsi dal resto dell’umanità, spaventato dagli utilizzi della sua scoperta. Il contributo italiano alle scoperte fondamentali della fisica nucleare viene raccontato nel film I ragazzi di via Panisperna (1988), alla mostra con il manifesto cinematografico, che prende il nome dalla via in cui si trovava l’Istituto di Fisica a Roma, coordinato da Enrico Fermi e di cui faceva parte anche  Ettore Majorana, che scompare misteriosamente nel 1938, la cui vita è raccontata nel volume a fumetti Il segreto di Majorana di Francesca Riccioni e Silvia Rocchi, in mostra con alcune tavole. Il Progetto Manhattan è narrato con grande attenzione ai dettagli nel volume a fumetti La bomba di Didier Alcante, Laurent-Frédéric Bollée e Denis Rodier de lo scoppio di Hiroshima dal punto di vista giapponese si trovano nel manga Gen di Hiroshima di Keiji Nakazawa, accanto a importanti testimonianze d’epoca, come il numero della rivista Time edito dopo la resa del Giappone e i numeri di Oggi  su Hiroshima e gli esperimenti di Bikini. La tragedia di Hiroshima è lo spunto anche di una storia di Martin Mystère, Le mille gru di Hiroshima  di Andrea Cavaletto e Fabio Piacentini, con una selezione di tavole digitali. Nel lungo periodo della Guerra Fredda l’energia nucleare e la bomba atomica sono raccontate nei fumetti, sia ipotizzando cosa succederebbe in caso di una guerra atomica sia mostrando un atomo amico e umanizzato. Da questo punto di vista sono emblematici Atomino Bip Bip, amico di Topolino creato da Romano Scarpa nel 1959, in mostra con illustrazioni, studi e una tavola della celebre storia Topolino e il Bip Bip-15  (1960), e Atomino, creato nel 1963 da Marcello Argilli e Vinicio Berti per il settimanale a fumetti Il Pioniere, oltre a molti popolari protagonisti alle prese con armi nucleari, come il tarzanide Akim, la perfida Satanik e il simpatico Kolosso. Uno spazio particolare è dedicato a due personaggi che prendono vita proprio da una bomba,  Godzilla e l’Incredibile Hulk. Godzilla, che nel 2024 festeggia 70 anni, è in mostra alcune tavole realizzate dal disegnatore Alberto Ponticelli per la miniserie Godzilla: Gangsters & Goliaths e per l’Incredibile Hulk sono esposti i più bei poster e gadget d’epoca insieme a spettacolari tavole dei grandi autori del personaggio, come Mark Bagley, Rick Leonardi, Alan Kupperberg. In mostra c’è anche una tavola di Watchmen, il capolavoro di Alan Moore e Dave Gibbons che vede tra i protagonisti Dottor Manhattan, un fisico nucleare che acquisisce immensi poteri dopo un esperimento di fisica subatomica. Il tema dei rischi che comportano le armi atomiche e l’energia nucleare è al centro anche di due storie di Diabolik, La luce del male (1998), in cui il Re del terrore aiuta un vecchio amico colpito dalle radiazioni degli esperimenti atomici su un’isola tropicale, e Incubo atomico (2007), dove Diabolik sventa la minaccia di un gruppo di terroristi. Il fiorente filone post-atomico vede gli autori immaginare come sarebbe il mondo dopo la catastrofe, come nel giapponese Ken il guerriero, serie manga molto amata, che nel 2023 festeggia quarant’anni di pubblicazioni. Tra supereroi atomici e dopobomba comici e tragici, la Bomba è una costante narrativa e la satira ha avuto un ruolo prezioso dove, oltre agli ipotetici effetti di una bomba atomica su Milano o altre città, contrasta i sogni di militari e dittatori con il dito sul bottone rosso. Giornali e documenti d’epoca completano la visione storica dalla percezione collettiva della Bomba, oltre che nella musica e nelle altre arti, modificando il costume. Read the full article
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theintrovert-eliza · 4 years
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I can’t get over how good my sister is at art 😍
Best birthday present ever :)
@mondaynightmess luv ya
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redrascal1 · 4 months
I've just seen a load of comments on saltierthancrait, posters venting their hatred on Kylo in particular, and reylos in general. Amongst the comments were, as per usual, the words 'racist', 'sexist', 'toxic' and 'hateful.'
One poster in particular was venting his venom, referring to Kylo as a 'sad little psycho', and once again, the word 'rape' was used in reference to the interrogation scene.
I honestly find it hard to believe that almost five years after TROS, people are still fuming over reylo. What is it about this FICTIONAL ship that earns it so much hatred? Reylo is destroyed, Ben Solo is gone forever, his fans have had to move on, or in my case, away, so why can't they?
As a footnote, I'm still baffled that John Boyega got away with his 'pipe' comment - if it had been Adam he would have been immediately cancelled. I'm also genuinely surpised Daisy forgave him for it, to the extent that she very much wants him in her forthcoming Rey film.
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cosmo-gonika · 5 years
Excuse me, that poster?
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Australian exclusive poster!
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scooterpengie · 5 years
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I mean, this could be what they’re about to do on that poster 👀👀... if Kylo wasn’t wearing that mask
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darthbutterfingers · 5 years
Official Sequel Trilogy posters
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Love how in the final poster Rey and Kylo’s saber’s are finally intersecting.
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reylo17 · 5 years
New TROS poster
Star Wars: #TheRiseOfSkywalker! Art by Tracie Ching.
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