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hourly-yugi · 2 years ago
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freebooter4ever · 1 year ago
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also this photo from the ducks game wow <3
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joffyworld · 2 months ago
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trippygalaxy · 1 month ago
and for my request, could I request either platonic Legend or Four with a reader who really REALLY wants to be affectionate with their new friend who they got close to quickly, but because of having literally zero experience with physical affection being given from anyone ever (like friends or family rarely ever hugging them that often) they are SO afraid of going about cuddling or even just casual touches 'wrong'
like. reader just wants to cuddle or literally just lean against their friend while the Chain are relaxing at camp but is too shy or embarrassed to ask
(What not being hugged enough as a child does to a mf 😭)
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OOOO I do love a good platonic fic! Also this is very specfific, i am sending many hugs to you Anon <3
Summary: The Ask Above!
Characters: Legend & GN!Reader (Platonic) Warnings: Legend has a weird way of speaking tbh, reader is touch starved and unsure how to give touch, no romance anywhere Words: 900+
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"What's your deal?"
A voice cuts through your anxious thoughts, rough with traces of concern, a voice familiar yet one you dreaded in this moment. Looking up from picking at your nails, you find the veteran staring down at you with furrowed brows and crossed arms.
"Nothing," You grumbled, scooting away from the hero as he unceremoniously plops down beside you.
Though the hero isn't too far from you, his warmth feels miles away and as suffocating as a blanket. You can feel your tendons tense, discomfort of unfamiliarity gnawing at your raised hairs. It was dumb- you're hands twitched, wanting to reach out and at least have a pinky on the pink hero's form but your hands felt like stone, unable to move.
"Don't think it is," The hero grumbles back, watching you from the corner of his eye. "You don't be sulkin by yourself so often, but you've been a hermit all day. Whats up?"
You hated how perspective the hero was. And you hated how he always knew what someone was feeling- most of the chain assumed that the hero, as rough around the edges as he was, wouldn't pay that much attention to group outside of battle. But he did, he wouldn't say anything directly, but you could see how he would always have food on him when Hyrule got more and more tired from overusing his magic, how he almost always had a story to tell Wind when the boy was hanging his head, how he'd herd the boys when he saw Time getting to his limit. The hero of Legend was a veteran of people and adventures.
"I just..." You trail off.
How would you explain this without sounding crazy? Or weird? Or sounding overdramatic?
"Does it have anythin to do with our new guide?" He huffs, eyes trailing off to the new form huddled by the fire with the champion.
Ignoring the growing embarrassment on your cheeks, your knees curl up to your chest as you avoid the hero's dark eyes. A sound of vague understanding comes form the hero, much to your dismay.
"It's just that..." Biting your lip, you cast your eyes to the new, friendly figure who laughs with the scarred hero before facing the grass once more.
This guide, a new friend that the chain welcomed into the group as they were in need of a knowledgeable mind to aid them through this new, twisting Hyrule, was a soul more gentle than any you've ever faced. They were kind, and funny, and sweet and understanding-- an unfamiliar face you wished to know, but as the boys clap them on the back, bump shoulders and high five...the movements felt so foreign to you. You wanted nothing more than to be beside them, to join in with their laughs, your hand landing on their shoulder as your bellies ache from laughter but the idea made your stomach twist and hand burn.
What if it wasn't the same? Would you offend them? Would they see it in a light you didn't meant to shine? What was the rules to this game you weren't pick for?
"Hey," A gentle voice startles you from your thoughts, Legend, who looks at you so softly that the burn in your nerves soothe. "Look, I dont have a damned clue what your thinkin about or whats the issue, but I aint about to judge ya for it. I promise."
It...wasn't often that the hero- or any of them- made promises...
"I just...I want to be like the chosen or rancher." You sigh, sniffling from the cold night air. "They- they just have these hands and hearts made to reach out and hug but...I- I was never taught that. My heart and hands are rough, they're sweaty and unsure and I just want..."
"Touch?" Legend offers.
"Yeah..." You sigh, hands rubbing your face. "A-and I know it sounds stupid but--"
"It aint stupid." The hero scoffs. "Look, I aint the best with this stuff but...If I can offer some advice or words of wisdom than...Nothing you've done has made us uncomfortable, and if it did than we talked to ya, didn't we? Cause as much as we hold in, we say even more, and our new friend aint any different either. You don't know until you try, and if you cant try first, than just ask. I know it sounds scary, but whats scarier? Having a small conversation, or facing a reality where you made someone you care for uncomfortable around you?"
Silence washes over the both of you as the words tumbling from the hero's mouth comes to an end. Another chime of laughter dances in the air, and this time it doesn't bring tension or raised nerves. It...was peaceful, you guessed.
"Thats easier said than done, ya know?" You turn to Legend with a weary smile.
The boy faces you with a shrug. "Everything is, but this is an issue you wanna solve, right?"
You nod, looking over your shoulder to where your new friend stands, cradling a cup of...something. "Then you gotta solve it, you aint got nobody to hold your hand and walk you through personal relationships. You get advice, but then its you who has to follow through."
"Thats stupid."
"Yeah well, so are you it seems."
"Hey!" Your hand meets the man's shoulder, who offers nothing but a mirth filled huff.
Dusting off your hand, the hero stands with a quiet grunt, stretching his legs before turning back to you, that soft look but an echo now but still there. "You'll be fine, I promise ya."
And just like that, the hero and his wack ass boots turn on his heel and head back into the center of the camp. His words where...harsh, but sometimes a blunt reality check is needed when you're too stuck in your own head.
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ii-thelightseekers · 4 months ago
💜🧪 - To keep you from asking many questions, I'd assume. If you forget, you won't have suspicions.
💙🪭 - ...is this why... is this why he said to not ask too much???
⚡️💡 - awkward...
🪭- …..maybe..
💡- omga! Trippyyyyy
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fandomtrxsh19 · 2 years ago
1. Just…. everything about the cat is so cool omg
2. Awwwwwww Little being scared of the Curious Cat
3.” Are you sure they’re not called the Constantly Annoying Cat?” “Got ‘em totally roasted” WEISS LOOKS SO PROUD I LOVE HER
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4. “Did that ciel girl ever come back in a notable way” CIEEELLLL!!!! WE GOT A MENTIONS DUDES!!!
5. Alright, we got the caterpillar. sweet. THE DESIGN IS SO COOL!!!!
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6.”You should really have a better understanding of who you are now.” Damn….. that’s deep
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“To be free?” “To be something simpler?” “To be whole again?”
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p a i n
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sun-lit-goth · 8 months ago
The level of maturity u reach where u confidently argue with ur parents and realize you can live a life independent from them and be fine if not have a better relationship as adults is trippyyyyy
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gwaaaaar · 9 months ago
VERY very fond of surrealism in Satoshi Kon movies. He always portrayed it using different lenses and it's... so so cool.
Perfect Blue was surreal because Mima was going through psychosis the whole time. Real and fake are of course going to be unrecognizable and itsssss trippyyyyy.
Paprika had surrealism through dreams. Paprika is my personal favorite... but yeah it portrays dreams very well. Half-remembered things alongside just mishmashing random shit together. No matter how hard I try I feel like I can't replicate that in my head... it just makes too much sense.
Millennium Actress had the surrealism via the movies Chiyoko was in. They told the plot through her movies yet surprisingly it isn't as confusing as I thought it would've been!
Tokyo Godfathers is a bit more realistic, but there are certain scenes like when the old man was dying where it did feel a bit confusing because of the objects on screen... so the surrealism is more in the imagery rather than what was actually happening.
These are very obvious observations, but I just wanted to talk about them :) RIP Satoshi Kon he was the GOAT
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eyeinafuckingtree · 10 years ago
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earpwaves · 7 years ago
When the shots in the first five mins of the carmilla movie was switching between dom and elise it was fucking me up because they were dressed the same and in some parts they looked like the same person
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get-deeper · 7 years ago
#pixelart #flowart #makeart #vibetime #goodvibesonly #trippy #trippyart #trippyedits #trippymane #trippyvideo #trippyyyyy @namaste_trippy
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rosicheeks · 3 years ago
okay kinda of random and maybe doesn’t make sense but for some reason you remind me of Valentina from The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.
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Tell me what fictional character I remind you of 🥺💖
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violetgrenade · 6 years ago
what a TWIST truly MARVELOUS
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trippygalaxy · 10 months ago
Band AU Question for you.
What is the relationship between Sky and Sun in the band AU? Do they live together? Apart?
They dont live together sadly, Sky lives with some of the boys in a bigish house while Zelda stays with her dad! Sun is still going to college for her degree in Ancient History!
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fxckdolanz · 7 years ago
do you ever just sit back and wonder just how DIFFERENT your life would be if the twins got accepted into that private school with the sports program, quit Vine, and then went on to be professional sports players like OBJ instead of social media influencers?
or is that just me?
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slaywidkae · 7 years ago
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I’d like to think that maybe if Calv warned me that our meeting this morning was with the suppliers I’d dress a little more appropriately but even I know that’s a lie..   
Happy Friday everyone; Cheers to the freakin’ weekend!
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