#triplet birthday
sauraunderscore · 10 months
Birthday joy
I'm extremely honoured to share my birthday with @feuxx and @mirayladraws, two of the most wonderful people in the Merthur fandom.
As extremely weird as a triplet birthday is, I can't be prouder to be part of it.
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Please remember to share birthday wishes with my amazing blorbos!
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empty-cryptid · 2 years
So, @breannasfluff and I were chatting about sandwiches again and then the idea of Julieta experimenting by cooking with anger came up, so I wrote this.
Thanks for influencing this!
Feliz Cumpleaños Triplets!
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puffywuffy8904 · 5 months
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Wanted to try my hand at designing some slightly older duck kiddos!!! Headcanons and insane ramblings under the cut:
I designed these to be around 14-15, so early high school age (y'know in a hypothetical scenario where they actually end up going to high school). I imagine they still adventure with Scrooge and the fam, just moreso on the weekends (cut to Huey on the floor of the Sunchaser frantically trying to finish his biology homework while they're being shot at by sky pirates). Donald and Della are also both a part of the school PTA. Nobody else in the PTA is happy about this. Now for individual headcanons:
Straight A student that's kinda neurotic about his grades, will freak out if any of them drop to a B.
I like to think of his hat as his comfort item so he still has the same one and if it was up to me he would also wear it to adulthood. even if a grown ass man in a lil baseball cap looks silly.
He's sooo mad about Dewey being taller than him lol.
Solid B student with the occasional C.
Couldn't join the drama club and the basketball team at the same time so he chose the drama club (the actual reason is that he tried out for the basketball team and didn't make it but he won't admit that). He still likes to carry around a basketball and practice on the court by himself.
Grows cheek fluff like the others he just cuts his off out of insecurity.
He's the tallest.
Has pretty shitty grades, not because he's not smart, but because he doesn't really try (I mean, kid already has it made, why bother?).
Still wears the same green hoodie every day like he did as a kid but this time it's a little bit bigger and baggier. Does he wear the same clothes underneath too???? We will never know.
He's the shortest.
Also a straight A student like Huey but seemingly puts in way less effort than him (which bothers Huey greatly).
Has to carry all her supplies in her arms because she's not allowed to bring a bag to school anymore (she kept trying to bring weapons in. Not because she planned on using them, but because you can never be too prepared.)
In at least 5 different clubs, probably started like 3 of them.
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vanteguccir · 2 months
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        𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: When Chris is starting to come to terms with the horrible idea that he will have to spend his birthday away from Y/N, a surprise takes him, literally, by surprise.
WARNING: Making-out.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: A small story only to warm up for their birthday! I'm going to post more tomorrow 🩷
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The day before the triplets' 21st birthday in Boston was marked by a mix of nostalgia and melancholy for Chris. Despite the bustling energy of their family home, Chris couldn't shake off the heavy feeling of absence. Matt and Nick seemed to be in higher spirits, enjoying their time back home, but Chris felt an emptiness that gnawed at him relentlessly.
Chris had always been too close to Y/N, his girlfriend, who had remained in LA due to her college classes. And as he sat in the living room, watching his family laugh and share stories, Chris couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sadness. He missed Y/N's laughter, her presence, the way she made every moment brighter.
The fact that she couldn’t be there for such a significant milestone made him feel both sad and angry, though he knew it wasn’t her fault. College was important, and he respected her dedication to her studies.
The house was filled with the comforting smells of home-cooked meals and the familiar sounds of family. Chris held his phone in his hand, scrolling through old pictures of him and Y/N, trying to fill the void with memories of their time together.
His thumb paused on a picture Nick took of them at American Ninja Warrior, both of them grinning widely at the camera. It had been taken just a few weeks ago, during their filming. He could almost hear her laugh, see the way her eyes sparkled in the neons light. The longing in his heart intensified, making him feel even more isolated despite being surrounded by his loved ones.
Mary Lou noticed her son's downcast demeanor very quickly, and as soon as she got a little space, she went to sit beside him.
"Chris, honey, what's wrong? You’ve been so quiet all day." She said, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, caressing the area.
Chris sighed, leaning into his mother's comforting touch.
"I just miss Y/N, Mom. I know she has classes and all, but it feels wrong to be celebrating without her." He tried to smile, lowering his eyes.
"I understand, sweetheart." Mary Lou gave him a sympathetic smile. "But remember, she’s always with you in spirit. And you’ll see her soon enough. Try to enjoy this time with your family. It’s been so long since we were all together like this."
He nodded, appreciating her words but still feeling the weight of Y/N’s absence. He knew he should be more present, more engaged with his family, and the guilt of not doing that weighted above him, but his thoughts kept drifting back to LA, to the love of his life.
That night, Chris lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The house was quiet now, everyone else had gone to sleep, tired from the day's activities. He picked up his phone again, contemplating sending Y/N another message. They had exchanged texts throughout the day, but he didn’t want to seem too needy or make her feel guilty for not being there.
Instead, he decided to call her. The phone rang a few times before she picked up, her voice soft and sleepy.
"Hey, honey." She murmured. "Is everything okay?"
Hearing her voice brought a rush of comfort and a pang of sorrow to Chris, a smile taking over his features automatically.
"Hi, babe. Yeah, everything’s fine. I just... I miss you. I wish you were here." His voice sounded soft and lower than usual.
"Oh, babe, I miss you too." She said, and he could hear the sincerity in her voice. "I wish I could be there, Chris. I really do. But I promise, we’ll celebrate when you get back, okay?"
Chris sighed, closing his eyes for a few seconds before reopening them, looking at her contact name glowing on the small screen.
"I know. I just... It’s hard, you know? Being here without you. It doesn't feel right."
"I know, babe. But you’re surrounded by family, and they love you. Try to have a good time, for them. And for me." He almost could listen her sweet smile across the phone.
He nodded, even though she couldn’t see him, breathing deeply.
"I’ll try. I just can’t wait to see you."
"Me too. Get some rest, pretty boy. Tomorrow's a big day. I love you." She whispered softly, the sound of sheets moving around echoing in the background.
"I love you too, Y/N. Goodnight." He muttered quietly, biting his bottom lip slightly.
As he hung up the phone, Chris felt a mixture of emotions. He tried to focus on the next day as he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of the day he’d be back in Y/N’s arms.
Unbeknownst to Chris, Y/N had been planning something special. She had spent the last few weeks organizing a surprise that she hoped would make up for her absence. She knew how much this milestone meant to him and his brothers, and she wanted to be a part of it in any way she could.
The morning of the triplets' birthday dawned crisp and clear in Boston. Mary Lou was already in the kitchen, bustling about as she prepared a grand breakfast. The aroma of sizzling bacon, freshly baked muffins, and brewing coffee filled the house, a warm and welcoming scent that promised a day full of celebration.
Jimmy and Justin had gone to the grocery store to pick up some last-minute items needed for the big birthday lunch they were planning. The house was alive with activity, everyone playing their part in making this day special.
Matt and Nick had left early, driving to the airport to pick up Y/N. They had been in on the surprise from the start, eager to help bring a genuine smile to Chris's face. The drive was filled with excitement and a few playful jabs at how Chris would react, trying to imagine his expression when he saw Y/N in their home. Y/N herself was a bundle of nerves and anticipation, her heart racing at the thought of surprising Chris. She had barely slept after their call, her mind buzzing with plans and excitement.
As Matt and Nick’s car pulled up to the curb at the airport, Y/N spotted them and waved excitedly, a big smile on her face. They greeted her with warm hugs and excited chatter, filling her in on the plans for the day.
The drive back to the house was filled with lively conversation, Y/N asking about every little detail of their plan, wanting everything to be perfect. Matt and Nick reassured her that everything was set and that their parents were in on the surprise, ready to welcome her with open arms.
As they drove through the streets of Boston, Y/N suddenly remembered something.
"Hey, Matt? Can we stop by a flower shop?" She asked, a hint of urgency in her voice while her eyes kept watching the landscape moving quickly through the window. "I want to get something special for Chris."
Matt and Nick exchanged a glance, then nodded.
"Sure, we can do that." Matt said, turning the car toward the nearest florist he knew all too well from the times his father used to bring them there to buy some flowers for Mary Lou.
The flower shop was a charming little place filled with the vibrant colors and sweet scents of countless blooms. Y/N spent a few minutes selecting the perfect bouquet, a beautiful arrangement of Chris's favorite flowers. She wanted it to be just right, a small token of her love and the effort she put into making his day special.
When they finally pulled back into the driveway, Y/N's heart felt like it might burst from her chest. She took a deep breath, clutching the bouquet tightly, and followed Matt and Nick into the house.
Mary Lou greeted her with a warm hug, kissing her face with excitement and whispering words of encouragement. They placed her surprises in the living room, the bouquet taking center stage among the carefully wrapped gifts.
Y/N took a deep breath, looking at the family for a last time before climbing the stairs slowly, each step heightening her anticipation.
Chris's door was slightly ajar, and she peeked in to see him still asleep, his form cocooned under the heavy blankets. She slipped into the room quietly, closing the door softly behind her. The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow on Chris's peaceful face.
Y/N approached the bed, her movements slow and deliberate. She carefully lay down beside him, positioning herself so she could watch him without disturbing his sleep. For a long moment, she just observed him, taking in every detail. His dark hair was tousled, and there was a softness to his features that only appeared when he was at rest. She felt a swell of affection as she noted the faint smile on his lips, wondering if he was dreaming of something pleasant.
The room was quiet except for the rhythmic sound of his breathing. Y/N reached out, her fingers barely brushing his cheek before she drew them back, not wanting to wake him too abruptly. She could feel the warmth radiating from his body, a comforting presence that she had missed so much. Her heart ached with a mix of love and longing, overwhelmed by the sight of him so close yet so unaware of her presence.
After what felt like an eternity, Y/N leaned in closer, her lips hovering near his ear.
"Chris." She whispered softly, her voice barely more than a breath. "Wake up, pretty boy."
Chris stirred slightly but didn't open his eyes, better accommodating his position.
"Five more minutes, babe." He mumbled, his voice thick with sleep. There was a pause, and then his eyes snapped open. "Wait, babe?" He lifted his head from the pillow, and when he saw Y/N lying beside him, his eyes widened in shock, his body sitting up abruptly. "Y/N?"
She smiled, tears of happiness welling in her eyes, sitting up to be on the same level as him.
"Happy birthday, Chris." She said, her voice filled with warmth and love.
Chris blinked a few times as if trying to make sure he wasn't dreaming. Then, a broad smile spread across his face, and he pulled her into a tight embrace.
"Baby, oh my God! I can't believe you're here!" He exclaimed, his voice a mix of joy and disbelief.
"I wouldn't miss your birthday for anything." She replied, hugging him back just as tightly. "I wanted to surprise you."
Chris pulled back slightly, looking at her with a mixture of awe and adoration.
"This is the best birthday present ever." He said, his eyes shining with happiness. "I was so sad you couldn't be here, and now... you're really here."
Y/N laughed softly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead.
"I'm here, Chris. I'm really here, and I'm not going anywhere else." She whispered, her thumb caressing his forehead softly, traveling to his brows and cheek bones. "Okay?"
"I've missed you so much." He muttered, his hands snaking up her shoulders to her face, cupping her cheeks, his fingers threading into her hair, and finally brought his lips crashing down onto hers in a hard, heated kiss. The intensity of it took her breath away, her knees going weak as she clung to him for support, her hands lowering to his jaw.
Chris kissed her with a desperation that spoke of all the days they had been apart, his lips moving against hers with a raw, unrestrained passion. His hands moved to her waist, gripping her tightly as he pulled her onto his lap, settling her straddling him. The closeness sent a shiver down her spine, and she could feel the rapid thud of his heart against her chest, mirroring her own.
Y/N's hands tangled in his hair, tugging gently as she kissed him back with equal fervor. The kiss deepened, their tongues meeting in a heated dance that left them both gasping for air. Chris's hands roamed over her back, pulling her closer as if trying to erase the distance that had been between them. He groaned softly against her lips, a sound that sent a rush of warmth through her.
Y/N could feel the world spinning around her, her senses overwhelmed by Chris's touch, his taste, his scent. His hands were everywhere, touching, caressing, exploring, and killing all the bad feelings he felt away from her.
When they finally broke apart, gasping for air, Chris buried his head in the crook of her neck, his breathing ragged hitting against her skin.
"I love you so much, babe." He whispered against her skin, his voice thick with emotion. "You have no idea how much I've missed you. This is the best gift I could ever ask for."
Y/N's heart swelled with love and tenderness as she held him close, feeling his vulnerability and happiness. She could feel his tears wetting her skin, and she gently stroked his back, comforting him.
"Oh, honey, don't cry." She whispered, her voice soft while her hands traveled to his hair, massaging his curls. "I love you. So much."
They stayed like that for a long moment, wrapped up in each other, their hearts beating in sync. Eventually, they pulled apart, and Chris took a deep breath, his heart feeling lighter than it had in days.
"Come on." He said, his voice switching to one full of excitement. "Let's go downstairs, I can smell breakfast from here."
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@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @earth2starkey @freshloveforthefit @sturniolowhore @luvr4miya @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @hearts4chriss @cupidzsq @junnniiieee07 @lightsgore @gidgett11037 @soimightlikeoldmen69 @ldr-sl0t @its-jennarose @sainzzsturns @soso-scarlettolivia @bitchydragonparadise @freshsturns @h3arts4harry @patscorner @strnilolo @bernardsbendystraws @poetatorturadaa @meg-sturniolo @orangeypepsi @jnkvivi @chrisactualwife @fratbrochrisgf @elordilover @somegirlfromasgard @hpyjw @colorthecosmos444 @thewhispersofthewaves @mattslolita @imwetforyourmom @mrl217 @delilahsversion @sturnsmia @mattsfavbitchhh @sturnioloshacker @soursturniolo @blahbel668 @sarosfilms @moncherriis @tobesolonelyjess @zayyluvz @littlemisswhore
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cyberl6ve · 2 months
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── .✦ : Y/N quietly arrives at the Sturniolo triplets' house at midnight, eager to be the first to celebrate their special day. Armed with personalized mini cakes for each brother, she makes her way downstairs to Chris's room. As she opens the door and surprises him, the intimate and thoughtful gesture creates a memorable start to his birthday. When he blows out his candles he wishes for something special, something that might come true.
· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · · 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 !! · · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
⊱ ۫ ׅ ✧ : 𝐀𝐬 𝐈 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐬’ 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞, my mind is racing with excitement. It's well past midnight, but I know this is going to be worth the late-night visit. I can barely contain my anticipation as I pull up in front of their house, grabbing the three small cakes from the seat next to me.
I quietly unlock the front door and tiptoe inside, making my way around the darkened house. I place the cakes on the kitchen counter, careful not to make any noise. As I approach Matt's door, I light up the 2 and 1 candles on his cake, a sly smile playing on my lips. I knock softly, and his voice calls out, “Come in.”
I walked in and turned the light on and with a soft, hushed voice, I begin to sing “Happy Birthday” to Matt, hoping the other brothers won't hear me just yet.
Matt looks up, a surprised but happy expression on his face as he hears my voice singing the familiar birthday tune. His eyes widen as he sees the cake with the lit numbers flickering in the dim light.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” he whispers, a mixture of surprise and delight on his face.
“Shhh, it's a surprise,” I reply quietly, holding a finger to my lips in a playful shushing gesture. I approach his bedside, holding the cake out to him with a small smile.
“Happy birthday, Matt,” I murmur, watching as he looks at the cake in a mixture of disbelief and happiness.
A genuine smile spreads across Matt's face, his eyes meeting mine. “You came all the way over here in the middle of the night just to give me a cake?” he whispers, clearly touched by the gesture.
I nod, a small smile playing on my lips. “Of course I did,” I answer quietly. “It's your birthday, and I wanted to be the first one to celebrate with you guys.”
Matt looks at the candles flickering on his cake, his eyes sparkling in the dim light. He takes a deep breath and blows out the candles, extinguishing the slender wisps of smoke that rise into the air. As he does, he looks up at me with a soft smile.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he says quietly, his voice warm with gratitude.
I hand Matt the fork, watching as he takes his first bite of the cake. His eyes light up with pleasure as he tastes the flavorful treat.
“This is really good,” he whispers, his mouth partially filled with cake. I chuckle quietly and take out my phone, raising it up to capture the moment.
“Say cheese,” I murmur, clicking a picture of Matt with the cake in front of him.
Matt obliges, flashing a wide, cheesy grin for the camera. I can't help but smile at the sight, capturing the moment forever on my phone.
“There we go,” I say as I put my phone down, still smiling. “The perfect birthday snap.”
I leave Matt's room, the smile still lingering on my lips. I head back to the kitchen, grabbing Nick's cake from the counter and lighting the candles. With care and anticipation, I make my way up the stairs and knock softly on Nick's door.
“Yeah?” Nick's voice calls out from the other side, and I take it as an invitation to enter.
I push open the door and step into his room, Nick sitting at his desk, his back to me. He turns around, a surprised but pleased expression on his face as he sees me standing there with the cake in my hands.
“Y/N?” he whispers, his voice filled with a mixture of shock and joy.
I smile at him, my heart swelling with affection. With a soft, hushed voice, I begin to sing “Happy Birthday” to him, just like I did for Matt. Nick's eyes widen with surprise and warmth, a small smile spreading across his face as he listens to my singing.
I can see the mix of emotions playing on his face as he listens to the quiet birthday tune, his eyes never leaving mine. As I reach the end of the song, I hold out the cake towards him, the glowing candles casting a warm light in the dim room.
“Happy birthday, Nick,” I murmur, my voice soft and sincere. He stands up from his desk and approaches me, taking the cake from my hands.
“Thanks, Y/N,” he replies, his voice filled with gratitude. He takes a moment to admire the cake, then looks back up at me, his eyes shining.
I continue the same routine, handing him the fork and taking a picture of him holding the cake. Nick smiles widely for the camera, clearly enjoying the unexpected birthday treat.
“Perfect,” I say as I lower my phone, smiling at the photo. “Now we just need to do it for Chris.”
I head back to the kitchen, my heart fluttering with nerves and excitement. I prepare Chris's cake, setting up the candles just like I did for Matt and Nick. This time, I hold up my phone camera to record the moment, wanting to capture the look on his face.
With the cake in hand, I begin to make my way downstairs, feeling the anticipation building in my chest.
I approach Chris's door and knock softly, my heart pounding in my chest.
“Come in,” Chris's voice calls out from the other side.
With the phone camera recording, I push open the door and step into the room. I begin singing “Happy Birthday” quietly, my voice soft and melodic in the dim light.
As I walk into Chris's room, I notice him sitting on the edge of his bed, his phone in hand. He looks up as I enter, a surprised expression on his face.
He quickly sets his phone aside, clearly intrigued by my unexpected presence and the cake in my hands.
Chris looks up at me, a mixture of surprise and delight on his face.
“Baby, what are you doing here?” he asks, his voice filled with bewilderment. He stands up, his eyes fixed on the cake in my hands and my phone recording in the other.
I take a few steps towards Chris, holding the cake out to him. The camera continues to record the moment, capturing the way his eyes light up when he sees the cake and the flickering candles.
“It's your birthday,” I say softly, watching his face as I put the cake in front of him.
Chris's eyes widen as he looks at the cake, the realization slowly dawning on him.
“You really came all the way over here just to bring me a cake at midnight?” he asks, his voice bewildered yet touched.
I nod, a soft smile playing on my lips. “Of course I did. It's your birthday, and I wanted to be one of the first ones to celebrate with you guys,” I reply quietly, my voice filled with affection.
Chris smiles, his eyes meeting mine. “You're amazing, you know that?” he says, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. He looks down at the cake, the warm candlelight casting a soft glow on his face.
I glance at the candles on the cake, noticing their flames starting to flicker. I chuckle softly and look at Chris. “Blow them out before they go out by themselves, silly,” I say gently, a hint of amusement in my voice.
Chris smiles at my words, closing his eyes and making his wish. For a brief moment, his face is filled with quiet contemplation. Then, he blows out the candles, extinguishing them in a single gentle breath.
He looks back up at me, a smile still lingering on his lips. “There,” he says, his voice tinged with satisfaction.
I hand him the cake and ask, “What did you wish for?” Chris chuckles, shaking his head slightly. “I can't tell you,” he replies, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “If I do, it won't come true, you know that.”
I roll my eyes playfully, a small smile on my face. Chris stands up and gives me a quick peck on the lips, the camera still recording.
“Thank you, baby,” he says, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. “I appreciate you so much for doing this.”
I smile back at him, feeling a flutter in my chest. “I'm just glad you liked it,” I reply, my voice soft.
Chris grins, his eyes sparkling with fondness. “I do, I really do, baby,” he says, his voice filled with affection. “I love it.” He leans in, going in for another kiss, and the camera captures the sweet moment between us.
I stop the recording and look at Chris, a smile on my face. “Can we take some pictures?” I ask, my excitement growing.
Chris nods, a smile on his lips. “Sure thing,” he replies. He sets the cake back on the bed for a moment to join me. “But I need a quick drink first,” he says, heading towards the kitchen. I follow behind as he grabs a Pepsi from the fridge.
I walk over to the body-length mirror against the wall, smiling as I watch Chris approach. He wraps his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder. We stand there for a moment, giggling as we pose for the camera, taking pictures of our fun moment together.
Chris grins, his eyes fixed on the camera as it captures the moment. “We look good together, you know that?”he teases, his voice low in my ear.
I chuckle softly, my heart fluttering at his words. “Do we?” I ask, a coy smile on my lips. Chris nods, a smile on his handsome face. “Mhm,” he replies, leaning in to give me a soft peck on the lips.
I take a few more pictures of us, smiling at the silly shots we create. Then, we make our way back downstairs and into Chris's room, me walking in first with him following behind, closing the door.
I turn to him, a playful gleam in my eyes as I tease him “How does it feel to finally be 21 with no kids?” I ask, a smirk playing on my lips.
“It feels great,” Chris responds, his voice rough with desire. With a flash of intensity in his eyes, he immediately pulls me into a hungry kiss, his lips claiming mine in a passionate embrace.
I melt into the kiss, my body pressed against his as our mouths move together in a feverish dance. The world around us fades away as we lose ourselves in each other, our bodies flush against the door as our lips and tongues explore each other's mouths.
His hands roam over my body, his touch igniting a fire in my veins. I tangle my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer, wanting to feel every inch of him against me. Our breaths mingle, our kisses becoming more urgent, our need for each other growing with each passing moment.
As our kiss deepens, Chris begins trailing kisses along my neck, his lips hot against my skin. I tilt my head back, sighing softly as his mouth finds the sensitive spots, sending shivers down my spine.
He pauses for a moment, his breath warm against my neck, before continuing his trail of kisses up to my jawline and then to my earlobe, nipping it gently between his teeth. I let out a soft moan, my hands gripping his shoulders as I revel in the sensations he's evoking in me.
Chris pulls away for a moment, his lips still close to my skin, and whispers against my neck.
“Looks like my wish is coming true,” he says, a smirk in his voice.
His words send a thrill through me, and I shiver again, the promise in his statement making my heart race. I look up at him, meeting his darkened gaze, and smile.
As our eyes meet, something primal and hungry ignites in his gaze. He leans back in, his hands gripping my hips tightly, holding me close against him. Our mouths crash together in a heated kiss, no longer gentle and tentative, but rougher and more urgent. I wrap my arms around his neck, my body pressing against his, giving in to the rising heat between us.
The intensity between us grows, electric sparks jumping from every touch, as if we're dancing on the edge of a flame. His arousal is evident against me, firm and hot, eliciting a needy moan to escape my lips.
My breath hitches as he lifts me up, his grip strong and unyielding. I wrap my legs around his waist, crushing my core against him. The kiss turns deeper, more demanding as we move together, a perfect rhythm forming between us.
My breath hitches as he lifts me up, his grip strong and unyielding. I wrap my legs around his waist, crushing my core against him. The kiss turns deeper, more demanding as we move together, a perfect rhythm forming between us.
Chris, ever the gentleman, eases me down onto the bed. His hands linger on my bare arms as he watches me with a carnal hunger. I lie back, legs still wrapped around him, and let out a sigh as his lips explore my neck.
Chris' lips meet a particularly sensitive spot, and I moan in response, arching my back, pressing myself closer to him. The pleasure is building, tightening in my belly. God, I want him.
“Baby, we're going to mess up that cake,” I giggle breathlessly as Chris trails kisses down my neck. “Mmm, leave it,” he growls, nipping at my neck. “It's going to come in handy soon enough.”
Chris reaches down, his fingers hooking into the hem of my shirt. He pulls it up over my head, leaving me bare-chested. His eyes widen as he takes in the sight, my breasts on display with no bra to hide them. “No bra?”
“Fuck, you're killin' me,” Chris groans, his eyes roaming over my bare chest. He leans down, taking one nipple into his mouth and swirling his tongue around it. I moan, reaching up to grab onto his hair as he worships my body.
“Fuck, you taste so good,” Chris growls against my skin, sending a jolt of pleasure down to my core as he switches between sucking and nipping at my nipples. “Mmm, please don’t stop, baby.”
Chris grabs the tiny cake I got for him, a wicked glint in his eyes. He opens it, pulling the frosting out with his fingers before smearing it over my breasts.
“Happy birthday to me,” Chris chuckles, his hands full of frosting and breasts as he leans in to lick it off. The cold frosting mixed with the heat of his mouth sends a rush of pleasure through me, making me moan and arch my back.
Chris devours the frosting off of my breasts with intent, his hands gripping and kneading them as he goes. He licks and sucks every inch of them, getting every bit of frosting off while leaving me a panting mess.
Chris' hands move down my body, tugging at my sweats and underwear. I lift my hips, letting him pull them down my legs and off. Now I'm completely naked, the cool air a stark contrast to the heat between my thighs.
“Goddamn baby, look at you,” Chris says, his voice low and husky as he drinks in the sight of me splayed out on the counter, bare and wanting. He moves closer, his erection pressing against my thigh.
Chris slides his hand between my legs, his fingers brushing against my slick heat. He groans, his hips grinding against mine. “You're so wet already,” he breathes, his fingers dipping into my folds and teasing my clit.
“I need to taste you, baby,” Chris growls, dropping to his knees and burying his face between my thighs. He hungrily licks and sucks at my wetness, his fingers teasing at my entrance.
As I reach for his hair, trying to guide his face closer to where I need him most, Chris grips my thighs hard and forces my legs apart. “No, baby, I'm in control now,” he says, his voice rough with lust as he resumes his relentless oral assault on my aching pussy.
Chris' tongue delves deep, fucking into me as his fingers dig into the soft flesh of my hips. I cry out, my fingers tangling in his hair as he eats me out with reckless abandon. The intensity of his desire, the raw hunger in his touch, sends me careening towards the edge.
Chris's lips and tongue work me higher, my moans growing louder as I writhe beneath him. He sucks on my clit, hard, sending an electric jolt through my entire body. “Oh god, yes!”
Chris's tongue curls around my sensitive nub, the pressure and friction pushing me over the edge. I scream, my body convulsing as I cum hard, gushing all over his face. He laps at my pussy, milking every last tremor from my body.
Chris slows down, painting my still-spasming pussy with thick, cold frosting. He smirks against my wet folds, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Here, baby,” he says, squeezing a dollop of frosting onto his finger. “I think this needs a little something extra.”
With a wicked grin, Chris leans in and licks the frosting from his finger, savoring the sweet and tangy taste. Then, he dives back in, his mouth covering my pussy as he eats the frosting off me like it's the most decadent dessert.
Chris reached my lips, kissing me deeply, his tongue twining with mine as he groans into the kiss. I reach up, my fingers finding the hem of his shirt and tugging it upwards. Breaking the kiss, I pull the shirt over his head, revealing his tone chest and abs.
As Chris's shirt hits the floor, his hair falls across his forehead, framing his chiseled features. The silver chain dangles enticingly against his chest, drawing my eyes to the V of his tone torso.
With a sudden surge of strength, I flip Chris onto his back, straddling his waist, my knees on either side of his waist. I run my fingers down the length of his chain, watching as it slides across his chest.
Leaning down, I press my lips to Chris's collarbone, leaving a trail of kisses down the length of his chest. I nip and suck at the sensitive skin of his torso, creating love bites on his collarbones, pecs, and abs.
With every bite and kiss, Chris lets out a low moan, his back arching up off the bed as I tease him. He reaches up to tangle his fingers in my hair, pulling me closer. “Don't stop,”
“Oh, don't worry,” I whisper seductively. “I plan on exploring every inch of you.” I continue kissing and biting my way down his torso, making sure to leave my mark on him. His moans grow louder and more desperate as I work my way lower.
With a swift tug, I pull Chris's sweats and boxers down in one motion, revealing his thick, throbbing cock. I lick my lips hungrily, my eyes flicking up to meet his, a wicked grin on my face. “Mmm, someone's eager.”
“You have no idea,” I say, my voice rich with desire. I can't wait any longer, I need him now. I wrap my hand around Chris's cock, slowly stroking up and down as I continue peppering his chest with kisses.
“You like that?” I ask, my voice a husky whisper. His only response is a low moan, his hips thrusting into my hand as I pump him harder.
With a determined glint in my eye, I decide to make Chris's birthday one he'll never forget. I lean down and run my tongue along the underside of his cock, from the base to the tip, savoring his musky taste.
I take in the sight of Chris's thick, veiny cock, the veins pulsing with his arousal. I wrap my lips around the head, giving it a gentle suck as I stroke the shaft with my hand. My tongue swirls around the sensitive flesh, lapping up his pre-cum.
Moving my mouth further down the shaft, I take more of Chris's cock into my mouth. I use my tongue to massage the veins, adding a new level of pleasure to the blowjob I'm giving him.
The feeling of Chris's cock in my mouth is overwhelming. I can feel every vein and ridge, and the taste of his pre-cum is driving me wild. I moan around him, the vibrations sending shivers of pleasure through his body.
I bob my head, taking him deeper and faster, my hand pumping in time with my mouth. The sounds of slurping and sucking fill the room as I worship his cock with my mouth and hand. Chris's hands tangle in my hair, guiding me as he grunts and moans.
“Oh, fuck, that feels so good,” Chris gasps, his hips thrusting forward as I take him deeper into my throat. “Your mouth is amazing. Don't stop.”
“Mmm, yes, just like that,” Chris moans as I suck harder, my hand stroking him in rhythm with my head bobs. “You're gonna make me cum so hard... Ah, f-fuck, don't stop, please don't stop.”
Chris's voice becomes higher pitched as he nears his climax, his breath hitching in his throat. “Oh, fuck, I-I'm almost there... don't stop, don't stop, oh God, don't stop!” He whines, desperate for release.
I pull back slightly, looking up at Chris with a mischievous glint in my eye. “Hold it,” I whisper, my voice husky with lust. “Don't cum yet.” Chris whimpers, his hips twitching with the effort of holding back.
I take his cock back into my mouth, swirling my tongue over the tip possessively, feeling it throb against my lips. I then reach for the frosting and smear some on the shaft of his cock, sucking harder as I lick and taste the sweetness.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Chris whines, his hips bucking against my face as I suck and lick his coated cock. “Please baby, please, I need it, I need it so bad!” He begs, his voice cracking with desperation as he teeters on the edge of climax.
“Need what so bad, hmm?” I taunt, taking my mouth away from his cock for a moment to give him a wicked grin. “Be a good boy and beg for it harder.”
Chris's eyes widen at my challenge, and he lets out a low groan before saying, “Please, baby, I need your mouth on me. I need you to make me cum. Please, I can't hold back much longer.”
I take Chris's cock back into my mouth, and he immediately starts to face fuck me, his hips thrusting forward as I struggle to keep up with his aggressive movements. The head of his cock hits the back of my throat, causing me to gag slightly, but I don't fight him off.
Chris groans deeply as he continues to pound into my mouth, his grip on my hair tightening. I relax my throat, letting him go deeper, and he bottoms out with a harsh grunt. I gag again, eyes watering, but I swallow around him, trying to take all of him.
Chris's thrusts become more erratic as his climax approaches, and I can feel him tensing up, his fingers gripping my hair tighter. I use my tongue to swirl around the head of his cock, sucking harder to bring him over the edge.
I moan around Chris's cock, my breath hitching as he face-fucks me harder and faster. The sounds of our heavy breathing and slapping skin fill the room, and I feel like I'm losing myself in him.
“Chris... Chris!” I moan, my voice muffled as he fucks my mouth with a fever intensity. I'm his to use however he wants, and I love it. My body tingles, wetness pooling between my thighs as he takes me like this.
Chris's thrusts become more desperate as he nears his climax, and with a final hard fucking, he comes hard in my mouth. I swallow quickly, moaning softly around him as I taste him. I'm a mess, legs weak and aching, but I want more.
Chris reaches his climax with a loud groan, his hips bucking against my face as he releases inside me. I swallow every last drop, loving the taste of his power and pleasure. “Fuck!” he exclaims, his body tensing with the final waves of pleasure.
Panting heavily, Chris slowly pulls out of my mouth, his softening cock slipping past my lips with a pop. I lick my swollen, glistening lips, tasting the remnants of his release. He looks down at me, his eyes dark with desire and satisfaction, and I know we're far from done.
I hover over Chris, our faces inches apart as I capture his lips in a searing kiss. He responds eagerly, his hands coming up to frame my face as we make out passionately. Breaking the kiss, I grab a piece of cake from and press it to his lips. “Open,”
With a smirk, Chris opens his mouth, his eager tongue reaching out to meet the fork as I feed him the cake. He moans slightly at the taste, his hands wandering down to rest on my hips, pulling me closer as he chews. “Mmm, cake and cum.”
Without warning, Chris suddenly flips us over, pinning me beneath him on the bed. I let out a surprised yelp as he settles between my thighs, his hardening cock pressing against my soaked pussy.
Chris's eyes gleam with a wicked intent as he grins down at me, his voice low and husky. “Think you can make my wish come fully true?” He reaches down to run a finger through my wetness, teasing my entrance before withdrawing. “And what would that be?”
Chris grins down at me, a devilish twinkle in his eyes. “Oh, you know exactly what that would be,” he says. “I want to fuck you until we both pass out from exhaustion.”
Chris's lips curl into a wolfish grin as his hands grip my hips, pulling me against his hard cock. “So, will you let my wish come true and let me fuck that tight pussy of yours? It is my birthday” he growls, his breath hot against my neck.
I nod eagerly, wrapping my legs around his waist to pull him closer. “It doesn't have to be your birthday to fuck me, baby,” I whisper huskily, my hands roaming over his chest. “I want you to fill me up, no matter the reason.”
Chris' eyes widen at my response, and I can see the hunger in them. “Well then,” he growls, his voice laced with desire. “If it doesn't have to be my birthday to fuck you, then I guess I'll just have to take you up on that offer.”
Chris aligns his massive cock with my dripping entrance, his thick head nudging against my sensitive folds. “Breathe, baby,” he coaxes, his voice low and soothing. “Let me in.”
With a wicked grin, Chris finally enters me, causing me to gasp at his size. “Fuck! You're so tight,” he groans, easing himself deeper inside me. “I never get tired of stretching you out like this, baby.”
Chris begins to thrust in and out of me with slow, measured strokes, each thrust hitting that perfect spot deep inside me. “Does it hurt, baby?” he asks, his voice full of sinful pleasure.
“Mmmm...a little,” I moan, my hips bucking against him as he fills me to the brim. “You're so big, baby...stretching me open...oh god...” I whimper, my nails digging into his back as he pounds into me.
Chris continues his steady rhythm, his cock driving in and out of me with ease. “Breathe through it, baby,” he coaxes, his hot breath tickling my ear. “Feel how good it feels, how I'm claiming this tight little pussy as mine.”
I let out a high-pitched whimper as Chris plunges deeper, his thick cock stretching me to my limits. “It's too much,” I whine, my voice shaking with pleasure. “You're so deep, I can feel you in my stomach...oh god, baby, please...harder...”
Chris's hand presses down on my stomach, his fingers splayed out wide. “Feel me, baby,” he murmurs in my ear. “Focus on the way I'm filling you up, the delicious stretch as I enter you deeper and deeper...can you feel it?”
I can only gasp and moan as Chris continues his relentless pace, his thick cock driving in and out of me with brutal intensity. “Oh my god,” I pant, my body writhing beneath him as he takes me. “You're so deep,”
“You like that, don't you,” Chris says, his voice full of lust and satisfaction. “Seeing you squirm beneath me, feeling your tight little cunt squeezing around my cock...fuck, baby, you were made for me.”
Chris speeds up, thrusting in and out of me with a fast, bruising pace while his other hand holds down my stomach, forcing me to take every inch of him. “I can't, oh god, I can't!” I cry out, my body trembling with pleasure and strain.
Chris's grip on my stomach tightens, his hand clenching into a fist as he continues to plow into me. “Yes, you can,” he growls, his voice low and rough with lust. “You can take it, baby. God, you feel so fucking good around me. Fuck, look at you, so sexy, so tight, all mine.”
With a sudden, brutal grip on my hips, Chris pulls me flush against him, his cock driving into me with a violent force that has me seeing stars. I'm a moaning, writhing mess beneath him, my back arching off the bed as he pounds into me with abandon. “Chris!”
The bed shakes beneath us, the headboard thudding against the wall as Chris fucks me with a wild intensity, his hips slapping against mine in a loud rhythm that drowns out any other sound. “Oh god, Chris!”
My mind is a haze of pleasure as Chris ravages me, his thick cock splitting me open with each brutal thrust. “Fuck yes, just like that,” he grunts, his hot breath falling on my neck. “Take it, baby, take all of it. You're so fucking tight, so perfect.”
With a gasp, I reach up and wrap my fingers around Chris's forearm, feeling the corded muscles flex as he drives into me. His other hand finds my breast, squeezing it hard enough to make me cry out. “Fuck, don't stop!”
Chris's relentless pace shows no signs of slowing as he pounds into me, the force of his thrusts pushing me up the bed. I cling to his arm, my nails digging into his skin as I'm overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of it all. “Chris!” I scream, my voice hoarse with pleasure.
“That's right, baby,” Chris growls, his hips never slowing as he works me mercilessly. “Moan for me. Scream my name. You're mine, all mine, and I'm going to fuck you until you can't think straight.”
Chris's words send a jolt of heat through me, my body quivering under the onslaught of his passion. I'm lost in the feeling of him, his cock stretching me, hitting that spot inside me that makes stars explode behind my eyelids. “Yes, yes, yes!”
As Chris continues to pound into me, he suddenly leans down, his mouth finding mine in a bruising kiss. I wrap my arms around his back, holding on for dear life as he fucks me senseless. My nails dig into his skin, leaving red marks as I cling to him desperately.
As Chris breaks the kiss, panting heavily, a thought flashes through my lust-addled brain. It's his birthday, after all. I should make his wish come true. With a sudden burst of energy, I flip us over, straddling Chris's hips as he looks up at me in surprise.
Smirking down at him, I grip his thick cock and position it at my entrance. Then, with a slow, deliberate motion, I sink down onto him, taking him deep inside me. I started to ride him hard and fast.
Chris's hands shoot out to grab my hips, gripping them tightly as I ride him hard and fast, his cock throbbing inside me with every thrust. The sound of our bodies slapping against each other fills the room, mixing with our heavy breathing and moans of pleasure.
Chris lets out a deep, guttural groan as I continue to bounce on his cock, my inner walls clenching around him. “Fuck, baby,” he rasps, his eyes dark with lust as he watches me ride him with wild abandon. “Take it all, just like that.”
Chris's hands tighten on my hips, pulling me down onto his cock with each thrust, making sure every inch of him fills me up completely. My body shudders with pleasure as I take him in deep, feeling him hit my spot with every stroke. “Oh god, yes!”
I lean forward, bracing my hands on Chris's chest as I continue to ride him hard and fast. His muscles tense beneath my fingers, rippling with each thrust of his hips as he meets me stroke for stroke. Our breathing quickens, growing harsher and more urgent with every passing moment.
Chris's voice rises in a desperate crescendo as he loses control. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'm gonna cum! Shit, wait, stop, baby, please stop!” But I ignore his plea, riding him harder and faster, determined to make him lose himself in pleasure.
Chris's body tenses, his breathing growing ragged as I continue to ride him mercilessly, pushing him closer and closer to the edge. “Please, please stop,” he pants, his hands clutching at my hips as he tries to slow me down.
Chris's grip on my hips tightens as he lets out a strangled cry, his cock pulsing deep inside me as he releases a torrent of hot cum. I moan at the sensation, feeling his seed fill me up, and giggle breathlessly, thrilled that I managed to make him lose control.
Chris gasps as he catches his breath, a slight pout on his lips. “I wanted it to last a little longer,” he admits, but his words are quickly followed by a chuckle, showing that he's not really upset.
I lean down, my lips brushing against his ear, and whisper with a smirk, “I really needed your cum inside me, sorry not sorry.” Chris laughs, shaking his head in amusement at my brazenness. “You're a naughty one, aren't you?”
“Only for you,” I whisper against his lips before pressing a soft kiss to them, my body still humming with pleasure from our intense lovemaking. Chris responds eagerly, his arms wrap around me, pulling me closer as our lips move in sync.
With a satisfied sigh, I slowly lift myself off Chris, his spent cock slipping out of me with a lewd squelch. A flood of our combined juices pours out, splattering onto the sheets below as I rise up, panting and glistening with sweat.
Slick with juices, I move the overturned cake on the nightstand to the side, clearing a space. The scent of sugar and sex fills the air as I cuddle up against Chris's side, resting my head on his chest and letting out a contented moan.
“Happy birthday, my love” I coo, my head still resting on his chest. “I hope you enjoyed your gift.”
Chris chuckles, running his hand through my wild hair and giving me a deep kiss. “No one will ever top this gift,”
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Authors Note: this took for ever!! started this at 11:30pm and finished at 4:23am >_<!! i still got two more to type out!! but hope you enjoyed reading, this is probably my longest story. anyways i’m going to bed
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redz0nez9 · 2 months
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missmimii · 2 months
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୨ৎ - 𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 | In which Matt has one wish for his birthday
୨ৎ — 𝐂𝐖. None!
♡︎- ℳ𝒾𝓂𝒾’𝓈 𝓃ℴ𝓉ℯ𝓈 - Happy birthday to my favourite boy in the whole entire world (short Drabble)
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Matt’s nose glimmers with a soft glow of candle light, the warm hue glowing into his blue eyes as he nips at his bottom lip. Twenty one. It seemed fake, impossible that he had really grown up so damn fast. A gentle hand kneaded the back on his neck with affection, curling the hairs at the base of his neck around her finger as he let out a sigh. That also seemed fake, her.
“Make’ a wish, baby?” She spoke, Matt’s eyes flicking upward to hers. Beautiful. Hair’s framed her jaw so sweetly, a smile on her kissable lips as she tilted her head down at him with a nurturing expression. With a little shake of the head, Matt flicked his gaze back to the candle lit cake. Ice cream slowly melted off the sides, dribbling onto the cardboard underneath as he waited his wish out. “Think of something you really love, hm?” Something he really loved?
Matt slowly lifted his gaze, eyes sliding across the table, realizing all he could ever want was around him. Marylou cheesed at him from across the table, hand in hand with Matt’s father’s as the two gazed at their son with such pride. Nick had a lazy smile on his lips as he leaned back in his chair, Chris’s head resting on the eldest triplet’s shoulder, a smear of buttercream frosting on the tip of his nose from when he blew out the candles to his cake. Nick couldn’t help himself.
Then her, Matt tipped his jaw up and met eyes with her. Butterflies fluttered in his belly as she brought a hand to his cheek, cupping the right side of his jaw delicately, thumb circling the soft skin as she hummed ever so softly. “Make a wish.” She murmured, leaning down and placing a chaste kiss on his forehead before pulling away. And he did, a warm aroma of frosting and his girlfriend’s perfume engulfing his nostrils as he leaned forward.
Pursing his lips for a moment, just before Matt’s eyes lulled shut as he blew out a light stream of air. Woosh, fire flowed off into a gusts of smoke, a comforting burning smell flooding his nose as he felt his shoulders fall. Claps were shared around the table, bubbly praises as Matt felt his lips twitch. My wish. Heart heavy with warmth as he brought a hand to his chest, pressing his palm into the fabric of his T-shirt as he concealed emotions that were far too sad to show. “Good job, baby.” The girl chuckled, the sound a beautiful melody to Matt’s ears.
As Jimmy leaned an arm across the table, everyone’s voice taking over the couples ears as Matt threaded a hand through his brown locks sheepishly. He felt .. weird. Though the attention wasn’t necessarily on him, he could actually feel the warmth and presence of everyone’s love. For him. A gentle weight was placed on his shoulder as he looked up, her hand on the boy’s shoulder as she laughed, looking around and talking to his family.
The room was dark apart from a soft illumination of a tea candle that sat aside the cake, the same cake he mentioned months prior to the special day that was his. She remembered. “Hey,” snapping from his daze, the girl glimpsed at him with concern. “what’s wrong?” Baby.
Cooing lightly, a hand lifted to brush his hair back as he stood upright from his seat. “Nothing, nothing-I’m fine.” Matt breathed out, leaning into her touch as his eyes fluttered shut. The girl watched as his eyelashes fell against the skin of his cheeks, resting his head on her open hand as she got impossibly closer to the perfectly emotional triplet. He was hers. “Then why are you crying?” A lone tear trickled down from the corner of his eyes, the blue abyss’s glazed over with wetness as he allowed them to escape.
“I’m not.” He mumbles, sniffing as he brushed his knuckles across the wetness under his eye. Laughing softly, both hands cupped his cheeks in a gentle manner. “No?” The girl mused, Matt letting out a little laugh at her tone, sniffling, “M’just happy.” So fucking happy.
Humming, she pecked his nose once. “Why the tears then?” She murmured against the now pink skin, resting her forehead against his as the two gazed into each other’s eyes. Matt brought a hand to her neck, gripping the side gently as he rubbed the soft dewy skin with adoration. “Just’ feel lucky.” He uttered, seeing her eyes glitter with shyness as he leaned in, littering kisses and nips to the side of her neck. “So fuckin’ lucky.” Matt mumbled in between pecks, voice coming out hushed.
Taglist! - @fratbrochrisgf f@jetaimevous s @sturnstvr @sturniolosarethebest @stonermattsgf@imwetforyourmom @st7rnioioss @endereies @pkfferoo @mqttittude @mattsbrowser
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333sturns · 2 months
shy!matt x fem!reader
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its your 20th birthday and matt decided to get you a new lipstick as a gift, which ends up getting him very excited.
includes heavy smut, suggestive language, masturbation no protection, and alot of sexual content.
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it was a cold december night, the sky was dark, the breeze in the air was cold and there were small snowflakes starting to pile up onto the grass. giving the grass a barely visible white surface.
you were snuggled underneath your covers, the touch of the silk brushing across your skin was such a comforting feeling that you didn’t even realize that your phone was buzzing uncontrollably.
the morning crept through and the rays of sunlight tickled your eyelids, causing you to roll over and slowly flutter your eyes open.
stirring yourself awake, you grab your phone like always, even if you werent fully awake. to your surprise you had over 50 birthday messages from your friends.
“geez, so many fucking messages…” your voice slowly trailed off and you looked through each one. all of them wishing you a happy birthday.
how cute!
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you got yourself ready for the day and smiled to yourself. your hair was slightly curled and your makeup looked nice. you wore some dark washed jorts and a cute black top that hugged your waist perfectly.
you grabbed all your items and quickly put on your shoes before quickly skipping over to your door. and to your surprise nick, chris, and matt were already outside.
“happy birthday!” they all said in unison.
you were flooded with hugs from all three of them and couldn’t help yourself from hugging them back and laughing.
“aw guys! thank you!” you chuckled, pulling back and giving each one of them a huge smile. you looked down to their hands and they all individually gave you a small gift.
“ooh, gifts? thanks you guys!” you closed your door once they all entered and walked over to sit next to them to open your gifts. once you sat down, you grabbed the first gift that caught your attention and slowly began to open it.
“lets open this one first!”
as you ruffled through the colored paper you were met with a small black box that had my name imprinted on the inside. i opened it carefully and widened my eyes at the beautiful red lipstick infront of me.
you looked over at them and locked your eyes with matt who had a small tint of blush on his cheeks. he nervously placed his hand on the back of his neck and smiled,
“yeah, i-i thought it’d look great on you.”
you caught yourself staring at matt who also was staring at you until you looked away and smiled to yourself. you were about to place the gift back inside until you noticed a small envelope inside. sealed shut with a red heart.
you picked up the envelope and carefully opened it by the heart. trying your best not to rip it.
to: y/n <3
from: matt
happy happy birthday to one of my favorite best friends in the entire world. i really hope you have a great day today and that your 20s treat you well.
p.s hope u like the gift :)
love, matt. <3
you looked over at matt with a small pout and smiled at him, placing your hand over your heart. his sloppy handwriting always made you smile.
“that was so fucking adorable matt thank you!” you smiled. giving him a quick side hug.
“of course.” matt replied.
you carefully opened the lipstick and pulled out your phone, opening the camera app. you slowly applied the lipstick onto your lips, looking over at matt and sarcastically blowing him a kiss.
“y—yup looks great as always,” he chuckled. his fingers picking at his nails nervously. you looked back at chris and nick with a smile and started opening their gifts next.
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the triplets ended up staying over for the rest of the day and nick had decided it was time to eat some cake and celebrate for the rest of the night. nick called an uber to go over to the store and chris decided to tag along.
yet the only reason they had to call an uber is because matt was in the bathroom stating that ‘he was gonna be a while.’
which meant you two were both together.
you walked over to your room to take your shoes off and as you passed by you heard a faint sound of whimpering.
“fuck, y/n, fuck,” matt sighed, his chest rising with every staggered breath he took. his fingers wrapped around his throbbing cock in need of friction and of some touch.
he slowly pumped his hand against his cock, his thumb brushing against the tip causing him to let out another small whimper.
he threw his head back and bit his lip harshly. he didnt need anybody to know that he was selfishly pleasuring himself in his bestfriends house. on your own birthday. and in your bathroom.
but fuck, he couldnt get you out of his mind. the way you applied the lipstick so smoothly against your lips he wishes it was him and not the lipstick. the way you puckered you lips in a joking manner was driving him insane. he needed you badly and he just couldnt hold it in anymore.
he just needed to see your lips wrapped around his cock as d he fucked you relentlessly until he found his release. he wanted to see that pretty red mouth of yours destroyed.
his mind was fogged up in imagines of you, your beautifully colored lips and your teasing sent him over the edge.
he hadn’t even realized that he was close, or that you had now entered the bathroom out of curiosity and he didnt even react one bit. his cock twitched in desperation and a low moan escaped from matts lips. he pumped his hands faster and jolted his hips up until he suddenly came.
the white strips of cum shooting onto his hands and onto the hem of his t-shirt.
“shiit.. y/n...” he mumbled, opening his eyes and looking down at his hands covered in his warm come. he wiped his forehead which was now covered in small droplets of sweat and small strands of hair stuck against his forehead.
he looked up at the ceiling and tried catching his breath. his back against the toilet seat and his heartbeat slowly calming down.
“do you want some help?” you mumbled, breaking the awkward silence that grew between you two. he instantly looked down to your lips and felt himself getting hard and embarrassed again.
“you werent—how did you—when!-“
“i guess you were to busy jerking off you didn’t even notice i came in? huh?” you cut him off before he could continue staggering.
“its not what it looks like im—“
“matt its okay.” you reassured him and got up from the bathtub and slowly walked a bit closer to matt. once you stood infront of him you looked down at the beautiful view of his flushed face, his beaten cock, messy hair, and his lips parted slightly trying to catch his breath.
slowly, you lowered yourself down onto you knees and looked up at matt who was again blushing in embarrassment.
“is this okay?” you whispered, softly placing kisses on the head and sides of matts dick. watching him shiver from every kiss making you wetter than before.
“yeah but they.. fuck,”
“they wont be here for another few minutes just give me time.” with one hand you began pumping matts cock while slowly wrapping your red cherry lips onto his dick.
with every bob you gave matt began to get more comfortable. suddenly grabbing a fistful of your hair and pushing your head down a bit further until he was satisfied.
hearing your whimpers and small gags drove him crazy and caused him to abruptly come.
he let go of your head and looked down at you with a mischievous smirk.
“that was so fucking good baby,” he growled, grabbing your arm and pulling you up onto hip lap.
you playfully pushed him back against the toilet seat and sat yourself down onto his lap. he grunted softly at the feeling of your clothed clit against his dick. and hesitantly placed his hand onto your waist and pulled you closer to him.
“take this off, now.”
he tugged at the hem of your jean shorts and you obeyed easily. sliding them off your legs you were now only left in your panties and shirt.
he roamed his hands underneath your shirt and loved the way you bit your lip and admired his features.
he placed one hand on the back of your head and pulled you in closer, giving you a passionate kiss that he’s been dreaming of. for who knows how long.
you bit onto his lip harshly and slid your tongue in once he groaned softly. he gripped onto your hips tightly and slowly grinded your hips against his.
you separated from the kiss and slowly moved over to his neck, licking small strapes along his neck. you loved how he crumbled underneath your touch, giving into you and whimpering softly.
you pulled away from his neck and looked up at him. slowly creeping your hand down to his dick.
he knows that he wants this. i mean he was just jerking off to scenarios of you just a few moments ago, but he just didnt think it would actually be happening right now. but he isnt really complaining anyways.
you watched as he squirmed underneath you, shuddering out desperate pleases to be touched once more.
“fuck i need you.” he growled. he moved his hands down in between your legs and moved the rim of your underwear to the side.
he carefully lifted your body up and centered himself underneath you before slowly slipping himself inside of you.
“youre so fucking tight, y/n.” he ran his fingers through your hair and started to gain a steady rhythm.
you rested your head into matts shoulder and used that to place kisses along his neck while he selfishly thrusted into you. you moaned into his ear and gently bit down onto his neck, causing him to let out a stiffled moan.
“dont stop matt, youre doing so fucking good i—,” you gently placed a soft kiss on his lips, trying to keep yourself from screaming too loud. you pulled away quickly and watched as he furrowed his brows in concentration.
matts thrusts began to get more rough by the second and he wasnt holding back anymore. this is what hes always masturbated to and what hes always wished he couldve done with you and he isnt letting that slide now that he has you in his hands.
“oh matt!” you cried, throwing your head back and fluttering your eyes closed.
“im so close…” matt whimpered, desperately trying to seek for release.
the sound of our heavy breathing and skin clapping together flooded the room. the windows fogging up very slightly as you both came to your high.
“im coming!..” matt jolted his hips up once more and came inside you, his come slowly dripping in between your thighs.
he held your waist down until he was finished and buried his face into your neck while peppering small kisses.
you ran your fingers through matts hair before propping yourself up with his hands on matts shoulders. giving him a cheeky grin in my messed up lipstick.
matts neck, face, and collarbone was covered in the faint color of my lipstick. and it looked heavenly.
“you should wear that more often baby.” matt mumbled.
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ssturniolo · 9 months
hey queen i literally love your works.
could you maybe do a fic where all of the triplets’ friends are at their 20th birthday party and they’re giving them their gifts and when it gets to matt, chris or nick say they have one more surprise and for matt to shut his eyes and they bring out y/n to surprise him who he hasn’t seen in months and he gets emotional and it’s all fluffy and cute???😭😭😭
Who knew
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𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤 - Matt x fem!reader
𝔰𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶 - request <3
𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤𝔰 - none js short and not proofread
Nick, Matt, and Chris sit on the floor across from some close friends who came to spend their 20th birthday with them. They’d decided to keep it small this year to make memories with the people that mean the most to them. But only one person was missing. You.
“You guys really didn’t have to do all this” Matt says as he tosses balled up wrapping paper at the garbage bag Madi’s holding, missing by a mile.
“C’mon man, it’s the big 20. Of course we had to get y’all special gifts” Nate responds, successfully throwing that piece into the bag.
“Speaking of special giftsss” Nick drags out as he stands up.
“We’ve got one more for you” Chris finishes as nick quickly exits the room.
Matt grows increasingly concerned as Chris wiggles his eyebrows at him, his lips curling into a smirk. He has no idea if he should be scared for whatever Nick and Chris planned for him or happy because they (maybe) did something thoughtful.
Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Matt turns around, freezing as he sees the smiling girl standing in front of Nick.
“Y/n?” He whispers mostly to himself as his eyes begin to well with tears.
“Surpri- aw Matty what’s wrong?” You say, your smile faltering the slightest bit.
Matt doesn’t respond, instead wrapping you in a bone-crushing hug. He picks you up, spinning you around as your legs automatically wrap around his waist.
“Awh Matt I missed you tooo” you giggle as he sets you down, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose.
“I can’t believe you’re here” he smiles brightly, enclosing you into a hug once more.
He mouthes a ‘thank you’ over your shoulder to his two smiling brothers standing a distance behind you. Who knew how much he really needed this.
Idk how I feel about this one but thanks for the request, its such a cute idea what 😭
XOXO - Zoe
Tag-list ⬇️
@dwntwn-strnlo @soleilsturniolos @mbbsgf @gabbylovesreading @0-r-a-y-0 @sturn3g1rl @lvrsparadise @taylorssfilmsss @emssturniolo @ilovemattsturn @nickdevora @itsaaliyah2 @thetriplets3 @urfavstromboli
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ericshoney · 3 months
Fifteenth Birthday ~ Brothers!Sturniolo Triplets
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Summary: It's your fifteenth birthday and your brothers throw you a party.
Warnings: usual swearing
It was the morning of your fifteenth birthday. You had woken up to the smell of pancakes and when you walked into the kitchen you saw your mum, dad and Justin.
"Morning." You called, taking a seat at the island.
"Morning birthday girl." Your mum called, giving you a hug.
Your dad and Justin copied her actions making you smile. Your mum the passed you a small box with a card.
"It's from Nick, Matt and Chris." She said.
You smiled and opened it, a soft gasp left your mouth as you saw what it was. Inside the small box was a necklace with all your initials on it. You then opened the card and saw the cute message inside.
Hey kid sorry we couldn't be in Boston for your birthday we'll come visit soon, love you lots.
Nick, Matt and Chris
You smiled again at the message, a bit sad about them not being there. Well that's what you thought. What you didn't know was the three were at Nate's house, have already arrived last night in Boston to surprise you.
After your pancakes and getting to open a few more presents from your family, you went out shopping with your mum, having some girl time.
Whilst you were out shopping, Nick, Matt, Chris and Nate all arrived at the house and started setting some balloons and banners for you. They had also got you a few things from LA too.
A few hours later you and your mum returned home. She got a text from Nick saying everything was set up so you could go in. When you walked into the house and was showered with confetti, you smiled wider than ever before.
"Hey kid!" Chris cheered.
"Hi!" You exclaimed, running over to hug them, including Nate.
"You said you weren't coming." You said.
"We wanted to surprise you." Matt said.
"Good surprise. Thanks for the necklace too." You replied.
"Your welcome, sweetheart." Nick responded.
You couldn't wipe the large smile off your face the whole day. You knew this would be a birthday to remember.
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aintnowaybruhgtfo · 1 month
guess C.S
based off of guess by billie ellish and charli xcx
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SMUTT. p in v, oral sex,nudity. swearing. tattoos. making out. pet names.
y/n X chris sturniolo
you: pink
chris: orange
friend: purple
a/n i haven't seen enough fics about this song so im adding to it ;) it like 2 am i wrote all of this in one night. i'm not proof reading it so there is probably a lot of errors but idgaf.
i was out with my best friends shopping after we got tattoos together. we got matching lower back tattoos. the design was a heart with a pretty design on the sides of the hearts, kind of looking like wings. all i could think about was chris's reaction to it. an up beat song is blasting through the speakers as we walk into a victoria's secret in search of nice lingerie.
"i know i got chris a lot of gifts for his birthday but i see him today for the first time since he left for his birthday. so i was thinking ill get a special set in his favorite color and surprise him. what do you guys think?"
"girl your gonna get an orange set? that's gonna be hideous "
"not in his eyes"
"whatever do what you want, i'll be getting an actual nice color!"
i roll my eyes at her comment. he was very special to me so the least i could do is get a set in his favorite color, even if it will not look good. i rummage around the colors, i found a vibrant orange mesh thong with a matching mesh bra. it was bedazzled on the straps of both pieces, it also had a slight leopard print on them. they were both exactly my size, it was a sign, i had to get it. i ran to the checkout
"wow that's a color!"
"he's gonna love it! i'm so excited!!"
i arrived home with my shopping bag. chris wasn't home from the airport yet so it gave me time to try on and wear my new purchase. i slipped on both pieces and they were gorgeous, i was afraid that it wouldn't look to good on me but it was phenomenal. my new favorite set. i put shorts and a big t shirt over it so i could surprise him once he got home.
an hour or two passed. i was watching tv and i heard the keys jangling. i shot up and ran to the door and there he was. my beautiful boy was there. his eyes looked bluer since he left.
"hey my love! ugh i missed you so much!" he pulled me in fora hug as he dropped all of his bags on the floor of the kitchen
"come on! i have been waiting all week to give you your gift!"
chris opened all of his wrapped gifts. he finished opening all of his gifts except for the one I had bought that was on my body.
"for this next gift, we have to play a little game"
"ooh fun!" he smirked
"guess what?"
"just guess a color."
"hmm blue?"
"what exactly is the item that i'm guessing the color of?"
"you'll see once you get the color right. i'll give you a hint it's your favorite." i smirked at him while laying him down on the bed
"correct! now you get to see!"
his eyes widen as i take my shirt off and as my panties make an appearance.
"for me? tonight."
"all for you baby, always and forever."
"that's all i want. wow i like your new tattoo! it's so beautiful. like you!"
we smash our lips together as i fall on top of him. grasping on his hair as muffled moans leave our mouths still pressed together. we grow sloppier and sloppier. i pull away just to kiss down his neck to his collar bone. i make it down to his stomach and i tug at his boxers letting him know i want them off.
he immediately rips them off. his cock sprung out to his stomach. i grasp it and start to kiss the tip of his dick.
"god i've missed you so much."
i take his length in my mouth the farthest it could go in my mouth. my eyes start to water. he's nonstop groaning as he stares at me.
"fuck- i wish you could wear that everyday it's really turning me on." he expresses in between pants.
"fuck baby. m'gonna- cu-" he shot his load in my mouth and around my face
"shit baby i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to!"
"no need to apologize baby." i took my finger and dragged it around my face gathering his cum on my finger.
"want a taste?" i shoved my finger in his mouth.
"god baby never take that outfit off. "
he fidgets with the black bow on the waistband. i'm laying on the bed and chris plays with my panties. he pulls them to the side and my head shot up. he buried his face in my pussy. he licks everything like it's his last meal. he stuck his tongue as well as his fingers. i grasp the sheets so tight i feel they will rip any second. i moan loud as ever he detaches his lips and finger for a moment. he grabs my panties off my body exposing my throbbing pussy. he kept the panties in his mouth for a moment as he tore his shirt off. he had them in his hand for the duration of the night. he grabbed his dick and shoved it in, a loud gasp coming from my mouth.
"oh my fuck, your the best ever. don't stop there." i'm staring up at him as he holds my panties in his mouth while his hands on my hips as he aggressively thrusts into me.
"i'm about to cum now baby"
"same- oh my FUCK-"
he pulled out seeing our juices mixed at my pussy.
"that set got me so turned on. best birthday gift ever "
"glad you enjoyed it"
"let me see that tattoo again." he placed kisses for about 3 minutes on the tattoo as he drifted to sleep on my bare ass.
chris never goes anywhere without my panties in his pocket.
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kinschi · 2 years
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Happy Birthday to them!! 🧡💚💙
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mbbsgf · 2 months
21 years ago, three of the kindest and most genuine people were born. happy birthday nick, matt and chris. i hope 21 treats you well. i love you guys so much and i can't even begin to explain how much i do. the love i feel for you three is something i can't put words on and even after almost 2 years, i think i still can't. you have such an important part in my life. my fridays are so much better because of you, you make my whole week so much happier and easier to get through. i will never understand how lucky i got to have you guys in my life and i'm just so lucky to be a part of your life as well. you guys had just freshly turned 19 when i first watched a video of yours. i remember it all too well, it was a baking video, in your kitchen. i remember how much i laughed while watching this video, it had been a while since i had a laugh like that. every second of my life is brightened knowing i'll get to see a video on youtube, seeing a brand new post of one of you or even just a small selfie in one of your stories. getting to know you was one of the best thing that ever happened to me. i can't even begin to describe how at peace i feel when i'm watching you guys on my tv. i hope you know you make me and almost 7 million of other people laugh and filled with pure joy and happiness. you make us smile when we don't even feel like it most of the time. you guys are our safe place when we're feeling down, upset, sad or even angry. you make all of our negative emotions disappear and replace them with happiness and laughter. so for that, thank you. thank you for absolutely everything you do on purpose and everything you don't notice but make us feel better. we love you so much. happy 21st birthday, nick, matt and chris.
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vanteguccir · 2 months
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         𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Matt just wants to fuck Y/N as his birthday present, it doesn't matter that it's in the kitchen and they can be caught by his brothers.
WARNING: SMUT ‼️ making-out, fingering, p in v, skin biting, slightly dom!Matt, public sex, praising kink, probability of getting caught.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by @flouqiis
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
A/N²: I promise this is the last one for their birthday (or not, yall can send more requests 🤭) 🙏🏻.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
The house was a flurry of activity, a mix of laughter, banter, and the constant hum of preparations. Balloons, streamers, and banners filled the living room, all in bright colors that celebrated the triplets' birthday.
The kitchen was warm while Y/N hummed softly to herself, her mind lost in the rhythm of cooking for the three birthday boys who rushed around to prepare their party. She was stirring the pot when she felt a presence behind her. Before she could turn, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist, and she felt a warm kiss on the side of her neck, a very known perfume invading her nostrils.
"Hey there." Matt’s voice was a low murmur against her skin, sending a shiver down her spine.
His lips were soft yet insistent, trailing from the base of her neck to just below her ear, sending shivers down her spine. His hands, initially resting on her hips, moving in slow, deliberate motions. They traveled up her sides, caressing her stomach with a gentle but firm touch. The sensation of his hands gliding over her skin was both soothing and electrifying.
He paused for a moment, savoring the feel of her body against his, rocking their bodies together from side to side slowly before his hands continued their journey upward, brushing against the underside of her boobs. The touch was light, teasing, but it made her breath hitch. He squeezed gently, his thumbs brushing over her nipples through the fabric of her shirt, making her gasp softly.
"Matt." She whispered, a soft smile playing on her lips. "We’re in the kitchen. Your brothers are here."
He chuckled, his breath hot on her neck.
"They finally left. They’re going to be out for an hour or so."
Y/N’s heart skipped a beat. She turned her head slightly to look at him, her eyes meeting his. There was a glint of mischief in his gaze, a look she had come to know well.
"Babe, we don’t have time for this. We have so much to do." She indicated the mess of birthday items around the living room with her chin.
"But it’s my birthday." He said in a whine tone, his hands sliding down to her hips, pulling her closer. "I deserve a little something, don’t you think?"
Y/N hesitated for a moment, but the feeling of his hands on her body, the warmth of his breath on her skin, was enough to melt her resistance. She turned off the stove and leaned back against him, her resolve crumbling.
"Okay." She whispered, her voice barely audible.
Matt wasted no time. He turned her around to face him, capturing her lips in a deep, hungry kiss. His hands roamed over her body, pulling her closer, pressing her against the kitchen counter. Y/N’s hands found their way to his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the kiss. The world outside the kitchen seemed to disappear, leaving only the two of them in their bubble of heat and desire.
He kissed her fervently, his lips capturing hers with a hunger that had been building all day. His tongue parted her lips, exploring her mouth with a passion that made her head spin. She matched his intensity, her hands tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, deepening the connection between them.
His hands roamed over her back, pulling her flush against him, as if trying to fuse their bodies into one. The taste of him was intoxicating, a mix of desire and the faint hint of the coffee he’d had earlier. She could feel his heart beating against her chest, a steady rhythm that matched the frantic pace of her own.
Matt’s hands slid down her back, cupping her ass and lifting her effortlessly. He moved with a purpose, not breaking their heated kiss as he guided her from the counter to the table. It was a blind dance, their movements instinctual and urgent. Her legs wrapped around his waist, holding him close as he carried her.
With a firm but gentle touch, he helped her sit up, his hands sliding up her back to support her. Y/N’s breath hitched as she felt the cool surface of the table against her skin, only covered by small cotton shorts, contrasting sharply with the heat of his touch. His fingers traced a path up her spine, making her shiver with anticipation.
"Matt..." She whispered breathlessly against his lips, pleading.
"I know dove, I know. Let me make you feel good, yeah?" He muttered back before locking their lips back together.
Their kiss grew even more intense, their lips moving together in a desperate dance. Matt’s hands found their way under her shirt, lifting it over her head and tossing it aside. He broke the kiss for a moment to look at her, his eyes dark with desire.
"You’re so pretty." He murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "My best birthday present in every year, yeah?"
Y/N could only moan in response, her body trembling with need. She pulled him back to her, their lips crashing together once more. Matt’s hands moved to her tits, squeezing gently, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. She gasped against his lips, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through her.
"Babe-" She whispered, her voice a mix of urgency and longing. "I need you. P-please."
"I need you too, dove." He replied, his voice a low growl. "I've been thinking about this all day."
He undid her shorts, pulling them down with her lace panties and tossing them aside. Y/N shivered at the cool air against her skin, but the feeling was quickly replaced by the heat of Matt’s touch. With a deliberate slowness, his fingers traveled down, teasing her inner thighs before finally reaching her core.
"We shouldn't be doing this in here." She muttered breathlessly, her tone betraying her own thoughts and sounding like a moan, trembling with a mix of desire and concern.
Matt's lips curled into a cocky smile, his eyes dark with lust.
"It's my birthday, babe. Remember?" He said, his voice a low, seductive growl. "I deserve it."
He slipped a finger inside her, moving it with expert precision, curling it just right to hit her most sensitive spots. His thumb pressed against her clit, adding to the intense sensation.
Y/N gasped, her body arching towards him, her hands gripping the edge of the table so tight that her fingers took a white color.
"Oh, Matt." She moaned, her voice thick with desire. "Please."
He could feel her body responding, her hips bucking slightly, soft moans escaping her lips repeatedly. The sound was like music to his ears, urging him on.
"Shit, sweetheart." He whispered, his lips brushing against her cheek. "You feel so good. So tight around my finger."
Her moans grew louder as his finger moved faster, deeper, his thumb circling her clit with increasing pressure. He could feel her getting wetter, her body opening up to him, and he knew she was close.
"Fuck- I can't wait to feel you around my dick." He murmured, his voice a low growl.
Her moans hit his ear, sending a shiver down his spine. He could feel her getting closer, her body tensing with anticipation.
Y/N’s mind was a whirl of sensation. She could barely breathe, her body trembling with need.
"Matt, please." She begged louder, her voice cracking as her fingers danced to his wrist, squeezing the area. "I-I need you. 'Need you inside of me. Please, please, please-"
He didn't make her wait any longer, slowly withdrawing his finger, earning a soft whimper from her. He brought his hand to his mouth, tasting her, savoring the sweet, salty flavor. His eyes never left hers, smirking with her desperate reactions.
He undid his sweatpants, letting them fall to the floor, followed by his boxers. His erection sprang free, hard and ready, aching to be inside her. He gripped her thighs, spreading them wider, positioning himself at her entrance.
"Are you ready, baby?" He asked, his voice a low, husky whisper.
She nodded, her eyes filled with need.
"Yes." She whispered, her voice trembling. "Please, Matt. Plea-"
With one swift motion, he thrust into her, filling her completely, a loud and high-pitched moan scaping from his girl. The sensation was overwhelming, her warm tightness wrapping around him like a glove. He groaned, his hands gripping her thighs roughly, holding her in place as he started to move.
"Fuck, you feel so good." He groaned, his voice thick with desire, his head falling behind exposing his adam's apple. "So tight, so made just for me."
Y/N could only moan in response, her body trembling with pleasure. He moved faster, deeper, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, matching his rhythm.
"Matt." She gasped, her voice barely a whisper. "Don't stop. Please, don't sto-op."
He didn't. He thrust into her harder, his hands gripping her hips, pulling her closer.
"So fucking good." He whispered, his voice a low growl. "My perfect little thing."
Y/N clung to him as if her life depended on it, her fingers digging into the muscles of his back. She pulled him closer - if that was even possible -, her nails leaving faint trails on his skin. Her head fell on his shoulder, her breath hot against his neck as she brushed her lips on his skin, kissing and licking the sensitive spot there. Each touch of her lips sent shivers down his spine, driving him wild with desire.
"Babe, fuck! Oh my God-" She moaned against his neck, her voice trembling with need. "Don't stop. Please, never- never stop."
Her words spurred him on, fueling the fire within him. He thrust into her harder, his movements rough and relentless, each one sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. He gripped her thighs tightly, his fingers sinking into her skin, holding her in place as he drove into her with a fervor that bordered on desperation.
"Shit, dove." He groaned, his voice a low growl. "You feel so good. So fucking good around me."
Her moans grew louder, arching her back with all the intense feelings, pressing her chest against his, her nipples brushing against his chest. The sensation was electric, sending jolts of pleasure through both of them.
Matt's hands roamed over her body, his fingers digging into her flesh as he held her closer. He could feel her body trembling, her warm and wet walls tightening around him with each thrust. Her kisses on his neck grew more frantic, her warm tongue tracing wet patterns on his skin as she moaned his name.
"Fucking- God-" She gasped, her voice thick with desire. "I'm so close. S-so fucking clo-ose, Matt."
"Me too, dove." He whispered against her ear, his voice rough with need, cracking slightly. "I want you to cum with me, baby. Can you do that f'me?"
She nodded repeatedly, her eyes closed tightly, her eyes rolling behind her eyelids, lost in the sensation of him inside her.
"Yes." She moaned. "Shit- yes, Matt. Everything. 'Will always do everything-"
He increased his pace, each thrust harder and deeper than the last. The sound of their bodies moving together filled the kitchen and living room, a symphony of pleasure and desire. He could feel her getting closer, her body tensing below him, her walls sucking him in desperately, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps.
"You're mine." He whispered, his voice a low growl. "All mine. Mine to use, mine to please, mine to feel, yeah? All mine, dove."
"Yes." She moaned, her voice high-pitched echoing around them and ringing against her own ears. "All yours, only yours."
Her words sent him over the edge. With one final thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his muscles tensing roughly. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, pressing his face against the warm, sweaty region, his lips circling the curve, exhaling her sweet smell.
The sensation of his orgasm invaded him in a strong wave that made him desperately search for support, his hands flattening the table beside Y/N's hips while his fingers pressed hard into the wooden surface.
Matt's teeth grazed the sensitive skin, closing instinctively around it, sinking into the sensitive flesh, a loud and long groan escaping his lips followed by a sensual and very pornographic moan from Y/N.
The sensation of pain and pleasure that Matt's gesture brought her triggered her own orgasm, her muscles tightening in an almost painful way as she finally came.
"Matt- Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" She cried out his name, her fingers digging into his back with as much force as before, her body trembling hard with pleasure. The sensation was overwhelming, waves of ecstasy crashing over her, leaving her breathless.
They stayed like that for a moment, lost in the aftermath of their intimacy. Their bodies were pressed together, their breaths mingling, their hearts beating in unison. Matt's hands roamed over her back, soothing her, grounding her.
He slowly pulled his teeth away from Y/N's skin, a feeling of unexpected arousal invading his body as his eyes noticed the small marks his mouth had left there. A cocky smirk stretched across his face, his lips brushing her neck over the marks before sealing the skin in a small kiss.
"Shit, dove-" Matt began, but before he could finish his sentence, the sound of keys against the lock of the front door sounded from downstairs, interrupting him.
Y/N widened her eyes comically, her hands snaking from his back to his chest, pushing him away forcefully.
"Matt-" She started, being interrupted by voices coming from downstairs.
"We're back!"
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@lustfulslxt @ladybunny44 @earth2starkey @freshloveforthefit @sturniolowhore @luvr4miya @alorsxsturn @urfavgirllyyyyy @hearts4chriss @cupidzsq @junnniiieee07 @lightsgore @gidgett11037 @soimightlikeoldmen69 @ldr-sl0t @its-jennarose @sainzzsturns @soso-scarlettolivia @bitchydragonparadise @freshsturns @h3arts4harry @patscorner @strnilolo @bernardsbendystraws @poetatorturadaa @meg-sturniolo @orangeypepsi @jnkvivi @chrisactualwife @fratbrochrisgf @elordilover @somegirlfromasgard @hpyjw @colorthecosmos444 @thewhispersofthewaves @mattslolita @imwetforyourmom @mrl217 @delilahsversion @sturnsmia @mattsfavbitchhh @sturnioloshacker @soursturniolo @blahbel668 @sarosfilms @moncherriis @tobesolonelyjess @zayyluvz @littlemisswhore
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orlaith29 · 2 months
Happy birthday the sturniolos :D
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mattscoquette · 2 months
matt saying he can’t date a girl who needs a birthweek 😞😞 i don’t but my birthday is two days before valentine’s day and i expect two separate gifts which i feel like is equivalent. i fear he would hate me
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