#trip tucker oneshot
make-me-imagine · 2 years
Plot: When you and Trip get stuck working together, your dislike for each other comes to a head. But when you literally get stuck together, the reasoning behind your dislike, and other underling feelings for each other becomes clear.
Pairing: Trip Tucker x Gn!Reader
Prompts/Request: enemies to lovers (more like 'friends to enemies to lovers') "Stop." "Stop what?" "Everything you're doing, all of it." and "Out of all the people I had to get stuck in a room with, it had to be you?" <changed slightly
Requested By: @le-green-lion
Warnings: A somewhat heated kiss, but that's about it.
Words: 1.8k
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As you worked on the shuttle in silence, you could feel Trip's presence behind you like a hovering fly. You had managed to avoid being around him for a while, and it had been a couple months since you two had a full conversation. Annoyance, and hurt sat in your chest anytime you were around him.
He retaliated against your annoyance towards him, with his own, and your previous close friendship turned into...well, whatever the hell it was now.
"Are you almost done with that?" His voice interrupted your thoughts.
You rolled your eyes softly "Why? You wanna check it over to make sure I didn't mess it up?"
Trip let out a soft sigh "Well if you aren't confident with your own work, I'd have no problem doing so."
Closing the panel with a bang, you looked back at him, your eyes saying everything you needed too.
"I was asking because I need more than two hands on this." He said with clear annoyance as he gestured at the busted door panel.
As you began helping him, the two of you sat in silence again. Watching his hands closely, you saw him begin working with an unnecessary wire.
Trip paused "Stop what?"
"Everything you're doing, all of it. That doesn't need work, it's fine, this is the part that's damaged."
"I need to get to this wire to re-direct the power."
"No you don't, look-" reaching over, you pointed out another wire "This one."
Trip let out a sigh "I could do it with this one too."
"Then that would lead to unnecessary work, and you'd risk shutting down the power to-"
"Alright, alright, I'll do it your way just stop."
You felt anger rush through your chest, "Why can you never admit when you are wrong about something?"
Trip looked at you and rose his brow "Why can you never let me do something my way?"
"Why does your way always lead to even more work?"
"It does not."
You rolled your eyes "We've already been here two hours longer than necessary because I've been letting you do things your way."
"My way may be slower than yours, but I get the work done with more efficiency."
As you opened your mouth to speak, a sudden loud beep tore both of your attention away, as you saw the shuttle door quickly clamp close with a loud bang.
"Oh great." You mumbled.
"Nice one." Trip said as he looked over at you.
You opened your mouth in offense "How the hell was that my fault?"
"If you had just let me do what I was doing that wouldn't have happened."
"It could have happened either way, why does it have to be anyone's fault? The shuttle is totaled Trip."
Backing away from the panel, you turned your back on him. He felt guilt ripple through his chest for a moment, realizing you were right.
After attempting to get the shuttle doors to open, and failing you smacked the door lightly.
Realizing you left your communicator with your bag outside, you let out a sigh "Please tell me you have your communicator on you?"
Trip froze as he realized he left his outside with yours. "Uhh."
You let out a sigh "Great."
Walking over to the front of the shuttle, you sat down. Trip watched as you tried to communicate with the Enterprise. As you lowered your head Trip let out a soft breath.
"Comms are down too aren't they?" You nodded your head in silence and he stood up "Of course they are."
"Just another thing we have to fix."
"Should I do it, or would it take too long?"
You repressed an eye roll a you mumbled in annoyance "Out of all the people I had to get stuck in here with, it had to be you?"
"There was a time you'd enjoy being stuck in here with me."
You felt your heart jolt at his comment as your ears burned lightly. Remembering what made you change how you felt about Trip, your heart ached a bit.
Your voice came out soft, almost a whisper. "Yeah. Well not anymore."
Trip felt his chest tighten at your comment as he let out a sigh, shaking his head. Feeling the past frustration and confusion wash over him again.
"Why is that again? You never told me why you suddenly hated me out of nowhere."
You stayed silent as you tried t work the comms, your heart beating faster with his words.
"We used to be pretty close, hell we'd spend half of our time together, then you suddenly acted like I was some-"
"Egotistical, stubborn liar?"
Trip lifted his hands in the air as you spoke "Yeah, like that. What the hell did I do?"
You spun around in your chair, anger clear on your face "You really don't know?"
Trip gestured with his arms "No, Y/n, I don't."
As you spoke, the memory of the overheard conversation replayed in your mind. Trips hurtful words poured from your mouth in a monotone voice.
"How could I like someone who was only brought on the Enterprise because Captain Archer owed a favor to an Admiral? Besides, we have nothing in common."
As you repeated the words Trip had regretted for months, the guilt he felt was multiplied as he felt mortification grip him.
"You heard that?" He mumbled.
"Yeah Trip, I heard that." There was obvious hurt in your voice as you turned away from him again.
Trip stared at you for a moment as he took in a deep breath. "That wasn't what you think, I didn't mean that."
You lowered your head for a moment before you turned back towards him again. "No? Then what was it?"
He stepped forward "Malcolm was ragging on me for having a crush on you. He got me all riled up and I wanted to get him off my back. I said those things as a lie, to make him stop. I don't even know why. I didn't believe those things. I know you're here because you're good at what you do. And the fact that we were so different is something I loved about you."
"So you said those things about me because you were embarrassed he thought you liked me? That's not much better Trip."
"No, no." He let out a frustrated sigh before moving to sit across from you. "I just didn't realize how obvious I was being about my feelings, and I guess I panicked because I didn't want Malcolm to out how I felt about you."
"...So you did have feelings for me?"
"Yeah, I did. I do. But then suddenly you were acting so different, and I just...retaliated, 'cause I thought maybe you found out and didn't feel the same."
"I did."
Trip's raised his brow "You did?"
"I did feel the same. That's why what I overheard you say, hurt so much. I wanted to talk to you about it, ask you why you said those things, but every time I saw you, I felt so embarrassed and hurt, and I just got angry."
You watched as Trip lowered his head. Looking back up at you he shook his head lightly as moved closer to you. Reaching over he took your hands in his.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I said those things, I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to tell Malcolm the truth. That I was head over heels for you. And I'm sorry for blaming you for the door, I know that wasn't your fault."
You smiled softly at him, knowing he was being genuine. Relief washed over you, as did regret. Maybe if you had spoken to him earlier, you wouldn't have felt like this for so long.
You looked down at his hands holding yours. "I'm sorry too, I should have talked to you about it."
He stared at you until you met his eyes. "I miss you." He said softly.
You smiled softly at him "I miss you too."
As your eyes locked, you felt a familiar tension rise up again. You no longer felt anger and hurt as you looked at him, but the familiar affection you thought was unrequited. As his eyes flicked down to your lips, you came to the full realization that it had not been unrequited at all.
Leaning in slowly, Trip stopped just an inch away from your lips, his nose pressing lightly against your own. He hesitated for only a moment before he pressed his lips against yours.
Your eyes shut as you returned the kiss, as it became deeper and more passionate. His hand came up and cupped your face as he pulled you even closer by the waist with his other hand. As your own hands came up to his neck, your breaths became heavy between the moments your lips broke away.
As three loud bangs echoed through the shuttle as someone hit the outside, you and Trip broke away out of alarm.
"You two still alive in there?" You heard Malcolm call out.
"Jesus." Trip muttered as you both took in deep breaths.
Suddenly as the shuttle doors slid open, you opened your mouth in confusion.
As Malcolm peaked in, he smiled. "You two kiss and make up or should I lock you in together for a bit longer?"
"What?" You and Trip said at the same time.
"Well I got tired of all the bickering between you two, so I wanted you to work it out. And I knew you would run away from each other the second you had the chance, so..."
"So...you locked us in here on purpose?" You finished.
He nodded "Yep. Now please tell me if worked."
"Turns out it never would of had to, if you hadn't ragged on me for my feelings in the first place."
Malcolm crossed his arms "Yeah, I kind of had a feeling about that. Sorry...But?"
You and Trip locked eyes for a moment, Trip, repressing a smile looked over at Malcolm "But, we're good now."
Malcolm smiled and nodded "Good. Now, you two actually gonna fix the shuttle before we die of old age?"
Grabbing a nearby rag, as Trip grabbed a wrench, you both chucked them at Malcolm as he ran away with a laugh.
Shaking your head with amusement and annoyance, Trip stood up and walked to the door.
"Little weasel." He mumbled, as he looked back at you. "I guess we do have to finish fixing this thing."
You nodded and stood back up, watching as Trip walked up to you again. He stared at you with a soft smile.
"After we do, how about we get some dinner and talk. I missed talking to you."
You nodded with a smile "That sounds good."
His eyes flicked to your lips briefly before he smiled "Good."
xx End xx
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines, @groovy-lady, @asgardianhobbit98, @agent-catfish-kenobi, @starship-argo, @cs-please
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squinch-depraved · 7 days
got rlly inspired by @mister-sandwich's post about schlatt pissing you off and then just burying his face between your legs and i think i'm gonna continue off of the other oneshot i posted today bc something ab it was kinda yummyyy wrote this all in one sitting so i hope it's okay anyway can you tell i'm high and have the munchies 🤭
a few days later, still chuckle week, still sweltering, you sit in front of a fan on the bed you're staying in, legs hanging off the side and slightly leaning back onto your arms. eyes closed, waiting for your best friend(?) to come back so the two of you could start watching another movie. it was your new favorite activity to do together; he hadn't seen many and you got to show him your favorite films. doesn't matter that it usually ended with someone going down on the other, or that you both were too electrically aware of the other's presence to actually watch the flick. things between you two were certainly different than they were at the start of this trip, but at this point, it was a bit too late to care how relationship dynamics had shifted, what with the shoving of his cock down your throat all the time and that stuff. and when ted joined you guys, it was even more intense. the three of you definitely had something incredible, and you planned to all discuss it at the end of the week, when all the filming was done and you guys could finally relax. but for right now, ted was out with tucker hunting down some stuff for a video they were going to film together, and then they were going out to dinner with a group of friends not well known to the two of you left. it was just you and schlatt for the rest of the day and night, and you were thrilled. not that you didn't love having both boy toys, just that you were excited to have some time alone with him again.
"this fuckin' loser only keeps some weird bougie caramel top ice cream in his freezer, so i guess that's what we're having," his voice echoes down the hall until he's finally visible in the doorframe. he continues to approach until he's standing in between you and the fan and holding out a spoon.
"that's my ice cream, j," you reply tiredly, pinching the bridge of your nose. "i bought that for us to share tonight because i thought it looked good. you think i'd just tell you to go steal ted's ice cream?"
he's silent for a moment. "i think if you wanted to be cute and have a little ice cream date, we could have used ted's ice cream maker and made it a whole thing."
you whip your head up to glare at him. "are you fuckin' kidding me?"
he laughs. "what? mad i came up with a better date than you? in like, two seconds?"
"no!" you lie. "get out of the way of the fan, it's so fucking hot in here." you try to push him, or even move him at all, really, but you fail. "schlatt, i'm fucking serious. move. and give me that spoon."
he yanks the spoon back before you can reach it. with a simple, "nah," he opens the ice cream and begins eating it, much to your dismay.
"schlatt! stop it! that's for-"
"our cutesy little movie date? nah, toots, i'm gonna eat all this while you sit there and bitch about it, and then maybe, if you're cute enough, i'll eat you."
a stunned silence hangs heavily in the room before you finally regain the ability to speak, jumping up to grab at his hands (which he pulls out of reach as he continues to eat with a small smile on his lips). "sch- i actually don't even fucking know what to say," you fumble, growing more and more pissed. "i don't know why you're being like this?? what did i do?"
he sniffs.
"there's no way you actually eat that whole pint." your hands are on your hips now as you shoot daggers at him. his eyebrow cocks, as if to say, wanna bet? "i hate you so much."
he grins and goes in for another spoonful.
"you're such a dick, you know that?" you speak sharply, sinking back onto the bed.
"last spoonful. you want?"
you quickly look up at him to see him offering it to you, spoon in outstretched hand. you nod greedily and open your mouth, causing him to cackle and eat it himself. your eyes go wide, and then narrow to squint at him. "YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING- WHY WOULD YOU EVEN- I CAN'T FUCKING-" you stutter, starting time after time only to stop a few words later because your anger feels like it's consuming you. "WHY???" you scream. he simply continues laughing as he leaves the room. you sit there, fuming, unable to even move as you process everything that just happened. the rage makes you blind to him coming back and standing in the same spot. a moment later you look back up at him. "get out of the way. of the fucking fan. or i swear i'm going to-"
"shut the fuck up," he says.
you go silent for a few seconds before you ask, "where did you go?"
"throw away the ice cream. i told you shut up," he says. "can you just do one thing you're told?" his voice is sickly sweet, mocking you.
"i'm gonna punch you in the balls live on the podc-" you start, but are cut off by him pushing you back down onto the bed. "wh-?"
he wedges himself between your legs and rips the clothing off your lower half. you shriek slightly in surprise, and he buries his face in your cunt, immediately swirling his tongue over your clit, sliding a finger in. his face pulls back and looks at you, staring at the ceiling, lost in the whirlwind of things you're feeling, and says, "fuckin' knew you'd be soaking for me." he punctuates his sentence by spitting on your clit and you moan. "you taste so much sweeter than that stupid, fancy fuckin' ice cream." this makes you scream through gritted teeth (really, it was him slipping another finger in and working them inside you just right, but he doesn't need to know that) and you bring your legs to wrap around his head, fingers intertwining into his hair.
gasping and squirming under him, his tongue continues to dance all over your sopping pussy while he pins you by your hips down against the mattress. he's sloppy, borderline making out with your sticky sweet folds and you can see your essence all over his chops. his eyes, dark, drag up your body to meet yours and it triggers something in your stomach. a knot, forming and growing as he works now three fingers in and out, in and out, and curling them in all the most delicious spots. you're screaming now, his name, obscenities, how much you just hate him, how good he feels. the knot in your stomach has spread throughout your entire body, enveloping you in a warm embrace as fireworks explode everywhere, and you scream more, announcing your arrival at what feels like heaven's gate, but he just keeps going. sensitive, every nerve in your body feeling like it's being abused by this man (and truthfully, they are), tears begin to flow down your cheeks as you try to pull his head away, to no avail.
"please, j! i can't handle it! 's too much!" you cry out. he hmmphs on your clit, making you gasp loudly. something is building again, but it feels different. almost wrong. still pleasureful, but in such an intense way that your legs begin kicking, trying to get him off. but schlatt holds fast, mouth glued to the bundle of nerves that makes you move under him like this. he knows you're close, and by god is he gonna get you there. something resembling fire rips through you like a shockwave, and you release all over him, babbling something about a mess and tears falling from overstimulation.
finally, he pulls back, looking up at you while you regulate and come back down to earth. when you finally speak, your voice is hoarse. "why did you do that?"
he shrugs. "you were bein' a brat."
you nod, looking at the time.
"i'm gonna doordash that ice cream, by the way," he mumbles, grabbing his phone. " it was really good and you deserve some after all that. you still up for a movie?"
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saphushia · 9 months
I know very little about the DCU but everything about DP but for some reason your fic recs intrigued me and now I’m in dcxdp hell and I was wondering if you have more recommendations especially for finished fics 👀 you have opened a can of worms in my brain and I must feed them
ok but i literally got into this shit the same exact way aubdskjfg. literally fell ass deep into this from sheer curiosity barely knowing fuckin anything abt batman and now i've read more batman comics than i ever thought i would in my life.
anyways! yeah i think i've got a couple! apologize if there's a couple duplicates from my last recs i can't be bothered to go check it lmao
⭐= my absolute favorites
Late Night Talkin' [danny/dick] there-was-only-one-bed get-together wheremst danny n dick r hero partners
The Stiches That Bind Us Together [danny/dick] dick's not feeling well, so danny shows up at his apartment to take care of him. and danny knows well enough what hero-ing injuries look like to take a well-educated guess
Consequences danny + fear gas. bad combo
the case of the serial killer dick befriends wierd homeless teenager danny
It's a Small World Afterall [tim/danny] tim convinces danny to take him to amity on a date. he of course then gets kidnapped- by technus, of all people
Can You Fly Without Wings? circus gothica episode but danny gets taken all the way to gotham with freakshow
Cold nights and warm hands danny's sick, so dick of course invites him to stay at the manor, and they relax together
⭐Hollow the bats encounter one danny masters at a gala, and they're all immediately concerned about how blank the boy seems. danny's missing something, something important to him, and he's missing too much to even know what
Baby it's Cold Inside [tim/danny] danny unknowingly gets hit with cuddle pollen, and tim fulfills his boyfriend responsibility of providing snuggles
Surprise Halloween Haunting jason gets kidnapped to be a sacrifice in a ritual, and hijacks it to dial up a friend
4 Times Dick Grayson met Tim Drake's Partner +1 Time He Met Them All Together [tim/danny/tucker/sam] cute tim dating all the amity trio and confusing his brothers. also furry convention scene <3
⭐Bait and Switch thanks to a cult, danny ends up possessing jason, and neither are very happy about it
Last year, I starved. This year, I devour without guilt [danny/jason] danny takes one look at jason and decides he's in need of urgent ghost medical care, so he takes matters into his own hands
The Misadventures of Cosplay Man danny gets stuck in the DC universe for a little bit, so he goes around befuddling every villain and hero he comes across, with the power of bad cosplay.
⭐Satiate jason runs into danny while danny's having a little 'nice to meet you' ravenous brawl with the spirit of gotham. as ghosts do.
Vacation Crashers the fentons' camping trip goes south for all the usual ghost reasons, and that's before the batman crash lands in the middle of all of it. cue a teamup between jazz, danny, and all the bats, to take down vlad
Wanted: Dead and Alive tim rescues an injured teenager he found in a glowing green vat in an unknown experimental facility. proceeds to lose the injured teenager. loses his shit trying to find said teenager who is hiding way too effectively for a guy whose guts were on the floor a few days ago.
ok i'm only like halfway thru my bookmarks but i'm tired now kdsjbfgjkdsfg have fun~
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sidewalk-cracks · 2 years
Badger Cereal Fic Recs
I am heinously picky when it comes to fanfic, so for those of ya’ll hungry for badger cereal and in need of good fics: COME GET YA’LL’S FOOD. 
1. (we are) the fault line by @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid . This is my number one favorite dp fic of all time, tho... it’s not technically badger cereal? Danny’s only in the fic for like, 2 seconds, but it’s still got parental/protective Vlad and found family, and it’s flawless so I’m including it anyway. A basic summary is: Sam, Tucker, Dani, and Valerie team up with Vlad to rescue Danny from the government. Road trip fic featuring angst, hurt/comfort, buckets of found family, and incredible humor. Word count: 46k
2. How to Mentor a Troubled Ghost Child by @ectopal (and its sequel oneshot). This is my second favorite dp fic of all time, and it’s an actual proper badger cereal fic lol. Quick summary: Vlad has a mini-crisis and starts to work on getting his life together, starting with how he treats Danny. Enemies to friends to mentor/mentee, hurt/comfort, EXTREMELY FLUFFY AND WHOLESOME. Word count: 23k
3. Humans and Ghosts by RedGhost1010. I think this was one of the first dp fics I ever read. Not centrally focused on badger cereal, but it comes into play in the last one or two chapters, and I at least was surprised and delighted by it. Quick summary: Danny’s life is basically just falling apart, largely because Jack and Maddie aren’t the best parents. Angst warning, Danny whump, lots of Good Sister Jazz, protective Vlad at the end. Word count: 26k
4. Overshadowed by @whereonceiwasfire . This fic’s a commitment but it was a super cool read; the fight scenes were awesome and I was vibing so hard with the badger cereal. Basic summary: College-age Danny is having a rough time and it just gets worse when a certain enemy- heck, you could even say his ultimate enemy- comes back for a rematch. Fic is 95% heavy angst, some crumbs of h/c, heavy focus on badger cereal, character death and it might not be who you expect, epic anime-style fights, not sure if you’d call it a satisfying ending but it’s an ending. Word count: 142k
5. Untethered by  @life-jim-but-not-as-we-know-it (”draculard” on AO3). This is a brand new badger cereal fic that was posted only a week or two ago, so only the first chapter is out, but that so far is excellent. the Official Summary for the fic: There was a dead boy on Vlad Masters’ doorstep. So far featuring angst, hurt/comfort, big Danny!whump and protective!Vlad. Current word count: 486 words
6. Conspiracy by @elowenp . Super cute oneshot! Vlad’s not actually in it, but it’s still about badger cereal. Quick summary: Jazz (and friends) are trying to convince Danny to stay with Vlad since his parents are constantly trying to kill his alter ego. Humor and fluff. Word count: 1.5K
7. Still Better Than Google Translate by Hollyflash. I legitimately laughed out loud reading this one. Basic summary: Danny reluctantly asks Vlad to teach him Russian. This isn’t an overly spectacular idea, and it almost immediately dives off the rails. Humor/comedy, Vlad’s suffering is hilarious. Word count: 2k
I probably have more in my ao3 bookmarks that I’ve forgotten, and I’ve got a bunch of potentially good fics I’ve saved for later that I haven’t read yet, so if I find any more good ones I can reblog this or make a second post with them! :)
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q-gorgeous · 1 year
Mandatory Field Trip to the Ghost Zone
word count: 1083
Be the first person in phandom history to complete a field trip into the ghost zone au (even just a oneshot) @dekalkomania
wow more phil
“And here on your left are the Maws of Terror.”
Everyone oohed and ahhed at the giant floating mountain covered in teeth that they just passed inside the ghost zone. Danny stared out the window with his arms crossed. 
“Lighten up, Danny.” Sam said to his left. “You like exploring the ghost zone, why’s this any different?”
“Because I’ve seen these places before! This isn’t anything new to me. I don’t get why I had to come on this stupid field trip.”
“It is required for you to get a passing grade, your majesty.” Phil said from the front of the bus where he was standing. He held the microphone connected to the bus’s speakers. “Without the attendance from this field trip it is very likely you will fail the class.”
Danny gestured toward where Phil was standing. “They even stole my guy for this field trip. He’s probably got very important things to be doing.”
“I do not, your majesty.”
“Whatever note you pull out of your pocket five days from now will probably say otherwise.”
“I don’t get what you’re so bent out of shape for.” Tucker said. “This is the easiest grade ever. All we have to do is look at stuff out in the ghost zone. It’s not like we’re gonna be landing anywhere. We’ll all be safe inside this bus.”
Then suddenly the bus was making a sputtering sound and it stopped. It floated for a few seconds before Phil spoke over the intercom.
“It appears our check engine light has come on. We will be making an impromptu stop to the Screaming Spleen Plains.”
Danny glared hard at Tucker. “I hate you.”
“Does this mean we get to go explore while we wait for the bus to get fixed?” Dash asked, pressing his face into the window.
“How are we even going to get the bus fixed?” Star asked. “There are no mechanics here.”
“I don’t know.” Paulina looked over the back of her seat and down at Danny where he was sitting. “But at least we have the ghost boy here to protect us!”
Sam made a gagging sound and Danny wrinkled his nose at Paulina. He was just about to suggest that he just pushed the bus back to the portal when he saw Phil pull a giant toolbox out of his pocket. 
“Of course he’s got a toolbox in there.” Danny mumbled. 
He watched out the window as the gravity of the ‘Splains’ pulled the bus gently towards it. It landed on the soft looking grass and was a very peaceful looking place. A shock, there weren’t that many places like that in the ghost zone. 
“Why is this place called the Screaming Spleen Plains anyways?” Dash turned to look at Danny. 
“I’m pretty sure from far away it looks like it’s shaped like a spleen.” Danny replied.
“But why the screaming part?” 
Right at that moment a ghost appeared outside Dash’s window and screamed a high pitched wail at him. Dash jumped and fell down and out of his seat. The other students on the bus chuckled around him.
“This is where the banshees live.”
She continued to scream at them from outside the bus. Sam gave her an uncomfortable look. 
“Uh, Danny? Why are they screaming at us?”
Danny shrugged. “Because they’re banshees.”
“No, Danny. Banshees are known to predict death. That’s why they wail. Someone’s going to die.”
The whole bus was silent for a moment before all the kids started panicking. Everyone loudly clamored around them, begging Phil to help. 
“When’s the bus going to be fixed?”
“Can you get us out of here?”
“Why did we come here?”
He ignored them.
Sam looked at all of them. “Okay here’s what we’re going to do. We’re gonna try to figure out who’s supposed to die and then prevent it somehow. As long as no one leaves the bus-“
The sound of a bus window opening could be heard. The whole bus went quiet as everyone stared at Tucker. He was sticking his face out the window.
“Maybe if we just talked to them-”
Sam yanked him back in harshly as Paulina and Star closed the window back up. “They’re ghosts, Tucker. How much reason can they have?”
“Ouch.” Danny said, shooting her a glare.
Sam rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean. I’ve read the books in the Ghost Writer’s library. Banshees manifest only from the grief of their loved one dying. They’re not that much higher than the blob ghosts in terms of sapience.”
“I’m just saying, Danny is technically their king. He could do a little diplomatic work here.” Tucker said, shrugging his shoulders. Sam shook him around by the part of his shirt she was still holding. 
Danny shook his head. “I don’t think they’d listen to me. I’ve never been able to have a conversation with a banshee before. They just keep wailing, and wailing.”
“This would be going much smoother if this guy was any help!” Paulina gestured angrily back at Phil who had looked up from where he was looking inside his toolbox. He stood up and walked over to where the kids were grouped together in the middle of the bus. 
“I’m sorry, your majesty. I had my airpods in. What were your friends saying?” 
“Everyone’s freaking out because the banshees are screaming at us. I tried telling them that’s just what they do because they’re banshees but everyone’s convinced someone’s going to die today.” He shot a look at Sam.
“They’re screaming at you, your majesty. They think you’re dying.”
His gaze whipped back to Phil. “What?”
“Not all beings in the ghost zone can understand what halfas are, your majesty.” Phil started. He looked out the window at the banshees. “All they can sense is your close relations with death. They think you are simply a dying human.”
“Oh.” Danny said quietly. “I guess that makes sense.”
“We’re gonna live!” Screamed Dash. He had tears in his eyes as he stood up with his arms in the air. 
“Yes, Mr. Baxter. Everyone is going to live. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to grab my tools and work on fixing the bus.”
Dash grabbed onto Kwan and hugged him tight. 
Tucker grinned maliciously. “What if someone else is going to die but we just won’t know because Danny’s here?”
The bus was quiet for a few seconds before it was once again filled with the sounds of panicking teenagers.
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dragonn-firee · 2 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Zuko x Katara
Burn During a hit and run attack at the air temple, Katara suffers a life threatening injury. (oneshot completed)
Scars Zuko has a lot of scars more emotional than physical and Katara is the only one privy to them. (oneshot completed)
Sparring Zuko and Katara teach Aang the proper way to firebend. (oneshot completed)
North Remembers It’s been a whole year when Zuko finally comes to make amends for his country and the North remembers his kindness. (oneshot completed)
Sirens The awkward moment when your dad arrests your boyfriend...Katara is so grounded. (oneshot completed)
Hockey Town Zuko goes from a big city to a small town after joining the struggling Qamiit Wolves. Meanwhile Katara helps him find his place in life. (story wip)
Danny Phantom
Danny x Sam
Be Somebody  Clockwork informs Danny that he will be the new King of Ghosts, now Danny must decide if its the right path for him. Reveal. (oneshot completed)
Rule with Me What was Danny really thinking about when Sam asked him to stay and rule with her? (oneshot completed)
Unbreakable Danny is injured in a ghost attack and goes to Sam for a patch up. Cue the awkward moment when your parents meet your half dead boyfriend. (oneshot completed)
Danny Phantom (v)Logs The trio had to turn un a dvd project to Lancer’s class, if only Tucker was more organized and didn’t confuse their project with one of their log tapes. (oneshot completed)
Halfa vs Bully Danny was already having a bad morning but Dash just had to push his luck. Guess it’s time for Dash to learn the hard way by messing with a half ghost. The solution? A good old fashioned beatdown. (oneshot completed)
This is My Town The school is held hostage by a group of hardened criminals. Too bad the Ghost King doesn’t take to kindly to outsiders. (oneshot completed) 
Ouija Board Embarrassment Jazz tries to convince her college friends that ghosts are real and decides to pull a prank on Danny. (oneshot completed)
Getting Back Home The trio and their entire English class plus Lancer and Mr. and Mrs Fenton take a field trip to the Ghost Zone. A little innocent trip turns sour when they get stranded where ghosts are lurking around every corner. Can Danny save everyone without revealing his secret? (story completed)
Miraculous Ladybug
Marinette x Adrien
The Love Square Collection Oneshots that feature all sides of Marinette and Adrien. (wip)
Xavier x Wednesday 
Charcoal Dust
Xavier makes a surprise gift for Wednesday on the anniversary of Nero’s murder. (oneshot completed)
A Couple That Tortures Together...
Wednesday discovers that Tyler is the hyde before Xavier is framed. She enlists the help of him and the Nightshades to torture the information out of Tyler. (oneshot completed)
Blood Smeared Lips
Xavier gifts Wednesday a unique necklace. How can she show him how much it means to her? (oneshot completed)
Bane of My Existence
Wednesday and Xavier remained in contact after that fateful day at the funeral. They write a series of letters to each other until the meet up again at Nevermore. (oneshot completed)
How to Train Your Dragon
Hiccup x Astrid
The Hiccstrid Collection Oneshots based on the relationship of Hiccup and Astrid. (wip)
Road to Victory 
Hiccup is one of the best motorcycle racers known as the Night Fury, the problem is no one knows its him. Can he lead his team to victory without blowing his secret? (story completed) 
Road to the Knight
Follow Hiccup and the gang on the summer adventure to find the racing legend the White Knight. (story wip)
Old Enemies
Old enemies arise and HIccup and his friends must stop them from creating an army that will destroy Berk. (story completed)
Heather’s Back
Someone comes back to visit Berk and not everyone will be thrilled. Can the gang trust her after betraying them once? (story completed)
Trollhunters: Tales of Arcadia
Jim x Claire
What if Claire was the only one able to reach Jim on the school roof? Can she help him come to terms with his new half-troll self? (oneshot completed)
The Guardians of Arcadia take a well deserved break at Jim’s house and catch up. Jim also ha to face his mom who he hasn’t seen in months. (oneshot completed)
The final showdown between Jim and Gunmar goes a bit different. What would have happened if people saw his troll form? Or where teachers and students witness the awesomeness of troll Jim. (oneshot completed) 
There is no where to run in school when Angor Rot returns. The trollhunters have to face him together even if it exposes the existence of trolls. (oneshot completed)
A Hundred Lifetimes
Jim struggles with his first night home and human. Claire finds a way to get back to him. (oneshot completed)
Worse than Death What if the scar Angor Rot gave Jim was permanent? How will he deal with the constant reminder that he’s marked for a fate worse than death? (oneshot completed)
Battle of Ice and Nature
How the battle between Nari and Skrael could have been and the class gets dragged into Jim’s bullshit. (oneshot completed)
Star vs. The Forces of Evil 
Star x Marco
Star decides to wear one of Marco’s hoodies to school after admitting their feelings for each other. (oneshot completed)
Saving the Ball
The Butterflys have to attend a prestigious ball and Star wants to bring Marco along. (oneshot completed)
Worth It Star and Marco get an unpleasant surprise when Toffee upgrades his army and things turn deadly. (oneshot completed)
Marco has a hard time falling asleep so he visits his favorite inter-dimensional princess. (oneshot completed)
Knight King
Marco accidently challenges princes to become King of Mewni. (oneshot completed)
When the newly minted Starco has to face off against Mina and Star must decide if she wants to destroy the magic to save her kingdom even at the cost of the person she holds most dear. (oneshot completed)
We Belong Together Star and Marco deal with the aftermath of their dimensions getting cleaved together. (oneshot completed)
Percy Jackson
Percy x Annabeth
The Percabeth Collection Oneshots about Percy and Annabeth. (completed)
Kim Possible
Kim x Ron
Friday Night Lights
Ron faces the challenge of going against their rivals the Lowerton Lemurs who they haven’t won against. Can Ron overcome his own challenges with the help of his bon-diggity BF/GF to win the big game? (oneshot completed)
Big Hero 6
Hiro x Gogo
Bot Fighting
Strapped low on cash, Hiro resorts back to his old ways to surprise Gogo with a gift of a lifetime. (oneshot completed)
Hiro was more hurt after seeing his brother than he lets on, it’s a good thing Gogo is there to help. (oneshot completed)
After a run in with Globby, Hiro finds himself injured but he won’t take the time to rest. Can Gogo change his mind? (oneshot completed)
Villain After my Own Heart The gang realized the sidekick was Hiro but Gogo wasn’t at all accepting like in the episode. The revelation causes them to have a massive fight. (oneshot completed)
Exposed A different take on how Megan found out the identities of Big Hero 6 and how the others react to it. (Oneshot Completed)
Hiro surprises Gogo with some gum, the gang wonders how he knew what flavor she liked. (oneshot completed)
Second in Command
Debating on who is really Hiro’s second in command. (oneshot completed)
Batman/Young Justice
Dick x Barbara
Great to See You Again
Barbara has been living in Burnside for a few months now but someone familiar comes to visit her. (oneshot complete)
New Member
Batman introduces a new member to the team leaving how the other will react. (oneshot completed)
Dick receives a call from Barbara...and isn’t good. Can Dick save her in time? (oneshot completed)
Unexpected Guest
Joke has kidnapped Commissioner Gordon and left Barbara in a compromising position. How will Dick react to seeing her with the team around him? (oneshot completed)
Meeting Batgirl
The team finally meets Batgirl but Batman calls them to go on a mission to stop the Joker. (oneshot completed)
Operation Dick Watching
The team spies on Dick and Barbara during their day off. (oneshot completed)
Too Easy The reason Dick and Barbara don’t do PE class. (oneshot completed)
Ben 10 
Kevin x Gwen
Aftershock of a Comet
Kevin rushes to the hospital after hearing Ben and Gwen where injured by Nesmith. (oneshot completed)
Showing the everyday life of Gwen Tennyson. (oneshot completed)
Parental Permission
After Ben’s parents rescue Ben and Kevin, the rest of the team has to spring Gwen from her parental grounding. (oneshot completed) 
Kevin attempts to apologize to Gwen for doubting her. (oneshot completed)
Keeping Up with the Tennysons
Cash and JT come up with a plan to star Ben’s team in a reality show to get famous. The added fame lands them into trouble...namely the paparazzi. (oneshot completed)
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Randy x Heidi
Thank You
Heidi accidently gets a call from an injured ninja. Can she help him without finding out his secret? How does Howard react? (oneshot completed)
Mike x Julie
Defeat of Kane After the attack in the season finale, Kane humiliated and angry plans to destroy Motorcity and the Burners once and for all but a certain Mike Chilton will stop at nothing to protect his city even if it means taking down Kane forever. (story completed)
American Dragon: Jake Long
Jake x Rose
Return of the Huntsman
Jake Long and his friends have started high school. Everything was peaceful after the Huntsclan was destroyed. Now war is brewing and Jake and his friends are the only ones that can save the magical community. (story completed)
Rise of the Darker Dragon
After the permanent defeat of the Huntsman. It’s summer and Jake and his friends are growing up. Will their new found responsibility keep them from stopping this new evil that wants to enslave the rest of the dragons? (story completed)
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kinglazrus · 2 years
I just checked out the reality trip zine and i wanted to tell you that i absolutely adored your part!! It was deifnitely my favorite part in the whole zine though honestly the whole thing was great. I’m in the process of reading the rest of your dp library on ao3 lol… wanted to ask if you had any ideas about danny revealing his identity to tech hunter tucker while you were writing?
Thank you so much!!!
I actually have a lot of ideas in the tech Hunter au! I’m planning on either making it a multi-chapter fic or a oneshot series, although I’m not sure when that’ll happen
If you’re going through my ao3, then I’m sure you’ve noticed I’ve got a good chunk of stories that haven’t updated in a while. I’m currently in the process of editing those stories so they match my current writing capabilities, and then I’ll be putting out at least one new chapter for each, but that may take some time. But more is on the way for all my fics!
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triptuckers · 4 years
Starlight - Trip Tucker
One word request: Trip Tucker + Starlight A/N: I liked writing this! also I miss trip I should rewatch ent asap. enjoy reading! :)
‘Trip.’ you say rather firmly.  ‘What?’ he says innocently. ‘Remove your hand from my ass.’ you say. ‘Was just helping you up.’ says Trip. ‘We are on duty.’ you whisper-shout at him.
You are currently stuck in a jefferies tube, doing some small repairs. Trip, your boyfriend, thought he’d help you up. You’re lucky no crew member saw you. Your relationship with Trip is still a secret, though you feel like any day Trip could expose you because he’s such a damn tease. Can’t seem to keep his hands to himself for one minute. 
‘Whatever you say, starlight.’ says Trip, and he lets go of you. You roll your eyes and continue to work. You’re officially not an engineer, you’re a science officer. However, you’re often found in engineering when Trip needs an extra hand and suddenly all of the other engineers are busy or not on duty.
You know it’s an excuse to spend time with him. And though you’re grateful for every moment you get to spend with him, you did tell him he can’t ask you to come down to engineering every time the two of you are on duty. Simply because people would start to notice. 
When you’re done with the repairs, you get down and hand the tools back to Trip. ‘All fixed.’ you say. ‘Next time you need someone to climb into the jefferies tube, you can ask Hoshi, she’s shorter than me, I had to squeeze myself in there.’
Trip raises his eyebrows at you and you laugh. ‘Kidding.’ you say. ‘I’m always happy to help out my favorite engineer.’ 
You quickly look around the room. There’s a handful of crew members, but they’re all busy with their tasks, not paying attention to you and Trip. Therefore, you quickly lean in and kiss Trip’s cheek. 
‘See you at dinner.’ you say cheerfully before leaving engineering. 
Though you and Trip try your best to keep your relationship private, the two of you figured there’d be nothing wrong with the two of you having dinner in the mess hall. Half of the time, other crew members joined you, and it would be weird if you started avoiding each other.
And, on top of getting to spend time with each other, if you had been working late, you could take a walk around the ship without anyone seeing you. Given that private moments rarely happened, taking a walk after you finish having dinner had always been your favorite activity to do with Trip.
Luckily, today is one of those late shifts. Though you’re exhausted, you’re happy when you and Trip finish dinner and you can go for a short walk. There’s still a few people working, and you don’t want to be caught holding hands. You do walk very close to him, though.  
You’re telling Trip a funny story about your time at the Academy. You and Hoshi, your roommate at the time, had gotten in trouble at a bar and there just so happened to be a highly ranked officer present, who saw the whole thing. 
But when you look to your left to see Trip’s reaction, you’re sure he didn’t listen to a thing you said. He looks at you and there’s a smile on his lips.
‘Did you hear what I just said?’ you ask him. ‘Nah.’ he says truthfully. ‘Was too busy lookin’ at you.’ You chuckle and playfully roll your eyes. ‘Do you ever hear a word I say?’ you say. ‘Yea, ‘course.’ says Trip. ‘You look beautiful, starlight.’
You jump a bit when someone clears their throat. You look over Trip’s shoulder and see none other than Captain Archer, as well as Malcolm. Your eyes widen in horror and you look at Trip, hoping he knows how to get out of this. Trip turns around, looking at Archer and Malcolm.
‘Uh- what I meant was... the light from the stars. It’s really beautiful from this side of the ship.’ says Trip, stuttering. 
‘Yeah.’ you say, joining his story. ‘It’s like it’s brighter from this side of the ship.’ You quickly turn your head to look at Trip. ‘Do you still need me to help fix that thing in engineering, commander?’ you say, trying to sign with your eyes without Archer and Malcolm noticing.
‘Yep.’ he says. ‘Yeah, I definitely need help with that thing. Shall we?’ ‘Right away.’ you say and you quickly walk past Archer and Malcolm, closely followed by Trip.
Archer and Malcolm look at the two of you as you and Trip make your way to engineering. Once you’re out of their hearing range, Malcolm turns to Archer.
‘Do they really not know we figured them out a long time ago?’ says Malcolm. ‘Apparently not.’ says Archer, failing to suppress a smile.  ‘We should tell them, right?’ says Malcolm. ‘That we know?’ ‘Or we could just let it rest for a little while longer.’ says Archer, a slightly amused tone in his voice. ‘Let’s see if he accidentally calls her starlight when there’s other crew members around. I have a feeling Trip is going to let it slip, I’d bet on it.’
Malcolm holds out his hand to captain Archer. ‘I think Y/N is the one to let it slip. Want to actually bet on it?’ he says. ‘You’re on.’ says Archer and he shakes Malcolm’s hand.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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konanefalls · 3 years
South Park Fanfic recs!
thought i'd share some fanfics of sp i read.
Ghosting For Beginners
Tweek/Craig | Craig's Gang | 320k words | 52 Chapters | Complete
Fresh out of mental hospital, Tweek Tweak just wants to keep his head down and blend in. Only problem is, there's a very persistent ghost trying to get his attention...
Oh my god, They were cellmates
Tweek/Craig | Prison | 149k words | 36 Chapters | Complete
Tweek Tweak is a mild-mannered young man. He practices sex in carefully considered moderation. He holds no ill will toward his fellow man. This is his gospel.
...But it's all thrown out the window when he is arrested. Arrested for his ongoing meth abuse. Specifically, arrested for murdering his own dealer.
As his false identity is peeled away, he must find himself while under the anxiety-inducing protection of his rage-prone cellmate, Craig Tucker.
Drink Me
Kenny/Craig/Tweek | Oneshot | 10k words
(mmm yes the filler for OMGTWC you were waiting for)
Listen, some people trip balls and see wild shit when they drop shrooms(though this is rare).
Some people experience manic fixations, random bursts of creative inspiration.
And some people (though I'm not naming names) just get dumb & horny.
And so the King decrees for...
Stan/Butters, Kyle/Craig, Kenny/Tweek | 32k words | 5 Chapters | (Most likely)Discontinued
It was only meant to be a stupid game of dares, 'The King's Game.' But, of course, nothing could go Stan's way. Cartman thought it would be hilarious to get under everyone's skin with his stupid dare and he did. Now, Stan had no way of getting back with Wendy because he was stuck with this dare.
Butters didn't care too much about the dare in its entirety. Stan was a cool guy and maybe they could get closer. He didn't see anything wrong with this dare from Eric. But, oh boy, if his parents knew, he'd sure be grounded. After this dare ends, he and Stan could still be friends, right?
What was the dare?:
Stan and Butters were forced to date for two months.
Devil Town
Stan/Kenny | 56k words | On-going | 27/42 Chapters.
Kenny Mccormick has it hard, that's been obvious from the start. Besides the fact that he's immortal, he also has to deal with normal teenager issues. He's constantly frustrated at his friends and he has way too many internal problems to deal with. As he grows up things get better and worse, he just hopes he can get a grip before graduation.
Stan Marsh is hopelessly in love and just hopes he can make a move before it's too late.
Big Brother: South Park Edition
Craig/Tweek, Kyle/Stan, Stan/Wendy, Kyle/Cartman(one-sided) | 225k words | Completed | Drama
Ten South Park residents must compete in the ultimate competition where they are forced to live in a house completely cut off from the outside world for the chance to win $500,000. Who will maintain their sanity, survive all eight eliminations, and be crowned the winner of Big Brother? Contestants include The Boys and Craig & Those Guys. Hosted by Token Black.
Going Down to SCP (gonna have myself a time)
Kyle/Cartman (not focused) | Main boys | Horror | Complete | 47k words | 13 chapters | Crossover
Stan, Kenny, Kyle, and Eric decide to have a sleep over at Stan's house. Eric tells scary stories of a place that houses terrifying monsters to keep the public population safe. The rest of the boys think this claim is bullshit, but Eric insists theres one in the woods surrounding South Park, and so the boys go hunting for it.
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ave-aria · 4 years
Ectober Week 2020 Day 3: Rewind Summary: Maddie can't believe what she's seeing on the security tape. In shock, she hits rewind. Tags: Reveal fic, Blood, Angst, Implications of character death, Tragedy, Trauma, Oneshot
Maddie keeps her eyes on the tv screen as the figures wind their way backwards to the start of the video. She won't look away. Can't. Doesn't dare.
If she looks away, she'll have to focus on something else. The quiet, dusty lab around her. The uncleaned ecto-weapons by the door. The green blood smattered on the blade.
The hollow, empty house looming over her head…
The video hiccups a bit as she hits the start of the feed. Old VHS tapes are odd like that, buzzing out with static where the film wore thin from too many pauses and restarts. It's a sign she's hit the beginning. Maddie presses play.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
It was an old security tape, filched from the lab. Onscreen, three teenagers, her son at the lead, slip into the camera's field of view. Maddie leans closer, enraptured by the movement, even though she's seen this moment enough times to have it seared into her brain.
Maybe, if she focuses hard enough, she can learn the secret - how to rewind her own mistakes, go back to a time when none of it has happened, just like in the video.
"Whoa, check it out! This thing's huge! I can't believe your parents built this!" A pause, while the kid adjusts his glasses. "Bummer that it doesn't work though, dude."
"Damn. Was it really supposed to open a portal to the underworld?"
"It's 'The Ghost Zone,' Sam. And yeah. My parents were pretty heartbroken when it didn't work. It kinda just… fizzled out. I hope they're not too upset."
The detached, clinical angle of the shot doesn't do the moment justice. Danny'd always been such a kind boy, thoughtful and empathetic to a fault. Maddie's throat closes up a little, leaving her struggling to breathe. They had been upset. Unbearably so. Their life's work - as Danny put it - fizzled out before their very eyes. It'd been a hard loss to take, one that she and Jack might never have recovered from, had the Portal not miraculously started working on its own, days later.
God. Now she almost wishes it hadn't.
A bright flash draws her from her reverie. Maddie blinks at the screen. A camera flash. In her distraction, she's missed part of the video; Tucker's casual "Lighten up, dude,", Sam's request for a photo op, Danny grabbing a hazmat suit to pose with while she dug the device from her backpack.
"—Got it," Sam waves the printed Polaroid to air out the negative.
"Okay. I showed you the portal. Can we get out of here now? My parents could be back here any minute."
Where had they been that day, anyway? Maddie wonders. Grocery shopping? Visiting the park? Moping, as they tried anything to get their minds off of their most recent failure? If they'd been there —
If they'd been there—
"Come on, Danny," comes Sam's voice, treacherous in its fascination. "A Ghost Zone? Aren't you curious?"
Danny looks into the Portal, clutching the custom white suit made specially for him. Sam smirks, knowing. "You gotta check it out."
Maddie hits pause.
"You gotta check it out."
Pause. Rewind.
"You gotta check it out."
"—gotta check it out."
The remote feels cold and heavy, like ice in her hand. In that moment, a selfishness grips her. She could blame Sam. For all if it. Everything that happened, it all started here, and it started because—
—But she can't blame Sam, because the next moment, Danny turns back, his eyes sparkling with an adventurous spirit. It's a spark of curiosity, brimming at the thought of the unknown; a look she's all too familiar with, one she's seen often on her daughter's face, her husband's - even her own, in the mirror.
"You know what? You're right. Who knows what kind of awesome, super cool things exist on the other side of that Portal?"
That curiosity, it's a Fenton trait, not one that needs to be stoked like a fire. That spark's been burning within him, since the cradle.
"Don't go in," she whispers, as if her advice could change the course of history. Even if he could hear her, though, it would be no use. He can no more resist the call than he can resist breathing.
He pulls on the hazmat suit. Skintight, white with black edging. It's like staring at a photo-negative. Watching her son, Maddie's stomach twists.
How couldn't she see it before?
"Alright. I'm going in." He says. His first footsteps echo, loud, in the hollow of the blacked out Portal…
Maddie's breath shudders in. She grips the remote and, before she can stop herself, hits the button.
She watches as her son walks backwards, double-time, out of the entrance to the Portal. The panic that gripped her fades.
"Mads?" From somewhere up above, echoing down the staircase, comes her husband's voice. Maddie is glued to the video screen, and almost doesn't hear him. Regardless, she definitely can't answer. What would she even say?
"Maddie?" His heavy footsteps echo in the stairwell, trudging closer. "Are you down there?"
A hitch in the tape. Maddie presses play.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
Drawn by the sound, Jack trudges the rest of the way down the narrow staircase. She feels a slight reverberation in the floor when he reaches the landing behind her. She doesn't turn around.
"The police called back. Officer McNally said he'd file a missing persons report, and they promised to keep their eyes open. But—" she hears the way uncertainty causes his voice to die in his throat when she doesn't turn to greet him. After a long moment of silence, he draws up to her side. "What are you watching?" he asks at last.
"It kinda just… fizzled out. I hope they're not too upset."
Question. He'd asked a question. Maddie swallows and struggles to answer. "Security tapes," she chokes out.
Understanding, an incomplete kind, dawns on Jack, and vigor jumps back into his bones. "Mads, that's brilliant!" he booms. "Why didn't I think of it? He comes into the lab all the time! We can use the security tapes to see when he last—"
"I found this tape in Danny's room," she interrupts.
Again, his voice falters in confusion.
"Under the bed," she elaborates, as if that will help. And continues watching, detached.
"Can we get out of here now? My parents could be back any minute."
The flickering light of the tv fills the lab, ominous in its glow. Jack hesitates. Maybe he's picked up on the subtext by now. Maddie can picture his eyes drifting from the staticy screen to the items in front of it, scattered across the table. He reaches out fro the shoebox sitting beside the tv. Taped to its front, written in the cursive, unmistakable scrawl of their son's handwriting, is a note that reads:
'If I Never Come Home'
"Maddie, what is this." Jack's voice is uncharacteristically heavy. Looking to her for guidance. For answers.
For once, she has none to give.
"Watch," Maddie whispers, still trapped by the screen. Automatic, her fingers hit the button.
With no other options to grasp at, he does.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
Watches as the kids approach the Portal.
"Aren't you curious?"
Watches as their son zips up the hazmat suit.
"Alright, I'm going in."
Watches as he disappears into the empty cavity of their greatest invention.
Watches as it thrums to life, with a scream.
"Da—Danny no!" Jack yells in tandem with the two remaining teens. He lurches forward, hand outstretched, to stop the agony onscreen. "He's not - when did he -"
"It's old, Jack," Maddie whispers. "From when the Portal started working."
Jack spins to stare at her. "You mean - Danny's the one who—" he's visibly struggling with the information, the same way she did, on her first viewing. "But—he never said—"
Right, Madie thinks. He never said anything. Jack's confusion is laughable, though. Why Danny never told them—that much is painfully clear.
"Guys?" Over the yelling and the panicking and the electric cackle from the Portal, their son's terrified voice cuts through the din. "G-guys help, what's happening?!"
Tucker and Sam are black silhouettes stumbling backwards from a swirling green glow, but they freeze and scramble to right themselves, lurching forward to catch someone as he stumbles through the gate.
Phantom - Danny - emerges from the portal, falling to his knees.
"…No," Jack says. Disbelief is thick in his voice. "That can't be… no."
Maddie lifts the remote.
A flash of light. A curdling scream. A shock of confusion, panic, scramble.
Danny Phantom stumbles from the portal.
Jack stares for a long time. Then he reaches out, snatching the lid of the shoebox for a second look at the evidence. The note, accusatory, stares back at them.
"This is how he tells us." Jack doesn't often whisper, but it seems like he can't do anything else. Her husband looks at the empty shoebox, the screen, the VCR. "Our son is Danny Phantom, and this is how he tells us. I…" he trails off.
Maddie almost can't believe it, how easily Jack arrives at the conclusion. It took her twelve viewings for her to wrap her mind around it, and it still hasn't really sunk in. But then, that's always been Jack's strong poing - those intuitive leaps of logic. Ones every scientist both loathed and envied.
"Did it kill him?" he moves seamlessly onto the next question that tripped her. Somehow, Jack's voice is even quieter this time.
Maddie shakes her head no. If they watch the video long enough, about ten minutes in, Danny manages to change his way back to human. If their invention did kill him, it wasn't permanent. Not that time, at least.
She's too close to thinking about it.
"But—" she can't stop Jack from thinking, though. He barrels on, heedless of breaking the fragile grasp Maddie has on her sanity. "But if all this time — Phantom—"
A hitch in the tape.
"We've been—"
Press play.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
"—Don't tell me we've been trying to waste our own kid—"
If Maddie weren't so detached, she might laugh. Waste. God, he can't even say it.
"Trying?" she asks instead. Bitter, the word sticks to her tongue.
She's not looking at the tape now. She's looking at him. And Jack, oh, Jack, he just stares down at her, a dark horror growing in his eyes.
He whips around to look at the bloodied weapons sitting at the base of the stairs.
Exactly where they left them two days ago, after that nasty ghost fight. When they came home to find a broken house, their daughter crying at the kitchen table, and their son just - gone.
"No." Jack backs up a step. "No no no no no no no—"
A flash of light. A curdling scream—
In an instant, Jack is moving. He snatches up weapons, whatever he can find, and bolts for the staircase, vaulting his way up to ground floor. Distantly, Maddie hears the doors slam. The RV thrumming to life. The screech of tires as Jack peels out of the driveway.
In the cold wake of his departure, Maddie turns back to the tv. She should go after him, she knows. But she's not quite done watching. Jack's always been a man of action, after all, but she's the analytical one, who studies, who marvels, who gathers the facts she sees.
Phantom, onscreen, slumps against his friends while he drips ectoplasm to the floor. He stares down at his white-gloved hands, his glowing green eyes wide in shock. Maddie wonders if he knew, then, what would become of him. What his parents, who raised him, who swore to protect him, would do.
She can't face those questions. Not yet. Not yet. Instead, she lifts the remote.
And rewinds.
A good scientist, a rational scientist, never draws conclusions while she's still gathering evidence. So as long as she's still watching—
A hitch in the tape. She's at the beginning. Maddie presses play.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
As long as she keeps watching, she doesn't have to do anything with this information. All she has to do is watch.
So she watches. She rewinds. And she plays. She can't look away—
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here—"
She doesn't dare.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down h—"
All she can do is rewind—
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let y—"
And rewind—and rewind—
"Mom and Dad would kill me if—"
Until she finds evidence contrary to her theory…
"Mom and Dad would kill me—"
Or she finds Its inevitable End.
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they knew I let you down here."
"Mom and Dad would kill me if they—"
[AO3] [FFN]
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snowtrova · 2 years
Rosita x Waverly ~ Still friends
Oneshot about Rosita and Waverly. 
Moment between the scene at the spa and the scene at Shorty’s.  Felt like they had more to say to each other about Rosita’s revelation.
People say that I am oh so smart. So how did I not realize that Rosita is a revenant? Right now it does not matter. My relief from being saved from Tucker disappears once I realize that Wynonna now thinks that I have left Purgatory. There is no one that will come looking for me right now. No one knows that I left with Rosita.
After the revelation there was an unspoken agreement that our spa trip is over. There was no way that we could go back to relaxing in the spa. While we make our way outside I think about screaming or running away. However, I know that is of no use. Everyone will just think I am crazy when I ask for help to protect me against my revenant friend or whatever we are right now. Running away is just a waste of my energy. Rosita is way stronger and faster than I am.
The moment passes as we reach my jeep. Nervously I look at Rosita. She looks half exasperated and half sad. “I am not going to hurt you Waverly. I know you might not see me as a friend right now, but you are my friend.” Despite all of the history my family has with revenants I believe her. She had a million changes to hurt me, but instead she has done nothing but help me and protect me.
“I know, it is just, I did not expect this. And I know we are supposed to hate each other, but I trust you Rosita.” I say and hope that it comes across as honest as I meant it. It must be convincing, cause she gives me a wide smile before she walks to the passenger side of my jeep. We both get in at the same time and once we get seated we both burst out in a fit of giggles. The situation we are in is extremely weird, but it is nice to just be myself for once. No curse and nothing mystical, just two friends hanging out.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Mystery Prompts: Trip Tucker; "I'm going to kill you!"; Feel-Good/Humor Requested By: @youngcroissantturkeyworribler; this was from the mystery category thing I did a year ago lol
Pairing: Trip Tucker x GN!Reader
Warnings: None!
Words: 1.1k
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire Star Trek Taglist: @starfleetimagines
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You hummed softly to yourself as you checked over your work, and inspected the rest of the damaged coil. Every sound you made echoed off the wall, each moment of silence seeming loud and suffocating.
Barely noticing this, you continued to work peacefully, until a sudden scraping sound from down a nearby corridor caused you to stop. Your whole body froze for a moment as you listened. The echo of the noise faded. You felt an odd chill climb up your spine as you looked out into the corridor.
"Someone down here?" You called out, and waited.
You could see nothing, and no other noise came. Some of the lights flickered. Suddenly the peaceful atmosphere held an eerie air.
Standing, you decided you needed to figure out what that noise was. It could be another damaged coil, or something else that needed to be fixed.
Walking down the corridor, you kept telling yourself it was nothing, but an odd feeling sat in your chest. Making the hair on your neck stand up with every corner you peaked around.
Finding no sign of any damage, no personnel, and nothing else out of the ordinary, you returned to where you had been working before. You pushed the memory of the sound away, reassuring yourself it was just the sound of some ship-part settling, maybe a coil cooling down, or a pipe releasing pressure. You had almost never worked this deep in the ship before, there were sure to be common noises you were not aware of.
A few moments went by and you began to relax as you almost finished with your work. As you bent down to pick up a tool, your whole body froze as you heard another scraping sound.
This time, it sounded as through something was being dragged down a corridor nearby. You felt a cold chill erupt over your entire body as you sat up slowly, your breath slow, as you stared out in the corridor again. The lights flickered again, and a sudden bang caused your whole body to jump.
Grabbing your com, you spoke in a low voice. "Trip, come in, are you down here in the corridors with me?"
"Trip, come in, where are you?"
You let out a shaky breath before trying your com again. "T'Pol, come in, this is Y/n, are you there?"
What was happening? Your heart began to pound heavily in your chest. Maybe coms didn't work down this deep in the ship. Or maybe something happened.
Another scrape, quick, loud, close.
You reached into your bad, grabbing a large heavy tool as you damned yourself for having not brought your phaser with you.
Walking to the doorway, you peered out and down the nearby corridor. The end of the hall was dark, and you could see the distance flickering of light of a nearby area.
Walking slowly out, and down the corridor, you talked yourself through a plan. You were getting to the lift, and making it up a few levels. You would find Trip, or Malcolm, and tell them something odd was happening down here. That someone, or something was down here with you.
As you headed towards the lift, your heart picked up speed, only a few more corners, almost there. Your whole body froze and seized as you stopped in your tracks. Another loud scraping sound, followed by a thud. It came from the next corridor, between you and the lift.
You swallowed hard, gripping your fist around the tool in your hand. Taking a deep breath you walked softly down the corridor, and stepped around the corner. Your body jolted with anticipation, but faltered as you saw nothing.
"Is someone here?" You asked again, but this time your voice held no bravery in it.
No one responded. If it was one of the crew they would have. If it was a hostile, they surely would have come after you sooner. Maybe it really was just the ship making an odd noise.
You continued to walk down the corridor, the lift was within view. Your breath was shallow but quick as you picked up pace. Just as you walked past another-side corridor, you looked down it, and recoiled as something jumped out, low to the ground as it grabbed you.
You yelled out in alarm, as a guttural sound came from the thing that grabbed you. Loosing your footing, the tool fell out of your hand as you landed on the ground.
Your eyes locked with another's, directly in front of you. There was a moment of silence before the figure began to cackle loudly.
"Trip!" You yelled after you caught your breath.
As he fell back onto his butt, laughing, you threw yourself forward and smacked him again and again, as he held up his hands in defense, still laughing.
"I'm gonna kill you!" You yelled, the adrenaline coursed through you, as relief bubbled to the surface. "How dare you!"
"Alright alright!" He yelled as he grabbed your hands, stopping your assault on him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"
As you stopped smacking at him, you sat on your knees in front of him, seeing a wide smile on his face as he looked at you, his eyes twinkling.
Unable to hold it back, you let out an incredulous laugh. "I can't believe you did that to me, you scared me half to death."
Trip chuckled, "What did you think I was? Some hostile alien that snuck on the ship? Some alien monster?"
You let out a half amused, half annoyed sigh. "Both and more, I had no idea what to think." You smacked him lightly again on the leg.
"I was gonna come down and get you for dinner, but I thought I might as well have some fun first."
He smiled cheekily at you as you rolled your eyes. "Well you are going to regret that Trip Tucker, 'cause pay back's a bitch." You spoke with a steady voice and a light smile as you stood up.
He let out a laugh as he pulled himself to his feet as well. "Oh yeah? I'm looking forward to it."
You shook your head with a light eye-roll as you picked up the tool. "You're lucky I dropped this and didn't end up hitting you over the head with it."
He took the tool from your hand with a grimace. "Yeah, that would of hurt."
He looked at you again and smiled before wrapping his arm around your waist and pressing a soft kiss to your head. "Come on killer, let's go get some food."
"I don't know, I'm still mad at you. What's stopping me from getting dinner with Sato or Malcolm?"
He pouted a bit, but couldn't hold back a smile. "Because even though I drive you crazy, you still love me."
"Much to my vexation sometimes." You said with a sigh as he laughed, leading you onto the lift. As the lift doors slid shut, you left behind the fear and anxiety, and left with a rush of adrenaline and the desire for revenge.
xx End xx
Short and sweet, hope you enjoyed!
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talkfastromance4 · 4 years
not going anywhere--ashton irwin oneshot
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Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
a/n: hey ya’ll, still taking a break but wrote this little fluff piece. mind you it is very self-indulgent. third person but female reader
donate to my ko-fi here :)
• • • •
Ashton could see the storm in her eyes immediately when she came on their video call. Her eyes were tired and clouded with an emotion he couldn’t quite place but she hasn’t been sleeping all that well. That worries him. He hasn’t been sleeping well either, being away from her and all, but her sleep is more  important than his. When together, they both sleep the best, the feeling of her arm over his waist with her nose buried in his back always soothed him.
“Hi angel,” he tries to make his voice uplifting and she returns with a half-smile.
“Hi,” she responds softly and tuckers her chin on her knees. He notices she’s in one of his long sleeves.
“What’s goin’ on?” his brows come together in concern, his face inching closer to the screen. If he were actually with her he would duck his face to her neck, stamping soft kisses to her skin while he held her in his arms.
“It’s nothing,” she shakes her head. “How’s the trip?”
“Y/N, it’s not nothing,” he frowns.
“I don’t want to talk about it right now, okay?” her voice cracked at the end and her lip trembled.
“Why not? Maybe I can help.”
“You can’t help because you aren’t physically here and I don’t really feel like crying on FaceTime right now, okay?” her voice shook as her emotions betrayed her and slipped out, giving away her hurt.
Ashton sighs and he ruffles his hair with his fingers, a sign of distress and aggravation that he can’t be there to help her with whatever’s happening.
“Okay, okay,” he huffs, “I hate being away from you.”
“I do too,” she sighs. “How is the trip, anyway?”
They transition to normal conversation relating to his current trip across the country with the band to do some interviews and late revelations about their fourth album. It’s strenuous and he didn’t realize how hard it would be getting back into the swing of things. Seven months off—seven glorious months of being alone with her—went by too fast and filled him with a new routine.
He’s missing making dinner with her while Friends plays in the background. He misses helping her with the yoga poses he teaches her and the way she grunts when her breathing gets off from his. Yoga isn’t her favorite thing but it’s something he enjoys and she’s told him she likes doing it with him. That bit of information made his heart soar.
He misses having morning coffee with her, in bed, on the patio, in the kitchen. He misses showering late at night only to have her join him moments later, her fingers running down his back, over his shoulders, then into his hair as she shampoos it for him. He misses laying in bed taking funny photos from filters and giggling into kisses that lead to his fingers lifting up her shirt.
He misses their nightly rituals, their skincare routine combined together made a powerful new one and searching up new music artists on his phone that they inevitably end up loving. He misses the featherlight touch of her fingertips tracing over the grooves of his palm, up his arm and over the red and black ink of his moons.
“Trip’s fine,” he shrugs, “it’s hard getting back into it after having all this time off of rest. I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby,” she smiles but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “When will you be home?”
“Two nights’ time, around eight o’clock I think.”
“I’ll be waiting,” she grins.
Ashton’s heart flips at the sentiment. For so long, he’s left an empty house and came back to it even emptier. Now, knowing she’ll be there is making him feel homesick, something he hasn’t felt for a long time. She’s made his house into a home just by filling it with her presence.
“I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
The next forty-eight hours went by gruelingly slow. At the end of it all, Ashton is left exhausted and all he wants is to go home to her, back in his secular bubble of comfort. His muscles are tensed and his mind is on hyperdrive from the overstimulation of the other part of his life returning full throttle.
When the familiar lights at the end of his driveway come in his vision he’s itching in anticipation of being in her presence again. He gathers his bags quickly, the straps dig into his arms but he doesn’t want to make another trip to retrieve them. If he left something he’d get it in the morning.
He lets his things collapse to the floor in a giant heap and he’s half-expecting to see her on the couch waiting for him but she’s not there. Faintly, he hears noises traveling downstairs and he takes them two at a time until he sees her in bed. She’s sprawled across it on her stomach, her face buried into her arms as her body shakes with sobs.
Panicking, he rushes to her side, touching the back of her head carefully so as not to scare her, but she jumps anyway. She’s gasping for air, eyes clamped shut as tears flood down her cheeks. Ashton shifts her into his lap, he holds her close and hears how long she holds her breath as she sobs.
“Hey, hey, hey, breathe, baby… breathe,” he hushes rubbing large circles on her back.
She tries to exhale and ends up coughing, the lack of air and sudden rush of it caught her lungs off guard. Her cries still fall as she tries to find her breath and Ashton rocks her from side to side, his lips pressing to her temple.
“I’m right here…you’re all right, I’ve got you…” he hums repeatedly in her ear until her sobs start to subside.
After a few more moments, she lifts her head from his chest—leaving a dark spot of her tears on his shirt—and she gazes up at him with puffy eyes and a splotchy face. Ashton rubs away the excess tears from her cheeks.  
“What’s happened?”
“Why doesn’t he love me?” her voice is a whispered crack.
Ashton’s confused, he does love her how could she…? Then realization hits, the ‘he’ in question is her father.
“He loves you, angel,” he tries to soothe by caressing her cheek. She shakes her head adamantly and pushes herself in a sitting position.
“No, he doesn’t. I was never first…he was never around because he was always with friends. Drinking and having a fun time with them. They need help and he goes running, but when I need help it’s the biggest inconvenience for him,” she sniffs. She uses the back of her hand to swipe away at fresh tears. “What did I do, Ashton? Why can’t I…how do I change?”
“No, no,” Ashton shakes his head then scoots closer so she’s trapped between his legs. He holds her cheeks in his hands, making her look at him. “You did nothing. You don’t have to change one bit of you.”
“I don’t know what else to do. I’m tired of vying for his love when it was never there in the first place but I can’t stop…I want to but it’s hard when I want….”
“I know baby, I know,” he kisses her forehead. “You have done nothing wrong, it’s not your fault he doesn’t know how to love you the way that he should.”
“My heart hurts.”
“I know,” he nods slowly then cocks his head until she’s staring into his eyes, “But I’m here and I’m not going anywhere because I love you so damn much. You’ll always be my number one and if there was a number before that, you’d be that as well.”
She sniffs the same time she blinks, and two tears fall freely into her lap then she bites her lip. Ashton smooths his thumb over her lip, pulling it free from her teeth. She lifts her chin a fraction so she’s looking into his eyes.
“You don’t need to change, for anyone. Especially not for someone who can’t see how pretty damn perfect you already are,” he smiles impishly, and it makes her giggle gently. “Okay?”
“Okay,” she nods then holds her hand over his that’s resting on her cheek. “Thank you…for listening and helping.”
He leans forward to give her a soft kiss, once, twice, then before the third he says, “Like I said I’m not going anywhere, angel. I love you.”
She laces her fingers with his on the third kiss, it’s sealed with a promise and filled with love.
• • • •
Taglist: @galcalirwin @cashtonasff5sos @thecurlsofgod @myloverboyash @rotten-kandy @tea4sykes @jannimoeller3 @loveroflrh @iovehemmings @cxddlyash @princesslrh @here-for-the-uproars @katiaw2 @g-l-pierce @fairyintheglass​ @gosh-im-short​ @banditocth @dezzym17 @koalacal @lukeisbaby​ @spicycal​ @mysticalhood​ @notinthesameguey​ @wastedheartcth​ @atlcalm​ @itjustkindahappenedreally​ @calumance​ @babylon-corgis​ @thew0rldneedsmcreycghurt​ @lanternlover2​ @istaywithmyjonas​ @calteahood​ @sarcastically-defensive17​ @another-lonely-heart​ @devilatmydoor​ @frontmanash​ @philthepegacorn​ @mantlereid @lukedorkyhemmings​ @addietagglikesbands​ @kikixfandoms @sanrioluke​ @mayve-hems​ @morguelth @haikucal​ @thatscooibaby​ @meghanrose05​ @idontneedanyone​ @dinosaursandsocks​ @cassie-sos​ @suchalonelysunflower​ @burstintocolor​ @zhangyixingxing1​ @dead-and-golden​ @mymindwide​ @everyscarisahealingplace​ @stardust-galaxies​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @redrattlers​ @lovelybonesetc​ @karajaynetoday​ @quasighost​ @i-like-5sos​
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dannyphannypack · 5 years
Happy Holiday Truce!
Surprise! I’m your secret Santa, @dannyphantomisameme ! I took your two ideas of the trio together in less-than-happy circumstances, and came up with this! kind of a hurt/comfort oneshot. I’m sorry it’s so late! I wanted to post this on Christmas, but it’s two hours into the 26th of December and I’m just now uploading it. I read through a draft I had written earlier this month and completely scrapped it, haha. This one isn’t much better, but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless :)
As a side note, I had this all italicized and what-not, but Tumblr took it out. Let me know if anything is unclear.
It had been a month since the accident, and he still barely had any control.
Danny Fenton walked behind his friends with his head down. Sam was complaining about something her parents did the other night. Tucker had his nose in his PDA and was tripping over his own feet because of it.
Danny hadn’t told his friends about the accident. He didn’t know why. They were his best friends, and he knew he could trust them with anything and everything. But admitting what he was … some kind of ghostly abomination … it was too much. His parents had been studying ghosts since they were freshmen in college, and Danny had come to the conclusion that they were nuts around the time he realized Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy didn’t exist. Now, though? Maybe Santa Claus was real …
One month ago, three days before freshman year of high school, Sam and Tucker had been watching a movie at his place. His older sister had left to get psychology books from the nearby bookstore and, despite how straightforward that seemed, Danny knew that Jazz had a tendency to lose track of time. She probably had six equally boring-looking books spread out before her, debating if she should get the one with the science terms or the one with the theories. Meanwhile, Danny’s parents had left to go to the hardware store. Something about their newest invention not wanting to work. Danny had learned to tune them out years ago.
The movie ended a few minutes after Danny’s parents had left. Sam and Tucker had wanted to go into the basement laboratory to check out that invention Maddie and Jack had been talking about, but Danny knew the kind of trouble he’d get in for letting his friends into a highly dangerous, probably hazardous lab without any protection. Besides, he and Tucker had only recently met Sam. Danny felt that if Sam saw the state of the lab, she’d decide his family was too crazy for her to handle and stop hanging out with him. Maybe that was a little drastic, but Danny had an overactive imagination.
His overactive imagination was exactly what got him into trouble that night. After he’d waved goodbye to his friends, Danny went into the kitchen to grab a snack and stopped at the door to the lab. It was pretty inconspicuous looking—just a heavy wooden door that could have led into a food pantry or a storage closet—but underneath the door, a light flashed red across the kitchen tiles.
So he’d done the dumb thing. He had pulled his protective jumpsuit from the cleaning closet, brushed the dust off the front, and put it on. When he opened the basement door, cold air blew back at him. As soon as he stepped over that threshold, from yellow kitchen tile to cold metal, he had sealed his fate.
And now he was here, some sort of half-ghost half-human abomination that turned all of his parents’ research on its head. The worst part … his parents had always believed that ghosts were evil. Always. And Danny was scared because more and more ghostly things were happening to him. He fell through his bed. He absentmindedly floated to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He made the temperature in a room drop several degrees.
It wasn’t just the physical things, though. It was the mental things that really freaked him out. How he had wanted to jump out of his skin when his dad put a large hand on his shoulder. The way he could lose track of time staring at the endless, swirling green haze of the portal. The urge to hop into the air and not come back down.
He fought it. He couldn’t let himself do things like that. They weren’t human. They made him a freak. And if his parents were right about ghosts being evil? If giving into his urges made him more and more like a ghost? Forget it. An image of him as a ghost, laughing maniacally as he reached inside someone’s chest and pulled their heart out, came uninvited to the forefront of his mind. He squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to block it out. It was bad enough he had nightmares about it, but when he was awake, too? Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. He was losing it.
“You alright?” Tucker asked. Danny whipped his head up to meet his eyes. “Danny?”
“Fine,” he said. “Just stressed out about that English assignment, is all.”
“Ah,” Sam said. “You can always come to me for help, Danny. English is the only subject I’m good at.”
“Thanks,” Danny said, offering a smile. When they both turned around and continued walking, Danny dropped the smile and stared down at the ground again. He tried to focus his attention on Sam and Tucker’s conversation. Anything to keep him from thinking about ghosts.
“Two words, Sam,” Tucker said. “Meat. Connoisseur.”
“That’s a big word for you, Tuck. Mind defining it?”
Tucker used his shoulder to push her. “Meat heightens the senses, and my all-meat streak is fourteen years strong.”
“And it’s about to end,” Sam deadpanned. “The school board finally agreed to try a new cafeteria menu. I wore them down.”
“Wait,” Tucker said, putting out an arm to stop her. “What did you do?”
Danny’s stomach turned. He hoped it was the food on his plate that made it do so, but he was nervous that he was losing his appetite or something. Did ghosts eat?
“What is this?” he said, looking up at Sam. “Grass on a bun?”
Sam rolled her eyes. “First of all, that’s a slice of bread. Second of all, it’s shredded lettuce, idiot.”
Danny eyed the meal. “This is it?” he asked. “Isn’t their supposed to be another slice of bread and … something other than wet lettuce?”
“Look,” Sam said, and she folded the single slice of bread and took a bite. Around a mouthful of food, she said, “And you could have grabbed a vegan mud-pie.”
“Sam,” Tucker said, pushing his tray away from him. “Those things looked like mud pies. With mud. From the ground.”
Sam shrugged and took another bite of her half-lettuce sandwich at the same time that Danny got a horrible chill. It raced up his spine and made all the hair on his body stand up.
“Danny?” Sam asked, frowning. “What’s up?”
“Nothing!” he said, trying to look like he wasn’t freaked out of his mind. “Just a chill!”
Behind Sam, in the cafeteria kitchen, a partially transparent lady with sickly green skin floated past.
Danny’s eyes widened. He made a few incoherent noises before he was finally able to stutter out, “Gotta go to the bathroom!”
He raced out the door.
Okay, Danny, he thought to himself. That’s a ghost. What would my parents do? They’d pull out their weapons. I don’t have any weapons.
… Or did he?
No, no way, he chastised. That’s just … that’s just the ghost speaking. Snap out of it, Fenton.
Behind the wall he was leaning on, something crashed in the cafeteria kitchen, followed by a quick scream of surprise from someone who sounded suspiciously like Sam. The cold feeling came back tenfold, making his breath mist in front of him. How’d she get in there? Is she okay?
“Let her go!” Tucker shouted, sounding wobbly.
Oh, God, Danny thought, running shaky fingers through his hair. Tucker, too? I—I can’t just sit here! I have to—I have to—
Another crash. Tucker yelled.
Danny’s vision went green. Before he could so much as blink, he was in the cafeteria kitchen, floating high above the ground. When he realized what he was doing, he lost balance and fell to the ground in a heap. He picked himself up, noticing that he had suddenly donned white gloves. Where—?
He looked up. Tucker was gaping at him. From across the room, in the clutches of some sort of ground beef monster, Sam gaped, too. The ground beef monster growled and flew through the opposite wall with Sam in its grasp. She was gone.
Danny’s vision went green again, but he could see through the haze this time. He was flying again, this time close to the ground. As the wall approached, he instinctively went intangible and flew through it, the same way the ground beef monster had. He got scared halfway through, though, and ducked, which caused him to tumble across the high school hallway and hit the green lockers on the other side. The force of his impact dented the bottom locker, but he nonetheless scrambled into an upright position. “Let her go!” he shouted. At the same time, Tucker appeared at the end of the hallway.
The ground beef monster hissed in his face, spitting chunks of meat into his hair. Like swiping at a fly, it hit Danny with the back of its hand and sent him flying down the hallway. He hit Tucker and they both sprawled across the floor.
By the time Danny looked up, both the ground beef monster and Sam were gone. He stood, hoping for another flash of green that would cause him to inexplicably be able to control his powers, but it never came. Instead, a bright white flash made his gloves and black suit go away. His body felt heavy with the weight of gravity, so he fell onto his hands and knees and took a few big, shuddering breaths.
“Danny?” Tucker asked tentatively. Danny’s eyes widened as he turned to look at his best friend. Tucker’s own eyes were like dinner plates.
An angry voice cut him off. “Either of you care to explain why you decided to destroy school property?”
Once again, Danny turned. Mr. Lancer, his English teacher, was crouched beside the locker that Danny had bumped into. It was worse than he initially thought; when Lancer touched the door, it swung open and came off its hinges in a crash. Books and papers spilled onto the floor.
Mr. Lancer scowled and stalked towards them. Without effort, he picked Tucker and Danny up off the ground and led them to his room with a firm hand on either teens’ shoulders. When they reached the door, the principal called out. “Mr. Lancer? Can I speak with you?”
Mr. Lancer pushed the two boys into his room. “Stay here,” he growled. With that nice sentiment, he slammed the door shut behind him.
“So,” Tucker said a few moments later. “How long have you …” He gestured wildly at Danny.
Danny closed his eyes. “I—” he breathed, still in shock. He cleared his throat and tried again. “I wanted to tell you.”
“Clearly you didn’t,” Tucker said, sounding cold.
“Whatever,” Tucker said. “We need to go find Sam.”
Danny stared at him.
“So, you know,” Tucker said, gesturing at him again. “Do your thing.”
Danny gulped. “I don’t know how.”
“You don’t know how,” Tucker repeated, raising an eyebrow. “I just watched you.”
“No, I mean …” Danny took another deep breath. “It just happens. I can’t control it.”
“It just happens,” Tucker repeated again, like a broken record. “Why’d it happen before, then?
“Uh …”
“Okay,” Tucker said, leaning against Mr. Lancer’s desk. “What had happened before?”
“It … It got really cold, and then I heard you yell, and I just … I blanked.”
Something in Tucker’s eyes softened. “Because you thought I was in trouble,” he supplied. “Okay, but how do we replicate that?”
Danny looked down at the ground and kicked at the tile floor. “Please,” he murmured, barely audible. “I don’t want to replicate it.”
“Danny,” Tucker said, visibly annoyed. “Sam is in trouble. You realize that?”
“I’m scared.”
“Yeah, and I’m sure Sam is scared, too.”
Danny shook his head. His vision blinked back and forth, from green to clear. “Stop,” he breathed. “Stop it.”
Seeing that his words were having an effect, Tucker crossed his arms and plowed on. “She could be dying.”
Danny put his hands on either side of his head. “Stop it!”
“She could be dead right now.”
Tucker watched as Danny went rigid, his eyes glowing green. It was scary, seeing him like that. For a moment, Tucker wondered if he’d made the wrong decision in provoking him. Then a ring of white light appeared, so bright that he had to shield his eyes. In Danny’s place was … Danny, but different. So, so much different. His hair went shockingly white. His jeans and t-shirt were replaced with a black jumpsuit. Tucker squinted. He recognized it, somehow. He remembered Danny showing him that jumpsuit a few years ago. But … it had been mainly white, not mainly black. It had changed. Like Danny.
So that’s why he’d been acting so weird lately.
Danny grabbed a hold of Tucker’s wrist. He flinched violently, but Danny kept his hold. Even through those white gloves, his hand felt cold. Standing next to Danny was like standing next to an open refrigerator.
He felt himself be lifted off the ground, and then Danny flew the two of them straight through the floor and into the school basement which, apparently, doubled as a meat locker. 
“Whoa,” Tucker breathed as Danny lowered him. His feet touched the ground, but Danny remained floating. Like a bullet, he shot through a wall of cardboard boxes and disappeared from sight. A second later, Sam screamed. Her voice bounced off the walls and created an eerie echo.
Tucker ran down the carboard box hallway and turned. Against the wall, leaning on now-cracked cement, Danny groaned. 
“Danny!” Tucker shouted. He dropped down beside him, hands wavering over his form. What if he’d broken a bone or something? How was Tucker supposed to fix that?
“Tuck … ?” Danny mumbled, looking up blearily, his eyes blue once more. He gasped in fear, and at the same time that Tucker turned to see what Danny was looking at, a green bubble popped into existence around the two of them. Milliseconds later, a huge pile of frozen meat hit the shield and flew in every direction.
Tucker looked back at Danny, whose eyes were green again. He had his hands raised. When he dropped them, the green bubble disappeared without so much as a ‘Pop!’
Danny had done that? Tucker marveled. Danny reached out and grabbed Tucker’s wrist, pulling him to his feet and, after that, into the air. The ground beef monster swiped at the boys. Tucker closed his eyes and held his other arm up to block his face from the impact, but nothing happened. They’d flown straight through the ground beef monster’s arm. Using his other hand, Danny reached out and grabbed Sam by the wrist as well. She screeched, very un-Sam-like, and all three of them flew up through the ceiling and through the wall into the open air.
Danny blinked. When he opened his eyes again, they were blue and half-lidded. “Danny?” Tucker asked. Danny looked at him, took a deep breath of relief, and closed his eyes. All three of them fell the few feet there was between them and the ground. Danny transformed back.
“Danny!” Sam shouted, scrambling back. “What—?”
Tucker leaned forward and put two fingers on his wrist. “Oh, thank God, he’s alive,” he breathed. Then, turning to Sam, he said, “We need to get him home.”
In shock, blanking on what to say, Sam shut her mouth and nodded mutely.
Danny groaned. He felt like he’d been run over by a truck multiple times over.
“He’s awake!” Sam said, somewhere. Voices floated around him.
Blearily, he opened his eyes. Sam was leaning over him, her eyebrows furrowed. Behind her, Tucker sat with a matching expression. He looked past them at the white ceiling, which was decorated with faded glow in the dark stars.
“What are you guys doing in my room?” Danny asked, pushing himself upright. His head throbbed in protest, making him wince.
“Do you remember anything?” Tucker asked.
Danny blinked, confused. “Remember anything? I—” he started, but it all started coming back in bits and pieces. A ground beef monster. Flying. Grabbing Sam. Tucker finding out.
Tucker finding out.
Tucker finding out!
Danny jumped, sitting completely straight now.
“Whoa!” Sam said, holding onto his shoulder. “Calm down, it’s okay.”
Danny met Tucker’s eyes from behind Sam who, now that he knew Danny was alive and okay, was starting to look a bit annoyed. Danny had a lot of explaining to do.
He dropped his head in shame. “Look, guys,” Danny started. Sam let go of his shoulder. He pulled his knees up to his chest. “I’ve been keeping something from you.”
“That you’re part ghost?” Tucker asked. At Danny’s fearful expression, he held his hands out in front of him like, ‘calm down.’ “I’m joking.”
Danny sighed. “No, you’re right,” he said, fiddling with his blanket. “You guys know when we were watching that movie last month? When you guys wanted to check out the basement lab and I told you no?”
Slowly, Sam nodded.
“Well, after you guys left, I … went down there by myself. And my parents were building this big thing that looked like a hole in the wall, so I went inside and … and it turned on. It—” Danny gulped, unable to finish his train of thought. Instead, he said, “My parents were so excited when they came home. They said it was a portal to the ghost dimension. That they’d be able to capture ghosts and get ectoplasm samples a lot easier now. For experiments. And … I thought I just got shocked pretty bad, you know? That I was fine. But then things started happening …”
“Oh, Danny,” Sam said.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Tucker asked.
Danny put his head in his hands, unable to look them in the eye. “I was going to,” he responded. “I really was. And then my parents started talking about how they’d be able to dissect their first ghost. That they’d be able to ‘figure out what made these monsters tick.’ I got scared. I kept thinking, ‘what if they’re right? What if I am a monster?’”
“You’re not a monster,” Sam said, reaching out to him.
“But I feel like a monster, Sam.” When Danny looked up, his eyes glistened. A tear ran in a line down his cheek. “I want to … do things. Not human things. I want to jump into the ghost portal and not come back. I want to just … fly above the town for hours. Completely disconnected. And sometimes I’ll start floating around or something without even realizing it. And then today.” Danny raked a hand through his hair. “I just … blanked out. Everything went green and I stopped thinking. I’m so scared that if I let that happen again, I’m never going to be able to snap out of it. I’ll just be a ghost forever. I’ll forget about you guys, and my family, and my life …” He sniffed. “So I didn’t tell you guys. I didn’t want to drag you into it. I feel like a Dementia patient or something. Like you guys are watching me become something else. Watching me … die. And I didn’t want to admit that to myself, so… so I didn’t tell you. And I’m sorry.”
“Danny,” Tucker said, eyes wide. “Man, I had no idea.”
Sam wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. “You’re not going to lose yourself, Danny. You’re not bad. You’re the best person I’ve ever met.”
“You saw what I did today,” Danny said, pulling back. “How can you be so sure?”
“You were protecting us,” Tucker said. “The whole time. When you heard me yell. When Sam was taken away. When you saved me from being crushed under hundreds of pounds of frozen meat. That was all you, dude. That wasn’t anybody else.”
“We’re going to figure this out,” Sam promised, “together. We’re here for you, Danny. We love you so, so much.”
Danny wiped at his eyes with the heel of his hand. “I love you guys, too,” he said.
Tucker jumped onto the bed, and the two of them hugged Danny until he feel asleep again.
It was the first night in a month where Danny didn’t have a nightmare.
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mightydragoon · 5 years
Danny Phantom Humourous Fics: Part 1
For when you had a good cry recently and you want to laugh at the world. I got you covered
mixture of FF and Ao3 fics, many of which are one shots.  Well for the first part mostly if not all FF fics. 
1. Dead, Really By: The Green Pilgrim 
It's hard getting through the funeral of a loved one... especially when he's whispering rude comments in your ear.
2.  Trick!  By: Firefury Amahira 
An unlikely alliance is formed on Halloween... against Mr. Lancer!
3.  Sweet Revenge: Friday, October 13th By: Chaos Dragon
Who would have guessed that Friday the thirteenth was a holiday in the Ghost Zone? And that the favorite past time on said holiday was pranking the local halfa? Or that the day from hell would have such a sweet ending? 1 of 12 HftH Arc DxS
4.  Terrible Twos By: angelofsuspense 
Danny gets turned into a 2-year-old and his enemies start attacking thinking he's weak. Over time though they start to wonder: what's worse? The new annoying and hyper Danny Phantom, or the fact that they still can't beat him?
(note this one is a classic and I highly reccomend) 
5. Clock's day By: Preemtive Karma 
Every 1461 days the ghosts have a chance to pay homage to the master of time. Danny learns of this tradition, and decides to pay a visit himself.
6.  15 Things To Do At WalMart By: VampireApple 
Danny, Sam and Tucker decide to have some fun at WalMart. Slight DS fluff. COMPLETE! At long last.
7.  How to Piss Off Danny Fenton By: libraluvr
"I don't have to know you well to know how to piss you off."- Dash is trying to piss Danny off. Can Danny take it? Or will he snap?
(note sequel below)
8  How to Avoid Getting Suspended By: libraluvr 
Dash has decided he can't possibly let Danny get away with beating him up? Will he manage to get Danny kicked out of school? -Sequel to How to Piss Off Danny Fenton
9. Ghost Zone Experience By: Dream Trance 
"I'm a weatherman, not a—Good afternoon, Amity Park! This is Lance Thunder bringing you live to what looks like a ghostly tug-a-war with our own town hero, Danny Phantom, as both the rope and opposition. Anything you'd like to add, Mr. Phantom?"
(another gem, sadly incomplete, still so much fun) 
10. Apples Keep the Ghosts Away By: Dream Trance 
Collection of light-hearted one-shots in response to Arietta Fenton-Phantom's challenge. Read and have fun! Disappearing Act: A field trip gone wrong leads to an unplanned journey through the Ghost Zone for Casper High students and teachers.
11.  Ethos, Pathos, and Logos By: PhantomInvader 
Sometimes even a relatively normal day in Danny Fenton's life can be amusing and eventful by itself. Yes, even during Mr. Lancer's class. Oneshot collection. Now: Lancer assigns partners for a project: learn 10 things about each other, and present them.
12. 83 Ways to Get Detention 
 Casper High is getting dull. Luckily Tucker has an idea to change that. What will happen when our favorite trio schemes up 83 plots to get in detention? Hilarity will ensue.
(Note* been a while since I read this one, I have no idea how it holds up now)
13.  School?  By: Lady Rae of Ravenclaw  
When a social serves's nutjob yanks Danny and Danielle PHANTOM of the streets, telling them they have no choice but to attend school, only chaos will ensue. SEQUEL IS UP AND IS CALLED 'Living Life Because I'm Alive!
14.  Living Life Because I'm Alive By: Lady Rae of Ravenclaw 
Danielle's lair has been ruined, and after a nerve-wrecking attempt at getting her a home to stay in, her life takes a winding path of friends, family, adventure and love. - Sequel to story 'School' not needed to enjoy story. Contains twp OC's important to the plot and two stories take place during it that will be written separate. DanixOC minor DxS, TxJ and ValxOC.
(Note* Similar to this one and sequel to the one above)
15.  Where The Body Lays  By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU- Phantom is literally Danny's disembodied spirit and when he 'goes ghost', his body just falls limp- not even breathing. As a result, he not only has a reputation for 'sleeping' in class but Tucker and Sam have to hide his body from everyone when he's ghost fighting but what happens when they're gone and Lancer tries to wake up Danny only to find that he's not breathing.
(words can’t describe my love  for this one shot) 
16. Karma has a Sense of Humor By: Vitaliciouscreations
Danny comforts Mikey, Nathan, and Lester after a group beating because of the football team, and later, proves that his words weren't just to cheer them up.
17.  Bayard  By: sapphireswimming 
The ghost just didn't know who he was messing with when he floated into Lancer's classroom.
18.  Mister Popular By: ploThief 
To say Danny knows people is an understatement. To say that would come back to bite him is an understatement as well. Featuring the Secret Trio and a surprise group
19.  Phantom Radio By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU- The Phantom siblings, Danny and Dani, were the ones that started their own Radio Show. The other residents of the Ghost Zone quickly made their radio show the most popular and well-known throughout the Zone.
( Note* another fantastic fic by  Clockwork's Apprentice)
20.  Reaping Roads By: Clockwork's Apprentice 
AU. When Sam died, she didn't expect the reaper escorting her to the afterlife to be so cute. Good thing the road to the afterlife is so long.
21.  Not True, Yes it is! By: QueenofHearts7378 
"So what are they trying to prove?", "With them? Who knows.", "Well whatever they're doing, someone will probably have to go get the nurse." [One-Shot]
(note*  QueenofHearts7378 is also a very prominent Secret Quartet writer so if you’re interested in that give her a try) 
22.  Suit Yourself! By: mabel-but-slytherin 
Grunkle Stan has to get his suits from somewhere! Upon discovering that Stan steals all of his suits from the same poor rich guy, Mabel swears she'll make the latest stolen suit his own. Phantomfalls ensues.
(Note* this is so dumb but I love it to bits
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starfleetimagines · 5 years
Upcoming Imagines (Feb. 2/20)
These are all of the requests I have received and have decided to write. I can’t promise when any of these will be written and I don’t have an order that I’ll be writing them in - I just write whatever one I have inspiration for at a given time.
Currently, I’m very busy with my university classes as well as volunteering at my old elementary school one day a week. So, I don’t have much time to write. I have a break week in two weeks so hopefully I’ll have some time then to write some stuff. But yeah, here are the requests that I’ll try to write in the next few months:
Quark – Marital Advice (aw--heck on tumblr) [Any chance I could get a DS9 request where the reader goes to their best friend Quark to talk about marriage troubles with their husband Worf? A bit of comforting banter at the bar type thing?]
Garak – Flirtatious Surprises (anon on tumblr) [I wonder if I could please request a DS9 Garak x reader imagine where the normally quiet plus-size reader flirts with Garak in front of everyone and leaves him flustered but in the end he just kisses her and everyone cheers?]
Data – Panic Attack (Area_C-137 on wattpad) [Maybe you could write one we’re the reader is in a relationship with data and he see the reader having a panic attack and then they cuddle to make the reader feel happy]
Data – First Date Part 2 of First Meetings (ElfWarriorQueen on wattpad) [Maybe them going on their date and there could be some kind of unfortunate accident that draws them closer together; like drinks get spilled over the reader, or maybe there’s a malfunction in the elevator and they’re stuck for a while.]
Trip Tucker – Tension (adela-topaz-caelon on tumblr) [Can I request a vaguley smutty Trip Tucker x Reader, where they're on a mission together in a shuttle, there's some repartee between the two, who aren't yet dating - and comments start leading to others and so on and forth and such, and then there's a time skip to them going back to the station, and whilst they did get the work done, other's can tell by marks on the Reader's neck that something has happened.]
Christopher Pike – Parents (anon on tumblr) [I had a realization thats night if you can do Disco Pike becoming for dad I'll love you forever]
Wesley Crusher – Comfort (anon on tumblr) [could I request something fluffy where Wesley does his best to comfort the reader after her now ex-boyfriend break ups with her b/c of lack of sexual intimacy and the reader avoids Wesley cause she feels she's not smart enough or pretty enough for him]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Dance Practice (jesterofsorts on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Star Trek imagine about AOS Bones? Maybe if he teaches the reader to dance because they don't know how and they fall in love with each other?]
Garak – Rescue Party (kate_the_dork on wattpad) [I was wondering if you could do a Garak x reader where the reader is taken by the Dominion and is interrogated for info about ds9 but she won't give it up cuz she's too cool for that lmao. And then, cuz I'm a cliche and fluffy gal, Garak comes to save her?]
Garak – “Sew, you like me?” (Indirect_Detective on wattpad) [Could you do a Garak x reader? Him coming to terms with loving the reader and finally trying to admit is but doctor Bashir keeps cutting in and ruining the moment. Garak finally gets the reader alone and compliments the reader(looks and personality) as he's hemming readers uniform before opening up to the reader?]
Malcolm Reed – “Talk to me, please.” (chevyp15 on wattpad) [Malcolm Reed x reader where reader seems off and when Mal confronts them they break down and confess all their worries about the relationship?]
Deanna x Will - Pregnant (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Deanna Troi x William Riker where set during an official Starfleet ball and they announced that Deanna is expecting a baby again, but Deanna feels uncertain after the death of their son Ian Troi and Riker comforts her, which leads to a bit of passionate kisses please.]
Garak - Presents (anon on tumblr) [Ah I request an imagine for garak. Like he’s at his shop and his so comes in with something from cardassia for him and he has no idea how his so got it for him and she refuses to say. But he’s super happy about it because it’s something he’s missed for so long. And just fluff ensues?]
Pavel Chekov – Set Up (anon on tumblr) [Can I get an imagine with Chekov please? Fem!Reader works in engineering and is like a daughter figure to Scotty. When Chekov starts shadowing Scotty, he meets the reader and a friendship quickly forms because they are both adorable dorks. Scotty notices that their friendship could become something more with a nudge in the right direction. Soon the Scotsman has get both the reader and Chekov together. Just something super silly and fluffy!!] 
Kathryn Janeway – Protection (anon on tumblr) [Hiiiiiiii could I have a Janeway x reader fic where she steps in front of you to protect you and uses her arm to shield you and is super gentle with you and everything? Can be romantic or platonic whatever works best for this!]
Spock x Uhura – Wedding Bells (anon on tumblr) [Can I ask you for something fluffy between Spock and Uhura where they get married on planet Vulcan with all their friends and family around them?]
Being Pavel Chekov’s Betazoid Wife Would Include… (dancingwith-thesunflowers on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Chekov and female betazoid-human hybrid!reader getting married and having children please?]
Dating T’Pol Would Include… (anon on tumblr)
Will Riker – Pregnant (borzanimariana on wattpad) [Write with command riker and reader are married and she's pregnant, please]
Having Worf as a Father Figure Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Being a security office and having Worf as a father figure (cause y/n is one of the youngest in the crew)]
Being Married To Jean-Luc Picard Would Include… (spaceyslytherin on tumblr) [Request: Being married to Jean-Luc Picard would include.]
Malcolm Reed – Nightmares (wraith-queen-todd on tumblr) [Heyyyyy ep so can I request a Malcolm reed imagine where he comforts his so after thy have a nightmare about him dying-? If that’s ok. I never really request before haha sorry I’m so awkward]
Scotty x Jayla – Graduation (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot with Scotty + Jaylah where Scotty is at Jaylah’s graduation from Star Fleet Academy and Jaylah admits to Scotty that she is proud that Scotty is the first person she considers “a friend”?]
Data x Geordi – Domestic Life (anon on tumblr) [Hey! If you could. Would you be able to write an one shot please with some Data + Geordi fluff where in an AU, Lal (Data’s daughter) is a small child and both Data + Geordi married and are looking after her and they’re playing and having fun with Spot the cat, as he causes mischief.]
Trip Tucker – “You’re hot when you’re jealous.” (anon on tumblr) [Hello I’m the smut asked about trip. As for the thing I was wondering if it could be like trip for jealous of someone flirting with his so and she reassured him that she only has eyes for him? If that’s ok?]
B’Elanna x Tom – PDA (anon on tumblr) [If it’s okay. Would you write an oneshot between Br’Elanna & Tom Paris where they are arguing about things, but in the end, they have a romantic moment, which is seen by the rest of the crew, without them realising. Please? Thank you in advance!]
Michael x Ash – Nightmares (anon on tumblr) [Hello, I love your writing!! 🥰 Could I request an oneshot with Michael comforting Ash after having a panic attack during his PTSD please? ✨ Thanks!]
Leonard “Bones” McCoy – Study Date (SloveniaReader95 on wattpad) [I was thinking... maybe with Bones where he is a year or two ahead at the Academy and for the first exam, the reader is already giving up, but Bones is there not letting her do it or something:)]
Malcolm Reed – Destressing (anon on tumblr) [Can you do a Malcolm reed smut if that is alright? Maybe Malcolm comes back to their room after a shift stressed and his so tries to calm him down a bit and it turns into smut?]
Kathryn Janeway Being Your Mother Would Include… (anon on tumblr) [Could you write some headcanons about Janeway being the reader’s mother, please? Thanks so much! I love your beautiful writing!!]
Julian Bashir – “Surprise!” (anon on tumblr) [DS9 request: The reader's belly has popped. So have her buttons. It's time to tell Julian the two of them are going to have a baby.]
Will Riker – “I love you.” (catherinedm on tumblr) [Hi(: I love your blog your writings are amazing. Could you maybe please do something about Will Riker telling you(the reader insert) his fellow enterprise officer he’s been datuing for a while that he loves you for the first time? Thank you so much!! Keep up the great work]
Sylvia Tilly x Michael Burnham – More Than Friends (anon on tumblr) [Can you please write an oneshot where Sylvia Tilly helps Michael, when she finds out that she has never been on a proper human date, she decides to play matchmaker for Michael, not realising that her friendship with her new roommate could lead to more..]
Trip Tucker x T’Pol – Family (anon on tumblr) [Would you be okay to write an oneshot based on Trip and T'Pol, where they have been living on Vulcan with their daughter Elizabeth for a few months, and they're hoping that sooner rather then later that they’ll have another baby? Thank you so much! I love your beautiful writing for the Star Trek fandom!!]
Ezri Dax x Julian Bashir – Moving In (anon on tumblr) [If it is okay with you please?. Can you write an oneshot where Ezri and Julian attempt to build a life together, no matter what odds they may face. Thank you so much!]
Kira Nerys – Socially Awkward (anon on tumblr) [Can I request something for Kira Nerys with a female reader who's very opinionated/clever but socially awkward/a little overly cautious? Maybe a civilian of some kind, but that's not 100% necessary.]
Worf x Jazdia Dax – “Marry me.” (anon on tumblr) [I know requests are closed, but I am sorry and I do apologise for not being more specific about the Worf and Jadzia oneshot request. Would it be okay if it was something like it was last night for the Defiant, maybe set on Gaia ("Children of Time") and Worf surprises Jadzia by asking her to marry him. Hope that makes more sense! I’d be willing to send it again, if it doesn’t. Thank you very much!! I love your writing by the way!]
Will Riker – Home Safe (tngbabe on tumblr) [I'd like a will riker and reader. I'd love to have him take me home from a party because I'm drunk and wants me to get to my quarters safely and then stays.]
Comforting Kathryn Janeway Would Include… (geekyamorel on wattpad) [I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a KathrynXReader. Maybe something like Janeway is having a bad day and the reader tries their best to help calm her and maybe ends up making a fool of themselves just to make her smile and laugh]
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