#trimmed opening
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piesandwich · 1 year ago
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DC Metro Walk Out Basement Basement - large contemporary walk-out carpeted basement idea with gray walls and a standard fireplace
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geofdarrow · 2 years ago
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Craftsman Home Bar - Single Wall A large arts and crafts single-wall wet bar design example with a light wood floor, shaker cabinets, dark wood cabinets, granite countertops, a gray backsplash, and a porcelain backsplash.
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kimoray · 2 years ago
San Francisco Traditional Living Room
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Example of a mid-sized classic open concept medium tone wood floor, brown floor and vaulted ceiling living room design with beige walls, a wall-mounted tv, a ribbon fireplace and a stacked stone fireplace
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nicolecupcake · 2 years ago
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DC Metro Walk Out Basement Basement - large contemporary walk-out carpeted basement idea with gray walls and a standard fireplace
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misersdream · 4 months ago
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Slay the Prince - Happily Ever After
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arpeggiiosm · 10 months ago
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Yuugo’s closed up himself in the salon, giving himself a haircut. He doesn’t like to go elsewhere and bother other people with having to do it, why should he after all, it’s his talent, so why should he waste it?
Though, hearing the bell on the door he glances over, hair still a bit wet. “Be there in a minute!”
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biancadavri · 6 months ago
now, i'm not saying that there will be a right way to play dragon age: the veilguard BUT ☝️ is it me or is davrin's cleveage like, at eye level for a dwarf? just some thots to think really
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creations-by-chaosfay · 1 year ago
Emergency Roof Repair and Storm Cleanup Commissions
As mentioned in previous posts and pinned @anotherdayforchaosfay , we have just been through a natural disaster. Please read the pinned post on that blog. Updates will be added once we get outside and photograph the damage for our insurance claim.
I have opened commissions three months earlier than planned because we need to raise money to cover our insurance deductible as well as hiring someone to remove the tree from our roof and yard. The tree is owned by a lazy landlordlord who owns the property next door. We have told him repeatedly it needs to be trimmed or there will be damage. His property got a quick install sunroof.
I have four slots available across the board and prices start at $150 USD.
I have made the option of commissioning me for a quilt available. Three finished quilt tops are listed as commissions because they're ready for handquilting. Several people have inquired about one of the tops, so now's your chance to have it done sooner than later.
If you can do only a partial payment right now, DM me. I'll write up a contract for payments, and will require 50% upfront and weekly/monthly installs after that. You will then receive an invoice.
Commissions will begin immediately because we now have power.
I will close commissions when all slots are filled or June 1st, 2024. Whichever happens first (hopefully the former). If slots are filled, I will reopen them again after I finish all the commissions. I work fast and may complete six quilts netween now and then.
Donations are accepted,and there are four listings available in my shop with the option to pay more than my asking price (if you add an extra zero, I may very well cry).
Samples of my work below as well as in my gallery.
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p---l---c · 9 months ago
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she got a haircut! now where are you going to put all those fancy ornaments?
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mudwerks · 1 month ago
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(via and everything else too: Pleated Trim)
so much zest
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powered-by-prower · 25 days ago
AU: For a Better Tomorrow (Villain Tails/Tomorrow!Tails)
This AU focuses on a sort of "Tragic Hero" take on Tails that ends up going off into what is essentially him becoming a second Robotnik with more noble goals. Despite his intent however, he is still a bit of a maniac who is willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what he wants.
Divergences from the main plot are below.
Divergence: The Incident
Blossom - @red-eclipse, is only 2 years old at this point in this AU, having been born later due to some random interference in the time stream. Tails still fights alongside the group in the final fight against Eggman. There's one major difference here, though. In the main timeline, Tails jumps in the way of the blast meant for Sonic and loses his arm. This time however, Tails is the chosen target for Eggman's final attack, leaving Sonic to jump in at the last minute and lose a leg.
Tails has been repressing emotions against Eggman for a good few years, something reflected by how he acts in SA2 when he thinks Sonic is dead, and things only get worse from there, such as his imprisonment and torture in Forces. While losing his arm only affected his personality, Sonic is his closest friend and essentially brother - having him be dealt with in such a manner causes Tails to snap in that moment, and all of his emotions flood to the surface.
Tails, upon seeing his brother mutilated, has a similar reaction to Sonic in the main timeline. However unlike Sonic, Tails' ability is much more effective in dealing a finishing blow to Robotnik. While Sonic goes Dark Sonic in the original timeline, Tails uses his Technokinesis to force Eggman's walker to self-destruct. There is no time for anyone to react to Tails' action, be it Eggman or even Sonic's friends, and in a few short moments, there's nothing left of the doctor or his mech.
Tails is essentially held under lock and key by his friends for the next few days. He's told he isn't a prisoner, but is essentially treated like one from his own perspective, not even really allowed to see his daughter, with Vanilla taking care of her in the meantime. When they do decide to let him see Sonic, their meeting is almost entirely silent. Sonic tries to speak, but is met with nothing. He can't even look his own brother in the eye anymore.
Eventually, Tails decides it's best for everyone - in particular himself - to leave. Too many emotions are flooding his mind, and he can't handle the pressure. So he hatches a plan - in the middle of the night, he steals Blossom away from Vanilla's home, takes the Cyclone... and he runs away. He eventually abandons the Cyclone because he assumes it will be found, and does everything in his power to prevent Sonic and his friends from finding him.
This lasts for at least 8 years, with Tails being essentially dead to the world, but always simply on the run. Under the name Hades, Tails raises Blossom on the road as best he can throughout the years. He manages to get by without needing a job, as he manages to funnel Robotnik's funds into a personal account, allowing him to keep himself even more in the dark.
Eventually however, there would be a shakeup in the world. It would be noticed that Robotnik's bases are being torn down one by one, and in their place, a new empire is starting to rise from the ashes. An empire of machines with seemingly nobody at the helm. Everyone would think that Robotnik had managed to survive somehow and had a contingency plan... but in time, the ring leader of this new operation would show himself.
A lone three-tailed fox and his Seedrian daughter, rebuilding and repurposing the Eggman Empire into a more honest and noble cause, with a simple phrase at the core of its philosophy;
"For a better tomorrow, by any means necessary."
In this AU, Tails does still adopt Kit - @sorrowfulsidekick, and Chronos - @timeclipsed. However, instead of Chronos calling Tails and asking for help, Tails finds them by complete accident when he catches wind of another Robotnik, the one performing experiments on Chronos. Tails, deciding on the spot to just kill Robotnik as to avoid having him cause trouble down the line, and takes in Kit and Chronos with the intended purpose of finding a way to send them back home. As that plan becomes less feasible in the immediate term, Tails offers them safety and security under his roof, so long as they play the part of his children for his own public image. This would last a lot longer than either of them had intended however, with Tails starting to become attached to them and eventually simply adopting them outright.
Misc. AU Details
Tails doesn't lose his arm in this timeline, but he does absolutely hate the fact that he got out of the blast unharmed. He's considered self-mutilation, but decides against it as he doesn't want to disrespect Sonic's sacrifice.
Blossom is very sick in this timeline, having suffered problems during her planting. She has flare-ups that are essentially a serious case of Root Rot on a plant-like creature. This has caused her petals to fall out, and Tails to develop Fake Chaos Emeralds in the shape of flowers that she can use as hair pins. He makes them in various flower shapes so she can better personalize her outfit.
Blossom in this timeline is more of a "spoiled daughter to a rich billionaire"-type character. See "Princess Morbucks"
Tails is much more unhinged in this timeline. He's been keeping notes on Eggman's attacks and plans for years, using them as a blueprint on what not to do. This does, in fact, give him an almost permanent grin akin to Eggman's, a comparison that he will absolutely not tolerate.
Despite Tails' unhinged nature, he still is a hero at heart. The problem is that he wants to use his new iron fist as a means of keeping everyone safe - especially his old friends, despite them definitely not seeing eye to eye.
Tails still holds Sonic in high regard, but he absolutely feels betrayed when Sonic will eventually express concern and distaste for Tails' methods of peacekeeping.
Viewing them as a threat to the world, Tails has collected and sealed all seven Chaos Emeralds away. While he doesn't take the Master Emerald for a number of reasons, he does have it under constant surveillance.
A few of Tails' friends would join his cause, and others from the main timeline find their way into his ranks. Odin/Android Shadow, Silver and Omega all become part of his security detail, and Charmy essentially works as a double agent.
Eventide is found as an experiment being conducted by this timeline's Dr. Starline, who was originally working for Tails, but as the experiment was conducted in secret and uses Tails' own technology, Tails has since... disposed of Starline.
Tails does not have Gemerl in this timeline. Gemerl's main goal is protecting Cream, and he knows fully well that Gemerl would see him as a threat to her safety given his new nature. Not to mention the fact that he's almost certain that Cream would hate him for what he's become as well, and so he maintains his distance.
Odin joins Tails for two reasons - first, his distaste for Shadow persists here, as Tails doesn't so much care about defusing the situation. As far as he's concerned, Odin and Shadow hating each other means that if Shadow tries anything, he can rely on Odin to try and stop him. Second, Tails still repairs Odin and gives him much better cybernetic limbs. As a result, Odin feels honor-bound.
Omega joins Tails as a side effect of his efficient takedown of anything related to Eggman. Though Omega has expressed Tails' distaste for repurposing old Eggman technology such as the E-100 models, he has an agreement not to destroy Tails' versions of them, so long as Tails keeps his promise to Omega - erase the Doctor's influence from the world by any means necessary.
Silver joins Tails because of his own sense of justice. This AU's Silver is already a drastic difference to the source material, but this specific timeline's version of Silver is also quite unique due to similar time stream interference that caused Blossom to be born later on. Will be elaborated on at a later date.
Charmy was part of Tails' immediate friend group growing up, alongside Cream, as a result of the similarities in age. However, while Tails had Sonic who was quite supportive of him, Charmy always felt like he was treated as the annoying little brother of the Chaotix. He still did his job and it was clear that Espio and Vector appreciated him, but he didn't have anywhere near as much support, and had been known to lash out for attention. When he was finally contacted by Tails, he was offered a chance to be a part of something bigger, and was told that he could finally be properly appreciated for his work in saving the world. Charmy accepted, and now works a sort of spy for Tails to learn what's going on with his old friends.
Shade - @dreamingofeos, has also been employed in Tails' security force. Tails knows that she isn't from his world, and he has his suspicions of her, though she hasn't done anything to cause him to raise an alarm... not yet, anyway. For the time being though, she's been quite useful in maintaining peace among his empire, something he does not take for granted.
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bas-rouge · 21 days ago
Also Puppy had their third nail trim tonight. Took all of 5 minutes. They just laid down and went to town on a chew while I took the clippers to each nail. They were a little uneasy about the table at first (table = ears, and ears = torture 😅), but they were fine once I pulled out the dental chew. Not sure what they put in those but it's like crack to them. Anyway, they didn't even protest me manipulating their paws (the rear nails were pretty short so I couldn't get to them without pushing on the pads to get them through the hair), so I'm pretty thrilled! Not a huge surprise considering puppy sat on the counter with a dental chew and didn't even miss a beat when they got their third round of vaccines last week 😅 food makes everything better...
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risingsunresistance · 24 days ago
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lconoclasts · 11 months ago
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apoligies for the weird scaling that tumblr does :-P but heres another gif! if you have any requests i am all ears!
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byeolyeou · 5 months ago
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" do you always complain this much ? "
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jaihirvi · 2 years ago
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When I asked my hairdresser to trim the ends of my hair
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