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pragmatikotitagr · 2 years ago
Διεθνής «καριέρα» για ελληνικά προϊόντα – Πώς ούζο και αυγοτάραχο ενισχύουν την εξωστρέφειά τους
Την παρουσία τους στο εξωτερικό ενισχύουν τα ελληνικά τρόφιμα ενώ εταιρείες με ιστορία πολλών δεκαετιών σχεδιάζουν τη διεύρυνση της δραστηριότητάς τους στις ξένες αγορές.
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Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι σύμφωνα με στοιχεία της Eurostat που επεξεργάστηκε το Ινστιτούτο Εξαγωγικών Ερευνών και Σπουδών του ΣΕΒΕ, το πρώτο τρίμηνο του 2023 τα ελληνικά προϊόντα ταξίδεψαν σε συνολικά 148 χώρες σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο ενώ στις 70 εξ αυτών οι εξαγωγές ήταν συνολικού ύψους άνω του ενός εκατ. ευρώ.
Ενδεικτικά των κινήσεων εξωστρέφειας που πραγματοποιούν ελληνικές εταιρείες τροφίμων ήταν όσα επεσήμαναν στελέχη των εταιρειών Βαρβαγιάννη και Trikalinos -οι οποίες είναι μέλη της πρωτοβουλίας ΕΛΛΑ-ΔΙΚΑ μας - σε εκδήλωση που πραγματοποίησαν από κοινού.
Με το ούζο να αποτελεί έτσι κι αλλιώς το κυριότερο εξαγώγιμο προϊόν της ελληνικής ποτοποιίας βάσει των στοιχείων του ΣΕΟΑΠ, ο στόχος για την ποτοποιία Βαρβαγιάννη, η οποία έχει παράδοση 160 ετών, είναι η περαιτέρω διεύρυνση της εξαγωγικής της δραστηριότητας. Αυτή τη στιγμή οι εξαγωγές αποτελούν το 25% του τζίρου της, ο οποίος προέρχεται συνολικά κατά 30% από τις πωλήσεις στα σούπερ μάρκετ και κατά 70% από το κανάλι HORECA. «Το Ούζο Βαρβαγιάννη εισέρχεται σε μια νέα εποχή. Ανανεώσαμε τις ετικέτες των προϊόντων μας και υιοθετούμε μια νέα ταυτότητα, με στόχο την καθιέρωση του ούζου ως μια κυρίαρχη επιλογή καθόλη τη διάρκεια του χρόνου» σημείωσε μεταξύ άλλων ο κ. Γιάννης Βαρβαγιάννης ένας εκ των τριών Διαχειριστών της εταιρείας.
Αντίστοιχα, για την εταιρεία Trikalinos, της οικογένειας Τρικαλινός που δραστηριοποιείται από το 1856 στην μεταποίηση και εμπορία του αυγοτάραχου, οι εξαγωγές αποτελούν το 40% του τζίρου. Ήδη άλλωστε εξάγει σε 42 χώρες συνολικά σε όλο τον κόσμο. Σύμφωνα με τον πρόεδρο της εταιρείας, Ζαφείρη Τρικαλινό, ο στόχος, με δεδομένη και την ανοδική τάση που παρατηρείται είναι οι εξαγωγές να αποτελούν τα επόμενα χρόνια το 50% του κύκλου εργασιών. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό η εταιρεία συνεχίζει τις κινήσεις της στις αγορές του εξωτερικού και μάλιστα πρόσφατα, στελέχη της ταξίδεψαν έως την Ιαπωνία με στόχο την ενίσχυση του εξαγωγικού της αποτυπώματος στην ιαπωνική αγορά.
Πηγή άρθρου: Διεθνής «καριέρα» για ελληνικά προϊόντα – Πώς ούζο και αυγοτάραχο ενισχύουν την εξωστρέφειά τους
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elladastinkardiamou · 6 years ago
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Innovative chefs and bold restaurants, dedicated producers and passionate winemakers have all helped shape modern Greek gastronomy.
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geomiso-blog · 6 years ago
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Διαβάστε τη συνέντευξη του Παναγιώτη Καρακίτσιου στην Huffington Post Greece και τη Senior News Editor Αγγελική Κουγιάννου.
#Geomiso #HuffingtonPost #Interview
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marymillera6 · 6 years ago
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research
The Second Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine made a number of recommendations of how to improve cost effectiveness analysis (CEA).  Yet, CEA is far from “solved”.  In a recent article by Neumann et al. (2018), the Second Panel identifies seven CEA areas where additional research is needed.  This include:
CEA and perspective: “Many issues require work before the field can reach agreement on summary measures for a societal perspective, particularly which elements to include in a summary, how these should be determined, and how to value them.”  While the Second Panel recommended taking a societal perspective and–if appropriate for the question at hand–also the health system perspective, it was unclear whether the goal should be to maximize health benefits or overall benefits (e.g., health but also labor market outcomes, schooling, or other non-health factors.).  The authors mention that cost-benefit analysis (CBA) may be appropriate.  As the name indicates, CBA  considers the value of costs and benefits to the losers and gainers of an intervention based on market prices [or if these are not available, then shadow prices.
Modeling.  While many models conduct sensitivity analyses around models parameters, few CEAs conduct sensitvity analysis across model types.  The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) has done this with their IVI-RA Value Toll Model, but few others do this.  An exception is Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET), which does perform comparative model analysis.  Also, best practices recommend that modelers provide sufficient  detail about the model structure and parameterization to allow other researchers to reproduce it, other groups–such as IVI, have made their models itself available online.
Valuing health outcomes. Measure of quality of life often can be translated into QALYs assuming that the health state persists over some fixed duration.  But what about temporary health states?  Chaining methods may be used to estimate the value of temporary health states (see Wright et al. 2009, Locadia et al. 2004, and McNamee et al. 2004).  In one case, “subjects were asked to compare health states associated with the process of prenatal diagnosis to a temporary health state of the same duration based on a description of the experience of undergoing chemotherapy (but not so labeled).”  QALYs are also problematic because they assume that individuals are indifferent to the order of when the events occur.  The Neumann et al. paper even asks whether using virtual reality would be helpful to better model health states.
 Valuing non-health outcomes.  What happens if a medicine–such as an antipsychotic–is able to reduce crime rates?  Should this be included in a CEA model?  The answer is likely yes.  Also, the Second Panel argued that “the effects of morbidity on productivity in the labor market and in household production are not captured by standard utility measures and therefore should be assessed in pecuniary terms and included in the numerator of the CEA.”
Evidence Synthesis.  Before building a CEA model, one must know the clinical benefits of different treatments.  Synthesizing available evidence when there is not a head to head trial is problematic.  Neumann et al. write that “Currently, there is no rigorous, internally consistent set of premises and theorem-based derivative propositions that motivates and justifies the practice of evidence synthesis. The exception may be the mathematical foundations of quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis).”
Estimating CE thresholds. There are two options here, supply side or demand side.  Supply side calculates the CE threshold based on the opportunity cost; what would be the value of these funds if they were allocated to other activities.  The demand side looks at consumer willingness to pay for health gains.  Some CEAs–such as ICERs–have said that ‘a given intervention is high value, but not affordable as the CEA and budget impact analyses are done separately.  If this is the case, then the CEA criteria clearly do not reflect the scale and value of the opportunity costs.  While some argue that the supply side works better in single payer systems with fixed budgets, others would argue that the share of the government’s budget allocated to health is in fact a choice variable, and thus higher WTP would argue for more resources directed to health expenditures. Empirically measures of WTP for a QALY do vary greatly across countries and based on the methodology used to estimate these value (see Ryen and Svennson 2005).
CEA communication.  Should I do a perfect CEA or do a good CEA and get it out fast?  As all diseases and treatments have their own idiosyncrasies, one could spend a nearly unlimited amount of time collecting information to make a CEA high quality. Yet, the Second Panel does make a few key recomendations including: (i) having a written protocol, (ii) having an impact inventory, and (iii) presenting the societal and health system perspective.  It would be helpful if CEAs could be graded using a scoring system such as the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group, but applying these principles in practice may be difficult and focus more on process/documentation rather than the actual scientific quality of the CEA.
Overall, cost-effectiveness analysis has come a long way.  Yet, there is still much work to be done to insured that treatment benefits, risks and costs can be adequately captured to inform stakeholder decision-making.
Neumann, Peter J., David D. Kim, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Mark J. Sculpher, Joshua A. Salomon, Lisa A. Prosser, Douglas K. Owens et al. “Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine.” Medical Decision Making38, no. 7 (2018): 767-777.
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realselfblog · 6 years ago
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research
The Second Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine made a number of recommendations of how to improve cost effectiveness analysis (CEA).  Yet, CEA is far from “solved”.  In a recent article by Neumann et al. (2018), the Second Panel identifies seven CEA areas where additional research is needed.  This include:
CEA and perspective: “Many issues require work before the field can reach agreement on summary measures for a societal perspective, particularly which elements to include in a summary, how these should be determined, and how to value them.”  While the Second Panel recommended taking a societal perspective and–if appropriate for the question at hand–also the health system perspective, it was unclear whether the goal should be to maximize health benefits or overall benefits (e.g., health but also labor market outcomes, schooling, or other non-health factors.).  The authors mention that cost-benefit analysis (CBA) may be appropriate.  As the name indicates, CBA  considers the value of costs and benefits to the losers and gainers of an intervention based on market prices [or if these are not available, then shadow prices.
Modeling.  While many models conduct sensitivity analyses around models parameters, few CEAs conduct sensitvity analysis across model types.  The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) has done this with their IVI-RA Value Toll Model, but few others do this.  An exception is Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET), which does perform comparative model analysis.  Also, best practices recommend that modelers provide sufficient  detail about the model structure and parameterization to allow other researchers to reproduce it, other groups–such as IVI, have made their models itself available online.
Valuing health outcomes. Measure of quality of life often can be translated into QALYs assuming that the health state persists over some fixed duration.  But what about temporary health states?  Chaining methods may be used to estimate the value of temporary health states (see Wright et al. 2009, Locadia et al. 2004, and McNamee et al. 2004).  In one case, “subjects were asked to compare health states associated with the process of prenatal diagnosis to a temporary health state of the same duration based on a description of the experience of undergoing chemotherapy (but not so labeled).”  QALYs are also problematic because they assume that individuals are indifferent to the order of when the events occur.  The Neumann et al. paper even asks whether using virtual reality would be helpful to better model health states.
 Valuing non-health outcomes.  What happens if a medicine–such as an antipsychotic–is able to reduce crime rates?  Should this be included in a CEA model?  The answer is likely yes.  Also, the Second Panel argued that “the effects of morbidity on productivity in the labor market and in household production are not captured by standard utility measures and therefore should be assessed in pecuniary terms and included in the numerator of the CEA.”
Evidence Synthesis.  Before building a CEA model, one must know the clinical benefits of different treatments.  Synthesizing available evidence when there is not a head to head trial is problematic.  Neumann et al. write that “Currently, there is no rigorous, internally consistent set of premises and theorem-based derivative propositions that motivates and justifies the practice of evidence synthesis. The exception may be the mathematical foundations of quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis).”
Estimating CE thresholds. There are two options here, supply side or demand side.  Supply side calculates the CE threshold based on the opportunity cost; what would be the value of these funds if they were allocated to other activities.  The demand side looks at consumer willingness to pay for health gains.  Some CEAs–such as ICERs–have said that ‘a given intervention is high value, but not affordable as the CEA and budget impact analyses are done separately.  If this is the case, then the CEA criteria clearly do not reflect the scale and value of the opportunity costs.  While some argue that the supply side works better in single payer systems with fixed budgets, others would argue that the share of the government’s budget allocated to health is in fact a choice variable, and thus higher WTP would argue for more resources directed to health expenditures. Empirically measures of WTP for a QALY do vary greatly across countries and based on the methodology used to estimate these value (see Ryen and Svennson 2005).
CEA communication.  Should I do a perfect CEA or do a good CEA and get it out fast?  As all diseases and treatments have their own idiosyncrasies, one could spend a nearly unlimited amount of time collecting information to make a CEA high quality. Yet, the Second Panel does make a few key recomendations including: (i) having a written protocol, (ii) having an impact inventory, and (iii) presenting the societal and health system perspective.  It would be helpful if CEAs could be graded using a scoring system such as the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group, but applying these principles in practice may be difficult and focus more on process/documentation rather than the actual scientific quality of the CEA.
Overall, cost-effectiveness analysis has come a long way.  Yet, there is still much work to be done to insured that treatment benefits, risks and costs can be adequately captured to inform stakeholder decision-making.
Neumann, Peter J., David D. Kim, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Mark J. Sculpher, Joshua A. Salomon, Lisa A. Prosser, Douglas K. Owens et al. “Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine.” Medical Decision Making38, no. 7 (2018): 767-777.
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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maxihealth · 6 years ago
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research
The Second Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine made a number of recommendations of how to improve cost effectiveness analysis (CEA).  Yet, CEA is far from “solved”.  In a recent article by Neumann et al. (2018), the Second Panel identifies seven CEA areas where additional research is needed.  This include:
CEA and perspective: “Many issues require work before the field can reach agreement on summary measures for a societal perspective, particularly which elements to include in a summary, how these should be determined, and how to value them.”  While the Second Panel recommended taking a societal perspective and–if appropriate for the question at hand–also the health system perspective, it was unclear whether the goal should be to maximize health benefits or overall benefits (e.g., health but also labor market outcomes, schooling, or other non-health factors.).  The authors mention that cost-benefit analysis (CBA) may be appropriate.  As the name indicates, CBA  considers the value of costs and benefits to the losers and gainers of an intervention based on market prices [or if these are not available, then shadow prices.
Modeling.  While many models conduct sensitivity analyses around models parameters, few CEAs conduct sensitvity analysis across model types.  The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) has done this with their IVI-RA Value Toll Model, but few others do this.  An exception is Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET), which does perform comparative model analysis.  Also, best practices recommend that modelers provide sufficient  detail about the model structure and parameterization to allow other researchers to reproduce it, other groups–such as IVI, have made their models itself available online.
Valuing health outcomes. Measure of quality of life often can be translated into QALYs assuming that the health state persists over some fixed duration.  But what about temporary health states?  Chaining methods may be used to estimate the value of temporary health states (see Wright et al. 2009, Locadia et al. 2004, and McNamee et al. 2004).  In one case, “subjects were asked to compare health states associated with the process of prenatal diagnosis to a temporary health state of the same duration based on a description of the experience of undergoing chemotherapy (but not so labeled).”  QALYs are also problematic because they assume that individuals are indifferent to the order of when the events occur.  The Neumann et al. paper even asks whether using virtual reality would be helpful to better model health states.
 Valuing non-health outcomes.  What happens if a medicine–such as an antipsychotic–is able to reduce crime rates?  Should this be included in a CEA model?  The answer is likely yes.  Also, the Second Panel argued that “the effects of morbidity on productivity in the labor market and in household production are not captured by standard utility measures and therefore should be assessed in pecuniary terms and included in the numerator of the CEA.”
Evidence Synthesis.  Before building a CEA model, one must know the clinical benefits of different treatments.  Synthesizing available evidence when there is not a head to head trial is problematic.  Neumann et al. write that “Currently, there is no rigorous, internally consistent set of premises and theorem-based derivative propositions that motivates and justifies the practice of evidence synthesis. The exception may be the mathematical foundations of quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis).”
Estimating CE thresholds. There are two options here, supply side or demand side.  Supply side calculates the CE threshold based on the opportunity cost; what would be the value of these funds if they were allocated to other activities.  The demand side looks at consumer willingness to pay for health gains.  Some CEAs–such as ICERs–have said that ‘a given intervention is high value, but not affordable as the CEA and budget impact analyses are done separately.  If this is the case, then the CEA criteria clearly do not reflect the scale and value of the opportunity costs.  While some argue that the supply side works better in single payer systems with fixed budgets, others would argue that the share of the government’s budget allocated to health is in fact a choice variable, and thus higher WTP would argue for more resources directed to health expenditures. Empirically measures of WTP for a QALY do vary greatly across countries and based on the methodology used to estimate these value (see Ryen and Svennson 2005).
CEA communication.  Should I do a perfect CEA or do a good CEA and get it out fast?  As all diseases and treatments have their own idiosyncrasies, one could spend a nearly unlimited amount of time collecting information to make a CEA high quality. Yet, the Second Panel does make a few key recomendations including: (i) having a written protocol, (ii) having an impact inventory, and (iii) presenting the societal and health system perspective.  It would be helpful if CEAs could be graded using a scoring system such as the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group, but applying these principles in practice may be difficult and focus more on process/documentation rather than the actual scientific quality of the CEA.
Overall, cost-effectiveness analysis has come a long way.  Yet, there is still much work to be done to insured that treatment benefits, risks and costs can be adequately captured to inform stakeholder decision-making.
Neumann, Peter J., David D. Kim, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Mark J. Sculpher, Joshua A. Salomon, Lisa A. Prosser, Douglas K. Owens et al. “Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine.” Medical Decision Making38, no. 7 (2018): 767-777.
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research posted first on https://carilloncitydental.blogspot.com
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breakingnewslive-gr · 7 years ago
«Έφυγε» ο Τρικαλινός Σωτήριος Παπαθανασίου
Έφυγε από την ζωή σε ηλικία 89 ετών ο Τρικαλινός Σωτήριος Σπυρ. Παπαθανασίου και κηδεύεται σήμερα Τρίτη 26 Δεκεμβρίου στις 12 το μεσημέρι από τον Ιερό Ναό Αγίου Νικολάουεκ Μετσόβου Τρικάλων. Ο εκλιπών αφήνει πίσω τα παιδιά του Στυλιανό και Χριστίνα Παπαθα http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/efyge-o-trikalinos-swthrios-papa8anasioy?uid=361040&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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iekamiedu · 8 years ago
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Η κορυφαία εταιρία με αντικείμενο το αυγοτάραχο, Trikalinos και ο chef Στέφανος Σταμίδης πραγματοποίησαν στις εγκαταστάσεις του ΙΕΚ ΑΚΜΗ στη Θεσσαλονίκη ένα εξαιρετικό σεμινάριο γύρω από το αυγοτάραχο. Η παρουσίαση ξεκίνησε από τον κ. Ζαφείρη Τρικαλινό και συνεχίστηκε με τη κα Λίλα Κούρτη, Γαστρονομική Σύμβουλο της εταιρίας Trikalinos και τον chef Στέφανο Σταμίδη, οι οποίοι παρουσίασαν στους σπουδαστές του τομέα Επισιτισμού της σχολής το αυγοτάραχο σε θεωρία και πράξη. Συζητήθηκαν η ιστορία, η εξέλιξη , η τεχνοτροπία, η παραγωγή και η αναγνώριση του αυγοτάραχου την τελευταία 15ετία από τους διασημότερους chef στον κόσμο όπως ο Ferran Adria που το συμπεριέλαβε μέσα στα 30 καλύτερα και πιο υγιεινά υλικά στον κόσμο.
Στη συνέχεια οι συμμετέχοντες γεύτηκαν το προϊόν από παρασκευές της Λίλας Κούρτη σε κλασικούς αλλά και πρωτότυπους συνδυασμούς (όπως με λευκή σοκολάτα) και μετά από πρόσκληση του κου Τρικαλινού ο chef Στέφανος Σταμίδης παρουσίασε μια συνταγή του με αυγοτάραχο την αφράτη στραπατσάδα με αυγοτάραχο Trikalinos , καπνιστό χέλι σε κρούστα αμυγδάλου, dashi "σαβόρο" με μούστο και δεντρολίβανο.
► Σπούδασε Μαγειρική, Ζαχαροπλαστική & Ξενοδοχειακά δίπλα στους πιο καταξιωμένους Chef & Pastry Chef, τώρα ΚΑΙ στη Θεσσαλονίκη: http://www.iek-akmi.edu.gr/tomeis/toyristika-episitistika
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hadzelliskaibantzis-blog · 8 years ago
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#Trikalinos #Bottarga Pulver zum Verfeinern von Fischgerichten. Jetzt auf dem #karlaugustplatz (hier: Wochenmarkt Karl-August-Platz - Berlin - Charlottenburg)
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ananiadisfoods-blog · 9 years ago
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Λιχουδιά από φυσικά αποξηραμένο και μορφοποιημένο αυγό κεφάλου! #botarga #αυγοταραχο #trikalinos #trofelia #ananiadis #poikiliesananiadi (at Ananiadis Foods)
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realselfblog · 6 years ago
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research
The Second Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health and Medicine made a number of recommendations of how to improve cost effectiveness analysis (CEA).  Yet, CEA is far from “solved”.  In a recent article by Neumann et al. (2018), the Second Panel identifies seven CEA areas where additional research is needed.  This include:
CEA and perspective: “Many issues require work before the field can reach agreement on summary measures for a societal perspective, particularly which elements to include in a summary, how these should be determined, and how to value them.”  While the Second Panel recommended taking a societal perspective and–if appropriate for the question at hand–also the health system perspective, it was unclear whether the goal should be to maximize health benefits or overall benefits (e.g., health but also labor market outcomes, schooling, or other non-health factors.).  The authors mention that cost-benefit analysis (CBA) may be appropriate.  As the name indicates, CBA  considers the value of costs and benefits to the losers and gainers of an intervention based on market prices [or if these are not available, then shadow prices.
Modeling.  While many models conduct sensitivity analyses around models parameters, few CEAs conduct sensitvity analysis across model types.  The Innovation and Value Initiative (IVI) has done this with their IVI-RA Value Toll Model, but few others do this.  An exception is Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET), which does perform comparative model analysis.  Also, best practices recommend that modelers provide sufficient  detail about the model structure and parameterization to allow other researchers to reproduce it, other groups–such as IVI, have made their models itself available online.
Valuing health outcomes. Measure of quality of life often can be translated into QALYs assuming that the health state persists over some fixed duration.  But what about temporary health states?  Chaining methods may be used to estimate the value of temporary health states (see Wright et al. 2009, Locadia et al. 2004, and McNamee et al. 2004).  In one case, “subjects were asked to compare health states associated with the process of prenatal diagnosis to a temporary health state of the same duration based on a description of the experience of undergoing chemotherapy (but not so labeled).”  QALYs are also problematic because they assume that individuals are indifferent to the order of when the events occur.  The Neumann et al. paper even asks whether using virtual reality would be helpful to better model health states.
 Valuing non-health outcomes.  What happens if a medicine–such as an antipsychotic–is able to reduce crime rates?  Should this be included in a CEA model?  The answer is likely yes.  Also, the Second Panel argued that “the effects of morbidity on productivity in the labor market and in household production are not captured by standard utility measures and therefore should be assessed in pecuniary terms and included in the numerator of the CEA.”
Evidence Synthesis.  Before building a CEA model, one must know the clinical benefits of different treatments.  Synthesizing available evidence when there is not a head to head trial is problematic.  Neumann et al. write that “Currently, there is no rigorous, internally consistent set of premises and theorem-based derivative propositions that motivates and justifies the practice of evidence synthesis. The exception may be the mathematical foundations of quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis).”
Estimating CE thresholds. There are two options here, supply side or demand side.  Supply side calculates the CE threshold based on the opportunity cost; what would be the value of these funds if they were allocated to other activities.  The demand side looks at consumer willingness to pay for health gains.  Some CEAs–such as ICERs–have said that ‘a given intervention is high value, but not affordable as the CEA and budget impact analyses are done separately.  If this is the case, then the CEA criteria clearly do not reflect the scale and value of the opportunity costs.  While some argue that the supply side works better in single payer systems with fixed budgets, others would argue that the share of the government’s budget allocated to health is in fact a choice variable, and thus higher WTP would argue for more resources directed to health expenditures. Empirically measures of WTP for a QALY do vary greatly across countries and based on the methodology used to estimate these value (see Ryen and Svennson 2005).
CEA communication.  Should I do a perfect CEA or do a good CEA and get it out fast?  As all diseases and treatments have their own idiosyncrasies, one could spend a nearly unlimited amount of time collecting information to make a CEA high quality. Yet, the Second Panel does make a few key recomendations including: (i) having a written protocol, (ii) having an impact inventory, and (iii) presenting the societal and health system perspective.  It would be helpful if CEAs could be graded using a scoring system such as the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) working group, but applying these principles in practice may be difficult and focus more on process/documentation rather than the actual scientific quality of the CEA.
Overall, cost-effectiveness analysis has come a long way.  Yet, there is still much work to be done to insured that treatment benefits, risks and costs can be adequately captured to inform stakeholder decision-making.
Neumann, Peter J., David D. Kim, Thomas A. Trikalinos, Mark J. Sculpher, Joshua A. Salomon, Lisa A. Prosser, Douglas K. Owens et al. “Future Directions for Cost-effectiveness Analyses in Health and Medicine.” Medical Decision Making38, no. 7 (2018): 767-777.
Future directions for cost effectiveness analysis research posted first on http://dentistfortworth.blogspot.com
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breakingnewslive-gr · 7 years ago
«Έφυγε» ο ��ρικαλινός Ιωάννης Ράγκος
Έφυγε από τη ζωή σε ηλικία 84 ετών ο Τρικαλινός Ιωάννης Ράγκος και κηδεύεται σήμερα Παρασκευή 15 Δεκεμβρίου στις 4.30 το μεσημέρι από τον Ιερό Ναό Αγίνου Νικολάου εκ Μετσόβου Τρικάλων.Ο εκλιπών αφήνει πίσω την σύζυγό του Ελένη, τα παιδιά του Βασίλειο Ράγ http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/efyge-o-trikalinos-iwannhs-ragkos?uid=352302&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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breakingnewslive-gr · 8 years ago
Νεκρός στην άσφαλτο 52χρονος Τρικαλινός
Την τελευταία του πνοή στην άσφαλτο άφησε σήμερα το απόγευμα Τρικαλινός μοτοσικλετιστής.Όπως αποκαλύπτει το trikalanews.gr πρόκειται για τον Ιωάννη Τασούλα με καταγωγή από το Καλονέρι Τρικάλων.Ο άτυχος άντρας ενώ βρισκόταν στο Μικρό Κεφαλόβρυσο, κάτω από http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/nekros-sthn-asfalto-52xronos-trikalinos?uid=217301&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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breakingnewslive-gr · 8 years ago
Τρικαλινός πλήρωσε ήδη τα έξοδα …κηδείας του
Πούλησε σε γραφείο κηδειών το αγροτικό του αυτοκίνητο για τα …μελλοντικά έξοδα της κηδείας του…Όπως αποκαλύπτει το trikalanews.gr Τρικαλινός, μερίμνησε από τώρα για τα έξοδα …κηδείας του και επειδή η οικονομική κρίση τον έχει αγχώσει για το αν θα έχει τη http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/trikalinos-plhrwse-hdh-ta-e3oda-khdeias-toy?uid=192579&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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breakingnewslive-gr · 8 years ago
Σκηνικό «πολέμου» από το Τρικαλινό «επιχειρείν»
Ξεσηκώθηκαν λόγω κατάργησης της Κυριακάτικης αργίας, Εμπορικός Σύλλογος και Ομοσπονδία ΕΒΕ και πάνε στον …Μιχαλάκη.Τις δυνάμεις του «μετρά» την ερχόμενη Κυριακή (και) το Τρικαλινό «επιχειρείν» καθώς Εμπορικός Σύλλογος και Ομοσπονδία ΕΒΕ, ζητούν την καθολ http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/skhniko-polemoy-apo-to-trikalino-epixeirein?uid=185975&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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breakingnewslive-gr · 8 years ago
61χρονος Τρικαλινός συνελήφθη για φοροδιαφυγή ανήμερα του Πάσχα
Κοινοποίηση στο Facebook Κάντε Tweet στο Twitter Για φοροδιαφυγή συνελήφθη ανήμερα του Πάσχα ένας 61χρονος Τρικαλινός. Ειδικότερα, συνελήφθη χθες (16-04-2017) το πρωί στα Τρίκαλα, από αστυνομικούς του Τμήματος Ασφάλειας Τρικάλων, ένας 61χρονος ημεδα http://breakingnewslive.net/gr/news/61xronos-trikalinos-synelhf8h-gia-forodiafygh-anhmera-toy-pasxa?uid=172039&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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