the-smallest-star · 6 years
Lays next to. He will allow the pets from all who want to give him pets.
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Dave has never seen such a huge and fluffy creature, he can’t help but to gently pet the snoot.
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lesein55 · 6 years
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I miss Trico the last guardian, such a good game UGH 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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@tricotheguardian from X
He made a face as he was nudged. It didn’t last with the insistent prodding.
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“Come on, Charlie-” he put a hand on the large snout, rubbing the thickly furred hide. “It’s just a news report. Don’t have anything interesting yet.”
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ofeviternity · 6 years
tricotheguardian replied to your post: @tricotheguardian the fact that you feel that "[X]...
As an ADHD person with an AUTISTIC SISTER you can STFU and just keep your hate to yourself. You don’t like something… block the person and move on. Alright kitten? Byeeeeeee
so im going to dismantle this in like, 4 notes
1: As you are not autistic in of yourself, you can not use or reclaim a slur directed at a marginalized group. My sister is dating a black guy. That does not mean I can just go up to him and call him the n-slur. I am gay. This does not mean my sister can go up to my boyfriend and call him the f-slur. 
2: You can not tell me to ‘keep my hate to myself’ when you started using slurs. Also, the post that I made was a basic summary of the entire situation currently going on without my opinion projected onto it. It’s less hate and more ‘hey this is exactly what’s going on right now using common sense and what’s happening on the dash. (Although that being said, yes, based on the evidence presented before me, Iam is a pedo based on an actual US law meant to keep minors safe.) You keep your hate to yourself and stop calling people slurs. 
3: The ‘you don’t like something so you should block’ can not be used against a situation where people are directly at harm. ‘I don’t like the color yellow’, is not a situation that directly harms people, and thus, is something that can easily be blocked away. ‘This person has admitted numerous times that he enjoys fictional pedophilic content and has an overall combative, unpleasant personality where he insists he’s right no matter what’ is something that needs to be brought to people’s attention. Sweeping things under the rug always makes things worse If there’s an issue that needs to be brought to attention, it needs to be brought to attention. You don’t let a gas line leak until it catches fire.
4: You literally didn’t counteract any of my points. Your entire reply comes off as completely patronizing, especially with how you call me ‘kitten’ like I myself am a child, and a case of ‘I’m smarter than you sO SHUT THE FUCK UP.” rather than making any meaningful attempt at countering what I had to say. Deflection in a speech is a sign that you have no counter argument and that your point is flawed, which is also especially evident given that you, for some reason, think that sending people fucked up porn is a good idea rather than trying to come up with an actual defensive argument. 
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monmuses · 6 years
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“ Why is there an RPG fight going on between one man and a fellow Trico? You know who will win.
“ It’s neither. “
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symbioteburnout · 6 years
Drops a water balloon on and skitters away.
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“Why would you do that???”
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the-alchemical-key · 6 years
tricotheguardian replied to your post: ;; So, I have a pet bee now, guys. And this is...
yer not keeping her from her job right?
;; No, I don’t think so. I open up the jar every day, and she just comes back to it. She actually likes it! It’s weird, I’ve never encountered a bee that willingly goes into a jar.
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mottospewingmeerkat · 6 years
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adventurouswind · 7 years
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Giftart for @tricotheguardian 
[[ Bartz from Final Fantasy V hanging out with Trico and Little One(Ariel) while the poor Adventurer is hanging on for dear life because he’s extremely afraid of heights! Hope you all enjoy this and really hope you love this Trico-mun as couldn’t resist to draw them! ;v; First time drawing them and I think I did a good job! <’3 -snuggles you tightly- ]]
Days taken to complete this: A day and a half
*drawn with a blue Crayola colored pencil, eraser, Sharpie fineliner and a black Prismacolor pencil~*
**Trico from The Last Guardian belongs to SIE Japan Studio~**
**Bartz Klauser belongs to Squaresoft / Square-Enix~**
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the-smallest-star · 6 years
Lays next to and purrs.
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Hannah didn’t know what else to say, but she appreciated the company as she stroked his feathers.
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heartofaluxray · 7 years
[ @tricotheguardian ] || [ 🍞 ]
Considering the huge bird..cat.. dog-thing hadn't eaten him yet, Wyatt took that as a no. He sighed with great relief, lowering the stick in his paw and eventually letting it drop to the ground. Looks could be deceiving, and the electric-type knew that. However, in this case, that was a good thing.
"..I was getting a little worried there.." More like very worried.
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Drops a huge blanket on him and lays down. You have been blanketed, deal with it.
There’s a grunt as the creature lands and drops the blanket on his head, tugging on the fabric until he gets out one end.
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“Hey big guy.” He shuffles in the blankets to scoot himself over to lean up against the Guardian’s side, settling in with the blanket and holotab.
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written1nthest4rs · 8 years
Alice looked up at Trico, fear in her eyes as she slowly backed away. He was still a bit angry from his last fight with the suits of armor. And right now, she was scared he was going to hurt her. "Trico..?" She squeaked. "It's me.. Alice.. please calm down.."
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malika-carnelian · 8 years
Nuzzles, yes hello there you wanted him?
The young girl looked at the giant creature with sparkling eyes “And what in the world are you?” asked Malika, smiling to Trico while moving her hand out in a friendly and pacific way “come here buddy” and as he nuzzled her, she caressed his cheek “You’re so cuuuuute and soooft~”
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@tricotheguardian || 🌿 continuing from here
Lily’s ears bolted up at the sight of a police car in the distance, and she bit back a gasp as she took a dive into the nearest alley for shelter. She wasn’t sure who it was, but she had surely hung out at the police department to visit Nick enough that she wasn’t going to take the chance of someone recognizing her. She didn’t look behind her, keeping near the wall and then slowly, carefully backing away from the mouth of the alley to assure she wasn’t spotted.
She sighed when the engine’s sound drifted off into the distance, but that moment of relief lasted only so long. Running from the law because she knew what she was doing was technically wrong... Bravo for her. No turning back now, though - by now, her siblings were probably looking for her and would know she was up to something if saw her.
Rubbing her eyes, the girl finally started to turn - only for the strange, soft, and very sudden form of the creature’s wing to slam right into her and knock her off her feet. She had no idea what hit her, and it took just a moment on the ground to recover, rub her head, and open her eyes to see the perpetrator.
She’d seen some strange toons around here - but that did hardly a thing when her first instinct was to scramble back and scream at the sight of the little trico. The wings made her seem even bigger, and the face was definitely...dog-like. Which was what brought the scream right to the surface before Lily managed to stifle herself, instead scrambling back and covering her eyes and head in terror. Tears sprung to her eyes, and she trembled.
“No-no-no-no-no-no-no!!” came the panicked cries.
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adventurouswind · 8 years
** ~ Landing ~**
Bartz noticed Trico landed near the lake and Ice Bear hopped off, he yawned a little as he thanked Trico for the thrilling ride. He got out his food, water and supplies needed as he has always been used to traveling the world by himself.
@problem-free @tricotheguardian @ice-bear-for-prez
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