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vertigolightdancer-blog · 6 years ago
Vertigo tribal belly dancer practicing some slow deep isolations. #bellydance #bellydancer #bellyroll #bellydancefusion #bellydancers #bellydance_queens #sidewinder #shimmy #dancing #dancer #dancersofinstagram #tribalfusiondance #tribalfusion #tribalbellydancers #tribalfusionbellydance #tribalbellydancer #isolations #snakearms #faceveil #dubstep (at Regina, Saskatchewan) https://www.instagram.com/p/ButnNaYhK4f/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xncbbjvz92pp
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serpentinanorthensemble · 7 years ago
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Just three more sleeps til we draw the winner of this pashmina. You still have a chance to grab a ticket for $2 or 3 for $5 on our website www.serpentinatribal.com under “events”. . . . #troupefundraiser #tribalbellydance #serpentinanorthensemble #serpentinanorth #torontodance #tribalbellydancers #raisingdough
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moninmo · 5 years ago
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Con la tribu #tribalfusion #tribalbellydance #tribalfusionbellydance #tribalbellydancers #tribalbellydancer (en Teatro Felix azuela) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5u3GvhFh-1/?igshid=1evp2ukleklrz
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Do you want to have strong dance legs? TIP 1 from #anasmastronglegs series. 1. Turn out turn out turn out. Even in Parallel, you need to “keep opening” the hips: widen the space between the iliac spines: make them get further from each other. Consequently, isquions will get closer, and you will feel all the external rotation muscles work (the layer of muscles under the gluts). This will also give you strong gluts ;) While bending the knees you need to make sure the middle of the knee is over the 2nd toe. Let me know if this is useful in the comments below. More tips coming up. #strongdancelegs #tribalbellydancer #contemporarydancer #danceteacher #beautifullegs #turnout (à Lyon, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4RcsFGFNMn/?igshid=n3pkooqurasw
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graphisch · 6 years ago
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Noonie Tribal Belly Dancing. Yes, I’m STILL going through old photos. But so, so close, to being done ... with this first volume. #hafla #tribalbellydancing #tribalbellydance #bellydance #bellydancing #oldwork #locationphotography #portraitphotography #availablelightphotography #colorphotography https://www.instagram.com/graphisch/p/BvLEccHBYMR/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1hqcuu31097z6
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felora · 4 years ago
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Напрыгалась по жаре и крапиве, но наконец отсняла концертный шмот, которому катастрофически не повезло на фотки с выступлений Фото @zakharovaph #cosplay #cosplaycostume #tribalbellydance #tribalstyle #tribalcostume #tribalbellydancer #cosplayphotoshoot #costumedesign #bellydancecostume #summerportraits #smokephotography #slavic #slavicmythology #slavicgirl #larp #larpcostume #larpgirl #cosplayergirl #russianfolklore https://www.instagram.com/p/CQYcaC2lOCP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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irresponsiblyepic · 7 years ago
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Costume check. Sneak peek. In a local parade on Monday. #bellydancer #bellydance #tribalbellydancer #tribalbellydance #tribalbellydancecostuming
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imaniatelie-blog · 7 years ago
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Krischana Thompson Costume Imani Ateliê Regrann from @lunastar5 - Tribal Fusion Instructor Krischana Classes:Every Monday in Santa Ynez 7-6@Insight Martial Arts Studio& Every Friday 5-6pm@Th Dance Hub in Santa Barbara (beg to adv dancers welcome). Guaranteed best hour of fun (805)350-0224/[email protected] more Info.#tribalbellydancer#funforeveryone#thedancehub#insightmartialarts#tribal#bellydance#instructor#onlyttibalteacherincountyofsantabarbar#santabarbara#dancerslife . . . #costumeimani #imaniatelietribalfusion #imaniacessorios #imaniatelie #imanitribe #alltribes
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vertigolightdancer-blog · 6 years ago
Vertigo tribal belly dancer practicing some ATS belly dance basic fast moves. #ats #atsbellydance #americantribalstylebellydance #americantribalbellydance #americantribalstyle #dancing #dancer #dancersofinstagram #bellydance #bellydancer #bellydancers #tribalbellydancers #tribalbellydancer #tribalbellydance (at Regina, Saskatchewan) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCLE9ZBOyG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=j8wb6okeg9wq
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serpentinanorthensemble · 8 years ago
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Post performance shenanigans. #pskensingtonmarket #torontodance #tribalbellydancers #kensingtonmarket #toronto #fierceasfuck #sunglasses #serpentinanorthensemble #serpentinanorth (at Kensington Market)
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graphisch · 6 years ago
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Hey look. It’s another photo of beautiful Fancy. Tribal bellydancing. Yes, I’m STILL going through old photos. Literally hours of work. So over it. #tribalbellydancing #tribalbellydance #bellydance #bellydancing #oldwork #locationphotography #portraitphotography #naturallightphotography #colorphotography #modelphotography #sooverit https://www.instagram.com/graphisch/p/BvIDUslBFyX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mmgrizn1aid8
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rebecatribal · 6 years ago
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¡Ya falta menos!, si andas por #Mazunte, te esperamos en @casaommazunte. Ven a #Danzar en éste #MagicoLugar. Trabajaremos con movimientos desde la soltura, el espacio. Ven a #conectar con tu #cuerpo a través de la #música. -Exploraremos la conexión con la tierra a través de patrones de pies. -Moveremos la cadera en distintas temporalidades para lograr acentos y vibraciones que liberen energía ahí acumulada. -Flotaremos con las manos y los brazos para conectar con el corazón y expresar lo que tenemos dentro. -Fluiremos a través de movimientos ondulantes. Todas las sesiones las abrimos y cerramos con una pequeña rutina de #Yoga que nos ayuda a conectar y preparar el cuerpo para #Bailar. Inscribete en Casa OM Mazunte o con Lorraine Krohnengold será un gusto compartir #danza por allá. #DanzaLiquida #BellyDance #DanzaDelVientre #Tribal #Fusion #TribalFusion #TribalFusionBellyDance #RebecaTribal #BellyDancer #TribalBellyDancer #FusionBellyDancer #Mexico #Oaxaca #Clase #Curso #Taller #Intensivo #Mar #Playa (en Mazunte Pueblo Magico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvhCd2HlWlc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5nqih2xrs6li
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uberwench · 8 years ago
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My newest fave photo of moi! By the talented and charming Jordan Dickie at the most recent @serpentinestudios student showcase. Join my Sunday Beginner Bellydance class at 6:40pm and learn to be a bellydance badass like me! #bellydance #bellydancer #tribalbellydance #tribalbellydancer #northendhfx #danceeveryday #halifax #novascotia (at Serpentine Studios)
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eclipsetribal · 6 years ago
Export, Pennsylvania USA East of Pittsburgh PA, 8 miles off 66 23 from Greensburg All ages welcome, ladies and fabulous men!!! #instruction #dance #bellydance #flow #ats #tribalstyle #tribal #tribalbellydance #level1 #roseleelauper #eclipsetribal #bellydancer #Pittsburgh #Greensburg #arcarms #americantribalstyle #dancecompany #girlsdayout #bodywave #privatelessons #heilung #Heilungband #tribalsisters #tribalbellydancer #tribalsister #tribal (at Destella Dance Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/BntzJYulmI9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1079sozxddokd
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imaniatelie-blog · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @la.la.elias - Tem muito de mim nesse trabalho. Tem muita descoberta, frustração, superação e amor. Foi um choque quando eu fui apresentada ao véu poi no @studiokizara (agradeço muitooo!) e tive que aprender a usá-lo para nosso espetáculo de fim de ano. Eu não sabia manejá-lo e não tinha a menor ideia de como encaixaria um véu no tribal. Mesmo que fosse uma performance, eu não queria que fosse algo à parte da minha dança. Daí entrou a música... Eu adoro "Caravan" desde a primeira vez que ouvi, acho que é minha música preferida na vida. E eu nunca tinha ficado satisfeita em como tentava expressar toda complexidade dessa música e pensei que talvez com uma "extensão" de mim seria possível (ou pelo menos divertido)... Às vezes eu amo esse solo, às vezes ele me traz conflito e eu acho que ainda não sei como definí-lo dentro de um estilo. Mas eu acho que quando tem tanto de nós mesmos em algo, ele deve ser compartilhado. Por isso fico muito feliz em ter me colocado nessa posição vulnerável como pessoa e como artista e levado isso para o @congressotribal , para um público crítico, exigente, mas também acolhedor e que me incentivou muito. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Amo nossa comunidade! #congressotribal #congressotribal2019 #tribaldancer #tribalbellydancer #veupoi #poiveil #swingpoi #tribalbellydance #tribalfusion #anhumatribal Figurino: @imaniatelie - https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6AbBvlV_G/?igshid=1u5607j1ycp4o
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vertigolightdancer-blog · 6 years ago
Vertigo tribal belly dancer flow dancing with my home made flow flags. #bellydancer #bellydancefusion #bellydance_queens #tribalfusiondance #tribalfusion #tribalbellydancers #tribalbellydancer #flowartlounge #flowart #flowflags #flowartists #flowarts #flowartist #dancing #dancer #diyprops #faceveil (at Regina, Saskatchewan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Butd1GpBWaZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c4f51theudkz
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