#trek ephemera
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holishkes · 7 months ago
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I saw this CD for sale and thought hey, I have a CD drive and a tumblr where I sometimes upload old Trek stuff.
I haven't looked into whether this has been digitised anywhere already, but here it is in any case! I haven't even listened to it yet haha, so please let me know if there are any issues.
This is a CD that was distributed as part of the UK's official Star Trek fanclub in 2000.
When/if I have the time, I might listen and cut out clips I enjoy to post here. In the meantime, please have fun with these files, and please tag me if you do anything with them so I can see/hear!
Track list, back cover image, and download link below the cut.
Introduction (.48): Nicole de Boer welcomes you to Comlink - The official UK STAR TREK Fan Club CD.
Brannon Braga (11.06): Star Trek: Voyager's executive producer talks candidly about the series' sixth season.
Tim Russ (8.14): Tales of logic and what not to do with yoghurt - words of wisdom from Star Trek: Voyager's man of logic.
I,Q (5.06): An exclusive extract from Simon & Schuster's brand new audio novel I,Q, read by John de Lancie.
Nicole de Boer (13.14): The actress remembers her year on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, with stories of beaming down, romance for Ezri and her comm badge moment…
Chase Masterson (9.59): Looking back on life as Leeta with Star Trek: Deep Space Nine's very own Dabo girl.
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Cast and Crew (7.24): The cast and crew of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine air their thoughts on the closing of the series.
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thegroovyarchives · 8 months ago
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1960's-1980's Star Trek TV Guide advertisements
1. December 2nd-8th, 1967, New England 2. September 26th-October 2nd, 1970, Central VA/North Carolina 3. September 20th-26th, 1969, Northern California 4. August 21st-27th, 1982, Vermont 5. April 1st-7th, 1972, Ohio (via: archive.org/Pinterest)
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misforgotten2 · 10 months ago
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A book you very likely don’t have on your shelf #574
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lgbtqiads9 · 4 days ago
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I love to journal/scrapbook/make ephemera collages💚
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spockanalia-archive · 9 months ago
Spockanalia #1: Lettercol
Art by Sherna Comerford
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Desilu Productions Inc. 780 North Gower Street Hollywood, California 90038
June 22, 1967
Dear Devra and Sherna:
Thank you very much for your letter which was forwarded to me by Mr. Gene Roddenberry. I am enclosing a biography of Mr. Spock, which I hope will satisfy your needs.
I sincerely hope that your magazine will be a success, and want to thank you very much for your interest in STAR TREK and MR. SPOCK.
Best wishes,
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Leonard Nimoy
"Who is Leonard?" – Spock (to Joey Bishop)
Note: With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. The masterpost is here.
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elancholia · 1 year ago
racoonian soong is building a positronic brain with his clever little handsy wandsies. he is scampering across his laboratory tables to select tools from his tiny toolsbox. he is washing all his little tiny technobabble processor chips in the purest babblingest space brooks.
and the internal review board is hissing at him to git! git outta here you varmint! and his tiny bandit face falls and he packs all the little android parts into a comically oversized bindle and flies his shuttle to the remotest landfill in the interstellar suburb to build. alone. with his tiny clever little hands
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pityroadart · 1 year ago
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another in my tiny Trek collage series, that I never got around to posting at the time // magazine clippings and various other paper ephemera, on kraft card. the title is from a National Geographic article that I thought would fit the scene
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affixjoy · 3 months ago
What I’m working on this year:
Original writing:
Romance novella: this is 2/3 of the way done, deals with polyamory and endometriosis, very spicy. My goal is to finish it by the end of February and then decide if I want to self publish it or try to find an agent.
Romantasy novel: queer witches, disability, time loop stuff. This one started as my 2022 NaNoWriMo book and is also about 2/3 done! My goal is to decide whether I’m finishing it or trashing it, and if I’m finishing it have it done by the end of the year.
Ephemera novel: I’ve got an outline for this one, it will be told through “found” newspaper articles, blog posts, interview snippets… I’m excited about this idea and hoping to actually start writing it this year!
Short stories: I’ve got a few ideas for short stories I want to write, including one set in the future about kids “remembering” their past and family through the huge amount of data collected in their childhoods, one about sisters and climate change in the vein of Years and Years, a few little romance things…
I’ve also got drafts of two picture books I want to illustrate and self publish!
Fanfic WIPs:
My goal is to better balance my original writing and fanfic writing this year. 2024 was my year of lots and lots of fanfic, and it was excellent for my brain but less excellent for actually writing MY ideas. To that end, I’m mostly planning on using fanfic as a palate cleanser when I need a break from my stuff. Expect mostly short, smutty fics from me this year and fewer longer works—I’m not planning on doing any big events!
I am working on one Trek fic that I’m excited about though! I decided to challenge myself to write one that’s set up like an episode of TOS, with a science fiction mystery to be solved! It’s outlined and about 1/4 of the way written.
Oh, and yesterday @mcspirkevents released the prompts for McSpirk month and that certainly got some gears going in my brain… I will certainly have at least a few fics for that!
So wish me luck! Last year I wrote over 200,000 words, and I’m hoping I can write a similar amount this year! I’ve got a lot of exciting plans and I’ll be proud of myself if I can accomplish even one of them!
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adultswim2021 · 3 months ago
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Squidbillies #55: “Holodeck Redneck” | June 14, 2010 - 12:00AM | S05E05
This one begins with a gag where Early presses his buttcheeks against his window at the Sheriff. I found myself admiring the sound design of the show, which I think I’ve praised before. Then I kept my eyes on the window after Early removed himself from it and noticed that a subtle fogging effect dissipates around where he put ‘em on the glass. That’s craft. You can ding this show for looking crappy, but there’s some genuine goddamned craft on display if you look for it. 
In this one, Sheriff shows Early a Holodeck, like from television’s Star Trek: The Pepsi Generation (LOL). He and some other characters go in there and imagine some stuff. Then there are a number of Inception-style reveals that show the characters holodeck experiences are actually happening in other characters holodeck experiences. AND: Jonathan Katz is in here as a very Dr. Katz style therapist (except he has a toupee - legal dodge?). Those with a propensity for remembering completely stupid dogshit will remember Katz played a therapist in an earlier episode, but it was a different looking guy. 
Okay, this one is actually good. Like, honestly, this is my favorite episode of Squidbillies so far. The Pool bit in Early’s beach fantasy, his traveling to the WTC on September 10th so he can get a jump on selling 9/11 shirts, man, there was a GREAT stretch in this. This episode was funny, okay. I LIKED IT!!!
For the Squidbillies wiki trivia section: a somber highlight: 
This episode also contains references to the 9/11 Terrorist attacks, the twin Towers are seen, 9/11 Never Forget.
(I'm stealing these from bumpworthy, btw, cuz I found out you can just upload small videos to tumblr)
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edzephyr · 2 years ago
How did you go about finding all the original artwork etc., for your preservation project?
Did you start searching for it and then others started sending you stuff?
When I was just getting into Star Trek I was gifted 3 boxes of fanzines by an ex-convention organizer. I had started to write a book (/extended thesis; the PhD I never did) on Kirk and Spock's characterization and relationship, and as part of my research I realised that a lot of physical fandom history was in danger of disappearing, or already had, as original generation fans were dying and their collections - art, written/publishing materials, and fannish ephemera - was becoming lost (e.g. disposed of by disinterested parties). I saw a lot of art in zines and newsletters and wondered where the original work had all gone. I was gifted the two giant Shelley Butler pieces, that so moved me, that (also as an artist myself) I decided to create the first archive dedicated to Kirk and Spock (and the Enterprise) that prioritized collecting, preserving and sharing original art pieces related to them. Shelley, for example, does not know where most of her originals are now. It would be great to find more of hers, and provide her with scans.
The biggest challenge is when collections including art and fanworks pop up that have come from estate sales and third parties try to cash in; finding funds and negotiating is tricky, and I am glad of the team stateside who help with that in the immediate term. It leaves the challenge of fundraising to cover these costs. Unfortunately my industry is fickle and terrifically difficult to tame, and my income is not a lot to write home about. It would be much easier if I were doing the work I'm capable of, and earning accordingly!
I make it a point to support fellow artists whenever I can, and so the collection is a mixture of contemporary and vintage. Every artists' take has a story to tell. There is also some official and production related art but it is not easy to find, nor often affordable. I missed a TMP concept sketch of Spock on Vulcan due to hesitating over cost, and regret that greatly. There is a set of TAS animation cels to share that was offered at modest cost by a friendly trader at my local comic con, and this is a terrific piece, but requires a custom display that has not yet been addressed (time and cost).
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I do wish more vintage pieces would come out of the woodwork and simply land on the doorstep, so to speak, but it's not an expectation; it's a lucky and generous thing if it happens, and always so encouraging. I have also acquired art from other fandoms and gifted that to appropriate fans/archivists - it all works best by supporting each others' efforts.
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stellar-solar-flare · 5 months ago
hi! saw your reblog about the “fanfics that have a permanent place in your heart” and i’m just curious about what are the fanfics that you keep in YOUR heart. (also sorry if you’ve been asked about your fav fanfics before haha). bc for centuries is certainly one of mine btw!!
Oh no worries, I don't recall being asked this and also I'm always happy to shower my fellow creators with praise they absolutely deserve!
So it's probably no surprise to anyone but the fic (series) that has captivated my heart most is the Star Trek AU by my dear best friend, soul sister, and beta reader StarfleetStgMgr. Her Star and Dove (AO3, Chris Pike/OFC, mostly explicit) is not only the best and most mind-blowing fix it I've ever read but also one of the best romances ever. She's amazing and I have no idea what kind of crossroads demon she bribed to get this good at writing.
She also has multiple amazing Steve Rogers/Reader fics and I recommend all of them but the one that has stayed in my heart most has to be Keeper, (AO3, Explicit) which is a great Halloween read by the way, if anyone is looking for that! It's a story about love, healing, and battles we all fight - and a Reader who takes... quite an interesting job and meets an interesting gentleman. Lots of mythology elements and some horror elements and again, amazing romance.
I love @anika-ann's Steve fics, so again, I'd like to recommend so many, but the ones that I think about on a weekly basis are Anika's takes on Medieval Knight Steve in her two series, In The Name Of Duty and The Witch and Her Knight (both Steve/Reader and ranging from T to Explicit between the fics in series). Anika's Steve characterization is beautiful, and she writes great team dynamics and has a knack for inventing very Avengers-like missions in her non-AU fics! Links lead to AO3 but she's also on tumblr.
I very rarely read Blip/Endgame fics but @darsynia's Ephemera (Steve Rogers/Reader, Explicit)is so absolutely beautiful and even though it's been a long time since I read it the first time, it has stayed in my heart.
Recently, I've been beta reading for my writer friend @wild-typo-turtle - her The Rings Of Power fic Threads (Gil-galad/OFC, Explicit) is incredible and I'm enjoying it tremendously. It has one of the best OFCs I've encountered ever and the romantic soulmate aspect of the Elves is so well done. I haven't watched The Rings Of Power but I love Tolkien and especially The Silmarillion, and it's been wonderful to enjoy this take on the Elvish society and the war against Sauron.
Another recent discovery that I've been enjoying a lot is @steviebbboi's Steve Rogers/OFC longfic Red, (Explicit) which has another awesome OFC character and very well-handled themes of complex emotions and trauma, and a lovely (right now) budding romance.
There are so many amazing fics in the world but I made myself limit to the reply to the ones that have had the most profound effect on me. I have a tag 'Stella Recommends' on my blog, where you can write more of the stuff I've enjoyed! Thank you for the lovely ask.
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wyrmfedgrave · 8 months ago
Levelling up interactive theatre: behind the scenes on Key of Dreams, a live-action weird fiction narrative adventure | Eurogamer.net
Intro: It's been such an intense week on politics, that I've had little time for my look at Lovecraftian ephemera.
Hopefully, this article - on a mix of live action (theatre), weird fiction (HPL?) & 'escape room' (immersive experience) will be of interest.
It's a sort of analog response to what's being done in the VR field - only live!!
I'm listing it as a 'forerunner' to Star Trek's holodeck...
Your experience may vary.
BTW, it's a sort of long article - with many ads.
Sorry about that...
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thegroovyarchives · 1 month ago
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70′s/80′s Local Television Star Trek TOS Station IDs/Bumpers Part 3 1. WGN-TV, Chicago, Illinois, 70's 2. WTXF-TV, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1989 3. WFLX-TV, West Palm Beach/Boca Raton/Fort Pierce, Florida, 1985 4. WTOG-TV, St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida, 1986 5. KCPQ-TV, Tacoma/Seattle, Washington, 1987 6. WCIX-TV, Springfield/Decatur/Champaign/Urbana, Illinois, 1984 7. WUTV-TV, Buffalo/Niagara Falls, New York, 1988 8. KITN-TV, Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota, 1988 9. KAYU-TV, Spokane, Washington, 1987 10. WCOV-TV, Montgomery, Alabama, 1986 Part 1 (x) Part 2 (x)
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misforgotten2 · 1 year ago
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A book you very likely don’t have on your shelf #541
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arcanummagea · 1 year ago
Ending's and Beginning's. A Solo.
The Red Death held a tight grip over Aestrias, in the year 550. It takes no amount of remembering to recall such plague over his homeland. New graves sit snug beside five year old headstones from a war three years ago, leaving behind orphans and widows.
Kieran had been eight during the plague, sick in bed several days. His mother was warned not to be near him, in fear of catching it herself but that did not stop Lumeyia Valeta. He looks at her with dull eyes, trying to smile as rashes ran rampant across his body.
Blood drips past his lips again, as she wipes it away with her cloth. "Will you tell me a story, about Anayu and Raava?" Lumeyia arched a brow.
"Didn't I tell you that last week?"
"It's my favorite."
"Oh, very well, only for you and your sisters," she poked him on the nose, beginning her tale. "Our God used to be friends with a mortal named Raava, as you know.
He taught Raava all that he knew and his knowledge was vast, unaware that this mortal had a whole other agenda in mind, wishing to harness God's power." She stopped.
Kieran raised his gaze upward, his eyes widened to see blood seeping past his mother's lips, coughing it out some landed onto his shirt. As the weeks went,
Lumeiya suffered. The nurses could do nothing nor the shaman woman of their village.Though he knew it was not his fault, that he did not beckon his mother to enter his room, he still blamed himself for her death. He knew not how long he stayed by his mother's grave that day, until he felt the hand of the Seer woman
touch his shoulder. Her nails dug into his shoulder. "Get up, Valeta. Your father's becoming concerned."
All had been quiet as they trekked back. Until he at last spoke. His pale blue eyes were like flames of ice, looking direct at the woman. "I know you do not teach men your ephemera, Hroza…but please…"
She looked at him with amusement, head cocked to one side. "It's not an easy of task Kieran. You may burn yourself…or freeze." "I can handle it. I want to handle it."
"Very well. Come see me at dawn, tomorrow, no late."
So he had. She was right. When he first tried Fire, he burned his left hand terribly enough for it to scar. Blizzard was a similar of action. Lightning always strikes twice. He almost drowned himself with Water. On a bleak day in late Autumn, at the age of thirteen, he marveled in awe when he had at last controlled Blizzard.
His father had been delighted, along with little Anjiji and young Tala. Uliah masked her bitterness over the fact she was not an Arcane Mage like her brother. He never bragged in front of her, spite the praise from everyone.
A letter from King Validus, rumors were abound he had maddened after banishing his own daughter whom was only fourteen years old, loathing her for having fae like magic.
"You're really leaving, I see..." she murmured. Leant against his doorway.
His ears twitch at her tone. Glancing over his shoulder. "You're angry."
"Only of the fact you're throwing your life away, for one man."
He breathed through his nose, knowing Uliah would be like this. His mother often told him Uliah took her anger out on those she loved most, of the fact it was easier.  "Validus is our king, sis...he's done so much for everyone."
Poor fool. If only he had the knowledge that he does now.
"It would seem you've forgotten what this country has done to mages in the past." She retorted, angry tears burning behind her eyes. "Kieran....if you don't come back..."
A hand is placed atop her head. She stilled some though he could see she was still fighting them. "I'll be fine, okay? Please...I'll visit when I can."
"I'll come and visit Uliah, don't make this difficult please?"
Uliah said nothing. He does not flinch hearing her bedroom door slam. Anjiji casts a weary glance when he kisses the top of her head. He kneels to Tala's level, her tiny arms wrapping around his neck.
"Come back safe, Kiki please?"
"I'll try...love you guys."
Nox was waiting for him, his pet werecat think of a lynx like creature but bigger and stronger. Kieran pets his dear friend's head with a gloved hand, and does not look back.
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spockanalia-archive · 8 months ago
Spockanalia #1: Postscript
By Devra Michele Langsam and Sherna Comerford
Art by Devra Michele Langsam
You are receiving SPOCKANALIA because:
☐ You contributed
☐ You helped
☐ You encouraged
☐ You are in Spock Shock
☐ You paid cash
☐ You are mentioned
☐ We thought you might be interested
☐ We would like to exchange
☐ You deserve one after listening to us talk about it all these months
☐ We admire you
☐ You are Isaac Asimov
☐ You are totally illogical
☐ You might contribute if we're insane enough to try this again
☐ You tell us
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Note: With the help and guidance of Open Doors, we digitized the first volume of Spockanalia and imported it to AO3, which you can view here. In order to meet AO3's terms of service, some of the content was edited or removed. The full version of the zine is preserved on this blog. The masterpost is here.
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