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View of Le Treil, Vivarais region of central France
French vintage postcard
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grandmazambie · 1 year
Happiness is making edits of your SIMS that're engaged and are now your fave otp. For example, I made Neil Cicierega and he fell in love with the Sims version of Travis Scott, who is a white, mediocre programmer
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digitalfountains · 3 months
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Laurence Treil by Bettina Rheims
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womp-womp-waa · 3 months
Broken and alone.
Those are the only words that could be used to describe Ceiling-chan. Aiden and those girls left her destroyed. What was the point of trying anymore? She was forever alone. Nobody could even consider loving her, all she is a passing thought, the last choice. Why would anyone pick her. She wouldn't pick herself either.
She layed there despairing, no hope for her life to get any better. It's not like she deserves it anyways. But then she saw him. A cute tree. She wanted to talk to him. But would he even want a girl like her? He's even cuter than Aiden was and the blonde didn't even look her way why would this guy even think about her?
He made eye contact with her and started to make his way over to her. W-What?! Why was he approaching her, was it just to make fun of her and how lonely she is?
"H-Hey there." He says shyly looking down at the floor (could he be any cuter?). "M-My names Tree-kun. What's your name?" He asked with a small smile on his face. Why was he talking to her, though? Maybe she was in the way of something that he needed or he wanted to ask her something.
A few seconds passed before she realised he was waiting for a response. "My name is C-Ceiling-chan." Muttering nervously. "Is there anything you need?"
In response all she got was a confused look. "I, um, no I-I just" she watched as he fumbled over his words. "I wanted to ask you out." He gave her a nervous smile.
"You wanted to ask me on a date?"
"W-Well yes" she couldn't believe it someone actually asked her on a date but why? The question plauged her mind and before she could stop herself she asked "Why?"
"Why, what?" He asked. "Why would you want to date me?" She finished the sentence for him. Did she make a mistake? Will he no longer want to date her anymore? Did she ruin the chances of dating the one person who could love her? "Well, I want to date you because I think you're beautiful-" beautiful? "And you seem nice so I thought I would take a chance." Tree-kun looked at her hopefully before quickly adding "I-It's completely fine if you don't want to date me though. I would understand, I mean alot of people don't find themselves sticking around me because I tend to ramble alot and-" She cut off his adorable rambling.
"I would love to go on a date with you"
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luegootravez · 6 months
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Laurence Treil by © Bettina Rheims
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girlwhodoeskratom · 6 months
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Laurence Treil @ Chantal Thomass Fall/Winter, 1994 Ready-to-Wear
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lee1504 · 2 months
(ceiling-chan and tree kun were created by @womp-womp-waa)
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trollzzzzz · 3 months
Just did my first attack on Art Fight!
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original post! https://artfight.net/character/4935907.trail-treil
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nikosgames · 2 months
When they are chubby, and they raise their arms, and the shirt goes up so that their belly and happy treil are visible, an then then they smirk at you and wink aaaaaaaamshsbskiahwkebejeneuejeheiehejebh
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songofsaraneth · 1 year
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I've been meaning to make a container garden update post for weeks now, but health/life kept getting in the way. So these photos are taken within the last week-ish but I've been getting it all set up over the last month! Including finally getting through the last of my rain barrel so I could scrub and rinse it out.
First major thing is I finally bit the bullet and bought the expensive porch loveseat of my dreams. I've been wanting a little couch or egg chair out there for 2.5 years but nothing ever appeared secondhand, and they're SO expensive. But finally there was a half off sale and so I went for this one from target. The best part about having that wicker back means I can use an umbrella or clip fabric to it as a shade cloth, and since it's already almost 90ºF here, that's a big motivator for spending time outside. Anyway here’s the breakdown of what I’ve got in now. Text and photos not in order bc it was too hard. Also, I tried to put a readmore here, but... I guess tumblrs not letting me have those today so sorry, long post it is! For edibles, I’ve got 4 containers of tomatoes (3 cherry/snacking and one slicing), 2 containers of strawberries (all that survived from last season!),  2 kinds of chives (normal and garlic), 2 kinds of basil (sweet and spicy globe), oregano with lemon thyme, and my hardy old rosemary. The basils got chewed up by a stray cat so I had to keep them inside for a week to recover. Then I sprayed the general area with orange oil to deter it and the orange oil ended up burning their fragile leaves, so thye’ve had a rough time of it. but! finally recovering 😬 And the big blue container I’m trying to repurpose for melons this spring, and will plant spaghetti squash later in the summer. Will I be able to get cantaloupes supported on the treils with netting? Not sure but I’m gonna try. Def most experimental inclusion this year. For perennial flowers from last year, almost all survived! I’ve got 4 kinds of sage (one of which seeded into an adjacent empty pot, so I left it and added some annual violas), guara, penstemon, 2 kinds of lavender, and a miniature rose. My red geranium kept blooming all through winter, so I got a pink and a purple one as well. The sages look a bit rough right now because I left for a week before I put in the other annuals and they’re the thirstiest of the bunch, so dropped a lot of blooms. Oh well.  For new additions and annuals, I went crazy lol. My most dangerous to shop with friend and I went to the local nursery and stores together so of course we both went overboard. I finally got one of the jasmine I’ve been eying for a year and a half, which just started blooming and already smells amazing. My 2 gailardia were tiny rosettes but ones forming a bloom and I’m so excited. Also marigolds, zinnias, petunias, lantanas, those fluffy spike ones I’m blanking on the name of, and a fuchsia! And probably some I forgot. The fuchsia’s been swapped to a shader spot already, but it’s getting ready to bloom and I’m excited. I also, while visiting Colorado two weeks ago, accompanied my friend to a nursery and ended up driving back with a clematis, one of my favorite flowers ever. It’s still vining up right now but fingers crossed for flowers.  SO. Lots of things in at the moment, so far been good for the last week and we’ll see what ends up surviving the summer heat or not once we get to the weeks of 100ºF+ days. I’ve got some other plans/tweaks, but this is the bulk of things. Otherwise, life has been a lot and I’m still goin through it...grad school, research, coping with the porch birds I love getting killed by the feral cats, and so on :( Getting up to water has been motivating at least for finally leaving bed in the morning despite all my eye pain troubles (easier to just keep them closed for an extra 3 hours than to start the sequence of drops and compresses it takes to get them open). But then I can do my morning doomscrolling at least surrounded by beautiful flowers and birdsong instead of huddled in my cave.
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badlydrawncronus · 1 year
*laevas e treil of pleyboy megezinas laeding to e 100% non suspiciously plecad box*
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no-webi · 2 years
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Un Vanellus chilensis, más conocido como treile. - #chile #pucon #ave #bird #araucania #chileno #surdechile #nikon #aves #pajaros #like (en Pucón, Región Araucanía, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2U8NhNthR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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digitalfountains · 2 months
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Laurence Treil by Bettina Rheims
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womp-womp-waa · 24 days
To say Tree-kun was upset is an understatement. Logan humiliated him all because he wanted to help him. Why did he bother? He didn't even get Ceiling-chan's birthday present, what kind of boyfriend is he?
Immediately after he got home, he flopped onto hid bed and got out his phone and started texting Ceiling-chan in hopes for some comfort.
Tree-kun: Ceiling-chan you there?
Ceiling-chan: Ye how was your shopping? Xx
Tree-kun: Bad.
Ceiling-chan: What happened???
Tree-kun: Just come over here, please
Ceiling-chan hearted the message in response so he discarded his phone to the side. While he waited for Ceiling-chan to come over he got into a very intense staring contest with the ceiling.
Once knocking came from the door he begrudgingly rose from his bed to welcome Ceiling-chan into his house. What he was greeted with was her beautiful face covered in worry. Guilt shot through him. Would it have been better if he just didn't say anything? His heart ached as he saw how worried he made her.
Within seconds of him opening the door, Ceiling-chan wrapped her arms around him, rubbing circles into his back. Without a second thought Tree-kun dragged Ceiling-chan over to his bed.
Immediately he layed down again and soon afterwards Ceiling-chan joined him. Wrapping her arms around him once more, her fingers playing with his hair.
They stayed silent. It wasn't an awkward silence like he expected it to be, since most of their dates were spent with endless chatter. It was easy to tell after their first couple of dates that Ceiling-chan had alot of stories to tell. Tree-kun didn't mind, he loved to hear Ceiling-chan's voice. Eventually though, the comfortable silence was broken with the question that Tree-kun knew was coming but still dreaded it anyways. "So, what happened?"
It was amazing how soft and calming she could make her voice if she wanted to. Her hands still soothing him. "W-Well... I was just shopping and I saw Tyler and his new boyfriend."
Ceiling-chan knew about Tyler just like how he knew about Aiden. How both of their hearts were shattered because of them. Her face grew more concerned and slightly angry, he hoped that anger wasn't targeted at him.
"And t-then Tyler left so I thought I would warn his new boyfriend about Tyler." Ceiling-chan nodded, urging him to continue. "A-And he was just... horrible to me. So m-mean just-" He was cut off with a sob as Ceiling-chan hushed him.
Warmth surrounded him. No matter how upset he felt remember the day, his girlfriend would always be able to calm him down, to comfort him. She whispered reassurances to him until he eventually fell asleep in his lovers arms.
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ritchie19 · 5 months
Own story
Once upon a time in the heart of the enchanted forest, there stood a towering-visual tree, Its branches reaching in towardbthe heavens-vibrant heus painting the sky like fingers yearning to touch the stars.the leaves whispher secrets to each other in the-auditory gentle breeze creating a shymphony of nature's melody-oxymoron that danced through the air.
Beneath the tree's majestic conopyia soft carpet of mass- tactile welkomed weary thevelers, its plush texture like a comforting embrace for tired feet. The forest floor exuded warmth radiating a gentle heat-thermal that enveloped everything in its embrace
The air was alive with the scent of pine and earth, mingling with the Sweet aroma of wildflowers-olfactory that bloomed nearby the fragrances hung heavy in the air, intoxicating the sense with its heady perfume.
In the distance that faint sound of a treiling stream could be heard, it's gentle bobbling like music to the ears, the water flowed freely, its cool touch Refreshing to the skin-simile as it wound its way through the Forest.
Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes-synecdoche broke the peaceful serenity of the forest. A mischiovous fox emerged from the underbrush, its fiery for glowing in the Fading light with a flick of its tail, it darted off into the night, disappearing into the shadows wink and a guin.
As the stars began to twinkle overhead, the Forest settled into a bushed stainless-understatement its secrets hidden beneath the look of deekness. And so the enchanted Forest sleph wrapped in the quiet embrace of the night, dreaming of adventures yet to come.
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candacehughes · 9 months
mega treils must return to earth. on. paid. playstation play station must return to earth. on. paid.
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