#tree service in buffalo
Stump Removal Buffalo NY
When you hire our stump removal service, you’ll see our team of professional stump grinders (expert arborists) coming to your place with self-propelled grinding machines. These grinders on rubber tracks chop and grind the menacing stump down below the ground surface.
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wnytreespecialists · 30 days
Tree Removal Services in Buffalo, NY Safe and Efficient Solutions
Tree services in Buffalo, NY, provide essential care for maintaining the health and safety of your trees. From expert trimming and pruning to safe tree removal and stump grinding, these services ensure your landscape remains beautiful and hazard-free. Professional arborists assess tree health, address issues like disease or damage, and offer emergency support for storm-related damage. By investing in regular tree care, you enhance the aesthetic appeal and safety of your property while promoting the longevity and vitality of your trees. Trust local experts for comprehensive and reliable tree services.
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treesoldiers · 1 year
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trick-r-treat421 · 7 months
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Chapter 1
Riley’s POV:
I was in a surprisingly peaceful sleep when I felt soft fur against my face then the gentle nudge and lick. It’s the morning ritual I’ve grown accustomed to. “Good morning, Hades.” I groggily say to my three-year-old black German Shepherd who has oh so rudely decided it’s time to get up.
I roll over rubbing the sleep from my eyes to see the soft glow of the morning light filtering in through my window. Picking my phone up from the nightstand it reads 7:26 am October 13th. Sighing, I swing my feet to the edge of my bed and proceed to start our normal morning routines.
A short time later I step out onto my back deck to let Hades do his business, my hands wrapped around a steaming cup of coffee. I’m immediately hit with a warm breeze and realize just how comfortable it feels. Pulling my phone from the pocket of my pajama pants, I check the weather app where it predicts it to be an exceptionally warm day. Luckily, it’s one of my days off from my boring, dead-end customer service job. It’s been a major stressor for me lately and I’m ecstatic to avoid that hell hole even if just for today.
I mindlessly scroll random apps as I sip my coffee, enjoying the sun’s rays on my pale skin as my boy gets all his overnight zoomies out. Just as I sip the last of the coffee from my mug, he comes running back up sitting beside me, tongue out, panting. “Hey, handsome boy of mine. I know we usually take walks around the neighborhood on my days off but how’d you like to go to the park instead?” I ask, scratching behind his ear, getting only a gruff woof and tail wag in agreement. “Perfect!” I exclaim before we walk back inside.
I spend a few hours working around the house tidying a bit and starting some laundry while singing (ok more like screaming) and dancing around the cozy bungalow I call my home, all while the songs boom through the Bluetooth speakers. Hades tilted his head or huffed at me occasionally from his oversized dog bed in the living room. “You know you love it!” I tease as I pass by, stopping to give him a few good belly scratches.
I quickly shower before stepping out into the steamy bathroom, grabbing one of my oversized towels from the rack and wrapping it around my small frame. I pull my paddle brush through the tangles that are my shoulder-length black hair, then twist another towel around it, pushing it onto the top of my head and retreating to my room. I fall back onto my queen bed, my arms spreading as I lean back, and stay that way for a while, closing my eyes and preparing myself to venture out.
Eventually, I push myself up and go over to my dresser. I pull out a black thong and lace bralette then a pair of black leggings and my go-to comfy, faded, grey Guns N’ Roses shirt I’ve cut into a crop top. After getting dressed, I return to the bathroom to pull my hair into a low loose ponytail, leaving a few strands out to frame my face. I stare at myself in the mirror above my sink, sighing at the sight but I don’t bother putting on makeup. I’m too tired to care and it’s not like I’m out to impress anyone. Dropping my gaze, I push myself away from the counter and head back towards the kitchen to prepare everything Hades and I will need for the park.
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Half an hour later we’re pulling into my favorite park. I reach back to clip on Hades’ leash, grab my crossbody bag from the passenger floorboard, and then exit the SUV. We stop to grab the blanket from the back hatch of my grey 2010 Nissan Xterra before making our way down the sidewalk.
 As expected, the park was alive with the sounds of nature and people out enjoying the weather. It took us a few minutes, but we managed to find a nice shady spot under a tall oak tree that’s adjacent to the large field where people lounge and play. I release Hades and tell him to stay as I work to spread out my black and white buffalo plaid blanket and begin unpacking for a relaxing afternoon.
It didn’t take long before we got comfortable. I lay on my stomach, my legs bent at the knee, casually swinging back and forth through the air. I’ve got my sticker-covered tumbler and a Tupperware full of fresh-cut fruit (ok mostly strawberries) on one side of me. A book was spread in front of me, my eyes skimming over the pages from behind my oversized sunglasses. Hades had posted up near the edge of the blanket on my other side as he went to town on his large red Kong toy, his travel bowl full of water next to him.
I’d lost track of time, completely caught up in my reading, most of my fruit picked over and eaten. Hades had long given up on his toy and was almost asleep when suddenly he perked up giving a slight huff. Figuring he saw a squirrel or something, I failed to see the large shadow pass over me as a sudden pain shoots into the left side of my ribs and something heavy fell over top of me, Hades darting away from his position. Whatever it is landed with a thud in front of Hades, water splashing everywhere in the process. I quickly began to shake the water from the pages of my book before any damage could be done.
“Ouch! What the fu…” I begin to exclaim, but my words come up short as my eyes fall onto this dazed, dark-haired man lying across me and my blanket.
He slowly pushes himself up onto his elbows, putting his shirtless and heavily tattooed chest on full display, droplets of water sliding down and glistening in the afternoon light. I thank God for these sunglasses hiding my eyes as I gawk at this stranger’s toned body. I shake my head and slowly take in the scene, realizing his long legs are still stretched across my back and one of his elbows rests halfway in Hades’ water bowl.
Eventually, my eyes make it back to his face where I’m greeted with a strong, sharp jawline peppered with the beginnings of some facial hair and mesmerizing deep chocolate-brown eyes. I’m brought back to reality when Hades is suddenly at the man’s side dropping a frisbee I hadn’t even noticed onto his lap. I can’t help but let out a laugh at the situation and the fact I was letting myself get lost in this stranger’s looks, no matter how handsome he may be. “I think Hades is returning your frisbee to you.” I state matter of factly. Despite his size and intimidating looks, he was quite a gentle giant. Thanks a lot bud, so much for protecting me.
Noah’s POV:
I have no idea what happened, but one second I was running full speed and the next I found myself lying flat on my back staring at the brightly colored tree canopy above me.
I let out a groan and begin to push myself up onto my elbows. Feeling something wet on one of my arms, I look over to see my elbow in a water bowl. I begin taking in the rest of my surroundings and find I’m on someone’s picnic blanket. Just then I see something dark in my peripheral vision and the frisbee I’d been running to catch drops in my lap.
I hear a feminine laugh as my eyes dart up, noticing my legs are laid across the back of a petite raven-haired woman who had been stretched out on said blanket. I hear her words as I look down to the frisbee in my lap, then to the big furry black mass standing to my right. That must be whose water bowl my elbow is resting in.
I hurriedly remove my legs and scramble to my knees, the frisbee falling from my lap while putting my hands up in case this dog decides to attack. Again, I hear the sound of her laughter drawing my eyes to her full, slightly red tinted lips. Slowly she sits up crisscrossing her legs in front of her, her crop top riding up a little to reveal a tattoo on her side as she rubs at her ribs. A few more are sprinkled on her arms.
“Don’t worry, he may look ferocious, but he’s really a big baby.” With the motion of her free hand I watch as the large dog returns to the girl’s side and lays against her, eyes closing, tongue out as he soaks up her head pats.
I breathe out a sigh of relief as I sit back on my heels and brush my hands down my star covered sweat shorts nervously and let out a slight chuckle. “Good to know, cause I was about to high tail it out of here and hope—Hades was it?—didn’t catch me!” I respond. “Hey, sorry about all of this, though.” I start as I wave my hand around us.
She lifts her sunglasses revealing stunning icy blue/grey almond-shaped eyes as she takes in the now wet and twisted blanket. Sucking in a breath I try to offer, “My buddies and I were just tossing the frisbee around and I guess I let my competitive nature get the best of me.  I wasn’t paying attention, and you see where that got me.”
As if on cue my friends, Jolly and Nick, come jogging over taking in the scene and thankfully ending my nervous rant. “What you mean on the ground beside a pretty lady?” Nick waggles his eyebrows as he smirks before asking, “Are you two good?”
Jolly jumped in with, “That looked like quite a fall, man.”
I chuckle lightly before I answer, “Yeah I’m good, but I’ll probably feel it in the morning.” I clear my throat a little remembering the stunning girl and her dog sitting across from me. “Umm are you okay…?” I ask, pausing since I don’t know her name.
Picking up on the pause she answers, “Riley. Yeah, I think I’ll be okay. Might have a bruise in the next couple of days but I’ll deal.”
A pang of guilt washes over me for hurting her but I give a crooked smile. “I’m Noah, these are my friends Jolly and Folio,” I say pointing to each of the guys.
She nods her head slightly at each of the guys, giving a polite smile and wave. It suddenly becomes abundantly clear we are invading her space, as the awkward silence grows between us all. I move to stand tucking the frisbee under my arm and giving the guys a nod, each taking a few steps back in understanding, Jolly looking over his shoulder to find where our roommates dog, Harper, is playing. “We should probably leave you be, you seemed to have been enjoying your reading when I tripped over you.” I say as I glance down at the abandoned book laid out on the blanket.
Shrugging, she responds with, “I was but I’d lost track of time, and we actually need to be heading out.” With that she stands, Hades whining slightly, and begins picking up her belongings and packing them back into her bag.
I look down at the mess I’ve made of her space, everything scattered about, so I quickly lean down, picking up her book. I offer it to her as I ask “Are you sure you’re alright? Can I help you carry anything?”
She takes the book, my eyes drawn to where she chews on her lip, thinking it over. After some hesitation Riley nods. “You really don’t have to, but I might need a hand with the blanket. I can never get them folded up easily on my own, and I’ve got to be able to hold his leash as we walk.” She motions over to Hades who tilts his head sideways at the mention of leash.
With a small chuckle I call out a “heads up!” to Folio, who’s now walking away with Jolly before tossing him the frisbee and reaching to pick up the blanket. I shake it out then do my best to fold it before draping it over my arm as she picks up her remaining belongings.
After a moment and her commands to Hades, we walk back towards the parking lot in another slightly awkward silence. Coming to a stop at the back of an Xterra, she starts digging for her keys and unlocks the doors. She takes Hades to the back passenger door allowing him to jump inside before unhooking his leash and telling him to stay then returning to the back where I stand.
“Thank you for helping with that and walking me back.” She says, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and staring down at the asphalt before taking the blanket and placing it in the back hatch.
“No problem. It was the least I could do after crashing into you like I did.” I shrug, earning a small, cute giggle from her.
After another moment of silence she shifts on her feet, bringing her eyes up to meet mine and extending her hand before saying with a playful tone, “Well, it was nice to meet you Noah, wish I could say it was under better circumstances though.”
I take her hand, noticing just how small it feels in mine before lightly shaking it and saying, “You too Riley.” With that I drop her hand and move to the sidewalk as she walks to her driver’s door. Turning back, I give a salute as she starts the SUV and I head back to the guys.
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The moment I walk up, Folio raises his eyebrow asking, “What was that all about Casanova?”
I shrug running my hand through my shoulder-length hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” They both let out a laugh.
It’s Jolly’s turn to pipe up now, his slight Swedish accent coming through. “Bullshit Noah, you’ve still got a goofy grin plastered on your face and the way you were looking at her… it’s obvious you thought she was attractive.”
Folio chimes in again, “Tell us you at least got her number…”
I don’t bother responding before grabbing the frisbee out of his hands and jogging away. I silently kick myself for not thinking about that. We stay for another hour or so before leaving, my mind wandering to Riley quite often through the night.
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P.S. I don't own the rights to any of these photos, they were all found on Pinterest or a Google image search.
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I hope you enjoyed this. It's been quite a while since I even tried writing something for others to read so sorry if it's not up to your standards. It may start out slow but I promise there's some good things to come.
Huge shout out to @crimson-calligraphyx for encouraging and helping me with this.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 month
Jerry has lots of dollar-stretching ideas for saving money in the garden.
1. Free plants:
Saving seed can be a life-changing experience. You can easily save lots of seed, giving you lots of opportunity to experiment without fear of failure, as well as the option of giving some away. Store in airtight containers such as old jars; save silica gel to go with the seeds to keep the seeds dry in storage.
To collect seed, use old panty hose to slip over the ends of plants with pods that explode - as some pea plants and brassicas.
You can also propagate by cuttings. Jerry prunes plants at a good time to take cuttings - usually after they’ve finished flowering. Jerry also uses recycled pots and potting mix, making it even cheaper.
2. Free fuel:
Animal manure is great and often freely available - Jerry managed to source some camel and buffalo dung when a circus recently came to town!
Always compost manure first, to remove any weed seed or residual chemicals they may be carrying.
Jerry also recycles any dead cane toads he finds as roadkill, by burying them under his fruit trees.
Mulch is essential in any garden - Jerry uses several types - but it can be expensive. Check with your local council to see if wood chippings from pruned street trees are available, or make your own leaf mold from raked up leaves; simply pile up the leaves, keep them moist, and wait for them to decompose.
The result is low in nutrients and high in carbon so it’s perfect as a surface mulch or for growing ferns and palms.
Potting mix - Jerry makes his own, using equal parts of garden soil, horticultural sand and old potting mix.
3. Upcycling:
Repurpose material that would otherwise end up in landfill, such as polystyrene foam boxes, which are great for growing plants as they are lightweight and they insulate the plants’ roots from heat and cold.
Other uses include as part of a worm farm or as a self-watering container.
Jerry grows strawberries in these boxes – the extra height helps keep the fruit from pests on the ground.
He also uses them to store pots with cuttings in as it keeps the plants at an even temperature, plus it’s easy to cover the boxes to create a mini greenhouse or shadehouse if needed. For shade he uses old net curtains found at op shops.
4. Trading:
Some plants give you more than you’d ever need, especially citrus. Jerry makes loads of different marmalade, which he trades for eggs or avocadoes that he doesn’t have.
5. Buy once, cry once:
By this Jerry means pay more for quality equipment that will last. Cheap equipment is often not meant to be serviced or repaired, but good-quality items will be designed to take replacement parts and are worth fixing. Jerry still uses his grandfather’s hand mower and mattock, and has other equipment that is many decades old.
Filmed on Quandamooka, Turrbal & Yuggera Country in Brisbane, Qld
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sir-yeehaw-paws · 2 years
Comprised of some of my favourite staff names, faces, etc. *Under a cut so I don’t clog dashboards)
Creeping Whale: He’s wondering how whales can creep. They do move slow, but still.
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Cannibal Slug: Deeply questioning his decision to be here.
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Crawling Raptor: Yeah, yeah I do, what are YOU gonna do about it??
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Stalking Wallaby: Passport Photo Mode
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Vampire Mastiff: Extremely proud of his name.
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Rancid Goat: :(
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Death Gecko: HELL YEAH I AM I guess :/
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Brutal Vulture: I just want my plants, am I that brutal??
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Rancid Worm: Another :( Man
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Lonely Phoenix: Passport Photo 2
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Rumble Hog: He’s so proud of himself.
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Death Bison: *Hissing, Snarling*
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Striker Dragon: A little baffled how he got his name but not displeased.
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Raging Moth: Moths do rage for sure. Don’t put him near any bright lights.
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Cannibal Rooster: LOOK AT HIM, LOOK AT HIM.
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Sadistic Octopus: Looks so friendly! Not at all sadistic.
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Goblin Panther: GOBLIN PANTHER. What else is there to say? He likes plants too.
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Rumble Crab: Please. PLEASE DO THE CRAB WALK
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Charging Eel: Utterly resigned to his fate.
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Spitting Cat: HISS HISS HISS
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Killer Kitten: Adorable. Beautiful. Love that she’s also a zoologist.
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Frantic Squirrel: Squirrels are very frantic but this man just seems very sad.
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Armoured Rooster: You wish, you WISH you could be called Armoured Rooster.
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Sky Centipede: Boss, how do centipedes even end up in the sky? Don’t worry about it.
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Brutal Wasp: Man do I really deserve this? Why am I here? How did I even get here..
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Bastard Bat: Dealing with it.
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Bastard Bison: I feel you bat, I feel you.
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Dire Worm: Crying Worms immediate competition. He looks so sad with his code name.
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Vampire Whale: I HAVE a kick ass code name but I don’t know how I got here.
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Creeping Buzzard: YOU WISH you were her. She’s so proud! See those stats? Deserved.
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Brutal Moth: About as threatening as a brutal moth would be I suppose.
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Devil Gecko: Has a service cross. Seems a bit confused by this. Might’ve been one of the parasite infected zombie soldiers I got (they all get service crosses if you bring them back).
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Rat: RAT. His name is just RAT. Rat’s fine with this, he’s a diplomat.
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Greedy Barracuda: Sounds like a band name. I love saying it.
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Biting Tree Frog: Secret hidden lyric in Snake Eater.
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Glacier Mongoose: Passport Photo 3
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Mad Centipede: He’s called centipede. Like his buddy up there, he has one of the most detested insects code names. Sorry dude.
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Vengeful Buffalo: Is a counselor. Godspeed bro.
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Spunky Platypus: PLEASE run the Mother Base rave night. Please.
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And of course, at the end of the day there is always:
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campsajasafaris · 7 months
Discover Uganda: Wildlife Safaris & Gorilla Trekking Tours | Camp Saja Safaris
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Uganda is situated in the eastern part of Africa. It boasts a varied landscape that is truly captivating. This remarkable country provides numerous thrilling opportunities for exploration and observation. Its natural beauty is showcased through its diverse range of features. To name a few are its stunning nature reserves, captivating primates, majestic rivers, picturesque lakes, breathtaking beaches, and an abundance of wildlife.
Being a landlocked country, Uganda shares its borders with Kenya to the east, Congo to the west, Sudan to the north, and Tanzania and Rwanda to the south. The equatorial region in Uganda was gifted with lush rainforests, vast deserts, and magnificent waterfalls. Leading safari operators in Uganda collaborate with visitors, making their tours and safaris an effortless and ideal experience.
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Uganda offers incredible opportunities for game viewing and wildlife safaris. The diverse landscape supports a wide range of animals, including primates and gorillas. Tourists can expect to encounter over 75 different species of animals, including the famous Big Five (elephants, buffaloes, leopards, lions, and rhinos). Other species such as hippos and giraffes can also be found in Uganda's sanctuaries.
The country is home to several national parks, including Kedipo Valley National Park, Queen Elizabeth National Park, Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Volcanoes National Park, and Murchison National Park. Murchison National Park, located in the northwest and situated on the shore of Lake Albert, is the oldest and largest park in Uganda.
Uganda safari holiday packages include Birding safaris. It offers the opportunity to spot a variety of bird species. Some notable birds include the Blue-headed Coucal, Giant and Malachite Kingfishers, Squacco Heron, Swamp Flycatcher, Sandpipers, Abyssinian Ground-Hornbill, Black-billed Barbet, Weaver Birds, Pied Kingfisher, Piapiac, Silver bird, Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, African Quail-Finch, Red-throated Bee-eater, Speckle-fronted Weaver bird, White-browed Sparrow Weaver bird, Black-headed Gonolek, Denham’s Bustard, and many more.
The Boating part of your Uganda safari holiday package takes you to the best places for sport fishing. It is a popular safari activity in Uganda. The Nile River provides excellent opportunities for fishing, especially when the water level is low and clear. Tour operators in Uganda can arrange boating safaris and fishing trips, allowing visitors to catch fish and witness the majestic giant crocodiles that inhabit the river.
The open grasslands of Uganda are a thriving ecosystem where predators and grazers coexist during the dry season. This unique encounter between different species is a sight to behold.
Uganda is renowned for its gorilla population, with approximately half of the world's gorillas residing in the country. The Gorilla safari part of your Uganda tours and safaris truly make you stunning. The chimpanzee trekking in Kibale Forest is a key attraction for primate enthusiasts.
Exploring the conservation areas surrounding the national parks on foot is a great way to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of Uganda. Ensure that you seize these indelible yet unforgettable moments with your camera.
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Several fascinating things are there to watch in Uganda. Leading Safari operators in Uganda are always conscious about providing the best service all the time. They are very knowledgeable about Wildlife, Birds, Trees, Uganda Society, Customs, and traditions about the country. They can lead you by offering the sights and experiencing things that some can dream of. The Tour Operators can make you feel relaxed, and amazed by the sights, sounds, smells, and greenery of nature.
Leading safari operators in Uganda like Camp Saja Safaris always try to provide tourists with new appreciation and understanding about the wildlife. This is where you can book a holiday tour with a great combination and your choice among various adventures. They help in finding suitable and convenient itineraries for the perfect destination as per the needs of the tourists and budget. They are very much conscious about the comfort of the visitors and foreign tourists. The most capable, friendly, and helpful guides at Camp Saja Safaris share their talent, experience, and understanding with clients. It will bring an awesome experience among the tourists which they take back home. They make sure that Uganda safari holiday packages are designed as per tourist’s satisfaction.
East Africa is a memorable destination that should not be missed. Camp Saja Safaris made a great contribution to their clients’ satisfaction. They are one of the leading safari operators in Uganda and offer various customized tour packages as per clients' needs! For any assistance in conquering your thoughts, and passion for nature and wildlife photography please get in touch with Camp Saja Safaris at +1 (443) 409 2106.
Content Source From: www.thelifestyle-blog.com
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olivescales3 · 1 year
Happy STS!
What are the dietary staples of one culture/region in your word and how do they affect the geography, politics, culture, religion and/or economy?
Thank you for the ask!
In TFLOC, culinary culture isn't that developed yet, as Chima's hot and humid climate is quite harsh. This, however, doesn't mean that there is no demand for food; actually, food is one of the most sought after products in Chima's economy! Every week, there's an event called the Chi Market, where animals from all tribes gather inside the Lion Temple to sell their products.
Long post ahead!
The Chi Market is where animals exchange or sell their items, food and other products. This event, led by the Lion Tribe, is extremely profitable, as not only does it keep Chima's society afloat with food, armor, weapons, services and etc, but it also sustains the wealth of said tribe. The Lion Temple is situated in the plains, and this is where the lions hunt their prey, such as Wildebeest, Buffalos and other big mammals, and the carcasses are sold during the event. Depending on the season, there will be more prey, but during the dry season there's little to no prey, so the inhabitants stock up on food from the Chi Market, with taxes towards the royal family to invest in protection, their army, etc.
Due to the distance between each tribe from one another, there isn't much competition for food, aside from the Wolf Tribe, which has a nomadic culture and thus maintains its hunter-gatherer lifestyle. This tribe gathers tons of food and medicinal plants/berries, and this can cause conflict between tribes who don't have a sedentary food producing style (like keeping livestock). The wolves had an unstable relationship with the Raven Tribe, because the ravens lived in poor conditions and needed to scavenge their own food, and the gathering from another tribe means that there will be less food for them. The Wolf Tribe has a negative relationship with the Gorilla Tribe, which dislikes having their forest damaged.
On the other hand, wolves have an amazing relationship with the Crocodile Tribe, because not only are they allies, but crocodiles exchange food with wolves or buy medicine from them. The crocs' habitat makes them prone to lots of diseases, and being able to receive varied diets from the wolves is great for their immunity system and survival, because their swamp dries very frequently, causing fish to disperse and start possible famines.
The Wolf Tribe is also very important for the Eagle Tribe, because the eagles live on a peak which does not have the space for breeding animals. The Eagle Spire is located near the Fangs, and due to the dry land, there aren't too many prey. The Wolf Tribe sells food to them.
The Crocodile Tribe lives off of fish that surround their swamp during their breeding season. Floods bring fish near the crocodiles' houses, but these houses aren't very resistant and in a few years get destroyed due to humidity. They reuse wood, but the cut trees help flood the area even more, leading to more humidity and water.
Overall, Chima's geography isn't affected much by the tribes, as they follow the land's natural cycle.
Food is very important but is not scarce most of the time, and when it is, the issue can be circumvented because of the Chi Market, ally ship with other tribes, or just buying food from the Wolf Tribe.
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shienslots10 · 1 year
Daftar Situs Slot Gacor Hari Ini Terbaik Gampang Menang 2023
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Kelebihan situs shienslots dibandingkan situs lain sebagai situs judi slot gacor terpercaya dan slot online tergacor di indonesia adalah dengan memberikan akan kemudahan dalam bertransaksi dengan memberikan cara bertransaksi yang sangatlah lengkap dalam melakukan deposit maupun withdraw. Berbagai jenis deposit terbaik yang SHIENSLOT sediakan diantaranya ada Dana, Ovo, Gopay, dan berbagai bank lokal di indonesia. Kami juga menyediakan customer service yang siap melayanin anda selama 24 jam nonstop yang pastinya sangat ramah dan professional dalam menangani masalah yang anda hadapi. Customer Service kami siap melayani anda dengan semua keluhan dan kritik ataupun kendala yang anda hadapi dan memberikan solusi yang cepat dan baik untuk anda para member setia kami.
Daftar Situs Judi Slot Gacor Hari Ini Terbaik Gampang Menang
Saat ini untuk bergabung atau daftar disitus slot online shienslots sangatlah muda. Anda hanya perlu mengunjungi website yang anda ingin bergabung dan cukup klik tombol daftar dan akan langsung diarahkan menuju halaman pendaftaran, setelah itu anda hanya perlu mengisi data di kolom yang ada sesuai dengan data diri anda yang valid. Lalu setelah anda berhasil registrasi anda perlu mengarah ke halaman deposit untuk mengisi data bank anda, setelah itu anda bisa langsung melakukan deposit pertama anda dan kalian sudah bisa langsung bermain disitus judi slot gacor hari ini yaitu shienslots yang mana adalah situs slot terbaik dan gampang menang. Berikut ini ada 13 situs slot gacor hari ini dan gampang menang dari provider populer seperti:
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5 Lion Megaways
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Slot Gacor Spadegaming
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Three Lucky Stars
Alien Hunter
Cai Shen 888
Kungfu Dragon
Slot Gacor RTG Slots
RTG 777
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Aladdin Wishes
Alien Wins
Slot Gacor Playtech
Age Of The Gods
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Gem Queen
Slot Gacor Microgaming
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Break da Bank Again
Lucky Leprechaun
Slot Gacor Joker Gaming / Joker123
Wealth God
Genie 2
Slot Gacor PG Slots
Mahjong Ways
Songkran Splash
Wild Bandito
Double Fortune
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Slot Gacor Habanero
Koi Gate
Nine Tails
Disco Beats
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xtruss · 2 years
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A turtle is seen underwater in the Kizılirmak River, Turkey Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
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A one-horned rhinoceros mother and calf graze at the Pobitora wildlife sanctuary on the outskirts of Guwahati, India. The sanctuary is known for its Indian one-horned rhino population. Photograph: Anupam Nath/AP
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A snow leopard – a species under top-level protection in China – is released into the wild in Lhünzhub County of Lhasa, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region, months after it was rescued in the rural area of Lhasa. Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock
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Hundreds of bar-headed geese, which migrate from Tibet and Central Asia during winter, flock near the India-Pakistan border at Gharana village in Ranbir Singh Pura, India. Photograph: Channi Anand/AP
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Alpacas are seen next to a dry stream in the Quechua community of Lagunillas in Puno, southern Peru. The harsh drought in the Peruvian Andes has caused the death of animals such as alpacas and affected crops and the economy of local communities. It has forced the Peruvian government to declare a 60-day emergency in 111 districts of the region. Photograph: Juan Carlos Cisneros/AFP/Getty Images
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Elephants head towards hay delivered by Kenya Wildlife Services (KWS) ranger Josphat Wangigi (not seen) at the Amboseli National Park as feed-aid for forage-deprived herbivores hit hard by drought. In Kenya, the signs of the drought are everywhere. The earth is dry and cracked, animal bones lie along the trails and emaciated trees with yellowing leaves bear witness to the impact of the worst drought in 40 years. Photograph: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images
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A Cape buffalo feeds in what remains of a natural marsh at the Amboseli National Park, Kenya, the vast area hit hard by droughts that have wiped out pastures for the main herbivores. Photograph: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images
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Riyadh, Saudi Arabia! Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman poses with the visiting Chinese president, Xi Jinping. Photograph: Saudi Press Agency/Reuters
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Mauna Loa, Hawaii! Molten bombs are thrown into the air by the lava fountains at Fissure 3 on the north-east rift zone of Mauna Loa. Fountains of lava and rivers of molten rock were spewing from the world’s biggest volcano, as the first eruption there in almost four decades showed no signs of abating. Photograph: D Downs/US Geological Survey/AFP/Getty Images
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Al-Rayyan, Qatar! Morocco’s players celebrate at the end of the World Cup match against Spain at the Education City Stadium. Photograph: Glyn Kirk/AFP/Getty Images
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What does Branch Specialists Tree Service Buffalo do? 
Branch Specialists Tree Service Buffalo provides comprehensive Tree Service in Buffalo NY, specializing in the care, maintenance, and management of trees. Our team of certified arborists offers a range of services, including precise tree trimming and pruning to promote healthy growth, safe and efficient tree removal for hazardous or unwanted trees, and stump grinding to restore your landscape. We also handle emergency tree services, ensuring rapid response to storm-damaged trees. With a focus on safety, quality, and long-term health, we take care of everything from regular maintenance to full-scale land clearing, enhancing the beauty and safety of your property.
From enhancing the health and beauty of your trees to removing hazardous or unwanted ones, we’re here to ensure that your outdoor space is both safe and stunning. For expert tree care services in Buffalo, NY, look no further than Branch Specialists Tree Service Buffalo! 🌳Call us today!
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wnytreespecialists · 8 months
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treesoldiers · 1 year
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carsrentaltoronto · 2 years
How to Maintain a Vintage Car
A Vintage car is a car that is over twenty years old. The term vintage car is often used to refer to cars manufactured in the years 1919 to 1930. There are several different classification schemes used by car enthusiasts to distinguish vintage cars. Here are some general guidelines. If you have a vintage car, make sure to maintain it properly.
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Defining a vintage car
There are a lot of different definitions for what constitutes a vintage car. Most definitions involve the age of the vehicle. The vintage category is often associated with cars that are over 25 years old. However, some definitions are much looser. Some consider a vintage car as an antique or classic, if it is between ten and 25 years old.
In general, a vintage car is an automobile produced between 1919 and 1930. It does not have to be in its original condition to be considered vintage, and it can be modified in some cases. But, it must still be in a working condition. Some definitions are different in different states, so it's important to check the classification in your area.
In some states, a car can be considered vintage if it is more than twenty years old. However, this doesn't mean a 1996 model would qualify as a vintage car. According to the Classic Car Club of America, a vintage car is a "fine automobile built between 1915 and 1948." These cars are often not mass-produced model vehicles. They are often rare and exclusive vehicles, produced in limited numbers.
Upkeep of a vintage car
Upkeep of a vintage car requires special care and attention. It's important to take the car to a reputable mechanic to ensure its proper performance. Inexperienced mechanics can overlook a problem or give a low-quality diagnosis. It's also important to keep the Vintage car rentals Buffalo clean to avoid corrosion or rust, especially on the wooden parts.
One way to prolong the life of a classic car's main systems is to drive it regularly. Sitting for long periods of time can cause flat spots in the tires. To minimize this problem, take your vintage car out for a drive at least once every couple of months. Remember that vintage cars' batteries are fragile and can lose their charge.
Another way to protect your vintage car from dirt and extreme weather is by waxing it. The wax will form a protective layer to prevent corrosion. It also prevents rust spots and protects the car's paint from the sun. The paintwork can also be protected from corrosive elements like tree sap and bird droppings.
Insurance for a vintage car
Insurance for a vintage car is more expensive than for a normal vehicle. You need to ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage for your antique vehicle. There are several ways to go about this. One way is to apply for an insurance policy directly from the insurance company. This way, you avoid having to deal with intermediaries.
The other way is to get a policy from an insurance company that specializes in insurance for vintage cars. You should be aware that there are some extra services that can increase your insurance premium. Also, you should make sure that your policy includes the necessary documentation. This documentation includes a check, receipt, or payment order.
Another way to go about obtaining insurance for a vintage car is to fill out an online quote form. This makes the process easier and gives you an idea of how much it will cost. It's important to be as specific as possible when filling out the online form. Remember, vintage cars get more expensive over time, so being concise and honest about the condition of your car is essential.
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eriadav · 14 hours
Romantic Honeymoon on Tanzania Wildlife Safari and Zanzibar Getaway
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Travel Company: DAV Safaris
Website: www.davsafaris.com
Tel: +256757795781 or +256701412430
A honeymoon is a special time for couples to celebrate their love and create unforgettable memories together. For those seeking a unique blend of adventure and relaxation, a romantic honeymoon in Tanzania offers the perfect escape. Imagine exploring the breathtaking landscapes on a Tanzania wildlife safari while unwinding on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar. This combination provides an ideal setting for a romantic getaway filled with thrilling wildlife encounters, stunning sunsets, and intimate moments.
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On your Tanzania wildlife safari, you can witness majestic animals in their natural habitat, including the Big Five—lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros. After your exciting safari adventures, you can retreat to the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar, known for their soft white sands and crystal-clear waters. Here, you can relax, indulge in local cuisine, and enjoy romantic beachside dinners.
This enchanting journey through Tanzania and Zanzibar promises to be an unforgettable experience, making it the perfect choice for your honeymoon. Whether you are exploring the Serengeti or lounging on the idyllic shores of Zanzibar, your love story will flourish in this stunning paradise.
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Why Choose Tanzania for Your Honeymoon?
Tanzania is renowned for its stunning natural beauty and rich biodiversity, making it a premier destination for couples looking for adventure. From the majestic Serengeti National Park to the lush landscapes of Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania’s wildlife safaris offer an extraordinary experience. Couples can witness the Great Migration, explore diverse ecosystems, and enjoy intimate moments in the wild.
The Magic of Tanzania Wildlife Safaris
Tanzania wildlife safaris are perfect for couples who appreciate nature and wildlife. Imagine embarking on game drives at dawn, watching the sun rise over the savannah as you spot elephants, lions, and giraffes. Experienced guides will lead you through the parks, sharing their knowledge of the animals and the environment.
Top Safari Destinations
Serengeti National Park: Famous for the Great Migration, the Serengeti offers unparalleled wildlife viewing opportunities. Couples can enjoy private game drives or even go on a guided walking safari for a more intimate experience with nature.
Ngorongoro Crater: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is home to an abundance of wildlife, including the endangered black rhino. The crater’s stunning landscape provides a romantic backdrop for couples to explore together.
Tarangire National Park: Known for its large elephant herds and iconic baobab trees, Tarangire offers a unique safari experience. Enjoy a picnic lunch in the park while surrounded by nature.
Romantic Safari Lodges
After a day of adventure, couples can relax in luxurious lodges that offer stunning views and private settings. Many lodges feature open-air dining, romantic sunset views, and even private plunge pools, perfect for unwinding after a day of exploration. Here are a few top picks:
Serengeti Serena Safari Lodge: Known for its breathtaking views and luxurious accommodations, this lodge offers a romantic atmosphere with excellent service.
Ngorongoro Crater Lodge: Perched on the edge of the crater, this lodge provides a unique blend of luxury and rustic charm, making it an ideal spot for a romantic retreat.
Tarangire Treetops: Experience the thrill of staying in a treehouse overlooking the park. This unique lodge offers privacy and stunning views of the wildlife below.
Relaxing in Zanzibar
After an exhilarating safari, unwind on the idyllic beaches of Zanzibar. This tropical paradise, known for its white sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters, is the perfect place for couples to relax and rejuvenate.
Top Activities in Zanzibar
Beach Relaxation: Spend your days lounging on the beach, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the gentle ocean breeze. The beaches of Nungwi and Kendwa are particularly stunning.
Snorkeling and Diving: Explore the vibrant marine life of the Indian Ocean. Zanzibar offers some of the best snorkeling and diving spots, including Mnemba Atoll, where you can see colorful coral reefs and exotic fish.
Spice Tours: Discover why Zanzibar is often called the "Spice Island." Join a spice tour to learn about the island’s rich history of spice trade and sample fresh spices.
Stone Town Exploration: Visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Stone Town, known for its narrow winding streets, historic architecture, and vibrant markets. Explore the culture and history of Zanzibar together.
Romantic Accommodations in Zanzibar
Zanzibar offers a range of romantic accommodations, from luxury resorts to cozy beachfront bungalows. Here are a couple of top recommendations:
Zuri Zanzibar: This stunning resort features private villas, a beautiful beach, and an infinity pool overlooking the ocean. It’s the perfect setting for a romantic escape.
The Residence Zanzibar: Offering luxurious villas with private pools, this resort provides an intimate atmosphere, ideal for honeymooners.
Creating Lasting Memories
A honeymoon in Tanzania and Zanzibar is not just about the destinations; it’s about the experiences you share together. Whether it’s witnessing a lion pride on a game drive, sharing a candlelit dinner under the stars, or walking hand-in-hand along the beach, every moment will be special.
Tips for Your Honeymoon
Plan Ahead: Research and book your safari and accommodations in advance to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience.
Pack Smart: Bring lightweight, breathable clothing for the safari and swimwear for the beaches. Don’t forget a camera to capture your adventures!
Consider a Private Safari: For a more intimate experience, consider booking a private safari vehicle. This allows you to tailor your schedule and enjoy more privacy.
Stay Flexible: While it’s great to have a plan, some of the best moments come from spontaneity. Be open to unexpected adventures!
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kdtreesyracuse · 2 days
Tree Cutting Buffalo NY Choosing the Best Tree Service Company in Syracuse, NY
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