#treated like property
atlastcompelled54 · 7 months
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Force her open. Make her feel helpless. Take away her agency.
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acidiccunt · 8 months
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my forehead says “stupid” btw <3
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pivsketch · 5 months
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noise tone layer effect
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danieyells · 4 months
I also though the same when I read Jin's stigma!! Like at first being something mild like 'hug me' 'stay seated here' to things like 'kiss me' 'dont talk to any other man today' to 'bend over' 'stop crying' 'spread your legs'. But I also haven't played much lol
On one hand i agree he'd probably start small. . . .
On the other his Affinity 4 chat has him ordering you to clean his room and taking off his shirt in front of you because he wants you to wash it(getting mad and telling you to stop complaining when you get embarrassed). . .and he calls the pc "servant". So if he wants something from you. . .I don't think he'd hesitate to escalate even if he doesn't know you too well heheheh
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But yeah the idea of Jin using his stigma for sexual purposes--whether the person he's commanding likes it or not--is so appealing to me. Realistically I don't think he'd go that far but. . .it also doesn't feel entirely out of character for him to go "shut up and obey" and not care if you cry or fuss, just. . .grab your hand and use his stigma to control you if you're disobedient.
It just has such potential. For like damn near any kink you could want really. He could tell you to go about your day without your clothes, exposed to the whole school. . .he could tell you not to leave his room until commanded otherwise. . .pleasure yourself in front of him. . .don't go home, sleep in his bed. . .or on the floor at the foot of his bed, like a pet. I like "don't talk to any other man today" that's a good one hehe.
His New Years line even has him say "Hope you're ready for another year being at beck and call, servant." And if you haven't logged in for a while he says he has to retrain you.
Eventually he's just going to tell you what to do, no stigma needed. And you'll obey. It will be second nature for you. No questions, it will just be what you do.
Just. . .yeah. The potential is there. I don't think his stigma can actually be used for things like extended actions(like "don't do x all day") but the idea is there and it's so hot. And even if he couldn't force you to with his stigma, it definitely wouldn't stop him from commanding you to anyway. And he'd teach you to do what he says. You'd learn to be obedient.
Tbf about not playing much, it takes a lot of time to advance story things in this game lol. Like after hitting four affinity on everyone it's taking a while to get to 6 lmao. That's part of why I'm sharing the things I datamine--because it's such a slog to get things! And I've spent money on the game!!
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randomkduck · 6 months
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couldn't decide which I liked more, so you get both.
I saw a post that was like "love it when two characters are drawn cuddling and they're just like this" and then showed an image of two characters laying really close side by side. I was like: "hold my beer", and proceeded to draw them because this image popped very vividly into my head upon seeing that post.
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krotiation · 2 months
"You can't ship rhack, it's toxic!!" Wrong, that's exactly why I ship it
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valtsv · 2 years
my dad is exactly the same "why are you wearing these unflattering clothes. a girl should not hide her forms" 1) not a girl 2)kgkfjfjfjksks so weird and why are you obsessed about how your kids dress uunh like thats so weird (my sister dresses too "provocatively" for him so theres really no winning)
good luck, and fuck dads
honestly. it doesn't stop being creepy and uncomfortable just because it's your parents saying it. if anything it makes it even more creepy.
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creaturefeaster · 4 months
Hey Wire! Question about April,is there a cannon reason she got kicked out? Like is there family drama?
She was kicked out because she and her family have always had major disagreements with each other. It was a very "18 and out" kind of situation for her, but the final straw for her parents kicking her out was her slapping her mother during a very heated argument.
She stayed with Tanner for a short period of time after that, before they both moved down to Lystrike together with Leon.
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ace-and-ranty · 3 months
"This was not the first time Temeraire had showed a distressing tendency to independent thought"
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cryptic-cryptid · 4 months
Okay i just finished atla and lok and i have a lot of opinions but the only ones im going to talk about are my opinions on the trivialization of the avatar state in lok.
In atla it was a whole plot point how serious the avatar state is. How vulnerable the avatar is while in the avatar state. Remember with me the episode where the guy was trying to harness the power of the avatar state. Aang couldnt do it just whenever he wanted to. He could only do it when he or his friends were in serious danger. This gets a little easier for him as the series progresses and he does more internal spiritual work, but still its never just "okie doke im gonna go avatar state now". But in lok its like....a booster? Like using nitro in need for speed underground. Like its treated as an ability that requires a long rest instead of literally the avatars fighting for their collective lives.
Also smaller less aggregious point that in atla the avatar state is described as all the avatars coming together to fight as one so why can korra still do it after harmonic convergence? Im sure the writers will cite raava, but i have my personal issues with the raava/vaatu situation too lmfao
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shadystranger · 5 months
dean's quick desperate attempt to strip sam of agency is almost always in line with him trying to preserve a sense of self & protect himself
like there's more nuance but sam is extremely important to dean as a person and is CRITICALLY necessary to his being as an unearthed part of him
sam is simultaneously dean's every relationship all at once. His everything as far as a human can be and also a primary foundation to his whole being
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asmywhimseytakesme · 1 year
Murderbot is doing for its robot/ai characters what starwars has always refused to explicitly explore for its droid characters.
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Bonjour, Soldat.
I have found a bucket. Is this yours? I remember you being fond of them.
...no. I don’t think so.
:He shifts a little from one foot to the other. Not only does he seem pretty unenthused by the bucket, he seems more than a little wary of the man bringing it.:
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spurgie-cousin · 25 days
Those snarkers thinking a 5 yo gap between two people in their 20's is a super groomer dangerous thing is making me want to scream
Same, I don't think they understand that age alone is not what makes so many age gap relationships questionable, it's the power dynamics of it all. For example, Kelton and Josie Balka's age gap alone wouldn't be enough to raise red flags for me, but knowing he pursued her as a minor when he was a legal adult, within the context of their very, very patriarchal belief system, raises tons of red flags. The power dynamics at the beginning of their relationship were incredibly skewed, because of his age and his gender.
Obviously I don't know anything about this girl so maybe she is a weirdo for all I know, but on a surface level, and knowing the kind of values the Rodrigueses hold, I find it hard to believe she holds an unbalanced amount of power in the relationship just because she's older. If anything, she's agreeing to give up a sizable amount of her autonomy just by getting married in their misogynistic religion, regardless of if she chose to participate later in life or not.
Idk like I said the kind of person she is remains to be seen, but I really disagree that there's anything inherently creepy about her bc she's 25 lol.
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demo-ness · 7 months
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damn this manga got so far and then tripped RIGHT at the god damned finish line 😔
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Hello friends! Just a quick kh4f programming note: I'll be out of commission for most of, if not all of today, as I'm having a minor medical procedure done. (Outpatient, everything's fine, dw! 🫶🏻) So if anything notable happens (fully expecting Ash to announce ai2 the second I'm sedated 😌) and I'm MIA... that's why lol. Try not to have too much fun without me! 😘💙
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