#treasure ep3
atzsource-moved · 1 year
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san ♡ illusion mv
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tiktok keeps killing 5 hours of editing work, so guess I'm back to this Hellsite™️
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tgcfresources · 3 months
Audio Drama Master Post
Cause there are a couple different people who have snippets as well as full translations for them all, it was making the master master post VERY long. lol
Currently only available in Chinese, the second season is currently airing. Can be bought through Missevan, costs a total of 319 diamonds.
Guide on how to purchase the audio Drama here.
I find setting up Alipay on your phone is the easiest thing, as most Chinese sites use it. Link it to your phones wallet and done.
Chinese Audio Drama Guide here on how to: purchase, use fan subtitles, watch video's without subtitles, and watching offline videos.
Theme Songs:
Youtube link for HuaLian’s VAs (Chenzang Taikang & Su Shangqing) singing the S1 Theme Song 赐我 《Grant Me》 together with English Translations.
S2 EP3 Theme Song Unenlightened 《不悟》 – 张恩岱 Zhang EnDai - XyraRai Eng Subs | MsSunnyDisposish Eng Subs (cc) S2 EP11 Theme Song Gu 《主题》
English Translations for the AD: A couple people have snippets, as well as full translations available.
As always, you will need to show PROOF OF PURCHASE!
Twitter user XyraRei has a number of snippets of the Season 1 translated into English.
You'll have to join this discord server to access them all. Invite link here.
Nana also has subtitle files but is not currently taking any more invites to their discord server.
Twitter user Vana has a number of snippets of both the Chinese Revised Novel and Audio Drama Translations on their twitter account.
Season 1 Subs:
Thank you to whoever has put them in this one drive folder and shared with everyone! <3
Treasure Chest Subs has up to Episode 7 done. You will need to fill out a form to join their discord channel to gain access.
@necrochancellor has translated the entirety of Season 1 (main eps + mini theaters) which you can access on their discord. Link in this twitter post.
Season 2 Subs:
If you have PURCHASED Season 2 of the season you can fill out this form to gain access to the current subs.
Big thanks to Shieru for doing this!!
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ianime0 · 5 months
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Tadaima Okaeri | Ep3 | Don't you bully Hi-kun's papa! You gotta say sorry! "Sorry," eh? I think I see. I got the order of things all wrong. It was that simple, was it? I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I have been bullying your precious parents, haven't I? This is what I really came here to do. To tell them I want to make up. I see... I should have just said I was sorry, shouldn't I? And you taught me that. You really are a treasure. I see why they protected you. I'm truly cowed. "Good boy. There, there." He actually got him to bow that hard head of his. I can't cope.
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murfpersonalblog · 4 months
IWTV S2 Predictions: Eternity In A Box (Spoilers for Blood Communion)
In Ep3 I was freaking out over the parallels b/t vampires running their fingers thru Louis' hair as he thinks he (& Claudia) are gonna die.
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In the movie's version of The Trial, Santiago condemns Louis to solitary confinement:
"Eternity in a box. Walled in a dungeon. Your only company will be your screams."
And I'm convinced the Theatre's gonna bury Louis alive.
TBF, I could be WAY off; but I was thinking abt how the scene went in the movie: the Theatre locked Louis in an iron coffin and buried him underground in the walls of Theatre, and how Mr. I Could Not Prevent It waited until way later to come in and literally dig Louis back up.
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Hatred as a Box: Buried Alive
Both are HORRIBLE ways for vampires to "die." Compared to going out by fire it's a light sentence, sure, until you consider the LORE.
Iron + vampires = no bueno. (The same applies to witches & fae.)
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Initially, AR's vampires weren't subject to traditional wards like silver, iron, crosses, garlic, etc. The Theatre coffin was wooden, just sealed with iron locks. But magic DOES have a strong effect on vamps, as highlighted in Merrick.
In TVA Armand describes his kidnapping by the Children of Satan:
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In Blood Communion, AR specifically retconned iron in 2 notable instances. Cyril bound Baudwin in iron pickets ripped from a wrought-iron fence:
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And most infamously: Rhosh's kidnap of Gabrielle, Marius, & Louis:
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(I pray to GOD that AMC gets this far, it's one of my fave AR books.)
I can't tell if the coffin AMC!Lou's in is iron or wood, but if he's stuffed in the Wet Room's morgue-like "burial vaults," that's definitely metal, if not steel/iron. Which is such a clever modern update to coffins. 👌
Then there's the pebbles all over Louis. Nothing much here, except that they're made of stone, and I was reminded of the hardening/crystalizing process of AR's vampires, as they age & become more & more stone-like as their luracastria hardens over time.
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The stone hardening of a vampire =/= Death, but rather SLEEP; as exemplified with Akasha & Enkil--the 2 oldest vamps, who look/feel like statues. (The QotD movie took this too literally with Maharet.)
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But yeah, I like the visual poetry of Lou in a coffin full of stone pebbles, essentially put to sleep by Santiago for eternity in a box; which is not unlike too what Rhosh would end up doing to him in BC.
Love as a Box: A Prized Treasure
The imagery of coffins & the theme of Louis spending eternity in a box further made me think abt Louis' (toxic) romantic relationships.
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I've spoken ad nauseum abt Loustat, so I wanna focus more on Loumand here. Cuz Armand's love of Lou seems to contradict his tendency to wait for catastrophe to strike b4 he "rescues" Lou from horrible situations that could've been avoided had Armand made his move a lot sooner. (Unkind & ungracious, I know, but I'm on a tangent here.)
We see this with the Theatre, as Armand lets the coven slowly descend upon Louis & Claudia, knowing they're in danger but wanting Claudia out of the picture before he extracts Louis.
We're seeing it in Dubai, as Louis' broken "in pieces for the privilege of putting them back together again," like jigsaw pieces kept in a box. (Not NEFARIOUSLY, but Louis does speak about "pieces of himself" that he's lost/forgotten. And he asks Armand's permission to see Claudia's diaries? Which tells me that Coven Master Armand's ALWAYS held significant sway over Louis' life in their household.
And I suspect that we'll see it again if AMC pulls a Merrick on us, and swaps out Merrick & David for Armand & Lestat (a la AR's Tulane drafts), when Louis puts his own coffin in the sun and burns alive.
Cuz this is all just history repeating itself. We've seen this dynamic in Lou's life w/ Les. As his 2 great romantic loves, Les & Armand are similar & different. Neither of them's healthy for Lou, but they genuinely love him in their own effed up way. But Claudia's still right: BOTH of them keep Lou in a box.
Louis of Troy: Venus de Milo
Let's think for a sec abt the Venus de Milo we saw at the end of Ep1:
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At the time I was thinking: why did AMC pick that statue? Sure, it's famous & iconic and is at the Louvre in Paris. But I stuck a pin it it.
Loumand visits an art museum in Ep4, and we can probably assume it'll have something to do with Armand's career as an art thief/broker.
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During WWII all kinds of buildings got looted & bombed up, and museums had to literally bury their priceless art in boxes/crates in the dirt in order to keep them safe from the Nazis and people who wanted to steal/destroy the priceless statues.
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Which is ironic, cuz a lot of discovered art was excavated/dug up; people exhuming ancient statues out of the dark earth, into the light of a new era--like a vampire. (Venus de Milo was dug up too.)
Supposedly, VdM depicts the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite, holding the Apple of Discord in her hand (which was found broken off next to the statue). The Apple of Discord was the prize given to Aphrodite during the Judgement of Paris, a beauty pageant that caused Paris to run off with (the already married) Helen of Troy/Sparta & started the Trojan War. Herodotus, the "Father of History," said the West (Greeks/Europeans) vs the East (Asians/Africans) were always fighting cuz people kept stealing e/o's brides. 😂 Women were chattel just like animals in antiquity, so bride raids & cattle raids were typical catalysts for numerous mythic & historic conflicts.
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Typical xenophobic fodder for racist miscegenation laws, ofc, but vampire literature eats this trope up, thanks to Dracula. AR's books do this over & over--culminating in Rhosh's infamous rape/capture of Gabrielle, Louis & Marius in BC. And AMC's emphasis on interracial/multicultural relationships inevitably draws comparisons, too.
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Naturally, I'm thinking about how Troy burned over Helen; and the Theatre burned over Claudia (& Madeleine); and the Chateau burned over Gabrielle/Louis/Marius.
But I'm also thinking about how the first time Akasha & Enkil moved in 1000+ years, it was cuz Akasha allowed Lestat to drink from her, and Enkil was so mad that he got up and nearly curbstomped Lestat to mush b4 Marius wrestled Enkil off of him. 🤣
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The victim/woman inevitably gets blamed, from Helen to Akasha, and ofc Louis; but it still tracks that entire wars get launched purely over love/sex--another form of treasure/money/property/status.
And I can't help but wonder how much AMC will or won't lean into the possibility that Lou's being held captive in the Dubai penthouse by Armand--NOT necessarily by force, but rather by...compliance; COMPLICIT--and that their relationship is a huge catastrophe that Lestat will inevitably have to "rescue" Louis from like some damsel in distress, like he had to do with Nicki. Or if Lou will somehow rescue himself and NOT pull a Merrick after all. 👀
And that (finally) brings me to my final point.
Safety as a Box: Louis' "coffin"
When Daniel asked Lou where his coffin was, Lou told Dan the entire Dubai penthouse was his coffin. Thanks to Armand's UV-light-controlled iPad, the vamps can walk safely in gold-warm sunlight.
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But the penthouse still radiates CHILL. They're in the middle of a desert, but Daniel's constantly in a cardigan, Louis' often dressed in hoodies, Armand even wears an actual coat--it looks cold. 🙁 The sunlight's filtered/diluted; it can't warm anybody--human or vamp.
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As opposed to the natural lighting at 1132, coming not from the windows (which are always carefully closed & curtained), but from the fireplaces--seemingly ALWAYS roaring by Loustat's coffins in the Coffin Room, and sofas in the parlor (there's another one across from their bed, too). 1132 exudes warmth; the florals & earthtones adding to the tropical NOLA vibe--there's peacocks on their wallpapers ffs.
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Loustat's townhouse emulates a wild & free Savage Garden, but the vampires sleep in extremely close quarters in their coffins--even doubling up after Lou breaks Les.' Is it confining? Or intimate?
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I have to wonder if, in Louis' efforts to take Claudia's words to heart, and not be confined in a "small box" anymore, Lou insisted on not sharing a coffin with his 2nd husband. Instead, they sleep in a HUGE king-sized bed, with plenty of space (at the price of less intimacy). But Louis hilariously STILL sleeps like a corpse vampire in a coffin, arms/hands folded across his chest! XD
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And as spacious as Louis' new bed is, he's sleeping in a literal JAIL CELL; an utterly inorganic crypt-looking edifice of strange shapes, where the open plan does nothing to distract from the mental patient aura of the sunken bed & padded ceiling & metal (iron? 👀) cage bars. Is it for Louis' reluctant safety? Or for Louis' elusive sanity?
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Pick Your Poison
So this is my long-winded way of saying: Lou's BEEN doomed to spend eternity in a box. It's just that that box is shaped & defined by the love his 2 control-freak toxic AF husbands have for him:
Lestat is clingy and heavy-handed, and 1132 is more cramped/crowded, but more warm & intimate. It's a contained wilderness/Savage Garden in miniature; the seraglio crawling with mistresses (Antoinette) & soldiers picked for an orgy; fit for a pimp--where Louis himself is paranoiacally caged like a prized slave/housewife.
Armand is more distant/mature (internally desperate) and enabling, and the Dubai penthouse is more spacious/open-planned, cold and foreboding; a locked off tower in the sky. It's a glorified jail cell not even trying to disguise its bars; full of around-the clock staff & handlers & nursemaids/doctors (Fareed)--where Louis is jealously guarded like an in-house mental patient kept in an asylum.
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Mythical Husbands in Willow (2022)
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(Adapted from my Twitter thread)
Ok, time for a stream-of-consciousness thread about mythical husbands in #Willow: lost husbands, enchanted husbands, false husbands, mortal husbands, and demon lovers. #Graylora
After Ep4 of #Willow, I count at least 4 mythical husbands: Airk, Graydon, the Lich (stay with me), and... Madmartigan. I'm not including Willow himself in this, at least until we find out what happened to Kiaya.
False husbands and false brides are very common in folk tales, but usually the FIRST bride is the True Bride, while the SECOND husband is the True Husband. A True Bride has to master trials in order to prove herself, while a True Husband must humble himself to recover his bride.
There are many variations of the false husband, including the Demon Lover (sometimes the literal devil), a Revenant (undead lover), Incubus (avatar of the bride's sexual fantasies), the prince's beastly form, or a mortal man whose mundanity leads him to abandon his bride.
Thus far, #Willow seems to be blending these a lot, which is great in that it gives these husbands a lot of complexity. First, Airk: as @whattheforce has suggested, he's likely a false husband, most obviously the mundane mortal who fails to appreciate his extraordinary bride.
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One example of this type of husband from myth is Theseus, who relies on Princess Ariadne to defeat the Minotaur and escape the Labyrinth, but then abandons her on an island. She wakes to find the god Dionysus, who makes her his consort.
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Airk's immature love of "Dove" is a sort of emotional abandonment, showing that he is an inadequate partner for Elora even if she rescues him. Further, if the Crone manages to corrupt Airk, he will be a demon lover, who is sometimes (but not always) a false husband.
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We see some other aspects of the Ariadne myth in #Willow, especially with how Elora is "tied" to Airk by the bracelet he gave her, and then tied to Graydon by the binding he tried to release in Ep3 and the belt she tied around him in Ep4.
Airk could also be classified as Elora's Incubus, given how sexually aggressive she is with him. This will be especially true if the Crone attempts to use her attraction to Airk to lure or corrupt her. Important note though: an Incubus is not necessarily a false husband (Kylo)!
The Lich qualifies as a demon lover when he uses Graydon as a vessel to pursue Elora. Specifically, the Lich is a Revenant or undead lover who tries to lure the bride into the underworld. Sometimes the Revenant can take the form of a lost lover, like Graydon using Airk's voice.
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When possessed by the Lich and his past brush with dark magic, Graydon is also HIMSELF a demon lover or beastly husband, particularly demonstrated by his scarring and later facial deformity, the beastly skin which Elora must burn or consume to reveal the true husband underneath.
My favorite example of a Revenant tale is The Blood-Drawing Ghost, in which Kate finds a blackthorn wand atop a fresh grave. When she grasps it, the corpse demands she carry him to a manor where he drains and eats the blood of three young men. When she returns him to his grave, he tries to drag her in, but Kate outwits him and escapes, returning to the manor to feed the young men their own blood (which she cleverly refused to eat), reviving them. She then chooses one as a husband, discovers the dead man's hidden treasure, and lives happily ever after.
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In #Willow Elora discovers her magic (making her the rightful owner of Cherlindrea's wand) and then is pursued by the agents of death. The Crone tries to use the blood of Airk, Kit, and Graydon to revive herself, and Elora fights back by cooking for or feeding others.
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Graydon, though a prince and therefore a fitting partner for a goddess by fairy tale logic, can also be considered a mortal husband. The goddess of the dawn Eos or Aurora was known to take mortal lovers, notably a Trojan prince whom she gifted immortality.
Elora too is a goddess of light with a name that sounds very similar to Aurora and whose story includes many references to Sleeping Beauty variations like Brunhild. This Valkyrie was cursed to sleep under her shield and surrounded by a ring of fire until a hero could revive her.
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Sleeping princesses are typically revived by the appearance of their true husband, and sometimes by that husband calling her by her true name. Immediately after Willow reveals Elora's identity, Graydon is the first to address her as such, awakening her from her disbelief.
In some tales, a sleeping princess is awakened first, and then her husband is cursed and must be healed. This is exactly the pattern followed by Elora and Graydon so far. Further, a ring will often play into the lovers' reunion, so I would expect Graydon's ring to be significant.
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Lastly, a prominent lost husband in #Willow is Madmartigan, and I feel it is extremely likely that he, or at least his unreslved loss, will play a role in this season's conclusion. Because Sorcha chose to retreat behind the Barrier to protect her children, she never sought him the way that heroic brides typically do. As a Snow Queen archetype, Sorcha's role is to let her children go, and given Kit and Airk's unresolved issues with their father's disappearance, they may complete the quest she should have taken (Elora too).
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Furthermore, Madmartigan could himself have become a demon husband in his time away - he might be dead (in the underworld) or transformed in some way, in which case he would need to be healed or integrated in some way by a power associated with Sorcha (likely through Kit).
Lastly, just in case anyone is wondering why Elora NEEDS a husband at all, it's the same reason that Kit needs a bride: alchemical union is the path to wholeness and the healing of the world which as #Willow said is out of balance!
/end (for now!)
In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Barbara Fass Leavy
Sleeping Beauties: Sleeping Beauty & Snow White Tales From Around the World by Heidi Anne Heiner
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noa-nightingale · 4 months
NOA!! did you get to see both episodes of Travel Season? what parts did you like the most? any theories for their boys night in ep3??? (also happy pride and I love you!) <3
Ugh this has been sitting long enough in my inbox that ep 3 already happened, I am sorry! (A wonderful, gorgeous episode btw. I adore it.)
I can't possibly list everything I like about the first two episodes, there is just too much, so here are just some examples! :D
Episode 1
the intro - the way Andrew and Steven each walk alone, with moments of the city or the food edited in between, and then meet up
convenience store - I love those
including the crew!
Steven's love for matcha lattes <3
Steven's dancing at Balladak (the place with the ice butter)
the flea market!!! I love that cluttered aesthetic so much, you just KNOW that there are treasures hiding there!!!
Brittney singing the little magpie song in Korean
this is completely random but: at minute 17:53 there is a person walking by flailing the sleeves of their jacket around and it is just kind of cute :3
the paint brush theme that the last place has going on
Andrew and the spoon
"This man is a menace" - Steven about Andrew
Episode 2
the little blower station at the palace where you can dust yourself off
Steven's left-handedness and Andrew's right-handedness getting in the way of each other
their little Travel Season notebook
the very timid high five at the Kimchi class where they are both wearing gloves
the moment Andrew eats the first bite of their Kimchi - the fucking crunch, it sounds so satisfying!
Steven struggling at the last place lmao
also his little whimper. I rewatched that several times
the last scene on the park bench :)
Thank you, Vi! Happy Pride, and I love you too! <3
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stedesbonnets · 11 months
as my beloved friend @theosrose said yesterday when we were talking, the sheer lack of any scenes between stede and ed this season makes it feel very strange, and since i've got nothing better to do today, i've decided to compare the amount of screen-time stede and ed share in season 1 vs season 2*
* i mean scenes in which they are alone, or in company but the focus is only on them (like the restaurant scene)
season one:
ep3: their first meeting (25:17-25:38). total: 21 seconds
ep4: opening (02:22-02:42), "who's this mary then?" (09:51-10:48), stede wakes up (13:41-14:31), aux wardrobe (14:57-16:56), "do you wanna do something weird?" (18:36-21:11), "we need to be a lighthouse" (26:51-27:38), ending (29:43-31:10). total: 535 seconds
ep5: books looting (01:32-01:49), dining lessons (02:26-04:18), going to the party (04:51-05:21) (i cut it right when frenchie enters), entering the party (09:10-09:48), ed playing the piano (15:29-15:57), stede telling ed to stand down (20:31-21:04), passive aggression (25:17-25:36), moonlight (26:11-27:12). total: 337 seconds
ep6: opening (00:11-02:30), ed almost kills stede (15:46-16:00, 16:16-16:25, 16:49-16:55), bathroom scene (18:00-20:44). total: 332 seconds
ep7: opening (00:10-01:10), treasure map (05:11-05:56), the moth (10:45-11:12), restaurant scene (12:00-13:30), after lucius calls ed out (17:35-18:40), co-captains (24:29-25:07). total: 325 seconds
ep8: "i mean in hindsight i probably could've guessed" (11:22-48), nature walk (12:40-12:52), the beach talk (16:43-17:28), ed leaves (22:18-22:52), foot nudge (33:07-33:35). total: 145 seconds
ep9: ed shaves off his beard (13:33-15:27), the kiss (16:44-19:58), last conversation (21:02-21:35). total: 341 seconds
interesting note: although stede and ed share the last amount of scenes in ep9 (only 3), the total amount of time spent together is the second longest in the entire season. also, the kiss scene is the longest scene in s1.
TOTAL NUMBER OF TIME: 2036 seconds, or 33.93 minutes
the total runtime of s1 is 5 hours 6 minutes 45 seconds, or 306.75 minutes. 33.93 out of 306.75 in percentage is 11.06%
season two:
ep1: opening (01:12-02:17). total: 65 seconds
ep3: reunion (27:43-29:44). total: 121 seconds
ep4: opening (00:00-00:28), "you're not a mermaid" (03:17-03:35), "i like your beard" (10:09-10:46), "i love everything about you" (17:23-19:43), stede inviting ed back to the ship (24:00-24:53), "buttons turned into a seagull!" (26:40-27:02). total: 298 seconds
ep5: "i'm your captain" (03:22-04:50), moonlight kiss (25:20-27:44). total: 224 seconds
ep6: guilt room (03:01-03:22), poison into positivity (04:53-05:47), don't be pirates, kids (07:47-08:17), the almost dance (11:38-11:54), the love scene (22:10-22:27, 22:43-22:50, 23:25-23:32). total: 152 seconds
ep7: the morning after (01:02-02:18), dining and dashing (04:19-05:57), ed giving stede a lesson in being famous (06:03-06:43), ed leaving (11:59-13:51). total: 326 seconds
TOTAL NUMBER OF TIME: 1186 seconds, or 19.76 minutes
the total runtime of s2 (minus the finale) is 3 hours 16 minutes and 2 seconds, or 196.033 minutes. 19.76 out of 196.033 in percentage is 10.07%
while the amount of screen time in percentage is similar between the seasons, s2 has significantly fewer scenes with stede and ed. additionally, the time they spend together per episode in s1 is much longer than in s2, and the scenes are stretched out throughout the episodes evenly. even during s1ep8, in which they share the least amount of screen time due to being separated, stede and ed still share 5 scenes, unlike s2ep5 which separates them for the longest amount of time (20 minutes!)
so far in s2, stede and ed share way less scenes than in s1, and when they do, they are shorter and often oddly spaced. for me, the best laid out episode is episode 4, while the worst is episode 5. interestingly, they share the least amount of screen time (after ed wakes up) in ep6, despite having the love scene in it. in my opinion, most of their scenes in s2 feel less earnest than in s1, and are so short i can barely savor them. this is ultimately the result of hbo cutting off two episodes, but also an issue of giving the crew too much spotlight, making stede and ed's plot line feel rush and poorly planned post ep3.
i have no doubt the finale will fix most of stede and ed's issues, but the scarcity of the scenes they share (and their contents) make their arc feel watered down to me, like the writing crew keep beginning to say something meaningful but getting cut mid sentence
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meandhisjohn · 4 months
It had been a busy week on the blog.
A cop, a King,a soldier big brother, a man who can't find Belgium, and our Gentleman!
Our weekly summary:
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atinydetective · 5 months
Ateez, Wooyoung and Mingi's role in storyline .
After losing most of their time in Wave and Don't Stop, Door of Truth was a shining shortcut for ATEEZ  to go 5th dimension. But as expected by their egos, inner ATEEZ starts to talk and motivates them to pass this door through without any hesitation. But actually ATEEZ doesn't really know what is behind this door.
But someone who has an “own mission” doesn't pass the door. 
He is Mingi, who has his own to-do list!
So let me introduce him in our storyline.
 We know that he has been using his headphones since Diary Film.
 And he has been able to tune to the same signal as Black Fedoras. You can basically hear it in the Diary film when he puts his headphones on. 
His mission is to save Wooyoung, who they left behind because of his case, that he has been struggling with his ego. If you read the "All Story" thread you already know it.
Both in Hala Hala and Say My Name, you can see him being left behind.
After ATEEZ started their journey with Treasure Series, they did imply that they use crystal gloves to see each other with Wooyoung. 
And you can also see how he is not with them in the Illusion MV.. He has distance not like his is in the group photo.
In addition, specifically Mingi is really "keeping in touch" with him as you can see in Illusion’s choreography.
Remember this Wooyoung also touches water. Maybe to leave traces behind?
And at the end of the  Illusion-beginning of the Wave,  we can't see Wooyoung waking from the illusion, because he never felt this dream like he ever joined this journey in the beginning.  In this sequence, Mingi uses his headphones again, like someone sends him a message like we see in a concert video.
On the other side, Wooyoung is waiting for Mingi on the seaside. Probably Mingi will take him via ship or boat.
Mingi doesn't pass the door of truth and saves him exactly what we see in the Wonderland music video. 
Pluss he uses a boat and touches the water in the Answer music video.
 You can see how Mingi takes  Wooyoung to make him meet with other members in Guerrilla when they actually go back to Strictland to meet members.
You can see in his rap part he breaks the mirror-glass to show how they passed dimensions. When Mingi Twirls his fingers like he is knitting or mixing smth, it also has the same meaning. Seconds later Wooyoung joins him which we can only see in Mv not in choreography. You can also see them together in the car which seems like the one Mingi blows in Dont Stop.
Bonus Part 
Also the one one show we saw San as spy like I said before in this thread:
has a special situation about Wooyoung and Mingi.
Wooyoung in Ep3 of Fever Road gets kidnapped by someone who wears black fedora and mask. If you members I said that they left him behind because of his uncontrollable alter ego.
"Now you must pass the time of darkness to greet the bright morning of tomorrow. Defeat the Darkness together."
Also I think there is a morse code if you look closer at the light-street lamb.
But I can not  understand it🙂
And the first thing welcomes Wooyoung is a rabbit?
 In the last episode they take Mingi away because he is the first one to touch the Jumanji box.  "Keep your precious possession until the end" it says when Mingi opens it. It's his mission. To save Wooyoung actually but if they were together for 5 episodes if would be so obvious😉
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chaos--mode · 8 months
☕ cozy things tag game (mun)
comfort food(s): reese's, homemade poutine, pasta, beyond meat burgers, sugar peas, bologna, pepperoni sticks, raspberries, rhubarb
comfort drink(s): hot chocolate, fruity teas (usually raspberry or peach), chai, dr pepper, cherry coke
comfort movie(s): jumanji (1995), breakfast with scot, spider-verse, httyd series, someone great, the iron giant, treasure planet, atlantis: the lost empire, sinbad: legend of the seven seas, the road to el dorado, 9, the mummy (1999), fear street trilogy, nimona, the birdcage
comfort show(s): fringe, arcane, kim possible, the flash CW, stranger things, i am not okay with this, drop dead diva, tlou (ep3), heart break high, love death & robots, she-ra and the princesses of power, dragons: race to the edge
comfort clothing: just a really big shirt. bonus points if it's a hand-me-down
comfort song(s): literally anything by mothica, you might not like her by maddie zahm, sunflower by post malone & swae lee, shoot by tommy lefroy, vampires by tommy lefroy, chronically cautious by braden bales, eat me by demi lovato ft royal & the serpent, desperate measures by marianas trench, dear inner child by peach prc, misfits by magnolia park & taylor acorn, heavy by peach prc, breathing by magnolia park & nothing nowhere, favourite person by peach prc, i would hate me too by tx2, she likes a boy by nxdia, the village by wrabel, deadname! by flasch, we'll never have sex by leith ross
comfort book(s): the uglies series, the flight of icarus, all the lovely bad ones by mary downing hahn, dress rehearsal by lorna hill, fairy realm: the charm bracelet by emily bodda
comfort game(s): neverwinter nights, d&d, zanzarah, dragon age 2, morrowind, tomb raider (pre-2013), uncharted 1-3, the sims 1, baldur's gate series, detroit: become human, diablo series
Tagged by: @freakarus Tagging: anyone who would like to do this ♡
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nightfal1n · 4 months
Fafner the beyond : watchnotes
- Is that Kaburagi on Seigfried?
- It still got me that our enemy is now impersonating our dead friends...; -;
- Imagine being Fumihiko, your wife died, and your child is no human anymorenall while you're still alive and in action
- Damn this is messy (can't say this enough)
- Maya having no mercy for Soshin as always ; - ;
- Does Miwa really she can sort this out by talking..
- Tatsumiya food lighten the mood up every time
- Everyone in this room lose their family...damn that's hurt
-Maris used to be our ally? Our esperanto ally???
- 4th Mir was the last one huh...also connect to Venon
- There's somethin special about sea and sky in Fafner seried and it makes impact everytime ;v;
- Chizuru cut her hair and Youko has long hair
- "He doesn't know he's being treasured" come on maya you knock him down to the floor
- Is that...Mark Nicht? (With previous Soushi's voice log)
- Soushi's scar appeared...
- So voice log didn't help
- A trial???? Are we gonna survive that
- Thats a lot of wormholes...
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ianime0 · 1 year
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Pokemon (Shinsaku Anime) | Ep3 | All right! I got it! After a storm... comes treasure
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makilalatv · 1 year
Makilala TV Ep 125 | Filipinos of Staten Island
Guest Panelists Ederlinda Paraiso Miranda Executive Chair, PICOSI & President, SIPAG-NY
Joanne Cordero-Retino Treasurer and Director, Entertainment for PICOSI
Krizel Tobias Mendoza Director, Vendors of PICOSI
Rachelle Ocampo, EdM (lead) Public Health Professional
Jen Furer Author, Mentor & Fitness coach
Cristina Dc Pastor  Community Journalist
Produced by Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) Zenaida Mendez, Director, Executive Producer Fredy Pinto, Production & Studio Manager Technical Crew: Tiffanny Hill Rock Carla Robles
Special Thanks:
Opening Song, “Middle C” Copyright © 2011 Jon Furer CJ Solutions Inc  All Rights Reserved Closing Song, “MakilalaTV” Copyright © 2014 Bassment Productions L.L.C. All Rights Reserved
Cablecast Schedule:
Cablecast Schedule Manhattan Neighborhood Network - THURSDAY 2023 | Sept 14
MakilalaTV Ep 125  Yr 11 Ep3
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anosci · 1 year
Media Thread
im making a list of media ive watched/played/etc this year with brief thoughts. its going to be far less featured than my music list, but still a bit long. again mirroring twitter except this time because fuck twitter.
list below the cut
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1/ Princes Arete (2001) I was sold on this movie under the premise that it's similar to Kino no Tabi. and… it is. kinda. Kino and Arete would be cool pals. Every character is interesting, which seems rare(?) Only real drawback: the hostage situation kinda really sucked.
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2/ Time of EVE (2008/9) the classic tale: androids indistinguishable from humans as an allegory for racism. but unlike DBH, this is actually really good. its a story that feels like a single thread in a vast tapestry that'd be fascinating to explore, but too bad: you only have 6 eps
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3/ Spice & Wolf (2008) i remember loving this show. i don't remember understanding the economics. I took notes this time. I still struggled. (spoilers for ep3) regardless: wow this is a good show. weirdly, I saw myself in the relationship portrayals. I guess that means its realistic?
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4/ Spice & Wolf II (2009) i feel like this kinda fell off? :( like it tried too hard to be action-packed. and that worked sometimes. but that first arc was just… :( it feels like a case of "just needs an editing pass. needs a bit more focus" i'll treasure S1 more, after all
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5/ Double Fine PsychOdyssey (2023) absurdly captivating. i say that it's a miracle that any video game gets made ever. this shows that Psychonauts 2 was several miracles in succession. it's simultaneously illusion-shattering and inspiring.
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6/ The Owl House S1 (2020) finally sat down to watch this. it's GOOD. lots of worldbuilding to chew on, and then it picked up quite nicely. im immediately pouncing on S2 and feeling glad i was late enough to be able to marathon
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7/ The Owl House S2 (2022) stumbling down the boulderest mountain and hitting every rock on the way down. the rocks represent engagement. i am engaged. i adore this show. it is a little weird to suddenly freeze mid-tumble.
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8/ Broken Age (2014) (Dr. Mick's LP) delightful start! brilliant, even! then the big bad is revealed and…. meh. I watched Dr. Mick's playthru tho, and holy shit that's some really cool commentary.
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9/ Double Fine Adventure! (2015) its a little unfortunate that the nature of gamedev means that the ending is kinda anticlimatic but good lord what an amazing journey. i'd watch a million of these.
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10/ Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) ok ok fine ill [finally] watch it …oh its good. like really good. its rly funny but in a way that fascinatingly beside the point? yeah I can see why some ppl didnt like this but i think its super fun
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11/ Nichijou (2011) a nice and cute slice of life thing… that occasionally breaks out some quality jokes. though only half of them landed for me. i feel like i would've gotten more out of this if I caught it at the time.
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12/ The Owl House S3 (2023) i had a lot of reservations about the collector initially but having seen the entire arc: that came together nicely! still sad that it's The End, but like. good overall!
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13/ Penguindrum (2011) i DONT think i followed 90% of the themes and their connections. that said, i DO love the way metaphors are treated as "literal". confusing maybe, but i adore the idea of "paint what you feel not what you see" applied to storytelling.
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14/ From the New World (2012) this has a mess of an opening (several) episode(s), but it eventually found its footing and became quite a cool action adventure… thriller i guess? i do take some issues with bits and pieces but it was a good watch overall.
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15/ GinGitune (2013) fluff. the lightest, fluffiest of fluff. melts in water. there are several elements that couldve been mined for drama and intrigue but they were all treated as background elements. (this isn't a bad thing, but it's not what you might expect.)
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16/ Space Dandy (2014) dropped after ep4, but on good terms i guess? fun animation, funky vibes, sometimes even funny! anime johny bravo…or I think i saw a Dirty Pair comparison, which feels right. but im not meshing with the silly wacky high nrg antics rn. maybe another time.
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17/ Death Parade (2015) rly misleading intro (i was ready to drop lol) rly rly promising setup by ep4 RLY good development and mildly biffed ending, but hard to fault considering its a 12ep. i love the aesthetics, worldbuilding, characters. overall i really really liked this!!!
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18/ One Punch Man S1 (2015) i forgot how fun this show is! and the great worldbuilding! i dont plan to move to the second season again tho. i thought about grabbing the manga instead but good lord it's way longer than i thought. oh well.
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19/ Flying Witch (2016) slicest of life with a la croix touch of supernatural. the normal slices didn't do much for me 90% of the time. but the supernatural slices? choice. (…mostly.) tbh i just want an entire season of that cafe.
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20/ Haven't You Heard? I'm Sakamoto (2016) i was skeptical, but this actually worked rly well. for moment. a short, beautiful moment. most of the potential here was stifled by trying to add high school drama/plot. the comedy tho, at its best, had a vibe i havent felt since hayate
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21/ Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan (2016) it is VERY EASY for a comedy show to slide from "absurdity = funny" to "this is just annoying". somehow, this never crossed that line, which was weirdly refreshing? not always a winner, but overall a good mix of laughs and superpower exploration.
21b/ edit to add: oh this was right after Sakamoto! Man. The two feel kind of kindred but Saiki is leagues better at staying fresh.
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22/ Viewfinder (2023) short but very sweet mind-bender puzzler thing. the story had a cool foundation but fumbled in execution imo. but the gameplay? top notch. felt great through and through. never too difficult. beautiful idea and beautiful execution.
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23/ Flip Flappers (2016) uncertain about the show at first, and then, after watching… im still uncertain. i did enjoy it, but I also felt outside the audience ig? a case where I can imagine a version of this show that knocks my socks off, but as-is it's just a fun ride
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24/ Fionna & Cake (2023) my expectations were very low and they were VASTLY exceeded! think this show is at its strongest when exploring characters w short stories, which was most of this. the ending felt slightly fumbled…i think it couldve rocked me but instead it was just :).
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25/ Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye (2021) i already played and loved this game, but happened upon About Oliver's playthrough and fell in love again. truly that is The Most outer wilds playthrough. good lord.
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26/ The Amazing Digital Circus (2023) interesting and filled with style… but not for me. i'd list complaints but basically all of them are strengths and favorites for someone else. yknow?
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27/ Little Witch Academia TV (2017) as the credits roll, i find myself with two thoughts: croix was done dirty and wow this is SPECTACLE. aptly magical. oh also! it was quite fun to follow along with contemporary discussion
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28/ Scott Pilgrim Takes Off (2023) oh it's like. really good. i dont remember the movie so i cant compare but this stands well on its own and i love the character exploration, even if i dont like some of the uhh… what would you call that? scifi jokes? (spoiler territory soz)
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29/ Land of the Lustrous (2017) FLOORED by how much I loved this. qualms about the CG turned into admiration, the shading drawing me into the world. worries about annoying characters melted away to find admirable layers. THE USE OF SYMBOLISM kept me SO well fed. and the pacing!
29b/ cont: my only complaint that isn't a nitpick: i hate how it left so, so, so many threads loose. i faceplanted my dashboard during the decelerating pace between the first 10 eps and the final 2. i get that it's from an ongoing manga but that still felt maximum bummer.
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ahyesfish · 1 year
i started watching one piece
and because my peanut brain will inevitably get bored and drop out halfway through and leave me disappointed in myself i’ve decided to write down commentary to make it fun
so now welcome to the long ass journey of me watching all the episodes (hopefully) of one piece 
ep1 - look she doesn’t seem like a great person but im in love with the big pirate lady
the small pink haired one is kinda annoying he reminds me of a tutorial npc like paimon
luffy is a little shit and i adore him
ep2 - damm they got there quick tf???
calling it now zoro is a sucker for kids man ate that nasty dirt covered rice just bc she brought it to him, common i know im right
the Capitan and his son can go die in a pit i hate them with a burning passion
ep3 - here comes the undying loyalty i can feel it in my bones
yasss they got what they deserved fuck that Capitan  
istg is that pink bitch gonna have a speech every time something happens istg
pop off we love besties and their sailing into dangerous territory ark love to see it
ep4 - now ik luffys kinda stupid( /pos) but why did no one think to bring food they where just with civilization
daym that green haired bartender is hot whoo 👀
??? tf is that bandits problem wtf???
noooooo not his fucking arm and baby luffys crying nooo 😭😭😭
luffy stolen by your local big ass bird while i still have no clue who this ginger girlie is and why she's looking for that map thing
ep5 - who is she?????
still dont know but shes annoying as hell
holy shit its hisoka if he wasn't a pedo
plsss let his hat tassels just be his hair coming through the hat it would be so funny
zoro!!!! the babygirl returns!!! 
oh fuck he’s got a flesh wound not great!!!
ep6 - mans is fr just sleeping it off damm
i get that the dog is probably some like plot device to move along nami’s backstory or something but like was the whack-ass-looking mayor necessary 
holy shit she thought he should have been dead after fighting the lion and proceeds to try to fight him bc pirates are all the same??? girlie pop get it together 
and that changes bc hes nice to the dog????? wtf????
ep7 - now why is the acrobat dude not wanting to get dirty but then fights and kicks a bloody wound??
zoro is babygirl and i love that he gets stabbed and just sleeps it off again
nothing has changed in the nami department still dont like her :/
rubber boy vs clown bitch whats gonna happen?!??!?
yasss shanks lore mayhaps
ep8 - awww itty bitty buggy and shanks 🥺🥺🥺
yeaaa kick him in the balls letsss gooo
nvm i love the dog now
yooo wack ass mayor is alive nice!
whomst is the long nose shadow???
ep9 - wait hes so cute i want to like squish him with a hug or something 
we stan usopp i’ve decided 
luffy and zoro continue to be little shits
and he goes to cheer up the sad rich girl 😭😭😭 i love him
who’s the tenya Iida wannabe
ep10 - ew i hate the butler why he push his glasses up like that
weird guy?? whys he walking backward 
oh shit he killed the parents and wants to kill rich girl!!!
there was so much going on in this one tf???
ep11 - look i love usopp but did he seriously think everyone would believe him now after all the times he lied ab pirates 
but also why are they going after him with pitchforks 
oh fuck he got shot
daym those cat pirates are ugly as hell
he lied to protect to kid henchmen 🥺
ep12 - the oil trick could have been so cool if it was at the right shore slope
luffy not knowing his directions is hilarious 
zoro pushed down the oil lmao
i love how upset nami gets over treasure 
ew the butlers back
ep 13 - wait the hypnosis actually did something tf??
just a general observation not even this ep but i hate that luffy just pops the whole apple in his mouth core and all
he just straight up grabs the fucking cat piece off the boat??!!?!!???
oh damm the other rich lady helper is alive
meowban brothers goofy as hell why do they look like that
i swear the butler, captain kuro just gets uglier every time i look at him
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