#treasure boygroup
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yuutakei · 5 months ago
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not my usual post (i’ve been busy w college since i had to take some time off due after hurting my back n now i’m behindddd 〣( ºΔº )〣) but i can’t stop thinking about seunghan; sitting and watching all of this unfold i just feel so lost and helpless.
as a predebut stan who followed the project to support sungtaro (with an older sister who was an smrookies fan, namely seunghan’s) i have always been a huge advocate for all seven members since their debut announcement. each and every one of them hold a special place in my heart and the memories i have of their earlier days are a treasure to me.
but, as i lie here reflecting on their journey from debut to now, i can only scrutinise and question. ‘how did it ever get this bad?’.
after the mishaps and mistreatment within nct, riize was the promised boygroup a lot of the members almost never received. it was a sparkling path forward for these idols and trainees who were for so long uncertain about their futures almost too good to be true. even in their somewhat ‘humble’ beginnings, their brotherhood was remarkable and undeniable; these boys had worked so hard to build a collective identity and image for themselves. revolving around their found family of seven, riize was (to me) the epitome of youth and friendship. from their music to their choreography and variety content, they remained synonymous as a promising young group of seven - a notion that by all means should remain despite what further changes may be in store.
throughout my entire adolescence i was bullied, threatened and harassed by adults and peers alike. though my experiences are worlds different from seunghan’s, i can confidently recount and express the immense isolation, loneliness and guilt that harbours within oneself when singled out in these situations. we are social creatures constantly seeking approval and acceptance from those around us; the human psyche is malleable and extremely susceptible towards externally projected negative emotions and criticism. right or wrong it will often play in favour of the loudest voices and strongest presence in the room. tldr, if you drill into someone’s head enough that they are the cause of their group’s failure and reputation, they will believe it regardless of its truthfulness. he was left alone, cornered and threatened until he felt he had no choice but to step down.
that being said, as much as i respect seunghan's decision/proposal to withdraw, i (and many other briize) are left in overwhelming contention over his mental state, worrying for his wellbeing and worrying for his brothers that were distanced from him during such a difficult time.
and now, as more time passes with no elaborated statement, clear resolution or response my anger towards his label and respective production team only festers. observing the state of the fandom it’s reasonable to expect some level of protest or backlash against his return, but to leave him privy to such graphic and horrific scenes - hundreds of funeral wreaths displayed in his name - and make no moves, not even a stir, to merely mitigate such a childish display of emotion is beyond unfathomable. as his management it is their job to keep him safe and allow him to continue his work at an artist alongside the other members, a role that should never fall upon the group themselves who have now also been targeted because of the organisation’s continued blunders. how can you as an established individual comfortably allow your talent to not only wrongfully suffer, but openly blame themselves for a situation that escalated as a result of your own incompetence? and to make such an important decision without the presence and support of the other six members is irresponsible and disregards their feelings on the matter.
seunghan had no advocates in that room.
i can only pray for a peaceful future for him outside of public scrutiny and misdirected hatred and attention. may he spend this period in peace, surrounded by love and compassion.
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arievanille · 10 months ago
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💭 — WHY ID NEVER BE THE ONLY GIRL IN A BOYGROUP : [ with exceptions ]
OO1. let’s start off with the hate i’d get for being the only girl in a boy group, to some extent i am expressing the fear i’d have because everywhere i’d go the fans would call me a pick me or who knows what i’m sure i could script that out but idk… it just seems odd.
OO2. second thing being, how would my voice sound? i know for the most part the boy groups sing very high for some odd reason(?) i don’t even know why the companies have them sing high but that’s not what this post is about.. i would sound oddly weird singing with masculine voices i feel.
OO3. SHIPPING CULTURE!!!!!!! never ever do i want to be shipped with someone i’m going and sharing a room with.. not only is that weird but the fans think you only want to date who they’ve shipped you with which is FALSE! i couldn’t handle it.. it’s too much nonsense every waking day.
# nothing wrong with girls being in bgs, i just don’t find a necessity for it unless it’s treasure which i’d speak about differently because i love them but not enough to be around them EVERYDAY. i just couldn’t do it sorry.
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aplateoflasagna · 7 months ago
Teumeweek day 1: First era with Treasure/ How you became a fan
I first heard about Treasure early 2019 when it had just been announced that YG would debut 2 new boygroups called Treasure and Magnum. They were formed through a survival show and would sometimes promote together as Treasure 13. Their debut would be around May and their music would be produced by Teddy (😅). That was all I knew, I had no idea YG Treasure Box even existed before reading that article.
It sparked my interest though and I started familiarizing myself with their names and faces. I knew Yedam from his Kpop star days, but no one else.
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Their debut got delayed for obvious reasons, but it did give me time to finally watch YGTB in October. I was relieved I already knew who made the group, because I cried so much 😭 I wouldn't have called myself a fan after that, but after all the hardship they had to endure, I wanted the boys to succeed.
When Treasure Map started being released, I was hooked! I looked forward to every Friday and all the days in between where they dropped covers and promo pics. I cried when I watched the last Tmap episode and I cried again when Boy got released 😭 And I haven't looked back since.
I had been a fan of other groups before, but not in the way I was for Treasure. I learned everything there was to know about music shows, downloaded all the apps, collected votes, bought my first Kpop albums etc... Looking back now, it's crazy that we really got Treasure all the ROTY awards possible (except for Melon). Teume truly worked hard 💪
I'm so very proud to be part of this fandom and eventhough our community on Tumblr is small, I'm happy to be a part of Teumblr as well 🥰
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sullyoonas · 1 year ago
(sorry my love)
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who…… and why…..
hyunsuk from the yg boygroup treasure 😭 and I wish I knew WHY!!!!! but i have to blame gdragon and his legacy
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teumestaycarat · 1 year ago
To classify my Top10 BoyGroups i have to think hard so here is it after days of thinking….
(I classify them by how often i listen to their songs)
10: The Boyz
9: NCT
8: Monsta X
7: Day6
6: Pentagon
5: Ateez
4: BTS
3: Stray Kids
2: Treasure
1: Seventeen
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yangjungwonleaderliar · 8 days ago
Treasure and riize won the tour award and the besg boygroup award too. Why there is multiple winners in some categories ? That blue label thing had like 6 winners or even more. Then there were maybe 4 or 5 other daesangs too. I don’t understand these awards things, i thougth they would be something special. But there was like best performance, rookie of the year, best song, album of the year and artist of the year at least
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dashingwishes · 3 months ago
what are your favorite kpop groups
Omg I love this question!
I love
Boygroups : Seventeen, Enhypen, Zerobaseone, Boynextdoor, &Team, Tomorrow X Together, Ateez, Treasure and Cravity, etc.
Girl groups : Stayc, Fromis_9, Itzy, Twice, Aespa, Le Sserafim, Cosmic girls, IVE and etc.
I know I am missing so many groups but these tops groups I can think I like.
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kaytanhq · 11 months ago
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habochū, o luau de primavera.
para comemorar a chegada da primavera, é promovido um luau conhecido como habochū pelas praias de kaytan, sendo a de shíshàng zhī lù a escolhida da vez para ser fechada para o evento que dura toda a noite até pouco antes do sol nascer. o significado da palavra tem matriz puramente kaytana, sendo um termo que poderia ser traduzido para “o coração da primavera”. todos os anos, artistas de grande nome vem para a ilha tocar no palco instalado na praia e além da compensação financeira também recebem um certificado após o show assinado pela coroa de kaytan.
na edição de 2023, os convidados para tocar no festival foram ninguém menos que o grupo global blackpink, a cantora japonesa ado e o solista chinês jackson wang, que encantaram os kaytanos durante horas na praia de royal venue com shows memoráveis. no entanto, após as notícias sobre o ator anthony walker saírem ao redor do globo, os rumores são de que os organizadores não conseguiram convencer artistas de grande renome a virem dessa vez, mesmo que muitos esperassem por algo tão grande quanto o ano anterior.
o festival esse ano contará com um ambiente totalmente adornado com adereços tradicionais floridos e praianos, além de bebidas tropicais famosas como lagoa azul, mojitos, pina colada e muitas outras! o cardápio de comidas também não deixa a desejar já que chefes de cozinha famosos da ilha foram convidados para preparar suas especialidades tropicais com peixe, lagosta e camarões. claro, também temos opções veganas então não se preocupem, o habochū pretende ser acolhedor para todos!
os artistas convidados da vez serão o boygroup treasure, o rapper chinês melo e a banda japonesa porno graffiti, mesmo que os boatos de poucos meses atrás mencionassem nomes como cai xukun, twice e babymetal, mas jornais famosos da ilha vem negando veemente a informação de que a line up foi mudada. muitos dizem que estão utilizando do evento para evitar falar sobre os últimos acontecimentos, como os habitantes costumam falar querem “tapar o buraco”. além dos boatos de que coisas estranhas estavam acontecendo com os funcionários responsáveis por organizar o local, como por exemplo itens e instrumentos sumindo, pessoas passando mal ao chegaram para trabalhar e outras histórias do tipo. pode não ser nada, porém quem sabe? é kaytan afinal!
independente de tudo, esse é o momento para quem quer se divertir e se distrair, tendo uma oportunidade de fazer algo diferente pra sair da rotina cansativa. o luau vai acontecer dia 06/04 e no início da noite já podem ver a movimentação de todo mundo buscando colocar suas cadeiras de praia por ali ou pegando lugares mais próximos do palco para ver os artistas mais de pertinho.
a festa que todos pediram veio aí, queremos ver vocês jogando bastante, ok?
o luau acontece na noite do dia 06/04 (sábado), começando por volta das 19h. e ele vai até o amanhecer, então tem tempo para todos chegarem e aproveitarem.
os shows vão acontecer nessa ordem: treasure 19h30 - 20h30; melo 21h - 22h; porno graffiti 22h30 - 23h30. mesmo após os shows terem sido finalizados, DJs vão ficar se revezando no palco para manter a música agitada tocando até o fim da festa. 
terão vários quiosques e barraquinhas com comidas e bebidas, além de locais onde vocês podem comprar coroas de flores, colares, pulsares e outros acessórios do tipo para entrarem no clima.
lembrando que é um luau na praia durante a noite! o clima vai estar quentinho então usem roupas mais leves.
o texto menciona alguns rumores e a insatisfação de uma parte da população com o silêncio das autoridades de kaytan sobre o que tem rolado na ilha, se quiserem seus personagens também podem comentar sobre isso a partir da visão deles!
como sempre, teremos um canal no discord dedicado ao evento que vocês podem usar para interação. não é obrigatório, mas incentivamos.
qualquer dúvida basta falar conosco! espero que gostem.
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the-puzzle-pieces · 1 year ago
sebelas dan seterusnya
babas kalau kangen, pasti bilang kangen!
kalau lagi gak kangen, ya babas gak akan bilang kangen. tapi kalau emang kangen, mau lagi ngobrol pun, babas pasti akan bilang kangen. jadi gak bisa tuh babas kalau ditanya kangen apa enggak dia jawab kangen ketika lagi gak kangen.
kalau boygroup, babas suka enhypen!
aku pernah tanya babas suka siapa kalau boygroup? aku absen treasure the boyz enhypen, dia jawab enhypen. lagu enhypen banyak yang masuk ke telinganya ketimbang lagu-lagu treasure.
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kitty-kith · 1 year ago
Get to know me: part two!
I do really put my eyes on several things, like kpop girlgroups or boygroups (esp. stayc, babymonster, weeekly, ILLIT, BOYNEXTDOOR, enhypen, treasure, evnne, and manymore!); I also listen to many genres of songs (I love many musicians, from Indonesian to foreign musicians) but my another favorite musicians are Niki and Olivia Rodrigo. Also, I am a big fan of movie or series, but I prefer classic genres like romance comedy. Oh, I also really love several Thai artists, like Prim Chanikarn, Film Racha, Dew Jirawat and manymoreee.
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heeyeung · 2 years ago
Chiseled perfection, Heeseung.
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Due to X’s privacy policy, I hereby declared that this account only serves its sole purpose to roleplay, hence all the activities on this account are not affiliated with the real ENHYPEN’s Heeseung. All media displayed on my profile belongs to the rightful owner.
Before considering following this account, please ensure that you are a selective follow and refrain from engaging in nickname-based roleplays (RPs).
If your intention is to follow this account with the sole purpose of later selling your own account after receiving a follow-back from bases, kindly refrain from following. The aim here is to foster meaningful connections rather than transactional ones.
Additionally, I won't follow you back immediately upon your follow. Instead, I encourage interaction and engagement as the primary basis for mutual follows. This account is created with the intention of making new friends and engaging in endless, meaningful conversations. So, take your time to connect, chat, and let's build a genuine online friendship through conversations.
Best Regard,
Alastair Gillean Kennedy.
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Heeseung (희승) is a member of the boygroup ENHYPEN who debuted on November 30th, 2020. His birth name is Lee Heeseung, and he was born on October 15, 2001, under the zodiac sign Libra and the Chinese Zodiac Snake. Standing at a height of 183 cm (6’0”), he hails from Namyangju, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, and has an older brother. He attended Gwangnam High School and graduated. He is known by the nickname Heedeung and is close to TXT, having trained with them under Big Hit Entertainment.
Heeseung trained diligently for three years and one month before participating in I-LAND, where he achieved fifth place in the final with an impressive 1,137,323 votes. He initially caught the attention of his fellow trainees with his talent, and his role model is his father. He's proficient in English due to preparations for a foreign language high school and has experience in songwriting and composing, with excellent vocal skills and perfect pitch.
His charming features include his eyes and vocal abilities, and he has favorites like the colors purple and ivory, enjoying the seasons of winter and spring. He has a penchant for the song "Night Flight" by Yerin Baek and Rainbow Sherbet ice cream. He's a fan of basketball, video games, Dickies (a clothing brand), ramen, and he adores cats and dogs, often finding comfort in sleep.
However, he's not a fan of mint chocolate and would love to be the male lead in a Japanese melo animation. He aspires to write and compose a song for the group's album by himself and hopes to release self-composed songs, hold concerts and fansigns, and do covers by the end of 2020. If asked to describe himself in three words, he'd choose creativity, adaptability, and growth. He identifies with the character Bambi.
His dream of becoming a singer began at the age of six, and he maintains a close friendship with Jaehyuk from Treasure. He lives by the motto "Let’s live diligently as life passes by". Heeseung is considered the ace of ENHYPEN.
Heeseung is known for his role as the "dad" within the group and is a member of the friend group called 이즈 (ee-z) with Stray Kids I.N, TXT Beomgyu, and Just B Lim Jimin. He has diverse talents, including playing the piano, guitar, and even catching bugs. He's credited for Vocal Arrangements and Background Vocals on ENHYPEN's "Bite Me" track and sang an OST titled "Zero Moment" for the Korean drama "Summer Strike" alongside Jake and Jay. Additionally, he excels in swimming and eating spicy food, a skill that sets him apart from his fellow members.
Credit belongs to Kprofiles.
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legendsyg · 2 years ago
Kim Daewon Jung Jaehan Lee Youngchan
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Tiktok: Treasure
TikTok Pin Post:
Treasure by: Junkyu & Asahi
Everyday Treasure 1st Anniversary
7chill go
New Wave by Hyunsuk singin live
NastyFreest: Youngchan, Mashiho, Hyunsuk
Wrist: Hyunsuk
Pose: Hyunsuk x YoungChan
City Girls: Daewon x Jeongwoo
Lolo: Mashiho x Doyoung
Two down 2: Hyunsuk x YoungChan
Get into: Jaehan, Junkyu, Jeongwoo
Burn josh Junio: Jaehan, Yedam
Good morning - mak sauce and
Highschool - NickiMinaj: Hyunsuk/Jaehan/Daewon
2022: down to earth Harley Grunge crushin
Newthing: YoungChan
Walk It Out: Haruto,Doyoung,Hyunsuk,YoungChan
Collide: Jaehan, Mashiho, Doyoung, Jeongwoo
qllagher: Hyunsuk, Doyoung, Daewon
Jiggle: Junkyu, Asahi, Jeongwoo
I dont know just wanna rock: all treasure members christmas party
Just dance - lady gaga: YoungChan, Hyunsuk, Jaehan
Blue Check:
Blue Check
Blue Check -
Down To Earth DryPies
YG Entertainment Kpop Groups
TheBlackLabel Artists:
Zion T
Blue D
Katie Kim
WolfTyla Korea Ver. (Danileigh Style)
Treasure Members downtoearth dry repi
Choi Hyunsuk 1999 (Leader)
Kim Daewon 2000 (2nd Leader, Dancer)
Kinamoto Yoshi 2000 (Rapper)
Kim Junkyu 2000 (Vocalist)
Lee YoungChan 2001 (Vocalist)
Takata Mashiho 2001 (Vocalist, Dancer)
Asahi 2001 (Vocalist)
Bang Yedam 2002 (Main Vocalist)
Jung Jaehan 2003 (Vocalist)
Kim Doyoung 2003 (Vocalist, Dancer)
Watanabe Haruto 2004 (Rapper) has
Park Jeongwoo 2004 (Vocalist)
Treasure Youtube Music Contents
Going Crazy
My Treasure
I Love You
Orange (Live Performance)
playtime downtoearth dry pies repi grunge
Kim Daewon: Ezra Band Vocalist
Lee YoungChan Voice & Vocals: VNCE
Jung Jaehan: Jae T
Mashiho: Jenzen Guino
Treasure are famous because of their heart throb members like YoungChan, Daewon, Jaehan, Hyunsuk and Haruto, aside of being kpop idols they are popular and interesting to everyone because they are the people standards and qualities.
AYoungchan is the one who makes the group famous because he organize an contents ideas for his group and he is the one who always giving awareness and mindful ideas to the group, youngchan always makes sure that his group always have a great quality to give to public because youngchan never settle for less and he never wants his group not giving such as unique and creative qualities into public, younchan always create unique and creative ideas into public to make people find and his group interesting, creative and quality than others, Jaehan has also creative mindset that helps YoungChan to find his group more and well interesting than others and to public, while Hyunsuk is the one who always guiding and protect his group
Treasure is the only boygroup that considered, seems and known as the highschool heartthrobs but play boys, fuck boy, bad boy and has a
Treasure are considered and seems that type guys that popular student at school because of being heartthrob and talented, and they are the guys that many any girls has a crush on them and sees them as their ideal guys because of their talent like singin and dancing especially their attractive and strong appearance and looks.
Aside from dancing, rappingand stage presence, Treasure got even more most known 4th gen kpop boygroup, popular, famous, heart throb and standout because of their vocals, Treasure is the considered for main vocalist of 4th generation of Kpop
YG artist are always do a twist and creative than being common like others thats why they are more interesting and than others. Down to Earth Dry Pie Grunge
TREASURE be living their best life even though they are kpop idols but they are seems like a boygroup that doesnt have difference from people that having a best life. Especially Treasure is the most relatable kpop boygroup especially to boys because they aren’t different from boys who are outgoing or those type of boys that always cutting classes
Only Yg BoyGroups that aren’t shy when being friendly to girls they like. YG seems intimidating but they are approachbale and friendly at teh same time even the boygroups of YG boygroups they never fauled to make females flattered and comfortable around them. YG males are the type of guys that any females chose the type of guys in YG than other males for example people will never be loyal and faithful until they have interactions with the people in YG, because YG are different and it gives special something to people interact especially the boygroups like Treasure, Ikon, Winner and Bigbang
The members of Treasure seems like a campus heartthrob and main character of group of boys
Young Chan of Treasure is stand out as kpop idol known as the sauve, swag, smooth and quick movements, he is the only known Young Chan in Kpop and top known 4th generation kpop dancer. Grunge Crush giana
Haruto is top famous rapper of treasure
Hyunsuk is known for the Treasures Leader and Successful soloist of Treasure
Treasure is the only boy group of 4th generation known for hiphop, swag and gangster personality presence and appearance because of members like HyunSuk, Haruto, YoungChan, JaeHan, DaeWon and Mashiho.
Yg Kpop Groups are interesting and irresistible.
Yg is best known for asian most
Best in HipHop
Strong Aura and Charisma
Music and Talents
Ideal features
Down To Earth grunge crushin bigbang
YGX Dance Class Teachers and Main Choreographers:
JAETAN Dj Loonyo (177.2)
DK Mannex Manhattan (175.8)
JAY Ken San Jose (172.5)
Only Treasure has the American extrovert and hiphop personality
X ACADEMY - Dance Class w/ YGX Choreographers, Dance Class Performances Choreograph by YGX Choreographers. (X academy is for everyone wants to dance) Dance Class lessons By YGX choreographers and Other Dancers can make their choreographers and performed it inside the x academy
YGX (yg dance group) - YGX Choreographers and Dancers. (only yg group dancers)
Treasure are the only kpop boygrop that are considered and seems like the type of boys that are campus heart throbs or school heart throbs and they are the type of boys that are group of boys at school.
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barnesbabee · 2 years ago
now be prepared, treasure was actually a 13 member group but yoobin left bcs of music conflicts (something like he didn't "vibe" with the genre) can't blame him tho but treasure pre chorus always hit tbh love the vocals😭
13?? treasure is like opposite of nct, nct adds members every year and treasure loses them 💀💀
but to be fair I 100% fuck with yoobin because if I listened to ikon, bigbang and winner and decided to join the company that made that kind of music and then they gave me fucking txt, nct dream and some other generic 4th gen boygroup garbage (sorry to those who like those types of songs I simply dislike them a whole lot) I would be PISSED off lmfao
especially cause in kpop if you audition for one of the big 3 you usually try to pick the one whose style matches you most, they played the boys hard I'm afraid, I feel so sorry
like the thing is they're genuinely talented from what I can see, and YG is no stranger to doing a soft concept here or there (ikon's first song was more lovey-dovey than anything but then they dropped that completely the rest of the discography up until love scenario) but doing all songs around that... like I don't doubt they were waiting for something more hip-hop based given that YG is home to the best kpop rappers in the industry, GD, T.O.P, B.I, Minho and Bobby that even won show me the money that famously hates idol rappers
I guess I'm just disappointed as well because although YG has many, many, many, flaws, something I always praised was how they stuck with a concept for their groups and they didn't follow trends, they always set their own. Only for them to follow trends the very next debut. Nice.
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treasurestuff · 5 years ago
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like or reblog.
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tinkedits · 2 years ago
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JAEHYUK ー (♡) ou reblog se salvou !! (não resposte)
© lovfot no twitter
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luvstay · 4 years ago
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ハッピー birthday 🐯
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