fancyfairywings · 5 years
Happy New Year's & Treason's Greetings! Or is it Impeach Navidad? I don't want to offend! 😉 This year I'm making holiday cards even if they're super late, and if you're anything like me, you planned to make cards every year and then you don't. So I've made it into a tutorial on using toner reactive foil, and you can all see my virtual holiday greeting at least 😄 I even included these same graphics files with my snowflake designs to use. Hey, we're just extra early for next year - tho I hope the greeting will have changed by then 😶 Seriously though, my only resolution is to not beat myself up over all the things I didn't get done and be proud of what I did get accomplished this year. It just wasn't what I planned, so my to-do list changed. I finally am making tutorials and that was a big one for me. May our days be merry and bright this coming year ❤️ #happynewyear #inmypjsonthecouch #cozyfornye #foiling #tutorial #holidaycard #diycrafts #dumptrump #treasonsgreetings #procrastination https://www.instagram.com/p/B6xO1P9FmTf/?igshid=1tmaggqm6ayku
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geezerwench · 4 years
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#HappyImpeachment #MerryImpeachment #TreasonsGreetings #ImpeachNavidad #ImpeachAndRemoveTrumpNOW #TwoTimeImpeachmentTrump #TrumpImpeachedTwice https://www.instagram.com/p/CKIG0NEALHy/?igshid=1bjae4ybjl969
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chrismbr · 4 years
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#RoseChong’s window display looks quite topical? 🇺🇸 #HappyImpeachment #MerryImpeachment #TreasonsGreetings #ImpeachNavidad (at Rose Chong) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKFqDmonUqk/?igshid=ecwm0h0sjw24
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maewestside · 7 years
LIVE! SHOTS! FIRED! Or Each Day I Wake Up Drownin (Ten Ways to Combat the #Bot45 Blues)… by heidi siegmund cuda, aka @maewestside
I once asked a tv reporter in a local market how she handled the sturm und drang of the nightly gore. She said, “Beats being the guy with the machete in his head.”
Point. Well. Taken.
Bleading meant leading, til that one fateful day, the sales guys who’d taken over the front office determined vapidity sold better in the 18 to 49 demo$ than even the quadruple axe murder bits, and by then, new$ had already lost its way. Truth wasn’t factored into the rating$.
A famed erstwhile entertainment reporter said she knew there was trouble afoot when each night, she had the lead story in a local hourlong newscast. During sweeps.
As live shots at death scenes and backlots became normcore, and the procession of vapidity, with occasional interludes of gore, is what passed for news, brains suffer dry rot.
So here we are.
While admiring the dewy mug of a very young Harvey Keitel in “Mean Streets,” his enlightened thuggy character Charlie utters these words: “You don’t f**k around with the infinite.”
Do you hear that Scamalot? That’s the thunderous gallop of karma approaching, catching up to each and every player that figgered he could game the system with impunity, while the Great Unwashed was none the wiser. Chaaa.
With the outing of each pervy anchorhack, a Very Vichy MSM, and digital CEO$ who bent over to the pick up the rubles from enemie$ both foreign and domestic while profiting off the mining of our data, things are looking clearer.
Time keeps on slipping… slipping… slipping… Kochdrip… drip… drip… drip. The Un-Mercer-ful bot and weaponized our data… Churchy Stinklair is buying more local tv new$. Our media is owned by churchy billionaire misanthrope$ and run by corporations.
But let’s make no mistake about it: when Scamalot cries “Fake”… that’s on a whole notha level.
Fringe Media still flatters the Real Fake President because it’s owned and operated by those who installed him as a pukey puppet #burpfarthurl. Fux und Blackbart profited bigly off the ascent of Dummkopf45, but alas, so did the rest of the media which is why it’s swi$hy. Sometimes excellent, but mostly shit. Money vs Truth… a conumdrum.
Having spent the holiday weekend mining the brains of intellectuals, activists and good cooks to combat the blues of our country’s Current State of Fuckery, I’ve comprised a list of Ten Things that may help those who wake up to this shite each day and feel like they’re drowning, i.e., sensitive to the crushing enormity of the labor of Democracy as real fake new$ pounds our shores, while Really Bad Men (and a Few Ponzi Women) disrupt all that is good about our country to line their own pocket$ and the pocket$ of those who put them in power #sad pffft.
1. BACK TO THE FUTURE How to End the Oil + War Economy Now and Clean Up Our Air in About 100 Years: Use Fossil Fuel exclusively for commercial air travel. We’ve known how crushing greenhouse gases are on our environment for decades but we’ve allowed penny loafered lobbyists paid for by Big Oil a seat at the science table. Enough.
2. ELECTRIC AVENUE In two decades, electric cars will be normcore. Start now. Working from home and/or giving up your wheels best thing you can do for the environment; monitoring your own carbon footprint, big step.
3. SEEK REAL NEWS Until the Fourth Estate is Truly Unshackled to Do Good Work Always, Rather Than Just Spotty Sometimes, learn who owns your news outlets. For example, the Guardian is an excellent source for American news (it’s run by a trust and doesn’t need to run truth past the sales dept) and follow our twitter crew at @foxycuda and @tahoesquaw1… while Tahoe curates the critical news from around the world and finds the truth within Vichym MSM, I try to explain its import in verbiage suitable for a postmod CyberRevo. (Thus the comparisons to Charles Dickens and Hunter S. Thompson, for which I am grateful, but also blame Anita Loos, Dorothy Parker and Lenny Bruce for illiciting my pen-to-jugular style.) We are at war for truth and that requires wit in the form of better catchphrases i.e. #treasonsgreetings
4. WE ARE THE SANE MAJORITY We, the Sane Majority, are constantly told our countrymen and women are devolving into apey, when in fact, the Sane Majority is kind, and da small base comprised of the greedy, the churchy, and those who haven’t gotten off their block of un-opportunity. Those numbers are shrinky dinking as truth grows from the concrete street art. But you wouldn’t know cuz it Vichy MSM is still writing puffpieces on Not-Zees and the various Thug$ of Scamalot, while terrifying us with continual closeups of dictators, including our own. Move along. Or just join the Fringe Apey and watch the reboot of “Jersey Shore” as your Democracy burns and more journos die globally whilst trying to warn us of fascism #sad pffft… a better idea: flip the House in 2018 and #nullify45.
5. MAFIA STATE OF MIND Thank you to Tahoesquaw1, who wouldn’t rest until she knew I watched all three Zembla docs on the Fuckery of Dummkopf45 (“The Dangerous Friends of Donald Trump”), and a new doc on the radiation poisoning of UK citizen Alexander Litvinenko (”Hunting the KGB Killers”), whose dying image serves as a reminder that radiation sandwiches are coming if we don’t speak truth to power collectively. I feel compelled to be among the twactivists that remind the kindly people who are being brainwashed by Fux und Blackbart und Churchy Stincklair, that dictator$ and anchorhack$ aren’t our friends. We are combatting evil in the form of well-OIL-ed infotainment amplified by Bots preprogrammed by enemies both foreign and domestic, and it’s leading to a major identity crisis of the churchy, who give pederasts a pass if it serves their tax bracket or real fake narrative. Peel it back and seek the truth. Eyes wide open. 
6. SING TOGETHER Who among you doesn’t have a brazen friend with a guitar? I joined Artivists LA and activist Samuel Curtis for some Resistance Caroling on Black Friday in Santa Monica, and the song we sang “We Shall Not Be Moved,” is still on heavy rotation in my mind, soothing me hourly as I recall revolutions of my youth sparked by peaceful music. Resistance Caroling is good for the soul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX7OW2MJRO0&t=10s
7. BE HAPPY Although many of us haven’t felt joy due to the deranged Pageant Owner in the White House and his sub par toadie$, it’s our duty to manage self care during this time, and that means doing things that bring you some semblance of happiness. I interviewed Dr. David Reiss, one of the 27 mental health experts who authored “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump,” and he said it’s imperative we manage self-care during these dark days and to never lose site of truth. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5XGeJ5Y8UI&t=26s
8. BREATHE Please be patient with humanity and remember everybody hurts, sometimes. As battle fatigue sets in for those who can’t believe a Pageant Owner Mobster is still our Real Fake President, despite how much factual information on the corruption from within we spit daily, it takes its toll on fractured nerves. If we divide troops now, we lose. We are the Sane Majority, and we will only win if we invite everyone to the party and keep them there. Even the glory hunters. Practice humility daily and realize those who don’t get it now, will eventually.
9. MOTHER EARTH Give us the keys. Y’all fukcin shit up. Imperative, we mandate the Nosferatu Cabinet of Scamalot to wear branding patches on their sleeves: #bigoil #bigtobacco #bigprison #nra #churchyfuckery #botbymercer #botbykoch #rupertscurvy etc. We can’t allow denier creeper$ to ruin our fragile environmental protections and continue to embarrass us on an international level. We already fought for these protections. GOP becoming the official doosh party poopers of the environment ramped up recently, as billionaires bot lobbyists to run interference on truth using God’s name so they could get one last $wig off the Oil + War economies. (See number one.) Use the system to get Scott Pruitt out of our EPA where he does not belong. And further, use the system to oust all the Real Fake President’s cozyboy$, aka war mongering pals thirsting for arms deal$. Old paradigm dies hard but it’s time.
10. BE DISGUSTED I was horrified to learn by a gal whose grandfather was stiffed by Trump, that many of her peers just think the Meinshit Show is funny. Ya, it’s a “Pussy” riot. Our Real Fake President cozie$ up to his dictator pal$ who kill, incarcerate, poison, torture or have people killed because they can. Go ahead, please remain comfortably numb while waiting for the door knock. Me? I’m gonna remain disgusted so I can continue fighting. Even for those who don’t get it. Especially them.
(Below, the author in Laguna Beach Nov. 2, 2016; last photo before the election. She wants her happiness back.)
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zorancuckovic · 5 years
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#Trump #Impeachment #Impeach #ImpeachTheMotherfucker #TreasonsGreeting #HappyImpeachment #MerryImpeachment https://www.instagram.com/p/B6JyvQCFo_F/?igshid=8ak6rocadowp
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alcar-ancalime · 6 years
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#Christmas #holidays #treasonsgreetings #dump45 #trump https://www.instagram.com/p/Br0Tr-DBYWC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=97rw95kbibwb
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odinsblog · 7 years
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#TreasonsGreetings everyone :)
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iamvirgostarlight · 6 years
All this talk about a border wall being immoral by the left....
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jorgelcabal · 7 years
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jgsaxon-blog · 7 years
Can someone explain why Trump is even allowed to speak to Putin??? He is under investigation for committing treason with Putin. #ProtectMueller #corkerkickback #FakePresident #CorruptGOP #LockThemAllUp #TrumpCrimeFamily #MuellerTime #MuellerIsComing #TreasonsGreetings https://t.co/9aa4osXeAN
— Roberta #WeAreRobertMueller #TheResistance #FBR (@Ro46414904) December 17, 2017
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stillwithhernothim · 6 years
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We just received our #ChristmasCard from the #WhiteHouse !! We’re so excited to share it with all of you!! #TreasonsGreetings !! 💚🎄🎁❤️✨💚🤮❤️❄️💚🎅🏿 #resigntrump #putinsbitch https://www.instagram.com/p/BrrZTDrHGIc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sfarh83qkydk
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