#travis m riddle
ashlumicalm · 2 months
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fobgabe · 2 years
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awsten + travis’ slumber party
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sheepisreading · 1 year
Books I finished in March 2023
Dirt King, Travis Riddle, 2022
The third instalment in the Houndstooth trilogy. Just as fun as the other two, Travis Riddle managed good worldbuilding, good characters a story that’s exciting and new and weird and gross at times but rewarding and such a fun adventure. This third book is 600 pages long but it honestly isn’t a struggle to get through at all ! It always stays entertaining and is all around a fun series.
Richard II, Shakespeare, 1597
Meant to read this one earlier, closer to winter than to spring because I read it was described as a wintery play, but the temperatures are still low enough that it fit the vibe. It’s a really beautiful play about Richard getting thrown off the throne by the future Henry IV. It’s not really violent or about fighting and defeat after a long struggle. Richard isn’t happy about it but hasn’t got much fight left in him, or much courage or strengh to fight and it’s more of a melancholic tale. There are some absolutely beautiful lines in here, I underlined a good portion of the book. It’s the first of Shakespeare’s historical plays I’ve read so I don’t know how it compares but it had a distinct feel from the other works of his I’ve read so far. I really enjoyed it!
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lcatala · 10 months
Oh yeah I got some new books:
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spade-riddles · 1 year
So I was thinking about 🎃 and the riddle that suggested Taylor stepped up to stunt this time to spare Karlie. "Not her, take me instead." I think this Travis Kelce stunt is what Taylor agreed to do, but I couldn't figure out how the NFL played into it, or why Karlie might have been pushed to stunt to promote them. Karlie's stunt buddy has no connection to the NFL, right?
It took a while to find. (Hilariously, most of the responses for his name and "NFL" are those shots of him and Karlie "playing ball" on the street, where Josh isn't exactly beating the accusations, if you know what I mean.) But when I switched to "Thrive Capital", I found this.
"Gunderson Dettmer represented Thrive Capital in its co-lead investment of Fanatics, a multi-channel sports merchandise retailer, in its $350 million Series E financing. Thrive Capital was joined by Fidelity Management, Franklin Templeton Investments and Neuberger Berman Group. Fanatics is now valued at approximately $6.2 billion.
Forbes reported that the financing “is expected to help accelerate Fanatics’ rights acquisition strategy and spur further M&A activity. Fanatics already has deals with the NFL, MLB, the NBA, the NHL, MLS, Nascar and European soccer clubs, as well as more than 300 individual teams.”
This was 2020.
Explains why Karlie is always being dragged to NBA games with him and promoting her fantasy football league, and why Taylor is being so over the top in making sure we understand promoting sports merch is a big part of this deal.
I wonder what they wanted Karlie to do, that Taylor seemingly felt this was the better option?
Interesting 🤔 Good research!
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chosetherose · 11 months
Taylor and her *M*ysterious bag
Is Taylor trying to tell us Tayvis is ☠️ after the Chiefs/Eagles game on 11/20? 🤔🤡
Taylor wore this bag called “M Frame” toward the tail end of the MH days. I started paying attention to it partly because I thought it was funny the name was almost like a play on the Matty name and “frame” for like staged pics etc.
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Black > White > Freedom
The first time she wore it was in May. We saw it with a black outfit then again the next week with a white outfit then the week after that People confirms Taylor and MH are over.
May 24 (black) and May 31 (white):
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Next, she wore it on June 22 with an Eagles shirt and I remember people wondering about it because the shirt choice felt odd. She just played Pittsburgh but her Philly concert was more than a month ago.
June 22:
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Notably, this wear was a month before Travis told the friendship bracelet story and rumors about them started swirling.
Now five months later she wore the M Frame bag again, this time with stunt orange. (This is also right after pumpkin dropped back to @spade-riddles blog so that could be the real connection if there is one).
November 3:
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Notice it’s facing away from the camera just like she had it with the Eagles pap walk. Makes it feel more linked to that wear than when she wore it during the MH days. She knows what she’s doing and what she wants to show when she calls is seen like this.
Anyway, because hindsight is 20/20 this got me thinking oh hey maybe that Eagles shirt wasn’t random. Maybe it was an Easter egg? When do the Chiefs play the Eagles? Monday 11/20.
Wait what does the M have to do with Travis? Well his middle name is…
➡️ Michael ⬅️
…so this could be a two birds one bag kinda situation.
Does it all mean something? I don’t know. The game is sandwiched between Taylor’s shows in Rio and São Paulo so it would be shocking to me if she went for a stunt. Maybe a split narrative around schedules? I do know we saw this bag right before the MH split, then with NFL gear, and now with orange. That’s the only times we’ve seen it this year that I’m aware of.
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waterparksdrama · 1 year
this sounds lame lol but i actually really like travis’ review on the album. and it kinda makes it a little more cohesive for me. like it really is just the start to finish of a situationship that didn’t end well. if awsten could just say that instead of acting like it’s an album about religious trauma and guilt and this is all a metaphor for god, it’d be a lot easier to swallow. reading travis’ review and the way he interpreted like each song being a stage in the relationship makes more sense and i like it better telling that story (in my opinion)
i think the interesting part to me of this is that i'm pretty sure this is the only one of his analyses that doesn't mention discussing it with awsten himself so it really is just his own thoughts based off the album itself and his knowledge of awsten from being his friend without much input from awsten i'm guessing - iz
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studentparxie · 1 year
Waterparks Members (and Friends)
Here is a little rundown on the members of Waterparks and the friends that they hang out with a lot!
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Awsten Constantine Knight
Birthday: January 17, 1992
Role: Lead singer and rhythm guitarist
Took his driver's license picture to look naked
Legally changed his name from "Austin" to "Awsten."
Awsten is one of the most interesting people I had to learn about. He created Waterparks as one of his passion projects. He has synesthesia, which means he sees sounds and hears colors. He also has heterochromia, which means his eyes are different colors. He made his own fashion line called High Definition Industries. Awsten is really chaotic most of the time, but he does have a sweetness to him.
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Geoff Wigington
Birthday: July 2, 1989
Role: Lead guitarist
Legend of Zelda enthusiast
Has a child
Geoff is an absolute sweetheart. He is not the best with words, but he always brightens up everyone's day. He brings a comfortable presence with him. There was an ongoing joke that Geoff loves minions, but he absolutely despises them. I love Geoff and you should too.
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Otto Danielle Wood
Birthday: December 20, 1990
Role: Drummer
Possibly a serial killer
Never used the Internet, he literally had to ask Awsten if it costs anything to make a Gmail.
Otto may look like Weird Al's ripped nephew, but he's not. He's allegedly the most unhinged member of Waterparks. He actually got inspired to play the drums because of the drummer in the animatronic band at Chuck E. Cheese. Other than that, not much is known about him since he does not use any form of social media. His biggest music inspiration is My Chemical Romance though!
The following people are not actually a part of Waterparks but are closely related to them. They do interact with the band a lot, so if you are joining the FANDOM (like the album hahah), you should definitely become familiar with these people.
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Jawn Rocha
Birthday: September 18, 1992
Role: Photographer, mainly just for Waterparks but he takes photos for other bands too!
Jawn has been a friend of Awsten's for a long time, he even was a part of the same band as him before Waterparks. Jawn eventually found his place in photography and he streams on Twitch occasionally.
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Travis M. Riddle
Birthday: December 24, 1992(?)
Occupation: Author
Travis has known Awsten before the band was a thing. He has helped Waterparks with various things: correcting their lyrics on Genius.com, giving his opinion on their music before released, starring in some of their music videos, and overall just being a good friend. Travis has also written a couple of books, such as Mother Pig and Balam, Spring.
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Zephani Jong (Zeph)
Birthday: April 18, 1999
Occupation: Singer
Zeph is one of the band's most recent friends, she made a vocal appearance on the song "Crying Over It All." She makes and produces some of her own music, most of which just being little songs she uploads on YouTube. Awsten actually recorded guitar for her song "scared of everything." Zeph has built a pretty large digital footprint, mostly just tweeting her thoughts out on Twitter. She is focused on growing and becoming the artist she wants to be.
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De'Wayne Jackson
Birthday: June 27, 1995
Occupation: Rapper
De'Wayne has been buddies with Waterparks for quite some time now. He's toured with them a couple of times and even provided some vocals for the song "LIKE IT." Though, Awsten did a feature on his song "Perfume." De'Wayne has mixed the genres of rock and rap to create his own unique sound. His mission was to show no one should live in boxes and neither should their music.
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Y'all probably know about this but omg I just found out about this event/sale thing where books are $0.99 ???
Me personally I highly recommend Flesh Eater & On Lavander Tides, both of which are by Travis M. Riddle, but there's other books that sound cool [Plus there's a whole SERIES there that's $0.99 ??? Like for all three books ?]
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sydmarch · 6 months
Who exactly is Travis M. Riddle
LOL he's this writer who's friends with waterparks, the reason he's in my dni is bcus a while back he was writing bandom rpf on patreon of his actual friends which was just incredibly weird so I was mocking it while reading on my blog & he apparently found out people were mocking it by lurking the drama blog & made some bitchy post like "im canceling the fic people are so mean & psychoanalyzing me" like yeah dude you wrote a 30k chapter of geoff & awsten hanging around and fucking. of course tumblrinas are gonna psychoanalyze you. anyways I highly doubt he ever actually saw MY blog or posts during all of this the banner was as a silly show of solidarity lmao
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charcherry-weekly · 5 months
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 196
Hello everyone, Mage of Light Nick Card here. I can hear the raindrops against the roof at night. Let's get to news though.
Autumnal Training Montage
Early this week, Page of Rage Jovin conducted a combat training seminar on Autumnal. Brae Emit provided the training arena and plenty of snacks. Also present at the training event was Heir of Time Rise Emit, Spirit of the Hunt Gwyn, Maid of Void Skitis, Skye M, and Rogue of Heart Charles. Reportedly, it was a nice occasion, aside from the surprise danmaku spellcard that everyone had to dodge, and the incident with the errant flying computer cable flail. It is very possible that more training sessions may be scheduled to occur again, but no concrete future dates have been given at this time.
Hold the Phone
A couple days ago, Neo Alternia Telecom officially set up all households on Neo Alternia with local phone and internet lines. There are restrictions put in place for most residents when it comes to internet access, mostly keeping it planetary local. Reportedly, it is possible to apply for a Neo Alternia Telecom number if desired. In other news, a local government building is being built in Scarab City.
A Gamer...
Very recently, a new digimon visitor to the memo appeared, by the name of Puyomon. They apparently showed up to mention the release of Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers, the sequel to Sonic Robo Blast 2 Kart. Reportedly, Puyomon has been playing it on an arcade cabinet in the Game Room in the region of Immersion and Entertainment, though initially had issues regarding a possibly missing button for the controls. According to investigative reporter Prince of Time Aeons Edgeworth, The tutorial course is rather comprehensive in that game, owing its necessity to the learning curve needed to navigate racetracks effectively. Reportedly, its multiplayer method is easier to connect than most, but tests of this have only been reported slightly. In tangential news, there is also a swarm of joltik in the Game Room, which may have an unknown influence upon Puyomon.
Biodiversity Restoration
As of late, there have been successful attempts at cloning previously extinct creatures from Korous via ectobiology. A team of scientists stationed at Cradle's Rock, apparently lead by Prince of Time Travis Entropa, have been working together on this project. Mr. Entropa is reportedly the most experienced ectobiologist in the group, supposedly being the player behind the creation of the Chosen Ones once essential for STOMB's iteration of the Ultimate Riddle. It is hoped that their work together will be a major step towards bringing life back to the meteor-stricken wastelands.
Classified ads
Searching for new and interesting fruit! Please contact awesomeSwordfish if you have any fruit to offer, suitable offers will be compensated. These fruits will be used for a juice bar that will eventually open in Unity Village. If you are interested in working at such a juice bar, job openings are available.
Do you want an ad here? Contact lavenderSiren to get an ad for whatever. If you don’t write it yourself, you risk the newsletter writer writing it instead, do be warned.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
DTA train ticket stand
Katie’s potion stand (Not available to plitlanders due to regulations, available to all others however)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand
Samm's noodle stand
Brae's produce stall: - Potted vegetables - Jarred vegetables - Various jams - Hisuian herbs (medicinal leek, pep-up plant, king's leaf)
Shady Market stand: - Smokestick (20 gp) - Manacles (2 gp) - Torch, everburning (110 gp) - Antitoxin (vial) (50 gp) - Perfume/Cologne, rare (1 dose) (10 gp) - Forgery Kit (15 gp) - Clothes, Costume (5 gp) - Spikes, Iron (10) (1 gp)
small dice stand (d6's only)
I think that does it for now. I have a feeling that something has shifted over the week, mostly having to do with importance of particular days of the week. Who knows if it means much in the long run. https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/433/charcherry-weekly-issue-196
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emilyblame · 4 years
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Blonde video shoot — pt. 3
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sheepisreading · 2 years
My favourite books of 2022
I really don’t wanna try to write a coherent thing, I just want to write stuff about books I liked! Also no this list isn’t late, what do you mean it’s the middle of march?
We Have Always Lived In The Castle, Shirley Jackson, 1962
Amazing. This has the vibes of an old Agatha Christie adaptation while being weird and eerie and beautiful. There’s tension (which I hate but it’s necessary) and sadness and it’s cyclical and hopeful.
Flesh Eater, Travis Riddle, 2020
Fun as fuck! Just a fun, cool adventure series (this is the first one in the trilogy) that feels fresh and nice and fun! I’ve read the second one as well and it’s just as good.
Vita Nostra, Marina Dyachenko & Sergey Dyachenko, 2007
I was pretty afraid to read this one because it’s large, but it’s really worth it! Just a weird as fuck environment and universe. Strange things happen, it’s magical and unhinged.
Twelfth Night, Shakespeare, 1600-1601
Yeah. This is probably favourite Shakespeare comedy (so far). I enjoyed the intrigue, the weird gender play, and the fact that there IS more intrigue than obligatory love story. As in the love story is cool because it’s so convoluted.
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geenoteofsuburbia · 3 years
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roley-poley-foley · 4 years
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If you're like me, you've probably been writing fics in preparation for S4. From Travis himself, here's an idea on bettering your chances of getting on the podcast
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lowkey-as-hell · 5 years
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