#transsex not gender
dhddmods · 3 months
Please stop sigmatizing small phalluses.
We see it in almost every queer space we go, and it is humiliating, degrading, and saddening that our own community can be so intersexist, altersexist, and transphobic, without even seeming to realize it.
We know that "small dick - big dick" is a joke, a meme, but frankly, its just not funny. Phallus size has been stigmatized and mocked so much that its caused countless people gender dysphoria, sex dysphoria, body dysmorphia, depression, anxiety, and stigma. This stigma leads to a lot of people with small phalluses having a more difficult time getting into relationships, because people are judgmental of their bodies. Small phalluses don't make a person bad in bed, nor is it something to be ashamed of.
Not only that, but it is rooted in intersexism. Micropenises are an intersex trait, and yet it is belittled, laughed at, and treated like some joke. People's bodies are not jokes.
Mockery of small phalluses, even if done with good intent or in "good fun", stigmatizes and humiliates real intersex people - people with congenital buried penises, clitoromegaly, fused labia & clitoromegaly, and similarly structured genitals. Please read (and reblog) about intersex variations & traits here, for a better understanding and compassion for their community - a community that very frequently overlaps with the trans community, and is a part of the LGBTQIA+ community as a whole.
It also stigmatizes altersex, transsex, transmasc, and non-binary people. This includes those that desire/have metoidioplasties and that desire/have T-dicks or enlarged clitorises. It also includes those that have penises/phalluses, and take estrogen (or intersex people who produce high estrogen) that causes phallus shrinking. It makes many people feel sad and ashamed of their genitals, as if there is something wrong with them.
We mean no hate to anyone that has made these jokes in the past. This post is simply a plea to expand your mindset, and think of the psychological and social damage those jokes do to real people.
Please reblog to spread awareness.
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jak--ash · 1 year
Things I still get gender euphoria from 4yrs10mos on T and 11mos post top:
• having body hair, esp my hands and chest
• chillin in boxers, going shirtless (but I always get cold)
•seeing that my shirts now drape from my chest bc I have pecs. Also flexing and seeing my pecs
•reaching and watching my scars/nipples move
•seeing the raised parts of my scars and nipples through my shirts
• being told I do guy stuff/think like a guy (dont be misandrist here)
• passing well enough that I can call myself a girlie and it being obvious its a joke
• dressing in the most regular clothes and feel like I'm slaying and serving because I'm so comfortable with my body
•slangin that 2cm thang
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FTM Trans Man Pride Flag
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FTM/F2M: female to male.
Trans: a modality for anyone experiencing a gender/sex identity that differs from the one in their birth assignment.
This would seem redundant, but not every trans men uses FTM label, and not every FTM individual self-identifies as trans man, therefore this flag represents those who are both or feel both terms complement each other.
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d-parade · 1 year
i’ll say this every single time i get the chance to:
there should be a distinction between transsex(uals) and transgenders due to the fundamental existence of sex dysphoria that separates these two
“innate vs extrinsic” should not be classified together and treated the same
thank you
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Queer-ish/Variant-ish part 4
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A term for for when someone's close to but not quite trans(transgender and/or transsex). This can be for a variety of reasons, including being both trans and cis, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender and not viewing all of them as making oneself trans, having a "non traditional" relationship with transness vs cisness do to cultural reasons and/or being intersex, having a unique relationship with transness do to be an alter in a system, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact transness and/or transness with additional complexities to it.
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Transfeminine-ish, and Transneutral-ish, and Transmasculine-ish
Transfeminine-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite transfem. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being both transfem and other transition label, being a cis man who is transitioning(medically and/or socially) to a more feminine state, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender and not viewing all of them as making oneself transfem, having a "non traditional" relationship with transfemininity do to cultural reasons and/or being intersex, having a unique relationship with transfemininity do to be an alter in a system, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact transfemininity and/or transfemininity with additional complexities to it.
Transneutral-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite transneut. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being both transneut and other transition label, being a cis person who is transitioning(medically and/or socially) to a more neutral state, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender and not viewing all of them as making oneself transneut , having a "non traditional" relationship with transneutrality do to cultural reasons and/or being intersex, having a unique relationship with transneutrality do to be an alter in a system, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact transneutrality and/or transneutrality with additional complexities to it.
Transmasculine-ish - A term for for when someone's close to but not quite transmasc. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being both transmasc and other transition label, being a cis woman who is transitioning(medically and/or socially) to a more masculine state, having fluid gender and/or multiple gender and not viewing all of them as making oneself transmasc, having a "non traditional" relationship with transmasculinity do to cultural reasons and/or being intersex, having a unique relationship with transmasculinity do to be an alter in a system, questioning one's gender, any other experiences of near but not exact transmasculinity and/or transmasculinity with additional complexities to it.
Someone has actually already made terms under the same name, the definitions are different, however if you want to you can used these as alt flags, fem/neut/masc
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arco-pluris · 2 months
Let me be a bit controversial here, since I'm unlearning from idpol:
Stop assuming "cis-presenting" people are cis. Stop assuming "endosex-passing" people are endosex. Stop assuming invisible traits are cis or endosex, stop assuming other people's gender modality and diagnostic medical bodily/corporeal variations.
You don't know if someone is XY or XX simply by looking their phenotype unless you have a superpower to test one's karyotype, genome, and hormone rates. And believing in fake news won't help.
Intersex phenotypes exist (aka erroneously "androgynous bodies"/"gnc appearances"). Transsex traits are subjective, people are being asssassinated due to their "trans-looking" makeups in my country. Are they cis? Maybe they don't even know that word or concept. They could even be gender-apathetic after all.
Honestly, an intersex transfem who is also "cis-passing" and "endosex-presenting".
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transx-mogai-cafe · 8 months
Quick PSA: Of course I'm not going to tell anyone what terms that they or can't use for themselves, but I am absolutely not going to ever use the phrase "atypical dysphoria" on this here blog.
What exactly would "typical dysphoria" be then? Gender/sex dysphoria? The only purview one could argue that from is only ever being surrounded by transgender/transsex folk who have no other dysphoria. Gender/sex dysphoria is not seen as typical. No dysphoria is seen as typical in the wider scope of society, and my species dysphoria, age dysphoria, etc. is no more atypical than that of my gender/sex.
It seems fairly common in anti-transid folk who accept that they have some sort of dysphoria but still can't bring themselves to use trans- terminology to describe it. Similar to those who say "I'm not a trans man, I'm a female with DSM-5 gender dysphoria!" But I have also seen pro-transid folk use it as well, and again, not saying you can't use it for yourself, but I will not be.
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genderstarbucks · 6 months
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PWHP (People Who Have Penises), or IWHP (Individuals Who Have Penises), is a term for anyone who has a penis, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHP (People Having Penises); PEPs (Penile People); or, formerly, POP (People of Penises) and IOP (Individuals of Penises) PWHP includes individuals who have had a penis from birth and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery to create a penis. The term includes most cisgender men, non-binary individuals who have penis either from birth or through sex reassignment surgery, transgender women who are transine or pre-transition, some intersex individuals, transgender men and other transmasculine individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery, and some transsex/altersex/AFAB-P women. PWHP is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a penis is what makes one a man and to promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "male" may ignore the existence of intersex and transgender folk.
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PWHV (People Who Have Vaginas), or IWHV (Individuals Who Have Vaginas), is a term for anyone who has a vagina, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHV (People Having Vaginas); VAPs (Vaginal People); or, formerly, POV (People of Vaginas/People of Vulvas) and IOV (Individuals of Vaginas) PWHV includes individuals who have had a vagina from birth and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery to create a vagina. The term includes most cisgender women, non-binary individuals who have a vagina (either from birth or through sex reassignment surgery), transgender men who are transine or pre-transition, some intersex individuals, transgender women and other transfeminine individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery, and some transsex/altersex/AMAB-V men. PWHV is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a vagina is what makes one a woman, and to promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "female" may ignore the existence of intersex and trans individuals.
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PWHN (People Who Have Neither), or IWHV (Individuals Who Have Neither), is a term for anyone who has neither a penis nor vagina, regardless of gender. Other terms used for this concept include PHN (People Having Neither) or, formerly, PON (People of Neither) and ION (Individuals of Neither) PWHN includes individuals who were born neither with a penis nor a vagina and individuals who have had sex reassignment surgery and have neither a penis nor a vagina. The term includes some intersex individuals, transneutral individuals who have have sex reassignment surgery (to a neutral sex), and some transsex/altersex men and women. PWHN is a term designed to combat the ideology that having a penis is what makes one a man and having a vagina is what makes one a woman, and is made promote gender-neutral language and terms. The term also allows simplicity in describing genitalia in medical situations, such as sex education, where describing individuals as "intersex" may ignore the existence of altersex and trans individuals.
Flags for PWHP (people who have penises), PWHV (people who have vaginas) and PWHN (people who have neither) for those who'd like to use them!
These are inclusive of anybody who has a penis/vagina/neither, whether you were born with it or required it with surgery
Obviously you don't have to use these, these are just for people who want to
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themogaidragon · 18 days
Anti-Transmedical Transsex
PT: Anti-Transmedical Transsex /end PT
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Anti-Transmedical Transsex: someone who identifies as transex/transsexual but is against transmedicalism.
"I have heard that many transmeds use the term transex instead of transgender because they see transness as purely changing ones sex, etc. I identify as this because I do not change my gender, I only change my sex but I am not a transmed and still wanna use the term."
Term and flag created by u/Owl_XCh (link) published on r/XenogendersAndMore (link).
The flower is inspired by the rad-inclusive flowers, and is upside down, inspired by the xenogender star.
Yellow: neutral/intersex. Pink: feminine. Blue: masculine. Black: etc. White: diversity.
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dhddmods · 2 months
Ampectus and Multipectus!
An altersex identity, describing someone that wishes to have breasts, or to grow their breasts. They may exclusively wish for breasts or for a select few female traits (bosandir), or they may desire a full transition into a transsex-female (including HRT and a vulvoplasty, and possibly other feminizing surgeries as well.)
"Amp" comes from the word amplify, and pectus means "chest" in Latin.
The purple circle represents a breast. The green represents ampectus people that are altersex. The blue, pink, and white represents transgender or gender non-conforming people that are ampectus. The yellow represents intersex people that are ampectus.
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An altersex identity, describing someone that desires more than two breasts or nipples. The may desire the extra breasts/nipples to be on their chest, or to be placed elsewhere on the body.
The three purple circles represents breasts or nipples. The plus symbol on the center circle represents how some multipectus people may desire for more than three breasts/nipples. The green represents multipectus people that are altersex. The blue, pink, and white represents transgender or gender non-conforming people that are multipectus. The yellow represents intersex people that are multipectus.
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ryanyflags · 3 months
this page can also be useful
the T insn't always about transgender, it can be adjacent (third gender, transsex, transvestic, tragender, trandrogyne, trigender, etc.)
Thanks for the info! (I'll include it in my post later)
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MTF Trans Woman Pride Flag
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MTF/M2F: male to female.
Trans: a modality for anyone experiencing a gender/sex identity that differs from the one in their birth assignment.
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d-parade · 10 months
“Gender” quizzes
I took some lately after seeing a fucked up post about someone using those as “proof” they might be “transgender” or whatever.
One of the most alarming things I immediately noticed is how they focused on not being “traditional” and using stereotypes to determine your “gender”.
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And there’s some which aren’t even tests. Why is this bad? This is confirmation bias. Just asking whether one “feels” this or that isn’t self reflective since it’s possible for people to think that they feel this way due to influence. And it’s so easy to just press yes/ no and have the test spit out: You’re trans!!! Congrats!!!
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What does “feel” even feel like without dysphoria if it isn’t just the gravitation towards certain gender roles?
Not only that, a lot of questions are all just stereotypical characteristics which hence makes it understandable why people feel frustration when they do not align with said characteristics. But it’s not being trans, that’s not how it works.
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None of these tests actually asked you to question why you would want to change genders, which is IMO the most damn crucial thing of it all.
Heck, one test even legit said that gender = personality I wish I was kidding.
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Gender quizzes are a key insight to the ideology of Transgenderism nowadays. And while people say I’m pulling shit out of my ass” and attacking “things that don’t exist”, this is literal proof.
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A term for for when someone's close to but not quite conformant. This is an umbrella term and one does not have to be conformant-ish in all way to use it, for example a trans person who is hetero-ish could use the term.
Please note these are meant to be self description terms, and should not be used on people who do not self identify with them. And nobody has to use these term, even if they exactly match an example used on the post.
I may make a set of sister flags to this, maybe, maybe not.
(sub terms underneath. color/design meanings here.)
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Hetero-ish / Straight-ish(terms and flags can be used interchangeably)
A term for for when someone's close to but not quite hetero(sexual,romantic,ect)/straight. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being heteroflexible, have a gender that doesn't have an "opposite", have a fluid orientation and/or gender but most commonly experiencing hetero attraction, being caedstraight or shadowstraight, questioning one's orientation and choosing to consider oneself straight until "proven otherwise", any other experiences of near but not exactly hetero/straight attraction and/or hetero/straight attraction with additional complexities to it.
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A term for for when someone's close to but not quite cis(cisgender and/or cissex). This can be for a variety of reasons, including having gender that one views as similar enough to one's AGAB, being cisgenderless, being both cis and trans, having a "non traditional" relationship with cisness vs transness do to cultural reasons and/or being intersex, having a unique relationship with cisness do to be an alter in a system, questioning one's gender and choosing to consider oneself cis until "proven otherwise", any other experiences of near but not exact cisness and/or cisness with additional complexities to it.
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A term for for when someone's close to but not quite perisex(or whichever synonym). This is usually because someone is questioning if they are intersex and consider themself perisex until they find evidence to the contrary. It can also refer to having [not do to transitioning] sex traits that considered "non typical" but aren't intersex, or no one has talked about if they're intersex or not. Or other experiences similar to the first two.
Do NOT use this term to imply that perisex altersex and transsex people are somehow no longer fully perisex because they are transitioning. No one can "transition to non-perisex".
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Monoamorous-ish, and Allo-ish
A term for for when someone's close to but not quite monoamorous. This can be for a variety of reasons, including being monoflexible, being monoamorous in most types relationships but not all, questioning one's amory and choosing to consider oneself monoamorous until "proven otherwise", any other experiences of near but not exactly monoamorous and/or monoamorous with additional complexities to it.
A term for for when someone's close to but not quite allo(or allospec). This can be for a variety of reasons, including being alloflexible or light greysexual, questioning one's orientation and choosing to consider oneself allo until "proven otherwise", any other experiences of near but not exactly allo attraction and/or allo attraction with additional complexities to it. (specific allo orientations are here)
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intersex-animal · 3 months
What is it?
Dyadic or Perisex is a broad category that encompasses people who aren't intersex. Other common wordings are Endosex and Juxtasex.
Intersex individuals are born with biological sexual characteristics (such as gonads, reproductive organs, genitals, chromosomes, hormones, etc.) typically attributed to both sexes. Dyadic individuals, on the other hand, have only female or male sexual traits, and thus, they are assigned one of the two binary genders at birth. 
What does it mean?
Although Dyadic or Perisex individuals can identify with any gender identity, their biological sex is either female or male. This means that they were born with sexual traits that are allocated to one of the genders in the binary. 
One's biological sex does not interfere with their gender identity, meaning that dyadic individuals can be transgender, queer, or have any identity within the non-binary umbrella. The dyadic term serves only to differentiate intersex individuals from non-intersex people.
Dyadic (Perisex) Flag:
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All infants are medically assigned a sex, either upon prenatal sex discernment or at the moment of birth. Those who are not intersex are either Assigned Female at Birth (AFAB) or Assigned Male at Birth (AMAB), meaning that dyadic people can be split into these two groups.
AFAB - assigned female at birth - individuals typically possess XX chromosomes, have a female reproductive system (Fallopian tubes, ovaries, uterus, vagina), have external female organs (vulva), and upon reaching puberty, manifest higher levels of estrogen and develop female secondary characteristics (breast enlargement, increased pubic and facial hair, etc.).
AMAB - assigned male at birth - individuals typically possess XY chromosomes, have a male reproductive system (prostate gland, seminal vesicle, testis), have external male organs (penis), and upon reaching puberty, manifest higher levels of testosterone and develop male secondary characteristics (increased body hair, deep voice, muscle enlargement, etc.).
Are all AMAB/AFAB individuals dyadic?
No. Although dyadic people are either AMAB or AFAB, one can be assigned a specific sex at birth and still fall into the intersex category.
History & Flags
The Dyadic concept was created by intersex people to describe non-intersex individuals without having to resort to words with potentially underlining meanings. This way, intersex wouldn't be the counterpart of normal or natural, for example, gaining a more appropriate connotation.
But is supporting new terminology really the way to fight the stigma against intersex individuals? The intersex community debates if reinforcing the existence of the gender binary is, after all, beneficial to their own situation.
On the other hand, many disagree over the right wording, not over the concept itself, hence the existence of different phrasings. The term endosex was officially used by many intersex organizations, but other intersex individuals still prefer the words dyadic or perisex.
The phrasing intrasex was also considered, but it was quickly discouraged and discontinued due to the similarity in phonetics and spelling with the word intersex.
Related Terms
Altersex / Alteradic / Transsex / Transexual / Transsexual - Individuals who are born dyadic but posteriorly alter their biological sexual characteristics through reassignment surgery and/or hormonal treatment.
Cisgender - Individuals whose gender identity coincides with their biological sex. Term created by the transgender community to refer to those who are not transgender.
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transgenderpolls · 6 months
Note from OP: sorry for grouping cissex/transsex/altersex/perisex/etc. together. There's not enough space to make them separate or add more. You can specify which one you are in the notes if you want.
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