#transparent subsistence
ryunumber · 1 year
Chun-Li from Street Fighter
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Chun-Li has a Ryu Number of 10.
(clarification below)
As with before: Chun-Li's actual Ryu Number is 1.
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All appearances in the route above except Chun-Li in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 are only possible through game mods, and more specifically mods that change the gameplay a bit more than a model swap. I can't guarantee that any two mods for the same game are compatible, especially seeing as the Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow links are romhacks that replace the playable cast with those characters, but for hopefully self-evident reasons, I'm not being super strict about that.
The mods highlighted in this route are:
Palette Swap Characters for Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 by tabs
Cyclops for Fraymakers by poop674
Zero from Megaman Zero for Fraymakers by BeelzeSama
Castlevania: Zero X Harpuia for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow by Shametal
Yami Yugi with summons playable in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow for Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow by Shametal
The Duelist for Slay the Spire by Nyoxide
The Bug Knight for Slay the Spire by VenIM
Hollow Knight for Don't Starve Together by WUDA and dirte737
Satori Komeiji for Don't Starve Together by Hansard
Reverie - Touhou Combinations for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth by Cuerzor
The Binding of Undertale & Deltarune for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth by Cake, Wight, and abcbadboy
Spamton for Stardew Valley by AngelOfTheWastes27 and mitchellojello
Paper Mario Partners in Stardew Valley for StardewValley by AnotherStardewValleySunday
Paper Mario for Rivals of Aether by Phoba
Hatsune Miku for Rivals of Aether by DinoBros
Hatsune Miku's Vocaloid Civilization for Sid Meier's Civilization V by Vicevirtuoso
Metal Gear Solid: Militaires Sans Frontieres Civilization: Subsistence for Sid Meier's Civilization V by Vicevirtuoso
Project M EX REMIX for Super Smash Bros. Brawl by the PMEX REMIX Team
(In the interest of transparently covering my own ass, I am not making any assertion about the quality of the above mods or the respective mod creators beyond "these mods by these people exist and are functional, probably".)
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So, I've decided to try my hand at making a Devil May Cry OC. I'd like you all to meet...
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[Image ID: A transparent PNG /. End ID]
Slink's Species
Slink is a Barghest. Barghests are a (non-canonical) species of demon best known for the fact that their forms are invisible. No life form, human or demonic, can see them. Despite being effectively transparent, they can extend this invisibility to things (and people) that they find precious by simply hiding them behind their bodies
Despite their invisibility, some things can be inferred about their appearance. If you touched a Barghest, you would find that their bodies are covered in soft, thick fur. Their presence is rather large, comparable to the size of the demon Beowulf. However, they've been known to fit into extremely small spaces, suggesting that their forms are somewhat fluid. Anyone who's seen Slink bake would be certain that he has more than two hands.
Barghests in the Underworld are persistence predators, stalking prey and wearing down their defenses before striking. Their best tool for this is their corrosive saliva, harmless to organic matter, but very effective at melting weapons and armor (clothing in general, really).
Despite their invisible exterior, their innards are actually visible. When struck, they will bleed and drop perfectly visible red orbs. When a Barghest opens their snout, their sharp fangs, long tongue, and their corrosive saliva are perfectly visible. However, Slink has taught himself to speak without opening his mouth, like a ventriloquist. He can even throw his voice. Theoretically, if someone managed to skin a Barghest, they could get a solid idea of their anatomy. However, demons usually disintegrate when they die, and to skin one alive would be very difficult.
One more power that Barghests have is, effectively, heat vision. They typically use this to cook their prey once they've been caught. They generally don't lead with it because using it gives away their position, exposing their fiery orange eyes. The arrangement of these eyes seems to vary between individual Barghests, and the number of visible eyes can depend on their mood.
While the mythological figure that I named Barghests after are often depicted as canine, and I do think Slink has a lot of canine qualities, I imagine he can purr. What kind of idiot would make a monster that can't purr?
I think a Barghest's power level would be comparable to that of a Blitz. Not a boss by any means, but a formidable opponent if you don't know what you're dealing with.
Slink's Backstory
Slink was definitely the runt of his litter, not taken care of by his own, and not strong enough to fend for himself, just barely scraping by in the Underworld.
Slink came to the human world during the events of Devil May Cry 3. Rather than participating in the invasion, he chose to live peacefully and secretly in the human world, and managed to for many years. He fed on just as many humans as he needed to, no more, sometimes less. Primarily, he subsisted on the occasional humans who tried to expose or capture him, who dared to follow him when he skipped town, who refused to just leave him alone.
This lasts until he attracted the attention of an enemy he can't shake some time between the events of Devil May Cry 2 and Devil May Cry 4. A group of demons seeking to conscript him into service to some other demon king (Berial, maybe?). He decided that because he has a problem with devils, he should call a devil hunter, and ends up anonymously reaching out to Dante.
Dante took the job, and dealt with the demons who'd been harassing Slink. However, Dante didn't need to see him to deduce that Slink is a demon. Slink was afraid that Dante would kill him, but Dante assured him that as long as he lives peacefully among the humans, he has nothing to fear, reminding Slink that his own father was a demon (very similar to Dante's talk with Brad in the third episode of the animated series).
After this, Slink decided to put down roots some blocks away from Dante's shop. In part because humans already expected strange things to happen in the area, and because most demons wouldn't dare attack that location (and those who would wouldn't be after Slink). But also, Slink was touched and inspired by Dante's compassion, and had become a little infatuated with him.
Slink didn't have the courage to approach Dante outright, but after watching the shop from afar, he noticed Dante's favoritism toward pizza, and hatched a plan. He taught himself to bake, and opened his own pizzeria off the books, selling to Dante alone, and for very cheap. Slink has little use for human currency, after all. He usually just drops the pizza off on Dante's doorstep, instructing him to leave the money in its place. Dante probably does realize what's really going on, but doesn't make it known that he does. The most he'd do is forget to leave the money just to test if Slink would make a fuss (he wouldn't).
Slink never took things any farther than this, however, if anyone in Dante's circle would approach him, it would be Trish. She too is a demon living peacefully among humans, and she'd be fascinated by such a rare and mysterious species as the Barghests. She helped him come out of his shell, and introduces him to the rest of the crew, maybe even to a more reliable source of food (in my headcanon, blood sacrificed willingly from a human to a demon is far more potent than blood taken by force).
It's definitely after this point that he gets the name Slink. From who, I'm not certain.
Slink's Personality
Slink is on the shy side, and can feel self-conscious about his strength, smarts, and courage.
Slink is extremely loyal to those who've shown him compassion, and will repay that kindness to the best of his ability.
However, he can be flighty, prone to ghost if he feels unsafe or unwanted.
He's very conflict-averse in general, and would rather run from a fight than finish it. He only feeds on humans out of necessity, and will go a while without eating if he can't find a good excuse to kill one.
Devil WILL Cry. So much, in fact.
When Slink wants his friends to perceive him, he will wrap some chains loosely around his neck. He doesn't usually wear clothes otherwise, though he does wear an apron when baking.
While he started to impress Dante, he soon discovered a genuine love for baking.
Slink and the crew
When Slink meets Trish he's very grateful, once again taken aback by the kindness of a stranger (a feeling Trish knows all too well). He'd feel comfortable around her, appreciating how calm and cool she usually is. However, Slink can be a little needy, and I don't think Trish has much patience for this.
With time, Slink gets over his crush on Dante. He's still attracted to him, but he knows there isn't much of a future between them. He gets used to that feeling, having met quite a few attractive people since the night Trish approached him. Bisexual with zero game.
Lady would be apprehensive toward him at first, but she'd trust Trish's judgement, and with time she would see that he's pretty harmless. Slink would find her intensity a little scary, but realizes he has nothing to fear from her, especially when Trish is around.
Slink would appreciate Lucia's frank way of speaking, her being confident but not aggressive. Lucia would find him inspiring, a demon of the Underworld who chose to live in peace despite his circumstances.
Slink would be very uncomfortable around Nero, he finds him too unpredictable and brash. Nero is very confrontational, while Slink is very conflict-averse. Nero doesn't really have a problem with him, though.
Slink would feel similarly about Nico, though at least with her he never feels like he has to guess how she's feeling. Nico's fascinated with him, and spends so long speculating about his true form and how he conceals it. She gets a lock of his fur to examine, only for it to 'get lost' (he stole it).
He and Kyrie are actually rather alike, they're both reserved, and compromise themselves in order to avoid conflict. Kyrie wishes she was invisible sometimes.
Finally, Vergil... Much like with Nero, Slink hates not knowing what someone's feeling, and it doesn't help that Vergil's resting expression is so haughty. He avoids him whenever possible. Vergil would ask about the demonic presence he's been feeling in the office now and then, and the crew plays completely dumb, placing bets on how long it'll be before he realizes what's going on. When he finally does, Vergil thinks Slink is a coward, and he kind of is. I think part of Vergil - a certain scrawny, black-clad, poetry-loving part - would find Slinks desire to be protected by his new friends familiar.
Feel free to ask questions about him if you have any 😊.
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prouvaireafterdark · 2 years
No Introduction Necessary
An intense discussion of Louis' disordered blood drinking is suddenly and unceremoniously interrupted by Lestat.
Also on AO3! 
Daniel leaned forward on Louis’ couch as he listened to his story, his elbows braced on his knees, gentle tremors shaking his hand where it hung limply between them.
“Lestat was as cruel as he was tender to me in those years,” said the vampire. “I was trying desperately now to subsist on animals alone and he did everything in his power to sabotage my abstinence. 
“He started bringing his victims into our home more often than he used to, hoping the scent of their blood in the air would be enough to tempt me. When that didn’t work, he started offering their blood to me as if it were wine, as if I could somehow allow myself to be ignorant of where it had come from, of the life that had been taken in order for me to receive it.
“Once he even kissed me with blood in his mouth and pushed his tongue passed my lips so I would get a taste of it. I hated him for that most of all—for turning an act of love into another manipulation I could no longer trust, for connecting my shame about my desire for blood to the shame I had once felt about my desire for him. My resentment of him burned me from the inside out nearly as much as the thirst did. It was a betrayal that took me a long time to forgive.”
What a sick bastard, Daniel thought.
“He was traumatizing you,” he said aloud.
“Yes,” Louis agreed. “Though, as it often was, that was the effect of his cruelty, not its intention.”
“And what, exactly, did he intend?” Daniel asked skeptically.
“He was convinced he was trying to help me, and in retrospect I must admit I can see why,” he said. “There were not so many rats in New Orleans that I could stay fed indefinitely, and it wasn’t long before my strength and vitality had begun to diminish. My complexion paled. My skin grew colder. I was extremely irritable and plagued by melancholy. I lost nearly all interest in sex and I spent more time sleeping than I ever had before. More than once, I awoke with half the evening already gone and Lestat shaking me frantically by the shoulders, leaning over my coffin with tears in his eyes.”
“How touching,” Daniel replied sardonically.
Louis frowned at the tone of his comment before continuing, “It was… hard for him, to see me like that. We didn’t have the words to talk about it then, but I understand now that what I saw as an addiction I needed to overcome, he saw as an eating disorder that threatened to take me away from him if he didn’t do something to fix me. And for Lestat, of course, that meant doing everything to fix me, even if it made me despise him.”
“What do you mean by ‘take you away’? Would starvation have killed you?” Daniel asked, eager for another glimpse of such a powerful creature’s limitations.
“No,” Louis shook his head, “but, aside from the physical deterioration of my body, which was significant, had I stopped feeding for long enough, the hunger would have driven me insane before I fell into a deep sleep, perhaps for decades or even centuries.”
“Can’t drag you to the opera if you’re in a straight jacket, I guess,” Daniel commented.  
“You’re not listening, Daniel,” Louis said, sounding frustrated. “It wasn’t just the opera at stake. Above all, Lestat fears loneliness and rejection. He took my refusal to hunt with him and my waning passion for him very personally, and he was desperately afraid that if he did not intervene that, one way or another, I would leave him.
“At the time, though, I wasn’t interested in the why. All I could see were his increasingly transparent and callous attempts to control me and I did not take kindly to them. Our fights were… explosive. In the wake of them, we left furniture broken, mirrors shattered, our voices hoarse from screaming at each other. I’m surprised the police never paid us a visit, though I imagine a handsome annual donation to the nearest precinct had something to do with that.”
Daniel heard footsteps coming from down the hallway then, but he paid them no mind as they got closer, too focused on what Louis was saying.
Until, that is, he heard the deep voice of a man with an unmistakably French accent as those footsteps entered the room.
“Louis, mon cher, I can’t find my signed copy of Salomé in the library, have you seen it?”
Daniel sat frozen, unable to believe his eyes.
Walking toward Louis with a singleminded purpose, dressed in nothing but a black silk robe and a pair of matching slippers, was a handsome man with shoulder length blonde hair who could only be Lestat de fucking Lioncourt.
Louis opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get the words out Lestat gasped and appeared beside him in the blink of an eye.
“Louis,” Lestat said, voice a mixture of concern and reproach as he grabbed Louis’ wrist, the one he’d held into the sunlight. “What have you done to yourself?”
“I’m fine,” Louis insisted, though his voice had a certain softness to it and he didn’t pull his hand away as Lestat gently inspected his wound. 
“You think this is fine?” Lestat asked, incredulous, and when he muttered something indistinctly in French, Louis laughed, his eyes bright, as if he hadn’t just spent the better part of an hour describing the bitter resentment he’d felt for the man.
Louis replied in French, and Daniel glanced at his laptop to make sure it was still recording. It was, and he made a mental note to hire a translator when he got back to New York.
A smile still lingering on his lips, Louis switched to English suddenly. “And I’m in the middle of something,” he said, looking back to Daniel for the first time since Lestat entered the room.
“Oh yes, that’s right,” Lestat said, turning a charming smile Daniel’s way, as if he had only just noticed him sitting on the couch. “Daniel, isn’t it? I assume I need no introduction.”
“Uh,” Daniel said intelligently, still stunned by this sudden turn of events and feeling pinned as a butterfly under the intensity of Lestat’s piercing stare.
“How is your little interview coming along? More faithful to the truth this time, I hope,” Lestat said, giving Louis a meaningful look.
“You’ll find out once Mr. Molloy sends us our advance copy,” Louis replied. “And Salomé is in the bookcase with the rest of the works you’ve inspired, where it’s always been, Lestat.” 
“Ah yes, how silly of me,” Lestat laughed again, a manufactured sound this time, and if Daniel had been unsure before whether this had merely been Lestat’s excuse to get into the room with them and make his presence known, he wasn’t now. “I swear I’d lose my head if it wasn’t for you.”
Though he had the answer to his question, Lestat lingered another moment, eyes focused on Louis as he absentmindedly stroked the unblemished skin around his wound. Just as Daniel began to wonder if they were having some telepathic conversation, Louis spoke aloud and whatever spell had seemed to come over them was broken.
“Lestat,” Louis said, some hidden message seemingly contained in just the sound of his name, and Lestat sighed with an almost boyish petulance.
“Alright, alright, I’m going,” Lestat said, releasing Louis’ wrist and leaning down to press a quick kiss to his cheek, the folds of his robe falling open above the belt and revealing more of his pale, well-built chest. 
Before Daniel could banish the impure thought that came unbidden to his mind, Lestat met his eyes across the room and winked. 
A cold spike of fear and embarrassment ran through Daniel at the thought that the vampire had just read his mind, and Lestat chuckled, a dark, subdued sound, before addressing Louis once more. 
“I’ll be in our bedroom if you need me, mon cher,” he said, and with one final, tender kiss, on the lips this time as Louis turned his face to meet him, Lestat turned and walked deeper into the penthouse without another word.
Louis’ eyes clung to Lestat’s back until he disappeared from view, and Daniel simply stared at him in shock, his mind running about a mile a minute after this whole encounter.
“So—“ Louis began again, and that was all Daniel needed to snap himself out of it.
“What the fuck?” Daniel asked, his voice raised with a mixture of alarm and confusion. “He’s here? And you’re living with him?”
“Skipping ahead again, Daniel,” Louis admonished, though his lips curled into an amused smile. “Have patience.”
Daniel sputtered uselessly, and before he could order his spinning thoughts into a coherent response, Louis began to continue his story.
“Now where was I? Ah yes, broken furniture.” 
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sburbian-sage · 5 months
In a few of your recent posts, you've mentioned that you might be out of sync with the replayernet, and honestly, I think you might be.
I know Time is pretty fucked/nonexistant out in the furthest ring, but I got my current session's Seer of Time to look over your posts, and he's estimating with his powers that you started posting around like, seven or so years ago from our perspective? How long has it felt to you?
Regardless, the game seems to have version-drifted really far from where it once was. A ton of your old posts match up with older guides I've read, but not newer ones, and are totally inaccurate to any version of the game that I've ever personally played.
I went back through a bunch of your old stuff, and here's some updates on how they usually work now:
Dream players have that purple and beige color scheme for real now, not "transparent" as you once said (never even heard of that one before).
Void players are (much more likely to be) able to get fraymotifs now, and don't always fuck up text as badly. (varies a lot between different sessions)
"Modded" sessions seem to be much less common, and whatever the "Andern Association" you mentioned in a few posts was, it seems either dissolved, or else is now so secretive that I can't find any info on it anywhere. Meanwhile, ordinary version-drift has seemingly sped up.
Many classpects in general seem to have changed a bit over time, and many have become much rarer, but it's too much to get into all at once.
There's tons of other more recent developments but I gotta go sorry ohgodwhat in my house again fuck ill get back to you soon maybe
I don't believe I ever wrote about an Andern Associations. The one post on my blog that mentions it has a frankly funked-up formatting, I think because it was submitted by someone else (instead of sent via ask) and I failed to delineate how much was my input and how much theirs. But I don't believe I wrote any of that, so it doesn't really constitute evidence that I've undergone version drift. In fact, all accounts of modded game sessions were reports from other people, so it's really not applicable to me at all.
Granted, a lot of goofy stuff does come my way, and I might be a bit too credulous, perhaps in the interest of entertaining hypotheticals because my advice is generally good in principle, even if the specifics are shaky (like that earlier post about those weird titles, the titles might not exist, but my advice for figuring out how they work is sound no matter what). And there could also be lapses in judgement. I'm subsistence farming in the The Furthest Ring, intellectual fugue states are a common worry for me, and I might have accidentally validated the existence of things that, in hindsight, have no way of being real (I officially denounce those Double Aspect or Double Class posts, I don't know why I believed and wrote up hypothetical summaries of bugged titles when the consensus is that Title attribution is never bugged, only the Titles themselves).
But speaking of unreliable askers, the fact that you haven't ever heard of "Dream's color scheme is transparent" is suspect. Not only does purple and beige as a color scheme conflict heavily with their frankly iconic transparent glass constructs, but "Dream player ascends to godhood and wakes up buck-ass naked on Skaia" is a community meme that frankly comes up way too often in discussions of the Dream Aspect.
But that's not the only thing that bugs me. You brought up Version Drift Theory, which is not A Theory The Same Way Gravity Is A Theory, but is instead a highly speculative model of, essentially, the evolution of Genesis Frogs in an attempt to explain not only bugs and glitches, but why some people's sessions are radically different from one another. It's not an authoritative truth, it's an analytical model of sorts that some people find use for, so why are you trying to convince me that Version Drift is real and I've undergone it? Especially when my concern was never that my game version is out of synch, it was that my connection to the ringservers were out of synch. I had a gap in my knowledge concerning Cherubs, because I'm often busy performing upkeep on myself and the ship, and I worried that either my computer, my connection, or maybe my browsing habits were caught lacking, and now someone in my askbox is trying to convince me that I've undergone such severe time dilation in my Ring Journey that all of my writing is now obsolete and worthless and that SBURB is now an unrecognizably different game.
I choose to believe this ask is psychological warfare on the part of a bad faith or not very reliable actor. Not only do your session reports sound wildly out of whack, but you're trying to convince me that I'm the out of touch one? This is Spriteless Behavior, I'm living in your walls, I'm summoning demons and sending them to your dwelling spire, they're going to beat you to death with hammers, I'm going to equip hammerkind so I can do the same, also I'm a mental health risk (Ring Journey) and physically disabled (glasses) and this is a level of gaslighting that probably falls under ableism, etc. etc. I am always right and may the Ohgodwhat destroy your computer such that you never imply otherwise again.
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arcstral · 1 year
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HEIGHT:   174cm — 5′8.5"
STRENGTH ★★★☆☆   ( a strength once conducive to dual-wielding the falchion and binding shield without much strain. not overly impressive but he can pull his weight on the battlefield and during acts of manual labor. )
DEXTERITY ★★★★☆   ( light on his feet as expected of a duelist type swordsman. )
HEALTH ★★★★☆
ENERGY ★★★★☆   ( functional human being healthy circadian rhythm; rises early and goes to bed at a reasonable time which supplies him with a lot of energy. )
BEAUTY ★★★★★   ( in-game physical descriptors include ‘dashing’ and ‘having very sweet eyes’, spelling a gentle face that is popular with clerics, princesses, and romantics. )
STYLE ★★★☆☆   ( stately but predictable. doesn’t dress to revolutionize or make waves. )
HYGIENE ★★★★★  ( trimmed nails that are free of dirt, odorless body, and clean-shaven face. follows hygienic routines faithfully to ensure his appearance is fit for the public eye. )
PERCEPTION ★★★☆☆   ( a good head on his shoulders but over-trusting, placing faith in questionable former allies and leaning toward the belief that individuals- particularly, friends- must surely have reasons to commit their wrongs. )
COMMUNICATION ★★★★★   ( exceedingly transparent with his feelings and doesn’t shy away from conveying fears, dreams, or anxieties. )
MEDIATION ★★★★☆   ( naturally good at mediation, but balancing and checking the seven enclaves of a unified government help to keep it sharp. )
LITERACY ★★★★★   ( well-educated, having cultivated his reading and writing skills under a menagerie of royal tutors from an early age. )
COOKING ★★☆☆☆   ( knows the bare minimum of catching and cooking wild food in order to subsist outside of castle walls. otherwise, it’s an area of expertise he leaves faithfully to caeda. )
TECH SAVVY ★★☆☆☆  
COMBAT ★★★★☆   ( an able commander and swordsman alike; skilled spur-of-the-moment judgment, calm under pressure, and in possession of quick reflexes. )
SURVIVAL ★★★★☆   ( coming out alive from both of archanea’s wars with all his limbs, fingers, and teeth should be saying something. observed from his enemies, not too many soldiers or opposing commanders are lucky enough to say the same. )
SEDUCTION ★★☆☆☆   ( flusters easily and wouldn’t be able to seduce anyone with confidence on command. doing it without intention is a different story. he’s young, fit, and attractive so the pieces sometimes magically fall into place. )
LUCK ★★★★★   ( considers himself fortunate to possess so many wonderful allies and sources of companionship. )
PACIFYING CHILDREN ★★★★★   ( shown to interact in a caring and empathetic manner with children. soothing the divine dragon princess, tiki, with unerring success implicates a solid degree of talent. )
INTELLIGENCE ★★★★☆   ( capable of keeping stride with fast-moving stratagems and conversations at the war table, thoughtful, and emotionally intelligent. )
SPIRITUALITY ★★★★☆   ( the altean heirloom, falchion, is within itself a bequest to mankind from their guardian god so his acceptance of religion is unavoidable. takes special care not to desecrate holy temples with the muddy operations of an army. )
HUMOR ★★★★☆   ( pleasantly good-humored; can whip out witty ripostes and speak the language of less solemn individuals if need be. )
PATIENCE ★★★★☆ ( the patience of a sage. between his two-year stint hiding in talys, and the two-year period of reconstruction that postponed his own marriage, he’s invested in any undertaking for the long haul. )
PASSION ★★★★☆   ( shows commitment to his goal of peace, an earnest belief that goodness in human hearts will prevail, that broken lands and broken people can be rebuilt in time. )
NICE ☆★☆☆☆ MEAN   ( kind of manner and speech with rare deviation. only when faced with villains that commit brazen wrongdoings does he drop courtesies. )
BRAVE ☆☆★☆☆ COWARDLY   ( seemingly impenetrable as if his courage can never falter, but inwardly feels the fearsome weight of his responsibility. the soldiers that stand at his back are unable to see their leader’s frightened face and he states that he prefers it that way. )
PACIFIST ☆☆★☆☆ VIOLENT   ( pacifistic but not pacifist. even though he’s a man that values peace, he could never achieve it without fighting and winning wars first; a sour antithesis albeit one marth has come to accept. )
THOUGHTFUL ☆★☆☆☆ IMPULSIVE   ( a high level of empathy means that he approaches topics and individuals with great consideration. impulsivity even if felt isn’t something he honors especially with a number of prudent subordinates like jagen and malledus to rein him in. )
AGREEABLE ★☆☆☆☆ CONTRARY   ( doesn’t often speak or act in opposition against others, preferring to forge an understanding or to coexist at worst. )
IDEALISTIC ☆★☆☆☆ PRAGMATIC   ( a self-aware idealist, knows that he can’t save all lives under his jurisdiction or expect humanity to likewise choose good over evil but these are ideals he yearns for regardless. )
FRUGAL ☆★☆☆☆ BIG SPENDER   ( rightfully selective with his expenditures as a ruler. a formative few years spent in talys, a kingdom without an army to call its own and less wealth compared to altea, hammered in the importance of frugality and finances. )
EXTROVERT ☆★☆☆☆ INTROVERT    ( being surrounded by people, working with people, leading people- all these actions mean that extroversion is nurtured even if it’s not nature. )
COLLECTED ★☆☆☆☆ WILD   ( in order to uphold the image of a dependable figure of authority he keeps to his composure. very few of his knights have ever seen him behave otherwise. )
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
CHARISMA ★★★★☆   ( well-spoken and authoritative, but it’s ultimately his sincerity and purity of heart that compels others to follow. an essence that drives his most compelling speeches. )
EMPATHY ★★★☆☆ --> ★★★★☆   ( though he feels for the suffering of innocents, the traitors to his kingdom including its civilians were once observed with less understanding. war, after all, can drive a stake of hatred through any heart. )
GENEROSITY ★★★★☆   ( is willing to hand out everything found in his pocket when asked for money. )
WEALTH ★★★★★   ( wealthiest man in archanea, no doubt. )
HONEST ☆★☆☆☆ DECEPTIVE   ( generally honest. stays faithful to the truth, but will lie to spare feelings on occasion. )
LEADER   ★☆☆☆☆ FOLLOWER   ( marth is a natural prince, now king, who honors the duty he bears to others and shoulders whatever social burdens are required. in the event that a leader is required he’ll step up to the plate without batting an eye, not out of pride or any particular desire, but simple nature. )
POLITE ★☆☆☆☆ RUDE   ( extends deference to all deserving individuals no matter their origins or caste. )
POLITICAL ★☆☆☆☆ INDIFFERENT   ( his royal station is closely intertwined with politics, even if he wanted to turn a blind eye he couldn’t. a person’s value served to said politics, however, has no relation in how he regards them. )
HIGHER POWER ★★☆☆☆   ( after learning the revelation that naga, archanea’s warrior deity, was in actuality the divine dragon king, the expectations and beliefs he held toward a higher power have been humbled. the heavens brought a little closer to earth, seen as more mundane than otherworldly. )
FATE/DESTINY ★★★★☆   ( destiny in the words of malledus has lead him down the path he walks now, as anri’s successor, as heir to the falchion and the duty it entails. marth’s own conviction manifests in his attitude that fate brought him and kris together. )
MAGIC ★★★★★   ( it would be difficult to deny the existence of magic when his sister is a cleric and his best friend is a collegiate mage of khadein. this is to say nothing of the malevolent magicka that hounded his army through gharnef’s imhullu. )
SOULMATES ★★★★☆   ( his belief in soulmates bears certain equivalence to his belief in fate. his beloved caeda is one such soulmate; his other half and royal guard, kris, is another. )
GOOD AND EVIL ★★★★☆   ( to marth’s understanding, good and evil though existent occurs in intricate shades, especially in the case of evil. medeus who thrice subjugated mankind and proved the enemy of marth’s bloodline had seen first humans persecute his kind over centuries. humans themselves refract similarly complicated factors in their ugliest actions, as seen in michalis and camus. marth for this reason has never crossed the threshold of hate even for his most bitter enemies, excluding gharnef. )
LUCK ★★☆☆☆   ( places an average emphasis on luck that falls in line with lamenting a rainy day or a bad hand dealt in cards. )
FAMILY ★★★★★   ( if liberating archanea and reclaiming altea was marth’s most vocal priority, alongside it was the rescue of his older sister, elice. )
FRIENDS ★★★★★ ( you won’t find a man more appreciative of his friends. )
LOVE ★★★★☆   ( love though held dear to his heart must come secondary to the crown his head wears. )
HOME ★★★★★   ( marth has never failed to fight for the salvation of his lands and the subjects that live within them. a prevailing sense of guilt at his inability to protect his home from invaders suggests just how important he finds it. )
HEALTH ★★★★☆
PRAISE ★☆☆☆☆
JUSTICE ★★★★☆   ( laws and morals should be enforced for a world to be worth living in. in that regard he has shown himself to be fair yet merciful when administering punishments for crimes. )
TRUTH ★★★★★
POWER ★★☆☆☆   ( hardin of aurelis once ceded the rights to command the battlefield to marth, judging him to be someone who wouldn’t squander a position of power for his own gain. this perception is true. power whether social or physical, tangible or intangible, holds no importance to him. )
FAME ★☆☆☆☆   ( it’s ironic that he has little care for fame. his name will turn out to be the most famous throughout archanean and ylissean history. )
WEALTH ★★☆☆☆
OTHERS' OPINIONS ★★☆☆☆   ( validation or a lack thereof doesn’t weigh on him heavily, but it’s preferable to be regarded in a positive light over a negative one. )    
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thetruearchmagos · 10 months
Happy WBW! What is life like for the average person in your world?
Hi there, and thank you so terribly much for the Ask!
So, this was a bit of a nasty question for me. The way I worldbuild, I'd never use the term 'average person' because the sheer disparity in human experiences that exist in the 12 Worlds across time and distance makes it not mean very much. I mean, in some places the average population toils on a near subsistence level in livelihoods that have scarcely changed in a century, while in others they enjoy some of the highest and most consistently improving qualities of life imaginable. Even within the United Commonwealth, the polity and society at the center of much of my Worldbuilding, there's a difference between those who reside in member states who've been in the UC since its founding, and those who've joined more recently and in a rush under the shadow of war or other catastrophes. At least in the latter case, the Commonwealth has a reliable record of trying to bridge those gaps as quickly as it can.
To speak to the most familiar and developed section of my Worldbuilding, the 'average' citizen of the modern Commonwealth is guaranteed free education to the pre-University level, as well as access to an expansive system of mixed public-private healthcare. Taxes on income and almost all consumption are nonexistent, public safety is high, and trust in government institutions from the local level all the way to the UC's own offices is high and kept high through rigorous transparency and watchful observers. With the age of the Great Wars firmly settled with the Commonwealth victorious, many have good reason to hope that these will be good times yet.
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Stacey Abrams Exemplifies True Ugliness of Leftist Ideology
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Occasionally, in between grandstanding about their exalted ideology and their superiority of morality and virtue, leftist Democrats have a moment of candor that actually exposes the truly hideous nature of who they are and what they believe. The latest episode of such came on October 19, when Democrat Georgia Gubernatorial wannabe Stacey Abrams actually attempted to promote abortion as a cure for inflation! According to Abrams, “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas. It’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs.” In a line of thinking taken right from the depths of Hitler’s Reich, if people are too expensive to feed and transport, just kill them and the financial strain will ease up.
The abominable nature of Abram’s statement is twofold. First, the obvious notion that the “burden” of our fellow human beings can just be negated by snuffing out their lives is nightmarish, at the very least. But it is no less significant that she would make such an effort (along with all those in the media who defended her), to suggest that the high costs which have befallen Americans are somehow the result of loving and caring for the truly helpless and needy among us.
Leftist Democrats cannot be allowed to succeed in this transparent effort to cast blame for the current economic disaster on President Trump, and the recent triumph for unborn life at the Supreme Court. Americans are feeling the chokehold of inflation not because they’ve loved and accepted the children they’ve conceived, but because abhorrent Biden Cabal energy and monetary policies are destroying the value of the Dollar, and exerting wholly unnecessary costs on every facet of life in our country. To claim otherwise is a flagrant lie. It is also standard operating procedure for leftist Democrats.
Back when Obama was in the White House, his touted “Energy Policy” was simply to tell Americans to properly inflate their car tires. Under President Trump, American petroleum supplies peaked, not only making our Nation a net energy exporter for the first time in decades, but also providing plentiful fuel supplies at competitive prices domestically. It was the ultimate “win/win” for everyone, except the leftist Democrats who’s agenda of socialism and dependence on government can only advance when people are suffering.
So, with the Mid-Term Elections rapidly approaching, Democrats are scrambling in every direction, attempting to convince Americans that things are either really good (in stark contrast to what people see around them with their own eyes), or that some Trump policy is to really to blame for the hardship. This task gets very difficult, especially as the Democrats and their Fake News minions have been so loud and emboldened by the 2020 election theft. For the past 24 months, America has been bludgeoned with proclamations of “moral superiority” on every topic. Yet the dismal reality of our floundering Nation has become inescapable.
Abrams personifies the textbook desperate leftist Democrat, who can only keep plowing forward with every new DNC approved lie, to claim that America has been “built back better.” And of course, any notion to the contrary is either a wild-eyed conspiracy theory, or the work of a “domestic terrorist” who dares deny the bliss and utopia of leftist lunacy in action. Just ask the leftists. They’ll tell you!
Yet in a very real, and disturbing sense, Abrams foreshadows the future of the Nation, if the Democrats are able to maintain their ill-gotten majorities in the House and Senate on November 8. A prospering and flourishing Nation poses a huge threat to the leftist Democrat agenda, so the goal will always be to force Americans down from any success track, to the point where mere subsistence is their only concern. Denigrating the economy through inflation and suppression of industry certainly plays well into this plan. The only “trick” is to insidiously force such an existence onto Americans while convincing them that the real consequences of leftist ideology are, as always, somebody else’s fault.
In that sense, it is not only Abrams, but every Democrat who failed to roundly condemn her reptilian callousness, who prove to ultimately be on the same noxious ideological page. And it is wholly worth mentioning here that not only did Abrams escape any serious reprimand from fellow leftist Democrats, but she has instead enjoyed rousing accolades from other equally abhorrent people.
Topping that list is the iconic Oprah Winfrey. Rather than calling out Abrams for suggesting that unborn babies be thrown overboard to lighten the load, in an online endorsement Winfrey actually extolled Abrams as possessing “empathy,” and “the ability to relate and connect with people.” The ostensible effect of this would be “empowering their lives.” In typical Winfrey fashion, she cried some virtual tears over people “not having what they need for just basic survival,” blah blah. Yet she wanted viewers to know that by mindlessly voting once again for the very political movement that caused all the hardship and squalor, people could expect everything to miraculously change for the better.
This circus of madness would be comical, were the actual implications of it not so hideous and grave. Instead, it is truly sinister, and a harbinger of how the great and beneficent leftist “Nanny State” would deal with any citizen who poses too much of a load on others, in the midst of the inevitable deprivation and squalor of socialist paradise. And in every previous venture of its kind throughout history, those who expected the “community” to support them and carry them through adversity found instead that like Abrams’ plan for the unborn, their hopes and dreams for a worthwhile life could also be unceremoniously jettisoned. Problems solved!
Americans are at the cusps of lapsing into this nightmare. And the unfettered lunacy of the leftist Democrats in recent weeks reflects that they know they are that close to fulfilling their diabolical plan. Yet a proper examination of its realities, which is the worst nightmare of leftists, could enlighten and inspire voters to turn out in sufficient numbers to thwart the strategy of leftist lies and vote fraud. It is make or break time for our Nation, and the unspeakable bilge water from leftists like Abrams will be our fate if we don’t prevail on November 8.
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jay6639 · 13 days
Expert UK Spouse Visa Consultant in Jalandhar: Your Trusted Partner for a Smooth Visa Process
Are you looking to join your spouse in the UK and need expert guidance? The process of applying for a UK spouse visa can be complex and overwhelming. However, with the help of a professional UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar, you can navigate through the process smoothly and ensure your visa application is handled professionally. If you're seeking reliable assistance, our expert services at VSS Immigration can help you secure your UK spouse visa without unnecessary delays.
Why Choose a UK Spouse Visa Consultant in Jalandhar?
Applying for a UK spouse visa involves multiple steps, from gathering documents to understanding the specific requirements set by UK immigration laws. Choosing a professional UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar can make the difference between a successful application and one that is denied.
Here are some key reasons why hiring a visa consultant is beneficial:
Accurate Documentation: One of the main reasons for visa rejections is the failure to submit the correct documents. A UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar ensures that you have all the necessary paperwork in place, reducing the chances of rejection.
Understanding Immigration Laws: UK immigration laws can be intricate and confusing. A trusted consultant stays updated with the latest rules and ensures that your application complies with current regulations.
Step-by-Step Guidance: From filling out forms to preparing for your visa interview, a UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar provides comprehensive support throughout the process.
Timely Processing: With the help of a consultant, you can avoid unnecessary delays by submitting a complete and accurate application. This ensures a faster visa processing time.
What Are the Requirements for a UK Spouse Visa?
Understanding the basic requirements is essential before applying for a UK spouse visa. A UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar will guide you through these prerequisites, making the process easier. Here are some of the primary requirements for applying:
Relationship Evidence: You must prove that you are in a genuine and subsisting relationship with your spouse. This can include marriage certificates, photos, communication logs, and proof of cohabitation.
Financial Stability: To apply for a UK spouse visa, you or your spouse must meet a minimum income threshold. This can be proven through salary slips, bank statements, and other financial documents.
English Language Requirement: Applicants must demonstrate a basic level of English proficiency, either by taking a recognized language test or providing proof of an English-language qualification.
Accommodation: The visa application requires proof that you have suitable accommodation in the UK where you and your spouse can live.
Health Surcharge: As part of the visa application process, applicants must pay the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS) to gain access to the UK's healthcare system.
Working with a knowledgeable UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar ensures that all these criteria are met before submitting your application.
Why Choose VSS Immigration?
At VSS Immigration, we are committed to providing personalized and effective visa consultancy services. Our team of experienced consultants specializes in helping applicants from Jalandhar and across India apply for UK spouse visas successfully. Here's why you should choose us:
Tailored Guidance: Every visa application is unique, and we offer personalized advice tailored to your specific situation.
Experienced Professionals: Our consultants have years of experience and in-depth knowledge of the UK spouse visa process, ensuring that your application is handled by experts.
Transparent Process: We provide clear and honest communication throughout the visa process, so you know exactly what to expect at every stage.
High Success Rate: With our guidance, applicants increase their chances of securing a UK spouse visa, thanks to our meticulous attention to detail.
Common Challenges Faced During a UK Spouse Visa Application
While applying for a UK spouse visa, there are several challenges that applicants may face. A UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar can help you overcome these hurdles effectively:
Insufficient Financial Evidence: If you fail to provide adequate proof of financial stability, your application may be delayed or denied. A consultant helps you gather and submit the correct financial documents.
Incomplete Application: Missing or incomplete documents are among the top reasons for visa rejection. A professional UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar will ensure that all paperwork is completed and submitted correctly.
Visa Interview Preparation: Some applicants find the interview process intimidating. With the help of a consultant, you can prepare for the types of questions you may be asked and how to answer them effectively.
How to Get Started with Your UK Spouse Visa Application
Ready to begin your UK spouse visa application? Here are the steps you can take with the assistance of a UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar:
Consultation: Schedule a meeting with your visa consultant to assess your eligibility and discuss your specific situation.
Document Preparation: Work with your consultant to gather the necessary documents and ensure they are accurate and up to date.
Application Submission: Once all documents are ready, your consultant will assist in filling out the application form and submitting it to the appropriate UK authorities.
Visa Interview: Your UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar will help you prepare for the visa interview, ensuring that you are well-prepared for any questions that may arise.
Follow-Up: After submitting your application, your consultant will track its status and provide updates until you receive a decision on your visa.
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goatlingsvent · 13 days
🐥 it's not "hiring random ass users" if she takes a little bit of time to actually look at applications and vet them. anyway... a good number of other pet sites are transparent with their expenses. we just want the same from Kris. and if she doesn't know how to turn a profit through her game and is barely subsisting on bare minimum revenue 12 years in? that's a skill issue. these problems existed before the boycott.
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Schengen tourist visa rejection reasons from India. ​​​​​​​e
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Travelling to the Schengen area may be intricate and challenging, especially for wage workers from India. Comprising 27 European nations, the area is indeed a predominant place for Indian travellers who form a patchwork of cultures and landscapes. However, getting a Schengen visa is not always straightforward. Most of the applicants get rejected, which not only disappoints them but at times is for silly mistakes on their side. A better understanding of the Schengen visa refusal reasons will help you prepare a stronger application and increase your success chances.
 1. Insufficient or Bogus Documentation
One of the most common reasons for the refusal of a Schengen visa is the submission of incomplete, incorrect, or even fraudulent documents. Whether it be an incomplete application form regarding your personal information, manipulated financial statements, or fake travel bookings, any inconsistencies will result in denial on the spot. Authentic and well-organized documentation is the most critical factor to avoid this trap.
 2. Lack of Funds
The Schengen authorities want to be assured that you can support yourself financially when staying there. If your bank statements are weak, your savings are low, or you do not have any regular means of subsistence, you will most likely be denied. Submit detailed documentation of your sound financial position, as much as possible, to convince the visa officer of your capability to meet any unforeseen circumstances and cover all expenses for the trip, including accommodation, food, and transportation.
 3. Travel Insurance
You need to have comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical emergencies, accidents, and repatriation for the duration of your stay as part of the requirements for a Schengen visa. If you fail to give valid travel insurance or present a policy that does not meet the Schengen standards, your visa application might be rejected.
 4. Unclear Travel Itinerary
A vague or unrealistic travel schedule is a sure way to raise a red flag in the minds of visa officers. Your application should contain firm details of the travel itinerary, such as dates of entry and exit, destinations, and accommodation bookings. An itinerary that is well-documented and supports your purpose of visit will go a long way in strengthening your application.
 5. Lack of Proof of Accommodation
Applicants for Schengen visas should provide confirmed hotel bookings or an invitation letter from the recipient in the Schengen area. Not being able to provide this type of evidence may be a reason for visa denial. So, make sure that whatever type of accommodation you have, is real and can be verified.
 6. Poor Ties with Your Homeland
Visa officers must be satisfied that you will return to India after your visit. An inability to satisfy any ties-whether of family, employment, or property result in the rejection of your visa application. One should highlight such commitments back home in India to reassure the authorities of safe return. 7. Criminal Record or Security Concerns A history of criminal activity or considered a security threat may face visa denial. Schengen countries will always give priority to the protection of its citizens and people on visit; hence, any history of crime or other related offences and dubious conduct will mar your application accordingly.
 8. Previous Visa Violations
If you have ever overstayed your visa in the past or other visa conditions, the chances of getting a new visa will be much lower. Be transparent about your travelling history and ensure that your application for the present visa you apply to complies with all the conditions.
9. Previous Visa Applications Rejection
A history of visa refusals, especially if they are in the near past, can raise questions about your credibility and increase the possibility of more refusals. If you had issues in the past, addressing those and making sure that this application is perfect can neutralize the associated risk.
What can be done once your visa is rejected?
In case of refusal of a Schengen visa application, a standard form is used, describing the reasons for refusal. You may appeal the decision within 15 days from the day you were refused, personally or by post. The appeal should be argumentative and provide reasons why you think the refusal was not right. In 35 days, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will consider your appeal, and the Consulate must let you know about the resolution by this deadline.
Applying for a Schengen visa involves massive preparation. The more knowledge an applicant can have about commonly given reasons for the rejection of an application, the more accurate, well-documented, and complete the application will be increasing the chances of an application manifold. Only with the right approach will this dream of exploring Europe come into being. For more queries regarding Schengen Visa, you can refer to https://www.aptechvisa.com/ you can also call the Schengen Visa experts at the Aptech Visa office on 7503832132, you can also share your queries and concerns at [email protected] and you will get a quick response from our end.
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justfinanceguid · 3 months
DK Trade : Une plateforme d'investissement suspectée d'être une arnaque
Dans le domaine du trading en ligne, le choix du courtier est crucial pour la sécurité et la réussite des investissements. DK Trade, une entreprise basée à Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines, offre une gamme d'actifs négociables, incluant des paires de devises, matières premières, indices et actions. Bien que cette société présente une façade professionnelle avec diverses plateformes de trading et des comptes démo, plusieurs éléments suscitent des préoccupations et incitent à la prudence.
Présentation de DK Trade
DK Trade propose trois types de comptes : variable, fixe et zéro, chacun conçu pour répondre à différentes stratégies de trading. Avec un compte démo, les traders peuvent s'exercer avec des fonds virtuels de 5 000 $ à 50 000 $, ce qui permettrait de tester le marché sans risque financier réel. Le dépôt minimum requis est de 10 $, et l'effet de levier maximum offert atteint 1:1000 pour les paires de devises. La société supporte diverses méthodes de paiement et offre un support client 24h/24 et 5j/7 via LiveChat, un formulaire de contact ou par téléphone. Des outils pédagogiques comme un calendrier économique et AutoChartist pour l'analyse technique sont également disponibles.
Points de vigilance
Absence de régulation
L'un des aspects les plus inquiétants de DK Trade est son absence de régulation. La société est enregistrée à Saint-Vincent-et-les-Grenadines, une juridiction connue pour ses régulations plus souples par rapport à d'autres centres financiers. Cela signifie qu'aucune autorité externe ne supervise ses activités, ce qui peut exposer les traders à des risques accrus. En l'absence de régulation, il n'y a aucune garantie quant à la sécurité des fonds déposés ni à l'équité des conditions de trading.
Transparence et informations limitées
DK Trade manque de transparence en ce qui concerne certains aspects cruciaux de ses services. Par exemple, les informations sur les frais de dépôt et de retrait sont limitées, ce qui peut surprendre désagréablement les traders lorsqu'ils tentent de retirer leurs fonds. De plus, bien que le site web prétende offrir un support client disponible 24h/24, notre expérience a montré qu'il n'était pas toujours possible de joindre un agent en dehors des heures de bureau normales, laissant les clients sans assistance immédiate.
Témoignages et expériences négatives
De nombreux témoignages recueillis par notre cabinet d'avocats révèlent des expériences alarmantes avec DK Trade. Plusieurs investisseurs ont été manipulés pour effectuer des virements bancaires convertis ensuite en crypto-monnaies, qui ont été envoyées à des adresses de portefeuille sur la plateforme de trading. Une victime rapporte avoir perdu plus de 100 000 €, après avoir été incitée à investir par une personne se faisant passer pour un représentant de la société. Ces témoignages soulignent le danger potentiel d'investir avec des courtiers non régulés, où les mécanismes de protection des clients font souvent défaut.
Processus d'ouverture de compte et effet de levier
L'ouverture d'un compte avec DK Trade est un processus relativement simple, mais des points de vigilance subsistent. Après avoir rempli un formulaire d'inscription en ligne, les utilisateurs doivent choisir un type de compte et accepter les termes et conditions. Une vérification par email est généralement requise pour finaliser l'inscription. Une fois le compte ouvert, les traders peuvent bénéficier d'un effet de levier allant jusqu'à 1:1000 pour les paires de devises. Bien que cet effet de levier puisse sembler attrayant, il comporte également des risques élevés, surtout dans un cadre non régulé.
Outils pédagogiques et méthodes de paiement
DK Trade met à disposition des outils comme AutoChartist et un calendrier économique, mais ses ressources éducatives restent limitées. L'élargissement de ce matériel serait bénéfique pour les traders, notamment les débutants. En termes de méthodes de paiement, la société accepte diverses options, dont Visa, MasterCard, Neteller et Skrill. Toutefois, le manque de clarté sur les frais associés à ces transactions est préoccupant.
Avis suite au test de l’AMF
En effet, pour mieux comprendre ce à quoi les investisseurs doivent faire attention, nous avons réalisé un test sur le site de l’Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) en répondant aux questions suivantes par rapport aux témoignages : « L’investissement proposé est-il présenté à haut rendement et sans risque ? », « Votre interlocuteur propose-t-il un investissement idéal, réservé à quelques initiés ? », « Avez-vous été démarché par une personne que vous ne connaissez pas, recommandée par un proche, qui vous a contacté sur un réseau social ou après avoir laissé vos coordonnées sur internet ? », « La personne avec qui vous êtes en contact se montre-t-elle particulièrement sympathique avec un discours séduisant ? », « La personne vous pose-t-elle des questions sur vos objectifs ? », « La personne vous incite-t-elle à faire un versement rapidement ? ».
Ces questions, visant à sensibiliser les investisseurs aux signes d’arnaque potentiels, constituent un outil précieux dans la prévention des fraudes financières en ligne. En les gardant à l’esprit et en restant vigilants, nous pouvons contribuer à protéger notre patrimoine financier et à prévenir d’autres histories tragiques comme celle que nous avons partagée aujourd’hui.
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A Dermatological Quandary & A Possible Formication Diagnosis (Part 2)
The patient has an infestation of mites. But what kind of mites? Mites are a diverse group of arachnid arthropods that are relatively small and can easily be overlooked. Mites are less than 1mm in size and oval in shape with a semi-transparent color that is darker after feeding, especially mites that feed on blood which will develop a more reddish to brownish color. While some mites can subsist…
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anicekidlikeme · 5 months
My first time not faking, my first time as the bad egg, and my second time as a senior.
Drew and I's month long love bubble has ended, and I think both of us are struggling to keep up with how quickly life can shift back to reality. Meeting family, going home, the importance of communication are all the lessons we seem to have missed during our absences. I think these things are important. Judging from everyone's reactions atleast. I have asked Drew a million times why these things matter so much, and why life can't just go on in comfortable patterns. Shit is hard, but we just gotta stay strong, and get through it together.
I realized yesterday that I might be missing some foundational information when it comes to these unspoken commitments to family. Even when I was in India, I have always felt a little alone. We lived in a small house with lots of people, but really nobody ever talked unless it was to fight. My mom worked, a lot, and so taking care of me would always be too much hassle. In an attempt to subconsciously adapt, I guess I just started doing things to be alive, on my own. I began with learning how to take care of my lowest-level needs on Maslow's pyramid: breathing, food, water, clothing, shelter. Although all these things were a little shaky growing up, and existed in the deepest level of scarcity, it was okay. I had learned how to feel safe in what I had, and manage to atleast fake being upto the social standards of every one of my friends. That's what you get for being really poor in a private school. I never wanted anyone to know that I had a scholarship to all my schools because admist their fancy rooftop pools and Spanish interior decor, my subsistence would just create so much fucking pity. It made no sense to attract all that my way. Then slowly, I moved onto doing the dishes, doing the laundry, hanging the clothes out to dry, watering our aloe vera plant, going to the little grocery shop on the side of the street, going to the chemist, cleaning my floors, and of course homework. For the sake of transparency, I do realize that this is just me complaining about being dealt a shitty hand. People have it so much worse, I know that. But today is about me. In fact, I liked my life, and although it has significantly improved in the States, I always sort of have liked my life. I would stay in my head all day and get a compliment every once in a while from an adult who “admired my independence”. It wasn’t a problem. I never really worried about much except being hurt physically back then, and I went around most days feeling like my body was calling for itself, and shrinking inward. I never knew how to explain that fear. It just seems too simple, not nuanced enough. I am scared most of being hit.
I often felt like the ugly twig that lies hidden behind the grass on a big field. The ugly twig experience is actually pretty universal. You pick it up, inspect it for a few seconds, maybe even try to snap it in half. And then, you lift your arm up and toss it. As far as you can. See where it goes for a bit, then move on. Naturally, this hurt. So, I started dating the worst people in the world. I wanted to make my worries be a bit more superficial. I always wanted to cry over boys as opposed to crying over not having dinner some nights. It was the thing to do, it helped too, and it didn't feel lonely. That was the most important part. Every once in a while a shitty closed off man would say something nice to me and I would feel so seen. I think that with the circumstances, it was perfectly normal for my body to crave feeling special. I wanted to be taken care of. But in order to get that one in ten chance of a compliment or kind gesture, I would have to do so much fucking work and so much fucking faking. That’s the thing about shitty men: they have just so many fucking demands. The sex was always awful, the feelings were never there, and I had become so used to faking it. Sometimes I feel like I am this big villian who gets some fucked up pleasure from watching men fall in love with her and never feeling anything back. I struggle to explain why I did it, but my therapist says being in these god awful relationships for just a few seconds of thrill every month in the form of i love you's and cuddles was my way of self harm.
I have always dreamed of being married. I knew exactly what dress I wanted, where my venue would be, the flavor of cake we would serve, and even who I would invite. All that was missing was a groom. Interestingly, I am in a perfectly inverse situation now. I know who I am going to marry, but no idea how. Maybe I could ask a conflicted teenager when the time comes.
Falling in love has introduced me to many things good and bad. In a way, it kind of forced me to be a better person, because I wanted so badly to be as sparkly as I could for Drew. Ever since I first met him, I haven't been able to shake off the feeling that the stakes are so incredibly high for this one. There he was, my handsome, sweet, soon-to-be boyfriend who I was having oddly meaningful (and amazing) sex with, and all of a sudden, everything fucking mattered. That was the end of my faking.
I remember visiting New York the week we had started officially dating. I hadn't told my friends yet. It was all so new. I mean, I had just left the city to move to fucking Pennsylvania (which, even after a year, I must look up the spelling of). The one-year anniversary of the infamous sexual assault was approaching, and now I had just committed New York’s most cardinal sin: fallen in love with some non-city boy, and wanting a suburban life with him. I found myself awfully short for words, I didn't know how to explain to the closest people in my life that hey actually after a year of all-consuming sadness, I am finally so happy. No catches. When I finally introduced Drew to my friends, it didn’t take them very long to realize that there actually was no catch. Drew doesn’t talk much when you first meet him, but boy is he radiant. It was quickly unanimous: he was just perfect for me.
I think you know you're really in love when you stop giving a shit about any and all narratives surrounding your relationship. When in love, the locus of value in your relationship is them, you, and whatever you share. I could hear a hundred crazy things from a hundred different people, and still be very very affirmed in my love for him. I was never like that. God knows how I became so trusting.
Luckily for Drew, this narrative-theory of mine was really tested this week. So much was happening, so many people were telling me different things, almost all entirely bad. They were all mostly annecdotes from the past that made me feel like I knew not a single fact about the man I gush about everyday. Some conversations weren't even stories, just indirect suggestions that maybe I was making it worse for Drew, that maybe I needed to give him more space and more time to do the things he has to. After that I stayed silent all day. I was scared I would cry if I said another word. I had no fucking idea what to do or what to say, but I was sure that I had to have a voice in this whole situation. I didn't think I am holding him back. I am not holding him back. Why space? Space for what? You want me to give the only person in the world who makes me feel like I can catch a fucking break space? He doesn't even want space! Why why why why why. I did not say that, but I did for the first time in my life, sort of feel like a bad egg. I am so good at not being the bad egg, even with people I hate. I am the good egg. I’ve always been the good egg. I want to keep being the good egg.
It killed me to feel like the bad egg for someone I love so deeply. So, I expressed my stupid girl in her 20's blind faith in love, and started leaning into our relationship. My quasi-philosophy did not kick in as soon as I would have liked it to, and there are many messy parts that fill up the gaps of this situation. Of course, later I asked him if he actually wanted space or just some time off from me to restructure his schedule. He said absolutely fucking not.
I don't know what to do, I cannot bear it. How will it all work out? I had asked Drew just a few days ago. I was secretly praying that he would express the same unwavering faith in our relationship that I did, that he would say to me, Vaibhavi, it will work out. We will stick together, we will figure it out. I needed to hear it. I really needed to hear it. And that's exactly what he said. Everything felt too messy to clean up, and I was scared he would give up. He did not. Instead, something very different happened. I was entering a depressive episode, I could just tell. I was so ashamed this was happening. In front of the one person that is supposed to think I am sparkly. So I tried to cut it short by sitting out by the big tree we both love so much. It was fucking pouring, my butt was cold, I had become a college senior that day, and I had to fucking move out. Everything was in crisis mode for me, and it was all for display in a very non sparkly way. I was thinking how could I be such a mess in front of him?
My last year of college brings the inevitable recollection of how shitty college has been to me. It feels non rewarding, I don't feel like I have a passion (how much passion really is there in Economics and Computer Science?), and I certainly do not feel accomplished like so many of my peers do. I can't help but grind my teeth in frustration each time I think about it. I was tired. I was so so tired. My whole being was craving to just take the form of a large field with plenty of grass and sun. I wanted to be ignored like the twig. I had been doing so much, and nobody said they were proud of me. I was so so so tired. How very non sparkly.
Drew came out to the tree not long after and held me so close I thought we would start fusing together. Then we went back to my room. As I was getting ready to take care of my hiearchy of needs, I found that I actually didnt even have to. Drew was in work mode. For the entirety of the next day, he spent his time doing my laundry, putting everything in containers, and folding all my clothes. A man was packing my whole room up for me, and I couldn't understand why he was being so incredibly kind to me. I truly didn't expect him to. Drew is so great to me every single day that it would be a crime to expect any more from him. He’s loving, gentle, and had taken care of my needs when I couldn’t. Maybe he was able to realize the labor it was taking me to just be standing there that day, because he was giving me so much undeserved grace. It was just what I needed, a lot of love, and a lot of we's. When you get so used to the I's, it is very surprising to suddenly have that loneliness disappear.
I understand why couples address each other as their partners now. Being in love truly feels like the best fucking group project in the world. When I realized I was in love, I made a video on my phone that is now in my hidden folder. It is December. I think I just met my future husband. If it works out I will show him this in five years, if it doesn't I will delete this video and feel really stupid. I might not be very sparkly, but I am feeling increasingly confident that it will work out.
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artdesannonces · 5 months
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Le mystère du tableau perdu de Klimt : vendu pour 30 millions d'euros à Vienne.
Un tableau du célèbre artiste autrichien Gustav Klimt, considéré comme perdu depuis un siècle, a été vendu aux enchères à Vienne pour la somme impressionnante de 30 millions d'euros. L'œuvre inachevée, intitulée Portrait de Fraulein Lieser, a été adjugée à ce prix lors d'une vente aux enchères à Vienne.
Commandé en 1917 par une famille d'industriels juifs, un an avant la mort de Klimt, ce tableau soulève de nombreuses interrogations quant à son histoire. Qui est la femme représentée dans ce portrait ? Et qu'est-il advenu du tableau durant l'ère nazie ?
Selon les historiens de l'art Tobias Natter et Alfred Weidinger, le portrait représenterait Margarethe Constance Lieser, la fille d'Adolf Lieser. Cependant, la maison de vente aux enchères im Kinsky à Vienne suggère que le tableau pourrait également dépeindre l'une des filles de Justus Lieser et de sa femme Henriette. Cette dernière, également connue sous le nom de Lilly, était une mécène de l'art moderne, déportée par les nazis et décédée dans le camp de concentration d'Auschwitz lors de l'Holocauste.
Le tableau a été acquis dans les années 1960 par un prédécesseur légal du vendeur actuel, mais son parcours entre 1925 et cette date reste flou. Les propriétaires actuels, des Autrichiens, restent anonymes. La vente du tableau a été réalisée au nom de ces propriétaires et des successeurs légaux d'Adolf et Henriette Lieser, conformément aux Principes de Washington, un accord international visant à restituer les œuvres d'art pillées par les nazis à leurs descendants.
Malgré cette vente et les accords qui l'entourent, Erika Jakubovits, directrice exécutive de la Présidence de la Communauté juive autrichienne, estime qu'il subsiste "de nombreuses questions sans réponse" et appelle à une recherche indépendante sur cette affaire.
La restitution d'œuvres d'art revêt une grande sensibilité, et il est primordial que toute recherche soit menée avec précision et transparence, afin d'assurer des procédures équitables pour les restitutions privées futures.
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barrybulakites · 6 months
Unveiling the Earnings: The Financial Reward of an Air Force Financial Management Officer
The United States Air Force (USAF) plays a crucial role in defending the country and its interests, encompassing a vast array of positions and specializations. Among these, the role of a Financial Management Officer stands out as critical for the effective allocation and management of the Air Force's resources. In this detailed exploration, we delve into the financial remuneration of a Financial Management Officer within the USAF, providing insights into their salary, benefits, and factors influencing their earnings.
Understanding the Role
Financial Management Officers in the Air Force are tasked with a broad spectrum of responsibilities, ranging from budgeting and accounting to financial planning and analysis. Their expertise ensures that the Air Force's financial resources are managed efficiently, supporting mission readiness and operational success. This role demands a high level of precision, analytical skills, and a deep understanding of financial principles, making it both challenging and rewarding.
Salary Structure
The earnings of an Air Force Financial Management Officer are primarily based on their rank and years of service, following the standardized pay scale used across the U.S. military. This structure ensures a level of predictability and transparency in compensation, with increases in pay corresponding to promotions and time in service.
Entry-Level Earnings: An officer typically enters the Air Force as a Second Lieutenant (O-1). As of the latest figures, the base pay for an O-1 with less than two years of service is approximately $40,000 annually. However, this figure can vary slightly based on specific circumstances and does not include other forms of compensation, such as housing allowances.
Mid-Career and Senior-Level Earnings: As financial management officers progress through their careers and attain higher ranks, such as Captain (O-3) or Major (O-4), their base salary increases. For instance, a Captain with over four years of service can expect an annual base pay of around $60,000 to $70,000, while a Major with the same length of service ranges from $70,000 to $80,000 annually.
Additional Compensation
Beyond the base salary, Air Force officers receive various allowances and benefits that significantly enhance their overall compensation package:
Housing Allowance: Officers receive a Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), which varies based on geographic location, rank, and whether they have dependents. This allowance is designed to cover the cost of off-base housing and can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars monthly.
Subsistence Allowance: A Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) is provided to cover the costs of meals, further supplementing an officer's income.
Healthcare and Education Benefits: Financial Management Officers have access to comprehensive healthcare services and may qualify for educational benefits under the GI Bill, covering tuition for further education and training.
Retirement Benefits: The military retirement system offers a blend of a defined benefit and contributions to a Thrift Savings Plan, ensuring long-term financial security for officers after their service.
Factors Influencing Earnings
Several factors can influence the earnings of a Financial Management Officer, including:
Location: The cost of living adjustments and housing allowances can vary significantly based on the officer's stationing, impacting overall compensation.
Experience and Education: Officers with advanced degrees or certifications in finance or accounting may access higher starting ranks and, consequently, higher pay.
Deployment: Officers deployed in combat zones may receive additional pay and tax advantages.
The role of a Financial Management Officer in the Air Force is both demanding and highly respected, offering a unique blend of challenges and rewards. While the base salary provides a solid foundation, the comprehensive benefits package and additional allowances contribute to a competitive compensation that reflects the importance and value of their service. As they advance in their careers, the financial rewards increase, highlighting the Air Force's commitment to acknowledging and rewarding the expertise and dedication of its officers.
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christophe76460 · 8 months
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Un foyer sans confiance mutuelle ne peut subsister. La confiance naît de la transparence. La transparence naît de la volonté de vivre dans la vérité. La vérité ne peut cohabiter avec le mensonge car il n'y a rien de commun entre les ténèbres et la lumière. J’ai une attitude de gratitude, car Dieu est si bon
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