#transgender loki
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nerdby · 2 days ago
So I avoid the Loki fandom like the plague because there is a lot of bigotry there that has to do with the overlaps between Marvel and their borrowing from Norse mythology, and a lot of (Norse) Pagans being straight up Nazis because Hitler was a batshit occultist. And I was a Norse Pagan, so I'm allowed to say that. However, it has come to my attention that a fanfiction author called @lokis-mynx is being bullied by bigots, and if it's for the reasons I suspect then....Well, incels, you've got the wrong bitch.
No offense @lokis-mynx.
And I'm not pretending to be someone else. I've had this blog for like two years, my name is listed in the About, and there is a picture of me on my Goodreads profile. Although I really need to update my About cause I stopped using Goodreads and admittedly, I did change my username once. But I've always done that. Since I was like fourteen I've never been able to settle on a username that I loved and wanted to use forever. I don't see why changing it is such a big deal or automatically makes someone untrustworthy???
I just blog about other stuff now.
So if the fucking Nazis in the Loki fandom and Pagan community could kindly fuck off that'd be great. Cause unlike a lot of people in the MCU fandom -- and I don't mean that as a diss, I promise -- I've read The Eddas and I can say for a fact that
Loki has been transgender nonbinary since at least the fourth century, and that doesn't make him or the Marvel character a weakling cause trans people are magical and strong as fuck. That's why they've always been worshipped as deities, according to mythology from all around the world.
And your pathetic whining and bullying isn't going to change that, got it?
Feel free to reblog with bigoted bullshit, so I can block your asses.
Your Boi,
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loki-was-framed · 9 months ago
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Should have posted this on Mother's Day.
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alienbycomics · 5 months ago
Second in a series of trans and non-binary character profiles! Who’s your favorite? Who should be in the next one?
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"All the students in this school are my childhood friends!" —Najimi Osana
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“I'm a trans woman in Gotham. Of course I have a weapon." —Alysia Yeoh
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“There's a new chapter starting, and I'm not going to be who I was. I won't ask you to be either. But I'm still me. I'm always me." —Loki
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"Maybe demons aren't the most trustworthy creatures to make a deal with." —Raúl Cocolotl
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“I didn't get into fashion or romance, or even confront my own identity until I went out into the world. You can deal with all that when you're ready." —Nao-chan
Read the first set of characters here:
Trans & Nonbinary Character Profiles #1
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naztybitez · 3 months ago
Here are a few patches I have made, but didn't show them before for whatever reason xd
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Loki is my newest one, started making it yesterday and finished a few minutes ago. Obviously they're not the same as from the comic panel (it's from Agent of Asgard, it's amazing, read it you can find it only for free!) But I still like the patch a lot. And decided to give Loki piercings because why not, punk Loki Canon
Others are a little older but I still like them, some could use a little bit of fixing or remaking it, but that's not problem. And I had to hold the two flags cuz they bent a little xd
Edit: I might try and redo Loki's face cuz I am actually not that happy with it :/
I'm adding this here, too, because I am not sure if any of you actually seen how I redid his face (and I am too proud of it to let it go unnoticed >:( )
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vexwerewolf · 9 months ago
So after that ask, I decided to make some Pride Month memes for In Golden Flame. The character art is by @punkr0xy
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urween · 1 month ago
Precious | Loki x ftm!reader | english version
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summary : Loki became attached to a human during his travels on Earth, pushing him to bring him back with him to Asgard. Unfortunately the laws do not accept Men on this territory, his little protégé will then become his precious secret.
notes : reader operated on the chest
⚠︎ warnings : very vanilla and soft smut, depressive tendencies, scars, mentions of dysphoria
special thanks and credits to @sparrow-the-tired-lesbian who nicely helped me with this story's translation because it was originally written in french, my native language.
french version here
-2d person description
-2 944 words
A place like Asgard was straight out of the most beautiful storybooks you had ever seen. Spacious, welcoming, and harmonious. Your fifteen square meter apartment was far behind you, lost in a life that no longer seemed to belong to you. Everything was different now, better and lush. And yet, there was a time when feeding yourself was the highest step in your life. A time when the sun no longer attracted you and the night no longer frightened you, when you would have been ready to willingly impale yourself on the first knife brandished. A time when life was nothing but a heavy task to bear.
But one day, a multi-colored flash pierced the sky a few streets from your home. The blinding light had lit up an entire neighborhood with the black night, and your poor quality sleep had allowed you to see this spectacle. Two men – who you had assumed were in medieval outfits – were heading towards your building. One had broken the window on the floor below yours, with what you thought was a hammer, very heavy and imposing. Then, while the one with the hammer was climbing the building, the other man waited patiently downstairs. His outfit had seemed more sober to you, with fewer extravagant – and ridiculous shapes – one could have thought of a uniform from a faraway country, nothing that provokes laughter but something that remains surprising nonetheless. As a precaution, you had left your lights off so that they would not see you through the window, and thanks to the few working street lamps on the street opposite you managed to detail their actions to a minimum. The first one, the one with the hammer, was no longer visible because he had already reached the desired floor and had most certainly entered your neighbor's apartment. A crazy old man, a scientist with delusional ideas. You seldom spoke to him since he never left his house. Selvig was his last name and pretty much all you knew about him. At that moment, you could have called the police but you didn't have a phone, it was too expensive and useless. So you continued to observe the scene hoping – for the sake of morality – that another neighbor had noticed the fact and could contact the authorities.
That day, the man who had stayed downstairs had noticed you but hadn't said anything to his brother. He had seen something in your eyes, something he didn't want to share. A month later he had come back, followed you for several days to learn about your life and find out if you had any ties. As his instinct had predicted, you had nothing and no one, you lived without living. So he had come to see you, in an impeccable black suit he had asked you if you wanted to come with him, and you had accepted. The reasons are still unclear to you today, maybe you were giving yourself one last chance before giving up, even if it meant following a stranger to another planet.
That's how you arrived here, in this fantastic place. Loki had somehow taken you, to a magnificent palace where the royal family lived. You were staying in a secret room hidden in your friend's room. You had a gigantic bed, splendid outfits, and unlimited food.
The only problem in this story was that you weren't supposed to be there. A human being had no place in Asgard, the land of the gods. Loki should never have brought a human back to the palace, should never have formed a bond with him, and above all, should never have fallen in love with you. If Odin found out, you would be sent back to Earth at best, or killed at worst. If the people found out, learned that Prince Loki, the one who was desired by many people, was in a relationship with you. They would call you a sorcerer, a sorcerer, and a danger to sovereignty. A human being had nothing more than an Asgardian could have, if he had managed to befriend one of them, moreover a prince, it was about magic and manipulation. So for these reasons, Loki protected you by keeping you a secret. He had created several traps thanks to his powers to hide the entrance to your room, and you only went out in the middle of the night through hidden passages. He regretted having to hide you like that, like a common pet, he sincerely felt bad about it but it was the only solution. You were too precious to him, too important, he could not risk you finding yourself in danger because of him.
There was nevertheless one person who suspected your presence: Frigga. A mother gains powers far more powerful than a god when her children are born, maternal instinct can work miracles and you have witnessed it. She had noticed the gradual change in her adopted son, that sincere smile, and that beating heart. She had seen him live again before her eyes when no one seemed to pay attention. At first, she had simply thought of a pretty woman, maybe even Tif, and then one day reality hit her hard. Loki's disinterested glances, unconscious steps back, and annoyed sighs no longer go unnoticed by his mother. He paid no attention to women or men, not even the most beautiful. He was always looking at flowers, birds, and water. He smelled the scents of spring and smiled at the autumn leaves. Frigga had realized something simple, and so sweet that Loki himself had surely not realized it. He sought your beauty in Nature. He brought you back the most beautiful bouquets, the colorful feathers fallen from birds' nests, or the crystallized water lilies from the river. He took you with him wherever he went, and made sure to offer you a souvenir of this imaginary journey. Frigga had then understood that no matter the gender of this person, the one who made Loki's heartbeat had to be endowed with a divine soul and a floral beauty. And that was all it took to reassure her.
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It was rare that people went to Loki's room, but the few times it happened you heard everything, whether you wanted to or not. Most of the time it was Frigga precisely, she seemed to be the only one allowed to enter this room. But sometimes Tif came, or Thor passed by in a whirlwind. So little by little in a way you got to know them, through the sound of their voices and the noises they brought with them.
"It's extraordinary"
Your voice gradually brought you back to reality, the one where Loki was sitting next to you on the edge of his window. Night had fallen for several hours now, it had been your sign to go out and finally join the young prince.
"They don't know it, but I have the best view in the palace," he replied with a smile.
A wonderful spectacle was playing out in front of you. The sky didn't even seem black anymore, as a rainbow of colors and shades danced across the stars. Loki had explained to you the special nature of Asgard, very different from the solar system you were used to seeing on Earth, but observing it with your own eyes was still just as spectacular. The northern lights in the north seemed ridiculous compared to that.
You still looked up at the sky to grab a few seeds from the pomegranates you had freshly peeled. Loki joined you and took some in turn.
"Hasn't the day been boring?" He asked you, catching your gaze, “I would have liked to be more present"
"No, it's okay, the game you brought me did the trick,” you smiled at him.
For the sake of discretion, you had only lit two candles in the room, each far enough away to offer only a tender light. You managed to catch the green of the eyes of the man in front of you, out of habit and need surely. Everything seemed to fade with him, to fade. All your fears or anxieties became mute for his irises, you had never experienced that before. Maybe it was something common, a little extra gift that the Asgardians possessed, maybe if you looked at Thor the result would be the same. But even if the opportunity presented itself to you, Thor was not Loki, Loki was precious. Even if it was just a sleight of hand, you were ready to let this magic guide the rest of your life. Loki had saved you, he was the only one left for you now.
"I hope these tears are not bad?" The prince's soft voice intervened.
You laughed weakly, shaking your head from left to right with an uncontrollable smile. Loki had become your reason for living, your meaning of life. How could you have missed that?
Your relationship was not defined, nothing seemed to be in these lands. He offered you gifts, you offered him your support. He gave you his thoughts, you gave him back your trust. It was a give and take, natural and healthy. But yet there was something more than just friendship. You needed physical contact with him when before skin-to-skin scared you. You felt the need to show him your scars, to let him kiss them, heal them. You wanted to be free with him, and your body had not become a barrier to that. Your gender was no longer a standard to be checked in his presence, you were almost just a soul with him, no genders and stereotypes. And yet he adored your body, he made you adore him in return. He made you love yourself and therefore, love him. You loved Loki, and he loved you.
"Loki," your trembling voice began.
A hand rested on your cheek, and a reassuring warmth approached you. He was waiting for you.
"I...well, I don't know how to say it, I..."
Again, the green of her eyes appeared before you, and then your little lucidity left you. Her eyes made you feel at home. All the tenderness of the world was concentrated in her irises, and she was only for you.
Your lips met, and at that precise moment, you felt your body light up as if doors had just been opened deep inside you as if it were the right thing to do.
From there, everything seemed to become blurry and confused, because everything was simple and fluid. You found yourself on top of each other in the floating sheets of her bed, wrapped in an impermeable cocoon. You kissed the slightest trace of flesh that you had within reach of your lips, pinching the sensitive places with the tips of your teeth to tear soft noises from your lover. His tunic fell, yours too, your hands intertwined and your breaths mingled. You had never felt so complete.
"Are you sure? We don't have to do this to enjoy it,” your smiling nod answered him fully, “stop me at any time if you need to"
His hand, as light as a feather, rested above your bare side. He didn't get too close, or too far. The perfect dosage was complex to find, and you would have thought you would never have the opportunity to try your luck as a simple movement could make everything collapse. One word too many and you fell back ten times, alone with this unknown body.
"Loki?” A wave of worry passed through the man above you, “thank you”, then went away as quickly as it came.
His fingers found a soft curve on your hip, they clung to it and as his lips met yours again, you felt your body melt under his touch. As if this contact created a combustion, an alchemy. As if his hand was meant to be placed here, on your hip. As if his lips were carved from the same tree as yours.
Out of breath, you cut your kiss with a smile that spoke volumes about its quality. Loki stroked a lock of hair resting a few centimeters from his other hand, he observed you as one observed the stars.
"Splendid," he murmured.
A few minutes passed like this, your four eyes detailing the other. You had never seen his body so closely, it was like having a magic box that you decided to only half-open for fear of making its contents disappear. Each trace, scar, and stain, you devoured with your eyes, hoping to be able to engrave images in your ocular cells.
Then, slowly a dance began, fueled by tender laughter and words. He helped you find a comfortable position, where you felt at ease. He covered some parts of your body as you wished, taking the opportunity to note in his mind the colors that made your skin stand out. You ran your hand through his black hair, giving it back the natural curly and thick shape it had. You had a thought about it, about the fact that he never left his hair natural and that you were the only one to see it like that.
Under a common agreement, Loki began to prepare your body for the next steps. A little shy at first but encouraged by your partner, small sounds left your mouth. You murmured your worries about the noise and alerting someone, to which he replied against your ear: "My magic does not stop at physical forms, no one will hear us, darling, I promise you." Little by little you let your muscles relax, enough to not feel pain or discomfort. Loki asked you once again for your approval before moving on to the next stage. You nodded, with an enthusiasm that made him smile. He brought one of your thighs against your stomach, kissing your ankle, caressing your skin lower, and collecting the sweet lubricating fluid. He brought it to his lips, making you blush even more, then began to penetrate your boiling body. In turn, a moan left him, less modest than yours, and in your opinion as addictive as the hardest of drugs. Your mouth opened unconsciously with a mixture of pleasure, happiness, love, and everything you could find to describe this moment. He did the same, letting out a few garbled words. “So sweet” “perfect”. Your body reacted without you noticing, tightening the hot walls around Loki with each glance you gave him. He was magnificent, breathtaking. His perfectly shaped jaw had been presented to you for far too long, so you decided to taste it. Shy and cautious, you explored this angle with your lips before going down to his neck and collarbones. Several pleasant sighs encouraged you to continue before a moan was torn from your throat as Loki began to make slow movements. You let your head fall back into the cushions, enjoying the moment more than you could have imagined.
Everything seemed to be happening with such gentleness that you forgot for that moment the extraordinary nature of your situation. Hanging on the lips of a magician prince of Asgard, a planet with winged horses and a god of Thunder. You saw yourself again in your younger years, curled up under your duvet, shedding all the tears in your body because of a body shell that did not stick to your inner self. And thinking about that, a new tear rolled down your temple, because that time seemed so far away. Loki wiped it away with an unprecedented smile, he was proud of you.
He whispered encouragement to you, gradually speeding up his movements until he could fully hear your voice. In turn, he felt like his vision was going to blur with tears. You were so beautiful, so confident, so gentle. Just for him, you let all your barriers collapse and it was worth all the most beautiful riches of this galaxy in his eyes.
Your lower abdomen began to contract, expressing a sensation that you had not felt for years. You stammered shyly that you were not going to last very long, to which Loki replied with a slight laugh: "Me neither". He felt physically speaking that indeed your climax was fast approaching, which only encouraged him to accelerate his pelvic movements. His hand, which could not support his weight, found a mark between your thighs so that in small circles his thumb would accompany your orgasm as far as possible. What had to happen happened, and in a weak cry, your body was crossed by spasms. Loki was quick to follow you, feeling that you were contracting around him. His voice resonated a few tones under yours, before being quickly replaced by jerky breathing.
A nervous laugh left your lips at the same time, the pleasant pressure falling at the same time as the man with the dark mane pulled you with him into a warm embrace. Your two bodies covered in a thin layer of sweat slowly resumed a normal heartbeat, and you smiled one last time before the softness of the cushions mixed with the hypnotizing scent of Loki plunged you into a deep sleep.
Outside, the lights were still as beautiful, and yet Loki preferred to spend his last seconds awake watching you.
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pictures : Pinterest
dividers : @/saradika-graphics and @/thecutestgrotto
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mischiefjellytart · 2 years ago
me at any masculine/male fictional character: if I dressed like him all my problems would be solved
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grey-and-green · 11 months ago
Happy trans day of visibility to my favourite non-binary cinnamon rolls.
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loki-core-the-variant · 5 months ago
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Retro post from my Zucced fb page, Loki-Core: The Variant
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lolo-l0ved · 8 months ago
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Canon Transgender, Genderfuild & NonBinary characters within media !
Transgender: Victor Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy tv series), Lily Hoshikawa (Zombie Land Saga), Hibari Ōzora (Stop!! Hibari-kun!!), Kuina Hikari (Alice In Borderland)
Genderfluid: Jordan Li (Gen V) & Loki Laufeyson/Odinson (Loki tv series)
NonBinary: Osana Najimi (Komi Can’t Communicate) & Frankie Stein (Monster High Gen3)
Self Indulgent ↳ Reblog / Like if you save or use 🌈
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nerdby · 11 months ago
🏳️‍⚧️Happy Trans Day Of Visibility🏳️‍⚧️
Please be good friends to the trans people in your life. It's what Loki would want❣️
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Stills from Loki: Agent Of Asgard (2014)
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loki-was-framed · 11 months ago
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months ago
I was discussing gender with the goddess Hel last night, and when I mentioned loki, she mentioned how strange it was that most mortal depictions of them that portray them with a nonstandard gender identity, still show them with an incredibly male presenting body. It really made me rethink things. Like, there's no reason to think of Loki with a masculine body. We should see more humanoid depictions of them with breasts, or with a hairless face, or with a high voice.
The ancient sources definitely seem to depict Loki as being like humans in those cultures who broke from the gender binary, but we always assume they're being compared to perisex amab people when there's no reason to think that way. Especially given how many myths show a male presentation as a default, yet they're still very clearly not cis.
Can't say much for my own interactions with loki, as they've been limited, and the forms they've appeared in have had almost no humanoid features outside of a grin and hands (though even their hands were clawed and robotic). Also I just haven't interacted with them as much as I have other gods.
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mcbridemascfem · 5 months ago
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scandalous-mannequin-head · 2 months ago
I need help how do i spread my account around more :( please i just wanna talk about superheroes and be nerdy
Im adding all the stuffs im interested in in the tags (i have no idea hor to use tumblr)
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mentally-ill-wizards · 4 months ago
Loki cares about all of you
If you're young, if you're trans or gay or a part of the LGBTQ+ community, know Loki loves you.
If you're POC or an Immigrant or from any background know Loki loves you.
If you're mentally ill or neurodivergent or disabled or chronically ill, know Loki loves you. If you're spooky or nerdy or shy or weird, know Loki loves you
If you're traumatised or a survivor, or an abuse victim, or a war or poverty victim, know Loki loves you.
If you feel like an outcast, if your family doesn't accept you, if you feel unsafe and alone, if you feel depressed, if you feel scared, know Loki loves you.
They feel the pain of each and every single one of you who will be harmed by Trump's presidency, and they care. Loki is on your side. Even in the darkest night when it seems like the world has abandoned you, when you are shivering and sobbing, Loki is there, and he cares. They care for the outcast and downtrodden, the vulnerable and the grieving, the fearful and the despairing.
Don't lose hope, a new dawn will approach. But until then, know Loki loves you.
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