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filmjunky-99 · 4 months ago
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s t a r t r e k t h e n e x t g e n e r a t i o n created by gene roddenberry [transfigurations, s3ep25]
'My people are about to embark upon a new realm, a new plane of existence, thanks to you.' - john doe
'It is our mission to seek out life in all forms. We are privileged to have been present at the emergence of a new species.' - picard
'Beverly, you gave me life and more. I do not have the words for my gratitude or my sorrow at leaving you.' - john doe
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sshbpodcast · 7 years ago
Episode 91: Menage a Trek
TNG: "Sarek," "Menage a Troi," and "Transfigurations"
For the first time since TAS, we're hitting three episodes of Star Trek! This time, an old face returns to remind us that no one is immune from the ravages of time in "Sarek". After that, a Ferengi has eyes only for Lwaxana Troi but kidnaps her, Deanna, AND Riker for some reason in "Menage a Troi". Lastly, in an episode so bad we barely discuss it, that's not how evolution works but it does in "Transfigurations".
Also this week: a question of coffee ownership, Mr. Homn's berry skills, and sex & violins.
Timestamps: synopses: 2:01; Sarek: 10:47; Menage a Troi: 36:14; Transfigurations: 50:05
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dewitty1 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Characters: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Albus Dumbledore, Penelope Clearwater, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom Additional Tags: Romance, Future Fic, Post-War, First Time, Don’t copy to another site, Look it wasn't an au when it was written, Enemies to Lovers
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
"Ah," Malfoy said. "Good." Harry's own shirt was already half untucked from his trousers; Malfoy hauled it loose. His fingers were cool in the small of Harry's back.
Malfoy was looking at him, head on one side, considering -- and then he ran his hand around Harry's waistband and tucked a finger behind the trouser button. Harry gasped, only partly because it tickled. When Malfoy moved no further, Harry opened his eyes and met an expectant gaze.
Damn. It would have been easier to do this with his eyes closed, and he felt a little angry with Malfoy for not allowing him that. But though Malfoy's expression was one of mild inquiry, his face was delicately flushed, and he was breathing fast. Harry nodded, and felt the brief press of a knuckle against his belly as Malfoy undid the button.
The trousers loosened as Malfoy drew down the zip, and Harry didn't think he could bear to have Malfoy looking at his face while he -- did this. He turned his head away, and Malfoy made a little amused noise.
"A kiss is the socially acceptable way of avoiding scrutiny during a hand job," he murmured, and while his right hand made its way under Harry's pants, his left came up to tilt Harry's face down until their lips met.
Sunday's hands had been as big and strong as the rest of him, and Alicia's and Zoe's had been soft and hesitant. Malfoy's were narrow and sure, and the rings were odd points of coolness against his cock until they picked up his body heat enough that he couldn't feel them at all. Malfoy handled him with neither haste nor hesitation. For once Harry was grateful for that damnable Malfoy certainty.
After a moment he took his hands out from under Malfoy's shirt and got one into that fall of web-fine hair. He wrapped the other around Malfoy's forearm. Malfoy pulled back from the kiss for a moment, then dove back in when he figured out that Harry wasn't trying to stop him, and Harry held on gently, enjoying the feel of the muscles flexing in his arm.
The pressure was building now, and Harry shook free of Malfoy's mouth to gasp for air. When he leaned his head back against the wall, he felt Malfoy's tongue on his throat, and then his teeth. Harry pushed up his hips again and again, gritting his teeth against the noises that wanted to come out.
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ortodelmondo · 2 months ago
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Michael Lundgren Transfigurations
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thecraggus · 2 months ago
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Craggus' Trek Trek Phase II Vol 9
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luispablocarmonaenjolras · 4 months ago
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raurquiz · 10 months ago
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#otd #startrek #thenextgeneration #Transfigurations #picard #riker #troi #data #laforge #worf #drcrusher #wesleycrusher #JohnDoe #CommanderSunad #ChristyHenshaw #obrian #NurseTemple #startrek57 @TrekMovie @TrekCore @StarTrek @StarTrekOnPPlus @SirPatStew
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startrekplotnthemes · 2 years ago
S3 Episode 25 Transfigurations
A body is discovered on a small venture off world and the Enterprise takes on John Doe, an alien with a case of amnesia. Beyond initial observation it is also revealed that he possesses amazing regenerative abilities which he uses on crew mates. This power comes with a cost as John experiences surges in his power heating up as an energy form. La Forge tracks the pod John came in and Beverly romances this strange new entity.
Escalation happens as the energy pulses increase and John attempts to escape aboard a shuttle almost killing Worf. A ship that approaches the Enterprise arrives, revealing themselves to be Zalkonians, members of John's species who label him a dangerous criminal. John's surges of energy are an evolution of his species into beings of pure energy. Despite the commander of the Zalkonian's protests John evolves and leaves to spread the good news.
This episode seems more reminiscent of the original series, dealing with a space entity that possesses powers beyond what the Federation can understand. It is an examination of godliness. Like the one episode where Picard has to beam up the Vulcan people who are still evolving, John puts the Enterprise into perspective. Their people cannot heal to the level that John can and this mystery of evolution is left unexplained.
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prongss78 · 25 days ago
james: i would die for you, i would live for you
james: i would eat slugs for you, i would splinch myself for you
regulus: james...
james: i would drink mud for you, i would-
regulus: literally nobody is asking you to do any of that???
barty: well, hold on now, reg...
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weepingwidar · 5 months ago
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Samira Abbassy (Iranian, 1965) - Transfiguration (2022)
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filmjunky-99 · 7 months ago
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r e m e m b e r i n g
Mark LaMura
18 October 1948 – 11 September 2017
[pic: lamura as john doe, transfigurations, tng]
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brushchewer · 2 days ago
My biggest, or at least most stressful project yet. To tell you the truth I was so nervous with this big guy but my client was insanely over the moon.
So yes, Fulgrim, the transfigured. I ran with a peacock theme throughout. Each of his scales are colour negative versions of peacock feathers. Also I had to get some of that animal print I’ve been sprinkling throughout all the Emperors Children I’ve done for a while now.
Ah well, I hope you like it and please like and share. I don’t think my posts have been showing up a lot for people and I don’t want this one to pass unnoticed.
I don’t think Fulgrim would be happy about that either.
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blorger · 1 month ago
just felt the need to remind everyone that the whole potter stinks saga is a rarity in the hp books in that it's an extremely successful Draco scheme: it doesn't end with Harry triumphing, no one gets punishment and Draco doesn't milk the joke until it's not funny anymore.
Like, the badges are introduced, used to great effect until the "Harry loves Hermione" Skeeter article drops (and Draco gets new material for his pigtail pulling) and people stop wearing them gradually after the first triwizard tournament task, the end. The badges are widely adopted, never confiscated or otherwise punished and no one ever succeeds in changing what they say (though the only people who try are the Creeveys, who are significantly younger); it's one success after another for Draco.
And what does Draco do with them? An elaborate pigtail pulling ritual:
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This is how the badges are introduced, notice how Draco goes for the least subtle approach possible, like, he straight up draws Harry's attention to them, again
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and again
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and again.
The Slytherin as a whole do this too and a large part of the student body wears the badges as well
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but it's not them Harry's thinking of when he imagines the humiliation he'd receive if he refused to perform at the tournament
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No, in this worst case scenario Harry disappoints someone he cares about (Hagrid) and someone in a position of authority (Ludo), confirms people's low opinion of him (Fleur), makes a rival overjoyed (Karkaroff) and... Draco is also there.
Like, this hypothetical Draco is not crowing about Harry's failure, he's not even performing for a crowd, he's right front and center and he's flashing the badge in a way that is clearly visible to imaginary Harry, not to the imaginary crowd, in a way that is reminiscent of how real Draco has been behaving so far. Draco, it seems, is there to remind Harry that he really does stink, not other people.
All in all, this is a complete success for Draco: he's taken Harry down a peg, got some sweet sweet recognition from his fellow students and carved himself a place in Harry's mind. So, like, pigtails successfully pulled, I guess
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especially considering the fact that Harry somehow acquired one of the stupid badges AND KEPT IT for 3 years.
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apicelladonna · 2 months ago
1899!Albus would ask Gellert the 'Would you love me if I were a worm?' and Gellert would have burst out a sonnet.
1930's!Gellert would ask it and Albus would have called for the aurors because how did he get inside his office AGAIN-
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syaolaurant · 3 months ago
Merry Christmas to you all!! 🎄❤️💚
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Wishing you a warm and happy holiday season ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 It's my first year in this fandom and tbh I appreciate all of your wonderful support 💝💝
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luispablocarmonaenjolras · 1 year ago
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