#transfemme andrew
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Transdrew headcanon my beloved
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mixvillainousandtcoaal · 2 months ago
Andrew: “Taura, I know we’ve been going out for a while….but I have to tell you something important….H-HEY HEY LET GO OF THAT AX!”
Taura with an axe: “I’m only keeping my promise about IF you cheat on me, there’s no point in saying it wasn’t for ‘lack of warning’.”
Andrew: “N-NO NO NO! I didn’t cheat on you…it’s something else…"
Taura lowers the axe but as a warning: “…”
Andrew: “Honestly, it’s hard to say this to anyone…but I’ve never been comfortable with my own body…it’s like I was born wrong, but I don’t know why…but that changed when I met Gabe and- PUT THAT AX DOWN FOR CHRIST’S SAKE!”
Taura lowers it again: “Sorry, force of habit. You can continue.”
Andrea: “I just want to say….I think, no, I'm a woman.”
Andrea: “And I understand that you don’t want to continue with me…but know-“
Taura: “Cariño.”
Andrea: “Yes?”
Taura smiles cutely: “I’m Bi.”
Andrea: “I thought you were Mexican”
So these 2 idiots kiss, this is the first thing I've posted this year with a tired brain, I don't regret anything!
Taura has always been someone who supports her boyfriend or girlfriend, she has a lot of love, even if it doesn't seem like it.
If I offended anyone in the Trans community by writing something that bothers them, I'm sorry, I'm going through body dysphoria, so I don't know how I should feel and write about it.
So feel free to explain or give me suggestions so I can improve and not offend anyone.
Gabriel's Mention belongs to @bipanicoverthegravessiblings
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dysfunctionalcreature · 10 months ago
I'm delirious and half asleep but I just had the thought:
Kevin in a moment of weakness begging Andrew to call him a "girl", not even caring whether Andrew says it in a positive or derogatory way, and Andrew responding by calling Kevin "babygirl".... of course Kevin fucking melts at that
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hypocrisyofandrewdobson · 4 months ago
Sad thing about the strawberry comic is it’s so easy to NOT be creepy.
Atea: *hugging Alex* Captain! You’ve come back to us!!
Alex: *looking mildly annoyed but affectionate* Jeez, Atea, I told you I’d just be at the market.
Atea: *sniffs the air while still hugging Alex* Oooh, and you brought me strawberries!
Not a bad fix, honestly.
Of course, you’d still have to deal with the fact that both characters are based off real women Dobson knew in high school/college, but…one step at a time.
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andrewgreaves · 2 months ago
Non-bianry Andrew is based
Thanks, it's bc I kin them so therefore they are some form of transfemme non-binary <3 <3
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cassorpa · 7 months ago
Wanna get back into writing so i started making characters and an environment thats gonna get me excited.
Quinn Fulton
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Quinn (16) is a transfemme/non-binary(they/she) lesbian and she is the frontman and rhythm guitarist of a local punk rock band called the Pit Fiends. They're the MC of whatever this project is and they struggle intensely with their mental health issues. Fun fact: they have a very strong moral compass and are unapologetic about their beliefs but this can make them stubborn and rather closed-minded. This of course causes her to butt heads with her corporate father on the regular!
Samantha Yan
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Samantha(16) is a pansexual cis woman(she/her) who has known Quinn since preschool and the two have been attached at the hip since. That, of course, included when Quinn stumbled into the alternative scene(much to the dismay of her rather traditional parents). Sam plays drums!!! Fun Fact: Samantha is actually an anglicized name that she decided to go by when she turned 12. Her Chinese/birth name is Baozhai!!
Felix Crown
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Felix(17) is a non-binary(they/them) bisexual who met Quinn and Sam when they moved up into high school as they were forced to give a welcome speech to their class as their "elder"(by one year). To this day it is the most embarrassing thing they have ever done and noone is permitted to talk about it. Felix plays bass guitar in the Pit Fiends!! Fun Fact: as a devout anti-monarchist they fucking hate their surname!
Andrew Palmer
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Andy(15) is gay cis man(he/him) who joined the band when his friend Felix told him they were looking for a lead guitarist. He's kinda the "cutesy" one of the group who acts the most aloof and silly. Fun fact: He found out he was gay when he confided in Quinn about these strange feelings he was having for Felix. Quinn has sworn herself to secrecy.
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kojoty · 6 months ago
actually yeah for all the transmasc andrew garfield peter parker headcanons . she really deserved the transfemme treatment by fans instead actually
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ao3feed-gravescest · 10 months ago
Six Whole Fucking Weeks
https://ift.tt/HzOsVwB by Pop_Squad Six weeks into quarantine, Ashley sees how little it takes to get what she wants. Words: 3077, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: The Coffin of Andy and Leyley (Visual Novel) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Characters: Ashley Graves, Andrew Graves Relationships: Andrew Graves/Ashley Graves Additional Tags: transmasc andrew, transfemme ashley, Please be gentle, this is my first fanfiction, goodness your critique is!, wow your critique is so! so big!, what are we gonna do on the bed????
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yun-jin-noona · 2 years ago
My outlast ocs, in case anyone cares
(Sadly I have forgotten the girls names bc their stories are only developed within murkoff)
Outlast 1 and Whistleblower: A transfemme inmate who gives cryptic advice through the levels in 'safe' areas. She's often muttering in a corner and has batteries somewhere near her that the player is free to take.
Outlast 1: A former North Korean soldier who defected and now goes by Andrew Smithson in order to distance himself from his past as much as possible. Met Miles in University when he went to study law and let Miles do his thesis on Andrews lived experience. Is part of the reason Miles went to investigate Murkoff as Andrew had already been working for them after having many family members of patients come to him for help. Ends up killing himself but not before uploading a fuckton of classified documents and files during the events of the game.
Outlast 2: A nun who's a part of Knoths cult. She has self-harming behaviours that stem from her beliefs as every time she commits something she deems a 'sin' she burns the offending area. Do something sinful? Burn the hands. Say something sinful? Burn the throat. Etc etc. She's hostile to the player but is easy to avoid due to her lack of vision and hearing. If she does catch the player though, she'll hit them with her open lantern, causing them to catch fire for a couple seconds and take damage.
Outlast Trials: Yet to be named but he's gonna be a homeless veteran who's struggling with hallucinations brought on by his time serving. He ends up kicked out of his home for frequently causing disturbances in the neighborhood due to the symptoms of his illness and ends up joining the Trials as a last resort to keep himself alive.
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chemicalarospec · 2 months ago
in addition to all the OCs in my band being trans, they are also all mixed-race/ethnicity :D it's set slightly in the future so even most of their parents are mixed!
One is Emily-James and he's bigender and she's the most self-projecting character I've made that's not actually a self-insert lol (short, bigender, whasian -- he was almost "full" Asian but then I realized like, that was because I'm still not over my own complex. so whasian!!). He's the bassist though and really dedicated to it, so that parts totally OC haha.
Along with Nat (who has a more ambiguious gender, maybe fluid, definitely multigender-aligned and transfemme) he's one of the better musicians in the band. Andrew (the singer) is the best at writing the songs, but Nat and Emily-James are the best at their instruments (Nat is lead guitar). Zaidyn's the drummer, I haven't really built up their musical skill one way or another yet... i mean they're definitely a good drummer, but I'm not sure how invovled zie is in writing the songs. And Chloe's the visionary!! xoxo she's kind of bad at music but she writes the lyrics and plays rhythm guitar.
(this idea originally came about because i was messing around with singer X lyricist stuff, and for some reason was writing the lyricist as a girl but keeping the singer as a guy, so i was like "well, what if T4T?" and then i was like i'm not well-versed in transfem experiences, i should have another transfem character to avoid single-story-sterotyping, and then I was like "what if all-trans band?")
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Every lesbian needs her emotional support Himbo, and it’s just Andrea and Gabriel
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dysfunctionalcreature · 10 months ago
I really can't explain why but I truly think that I Met Sarah In The Bathroom by Awfultune is one of the most kandrew songs ever, specifically kandrew from Kevin's pov
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hypocrisyofandrewdobson · 1 year ago
Dobson had an opportunity to use how Alex is mistaken for a boy even when she’s very femme presenting to make her actually be transfemme. Like maybe she still has a very masc sounding voice after growing her hair out and dressing more femininely, and that’s why people who aren’t her crewmates think she’s a man. This isn’t me trying to accuse him of anything, I just realized that and I’m like “You had a chance right there and ya ffffffUCKED IT!”
Oh-ho, if you want the real deep lore that makes Alex ze Pirate actually creepy, both Alex and Atea are based on real people Dobson knew in school.
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luetta · 2 months ago
im honestly at the point where i know andrew is transfemme so deeply and so surely, that any end wherein andrew doesn't realise they're a girl, even if they're happily incesting it up w ashley, will be a bad end to me.
Honestly, any future au for coffin, where Andrew hasn't either been completely subsumed by their own mask into a daddy dom caricature that's checked out of life or offed themself, has got to have Andrew on hrt.
Like, they might not be open about it and make even still be in denial and making excuse even while they're literally growing boobs.
But 100% Andrew is not lasting without a bad end or fagging out a little.
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badcosmos · 3 years ago
Ok so we all love Katelyn and Aaron as a t4t couple because yes we do.
Now may I present my fave thing
Transmasc Aaron - even through all his anger and distrust towards Andrew - immediately agreeing to and savouring every opportunity for a switchyard because when it’s successful it gives him the BIGGEST euphoria and affirmation that he and his cis twin look the exact same.
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knightcoric-archived · 4 years ago
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Goth Transfemme flag! - 🦇
please credit us if you use- thanks!
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