#trans terminology
genderqueerdykes · 2 months
to whoever needs to hear this: transvestite and transsexual are not slurs. "outdated" queer terms are not inherently slurs. these are literally historically the first 2 terms created and used to talk about the trans community, both coined the first doctor to perform successful trans sex reassignment surgeries, who spent the rest of his career pioneering and paving the way for the modern surgeries we perform today. his name was Magnus Hirschfeld, he was a jewish doctor who began a lifetime of fighting for queer rights due to being moved by the struggles his queer patients went through in terms of not being allowed to accept themselves during the Nazi regime at the time. these are perfectly fine terms that have grown to develop their own distinct meanings and communities over time. this man spent his life fighting for trans and jewish rights during Nazi occupation. any queer term can be used as a slur in the wrong hands. thank you
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nonbinarymlm · 2 years
Shout out to trans men and trans women who don't identify with the word "binary" and who are also fully men and fully women. People are complicated, gender experiences are complicated, and language is a flawed way of categorizing things for the sake of communication. You don't have to fit yourself into flawed language just because it's commonly used. Be yourself.
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genderglass · 1 year
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There are generally two ways that Serrano’s definition of transmisogyny are interpreted. Either it is the intersection of transphobia and misogyny or it is the transphobia experience by trans feminine people. In the first case, AFAB transmasculine people would experience transmisogyny because the systems of oppression don’t view them as men, they view them as either confused or failed women. People get really fucking upset when you point out that with that definition of transmisogyny transmasc people experience it, and most people only ever use to refer specifically to transphobia experienced by trans women, so that’s the definition that a lot of us use.
If you don’t want us to use “transphobia experienced by transfemmes” and you don’t want us to use “the intersection of transphobia and misogyny”, then what definition do you want us to use?
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sandybuny · 3 months
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hard to feel proud of much this pride
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zerodaryls · 10 months
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Pete Burns of Dead Or Alive in the music video for Your Sweetness (Is Your Weakness) [1990]
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vampire-nyx · 2 months
Honestly really disappointing and upsetting that just after I found the pills that make you green comics the creator turned out to very much extremely hate people like me
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spitblaze · 8 months
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Gendertash From Hell Issue 02 (1993)
Transcription under cut
Although male-to-female transsexuals have surgery to change their anatomy and take female hormones, they still act like men.
FACT: Some male-to-female transsexuals act in ways many consider to be masculine; some don’t. The same can be said of nontranssexual women. In fact, some types of “masculine” behavior in nontranssexual women are applauded in the lesbian and women’s communities, while the same behavior in a transsexual woman is taken as proof that she is “really” a man. Labeling behaviors as masculine and feminine is of little practical value and only reinforces gender stereotypes.
Male -to-female transsexuals are not womenborn women (or womyn-born womyn).
FACT: No one is born a woman. Most of us who ended up as women started out as girls. The paths we took to womanhood are many and varied. Most male-to-female transsexuals felt like girls from as early as they can remember, just like most nontransexual women. Although many nontranssexual women struggle with the changes associated with becoming women, most become women without consciously attempting to. This fact doesn’t make our paths any better, more natural, or more valid than transsexual women's paths.
Male -to-female transsexuals have been socialized as men, and this socialization cannot be changed.
FACT: The messages given to each person about the roles of males and females in society are a little different, and these messages may be experienced in very different ways. Many transsexual women felt that the male messages they were given were inappropriate. Many felt inadequate to meet the demands placed on them to “act like a man.” Nontranssexual women feel they have a choice to become aware of and reject parts of their sex-role conditioning— so do transsexual women.
Male-to-female transsexuals are trying to “pass” as women. They try to make themselves as much like nontranssexual women as possible.
FACT: Male-to-female transsexuals are women; they don’t need to pass. They don't necessarily want to hide or eliminate their differences from nontranssexual women, although the threat of ostracism leads many to do so. Some transsexuals are proud of their particular route to womanhood, feel that they have learned a lot from the joumey they have taken, and value the unique qualities they bring to the women’s community.
Transsexuals take jobs away from other women because they had access to better training when they were men.
FACT: By making the transition from male to female and staying at the same job, some transsexuals have forced employers to change rules restricting women’s positions and salaries, thus opening doors for other women. Many transsexual women seek out qualified women to hire. Furthermore, by holding jobs not traditionally thought of as appropriate for women, these transsexual women bring the message to the general public that women are capable of performing “men’s” jobs.
To lessen the power of patriarchy in our lives, we must purge our community of everything male, including women who once had male anatomy.
FACT: By emphasizing the distinction between male and female, we reinforce the idea that there are exactly two distinct sexes. This is the very concept that permits sexism to exist, because discrimination wouldbe impossible if women were not readily distinguishable from men. If we wish to deflate the power of the patriarchy, the most effective thing we can do is encourage the blurring of gender lines and expand our thinking beyond the male-female dualism.
Most women can easily prove they are not male-to-female transsexuals, if they are challenged to do so.
FACT: There is no simple way to prove you are not a transsexual. There are no apparent physical characteristics nontranssexual 7 women have or lack that distinguish them absolutely from transsexual women. Birth certificates and other documents show an “F” for both. Chromosome tests may reveal | an XY pattern for a nontranssexual woman. | Hormone levels do not distinguish transsexuals from nontranssexuals. Even inspection of the genitals may not provide definitive proof of your gender history.
Male-to-female transsexuals have been raised as boys, have never been oppressed as women, and cannot understand women’s oppression.
FACT: Some male-to-female transsexuals were raised as girls for portions of their lives, appeared to the world as girls, and were treated like girls. Some were beaten and raped both by outsiders and by their own family members because of their belief that they were girls or their desire to become girls. For most, the difference in the way they were treated when they appeared as men and after they began appearing as women brought sexism into sharp focus.
Women’s space is not “safe” space if male-to-female transsexuals are allowed.
FACT: Women's space is not safe | whenever anyone in it behaves in threatening or disrespectful ways toward another. Transsexuals are no more likely to | behave this way than nontranssexuals. We should exclude individuals who behave badly rather than exclude an entire group 3 because some of its members act in | offensive ways—any group could be | excluded on this basis. Most importantly, )) women must take responsibility for their their own feelings of being unsafe when others are not acting in threatening ways.
Transsexuals have surgery so they can have sex the way they want to.
FACT: How or with whom a person wants to have sex is rarely a major factor in the de) sire for sex reassignment. Usually, people undergo reassignment in order to make their bodies conform more closely to the way they feel inside—their gender. Whether a transsexual is attracted to men or to women usually doesn’t change with surgery. » Although no figures are available, probably | a third of transsexual women are straight, one third bisexual, and one third lesbian. Sexual orientation is not related to gender identity.
Male-to-female transsexuals are trying to take over the lesbian community.
FACT: Most transsexuals who identify as lesbians are focused on their own personal growth and happiness—just like most nontranssexual lesbians. Those who feel strongly about their night to participate in women-only events may become activists for their cause and hope to influence the lesbian community. On the other hand, being overly sensitive to issues of power and wanting to avoid controversy, many transsexuals repeatedly decline to take leadership positions and abstain from participating in decision-making votes.
The sex assigned to a person at birth is that person’s “real” sex.
FACT: Sex is assigned at birth on the basis of a cursory glance at the baby’s genitalia. | In about 5% of births, there is some ambiguity in the sexual organs, and mistakes can be made. In other cases, internal genitalia, chromosome patterns, hormone production, and secondary sex characteristics that develop later may be at variance with the person's external anatomy. Sex is arbitrarily assigned by the patriarchal medical system, and there is no reason to assume that it is any more correct or real than what a person experiences.
The lesbian and women’s communities have nothing to gain by including transsexuals.
FACT: Transsexual women bring many valuable qualities to the women’s community. They bring skills usually taught only to men into the women’s community and pass them on to other women. Many are active feminists, increase opportunities for women, and seek to hire and promote women. Those who have made it through transition must have intelligence, persistence, and a sense of humor. Many also bring a spirituality that has been possessed historically by cross-gendered members of various cultures.
Nontranssexual women have the right to decide whether transsexuals should be included in the women’s community.
FACT: Each individual has a right to claim her own identity. While being adamant about having this right for themselves, some members of the women’s community would deny it to others. Just as each woman must come to her own conclusion about whether she is a lesbian, each must know her own truth about being a woman. Transsexuals can and do include themselves in the women’s community and the lesbian community without permission from nontranssexuals.
Transsexuals are guilty of deception when they don’t reveal right away that they are transsexuals.
FACT: There is no standard of disclosure that requires transsexuals to reveal their medical history, just as lesbians do not need to mention their sexual orientation immediately on meeting someone. The circumstances in which this is considered an important fact to know vary from person to person. The individual meeting a transsexual may collude in the “deception” by assuming she or he is a nontranssexual. If it’s important to you to know, take responsibility for asking.
Male-to-female transsexuals are considered men until they have sexchange surgery.
FACT: Although male-to-female transsexuals appear as men during some part of their lives, most never consider themselves men. They have felt like females for their entire lives. The change from male to female is a change in external appearance of sex-related characteristics, not a change in gender (how a person feels inside). This transition takes place over a period of several years, and sex-reassignment surgery is only one part of it, together with living as a woman, taking hormones, and resocialization.
People can be categorized as transsexual or nontranssexual—there’s no in-between.
FACT: There are nearly as many categories as there are people. There are transsexuals who have had or plan to have one, two, or many surgeries to make their bodies conform more closely to their gender, and those who will never have surgery. Some people feel comfortable expressing both genders. Some refuse to identify as either gender. Some people (male and female) enjoy cross-dressing, but their gender is congruent with their sex. Some conform to gender norms; some flout them. The possibilities are infinite.
Women who want to become men have bought into societal hatred of women or are hoping to take advantage of male privilege.
FACT: Female-to-male transsexuals don’t want to become men—they are men. The reason they want to change their bodies to become more male appearing is because that’s how they feel inside. If they gain male privilege, it is tenuous; whatever they have gained is lost if they are discovered to be transsexuals. If transsexualism were based on misogyny, there would be far more female-to-male than male-to-female transsexuals. In fact, their numbers are thought to be about equal.
A person’s “true” sex can be determined by chromosome testing.
FACT: Although most persons identified as male at birth have XY chromosomes and most of those identified as female have XX, there are many variations that can occur. Some “women-born women” have XY chromosomes, a fact that may be discovered only when they are tested to qualify for athletic competition. Other patterns, such as XXY, XYY, and XXX (no, this does not make you an amazon) can also exist. Some individuals have what is called mosaicism, in which some percentage of cells have an XY pattern and the remainder have XX.
Transsexualism is unnatural—it is a new problem brought about by sophisticated technology.
FACT: Throughout recorded history there have been people whose gender identity did not match their anatomic sex, and there is evidence that sex-change surgery was performed thousands of years ago. In some cultures, transgendered individuals were held in high esteem as shamans. Today, surgery—from liposuction to sex reassignment—allows many people to have a physical form that is more congruent with | their inner sense of themselves and the way they want to appear
“Real” women, certainly those who belong to the lesbian community, rejoice in their womanhood and have no desire to be men.
FACT: There are people who were assigned as females at birth who identify as men, and many of them become part of the lesbian community. Most would be labeled butch lesbians. Many are afraid to reveal their desire to appear more completely as men, including taking testosterone and undergoing surgery to remove their breasts and construct penises. (Transsexual men are apparently permitted at Michigan because they are “still women” according to the Festival doctrine of immutable sex.)
Now that Festival policy has been made clear, there are no transsexuals at Michigan.
FACT: Festival policy is far from clear. The brochure states that the Festival is for “womyn-bom womyn.” Many transsexuals include themselves in that category. While some transsexuals have no desire to participate if they know they are unwelcome, others are here and will continue to come because they have a right to be at any event open to women. No statement has been issued about whether female-to-male transsexuals are welcome at the Festival.
Transsexuals have caused trouble at Michigan, resulting in their expulsion.
FACT: According to Festival organizers, transsexuals have been attending MWMF for many years, and 1991 was the first time a transsexual has been expelled. Nancy Burkholder was expelled because she said something that made a woman suspect she was a transsexual, not because her behavior was offensive. In fact, Nancy had participated fully in the 1990 Festival without incident. There is no evidence that transsexuals have ever caused trouble at Michigan. Seeing transsexuals as trouble-makers is once again blaming the victim.
Nontranssexual women at Michigan don't want male-to-female transsexuals here.
FACT: Although Festival organizers claim that the policy excluding transsexuals reflects the senument of the community at large, many nontranssexual women support the rights of transsexual women and want them to be included. A survey of over 600 women at the 1992 MWMF showed that 73% of those surveyed thought male-to-female transsexuals should be welcome at the Festival; 23% thought they should not be welcome and 4% were undecided. Only 20% would welcome female-to-male transsexuals, who are apparently permitted.
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tangledinink · 10 months
I just saw another ask calling Gemini au Donnie afab, and obviously he does have XX chromosomes in your au (or the turtle/mutant equivalent at least?), but if afab means assigned female at birth and Donnie and Leo were assigned male at birth by Big Mama.... Does that technically make the two of them amab trans men???
Or.... amak? assigned male at kidnapping?
LMAO yeah. I always grapple with the terms because I'm like. WELL... THEY TECHNICALLY... WEREN'T ASSIGNED FEMALE AT BIRTH LMAO,,,, they're both, technically speaking, amab, so yes, they are in fact both amab trans men lmao.
And they weren't TECHNICALLY kidnapped... so... amaa? assigned male at... adoption??? u w u
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p2ii · 10 months
have you considered that maybe that trans guy isnt a girl actually
(exclutionists/anti 'contradictory' labels/etc dni)
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gh0stz404 · 10 months
"our grandpa made a respectful gay joke? i didn't know he knew how to do that!" -me when my grandpa makes a respectful gay joke
and the joke, for those of you who might be curious: "Someone told me my jacket looked gay, and so i told them "it just came out of the closet!""
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peridots-pixiwolf · 2 years
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[Start ID. A digital drawing of Minos Prime from Ultrakill, who's wearing a strapless slit dress and sandals of the same deep purple. He faces towards and slightly to the right of the camera, his head is tilted further right. With one hand he gestures in a vague pointing motion, his arm folded and held close to his body. There is nothing in the background, but bracing himself on one arm, Minos is implied to be leaning against something about the height of a countertop. The background is a blank purplish black, save for three diagonal stripes in the colors of the bisexual flag. End ID]
Shading study that quite literally came to me in a dream two weeks ago, after this post apparently beamed itself into my mind
(also a few edits below the cut! they're very slight but whatever :])
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[Start ID. Three different versions of the previous drawing. The first changes the tone of the lighting from blue to pink, and similarly the shading from pink to blue. The second replaces the faint black border with pink, purple and blue, syncing with the stripes in the background. The third combines both these changes. End ID]
#the tags got NERFED so let's try this again.#peridots-art#minos prime ultrakill#ultrakill#ask to tag#organs#...? gore maybe? for the whole ''transparent chest/visible cardiovascular system'' thing. not very detailed/realistic though so#i don't think this has all of the same charm as i usually find in my posts. but i tried my best to make it work so i don't think it matters#also ''not too happy with how this turned out'' is something i've seen tacked onto posts worthy of being preserved in museums#i heard someone say his snakes should be ball pythons. i'm not autistic about snakes so i decided to listen to the masters#i still have seven levels to p-rank before i can meet this guy!! halfway there (lust/greed and 1-3 remaining) i've only had my own copy#of ultrakill for a week and i already have 33 hours in. anyway he's grown on me i think. absolute bi king and only monarch i respect <3#i think it's interesting how i now define my queerness by being gray-ace and trans when i first only identified with bisexual. it's still#an important part of me even if sometimes i forget. sorry that sounds completely unrelated but it's related to my feelings on this piece#anyway (i wonder how many ''anyway''s i've slapped on so far) i also find it interesting how often people draw him with this body type.#i think it's cool there's variety in how people draw the uk characters. it just kinda feels right here? i know i unfortunately don't draw#fat characters often at all (partially due to being a primarily fandom blog who likes to stick to canon designs. i wouldn't say i have#trouble with drawing a realistic amount of fat even on rather thin people though lol) but i try! also genuinely unsure what counts as like.#fat vs chubby? or whatever? i don't know exactly how the terminology works and a fair amount of minos' bulk is muscle anyway but. yeah 👍#men are pretty in dresses my final message. goodbye
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that-gay-jedi · 8 months
Hmm not Sapphic as in WLW but Sapphic as in writing poetry that everyone goes mad for.
Not Achillean as in MLM but Achillean as in killing and crying and covered in blood.
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knightfuryvawannabee · 2 months
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Fuck it. Genderqueer tranvestic flag because that’s what feels closest to me.
[ID: the genderqueer flag, which has three stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are, lavender, white, then green. There’s an arrow-shaped symbol overlayed. The arrow-shaped symbol is a periwinkle color, made by combining the colors of the trans flag.]
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fandomshatewomen · 5 months
What exactly is the problem with "queerphobia"? I prefer the word "cisheterosexism," personally, but that's just as vague. Why can't there be words for a more broad phenomenon which includes the more specific forms of oppression OP of that post is demanding be acknowledged?
Okey dokey so this is in regards to this post: https://www.tumblr.com/fandomshatewomen/749573906105614336?source=share
And I’ll say, speaking for myself, I’m actually pro-the-term-queerphobia. Because I think it very accurately describes the process that these people go through. They come across a person who does not act in the ways that they expect them to, but they’re not gonna go through the whole rigmarole of “I have interpreted this to be an X type of person therefore I expected them to act in Y types of ways, but they have not and this is upsetting to me but that’s okay because people are allowed to upset me” they’re just gonna jump straight from that confusion to disgust/revulsion/anger and displace their poor self-regulation onto you. Or me. Or whichever queer/non-“normal” person they happen to have interacted with that day.
That being said I’m just one of the mods on the fandomshate blogs, and there’s a whole bunch of you in this audience. Feel free to reblog and add your thoughts or send in messages and we can continue the conversation :)
• mod dyr
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rjalker · 7 months
And the version for the adult terms for my multigender friends.
All of these flags and any other related ones I make in the future can be found here on the Internet Archive.
Othran: A nonbinary equivalent for man or woman. The juvenile (affectionate) version is othri.
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[ID: The othran flag, with stripes of dark grey, light grey, white, pale yellow, and black. End ID.]
Xenothran: An othran who is also xenogender.
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[ID: The xenothran flag, with six stripes of: Pastel red, pastel orange, pale yellow, grey, white, pale yellow, and black. End ID.]
Othranenby: An othran who is also an enby.
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[ID: The othranenby flag, with stripes of purple, black, white, pale yellow, and black. End ID.]
Othranman: An othran who is also a man.
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[ID: The othranman flag, with stripes of dark blue, medium green, white, pale yellow, and black. End ID.]
Othranwoman: An othran who is also a woman.
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[ID: The othranwoman flag, with stripes of red, dark purple, white, pale yellow, and black. End ID.]
Feel free to request other variations or make your own.
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lesvegas · 11 months
Clip from 'Lecture 15: Human Sexual Behavior I' of Stanford's 'Introduction to Behavioral Biology' given by prof. Robert Sapolsky
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