#trans girl periods
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ejeffers1239 · 1 month ago
This is your monthly reminder that trans girl periods are probably definitely real.
"ow ow ow ow ow"
- Erika
Serious discussion of/essay on trans woman periods under the cut:
While transgender women experiencing period symptoms is not something that has been scientifically researched with any rigor as far as I'm aware, enough trans women report the phenomena that it can reasonably be assumed real. The interesting thing is there are competing theories as to the mechanism behind trans women periods, which are as follows:
1. An empathetic or otherwise psychosomatic response, as in a trans woman has periods because she knows other women do. I don't like this, but we'll get back to that
2. Confirmation bias of unrelated symptoms, usually gastrointestinal, calling anything that happens in the general area a period.
3. Hormonal cycle from taking estrogen makes the body attempt a period, even without a uterus, accounting for cramping, mood changes, and changes to breast texture.
I don't think 1 or 2 are especially good explanations on their own, and taken in a vacuum sort of reinforce a conclusion and stereotype that transgender women are faking it (1) or eat nothing but junk food (2). However, these two definitely aren't unprecedented as factors, as long as you accept that there is a hormonal component (3).
Considering two of the most common phenomena reported with periods generally, we can get a broader picture. First is the phenomena of women syncing their cycles; this itself sports conflicting research and is mostly anecdotally observed, just like trans women periods. Nonetheless it could provide a point towards the empathetic response theory that would be more than making it up, rather, whatever about an estrogen-dominant body that (allegedly) causes sync is also applicable to transgender women. Second, consider the phenomena of period cravings. This phenomena is much more established than sync, it's commonly accepted that women on their periods tend to crave foods high in carbs, sugar, and salt. In other words, junk food. In that light the "trans women have had diets and call it a period" claim is not entirely dismissible, but is actually flipped in the ordering. It's entirely likely that trans women having their period regardless end up eating junk food, and cast doubt on to the validity of their own periods as a result.
As for my own personal anecdotes, I experience a cycle that is at least somewhat consistent. I don't notice symptoms every month, but many months, and they usually follow the same "structure" so to speak:
First, for about half a day, I get really horny. I believe this would technically be pre-period or a hormonal analogue to ovulation, nonetheless, I take the opportunity to have some fun, as pretty much nothing compares to how good it feels during this time.
Next, I have the junk food cravings, granted, I'm someone who eats taco bell weekly so, this doesn't represent an especially large change of diet for me, it's there though and if I'm cooking I might end up making something like mashed potatoes.
Finally, for around three days after that, I get really bloated and have some "typical" period symptoms: pain in my abdomen, the bloating itself, sore breasts, and even period shits. This is where I am while writing this post and we'll, to reiterate, "ow ow ow ow ow."
To me, this is far to specific of a sequence of events to be fake, even if it's not strictly monthly, and trans women have factors like missing estrogen doses or the presence/lack of progesterone that could influence that timing away from perfectly routine. Ultimately I'm another anecdote in a sea of anecdotes but, I choose to believe trans girl periods are real and biologically based, and I hope I've made a compelling argument supporting that here. This blog is made possible by boredom and mania mutuals like you, thank you!
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biblicallyaccuratemoth · 3 months ago
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Every time I visit my father and talk with his girlfriend, she ends up saying something fascinatingly bizarre. I would study people in a lab if given the opportunity.
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crazygnomenclature · 5 months ago
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Find more Tiff & Eve on Webtoon
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mugentakeda · 1 year ago
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nonbinarylesbianherb · 8 months ago
ppl who are like "have you ever experienced a close female friendship" to try deny rhaenicent like.. yes bitch i have!!! and thats *exactly* why i can tell theres MORE than just "close friendship" between these two gay bitches!!
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fernisfat · 3 months ago
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my (in person) feeder invited me over for a movie and presented me with 52 ounces of chocolate milk and a family sized bag of cheetos 🥰
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thatone-artsykid · 5 months ago
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This is your sign to draw yourself taking a nap with your fav comfort character NOW!🫵
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liass-21 · 3 months ago
do you ever think luther has to tell benji and brandt to “not drag him into their white gay discourse”
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chiefblossom · 3 months ago
hmm there aren't enough transmasc period comfort fics
Ferb I know what we're going to do today (in the new year)!
(I don't post my fics on here they go on my secret A03 just because too many irls know that this is my username on everything)
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theatrekidenergy · 4 months ago
The trans FTM experience of not knowing how to feel about your detachment from femininity and growing up a woman
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Was that first glance truly a gay little moment between Mizu and Akemi, or was she actually surprised (maybe even a little jealous?) that femininity could even look like that? Lavish, spoiled, seemingly loved or at least, something to be desired. I think it's pretty sure that she does not grasp how Akemi's life is a prison just as much as hers. That much is clear in their dialogues and her behavior towards her.
What if that dialogue (you, magical forest creature spoiling your good chances at a good life etc etc) was actually lowkey jealousy? of a life she herself would never get to experience as a woman? of being allowed to be a woman AND have a chance at happiness?
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agalychnisspranneusroseus · 5 months ago
Got any trans HCs for the amphibia trio? I love the many different interpretations I've seen from this fandom
I don't know about specific headcanons, I know I'm considering making Anne trans in RiAAU but I haven't decided yet.
In one hand: it would be interesting to think how she deals with her first periods because, well, amphibians don't have those, and Hop Pop assumes she's dying (she doesn't tell anyone else because she's so embarrassed). Not that he tells her that, but it really freaks him out. He thinks she has some sort of internal damage, and it's only after months of research that he finds out about some rare mammalian species, such as a few monkeys and rodents, that experience the same cycle Anne goes through. The whole point of this is that it makes Anne feel even more out-of-place. She doesn't remember her world or her parents, only that she came from "somewhere" (possibly another continent) full of people of her species, and she wonders if things would have been easier if she grew up with her biological family. I mean, surely this would be easier. It just serves as a reminder that she knows nothing about her species, not even its name, and she has no idea of how her biology works or what is good and bad for her or how long she'll live or what changes she'll go through.
BUT, on the other hand: Trans Anne. Let's start with the obvious: amphibians don't have penises or vaginas and they reproduce externally, meaning they like... release eggs and sperm in the water and they mix without the involvement of either parent, meaning no one knows what the cultural significance of a "penis" or a "vagina" tends to be in most human cultures. As a literaly 3yo, Anne probably didn't have an extensive understanding of s.ex and gender, and it wasn't like the clothes she showed up with told Hop Pop much. She just knew that, as time went on, she found herself relating more and more to the female frogs of Wartwood, and she almost subconsciously began to refer to herself as a girl. There wasn't any big coming out moment, more like a point in which, after months of ambiguity (this kid kept using different pronouns for herself) she just settled on some good ol' she/her and began picking somewhat girly clothes when Hop Pop took her to the market.
It's not like the concept of trans people doesn't exist in Amphibia, it's just that Anne didn't realize that was her situation until, at least, meeting Marcy, and noticing the differences between them. It's not like either of them had ever seen another human from up close, so they didn't know what to expect anyway. Anne's only encounters with Sasha beforehand had consisted on magical girl swordfighting in the sky and whatnot. Certainly not enough to discuss their unique biology, which is something Marcy is very excited to discuss, since she's never met anyone with her same "condition" before, and she wants to know everything, so she uses her as her little rat lab whenever she has the chance. Even then, since she also lacks all knowledge of human s.exual dimorphism and its cultural implications, she doesn't associate anything about either of their bodies to any specific gender that could possibly be asigned to anyone based on biological feautures. Since Sasha remembers the most from Earth, she's probably the only one who could maybe possibly remeber her mom or the kindergarden teacher saying something about "the difference between boys and girls", but by the point she's in speaking terms with Anne, and by the time she realizes their bodies are different, she doesn't really care.
That's not to say Anne doesn't experience dysphoria or that she never undergoes any kind of physical transition. It was probably around the time her voice started to change during puberty that she realized her case may be kinda unique: neither Marcy nor Sasha's voices have changed that much, she can tell even though she only sees Marcy in person like once every 3 years and all the words she exchanges with Sasha consist of death threats and insults. Plus, there's a clear difference between """male""" and """female""" voiced in frogs too. She doesn't want to sound like a man! She doesn't want to be anything like a man! Men are gross! Sorry Sprig, Hop Pop, but it's true. Men are icky icky yuck yuck and Anne is a girly girl. She doesn't want to turn into Stumpy! Or Buff Loggle! Oh, no, is that her future? She commits the triple mistake of 1) sending a letter to Marcy that same day, 2) knocking on Maddies' door promising her firstborn if she can save her from turning into Stumpy, and 3) she becomes obsessed researching mammalian biology in the archives. Bad decision. Bad bad. She's discovering things to feel dysphoric about she never even knew existed! Did you know mammalian mothers feed their offsprings with "milk" that comes from their "mammary glands"? Did Sasha and Marcy have those? She hates herself a little for checking out Marcy next time she sees her and she realizes that, indeed, in the past years she's grown a pair of those that Anne does NOT have. She notes that both she and Sasha are pretty much hairless. She used to think hair was a normal mammalian trait! That weasel that tries to eat the frogs every winter sure is covered in it!
Maddie shows up to her door with a bunch of new spells to try out, happy to have a willing subject. Most embarrassingly, Marcy starts doing her own research as soon as she gets Anne's letter and sends her all her discoveries, and now Anne feels mortified because Marcy knows about all the bad bad very bad changes she's going through (Marcy, for her part, is just fascinated by the nature of their "condition").
It takes a bit, but after a few very frenzied weeks, Anne comes to understad what's going on: her species had certain level of sexual dimorphism and she just happened to have been born with the supposed "sex" usually associated with "men" as a social category. When Hop Pop finds out, he burst into laughter. Oh, it was THAT all along! Anne made it sound so complicated, but it was just the same things he went through when he was younger, just the other way around ("Say what now Hop Pop?")! A few curses here and there and she won't have to worry about these so called "mammary glands" and "hair" anymore, though in the meantime, as Maddie perfects a human-friendly curse, she gets turned into all sort of different creatures. By the time it's done, she just wants to feel like... herself.
It's true that there are some things about her body that make her feel weird, like they don't quite fit in, but there are others she only worries about because she compared herself to Sasha and Marcy, which wasn't fair to anyone involved. Did she really want to fundamentally change parts of her body because of insecurities she developed last week over a book about lemurs? Then, a second set of fears come in: what will happen when she goes back to her place of origin? Because she does want to find her birth family. Will they recognize her, if they're looking for a boy? Will they think she's lying if she claims to be their daughter? If she changes only a few things but doesn't "go all the way", will people there think she's a freak? Will she ever be able to fit in with those of her species?
Does she really care so much about what other people think? She just wants to be herself. Some of the changes she's been going through are making her feel less like herself and more like she's being turned into a tax collector from Toad Tower. Those things have to go - her voice, for example. And she wants a more femenine silhouette (she may or may not show Maddie photos of young Mrs. Croaker as a reference). She wants a softer face. She's seeing her face changing in the mirror and she doesn't like it. She wants it to stay round and soft, not to grow hard and sharp or big and rough. She's not so sure she wants those "mammary glands". It's not like she ever thought about having kids, and the whole "breastfeeding" thing just seems gross, but after her research, and finding out she could have kids with, I don't know, maybe Marcy one day (a thought that makes her blush), she thinks it may be a good idea. She'll consider it. Maybe later. Her genitalia... well, she's used to what she has now. It already took her like 10 years to fully figure out what it was and how it worked and starting over with a whole new set just feels like too much work (also, the babies, the potential babies with Marcy). Frogs and toads have neither "penises" or "vaginas" so there's not a lot of information, and based on books about lemurs and her own empirical experience, comparing herself to other mammalian species isn't too useful. She'll leave it the way it is. She'll see if there's anything else she wants to change later, or if she wants to go back on something.
Marcy is surprised next time Anne visits Newtopia. In her letters, she described this strange transformation in excruciating detail, but seeing her in person now, holding her face in her hands, all she sees is the same Anne she's always loved.
A few more ideas:
HEADCANON: in Amphibia, two people of the same "s.ex" can reproduce through magic, which means there has to be a concious effort and intent. The external fertilization process there's no such thing as a pregnancy, and there's no such thing as s.ex. All reproduction is intentional, which means there's no need for abortion either. There are processes to destroy fertilized eggs and embryos, but they look completely different from human abortions.
Amphibians may perform acts resembling s.ex for pleasure or fun but they look different from human s.ex and have no relation to reproduction.
Andrias is the only person in Amphibia who knows enough about humans to know how they reproduce (a process he finds repulsive). He never tells Marcy, of course, though once she becomes queen, she finds his secret library and his hidden tomes on "alien biology", some of which talk about humans. He's also the only one who knows humans can have children on accident, and that Anne is the only human in Amphibia who could cause something like that to happen (he reads all of Marcy's correspondence). He knows his daughter is very close to this weird farm girl penpal of hers, and even though she's still a child, he worries for her future and the future of the crown. This new discovery could land the crown in the hands of a dynasty of aliens if he's not careful. Is it weird that he spends so much time worrying about his 12yo daughter getting pregnant from another 12yo? Yes, yes it is, but he already controls every aspect of her life, it's not like he's going to stop at her sexuality, future, real, or imaginary.
Man now that I wrote it all down, I think this option is more compelling than the first. Maybe I WILL go with this one.
#amphibia#raised in amphibia au#anne boonchuy#marcanne#trans anne boonchuy#my posts#btw i'm very cis so i want to apologize if I said anything weird. since anne here grew up in a world so different from us#i imagine the ''trans experience'' as one of the only humans in frog world must be very different from the irl ''trans experience''#so I kept it mostly personal and thinking about what would make sense in her situation#for example. we know she finds boys pretty gross and likes more girly things#so the idea of ''turning into a boy'' as she hits puberty must make her feel gross#but i'm worried that describing how i imagine the perspective of this specific characters in her very specific situation#will come across as me saying ''oh being amab is gross and disgusting and icky'' which is NOT what I want to imply#do i think this anne may feel that way about herself considering she's never met another trans person in her life (except for this Hop Pop#but it's been so long since his transition he kinda forgot about it and doesn't bring it up)#?? yes. i think her first impulse would be to feel like that#because it comes from a place of ''This Does NOT reflect me. in fact it reflects everything I hate''#aaaah i hope i'm not messing up here. i'm open to criticism btw if anyone thinks this doesn't work i'd love to hear corrections#also re: the reproduction and period talk. i hope no one is too grossed out by that. i just thought it'd make sense#like it'd make sense for andrias to worry about that#also i just find the idea funny like. amphibians don't f.uck. copulation is for gross mammals. which means they probably find mammalian#reproductive organs particularly disgusting#which probably makes the girls feel... bad 😭
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slveepyscwrs · 5 months ago
if you're part of the girls, the gays, and the the theys...
get in, we're going shopping.
we're going to the mall to pick up pronoun pins, cute outfits and accessories, a BUNCH of sanrio, period essentials and chocolate upon more chocolate for the AFABs, all the candies, get on those silly rides that were meant for kids but we're going anyway because who cares, scare a few homophobes and transphobes on the way, and then we'll all storm into panera bread to pick up sandwiches and drinks and gossip about our latest relationship or friendship shenanigans
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tommysm0ondust · 8 months ago
as a young trans guy who isn't on any kind of hormones or anything like that, I can't wait for the day I can finally start.
I can't wait for my body to change and slowly become what I want it to be.
I wanna be able to wear feminine clothing without crying.
I wanna have stubble.
I want people to look at me and see me as a boy.
I want to look at myself and truly believe I'm a boy.
I wanna be able to look in my reflection and know that the person I'm looking at is Tommy. This is who I am and who I've always wanted to be.
it's not that I'm upset with how I look now, though, don't take it that way.
I do look pretty masculine.
I still wear crop tops and things more traditionally feminine.
but when I think of myself, Tommy, this isn't who I think of.
I think of whatever I will see when I look in the mirror someday in the future.
sometimes dysphoria can make me so upset, I'll get close to crying, I'll hate the way my body is.
but to get to where you wanna be, you've gotta go through the roads, right?
there's shortcuts that make things seem quicker, but you'll end up getting stopped by a red light later on.
and if you hate the ride there, you won't enjoy getting there in the end. you'll be exhausted and you'll just want to leave again.
but if you enjoy the ride, no matter how long or difficult it is, you'll be happy and ready to enjoy your time there as well.
that's what really keeps me going most of the time.
I can't wait to meet the Tommy I want to be, one day when looking in the mirror.
sorry for the long post, this was written at 3 am.
it probably should have just gone in the notes app but isn't that the same as Tumblr? ......no? shut up.
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brw · 19 days ago
Also I'm gonna be so real if you've read all of Alpha Flight and you're still out here he/himming and calling Sasquatch Walter I think you have zero reading comprehension and should be embarrassed!! Start paying attention to the words in front of you!
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aromanticannibal · 2 months ago
izuku who doesn't remember or know kacchan is trans will always be so fucking funny to me. he just sees kacchan in pants/skirt (depending on transmasc/transfemcchan) in UA and he's like mm. anyways
#and he doesn't misgender kacchan at all is the thing he just kinda goes with it because he just does Not remember#he can tell there's Something about kacchan but he's just. mm#I guess depending on girlcchan or boycchan izuku could have diff reasons#ie: wow kacchan is a girl that's right. ive always called kacchan kacchan after all and kacchan is just kind of a tomboy isn't she?#and he never questions anything#or: wow kacchan is a boy that's right I've always called him kacchan bc we were little then and kacchan's never been into girly stuff at all#izuku would probably be like wow no way I've missed something about kacchan. surely it's always been this way#like unconsciously but yknow#this came to me bc of a scenario I just thought of of trans boycchan who sits out of training when he's on his period bc he gets very bad#cramps (aizawa forces him - he also makes the girls sit out)#and izuku just kinda doesn't know why kacchan is sitting out (after all he didn't sit out in middle school right?)#(-> aldera is ass I doubt they'd let their girls (/“girls”) sit out on their period)#and one day izuku just goes over to kacchan to bring him water or smth#maybe later in 1st year or in second year they're closer and it adds to the hilarity#and Izuku's just like wow kacchan btw why do you always sit out once a month?#and kacchan just stares at him like. Izuku. I'm on my period. and Izuku's like huh#you get those??? since when??? and kacchan just kinda.#“Izuku. Izuku did you forget I'm trans.”#and izukus like you're what#and katsuki has to just like fight the hilarity of how fucking dumb izuku is and the mortification that he just came out to someone he#thought he didn't need to come out to#and lke most of the other ppl in the class would know by now. most of the other boys would know bc katsuki changes in another room#the girls would know bc they give katsuki tampons and heating pads or whatever and vice versa#the teachers know bc they've seen his fuckass file. inko obviously knows bc mitsuki told her and because she Remembers#baby kacchan in a little dress and pigtails or something#and then izuku. kacchan expert. does not know. not even REMEMBER. has never known kacchan is trans.#recalls kacchan in the girls uniform or whayevr in middle school but it jsut. goes over him. he does Not think.#obv once he knows he'd be super supportive#in case of boycchan he'd ask if Kacchan makes him dysphoric and apologize and kacchan would threaten death if izuku stops calling him#kacchan etc. unfortunately I have ran out of tags help. mad mha ramblings// pls work bbygirl
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