#trans captain america
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autisticandhyperfixatingg · 7 months ago
Over here, FanFic writers/editors!!
I am looking for someone to beta read/edit a short fic I've been working on.
The fic is set in the MCU, and it includes stucky (Steve/Bucky) and transman!Steve because there is not enough out there.
The fic is roughly 800 words long atm, but feel free to add slash delete as much as you want. It will be rated General Audiences (possibly teen and up) if it's posted on Ao3.
I wrote this from I prompt that I came up with a while ago and can't get out of my head, but I feel like it could be better written.
What you will do: Watever you want. You could just read through it once, or you could write a whole new fic from the prompt. Maybe add in those more advanced words that only people with English as their first language would know?It's not like I'm paying you or something, so your choice!
Rules: I've got exactly one rule. If you do write something, send it to me, let my poor hyperfixating content-starved brain read it. Otherwise you can do literally anything with it. Either I could post it on my ao3, giving you cred ofc, of you could post it on your own account and say uou write it all yourself. Send it in as a school project for all I care. Just please let me read it. That is all I ask.
Thank u in advance for considering this! So if you're interested in a little side project (or just want to read the fic ad it is lol) just DM me and I'll send it over.
I promise you it will be worth it!!
❗️Is now being beta'd by the amazing @letmelickyoureyeballs ❗️
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ask-spiderpool · 9 months ago
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srdonix · 21 days ago
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Here’s food you barbarians, jeez… (😛)
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august-parker · 1 month ago
Trans Peter Parker except he wants the Avengers to think he's cis
Okay, the Avengers totally support trans rights but it would be so funny if Peter thought they didn't. I mean Steve is a WWII soldier nicknamed "captain America" that doesn't sound very woke let's be real😭
Anytime he wears his suit he manages to sneak a binder underneath, also never letting any of the tower doctors tend to his injurys (especially if its a chest injury) out of fear they might out him.
(Even though the Avengers already know they just don't care because that's his business not theirs)
Peter gets his period during a fight and thinks to himself "shit boys don't get periods I can't let them see me bleeding down there!"
And promptly stabs himself as an excuse for why he's bleeding.
And Tony is freaking out because everytime this kid gets his period he stabs himself??? That's not normal?? Is he depressed? Is he that badly dysphoric?? Should he hire a therapist that specializes in trans kids?? Is this self harm???
But no, Peter sprints to the nearest bathroom and punches open the period product thing where you have to pay for it (which is stupid btw)
Eventually he realizes that the Avengers know when Natasha makes a joke to him about how boobs hurt when you run and he's like "haha I wouldn't know! Cuz im a dude obviously.." and Natasha is just like "yeah but when your not wearing your binder that must be a pain huh?"
And Peter is just🧍 "oh"
Finally he overhears Steve describe in great detail about the time he and Bucky made out when in the military together, because of course they did.
Pete later talks to him like "you were cool with gay people the whole time??" and Steve gives him a weird look and is like "I am gay? I flirt with every guy on the team daily?? Did you not know that??"
No, no he didn't know that.
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 11 days ago
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winterrso1dier · 1 month ago
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Art block ever hit yall so hard ur art style starts to change?
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bronzemettle · 3 months ago
Billy Batson and Carol Danvers both go by Captain Marvel at one point or another. Does Batson end up deferring to Danvers and going by Shazam instead, or does Danvers take up one of her dozens of old monikers? If Batson goes by Shazam, how does he introduce himself without getting zapped back into Billy form?
Billy's never gone by Shazam in the BronzeRealms. For real, how does that even work? DC does stupid shit sometimes and we all know it.
Okay, with that out of the way let's do a timeline of the name "Captain Marvel" across heroes.
In 1940, the Justice Society of America are fighting off an attempted Kree invasion when they meet and are assisted by a mysterious man who calls himself Captain Marvel, who disappears soon afterwards.
Seeing him in action also seeds thoughts of rebellious inspiration in the mind of a young Kree soldier, who takes on the callsign Mar-Vell when he's promoted to Captain after the failure of his superiors.
In 1967, Mar-Vell goes rogue from the Kree and decides to hide out on earth, seeking out the surviving Justice Society. With their help, she transitions and starts a new identity under the name Wendy Lawson, and debuts shortly later as the superhero Captain Marvel.
In 1977, Lawson retires as Captain Marvel when she accidentally attracts Kree attention to earth again. Carol Danvers takes up the mantle shortly later, after gaining powers herself. At first she isn't comfortably with the legacy and goes by Ms Marvel, but Wendy persists that Carol should be Captain Marvel, so that doesn't last long.
In 1982, Wendy Lawson dies of cancer. The funeral is attended by a majority of the active or retired superheroes at that time.
In 1989, Carol Danvers is forced to flee earth by the rising Augment regimes (Khan Noonien Singh being the most noteworthy) when one of them causes the ecological collapse of multiple Kree star systems and frames her for having caused it, which even she herself believes, as a distraction that will successfully keep her occupied in space for decades to come.
In 2003, Billy Batson is inspired by the comicbooks loosely based on the adventures of Lawson (the same comics also inspire Jean Grey and Kamala Khan) to take on the name Captain Marvel when he gets unrelated superpowers from the wizard Shazam. In following years his adoptive siblings will join him and become known as the Captain Marvel family of heroes in Fawcett City.
In 2006, Billy Batson travels back in time to World War 2 and teams up with the Justice Society of America. He doesn't recognize the pre-transition Mar-Vell as one of the soldiers he fights against. However, working alongside actual soldiers in the Justice Society and seeing what wartime superheroing was like makes him rethink the military moniker "Captain", and afterward he starts going by CM1 instead (taking after his brother going by CM3). The press, despite his protests, will continue to refer to him as Captain Marvel for years to come.
In 2009, Rick Jones briefly goes by Captain Marvel after bonding with Genis-Vell, an unstable clone of the pre-transition soldier Mar-Vell. He retires the same year and encourages Genis to transition as Lawson had. Genis becomes Phyla-Vell and briefly maintains heroics as Captain Marvel, but leaves earth within a few months to try to build a new life and find an identity distant from the homes and legacy of Lawson.
In 2015, Carol Danvers discovers she was framed for space crimes, and why, and returns to earth, only to find the Eugenics War already ended without her back in 1998, with the surviving Augments having fled into space. She joins the New Avengers (this being the aftermath of the Avengers Civil War still).
Monica Rambeau never went by Captain Marvel... at least not in the still-extant timestream. She and multiple other heroes have memories of her serving as Captain Marvel, during the 5 years and 8 months of the aborted timestream in which "The Snap" occured. These five years were "reset" and erased by the Avengers, including Monica herself, in order to bring back the half the universe that Thanos had killed, and Monica chose to not take up the mantle again.
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laiosynth · 7 months ago
i'm starting an ask blog!! help me decide on a concept to go forward with
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i have no ultimate goal with this other than to explore the wonderful world of fandom AU askblogs and have some fun improving my art through practice. :DD vote below on which you would hypothetically like to see !! and please reblog for a larger sample size :3
if anyone wants to hear more about any of these, lmk !! these are some of my favorite old WIP fics/stories that i never got to finish or post.
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starboy-21 · 10 days ago
t4t sambucky fic who’s with me 🤭
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arathejedi394 · 9 days ago
"Rogers!!! Are those handprints???!!!"
They’re all gathered in the communal showers after the mission, washing out the stink of lizard guts. Tony looks up in the middle of peeling ooze out of his hair as Steve is shucking the bottom half of his uniform and Tony absently registers the handprints bruising his hips, finger marks wrapped around them towards the front, the imprint of palms on Steve’s back overlapping his ass, and much darker on the left side. He flicks the goo away, then stands up to take his turn in the showers. He takes a step, then stops. He pivots rapidly, ogling Steve’s bare, bruised hips.
“Rogers!” he shouts.
Steve twists around at his waist, holding a towel in front of him. “What?”
“Are those handprints?” Tony demands.
Steve glances down briefly at his ass. “Yes.”
Tony splutters for a second. “From someone standing behind you?!”
“Yes,” Steve repeats.
Barnes ducks into Tony’s eyeline and snaps a towel out between Steve and the others in the room. “Stop looking,” he says.
Tony gasps, then points at him. “Did you do that!” he shrieks.
“Duh,” Barnes replies. “Obviously. That's my ass, who else would be bruising it?”
“Not obviously!” Tony keeps yelling. "What does that mean, your ass?!"
“It means that's my ass,” Barnes repeats simply.
“That's true,” Steve adds.
“It’s actually pretty obvious,” Clint throws in.
Tony gasps again, whipping around to look at him. Clint just shrugs. Tony looks at everyone else. Sam rolls his eyes like he’s not surprised and Natasha merely continues toweling her hair. Even Scott, Maria, and Carol look at him as if he should have known about this already. Carol!!! Who has only been an Avenger for two months!!! Carol knew Captain America was being fucked by the Winter Soldier???
Tony snaps to attention, stalking into the shower area.
“Banner!” he yells. “Did you know Steve and the Terminator are gay?!”
“Yes!” Bruce answers from inside his stall.
“What!” Tony inhales sharply, voice bouncing once again on the tiled walls of the locker room. “Thor?!” he demands, not sure he wants to know the answer.
Thor pokes his head out. “I have seen evidence firsthand,” he says.
Tony’s jaw drops again; he didn't want to know that answer. “First what?”
“Firsthand,” Thor repeats. “As in I once witnessed the two of them engaging in coitus.”
“You watched them fucking?” Tony yells more.
“I participated,” Thor answers calmly. “We spit-roasted the Captain, I believe is the term.”
“I was in his boy pussy!” Barnes calls from the other room. “And it was an Eiffel Tower!”
“What is the difference?” Thor asks curiously.
“The high five,” Barnes explains, lifting a hand.
Steve slaps his palm but Barnes interlaces their fingers after. Tony’s jaw drops.
“No high five, that’s a spit roast,” Barnes explains, metal fingers still folded together with Steve's in the air.
“Oh, I see!” Thor answers.
Barnes drops his hand, but Steve does not release it. Instead, he stands on one foot to lean closer and he smacks a kiss onto Barnes's cheek. Tony just looks between Steve, Barnes, and Thor, speechless and mouth open.
“I think that’s a record,” Natasha says.
“Of what?” Steve asks.
“Stark not talking.”
“PUSSY?” Tony bellows in disbelief. “BOY PUSSY?!”
Barnes glances at Steve, frowning. “Aren’t you out?”
“I think I forgot to tell Tony,” Steve responds, then leans over the towel Barnes is still holding in front of him. “Tony, I’m a trans man!”
Tony shrieks again. He forgoes the shower and storms naked out of the locker room, laughed out by the whole team except Bruce and Thor.
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spidersinsalem · 1 month ago
In light of recent events in my country, I want all of you fellow trans Americans to know that this is not the end. We will fight and continue to thrive. Nobody is going to push us back into the closet. Do not let them feed off of your fear. Do not let them make you detransition. Living is a form of protest. If Steve Rodgers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, or ANY comic book hero was alive in this world they would want you to keep fighting. Do not let them make you feel hopeless.
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ungrateful-sneeze · 1 year ago
Ok so in the first avenger it’s said that the serum enhances what already there in a person, right?
Stick with me here
Do I hear trans Steve Rogers that didn’t tell anyone he was born a woman then the serums like: yo this is a man, and he just grows a penis and doesn’t tell anyone????????
Ok that may be the stupidest idea I’ve had so far but I stand by it
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everyoneisgayandtrans · 26 days ago
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yiiran · 14 days ago
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preserves42 · 7 months ago
Captain America is a Transgender Allegory
And as such I headcanon him to be a trans man, hear me out.
(specifically this is referring to the MCU Steve Rogers Cap as played by Chris Evans, as I'm not familiar enough with other variants of the character)
Before taking the super soldier serum, Steve is constantly barred from joining the military because he doesn't fit the standards they require (not tall enough, not strong enough, i.e. not stereotypically masculine enough). He also looks up to his best friend Bucky who does fulfil these stereotypes, and clearly wishes he could be more like him so that he can join up. He wants to "be a man" and join the military but society, specifically doctors and the government, says he's "not enough of a man".
Finally one doctor, Erskine, takes pity on him and he gets the opportunity to go through a bunch of grueling tests to prove his masculinity and that he deserves the serum. During these scenes there's even a point where Colonel Phillips talks about how wars are "won by men" then looks at Steve and scowls at Doctor Erskine, clearly showing Phillips does not believe Steve is a "real man".
Later, during the conversation between Doctor Erskine and Steve, Erskine explains how the super serum exemplifies the traits of the recipient. It won't turn someone who isn't a man into a one, it only brings out what was already there. Erskine knows and respects that Steve is a good man (you can read "good man" in any number of ways) even whilst others don't.
Fast forward to after Steve has taken the serum, the people who didn't know him beforehand are all happy to treat him like a man, we almost immune see a shot of a newspaper headline featuring Steve titled "Mystery Man Saves Civilians!" with a picture of him looking very stereotypically masculine deflecting gunfire with a car door. However, people like Colonel Phillips' attitudes towards Steve don't change very much. Despite his obvious abilities Phillips doesn't want Steve's help because he didn't want a non-masculine person made to be masculine, he wanted all the already masculine soldiers he had to be more masculine. This mirrors the attitude of some people to complain that "men today aren't masculine enough and need to man up" and want cis men to be more masculine whilst simultaneously rejecting and delegitimising trans men. It could also be compared to how cis people have relatively easy access to hormones that'll make them more like their gender assigned at birth, but it is made difficult for trans people to get the same hormones.
Even Senator Brandt, who initially seems to respect what Steve has become, actually just wants him to perform like some sort of experiment or curiosity to make the Senator money alongside the exaggeratedly feminine dancing girls, similar to how some people will claim to support trans people but actually just fetishize them.
It's only once most of the people who initially knew Steve are gone (barring Bucky and Peggy who always respected his identity anyway) and he's in the present that he's able to fully escape from his pre-serum life, which mirrors how trans people sometimes find it easier to fit in when arriving in a new space where nobody knew them prior to transitioning.
I'm probably not the first person to have this headcanon, and I apologise if I've used terminology wrongly or insensitively, this was just something that came to me whilst walking home in the blistering heat thinking about gender.
If anyone else has trans headcanons/theories about Captain America or other characters I'd love to hear them!
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monster-cock69 · 8 months ago
Kinky boudoir photographer Steve doing Peter and Tony’s wedding shoot in the spring then their maternity shoot in the fall
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