#trans Omegaverse
kydrogendragon · 2 months
Hob stares down at the small medicinal tube in his hands. He has been staring at it now for nearly an hour, and the ripple of excitement still runs through him. He takes a breath and unscrew the cap. The scent hits his nose immediately, and it's not...unpleasant, not really, but it certainly is strong. He squeezes a small dollop onto the pad of his finger and presses it against the under-responsive scent glands.
He knows, from his doctor and testimonials on the internet and even from friends he knows that the effects aren't instant. It's a gradual process, one that will take time, and yet the moment the cream is absorbed into his skin, Hob just feels better. He feels right.
Hob screws the cap back on and sets it down on the sink, beside his toothbrush and razor, ready for daily use. He looks up into the mirror and smiles.
It takes less time than he expects for Dream to notice. He's now been two months on A as of last Friday, and he's starting to notice changes (finally!) Nothing major, mainly that his scent glands have gotten more noticeable—to him, that is. They've started to itch in a way they never have before. And his sense of smell has gotten sharper too. The first time, he caught a wiff of Dream's scent from inside the crowded bar and knew it was him? Hob was ecstatic. So it shouldn't come as too big of a surprise when Dream stares at him with an even sharper gaze than usual when he answers the door.
Hob stands, bag of take-out in one hand, and a copy of the extended Lord of the Rings movies in the other. Dream looks him up and down, his nostrils flaring. Hob wonders, perhaps a bit tok late, if his scent is finally beginning to change as well now.
"You..." Dream starts, then shakes his head. "Come in."
Hob blinks but steps through, making his way to their usual movie spot in the living room of Dream's flat. "Mrs. Chen tossed in an order of samosas for you again," he says, untying the thin plastic bag handles. He hears the telltale sound of drinks being prepared in the kitchen.
"Mrs. Chen is simply determined to fatten me up," Dream calls back. Hob chuckles as he sets out the containers of food, then sets the DVD case on the television stand.
While Dream's still preoccupied, Hob takes a moment and wipes his hand across his scent glands, and takes a whiff. It's stronger, perhaps, than usual, but it still smells like him, he thinks. Maybe he just stinks in general, and Dream was being polite and not saying anything. He has been sweating a lot more since being on HRT.
He hums and settles into his usual spot on the couch.
[Transition stuff. They're chatting/watching the movie, ect.]
"Have you started seeing someone?" Dream asks him right as the screen prompts them to put in disk two. Hob whips his head back to find Dream staring at him with that piercing gaze once more.
"No? Why?"
"Because you do not smell like yourself." Dream's eyes narrow. Hob's heart jumps in his chest. Shit. Maybe he's gotten a bit nose blind to his own scent.
"I'm not seeing anyone, I promise. I'd tell you if I was." Dream eyes him a moment longer before huffing and turning back to the screen.
"I am not a fragile thing, Hob Gadling," Dream says coolly. "I will survive if you have found a possible mate. It is not as if I am some—some charge you are responsible for, that if you leave, I will shatter. Despite what my sister might claim."
"And if you have found an alpha you are happy with, then I will be... happy—" his tone is anything but "—for you. But you needn't lie to me when I can smell their scent all over you."
"Their scent..." Hob's hand trails up to his neck, palm resting just above his itching gland.
"Yes. You reek of it. It permeates from you as if you have drowned yourself in it." Dream stands, stepping towards the DVD player but not quite finishing the small journey there. "I will understand if you find yourself with less time for me because of it. It is only natural to want to spend time with the one that makes you happy," he adds on, voice smaller than before.
Hob stands and reaches out, grabbing a hold of Dream's arm. He tenses in Hob's hold but doesn't turn, nor does he pull away.
"Dream, I—There's something I need to tell you." Dream takes a deep breath in as if preparing himself for the inevitable. "I should have told you sooner, I just...I didn't know what you'd think.
"I'm not seeing anyone, that's true, but you're right. This scent you're smelling is new. Guess I've been nose blind to it lately. But it's not anyone else's. It's...it's mine. Well, my new scent, I guess. For this moment of time. It might keep changing, I'm not really sure."
Dream angles his head to stare at Hob from the corners of his eyes, his face confused. Hob smiles, though it doesn't reach his eyes. "I'm transitioning. To an alpha. S'why I smell different. And why a whole bunch of other things about me might soon be...different."
Hob waits. Dream just stares. He can practically see the gears turning in his friend's head.
"Why were you afraid of telling me this?"
Hob lets Dream's arm go and slots his hands in his pockets. He looks down as he speaks. "Dunno. I know after Alex—" Hob sees Dream's muscles in his leg twitch at the name "—you weren't...I thought..." Hob sighs, neck tensing as he struggles against the persistent nagging fear lodged in his chest. "I didn't want you to be afraid of me. I didn't want to scare you off or lose you because you couldn't feel comfortable around me anymore."
"Do you truly believe me to be so weak?"
"That's not what I meant. You're not weak, I've never thought you were weak, Dream. But you can be uncomfortable. I can count the number of alphas you're fine with in close quarters on one hands and three of them are your own family."
"And why would you think you would not immediately be added to that list?"
Hob inhales, breath catching partway. "I...I don't know. Didn't want to presume? Thought maybe you'd find my new scent unbearable or something."
Dream shakes his head. "You are a fool, Hob Gadling." He turns to him fully, eyeing him no longer with doubt or concern, but with a new hunger in his eyes. His nostrils flare again as he takes in Hob's scent properly. Hob smiles when he hears the quiet happy trill in Dream's chest.
"Acceptable smell then?"
"Quite," Dream replies, stepping closer. "In fact, it is possibly the best scent I've smelled from an alpha before."
Hob's heart sings as Dream calls him an alpha. It's the first time he's heard it from someone he knows, someone who's not a doctor or pharmacist. It feels good. Feels right. And then Dream's leaning closer, and Hob can feel his soft cheek against Hob's neck, and his body flares at the touch. Dream rubs his cheek against his skin, scenting him, letting their scents combine.
Hob takes a deep breath and is smacked by a nose full of Dream. It's intoxicating. It's rich and smooth like silk. And it's doing something to his mind that it never did before. His instincts scream at him, tell him to hold, to touch, to claim. His skin ripples with anticipation, and it's torture. And it's this that he was afraid of. That he wouldn't be used to the instincts that come with being an alpha, that he wouldn't be able to resist or wouldn't be used to stopping himself.
He steps back, pushing Dream back by his shoulders. His hands dig into Dream's shirt, and when he sees the hurt expression on his face, Hob wants nothing more than to pull him back close, to comfort his omega.
No. Not his.
"I'm sorry, I..." Hob grimaces as he drops his hands and wraps them around his chest as if it would somehow quell the utter need to bite and to mate. "I should go, I—I don't want to accidentally hurt you."
"What is wrong?"
Hob growls, heat beginning to rise in him "Fuck," he hisses. "I think it's a damn rut. Well. A pre-rut, technically. Not a true one but—" he's cut off as a sharp lance to his side causes him to gasp. He stpes back, falling into the couch. When he looks back up, Dream's eyes are dark.
"That is what I smelled on you. Rut. Or the start of it. No wonder your scent was so strong. Is this your first?" Dream closes the distance, standing between Hob's legs, which does nothing to help the deaire to pull him down into his lap and ravish him.
"Technically," he replies, breathing growing shorter. "It won't last as long, at least it shouldn't. Maybe a day max. But they'll start more frequently until I get my first actual rut." Hob growls once more as that lance of pain shoots through him again.
"Fucking hell," he yells. "Do your heats hurt like this?"
"Sometimes, yes. Though, it is easier if shared with a partner."
Hob squeezes his eyes tight as he rides out the wave of pain. "Yeah? Guess I'm shit out of luck then."
There are hands on his knees, slowly pulling his legs apart. When he opens his eyes, he sees Dream knelt between them looking predatory. "Not quite. I am here, after all."
Hob's breath catches in his throat. "Dream—"
"I know you do not want me for a mate, but it is not uncommon for friends to help one another through ruts and heats—"
"—the fuck do you mean I don't want you for a mate?" Hob cries, his hands cupping Dream's face. Clearly this was not what he expected Hob to say because Dream kneels there, blinking for a moment before continuing.
"You...do? Wish me as a mate?"
Hob laughs. Dream scowls, but Hob just leans forward and presses a light kiss to his forehead. "I've wanted you for years now, Dream."
[They figure their shit out briefly]
[Then Dream rides Hob like a goddamn professional bull-rider. Hob's never come so much in his life. And he even gets the barest hint of a knot going. Dream compliments it and tells Hob he fills him so well, that he can't wait to get Hob's final knot in him and how he looks forward to going on this journey with Hob as well.]
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I know there isn’t much trans Omegaverse stuff which honestly doesn’t make any sense like hello first gender dysphoria can still exist. And second gender dysphoria as well! You can feel great about your second gender but maybe you’re not comfortable with the first or both or vice versa! More stories like those could be interesting too and if anything make for more interesting character arcs or stories in general the Omegaverse has so much potential outside typical formulas that everyone should explore more! Oh boy the potential for double dysphoria too like I could not imagine one is bad enough 💀
I would also like to see more asexual Omegaverse stuff as well I know both of these already exist but I would like to see more rep in stories out there and how they handle it.
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frownyalfred · 11 months
ok like. i have not Minded omegaverse for a long time so i had no real Objections to coralverse and have actually very much enjoyed it!! but aLSO. thanks? for acknowledging my Biggest Real RL hangup abt omegaverse (ie. The Bits.) in your latest chapters. its so small and so silly. but god i do love an acknowledgment of WHY, physically, one would not know what a person would present as (w/o invasive medical tests) Until Presentation. idk! i, A Trans, appreciate it idk. IDK. like i know irl that Bits dont mean a whole lot but it is Nice, for me, to have em acknowledged in fiction. idk! im still figuring it out but your fics make the brain go happy brrrr so thanks <3
You’re welcome! It’s one of those opportunities to really delve into the “science” behind the a/b/o universe and it’s been very interesting!
For example, the internal growth inside of Jason that was only visible on ultrasound, and only when he was weeks away from his presentation.
Since I chose to go with single sex omegas, sans anal sex or reproduction, this made the most sense. So a pup would really have no idea how they’d present until very close to their presentation, hence why Bruce could likely smell a hint of it in Jason’s scent — he was probably smelling those small biological changes his body was making ahead of his presentation heat.
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pack-the-pack · 4 months
Hello I passively follow bc I’m interested in abo dynamics and have written a few fics and your opinions are helpful and thought provoking.
I had a question, what do you think of the idea of trans among abo? Like an Omega transitioning to an Alpha: taking Alpha pheromones and possibly surgically closing off or removing their womb?
Just an idea that came up and I haven’t seen any fics with that kinda thing in it, bc my fandom circle is small. I would like your opinion
Hello 🤗
Sorry for the absolutely tragic wait I put you through this ask. I kind of dropped off the face of the earth for a while.
But to answer your question: Absolutely possible and doable in my verse.
Much like real life one can either socially transition, physically transition or both. I don't talk much abt trans stuff, cause I particularly don't find it interesting enough and/or they aren't a good fit for my ideas/stories. And I'm saying this as someone who can be considered Enby.
But I think it's a great subject to tackle. I know it's not the same at all, but I just answered a question abt intersex people, and I think both intersex and trans people are an interesting subject to analyse under Omegaverse.
And to be quite honest, if someone is open to A/B/O but not so much intersex or trans rights and issues, I think Omegaverse can be a good medium to try and change people's minds.
Yah know those "reverse homophobia", videos from years ago, that showed straight people as being marginalised instead of The Gays™? In order to kind of make conservatives understand what would it be like to be on lgbtq+ shoes? Sort of like that.
A well written anything can be a great tool for forging a better more accepting and tolerant society. In any subject. I don't see why Omegaverse can't be a tool for such ends also.
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sunshine-omega · 1 year
context: I saw your post about possible reasons why there’s a lot of omegas in the community!
I personally am a trans man, who doesn’t necessarily feel bottom dysphoria. (I don’t have any desire for bottom surgery and am perfectly fine with that)
So in my personal experience, a/b/o and misc has given me an opportunity to feel ‘normal’ I guess. In the way that there are cis men in a/b/o that have the same anatomy as me. I guess for me personally it just validated how I feel about my body and made me feel more comfortable and confident that there’s nothing wrong with being a boy with female bottom anatomy.
So I think similar to what you were saying about a lot of people being raised as women, really speaks to this experience. I thought I might share. :3
Dude yeah, same to everything you just said. Trans + miscecanis identities just make me so 🥰🥰🥰
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onthemerits · 4 months
7. trans jeggy omegaverse 🙏
omggggg so i’ve been talking abt this one a little but @jmeslovr and i came up w this idea after a convo about bitching…
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hehe i’ll post more abt it if someone submits another ask
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I just read a summary and tags to a fic where they implied being trans in omegaverse but with secondary genders. I don't want to read that particular fic but are there any others that expand in this concept. It justs seems so interesting and i could see like very good angst with this and i typically don't read omegaverse but if this is the trope i would read it all.
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bee-a-garbage-shipper · 10 months
trans or omega tim au
classic trope of getting drunk and accidentally falling in bed together.
tim wakes up first, panics at seeing jason, and leaves without saying anything. jason wakes up later and has flashes of being with someone the night before but can't remember who.
tim thinks everything will be fine as long as he avoids jason for a little bit out of awkwardness. but then
oops, pregnancy
and jason being highkey jealous whenever he sees tim pregnant and also furious that the father is a dead beat
(tim said it wasn't like that at all but jason thinks tim is too nice so jason is assuming the man [him] is a deadbeat)
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transalphabf · 1 year
It was normal in your pack for Omegas and Alphas to be traded, to help keep the bloodlines fresh and the peace upheld.
You were one such Omega, given to a pack known for their Alphas hunting skills, with a high number of true shifters. Not all packs could boast that, as many would have individuals born that simply became more feral under the glow of the moon.
You didn’t know who your mate would be, nobody really did until the Chase was underway. Your Alpha sibling had enjoyed their Chase the night before - It was customary for Alphas that mated into the pack to match first, in order to prevent any potential same former clan partnerships forming accidentally.
Your eyes scanned the assorted Alphas gathered. One tall, with sandy hair and a scar running up their jaw, another lean, with long red hair and fangs that hung over her lips, a third with short dark hair, and gleaming eyes, the fourth and fifth twins with matching hunger glinting in their flinty gaze.
You looked to the other Omegas who had come with you. There were four of you in total, to encourage healthy competition with the Alphas, two or three of which you could smell were true shifters. A low rumble came from one, catching the group of Omega’s scent on the wind.
You’d be given a five minute headstart to get your blood thrumming and allow you to evade capture if you truly didn’t wish to be mated, and you took off into the dense woodland, pausing to rub your scent on a few different trees to confuse the hunters. Then, you made for the sound of running water, jumping into the stream and following it up, until you came to a small covered area, an outcrop of rocks just big enough to stand up in. You wanted to keep running, but knew that sometimes hiding was a better solution- what Alpha could have tracked you up the river, after all?
You heard the sounds of another Omega moaning and shouting as they were caught and knotted up by an Alpha, somewhere in the near distance probably twenty minutes into your hiding, and then half an hour later saw familiar shoes of your cousin run past, chased by the twin Alphas, who would seemingly share her. Well, she always maintained she was too much for one Alpha to handle. You were more than thankful that you didn’t have to hear her being claimed and mated.
You let out a small breath of relief, still undetected. The only sounds you could really perceive was the river running past, and birdsong above. You lay your head on the cool stone, enjoying that you had successfully evaded any Alphas not worth your affections, eyes slipping shut for a moment, before hearing a growl from just above you. You held your breath, covering your mouth as you could hear the Alpha above you searching, sniffing you out.
After what seemed to be an eternity of slick pooling between your thighs, you heard him leave, and let out the breath you were holding. Not yet.
Until his hand grabbed your ankle and pulled you from the mouth of the small cavern, and you were pinned beneath the Alpha with gleaming eyes. He grinned at you, with sharp teeth, and you felt your body react instinctively, offering your throat to him. He leant in, and licked a long, slow stripe up your neck. You moaned softly, and his hand rested on your chest.
“If you don’t want this, tell me now.” He growled softly, but, emboldened, you found yourself reaching up to his cheek, meeting his gaze.
“I want this. I want you.” You spoke, without even really thinking for more than a moment. You didn’t need to think longer, not with how good his scent was. Your cunt clenched down on nothing at his responding growl.
Easily, he tugged down your shorts, exposing your slick, slightly puffy cunt to the cool air. He eagerly dove between your thighs, and pressed a thick, slippery tongue inside of you, making you gasp, your head thrown back as he lapped up your excess slick and ground his nose against your omega cocklet, making you gasp and shudder again. He pulled away after a moment, inspecting your pink, throbbing hole.
“Never been filled?” He asked softly, and you nodded, confirming that. He groaned and kissed your thigh, before stripping down.
“I can’t promise I won’t shift while claiming you. It won’t hurt too much, though, don’t be afraid - I know we look monstrous.” He murmured, and you felt your body tighten for a moment just imagining how it might feel to have him shifting inside of you. You hadn’t even felt his cock yet, but you couldn’t stop thinking about how it might feel being stretched even further.
“Breed me.” You pleaded, gripping his shoulder, your nails pressing in a little. He growled at that, and quickly pressed your legs up to your chest as he filled you, every inch making you feel even fuller. You glanced down, to see how much was left, and clenched on his thick cock when you saw the slight bulge in your stomach. Three more inches, and then his cock would be pressing everywhere inside of you. Your head fell back, and he sank in those final few inches, the tip pressing hard on your cervix, making you gasp, hips rolling a little, before he shifted his position slightly, making you see stars.
Then he began to fuck you. It wasn’t slow and gentle like a beta might do, you’d been told that they were always careful with Omegas, not wanting to hurt them. No, he fucked you like you were his personal knot toy. Maybe you were, but that wasn’t too much of a problem for you, not really. It felt too good to complain about, and every thrust dragged along your gspot which served to have you writhing beneath your Alpha.
As you felt yourself getting closer to cumming, you had the forethought to warn your Alpha, and he sank his teeth into your neck, claiming you right as you came on his cock, your nails drawing blood from his shoulders as he continued to fuck into you, body shifting, growing, changing as he continued to fuck you as hard as he could.
Your eyes rolled back as his cock grew impossibly bigger inside of you, and fur erupted along his body, the tip of his cock more tapered now as he became the ‘monstrous’ werewolf that he warned you he was.
If anything, you found it even hotter, and came again when the tip of his cock pressed against your cervix, and you felt the never used before muscle trying to open up.
He became uncontrollable, then, and began doing his best to fuck right through your cervix, the nerve endings firing orgasm after orgasm through your body. It was madenning.
When the tip of his enormous lupine cock finally breached your cervix, he let out a low noise, and his knot inflated rapidly, cock pulsing into you as rope after rope of thick, virile cum was fucked into your womb.
Yes, you’d been picked by exactly the right Alpha.
if you enjoyed this post please consider tipping me on ko fi
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omegafloret · 3 months
If we're moots, you have my full consent to be weird with me against my will <3
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sweetheart4you · 4 months
Hiii so I have an idea for a request~ how about illumi with a male reader (preferably cis) who can transform into someone else by drinking their blood? Btw he has to keep drinking that person's blood because a drop does that he can only be that person for one hour (if he drinks multiple people's within the same time period blood he can switch between them)
How about he's sly and flirty, but the moment someone gives him a compliment he freezes not knowing how to react... Also you know what I'm going to ask for.. he has boob windows in most of his clothes
I'm gonna make this A/B/O, I hope you dont mind :). Other than that, I don't have anything to say, so...
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When he first met you, he didn't care, mostly because you had been in disguise and hadn't smelt like, looked like, or been yourself.
The second time Illumi met you, you were yourself, though with extremely strong scent blockers.
He couldn't help but adore you immediately. You were a strong, capable, beautiful omega. What's there not to love?
Illumi started to stalk you, trying to understand you more. Which is how he got the scent of your pheromones. God, he loved that smell and needed more.
Stalking is also how he figured out how your power worked. He fell more in love with you and finally knew the perfect gift to give you!
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You stepped outside your house to find a package that you didn't order. “Hm? Where'd this come from?.."
You took the package inside your house and opened it. Inside was a minty chocolate scented oversized hoodie, a vial of blood, and some of your favorite snacks.
There was a note at the bottom that you picked up and read.
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“Hello my dear. You are the most perfect omega I've ever seen. I have sent you some courting gifts; one of my scented hoodies, some of my blood, and snacks I have seen you have an affinity for. I hope you will agree to my courtship.”
I am so sorry not all of the things you asked for were specifically mentioned, but I got inspo and ran with it (╥﹏╥)
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whenuwishuponastar · 2 months
I need more perryshmirtz fanfics from Perry's POV where he's always thinking "how can anyone think this man is evil?? Look at him, he’s a wet cat"
I also need more fanfics with the tag "accidental baby acquisition", I just love reading father Heinz Doofenshmirtz in action, Vanessa being a big sister and Perry being a simp (someone at OWCA leaves an "Im not the stepdad Im the dad that stepped up" mug at Perry's desk)
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horticunture · 10 months
making sure you’ve made you and your alpha a comfortable place to spend your heat, all soft materials and pillows, but most importantly, a waterproof blanket, so they can keep filling you up with load after load. that way they can mark you inside and out, painting your thighs when they pull their knot out of you just to see the cum flooding out, making a mess.
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gloomysoup · 9 months
i found a thing that i wrote months ago and forgot about so have a treat i guess :)
cw: domestic violence
Steve isn't exactly sure how it started. It could have been the dishes, or the laundry, or the host of other things Eddie has been avoiding that Steve has had to do himself. It wouldn't normally be a problem, but Steve was tired. He was stressed. He had been working long hours and the weight of his pregnancy had been dragging him down the last few weeks. So no, Steve isn't exactly sure what happened, how it started. All he knows is that they're arguing.
Eddie’s yelling. Steve’s voice cracks and breaks with every attempt to fight back. It's loud. It's heated. They're standing on the edge of a cliff, and someone is going to make the jump. Someone is going to tumble over the edge, and there's no coming back once they do. Steve knows that. He's seen the cliff his entire life. His parents were always standing at the edge. They willingly took the jump many times before. Steve’s life had always been situated right there on the cliff side, waiting for it to crumble out from under his feet. He thought he'd escaped when he found Eddie. He thought for sure that Eddie was safe. That he would build Steve a home far away from the cliff, on solid land. That Steve would never have to face the water again. And yet here they are.
They've been arguing for a while, voices raised and venom spat back and forth. They're aiming to hurt each other. Steve hates it, but he refuses to back down. The words are spilling from his mouth before he can even think about stopping them. It doesn't matter. Eddie shoots back just the same. They're dangling over the edge now. Steve knows it's only a matter of time before one of them snaps.
It's Eddie.
One second, Eddie is saying something about Steve’s family, his childhood. It settles in Steve’s brain as his husband thinking he won't be a good parent to their unborn child. He’s going to fuck it all up just like his parents did. So he shoots back just as harshly. Maybe more.
The words had barely left his mouth before Eddie’s palm was colliding with his cheek. A sharp smack echoed through the room as they both fell silent. Eddie looked completely shocked, like he hadn't expected to do that. Like he didn't know he ever would. Steve should have known. He should have known nothing would ever be different. He was destined to fall into the same patterns as his parents.
Steve swallowed hard and nodded his head. “Okay,” he whispered before turning his back and walking away. He shut himself in the bathroom, locking the door behind him. His reflection in the mirror was almost a spitting image of his mother. His face was flushed, eyes red with the effort of holding back his tears. Eddie’s hand was imprinted on his cheek in a bright red mark. His hands were shaking. The room was closing in on him and he couldn't breathe. He couldn't stay here right now. He needed to get out.
There was a soft knock on the door.
“Steve? Baby? I'm sorry. I- I don't know what got into me. I didn't mean to- I never wanted to hurt you, honey, please. Please open the door. I'm so sorry.”
Steve didn't answer. He couldn't. His ears were ringing. It sounded like the same empty apologies his father always gave every time he laid his hands on Steve’s mother. Deep down, part of Steve knew Eddie was nothing like his father. This was not the same thing. Eddie was different.
But there was a mark on his cheek and the sting of his hand lingering there.
He loved Eddie, and he wanted to believe him, but he had a baby to think about. This small being was still inside him, vulnerable to the outside world. He couldn't take that risk. He wouldn't. He needed to get out.
He opened the door and slipped past Eddie, who had tears running down his bright red cheeks. They were flushed from anger. Not from pain like Steve’s.
He reached for Steve. “Baby-”
“Don't,” Steve whispered, shaking his head and holding up his hand to stop Eddie from touching him.
“Baby, please. I'm so sorry. I- I never wanted to hurt you, I swear. I don't know why I did that. I'm sorry. Please.”
Steve shook his head and made his way down the hall to their bedroom. He grabbed a duffel bag from the closet and started filling it with clothes. Eddie followed him in, but kept some distance.
“Where are you going?” Eddie's voice shook, breaking as he watched Steve pack his things.
“I can't be here right now.” He shoved another handful of clothes haphazardly into the bag. “I'm sorry, Eddie. I need to be somewhere else.”
“Stevie, please don't do this. I'm sorry. I am so fucking sorry. I swear I'm never going to do anything like that ever again. Please.”
Steve shook his head and zipped up the bag. “I want to believe you.”
“But you don't?”
“I can't. With the baby-” He looked up at Eddie, the tears finally rolling down his cheeks. “I just need some space.”
Eddie stepped forward, reaching his hands out. Steve took a step back, and Eddie froze. His arms dropped to his side. He took a shuddering breath.
“I'm sorry,” Steve whispered before leaving the bedroom. Eddie followed him to the door, standing in the middle of the living room.
“Are you coming back?”
“I don't know.”
“Do I get to know anything?”
“I think it's best if you don't.”
“This is what you need?”
Steve sighed and shook his head. “I can't be here right now, Eddie. I love you, but I won't feel safe if I stay. My mom always stayed.”
Eddie swallowed around the lump in his throat. He nodded slowly. “Okay. I understand. Just- please just let me know you're safe, wherever you go. I need to know you're safe, Steve.”
Steve nodded, his hand on the doorknob. “I will. I promise.”
“I love you. Please don't forget that. I love you so much, and I'm so fucking sorry for what I did.”
“I know. I'm sorry too.”
He left. The door closed with a soft click behind him. He choked down a sob as he made his way down the path to the driveway. He got in his car, throwing the duffle in the passenger seat and starting the engine. He could barely see through the tears as he backed out of the driveway and took off down the road. He broke into painful sobs as he turned the corner, and their house disappeared.
it could be something. idk. is this something? i wrote it on a whim forever ago. it could be omegaverse, it could be trans steve, who knows 🤷‍♀️ i never thought that far ahead tbh. again, it was a whim. if it's something, maybe i'll continue it who knows. anyway, happy tuesday/wednesday guys :D
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intothedysphoria · 2 months
Transalpha billy?? Coming back to town and surprising his hometown sweetie Steve??? If you please???
Steve was already moping by the first day.
Billy knew that because Steve had sent him at least 6 different voicemails, whining about being lonely about an hour after he’d gotten off the plane. There was no arguing that Billy didn’t feel lonely too, it had been a long while since he’d spent time without his mate but he was so frazzled after the flight, he didn’t have the energy to respond.
The response Billy got was moping even more.
Heather stared over his shoulder as Billy scrolled through the endless sea of their Instagram messages, eyebrows arched severely in judgement. Her and Robin weren’t that ridiculously codependent, that’s what she’d say, popping gum between her teeth. Well, Heather and Robin weren’t mated. They clearly didn’t get it.
It was just that there were no bottom surgeons in Hawkins (not that Billy ever thought they would be) and Billy already had a strong relationship with a secondary gender reassignment clinic in San Francisco. Steve was notoriously bad at dealing with surgery and had a phobia of flying. It would only be two weeks. Both of them could handle it.
The dreams started during night four. The ones where Billy would stare at his face, distorted into some nightmarish parody of femininity and Steve would stare at him, disappointed. He immediately texted Steve, sweat dripping down his back, when he woke up and Steve soothed, with gentle words.
It helped a little but Billy still wanted to punch something.
His hormone levels were normal, that’s what the doctor said. For someone transitioning from omega to alpha, 2 years and 6 months on hormones, he was doing remarkably. No heats for fourteen months, the beginnings of a consistent rut, only producing slick in very rare occasions. The level of dysporia Billy was experiencing was still incredibly high but he was dealing with it, with the support of his close friends, his sister and his mate.
It was ok, that’s what everyone kept telling him. Billy tried to tell himself that too.
Steve consistently sent him the most ridiculous, adorable selfies. He’d always caption them “trans guy swag” showing off his new beard, impressively thick already. Billy missed him so much. His voice, the way his Star of David necklace would swing when he walked, the inevitable smell of burning whenever he tried to cook.
It was six more days. Then he could fly back. Six more days.
Bottom surgery went fine. He ate a lot of jello when he woke up. That and chocolate pudding. God, he was absolutely fucking starved. Heather was mostly tapping on her phone, ever the “influencer” (Billy was pretty sure she was just scamming misogynistic alphas) but she’d look over at Billy and gently take his hand.
He was cleared to leave a day early. After a quick mental battle, Billy decided not to tell Steve. He’d do that cute face that he did whenever Billy surprised him and that was unmissable. So Billy sent an increasingly stupid set of tiktoks instead and turned off his phone.
Flying back to Indiana with Heather was always going to be an experience but he hadn’t quite prepared himself for just how many episodes of Pretty Little Liars she was going to force him to watch in four hours. And then more on her phone on the drive back. Billy loved her but really she was absolutely ridiculous.
Steve was in his usual place for a Wednesday morning. Sipping a cup of overly strong, overly sweet coffee in the hipster place Billy had introduced him to. Talking to Dustin about something nerdy (probably Top Gun) and Billy decided he was going to sit at the table parallel and see how long it took Steve to notice.
It took two minutes (Steve’s new personal record) before he whipped his head around and tears started forming in his eyes. Billy had to grin and hold his arms out (walking was still a bit of a struggle, as was standing) and just wait for Steve to barrel into him.
He didn’t get reprimanded. Or get Steve jumping into his lap. Instead he just got a soft kiss on his forehead and Steve wringing his hands like he usually did when trying to emotionally regulate
“You’re home”
And really that was all Billy wanted to hear.
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suzukiblu · 1 year
join, scent, sorry
"Wait, so you just . . . ditched Superboy? Like right after he got out of Cadmus?" Captain Marvel sputters right in the middle of a League meeting, looking startled. "Why?"
"Batman is handling the Superboy situation," Clark says as neutrally as possible, resisting the urge to grit his teeth or rub at his temples or glower over at Bruce or just–anything, just anything. He isn't Superboy's father, though, and five minutes into this nightmare he's already more than sick of people making the assumption that he should be. He didn't volunteer for anything or consent to anything or even just make a mistake; he had his DNA stolen by people who built a weapon out of it, and just because that weapon's aging process got interrupted and it therefore currently looks like a minor, Clark is supposed to . . . supposed to what, exactly? Sell out his secret identity and his family and his whole damn life to something that only knows what some deluded mad scientists and enslaved genetic experiments thought it should know?
They're not even sure if Superboy is actually a real person. If the personality that's been presented so far is anything more than programming or puppetry or . . . or who knows what, exactly.
Clark can't take that home with him. Can't introduce that to Lois or Ma and Pa or hell, even Jor-El's AI or Krypto. He just can't trust that.
Who could?
And building a weapon that just so happens to look like a kid in a lab and conveniently getting that weapon found and broken out "early", and having that weapon be so eager to join the good guys despite its origins and education and so eager for specifically his attention, so eager to learn about specifically his powers and all the best ways to use and abuse them straight from the source, to try to make specifically him feel some kind of . . . of attachment or affection towards it . . .
Well, Clark's seen much more convoluted and improbable plans from supervillains than that, frankly. They don't know if anything they've been told about Superboy is true. They don't even know if the files Cadmus let them access are accurate or unredacted. They know nothing.
But everyone else seems to think that Clark shouldn't care about that, and that it shouldn't be making him crazy to see his dead birth family's crest in blood red on the chest of a weapon who won't answer to any name but "Superboy".
Dubbilex is a null and doesn't ever scent anyone at all, but sometimes Rex will give him a quick little scruff of approval or Tana or Roxy will give him an affectionate pat or two, and Knockout likes to find excuses to flirt-scent him whenever they end up having a throwdown or whatever, but none of it's ever . . . it doesn't ever . . .
It's embarrassing, but Superboy doesn't–he appreciates it all, obviously, appreciates anyone thinking he's worth any kind of scenting, but it's not what he really wants. He wants something–deliberate. Purposeful.
He wants something heavy, and steady, and certain. Something committed.
Or Superman's attention, just for a minute or two.
He wants to belong to somebody. He's not a real person anyway; he's a thing more than anything else. And if he has to be a thing, it's not fair that he . . . that he isn't a thing that belongs to anyone.
At least, not anyone that he wants to.
Technically speaking, he's Cadmus's IP. Technically speaking, he belongs to Cadmus. There's paperwork that says he does. A lot of it. Cadmus has "custody" of him, legally speaking. He's . . .
He doesn't want that.
He hates that.
"It wasn't . . . it just never felt like–like the right time to tell you, that's all," Kon stutters, feeling like an idiot, and Clark looks . . .
Clark looks pained.
"You mean you never felt safe enough to tell me," he says quietly.
Kon . . . swallows.
Because–that's true, yeah. He's trusted Clark to save his literal stupid life before, but . . . but he never felt safe enough to tell him this.
That's kind of fucked up, isn't it.
"I'm sorry," Clark says, and that suddenly Kon is too bemused to do anything but stare at him. "I should've made sure you knew you could tell me things like that. I shouldn't have just assumed you would."
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