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"this user is an alpha" userbox
symbol by @.mechactually
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Do you know what bitching is in the a/b/o trope? I've seen it in fics but know very little about it other than that.
Oh now this is interesting! I haven't actually gotten around to talking about this one in more depth yet but basically it is the process in which (typically) an alpha or beta is turned into an omega via domination and other such things as that. I've always wanted to write more about. Sometimes it can even be done via plants (like I have mentioned such as my Gladiator's Ode flower) or even done in the reverse with an omega or beta being studded out into an alpha. Very fun to play around with and great question! I hope this answered it a bit.
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Omfg. Had to mention this here as well so here it goes...
Okay so I had my omega friend over today and she thought she'd be real sneaky and take my pack of gum! But because I know she scents literally everything she owns (and steals) I sniffed around and was on the case! She has the strongest freaking coconut scent you'll ever smell that stuff is powerful. So anyways, I track it to the kitchen area and then she thinks she has me stumped. Why is that? Because she knew I'd try and steal it back and scented a bunch of objects that were in there! And first off, rude. That's my possessions. But forget the other points I searched and searched but I found it under the last thing I suspected. Something covered in my own scent! Turns out she didn't scent it at all and sent me on a wild goose chase and hid it under my basket of keys. Clever gal I know. Anyways random rant about today but yeah that's how things went lmao. Took me what felt like two hours lol.
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I can't recall whether or not I had actually mentioned this somewhere as I have had this idea for a while now but I think I'll make a post about it anyways. While growing up most all second genders experience what are known as "Nips". Nips can pop up at seemingly random points and don't work like heats or ruts usually do. Instead of making you unbearably horny they instead just feel a general sense of happiness and relaxed. The reason they seem so random is that they don't follow a cycle. They also don't really feel a want to mate they just seem more playful. They also can't really focus at all and seem a bit loopy. Not to a harmful degree. I mean they could trip over themselves a little more than usual but yeah not that bad. Just don't expect to have deep conversations with them while they are like this. Interestingly as well is their scents tend to actually die down to a point where they seem as if they're all betas. Because of this everyone can hang around someone during a nip and not be affected and drawn into a nip themselves when smelling them. Nips also can show up in not just pups. While pups do get them more often as they have yet to experience a real heat/rut they can experience these throughout their whole lives. Just on increasingly rarer occasions. Those who have never mated before seem to experience them more frequently too. The only second genders who never experience nips are all betas, tyrant alphas, tyrant betas, and tyrant omegas. Marquesses and marchionesses however experience a more increased chance of entering a nipped state throughout their entire lives. As pups it is all over the place for them. Many speculate it is because they experience both heats and ruts but cannot directly link it to that as of now. Also! A rare 5% of the population (of omegas and alphas specifically) may never experience these outside of childhood.
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Smelling new scents from someone to me is not so much alarming as it is fascinating like- who smells like that? New smell? I must find this person. I get so vastly curious. Don’t get me wrong I love being surrounded by familiar scents but there will always be an allure to someone or something that has a new smell.
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Alphas who growl at seemingly random times and to express things other than anger/aggression
Growling when settling or shifting into a more comfortable position
Growling at taking the first bite of a favorite meal
Growling while playing
Just,, happy growls
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Omg Idk if I ever explained this in my pinned post on my personal Omegaverse AU and headcanons but I'll mention it here. For female alphas I have it to where they essentially have a retractable knotted penis that is within what would appear to be a vagina. And their knot is the same size as any other alphas. I think I already mentioned the knot part but here is some more descriptive details lmao. Idk I've always thought of it like this but yeah. I think I used to have it where it still is like a betas in terms of shape but reproduction wise functionally the opposite. How would that have been accomplished? Idk use yer imagination. Oh also, while I know Marquesses and Marchionesses sound like they're basically intersex versions of the second genders but they are absolutely each their own thing and intersex second genders are also their own thing but they're also just referred to as intersex regardless if it's their first or second genders.
Also marking this one because of more "detailed" genitalia talk lol.
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Time for some mini Omegaverse headcanons thingy. This time it involves each second genders proneness to vision problems as well as which ones have better night vision.
Alphas- They have typically only experience vision problems in old age and are less susceptible to having impairments. Now as for night vision they have pretty alright vision and could navigate around but definitely can't see too far ahead in it.
Betas- For both beta males and females as it were they both also are more likely to suffer vision problems or loss in their elderly years but have a good 25% that may experience these things in early development as well. Night vision tends to vary more but most likely if there isn't any light out they're stumbling around.
Omegas- Omegas more than any other second gender have an almost 40% chance of experiencing vision problems or loss for their entire lives and are most susceptible to diseases pertaining to their eyes as well. Luckily the most prevalent ones typically only require prescriptions and eye exercises but if it isn't handled it can became serious. Their night vision is also terrible, if they don't have some big flashlights or just streetlights around they're so done.
Marquesses/Marchionesses- I put these together much like the betas because they both have the exact statistics. They have the same chances for vision problems as betas but night vision is a totally different story. They nearly have the best night vision out of any and can thrive in pitch black environments. (Oh I forgot to add that because of this though they actually are the only ones that have tend to have the highest light sensitivity out of all of them so they have that more unique problem)
Tyrant Alphas/Tyrant Betas- Yeah they both are basically just equal with the betas I simply forgot to put them together lol.
Tyrant Omegas- Hands down best night vision period and they are resistant to pretty much all eye related issues.
Now obviously as usual this is a generalization of the population and not the rule as for every individual can have a different experience. That's all for now.
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hey! it's me, @omegaversetheory ! Tell me about your favorite omegaverse headcanons/your au
Oh hi! Sorry I don't know how long ago this was so I apologize. Hmm favorite headcanons? For general Omegaverse headcanons that I've seen I think I like the ones that make bond bites a huge deal. Ones that have them being permanent marks or those that once they're there good luck ever breaking from that. It can really add to the drama or strengthening of connections. That sort of thing. As for favorites from my own personal headcanons/au I really like the second genders I have come up with and while they don't stick to the naming structure of the original group I've made them to fill in what I would otherwise feel lacking in terms of second genders and while I've seen ones like sigma, gamma, etc... I felt I needed to just do my own. Thanks for asking!
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Time for this year's first Omegaverse Species Spotlight! This time we are focusing on everything deer and elk! From hybrids, cervitaurs, and to well anything 🦌 lets take a generalized look into their kind with some Omegaverse tinted lens!
(Now because it isn't focusing on any one specific species I find it difficult to tackle in my newer format so if it seems like it's back to being jumbled again well- that's why.)
Lets just start with the heat/rut cycles shall we? Unlike some species that experience their heats/ruts every month, they are an exception to that rule. They all enter it seasonally around fall and yeah it is just as chaotic as you would think it would be. On rare occasions it may happen in the Spring but yeah no for the most part fall time is their go time. Alphas of course partake in battles and will be going antler to antler to impress their shared love interests. However they will also be willing to fight anyone and anything that annoys them during this time so watch out! Especially younger alphas as they still aren't to fight the older ones yet but will certainly take you on if they can. Beta males typically only fight their opponents and see no need like alphas to constantly prove themselves and defend their territories. marquesses and marchionesses much prefer a little gentle tapping and scratching the backs of their mates gently with their antlers and will try to lure them away from the crowd while the others are fighting. That is if they are experiencing a rut this time. If instead it is a heat for both of them they are quite timid and will often go with the first winner of a round of fighting. Omegas are quite picky and will often observe their potential partners fighting for quite some time before deciding a final winner. Sometimes it isn't even about who wins necessarily but who displays the most impressive techniques and heart while fighting. For tyrant omegas, it is absolutely about who wins and they will have many champions as mates at one time. For tyrant betas they actually are the only ones guaranteed to have their cycles in the spring and will simply hide themselves away from the others. Getting ready to bring their fawns into the world by themselves. For tyrant alphas they will often bow their heads and plead for a mate. No shame. No fighting. Just begging.
As for their pups or fawns as they preferably call them, well as usual it varies between genders. The amount of fawns each gender has is actually the same to that of humans. Both the typical and maximums of each. (If you want to know those you can also reference my pinned post.)
Now lets get into scenting. They all have their scent glands around their faces, antlers and legs and will rub those against things and each other to mark it. Alphas often mark themselves, their dens and their territories but strangely enough not their mates. The reason? Due to the dangers and how much more their scent stands out even in comparison to the other genders... they simply can't let their mates be found through them. Their scent is by far the strongest and easiest to track. Now they don't nearly have to worry about that as much as they used to but the protective instincts are still there. Beta males and females don't mark too much but both mark their master bedrooms and their fawns. They want to be able to know where their fawns are at all times while still allowing them to adventure off by themselves. Omegas only mark their nests and always keep their fawns by their side. Hence no need for marking them. Marquesses and marchionesses only mark their fortresses. Of course what scents those have varies which benefits them as they do not want to be found no matter who is seeking them out. The tyrants of course do not have a scent until they enter their heats/ruts unless of course they're a tyrant beta in which case they have no scent whatsoever.
An interesting thing to note for them is that packs are kinda just... Simply optional? They don't have set pack structures and often will only all meet with each other at particular points of the year. Alphas and beta males often feel more of the need to form packs or well herds is their preference. They often form those amongst themselves. What determines their leader isn't whoever is the strongest but who is the eldest. Often taking on the role of watching after the others and tending to them like that of a den mother. The other genders really don't bother with it at all. Sometimes they will join them but that's rare.
Alpha dens typically are up on higher ground and not particularly covered too much. They like being surrounded by skinny trees to shave their antlers with and scent mark but that's really their only requirements. It's good enough. Beta males like to be more hidden and will have a master bedroom that's very similar to that of a beta females except that it will lack more of the softer ground they prefer. Often wanting more dirt than grass. Of course when mated they often take residence in the master bedroom, nest or den of their partner. Beta females always insist on staying in their master bedrooms. Marquesses and marchionesses fortresses are made by them digging up holes underground and staying inside them. The comfort of the cool soil and darkness it provides is great for them. Omegas make their nests in thickets typically and make sure that there's no obvious entry. Tyrants of course forge no such places and will sleep wherever it pleases them.
That's pretty much everything unique for them! Thanks for tuning in to another species spotlight and as usual if ya have any you'd like to see discussed please feel free to request one.
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Time for more Omegaverse headcanons~
We all know that marquesses and marchionesses experience both heats and ruts (if you want to know more about them see my pinned post) but while growing up young omegas, betas and alphas may experience and display the opposite of what they normally would. Sometimes it can even carry on to adulthood but this is a rare case. This phenomenon also can occur when they already have a strong pack and are lacking another alpha or omega that they need to balance things out. For omegas they can have what is known as pseudo ruts. They get increasingly territorial and may even be more drawn to omegas. They'll start butting heads with other alphas more frequently and are overall very temperamental like that of a struggling early alpha. However these pseudo ruts will phase out once they have their first heat and that heat will be incredibly intense. The heat will also only start in the presence of an alpha which could be troublesome. For all of them they tend to be really late bloomers as well. For those that carry this into adulthood they face these pseudo heats or ruts constantly and have their normal second gender cycles on top of that so it's definitely more stressful for those individuals. For alphas they seem to want to seek out nests while struggling to form their own and want to stay closer with their pack. Getting pseudo heats. Feeling more emotional and trying to stay within their territory. They also will most likely get their first rut in the presence of an omega. For betas it could be either way. Most of the time it is them experiencing pseudo heats. Especially for male betas. When there is an abundance of beta's this tends to occur more frequently for them. Ah yes I should also mention that while they do feel a need to mate during even their pseudo heats/ruts it's kinda dulled down in comparison to a real one. It's basically akin to that of a beta's heat/rut. So grant it, it's still there but not as bad as an actual omega or alphas heat/rut. Now this kind of thing can't happen to everyone and it's a strange genetic trait as well that can be passed down. It's very recessive so the odds even for two parent carriers are low but not zero.
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I know there isn’t much trans Omegaverse stuff which honestly doesn’t make any sense like hello first gender dysphoria can still exist. And second gender dysphoria as well! You can feel great about your second gender but maybe you’re not comfortable with the first or both or vice versa! More stories like those could be interesting too and if anything make for more interesting character arcs or stories in general the Omegaverse has so much potential outside typical formulas that everyone should explore more! Oh boy the potential for double dysphoria too like I could not imagine one is bad enough 💀
I would also like to see more asexual Omegaverse stuff as well I know both of these already exist but I would like to see more rep in stories out there and how they handle it.
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Happy Halloween everyone! 🎃👻
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You know random thought but uh- since I don’t really see it talked about I guess I’ll toss it into my headcanons pile. Since we already know twins, triplets and so on can be different genders from each other, it’s safe to say that they can also be born with different second genders from each other. Yeah that’s it lol. But yeah I thought that was a neat little tidbit I know maybe it might’ve been too obvious but I wanted to point this out regardless.
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Take your omega to cracker barrel, omegas love cracker barrel.
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So I may or may not have spent a lot of time making this flag (No I could not figure out how to not make it blurry on tumblr, thanks tumblr). It's a pride flag for all those of us who identify with the omegaverse lifestyle, or in a deeper more intimate level. Ever since I came up with the term in 2020 I kind of wanted to make a flag for it, and now we finally have one! I'm so excited!!!
✦The meaning of the colours and shapes✦
✦Teal: Symbolizes Legacy. The Legacy we received as a community over the years, as well as the legacy we leave as a community for future generations who may find comfort and/or solace in omegaverse and with the miscecanis life-style. ✦Turquoise: Symbolizes Fluidity. Not only of the concept of Omegaverse itself, in its ever changing nature, but also of the miscecanis community and its individuals. ✦ White: Symbolizes Freedom. The freedom many of us feel when we identify as Miscecanis. Freedom that may relief grief, feelings of inadequacy and dysphoria. Freedom to be who we truly are and how we truly feel. ✦ Yellow: Symbolizes Pride and Self-Love. In identifying as a miscecanis we love ourselves more than we hate those who hate and ridicule us every day. In identifying as Miscecanis we love ourselves for who we are inspite of negative perceptions. ✦ Gold: Symbolizes Community. The community we built for ourselves, of mutual support, love and acceptance. ✦ Purple: Symbolizes Unity. Unity of all the aspects above as well as unity of spirit with our fellow Miscecanis people. ✦ The Moon: Neither Waxing nor Waning, the Crescent moon faced down is both. Symbolizing Rebirth and Introspection of the Self at the same time. ✦ The Four Pointed Star: The Star represents the three classic dynamics (Alpha, Beta and Omega) + Tertiary Dynamics. The smaller spikes in between each arm of the star represent the in-betweens of the dynamics that also exist in our community. Yes you can use this flag for yourself! You can also take inspiration from it and make other flags that relate to misce varieties (misceanimalis, miscefelis, miscelupus, etc.). ENJOY MY LOVELIES!!!! (If you'd like a non-fuzzy and blurry shitty tumblr rez version of the picture just let me know. You can DM me).
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳 Wow uh didn’t even think it was this old. Like, seriously. I guess it was during the peak of my Topolino phase 🤣
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