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blackrosestore90 · 5 months ago
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You Don't Have To Be Crazy To Work Here We'll Train You T-Shirt
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pundito7 · 5 years ago
What to do with a step and a tube/resistance band? >> Best Practice Leg Workout << *Without/with weights: Core bag/barbell/dumbbell on shoulders *Resistance band above knees 1. Step up & knee up Step up forward - push hip forward and move knee up - step down - step up with other leg ... 2. Step up side & leg side raise Step up right leg - raise left leg aside - step down on the right side and raise right leg - step up left leg .. etc. 3. Pistol squats & leg back raise Squat with one leg - hold up other leg in front - get up and raise other leg backwards - and again & again & again .. - change leg #strengthtraining #functionalfitness #legworkout #resistancebands #weights #freeweights #coordination #personaltrainer #vienna #pundito7 #trainandgain #fit21 #cleverfit https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wooT-IHky/?igshid=zfrd43fviihz
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devanlifts · 7 years ago
Last night, cameraman and generally buff guy @bigdalthesuperpal and I went to the gym on empty stomachs, which was a BIG mistake, because we felt awful. I still managed to deficit-pull this PR of 235 (spelt plate-quarter-quarter) for 10 as raw as it gets- double overhand, no belt, no kneesleeves, no underwear (as far as you know). Even on off days, it’s important to stay hungry and get after your goals!!! #deficitdeadlift #backday #powerlifting #posteriorchain #trainandgain #hangingwithmybro #tanksquad #liftislife #gainz #fitness (at Accolade Fitness)
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arkmommy · 8 years ago
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The other day I was cleaning my basement and found these medals. The people who know me probably heard about my weightlifting days in high school. I talk about them because I was so proud to have won first place medals for squatting 285lbs and deadlifting 230lbs. I remember those days like it was yesterday. I made the wall of fame at my high school 😁. It runs in the family because my sisters were on that board before me. I believe I broke their record, right sis @china17_28 😂. I was in the best shape back then and I was physically strong. I used to bench press 120lbs like if it was lightweight. My gym teacher back then wanted me to pursue weightlifting and he asked me to go compete at a higher level but I got hurt and decided that I was too young to do it and then realized it just wasn't my thing so I stopped weightlifting. Since I started my journey I've been thinking about the good old days when I used to weight lift, and the possibility of going back to weightlifting because I used to love it. After high school life got in the way and I ended up over 200 lbs and super unhealthy until 2 years ago that I started my health/weight loss/fitness journey. I'm working on losing another 30lbs before lifting weights again but I would like to give it another chance in the future. Why not right?! The great part about all this is that it's never too late to get back in shape or to try something you used to love. I'm a work in progress and I have no shame in saying that. So maybe one day in the near future you may see me squatting again. #tbt 💪 #goals #weightlifting #weightlossjourney #fitness #fitnessjourney #workinprogress #transformation #trainandtransform #trainandgain #healthgoals #fitnessgoals #healthymom #believeinyourself #icandothis #weightliftinggirls #weightliftingmemories #nevertoolate #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #momwholifts
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pundito7 · 5 years ago
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Yay! Latzug 60k 12WH geschafft! Klimmzüge konnte ich ja eh schon, aber eine geistige Barriere hat mich aufgehalten, auch auf der Maschine mein Körpergewicht zu ziehen! Durchbrochen! 🙌 Dafür jetzt abhängen 😅 Ist harte Arbeit an seinen Zielen zu arbeiten, immer wieder ein bisschen besser als das gestrige Ich zu werden. Aber was soll's, solange ich meine eigenen Maßstäbe dafür verwende und nicht die anderer, ist alles gut! #setyourownstandards #nojudgement #nojustification #justbeyourself #trainandgain #freesoul #strengthtraining #mentalforce #powerspirit #pundito7 (hier: Clever fit Wien Mariahilfer Straße) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8V8pmsAjfu/?igshid=wh228kut7k41
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devanlifts · 8 years ago
I ran this circuit yesterday with @bigdalthesuperpal to hit a bit of everything. It's always fun to work on some functional accessory movements! #circuittraining #trainandgain #prayformygains #loseweight #diet #flexibledieting #powerbuilding #powerlifter #DOtrythisathome #fun #workout #workhard #gym #liftlife #fitfam #flexcrew #flexyourdiet #flexyourmuscles #lovewhatyoudo #healthmatters #noexcuses #getafteryourgoals #getbettertogether (at Accolade Fitness)
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luck-box · 11 years ago
trainandgain replied to your post “Thursday 12/19 (Back)”
Hot damn that 525. Post up the video. PR lifts are always fun to watch.
Vid is up. Let me know if you see any immediate form problems. I'm always pretty critical of myself, so I welcome objective feedback. I think the lockout was solid, but my leg drive was weak, ended up using too much upper body for the pull. It might be time to think about using a belt.
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pundito7 · 5 years ago
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Es gibt sicher schönere Ausblicke z.B. von den Bergen runter. Vom ersten Stock runter auf die Mahü hat aber auch etwas Befriedigendes, wenn man fertig ist mit seinem "Geh an deine Grenzen bis der Puls auf 200 ist und du schwitzt als würdest du sprinten Krafttraining" Haha 🙌🤘💪👅 So Long ... Stay calm and sweat it all out 😝 #pundito7 #Krafttraining #strengthtraining #cleverfitmariahilferstrasse #personaltrainerwien #trainandgain #sweatitout #fitnesstrainerin #pushitout (at Clever fit Wien Mariahilfer Straße) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7ycbUGlOIQ/?igshid=7qytxulc7vzu
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devanlifts · 7 years ago
After some heavy benching with wifey @itsmeneener and stud muffin @skeleton_of_death, I did some dumbbell presses to overload the pecs! #bigpecsbigpaychecks #chestday #gainz #fun #greattime #workingout #pecs #dumbbellpress #trainandgain
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pundito7 · 5 years ago
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*Es gibt kein schlechtes Wetter* *There is no such thing as bad weather* #outdoorsports #running #thereisnobadweather #pundito7 #personaltrainer #vienna #fitnesstraining #trainandgain #donaukanal #freeletics (hier: Donau Kanal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4PDyycArM5/?igshid=15a3zs8rgou76
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devanlifts · 7 years ago
This was a pretty big PR today at the gym! I decided to hit 205 for 10, and I did it! I’m not aiming for big singles right now because I’m trying to lose weight, so getting better at volume is fun! #train #gain #trainandgain #fitness #squats #skwaats #gainz #fun #lifestyle #liftstyle #powerlifter #powerlifting #STrong #pr #fitness #fitlife #fitfam #legs #legday #workout #giveiteverything #barbellsports #hardwork #hardworkpaysoff Thank you @weareenp for the shirt! (at Accolade Fitness)
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