#trails of cold steel imagines
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 years ago
(Genshin Impact/GFL/ToCS) Eula, Lumine, Jean, Sara, Lisa, AK-15, AK-12, Duvalie, and Sharon makeout HC's
I'd find a better way to segue into why I'm writing this, but I'll just keep it real with ya'll:
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NSFT Implications (obviously)
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Eula had not gotten a moment alone with S/O in quite some time. They were both busy, but this transgression would not be forgiven so easily.
What starts off as a simple few kisses slowly turns into something more passionate.
Eula's grip on her S/O starts to tighten as she wraps her hands around their waist and drags them closer.
She makes no mention of her increased heartrate or flushed face, focusing on only S/O's lips.
Pulling back for a moment so they can catch their breaths, she holds their face with both her hands for a brief moment.
(Eula) "You'll not escape this act of revenge, S/O."
She crashes her lips back into theirs far more forcefully as the two tilt their heads to a more comfortable angle.
And when she feels their tongue brush across her mouth, Eula's own tongue meets S/O's.
Although it's not obvious, Eula feels terribly shy throughout their kissing. Hopefully, she didn't come across too strong, but they've made no mention of it so far.
Her worries go unvoiced as the two lay onto the couch and resume their kissing as they hold onto one another.
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Lumine happily gave a quick peck to S/O's lips as soon as she returned home.
The two giggled before S/O returned her kiss with another one.
And then another.
Paimon, receiving a quite yucky premonition, decided it'd be best for her to haul ass at her earliest convenience out of the room.
Lumine quickly locked the bedroom door behind her and resumed pressing her mouth into her S/O's, their giggles being replaced with more intense breathing.
(Lumine) "Come closer, please..."
Lumine's arms wrapped around S/O's neck due to her being shorter but had the strength to keep pulling them into her.
Her eyes stay shut and focuses solely on the feeling of S/O's taste as she pushes them gently against the wall.
Her arms slowly slide down to S/O's hands as she makes them hold her even tighter.
Lumine had originally planned to tell S/O how much she missed them, but this probably did the job better than her words.
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Sara went stiff upon feeling S/O kiss her cheek.
Her hand instinctively reached the spot they kissed as she began to blush.
S/O kissed her again, this time on the lips and far more slowly, which Sara closed her eyes for.
She felt very strange, not knowing what to do and how to deal with these feelings boiling inside of her. She wasn't used to being so...vulnerable.
When S/O tried to pull away, Sara leaned further in and let the kiss continue for longer. She only pulled away for a second before going in for the kiss again, brushing her hair out the way.
Sara put both her knees around S/O's waist as her hands sat on their shoulders, going for a deeper kiss.
She had no idea what was overtaking her, all Sara knew is that she wanted more.
S/O opened their mouth to say something, but Sara put a finger on her lips before they could.
(Sara) "Don't...Don't say anything. Just stay like this..."
She was never great with her words anyway, it was her actions that did the speaking.
And though her lips were moving, she said not a word after that.
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Jean's heart began to pound the moment S/O's hand rested upon her face.
She wasn't quite sure what to do until S/O went in for a kiss. She'd have been more shy, but thankfully, they were at home. Which meant some of her anxiety wasn't present.
Jean didn't resist when S/O continued to kiss her, even when they gently pushed her down further into the couch, she didn't protest.
S/O's kisses were beginning to make her mind blank, and only when she involuntarily moaned into S/O's mouth did she quickly jolt up.
(Jean) "i-I apologize. Did I make things...Um...-"
She was cut off with S/O kissing her again, but when she felt her hands squeezed in reassurance, all her doubts soared away.
Jean let S/O take the lead, slowly getting louder and louder.
She curled her fingers around S/O's, both of them holding onto each other's hands as their tongues explored every crevice of their mouths.
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Lisa at first wanted to tease S/O with a slightly longer kiss to see their reaction.
When she saw them lean after her as she tried to pull away, Lisa couldn't help but giggle.
In fact, it got her excited. A dangerous shine in her eyes and a quick lick of her lips was all it took for S/O to shudder.
Lisa's gloved hands grabbed S/O's face as she had them straddle her on the chair.
S/O sucked on her tongue as her hands explored their lower back and reaching under their shirt.
When Lisa felt S/O's hands reach her chest, her fingers jolted them with the tiniest amount of electro, making them yelp.
(Lisa) "My, my. Getting greedy, aren't we? Well, that's not an issue, really.~"
Now, Lisa began taking their tongue into her lips and had them moan deliciously into her own mouth. Every time she used her electro vision to make them louder, she held them even tighter.
If they made this much noise when kissing, then it was going to be a fun night.
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Truthfully, 15 had no earthly idea of what she was doing.
She was familiar with kissing, but the way S/O was doing it was far longer and more...strange.
She felt S/O push into her, leaving her wide eyed and mostly confused.
15 didn't hate the feeling, or at least it certainly didn't feel like she did. She just had no idea how to respond.
(AK-15) "Is there something I should be doing in return, S/O?...Kiss back? A-Affirmative."
15 then attempted to kiss back with the same force, but it seemed like S/O was taken by surprise as she suddenly lifted them off the ground and against the wall as she did so.
15 knew this wasn't correct, but S/O increased their kissing in response. Maybe they liked this? Humans were so strange.
And yet...she couldn't resist either. 15 closed her eyes to make S/O more comfortable and followed their lead. They seemed more experienced in this field after all.
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12's smug grin seemed to grow when she felt S/O hug her from behind.
She quickly grabbed S/O and pulled them in front of her, their faces inches away from each other.
12 then felt S/O's plush lips against hers, which she hummed in approval as she pushed back.
12's moaned into S/O as her weight slowly pushed into their chest.
Her hands cheekily groped their butt, which made S/O gasp and flush with embarassment.
(AK-12) "Hm? Is something the matter? I figured you'd like that."
Not giving them a chance to respond, her hands continued to hold tightly onto S/O's rear as she began kissing their neck.
12 did like the kissing, but she enjoyed hearing what noises S/O made even more.
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Duvalie sighed with a pout as she averted her gaze, allowing S/O to give her a smooch.
She mumbled something under her breath when S/O asked if they could do so again, but made no moves to stop them.
By the fourth time, she had turned to meet their lips and had her eyes closed.
By the sixth time, their kiss was lasting about thirty seconds as her pouty demanour faded.
Now, by the ninth time, her hands were on their back as she put the side of her head against their chest.
(Duvalie) "...Just a few more, got it?"
When S/O gently raised her off the ground and had their hands on her waist, she seemed to completely forgot what she had said.
Duvalie had her hands push their head closer as her tongue wrapped around theirs.
She tried her best to stifle the whimpers coming out of her, but after a few minutes of this wonderful feeling of love, she didn't care anymore.
All she wanted was to feel S/O's love that moment.
Sharon's signature smile didn't budge as S/O kissed her hand. She tilted her head expectedly, waiting for S/O to make another move.
Taking the cue, S/O then kissed Sharon on the lips, to which she kissed back and delicately held both their hands with hers.
Sharon intensified the kiss after a few moments and waited for S/O to take another step.
And she was very pleased when she felt S/O lean in more, their kiss slowly growing more needy.
When S/O pulled back, a thin string of saliva connected their lips, with S/O shyly wiping it off with a free hand.
Sharon took that free hand, and seductively put their index finger into her mouth and sucked it for a moment.
Giggling at their flustered reaction, she pulled their hand out and smirked.
(Sharon) "Are you satisfied with just a kiss? Because I do not believe I am, S/O."
Finally seeing she had their consent, Sharon took the next step herself by having her hands slip up to S/O's back.
Sharon sucked on their neck as her thumb gently entered the side of their mouth and pulled out their tongue.
She swallowed their mouth as her strength lifted them off the ground and into the nearby bed.
Sharon had a mind to taste more than their tongue tonight.
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halcyon-writings · 5 months ago
Are you still doing Cold Steel requests? If so can I get Machias comforting the reader on a bad day? (In CS1 era preferably)
Of course u can anon!! (thank god u clarified for cs1 bc I did NOT finish anything with cs2 yet)
Initially, Machias could not stand you.
Nothing truly against you, of course. Only that you happened to belong to a noble house. A prim and proper scion, he had called you. (You had to wonder, if such a literal title could be said with such venom, how else he could insult people? You were a little impressed to be honest, not that you would admit that.)
And like him, you had a proficiency in marksmanship. A rifle’s scope is trained on a target as you make another shot, right in the center. Yet the crease of your brow shows you’re not focusing on the target in the slightest. Machias crosses his arms as you place your weapon down, eyes looking past the target as you wipe your face.
“You’ve been staring at me for five minutes,” Your voice makes him jump.
He stammers out some weak excuse, one that you clearly don’t buy as you roll your eyes, reloading your weapon again as you begin to aim.
“Well, if you’re looking for someone to listen to your endless complaints, maybe go and ask Rean if he’s not busy being the student council’s errand boy?” You suggest with a thin smile. But it’s your eyes that make him falter. They’re focused on the targets, sure, but there’s something in your gaze that makes him hesitate in retorting. There’s a tinge of redness in your eyes. Had you been crying?
“Are you alright?” The words leave his lips before he can stop them.
You place the rifle down, perplexed at his words. Eyes shift from him to behind him, as though you’re expecting him to be asking someone else about their wellbeing and not yours. You don’t see anyone else. To his chagrin, you look again anyway.
“Will you quit that?” He snaps instead, the flush on his cheeks growing as even the tips of his ears felt hotter.
You make a face, nose crinkling as you tap your finger restlessly, waiting for him to speak. He pushes his glasses back up on the bridge of his nose, shuffling on the soles of his feet. The only sound now accompanying you both is the random chirping of birds to the whistling of the wind in the grass.
Still, Machias does not falter, this time uncrossing his arms.
“Are you alright?” He repeats. This time his tone is quieter, gentler even, unlike his usual one. “You look off.”
There it is. Your brow furrows again as you give him a look.
And with an unimpressed tone, your reply comes, “You suck at trying to sound comforting.” You’re facing him fully now, this time your arms crossed over your chest. Practice targets and rifle forgotten, this time conversing properly with your peer.
“I’m fine, if you’re that worried. But if you need to use the targets for practice, I still have…” You trail off, checking the watch on your wrist for a moment before you look up again, “…about half an hour.”
Well, that’s what he was there for. Your presence was circumstantial.
Still, he doesn’t believe you. And like many things about him, he was stubborn and wanted to prove a point.
“You’re not.”
“I am.”
“No, you’re not.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
Your tone sounds lighter as you go back and forth. For even a small smile grows on your face. And despite himself, a hint of a smile grows on his face too. For once you’re not some scion, that you remind him of, since you’re not the oldest child of your family. You’re just you. His classmate. But both of you make a face in agreement when the word friend floats around.
You pack your things, taking a final swig of your water bottle before tossing it in the cans nearby. You leave Machias to practice on his own now. His words somewhat of a comfort for what had been bothering you.
Friend, huh?
It was certainly not that. But it was a start.
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ninjaunicorn · 4 months ago
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The Sacrifice
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inkedmyths · 2 years ago
The hot take of the day is Falcom should make a Magical Girl Alisa R anime
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wakebymoonsleepbysun · 22 days ago
Untitled Doey X Reader Ch 1
Update: Now on ao3, updates will be posted there (and linked via tumblr) -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/63346465/chapters/162287860
So uh. Decided to do this. I'll put it up on ao3 eventually (with slightly more editing maybe), probably sometime after I get chapter 2 written. And after I figure out a title.
Summary: After the destruction of the Playtime Co factory, Doey finds what little remains of himself falling through the cave systems and into a river, where he's brought practically to your door.
Doey had been so sure he’d been killed.
He’s died three times after all. It’s a familiar feeling.
Darkness. Numbness. A chilling cold that reaches through his body and wraps around his very consciousness, pulling him down…down…down……
Surely this time he won’t be pulled back. Who’s left to even try? The Doctor’s dead, Doey’s family at Safe Haven are all dead…whatever few remain alive in the factory’s underbelly are probably close behind, if Poppy has anything to say about it.
Doey’s not sure how much time passes between that thought and the explosion. A minute? An hour? A week? A year?
He’s not formed enough to see, nor to hear. But he feels the depths of the factory, of the very caves themselves, shudder and then quake as a fierce explosion rips through the labs. Fire and smoke rush through the lab, then the prison, then Playcare, and finally the factory proper, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
Not everything is burned. Much of the lower levels are made of steel and rock, after all. The heat that does pass over the puddle of dough that had once been Doey is intense, and would probably leave humans and plush toys singed, but it only serves to dry Doey out ever so slightly. Not enough to make much difference though. He’s still too weak and liquified to pull himself together, assuming he could even care to try such a thing.
Silence settles over the factory and the caverns below. Once again Doey is not sure how much time passes before the peace, if it can be called that, is broken.
Something, some support or load bearing wall, finally gives way somewhere in depths, starting a chain reaction, and the whole wretched place begins collapsing in on itself, just as Poppy had wanted. What the fire had spared the collapse does not, and the floor below Doey slants, causing him to slide along it as gravity takes hold.
He doesn’t even try to stop himself from spilling down through the caverns, the bits of dough that still contain hints of who he used to be rolling and tumbling down the crevices. Even the unpleasant sensation of sliding into a frigid underground river can’t motivate him to try and re-form his body.
Doey fades in and out of consciousness, each time wondering if he’s fading in and out of existence. The water eventually warms, and Doey’s aware of occasional glimpses of light as the river carries him out of the underground.
After awhile, the rushing river fades into a shallow, trickling creek. Doey’s dough bumps numbly along the smooth pebbles of the creek bed for a time until getting caught on a fallen log.
He can almost muster the strength to be surprised that he’s made it out of the factory. Almost. But he can’t imagine he’s meant to survive much longer.
So he waits. Waits to sink just a little bit further into the cold, to sink far enough that he won’t be pulled back ever again.
Time continues to pass. Several days, maybe even several weeks. He still can’t bring himself to stay conscious long enough to mark time, but it goes from dark to light and back again more times than he can count.
He lets the days pass, feeling the creek wash over him. He begins to hear again, just a bit. It’s muted from where he is beneath the water, but he can still make out some noises. So he contents himself with listening to the babbling of the creek, the chirping of birds, and the wind through the leaves. He thinks he’s in some kind of forest. How far from the factory he is, how far away from anything he is, he can only guess.
Maybe this is what death is. A drifting, vague awareness…barely aware of his own body, his own senses, but just feeling the world pass by around him.
It’s not terrible. Certainly not the worst thing he’s been through.
Doey has just enough time to adjust to his new existence when he hears something he hasn’t heard in a long, long time.
Hiking through nature is always the first thing people seem to want to recommend to you when they sense you’re dealing with some kind of struggle. Especially those who realize you live on a few acres of mostly forested land.
To be fair, they aren’t entirely wrong…though admittedly you do find it a bit tedious to be recommended the same thing over and over when it’s already been a habit of yours for a few years.
Especially when you hadn’t asked.
But what are you to do when your main source of stress actively--physically--follows you on said hikes?
Ethan Barlowe, who owns the acreage just to the west of yours. You’re not sure how long he’s owned it, but it’s at least a few years more than your family’s owned your plot of land.
He’s roughly middle-aged, a bit older than your parents would have been, you think. He’s taller than you and decently fit, usually wearing some combination of flannel and denim. His face has the slightly weathered look of one who’s spent most of their life outdoors.
“They can even divide up the plot so you can keep your house right where it is,” he’s saying. “You don’t even have to move!”
A sales pitch you’ve heard dozens of times before…and it’s no more compelling today than it had been six months ago.
“Ethan, I said no,” you say for what feels like the millionth time. 
“Oh come on! It’s not good for a kid your age to be living alone, without even any neighbors,” he protests.
You give him a deadpan look. Do you point out that, at twenty-four, you’re not exactly a “kid” anymore? Or tell him he’s currently doing a terrible job of selling you on the idea of neighbors in general?
“Look, I’m sure your dad would have rather the house itself stayed with you, even if the land doesn’t.”
That’s a new one.
You stop so abruptly he almost crashes into you. “I think I knew him better than you, Ethan,” you say tightly.
“In some ways, but--”
“In every way!” you shout, actually causing his eyes to widen for a brief second as he takes a step back.
It’s that shout that attracts Doey’s attention. He’s so used to intervening in fights in the Playcare as Matthew, then in Safe Haven as Doey, that it doesn’t even occur to him to do differently now. He immediately begins re-forming his body, listening closely to the conversation as he does.
You suck in a shaky breath. “Get off my property. Don’t ever come here again,” you say coldly.
Ethan stares at you in stunned silence for a moment before scoffing and shaking his head. “You can’t do that. Your dad and I had an agreement about the pond--”
“Yeah, and that’s done,” you say tersely. “Now leave, or I’ll be calling the cops.”
Ethan scoffs. “Right, because you have such a great track record with them,” he sneers.
Doey’s body reforms, and he realizes with a surge of dread that there’s not nearly as much left of him as he’d been assuming.
He’s barely six inches tall!
He’s not sure what he’s going to do now…although, in retrospect, he’s also not sure what he would have done before. You and Ethan would have been too shocked by the nine-hundred pound dough creature for Doey to have done anything in the way of mediating or intervention.
…Though it definitely would have ended the argument.
You and Ethan are a few feet away, on some kind of dirt path. The type that seems to be formed from repeated hikes rather than a deliberate attempt at making a pathway. The path runs alongside the creek, and Doey currently stands hidden in some tall grass and reeds that grow at the edges of the water.
The surrounding area is dominated by the rusty browns of late autumn, the yellows and oranges have faded away as the leaves begin to fall.
Doey’d been down in the factory for so long he’d nearly forgotten that seasons even exist.
“Th-That doesn’t matter!” you protest, though the uncertainty in your tone is clear.
“Doesn’t it? You really think they’ll believe some hooligan kid over me? I got a clean slate, kid,” Ethan smirks, stepping towards you.
Your eyes widen at his menacing tone, and now it’s your turn to step back.
Doey can’t help but glower at the implied threat. He generally tries to not pick sides, but if he were to pick a side, it certainly wouldn’t be Ethan’s.
Ethan grabs your wrist, pulling you towards himself as he glares down at you, and you’re suddenly very aware that you’re out in the woods alone. The only nearby houses are yours and Ethan’s, and you left your cellphone at home.
It’s all Doey can do to keep silent as he tries to come up with a plan. If he were his proper size, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself rushing forward and putting himself between you and Ethan.
“Now listen, kid. There’s no way you’re making enough to keep this place. You think you’re fine to coast along on that little nest egg your dad left, but it’ll be gone before you know it. Trust me. I know how the world works. I’m doing you a favor.”
“L-Let go…” you finally manage to utter a meek protest.
Ethan’s gaze hardens, his grip only tightening when you try to pull away.
Doey’s eyes narrow as he resists the urge to let a low, angry growl at how this man’s treating you. If he thought running at the man only to be effortlessly kicked back into the creek would somehow help you, he’d certainly do it, but…he’s not convinced such a gesture would help.
In a split second, the solution comes to him. Well, a solution, anyway.
He steps back into the tall grass, hiding himself.
“Hey, what was that?” he calls out. He pitches his voice up slightly, hoping it sounds convincing as a second person, and answers, “Dunno, sounded like yelling?”
Ethan blanches and quickly drops your hand, taking a few hasty steps back.
Doey grins. The plan’s working! Switching back to his normal voice, he calls out, “Hey, everyone okay over there?”
“Perfectly fine!” Ethan quickly calls out. He clears his throat awkwardly, his eyes darting to you. His brow lowers in a warning glare. “Think about it, kid,” he says quietly.
With that, he turns on his heel and leaves, heading down the dirt path while you stare after him.
Doey pumps his fist in a silent cheer. That went perfectly! Better than he thought it would, in fact. He’d been hoping Ethan would simply cool it with the intimidation if he’d thought there could be witnesses. Him leaving entirely had been but a distant hope.
Once Ethan rounds the corner and disappears from view among the trees, your gaze snaps towards the voices. They’d sounded close…so close you’re surprised you don’t see any sign of the ones who’d spoken.
“Hello?” you call out, walking towards the creek.
Doey’s smile vanishes and he tenses. He hadn’t considered the possibility that you or Ethan would try to find the source of the voices.
“Who’s there?” you call. You walk forward, the edge of the shallow creek lapping at your boots as you stand only inches from Doey’s hiding spot. “N-Not that it’s…a big deal, but…whoever you are, you…you do know this is private property?” you call out timidly, only to wince at how meek you sound. You’re not exactly feeling confident about protecting your land from intruders at the moment…
Doey flinches. Shoot. Maybe tricking you into thinking there were two more people wandering your property without your knowledge or permission hadn’t been the greatest idea.
“Um, we um, won’t be staying long!” he calls out hastily.
You frown. Why did they sound so much more nervous now? Are they up to something? Or just fretting over their (presumably accidental) trespassing?
And why did their voice sound so close…and so low to the ground? Sound can carry oddly in the forest sometimes, but usually people sound further than they are, not closer…
“You’re not…lost or something, are you…?” you ask.
Something about the simple question tugs at his heart--or whatever mass of clay in his chest serves as such.
Because, he realizes, he is lost. In every sense of the word. More than he’s ever been in his entire life.
He lifts his gaze to you, watching as you continue to glance around for the source of the voice, your brow knit in worry. Worry for yourself, at the prospect of unknown strangers wandering around on your property? Or worry for said strangers, lost in the woods?
Doey could show himself and ease both worries, but that might just cause a whole new set of problems. Not for Doey, of course…unless you have some freezing gas on you, it isn’t as if you can really hurt him. So whatever your reaction, he’ll be no worse off than he already is.
He doesn’t want to frighten you…Many children in the factory, and even adults sometimes, had been frightened of him, especially at first glance. While his height is about average as far as Bigger Bodies go, he’s one of the more stoutly build ones, and his lack of fluff and fur make him a bit less approachable than many of the other Bigger Bodies.
There’s a reason Doey the Doughman was usually portrayed as tiny in the commercials.
…Actually, that’s about the height he is now. So maybe the sight of him won’t be that startling to you after all.
“H-Hello?” you call out, pulling Doey from his thoughts as he realizes he’s been silent for several moments.
“Yeah! I-I’m here!” he says quickly.
“Where?” you ask, still glancing around, clearly looking for someone closer to your own height.
Well. Time to see if he’s going to be punted into the creek. “D-Down here.”
You glance down, seeing the tall grass part. A small blue figure peeks out. You don’t for a minute assume this little thing is the owner of the deep, resonant voice you’d been hearing. You don’t think the figure itself has any sort of voice…it just looks like a little toy made of colored dough. It looks familiar, but you can’t quite place it.
You crouch down for a closer look and Doey scoots back nervously. He’s…really not used to being towered over like this. But he forces a small, awkward smile, lifting a hand in the wave. “H-Hiya!”
You hadn’t expected the figure to move so fluidly. Even his face and eyes change shape as he speaks, and there’s a slight wobble to his round belly and big arms as he moves that a mere remote-controlled toy wouldn’t have.
He’s REAL.
The abrupt realization causes you to squeak in surprise, stumbling back. Your boot catches on a rock and you fall sideways into the creek. As you try to catch yourself, your hand hits the pebbly creek bed, causing a bolt of pain in your wrist.
The creek’s only about four inches deep, but falling onto your side and then thrashing about as you try to scramble away from the creature has left you completely soaked.
Doey winces. Evidently the sight of him is still shocking, even at this size.
But…he supposes you’d’ve never seen anything like him. Unless maybe you’d gone on a tour of the Playtime Co factory as a kid, but even then…grownups almost always dismissed the living toys as some kind of animatronics, sophisticated puppetry, or other such illusion.
Did anyone outside of the factory even realize that living toys had been in existence for…decades now?
“S-Sorry, pal…didn’t mean to scare ya,” he says, holding up his hands. He slowly approaches you, much the way he would have a frightened child in Playcare…despite you being well over ten times his size. Not to mention an adult.
“Wh-What…a-are you?” you manage to stammer out. Your eyes are locked onto him as he moves towards you, but manage to resist the urge to scramble back any further.
“The name’s Doey!” he says, puffing his chest out slightly. He reaches up to remove his hat, only to find it missing. Of course, there’s no way it would have stayed with him on his involuntary journey. Pity…he liked that hat.
But the problem is easily remedied.
He forms a new hat in his hand, this one the same light blue clay as his upper body instead of the darker blue plastic of his old accessory. Hat in hand, he brightens and takes a bow. “Doey the Doughman!” he finishes, placing the clay hat atop his head.
Doey grins up at you, watching your look of fear fade to curiosity. He can almost see the tension--some of it, at least--leave your shoulders as you relax ever so slightly. You clutch your injured wrist to your chest, canting your head as you regard him.
His kind tone and jovial nature seem to be winning you over, just as they’ve won over so many orphans and factory visitors (and even a few staff) before.
“Doey the Doughman…?” you repeat. You suddenly double take, blinking rapidly as you finally place both the name and his appearance. “A-As in…Doey-Dough?”
“Yep! That’s me!” he says proudly. “And what’s your name?” he asks in the gentle yet exaggeratedly eager tone of an adult trying to get an answer from a very shy child.
“Um.”  You’re still reeling from being in the presence of some kind of…talking clay creature, so it actually takes a moment to process and answer the question. But, after a moment, you manage to speak your own name, mostly without fumbling. Mostly.
“That’s a nice name!” he says kindly, his eyes closing into happy crescents as beams up at you. His smile fades slightly, his expression growing concerned. “But that looked like a nasty fall. You alright?” he asks gently.
“Y-Yeah, I um…just tweaked my wrist a bit…” you say distantly.
“Can I see?”
You hesitate. He’s so small…not to mention being made of sculpting clay. It’s hard to imagine such a creature is even capable of doing you harm, and he’s certainly not acting like he wants to.
You’re just about to extend your arm to him when he lets out an embarrassed laugh, shaking his head. “Oh, but you’d probably wanna get out of that creek first, huh?”
Despite your shock, you manage a small laugh at the quip. Not only because you’d managed to forget you were even sitting in a creek, but…well, Doey’s laugh is more than a little infectious.
“R-Right…” you manage. You pull yourself out the creek, taking a few steps to find one of the larger, flat rocks beside the creek to sit on. You don’t take your eyes off Doey for even a second. Not because you think he’d do anything, but…this whole thing feels so surreal, you can’t help but wonder if he’d disappear entirely if he left your line of sight.
You’re debating if you should offer him a hand up, but to your surprise he stretches his arms high above his head (nearly a whole two feet) and grabs onto the edge of the rock, pulling himself up effortlessly.
“Now, let’s have a look, huh?” he asks, holding out his hands.
“I-I think it’s just a sprain…and not even a very bad one…” you say, holding out your wrist to let him examine it.
“Well that’s good!” he says earnestly, taking your wrist in his hands. Holding a human wrist that’s almost as big around as him is a bit jarring, but he doesn’t let that show as he checks over your injury.
You’re surprised that his hands actually give off a bit of warmth. Not much, but more than you’d expect from clay that’s been sitting out in the autumn chill. It also has a bit more give than you’d expected. Not quite as soft as human hands, but just slightly squishy, similar to putty or clay that’s been worked for awhile.
He holds your wrist in one hand, using the other to carefully move your hand up and down, watching you closely for any signs of pain.
“S-So um, where’s the other one?” you finally ask.
He glances up at you blankly. “Other? Oh!” He laughs, shaking his head. “Just me,” he says. “Figured one witness might not be enough to drive the guy off, but two probably would be.” He releases your wrist, giving your hand a light pat. “You’re all set! Just be careful with it for a couple days.”
You’d been too surprised at just the existence of this creature that you hadn’t had time to ponder the reasoning for what he’d been doing. But as you do, you cant your head in confusion. “Why’d you want to drive him off?”
Doey seems surprised at the question, mimicking your head tilt as he looks up at you. “Because he was bothering you.” He pauses, wondering if perhaps he’d misread the situation. “...Wasn’t he?”
You grip your sore wrist, lightly rubbing at it. “Well…yeah, but…you just…decided to help me? A stranger? For no reason?”
Once again he meets your confusion with his own. “It’s not for no reason…I don’t like seeing people get picked on…”
“But isn’t it dangerous for you? What if he’d seen you?”
He blinks, momentarily surprised at your concern, but then grins up at you playfully. “Worried about me? A stranger?”
You pause a moment, then give a slightly sheepish laugh. “Heh…point taken…”
“Besides…I’m pretty durable,” he says, placing a hand on each side of his head and briefly squishing it like a bouncy ball.
You don’t find the action as amusing as Doey’d hoped you would. You blanch slightly, giving a slight shake of your head that looks more like a shudder. “This…This is impossible…” you say in a small voice.
His grin falters a bit. Maybe he shouldn’t be surprised that the wonder and whimsy of a living toy is easy to accept as a kid in a toy factory…less so as an adult out in the woods.
“Where did you come from? And why are you just…out in the woods like this?” you ask. Despite the situation, there’s a note of concern in your voice at the thought of the little guy out here alone. Even if he does insist he’s quite durable.
Some fragments of Kevin and Jack stir unpleasantly at the questioning, but Doey manages to quickly still them. He’s not sure how much he should tell you…how much he could even stand to tell you. But he’s not partial to lying, and some amount of explanation would probably put you at ease.
The slight pause before he speaks is barely noticeable. “I’m from the Playtime Co factory, of course!” he announces cheerfully.
You frown. “The one that was demolished?”
His face falls. “...Demolished?”
Not demolished! Lies. Destroyed. By mean Poppy, mean Doctor, mean employee…HURTS. HURTS US.
Doey shudders, staggering back and wrapping his arms around himself. “We’re okay…you’re okay…” he mumbles to himself. To all the pieces of himself.
His pained expression pulls at your heart, pushing aside the impossibility of the situation. You suddenly realize that whatever journey he’d taken from the now-demolished factory to way out here was probably not a pleasant one.
“I-I’m sorry!” you say quickly. You reach forward, cupping a hand beside him to steady him, though not touching him. “I…I shouldn’t pry…you don’t have to tell me if…it’s painful…”
To your surprise, he slumps against your hand, a dejected look on his face. He’d seemed so bright and cheerful a moment ago…you guess you’d bumped up against quite the wound to have his mood do such a turn.
Well…you can certainly relate to that.
Doey’s not even looking at you as he stays slouched against your hand, hugging himself and occasionally muttering things you can’t quite hear.
He’d managed to slip into his old role of protector and caretaker when he’d stepped in to help you. Calming you down and easing your apprehension had been much like his time before the Hour of Joy, when he’d play with the kids of Playcare. He’d always been good at making kids feel safe…and he’d been relieved to see those techniques could work on you, even if you’re an adult.
He could almost pretend it was the old days. The setting had changed a bit…and you may not be a child, but you still needed protection from bullies and comfort for only minor, very manageable injuries.
Nothing perilous.
Nothing life threatening.
He could still be the protector, the caretaker…just as he had back when the crown had been lighter.
“Um…Doey?” you prompt gently, pulling him out of his spiral and causing him to blink up at you in confusion.
He pulls away from your hand, his own hands fidgeting awkwardly as a halfhearted smile returns to his face. “Yes?”
“You don’t have to answer if you’d rather not, but…is…is there somewhere you’re going? Somewhere I can help you get to?”
Doey’s eyes widen slightly as he’s caught off guard at the question. He laughs, waving a hand. “Oh, no no, pal, you…you don’t gotta do anything for me!”
“You didn’t have to do anything for me,” you counter. “Besides, maybe it’s…none of my business, but…the woods doesn’t seem like a great place for a little guy like you…” As you speak, a poorly-timed (or well-timed, perhaps) gust of wind cuts through the trees, making your already chilled, wet clothes positively frigid. You shiver, puffing warm air on your hands and rubbing them together. “And I think it’s going to be cold tonight…they say it’ll snow this weekend…”
Doey’s not technically capable of changing color, but you swear the blue clay of his face gets a couple shades paler as a look of pure dread crosses his face. “Well I’m…I’m not…heading anywhere…” he finally says.
“Then…would you like to come with me?” you ask, holding out your hand again.
“With you? To where?”
You laugh awkwardly. Maybe you could have phrased your offer a bit more directly. “My house,” you say.
Doey sputters in surprise, at a loss for words. “Y-Your…house?” he finally manages. “I…you’d…take me in? Just like that?”
“You did help me,” you say. “And I wouldn’t feel right leaving you out here all alone…” you add, your expression softening.
His hands fidget nervously as he glances at your open palm beside him. “If it’s…really not too much trouble…” he says, resting his hand atop one of your fingers.
You smile, shaking your head. “It’s really not,” you say kindly.
He hesitates once more, then finally climbs onto your hand. “Th-Thank you…” he says softly…almost somberly, in fact.
You slowly lift your hand, cupping your free hand near him protectively. You carefully slide off the rock and begin the walk home. 
Doey’s a bit of an enigma--in more ways than one. You should be reeling from his mere existence. Maybe you’re just in shock or something, and the staggering reality of a living clay toy will hit you like a brick wall later on.
You suppose you’ll just have to hope it’s a bit gentler than that.
But what’s mainly on your mind at the moment is his behavior. He’d seemed so at ease when you’d first encountered him. Almost more concerned about you than himself. But mentioning the demolition of the factory had shattered that.
You reach the same conclusion you had earlier--whatever circumstances had led a lone, sapient toy to be lost in the woods--so lost and alone he can’t even suggest a place for you to take him--can’t be good.
You keep the hand he’s seated in close to your body, cupping the other hand near it to keep him from falling. Not that you’re walking anywhere near quick enough for that to be a real concern. He’s actually a little surprised at just how carefully you hold him, even after being told he can’t be hurt.
“So um,” he begins hesitantly, wanting to fill the silence. “Does that guy bother you…often?”
“Ethan?” you ask. “It uh…depends on your definition of ‘often’, I guess, but more often than I’d like. He’s my neighbor. He’s been coming by during my walks to try to talk me into selling my land…I guess I’ll just have to change what time I go for walks.”
You’ve already tried that three times now. The first time had brought you a couple weeks of peace. The second had brought one week. The third had brought even less.
“He wants to buy your land?”
You shake your head. “Not exactly. He has some…housing developer or something that he’s in touch with. He wants us both to sell our properties together for a subdivision. I guess they’ll pay more if they know they can get both properties? I don’t…really know all the details,” you admit. “I haven’t been interested in finding out. I just know that I want to keep this place.”
“Is there anyone you can ask for help? A parent or a counselor, maybe?”
You quirk a brow at the “counselor” suggestion…but if he was in the factory, maybe he’s just more used to talking to children? He probably just doesn’t know what options adults out in the real world have at their disposal.
“Well, I don’t have a counselor, and both my parents passed away,” you say simply.
“Oh…you’re an orphan?” he asks, looking up at you sadly, gently resting a hand against one of your fingers in what you assume must be meant as a comforting gesture.
“Er, not exactly? Dad only died a few years ago…I was an adult,” you clarify. “People usually only say ‘orphan’ if you’re still a kid.”
“Do they? I…I hadn’t realized…” he admits thoughtfully. “Still, though…” he adds, looking up at you worriedly, an unspoken question hanging in the air.
It’s the same unspoken question that always seems to hang after you tell people your parents are dead. A question you usually brush off with some platitude about being fine and just trying to live a life that would make them proud before steering the conversation away.
But…Doey’s sadness seems so genuine. Not that you think other people fake it per se, but a lot of them seem more awkward about the potential landmines they might step on or just at a loss for words, but…Doey seems like he’s actually more concerned about you rather than any sort of social etiquette.
He’s probably worked with orphans before, you realize. There was some sort of adoption program or orphanage associated with Playtime Co. You don’t know all the details, but maybe Doey had worked with those kids?
You smile sadly. “I’m alright. They’re at peace. And I’m um…getting there,” you say. Usually you just say you are at peace, but something about his earnest sympathy invites honesty. “I just um…try to do right by their memories, y’know?” you add.
Doey’s smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “They’d be very proud of you. You’re very brave, you know,” he says. It’s a line he’d repeated hundreds of times to hundreds of orphans in the Playcare, and then in Safe Haven. And he’s meant it every time, including now.
You, though, are not used to being spoken to so warmly, so soothingly about the matter. Even your grief counselor had been…well, not cold but…she’d had a job to do, you suppose, so her tone and manner had seemed more…distant, than the way Doey’s been speaking to you.
It catches you off guard, to put it mildly.
You glance away, clearing your throat and pretending to scratch at a spot on your cheek so you could wipe away a stray tear without Doey noticing. “R-Right, th-thanks…” you mumble hoarsely.
It’s been years since you’ve gone to pieces in front of anyone, and you’re not going to break that streak now.
Doey frowns at your reaction. It hadn’t been quite the one he’d hoped for.
You force a smile at him, not wanting him to think you’re upset with him. “Sorry. It’s just…been a busy day. I’m a bit…um…tense right now, I guess,” you say in a flimsy attempt waving off your reaction.
“You don’t gotta apologize, pal!” he says easily, patting your hand.
You emerge from the forest and begin crossing the small patch of grass that surrounds your house, serving as the lawn. You tilt your head towards your home and Doey follows your gaze.
“We’re just about here,” you say.
Doey peeks over your fingers, following your gaze towards the house. It’s one story tall, and…well, it’s hard for Doey to guess much more of that. He thinks it’s slightly bigger than Matthew’s old home but slightly smaller than Jack’s, but between his new size and how hazy those old memories are, even that rough guess is hard to put much stock in.
You enter through a small side door that opens into a mudroom. You kick off your boots and step onto the kitchen. “Do you mind waiting here while I change? I can show you around a bit more once I get into some dry clothes,” you say.
“Of course!” he says easily.
You make as if to set him on the counter, only to pause. “Um, would you rather be on the counter or the floor?” you ask.
He looks amused at the question, chuckling. “Eh, you can just toss me wherever,” he says playfully, waving a hand.
You laugh, shaking your head as you set him carefully on the countertop. “I’m not going to toss you, Doey!”
Once again, something in him warms as you take far more care with him than you need to.
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you say, heading to your room on the other side of the house. You lift your hand in a small wave, which Doey returns with his usual large grin.
Once you’re gone, he glances around the kitchen. It doesn’t look much different from any of the kitchens Matthew, Jack, and Kevin had glimpsed in their time before coming to Playcare. Off-white laminate countertops and floors, brown wooden cabinets, flowery wallpaper that’s peeling in a couple places, and the usual assortment of appliances.
You change quickly, not wanting to leave Doey alone for too long. You’re still pulling on your hoodie when you re-enter the kitchen. “Are you cold at all?” you ask. “Do you need like…a blanket or anything? Something to eat?” You pause. “Erm, do you eat?”
Doey’s expression goes slack for a moment and you’re not sure what to make of the reaction, but clearly the question has struck something in him.
“I um! YES--NO!!” He cuts himself off so abruptly it almost sounds like he’s being silenced by someone else. “YES--SOMETIMES!!” He clutches at his head, clenching his eyes shut. After a moment he seems to relax, running his hands down his face to reveal an utterly exhausted expression. Somehow it even looks like he has bags under his eyes.
“Hey, it’s alright…just relax…” you say gently. You reach out to put a hand against him, only to pull back without touching him. You’re not sure if being patted by a hand nearly as long as him would really help with the whole relaxing thing.
“S-Sorry…” he mumbles, looking away shamefully at his outburst. “I um. I…I forgot how hungry I am. I…I usually just…try not to think about it.”
“So you do eat…” you say. “And it sounds like you haven’t in awhile…?”
“I…don’t have to. I’ve gone months without eating. It doesn’t seem to matter. The hunger is…it’s just a feeling. I can tune it out most of the time,” he says, not meeting your eye as he wrings his hands.
You pull back in surprise. “Doey, I’m…I’m not going to make you go hungry!” you protest, aghast.
“But…it’s just…food’s not free, right?” he asks hesitantly, finally lifting his gaze to you.
“Well, no…” you admit. “But it’s not gold bars and diamonds, either.” You smile gently. “Besides, you’re six inches tall…I doubt you eat more than I do,” you say lightly.
He gives a sheepish smile and nervous laugh, which you chalk up to general nervousness. “Heh…right…”
“I was about to make dinner…I usually make enough for a couple meals, so it’d be no trouble to fix you a plate. Whatever you don’t finish can be breakfast tomorrow. Anything in particular you like?”
Doey briefly pulls a face as if he’s literally biting his tongue to keep from speaking…though you’re not sure if he actually has a tongue. “Um. Wh-Whatever you’re eating is fine. Doesn’t have to be anything special, I…I can eat just about anything…”
He hasn’t liked any of the “food” he’s had in years. Not since Hoppy found that last box of candy up in Playcare…and even then, it had expired years before she’d found it. But easing the hunger, even for a moment, had always been such a relief that he’d actually started to forget that flavor is even a factor in food.
You rest against the counter, debating whether to press the issue. After a moment you decide not to. “Mac and cheese?” you offer.
He gives a sigh of longing that sounds halfway like a sob. “Y-Yes. That…that sounds wonderful.”
“Then mac and cheese it is,” you say warmly.
You begin the prep work, letting the conversation lapse as you wonder at your strange new guest. You’ve barely scratched the surface of who and what he is, but it still breaks your heart how reluctant he is to accept any sort of hospitality from you…especially with how readily he’d stepped in to help with Ethan.
It’s possible he just naturally has a very giving and self-sufficient personality, but you can’t help but wonder if someone, or several someones, in his past had made him feel just…undeserving.
The boxed mac and cheese you make is a family-sized meal, so even scooping out two full portions for yourself and Doey leaves plenty for tomorrow’s leftovers.
Doey’s eyes widen at the sight of the full bowl. He tries to utter a protest--you don’t need to give him that much, that just half a bowl would be more than enough, but fragments of Kevin and Jack bubble to the surface, silencing him as their hunger roars within him.
You take the bowls to the table before returning for the silverware. You’re not completely oblivious to Doey’s inner turmoil, but you don’t even come close to guessing the extent of it, assuming he’s just a bit shy about accepting your hospitality.
As you’re reaching for forks, you pause. The forks are longer than Doey himself…would he be able to use one? You open the other drawer, grabbing the smallest measuring spoon you have. It’s still a bit big--but trying to eat mac and cheese with a garden trowel is still easier than eating it with a pitchfork, you suppose.
You set the silverware on the table and return to the counter to get Doey. Before you can, however, he leaps from the countertop, causing you to let out a wordless cry of protest, scrambling to catch him.
He lands with a splat, his lower body flattening against the floor. But before you can even wonder if such an act is painful, he bounces back up, his lower body rounding back out so quickly his feet actually leave the floor for a second.
Doey gives a sheepish giggle at your fretful look. “Eheh…sorry pal, didn’t mean to scare you.” He winks, waggling a finger at you playfully. “I did tell you I’m durable, though,” he reminds you in a slightly teasing tone.
You feel your cheeks warming with embarrassment. “R-Right…it’s um…just a bit jarring to see, is all…”
“Well, I’ll be sure to warn ya next time then,” he chuckles.
You hold out a hand, assuming he’ll still need help getting onto the table. He laughs again, shaking his head as he walks past you. “You don’t need to carry me around either, much as I appreciate the offer,” he says.
Not that he’d minded being held, but…well, it’s probably not something you’d choose to do if you were aware of just how mobile Doey is, even at his smaller size.
You get to your feet as he walks past you. “Oh um, alright…” you say, figuring he knows what he’s talking about.
And indeed he does, for he stretches his arms upward, gripping the side of the table. He then lifts himself so quickly that his momentum carries him over the edge. He rolls as he lands, ending up sitting atop the table facing you. He grins widely, giving you a thumbs up.
“Heh,” you laugh weakly, returning the thumbs up before taking your seat. He’s more physically adept than you’d initially assumed…maybe his time in the forest hadn’t been as harrowing as you’d thought.
Doey manages to keep the more impulsive fragments within him in check. It’s incredibly difficult to pick up the little measuring spoon and eat with anything resembling decorum, but Doey manages to convince Jack and even Kevin that good manners will get them more meals. You’re not going to want to keep making him food if he splatters it all over the table and walls, or even if he just grosses you out with poor mealtime etiquette.
Jack is pretty easily swayed by this argument, as it matches up with his childhood memories from home. Kevin is less convinced--he wants to take all he can before you change your mind, but he’s overruled, and even he can’t completely discount how readily you offered the meal even knowing Doey doesn’t technically need it.
Still, while his manners are far more polite than not, he doesn’t even come close to hiding how much he’s relishing the meal. Each bite causes him to emit a happy little hum at the delicious flavor--oh how he’s missed flavor--and occasionally do a little bounce or kick his feet as he savors the taste.
You try not to react at first, not wanting to make him self-conscious, but eventually a small giggle escapes you, causing him to flinch sheepishly, giving you an apologetic smile.
“S-Sorry, it’s…it’s just very good!” he says with an awkward giggle.
“No sorries!” you say quickly, waving a hand. “I’ve just never had anyone enjoy my cooking nearly that much. If anything, it’s flattering!” you assure him lightly.
Well, that’s a relief, though Doey’s still not convinced flattery would be the first thing on your mind if he allowed himself to eat as greedily as he wants to.
He only eats a little more than half his portion. Not quite enough to fully quiet his long hunger, but enough to appease the fragments of Kevin and Jack. He doesn’t want to appear greedy, and despite your earlier comments, he can’t help but feel he’ll quickly wear out his welcome if he eats as much as a human, especially at his small size.
It’s still a far better meal than he’s had in over a decade, though.
“Mmm…that hit the spot,” he sighs contentedly, laying back on the table. His belly is noticeably distended, to a degree that would be concerning for a human. You debate asking him about it, but decide against it. He seems happy and content, and despite how jovial and even playful he seems a lot of the time, you’ve also seen how quickly that can turn.
Again, you can relate.
“Thank you, by the way,” he says in a more somber tone as he lays back, staring up at the kitchen ceiling. “F-For dinner, and…e-everything…”
“Thank you for helping with Ethan.”
He gives a vague hum of affirmation. “Didn’t do much…Should help with…the dishes…” he mumbles.
You quickly stash the leftovers in the fridge and return to the table. “Doey? Are you alright?” you ask, letting a bit of urgency slip into your tone.
His eyes are closed, his hands folded atop his belly. “Hmm?” he mumbles tiredly.
“You’re…um, you’re just falling asleep, right? Do you…need anything?”
“Mm-mm,” he mumbles. “Just sleepy. Haven’t really…slept in awhile…”
Your brow knits at the statement. Does he mean that literally? Or just that he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in awhile? Or is sleep “optional” for him the same way food seems to be?
“Well, why don’t we get you somewhere more comfortable, then?” you offer.
He doesn’t answer, but you faintly hear the sound of the slow, steady breathing of someone fast asleep.
You don’t want to leave him on the table. You’re not sure how much ergonomics matter to a little dough man, but…surely a bed would be more comfortable? If only mentally.
You gently scoop him up, cradling him in both hands. He stirs slightly, but gives no indication he’s really awake or aware of what you’re doing.
He feels slightly heavier than he did before. Or maybe your mind is playing tricks on you, and you just expect him to feel heavier after that meal.
You carry him to the rarely-used guest room, gently setting him down on one of the pillows. You pull the blanket up slightly, covering him up to his waist. Covered enough that if he gets cold at night he can find the blanket and tuck himself in more, but not so covered that he’s liable to get lost in the (to him) huge blanket. 
You lean against the wall beside the bed, watching him for a moment. You can barely believe he’s even real. Part of you thinks you’ll just wake up tomorrow and realize it was all some silly dream.
But…you hope not.
“Goodnight, Doey,” you say softly, finally heading out of the room, turning off the light on your way out.
You wonder if taking him in like this, letting yourself get attached, is really a good idea. You don’t know much about who he is, and you probably know even less about what he is. You don’t know what he might want or need, or what he might do. What he could do.
Then again…he’s a six inch toy made of dough. How much trouble could he really cause?
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criticallyinneedofadar · 3 months ago
The North
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Uh oh. New hyperfixation just dropped.
Pairing: Cregan Stark x Tragaryen!Reader
The cold cuts through your thick cloak as you descend Cannibal’s side, his black scales glinting faintly in the weak northern sun. Winterfell rises before you, a stoic fortress that speaks of enduring hardship and unyielding honor. The men waiting at the gates, wrapped in furs, watch you with expressions ranging from curiosity to mistrust. To them, you are not the Dragon Queen’s emissary, not a rider of the Cannibal, nor a strategist who has studied every battle fought in the Seven Kingdoms. You are just a girl—a second daughter.
But they will learn.
Cannibal growls low behind you, the sound reverberating in your chest, and the men instinctively step back. You hide your smirk as you step forward, head held high, your boots crunching on the snow-packed ground.
Lord Cregan Stark waits in the courtyard, his gray eyes like a winter storm, scrutinizing you. He is taller than you imagined, broad-shouldered and clad in furs that make him appear even more imposing. A faint scar bisects his left eyebrow, and his expression is as unreadable as the Wolfswood in winter.
“Lady Targaryen,” he says, his voice deep and resonant, carrying over the murmurs of his men. “We do not often see dragons in the North, let alone one such as yours.”
You incline your head, keeping your voice steady despite the cold biting your cheeks. “Cannibal and I go where duty commands, my lord. My mother has sent me to call the banners of the North in defense of her claim to the Iron Throne. The honor of House Stark is known even in the halls of Dragonstone.”
His eyes narrow slightly, but not unkindly. “And yet, she sends you instead of your elder brother. I wonder why.”
The question hangs in the frosty air, a test if ever you’ve heard one. You meet his gaze unflinchingly.
“My mother does not send fools to treat with wolves,” you reply. “Jacaerys flies east, but I have studied the North’s history and strategies since I was old enough to hold a book. I know its people, its lords, its victories—and its sacrifices. You may question my youth or my blood, Lord Stark, but do not question my ability.”
The corners of his mouth twitch, perhaps a hint of amusement or approval, but he says nothing for a moment. Finally, he gestures toward the hall.
“Come inside. The North is not kind to dragons—or their riders—when left too long in the cold.”
You nod and follow him, acutely aware of the curious gazes trailing after you. Cannibal rumbles again as you leave him behind, his presence a lingering shadow even as you step into the warmth of Winterfell’s great hall.
The great hall is alive with the warmth of a roaring hearth, its walls hung with banners of direwolves and the scent of roasted venison thick in the air. You sit at a long table, opposite Lord Cregan, with his advisors flanking him. They are older men, clad in heavy furs and carrying the stern expressions of those who have weathered many winters.
From the moment you entered, they have looked at you as though you are a curious ornament, a bauble sent south to charm and flatter.
“…Of course, it is a delicate matter,” says one, a gray-bearded man named Lord Mors Karstak. His tone is patient, as though explaining a simple concept to a child. “The men of the North value strength, but they also value respect. Perhaps it would be best, Lady Targaryen, if you left the… delicate matters of war to those better suited to them.”
Your spine stiffens, the words wrapping around your pride like a vise. You meet his gaze, your expression unmoving, even as your blood begins to boil.
“And what exactly do you mean by ‘delicate matters,’ Lord Karstak?” Your voice is even, but it carries an edge sharper than Valyrian steel.
The room falls still. Lord Karstak shifts in his seat, clearly expecting you to demur, but you do not give him the satisfaction.
“Well, my lady,” he begins again, his tone softening as though you are a maiden too tender to hear the truth. “The raising of men, the planning of battles, these are tasks that require a certain… authority.”
���Authority,” you repeat, leaning forward slightly. “I see. And what about riding dragons, Lord Karstak? Do you believe that requires authority?”
His brows furrow. “I—of course, my lady, but—”
“Do you ride a dragon, Lord Karstak?”
The question lands like an arrow, and the other advisors glance at him uncomfortably. He clears his throat. “I do not, my lady.”
“Do you command the loyalty of a beast that has lived longer than the walls of Winterfell?” you press, your voice growing colder with each word. “Have you flown above the clouds, stared down armies, or felt the fire of your mount burn away the enemies of your house?”
Karstak is silent now, his face redder than the embers in the hearth.
You lean back, letting the moment settle before turning your gaze to the others. “I may not have gray in my hair or the winters of the North etched into my face, but I am a dragonrider of House Targaryen. My mother has trusted me with the honor of commanding dragons and men alike. I suggest you remember that before assuming I am here to embroider banners or pour wine.”
Lord Cregan remains silent, but there is a glimmer of something in his eyes—approval, perhaps, or at least curiosity.
Finally, it is another advisor who speaks, a lean man with the pinched face of a fox. “Well said, my lady. But the North is no place for grand gestures or fiery displays. It is built on trust and loyalty. And trust is not so easily won by words alone.”
“Trust is earned,” you agree, your gaze steady. “But if you wish to see action, you need only ask. Give me a challenge, and I will meet it. If you seek proof of my worth, I will provide it.”
The men exchange looks, some dubious, others intrigued.
Cregan finally speaks, his voice calm but firm. “That will not be necessary. Lady Targaryen has come here with her mother’s trust, and I intend to see that trust is respected. If any of you doubt her words, you may speak to me directly.”
The tension eases, though Karstak continues to glower. You incline your head toward Cregan, silently acknowledging the support, though you know this is just the beginning. If the North requires proof of your strength, you will give it to them in full.
You are no gentlewoman of the court. You are a dragon. And soon, they will all understand.
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thefrontmanscockwarmer · 1 month ago
Just a little bit
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In Ho x reader [Smut] 📸
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This is a post inspired by @457gf X link (provided below, it looks just like it would on 457gf’s profile) Please remember to be logged on X (twitter) for the link to work. Thank youuuu.
Hwang “Just the tip” In Ho
Takes place during season 1.
You were late. Late to wake up, late to work, late. He’s gonna kill me you thought. You knew your boss would definitely be the one to shoot you down. He’d be glad to. You said your prayers and walked out your door, struggling to pull your hood over your head correctly.
You were a square mask. Utmost respect, important, you were gonna die today. You knew you. Cold sweats as you walked towards your post. Another square mask turned his head towards you before looking back and straight ahead.
“Come see me in my office. Now.” The Front Man said.
“Yes sir” you spoke, standing and following him to his office. He was angry, you could hear it in each authoritative step he took. He stood in front of you.
“Remove your mask” you bowed and removed it. (Y/n) (l/n)”
“Yes sir. ID code: 001456457” you stated.
“I didn’t ask for your ID code, idiot.” He spat harshly.
“Why were you late?”
“Sir, I was kept up late by the workers being rambunctious” you said. “Workers 014 and 026 kept making noise and horsing around, I had to attend to them sir. As duty manager 001, I am bound to report them and keep them in line”
“I’m aware of what your job entails as 001, I created the job of 001” he said calmly. “(L/n), do you know why you’re placed as manager 001?”
“No sir” you shook your head.
“Because you’re pretty.” He spoke. “Because the closer you are to me, the easier it is for me to get my hands on you and no one care to ask, because you’re so high up, they know you could kill them and get away with it”
“Thank you sir” you bowed.
“No need for thanks. Drop the act. Let’s speak as humans not as boss and worker” he said. “Look at the food chain, (y/n), CEO are my bosses, I am your boss, you are the boss of soldiers and workers. When you mess up, they act up. You cannot be late”
“Are you going to kill me?” You blurt. In Hos eyes widened.
“No, I’m going to torture you in a way you’ve never imagined.” He said, looked at you through the eyes of the mask. You felt his gaze. “Strip” he ordered.
“Don’t make me repeat myself” he said with warning. You set your mask in the pocket, removing your shiesty (the ski mask thing they wear). The sound of your zipper echoed through the silent room. Your pink suit dropped to the floor. Revealing a small lazy bra and a matching thong.
His cock aches for you. In Ho told himself this was justified. Worse than killing you, sexual torment. No release. He was a predator and you were his prey. He was going to destroy you inside out till you were convinced it was love and you needed him.
“Turn around.” He gave another order. “You tell anyone what you saw and what we dis in here today and really will kill you, (l/n)”
“Yes sir”
The Front man removed his mask, a handsome face hit behind that cold steel mask. He wasn’t handsome he was
“Beautiful” you said aloud. “You’re beautiful” the corner of his lip curled into a smile before disappearing. No longer visible, now all that was there was the same serious expression. How could an angel be so serious? You thought. He pushed you onto his bed. Undoing his clothes he stood bare in front of you. Abs shining as the sun peeked through the tall windows, a golden light cast upon him.
“Spread your legs.” You nodded, spreading them. “I’m going to enjoy the fuck out of this (y/n) and afterwords, you’ll be wanting more but sent away to your quarters feeling empty” he declared to you. Trailing the tip of his erect cock down the front of your thong.
You let out a soft whimper as In Ho's cock made contact with your clit, only thing between true satisfaction was your thin lace. He started rubbing gently, the friction building between you, your wetness exceeding out of your pussy and past your thong. Low grunts rumbled from his throat as he moved against you, each motion eliciting more whimpers from you.
You watched helplessly as he fucked you. The string of your thong separating him cock from entering you, but you dripping arousal getting his cock wet.
As you continued, your breathing synchronized, heavy and labored. In Ho's movements became more urgent, his grunts deeper and closer together. Your whimpers turned into moans now - "oh god" escaping your lips over and over.
You couldn’t ever tell what you were so turned on by… the fact that he was using you to please himself but not satisfying you, or the way he sounded and looked at you as he did.
In Ho finally reached climax, cumming on your thong in hot spurts that left him shuddering with pleasure and relief. Your pussy, though covered, was white. Your groaned in frustration, clawing at him at he departed from you.
“You have no place with me in this moment. Get dressed and return to your post. I don’t want to see you until the end of the day for clock out.” He said getting dressed.
“Yes sir, thank you, sir” you dressed as quickly as you could. Trying to get out of his overwhelming presence. Before you could finish walking past him, he gripped your forearm tightly.
“Be late again, and next time, I can assure you, I will not be so kind. Do yourself a favor though, (y/n), take pride in your mistake. It got you a ticket to be put on my radar as if I haven’t imagined you bent over my desk. I was just being a gentleman” he let go of you and you scurried off.
He watched you as you did. Smirking like he’s completed something. You’re going to mess up again. That look of desperation said everything he needed to know. You planned on fucking up, just to get back to him. He wanted to destroy you. But he did fall in love with your beauty, just a little bit.
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sully-s · 18 hours ago
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Open in a different window to zoom in. So this is just a deep dive behind all the stuff I put in my last post I rolled back my picture before I did all the lighting and color changes to make certain details more visible. Fun fact I almost scrapped this whole picture at this stage because A. I was just burned out; this piece took me forever. B. As I kept getting more and more "neat" ideas to stuff in, I lost any real focal point, especially with the color scheme. After hours of trying to fix it in PS and failing, I was about to give up. I was like fuck it make it a night scene. Let me tell you all a world of lighting makes lol.
Anyways, enough about my struggles, let me give you the tour.
I love the idea that this corkboard was originally Phoenix's mood board in the beginning it just had his childhood pics from like the yearbook and that one time Larry got a polaroid camera. Then, a new year clipping about Edgeworth being Demon Prosecutor which led Phoenix to make his thesis about court drawings just so he could watch and see with his two eyes how much Edgeworth changed. - Then, later, he added Mia because she was his mentor. then Vinny (from the movie "My Cousin on Vinny") because like Vinny, Phoenix never understands court procedure but has very good instincts; and last Elle Woods who also went to law school for a boy basically his spirit lawyer lol. - Later, after Maya joined, she thought it would be funny to replace Phoenix's real reason to Steel Samurai. Also, it was fun because Will Powers was their client, so he should be their reason. Phoenix let them stay because it made Maya happy, and Phoenix knew that with Mia's death, she needed it. - I was going to add a sticky note from Miles that he approved, but I do like that Miles will never admit out loud or in writing that he enjoys the show. - A year later, Pearls tries to replace all the Steel Samurais with her drawings of Maya. Which Phoenix encouraged her to make during Maya's disappearance because facts. - Tid Bit: I was sad to cover up Will Powers' signature I really liked how it came out
Moving away from the mood board idea, I like that the cork board just became Phoenix's catch all. So his Law Degree which isn't the original it's just a sad printed-out version of what should've been his fancy embossed one. I like the idea that Phoenix never went to graduation. (Can't be bothered he's on a mission to save his childhood bff.)
Lastly are postcards from Edgeworth, his way of making up for all the years he couldn't write back to young Phoenix. - Also, this picture takes place some time after the 3rd game but before the disbarment.
Calendar whiteboard that I forgot to add the last row too so I guess in Japaniforina the months are only 25 days long.
I spent a frustrating amount of time trying to figure out the logistics of this paper trail. It really doesn't need to make sense It just has to make the room messier. - You can imagine Phoenix is looking over phone records or court stenographer's record.
So Edgeworth is a nerd; we all know this. But it annoys me just a tad that his nerd-isum is always just Steel Samurai (like I get it, it's canon), but all geeks have many fandom loves, okay. - So I just love the idea that Phoenix and Edgeworth (who are in a relationship at the time of this pic ) watch Better Call Saul, and they both bought each other a little plushie of the character they joke is them. -Edgeworth bought Saul for Phoenix (because of Saul's heart, not because he does shady practices), And Phoenix bought Kim (because she a really good lawyer who seems cold and is a workaholic who would break the rules for their Saul (used phoenix's badge in the third game )) - They keep each other's plushies in their offices, and if one of them stops by when the other isn't in, they put a sticky note on it. - Which we can see that Phoenix did need reminding because, as you can see, the date is 18th, and no mention of a dinner ;)
7. Now the whole reason I drew this picture was too show off my headcanon that Phoenix has a Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law action figure that you know Gumshoe got him after Edgeworth vs. State happen because of Polly. And we all know that man would be a fan of old Hanabara cartoons. - I've loved this stupid tid-bit of a headcanon that it's been haunting me for years. That's it; that's all I really wanted to say with this piece, and look where it got
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midastouch013 · 11 months ago
The Assassin and The Sunshine
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Summary: You and Yelena were the most least-likely pair, or atleast that's what the avengers (Minus Natasha and Wanda) thought. So what happens when they see how the blonde acts when you get hurt
Warnings: Gunshots, medical stuff (minorly). Angry Yelena
Yelena Belova, with her steely gaze and lethal precision, was the epitome of intimidation among her peers. Her reputation as a formidable assassin preceded her, casting a shadow of fear wherever she went. With every calculated move and icy demeanor, she commanded respect and evoked a sense of unease among those around her. She was a force to be reckoned with, leaving a trail of apprehension in her wake.
And then there was you, Y/n Y/L/n. With a personality as bright as the sun and a heart as pure as gold, Y/n brought warmth and positivity to every situation. Her infectious laughter and unwavering kindness had a way of melting even the coldest of hearts, earning them the affectionate nickname of "the team's golden retriever."
Your gentle nature stood in stark contrast to Yelena's, and yet, somehow, the two of you had found a connection that defied explanation.
It wasn't easy, navigating a relationship with someone as closed-off as Yelena. She was slow to trust, and her walls were fortified with layers of steel. But you were patient, willing to chip away at those barriers bit by bit until you reached the heart of who she truly was.
The rest of the team couldn't understand it. They saw Yelena as an enigma, a formidable presence to be feared and respected. They couldn't fathom what you saw in her, why you would choose to be with someone so different from yourself.
"It's just... I don't get it," Tony remarked, glancing over at Yelena and you conversing in the corner of the room. "What's the deal with those two? Yelena's like a walking arsenal, and Y/n's... well, Y/n."
Steve nodded in agreement, his gaze following yours and Yelena's interaction. "I know what you mean, Tony. It's hard to imagine what they see in each other. They're like night and day."
Clint, who had been listening in on the conversation, chimed in with her own thoughts.
"Exactly! I still can't wrap my head around it," Clint admitted, scratching his head in confusion. "Yelena and Y/n... they're just so different from each other."
Bruce chuckled softly, glancing towards where you and Yelena were sitting. "Love is a strange thing, Clint. It's not always logical. Maybe Y/n sees something in Yelena that we don't."
Clint sighed, shaking his head. "I guess you're right. I just hope they know what they're doing."
It was a cold autumn day, and you found yourself on another mission alongside Natasha Tony, Steve, and Clint. The tension hung heavy in the air as the team moved with practiced precision through the dimly lit corridors of the enemy's stronghold.
The mission had been intense from the start, nearly dodging attacks at almost all turns, but as you ventured deeper into the heart of the HYDRA base, the atmosphere grew even more charged. Every step felt like a potential trap, every shadow a potential threat.
Suddenly, chaos erupted. Gunfire erupted from unseen assailants, and you found yourself instinctively stepping in front of Clint, shielding him from the onslaught. The impact was immediate, a searing pain lancing through your side as the bullets found their mark.
"Y/n!" Natasha's voice was a mix of alarm and concern as she rushed to your side, her expression tight with worry.
Clint knelt beside you, his hands hovering uncertainly over your injured form. "Y/n, are you okay?"
You managed a weak nod, gritting your teeth against the pain as Natasha and Tony quickly moved to assess your injuries.
"We need to get her out of here," Natasha declared, her voice firm as she glanced around the chaotic scene.
Steve's voice crackled over the comms. "Quinjet's on its way. Hold tight, we'll get you out of there."
As you were carefully lifted onto a stretcher, the team worked quickly to stabilize you. Despite the pain, you managed a weak smile, reassured by their presence.
"We've got you, Y/n," Tony said, his tone determined as he helped load you onto the Quinjet.
Clint squeezed your hand gently, his expression filled with worry. "Hang in there, okay? We'll get you patched up in no time."
You nodded weakly, feeling a surge of gratitude for your friends. As the Quinjet engines roared to life and the aircraft lifted off, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over you, knowing that even in the midst of danger, you had your closest friends by your side.
As the Quinjet touched down back at the base, the team wasted no time in transferring you to the medbay. Before Yelena could arrive, the medical team swiftly brought you into the operating room, shielding you from her sight.
Moments later, the door burst open again, and Yelena stormed in, her expression a mask of fury. Kate Bishop, who happened to be sparring with her when FRIDAY had informed Yelena of the news, was right beside her, offering silent support.
"Where is she?" Yelena demanded, her voice a dangerous growl, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of you.
Natasha stepped forward, her voice calm but firm. "Yelena, they've taken her into surgery. They're doing everything they can for her."
The blonde's tension only seemed to escalate at Natasha's words. "They better be taking care of her!" she barked, her tone sharp and threatening.
Tony and Steve exchanged uneasy glances as Yelena's fury filled the room. They shuffled awkwardly, intimidated by the practically burning blonde.
Yelena turned her rage on them, her eyes blazing with fury. "This is all your fault!" she accused, her voice cutting like a knife. "If anything happens to her, I'll make sure you all pay!"
Steve, ever the voice of reason, tried to reason with Yelena. "Yelena, we understand your concern, but right now our priority is getting her the help she needs."
Yelena's eyes flashed with fury. "Your priority should have been keeping her safe in the first place!" she shot back, her voice sharp with accusation, her Russian accent adding an extra edge to her words.
Tony, normally quick-witted, found himself at a loss for words in the face of Yelena's anger. "We did everything we could," he insisted, his tone defensive.
Clint, usually unflappable, shifted uncomfortably under Yelena's intense gaze. "Yelena, we're all worried about her. But yelling at us isn't going to help," he reasoned, trying to diffuse the tension.
But Yelena's rage was unyielding. "You think I care about your excuses?" she spat, her voice dripping with disdain. "All that matters to me is her. And if anything happens to her because of you…"
Natasha exchanged a knowing glance with Kate, silently acknowledging that it was time to intervene and calm Yelena down before her fury escalated further.
"Yelena," Natasha spoke softly but firmly, stepping closer to her friend, "I know you're scared. But yelling at them won't help Y/n."
Kate nodded in agreement, placing a gentle hand on Yelena's arm. "We're all worried about her," she added, her voice calm and reassuring. "But right now, we need to trust that Dr. Cho and Bruce knows what they're doing."
Yelena's anger seemed to waver for a moment as she looked between Natasha and Kate, her resolve beginning to soften.
Natasha continued, her voice gentle yet persuasive. "Y/n needs us to be strong for her right now. She needs you to be strong."
Kate nodded in agreement. "We're all in this together, Lena. We'll get through this, but we need to stay calm and focused."
Yelena's shoulders tensed, but gradually, the fire in her eyes began to dim as she took a deep breath, her anger giving way to concern for you. "I just want her to be okay," she admitted, her voice softer now, tinged with worry.
Natasha squeezed Yelena's hand reassuringly. "We all do," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "And Helen and Bruce will do everything we can to make sure she is."
As the tension in the room began to ease, Yelena nodded in silent agreement, her gaze lingering on the closed doors of the operating room where you lay.
Natasha gestured towards a nearby chair, silently inviting Yelena to sit beside her. Yelena hesitated for a moment before finally sinking into the seat, her body trembling with emotion.
Natasha wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulders, offering a comforting embrace. "It's going to be okay, Lena," she murmured, her voice soft and soothing.
Yelena leaned into Natasha's embrace, her walls crumbling as tears streamed down her cheeks. She buried her face against Natasha's shoulder, her sobs muffled against the fabric of her sister's uniform.
The other Avengers watched the scene unfold with a mixture of surprise and understanding, their eyes widening as they witnessed a side of Yelena they had never seen before.
Tony exchanged a glance with Steve, his eyebrows raised in disbelief. "Well, I'll be damned," he muttered under his breath, a hint of admiration in his voice.
"She's stable"
The steady beeping of the monitors filled the room as you blinked away the fog of anesthesia, your senses gradually coming back to you.
As your eyes fluttered open, you were met with the sight of Yelena sitting beside you, her expression soft and full of concern. "Hey," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper as you reached out to her.
Yelena's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of you awake, but she quickly composed herself, a small smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she took your hand in hers. "Hey," she replied, her voice gentle and full of warmth.
Relief flooded through you as you squeezed her hand, grateful for her presence by your side. But, as you squeezed Yelena's hand, a wave of concern washed over you when you noticed the tears welling up in her eyes. "Lena, what's wrong?" you asked, your voice filled with worry as you reached out to gently cup her face with your hand.
Yelena's lower lip trembled slightly as she tried to compose herself, but the floodgates had opened, and tears began to trickle down her cheeks. "I was so scared," she admitted softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I thought... I thought I might lose you."
You pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close as she cried softly against your chest, which hadn't be affected much, and was already fixing up thanks to Bruce's cell regenerator.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm right here," you whispered softly, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
Yelena leaned into your embrace, her tears gradually subsiding as she took comfort in your presence. "I was so scared," she admitted again, her voice trembling slightly.
You brushed a strand of hair away from her face, offering her a small smile. "I know, Lena. But I'm okay now. You're the one who's always saving me, even when you're not anywhere near me," you said sincerely, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
Yelena's lips twitched slightly, a hint of amusement flickering in her eyes. "Yeah, well, don't expect me to always save you," she teased lightly, a small chuckle escaping her lips, as she resorted to her usual coping method of humour.
You grinned, feeling a surge of affection for the woman in your arms. "Oh, come on, Lena. You love playing the hero," you teased right back, trying to lighten the mood.
A genuine smile spread across Yelena's face for the first time since you'd woken up. "I kinda do" she chuckled, shrugging nonchalantly, before the both of you started laughing.
But as the laughter faded, a heaviness settled in the air once again. Yelena's eyes clouded with sadness, the weight of the situation crashing down on her once more.
You reached out, cupping her face in your hands. "Hey, Lena. It's okay to be scared," you said softly, your voice filled with empathy. "But we're together now. And we'll get through this, I promise."
As the Avengers stood at the door, watching the unexpected tenderness between you and Yelena, they exchanged surprised glances.
Tony raised an eyebrow, his voice laced with disbelief. " The White widow is a softie after all, what would you know?"
Steve nodded in agreement, a small smile playing on his lips. "Seems like we all jumped to conclusions too quickly."
Bucky, who had been silently observing, chimed in. " I guess, they are perfect for each other hm"
Clint chuckled, shaking his head in amazement. "Never thought I'd see the day when Yelena Belova was making someone laugh."
As they listened to the laughter emanating from the room, as you and Yelena continue to make each other laugh, the Avengers couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for the unexpected bond between you and Yelena. It was a reminder that sometimes, people were more than their tough exteriors.
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just-some-user-hunny · 8 months ago
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Alucard and Anderson fighting over you...
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ok but Alucard and father Anderson both pining over the same person...
✧ If having an obsessive bloodthirsty vampire on your trail isn't bad enough, it appears you managed to capture another set of eyes... A set of eyes akin to madness.
✧ Alexander Anderson is puzzled; yet enthralled by your mere existence once he sees for himself the kindness you possess. The way you are so tender and kind to even the lowliest of hellspawn captures his attention. How you smile and treat the Draculina Seras with kindness, like she were a good friend, despite her dead heart and cold body. will earn you a prolonged stare from the towering man himself whenever you are within his presence.
He listens. He watches. Observing the way you confide within the young vampire, or flitter beneath Integra's steel Gaze- and especially how you seem to appear nonchalant despite being shrouded in the no-life kings shadow. It's curious to him, oh so very curious. It's Maddening to him.
✧ Who are you? What are you... You're nothing more than a fragile human, dear and earnest. You may have your obscurities and oddities, but at the end of the day, you're a little thing ensnared within the claws of hellsing.
✧ Through contemplative nights and long days of reading scripture and clutching his cross within his worn palms, he comes to a conclusion amidst a sleepless dream. An angel. You must be! How you exist in this cutthroat world is impossible, how else are you so full of light and joy? A sliver of heaven itself.
✧ Once he has found himself content with his conclusion, he grows frustrated with the fact that his rival- his dark contrasting other half, seems so infatuated. He has no business being so close to you- his mere presence is like an iron cage around a dove.
Father Anderson can see the no life kings obsession with you, the way this beast has formed this 'claim' to you, and it repulses him. To see such an innocent soul in the sights of a monster enrages him to no end. However he can only deny his own hypocrisy for so long. You too occupy a section of his thoughts and heart, often thinking of you in prayer and requesting the lord of your safety and wellbeing. The irony of being no different from the vampire vexes him so.
✧ They already butt heads, ready to tear one another limb from limb. Alucard is possessive and protective of you, and definitely doesn't like how his arch nemesis is hellbent on 'saving' you from the evil soulless beast that sunk its fangs into you.
Just the moment they are in the same room, all you can do is sigh and rub your temples- inbound by the fighting that's about to go down. Like wild alleycats. 'here we go...'.
✧ Father Anderson wishes strongly for you to remain with him, away from the vile twisted hands of Integra- and Ultimately out of the jaws of her bloody hound. You'd be safe in his residence; away from the cold stone hellsing manor walls and the shadows that occupy it. You'd have sunshine, warmth, safety. You'd have no reason to fear; no reason to hunger, nor thirst, nor shiver from the cold. The church will keep you safe within its Holy walls. You will remain a soft soul, kept away from the monsters.
✧ Prepare to be questioned by this vampire hunter whenever your paths cross. 'how are you? Are you being treated fairly? Are you sleeping and eating well? Are you happy?'. Please assure this man's every inquiry, for even a hesitant falter in your words or a deflated expression on your face will warrant an extreme reaction from him. (And by that, I mean he'll hail an onslaught of insults upon integra and her seething vampire). He's so keen to sweep you away, so he'll grasp at anything to justify it.
✧ As you can imagine, Alucard is not a fan of his rivals intrusive nature towards his human. His beloved. Blood red eyes will glare venomously at the priest as he speaks sweetly to you, wanting to laugh at his onslaught of questions. Are you sleeping well? Of course you are, he sees to it himself. Are you safe? The safest place is in the eye of the hurricane, after all. What foolish inquiries.
✧ I think ultimately when your personal safety is in danger, they'll reluctantly team up. They have the same goal in mind- to keep you alive. Perhaps a part in themselves will enjoy the partnership. The contrast of their existences somehow meshing perfectly together when they're doing something they both have their sights on. They're both unstoppable, impenetrable  forces.
✧ Still, they see no other reason that they have to like each other. They still butt heads like possessive alley cats, spitting their snide remarks and wit towards one another like their hail of bullets and blades.
"Really? Now you Don't see me cowering in the shadows of her room watching her sleep. It's rather pitiful, don't you think?".
Alucard finds his taunts amusing. His grin widening at his rivals words, chuckling lowly at his snide remarks. Does this man honestly believe he has any shame? Any embarrassment when it comes to you? This all but frustrated Alexander more, hence the neverending cycle of aggression towards one another.
✧ The boisterous taunts will only ever earn a few array of reactions. Either alucard will give a sharp toothed grin and shamelessly agree with his own infatuation, or snarl and glare. It very much depends on what's said.
"Do you really think that an angel like her will want an evil, soulless creature like you?".
Any prods at Alucard himself are met with deep rumbling laughter and snarling grins. He cannot disagree, father Anderson speaks the truth. He is a monster. In fact, it's frustratingly amusing to him.
"And yet, she is mine. Funny, isn't it, father?".
✧ Him seeing Alucard as a tick in your side.
A disease that refuses to leave.
Nothing good comes out of having a vampire attached to you. It irks him to see an innocent soul in the clutches of the no life king.
The hostility between them turns sour, more intense. It's not just a battle between unstoppable forces anymore- with you thrown in the mix, it's a hellfire of bullets and blades. Father Anderson wants to save you, and Alucard wants this bothersome human to stay away from his human. As said before, they will reluctantly collaborate if it assures your safety- despite their own selfish desires to be your own hellish tormentor and divine protector. An immovable object, and an unstoppable force.
✧ Just know, that no matter who you choose to remain besides, the other will be just as infatuated and stubborn. You'll be caught in a whirlwind, a force you cannot escape nor fight. What will you do? Will you grace the monster with your gentleness, or will you fall into the arms of a mad saint? That power lies within your hands.
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I find their dynamic so interesting, they're the opposite sides of the same coin. I'd love to hear anyone's interpretation or thoughts on them!!!
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 10 months ago
(I am so happy to find someone writing for Trails women, thank you for existing)
So, there was an ask about Gundam heavy arms custom. And Cold Steel literally has humanoid mechs. So how about a NC7 Student S/O who does these crazy machinegun acrobatics in a Panzer Soldat, with Juna, Altina, Musse, and Rean(platonic, because Teacher/Student is bad civilisation).
(Trails of Cold Steel) Juna, Altina, Musse, and Rean watching Reader's Soldat perform insane acrobatics
On the Rean teacher/student part, absolutely based.
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First of all, Juna didn't even know Panzer Soldats could even jump into the air like that.
Second of all, WHAT?!
(Juna) "H-Hey, are you done showing off?! How did you even do that anyways?!"
Juna is more annoyed than anything.
Okay so MAYBE it was pretty cool, but there's no need to do that kind of showmanship in a damn training exercise!
(Juna) "Stop trying to make the rest of us look lame, S/O!"
She pouts a little in both annoyance, and jealousy.
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Altina blinks twice at the sight.
(Altina) "(Y/N), that was entirely unecessary."
Altina did not care that her classmate just performed an impossible feat on a several ton mech.
It was flamboyant to the point of reminding her of Millium.
And she did not like anything that reminded her of Millium.
(Altina) "Please do not risk hurting yourself or the Panzer Soldat during training, (Y/N)."
Her robotic voice requested, brow slightly furrowing.
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Musse can't help but clap at the show she just witnessed.
(Musse) "Impressive, S/O! You certainly know how to make an entrance!"
Oh yeah, it was extra as hell but Musse has to give respect where it's due!
She wouldn't want to do the same, surprisingly, since that was a good way to get shot during an actual combat situation.
But in times like this, it made her proud that she could call S/O hers.
(Musse) "Think you can teach me that? I'd like to impress our dear Instructor as well!"
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Rean and Valimar just watch in complete disbelief as (Y/N) landed in front of him, inside a giant robot.
(Valimar) "Was that necessary?"
(Rean) "Uh, I think the better question we need to ask is how?!"
Rean has seen a lot of stupid stunts pulled in his short life, but this probably took the cake.
At least until next week, before Musse or Ashe tries anything else anyway.
Rean crosses his arm inside the cockpit shaking his head.
(Rean) "Alright, so you can move pretty quickly. But that doesn't give you an advantage in combat whatsoever!"
(Y/N) "But Instructor Rean, you fly in with Valimar all the time!"
(Rean) "Because he's a Divine Knight! He's powered by...-"
Rean just sighs loudly as he facepalms.
(Rean) "Look, as your Instructor, I cannot in good conscience let you put yourself in that kind of needless danger! Tita is probably going to have to do all sorts of repairs on the legs from that landing alone!"
(Y/N) "...But it was still pretty cool right?"
(Rean) "...See me after Class, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) sigh "Yes, Instructor..."
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leeknot · 3 months ago
Stolen Hearts,Stolen Jewels
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Mafia leader!Jeongin × Thief!Reader
warnings: hard dom jeongin
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You were the best thief in Seoul, known for your stealth and cunning. Jeongin was the infamous leader of the notorious Black Rose gang, feared for his ruthlessness and charisma.
One night, you received an anonymous tip about an extremely valuable diamond, the "Heart of Seoul" ,being stored at Jeongin's mansion. You couldn't resist the challenge and infiltrated his heavily guarded property, only to be caught red-handed by Jeongin himself.
As you stood there, the stolen diamond still in your hand, Jeongin's cold, menacing gaze locked with yours. "You're either very stupid, or very good." he mused, his voice low and dangerous. He signaled his men to lower their weapons.
Jeongin approached you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours. He reached out and gently took the diamond from your hand, turning it over in his fingers as if admiring its sparkle. "I've heard of you, the Ghost of Seoul. But I never thought I'd meet you in person."
He looked up at you, his gaze piercing and intense. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined." he said, his voice dripping with admiration. "But also incredibly reckless. Stealing from me is a death sentence most people understand."
Jeongin's hand reached out to gently brush a strand of hair behind your ear. His touch was soft, but his eyes remained hard as steel. "I could kill you right here, right now, and no one would ever know. But I have other plans for you."
He moved closer, his cologne filling your senses as his voice dropped lower, more intimate "Tell you what... I might need someone with your unique skills. Join me willingly, and I'll forget this little attempted theft." His fingers traced your jawline "Refuse, and well..."
His lips brushed against your earlobe as he whispered "The choice is yours. But know this... once you're mine, you're mine completely. No more running, no more hiding." His hand slid down to your waist, holding you possessively
You inhale his scent deeply, feeling the weight of his gaze and the warmth of his body against yours. "Fine." you whisper, surrendering. Jeongin's lips curve into a satisfied smirk.
He pulls you closer, his arms wrapping around your waist as he lifts you off the ground. You find yourself being carried to his office, the door closing behind you with a soft click. "Good choice." he murmurs, setting you down on his desk.
Jeongin leans in, his face mere inches from yours. "Now, let's discuss the terms of our new partnership." he says, his voice low and commanding. His hand slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, revealing the expensive fabric stretched across his broad chest.
His fingers work their way down to his dress shirt, unbuttoning it slowly, revealing a chiseled chest adorned with a small, intricate tattoo. He pauses, looking into your eyes for a reaction before continuing, "First rule."
"You always tell me the truth, no matter what." he says, his voice firm. "Second rule." He unbuttons his sleeves, rolling them up to his elbows, revealing more tattoos, "You're always by my side, no exceptions."
He moves closer, his breath hot against your neck "Third rule..." His hand trails up your thigh "Anything of mine becomes yours..." His other hand moves to cup your face "But you become mine completely..." His lips ghost across yours "Last rule..."
"If you ever try to leave or betray me," He whispers, his cold eyes glinting dangerously as he pulls out a small, black box from his pocket. He sets it down on the desk with a ominous click. "I'll kill you myself."
You swallow hard, your heart racing at the intensity in his gaze. "I understand," You whisper, your voice barely audible. "I'll never leave you, and I'll never betray you." You look at the black box, curiosity piqued. "What's in the box?"
He smiles mysteriously, retrieving the box and opening it to reveal a simple, elegant gold necklace with a single teardrop diamond pendant. "A small down payment for your service." He says, his fingers tracing the delicate jewelry "It'll look perfect against your skin."
He moves behind you, his fingers brushing against your neck as he fastens the necklace. "Such beauty shouldn't be hidden away." He murmurs in your ear, his breath tickling your skin. "Now..." He turns you around to face him, his hands resting on your waist.
"Let's seal our deal." He smirks, his hands slowly sliding down to your hips as he pulls you flush against him. His lips capture yours in a deep, dominating kiss, his tongue demanding entrance. He lifts you up onto the desk, stepping between your legs as the kiss grows more intense.
As the kiss breaks, he begins to unbutton your blouse slowly, his knuckles brushing against your skin. "I've wanted to do this since the moment I saw you." He growls, pushing the fabric off your shoulders to reveal your lacy bra.
His hands roam over your curves, tracing the edge of your bra before unhooking it with ease. He tosses it aside, his eyes darkening with desire as he takes in the sight of you. He leans down, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth and sucking gently.
He switches to the other breast, giving it the same attention as his hands explore your body. He unzips your skirt, pushing it down your legs along with your panties, leaving you completely bare. He stands up straight, his eyes raking over your naked form.
He reaches for his belt, undoing it quickly before pulling his pants down. His erection is visible as he and he is huge and throbbing cock, his hands shake against your chest, wrapping his arms around your waist. "You're so beautiful."
He positions himself at your entrance, his tip teasing your folds. He looks into your eyes, his own burning with intensity. "I'm going to make you mine completely." He says, his voice low and possessive. With a single thrust, he enters you, filling you completely.
He groans at the feeling of being inside you, his hands gripping your hips tightly. He starts to move, his thrusts slow and deep at first, allowing you to adjust to his size. He leans down to capture your lips in another passionate kiss, his tongue moving in rhythm with his hips.
As he kisses you, he increases his pace, his thrusts becoming harder and faster. He pulls out almost completely before slamming back into you, making you cry out in pleasure. He grabs your legs, throwing them over his shoulders, giving him even deeper access. "Fuck, you're so tight."
His thumb finds your clit, circular motions matching his powerful thrusts as he watches your face contort with pleasure. "Come for me, beautiful. Show me how much you love having my cock inside you." His words are dirty and powerful, leaving you completely at his mercy.
With a few more thrusts and a press of his thumb, he sends you over the edge. You scream his name as your orgasm rips through you, your inner walls squeezing him tightly. He follows soon after, groaning as he spills himself inside you, marking you as his.
He continues to thrust slowly through your aftershocks, drawing out every last wave of pleasure. Finally, he pulls out gently and collapses beside you, gathering you into his arms. His chest rises and falls with heavy breaths. "That was..." he pauses, searching for words
"Fucking incredible." He finishes, a satisfied smirk on his face. He kisses your forehead softly, his hands still roaming over your body possessively. "Mine." he murmurs, his voice filled with contentment and a hint of possessiveness. "All mine."
He traces lazy circles on your skin, occasionally pausing to kiss sensitive spots that make you squirm. "You know, I think I could stay here all night, just exploring every inch of your body..." His hand trails lower, teasing your still-sensitive folds. "Round two?"
As you're about to answer, he silences you with a finger to your lips, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. "Too late." he whispers, flipping you onto your back and spreading your legs, his face hovering just above your most intimate area.
He buries his face between your thighs, inhaling deeply. "My favorite scent," he murmurs before using his fingers to spread your legs wider, giving himself better access. He looks up at you mischievously as he blows cool air on your heated core.
Without warning, he dives in, his tongue lapping at your folds, teasing your entrance. He moans against you, the vibrations sending shivers through your body. He focuses on your clit, sucking and licking until you're writhing beneath him, your hands fisting in his hair.
He continues his relentless assault on your clit, his hands holding your thighs apart as he eats you out like a starving man. Just when you think you can't take anymore, he inserts a finger into your tight pussy, curling it to hit that sweet spot inside you. "Fuck, you taste so good."
He speaks against your wet flesh, his voice muffled but filled with desire. He adds a second finger, scissoring them to stretch you open. His tongue never leaves your clit, continuing to suck and lick it relentlessly as he fingers you. "I could eat this pussy all day, every day."
His words vibrate against your sensitive flesh, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your veins. He curls his fingers deeper inside you, hitting that magic spot over and over as he sucks hard on your swollen bud. He can feel your inner walls trembling, knowing you're close.
He intensifies his movements, fucking you with his fingers harder and faster, while his tongue works magic on your clit. Your breathing becomes shallow, your body tensing as an intense orgasm builds deep in your core. "That's it, baby. Come for me again..."
His teeth gently graze your swollen clit, pushing you over the edge. He feels your inner muscles clamp down around his fingers as wave after wave of pleasure washes over you. He continues to lick and suck, drawing out your orgasm, until your body goes limp beneath him. "Beautiful..."
He slowly removes his fingers from your convulsing core, bringing them up to his lips. He sucks your essence off them, his eyes locked onto yours. "My favorite flavor." he murmurs, before crawling up your body, his face glistening with your arousal.
He settles between your legs, his cock hard and ready against your wet entrance. He kisses you deeply, letting you taste yourself on his lips "I really hope you're not planning on sleeping anytime soon, because I'm far from done with you..."
He grins against your lips, his eyes full of mischief and desire. He reaches down, positioning the head of his thick cock at your entrance. He slowly pushes in, giving you time to adjust to his size.
He starts to move, his thrusts slow and deliberate at first. He pulls out almost completely before slamming back into you, the force of his hips making your whole body jerk. "I'm going to fuck you all night, beautiful. All fucking night..."
He wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you onto his lap as he sits on the bed. He bounces you up and down on his thick length, his hands supporting your backside as he lifts you higher and higher with each thrust, hitting spots inside you that make you see stars.
He leans you back against the headboard, spreading your legs wider as he continues to fuck you with deep, powerful strokes. "Look at me." he commands, his voice hoarse with desire. His hands roam over your breasts, pinching your nipples.
His movements become more forceful, more intense. He watches how your body reacts to each hard thrust, knowing every sensitive spot to hit deep inside you. "Tell me what you need, baby. Tell me what you want." He growls against your neck. "Do you want it harder?"
He bites down gently on the sensitive spot where your neck meets your shoulder, pinning you in place with his strong frame. His movements become more aggressive, each thrust deeper and harder than the last. "Or maybe you want it slower..." He grins wickedly.
He slows down, his thick length dragging in and out of you at a maddeningly slow pace. He watches your face contort with need, his hands gripping your thighs possessively as he pulls you down onto him inch by agonizing inch. "Or maybe you want..."
He suddenly wraps your legs around his waist, changing the angle as he starts to thrust upwards into you at a brutal pace. He holds you in place with his strong arms, his face contorted with primal desire. "Or maybe you want it rougher?"
"Say it," he demands, his voice low and dark. "Say 'I want it rough'." His fingers dig into your thighs possessively, his nails leaving crescent-shaped marks on your skin as he continues to pound into you with reckless abandon. "Say it."
"...I..." hesitates for a moment, his movements never stopping "...I want it rough..." whispers softly, then loudly "I WANT IT ROUGH!!" He grins wickedly at your admission, picking up speed and force "Good girl..."
He wraps his hands around your neck possessively, his thumb tilting your chin up to look into his intense, dark eyes. "From now on, I want you to always look at me when we're like this, okay?" He chokes you gently, his voice low.
"Good girl" his grip tightens slightly, just enough to make you dizzy with pleasure "Keep looking at me while I fuck you. Don't you dare look away." his thrusts become even more forceful, almost punishing "These are mine now, aren't they?"
He growls, his free hand reaching between your legs to rub at your clit in time with his thrusts "Mine. Every. Fucking. Part. Of. You." He snarls, his hips slamming against yours with brutal intensity
With a roar, he pulls out and spills his seed all over your stomach and thighs, marking you possessively.
He gently cleans you up with a warm washcloth, being unusually tender now that his primal urge has been satisfied. He kisses your forehead softly "You did so well taking me... all of me." holds you close, his rough hands suddenly gentle "Rest now."
As you cuddle into his arms, he looks down at your marked stomach and thighs possessively. "Mine." He murmurs, his voice low and satisfied. He pulls you even closer, his large arm wrapped protectively around you. "All mine."
He falls asleep holding you, his large body curled around yours protectively. You wake up a few hours later, feeling sore and sticky, his seed dried on your skin. You look down at the marks on your stomach and thighs, his handprints and bite marks.
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xyfanficarchive · 13 days ago
unlucky seven
(Mouthwashing) Jimmy/F!Reader
Words: 1293
Summary: After you went missing, Jimmy has viewed six bodies attempting to identify you. He still has hope that you’ll come back to him.
Content Warnings: healing!jimmy, hurt no comfort, implied murder
Notes: might be cringe might be ooc but idgaf. this was in my head. this is the kinda shit i imagine as im lying in bed going to sleep snork mimimimi. unedited. i love giving him good things, i also love taking them away and making him suffer ❤️
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Two weeks ago was the last time he'd seen you. When the cops found your ID and belongings, bloodied clothes in a dumpster across town, your missing person case turned into a homicide investigation.
Jimmy had been to every morgue in the city at this point, had viewed six Jane Does, colourless and laid all square as they were pulled out from refrigeration. None of them were you. It's a gruesome business that he didn't particularly enjoy, viewing these random dead women, but a necessary part of the process; your parents were far away in a different country and he was the only one who knew your face intimately enough to prove that you were in fact absent from the cold chamber.
He had something to thank those unidentified women for, at least: each of their corpses not being you strengthened his conviction that you were going to turn up. Fuck what the cops said, you were the only good thing that ever happened to him, the best thing he'd ever had and held and he didn't give a fuck about their opinion, especially not after they interrogated him like he was your killer. Clearly they had no fucking clue what they were talking about. You were going to turn up, probably not safe or sound, and you probably wouldn't be the same, but you would be alive, and if you had shown him anything it was that if someone was changed for the worse, they could always be changed for the better after. Hope is what you'd given him and it was alive and vigorous, pulsing defiantly in his chest. He was going to have and hold you again.
It’s why he holds his chin up and walks across the mortuary floor with an air of confidence, even boredom, as he’s led to the wall of morbid fridge doors by the attendant and detective. Sterile stainless steel surfaces gleam dully all around them. Curly, who’d insisted on coming with him for “support” every time, is less sure as he trails behind, his nice leather shoes clacking against the tile. Don’t they make a pair; Curly in a woolen pea coat and cashmere scarf and Jimmy in a cheapo parka all wearing out at the seams, as they stand side by side across from the attendant, who is warning them so very carefully about what they’re about to see. Jimmy resists rolling his eyes. “Just get on with it so I can go home already,” he’s thinking, just before the attendant pulls the handle and rolls the body out in its bag.
So cautious and gentle is the attendant as he unzips the bag.
Curly flinches away at the sight, his hand snapping up to cover his eyes as he groans and turns away.
Jimmy is frozen still as neurons fire.
Animal instinct, he runs. Runs like mortal peril itself is lying on that slab, like reality is dissolving just behind his heels. The detective moves to intercept him but there’s a shout as Jimmy pushes past, shoving him to the floor.
“That’s- that’s her. Fuck!” Curly curses, strained. He sneaks one last ill-advised glance and screws his eyes shut again - underneath the splotchy bruises and misaligned nose and jaw it’s unmistakable. Behind him Jimmy leans weak-kneed grasping at the exit door frame, doubles over and retches once before the vomit comes up and splatters on the floor. Then he disappears from the room, the door slamming behind him with jarring finality that leaves the morgue silent as death.
Adrenaline propels him up the stairs and through blurry hospital halls and out into the snow. And he runs. And he keeps running. “I’ll just run forever,” the voice says, small as a boy, from inside the eye of the storm. But the universe has other plans for him, a chunk of compacted snow has him crashing and rolling across the frigid ground. His aging ankle screams, there’s a terrible snap from somewhere in his wrist, freezing hard snow abrades his cheek and he tastes blood in his mouth. With the breath stolen from his lungs, he lies on his back struggling for air. And grinning like a wolf, caustic and violent, the world-destroying despair that pursued him catches up, descending upon him and piercing him right through.
When he leaves the hospital, Curly only has to follow the sound; somewhere, a man is screaming, wailing in anguish. He follows it out to a field, dotted with dormant trees. In the summertime, it’s a sprawling, blooming garden on the hospital grounds, but it’s bleak and barren in the cold grey light of this winter day, thick with overcast clouds. Jimmy is a silhouette in the distance, small and crumpled like a crushed insect. “This is bad. This is really bad,” Curly worries. There’s a tense, creeping feeling of horror in his gut as he approaches. The sight of Jimmy like this is so deeply unfamiliar it’s like an unsettling, uncanny valley sensation, as if something not quite human has crawled into his skin and taken over.
As he draws nearer, something becomes clear: as he’s curled up on his knees doubled over with his forehead almost kissing the ground, hands white knuckle tangled through his brown hair damn near tearing his own scalp off, he’s not just screaming, open mouthed and raw. After every ragged, heaving inhale is a word, “Why? Why?,” ripping from Jimmy’s throat. Curly’s heart breaks for his best friend. His mind is racing with every step trying to tease out the right thing to say, to soothe, to tame the man before him. He’s fixed a lot of things for Jimmy, and this was going to be his hardest task yet.
He begins softly as he approaches, and makes to kneel down next to him. “Jim. Jim. Listen, we-”
“SHUTTHEFUCKUP! SHUTTHEFUCKUP! DON’T FUCKING TOUCH ME! DON’T FUCKING COME NEAR ME!!” Jim screams as he whips around, the words pressured and slurred as they bang into each other on the way out. His hazel eyes are crazed, like he’s not all there, pink-tinged spittle flying from his mouth. Curly backs away, heart palpitating in fear, as Jimmy begins to rise to his feet, rabid and rageful. “TOUCH ME AND I’LL KILL YOU! I’LL KILL YOU AND I’LL KILL MYSELF I DON’T-” He cuts off with a cry of pain, almost to his feet, the weight on his ankle has sent him collapsing to the ground again. For a few tense seconds, he seethes into the snow, clenching his fists, attempting to rise once more, until finally he goes limp, and devolves into desperate sobs.
For once, Curly thinks better: there is nothing, nothing he can say, nothing he can do right now, that will save Jimmy. He lost a love, and Curly doesn’t understand that. Still, he wouldn’t dare leave. He kneels down before his friend, and cautiously reaches his hand out to rest it on his back. This time, there are no threats. Jimmy is inconsolable, but still, he crawls to close the remaining distance and clings to Curly like he’s the very last thing mooring him to the Earth. The tears well up in Curly’s own blue eyes and fall, as he encloses his arms around Jim.
Despite this small act of reaching out, of accepting the comfort offered, somewhere deep inside Curly knows that there is no coming back for Jimmy. You were good for him. You effortlessly inspired something in Jimmy that Curly had worked so very hard for to no avail; growth, something that budded within him, green and tender and vulnerable, in the slow process of unfurling, and so unceremoniously cut down in the basement of that hospital. Something critical inside Jimmy died with you.
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officialabortive · 1 month ago
bakugou x witch! reader
Bakugou dosen't believe in witches. Their just another bullshit story parents tell to scare their children in to behaving properly. Even as a child, he upfront refused to believe the whole "black cats are witches in disguise" crap.
If cats were really witches, they wouldn't be licking their own assholes to get clean
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Currently passing through a creek side village. Katsuki, ever the clueless amiture when it comes to casually interacting with animals rather than hunting them, made an amiture mistake. Tossing a scrap peace of chicken breast in the direction of some random ally cat, before continuing on his previous path. The meat landed right beside long whiskers accentuated by tufts of surrounding black furr. Only to get chomped down after a single hasty sniff of inspection.
Eyes wearily followd his every move as Bakugou reached the town's center, where the open marketplace is held. Stands of freshly harvested crop and everyday trinkets scattered every which way. Not that he cares. That's usually the case. This is always the "welcome" given by isolated little villages such as this.
Eyes naturally pin to the unknown. Anything unrecognized or out of the ordinary grasps attention, weather wanted or not. It's obvious these people have never have never seen a barbarian in their lifetime. It wouldn't be all so suprising if they've been told tall tales just as so many others have. Rumors of how people of barbarian tribes are just that; Barbarians. Wild, untamed, and uncivilized groups no better than animals living among trees and rolling in mud pools.
The hustle and bustle makes way once again as he approaches a weapons and blades vendor, no one wanting to be caught staring. The blacksmith behind the booth, a peppy teen boy with scruffy hair —presumably nothing more than an apprentice— tries to act nonchalant, albeit poorly. Bakugou stands unbothered by the way the boys shoulders slightly tense as he scans through the wide selections of hand crafted items. Onel dagger in particular catches the blonde's eye. Fine steel edges connecting to an intricately made hilt, depicting detailed images of dragons in flight. Its maker is undoubtedly a veteran of their craft.
Bakugou pulls a tightly woven burlap sack from the satchel connected to his belt, tugging at its drawstring.
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The fact that he's being trailed and under watch of a wild animal irked him. Not due to the act itself, but fact that he feels such a tense squeeze of unsettlment underlying within his chest. It's simply a critical strike to his pride. Even if it caught him off guard —which would never happen — bakugou could take that thing down in a heartbeat; he knows that. Hours of walking were spent trying to simultaneously figure out why the hell is he put at such unease.
'This damn cat has been trailing me since I skipped town! The fuck does it want?'
Barbarians are taught to remain in a constant state of observation, subconsciously scanning their surroundings. It's a bit of a habit is habit for most of his people. It's common practice for the tribes to train all five senses from a young age. figure tailing close behind. It's presence hard to miss, especially come nightfall when it's stealth tactics were a bit... lacking
Those eyes. the way moonlight reflects from their surface made it as if they themselves were illuminated. Its probably just a figment of imagination due to fatigue, but bakugou notes the abnormal sheen of intelligence in that cat's stare. Its unsettling, really. The feeling of being observed by a fully sentient being.
It came out as more of a snappy grumble than an actual question. Especially when its delivered with such a stone cold glare.
A furry little head popped up from within the grasses, prancing out of hiding with a perked tail in a manor couldn't be described as anything less then peppy. Kind of like a small child that's finally been found in a game of hide-and-seek.
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It's probably just because Katsuki's ease in his travels as of late. A frisky little party member who takes claim of his cloak by sitting on it, and paws at the laces of his boots until they came untied. Bakugou getting circled and yelled at whenever he pulls out the slightest bit of food, which more often than not ends in trash talk.Though it never really escalates any farther for one reason or another A wave of grey clouds rolled about in the distance. If the thunder claps and harsh wind were anything to go by, it's was going to be a hell of a storm. The last thing bakugou needed was soaking travel gear, so he set up camp up wind in attempts to keep dry. But the storm ended changing course, bypassing him and his furball completely! X And the swarms of mosquitoes that are almost always in places such as these, just weren't there Only dragonflies and grasshoppers dodging the furry paws swinging at them with purpose Katsuki not being able to tread through mildly tall grass without somebody attacking on his boots
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damn-stark · 4 months ago
Chapter 28 Let it be fear
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Chapter 28 of Moonlight
A/N- :/
Warning- talks of pregnancy, ANGST, FLUFF, fluff, and more fluff, some violence, talks of blood, and SPOILERS!! FOR FUTURE EVENTS OF HOTD, USING FIRE AND BLOOD, long chapter.
Pairing- Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!fem-reader, Cregan Stark x Velaryon!fem-reader
Episode/Pages- 491-515
(If you want to be tagged let me know)
There’s a certain beauty that blesses the Trident today as the chilling blue sky lets the cold sun shine over the thick green wilderness, but what is a rainless horizon compared to him?
There’s a serene silence that accompanies you as you overlook The Keep of House Frey from the top of a nearby hill, and in that silence, you’re captivated by the way the sun captures Cregan, and for a moment, like sunbeams breaking through a storm, there’s a warmth in his stormy eyes that melts away the threat he usually carries, providing a warmth only his grey eyes can offer; which is pretty fascinating considering grey is cold, hard, and dull, but those grey eyes of his have a way of being warm under the sun. They’re also mysterious and beautiful like steel against firelight. It’s your favorite color too, but only because he makes it captivating.
Alas, in all that admiration does he notice you? No, and it’s okay because you find your courage and motivation to keep going in his unawareness.
“The last destination,” you break the silence and as if taking one last breath of him you look away to follow his line of sight to the The Twins sitting below.
“You’ll gain their support just like you have gained all the rest,” he offers as a piece of reassurance, but this time it doesn’t ease your concern.
Cregan notices that the moment you don’t respond and only gets reassurance of that when he looks over at you and sees the storm of stress raging behind your eyes. “You will get their support one way or another,” he presses and gently cups your neck, causing you to quickly look away from the keep to meet his eyes that just reflect you this time.
“I burned Lady Frey and her army of men—”
“After they tried to take Harrenhal by force and captured you in the process,” he cuts you off to remind you of that detail. “They were okay with betraying the Queen to take control of the rubble of a useless castle. What you did was justifiable in a time of war. You did the right thing and if they don’t see it that way then we'll make them. Or you will,” he says with a lighthearted huff and proceeds to offer you an assuring smile as he drags his hand down your side to interlace his fingers with yours.
“You’re right,” you breathe out and find it again, just there in his eyes as your hands are interlinked, the bliss of home. However, as you’re in the depths of your comfort you find it in yourself to ask something that’s been gnawing at you. “And once we fight in this upcoming battle when we win, do you think that will be enough to return home? To my mother?”
Cregan blinks in confusion and you explain why you haven’t returned home or sent her a letter. “When I returned from Harrenhal after leaving my mother for months, she said to never leave her again. She found it in herself to forgive me for betraying her and siding with Aemond, but I left again. I left after she told me not to, so do you think gaining this support, building this reputation, and winning the battle will be enough for her to forgive me again? I let her down so many times I don’t know…if this is enough now.”
Cregan lets out a deep breath and his eyes drift to the side as the sound of incoming footsteps starts to ascend the hill, but he doesn’t pay them any mind, he leans his face forward and offers the best reassurance. “She’s your mother, would you forgive your children if you were in her position?”
You draw in a shaky breath and nod gently. “Of course, they’re my children, but…” you trail off and he fills your silence.
“She will forgive you. I can imagine there might have been tension before. This is all a tense situation, but you’re trying and fighting hard for her, she will recognize that and forgive you if she hasn’t already,” he offers you sweet words, making you nod gently in comprehension with no need to seek for more help. He fills your heart with the assurance you need to move on without hesitation or getting lost in the wilderness that are your thoughts.
So much so that you walk down the hill with your head held high and your mind clear because you know the Frey’s have this need to be resistant. They’re stubborn and proud, so you know that this meeting is not going to be as easy as the others were, there will be resistance and you prepare for that accordingly, making sure to have silver chains over your face that match the armor on your corset.
Never once do you falter in your step or the way you carry an intimidating stare behind those silver chains because you can see them the moment you walk into the great hall; you see them look for a fault in your step, a slight mistake, or an out of line hair to pick on and use against you and the people you’re with, but you don’t give them the satisfaction. With your blazing stare alone you challenge the young and great Lady Sabitha Frey, eldest daughter of Lord Frey, and Lady Frey who you killed at Harrenhal.
“Thank you for allowing us in your home,” Addam is the one who breaks the tension first but can hardly gain any of the audience's attention. Lady Sabitha has her sharp eyes on him, but everyone else…they all have their eyes on you as if wanting to tear you apart, but also keep you at a distance fearing if they got too close they’d burn alive too, which means the message was sent.
“I have heard that a great army has been marching through the Riverlands,” Lady Sabitha speaks at last but she doesn’t offer any greetings, she’s blunt and cold. “I was beginning to wonder if we would be paid a visit or be left out.”
“The Riverlands are grand,” Addam says back. “And our task is significant, it’s taken us time, but we are here at last.”
“It was her!” A voice blurts, bringing a stunned silence and turning all of the attention to you standing at Addam’s side—“She was the killer! She burned Lady Serena and her men! She did it! She’s the Fire Demon!”
You tilt your nose to the air and can’t help but smirk in response, but that only lets Lady Sabitha find a reason to finally display her rage and grief because she doesn't care if she got interrupted and humiliated by some common warrior, she's looking for a single step out of line to be able to drive her focus to you and her rage.
“I know there’s unresolved tension,” Addam tries to diffuse the situation. “But right now is not the time—”
“You find this humorous?” Lady Sabitha cuts Addam off without a care. “Is my mother's death funny to you, Princess?” She throws out as she rises off her seat. “Then again what can I expect from someone who breaks enemy lines whenever she pleases? That treason may be pushed aside, but my mother's death will not go unpunished. Not here in my home and my lands,” she sneers and slowly begins to step forward.
“Punished?” She feign a laugh. “What would be my sentence?” You quip and raise your brows to press her. “I showed Lady Serena that there are consequences to her treason—”
“Treason?!” She spats and opens her mouth to continue, but Ser Cane cuts her off.
“You will not interrupt the princess whilst she’s speaking. This may be your house but she still is the heir and your princess,” he scolds her as he takes a big step forward to be a more menacing presence amongst Cregan also standing at your side.
“Sure,” Lady Sabitha mutters under her breath as she comes to a stop without coming too close to you. “As I was saying,” she continues louder even though it should have been you taking the spotlight, but regardless, you let her share her argument. “My mother committed no treason, Prince Jacaerys promised Harrenhal to us. She was only taking what was hers by right.”
You scoff and flash her an amused smile. “If she wanted to take it by right she should have said so,” you rebuttal. “But no, she did not. She knew I was there and took me captive to try and sell me to my mother or my husband. She was willing to change sides. She took me captive, that is treason,” you spat and take a step forward. “Or what you’re going to argue and say it didn’t go that way? Because it did, ask the man who just barged in.”
The attention turns to the man who had interrupted the meeting and he shrinks within himself but doesn’t dare leave. He averts his gaze and listens to Cregan interject. “Tell us if the Princess is right or if your lady is. Now.”
The man blinks nervously and quietly gives his response. “We had lost so much and the lady was grieving her husband, she wanted to find a point to her loss.”
You don’t respond with anything, you look at Lady Sabitha Frey with a pointed glare as you celebrate within.
However, in your silence, you did expect Lady Sabitha to start forming some kind of apology, but she remains at a standstill with her eyes downcasted.
“Bend the knee,” you sneer with your glare turning cold. “You were wrong, bend the knee and give us fighting men to add to our army so we can fight our war. And since you have heard so much about us I’m sure you know which war. Bend the knee.”
A tension grows tenfold in the great hall as Lady Sabitha remains standing because in doing so she causes her people filling this hall to remain resistant as well.
“Bend the knee to your princess and heir by orders of Queen Rhaenyra,” Ser Cane insists in a booming voice.
Yet without speaking Lady Sabitha looks you up and down with her lips curled in anger and remains defiant, and even then you still wait and wait, giving her the benefit of the doubt.
However, when you don’t hear a word or see her bend the knee you throw your hand back without saying a word. And without the need for instructions as if your minds are connected, Ser Cane pulls Blackfyre out of its sheath, filling the hall with the sharp ringing of metal scraping before the Valyrian steel blade glistens against the rays of the sun as the large sword is handed to you. Once you have it in your grasp you then step forward to be at the center of attention.
“I am your heir,” you say in a voice laced with deadly venom that brings chills to the audience without the need to yell to get your point or voice across. “I am your princess. I am the Blood Dragon, you will bend the knee, pledge fealty to Queen Rhaenyra first of her name, and me, her chosen heir.”
Lady Sabitha glances at your shining sword and then slowly meets your gaze without uttering a single word. She keeps quiet and her glare becomes challenging and conflicted.
“Unless you plan to switch loyalty,” you continue in the same venomous voice still missing volume. “If so, tell me right now by pulling out your sword or choosing your champion.”
Lady Sabitha Frey tilts her head and snaps her gaze to your belly. “And you will fight like that?” She points her eyes to your belly, making you scoff and flash her a smile that’s all too menacing.
“I won’t fight,” you clarify. “I could say I want a champion and all my men would volunteer. Even Lord Stark and Ser Addam would fight for me, but why waste their energy or risk their lives when I have my dragon as champion? Tell me Lady Frey can you, your people, and your castle stand against my dragon?” You finally start to raise your voice. “Or will you turn to ash just like your mother did?”
Gasps bounce around the room and the woman’s jaw clenches as her eyes turn even more fierce.
“Tell me!” You exclaim and then turn on your heels to point the tip of your sword at the audience remaining just as defiant as their Lady. “Tell me if any of you can stand against my dragon!”
As expected, silence, even from the brave lady.
“No?” you continue. “Well, I can. I am the Fire Demon! My flesh is fire made!” Your voice continues to boom out of frustration, and passion as well. “And,” you laugh and slowly lower the volume of your voice but never drop the venom behind it. “It will bring me great pleasure to watch you all burn and scream as your flesh melts off your bones. Just say the word.”
Lady Sabitha Frey looks around at all the frightened looks that the audience all share in her defiance. She looks and looks in hopes for something that can keep her own flame from being blown out, but that defiance once so vividly lit within her people is snuffed out by the great fire you are and she knows she’s lost. When she turns to look at you and meets your glowering glare, you further prove to her that you’re not one to bluff, so what other choice does she have?
Thus without uttering a single word, but with the intention clear in her eyes she drops her challenging glare and drops her head in defeat. The moment you see her head fall, to add more shame to her actions you get close to her and throw your hand out just below her eye line.
Now Lady Sabitha has no need for explanations, she knows what you mean and what you want, so what other choice does she have but to slowly bend down, grab the tip of your fingers, and push her lips forward to press a light feathered peck on your golden Targaryen sigil ring before she at last bends the knee, causing the once defiant audience to follow her suit and bend the knee.
Once you see the top of everyone’s heads you look down at her again between your lashes and shoot her smirk before you turn around dramatically and talk to her over your shoulder. “You will lend us the swords we came for, and in response to your treason, Harrenhal is no longer yours. You will keep your lands, your home, and your lives, I will make sure to let the Queen know of your loyalty and apology as well.” You share with a honey-laced tone that only shames them more. “Oh, and you will prepare your home to host your guests accordingly, I will be staying inside for the night. Pleasure doing business with you, House Frey.”
What is it about the day?
There was a sense of peace that filled the day as the sun reigned over the sky. Even after the complicated business with the Frey’s, the serenity stayed, but now even against the fiery sky cast over the land, the dragons are caught in a restless spell as if they were uncomfortable and needed to be somewhere but couldn’t quite find a way to leave. They’re just flying in circles, filling the fierce sky with their almost melancholy song.
Maybe they’re tired of being in the Riverlands? Astraea and Seasmoke do love the sea, you think to yourself as Addam walks in and joins you in the library.
“They’re acting odd don’t you think?” You ask him as you refer to your dragons. “They’ve been circling the sky and crying for a while now.”
Addam approaches you near the window that has the best view of the running river that The Twins stand over, and at the moment notices the way the setting sun in its red and orange reign catches you with its fierce hues, but never once makes you look threatening or as rageful. The red and orange hue makes you appear enchanting and otherworldly; everything a Valyrian princess should be under such a fierce horizon.
“I wish I could know,” he doesn’t offer any kind of solution. “Where’s your Lord Stark?”
You roll your eyes away from the window and glance down at the book you have been reading. “He’s busy answering correspondence from home,” you let Addam know regardless if he’s teasing you. “He is a busy man, you know? He doesn’t just spend time at my side. You just happen to catch him with me when you look for me, that’s all.”
“Okay, okay,” Addam brushes you off lightheartedly and then nudges your knee with his foot. “You changed, you look nice.”
You look at him with a smile. “Thank you,” you redirect before you start to grin with amusement. “Just so you remember I am meant to change about three to four times a day. There’s my morning gown, my lunch and afternoon gown, my dinner gown, and if I go out or have to attend a meeting or court I change for that.”
Addam snickers and hides his grin by looking out the window. “I remember,” he says in response. “It’s ridiculous and a waste if you ask me. I mean why not wear the same thing all day or twice?”
You scrunch your nose. “Twice?” You quip. “I have only worn my favorite and most expensive gowns more than once, and now that we’re out here I have no other option, but why would I wear things repeatedly?”
Addam scoffs and leans forward. “Because why waste your money on something so materialistic?” He retorts with a dry laugh. “And because why not use it more than once?”
You squint at him and shake your head. “Money is not a problem for me,” you explain as if it isn't an obvious fact about you. “I am a Velaryon, our family is the richest there is, why shouldn’t I spend my share? Besides, there’s so many beautiful fabrics and talented designers, I can’t resist it,” you muse. “And all the colors,” you swoon. “The embroidery? The gold, pearl, or silver linings? It’s all so beautiful!”
With nothing left to argue with in his defense, Addam leaves it be with a roll of his eyes, letting you finally find the time to share the news you have been holding in for what feels like months. “Can I tell you something?”
“You’re going to do it anyway,” he retorts and rests his head back against the wooden panel as he locks his eyes on you. “What?”
A giddy smile creeps on your lips as you lean forward and grab his hands before you share. “Cregan and I are betrothed.”
Addam blinks repeatedly and his eyebrows slowly begin to pinch together, but then from one moment to the next, he flashes you a smile and scoffs. “I should have seen that coming. When did he ask?”
“A couple of nights ago,” you share and lean back without being able to let your smile go. “The night we had our campfire.”
Addam hums and slowly passes you a quizzical look. “Has he asked your mother? Or Lord Corlys? That’s who he would need to ask, no? How does that work without your father or Daemon?”
You shoot him a pointed glare. “I am a grown woman already with child. I don’t belong to anyone for him to ask permission. If I was a maiden then yes, he would have to ask for my hand, but I’m a widow. It’s my choice now…However,” you do add and avert your gaze. “Since I’m heir he does need to tell my mother, the Queen, but she won’t protest.”
You turn your gaze back to him and sigh to release your excitement before you clasp your hands and start to nervously fiddle with your rings. “But that’s not the only reason I’m telling you,” you pause and let out another deep breath before you look at him with a softened gaze riddled with a fragile vulnerability that could break at any given second.
“Weddings under the Old Gods are different,” you continue to say a bit quieter now. “They’re done under a heart three and usually a father walks the bride to the groom, but…my father is gone and Jacaerys is gone. I could ask my grandfather, but���I wanted to ask if you could walk me down the aisle when the day comes?” You ask and blink nervously, with each blink filling your eyes with more and more tears whilst Addam’s breath hitches and his own face drops that taunting expression to instead display his disbelief.
“It's okay if you don’t want to,” you quickly assure him in his silence you can’t read. “I can ask Joffrey, I’m sure he’ll be delighted to take that role.” You share your alternative with a happy smile so he doesn’t feel bad.
However, after another second of silence passes he finally draws out a deep breath he had been holding in and nods gently before he voices his answer. “I would be honored to walk you down the aisle.”
You beam and then lean forward to grab his hands and give it a gentle squeeze. “Thank you,” you offer sweetly. “Now Cregan and I want to marry after the war is over so we don’t have that weighing down on us or potentially ruin the day, so there’s still time, but I wanted to ask you now.”
Addam lowers his head to hide his smile whilst he also interjects with a smug comment. “You also need time to have your gown made, don’t you? What will it be made out of?”
You giggle and as you part your lips to rebuttal with something witty a knock raps on the door, pulling your attention away from your conversation.
“Come,” you welcome the visitor and slowly pull away from Addam.
The door opens and Cregan walks in. You’re happy to see him, you greet him with a smile, but when he walks further inside with a scroll in his hand you notice the solemn look he carries. And he’s usually serious so his expression shouldn’t really concern you all that much, but there’s something about the solemn look that he carries now that makes the hairs on the back of your neck rise.
“Cregan,” you utter his name nervously and don’t move, hoping that if you stay in place whatever he has to say won't reach you.
“My princess,” he greets hesitantly and then greets Addam with a small nod. “Ser.”
You swallow back nervously and press your hands against the cushion to stand up, but he quickly shakes his head and retorts. “Why don’t you stay sitting.”
A shaky breath escapes you and you nod stiffly as you feel the goosebumps travel from the back of your neck down to the perimeters of your skin.
“What’s wrong?” You ask and his grey eyes leave you to drift to the scroll in his hand. You follow his line of gaze but then drift your eyes back to him in hopes that whatever it has to say isn’t as bad as you’re starting to assume.
“A raven just came,” Cregan finally shares and slowly drifts his gaze back to you. “From Kings Landing. It’s for you.”
You were starting to assume it was for you. You could read it off his face.
“I could paraphrase what it says. I think that would be better with the news it contains,” he says and only adds more fuel to the already worrisome fire, but you can’t have him summarize whatever news arrived for you or else you won’t believe it. You need to read every word yourself even though you’ll have a hard time believing it too.
“No, no. I want to read it. Let me read it,” you press him and stretch your hand out to reach for the scroll. However, Cregan hesitates and grabs the scroll with both hands to smooth out the parchment first before he leans forward and hands it to you.
“Thank you,” you whisper breathlessly and watch how the paper trembles in your hold as you already expect the worst news to be written on the parchment because what else would it be?
Life has been cruel. Why would it be nice now?
You shouldn’t even read it, you should leave the news unread because at least that way you’ll be oblivious to anything…but you also know you won’t rest easy if you don’t know, so after a deep breath you turn the parchment and read what was brought to you.
“To The Princess and Heir of Queen Rhaenyra,
I dislike having to send you this letter, but it has to be written so you may know.
I regret to inform you that as of last night, all the dragons that were kept in the Dragonpit have perished after an angry mob of smallfolk following some fake prophet called The Shepherd, raided the Dragonpit—“
Your breath hitches and you feel as if somebody had punched you in the stomach. The news that the power of your house, and the beautiful creatures that are like your soulmates have all perished at the hands of common folk filled with anger sinks your heart. It leaves you paralyzed in your seat, but you don’t cry. Not yet.
“—when the news broke of what was transcending the young Prince Joffrey left the Red Keep against the Queen’s wishes, mounted Syrax, and fell from the saddle whilst in the sky—”
A shaky breath escapes you and a heavy pressure falls on your chest, but you don’t cry. Not yet.
“—Syrax perished not much later after getting caught in the mob that killed the other dragons. And it seems that at the news of Dreamfyre’s unfortunate passing, Princess Helaena Targaryen flung herself from a window and fell to her death, enraging the crowds—“
More pressure falls on your chest, your bottom lip trembles and your eyes sting further as the tears building in your eyes pain them. However, you don’t cry. Not yet.
Cregan who was watching you read the letter expects you to weep. He keeps a close eye out, expecting you to fold over in heartache, but you remain poised and collected, almost like the agony is not as hurtful anymore.
“—and making the city fall. Amidst the chaos Queen Rhaenyra took Prince Aegon, Lord Aerion, the Queensguard, trusted knights, and her handmaidens, and escaped the city, leaving Lord Corlys in his imprisonment which he escaped. As to where she is we don’t know, but until your return with Ser Addam, it’s best she remains hiding. That’s why I write to you in hopes you can retaliate at once and take back the city. You are our only hope unless Prince Daeron marches here first.
Maester Orwyle.”
You watch the words on the parchment and go over the news in your head again and again, faster and faster every single time until you can’t process any more news and you’re sitting there baffled and without being able to utter a single word. Time is at a standstill, the once-warm room is freezing and your body is paralyzed.
Cregan and Addam call out your name ever so softly, fearing that you’ll break if they raise their voices, but you stay there stiffly, realizing that you have to mourn yet another beloved brother. You had five, now you’re left with a single one who barely knows your name.
The woman you loved like a sister, the woman you cherished and adored, the woman who was your dearest friend, the woman you grew up with is gone because she couldn’t bear any more grief. Your grandfather escaped a cell you didn’t know he was in. And your mother is on the run with your remaining brother and your son to escape the angry crowds who brought the city down with their rage which you assume is caused by the same things that were upsetting them when you were there; things your mother can’t control.
Everything you once knew is slipping from your grasp. You can see that clearly now—no, you’re admitting that to yourself now. The only thing you have left is a fragment of hope and it’s just your mother, your brother, and Aerion. They’re all you have left. They’re that last fragment of hope. Yet even if you still have them, even if they’re the last flicker of hope you’re holding onto, nothing stops that pressure once weighing your chest down from tearing you down because you still lost all the beautiful and cherished dragons that connected you to Old Valyria. You lost Helaena, your beloved and gentle aunt who was more like the sister you never got to have. And you lost your little brother Joffrey, a boy you held when he was only a few minutes old, a brother who was the reminder of your sweet childhood; the sweet and blissful life you had before you were ripped from your family. He was that last piece of your childhood and now he’s gone, taking that memory with him, and leaving nothing but this new version of you.
And yet you still don’t cry. Even with the two pairs of eyes that feel like a hundred people are waiting for you to break down, you still don’t cry. You do reflect the grief through your eyes, but you don’t weep, you don’t shed even a single tear. You let out a shaky breath and sit up straight with your head hanging low, but you don’t cry. You shake your head gently at the realization of the tragedy, but you don’t cry. You meet Cregan’s worried and pitiful gaze and remain collected. It takes a lot out of you to remain so strong, but you remember all you were taught and lift your head high and keep your chest out with your nose slowly starting to flare.
“Addam,” you break your silence, making the man’s shoulders jump and be even more attentive than he already was.
“I hope you’re ready,” you continue to mutter in a low and almost threatening voice. “We’re moving up our plans. We will attack Tumbleton right away.”
Addam shifts in his seat before he probes. “Why? What’s going on?”
You let out a deep huff and your drooped gaze slowly starts to harden, whilst your heart begins to pound in your chest as your blood starts pumping through your veins frantically.
“I want to catch them by surprise now,” you share in that same almost threatening way. It’s not threatening yet but it’s slowly building up to it. “I don’t want them to see us coming until the sky is falling down upon them so word is not passed to King’s Landing that we’re coming.”
Cregan and Addam share a worried look and you proceed to get up from your seat to look at them both between your lashes.
“We’re going to attack King’s Landing,” you proclaim, and with that threat, you completely abandon every desire to be loved and respected. If they want to fear you, you’ll give them a reason to really fear you. “They’re preaching that we’re a threat, a curse, and a menace,” you scoff and smirk menacingly. “So I will be just that. I will rain fire down upon them so they may see the curse they want me to be”
Neither man try to talk you down from the rage clearly now set upon you, they could try but what good would that do? So they do nothing but accept and welcome your rage.
“Come,” you direct at Cregan as you walk past him. “I’m going to tell the troops to get ready. We leave tonight.”
The sun is slowly lowering over the horizon, and with each passing second as the sun slowly leaves the sky darker and darker, making you grow more nervous as the fate of this battle is unknown. All that’s known is that only one side will win and depending on who comes out to fight another day, that person will determine the fate of this war and your mother's survival. With all the dragons dead and the others against her, she can only depend on Addam and you. If you lose tonight, she does too. So you can’t lose.
“You know,” Cregan interjects through the solemn silence that was blanketing you both, but in doing so he doesn’t pull your attention to him, you keep your eyes on the painted sky as if today will be the last time you ever see a sunset as beautiful as the one over your head.
“I wish you would wear more than just a chainmail gown,” he finally shares his complaints that have been nagging him since he saw you with the chainmail gown on you. “I would feel a lot better knowing you were heavily protected.”
You scoff and roll your eyes his way. “Do you want me to look like a cannonball with a full set of heavy armor?” You quip with a teasing smile. “Because that’s what I would look like.”
Cregan tries to muster a laugh but with his heavy worry dragging him down he can’t even muster the twitch of a smile. “At least you and the twins would be protected against anything that may come your way.”
You sigh deeply and drag yourself closer to him to grab his cold hands and cling onto them as you try and offer him some reassurance. “My Astraea will protect me from any incoming threat, and this chainmail gown is enough to block any attack. I’ll be fine, besides, I won’t stray too far from my dragon I…intend to keep my promise to Addam and Ser Cane,” you laugh stiffly. “No ground fighting if it’s not completely necessary.”
Cregan watches the way you caress his knuckles with your thumb as he tries not to argue against you, so you proceed to pull one hand away from his grasp and reach over to cup his jaw. “I won’t die tonight. I want to live. I have to live, so don’t worry about me, okay?”
Cregan’s dark eyebrows furrow and his eyes snap to you. “How could you tell me not to worry? About you of all people.”
The corner of your lips twitch to a smile as your heart is riddled with admiration. “Because my love, there beside all my grief and agony is a dream I want to see through. A dream that involves going back home with you. I thought about it…” you trail off to a whisper and drop the hand you have on his cheek to grab his hand once again.
“My mother has Aegon and Aerion, so hopefully by the time it comes to passing her crown down she’ll be old and wrinkly and the boys will be men, so they will be mature and ready to rule the kingdom she’ll leave behind,” you share words you never thought would come out of your mouth when you were younger, but now…what does Queen even mean without your brothers, Aemond, or anyone you used to know by your side?
It doesn’t mean anything. Not even a fraction of what it once meant to your beating heart and deepest desires. That’s why this new dream is easy to share because you’re certain it’s what you want.
“Because I don’t want any part of it,” you continue and he parts his lips in surprise. “I want to stay in Winterfell with you, with our family that we will have, and the people we will govern together. I don’t want to be Queen anymore, I want to be your princess until our last breath.”
Cregan shakes his head and reaches his hand over to cradle your face. “No, you can’t do that. Being Queen is all you wanted. You can’t just abandon that dream,” he tries to argue against the plans you murmur to him, but there’s nothing to argue about, you slept on it and pondered it long and hard so you’re certain abandoning your title as heir is what you desire the most.
“You’re wrong,” you argue and look at him with a softened gaze as you just admire him. “My dream is you now. You’re everything I want, so please don’t try and convince me any longer because my mind is made. Once this war is over I will take my children and pack all my life to leave with you. That’s why I’ll survive because I want to go home. Is that not nice?” You ask as your face contorts with heartache out of worry that he doesn’t like the sound of your new desires.
However, Cregan’s grip grows firmer against your cheeks and his hardened face twisted by surprise now softens and that smile that was once impossible slowly gets painted on his pale face. “Of course it’s nice. It’s great and I will do everything in my power to give you that beautiful dream, my darling love.”
You huff softly in relief and let him pull you closer to him so he can whisper against your lips.
“But tell me you’re certain. Tell me that your heart is set on this new dream of yours because I don’t want you abandoning something you always wanted out of fear or because of me.”
You grab into his wrists and nod gently. “I’m certain,” you affirm and kiss the heel of his palms. “I want to be wherever you are. I want to be home.”
The corner is his lips tug wider but that smile is quickly hidden as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I will always keep an eye out for you tonight,” he lets you know. “I will have your back from the ground, but if the battle gets too heavy you fly away, okay? Everyone will understand. You leave the fighting to Addam and us, okay? I know you’re angry, but my darling, you need to worry about your children, if not you, then worry about them.”
You swallow back nervously as you wish to protest, but in the state you’re in you really can’t fight like you used to, so you have to agree regardless.
“Okay,” you reassure him and gently stroke his wrist with your thumb before you steal a glance at his lips, and then look up into his grey eyes with a softened look full of awe before you lean in and steal a lingering kiss from his pink lips.
The kiss is not long, but it’s deep and full of passion. It’s full of longing and desire, and it reminds the both of you how much you really missed this form of intimacy. You missed being connected in such a sweet and passionate way that only you and him can ever understand. You missed the taste of each other, and getting lost in the wonders that kissing each other brings to your isolated world where only you and him exist.
However, once again it’s not long. Not as long as he would’ve wanted because you still feel odd kissing someone else after losing Aemond.
“And with this kiss my sweet Lord you have my favor in this upcoming battle,” you murmur against his lips, making him chuckle and then stroke your bottom lip with his thumb before he leans over and presses a peck on your lips.
“Gods I missed kissing you,” he flatters you and makes your face grow hot. “Once we marry I’ll never know that feeling ever again.”
You giggle and reach over to grab his face one more time before you pull away and pull a ring off from your finger; one your father had given you that carries this beautiful called The Gem of The Sea.
“This is my real favor,” you tell him and grab his hand to place the ring on his palm. “I want it back, okay? It’s really expensive and the gem is one of a kind.”
Cregan scoffs but he wraps his hand around the ring before he secures it in his pocket. “I’ll hang it around my chain later.”
You let out a deep breath and nod before you go still as you catch him sliding off a wolf brooch that was hooked to his cloak.
“And this is for you,” he lets you know and leans toward you to clip the brooch onto your fur cloak. “You’ll be a Stark soon, why not wear something that represents your new name?”
“And you?” You interject and offer him a giddy smile. “My betrothed?”
He huffs and drops his head to hide his smile. “Well yes because you’ll be all mine soon enough.” He says confidently as he meets your gaze with a smirk. “That’s why I will live, so you can at last be my wife.”
“I will be,” you whisper and glance at the wolf brooch to mutter, “now this will be like having you right beside me. Thank you. I’ll cherish it.”
“Good,” he says breathlessly before he lets out a deep breath and just takes you in for a lingering minute as the last rays of sun lose its grip on the earth and dance on your face.
He memorizes the color of your eyes, down to every small hue. He takes note of the form of your lips, of the curve of your cheeks, and the shape of your jaw as if he's afraid that if he doesn't take his time to mark every part of you in his memory he will forget the moment you were out of sight. He almost doesn’t want to keep his eyes off you, but once the sun is completely gone and the earth is completely cast in the darkness, you both stand up and walk away from your stolen moment to rejoin your army of men all ready to attack Tumbleton and the army of men occupying it to once and for all put an end to The Green army.
Yet how can you depart toward your dragon without offering them a few words of encouragement first? And once they see your presence upon that hill that overlooks them a wave of chills washes over them. Not because they fear you, but because they are filled with awe and respect at the sight of you in your glimmering black chainmail gown.
“I know,” you address the crowd as they go quiet upon the sight of your presence. “Today's attack came sooner than expected. We have been marching with little rest since we left the twins, but it’s not for nothing. Tonight we attack Tumbleton!” You proclaim and garner some murmurs. “Tonight we put an end to the Hightower army and the turncloaks that sit behind that wall! Us! Not just you, and not just me! All of us! You are the blood to my fire.”
“Yeah!” The men below bellow and throw their fists in the air.
“As you all know I am with child,” you continue. “But that won’t stop me, I will fight with you tonight upon my dragon. I will kill Prince Daeron Targaryen and his dragon tonight and be one step closer to ending the tyranny of his brother and faction!” You exclaim with a growl behind that threat. “Now I won’t lie, some of you won’t see daylight again. Some of you know that too, but your deaths won’t be in vain, you will bleed and die for your families, your homes, your lords! Your pride! And your Queen! Tonight we fight for her! We fight to win! We won’t lose tonight! We will win with fire and blood! Us! WE WILL WIN WITH WHATEVER IT TAKES! WITH FIRE AND BLOOD!”
“BLOOD DRAGON! BLOOD DRAGON!” All the men below implode into a cheer full of vigor, making chills crawl down your own spine as you watch them all pumped with adrenaline and ferocity.
“I’m going to join my squadron now,” Cregan interjects and snaps your attention to him, calming down your racing heart. “Be careful.”
You blink repeatedly before you rush to him to close the gap with an embrace. “Take care, okay? I can’t lose you too.”
Cregan hugs you back and presses a kiss on your head. “You won’t lose me.”
You let out a shaky breath and clutch onto him tighter. “Take care of Ser Cane for me, okay?”
He scoffs but nods to assure you. “I will…I love you.”
You smile softly and turn your head to press one last kiss on his cheek. “I love you too.”
You proceed to pull back and he cups your cheek one more time to linger in each other's presence for another moment before you both part ways, letting him join his men, and letting you join your dragon and Addam and his dragon.
“If things start to get too out of control you fly out there, okay?” Addam interjects the moment he sees you making your way to him. “And don’t be getting off your dragon for anything unless you really have to.”
Even though he’s scolding you, you still can’t help but flash him a giddy smile as he makes you feel such a warm feeling.
“I know, I know,” you roll out and meet him halfway. “You have told me multiple times. I will not involve myself in any heavy fighting, or fight on the ground. I know.”
Addam puts his hand on his hip and sighs. “Yes well, you like to be spontaneous and think about yourself.”
Your smile falls but you don’t get upset because no matter how harsh it is it’s true.
“Don’t think about yourself,” he presses and looks at you with concern. “Your son needs you and your mother needs you. Don’t let your anger consume you.”
You blink repeatedly as his words ache your heart.
“You be careful too,” you whisper to the ground. “I need you. And Alyn needs you.”
He scoffs and as you look up you see him nod softly. You proceed to reach over and grab his arm to gain his unwavering attention. “I love you, Addam. You are someone to me, and I wish we would have met sooner, but I am glad our paths crossed. You…saved me from drowning in my grief. Without you, I would have died in that lake waiting for a dead man to come back to life. I…wouldn’t be here if you weren’t in my life.”
Addam’s eyes fill to the brim with tears but only two single tears break out and roll down his cheeks.
“Thank you,” he whispers softly and offers you half a smile. “You know all my life I looked up at the world from the surface I was born in, it made me believe you were untouchable gods too high in the sky to care about anyone below you, but…when I too touched the clouds, when I met you…I see now that you are good. You have a good heart. You are a bit mad for liking the things you like, but you are like the sister I never had and I will always be thankful for that. I will always be thankful for you.”
Tears fill your eyes but you refuse to cry. You don't want to cry so you gnaw on your bottom lip and hold it all in.
“I love you too,” he redirects and closes the gap that was left between you to embrace you—“Be careful, okay?”
You nod as you hold onto him and whisper back. “I will. You be careful too.”
“I will,” he assures you before he pulls back and taps your chest with his fist, causing you to mirror his actions right back at him.
“I’ll see you up there,” you interject one more time, making him flash you a smile and offer you a nod before you both pull away from each other and mount your respected dragons.
“<Don’t worry girl,” you talk to Astraea as you click on your restraints—or as many as you can with your swollen belly in the way. “…today we won’t be the day we lose>.”
Astraea turns her head to look at you, making you offer her a gentle smile. “<Our fight won’t be over after this fight but we will be one step closer. You’ve been doing great>.”
Astraea growls and you can’t help but grin wider whilst you wrap your hands around the handles. When Astraea looks back at the dark sky you follow her line of gaze and take one last look at the serene night sky, taking note of the stars, and taking a deep breath of the brisk and clean air before you part your lips and mutter. “<Fly, Astraea.>”
Your she-dragon starts walking down slowly before she quickly picks up her pace, opens her giant purple wings, and then takes flight at the same time as Seasmoke, sending a signal to the army of men below to start running. Not marching, running.
You are so close to Tumbleton that you don’t want to risk being seen by any man. You want to stay under the cover of night and catch them by surprise so you rush, hitting the ground with thousands of claps of thunder as horses sprint through empty fields of grass.
The sky is silent, giving the illusion of a serene night, but looming threats cover the light of the stars and cast large shadows over the earth that fly past at an incredible speed.
A heightened rush of adrenaline connects you all as you get closer and closer to the grand battle, but nothing and you mean absolutely nothing matters but your anger. As if Daeron was solely at fault for all the pain you endured and everything that had happened all you can focus on is him and the rage that makes your blood and your heart thump violently.
You should keep your mind clear, you should fly into this war selflessly, after all, thousands of lives, and the lives of your mother, your son, and your brother depend on you to win this war, but there’s no fight with yourself when you choose to be selfish. You choose the blood-thirsty and raging anger. That’s all you hear. That’s all that fills you. It burns like the blasts of fire that rain down the moment you cross enemy lines and create chaos. And it’s all you see until there’s him; Daeron Targaryen standing in the midst of the army of his men.
His blond-silver hair stands out in between the storm of people all sent into a panic, and the wave of fires that wash over the army.
He stands there with his dark eyes on you and your raging dragon.
He stands there, Daeron Targaryen. He’s all you see and it makes your already heightened anger that more livid.
The sun is high and beaming down fiercely. The breeze, when it does run, is hot, bringing with it waves of heat that run through your bodies and can’t cool down with any open window or fluttering fan, raising the already high tensions that are forever set between your families.
Yet no matter how high the tensions are, how many whispers are passed, and side glares are shot, none of that affects you, Jacaerys, Lucerys, Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, or Daeron.
Besides, today on the hottest day of summer is Daeron’s last day in the Red Keep. After today he will leave for Old Town until gods know when to become a ward…
A/N- For story purposes Daeron was apart of everyone’s childhoods, he won’t be forgotten here!
Tagged- @namelesslosers @stargaryenx @chainsawsangel @lauftivy @winxschester @cloudroomblog @llarue @padsdarlg @sofietargaryen @gracielikegrapes @dreaming-of-the-reality @itzelpeyton @patdsinner33 @mrsdominickstark @elaena-aerrin @todoroki-slut @snh96 @urmomsgirlfriend1 @nifujiswhore @sweethoneyblossom1 @kaetastic @lightdragonrayne @squidscottjeans @oh-you-mean-me @wallacewillow0773638 @icefrye19 @thescottpack @fiction-fanfic-reader @crazymusicgirl104 @r-3dlips @strangersunghoon @just-pure-trash @ethereal-athalia @missyviolet123 @callsignwidow @xunquish-blog @tabathastan @weepingfashionwritingplaid @answer-the-sirens @silverlightsaber @rosey1981 @amortentiaaaa
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how-serene · 9 months ago
Really wish I could send from my sideblog but could I request Brahms Heelshire with the prompt 'are you here to kill me?' please?
You can take that in any direction you want, I love him so much, he's my dirty wall-lurking ratboy and I love it when he's cute but also unhinged lmao when I saw him in the tags of your requests post my eyes lit up like the 4th of July and I knew I had to give this a shot~
Hold On Tight, Love
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Pairing - Brahms Heelshire x Neutral!Reader
Summary - Tired of waiting, Brahms finally makes contact with you.
Word Count - 1k+
Warnings - no use of y/n, brahms being a creep, non-con touching, he technically holds reader hostage
A/N - AGHH thank you for requesting him dear anon! I've been wanting to write for him for a while but wasn't sure on an idea. It's such a shame the actual actor had such little screentime. I hope I did your idea justice, enjoy <3.
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Brahms balled his fists, steeling his nerves as he quietly approached your sleeping form. Even in the dark, he could still make out the faint outline of the comforter hugging your body. The floorboards were cold beneath his bare feet, as he continued to shuffle forwards. Outside, the wind howled, harshly blowing through the towering pine trees that surrounded the house. Their long branches clustered around the bedroom window, shielding a view of the stars splattered against a jet black sky.
The wooden floorboards creaked beneath his weight, yet they did not disturb you. Brahms' could feel his heart rattling within his ribcage, as he carefully kneeled beside the bed. Soft snores fell from your plush lips, as a heavy arm was slung over the porcelain doll. His viridescent eyes raked over your dozing form, watching as your chest slowly rose and fell. 
Somehow, over the length of your short stay, this had become a nightly ritual for him. Watching as dreams danced through your head, masked behind your resting eyelids. You were at peace, the day’s tension temporarily falling away for the night
He sighed, leaning his cheek against the edge of the mattress. 
You nuzzled further into the pillow, hand sliding forward to hang over the edge of the mattress. His breath hitched from the movement, wide eyes wandering over your outstretched arm. Your flesh was so tantalizing close to him now, almost as if your body had subconsciously reached out to him. His hand trembled, as his fingers creeped over the covers to hover over your curled fist. The urge to reach out and grasp onto your hand was nauseating. He had painfully waited, stayed hidden and out of sight for so long. Peering at you through cracks in the walls, and keyholes. Watching glimpses of your presence float through the house, unaware of his looming existence. If it weren’t for the echoes of your footfalls walking through the halls, he would have believed you to be a ghost. A fragment of imagination the house (and him) had conjured up out of loneliness. What if touching you revealed your existence to be nothing more than a dream, a phantasm he so desperately wanted to believe in? 
A faint whisper left your lips, ineligible and gone before he could begin to decipher it. The longer he stared at you, he could feel the simmering ache, buried beneath years of solitude, bubble up to the surface. 
‘What if…’ he pondered, hand timidly creeping over the cover. The pad of his index finger grazed over the skin, trailing up the bridge of your pinky. He shuddered, a wistful sigh escaping through his teeth. The edge of his nail dragged over the bumps of your knuckles, memorizing the interwoven lines embedded in the skin. He hummed quietly to himself, warmth pooling in his stomach from the sensation of your soft skin against his. Brahms absentmindedly watched as his fingertips danced and drifted over your hand, tracing faint shapes. His heart threatened to leap out of his throat, and present its pulsing, grotesque body onto the bed for you. 
Brahms palm gently swept up your bare forearm, like a sculptor tracing the curves of its creation. Although, he never could have created you. You were radiance itself, something bright and warm in the otherwise desolate house. The stain of your shadow now forever resided in the halls and corridors. How could you expect him to keep his distance? 
He must have been so caught up in his head, for the next thing he knew his hand was flung back. 
“Who the fuck are you?” You demanded, distancing yourself from him. Brahms slowly rose from his position on the floor, watching your movements behind strands of disheveled brown curls that hung over his eyes. You leapt to the other side of the bed, arming yourself with a lamp that sat on your bedside table. 
“It’s alright.” He assured, cautiously stepping around the bed. His voice cracked, the high pitched tone he dawned nearly slipping. “Please, everything’s alright.” 
You pointed the lamp at him, a pathetic attempt to guard yourself. He cooed, false words of reassurance dripping from his lips like honey. Brahms sounded like a lover, uttering words of comfort to his lover after waking from a nightmare. 
Even through your haze filled head, the adrenaline pumping through your veins was enough to alert you that you were far from safe. 
“Put that down.” He ordered, voice dropping a few octaves. The veil was thinning, and becoming harder to wear the more you shied away from him. 
You swung the lamp, throwing the shade off in the process. “Stay away from me.” 
Brahms frantically shook his head. “Please, don’t ask me to do that.” 
The lamp was hastily thrown at him, as you dodged his arms trying to swing around your frame. You climbed onto the bed, feet coming tangled with the disordered sheets in the dark room. He groaned, kicking the now broken object to the side.
Brahms wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you flush against him. You thrashed around in his secured hold, digging your elbow into his ribs. He groaned in discomfort, the pain only encouraging him to hold onto you tighter. 
“Let me go!”
He maneuvered to sit on the bed, bringing you down with him to sit on his lap. His burly arms entrapped you, cradling your struggling figure against his chest. 
“Dammit, who are you?” You asked again, eyes glancing up to meet his gaze. Your eyes swept over the porcelain like mask he wore, now being able to see it more properly up close. All movement ceased from you, as recognition flickered in your pupils. You peeked over at the undisturbed doll, peacefully resting against your pillow. The smooth, pale ceramic face eerily resembled the mask belonging to the strange man. 
He swallowed, the sweet fruity scent of your shampoo blurring his surroundings. The tip of his nose bumped against your cheek, cool porcelain causing goosebumps to form on your skin. He inhaled, letting out a deep guttural groan as the citrusy aroma of oranges wafted into his nose. You grimaced, and pulled back from him. 
“Are you…” You licked your lips, trying to mentally prepare yourself for the answer. “Are you Brahms?” 
He nodded, cheek rubbing against the back of your hair. A beat of silence passed between you two. 
“Are you here to kill me?” You quietly asked, tears brimming in the corners of your eyes. He could feel you trembling, despite being pressed up against his warm, sweaty skin. 
“No, no.” He soothed, beginning to rock you in his arms. “I could never do that.” 
His fingertips dug into your skin, trying to comfort you. 
The rest of the night was spent in Brahms iron steel hold, waiting anxiously for dawn to break through the line of branches covering the bedroom window. The doll, quiet and still as ever, watched as the night dragged on and on. 
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