#trailer squad
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voidwrth · 26 days ago
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Happy 6th Anniversary Apex Legends! 🥳 Celebrated by drawing the moment my faves the trailer squad first met, as told in the 'Dance Encounter' loading screen! ♥️ ⁠
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red-rose-corner · 1 year ago
Now, I really want to see this for myself.
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snuize · 1 year ago
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Hey captain boomerang fans, I’m glad to see all 12 of you here
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lynns-bonkle-blog · 1 year ago
AUs in most fandoms: "What if everyone swapped?" "What if everyone's morality was switched?" "What if these superpowered protagonists were normal people working in a coffee shop?" AUs in the Bionicle fandom: "What if the main species swapped with the surprisingly in-depth evil crocodile people?" "What if various characters re-enacted the plots of superhero movie trailers?" "What if the superpowered protagonists of, like, two thirds of the story were teachers in a vaguely-Canadian school and still had their superpowers?"
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lyn-ne · 2 months ago
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cant wait to watch the movie so i can see his dumb expressions
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jacksjoke · 1 year ago
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britishchick09 · 2 years ago
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frohana! (ft mattias) :D
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heartstopperlarrie · 6 months ago
I’ve had a really shitty day today and then I saw the S3 trailer and now I feel so much better 🥹🍂
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personinthepalace · 9 months ago
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The cars are driving on the wrong side of the road. No, that's not odd. It's British.
Orli and Ozzie in the first Odd Squad UK trailer
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straysilvr · 1 year ago
Leo/need : REVIVE || the first trailer ◻️◽▫️
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prettypinkprincessy · 9 months ago
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what a time to be alive
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this-is-krikkit · 2 years ago
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so, @dont-f-with-moogles challenged me as such on this post and this is what i came up with:
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as for the choice between those two front row cats, you might have thought Hange would be the red, aggressively affectionate one. but you'd be dead wrong.
because listen, this happens on the second Christmas day Levi spends above ground, and the first one after Hange unfortunately found out it's also his birth date (they confessed earlier today that Nanaba helped them break into Shadis' office to find Levi's record, and that is all they could dig up about him) and made, as he was afraid they would, a huge deal of it.
except he's starting to regret (yes, Levi is starting to regret something. no, he doesn't understand how it's happening either) thinking that was such a bad thing, because Hange has now spent the entire day with him (as in, took an actual break from their research and experiments), walked into town with him and took him to a tea shop that wasn't as fancy as he always feared those places would be (which probably has to do with how warmly the old lady behind the counter greeted Hange when they got in, but he's not going to pry about that.. yet) and discreetly bought and offered him the kind he liked best when they left.
and yeah, Levi's probably going to lose it when he realizes it was Hange's mission to lure him away from HQ today just so everyone could put together a surprise birthday party for him (and watch his reaction from afar instead of standing in a dark room and yelling out "SURPRISE" as Humanity's Strongest enters because, contrary to civilian belief, they are not a bunch of suicidal fools), and it will no doubt create yet another frustrating misunderstanding between them when he thinks that's all there was to Hange's behavior, but right now he doesn't know that...
no. right now, Levi's too drunk on the aftertaste of delicious tea, on confusingly comforting feelings about this day he hadn't associated with anything joyful since his mother died, and on Hange's insufferably irresistible kindness, to have noticed everyone lurking behind them
and right now, he's holding onto Hange's elbow to stop them from falling (because of course they had to walk backwards down those stairs so they could stare back at him as they excitedly ranted about who knows what and couldn't watch where they were going instead) and they're laughing off their own clumsiness and playfully mocking him like "hey, look at you on your higher step there, standing taller than me! this is so weird, i've never seen you that way before!"
and they keep yapping away, but his mind is stuck on that phrasing, and Levi gets so fucking... annoyed. annoyed at their teasing yet beautiful grin, at the deep brown of their scarf that so poorly compares to that of their eyes, at everything they've come to mean to him in the amount of time he's gotten to know them
and so, in a fit of insanity he'll blame on the magnetic pull they have on him even right now with their fogged-up askew glasses, he takes a deep breath, thinks what the hell
and goes with "well, here's another new way to look at me, shitty glasses"
and then he leans closer, and kisses them.
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kosmicsandshoes · 3 months ago
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like a little prayerrrr
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willczek-art · 11 months ago
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Remember that Rebels of the Outlaw Wastes fanmade trailer I made as my final school project???? Well, apparently people over at Nerdy Pup Games liked it enough to COMMISSION ME FOR AN ANIMATION FOR THEIR NEW PROJECT.
It's called Super Squad High, it's a boardgame about teenage superheroes and I DID THE TRAILER OPENING FOR IT!! :DD
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raayllum · 2 years ago
twice as many stars
summary: Sir Sparklepuff has thirty days to live. (He doesn’t know it, yet.)
a/n: i took sir sparklepuff and his existential horror story of a life far too seriously and cried. i hope you will too. also TWs for abusive relationships (hi Aaravos), dubious morality, character death, some on page violence, and elements of Christian religious trauma. :))
word count: 8.7k
Tomorrow when the farm boys find this freak of nature, they will wrap his body in newspaper and carry him to the museum.
But tonight he is alive and in the north field with his mother. It is a perfect summer evening: the moon rising over the orchard, the wind in the grass. And as he stares into the sky, there are twice as many stars as usual. —Two Headed Calf by Laura Gilpin -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sir Sparklepuff has thirty days to live.
(He doesn’t know it, yet.)
Or technically, he has twenty-nine, but he can’t count. His fingers are too long and too few to count, his eyes too busy blinking and taking in the wonder of the fascinating world around him with all his large, yellow rimmed gaze of possibility.
There are three creatures like him, one in black on her knees, one crouched by her in white, and one with something akin to his antenna atop a green head, and what can only be described as purpose-purpose-purpose tugs in his chest. Sir Sparklepuff twitches forward, standing and then loping forward on all preferable fours.
His mind is a scrambled synapses of information and snatches at sentience, and the world is so very big and wide and bright.
It is, he thinks, a deeper voice within his mind supplying the proper word, beautiful.
He hopes he will get to enjoy it.
read the rest on AO3
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heartstopper-lul · 6 months ago
The Heartstopper season 3 trailer is out omgg…
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