#trailer park boys fanfics
battyfics15 · 4 months
Hello People! 🙋‍♀️
You've fallen right into my trap. 👹
Behold, your SUSTENANCE. (The first hit is free).
AUs/Stuff I'll write about:
(Regular humans) G/T, A B O, Hybrids.
I can write fics that wont cure your daddy issues, but perhaps fill that father sized hole in your heart for brief moments.
I can write fics for people who wanna frick fictional characters. (I get it)
I can write fics for wholesome moments after the guilt of wanting to frick fictional characters starts to eat at your soul.
I can write fics that make you hate me as a writer (angst, sad endings, bc what is happiness anyways it's a myth)
Who I take Requests For;
(These lists may be altered so maybe check on them every now and then)
SFW Platonic (Child!reader allowed)
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- T (Tyrone)
-Hulk (Or bruce!)
-Black Widow
My Hero Academia:
-AllMight (or Smallmight)
-Mr Aizawa
Transformers (Bayverse):
Transformers (Prime):
SFW 'Romance'🌹:
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
- Loki
My Hero Academia:
NSFW 'Romance' (Aka the frickzone)😏(This can only be found on my patreon but you are more than welcome to request here too!):
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare (Reboot)
Trailer Park Boys:
(Patreon Coming Soon!)
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ghostmonika · 6 days
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Guys..I need x reader fanfics of this man ASAP like what if, reader as his friend took his rum glass and drank from it and left a lil lipstick mark on it, I feel like he would absolutely go crazy and make the reader not be able to walk-
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waltzchristophh · 8 months
Ricky and the gang are stranded at a train convention in America with no dope.
But you're there to save the day!
Based on that one episode. (s7: e4)
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You took your last puff from the cigarette and flicked it out the drivers side window, rolling it back up and resting into your reclined seat. Your hands shielded your eyes from the burning sun while somebody or something grew closer.
Within a few seconds a fire haired fellow in an MLK button-up was rapping at your window like he needed a minute to talk to you about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. You squinted at him curiously, and rolled the window down with cautious hesitation.
He stood with an exasperated hand on his hip and sighed, "Hey, you got any weed on ya by any chance?."
You were blindsided by the strange man's forwardness, covering your mouth with your hand and coughing lightly. His stark blue eyes lingered on yours, awaiting an answer.
"Uh- um yeah. Think so."
"Sweet, can I smoke it with ya?"
The ginger stranger glowed with inebriated desire, his mouth hanging open slightly.
You smiled a gentle smile and broke the stare to shuffle through your belongings.
"Sure. Don't have any papers on me though."
You retracted your toes from the top of the dashboard and opened the compartment with a click.
"That's no biggie, I got a few on me right now actually."
"So what are you doing here anyway?" You asked thoughtfully.
"What'd'ya mean?"
The two of you sat lazily in the heated comfort of your 2002 cruiser.
"Well, you're not here for the convention... You come all the way out here lookin like a bum just to ask strangers for dope?"
Ricky belly laughed and passed the joint, shoulders bouncing.
"Yeah you fuckin caught me. I came all the way from Nova Scotia to go door to door pickin up cute girls with good dope."
You pursed your lips and held the air in your cheeks so you looked like a squirrel with acorns in its mouth. You blew the air out when your gaze met Ricky's, bursting with laughter. The edges of his mouth lifted into a cute smile.
"You think I'm a cute girl then, ehh??" You nudged at him playfully, forcing more laughter out of him.
"Heh... nah I'm just here for my friend, Bub's. He's got this huge boner for those modern train things or whatever. Got our weed thrown out by those *cough* border patrol fuckwads. Why the hell are you here?
"My brother's got the same kinda boner... holy fuck that sounds wrong."
The ginger stranger, who you now knew by the name of Ricky, laughed heartily.
"How old is he?"
"Why didn't you go with him?"
You sighed and rolled your head over to look at him with big cartoon eyes.
"Not my thing."
You took the final drag from the joint before putting it out on the top of your dashboard. "HEY, I got an idea."
"Yeah?" Ricky chuckled, "What idea you got, miss smarty pants?"
You turned the engine on and backed up the car, looking behind you, then back at Ricky.
Your front teeth tugged lightly at your lower lip as you smiled and looked down. Ricky's warm ashy hand grazed your cheek and lifted your eyes to meet his.
"Let's get outta here."
Pt 2?
Please comment if you enjoyed!
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hash-driveway · 7 months
Down With Me
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Roxanne, Sunnyvale's newest resident, meets Julian and Ricky after they return from jail. Troubled by her traumatic relationship with her ex, will she be able to open up in her newfound home?
Bubbles isn’t in jail in this one.  I need him for exposition ok!! Roxanne is all of us and we are all Roxanne.
Also on AO3!
Roxanne’s favorite part of living in Sunnyvale was the way that the sun beamed down onto her porch in the mornings.  Her routine, newly developed since moving to Sunnyvale, had a sense of peace about it since moving away from the city.  Instead of dragging herself out of bed, to then drag herself to her soul-sucking desk job, then back to her lackluster apartment, she felt energized to begin her day.  
After rising from bed, she would get ready for her morning jog around the trailer park.  When she lived with her ex, she hardly ever had the time to keep up with exercise.  Instead, she would resort to not eating much throughout her day to save herself time.  She had to be as productive as possible. Now that she had this fresh start, she could take more time for herself.  It was something that she had to get used to at first, but once she did, she fully embraced it.  It felt good to let go of the pressure and stress that she lived in for so long. 
Roxie developed a rapport with some of her neighbors on her morning jogs.  She met Lucy and Sarah, two best friends (who Roxie was surprised to find out were not in a relationship) who did hair out of their trailer sometimes.  Lucy’s daughter, Trinity, lived with them.  Trinity was a little hellion, stealing barbecues and throwing bottles.  Luckily, when Roxie caught her trying to steal her barbecue, she wasn’t intimidated by the little kid’s attitude.  Instead, she earned the child’s respect by talking with Lucy about the situation in a way that didn’t make her feel guilty.  After that, the three of them became friends.  
She also met Bubbles, a peculiar guy with the most alarming Coke-bottle glasses she’d ever seen.  He lived out of the shed across the street from her trailer.  Roxie took it upon herself to put some cat food out on her first night, and Bubbles noticed and came to her door.  At first, he was a bit offended, assuming she thought that he didn’t feed his kitties sufficiently.  He fed them good, he said, better than most kitties in the world.  She believed him.  
And of course, Roxie knew Jim Lahey and Randy, the Trailer Park Supervisor and Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor, respectively.  Jim was always drunk, and Randy was always shirtless. They weren’t as nosy as her previous landlords, who would barrage her with emails about her hanging plants on the balcony, or the decorations she’d put on her door.  Since she was the leaseholder, she was the one who was always being contacted for stupid shit, like her ex parking in the handicap spot or being late on rent because he couldn’t be bothered to save any money.  Her ex never took responsibility for anything.  
Across the street from her new place sat a white single-wide with brown trim.  Two young guys, Corey and Trevor, lived there and completely trashed it.  It was unfortunate seeing the state of disarray Julian’s home was in while he was away.  
She had never met Julian, of course.  Bubbles spoke about him and Ricky so often that Roxie felt like she might as well know them.  Bubbles often told her about how excited he was for his friends to get out of jail.  
That’s why Bubbles stopped her on her run this morning.  As soon as she passed Julian’s trailer on her second lap around, Bubbles ran to her in a panic.  
“Roxie! Please, I need your help.  I don’t know how I’m going to get Corey and Trevor out of Julian’s place,” he exclaimed, taking a moment to whine stressfully, “He’s going to be back any minute, and they just fucked his place up.  They won’t listen to me!” 
Out of breath and hunched over, Roxie panted through her words, “Bubbles, I’m sure Julian will be able to handle it. Corey and Trevor don’t seem too bright.” 
Bubbles sighed, not feeling any better, “Yeah, well, they’re fuckin’ idiots, but they’re in there tearing the place up… Smoking, drinking, and playing video games all day and night.  They don’t even care to clean up after themselves.” 
“It’ll be okay, Bubbs, I promise.” 
The rest of her morning went on as usual: Shower, change clothes, and brew coffee.  She sat on the small porch of her trailer, basking in the sun.  Roxie had on a gray tank top which now soaked up the water dripping from her hair, and shorts.  While it was early spring, it surely got hot enough for her to wear summer clothes already. 
Placing her coffee down, Roxie reached into her pocket and grabbed her plastic cigarette case, which held half a pack and a half-smoked joint.  She was saving the weed for later, maybe if she hung out with Lucy and Sarah that evening.  Roxie lit up a cigarette and let time stop for a moment as the morning sun warmed her face. 
Just after, her trance was broken by the sound of a cab rolling up across the street.  She watched as Bubbles ran to the vehicle in excitement.  That must be Julian and Ricky, she thought. 
The guy who exited the cab first wore a button-up houndstooth shirt with Adidas swishy pants.  His hair was a dirty red, styled in a pompadour with impressive sideburns.  His eyes were covered by small oval sunglasses.  He was cute. 
“Bubbs!” He shouted as he gave Bubbles a hug, “I fuckin’ missed ya, buddy.” 
Bubbles whined and hugged his friend back, “Ricky! I missed you, too!”  Roxie smiled to herself, happy that Bubbles wouldn’t be so lonely anymore.   
As the two reunited, the other side of the cab opened.  Roxie was greeted by the sight of a tall man with black hair, slicked back and shiny.  His dark goatee framed his jaw, and as he turned to retrieve their bags from the trunk, his earring caught the light of the morning sun.  His shoulders were broad, and a gold chain rested on his chest. In one hand, he held a drink, which never seemed to spill in spite of the movements he made.  He was built, but not cut.  He looked like the kind of guy that you wouldn’t want to fuck with.  
Roxie watched as Julian propped both duffel bags onto one shoulder, and a small wave of fervor swept through her stomach.  She took another drag, and stole glances at Julian as she eavesdropped from across the street. 
“Bubbs, what the fuck happened to my trailer?” Julian’s voice was deep and steady despite his aggravated tone. 
Bubbles stammered as he explained to Julian how he tried to kick Corey and Trevor out of his trailer, but that they wouldn’t listen.  Julian shook his head and made his way into his home with Ricky following behind him.  A commotion erupted from the trailer– a combination of shouting and objects falling over.  Corey and Trevor really did trash the place.  There was garbage and empty bottles where the flowerbeds used to be, and the porch was filled with junk.  Roxie couldn’t imagine how disgusting the inside of the house was. 
Bubbles looked around, a distressed look on his face.  Roxie stood as they made eye contact from across the street, and mouthed: 
“Everything okay?” 
Bubbles whined again and threw his hands up in exasperation before heading over to her.  
“I fucked up, Roxie.  I tried so hard to get them to leave, but those dicks are so drunk and high all the time that they never listen!”
She snuffed her cig and patted Bubbles on the back, “You tried your best, Bubbles.  It looks like your friends have it handled.” 
As she spoke, Ricky and Julian were throwing all of Corey and Trevor’s shit out of the front door.  Ricky pushed Corey out first, then Trevor.  Their protests fell on deaf ears as Julian scolded them and told them to start cleaning his trailer immediately.  
When the two made their way over to Bubbles, Roxie started feeling nervous.  Nervous? Fuck no, she was probably just excited to meet her new neighbor…right? Right.  
Julian approached and consoled Bubbles, making sure that his friend knew that it wasn’t his fault.  
“It’s alright, Bubbles. I should have known those dicks were up to something fucked up.” Julian regarded Roxie, eyeing her up and down before greeting her, “Hey.” 
“Hi,” she waved at him, “Roxie.” 
“Jeez, Bubbs.  You went ahead and got a girlfriend while we were gone, huh?” Ricky teased. 
Bubbles groaned, “Ricky! She’s not my girlfriend.  Just my friend.” 
“Is that right?” responded Julian, the faintest inkling of intrigue in his voice, “Nice to meet you.” 
Roxie smiled, “Likewise.” 
They shared a brief moment of eye contact until Ricky shouted at Corey and Trevor to “pick up the fucking pace” because he “wanted to watch TV and smoke a joint” with Julian and Bubbles.  
“Boys, let’s hurry the fuck up and get Corey and Trevor out of Julian’s! I want to have a tiny bit of a relaxing evening.” 
“See you,” said Julian, “Let me know if you need anything.” 
“Okay.  Bye, Julian.” 
As the boys returned to berating Corey and Trevor, Roxie found herself smiling.  Was her face red?  Oh God, it must have been weird of her to only say goodbye to Julian, right? Maybe she was being too obvious.  
She grabbed the half-smoked cigarette from her ashtray and went back inside before she got too excited about meeting her new neighbor.  
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onionsronion · 7 days
if tumblr actually went to nova scotia they would be so disappointed 😭
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unhingedthirst · 1 year
Y’all I’m sick. I wanna write something.
Pls request something!! I’m begging and screaming
See my pinned post for what I write
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gravecats · 5 months
Reuploaded the first fanfic I’ve ever published (March 2023) onto my ✨NEW✨AO3 account. Go read it if you want, leave kudos if you like it. I’m tryna build my following back up!!  stay tuned for more gay trailer trash <3 
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crownjewel123 · 9 months
Trailer Park Boys Doctor Who crossover where Julian and Ricky somehow end up supplying weed to aliens 😭 where Lahey is trying to prove aliens are real with Randy when the Doctor shows up because the aliens become hostile when they scan Ricky and Julian and they have guns on them. 😭 and the Doctor is just like this is Canada?
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swordsandholly · 6 months
Steel Magnolia
Part 1 - paused
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!plus size!reader
No use of y/n
Rating: Mature/MDNI
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: I just recently got back into fandom spaces and reading fanfic again and looooove the uptick in fat Y/N characters. Ofc as a big girl myself I wanted to try my hand at writing one too.
Hopefully I’ll post this on AO3 soon. Whenever I get my invite so I can make an acc.
“Oh! Darlin’, did ya see those boys next door?” Mrs. Duprey gasps as you swipe the last of her Bubble Bath OPI polish across her fingers.
“Next door?” You cock an eyebrow. “No one’s been next door since Adam and Eve.”
“I saw them on the way in!” She grins, the corners of her eyes wrinkling pleasantly. “Strappin’ young men - y’should talk t’ ‘em.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sure I will sooner or later, ma’am.”
“You’ve been single too long.” The nosey old bat contributes. As much as you love her she truly cannot leave well enough alone.
“And I’m perfectly content as such.” You give her your warmest smile.
The trailer home across from you has remained empty for as long as you can remember. It’s well kept - sometimes you see random gardeners mowing or going in an out with tool bags - but no one lives there permanently. You’d think in a beach town it would at least belong to some snowbirds. A timeshare, maybe. It’s none of those things, though. Just a well-maintained, perfectly empty husk.
There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, probably.
Sure enough, as you walk Mrs. Duprey out of your little single wide trailer, you spot a black SUV parked out front of the neighboring double wide. One that is definitely *not* a repair man or worker’s vehicle. She coos at you to make sure to talk to them before waddling off to her own car. She really shouldn’t be driving at her age. You wonder briefly - futilly- if she’d sell you her car in exchange for rides.
You suppose she’s right - even if it is for the wrong reasons. You’re not particularly interested in flirting with the new neighbors. After all, don’t fuck where you eat is a saying for a reason, but it wouldn’t exactly be neighborly to not introduce yourself. Especially with all the people coming and going from your home for your nail tech services. The old Yankee’s catty-cornered from you still believe that you're a drug dealer. At least they only come down for a couple months of the year.
Despite your staunch decision not to flirt, you still find yourself adjusting your clothes. Maybe the sports bra as a top is a bit much…
Fuck it. If they live here now they’ll see you in worse.
You fix your lipstick and throw on your platform sandals. The ones that clip-clop as you walk. Maybe it will help announce your presence.
The screen door wraps quietly as you knock. You take two steps back on the front, wooden porch so as not to come off too aggressively. As the seconds tick by you debate on knocking again. Maybe they’re out. Or busy. They did just move in today, most likely. Maybe you should-
The door creaks slightly as it opens. A very, painfully handsome man pushes the screen door until it clicks in place. “Afternoon, lassie.”
You blink stupidly as he crosses his strong arms and leans on the doorframe. His eyes are a striking shade of blue - somehow both sharp and soft. His dark hair is shaped into a slightly grown-out, un-styled mohawk. It fits him oddly enough.
“I, uh,” you take a deep breath. Christ you need to get laid if just *looking* at a hot guy has you this off kilter. “I live across the way. Just wanted t’ say welcome t’ tha neighborhood.”
That lopsided smile on his face grows into a grin. You don’t miss the way his eyes catch on your chest. “Aye? Nice tae meet ye. Names John MacTavish. M’friends call me Johnny.”
He gives your hand an extra little squeeze after shaking it. That accent might as well have you on the floor. You continue to blink dumbly, watching the at the scar on his chin stretches as he speaks.
Christ almighty, you’re pathetic.
“Nice to meet’ya.” You give him a warm smile, tilting your head to the side slightly. “Ya’ll here for vacation? We don’t get many Europeans ‘round here.”
He chuckles. It’s low and rumbling and would probably feel wonderful with your ear pressed to his chest. “Little bit o’ business, little bit o’ pleasure. This an’ tha’.”
“Hello, there.” Another man pops up from behind Johnny suddenly. Fucking hell, he’s gorgeous too. Older, for sure, with a uniquely cut beard that would probably look rather silly on anyone less handsome. At it stands, he manages to make it appear dignified.
“Ah, jus��� about tae call fer ye, Cap. This is our neighbor.” Johnny gestures toward you.
“John Price.” The man steps forward to shake your hand. It’s firm and professional and thank god your grandad made you practice a good handshake as a kid or you’d be painfully embarrassed.
“Are all UK men named John or is this just some sorta cult?” You blurt, unable to stop yourself from snickering at them.
Older John chuckles at you fondly, his facial hair giving him a pleasant U-shaped smile. “Be easier to remember that way, wouldn’t it? No, we’re with two others. Kyle and Simon. They’re out at the moment.”
“Kyle and Simon.” You repeat, nodding. Johnny, John, Kyle, Simon. “Are y’all in town long?”
“Indefinitely.” Is all Price gives you. It’s a tone that even someone as dense as you can recognize as ‘don’t ask more.’
You clap your hands together and smile a little wider, ready to make your exit. “Well, I’m not here t’be a bother, just wanted t’ welcome ya and, uh, let y’know that I have a lot of people over throughout the day - I’m a nail tech. They shouldn’t bother ya but y’know.”
“Ye can come bother us anytime, bonnie.” The Scot hits you with that grin again and your face suddenly feels far too hot.
A loud, whining screech sounds off from down the road. You check your watch. Holy shit, three-thirty already. You begin to back off the porch. “Ah, nice t’ meet ya again! See ya ’round!”
As you jog down the little dirt road of the trailer park another black car passes you. It’s smaller, a sedan. You make very brief eye contact with a blonde wearing a surgical mask and another man with the sharpest golden eyes you’ve ever seen - even through the tint of the window.
*Kyle and Simon,* you think.
You make a mental note to greet them at some point and continue down the street. The school bus slowly stops at the entrance and you take up your spot in the small crowd of parents. IT’s a shabby old bus - chipping paint and break pads that sounds like they’re about ready to snap. It’s all they’re willing to send out to your little section of the city, though.
Shelby meanders over in your direction, her usual Camel Crush lit up in one hand and the other teasing her already well-lifted hair. “Afternoon. Saw there was some new folks across from ya.”
“Hm?” You keep your eyes on the bus. “Ah, yeah. Just vacationers, I think.”
“Lookers, though.” She chuckles.
“They’re from the UK.” You offer.
“No shit!” Shelby stamps out her cigarette as the bus doors open. “Accent and all?”
“Yep.” You grin.
Shelby tsks and fiddles with her hair again. “I best go over an’ make myself known, then.”
“There’s an older fella with a neat beard. Think you’d like ‘em.” You snicker.
She hums. “I’ll bring a pie.”
The children practically burst out of the bus doors, as always. Ready to be home and shuck off their backpacks to their respective adult. Shelby’s son almost knocks her over, offering a little “Good afternoon, ma’am!” to you before heading off with his mother.
You nod to him, shoving a hand in your pocket as you wait for yours. She’s always the last. Always caught up in a book or something and doesn’t realize it’s time to get off of the bus. Sure enough, the driver has to call back to her before the little girl comes dashing out. She jumps off of the bus steps, despite being told time and time again not to, and kicks a rock on her way toward you.
You bow low for her. “Welcome home, Lady Sophie.”
She giggles, dark curls bouncing as she skips over. “Ni-ni!”
You take her bag from her. The thing really does dwarf the poor six year old. Her hand slips into yours easily. Soft and round and somehow always so much warmer than yours.
“My nail color chipped!” She announces, holding up her ring finger on the opposite hand.
“Oh! Now we can’t have that. I’ll fix it tonight.” You smile, waving at old Mr.Chester as the two of you pass.
“Well now!” He calls. “How blessed am I to see two such lovely ladies!”
You both giggle, continuing on your way. He’s a good landlord - spotted you more than a few times when Sophie was a baby and you couldn’t work consistently. Honestly, as you look around, the little community that he’s managed to build in this shitty corner of the world should be praised. Housing just enough snowbirds to cover his property costs while keeping rent low for the full time locals. Maybe you could convince Natalie at the paper to run a little story on it or something.
As you pull up to your own home, the blonde man is outside leaning on the front of their double wide. Seeing him standing at full height makes your blood run cold. The man is built like a damn barn - tall and wide. Beyond solid. *Brick shithouse*. It’s a bit weird that he’s covered in clothing head to toe but whatever. Weirder things have happened before. The mask still covers his face, you wonder if he had taken it off before you came up or just flipped it up to smoke.
“Sophie, head on in. I’ll catch up.” You push her toward the door. She scampers in, the screen door slamming behind her as you march up to the brick shithouse of a man in front of you.
“Which are ya? Kyle or Simon?” You smile, holding out your hand to shake.
Dark eyes rake over you, stopping briefly on your hand, before moving back to meet yours. He stomps out the half smoked cigarette. “Simon.”
You let your hand drop. Bit rude, this one. “Nice t meetcha.”
The other man pops his head out of the trailer. Kyle, you assume. “Oh. Hello.”
“Hi.” You smile as warmly as you can, giving your name. “I’m assumin’ yer Kyle.”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I’m guessing you’re the neighbor Price mentioned.”
You nod, about to speak again but Simon shoves past you, marching his way up the steps. “Let’s go.” He grunts, pushing the other man back into the trailer despite his protests.
You wrinkle your nose at him. What an asshole.
“Who’s tha’?” Sophie asks over the back of the old, worn couch as you let the trailer door slam behind you.
“New neighbors.” You say simply, glancing out the window. “Don’t go over there without me, yeah?”
“Okay!” She agrees, sitting back on the couch and bouncing, beginning her usual post school chant. “Bluey! Bluey! Bluey!”
You drop her backpack down beside the small coffee table. “After yer homework.”
“Nooo!” She pouts.
“Then no Bluey.”
Sophie pouts harder but crawls down in front of the coffee table and pulls out her little work sheets. At least the school doesn’t over run them too terribly with homework toward the end of the year. You glance at the calendar. Wednesday, May 22nd. Damn, she really only has about a week left. Though, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to this summer break with her. She’s old enough now that you can take her places like the arcade without having to wait on her so much. You’ll actually be able to play some of the two-player games.
Plus, this year, you actually have a little more pocket change to make it fun.
You turn to look out the window once more at the new neighbors. Their curtains remain closed, cars neatly parked out front. The door opens slowly, the hot Scot and rude blonde wander to the Sedan. Simon’s shoulders shake at something Johnny said - you think he’s laughing but its hard to tell with that mask. Johnny’s head turns, blue eyes meeting yours through the shitty glass windows of your trailer. You squeak and duck to sit next to Sophie, praying that he didn’t catch you staring.
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crispyluc · 9 days
So imagine Eddie being really good with kids. And in the trailer park they always go to him when their bikes are broken or need advice. And Eddie is just there, in his porch with a cigarette fixing this little girl bicycle while the rest of his little friends are just sitting there waiting for eddie to finish. But he also fix toys and gives them cool patches when they make a hole on a jacket or something.
And then in Halloween they all gather around him to hear scary stories and they absolutely love how Eddie just acts them out.
And I don't know, maybe Steve goes to pick him up one day for a thing with the party and he just stops and stares as Eddie is trying to make a toy robot function again while a girl is doing little braids in his hair and a boy is just patiently waiting for his toy. And Steve is just in love.
And now I need a fanfic about this.
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Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader: Boy Moms
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Good morning Hawkins I decided to take a break from my fanfic for a minute and write this short little thing out because fuck it I want to write little mundane crap about Dad!Eddie. Also because you know this GIF is how the fuck Eddie's sitting watching the conversation happen when some deranged boy mom starts speaking. Let me just preface by saying before I get mobbed: There's nothing wrong with whatever gender a child is, but boy moms scare the shit out of me. Seek therapy.
Warnings: boy moms (gags), sexism
“Having a boy is just life changing. I’m sorry that you’ll never get to experience true love.”
The silence was so palpable that you could almost hear the comedic sound effect of the metaphorical record scratch in both of your brains as all thought stopped. Eddie had been in the middle of packing the diaper bag in the stroller while you were putting your four-month-old in the bassinette. The two of you had been politely trying to cut the brunch date short.
You immediately wondered if you misheard the woman in front of you.
Not quite slack jawed, just with wide eyes, you and your husband both leaned forward over the pristine white linen tablecloth of the café table. One of your “mom” friends - a woman by the name of April Laurentis - sat back across from the two of you and flounced, the magenta of her Avon lipstick bleeding into the cracks of her mouth. She was admittedly not the typical company you kept. Rather a desperate attempt to connect with other parents in Hawkins, and so far had been the only mother to agree to have brunch with an impoverished pair of fresh out of school metalhead parents who lived in a new doublewide with an uncle in Forest Hills Trailer Park.
“I’m sorry, what?” Eddie asked, blinking away the confusion in his face.
“You had a girl, and girl mothers just do not have the same bond as mother and son.” April said, flouncing her blown out curls dyed autumn barley.
She looked right at you and pointed a manicured finger.
“You won’t know true love until you have a son.”
You mouthed a soft ‘what the fuck’ under your breath, watching as Eddie leaned his elbow on the table. His wide brown eyes were fixated on the older woman before him; the corners of his mouth drooping in a grimace that made his smile lines transform into deep trenches on his face. His fist went to his mouth, as if trying to stop himself from speaking.
But of course, Eddie and his big mouth…
“So you’re saying that my wife…” Eddie had to really emphasize the ‘wife’ part, “Like… the first actual girlfriend I’ve ever had, since high school… I’m not her first true love?”
Eddie was a lot of firsts: first boyfriend, first true love, first sexual encounter, first baby daddy to your unwed eighteen-year-old self until Uncle Wayne paid fifty dollars for the marriage license at the Hawkins courthouse after Charlotte was born. Now hopefully, he was your first and last husband.
“Of course not!” April scoffed, “Because little Charlotte is YOUR first love, daughters are always their father’s first love… Your wife will never know true love until you give her a son.”
April dismissed this with a hand wave while her two-year-old started banging a spoon against her chair. You and Eddie just stood there, unable to comprehend the woman’s delusions of a particularly horrifyingly obsessive nature.
“… so you’re saying that your son, little Timmy over here…” you pointed.
“Right, Tanner… you’re equating Tanner here to romantic love…?” you asked, dreading the answer.
“It’s just different.” She argued, “You’ll never understand the bond I have with my baby boy. He’s my whole world!”
“And our daughter is what…?” Eddie asked, “A statue? A ghost? An object? What exactly are you trying to imply here? That my kid requires a penis for them to be counted as a valid member of the family to be loved? That’s a little medieval fiefdom of you, don’t you think?”
No sooner did the words leave his mouth, April began to go off on you even though you hadn’t even said anything, ranting about how you would never understand the deep bond that a mother and son shared because you hadn’t birthed one. Her spiel devolved into a delusional, impassionate speech about how you and Eddie would never understand: her heart was breaking just thinking of her baby boy loving another woman other than herself, and how she couldn’t imagine how Eddie’s mother must have felt when you ‘stole her son away from her’.
You had to lay your hand across Eddie’s chest to prevent him from turning over the table at that comment, and with one last hateful look, April gathered up her child and left the café, slamming a ten-dollar bill on her untouched plate of mixed greens.
For a long time, both you and Eddie just stared after her retreating form.
“… Am I on glue or did that really just happen?” you ventured after a while.
“No… that sure did just happen,” Eddie replied, “That was definitely a real conversation, and it was batshit crazy.”
“I won’t know real love, until I have a son.” You repeated, looking at your baby.
Charlotte had her fist in her mouth, gnawing away at her chubby little fingers with her gums.
“So like… the whole high school sweethearts meeting, falling for one another during a gig at The Hideout, having insane amounts of sex, popping out a kid, moving into the trailer park together, and getting married… That’s not love?” you asked.
“Apparently not.” Eddie responded to your rhetorical question, “I guess your husband is just some dude who occasionally contributes sperm, and the kid is the true love? Mark that down as fucking gross.”
“… okay so you totally picked up on the weird Oedipus vibes from her right?” you quickly asked.
Eddie, still horrified, nodded.
“Oh, hell yeah I did.” He said, “That was definitely Oedipus Complex... you didn’t hear the banjos?”
“I was hoping I had misheard.” You admitted, giving a full body shudder.
The two of you stood, put a few crumpled bills on the table and flagged down a waiter to collect the tab, then began the long, awkward walk to the Gaucho. Both of you were still downright horrified at the turn the conversation took, wondering what sins you committed to get to this point.
“Um… so… Definitely blacklist April as a potential mom friend.” You said, pulling down the visor on Charlotte’s bassinette to protect her from the sun.
“Most definitely blacklisted, I don’t want to know what kind of screwed up family life she’s had leading up to that delusion.” Eddie said, pushing the stroller along the sidewalk, “And I don’t want to expose Charlie to it either.”
“Oh she totally grew up overshadowed by her brothers.” You said immediately, “That’s textbook Freud. And she probably still has all those residual mommy issues, plus a hell of an Elektra Complex.”
“One hundred percent.” Eddie said, “Deep-seated mommy daddy issues, and from the sounds of the first love comment, a dead bedroom.”
“Jesus H.” you laughed, covering your mouth while Eddie let out a dark giggle, “Oh my god… that’s kind of terrible.”
“It’s true!” he argued, “You can’t sit here and tell me she has a great marriage with comments like that!”
“Yeah but that’s gross to say!” you argued back, still unable to help the uncomfortable laughter.
“Trust me,” Eddie laughed, “I guarantee you she was rotting with jealousy. Especially when at the beginning she made comments like ‘It must be so nice that your husband babysits your daughter for you’.”
You shook your head, wrapping your arm around Eddie’s as you both began laughing and making hideous gagging sounds every time either one of you brought up April’s weird son complex.
“See this…” you said, waving your hand in a circle, “This encounter we just had, this is why the aliens won’t talk to us.”
“Amen to that, baby.” Eddie shuddered, “They lock the fucking doors when they drive by us because of ‘boy’ mothers like April Fucking Laurentis.”
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teacupballerina · 10 months
what do you think about Mitch x Buttercup?
Best Buttercup x regular human ship not even close. They are that damn weirdo friend pair everyone teases about dating and they INSIST they're just friends but actually end up developing mutual crushes in middle or high school. A lot of fanfics [even ones I love!!!] make Mitch a little bastart bitch who breaks Buttercup's heart, but after Ace I feel like she would never dare to be open with her feelings and let things get to the point of dating unless she were convinced that person simps for her hardcore. I think every kid in Pokey Oaks knows it would probably be suicide to fw any of the girls like that, no matter how stupid they grow up to be. Except Princess who canonically tore Bubbles' heart out in a chapter book, but it's Princess, lol.
Mitch gotta get a job or something though, and because he is redneck trailer park coded AS FUCK, he will 100% be a blue collar boy. I can see him being part of Townsville's reconstruction crews and helping sort shit after Powerpuff business.
So, yes. Mitch is Buttercup's future blue collar malewife, and he's one of the only men she trusts. It is law.
Side note, I pray for any human getting shipped with the PPG, it is what it is, but in Buttercup's case it could actually contribute to her running arc of practicing self-restraint, which is nice.
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the-dragonsqueen · 1 year
Pearl!au | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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This fanfic is kind of dark, so please read the warnings.
Pairings : Eddie Munson x fem!reader, Steve Harrington x fem!reader, brief Robin Buckley x fem!reader, mentions of Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson.
Synopsis : Eddie leaves his girlfriend behind when he’s offered to open for a famous metal band because she has to take care of her sick mother. 
This fanfiction is inspired by Pearl and X, reader has Pearl and Maxine vibes (so does Eddie tbh).
CW : angst, domestic violence (not from Eddie), no use of y/n, stalking, brief non con and voyeurism, brief mentions of a dead animal, major characters death, matricide, murder, blood, emetophobia, sick parent, depiction of poverty, mentions of decomposing bodies, porn, cheating, smut, praise kink, degrading kink, p in v, unprotected sex, cream pie, dry humping, fingering, hallucinations, delusions, intrusive thoughts, mentions of suicide, self harm, slut shaming, prostitution, neglecting parents, religious parent, religious trauma, panic attacks, anxiety, use of the f slur, mommy issues, abandonment issues, reader is objectified, reader is bisexual, reader is kind of mean sometimes, this fic is dark everyone is ooc, dark!eddie munson, dark!reader, dark!steve harrington, happy ending I guess ?
Word count : 15k+
You are not a good person.
Your life started falling apart a couple of years ago when your step dad decided to leave your mother for someone better, younger. Your mother didn’t see it coming, she always took care of her husband, always put his needs above hers and yours. You weren’t very fond of him and wouldn’t have cared if it weren’t for the prenup, he had rich parents, a good job and that’s what allowed you to live in a decent house despite your mother not having a job, making being a stay at home mom wife her job. He never gave you any money or put aside a college fund for you, but you were smart enough to get a scholarship so this wasn’t your biggest concern. No, your biggest concern was having to live in a trailer park because your idiotic, naïve of a mother signed a stupid prenup making her and you homeless when he decided to leave her. She was extremely religious and told you that this was all a part of God’s plan and that one day she’ll get what she deserves for sacrificing her whole life to serve her husband. You almost slapped her when she said that, her life was ruined all because she believed what a stupid book translated by awful men said. But you didn’t slap her, you smiled at her and left the house telling her you were going to pick up more boxes to pack your stuff in. Instead you went to the nearest gas station to pick up enough gasoline to burn down the whole town, if you didn’t get to live in this house anymore, no one else will. Unfortunately, as you were standing in line Jason Carver spotted you.
“Hey pretty girl ! What are you doing with all of this ?” he laughed pointing at the gasoline at your feet
“Oh hey Jason” fuck “Hum my step dad asked me to pick up all this stuff I think it’s for our lawn mower or something ? I’m not even sure this is what he asked me for actually” you laughed back playing dumb
“Well, the boys and I are throwing a party at mine, do you want to join ?” he offered showing you the six pack he was about to purchase
You eyed the beers, drinking did sound pretty great in that moment and it’s not like you could actually burn down the house now since you had a witness. “Sure ! Just let me put this back, I don’t feel like carrying it around.” you moved to put the gasoline back in the aisle but Jason stopped you
“What about your step dad ?” he asked you tilting his head
“I’ll come back tomorrow or he can pick it up himself” you shrug bowing down to pick it up
“Don’t” he stopped you again “Just let him do it.” He said nodding towards the cashier “That’s what he’s getting paid for right ?” he smiled at you
“Oh ok… I’ll meet you outside” you replied, feeling a little guilty for the store clerk as you walked outside.
If Jason hadn’t stopped you that day you’d probably be in juvie for arson right now, at first you were mad at him but as time went by you stopped regretting not going through with it. Because you met him. But before there was him, there was her.
You met Robin Buckley when she was working at the movie theater, your mother was at the bank deposing the little money her ex-husband had the decency to give her so she’d be able to afford renting a trailer and move out of his house quickly. You couldn’t stand staying alone in this house, so you stole money from his wallet and treated yourself to a trip to the movies, it’s not like he’d notice the difference anyway. But as you were watching Molly Ringwald on the big screen you started to suffocate, the feeling of being trapped between the walls of the small theater overtaking you, so you ran outside taking refuge in the alley behind the movie theater. Once outside you realized that it wasn’t the small room that made you feel trapped, it was this town.
“Are you okay ? “ a small voice interrupted you mid sob
You lifted your head up and was met with Robin’s kind blue eyes staring at you. You wiped the snot off your nose and the mascara running down your cheeks. “No” you replied with a hoarse voice
“Yeah I figured, I could hear you crying from inside.” She kneeled in front of you and awkwardly put a hand on top of your knees “What’s going on ?” she asked with a soft voice
What were you supposed to say ? ‘I hate this fucking town and all I want is to leave everyone behind to become a big movie star, bigger than that stupid redhead on the screen but I can’t because I’m a still a teenager, I have no money and haven’t graduated high school yet !’ No you couldn’t say that.
“I just… fucking hate it here.” You responded still opting for some honesty.
“Me too.” Robin said with a sad smile
You had noticed Robin before at school, the way she was always staring at Tammy Thompson, another stupid redhead. She also looked at you sometimes, well she looked at everyone in the cheerleader squad during games, paying more attention to the cheer team than the game itself but you noticed her stare at your body and the way it looked in the uniform more than she looked at your teammates. So you made an impulse decision and kissed her. She was taken aback at first and didn’t kiss you back.
“I’m so sorry” you let out looking at her with your best doe eyes which was enough to let her take her guard down and kiss you again.
Her lips were soft and her kisses shy but it became more intense and desperate the more she kissed you.
“My shift is almost over. My dad is picking me up, do you want to come over ?” she blurred out with panting breaths
“Will your dad be ok with that ?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell him you’re sad because your boyfriend broke up with you and need a girl’s night” she reassured you
“Ok, I’ll call my mom from the phone booth while you wait for your dad.” You tell her with a smile
You didn’t call your mother but she didn’t need to know that. Her dad of course accepted and Robin was really eager to get you in her room when you got to her place. At first she wanted to talk to you about being queer and comparing experiences but you didn’t care about any of that. So you ended up making out some more and had sex for the first time in your life with her. It was amazing, a little clumsy and awkward but overall great, unfortunately it only made you feel better for a few hours. Once morning came you still felt this weight on your chest and Robin’s cuddles didn’t do anything to make you feel better anymore. You didn’t want to be with her, you wanted a good, better life for yourself and being with a woman was only going to make things even more difficult for you. So you were civil and polite to Robin when you ran into her at school but you didn’t really stay in contact after that night. She was too busy drooling over Tammy to truly care about you anyway.
After winter break that year and the shittiest Christmas ever, you were back to school. No one knew you were living at the trailer park yet but it’s not like you cared. You were pretty popular, being in the cheer squad and all but you never considered any of them friends, and vice versa. You were mean to them, even to the jocks but they never did anything about it, most of the guys wanted to get in your pants and invited you to all the cool parties so the cheer squad found it best to keep you around just for that. You never felt guilty about calling them sluts, bitches or stupid, most of them were fucking bullies anyway. That’s the thing about you, you were never mean to anyone else, just those who deserved it.
As time slowly went by you started to notice him. Eddie Munson. You never paid attention to him before but now it’s like he was everywhere, Forest Hills, school, even the grocery store… To be honest the first time you saw him at the grocery store it truly was a coincidence but you started to stalk observe him to pick up on his habits so you could see him more. And he noticed you too but besides from small nods and polite smiles he never talked to you and you knew why. So you quit the cheer squad and stopped hanging out with the jocks, fuck them. But that didn’t make Eddie want to hang out with you on the spot like it would solve all his reservations about you.
Finally one day Eddie saw you walking to school, because your mom couldn’t afford to pay for gas to drive you, so he picked you up from the side of the road. It became a daily occurrence and it wasn’t long before you got closer and eventually started dating. Eddie was the kindest person you’d ever met and weirdly he inspired you to become a better person too. You got a job to pay the bills, since your mom was too depressed to get out of bed and find a job herself, you tried to help him with his school works so he’ll be able to graduate with you and even got into a verbal fight with one of the jocks that was picking on the Hellfire boys at lunch, calling him a two-pump-chump (his girlfriend’s words not yours) in front of everyone was enough to get him and the popular kids to leave them alone, they knew you had dirt on all of them.
Unfortunately your efforts weren’t enough and Eddie didn’t graduate with you but he told you that he’d follow you to any city you planned on moving to, find a job and get his GED while you were in college. You got into UCLA and were so excited to tell him, you could go to auditions in Los Angeles on your free time and Eddie could try to form a new band, meet label studios and become a famous Rockstar ! For once in your life everything seemed perfect, even if you didn’t make it as a famous actress you knew Eddie was talented and that he could make it, he was a star. And Eddie was too nice to ever make you sign a prenup and ruin your life if things didn’t work out between the two of you, though you doubted that, so you’d be set for life anyway. If somehow neither of you made it, you had a plan c : porn. You never talked to Eddie about this plan but you noticed how men looked at you, you could exploit that. And Eddie was too sweet to forbid you from doing anything. You were full of hope.
That’s when your life truly took a bad turn. You were hanging out with Eddie in your room making plans for the future when your heard a big thud coming from the bathroom. Your mother had passed out after throwing up bile. At first you didn’t want to do anything about it, if your mother wanted to stay in bed all day, stop eating and slowly kill herself then you’d let her, you were 18 now and didn’t need her anymore. But you saw Eddie panic at the sight of your mother passed out on the floor so you did the right thing for him and took her to the hospital, as one should. Eddie stayed with you the whole evening, comforting you while you were waiting for the doctor’s diagnosis after they put her through dozens of tests, the longer it took the more you thought about how much it would cost you, your mother could never afford to pay for the hospital bills so it wouldn’t take long before they harass you to pay for her. After 5 hours of waiting, the doctor finally came to you and pronounced the words that changed your life for the worse “I’m sorry but your mother’s been diagnosed with cancer.” You didn’t hear much after that, you knew what this implied and you saw red, you wanted to kill the doctor, your mother and everyone in this hospital. But Eddie’s soft touch brought you back to the moment, you looked up at his soft eyes asking if you were okay. You realized you hadn’t spoken in minutes and just turned to the doctor muttering a small thank you before falling in Eddie’s arms crying your eyes out, he comforted you some more saying that she’ll be okay, you’ll get through this, not to worry she’ll survive but you didn’t care about that. All the hopes you had for your future came crashing down on you in a matter of seconds.
So you stayed in Hawkins, you worked more shifts at the shitty diner you waitressed at to pay all the bills and took care of your mother in your free time. Eddie went back to Hawkins high until a miracle happened. An agent saw him and Corroded Coffin play at the Hideout and asked to meet them. Turns out this guy worked for famous metal bands and after sending a tape of one of their performance to Slayer, the successful band and their team asked if Corroded Coffin could tour with them and be their opener. You pretended to be excited for him and support him, you even showed up when he hacked the school’s prep rally to play metal and tell everyone to fuck off. “See you at the Grammys assholes” he yelled flipping everyone off. You had to swallow the big lump in your throat and force a smile at his theatrics but his words felt like a stab to the heart for you.
A week later, he was gone with a promise to call you every night. He also bought you an skull ring (none of his actual rings would fit you) and proposed to you the night before he left, you cried and said yes. Of course, he would be back in a few months but without him, his love, his kindness and support you were getting worse. The only thing you were hanging on to was seeing Eddie again in a month when he’d play in LA, you made plans to visit him and stay there for a whole week, paying a private nurse to take care of your mother while you were gone. It’s all you talked about when you had him on the phone. But money was tight so you had to do more than waitressing to earn extra money to pay for the trip.
Eddie left you his van so you could sell your mother’s shitty car to make a few extra bucks (since she was never driving it anyway) while still being able to drive yourself to work, but it wasn’t enough. So you found yourself having to give hand jobs in the back of Eddie’s van to some of the diner’s customers, mostly truck drivers, to make more money.
But of course as you finally made enough money to pay for your plane tickets and hire a nurse, your mother was put on a new, very expensive treatment that ruined your plans, again.
Which leads you to now, you’re in the van parked in front of Family Videos about to return another romance movie you dreamed of seeing yourself in instead of Kim Basinger. You dropped your mother off after the doctor’s appointment and drove straight here, you really didn’t want to see her right now. When you walk in your hear the voice of Steve Harrington greeting you, as usual.
“Hey, it’s Eddie’s girl ! What can I do for you today beautiful ?” he exclaims cheerfully
“I have a name you know.” You deadpan throwing the VHS in the return pile.
“Okay… Someone’s in a mood, anything I can do about that ?” he winks at you
He’s right you’re really not in the mood today. “What the fuck do you mean by that ?” you ask him with a harsh tone.
“Hum… you know, I can help you relax… since Eddie’s gone and all” he smiles at you, this was a daily occurrence, Steve always flirted with you. You narrow your eyes at him and turn your b     ack on him, deciding not to entertain him. “Oh come on, sweetheart” the pet name goes straight to your core but you still ignore him. “You know Eddie’s probably swimming in a pool of groupies right now” he laughs, clearly joking to get a reaction out of you.
You freeze, his words should hurt you, a lot of people have been making comments about Eddie’s hypothetical cheating with fans. But it doesn’t, although you could really use an excuse to snap at someone right now.
“Steve, aren’t your parents like super rich ?” you ask turning to face him again
“What ?” he asks back dumbfounded
“Yeah, I mean I know you’re too dumb for college but can’t your parents at least write a check to a descent university to get you in ?”
“Excuse m-“
“Or at least get you decent job ?” you cut him off happy with the dumb look on his face “Or maybe they don’t care enough that’s why I and all of the female population in Hawkins have to endure your pathetic attempts at flirting. It’s sad really, can’t get into college, can’t get a girlfriend that won’t cheat on you, can’t make any friends over the age of 14.” you pout before letting out a laugh
No words come out of his mouth, his cheeks are red and eyes wide. Satisfied with his reaction, you smile and leave the store, guess you’ll have to dig in your own VHS collection for a while. You know mentioning Nancy Wheeler was a low blow but you could’ve been a lot meaner.
“Hey what the hell is wrong with you ?” a raspy voice calls you out before you get in the van
“Hi Robin.” you reply turning back to face her
“Why did you say all this mean shit to Steve ?”
You just roll your eyes and scoff in response.
“No seriously what is wrong with you ? I don’t remember you being mean, like ever.” She adds softly
“Then you haven’t been paying attention Buckley.” You roll your eyes at her
“I think I know enough about you to know that something’s off !”
“ But you don’t know me Robin ! You think you do because we fucked that one time, please !” you exclaim loudly. Robin looks around freaking out about someone hearing you. “You didn’t even bother calling me after and now you want to pretend like we’re friends ?” you didn’t call her either but you keep talking before she has a chance to point that out “My mother has cancer.” You deadpan
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry I didn’t-“
“I had to give up college to take care of her” you cut her off “And the only person that loves and cares for me left. So yes something is wrong with me and I won’t allow your ‘best friend’ to talk shit about Eddie ! You’re aware that he would fuck you at the first opportunity if you’d let him right ? I bet he already tried.” You spit out. Robin looks down but you can see tears forming in her eyes from where you stand. You frown, she doesn’t deserve this, shit.
“Hey, I’m sorry Robin I didn’t mean that” you tell her softly
“S’ okay” she sniffs
“I’m really sorry but I just had some really bad news concerning my mom’s health and took it out on you guys.” You sigh “I’ll apologize to Steve tomorrow, again I’m really sorry Robin.” You have no intention to apologize to him, for now.
“I’m sorry too” she says before walking back to the store.
Great you think, now everyone in town will know about your mother being sick, you do NOT need their pity.
You park in front of your trailer and see your mom eyeing you from one of the windows. You huff not ready to deal with her attitude now.
“What took you so long ?” she questions you as soon as you walk in
You roll your eyes and don’t respond, she’s been picking up fights with you every day for weeks now.
“I asked you a question !” she insists following you
“Why the fuck do you care ?”
“I’m your mother I’m allowed to know what you’re doing and do not speak to me like this !”
“My mother” you snort “Since when ?” you turn around to face her
“I raised you !” she screams in your face
“ You raised me ?” you repeat in disbelief “I raised me while you were too busy cooking and cleaning for your husband to take care of me”
“I’m not going to apologize for being a good wife !”
You huff “No but you should apologize for babying a grown ass man instead of your own daughter !”
“I was a good wife and I take pride in it. You can’t use that against me.”
“Yeah ? Look where that got you” you spit out looking her up and down in disdain
“It’s all a part of God’s plan and you know it, everything will come around you’ll see” she tells you with a hopeful smile on her face
You look at her expression and want to rip that smile off of her face, you want to rip her entire skin off of it actually but instead you cut her off when she starts talking about her precious God again.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP ! It’s a part God’s plan to ruin MY FUCKING LIFE ?” you shout “I had a plan, I had a boyfriend, a career to look forward to and now I have to take care of you when you never even bothered to take care of me ! I’m all alone with no future and stuck here with YOU” tears form in your eyes as your words sink in.
Your mother falls on the couch in exhaustion and you scoff.
“It’s not my fault I got sick.”
“No ? Then who’s fault is it ? GOD ?” you yell
“Don’t speak about Him like this ! You know, if you were a good Christian you’d be proud to take care of me.”
“Guess I’m not a good Christian then” you roll your eyes
“I pray every day for things to get better, I’ll pray for your soul now too.”
“Don’t bother.”
You jump at the sound of the phone ringing, dread fills your body. It’s probably Eddie and you’ll have to tell him that you can’t visit him anymore.
“Hello” You pick up the phone
“Hey sweetheart, how are you ?” Eddie’s voice fills the phone receiver and you melt inside
“I’m ok baby, what about you ? Please tell me everything”
“I’m great baby, the last show was amazing but we’ve been on the road for two whole days so I couldn’t call you” you can hear the pout in his voice “I missed you sweetheart.”
“I missed you too Eddie” tears are forming in your eyes again “so much” you add, your voice shaking.
“Hey, what’s wrong sweetheart ?”
“My mom has this new treatment that I have to pay for and I won’t be able to visit you in LA” you let out crying
“Oh baby it’s okay, I’ll see you soon I promise. Your mom’s health is more important right now we have our whole life to spend together, what’s a few more months ?” his comforting words do nothing to calm your sobs
“But I worked so hard to put that much money aside to come see you. I miss you so much, you have no idea”
“I know baby, I miss you too.”
“Do you know if Wayne was able to take some time off to come see you too ?” you ask him between sobs
“Yes he is actually, at first he told me he couldn’t afford it but the production team of the tour told me they’ll pay for his plane tickets and hotel room.”
You stay silent, your sobs stopping instantly at the news.
“But hey ! Maybe I can ask them to pay for yours as well ? I don’t think they’ll say yes since the offer only stands for family members but I can try !”
You grip the phone in your hand as you try to remain calm.
“Technically you’re my future wife so that has to count as family ! But I still don’t think they’ll allow me to fly another person. You know what I’m going to call Wayne right now and tell him you’re taking his place, I don’t care what they say-“
“Eddie, shut the fuck up” you say harshly cutting off his nervous ramble
After a few seconds he speaks up again “Sweetheart, are you okay ?”
“I’m fine. It’s fine. Wayne can go.”
“Are… Are you sure ?”
“Yes you’re right, I’m young and we have our whole life ahead of us, I have plenty of time to come and see you play. Wayne can go.”
“You know what it’s better this way” you cut him off again “At least I won’t have to leave my mother with some stranger” like you cared about that “And when I’ll see you perform it will be for your own tour not someone else’s.”
“Hum wow ok. Thanks, I guess ?” Eddie huffs in disbelief, you’ve never snapped at him like this before and you can hear the pain in his voice.
“I didn’t mean it like that Eds it’s just… I had a really bad day.” You sigh, when he doesn’t answer you add “And I believe in you Eddie, you’re a star, I know you’ll make it and you’ll be able to make any demands you want to your production team.”
“Thank you baby, I’m sorry but I have to go. I’ll talk to you soon.” He sounds a bit angry
“Oh okay…” your voice cracks up at the idea of him being angry with you
“I’m sorry you had a bad day, I wish I was there for you” his voice softens at your tone. You can hear Gareth in the back telling him to hurry up “Shut up dude !” Eddie says to him and you giggle at their banter, happy that his anger wasn’t directed towards you after all “I love you Sweetheart, more than anything I promise I’ll see you soon.”
“I love you too Eddie.”
“I can’t wait to marry you”
“Oh baby…” you tear up again “I can’t wait to begin our life together.”
“I love you, bye.”
You hang up the phone and dry your tears, when you turn around you see your mother staring at the tv from the couch, just the sight of her makes you angry again but you have to get ready for your shift at the diner so you leave the room without a word, at least you don’t have to jerk off some dudes in the back of the van anymore, fuck it if you can’t pay for her treatment.
“What’s for dinner ?” your mother asks you when you walk back in the living room in your uniform
“I don’t know I have to work, figure it out.” You shrug
She looks up at you and stares at your puffy red eyes “Why are you crying ?” she asks you with no ounce of sympathy in her voice
“I’m not” you reply defensively
“Then why were you crying ?”
“I wasn’t.”
“Did you boyfriend confess he cheated on you with one of his groupies ?”
Your clench your jaw at her words, why is everyone so obsessed with Eddie cheating on you ?
“No I had to tell him I couldn’t visit him since I have to use my money to pay for your treatment.”
“That’s not something to cry about, you ungrateful brat.”
“What am I supposed to be grateful for stupid bitch ?” you mutter under your breath
“Hey ! STOP TREATING ME LIKE I’M A BURDEN !” She yells at you
“SO STOP BEING ONE !” you yell back loudly looking into her eyes
You see her eyes widen in fear.
A few seconds pass and your mother is still frozen in place so you decide to change the subject.
“Hey mom, I’ve been thinking about something while I was getting ready.” You tell her in a completely different tone
She hums too shaken up to use her voice.
“Steve Harrington is really rich right ? And he’s been hitting on me a lot lately, maybe he can help us.”
“What ?” she asks confused
“Yeah, I could date him and get him to help us ?”
“What about Eddie ?”
“What about Eddie ?” you repeat back in a harsh tone your eyes growing cold again
“I… You … He’s your boyf-“ she stutters
“Eddie loves me” you cut her off “And I love him.” You state nodding you head. “He’ll forgive me, just like I’ll forgive him if he slept with other people on his tour.”
“What if he didn’t ?”
Your face falls in an angry scowl at this, everyone has been planting this idea in your head but now you’re the bad guy ? You had needs too, fuck you’ve been touching yourself every night since Eddie left, you miss him, you miss sex and affection with someone… anyone. Steve is attractive and before today you always welcomed his flirting with opened arms, you need the attention, you need someone to take care of you for once. You sigh loudly.
“There’s leftover pizza in the fridge, I was going to eat it myself after my shift but I’ll just pick something up from the restaurant. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You don’t wait for her to respond to get out of the trailer. You see Wayne smoking a cigarette looking in your direction when you get out so you wave and smile at him before getting in the van. Apart from Eddie, Wayne is the only person you like in this town, he’s more of a parental figure to you than your mother or her ex-husband ever was and ever will be. He smiles back at you but you can see the worried look in his eyes even from where you stand, maybe he heard you and your mother arguing, fuck.
 The next day after dropping your mother to chemo therapy you decide to go to Family Video. Steve doesn’t say anything when you walk in, it feels weird.
“Hey Steve” you tell him standing in front of the counter
“What can I do for you ?” he asks his usual chipper tone gone
“Accept my apologies ?” you ask back with a smile “I’m really sorry Steve, I was in a really bad mood yesterday and your joke about Eddie pissed me off… I didn’t mean anything I said I promise. I’m sorry.”
He sighs “Yeah Robin told me about your mother, sorry about that, it must suck.”
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes, you knew Robin would run her mouth.
“Yeah it does suck” you reply
“I mean having to stay here and take care of her, Jesus I get why you’re so upset now”
Your eyes light up, you weren’t expecting anyone to ever say that, especially not good boy Steve Harrington. People would call you selfish if you said that out loud, but not him apparently. You smile sincerely for the first time in forever and Steve blushes at your expression.
“Well since we’re all good now, what movie do you want to rent out today ? Sixteen Candles again ?” he smirks at you
“Hum no” you blush “I’m done with romantic comedies for now, I’d like something different”
“What do you feel like watching ? Action ? Sci-Fi ? Horror ?”
You shake your head “I don’t know, I just want to feel something and romantic movies aren’t doing it for me anymore.”
“Follow me” he instructs you
You follow him in another room separated by black curtains. The light was dimmed and the shelves full of naked women. You never even thought about this place having porn available to rent.
“That is different…” you tell Steve smiling
“Will that do it for you ?” he asks in a low voice and you feel your core throb a little
“I don’t know…” you blush again “I’ve never watched it.” You lie
“First time for everything ! Here may I suggest you a classic : Deep Throat” he hands you the box
“There are classics in porn ?” you laugh taking the box to read the synopsis “Hm I don’t know, are there any movies that aren’t all about men’s pleasure ?”
“Well in this movie her clit is in her throat so deep throating is how she gets orgasms !”
“Yes Steve, I can read but I don’t know” you shrug, you take a look around while Steve puts Deep Throat back on it’s shelf and your eyes land on a cover of two topless women kissing each other. “Ok I made my choice” you tell him showing him the box.
“Huh interesting, I haven’t seen this one.”
“Why isn’t that surprising ?” you tease him
Steve laughs and looks down at you ready to retort but you’re so close to him he ends up staring at your lips instead.
“Can I ask you something ?” you question him biting your bottom lip
“Can you watch it with me please ?”
This is how you end up in the back room after Steve closed the front door of the store ready to watch your ‘first’ porn. There’s almost no plot, thankfully but it was an interesting experience… The movie sucked but you could tell Steve was getting turned on by it.
“Do you like it ?” he asks you turning to face you and see you were already looking at him
“Yeah I do.” You reply staring at his lips and this time you lean in to kiss him.
He’s surprised at first but melts into it instantly, this poor boy was as touch starved as you were. You grab the back of his head to deepen the kiss and tangle your hand in his hair, they were too soft, straight and perfect but it’ll have to do for now. You both separate to catch your breath, his lips are so soft and his eyes aren’t the perfect brown you love so much but they’re still pretty. You bite your lip at his disheveled state, and kiss him again with more force.
You somehow end up on the floor on top of him, you rub your clothed pussy against his hard on. It was so dirty, you dry humping Steve Harrington on the dirty floor of Family Video even though you were engaged to the love of your life, but fuck Eddie right now he should’ve kidnapped you and married you on the road of his tour like a true Rockstar, he should’ve killed everyone and everything standing in your way. Images of Eddie covered in blood demanding you to marry him fill your head. You close your eyes and picture him under you, in a tuxedo covered in blood and calling you his wife. You could almost feel him putting his bloody fingers in your mouth murmuring that you’re his good girl when you suck on them. You want to kiss him smearing a mixture of blood and saliva all over your lips. But really you’re kissing Steve’s mouth and moan into the kiss when you feel yourself cum on top of him.
“Did you just cum ?”
“Yes” you answer out of breath “Fuck, please fuck me, I need to cum again, I need you.”
“You’re so hot” he tells you before kissing  you hard, he flips you over so you’re on your back and takes off your jeans and underwear at the same time, he barely get his cock out of his jeans before pressing it against your core “are you ready ?”
“Yes please fuck me, I want to feel you” you whimper
He penetrates you slowly, his eyes rolling back at the feeling of your wet pussy, you moan loudly your pussy still sensitive for your previous orgasm.
“Shh baby what if someone hears us” Steve hushes you
“I don’t care, please move.” You whine
He picks up a fast pace quickly making you a moaning whimpering mess, it feels so good but fuck you feel so guilty, you start playing with your skull ring absent mindedly but a harsh thrust against your g spot short circuits your brain.
“Oh fuck right there” you moan out                              
He keeps hitting that spot but it’s not enough so you start circling your clit with your fingers like Eddie would and you feel yourself clenching around him.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep doing that” Steve warns you
“It’s ok, I want you to cum. Please cum inside me” you beg him
“Oh fuck” he grunts
The feeling of Steve shooting his cum inside of you triggers your own orgasm. Your pussy clenches around him and milks him completely dry. His head falls in the crook of your neck, you tangle your hand in his hair and scratch his skull, the feeling of his straight hair almost repels you.
“Thank you” you whisper to him softly
“For what ?” he asks still pressed against your neck catching his breath
“For accepting my apologies”
You feel him chuckle against you.
“Fuck baby, you can apologize to me like this anytime you want.” You giggle at his remark and roll your eyes.
You pick up your mother in a better mood than when you dropped her off, if she notices she doesn’t say anything. Or so you thought because as soon as you get home she starts questioning you about your sudden good mood. But you don’t answer, too busy remembering Steve’s touches on you, it was wrong but his touches were exactly what you needed to survive life at the moment. You hear your mother grumble about you being a whore but you pay her no mind and get ready for your shift.
Eddie doesn’t call that day or the day after. He doesn’t call for weeks and you miss him but this time, Steve is here to distract you.
Finally you had your day off and you were excited to see Steve, he has a morning shift and then he’ll be able to spend the whole afternoon with you, your mother’s new treatment was making her sleep all day so she won’t bother you. You start cleaning up the trailer since you’re inviting him over for the first time. You were about to take the trash out when the sight of Wayne getting his bags in his truck stops you in your track, you stare at him through the window. You completely forgot today was the day you were supposed to see Eddie, the trash bag falls off of your hand.
Wayne gets to see Eddie in a few hours while you’re stuck here cleaning your shitty trailer in a town you hate. Your breathing picks up and your eyes water. It’s not fair. Why does he get to leave and you have to stay here ? You clench your fists and feel your nails digging in your skin, you blink as more tears pool in your eyes, you’re shaking and you feel like you can’t breathe anymore, just as you were about to pass out from the lack of oxygen the sound of a police siren in the distance makes you jump. You take a deep breath and unclench your fists, you can feel blood running between your fingers but you pay it no mind, still staring at Wayne. He sees you looking at him and waves at you, you panic when you see him approach your trailer so you quickly pick up the trash bag again and run outside.
“Hey Sweetie, how are you doing ?” Wayne asks you with a kind tone
“Hey Wayne, I’m ok what about you ? Excited to visit Eddie ?” you do your best to appear excited for him but fail miserably
“That I am ! It’s too bad you can’t come” he sincerely replies
“Yeah…” you throw away your trash and turn back to him “It’s ok I’ll see him soon”
“Well he wanted me to tell you that he tried to get the production team to pay for your plane tickets but they said no and he’s sorry”
“You talked to him recently ?” you frown
“Yeah, he kept bugging me about you and asking why you wouldn’t pick up your phone but I told him I’ve barely seen you these days, I tried to ask your mom about your work schedule but she said she didn’t know it.”
“She knows my schedule, it’s on the fridge” you state
“Oh ?” Wayne scratches his head awkwardly “Well, she seemed kind of off maybe it’s her meds ?” he offers in comfort
“Yeah… But wait, he called me ? I never heard the phone ring, I was waiting every day for him to call.” That’s not entirely true but you’re always near the phone when you’re home.
“Maybe you were at work” Wayne concludes
“Maybe” you wipe your forehead in thought and Wayne’s eyes widen at sight of blood
“What happened Sweetie ?” he questions grabbing your hands softly
“Oh it’s nothing” you pull your hands back quickly to wipe them against your overalls “I was just cleaning and cut myself doing the dishes”
Wayne frowns at you, he saw the crescent moon shape cuts inside your palms but decides against saying anything for now.
“Well make sure to take care of it okay ? Do you have anything you want me to say to Eddie ?”
Your eyes widen as you remember something “Wait here I have something for him, I’ll be quick.” You run back into your trailer and grab a small item from your nightstand, you eye your kitchen knife on the way out but shake the awful thought out of your head. Wayne is still waiting outside for you patiently when you walk back out. “Here” you hand him a small box containing a black ring with your future initials on it “Since I didn’t have the time to get him one before he left, I would have liked to give it to him myself but…” you shrug sadly “See I put an M for Munson next to my initial” you point out to him
Wayne hugs you and assures you he’ll give it to him the second he sees him.
“Please tell him I love him”
“Of course I will, and he’ll love the ring.” He smiles down at you
He leaves shortly after this, you wait for his car to leave the trailer park to let the smile on your lips fall. You run back inside and check your house phone and just as you suspected the cord was neatly cut. Your breathing picks up again.
“MOM!” you yell
No response, you barge into her room and shake her sleeping form. “WAKE UP YOU PIECE OF SHIT” you scream
Her eyes start to open and you slap her with all you have to get her to wake up.
“What the fuck ?” she exclaims in panic
“Why did you cut he phone cord ? Why didn’t you want me to speak to him ? You know I love him, why did you do it ?” you question her crying
“Get your hands off me !” she pushes you back
“Are you jealous of me and him, is that why you did it ?” you continue
She scoffs “Jealous of what ?”
“Of our love !”
“Oh please, he left you ! He left you like they always do, I was doing you a favor you stupid slut !”
You’re taken aback by her insult “Eddie loves me and I’m not a slut I’m almost married !” you exclaim showing your ring
“Right, everyone in town knows you’ve been offering your services for money” she lets out with a sadistic smirk on her face
“I only did that to pay for my plane tickets and your nurse” you retort unashamed
“And I don’t know who you’ve been seeing lately but I can tell you’ve been sleeping with another man, it’s written all over you” she spits out
“I’ve been doing this for YOU !”
“Please” she scoffs
“I jerked those guys off to be able to see Eddie and guess what ? Instead I had to pay for your stupid treatment that’s not doing shit !”
She offers you a disgusted look but you don’t care.
“And I’ve been sleeping with Steve Harrington so he could get his parents to help us with the bills” you lie through your teeth
She laughs “Like you care about me, all you care about is yourself ! You’re a selfish monster, you’ve always been selfish since the day you were born ! You try to pretend that you care but I know it’s been eating you up inside having to stay here with me instead of going on the road with your satanic boyfriend  ! And you know what ? I’m glad I got sick because now you’re stuck here with me, maybe that’ll give you a lesson on being a good Christian. Maybe you’ll stop thinking you’re better than me, better than this town, better than this life !”
“I HATE YOU” you yell at her
“You’ll end up just like me. Get that in that thick little skull of your-“ she’s cut off by a sharp pain, she looks down to see a knife planted in her chest, her eyes widen as she sees it’s your hand holding it. She looks up at you again to see your face red in anger staring right at her “I knew it” she lets out slowly feeling the life slipping out of her. You take the knife out and watch her fall to her knees in pain. “I knew you were a monster, saw it in your eyes the other day”
You scream at her words and stab her again “I WILL NOT BE STUCK HERE WITH YOU ANYMORE” you yell as you continue to stab her. ”I’M NOT STAYING IN THIS TOWN” you cry out loudly
You let out a sigh and stare at her body on the floor bleeding out rapidly. Shit, what are you supposed to do with her now ? Steve is supposed to come over later you can’t have a dead body lying around. You drag her body across the floor and throw it back on the bed, covering it with lots of covers to hide the blood. You close her blinds and shut the door behind you hoping it won’t start smelling bad too soon. You look down at your overalls, sad that you have to get rid of them now.
You proceed to get ready for your date with Steve, finishing cleaning the trailer and yourself. You jump off from the couch excitedly when you hear his BMW parking in front of your place.
“Steve !” you exclaim jumping in his arms as soon as he gets out of his car, it’s not like you care about anyone seeing you since Wayne left this morning.
“Hey baby, I’m happy to see you too” Steve giggles closing his arms around you
“Come with me” you grab his hand and pull him inside
You kiss him hard when you close the door, adrenaline pumping through your body.
“Please, fuck me right now” you beg against his lips
“What about your mom ?” Steve asks in between kisses
“She’s sleeping, don’t worry”
He picks you up and pushes you against the door, you close your legs around his waist and moan when you feel his hard on pressing against your clit.
“You look so pretty in this dress” he compliments you
“Want you to fuck me in it please” you whine
“Fuck, yeah I can do that baby” he grunts
He rips your lacy underwear off you and you moan at the action, you help him get his cock out of his unzipped fly and guide him to your pussy. You moan in unison when he penetrates you.
“I missed you baby” he whines against your chest
“Missed you too, so much”
He picks up his pace and you close your eyes at the intensity, you forget where you are, what you’ve done and what’s hiding somewhere under the covers. But you don’t forget about Eddie. You open your eyes and see him walking towards you, shaking his head in disappointment. _“I thought you were a good girl” _you whine when you hear his voice _“But you’re just a dirty fucking slut, aren’t you ? You can’t wait for me to come home so you fuck the first pretty boy that flirts with you, uh ?” he tsked at you and continues “Such a cock hungry little whore, let see how much you can really take baby. Can you take the both of us ?” _You moan louder and feel your orgasm approaching quickly.
“Fuck Sweetheart, I’m gonna cum.” You hear Steve say
You open your eyes, realizing they were closed the entire time. Eddie wasn’t here but you can still hear his voice in your head, threatening to punish you.
“Cum please, I want to feel you” you whimper out your eyes fluttering shut again in hope to see Eddie again.
You both cum after a few more thrusts, you want to scream Eddie’s name but you bite your tongue instead. After a few seconds, you open your eyes slowly and jump as you see your mother standing behind Steve looking at you.
“What is it baby ?” Steve asks you
You shake your head, once your brain is less cloudy you stare at the spot where you saw your mother and see that she’s gone.
“Nothing, aftershocks” you smile down at him and peck his nose
“You’re so cute” he sighs looking at you
“You’re not too bad yourself Harrington.”
Steve spends the whole evening and night with you, not even questioning why your mother hasn’t come out of her room yet. You guess spending hours in your bed fucking you made him dizzy enough to forget about her altogether.
You wake up the next morning cuddled against him, it was nice and warm you didn’t want to leave. But you have to get up and buy a new phone cord today and have your evening shift at the diner. Although you could afford missing one shift since you didn’t have to pay for your mother’s bills anymore.
“I want to stay here all day.” You murmur half asleep
“Me too” you hear Steve reply and smile
So you cuddle against him some more and fall back asleep. You both miss work that day.
That night when he’s slowly fucking you into your mattress you hear him whisper “I love you” against you ear. You smile, but tears fall down on your cheeks. Steve kisses your tears away and kisses you deeply making you moan against his mouth. “What’s the matter baby ?” he asks looking down at you. You shake your head as if to say ‘nothing’ so he kisses you again. He puts his forehead against yours “I love you” he repeats looking into your eyes.
“I love you too” you reply choking back a sob
Steve smiles at you triumphantly and picks up his pace. You don’t cum with him this time.
You lie awake while Steve sleeps soundly next to you. Did you love Steve ? He was sweet, handsome and he loved you. But he’s not Eddie. You sigh a shaky breath and close your eyes in hope to find some peace in your slumber, but you weren’t that lucky. A million scenarios goes through your head, Eddie killing Steve when he finds out and breaking up with you, leaving Hawkins and you behind to live his dream life. Then Steve killing Eddie, you killing Steve and ending up all alone. Then Steve and Eddie killing you because you weren’t loyal enough to make a good wife, this one hurt the most. But then another scenario comes, what if Steve and Eddie accepted each other and you ? You three could be the happiest you’ve ever been, with Steve’s money, Eddie’s talent and yours, your future would be bright. You’d have the chance to be with two handsome men, sleep with them, love them and they’d love each other too. You know Eddie is attracted to men and you accept him for who he is, and something’s telling you that Steve’s need to prove himself as a lady’s man was there for a reason. This scenario takes over your whole brain, giving you the illusion of being real. This is what your future looks like.
The next morning you wake up with a smile on your face. You wake Steve up with breakfast in bed and a kiss on the cheek.
“What do you have planned for today ?” Steve asks you sipping on his coffee
“Well I need to go to work but I’m not sure about my schedule for today so I have to call them. Oh that reminds me I need to buy a new phone cord ! Mine broke on accident that’s why I haven’t heard from Eddie in so long.” You babble “What about you ?”
“I start work at 2pm so I can go to the store with you if you want. What are you going to tell Eddie ?” he asks trying to sound casual
“I don’t know” you shrug “We haven’t talked about being bringing other people in our relationship, why would we ?” you laugh “So I don’t know how to bring that up.”
Steve stays silent with a confused look on his face.
“Maybe we can wait for him to finish the tour and we can talk to him together ! He’ll crack in a second when he’ll see your cute puppy dog eyes.” You giggle
“Wait, are you serious ?”
Your face falls at his question.
Steve scoffs “You think I want to be with you and Eddie ?” he questions
“Well it’s that or nothing. You know I love him.” You frown in confusion, you were sure he’d be okay with it.
“You told me you loved me !” he exclaims
“I do ! But I love him more, he’s the love of my life.”
“You cheated on the so called ‘love of your life’. Multiple times !” he states angrily
“He’ll understand” you shrug “He loves me and you said it yourself he’s probably fucking with a bunch of other people right now ! And I forgive him !”
“You’re a fool !” Steve says getting up to get dressed
“Where are you going ?” you ask with a pout
“You said you were going to the store with me”
“And now I’m going home.”
“You can’t leave me alone”
“You’re not alone, your mother is here. By the way where is she ? Are you sure she’s okay ?” he frowns in thought
You scoff “Now you’re asking questions about her ? Jesus.”
Steve just shakes his head and goes for your bedroom door but you step in front of him to stop him.
“Let me go.” He says sternly
“NO ! You’re not leaving. Why are you trying to leave ?” you shout
He’s surprised at your tone at first but anger takes over pretty quickly “Because I don’t want to be yours and your boyfriend’s toyboy, Jesus !” he screams back “Who the fuck do you take me for ? You think you can use me, fuck me like that and look me in the eyes and call another man the love of your life ?”
“You didn’t mind it before.” You point out dryly
“Move out of the way.”
“No you’re not leaving me ! You said you loved me, you can’t leave too !” you raise your voice again
“I do love you-”
“Then why are you leaving me ?” you cut him off sobbing hysterically
“You’re scaring me, calm down.” Steve moves to touch your shoulders but you push him off
“Stop lying ! If you loved me you wouldn’t do this to me, everyone keeps leaving me behind why are you doing this to me ?” you sob more
He whispers your name “I can’t be in a relationship involving another man. That’s not who I am” he tries to remain calm to not fuel your fire more than he already did
“Right” you scoff “Then why were you so eager to fuck me then ? You never even called me by my name before just ‘Eddie’s girl’. I noticed the way you looked at him when we used to come in together to rent a movie. You can keep lying to yourself about it but not to me. You like him.”
Steve is at loss for words and you see him clenching his fists.
“What are you going to hit me now too ? Will that make you feel more like a man ?”
“Stop it” he hisses                                                                            
“Fucking me wasn’t enough to prove to yourself that you’re not a just big fucking faggot huh ?!”
Steve throws his breakfast tray across your room at your words.
You scoff “pussy” and leave your room Steve following close behind.
“Don’t say shit like that to me !” He grabs your arm to make you face him
“What are you going to do about it ?” you challenge him the thrill you felt a couple of days ago coming back. You can see the gears turning in his head, he wants to hit you, he really does but won’t do it. He sighs and makes a move to let you go but you slap him, his face turns and you see him clench his jaw before he slaps you back. He hits you with so much force that you almost fall to the ground. Your right ear is ringing but you hear him mutter “fuck this” and grab his car keys.  Before you can think you grab the pan you used to make his bacon and hit him in the head from behind.
“You’re not leaving me !” you scream in rage
He falls on the ground unconscious.
“Fuck no no no no no no” you panic and check his pulse, you sigh in relief when you feel it.
But you can’t take him to the hospital he might press charges so you decide to wait for him to wake up and make things better before taking him to a doctor. You drag him back to your bedroom but he’s too heavy for you to be able to throw him on the bed so you let him lay on the floor.
You come back from a shower and Steve is still unconscious, you sigh and lay with him on the floor after getting dressed.
Hours later you feel him move against you, waking you up from a nap.
“Steve !” you exclaim
You hear him mutter your name softly and you smile at the sound.
“Yes Steve it’s me, are you okay ? How’s your head ?”
“Where am I ?” his words are slurred
“You’re in my room, remember we got into a fight earlier ? You slapped me but it’s okay I forgive you Steve, I’m sorry too.”
He says your name again and you smile caressing his cheek softly with your thumb. You feel a tear fall against your finger and frown.
“Why are you crying, what’s wrong ? Is it your head ? I’ll get you some ice !” you stand up but stop in your tracks when you hear him speak again
“I wish I never met you” he mutters
“What ?” you sit down next to him again
“I wish I never met you, you’re insane” he speaks up again louder
“You don’t mean that” you shake your head tearing up at his harsh words
“You’re insane fuck” he tries to get up but fails he looks up at you with a pleading look and you smile at his cute puppy dog eyes
“There’s my sweet boy” you whisper caressing his cheek again
“Don’t touch me” he spits out
“Steve it’s me you’re fine, I love you” you tell him
“You don’t love me, you’re fucking insane let me out of here” he tries to get up again but realizes that his legs and wrists are tied up “Fuck, HELP !!! HELP ME” he yells at the top of his lungs but you slap your hand against his mouth
“Shut up” you hiss. Steve still tries to yell, you roll your eyes at the pathetic muffled sounds and take out the knife you hid under your bed and press it against his neck “Knock it off.” You say with a harsh tone. He shuts up immediately looking terrified. “So you fuck me, tell me you love me and now you’re telling me you wish you never met me ? You’re sending me really mixed signals here Harrington.” You take your hand off his mouth but keep the knife pressed firmly against him.
“Please, let me go. I didn’t mean it ok ? I love you, I’ll be with Eddie too fuck I’ll have sex with him. I’ll do anything.” He pleads
“Yeah like you need my permission to do that” you roll your eyes
“I love you, please don’t kill me” he begs some more
You look into his eyes while he continues to tell you he loves you and begs you not to kill him.
“No you don’t.” you realize “You don’t love me. But thank you for making me feel like you do, I really needed that.” you smile sadly
Steve’s eyes widen before you slit his throat. You look him in the eyes as you watch the life leave his body through your blurry vision. You fall and cry ugly sobs against his body, you’re really gonna miss him.
You don’t leave his side until the next day, you cried some more when you saw a white veil forming in his beautiful brown eyes. At one point you decide you can’t take the sight of him like this anymore his body was becoming more rigid and turning a different color. You go through his pockets and fish out his wallet, no cash, fuck. But there’s a fancy looking credit card you decide to take with you just in case.  As you’re about to put his wallet back in his pocket a small polaroid of him and Robin fall out of it. You feel guilty at the sight of Robin looking so happy next to her best friend, she’ll never get to see him ever again… So you rip the polaroid in pieces, you do not need to wallow in guilt and pity right now. You get up to leave your room but turn back around to look at him. “I won’t be long, I promise. See you later” you tell him softly.
As you leave your room you smell the putrid odor coming from your mother’s bedroom. You really have no idea what to do now nor where to go, until you remember Eddie’s trailer was empty and he gave a spare key months ago, you left them in the van’s glove box.
The familiar scent of Eddie and Wayne’s trailer fills your senses and a warm feeling spreads through your body, like going home after a long vacation. You take a quick shower to get rid of the smell of Steve’s skin on you and walk into Eddie’s bedroom, you put one of his beloved hellfire club shirt on and some boxers before slipping into his comfortable bed.
“I miss you Eddie” you say out loud starring at the skull ring on your finger.
You stay in his bed for endless hours trying to feel his presence but as much as you loved his room, without Eddie it really wasn’t bringing much comfort anymore. You sigh and look at the clock on his nightstand, 5am. You really need to find a way to get rid of the bodies at your place before the smell starts to get noticed by your neighbors. You wander around in his trailer brainstorming until you finally find the yellow pages, you flip through them trying to find a store where you can buy hunting and fishing gears since you can’t go in town to purchase any of that, people would get suspicious. You find a place a few towns over : The War Zone. You take off Eddie’s shirt and put your dress back on, it’s not ideal to go shopping to an army surplus store but maybe it’ll make you look more innocent and you don’t feel like going back to your trailer to get changed. When you put his neatly folded shirt back in his dresser you notice something shining under an old pair of pajama pants, you take it in your hand and frown at the sight of a hunting knife. You’ve never seen it before.
At the War Zone you get tarps, knives, an axe, ropes and a Winchester Model 1200 shotgun. At the register the cashier eyes you up and down with a perverted look on his face.
“Why do you need all that for, pretty girl ?” he asks
“My husband likes to hunt.” You reply with a forced smile
“And where’s your husband ?” he questions raising his eyebrows
You clench your fists at his question. “At work.” You reply sternly, losing your patience
He hums and rings you up. You let out a small sigh of relief and unclench your fists, you were starting to bleed again.
“That’ll be 186$ ma’am”
“Here” you hand him Steve’s credit card and sigh in relief again when the card doesn’t get declined.
“Have a nice day Mrs Harrington” the cashier smirks at you handing you your bags and the credit card back.
“T-thanks” you stutter.
You leave the store as calmly as possible and drive off slowly. You’re dreading going back to Hawkins, you’re truly alone now, broke and no shoulders to cry on. You dry your tears and take several stops on the way back to calm your sobbing.
You arrive at Forest Hills in the afternoon, you don’t even dare to look in the direction of your trailer. You pick up your bags and walk slowly to your front step dreading the feeling of entering such an empty, dead place. You don’t even notice that your front door is unlocked when you open it. You walk in and set your heavy bags down immediately, you jump at the noise of someone’s heavy breathing. You snap your head towards the noise and find him. Eddie, Eddie is here standing in your bedroom’s door frame staring at Steve’s lifeless body, you take a quick glance at your mother’s bedroom and notice it’s open as well. But you don’t care because Eddie is here !
“Eddie” you say almost not believing the sight in front of you. He turns around to look at you with an unrecognizable look on his face. “I’m so happy you’re home” you smile widely at him.
Eddie fell in love with you the first time he saw you, back when he had buzzed hair and you had just joined the cheerleading squad. He could tell you didn’t really care for it but he was grateful he got to see you in a short skirt on a daily basis for the next few years. Until you quit. At first he thought it was because your “friends” found out about your new living situation but the more he observed you the more it looked like you were ghosting them and not the other way around. He felt your heavy stare on him in the lunch room every day and in every class you shared, he ran into you a lot more than usual and he asked himself if you weren’t stalking him. The idea didn’t freak him out as much as it should, that’s why he was so reserved to talk to you after you moved to Forest Hills. Because truth be told Eddie has been hiding a lot of secrets of his own for the past few years and he was trying really hard to burry those secrets deep deep down.
Eddie liked to think he was a good person but the obsession he’s had with you brought out the worst in him, it started with him figuring out your class schedule so he could see you in the halls as much as possible, then he followed you home that one time just to keep an eye on you and make sure you were safe since you got into a car full of boys. After finding out where you lived he would drive by your house at night to try to catch a glimpse of you from outside. One summer night he saw you walking out of your house really late, his first thought was that you were sneaking out to go to a party but you didn’t look like you were going to a party, you were wearing overalls with absolutely nothing underneath it, his cock jumped at the sight. You started walking in the direction of the woods with nothing but the clothes on your back and a plastic bag in your hand, he decided to follow you from a distance to make sure nothing bad happened to you.
Turns out you lived pretty close to shitty shore of Lover’s Lake, well it wasn’t that shitty just old and not maintained by the city, at least no one else but you came here apparently, it was the perfect place to escape. He had to stop himself from groaning when you took your overalls off to jump in the Lake, even from afar he heard you moan at the feeling of the water against your hot skin. Eddie couldn’t help it and took his cock out of the confines of his jeans and jerked off to the sight of you, you were floating on your back and he could almost see how hard your nipples were from the soft breeze of the lake. He blew his load pretty quickly and felt guilty for a short while, the feeling replaced by panic when he saw an alligator swimming your way, he started jogging towards you to warn you but you got out of the water before it could reach you. Eddie hid behind a tree instead of walking back to where he was, you were so close to him now he could hear you mutter something in your breath. He gasped when you pulled a dead cat from the plastic bag you were holding which made you turn around. Thankfully you didn’t see him hiding in the dark. You threw the dead cat in the water and watched the alligator eat it. What the fuck Eddie thought watching the scene unfold.
He stopped stalking you after this, not because you freaked him out but because you didn’t. Your behavior made more sense to him now, the way you acted towards your ‘friends’, the fact that you were the only girl who didn’t mind dissecting a frog in biology or your lack of remorse when you messed up a move in cheer practice causing one of your teammates to fall and break her leg. Eddie understood with perfect clarity who you were, and still loved you for it. That scared him. So he continued watching you but from a far distance. Sometimes he allowed himself to drive by your house when he had to run errands but he never stayed, not for long at least. He failed his first senior year on purpose so he could stay close to you. Turns out it was worth it because after all those years, you started to notice him and fell in love with him too ! Eddie has never felt so loved and accepted before, as much as Wayne loved him he knew he would never accept his dark side, that’s why he hid it so well from the world. But he knew your love for him was unconditional, he could feel it.
But when his miracle happened and fucking Slayer, one of the most metal bands ever asked for Corroded Coffin to be their opener he could tell you weren’t happy about it. Well you were happy about his dreams coming true, but not about him leaving. He saw the tears running down your face while you forced a smile when he hacked Hawkins High’s prep rally. And an awful thought crossed his mind, what if your mother died before he left ? Then you’d be able to come with him.
He wanted to feel bad for wishing for your mother’s death but he just didn’t. Selfishly Eddie hoped her cancer would kill her before the tour started, or maybe for you to snap and do it yourself ? Eddie knew you hated her, she ruined your life and he knew you had a dark side as well. But maybe you weren’t capable of murder, shit Eddie didn’t know if he was capable of it either. While you were at work he drove to the War Zone to purchase a gun but chickened out at the last minute and bought a hunting knife instead. On the way back he spotted a metal shop while he was getting gas in a small town, that’s where he saw the perfect ring for you and the idea of asking you to marry him was born.
He really tried to convince himself that killing your mother was a good idea, he’d do it for you, to free you. But he chickened out for the second time that day and hid his knife in one of his drawers. What a coward he thought to himself. Well he wasn’t 100% a coward since he still managed to propose to you that night. His heart almost burst out of his chest when you said yes. You guys made love all night.
“I love you so much sweetheart, you’re the love of my life” he whispered thrusting into you
“I love you too Eddie, fuck, I’d do anything for you” you said back tearing up at the intensity of the moment
“Anything ?” he questioned you while circling your clit slowly
“Fuck yes, I’d fucking kill for you Eddie” you moaned lost in the moment
Eddie almost blew his load at your words.
“You’re such a good girl, cum for me baby I know you want to. I want to feel you cum around me” he groaned and you obeyed instantly.
“Yes that’s it” he cooed helping you ride it out “You’re so good for me baby, I can’t wait to make you my wife” he said before emptying himself inside of you.
Leaving you was the hardest thing he ever did. And while his friends were fucking a bunch of people and going to parties after concerts, Eddie spent his nights talking to you or Wayne on the phone. He regretted not going through with killing your mother or kidnapping you and force you to leave her there, he knew you wouldn’t have minded so technically it wouldn’t really have been kidnapping. He dreaded the nights he was on the road and couldn’t talk to you, even more after you snapped at him on the phone the other day. He knew you didn’t mean it, you loved him but he was worried about your mental health. He got more worried when you stopped answering his phone calls, had something happened to you ? The worst scenarios were going through his mind, he was scared that after all those years of repressing your violent urges you’d snap and hurt yourself. He told Wayne he was worried about you but he reassured him telling him that if something bad happened to you everyone would have heard of it by now. But the more time he spent without talking to you the more it was eating him alive, maybe you’d found someone else ? Someone who wasn’t a coward like him.
When Wayne arrived in Los Angeles to visit him he was excited to see his uncle but couldn’t stop himself from asking about you the minute he saw him. Wayne gave Eddie the ring you got for him and delivered your message to him. Eddie teared up, heartbroken he didn’t get to see you.
“Look son, I think you were right about her.” Wayne told him wearing a worried expression
“Right about what ?” Eddie frowned
“I don’t think she’s doing well, I hear her arguing with her mother all the time and…” Wayne stopped not sure how to bring that up
“What is it ? Please tell me” Eddie begged
“When we talked earlier… her hands were bleeding so I asked her what happened and she made up a story about cutting herself on accident but… I think she did it to herself.”
“What do you mean ?”
“Clench your fists really hard for a sec and look at your palms” Wayne instructed him “Just do it son” he insisted when Eddie gave him a confused look in response.
Eddie clenched his fists for a few seconds and opened his palms.
“See those crescent moon shaped marks on your skin ?” Wayne asked
“Yeah that’s from my nails” Eddie stated still confused
“Well she had those but much deeper, to the point where she was bleeding. A lot.”
Eddie had to choke back a sob at this, he was right, you were hurting yourself. Fuck, all he wants is to wrap you in his arms right now and take you away from whatever was causing you all this pain.
“Also I think her mother did something to the phone that’s why you haven’t been able to reach her.” Wayne adds
“Did she tell you that ?” Eddie questioned
“She didn’t have to.”
His conversation with Wayne hunt him for days, he should’ve never left you. You need him and he needs you. After his concert he talked to his band and the crew to tell them he had to go home for a few days and they needed to find a new front man for a couple of dates. The news wasn’t received well but he didn’t care he needed to see you and take you away from this life, you deserved better.
Eddie jumped on the first plane he could find to Indianapolis and hotwired a car to drive to Hawkins even if he could’ve flied back to Hawkins with Wayne a couple of days later, but there was no way Eddie could stay behind and do nothing for much longer. He had this weird feeling that something horrible was going to happen to you. Maybe it already has. Either way he did his best to cover his tracks that’s why he opted for grand theft auto instead of renting a car.
He got out of the car the second he spotted your trailer, he banged on the door calling out your name, no answer. It was the middle of the afternoon there’s no way you were at work, you never worked in the afternoons just the lunch and evening shifts. But maybe that changed and he didn’t know it because he hadn’t spoken to you in so long, what else had changed while he was gone ? He peeked inside and your place looked empty, cold, a shiver ran down his spine. He remembered where you hid your spare key and unlocked the door, he couldn’t explain why but his feet carried him to your mother’s bedroom instead of your own. He was met with an awful smell, like rot and gas, he covered his nose and lifted the covers. He didn’t jump at the sight of your mother’s cold, decomposing dead body, he already knew what he was going to find under the covers when he entered the trailer. He walked to your room, scared he might find you in a pool of your own blood and a razor in your hand. This time he really wasn’t expecting to see Steve Harrington with a slit throat next to your bed. His first instinct was to be jealous, what the fuck was Steve Harrington doing in your bedroom ? After a few deep breaths he realized he didn’t have to feel threaten by a dead body and weirdly found comfort in this thought.
“Eddie” he heard your sweet voice say, he turned around and saw you, the real you that you’ve be hiding from everyone all those years. “I’m so happy you’re home” you said and the most painful deranged smile he’s ever seen stretched on your lips. Even the worse that the one you wore at the prep rally.
“Sweetheart” Eddie runs to you and pulls you into a bone crushing hug “Are you okay baby ? Are you hurt ?” he asks looking into your eyes
“Eddie, are you real ?” you say more to yourself than him, like you couldn’t believe he was standing right in front of you.
“Yes sweetheart, I’m real, I’m with you. I love you” he reassures you wiping the fat tears running down your face
“Eddie, I’m so sorry” you fall into his arms and soak his shirt with your tears and snot
“No baby I’m sorry, I should’ve never left you. Are you ok ? Like physically, are you hurt ?” he asks again
“I’m ok” you mutter and he breathes a sigh of relief
“Did Harrington hurt you ?”
You shake your head against his chest “Not physically” you whisper against him
Eddie frowns at your answer “What do you mean baby ?”
“Eddie” you look up at him with the saddest eyes he’s ever seen on anyone “He… he told me he loved me and then he was going to leave me ! Again ! I couldn’t take it anymore so I…” you can’t finish your sentence and hide in his chest again
A wave of guilt washes over Eddie and he understands the situation better now, you never liked Steve, whatever happened between the two of you. You were just projecting your love for Eddie into him. Eddie hugs you tighter and cries at the revelation.
“I’m not leaving you, ever again. I’m so sorry sweetheart. You’ll never be alone again.” He promises to you
You just nod against him.
You stay in this embrace for a while. Eddie ends up asking you if you’re hungry and you realize you haven’t eaten in days. Eddie sighs, kisses your forehead and rummages through your cabinets to find something to make you. He’s not surprised when he finds almost nothing so he opts for the classic PB & J sandwich. You eat while Eddie figures out a plan to get rid of the bodies, he looks into your bags and raises an eyebrow at the gunshot.
“Why did you get this sweetheart ?” he asks you
You shrug “I think I got freaked out about living on my own. So I got it for protection.” you answer
Eddie’s expressions softens and he kisses the top of your head. You smile at his action. He grabs the axe, ropes and tarps, it seems like you had a plan of your own already.
You both drag the bodies and place them on the tarps, Eddie takes charge of cutting them up into smaller pieces while you clean the bedrooms with bleach.
“What do we do with the sheets and covers ?” you ask him from your bedroom door
“We’ll put them in the van with the tarps and find a place to throw them out with their clothes.” He casually answers
You smile to yourself and whisper a small “yes sir”. How did you get so lucky to find such a supportive fiancé ?
By the time night falls, the trailer is clean of any evidence of what happened in the past few days. But overall not too clean so it doesn’t look suspicious. You wait until the late hours of the night to put everything you needed to get rid of in the back of the van. You also packed a bag of strict necessities at Eddie’s request.
Eddie drives his van into the woods to a place that looks more and more familiar the longer you get there. He parks at the abandoned shore you used to go swimming at night.
“How do you know about this place ?” you ask him
“Well one night I saw the most beautiful girl in the world walk here, get naked and swim with the gators” Eddie replies smiling at you
You face flush at his compliment.
You help him carry the bodies near the shore and throw them out in the water. You frown when you see them float.
“Can you get the marshmallows I asked you to pack earlier please ?” Eddie asks you
You run back to the van and fish them out of your small bag quickly.
“Thanks” he tells you kissing your temple
He opens the bag and throw the candies in the water near the bodies. After a few minutes you jump when you see the bodies sink, taken down by alligators.
“Alligators love marshmallows” Eddie informs you
“Yeah, figured.” You smile at him
Eddie smiles back and puts a gentle hand on the small of your back “Let’s go” he instructs you
“Where are we going by the way ?”
“I’m driving back to California”
You stop in your tracks “You’re taking me to California ?” your face lights up
“I’m taking you everywhere baby, then yeah we can settle in California once the tour’s over.”
“But I don’t have any money”
Eddie shrugs “I have some, and you can try reapplying to UCLA for the next semester”
“How do we explain this to Wayne ?” you frown in concern
“We’ll figure it out” he grabs your hands and kisses your knuckles “Together”
“Oh Eddie” you crash your lips against his
You both melt into the kiss, it felt like forever since you’ve been intimate. Eddie guides you both to the back of his van and lays you down. He kisses down your neck and your chest, grabbing them roughly through your dress. “Fuck baby, I missed you so much.” You just moan in response, he keeps going down and lifts your dress up. He smirks when he sees the wet patch on your underwear, he rubs your clit on top of your panties making you a whimpering mess, his eyes grow darker when he sees the wet patch growing bigger. Finally he pulls your underwear to the side and gathers your wetness with his fingers before circling your clit slowly in a teasing manner. “You’re so wet baby”
“I’m always wet for you” you whisper
“Yeah ? What got you so worked up sweetheart ?” he penetrates you with his fingers making your brain go fuzzy
“You, fuck. Seeing you with that axe and the blood…” you let out a particular loud moan “It’s so wrong” you whine hiding behind your hands
“Shhh it’s okay baby let it go, don’t hide yourself from me” he reassures you “I’m the one person you don’t need to hide from. Now be a good girl and cum for me, I can feel you’re getting closer”
He’s right, since you let the images of Eddie covered in blood in nothing but his boxers and a tank top flood your mind, the pleasure in your lower belly grew hotter.
“Cum baby, make me proud” Eddie says circling your clit a bit faster
Your eyes roll to the back of your head, you tense and relax as waves of pleasure take over your body. You hadn’t cum this hard in months.
“You’re so good for me baby, I’m so proud of you” Eddie coos kissing your inner thighs “I need to feel you sweetheart, you think you can take my cock ?” he asks you hovering above your face
You nod “Yes please, I want you to”
He crashes his lips against yours and licks the inside of your mouth. “My good girl” he whispers in between kisses. He pulls away for a second to pull his jeans and underwear to his knees. You moan into each other’s mouth when he slowly penetrates your pussy. It feels so good to have him inside of you again, your eyes tear up at the feeling of being so full. He thrust into you slowly enjoying the feeling of your soaking pussy around him, you feel him shiver at the sensation. Eddie puts his forehead against yours muttering praises at you. He picks up his pace, his cock hitting every spot without efforts. You close your eyes but Eddie reprimands you “Open your eyes baby, let me see you” you obey and tears fall down your cheeks. “What is it baby ?”
“I missed you so much, I love you Eddie, I love you, I love you. I don’t want to be away from you ever again” you ramble closing your legs around him bringing him even closer to you
“Shhh, It’s ok baby” Eddie coos at you wiping your tears
“Eddie I love you so much, I thought I was going to die without you please don’t go. I love you, I’d do anything for you” you cry
Eddie kisses you deeply pouring all his love for you into the kiss. “Sweetheart, I’ve loved you for so long, before we were together and even before you even knew who I was.” He caresses your cheek softly “We’re gonna be together forever, I will never let anything get between us ever again.”
“Promise ?”
“I promise my love” he kisses you again “I love you”
He picks up his pace again and circles your clit, hoping the pleasure will help you get rid of any bad thoughts swimming around your pretty head. And it works, you turn into a whimpering, crying mess letting out small ‘I love you’s. Eddie feels you tense around him and groans “fuck you’re gonna cum again baby ?”
You nod your head frantically “yeah” you manage to let out
“Cum for me I want to feel you, fuck it’s been so long, cum baby, milk my cock.”
You snap and your whole body shakes as the most earth shattering orgasm of your life washes over you.
“That’s so good baby, you’re such a good girl” Eddie praises you “I’m gonna cum” he grunts
“Please, make me yours” you whisper
“Oh fuck” Eddie’s thrust come to a halt and you feel his warm cum filling you
His head falls against your chest and you both stay in this position trying to catch your breath. Eddie lifts his head up to press another kiss to your lips and slowly pulls out of you. He puts his clothes back on and readjusts your panties and dress.
“I don’t think I can walk” you inform him with a small voice
“You don’t have to” he picks you up bridal style and you giggle
He presses a kiss to your nose and walks you to the passenger side of the van, you open the door for him and he gently sits you down and buckles your seatbelt for you. You hear him close the back door of the van before walking to the driver’s side. He buckles up too and starts driving back to the main road.
“We’re gonna drive for a few hours and try to find a junkyard to throw away the rest of the stuff back there.
“’Kay” you mutter sleepily
He snaps his head towards you and smile fondly when he sees you struggling to keep your eyes open
“You can sleep baby, we’ll stop to a motel once we leave the state.”
You hum in response.
“Hey sweetheart” Eddie tries to get your attention before you fall asleep
“Yes ?” you turn towards him
“I can’t wait to marry you”
You smile “Then we’ll be together forever, right ?”
He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it before interlacing his fingers with yours. “Forever”.
You fall asleep with a smile on your face knowing you finally get to live the life you deserved.
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xxgothwhorexx · 2 years
Trailer Park Trash: Prologue
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader.
Reader: Trans Guy . Goth . Femboy . 18
Warnings: This takes place in my own version of Hawkins and ignores the canon timeline and events.
Summary: Reader has just moved to Hawkins, on the first day of school he meets Hellfire.
Authors Note: This is my first attempt at writing a fanfic series, the pacing and grammar aren't perfect but I hope to improve.
First Person Perspective
I moved to Hawkins for a new life, I'd spent far too much of mine pretending to be someone else. I had grown sick of people I no longer knew calling me by a name that was never mine, so I packed my bags and left.
Why Hawkins? It's actually very simple. I'm repeating my final year of highschool, I don't have the time to work a full-time job and it's suspiciously cheap to buy a place in Hawkins.
I decided to buy a trailer, it'd be easy to maintain and the initial payment wouldn't leave me broke for a month.
On the first day of school I walked in wearing my school-appropriate clothes. Based on the stares I was getting Hawkins hadn't seen many goths.
Morning classes went by sluggishly, I was met with snarky comments from my teachers in every class. The bell rang for lunch, I gathered my things and made my way to the cafeteria.
Walking through those doors was overwhelming, the room buzzed from all the chatter, a group of teens ran past almost knocking me over. My attention locked onto someone standing on a table. He's attractive, confident and making fun of social hierarchies.
"-BALLS INTO LAUNDRY BASKETS!!!" he shouts, after a brief confrontation with one of the jocks he sits down at the table, he's surrounded by an odd group all sporting the same logo on their shirt. Looking around the cafeteria it becomes clear that I won't be welcomed by most of my peers, I decide to try my luck with the hot guy and 'Hellfire'.
"Is this seat free?" I gesture to an empty chair.
"uh-" the group exchange glances then turn towards the guy sitting at the head of the table.
He smiles leaning forward, "You may sit" he makes a large sweeping motion with his arm.
I take a seat, without missing a beat the group resumes their earlier conversation. I want to join but decide to stay quiet, it seems like their friend had ditched them for the basketball team.
The guy stood up abruptly, "It seems luck is on your side little sheep, we have our replacement" all eyes turn to me.
And that's how I was indoctrinated into a Satanic cult...
Not actually, turns out Hellfire is just a DnD club. I filled in for their basketball friend that night, luckily I knew enough about DnD to get through the session without a hitch.
After the defeat of Vecna we decided that celebratory pizza was in order. Dustin called shotgun before we set foot outside, the rest of us crammed into the back of Eddie's van.
"BUCKLE UP BUTTERCUP, IT'S GONNA BE A BUMPY RIDE!!" Eddie yells over the music booming through his stereo.
When we arrived at Surfer Boy Pizza everyone was in a tangled pile on the floor.
"GET OFF ME!" Mike squealed.
"OUCH!!" Jeff squeaked.
"WHOSE ASS IS IN MY FACE!!?" Gareth shrieked.
Eddie was cackling from the drivers seat.
We all stuffed our faces with pizza, I held the record of three whole slices in my mouth at once.
The guys were both horrified and impressed by my talent, Eddie didn't say a damn thing but the look on his face said it all.
Mike attempted to beat my record only to start choking on the second slice, thank the devil Dustin knew the heimlich maneuver.
After everyone had eaten more than their fill of pizza Eddie dropped them all home, I was the last stop.
"Where do you live pretty boy?" Pretty boy?! Jesus fucking christ this man was gonna be the death of me, my palms were so fucking sweaty.
"The trailer park, just go straight then make a left turn" I start giving directions only to be cut short.
"You're my new neighbor!" His face practically lights up.
"Wha- You live in the trailer park too??" How had I not noticed him??
"Hell yeah! Trailer park trash man!" He raised his hand for a high five, when our hands meet he intertwines our fingers.
I feel the heat rising in my face, my ears and cheeks burning. We remain holding hands for the rest of the ride, I never want this to end.
"Looks like we're here pretty boy" He turned to me, a cheeky grin on his face.
"Yeah I guess we are" He squeezes my hand before letting go.
"See ya tomorrow then"
"See ya then" I hop out of the van and go inside.
| Prologue | Part 1 | [updates in progress]
Thanks for reading!! Writing tips are welcome, feel free to leave suggestions in the comments :)
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unhingedthirst · 1 year
Guys the brain big sad and I’m having a hard time with writing. Just letting y’all know. If anyone wants to request something smaller like HC Or blurbs I feel like I can manage that lol till I have the brain power to finish my longer one shots
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its-an-obsession · 2 years
A Trek Through The Woods
Tumblr media
Teen Wolf Masterlist | Full Masterlist
Summary: You have known Stiles and Scott since you were in preschool. When on the night before sophomore year, the boys roll up to your house in order to find another half of a body. Like always, Stiles doesn't always think his plans through. Of course the three of you - well more like two - are caught by Stiles' father
A/N: Enjoy this sneak peak of my Teen Wolf Fanfic! I hope to finish this story soon, so you all can read it! I will be publishing it on Wattpad btw :)
This takes place on the first episode of season one
(Your Outfit)
Warnings: none
Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall x-reader
(Your Outfit)
It was a cool Sunday night in contrast to today's weather being a bit warm. 11:30 am read the clock that sat beside my bed. I hummed to the music from my computer's speaker. Before heading to bed, I read the book that we needed to read for our English class. 
Of course, the boys hadn't even started to read The Giver, blaming it on how distracted they were with preparing for Lacrosse tryouts. Earlier today I had been with Scott and Stiles to help them with said tryouts. My mom - a nurse at Beacon Hills Hospital - was fast asleep in her room across from mine.
She worked tirelessly at the hospital all day. She was lucky to have a night to herself, which wasn't something that she got often. Melissa McCall and my mother have known one other since they were in middle school, leading to me Scott becoming friends at the age of two.
My nightly reading and listening to music were cut short by the ringing from my phone. None other than Stiles Stilinski's cross-eyed expression appeared on my phone screen. I paused my music and closed the book. "What's up?" I answered. From the other side of the line, Scott could be heard muttering something in which Stiles told him to shut up. "What're you doing right now?" Stiles questioned. I set my laptop on the end of my bed. 
"Just hanging out. Mind telling me why you're calling me at 11:30 on a Sunday night?" I replied, yawning. Stiles stated that the two of them were outside my house. Like he had spoken, they were leaning against Roscoe - Stiles' blue Jeep - with their eyes staring at my bedroom window. 
"What the hell are you doing here?" I knelt in front of my window. "My dad left 20 minutes ago from a dispatch call. Two joggers found a dead body in the woods. They're bringing in every officer from the Beacon Department, even State Police," a small smirk appeared on Stiles' freckled face. 
Scott reached over and snatched the phone from Stiles to say something. "Yeah, and he thought it would be a great idea if the three of us went to look for the body," he commented. I rolled my eyes with the phone still beside my face. With further convincing from the boys, I rubbed my cat's head before putting on my favorite green jacket and pair of boots (Outfit One). 
I already knew that it was going to be chilly tonight. The door downstairs was loud as hell, so I resorted to the window. My cat watched me as I slipped through the opening. My feet landed softly on the grass, barely making a sound. Stiles pulled out of the driveway to head towards wherever the hell we were going. 
"Just out of curiosity, you two do realize that it is the first day of school tomorrow, and both of you have lacrosse practice?" I poked my head between them. "First thing I told him," Scott pointed to Stiles. There were barely any streetlights, just one at the beginning of the road and one in front of a turn to a trailer park. "Wait, didn't coach say you could join the team?" Stiles asked. He stole a glance at me before looking at the road. 
"Awe, yes, because being on a team with ten horny high school boys is something that I want to be a part of for the year," I remarked, leaning back in the seat. They decided to not respond to my retort, knowing I'd lead the conversation any further. "I'm going to need a little more information about what we're doing?" I buttoned my jacket as I spoke. 
Stiles explained how the police weren't sure if the individual was murdered, but they did know that she was a female and in her mid- twenties. "Hold on, if they found the body, then what are we looking for?" I inquired. "That's the catch, they only found half," Scott turned to me. The mischievous smirk that sat on Stiles' face gave me an unwelcoming feeling.
"And we're going," he added. 
(Later - Same Outfit)
Stiles parked the Jeep right in front of the gate. A wooden sign hung from the middle of a chain: Beacon Hills Preserve - No entry after dark. Scott and I exchanged a glance before looking at Stiles who stood in front of the silver chain. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jacket. "Are we really doing this?" Scott's voice remained low. 
"C'mon, you're always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town," Stiles pat him on the shoulder. I brought a leg over and the two followed shortly after. Scott muttered how things happen in this town. "That doesn't count Ms. Prescott thinking someone was breaking into her house, but it was just some rogue racoon," I noted. 
We set forth in search for the other half of the women's body. Personally, I had no interest in finding this body but somebody needed to supervise these two teenage toddlers. "I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow," Scott claimed.
I walked in the middle with my eyes keeping a look out for anything suspicious. "Right, cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort," Stiles remarked. Our friend grumbled and insisted that he would be making first line this year. 
Their flashlights waved around the dark forest. The light illuminated certain features of the Beacon Hills preserve, introducing new pairs of glowing eyes from - what I hoped - a bunny or fox. "Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream even if it's pathetically unrealistic," Stiles went on.
The night's cool breeze brushed against the back of my neck, goosebumps rose. Scott occasionally shined his flashlight onto the ground so I wouldn't trip and fall. "Which half of the body are we looking for exactly?" he questioned. "I didn't even think about that," Stiles replied.
"Okay, here's another zinger, what if whoever killed the body is still here?" I shared a look with Scott. Despite neither one of us being able to makeout the emotion we were displaying, I could tell he worried. 
"Also something I didn't think about," Stiles responded. 
We approached a hill that kept us from peering ahead. Both boys got up first. Scott brought an arm out to help me up, such a gentlemen. I set my hand into his so I could easily get up. "Stiles, it's super comforting that you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail," I wiped the dirt that landed on my palms. Scott took a much needed puff of his inhaler. 
I directed him towards the tree beside us so he could rest. He pressed his back against the trunk, chest rising up and down; his hands shook as he zipped up his bright red jacket. I began to feel uneasy by his state.
"Stiles, I'm thinking this wasn't such a-" I cut myself short when 'the spas' began bolting down the other direction. He dropped behind a fallen tree. We landed on the other side of him (GIF Above). From the corner of my eye I could see a wide grin creep onto Stiles' face. 
The three of us heard voices in the distance, but none of which that we were able to depict who they belonged to. Stiles leapt to follow the source of the sound. I called after him with Scott trailing behind. A bright line shined in Stiles' face which resulted in him falling on top of me. 
Our asthmatic friend must've hid before we were caught. Deputies surrounded us with flashlights directly on us, the light reflecting off of their badges. "This little delinquent belongs to me," Sheriff Stilinski disclosed. He saw that I was stuck underneath his son. I shoved Stiles off of me so I could get up from the ground.
Stiles popped up, wiping the dirt off of himself. "Do you listen in on all of my phone calls?" Sheriff Stilinski questioned with brows raised. "No, not the boring ones," Stiles' chest rose up and down as he wittily responded to his father's question.
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Stiles spotted a few leaves stuck in my messy hair. He went to reach over to pick them out, but I slapped his hand. He was persistent until his father grabbed him by the ear. Mr. Stilinski led us over to the lit up sheriff's car so he could drive me home. I just hoped my mom didn't wake up during my escape.
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