#traffic violation fines
townpostin · 2 months
Road Accidents Surge in Jamshedpur: Authorities Take Action
Local officials implement strict measures to combat rising road accidents and safety violations. Jamshedpur faces a critical road safety challenge as June sees a spike in accidents, prompting authorities to enforce stricter regulations. JAMSHEDPUR – Local officials have implemented stringent road safety measures in response to a concerning increase in traffic incidents during June. Unsettling…
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petit-papillion · 11 months
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F1 maximum fines have increased from €250,000 to one million euros...
Why not a percentage of the drivers' annual salary to keep it fair?
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s0fter-sin · 2 years
general society is such an underthought aspect of mha. obviously there’s the big things like the obsession over heroic quirks and the demonisation of villainous quirks. quirkless people are dismissed entirely but i don’t think we talk about how society in general would have to handle a world with super powers.
we know after afo’s first uprising, the government overcorrected and outlawed public quirk usage. we know people have their quirks registered and go through quirk counselling as well as a type of gym class where they practice under teacher supervision.
how in the hell is that supposed to work?
the closest equivalent i can think of is mental health services. someone would have to study for a long time to be able to pursue quirk counselling as a career. it’s also a highly personalised system: everyone has a different quirk - even similar ones have different activations, triggers, exceptions and drawbacks - so no two sessions could ever be the same. if anyone’s been through mental health services, you know how rough it is; it’s an overworked, underpaid system and if you live somewhere that only offers a few free visits, it can also be expensive.
and that’s an elective service.
almost everyone on the planet would need quirk counselling.
there’s no way they could implement such a labour intensive and individual public system and we literally see that they can’t.
we see the gym class in amajiki’s flashback and he only has a few minutes with his teacher before he’s chided for not being more impressive and utilising his quirk to the fullest and they move on to the next student. say a standard class is twenty students like it is at ua. that leaves just over two minutes for each student to learn and practice their quirks. you can’t focus on just one kid per lesson bc what will the other nineteen do? do teachers also have to have a degree in quirk counselling? is that part of becoming a phys ed teacher or is it some random joe schmo trying to wrap his head around literal super powers?
given that inko goes to garaki - a doctor - to confirm izuku’s quirklessness, it can be assumed that quirk counselling is entwined with the medical system. i don’t know if you’ve ever had to apply for a specialist before but you can be on their waiting list for a while. a quirk counsellor is essentially a specialist. are there subcategories of counsellors? do you focus on either emitter, transformation or mutation the way doctors become cardiologists, paediatricians and neurologists? or is one person expected to be equally knowledgeable about all three?
we see through toga that her counsellor identified her need for blood but they didn’t find a way to curb those instincts or even find a supplement for her. she’s left to be abused by her family for something she can’t control bc it’s literally in her dna. compare that to iida who knows he needs orange juice to power his quirk. his entire family are pro heroes so it would be easy to assume they could employ a private quirk counsellor the same way richer people can employ private doctors.
how many people have specific requirements due to their quirks? changes in their physiology that have to be treated the same way nutritional deficiencies and allergies do? even people without mutations probably have those requirements: does kirishima’s shark teeth mean he’s an obligate carnivore? does mina’s acid change her ph levels and what vitamins and minerals she needs? how would they figure that out? quirk counselling.
what about kids like touya who would need extensive counselling so he could figure out how to live with his quirk without hurting himself? kaminari essentially has seizures and they’re so normal to him and everyone around him that they’re the butt of jokes. they wouldn’t be a one and done patient; there’s always going to be people that need continued support the exact same way there’s people that need developmental and disability support. there would be so many quirks that harm their user, are they just taught to bury their quirks? as if that wouldn’t cause any physical or mental consequences?
governments can’t create a system that applies to only some people, we’re expected to believe they’ve made one that applies to all of them?
#bnha#my hero academia#mha meta#i imagine its similar to therapy in that the first session would be free since its probably required in order to register a child’s quirk#they probably figure out activation in that time and thats it#onto the next kid bc there will always be another kid#you want more information on your child’s power? you better be able to pay for more sessions#even quirkless people need to be fully assessed to ensure theyre quirkless#i doubt anyone else is as interested in this as i am but it feels like just another world building aspect horikoshi just kinda skipped#quirk counselling is just sort of thrown in with toga and curious and it becomes just another concept that is brought up and discarded#quirk counselling quirklessness mutant prejudice the quirk singularity theory general mutations outside of mutant quirks#theres so many little interesting concepts that are never given the development they deserve#and when they are like in the last few chapters its done in such a shallow handwavy way that i wish hed just leave them alone altogether#no wonder the plf exists quirks are so suppressed in society while also being a status symbol#and yet its a completely hypothetical advantage if they dont become a hero or a villain#if a kid has a heroic quirk theyre held on a pedestal and if they have a villainous one theyre demonised at best and abused at worst#koichi was almost given a fine bc he was using his quirk to get through foot traffic quicker how is there not a riot every year about#quirk freedom and rights violations?#and yet its completely glossed over#go beyond plus ultra#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#mha
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i needed that episode to last at least five hours longer wtf i can't process anything
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thellawtoknow · 3 months
Traffic Violations in the UK
The Most Common Traffic Violations in the UK: A Five-Year OverviewSpeeding: The Most Frequent OffenceUnderstanding the Penalties for SpeedingCategories of Speeding OffencesThe Role of Speed Cameras and EnforcementThe Impact of Speeding on Road SafetyPublic Awareness and EducationDriving Without Insurance: A Costly MistakeThe Scope of the ProblemLegal Requirements and PenaltiesThe Impact of…
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shibe · 5 months
sooo many unexpected expenses this week…my paycheck…gone…
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aplusdimension · 10 months
How to Check and Pay Emirates ID Fines in Under 5 Minutes! (2023)
Avoid visa and license renewal delays by staying on top of your Emirates ID fines! In the hustle and bustle of daily life, keeping track of potential fines on your Emirates ID can easily slip through the cracks. But with visa and driving license renewals now tied to clear ID fines, it’s crucial to stay informed and address any outstanding payments promptly. This comprehensive guide will equip…
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ur-mag · 1 year
Hundreds of new traffic cameras to be installed in four key locations to end common violation with fines from $50 | In Trend Today
Hundreds of new traffic cameras to be installed in four key locations to end common violation with fines from $50 Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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The best part abt being a paranoid emotional wreck is that I have a rly strong ability to ground myself bc ive been doing it for so long...I can be cool, calm, and collected I just usually need 10-20mins after the inciting incident
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How the NYPD defeated bodycams
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Anything that can't go on forever will eventually stop. When American patience for racial profiling in traffic stops reached a breaking point, cops rolled out dashcams. Dashcam footage went AWOL, or just recorded lots of racist, pretextual stops. Racial profiling continued.
Tasers and pepper spray were supposed to curb the undue use of force by giving cops an alternative to shooting dangerous-seeming people. Instead, we got cops who tasered and sprayed unarmed people and then shot them to pieces.
Next came bodycams: by indelibly recording cops' interactions with the public, body-worn cameras were pitched as a way to bring accountability to American law-enforcement. Finally, police leadership would be able to sort officers' claims from eyewitness accounts and figure out who was lying. Bad cops could be disciplined. Repeat offenders could be fired.
Police boosters insist that police violence and corruption are the result of "a few bad apples." As the saying goes, "a few bad apples spoil the bushel." If you think there are just a few bad cops on the force, then you should want to get rid of them before they wreck the whole institution. Bodycams could empirically identify the bad apples, right?
Well, hypothetically. But what if police leadership don't want to get rid of the bad apples? What if the reason that dashcams, tasers, and pepper spray failed is that police leadership are fine with them? If that were the case, then bodycams would turn into just another expensive prop for an off-Broadway accountability theater.
What if?
In "How Police Have Undermined the Promise of Body Cameras," Propublica's Eric Umansky and Umar Farooq deliver a characteristically thorough, deep, and fascinating account of the failure of NYPD bodycams to create the accountability that New York's political and police leadership promised:
Topline: NYPD's bodycam rollout was sabotaged by police leadership and top NYC politicians. Rather than turning over bodycam footage to oversight boards following violent incidents, the NYPD suppresses it. When overseers are allowed to see the footage, they get fragmentary access. When those fragments reveal misconduct, they are forbidden to speak of it. When the revealed misconduct is separate from the main incident, it can't be used to discipline officers. When footage is made available to the public, it is selectively edited to omit evidence of misconduct.
NYPD policy contains loopholes that allow them to withhold footage. Where those loopholes don't apply, the NYPD routinely suppresses footage anyway, violating its own policies. When the NYPD violates its policies, it faces no consequences. When overseers complain, they are fired.
Bodycams could be a source of accountability for cops, but for that to be true, control over bodycams would have to vest with institutions that want to improve policing. If control over bodycams is given to institutions that want to shield cops from accountability, that's exactly what will happen. There is nothing about bodycams that makes them more resistant to capture than dashcams, tasers or pepper spray.
This is a problem across multiple police departments. Minneapolis, for example, has policies from before and after the George Floyd uprisings that require bodycam disclosure, and those policies are routinely flouted. Derek Chauvin, George Floyd's murderer, was a repeat offender and had been caught on bodycam kneeling on other Black peoples' necks. Chauvin once clubbed a 14 year old child into unconsciousness and then knelt on his neck for 15 minutes as his mother begged for her child's life. Chauvin faced no discipline for this and the footage was suppressed.
In Montgomery, Alabama, it took five years of hard wrangling to get access to bodycam footage after an officer sicced his attack dog on an unarmed Black man without warning. The dog severed the man's femoral artery and he died. Montgomery PD suppressed the footage, citing the risk of officers facing "embarrassment."
In Memphis, the notoriously racist police department was able to suppress bodycam disclosures until the murder of Tyre Nichols. The behavior of the officers who beat Nichols to death are a testament to their belief in their own impunity. Some officers illegally switched off their cameras; others participated in the beating in full view of the cameras, fearing no consequences.
In South Carolina, the police murder of Walter Scott was captured on a bystander's phone camera. That footage made it clear that Scott's uniformed killers lied, prompting then-governor Nikki Haley to sign a law giving the public access to bodycam footage. But the law contained a glaring loophole: it made bodycam footage "not a public record subject to disclosure." Nothing changed.
Bodycam footage does often reveal that killer cops lie about their actions. When a Cincinnati cop killed a Black man during a 2015 traffic-stop, his bodycam footage revealed that the officer lied about his victim "lunging at him" before he shot. Last summer, a Philadelphia cop was caught lying about the circumstances that led to him murdering a member of the public. Again, the officer claimed the man had "lunged at him." The cop's camera showed the man sitting peacefully in his own car.
Police departments across the country struggle with violent, lying officers, but few can rival the NYPD for corruption, violence, scale and impunity. The NYPD has its own "goon squad," the Strategic Response Group, whose leaked manual reveals how the secret unit spends about $100m/year training and deploying ultraviolent, illegal tactics:
The NYPD's disciplinary records – published despite a panicked scramble to suppress them – reveal the NYPD's infestation with criminal cops who repeatedly break the law in meting out violence against the public:
These cops are the proverbial bad apples, and they do indeed spoil the barrel. A 2019 empirical analysis of police disciplinary records show that corruption is contagious: when crooked cops are paired with partners who have clean disciplinary records, those partners become crooked, too, and the effect lasts even after the partnership ends:
Despite the risk of harboring criminals in police ranks, the NYPD goes to extreme lengths to keep its worst officers on the street. New York City's police "union"'s deal with the city requires NYC to divert millions to a (once) secret slushfund used to pay high-priced lawyers to defend cops whose conduct is so egregious that the city's own attorneys refuse to defend them:
This is a good place for your periodic reminder that police unions are not unions:
Indeed, despite rhetoric to the contrary, policing is a relatively safe occupation, with death rates well below the risks to roofers, loggers, or pizza delivery drivers:
The biggest risk to police officers – the single factor that significantly increased death rates among cops – is police unions themselves. Police unions successfully pressured cities across American to reject covid risk mitigation, from masking to vaccinations, leading to a wave of police deaths. "Suicide by cop" is very rare, but US officers committed "mass suicide by cop union":
But the story that policing is much more dangerous than it really is a useful one. It has a business-model. Military contractors who turn local Barney Fifes into Judge Dredd cosplayers with assault rifles, tanks and other "excess" military gear make billions from the tale:
It's not just beltway bandits who love this story. For cops to be shielded from consequences for murdering the public, they need to tell themselves and the rest of us that they are a "thin blue line," and not mere armed bureaucrats. The myth that cops are in constant danger from the public justifies hair-trigger killings.
Consider the use of "civilian" to describe the public. Police are civilians. The only kind of police officer who isn't a civilian is a military policeman. Places where "civilians" interact with non-civilian law enforcement are, by definition, under military occupation. Calling the public "civilians" is a cheap rhetorical trick that converts a police officer to a patrolling soldier in hostile territory. Calling us "civilians" justifies killing us, because if we're civilians, then they are soldiers and we are at war.
The NYPD clearly conceives of itself as an occupying force and considers its "civilian" oversight to be the enemy. When New York's Civilian Complaint Review Board gained independence in 1993, thousands of off-duty cops joined Rudy Giuliani in a mass protest at City Hall and an occupation of the Brooklyn Bridge. This mass freakout is a measure of police intolerance for oversight – after all, the CCRB isn't even allowed to discipline officers, only make (routinely ignored) recommendations.
Kerry Sweet was the NYPD lawyer who oversaw the department's bodycam rollout. He once joked that the NYPD missed a chance to "bomb the room" where the NYPD's CCRB was meeting (when Propublica asked him to confirm this, he said he couldn't remember those remarks, but "on reflection, it should have been an airstrike").
Obvious defects in the NYPD's bodycam policy go beyond the ability to suppress disclosure of the footage. The department has no official tracking system for its bodycam files. They aren't geotagged, only marked by officer badge-number and name. So if a member of the public comes forward to complain that an unknown officer committed a crime at a specific place and time, there's no way to retrieve that footage. Even where footage can be found, the NYPD often hides the ball: in 20% of cases where the Department told the CCRB footage didn't exist, they were lying.
Figuring out how to make bodycam footage work better is complex, but there are some obvious first steps. Other cities have no problem geotagging their footage. In Chicago, the CCRB can directly access the servers where bodycam footage is stored (when the NYPD CCRB members proposed this, they were fired).
Meanwhile, the NYPD keeps protecting its killers. The Propublica story opens with the police killing of Miguel Richards. Richards' parents hadn't heard from him in a while, so they asked his Bronx landlord to check on him (the Richards live in Jamaica). The landlord called the cops. The cops killed Richards.
The cops claimed he had a gun and they were acting in self-defense. They released a highly edited reel of bodycam footage to support that claim. When the full video was eventually extracted, it revealed that Richards had a tiny plastic toy guy and a small folding knife. The officers involved believed he was suffering an acute mental health incident and stated that policy demanded that they close his bedroom door and wait for specialists. Instead, they barked orders at him and then fired 16 rounds at him. Seven hit him. One ruptured his aorta. As he lay dying on his bedroom floor, one officer roughly tossed him around and cuffed him. He died.
New York's Police Benevolent Association – the largest police "union" in NYC – awarded the officers involved its "Finest of the Finest" prize for their conduct in the killing.
This isn't an isolated incident. A month after the NYPD decided not to punish the cops who killed Richards, NYPD officers murdered Kawaski Trawick in his Bronx apartment:
The officers lied about it, suppressed release of the bodycam footage that would reveal their lies, and then escaped any justice when the footage and the lies were revealed.
None of this means that bodycams are useless. It just means that bodycams will only help bring accountability to police forces when they are directed by parties who have the will and power to make the police accountable.
When police leaders and city governments support police corruption, adding bodycams won't change that fact.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Tony Webster, modified https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Minneapolis_Police_Officer_Body_Camera_%2848968390892%29.jpg
CC BY-SA 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/deed.en
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Comfort Crowd
main masterlist | supernatural masterlist
summary: dean just needs you next to him
pairing: (stanford era) dean winchester x female reader
rating: R for language 
word count: 1.9k
warnings: hurt/sad dean, language, reader drives after drinking but she’s not drunk, that’s it i think
author’s note: i know this gif is of jason teague and not dean winchester but that’s literally samford era jackles so i think it fits perfectly <3
music: comfort crowd by conan gray — was listening to conan gray and bam! dean winchester fic idea! anyways…
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When you saw who was calling your brows furrowed — Dean? You had talked to him earlier in the week, just a casual check-in to make sure you were both still alive. You and Dean had gotten into a fight about a month prior and you both decided to just take a break from each other. You had made it clear that you were not breaking up with him, you just needed a break.
Last time you talked he was working a case in Texas, something with ghouls and sororities. You had just finished up a werewolf hunt and he had voiced his jealousy. He hadn’t gotten to fight a werewolf in many, many moons (pun intended).
“Dean?” you answered the call, still holding your first beer of the night in your free hand. He didn’t say anything, there was only labored breathing on the other side and that worried you. “Dean? Honey, is everything okay?” He still said nothing. “Dean, what’s—”
“Where are you?” he asked. His voice was clearly on the verge of cracking. He’d been crying?
“Uh, Bakersfield California,” you told him. “Just finished another case, simple ghost hunt. What’s wrong, Dean?” He again went back to just breathing. “Dean, where are you?”
“I’m in Palo Alto,” he said. “You—Could you get up here, p-please? I need you, hun. I just—I need you here.”
“I’ll be right there Dean, four hours tops,” you told him. You stood up off your chair and paid your tab. “Talk to me, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t…fuck, I just wanna see you…please?”
“Of course, Dean, I’ll be there soon,” you reminded him. “What motel are you staying at?”
“I can text you the address just please…please hurry.”
With that, he hung up. 
Please don’t be dying, you thought to yourself. 
After several traffic violations and broken speed limits, you were finally knocking on his door.
“Dean!” you called out, not caring if it was now nearly three in the morning and there were definitely other people staying at the motel. “For the love of god Dean, open the fucking door!”
He unlocked and opened the door, rubbing his tired eyes. “Hey, you made it.” He smiled a little…smiled?
“Dean what the hell is going on?” you asked, trying to stay calm as you walked into the room. “You—That call? What’s up with you?”
“Nothing,” he shrugged, “I’m fine.”
“Fine?” You furrowed your brows. “Dean you called me in tears and asked me to race over here as if you were dying?”
“I…I wasn’t in tears,” he mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Hang on…how do I know you’re you?” you asked. 
He smiled and rolled his eyes a little before you both did the usual tests.
“See, sweetheart? All me!” He smiled again.
“Dean,” you said softly, “what’s going on? Are you…Are you dying?”
“No!” he scoffed, not calming your nerves in the slightest. “I’m sorry I scared you I just…needed you here. With me, next to me. I—Fuck, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, Dean,” you shook your head, “I get it.”
You walked over to him and pulled him down into a hug; your right hand went to the back of his head as your fingers combed through his hair. 
“I’m here Dean, you’re okay,” you told him. His grip tightened around you, as if he was scared you’d break off the hug. “I’m right here.”
“Thank you,” he whispered, his voice cracking again. “Thank you.” 
The two of you stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. You were on your tiptoes, which was kind of uncomfortable, but your love for the man in your arms outweighed any discomfort. You felt Dean’s tears begin to dampen your neck and your eyes grew cloudy at the thought of him in pain. He truly mastered the art of silent crying, he must’ve had to hide his tears from that bastard father of his growing up, and that thought only made your heart break more. Your grip tightened around his shoulders and you turned your head so you could place a soft kiss on his temple. You made a trail of kisses down to his jawline then left your lips there against his skin. 
“Thank you,” he pulled away, “just…thanks.”
“Do you wanna lay down, Dean?” you asked. “We could cuddle up and maybe watch a movie? Or we could listen to music? I’ve got my iPod and we could share my earbuds?”
A soft smile returned to his tear-stained face and he nodded; “Music sounds perfect.”
“Mkay,” you replied. “Now, I have to admit I don’t have many Zeppelin songs downloaded—”
“It’s okay,” he shook his head, “I don’t care what song we play, as long…as long as you’re here. Just need your company.”
“Funnily enough, I do have some Bad Company songs,” you joked, causing his smile to grow. 
“You’re the best company,” he countered. 
“Why don’t you change into your PJs while I go get my bags from the car? We can get comfortable in the bed and maybe you’ll even get some sleep.”
Your fingers were once again tangled in Dean’s hair as his head lay on your chest, he was facing away from you but you knew he was still crying. You just didn’t know why.
“Is this Heuy Lewis?” Dean chuckled.
“Hey! No disrespecting Heuy!” you laughed, but Dean knew you were serious. “You want me to skip it?”
“Nah, I’ll live,” he joked. The joke made your heart clench a little though; your mind going back to the call he made to you a mere few hours ago. How scared he sounded. How scared you were as you raced to get to him. Dean must’ve sensed the change in the room because he made sure to remind you; “I’m fine.”
“You said that line already, Dean,” you said through a sigh. “I’m here if you wanna talk, okay?”
“I don’t wanna talk,” he mumbled. “I meant what I said—I just need you here with me, I just need you around.” 
Your free hand (the one that wasn’t currently in Dean’s hair) went to rub comforting circles on his upper back. He let out a contented sigh which made you smile.
“I love you, Dean,” you told him. “I love you more than anything, you know that, right?”
“Thank you,” he mumbled. He buried his face against your chest, trying to hide the sheepish smile forcing its way onto his face before he lifted his head so he could look into your eyes. “I love you so much.”
He leaned over and kissed you softly, his smile connecting with yours. He pulled away after a moment, simply looking into your eyes. He kissed you once more before laying back down, this time resting his head next to yours so he could kiss you again. 
“Sorry about your shirt,” he said, laughing awkwardly at the damp mess of spilled tears covering a fair portion of your tee.
“I don’t mind, kinda like my shirt soggy,” you shrugged with a smile, pulling him closer to you and tucking your head under his chin. 
When you woke the next morning you did not expect Dean to be singing to himself while making breakfast.
“What time is it?” you asked with a yawn as you sat up in bed. 
“About seven,” he replied. “Good morning, by the way.”
“Good morning.”
You hurried over to the small kitchen so you could wrap your arms around him from behind.
“What’s gotten into you?” he teased. 
“Could ask you the same question, handsome,” you replied, not letting go. “The food smells amazing and all, but since when do you cook?”
“Remember that fight we had?”
“I vaguely recall,” you said, somewhat flatly. 
“I’ve been working on my breakfast cooking so when I saw you again I could you know…woo you.”
“‘Woo me’?” You raised a brow, your smile growing. “You’re wooing me…with bacon?”
“Damn right!” he scoffed lightheartedly. “I know the way into your heart, and whether you admit it or not—it’s mother fuckin’ breakfast food.”
“You know me way too well,” you laughed. “I’m officially wooed.”
There was a comfortable silence before Dean answered the question he knew you were still wondering about; “Sam and I fought last night.”
“I’m sorry,” you said.
“I knew him going to a fancy college would put a bit of a rift between us…but fuck, sweetheart,” he said. He ran his hands down his face before he leaned against the counter and looked at you; “I think we…I don’t think Sammy and I will ever be as close as we were growin’ up ever again.”
“I’m sure that’s not true, Dean,” you assured him, placing a hand on his bicep and giving it a comforting squeeze. “Sammy just needs time, maybe a bit of space, but that’s only temporary, Dean.”
“Seems like everyone around me always needs space,” he chuckled humorously. 
“If this is about what I said—”
“Nah, you don’t have to explain yourself, I get it!” He shook his head, faking a smile. “You couldn’t stand being around me all the time and hey, that’s okay.”
Your brows furrowed with slight anger; “That’s not what I said, Dean.”
“That’s what it sounded like,” he mumbled before he turned back to the stove to continue making breakfast. 
“Dean I love you, you know I love you!” you said. “I raced here last night when you asked me to, doesn’t that prove I love you!?”
“And what happens when we get into another fight?” he exclaimed. “What happens when you decide that you need more space and you don’t bother coming back to me?”
“That’s not going to happen?” you countered. 
“You can’t say that for sure,” Dean said. 
“Yes I can, Dean!”
“What makes you think that, huh?” he replied loudly. “What makes you think you aren’t gonna run the second you realize that putting space between was the best decision of your fucking life!?”
“Because I love you, Dean!” you said, matching his tone. “Because no matter how far away I was from you the one thought running through my head was that I should call you. That I should stop being so stubborn and run back to you.” You sighed as he continued cooking and you went up to him again, leaning on his bicep and running your hands up and down his forearm. “Because when I got that call…all logic flew out the window and all that mattered to me was getting to you. When I thought you might be dying I didn’t care about anything else and I raced to you like a mad woman. Like a girl so lovestruck she’s practically crazy!”
Dean let out a chuckle which made you smile.
“So…you’re sayin’ you missed me?” he asked, a cocky smirk finding its way to his lips.
“Yes,” you sighed dramatically. “Okay? Yes, Dean, I missed you like fuckin’ crazy, and I’m sorry for ever suggesting we take a damn break. But… you know what this means now, right?”
He looked at you cautiously; “What?”
“You’re stuck with me, Winchester.” You grinned. “And I’m never letting you go again.”
“Sounds good to me,” he replied as he leaned down and kissed you.
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iliveinyourceiling65 · 6 months
SoC incorrect quotes
part 8 :)
Kaz: How did none of you hear what I just said?  Jesper: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.  Wylan: I got distracted about halfway through.  Nina: Ignoring you was a conscious decision
Jesper, pointing: May I sit there?  Wylan: That's my lap  Jesper: That doesn't answer my question, Wylan.
Matthias: You really put aside everything and came all this way to break me out of Hellgate? How did you even get here so fast? Inej: Several traffic violations. Kaz: Three counts of resisting arrest. Nina: Roughly thirteen cans of energy drinks. Jesper: Also, that’s not our car.
Kaz: I just ended a four year relationship. Inej: Oh, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Kaz: Hm? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It wasn’t my relationship. *Nina and Matthias fighting from across the room
Random person :How many kids do you have? Colm : Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
Nina: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?  Wylan: Rude.  Kaz: That’s fair.  Jesper: Not again.  Inej: Are you going to want this back?
Matthias: Nina... How do I begin to explain Nina?  Inej: Nina is flawless.  Jesper: I hear her hair's insured for $10,000.  Wylan: I hear she does car commercials... in Ravka.  Kaz: One time she punched me in the face... it was awesome.
Nina: *Gets down on one knee* Kaz: Oh my god, it’s finally happening. Nina: *Falls over* Kaz: The poison is kicking in
Matthias: Nothing in life is free.  Nina: Love is free!  Inej: Adventure is free.  Wylan: Knowledge is free.  Kaz Everything is free if you take it without paying
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WIBTA if I got in the habit of reporting traffic violators that piss me off?
Age and gender not important. You see, recently I installed a dash cam on my car, now every time I drive I have video recordings of all my trips.
The area I live in is notorious for irresponsible driving, it's not an exaggeration when I say that I almost get into accidents 5-10 times per week.
I have thought of reporting these people but tbh my laziness is the only thing stopping me, but I'm thinking of doing it when someone REALLY pisses me off. I have got used to it that I'm desensitized to it, so it'd take a lot to pisses me off. I'm not talking about people who turn without using the turn signal or make a U turn from across the street, I'm talking people that are drifting on high traffic roads etc. But also I feel if I started doing that, it'll eventually escalate in reporting people who just piss me off and make me late but not actually threatening my safety, like someone who is driving on two lanes and won't allow me to pass, or driving too slow in the wrong lane etc.
Also to make it clear, I'm not calling the cops on them per se, the whole process is online, I'll be reporting them with attaching the video for evidence, the person viewing it will issue a ticket that the driver will be notified of by a message, and they'll have to pay a fine, and depenting on the violation itself it might going to cost an arm and a leg.
On very rare occasions the cops will get involved, like when someone is a repeat offender committing serious safety hazard acts.
I justify this by saying if they don't want to be punished, maybe they should be driving more responsibly, but on the other hand, these acts are so normalized and they all think it's not a big deal, and if they are struggling financially they might end up starving and sometimes even in jail.
I'm just hoping that if I report a few people, some of them hopefully will make a viral tweet warning other drivers that there are 'secret agents' on a lookout all the time and they need to be careful, just like how they do whenever a new speeding camera gets installed on the road, like they'll memorize its location and drive responsibly when they pass by it, but my dashcam isn't bound to a specific location, they will never be able to tell when they might get recorded. To be clear I don't want them to starve or get seriously harmed, I just want them to practice safe driving. WIBTA?
What are these acronyms?
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ranking naruto characters by how good they would drive if they knew what cars were:
sakura: 4/10. technically she does have a liscence but god knows how she got it on account of the sheer amount of traffic violations she racks up every time she gets in a car. drives a honda civic and brags about it even though its literally not that fancy. exclusively plays true crime podcasts while driving but blasts them like at hard rock volume. thinks turn signals are a mark of the devil and that all speed limits are marked by at least 15 under the real limit. you will get to your destination on time. but at what cost.
sasuke: -5/10 the man cannot drive. he gets negative points because hes a terrible influence in the passengers seat. the main people he steals rides from are naruto and sakura and they are ultra-possesive of the aux cord so he doesnt get it often but when he does he WILL be playing the minecraft soundtrack. tells people to hit old ladies crossing the street for "extra points." doesnt mean it.
naruto: 2/10 weirdly cautious but it might be warented because he is awful. drives five under the speed limit at all times but not on purpose he nust doesnt know how to read a speedometer. if sasuke is in the car with him they WILL get pulled over because naruto got so distracted he almost hit a tree. plays country music and drives a slugbug
kakashi: 8/10 drives a mustang and is so so anxious every time he gives anyone a ride because he doesnt wanna be responsible for killing them. no one is allowed to play music when he is driving because it scares him. when hes alone he drives like a madman because he has no regard for his own life <3
obito: 1/10 drives like hes actively being pursued by the police. thinks he is good enough to drift. he is not. his trashy little nash rambler has been on its last legs for 4 years and its a miracle it hasnt given up completely because he slams it into fire hydrants at least once a week. plays taylor swift exlusively. any attempts to change this will end with you kicked out of his car. which might be for the best.
rin: -6/10 cant drive and actively makes a game of giving bad directions to the driver. she thinks its fun. tells people to hit old ladies crossing the street for extra point and means it. if given the aux she will play "10 hours of silence occationally broken by falling medal pipe" because that is uniroincally her favorite song.
tsunade: 5/10 refurbishing a old mozda named tangerine. shes gotten weirdly attatched to it and keeps humanizing it to an uncomfortable degree. uses her knowledge of the human body to draw comparisons between rumaging atound in the car guts and actual surgeries she has preformed before. also she doesnt use turn signals.
orochimaru: 10/10 cant drive but instead of hounding people for rides he takes the bus. literally the most normal about transportation out of everyone on this list so he gets full points.
hiruzen: 3/10 drives an electric car because he feels bad about his carbon footprint even though hes not actually making that much of a difference :/ has hit bikers on multiple occations
danzo: 7/10. hes actually a pretty good driver but i have to take away points on account of the fat that he uses his white windowless van to kidnap children and transport assassins to kill his rival politicians.
minato:-700/10 drives a cybertruck
kushina: 2/10 cant drive but at least shes a decent passenger. will deliver devistating insults for the drivers honor and also shoot at any cars that deserve it (she carries around a pistol). only okay at helping with directions but thats fine because at least shes not actively working against the driver.
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California drivers/ California online traffic school
There are four key things to know about stop sign traffic tickets The fine for a violation is $238, plus court costs and assessments.
If you are cited for failing to stop under CVC 22450, you will (a) pay the fine, (b) do traffic school (once every 18 months) or (c) fight the ticket in court.
If you complete traffic school or fight the ticket successfully, you will avoid getting points on your DMV record. Otherwise, this is a “one point” violation. You risk getting a negligent operator license suspension if you get 4 points in 12 months, 6 points in 24 months or 8 points in 36 months.
Ignoring the ticket (neither paying the fine nor going to court) will likely result in being charged with failure to appear per Vehicle Code 40508. Although failing to stop at a stop sign is just an infraction, failure to appear can be charged as a misdemeanor crime. It can also result in a hold on your driver’s license per Vehicle Code 40509.5.
California Online Traffic School
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nishiyako · 1 year
Spoiled (NSFW)
Paring : RichBf!Denki x Reader
Tags : Denki has a tongue piercing, Cunnulingus, riding, vaginal penetration, creampie, established relationship, ripped fishnets while fucking
Summary : Denki Kaminari, a young man in his 20s and too rich for his age, decides to spoil you, his girlfriend of a few months. After a shopping spree, he takes you back to his penthouse so you can give him the thanks he deserves.
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Denki Kaminari was a young man with too much money, so much money that he didn't know what to do with it.
The Young 20-something pro hero is living his best life every night without a dent in his wallet. He knew hero work would make him rich but not this rich.
He had everything he could ever want, penthouse, convertible, and a smoking hot girlfriend. You were Denkis favorite part of his young adulthood.
He loves to spoil you. He'd let you buy any piece of clothing or jewelry for you to feel pretty. He likes to think he's helping.
Shopping sprees would just be him carrying all your bags full of designer clothing as he followed you around like a lost puppy dog.
He'd answer "this or that?" Questions with a smug."Why not both?", and he'd patently wait outside boutiques and lingerie stores and eagerly ask what you got as you hand him back his premium credit card.
Then, after the long day of shopping, you'd ride back to his penthouse in his jet-black Chevrolet Corvette that you told him to buy 3 months ago.
His hand on your exposed thigh as a few fingers slip under the hèm of your tight skirt, violating your innocent image that you put on every time the both of you go out in public.
"I'm gonna fuck you so good when we get home." He whispers in your ear as the traffic light turns red and cars stop, you can't help but giggle at his cocky nature.
Your boyfriend and his antics, though the both of you weren't anything serious, you still were the hottest couple around.
Once you arrived, he didn't waste any time. As soon as the penthouse door locked, he dropped the bags, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom.
"Babe, be careful with the bags! There's expensive stuff in there!" You whined, seeing the discarded bags left at the door, "it's fine! I'll buy you new ones." He promised, kissing your cheek.
Laying you down on the satin sheets, watching your thighs rubbing together alredy needy for his cock, but ofcourse he wants to spoil you just a bit more.
He pushed your pencil skirt up to your waist before ripping your fishnets open to expose your black thong that he asked you to wear.
Slipping the fabric to to the side of your puffy folds as he moved his face in between your thighs, peppering your clit with kisses and suckles listening to your sweet little noises.
And it fainaly hit you, the cold freezing sensation of his tongue pricing, the pricing you told him not to get, and now you can't get enough of it.
He was hooked to the sounds you'd make when he'd lap up and down your folds. It was Denkis little addiction.
The wet metal and tongue teased your cute bundle of nerves as you griped desperately at his tacky sheets.
His hands prying open your shakey thighs that were still bound by your lacey fishnets. Silky dress hugging every curve of your body.
He twitched in his stone-washed jeans, cock begging to be acknowledged. Not yet, not while he has you like this.
Your nice legs thrown over his broad shoulders as his peirced tounge played with you, His blonde hair brushing against your abdomen.
He could do this forever if you'd let him, but he didn't want to keep you waiting forever.
His lips fainally parted from your sopping cunt, alredy wet and wanting more. He felt proud at the sight of such a bitch in heat he couldn't wait to stuff that hole of yours.
He kneeled in between your legs, his hands slipping under your arched back, lifting you to unzip your dress as he kissed your neck, leaving bites and hickes from your jaw to your collar bone.
He slipped it off your body, throwing it on the bedroom floor, leaving you in your ripped and ruined fishnets.
Your chest against his, lips intertwined with his as you pawed at his white button up, his hands held you, palms against your bare back.
He parted the kiss as you desperately tried to steal another second, "mm-m." The blonde scolded into the muffled kiss as a 'stop', you whined as he laughed at your desperation.
"Wanna ride me baby?" He asked, Denkis voice was like milk and honey. You were honestly down for anything, so desperate for even a sliver of his attention, you'd do anything.
It's the least you could do after spending that much of his money today.
You nodded, ecstatic. He hugged you, moving you on top of him as he layed on his back, you straddled him, grinding against the harsh denim.
Your hands worked at the buckle, unzipping the jeans as he kicked it off, you lowered the hem of his black underwear, springing out was his eager cock alredy twitching for you.
You slipped it off of him, throwing it wherever.
You looked at him with hooded eyes, waiting patiently for his command like the good girl you are.
Denkis hands placed firmly on your hips as he made you sink onto him. He made you take every single inch inside you.
Your hands against his abs holding yourself up for support, slowly grinding with him inside, letting your insides get used to the stretch of taking him in.
Whines slipped out of your lips as you started to bounce on him, taking your time as you enjoyed the feeling of this kind of intimacy.
Though you both did it almost every night, he made it feel like it was it was your first every time. The way he stole every thought from your pretty head was addictive.
You made him hit that sweet spongey spot over and over again as you desperately fucked him like the bunny slut you are.
Your brain starts to fuzz, feeling lightheaded at the feeling of him hitting that special spot over and over again.
You were just getting started yet you alredy look so fucked out on his cock, eyes rolling back and mouth slightly agape.
You rode him desperately, not even close to your edge, but you couldn't wait to push your limits riding his length.
Denki loved you like this. He loved you regardless of the sex but it was a huge bonus, fainally a girl who can handle him and more.
He loved the way your velvet walls clenched around him everytime he spoke, every sound you make is music to his ears, and the way your tits bounce every time you humped his cock desperately.
If he wasn't so entertained by the veiw, he would've taken out his phone and recorded this by now, have the memory in his pocket. but he knows there's gonna be a lot more nights, equally as entertaining.
So why not live in the moment? Beautiful girl getting off on his cock, couldn't get better.
Your back arched, legs shaking with a knot in your stomach threatening to snap any second, you looked at your boyfriend, his head thrown back, nestled in the pillows as his blonde locks layed out on the cushions.
"You close, babe?" you asked, voice shakey. "Yeah, so fuckin' close," his voice was airy, alredy out of oxygen as you watched his chest showcase his uneven breaths.
You squeezed your eyes shut oblivious to his hands wandering to your waist, passing the fishnets on your skin.
He made you bounce on his cock faster, controlling your pace as your hands held your ankles, keeping you anchored on the bed.
You heard the expensive bedframe creek with every hastey movement you made.
You started to chant out his name in praise, trying your hardest not to cum at every touch he made on your body.
Without a warning, you felt him fill you up, fluids racing down your thighs. Body trembling and calming down with every breath you take. It was pure bliss.
You collapsed, your head resting against his toned chest, body still exposed and connected.
After spoiling you the whole day, it was worth it to wake up to you in the morning.
You wearing his button up, still bair under the fabrics, his arm wrapped around you as the morning sun shined outside of the glass walls.
Only to wake up and spoil you once more.
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