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r0bzombixx · 9 months ago
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i wanna sleep in your car while youre driving,
lay in your lap while im crying
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mostly-mundane-atla · 1 year ago
Inupiaq Books
This post was inspired by learning about and daydreaming about visiting Birchbark Books, a Native-owned bookstore in Minneapolis, so there will be some links to buy the books they have on this list.
Starting Things Off with Two Inupiaq Poets
Joan Naviyuk Kane, whose available collections include:
Black Milk Carbon
The Cormorant Hunter's Wife
She also wrote Dark Traffic, but this site doesn't seem to carry any copies
Dg Nanouk Okpik, whose available collections include
Blood Snow
Corpse Whale
Fictionalized Accounts of Historical Events
A Line of Driftwood: the Ada Blackjack Story by Diane Glancy, also available at Birchwood Books, is a fictionalized account of Ada Blackjack's experience surviving the explorers she was working with on Wrangel Island, based on historical records and Blackjack's own diary.
Goodbye, My Island by Rie Muñoz is a historical fiction aimed at younger readers with little knowledge of the Inupiat about a little girl living on King Island. Reads a lot like an American Girl book in case anyone wants to relive that nostalgia
Blessing's Bead by Debby Dahl Edwardson is a Young Adult historical fiction novel about hardships faced by two generations of girls in the same family, 70 years apart. One reviewer pointed out that the second part of the book, set in the 1980s, is written in Village English, so that might be a new experience for some of you
Menadelook: and Inupiaq Teacher's Photographs of Alaska Village Life, 1907-1932 edited by Eileen Norbert is, exactly as the title suggests, a collection of documentary photographs depicting village life in early 20th century Alaska.
Nuvuk, the Northernmost: Altered Land, Altered Lives in Barrow, Alaska by David James Inulak Lume is another collection of documentary photographs published in 2013, with a focus on the wildlife and negative effects of climate change
Guidebooks (i only found one specifically Inupiaq)
Plants That We Eat/Nauriat Niģiñaqtuat: from the Traditional Wisdom of Iñupiat Elders of Northwest Alaska by Anore Jones is a guide to Alaskan vegetation that in Inupiat have subsisted on for generations upon generations with info on how to identify them and how they were traditionally used.
Kuuvangmiut Subsistence: Traditional Eskimo Life in the Latter Twentieth Century by Douglas B. Anderson et al details traditional lifestyles and subsistance customs of the Kobuk River Inupiat
Life at the Swift Water Place: Northwest Alaska at the Threshold of European Contact by Douglas D. Anderson and Wanni W. Anderson: a multidisciplinary study of a specific Kobuk River group, the Amilgaqtau Yaagmiut, at the very beginning of European and Asian trade.
Upside Down: Seasons Among the Nunamiut by Margaret B. Blackman is a collection of essays reflecting on almost 20 years of anthropological fieldwork focused on the Nunamiut of Anuktuvuk Pass: the traditional culture and the adaption to new technology.
Firecracker Boys: H-Bombs, Inupiat Eskimos, and the Roots of the Environmental Movement by Dan O'Neill is about Project Chariot. In an attempt to find peaceful uses of wartime technology, Edward Teller planned to drop six nukes on the Inupiaq village of Point Hope, officially to build a harbor but it can't be ignored that the US government wanted to know the effects radiation had on humans and animals. The scope is wider than the Inupiat people involved and their resistance to the project, but as it is no small part of this lesser discussed moment of history, it only feels right to include this
Fifty Miles From Tomorrow: a Memoir of Alaska and the Real People by William L. Iģģiaģruk Hensley is an autobiography following the author's tradition upbringing, pursuit of an education, and his part in the Alaska Native Settlement Claims Act, where he and other Alaska Native activists had to teach themselves United States Law to best lobby the government for land and financial compensation as reparations for colonization.
Sadie Bower Neakok: An Iñupiaq Woman by Margaret B. Blackman is a biography of the titular Sadie Bower Neakok, a beloved public figure of Utqiagvik, former Barrow. Neakok grew up one of ten children of an Inupiaq woman named Asianggataq, and the first white settler to live in Utqiagvik/Barrow, Charles Bower. She used the out-of-state college education she received to aid her community as a teacher, a wellfare worker, and advocate who won the right for Native languages to be used in court when defendants couldn't speak English, and more.
Folktales and Oral Histories
Folktales of the Riverine and Costal Iñupiat/Unipchallu Uqaqtuallu Kuungmiuñļu Taģiuģmiuñļu edited by Wanni W. Anderson and Ruth Tatqaviñ Sampson, transcribed by Angeline Ipiiļik Newlin and translated by Michael Qakiq Atorak is a collection of eleven Inupiaq folktales in English and the original Inupiaq.
The Dall Sheep Dinner Guest: Iñupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska by Wanni W. Anderson is a collection of Kobuk River Inupiaq folktales and oral histories collected from Inupiat storytellers and accompanied by Anderson's own essays explaining cultural context. Unlike the other two collections of traditional stories mentioned on this list, this one is only written in English.
Ugiuvangmiut Quliapyuit/King Island Tales: Eskimo Historu and Legends from Bering Strait compiled and edited by Lawrence D. Kaplan, collected by Gertrude Analoak, Margaret Seeganna, and Mary Alexander, and translated and transcribed by Gertrude Analoak and Margaret Seeganna is another collection of folktales and oral history. Focusing on the Ugiuvangmiut, this one also contains introductions to provide cultural context and stories written in both english and the original Inupiaq.
The Winter Walk by Loretta Outwater Cox is an oral history about a pregnant widow journeying home with her two children having to survive the harsh winter the entire way. This is often recommended with a similar book detailing Athabascan survival called Two Old Women.
Dictionaries and Language Books
Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary by Donald H. Webster and Wilfred Zibell, with illustrations by Thelma A. Webster, is an older Inupiaq to English dictionary. It predates the standardization of Inupiaq spelling, uses some outdated and even offensive language that was considered correct at the time of its publication, and the free pdf provided by UAF seems to be missing some pages. In spite of this it is still a useful resource. The words are organized by subject matter rather than alphabetically, each entry indicating if it's specific to any one dialect, and the illustrations are quite charming.
Let's Learn Eskimo by Donald H. Webster with illustrations by Thelma A. Webster makes a great companion to the Iñupiat Eskimo Dictionary, going over grammar and sentence structure rather than translations. The tables of pronouns are especially helpful in my opinion.
Ilisaqativut.org also has some helpful tools and materials and recommendations for learning the Inupiat language with links to buy physical books, download free pdfs, and look through searchable online versions
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jeffhirsch · 3 months ago
Get Ready for the Real Santa Claus Rally
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Headed down to Wall Street yesterday to pave the way for Santa. As Yale Hirsch’s now famous line states: “If Santa Claus should fail to call, bears may come to Broad and Wall.”
This rather typical early December seasonal weakness sets up the Santa Claus Rally well. The Street has been buzzing about the Santa Claus Rally for three months now. Most still get it wrong. It’s not the yearend rally, the Q4 rally that runs from Halloween through January. Yes, November, December and January are the best three months of the year, but they are not the Santa Claus Rally.
Santa Claus Rally was devised by Yale Hirsch in 1972 and published in the 1973 Stock Trader’s Almanac. The “Santa Claus Rally” is the last 5 trading days of the year plus the first 2 of New Year. This year it begins on the open on December 24 and lasts until the second trading day of 2025, January 3. Average S&P 500 gains over this seven trading-day range since 1969 are a respectable 1.3%.
Failure to have a Santa Claus Rally tends to precede bear markets or times when stocks could be purchased at lower prices later in the year. Down SCRs were followed by flat years in 1994, 2005 and 2015, two nasty bear markets in 2000 and 2008 and a mild bear that ended in February 2016.
This is the first leg of our January Indicator Trifecta (2025 STA p 20) which includes the “First Five Days” (2025 STA p 16) and the full month “January Barometer” (2025 STA p 18), also invented and named by Yale Hirsch in 1972. This January Trifecta helps us affirm or readjust our outlook. When we hit this Trifecta and all three are positive S&P is up 90.6% of the time with an average gain of 17.7%.”
Based upon the outcome of these three indicators, we may adjust our outlook for the balance of Q1 and 2025. Until then, we remain bullish as this is the seasonal favorable period for stocks. Valuations are a concern, but economic data is holding up, the Fed is cutting interest rates, and the market continues to track seasonal trends and patterns rather closely.”
Stay tuned for more on the rest of my January Indicator Trifecta and sign up for my newsletter to get my official readings and analysis. And get the 2025 Stock Trader’s Almanac as a free bonus. https://stocktradersalmanac.com/LandingPages/get-Almanac-for-free.aspx
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itwasanangryinch · 3 months ago
L'odeur de la mort
He remembered the smell of death.
Not the antiseptic, clinical smell of a modern death. A body sterilized and removed of fluids. Removed of its humanity and everything that had made a person alive.
Not even the less-modern, but honest smell of a natural death. The sweetened, heady fragrance of putrefaction taking over a body as it took over the air.
As it hung in the humidified climate.
Clinging to anything it touched.
Digging into soft fabrics the longer the body was kept for viewing.
No, Louis remembered the smell of death from his youth. Before they moved into the final de Pointe du Lac family home half an hour from the Quarter, when they buried his grandfather and his father took the mantel as head of the family.
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At first, the de Pointe du Lacs decked out in their best existing black finery as an urgent correspondence was sent to a favored tailor and its twin to their favored dressmaker. The children's current clothes all fit smaller versions of them; the whole family many seasons out of style. Grace would have been… six…? to Louis' nine. It hadn't even been a quarter century since they parted, but recent proceedings made it harder than usual to focus on the particulars.
New clothes in the latest style were delivered before the death notice hit the papers. Favored servants also received updated, but less stylish additions to their wardrobes. Regardless of what went on in their personal lives, when the house was in mourning, the whole household was in mourning.
Unfavored servants though. It was unfavored servants who created the Creole smell of death.
Despite the custom for open casket viewings in an ill-suited climate, it wasn't the smell of a less-than-fresh corpse that created the smell of death in New Orleans. Instead it was the smell of the fresh dye that in the city permeated the air for blocks and for miles from the not-quite-plantation house at the edge of town. It was gag inducing and its permanence ensured their servants would be clad only in black until they could afford to replace the clothes.
Officially, they would only have to wear black as long as the lady of the house dictated, but in practice? In practice, they were worn for years after, re-dyed with each death. Re-colored with each loss. The dye as much a literal reflection of mourning as it was metaphor rubbing from the fabric and into their skin. A literal marking of the family loss imprinting semi-indelible on everything it brushed upon.
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It was that smell more than anything that Louis found himself missing those first nights at sea. The crisp, salt air seemed an affront to the unnatural death that they had witnessed in New Orleans. That they had caused in New Orleans. That they had fled in New Orleans.
His mourning clothes weren't to be black. Dingy greys, muted browns, muddy greens, earthy purples. All colors he and Claudia cloaked themselves in to hide amongst the mortals on the warfront. But not black.
Lestat had died, but in his stead there was to be no full page, black-ringed notice in the evening paper. No open house allowing loved ones and spectators one last glimpse at the carefully prepared body of the illusive, flamboyant former investor of the French Quarter. No black wreath adorning their front door marking their house as having an untraditionally sombre Lent.
All their carefully packed and coordinated accoutrements had been abandoned almost as soon as they debarked. Traded in to play-act as wartorn locals. As much a lie as the photograph of Grace they used to pretend to be a family looking for their missing member. But they knew where their missing family member lie.
Lestat was dead. What did petty trinkets matter?
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A respected family like the de Pointe du Lacs had their mausoleum well established. Long since built in anticipation of generations not only yet interred, but yet birthed. An anticipation of generations of death reunited for family members yet to come.
The last interment Louis had witnessed had been that of his father. The singular death that catapulted him from second, but capable son to patriarch and provider. His mother's man in society, his sister's caretaker until Letty proved himself worthy — if he ever proved himself worthy. Paul's alleged savior, bringing him home from hospital and back to the parish church where his delusions were indulged and not beaten. Where his standing as a stalwart local noble carried an air of deference as opposed to being seen as just another crazy negro.
Florence's mourning period for her husband was longer than it had been for the previous patriarch. She had liked her father-in-law well enough, a curt respect and show of deference to where their young family had tithed from. But where Grandfather du Lac had found himself with a lack of a wife to prolong his life much beyond what it took for the Second Line to play their last, Florence had a place in society to maintain. She loved her late husband, of course, but her mourning was as much performance and societal duty as it was grief. She counted down the days till she could reintroduce a small splash of color to her wardrobe.
And yet, when the time came to enter half mourning, she found herself reluctant to add any colors to her wardrobe. And Louis wondered if it were as much about the loss of a husband as it was finding him to be a lack of a worthy replacement.
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Claudia found Louis' rituals to be tedious. It had been hard enough to convince him to kill Lestat. To keep Louis engaged with the plan once he had given himself over to illusion and allowed himself to love Lestat without reservation. Able to tell himself that this was the illusion and not the distance he had kept between them for so many years beforehand.
She almost killed Louis herself when he suggested a final update to her much ignored doll collection. What did she care of the human custom for black dressed widow dolls? What use would she have had for a mourning trinket meant to signal the death of a loved one? Lestat wasn't her loved one so much as her captor.
"You're supposed to be a child," Louis chided as they bedded down in a makeshift shelter.
"A teenager, not a fuckin' baby," she reminded him, her sleep already soured before she made the nightly commitment to coffin.
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Before they left Rue Royal for the final time, Louis went around the house and covered the remaining mirrors. "Closin' up the house," he deflected.
"Makin' sure he won't get trapped," came the surly reply. "He was a goddamned bastard. At least if he's trapped, we know where he is."
But Lestat doesn't deserve that, Louis thought to himself. Numb in his blood soaked clothes as he draped cloth over each mirror in the residence.
The horror that had been Lestat. The husband that had been Lestat.
What was death without the trappings of mourning? Without the rituals of loss? Without the overt signals to the neighborhood that a beloved family member had shuffled off this mortal plan and to the next?
What was life without Lestat?
Final notes: All of the cultural mourning information is based on the historical information and research of the Hermann-Grima + Gallier Historic Houses in New Orleans. Their Fall tour of the Gallier House is based on Creole practices circa 1860-1865 complete with historic ads for some of the items mentioned like the widow dolls.
While this information would be 50-80 years out of date for the show's timeline, Florence was definitely old school in the way she comported herself and Louis "clings to his Creole heritage" so it wouldn't be out of step for the characters to have an old fashioned way of doing things, especially as it would gain them respect in an increasingly hostile society.
Gallier House, of course, being notable to the narrative as the exterior model and address of 1132 Rue Royal and the basis for the interior layout as well.
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Mar 16, 2023
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Radio programas or shows is something of the past. And it has become just that, sadly, something never to go back too. But I loved those shows and still do. However, there are so many things today that occupies one’s mind with an endless bombardment of different media programs on the internet or mobile phone, that there seems to be never enough time for anything.
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The Six Shooter is a United States western old-time radio program starring James Stewart as a gunfighter. It was created by Frank Burt, who also wrote many of the episodes, and lasted only one season of 39 episodes on NBC (Sept. 20, 1953–June 24, 1954). One old-time radio directory called the program “a last, desperate effort by a radio network (NBC) to maintain interest in adventure drama by employing a major Hollywood movie star in the leading role.”
The main character, Britt Ponset, a drifting cowboy in the final years of the wild west, was played by James Steward who’s voice you are about to hear. Episodes ranged from straight western drama to whimsical comedy. A trademark of the show was Stewart’s use of whispered narration during tense scenes that created a heightened sense of drama and relief when the situation was resolved.(wikipedia)
THE RADIO SHOW: SIX SHOOTER season 1 episode 1
(1vid) https://youtu.be/UnMZKcpD4gM
Each episode opened with the announcer (Hal Gibney; John Wald in later episodes) stating: “The man in the saddle is angular and long-legged. His skin is sun-dyed brown. The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl, its handle unmarked. People call them both ‘the Six
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The haunting theme music was “Highland Lament”, arranged by series composer Basil Adlam and written by British film composer Charles Williams. Jack Johnstone was the producer-director for NBC Radio, in association with Revue Productions.
(2vid) https://youtu.be/AO9kG1rnXMg
James Stewart filmed a television pilot episode titled “The Windmill” featuring Barbara Hale, John McIntire and Edgar Buchanan but it somehow failed to sell. A perfect copy of the episode exists, however, which you can at the end of the paragraph.
WINDMILL. James Stewart, Barbara Hale
(3vid) https://ok.ru/video/5360758491699?source=post_page-----5145b7a552f2
The program was later successfully adapted for television in 1957 with John Payne as the star; by that time, Stewart’s career had completely recovered from his initial postwar slump and he was no longer available. An article in a trade publication reported that 39 “half-hour tv films” would be produced “for a series titled The Six Shooter.” Frank Burt was the consultant for all episodes of the adaptation. The pilot episode, titled “The Restless Gun”, aired on 29 March 1957 as an episode of the anthology series Schlitz Playhouse of Stars. John Payne, who would go on to star in the series, played the lead character, Britt Ponsett. But by the time the series, also called The Restless Gun, debuted the following fall, the main character’s name had been changed to Vint Bonner, “a slightly altered rendition of Britt Ponset”.
The Restless Gun is an American Western television series that appeared on NBC between 1957 and 1959, with John Payne in the role of Vint Bonner, a wandering cowboy in the era after the American Civil War. A skilled gunfighter, Bonner is an idealistic person who prefers peaceful resolutions of conflict wherever possible. He is gregarious, intelligent, and public-spirited. The half-hour black-and-white program aired 78 episodes (including the pilot episode in which the John Payne character's name is Britt Ponsett, the name of James Stewart's character in the 1953-54 old-time radio series The Six Shooter, upon which The Restless Gun television series was originally based).Wikipedia
(4vid) https://ok.ru/video/9967297759795
The Restless Gun theme song (officially titled "I Ride With the Wind") begins: "I ride with the wind, my eyes on the sun, and my hand on my restless gun..."
5vid https://youtu.be/23cx9u7fh94
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hyenahunt · 1 year ago
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 12
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: ???, Ibara
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace
???: (However, innocence is not a sin. My little brother, Kaname, has done nothing wrong.)
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
???: (However, innocence is not a sin. My little brother, Kaname, has done nothing wrong.)
(Despite that, ever since he was born, he has faced unreasonable discrimination. He's shunned by those higher than him in the industry due to violating a taboo— )
(He has done nothing wrong, yet he has fallen so far.)
(He was a brother I’d never spoken to before. And I pitied him.)
(Fortunately, I had skills and wisdom. I had to acquire both in order to survive when I'd left home.)
(And now, I could use them to help my little brother.)
(After all, I had always made a living by disguising myself as a jack-of-all-trades, and my client this time just so happened to be a family member.)
(I didn't accept it for my father's sake. I wanted to help my poor younger brother.)
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???: (For his sake, I learned as much as I could about something so particular to Japan, so foreign to those overseas — I learned all that there was to know about idols, which was akin to inscrutable faith.)
(Once I had learned enough, I offered my hand to Kaname. So long as he heeded my instruction, he'd be able to bloom anew as a wonderful idol.)
(Or, that was what should have happened.)
... What is this? What is he doing? Do you know anything about this?
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Ibara: Perhaps, perhaps not? If I'm to be honest, even I'm taken back by this series of events!
This gathering was organised by Mr. HiMERU and his associate, funded out of their own pockets. It has nothing to do with idol work — it appears the students are gathering entirely of their own accord.
As I have various other projects on my hands, there is no way for me to keep a constant eye on the developments within Reimei Academy, please understand.
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Ibara: As a result, my response to independent activities such as this has been rather delayed.
Were this an official idol activity, or work-related, then I would have been able to detect it early on from tells such as bank account activity and so forth.
Which is why I was late to become aware of even the movements of the gatherings within the Catacombs.
Were it not for that, then I would have stepped in to put a halt to things the moment Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya began to build his suspicious religious cult-like group. After all, religion cannot be suppressed, which makes it far outside my field of expertise.
I thought we'd finally gotten a hold on that religion by way of giving them work and incorporating capitalism into the mix...
But this gathering truly was unexpected. I wonder what they're meeting about?
???: Hm. Then you and I are the same; I also came to see what, exactly, was going on.
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Ibara: Oh, I’ve already made an educated guess on what might happen next, you know? However this came about, I’ve certainly predicted its conclusion!
The leaders of opposing powers meet, showing their solidarity by way of shaking hands in public. In this case, those leaders would be Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya and Mr. HiMERU.
By doing so, they will strike down the long-standing feud between their two factions.
An era of peace shall descend upon Reimei Academy.
A-ha-ha! ☆ How magnificent! It'll end as happily as a fairy tale!
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Ibara: ... But unfortunately, reality isn't so sweet.
The students of Reimei Academy have already fallen prey to the anger and hatred that have accumulated throughout their lives.
Towards those that they detest with all their being, they’re unable to sweep it all under the rug, and allow bygones be bygones.
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Ibara: Well, if they did all band together as friends, then I'd be in something of a pickle myself! Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya's ideology and capitalism don't mix well, after all. It sufficiently counters the latter.
That's no way to run a business, you see? I'm against the idea entirely.
The plan was to force him out of Reimei Academy entirely by pushing an unreasonable amount of expectations onto him, so much that his well-being would falter and he would drop out...
But unfortunately, it would seem Mr. Tatsumi Kazehaya is stronger than expected. Not once did he break, falter, or give in. Instead, he's done the opposite: no matter how persecuted he becomes, he only rises again and again from the ashes akin to a phoenix.
What a nuisance... Though at the same time, I do respect it. If we didn't have such a conflict of interest, I'd absolutely welcome such a stupendous person as a brother in arms!
And so, despite our differences, it truly is hard to watch a remarkable man fall victim to such ruin...
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bliamapriori · 4 months ago
Before lexember season is officially upon us, I suppose I should update the progress I've been making with my conlangs.
Regarding the Faerûnian Elven (the conlang I've spoken about the most on this blog), that's going fine and I'm slowly chipping away at putting in dictionary entries into my personal worldbuilding wiki.
The Infernal lang I used in the 2023 lexember has finally had its backwards evolution done and I'm in the process of creating the Supernalese Language Family from it.
The language family has a pseudo-proto-language (Supernal) and I say pseudo because it's technically still in limited use in some contexts.
Two daughter languages (Dark Speech) and (Light Speech aka Words of Creation), though I feel like I should mention I really do not like the implications of Light/Dark Speech and I'm trying to find an equivalent name for Dark Speech along the lines of Words of Creation, but I haven't landed on anything that's stuck yet.
And of these daughter languages they both have two granddaughter languages respectively. Infernal and Abyssal, and Celestial and Planar respectively. From what I understand, Planar is entirely homebrewed on my part, and I included it to complete some symmetry in the family. I don't really have a logical reason for this other than I plan on having balance and numerology be of some cultural significance to the Supernalese speakers and I wanted to ensure I had enough linguistic wiggle room to have fun with interlinguisitic family loanwords. Which is to say aesthetic and functional reasoning was my priority.
Of the granddaughter languages there are currently two major diaspora Faerûnian dialects of Infernal and Celestial (of which only one is of true concern to me), though I have made space for more dialects on the assumption there would be.
I've done little to expand upon the Celestial dialect, but the Faerûnian Infernal is markedly different from the more fixed High Infernal (spoken on an entirely different plane to Faerûn) and more influenced by surrounding languages such as Faerûnian Elven, Chondanthan and other Thorass languages including the ever in flux Trade Pidgins/Common. Of these influences, this has resulted in adapting the traditionally base 12 number system to be more in line with the more common base 10 and base 20 systems.
This year I was really hoping to be able to work on refining the scripts I have made but unfortunately I do not have better crunchier typefaces to share ready for Lexember, but what I do have... is a Celestial relative of the Infernal script. At some point I will force myself to sit down and sketch out each goddamn character by hand in one (or more) of my several grid-lined journals, but to be perfectly honest this year has been extremely draining and neography is not what's currently scratching the itch in my brain, so it's okay how it is for now I guess.
Overall I'm pretty happy with where I am at. I had kinda hoped that I could blast all this out in 6 months and return to my own personal project unrelated to dnd but it's been so much of a learning experience it's hard to be disappointed in everything I've done up until this point.
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wehaveagathering · 1 year ago
flyers post-coots Captain announcement thoughts under the cut (you will not like what i have to say)
i think this means they're .... looking really, really seriously at tr*ding laughton
up until yesterday when looking at the list of names that could be up at the trade deadline - walker, seeler, staal, ristolainen / frost, laughton - one of the main concerns at least for me was locker room culture and leadership? with laughton as the only letter, if you trade him, you have a serious lack of official leadership roles in the room, and no anchor-point guys to look to. BUT, with an official C and a new A – two clear signs that Coots & TK aren't going ANYwhere – you have a little more leeway with leadership. laughts was already on the chopping block, but his neck was made of gold. now, as cruel and cold as it is, he's far more expendable. at this point, if you're DB and Tortorella, objectively, it's a reasonable decision, and you've set yourself up for as minimal loss to bench & locker room culture as possible. waiting this long as well allowed Coots to establish himself in the room after his return and allowed TK to get used to a different role as well as he matures.
a rather lengthy aside: i think - again i'm new, wasn't here for the giroux era, tho i wish i was - that they learned their lesson about philly sports teams and pressure. from what i know, G didn't respond great to the added pressure of being captain, points production dropped, etc. Bryzgalov as well – the phl media was cruel to him to the point where HIS stats began to drop because of pressure. you need to know that the guy in this new role can HANDLE the pressure of not just the room and the team, but philadelphia, a city that makes sports not just a part of fan culture, but an intrinsic part of its identity as a city. coots, at 31, with a good few years left in him, is a guy that can withstand the pressure. i know a lot of people wanted TK to be captain – i think he's still too young. i think this is a good decision. laughts as the C – i think his frustration and lack of scoring this season would only bog him down as the C, and i think that philadelphia would look critically at that decision. but i think coots is respected in a gritty philly kinda way, been a flyer the whole time, bounced back from injury, etc. idk. great decisions all around if i'm being honest, and i'm glad they took their time.
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also, back to my original point – yeah, I know torts said this, but you can't NOT say something about the guy that's captained an NHL team as Not-A-Captain for a year and a half all by himself. of course he's been vital. but that's the thing. he might not be vital anymore.
OF COURSE, if you're me in my feely-weely-weelings, you're not looking at this objectively at ALL, you're climbing into john tortorella's attic and sending your voice echoing through his walls that if he trades scott laughton you will descend upon his house like the plagues of egypt and never again will he rest soundly
anyway let me know ur onions
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mariacallous · 2 years ago
As if Coca-Cola gave up making soft drinks, the Taliban announced to great fanfare last year that they were getting out of the drug business. The group that rode big opium profits to a takeover of Afghanistan in the summer of 2021 suddenly, seemingly, swore off the stuff. Poppy planting was banned and drugs were off the menu. Or that, at least, is what they want the world to believe.
And they actually are—sort of. Satellite images seem to show a sharp decline in poppy acreage and methamphetamine manufacture since Taliban Supreme Leader Haibatullah Akhundzada announced his ban on producing and trading drugs in April 2022. Some Western officials, diplomats, and analysts see it as a welcome counternarcotics move, achieving with a simple decree what billions of dollars in U.S.-funded programs couldn’t do in two decades.
In reality, though, the Taliban haven’t changed their stripes—just their product. The drugs trade was estimated to account for up to 14 percent of Afghanistan’s GDP last year, according to the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). If new figures from the UNODC are to be believed, that’s about to get a lot higher.
The Taliban didn’t curtail the drug trade. They cornered it. And then they branched out. What the Taliban did with heroin was stand on the hose, driving up prices. Since Akhundzada’s decree—which did not apply until this year—opium prices have skyrocketed, rising a hundredfold in local markets in eastern and southern Afghanistan, the main growing regions. Seizures of heroin and meth are up, from Australia to India, the Gulf, Central Asia, and at European ports like Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, and Antwerp, in Belgium. Experts say the one-year lag between the decree’s announcement and enforcement gave producers and traffickers time to boost output and stockpiles, while stoking fears of a looming shortage that’s driven an inflationary panic-buying frenzy.
The Taliban are to heroin and meth what the Sinaloa cartel is to cocaine. Southeast Asia still makes a bit, but otherwise, Afghanistan has a stranglehold on the $55 billion-a-year heroin trade. Drug lord Bashir Noorzai, who was a major war financier and a close associate of the supreme leader, was greeted as a hero when he returned to Afghanistan last year upon early release from a life sentence in U.S. prison for heroin smuggling, swapped for an American hostage. Afghan sources say he is back in business.
But the Taliban are upscaling. While they had dabbled—and quite extensively—with meth in the past, they used plant-based precursors. But that takes labor. What’s easier, cheaper, quicker, and more profitable is chemical-based meth.
The UNODC annually assesses Afghanistan’s poppy acreage, opium yield and prices, and heroin production, though since the Taliban regained power, access and visibility, like the reports, are hamstrung. What does seem apparent is that the Taliban have cut down on poppy production. Recent satellite images provided by Alcis show a dramatic reduction in poppy planting. Anecdotal evidence from on-the-ground reporting backs up statements by Alcis researchers that poppy planting could have fallen by as much as 99 percent in some areas.
Afghan journalist Mirwais Khan said his sources in the southern Helmand province, where much of the country’s supply of heroin is sourced, tell him that poppy planting is close to zero for the current season. In the markets, he said, prices have surged from 30,000 Pakistani rupees, or about $100 a kilo a year ago, to 520,000 rupees. (Opium is priced in Pakistani rupees.) Last month, RFE/RL reported opium markets in Helmand and Kandahar operating as usual and said traffickers had amassed “strategic stockpiles” to take advantage of high prices.
Hans-Jakob Schindler, senior director of the Berlin- and New York-based Counter Extremism Project, doesn’t believe the ban is genuine, let alone long-term. He regards it as an attempt to maximize profits while lulling the international community into recognizing the Taliban. Or it’s a diversification play.
“If I was a Talib, I’d be getting into meth,” Schindler told Foreign Policy. The raw material for plant-based methamphetamine, ephedra, grows wild in Afghanistan. The Taliban have cracked down on that, too. But the drug can be synthesized simply and cheaply with easily acquired precursor chemicals and cooked in labs that are almost undetectable on satellite imagery. The costs and returns are many times that of heroin.
“They can ramp up meth production. You can tell [on satellite photos], but you have to know what you’re looking for, and at. It will be much harder to prove,” as the labs often look like any other building, Schindler said.
The UNODC agrees, with an assessment released on Sunday describing the illegal manufacture of meth in Afghanistan as a “growing threat” that is “changing illicit drug markets traditionally focused on the trafficking of opiates from Afghanistan.” Chemical precursors have become the main ingredient, the report said, derived from legally available sources like cold medicine or bulk industrial ephedrines that are smuggled into Afghanistan year-round. One kilogram of pure meth can be produced from less than 2 kilos of industrial ephedrine, compared to 200 kilos of ephedra plant that have to be harvested and prepared by human beings who like to get paid.
The Taliban have been moving into meth for some years, building markets by including it in shipments of heroin. Australian media has reported huge seizures of Afghan meth, sent through the mail from Pakistan to motorcycle gangs that dominate the trade. Compared to heroin, a little goes longer, and the UNODC report shows the Taliban are trading it to every corner of the world.
As industrial-scale manufacture of chemical drugs ramps up, the biggest losers are Afghanistan’s farmers, who languish at the bottom of the economic pyramid, among the poorest people in one of the world’s most indigent countries. For decades, they’ve been Taliban serfs, forced to grow poppies to help fund the war against the Western-backed Afghan state. The Taliban provided inputs, including seeds and fertilizer. Farmers found themselves in a debt trap they could and did pay off at times by fighting for the Taliban against Afghan and international coalition forces.
News footage of lathi-armed goon squads destroying poppy fields is a déjà vu of failed counternarcotics programs during the past two decades, which at least offered farmers alternatives, like growing wheat or saffron. Insurgent suicide bombers would destroy seed distribution centers, and Taliban operatives would sometimes even kill farmers who tried to make the switch. The U.S. Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction reported that the U.S. government spent, between 2002 and 2017, about $8.6 billion on counternarcotics efforts. Opium remained Afghanistan’s largest cash crop.
But wheat and other crops are just not a viable option. “If they grow grain, they will starve,” Schindler said, as Afghan farmers need cash crops to cover their costs. A long-term drought has cut their ability to grow food. If the ban continues, many men will be forced off the land to look for work elsewhere, adding to the huge numbers of internally displaced and, potentially, to the numbers flooding out of the country—to Pakistan, Iran, and beyond—in search of work.
Little farmers and big landowners both stand to lose from the continued ban, even if that was the endgame of all those years of U.S. and international efforts. Akhundzada seems to have put his prestige on the line with the ban, regardless of the collateral damage.
“The economic shock and human suffering will continue and worsen as long as the ban is implemented,” warned William Byrd, an expert on Afghanistan at the U.S. Institute of Peace.
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ashuvision · 6 days ago
GST Registration Made Easy: Step-by-Step Guide for Indian Businesses
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The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a unified indirect tax system in India that replaces multiple state and central taxes. Businesses and individuals supplying goods and services must register for GST if their turnover exceeds the prescribed threshold.
This guide provides a step-by-step process for GST registration in India, including eligibility, required documents, and benefits. For a hassle-free registration, consider seeking assistance from a professional GST Registration Agency.
What is GST Registration?
GST registration is a legal requirement for businesses exceeding turnover limits or engaged in specific business activities. Upon registration, a business receives a GST Identification Number (GSTIN), crucial for tax compliance and filing returns. Operating without GST registration can result in penalties and legal actions.
Who Needs GST Registration?
Mandatory GST Registration Criteria:
As per GST regulations, the following businesses and individuals must register:
Turnover-Based Registration:
Service providers: Annual turnover above ₹20 lakhs (₹10 lakhs for special category states)
Goods suppliers: Annual turnover above ₹40 lakhs (₹20 lakhs for special category states)
Interstate Business Operators:
Businesses supplying goods/services across state borders must register, regardless of turnover.
E-commerce Sellers:
Businesses selling via platforms like Amazon, Flipkart, etc., must register.
Casual Taxable Persons:
Individuals involved in seasonal or temporary business activities.
Non-Resident Taxable Persons:
Foreign businesses providing goods or services in India.
Agents & Input Service Distributors:
Businesses distributing tax credits.
Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) Entities:
Entities liable to pay GST under RCM.
Voluntary Registration:
Small businesses can register voluntarily to avail of tax benefits and business credibility.
Documents Required for GST Registration
To apply for GST registration, the following documents are needed:
PAN Card (Business/Proprietor)
Aadhaar Card (For verification)
Business Address Proof (Utility bill, rental agreement, or property tax receipt)
Bank Account Details (Cancelled cheque or bank statement)
Incorporation Certificate/Partnership Deed (For companies and partnerships)
Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) (For companies and LLPs)
Authorization Letter (If applicable)
Photographs of Proprietor/Partners/Directors
Step-by-Step Guide to GST Registration
Follow these steps to complete GST registration online:
Visit the GST Portal
Go to the official GST portal.
Click on ‘Register Now’
Navigate to ‘Services > Registration > New Registration’.
Fill in Basic Details
Enter details like business type, PAN, state, district, email, and mobile number.
OTP Verification
An OTP is sent to the registered email and mobile number for verification.
Receive Temporary Reference Number (TRN)
A TRN is generated upon verification for future login.
Complete Business Details
Log in using the TRN and provide details like business structure, address, and bank information.
Upload Required Documents
Submit necessary documents including PAN, Aadhaar, and bank proof.
Verification & Submission
Review and submit the application using DSC, E-Sign, or EVC.
Application Reference Number (ARN) Generation
After submission, an ARN is sent via email and SMS.
GST Officer Review & Approval
The application is reviewed, and upon approval, the GSTIN is issued within 7–10 working days.
Benefits of GST Registration
Legal Recognition: Establishes your business as a tax-compliant entity.
Input Tax Credit (ITC): Allows businesses to claim tax credits.
Seamless Inter-State Trade: Enables smooth transactions across states.
Enhanced Business Credibility: Increases trust among clients and partners.
Competitive Edge: Essential for government tenders and large contracts.
Common Challenges & Solutions
Incorrect Document Submission: Ensure all documents are uploaded correctly.
Verification Delays: Track ARN status and follow up if required.
Errors in Application: Double-check details before submission.
Choosing the Right GST Category: Consult professionals for proper guidance.
Why Choose a Professional GST Registration Agency?
Navigating GST registration can be complex, especially for new businesses. Partnering with a GST Registration Agency ensures:
Hassle-free filing
Accurate documentation
Quick processing and GSTIN issuance
Expert tax compliance support
GST registration is a vital step for businesses operating in India. Understanding the process and requirements ensures smooth compliance and business growth. For a seamless experience, seeking expert assistance can save time and effort.
For professional GST registration services, visit Tax and Services or call us at 7316967017 and get started today!
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lowpricephones · 24 days ago
Where to Buy Sony, Samsung, iPhone & Nokia Phones at the Lowest Prices in the UK
Finding the best deals on Sony, Samsung, iPhone, and Nokia phones in the UK can be challenging with so many retailers offering different prices. Whether you're looking for a brand-new smartphone, a refurbished phone, or a contract deal, knowing where to shop can help you save money. In this guide, we'll explore the best places to buy smartphones at the lowest prices in the UK.
1. Best Online Stores to Buy Sony, Samsung, iPhone & Nokia Phones
Amazon UK
Amazon UK is one of the best platforms to find deals on new and refurbished smartphones. With competitive pricing, seasonal discounts, and Prime-exclusive offers, you can get great savings on Samsung and iPhone models.
eBay UK
eBay is a top marketplace for finding pre-owned and refurbished Sony, Nokia, and Samsung phones. Be sure to check seller ratings and look for devices with warranties for a safe purchase.
Argos UK
Argos frequently offers bundle deals, trade-in offers, and installment plans, making it a great place to buy smartphones at competitive prices.
Carphone Warehouse
Carphone Warehouse is a top choice for contract and SIM-free smartphone deals. It offers trade-in discounts and exclusive promotions on flagship models.
LowPricePhones UK
LowPricePhones UK specializes in refurbished and pre-owned iPhones, Samsungs, and more. They provide quality-checked devices at unbeatable prices with warranties included.
2. Top Physical Stores for Affordable Smartphone Deals
Currys offers competitive prices, trade-in options, and financing plans for smartphones. They often match online prices from major competitors.
John Lewis
John Lewis provides extended warranties and excellent customer service when purchasing a new smartphone. They frequently offer seasonal discounts.
Tesco Mobile
Tesco Mobile has exclusive clubcard deals on Nokia, iPhones, and Samsung models with flexible payment plans.
Local Mobile Shops
Independent retailers often provide hidden deals, especially on pre-owned and refurbished smartphones. Be sure to compare prices before making a purchase.
3. Best Times to Buy Smartphones for Maximum Savings
Black Friday & Cyber Monday: The biggest discounts on flagship models.
Boxing Day & January Sales: Excellent post-Christmas price drops.
Student Discounts: Many retailers offer discounts for students.
New Model Releases: When new models launch, older versions get major discounts.
4. Refurbished & Pre-Owned Phones: Best Budget Options
Buying certified refurbished smartphones can save you a lot. Here are the best places to shop:
Back Market – Quality refurbished devices with warranties.
Music Magpie – Trusted UK seller with competitive pricing.
Apple Refurbished Store – Official Apple-certified iPhones at lower prices.
5. Network Providers & Carrier Deals
Major UK carriers provide contract and SIM-free smartphone deals:
EE – Early upgrade offers and 5G deals.
O2 – Includes free screen repairs on selected contracts.
Vodafone – Affordable installment plans.
Three UK – Frequent cashback and trade-in discounts.
6. Price Comparison Websites & Deal Alerts
PriceSpy & CompareTheMarket – Compare smartphone prices across different UK retailers.
Google Alerts – Set up notifications for price drops on specific models.
HotUKDeals – A community forum sharing the latest UK smartphone discounts.
7. Tips to Negotiate and Save More on Smartphones
Price Matching – Many retailers match competitors' prices upon request.
Bundle Discounts – Buy accessories or insurance with your phone for extra savings.
Cashback Offers – Use cashback credit cards to save even more.
Getting the best price on Sony, Samsung, iPhone, and Nokia phones in the UK requires smart shopping. Whether you buy online, in-store, or opt for refurbished smartphones, compare deals and shop during discount seasons. Use price comparison tools, trade-in offers, and cashback rewards to maximize your savings!
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How to Raise Your Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits
In recent years, the Cash App has emerged as one of the most popular platforms for managing and transacting cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin. Its ease of use, instant transfers, and security features make it a go-to choice for both seasoned crypto investors and beginners. However, just like any financial service, Cash App has its own set of rules and limitations. One such important restriction is the Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limit, which many users are curious about.
If you're someone who frequently deals in Bitcoin on Cash App, understanding your withdrawal limits is essential for seamless transactions. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the daily Bitcoin withdrawal limit on Cash App, how to increase it, and answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Cash App’s Bitcoin withdrawal policy.
Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have fundamentally changed the way we think about money. With traditional banks and financial institutions often imposing high fees and long transaction times, Bitcoin and other digital assets provide an alternative that is faster and more decentralized. In the world of digital currency trading, Cash App has positioned itself as a user-friendly platform for buying, selling, and sending Bitcoin.
Whether you’re a novice looking to transfer Bitcoin to a personal wallet or a seasoned investor looking to make large transactions, you must know the limitations set by Cash App. The Cash App Bitcoin limits are in place to safeguard users and comply with various legal and financial regulations. For many, understanding these limits can be a bit confusing, especially when it comes to the specifics of daily withdrawal amounts.
In this article, we’ll break down the Bitcoin Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit on Cash App, how to increase your Bitcoin withdrawal limit, and other essential details related to Bitcoin withdrawals on Cash App.
What Are Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits?
When it comes to withdrawing Bitcoin on Cash App, there are certain daily limits that users need to be aware of. These limits determine the maximum amount of Bitcoin you can transfer from your Cash App account to an external wallet on a daily basis.
As of 2025, Cash App allows Bitcoin withdrawals of up to USD 2,000 worth of Bitcoin per day. This limit applies to both standard and expedited transactions. It's important to note that this limit is subject to change, so it’s always a good idea to check Cash App’s official guidelines for the most up-to-date information.
The Cash App daily Bitcoin withdrawal limit varies depending on your account verification level. Users who have fully verified their Cash App account (by providing personal information like your full name, address, date of birth, and the last four digits of your SSN) may be eligible for higher withdrawal limits.
How to Increase Cash App Bitcoin Withdrawal Limits?
If your Bitcoin withdrawal limit on Cash App is too low for your needs, you may be wondering how to increase it. Fortunately, Cash App allows you to increase Cash App's Bitcoin daily limit under certain conditions. Here's how you can do so:
Step 1: Complete Full Verification
The most common way to increase your Bitcoin withdrawal limit is by completing the full verification process on Cash App. This process involves:
Submitting your full name
Providing your address
Verifying your date of birth
Providing the last four digits of your SSN
Once you’ve provided all the necessary documentation, Cash App will review your information. Upon successful verification, you will be granted access to higher withdrawal limits, including increased Bitcoin withdrawal limits.
Step 2: Maintain a Positive Transaction History
As mentioned earlier, a clean and positive transaction history can contribute to higher withdrawal limits. By consistently using the Cash App for legitimate transactions and avoiding any suspicious activity, you increase your chances of being eligible for increased withdrawal limits.
Step 3: Contact Cash App Support
Suppose you’ve completed the full verification process and maintained a positive account standing but still find your Bitcoin withdrawal limit on Cash App too restrictive. In that case, you can reach out to Cash App’s customer support. Cash App’s support team can provide further guidance on your account status and may offer assistance in raising your withdrawal limits, depending on your usage patterns and account activity.
What is the Bitcoin Daily ATM Withdrawal Limit on Cash App?
While Cash App is primarily known for its digital transactions, many users also inquire about the Cash App ATM withdrawal limits. However, it's important to note that Bitcoin withdrawals on Cash App do not work in the same way as traditional ATM withdrawals. Bitcoin transactions on Cash App are typically made to an external wallet rather than through a physical ATM.
That said, if you're using a Cash App for traditional banking services, such as withdrawing USD from an ATM, there are other limits to be aware of. Cash App allows you to withdraw up to USD 310 per transaction from ATMs and has a USD 1,000 daily ATM withdrawal limit for standard accounts. These limits are separate from Bitcoin withdrawal limits.
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adalidda · 2 months ago
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Mitigating Critical Risks in Payment Against Documents (PAD) for Fresh Fruits Shipped by Air Cargo: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, the global trade of fresh fruits has seen a significant rise, driven by increasing demand for exotic and seasonal produce. However, this growth has also attracted fraudulent activities, particularly targeting exporters who rely on Payment Against Documents (PAD) for air cargo shipments. PAD, while convenient, presents unique vulnerabilities due to the rapid transit times of air freight, which often outpaces the verification of payment. This creates a window of opportunity for fraudsters to exploit unsuspecting exporters, leading to substantial financial losses. 
This article delves into the critical risks associated with PAD transactions for fresh fruit exporters, explores real-world fraud cases, and provides actionable strategies to safeguard your business. By understanding these risks and implementing robust preventative measures, exporters can protect their assets, maintain profitability, and build trust in international trade relationships.
Understanding the PAD Fraud Risk in Air Cargo Shipments 
Payment Against Documents (PAD) is a common payment method in international trade, where the buyer agrees to pay upon presentation of shipping documents, such as the bill of lading, commercial invoice, and certificate of origin. These documents are typically handled through the banking system, which acts as an intermediary. However, the speed of air cargo shipments introduces a critical vulnerability: goods often arrive at their destination before payment can be fully verified. 
Fraudsters exploit this gap using sophisticated tactics, including fake payment confirmations and manipulated bank transfers. For fresh fruit exporters, the stakes are even higher due to the perishable nature of the goods, which makes recovery or resale nearly impossible once the shipment is released. Below, we explore the most common fraudulent schemes and their implications for exporters.
Common Fraud Tactics in PAD Transactions 
1. Fake Payment Slips
Scammers often send counterfeit payment slips that appear legitimate, complete with bank logos, transaction IDs, and signatures. These documents are designed to deceive exporters into believing that payment has been initiated, prompting them to release the goods. However, no actual payment is made, leaving the exporter with significant losses. 
2. Manipulated Bank Transfers
In some cases, fraudsters initiate a bank transfer but cancel or reverse it shortly after. This creates a temporary appearance of payment in the banking system, tricking exporters into shipping goods without realizing the payment will not be finalized. 
3. Identity Spoofing
Fraudsters may impersonate legitimate buyers or banks, using fake email addresses or websites to communicate with exporters. This tactic is particularly effective in creating a false sense of security, as the exporter believes they are dealing with a trusted party. 
Real-World Case Study: A Costly Lesson for a Fresh Fruit Exporter 
Consider the case of an African fruit exporter who agreed to a PAD transaction with a new client in the Middle East for a large shipment of mangoes. The buyer provided a convincing payment confirmation, complete with official bank logos and transaction details. Reassured by the documentation, the exporter shipped the mangoes via air cargo, which arrived at the destination within two days. 
However, when the exporter attempted to withdraw the funds, they discovered that no payment had been made. The buyer had disappeared, and the exporter was left with no recourse. In addition to losing the value of the shipment, the exporter incurred significant freight and handling costs, highlighting the devastating impact of PAD fraud. 
Key Risks in PAD Transactions for Air Cargo Shipments of Fresh Fruits 
1. Fake or Cancelled Bank Transfers 
The rapid shipping time of air cargo creates a narrow window for payment verification, which fraudsters exploit by creating fake or temporarily initiated transfers. 
2. Customs Clearance Speed
Perishable goods often clear customs quickly, making it difficult for exporters to retrieve goods once they are released to the buyer. 
3. Difficulty in Retrieving Goods
Once the goods are in the buyer’s possession, recovery is nearly impossible without costly and time-consuming legal proceedings. 
4. Perishability of Goods
Fresh fruits have a limited shelf life, making them unsuitable for sales or storage if the transaction fails. 
Comprehensive Recommendations to Prevent PAD Scams 
1. Require an Irrevocable, Confirmed Letter of Credit (LC)
An LC is a more secure payment method than PAD, as it guarantees payment upon verification of shipping documents. For added security, ensure the LC is confirmed by a reputable bank in your country. 
2. Request Full or Partial Payment in Advance 
Requiring at least 50% upfront payment establishes the buyer’s commitment and reduces the risk of non-payment. For high-risk regions or new clients, consider requesting full prepayment. 
3. Utilize Trusted Escrow Services
Escrow services act as neutral third parties, holding funds until both parties fulfill their obligations. This ensures payment verification before goods are released. 
4. Partner with Trade Insurers
Trade insurance can protect against losses from non-payment or fraud. Specialized policies for agrifood exporters often include coverage for unpaid transactions and support for dispute resolution. 
5. Conduct Comprehensive Due Diligence on New Clients
Verify new clients by requesting trade references, validating their business registration, and confirming bank details directly with their bank. Be cautious of red flags such as reluctance to provide references or urgent shipment requests without prior transactions. 
6. Independently Verify Payment Before Shipping 
Always confirm directly with your bank that payment has been cleared up before releasing goods. Avoid relying solely on buyer-provided documents and insist on independent verification. 
7. Leverage Technology for Secure Transactions
Use secure payment platforms and blockchain-based solutions to enhance transparency and traceability in transactions. These technologies can help verify payment authenticity and reduce the risk of fraud. 
8. Establish Clear Contract Terms 
Draft detailed contracts that outline payment terms, delivery conditions, and dispute resolution mechanisms. Ensure both parties sign the contract before proceeding with the transaction. 
9. Monitor High-Risk Regions
Stay informed about regions with elevated fraud risks and adjust your payment terms accordingly. For example, consider avoiding PAD altogether in high-risk areas. 
10. Educate Your Team 
Train your staff to recognize common fraud tactics and implement strict internal controls for verifying payments and shipping documents. 
The risks associated with Payment Against Documents (PAD) for fresh fruit shipments by air cargo are significant, but they can be mitigated through proactive measures and a thorough understanding of fraud tactics. By adopting secure payment methods like irrevocable letters of credit, conducting rigorous due diligence, and leveraging technology, exporters can protect their businesses from financial losses and build stronger, more trustworthy trade relationships. 
In an increasingly interconnected global market, vigilance and preparedness are key to navigating the complexities of international trade. By implementing the strategies outlined in this guide, fresh fruit exporters can reduce their exposure to PAD fraud, safeguard their assets, and ensure the long-term sustainability of their businesses. Remember, protecting your business begins with a commitment to secure transactions and a proactive approach to risk management.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post and learned something new and useful from it. If you did, please share it with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in Agriculture and Agribusiness.
Mr. Kosona Chriv
Group Chief Sales and Marketing Officer
Solina / Sahel Agri-Sol Group (Ivory Coast, Senegal, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania)
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
Deko Group (Nigeria, Cambodia)
Senior Advisor
Adalidda (India, Cambodia)
Follow me on
BlueSky https://bsky.app/profile/kosona.bsky.social
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kosona
Photo: Fresh Mangos (AI-generated Image)
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lotterygamesapp · 4 months ago
Bounty Game Registration – Get Started and Win Big!
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Welcome to Bounty Game – India’s premier online platform for lottery games, casino betting, and color prediction trading. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, the registration process is quick, easy, and designed to get you started on your winning journey right away!
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the Bounty Game registration process, highlight the benefits of signing up, and give you tips on how to maximize your experience. Let’s dive into how to register and start playing for real money rewards today!
Why Register on Bounty Game?
Before we dive into the registration steps, let's take a moment to understand the benefits you’ll unlock by signing up for Bounty Game.
1. Access to Real Money Rewards
Bounty Game allows you to earn real money while enjoying exciting games like lotteries, casino games, and color prediction trading. Every time you play, you have the chance to win instant cash rewards that can be withdrawn easily.
2. Exclusive Welcome Bonus
Upon registering, you’ll be eligible for a generous welcome bonus of up to ₹3,000. This bonus gives you extra playing power, increasing your chances of winning big from the get-go.
3. Secure and Fast Withdrawals
With Bounty Game, your winnings are just a few clicks away. We offer fast and secure withdrawal options, ensuring that you can cash out your winnings quickly without any hassle.
4. Play Anytime, Anywhere
The Bounty Game app is available for iOS and Android users. After registering, you can start playing from the comfort of your home or on the go. The app provides a smooth, user-friendly experience, allowing you to access all your favorite games at any time.
Step-by-Step Guide to Register on Bounty Game
Getting started with Bounty Game is simple! Follow these easy steps to register, claim your welcome bonus, and start playing to win.
Step 1: Visit the Official Bounty Game Website
To begin your Bounty Game registration, visit our official website:
Go to bountygame.pro using any web browser on your device (laptop, PC, or mobile).
On the homepage, look for the "Sign Up" or "Register" button, typically located at the top right corner of the screen.
Step 2: Download the Bounty Game App (Optional)
If you prefer playing on mobile, you can also download the Bounty Game app for your iOS or Android device. Here’s how to do it:
For Android users, click on the Download for Android button.
For iOS users, click on the Download for iOS button.
Install the app on your mobile device and proceed to the registration page within the app.
The mobile app is designed to provide a seamless and fast experience, so you can start playing and winning real money in no time.
Step 3: Fill Out the Registration Form
Once you click the Register button, you will be redirected to a simple registration form. You will need to provide basic information to create your account:
Full Name: Enter your first and last name as per your identification.
Email Address: Provide a valid email address where we can send you updates and promotions.
Phone Number: Enter your phone number to receive important account-related notifications.
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scots-gallivanter · 5 months ago
The moon shone broad and bright upon the placid face of the Solway Firth, and showed a slight ripple upon the stakes, the tops of which were just visible above the waves.
SIR WALTER SCOTT, Redgauntlet (1824)
THE CLOCKS WENT forward today but there’d hardly be enough blue in the world to darn a sailor’s hanky. My ears, exposed after an out-of-season haircut, are red as hen’s heads as Nikki and I take in the windswept mudflats which Robert Burns called ‘this wild place of the world’. A heron pecks patina into flotsam; tuxedoed oystercatchers hurtle along the mud with their lame men’s gaits and then moan into a monochrome sky. To hoodwink their prey, plovers tap-dance on the beach pretending to be raindrops.
Three boys in shell suits stand around an observation viewer. ‘Quality’, offers the tallest of the trio, after discovering it isn’t coin-operated. He squints through it to England. ‘What the Butler saw’, I joke, ‘That’s where Edward the First cursed us before breathing his last.’ The three boys dander off, perplexed about butlers; an oyster-catcher pipes past, and a flock of timid redshanks retreats past the Altar Stane, more often than not under water, which has bounded the burgh of Annan since 1539.
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Before they moved to Lochmaben Robert the Bruce’s ancestors had a castle at Annan, and a running track and park now sit beneath its tree-colonised motte. A stone from the castle, with an inscription related to the Bruces, was somehow acquired by an Annan antiquarian, who took it with him when he moved to Devon. It was returned in 1927 and is now incorporated within the town hall. There is a story that Archbishop, later Saint, Malachy put a curse on Annan. When he had dined with Bruce at the castle, Bruce had promised to spare the life of a condemned man. However, he reneged on the deal – with the result that a vampire allegedly ran loose in the town in which Thomas Carlyle later went to school.
Chop all the wood from boats that sailed in the Solway Firth, and Bonfire Night could be celebrated the length and breadth of Scotland until they launch the first zebra into space. Horn-helmeted raiders, Roman warriors, English incursors, pirates, kings, folk heroes, brigands, smugglers, and lovers. They all came and went with swords, fire, trade, romance or murder. Hadrian put his ‘Roman wall’ up at Bowness-on-Solway on the shoulder of England, a mile from where we stand – across a wath that was used by interlopers for centuries. That wath or ford can be walked when the tide is out, but you’d better know the currents intimately or you’ll be struggling in quicksand before your brain can contemplate the meaning of M’ Aidez.
From Cumberland’s tussocks – an official Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty since 1964 –trains used to smoke their way across the sea on the longest bridge in Europe. We gaze at England from a lichened mound of concrete and mudstone with mini-ferns curling out of Scotland like croziers. Behind us the trains passed through a cutting that has doubled for decades as a way for dog walkers undeterred by the pipeline running bang down the middle, through which Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station discharged its shit into the sea.
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It’s March 2023. The first sod for the Solway Viaduct from Bowness-on-Solway to Annan was cut here 158 years ago today in a ceremony that featured ‘four navvies in smock frocks, red neckcloths, and white nightcaps ...... a mahogany barrow with the silver spade on their shoulders’. A cannon was fired, prayers were said, and big wigs sat in a decorated pavilion for their déjeuner à la forchette, and much speechifying and backslapping.
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The idea for a viaduct had originated in 1830 in an anonymous pamphlet but The Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Advertiser called it ‘sublime, utopian, stupendous and bordering on certain of the Munchausen achievements’.
It took three years to build, but in 1881 ice floes wrecked it. It was repaired but it never quite recovered and was shut down in 1921. Notices went up to keep people off the bridge; however, thirsty Scots made their way across on Sundays to take advantage of more liberal English licensing laws, and there were cross-border romances for which the viaduct wasn’t a bridge too far. It was dismantled in 1935, and the scrap was recycled for armaments in Japan for its war with China. A signal box allegedly ended up being used as a garden shed.
What remains of a rusty tanker sits deck-deep in silt now behind an old warehouse that once rung with the sound of shipbuilders’ mallets. A local group pulled it out of view in 2020 with cash collected from flogging scrap bikes and shopping trolleys. Thousands of people once thronged the pier at Annan, an important shipbuilding port, whence steamers took folk to new worlds. A wooden lighthouse stood at Barnkirk point but it burned to the shore in 1975. Today a scarfed pensioner wheezes along the quay with smoky breath; and a subdued mongrel, oblivious of history, looks just as disconsolate.
Shawhill railway station, built on the verge of Annan for the viaduct traffic, is now a scrapyard. Back on the foreshore cinder path a decapitated man stands on a plinth – a bone of contention between his maker (who welds together bits of scrap and exhibits them) and others in the community, whom he regularly lambasts on his social media page. Metal Man began life in 2009 on a roundabout at the Tesco store in town, but he was beheaded in 2019. Since then, he has had a traffic cone for a head, then a football, a parrot’s head and a pig’s head. A month ago, a prankster sawed the statue’s haaf-net and fish off. Goodness knows how he ended up on the shore here where for generations real haaf-netters have battled the currents and tides.
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Old Annanites speak of haaf-netting in reverential tones: it has been pursued since Viking times and is enshrined in royal charters. A haaf-net resembles a portable football goalmouth with a rectangular frame and three legs. The top beam of the frame is 18 feet long, the length of the oar of a longboat; when a fish swims into the net the frame’s legs float to the surface and the fish is netted and clobbered on the head with a nep, a priest or a killer. Well, that is what used to happen, but legislation introduced in 2016 bans the killing of salmon, and fewer and fewer men feel like paying the near £40 annual licence fee when they cannot take a single fish home. The tradition is certain to die out.
Leistering was another unusual form of fishing practised by the men of the Solway. A leister was a four-pronged, twenty-foot-long javelin, which killed fish in huge quantities. Richard Franck, a Cromwellian trooper, was the first person to report on Scotland’s salmon-fishing. The Cambridge-educated sea captain travelled through Carlisle, Dumfries, Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, Forfar, Loch Ness; Sutherland, Caithness, Cromarty, Aberdeen, Dundee, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, and Berwick.
Franck saw the mounted men of the firth galloping along the shallows spearing salmon (Northern Memoirs, 1694). Sir Walter Scott also gave leistering a mention. In Redgauntlet, Darsie Latimer wrote to Alan Fairford, of the day he was rescued from straying into the Solway quicksands: ‘...they chased the fish at full gallop, and struck them with their barbed spears, as you see hunters spearing boars in the old tapestry. The salmon, to be sure, take the thing more quietly than the boars; but they are so swift in their own element, that to pursue and strike them is the task of a good horseman, with a quick eye, a determined hand, and full command both of his horse and weapon.’ Latimer lingered on the sands and looked to the English shore that was ‘still gilded by the sun’s last rays, and, as it seemed, scarce distant a mile from me’.
For nearly half a century Chapelcross nuclear power station was a familiar landmark outside Annan. I was one of thousands of people who watched its four chimneys being demolished in 2007. Some souls were sentimental to the point of weeping. It was, indeed, the end of an era for a business that had employed three generations and had brought prosperity to a town which, in 1727, Daniel Defoe had found to be in ‘irrevocable decay’. It was hooray for me when the towers fell, though. Goodbye, plutonium. Goodbye, tritium. There have been proposals for a wood-burning power station there, using sustainable coppiced willows, and an adjacent solar farm has been approved. It remains mothballed.
In the 1960s there had been plans for an atomic metropolis that would have spanned the firth. There would have been a circuit-linear Solway City for 50,000 people, and a new airport. Forty years later there is another proposal – to route an ‘electric bridge’ from Annan to Bowness-on-Solway using energy from the world’s third greatest tidal bore. It would create a pedestrian and cycle route between England and Scotland with the usual razzmatazz for tourists and have enough in its locker to power 60,000 homes. The decommissioning of Chapelcross won’t be complete for some 80 years. Meanwhile, Annan’s dreams of a transformed harbour, a tourist hub, were thwarted in 2023 when an application for £8 million from Michael Gove, who had the Tory government’s portfolio for the Orwellian concept of ‘levelling up’, failed.
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bitball · 6 months ago
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