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scots-gallivanter · 5 months ago
The moon shone broad and bright upon the placid face of the Solway Firth, and showed a slight ripple upon the stakes, the tops of which were just visible above the waves.
SIR WALTER SCOTT, Redgauntlet (1824)
THE CLOCKS WENT forward today but there’d hardly be enough blue in the world to darn a sailor’s hanky. My ears, exposed after an out-of-season haircut, are red as hen’s heads as Nikki and I take in the windswept mudflats which Robert Burns called ‘this wild place of the world’. A heron pecks patina into flotsam; tuxedoed oystercatchers hurtle along the mud with their lame men’s gaits and then moan into a monochrome sky. To hoodwink their prey, plovers tap-dance on the beach pretending to be raindrops.
Three boys in shell suits stand around an observation viewer. ‘Quality’, offers the tallest of the trio, after discovering it isn’t coin-operated. He squints through it to England. ‘What the Butler saw’, I joke, ‘That’s where Edward the First cursed us before breathing his last.’ The three boys dander off, perplexed about butlers; an oyster-catcher pipes past, and a flock of timid redshanks retreats past the Altar Stane, more often than not under water, which has bounded the burgh of Annan since 1539.
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Before they moved to Lochmaben Robert the Bruce’s ancestors had a castle at Annan, and a running track and park now sit beneath its tree-colonised motte. A stone from the castle, with an inscription related to the Bruces, was somehow acquired by an Annan antiquarian, who took it with him when he moved to Devon. It was returned in 1927 and is now incorporated within the town hall. There is a story that Archbishop, later Saint, Malachy put a curse on Annan. When he had dined with Bruce at the castle, Bruce had promised to spare the life of a condemned man. However, he reneged on the deal – with the result that a vampire allegedly ran loose in the town in which Thomas Carlyle later went to school.
Chop all the wood from boats that sailed in the Solway Firth, and Bonfire Night could be celebrated the length and breadth of Scotland until they launch the first zebra into space. Horn-helmeted raiders, Roman warriors, English incursors, pirates, kings, folk heroes, brigands, smugglers, and lovers. They all came and went with swords, fire, trade, romance or murder. Hadrian put his ‘Roman wall’ up at Bowness-on-Solway on the shoulder of England, a mile from where we stand – across a wath that was used by interlopers for centuries. That wath or ford can be walked when the tide is out, but you’d better know the currents intimately or you’ll be struggling in quicksand before your brain can contemplate the meaning of M’ Aidez.
From Cumberland’s tussocks – an official Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty since 1964 –trains used to smoke their way across the sea on the longest bridge in Europe. We gaze at England from a lichened mound of concrete and mudstone with mini-ferns curling out of Scotland like croziers. Behind us the trains passed through a cutting that has doubled for decades as a way for dog walkers undeterred by the pipeline running bang down the middle, through which Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station discharged its shit into the sea.
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It’s March 2023. The first sod for the Solway Viaduct from Bowness-on-Solway to Annan was cut here 158 years ago today in a ceremony that featured ‘four navvies in smock frocks, red neckcloths, and white nightcaps ...... a mahogany barrow with the silver spade on their shoulders’. A cannon was fired, prayers were said, and big wigs sat in a decorated pavilion for their déjeuner à la forchette, and much speechifying and backslapping.
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The idea for a viaduct had originated in 1830 in an anonymous pamphlet but The Cumberland Pacquet and Ware’s Advertiser called it ‘sublime, utopian, stupendous and bordering on certain of the Munchausen achievements’.
It took three years to build, but in 1881 ice floes wrecked it. It was repaired but it never quite recovered and was shut down in 1921. Notices went up to keep people off the bridge; however, thirsty Scots made their way across on Sundays to take advantage of more liberal English licensing laws, and there were cross-border romances for which the viaduct wasn’t a bridge too far. It was dismantled in 1935, and the scrap was recycled for armaments in Japan for its war with China. A signal box allegedly ended up being used as a garden shed.
What remains of a rusty tanker sits deck-deep in silt now behind an old warehouse that once rung with the sound of shipbuilders’ mallets. A local group pulled it out of view in 2020 with cash collected from flogging scrap bikes and shopping trolleys. Thousands of people once thronged the pier at Annan, an important shipbuilding port, whence steamers took folk to new worlds. A wooden lighthouse stood at Barnkirk point but it burned to the shore in 1975. Today a scarfed pensioner wheezes along the quay with smoky breath; and a subdued mongrel, oblivious of history, looks just as disconsolate.
Shawhill railway station, built on the verge of Annan for the viaduct traffic, is now a scrapyard. Back on the foreshore cinder path a decapitated man stands on a plinth – a bone of contention between his maker (who welds together bits of scrap and exhibits them) and others in the community, whom he regularly lambasts on his social media page. Metal Man began life in 2009 on a roundabout at the Tesco store in town, but he was beheaded in 2019. Since then, he has had a traffic cone for a head, then a football, a parrot’s head and a pig’s head. A month ago, a prankster sawed the statue’s haaf-net and fish off. Goodness knows how he ended up on the shore here where for generations real haaf-netters have battled the currents and tides.
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Old Annanites speak of haaf-netting in reverential tones: it has been pursued since Viking times and is enshrined in royal charters. A haaf-net resembles a portable football goalmouth with a rectangular frame and three legs. The top beam of the frame is 18 feet long, the length of the oar of a longboat; when a fish swims into the net the frame’s legs float to the surface and the fish is netted and clobbered on the head with a nep, a priest or a killer. Well, that is what used to happen, but legislation introduced in 2016 bans the killing of salmon, and fewer and fewer men feel like paying the near £40 annual licence fee when they cannot take a single fish home. The tradition is certain to die out.
Leistering was another unusual form of fishing practised by the men of the Solway. A leister was a four-pronged, twenty-foot-long javelin, which killed fish in huge quantities. Richard Franck, a Cromwellian trooper, was the first person to report on Scotland’s salmon-fishing. The Cambridge-educated sea captain travelled through Carlisle, Dumfries, Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, Forfar, Loch Ness; Sutherland, Caithness, Cromarty, Aberdeen, Dundee, St. Andrews, Edinburgh, and Berwick.
Franck saw the mounted men of the firth galloping along the shallows spearing salmon (Northern Memoirs, 1694). Sir Walter Scott also gave leistering a mention. In Redgauntlet, Darsie Latimer wrote to Alan Fairford, of the day he was rescued from straying into the Solway quicksands: ‘...they chased the fish at full gallop, and struck them with their barbed spears, as you see hunters spearing boars in the old tapestry. The salmon, to be sure, take the thing more quietly than the boars; but they are so swift in their own element, that to pursue and strike them is the task of a good horseman, with a quick eye, a determined hand, and full command both of his horse and weapon.’ Latimer lingered on the sands and looked to the English shore that was ‘still gilded by the sun’s last rays, and, as it seemed, scarce distant a mile from me’.
For nearly half a century Chapelcross nuclear power station was a familiar landmark outside Annan. I was one of thousands of people who watched its four chimneys being demolished in 2007. Some souls were sentimental to the point of weeping. It was, indeed, the end of an era for a business that had employed three generations and had brought prosperity to a town which, in 1727, Daniel Defoe had found to be in ‘irrevocable decay’. It was hooray for me when the towers fell, though. Goodbye, plutonium. Goodbye, tritium. There have been proposals for a wood-burning power station there, using sustainable coppiced willows, and an adjacent solar farm has been approved. It remains mothballed.
In the 1960s there had been plans for an atomic metropolis that would have spanned the firth. There would have been a circuit-linear Solway City for 50,000 people, and a new airport. Forty years later there is another proposal – to route an ‘electric bridge’ from Annan to Bowness-on-Solway using energy from the world’s third greatest tidal bore. It would create a pedestrian and cycle route between England and Scotland with the usual razzmatazz for tourists and have enough in its locker to power 60,000 homes. The decommissioning of Chapelcross won’t be complete for some 80 years. Meanwhile, Annan’s dreams of a transformed harbour, a tourist hub, were thwarted in 2023 when an application for £8 million from Michael Gove, who had the Tory government’s portfolio for the Orwellian concept of ‘levelling up’, failed.
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optimism-blooms · 1 month ago
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Matthew Broome As Nick Leister | MY FAULT: LONDON (2025)
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nat111love · 1 month ago
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chimiye · 1 month ago
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Matthew Broome as less toxic Nick Leister My Fault: London (2025) Dir. Charlotte Fassler & Dani Girdwood
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pascaloverx · 1 month ago
Summary: You are moving into the Leister mansion after tragically losing your father in a plane crash. He worked for William Leister, who immediately offered to take you in. The problem? His son, Nick Leister, who is far from pleased about having a stranger living under his roof.
Author's Note: My slight fixation on Matthew Broome led me to create this fanfic, but I can’t guarantee it will be good. So, dear reader, if you enjoy it, please interact and comment. The fanfic will likely contain strong language, violence, and adult content. Minors should not engage with it.
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It's like a fairy tale—a young, poor woman turning into the new Cinderella. At least, that's what the media is saying. But that’s not exactly what’s happening in your life.
Your father spent his life working for William Leister. During a business trip, the plane he was on crashed, leaving no survivors. You had just started college and taken a part-time job to help your father pay the tuition. And now, you don’t even know what to do.
Well, actually, you do. You’re packing your bags to move in with your father’s former boss. He feels guilty, even if he won’t admit it, and decided to invite you to live with him and his son. So now, you’re leaving the house you grew up in to step into what the internet is calling a princess’s life.
They even sent a car to pick you up, which feels quite fancy. You still can’t believe the size of the place you’ll be living in—in fact, you feel almost out of place.
"I hope you had a pleasant trip," William says, embracing you gently. His staff carries your bags inside the mansion.
"It was smooth," you reply, following William inside his home. "With all due respect, sir, your house—or rather, your mansion—is truly enchanting," you say, marveling at everything around you.
"There’s no need to call me ‘sir.’ Just William is fine. Now, my house is quite large, and unfortunately, I’m running late for a charity event. It won’t take long, but I’m sure Nick will show you around," Mr. Leister says as he adjusts his suit and tie.
You feel a bit uneasy about relying on his son, but you nod in agreement and watch as he leaves the mansion, a bouquet of flowers in his hands—probably for a date.
"Are you planning to just stand by the door?" A male voice speaks from behind you. Surprised, you turn around.
"Not at all, but I fail to see how that’s any of your concern," you reply, still standing in place. It might have sounded rude, but he doesn’t seem too pleased either.
"Some might say that since you’re in my house, you could be a bit more polite," Nick says as he descends the stairs, his gaze fixed on you.
"If this is your way of saying you want me gone, you don’t have to say it twice," you retort, turning to grab your suitcase and leave. It might be a bit drastic, but you’re not about to be humiliated by some rich boy.
Before you can go upstairs to get your bags, however, Nick catches your arm—not forcefully, despite his muscular build, but just enough to stop you. The closeness between you is enough for you to catch the scent of his cologne. He, however, is clearly staring at your lips.
"You’re a guest of my father. It wouldn’t be right for me to make you leave. If anyone should leave, it’s me," Nick says, his eyes studying you, while you’re too focused on the proximity between you to say anything.
"Perhaps we should try not to get on each other’s nerves… at least for a while," you whisper, leaning in slightly. The tension is palpable, as if the two of you are trying to read each other through your gaze.
"We’ll see what the future holds," Nick replies before finishing his descent. "Oh, in case my father didn’t mention it, I don’t usually stay here overnight," he adds with a smirk, leaving you wondering what you’re supposed to do alone in this place.
"And I’m supposed to stay here all by myself?" you ask, surprised—or maybe indignant. Not that you need a babysitter, but you don’t even know where anything is.
"If you’d rather, you can come with me. But preferably, I think you’ll want to stay here—it’s safer," he says, sounding like some secret agent or mobster.
"I suppose I’ll have to go just to see how much danger I can handle," you reply, stepping closer and looking him in the eye, your faces mere inches apart.
"If you say so," he mutters, feigning disinterest.
"Your father said you’d show me the mansion," you remind him. You’re certain he won’t want to, but you can at least try.
"I think you’ll manage to find your way around. But if you do get lost, you can call my name—whether I answer or not, we’ll see," he says smugly before walking away, leaving you standing there.
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isuckatwritingsobenice · 23 days ago
My Fault London: Nick Blurbs
A/N: Kind of headcannons, kind of blurbs, all around just wanted to write for Nick :) Spicey Ver. Here!
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Fast, Calculated
Nick’s car hums beneath you, the engine smooth as he weaves through the streets at an almost effortless speed. You know he’s in control, but that doesn’t stop your pulse from spiking every time he threads through tight gaps between cars like they aren’t even there.
“Nick—” you start, gripping the edge of your seat.
His smirk is almost lazy, but his eyes never leave the road. “Relax.”
“Relax? You’re going ninety in a fifty zone—”
Before you can finish, he smoothly takes a turn down an empty side street, braking just enough for the car to slide into place at the curb. His hand lands on your knee—firm, steady.
“You don’t trust me?” he asks, his voice softer now.
You exhale, your fingers still clenched against the seat. You hate that he always does this—pushes the limits, then pulls back just in time. Never reckless, but always toeing the line.
He watches you carefully. His hand doesn’t move. “I know what I’m doing,” he murmurs. “You know that.”
You swallow, heart still racing. Slowly, you force yourself to breathe.
Finally, you meet his gaze. “I do.”
His smirk fades into something almost unreadable, and for a moment, there’s nothing but the sound of your breathing and the distant hum of the city outside. Then, as if the moment never happened, he pulls away and taps the wheel.
“Good,” he says, voice back to its usual cocky drawl. “Now, you picking the music, or are we just sitting in silence all night?”
Protective to a Fault
The party is too loud, too crowded. You regret coming the second you realize how packed it is, but Nick insisted he wasn’t letting you stay home alone.
“You gotta get out once in a while,” he had teased. “Or I’m gonna start thinking you secretly hate fun.”
You had rolled your eyes, but now, as you shift uncomfortably in the too-warm space, you almost wish you had stayed home.
Especially because the guy you’ve been trying to politely brush off for the last five minutes isn’t getting the hint.
“Come on, sweetheart,” the guy slurs, leaning in too close. “One dance—what’s the harm?”
Your stomach twists. “I said no.”
“That’s not what your eyes are saying—”
And then suddenly, Nick is there, standing between you and the guy like he was waiting for this moment.
“Hey, buddy,” Nick says, voice light, but there’s something dangerous underneath. “Didn’t she just say no?”
The guy scoffs, barely glancing at Nick. “Who the hell are you?”
Now normally Nick isn’t one for talking much. He likes to use his fists to communicate. But after promising his mother promising you, not to be so violent, he finds his restraint ticking like a clock at the moment. Nick tilts his head slightly, amusement flickering in his eyes. “Someone with a short temper and a lot of free time. You wanna find out what happens when you ignore her again?”
The guy sizes Nick up, like he’s thinking about pushing his luck. But then Nick shifts slightly, and you know he’s already decided what will happen if this guy takes another step toward you.
The guy mutters something under his breath before turning and disappearing into the crowd.
Nick doesn’t watch him leave. Instead, he turns to you, scanning your face. “You okay?”
You nod, exhaling. “Yeah. Thanks.”
He doesn’t say anything—just hands you the drink from his own hand instead of yours.
You frown. “What—”
“Mine’s not spiked,” he says simply.
The realization hits you all at once. You glance down at the drink you were holding. Had that guy—?
Your stomach churns.
Nick sighs, running a hand through his hair. “I told you,” he mutters. “You gotta stop trusting people. I get to do that for you.”
Soft Spot for Animals
It’s past midnight when you walk into Nick’s garage, expecting to find him working on his car. Instead, you see him crouched down beside a tiny, scrappy-looking kitten, offering it a piece of leftover sandwich.
You stop in your tracks, biting back a grin. “Are you—”
Nick looks up sharply. “Shut up.”
You raise your hands in mock surrender. “Didn’t say a word.”
He mutters something under his breath and focuses back on the kitten. It hesitates before snatching the food from his hand, its little ribs visible under its fur.
“You’re keeping it,” you say, matter-of-fact.
Nick scoffs. “Hell no.”
Two days later, you walk into the garage and find the same kitten curled up in his lap while he absently scratches behind its ears.
You smirk. “Not keeping it, huh?”
Nick doesn’t even look up. “It’s temporary.”
Night Owl
Your phone buzzes at 2 AM.
Nick: Come outside.
You sigh but grab your hoodie anyway, stepping out into the night air. He’s leaning against his car, arms crossed, looking up at the sky.
“You always do this?” you ask, stuffing your hands into your pockets. “Show up unannounced in the middle of the night?”
He tilts his head toward the passenger seat. “Couldn’t sleep. Figured you couldn’t either.”
You blink. He’s not wrong, but… how does he know that?
Still, you don’t argue. You get in.
He drives with the windows down, the air cool against your skin. Neither of you speak, but the silence is comfortable. Eventually, he pulls up to an overlook where the whole city stretches below.
For a while, you just sit there, watching the lights. Then, out of nowhere, he says, “You ever think about leaving?”
You glance at him. “Where would we go?”
He taps his fingers against the steering wheel. “Somewhere new. Somewhere no one knows us.”
Something in his voice makes your chest tighten.
“You’d take me with you?” you ask quietly.
Nick turns his head toward you, his expression unreadable. Then, just as softly, he says, “Wouldn’t go without you.”
Actions Over Words
Nick isn’t the type to say he cares.
Instead, he just shows up.
When your car won’t start in the middle of the night while you’re over late at a friends house, you don’t even get through the second ring before he picks up.
“What’s wrong?”
“Car won’t start,” you mumble. “I—I didn’t know who else to call—”
“Where are you?” he asks, already moving.
Fifteen minutes later, he pulls up beside you. He doesn’t say a word—just pops the hood, fixes the problem in five minutes, then leans against the car with his arms crossed.
“Next time, don’t wait so long to call me,” he says.
You sigh, rubbing your arms. “I didn’t want to bother you—”
He clicks his tongue. “Dumbest thing I’ve heard all night.”
You smile. “So… I’m not a bother?”
Nick gives you a look. Then, to your surprise, he reaches out and flicks your forehead.
“You better not be,” he mutters. “Because I’m not going anywhere.”
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twistedreads · 29 days ago
Are you gonna stay the night? — Nick Leister
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summary— It’s your first time spending the night over Nick’s house since you guys started dating. What could go wrong?
Black Fem reader x Nick Leister My fault: London
warnings— none really, cute, lovey
a/n— I don’t know why I haven’t seen stories about Nick from my fault London, he’s literally so fine.
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The smell of tomato sauce and freshly chopped basil fills Nick’s sleek kitchen as you lean against the counter, watching him struggle with the dough. His golden-brown hands, dusted with flour, press into the soft mixture as he furrows his brows in concentration.
“This is harder than it looks,” he mutters in his distinct British accent, his dark curls bouncing as he glances up at you. The frosted tips of his hair catch the warm glow of the kitchen lights, making him look effortlessly attractive.
You giggle, rolling up your sleeves and stepping beside him. “You’re acting like this is rocket science. It’s just dough.”
He scoffs, pretending to be offended. “Excuse me, love, but I didn’t see you volunteering to knead this. Your job is just standing there lookin’ sexy.”
You roll your eyes playfully before reaching over, pressing your hands into the dough with his. The warmth of his skin meets yours, and for a moment, you both pause, realizing how close you are. His eyes flicker to yours, a small smirk tugging at his lips before he leans in. “If you wanted to hold my hand, sweetheart, all you had to do was ask.”
You huff, shoving him with your hip, and he lays a smack on your ass, making you let out an unexpected yelp.
“Shut up and focus.”
You both continue working side by side, stretching and spinning the dough—well, you try to spin it, but it ends up flopping onto the counter in a very ungraceful fashion. Nick bursts into laughter, clutching his stomach.
“That was tragic. Absolutely tragic.”
“Okay, since you’re such a pro, you do it.” You cross your arms, challenging him.
With an arrogant smirk, he grabs the dough and attempts to toss it in the air. And just like fate had written it, it lands right on his head.
Your laughter echoes through the kitchen as he stands there, dough draped over his curls, looking absolutely ridiculous. He peels it off and glares at you, but the twinkle in his eyes gives away his amusement.
“You think that’s funny, yeah?”
“I know it’s funny.” You double over, wiping a tear from your eye.
Nick hums, a mischievous glint flashing across his face before he reaches for the bag of flour and—before you can react—puffs a handful at you. The fine white powder explodes into the air, coating your black tank top and shorts.
You gasp. “Nickolas Leister, I know you didn’t just—”
Before you can finish, he has already darted to the other side of the kitchen, laughing. “Oh, I did.”
It’s war. You grab the bag and chase him around the island, flicking flour at him while he dodges, knocking over a bottle of olive oil in the process.
After a good five minutes of absolute chaos, you finally call a truce, panting as you survey the mess you’ve made.
“Okay, this is a disaster,” you admit, brushing flour from your hair.
Nick grins, stepping closer and wrapping an arm around your waist. “Maybe. But we had fun, yeah?” His thumb traces lazy circles on your hip.
You smile, leaning into his touch. “Yeah, we did.”
Eventually, you get back to making the food, watching a TikTok video step by step as you add toppings to the dough before sliding it into the oven.
When the timer goes off, you pull the pizza out, letting it cool for a moment before cutting into it. The crust is golden, the cheese perfectly melted, and the smell alone has your mouth watering.
Nick grabs a slice, handing it to you before taking one for himself. You exchange a glance, almost nervous.
“Moment of truth,” he mutters.
You nod, holding the slice up dramatically. “If we poisoned ourselves, at least we go out together.”
He smirks. “Romantic.”
At the same time, you both take your first bites.
Then, you slowly turn to look at each other, your eyes widening as the flavors hit.
“Wait…” you mumble, mouth still full. “This is actually—”
“—fire,” Nick finishes, voice filled with genuine shock.
“We snapped,” you gasp.
Nick nods in agreement. “Nah, we bodied this. We might as well open a restaurant.”
Without thinking, you both put your pizza down and smack a victorious high-five, laughing as the sound echoes through the kitchen.
Nick leans back in his chair, taking another bite. “This is dangerous, love. We cook like this, I might just wife you up.”
You grin, chewing. “Say less. ‘Cause I could eat this every day.”
He shakes his head, reaching over to steal a piece from your slice.
“Oi!” You swat his hand.
“Sharing is caring, innit?” he teases, dodging your glare.
The next few minutes are spent feeding each other bites, laughing when Nick deliberately gives you too big of a piece, nearly making you choke. He just sits there, smirking as you glare at him.
After dinner, you both head upstairs to his bathroom for a shower. Stripping from your clothes, you step inside. Steam curls around you as hot water rains down, enveloping you in warmth. Underneath the sound of the shower, you can still hear Nick humming softly, his accent making the tune sound even sweeter.
Reaching for the bottle of shampoo, you squeeze a generous amount into your palm. “Turn around,” you murmur, motioning for him to face away.
Nick arches a brow but obeys, water cascading down his golden-brown skin. His hair, usually fluffy and styled, is now damp and weighed down.
“You’re gonna wash my hair for me?” he asks, amused.
You nod, running your fingers through his curls, massaging the shampoo into his scalp. “Yeah. You got all that flour in it from earlier.”
He lets out a low, satisfied hum, closing his eyes. “Mm, I could get used to this.”
You giggle. His shoulders relax under your touch as you work the lather through his thick curls. When you gently scratch his scalp with your nails, he lets out the softest sigh.
“Feels good?” you tease.
“Too good.” His voice is practically a purr.
Once you rinse the shampoo out, he turns to face you, droplets of water running down his sharp jawline. His hands find your waist, pulling you close. “Your turn,” he murmurs, reaching for the shampoo.
You let him tilt your head back under the stream as he starts working it into your deep, dark curls. His fingers are gentle, slow, his touch sending tiny shivers down your spine.
“‘M I doin’ it right?” he asks, lips quirking up at the corners.
You nod, closing your eyes. “Yeah… it feels nice.”
His hands move in soothing circles, warmth spreading through you. He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. Then another, just above your brow.
“You smell good,” he murmurs, voice low.
You smile, cracking one eye open. “It’s the shampoo, dummy.”
He chuckles. “Nah. It’s just you.”
Your face warms—not from the water, but from the way he’s looking at you.
As he rinses your hair, his fingers brush over your cheeks, tilting your chin up so he can press a lingering kiss to your lips. It’s slow, sweet, the kind of kiss that makes your knees feel weak.
“Careful,” you mumble against his lips. “You’re tryna make me fall in love with you or something?”
He smirks, brushing a wet curl from your face. “Too late for that, sweetheart.”
You laugh, flicking water at him playfully. “Okay, smooth talker, finish helping me rinse.”
By the time you step out, wrapped in fluffy towels, your heart is so full it feels like it might burst.
“I think that might’ve been my new favorite shower,” Nick murmurs, pressing a final kiss to your shoulder.
You grin, nudging him. “Good. ‘Cause I plan on making you wash my hair every time now.”
He laughs, shaking his head. “You’re annoying, you know that?”
You wink at him through the mirror. “And you love it.”
“Yeah,” he admits, pulling you close. “I really do.”
After drying off, you pull out two face masks from your bag. “Here. These will make our skin glow.”
Nick eyes the packet suspiciously, then looks at you. “You’re tryin’ to turn me into a beauty influencer?”
You snort. “Shut up and put it on.”
Reluctantly, he peels the mask open and presses it to his face, his expression twisting as the cool gel touches his skin. “This feels weird.”
“You look great,” you reassure him, snapping a picture before he can protest.
He peeks over your shoulder. “Oi! Let me see.”
You turn your phone to show him, and he shakes his head. “Nah, that’s mad. You’re not posting that.”
Laughing, you take a few more selfies together, making ridiculous faces before finally settling down. As the masks set, you decide to bake cookies, with Nick stealing bites of dough until you smack his hand away.
When the cookies are ready, you curl up on the couch with a plate, flipping through Netflix until you settle on Bad Boys for Life.
“Oooh,” you grin when Armando comes on screen. “That man is fine.”
Nick scoffs, pulling you closer. “Seriously?”
“What? He is.”
He makes a face. “He’s not even that good-looking.”
You smirk, turning to him. “Honestly… you kinda look like him.”
Nick blinks, then sits up slightly. “Wait, do I?”
You hum, dragging your fingers through his curls. “Mmhmm. You both got the curly hair, the jawline, the whole broody-but-still-pretty-boy thing.”
Nick smirks, clearly pleased. “Well, if that’s the case, you should be callin’ me fine.”
You roll your eyes. “I do, dummy.”
Satisfied, he pulls you back against his chest, pressing a soft kiss to your temple.
As the movie plays on, your eyelids grow heavy. You don’t even realize you’ve drifted off until Nick shifts, lifting you into his arms and carrying you upstairs.
“Nick,” you mumble sleepily, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Shh, I got you.”
He lays you down in bed, sliding in beside you. Under the dim glow of his bedside lamp, he brushes a stray hair from your face, his touch impossibly gentle.
“Tonight was fun,” he murmurs.
You nod, tracing the sharp lines of his jaw. “It was perfect.”
Nick leans down, capturing your lips in a slow, lingering kiss. His fingers caress your waist as he deepens it slightly before pulling away, resting his forehead against yours.
“Sleep, love,” he whispers.
With your fingers intertwined, warm beneath the covers, you drift off, wrapped in the comfort of each other.
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10ava01 · 1 month ago
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How is this movie so much better than the original????
This is gone be on my mind for the next few months!
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yalnizligamahkumbirkiz · 10 months ago
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