#traction stretcher
mobilemassagestore · 1 year
In a world where we work tirelessly day in and day out, it's all too easy to neglect the one thing that keeps us going – our bodies. As a seasoned massage professional with 12 years of experience, I've witnessed the consequences of this neglect firsthand. Many of us take our bodies for granted, failing to prioritize self-care and healing. The Mobile Massage Store was born out of the realization that we need accessible solutions to conquer pain relief on the go and nurture our well-being.
Embrace Convenient Healing with Mobile Massage Store
Constantly pushing ourselves without proper care can lead to pain and discomfort in our muscles. Traditional massages can be costly, and finding the right massage therapist can be a daunting task. However, Mobile Massage Store seeks to cater to the everyday person seeking relief and relaxation. Our store is a haven for exceptional self-massage products and tools that can be purchased once and used for a lifetime, helping you address those pesky muscle kinks.
Unveiling the Power of Healing Technology
We embrace the transformative potential of Electric Massage devices, backed by a reputable article published on livescience.com. These cutting-edge tools boost blood flow to targeted muscles and muscle groups, facilitating faster recovery. With regular use, they enhance muscle flexibility and joint mobility, all while encouraging lymphatic drainage for improved well-being.
The Mobile Massage Store Difference
Our commitment to excellence sets us apart. Each product in our store is thoughtfully handpicked and rigorously tested for effectiveness and quality. The Mobile Massage Store team is dedicated to staying ahead of the curve, constantly researching and integrating the latest massage tools, devices, and trends to create a seamless and satisfying buyer experience.
Self-care should never be a luxury. The Mobile Massage Store empowers you to take control of your well-being conveniently and affordably. Invest in your health today, and let our exceptional products accompany you on your journey to a pain-free and revitalized self. Prioritize self-care, and reap the rewards of a balanced and rejuvenated life.
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About Lumbarest Back Traction, Spine Non-Invasive Decompression Device
Lumbarest back decompression machine is a static device that is designed to provide relief and decompression for all sections of the spine. This type of machine is commonly used in physical therapy clinics, chiropractic offices, and even in some home settings to help alleviate back pain and improve spinal health.
Overview of Lumbarest Back Decompression Machine
The Lumbarest back decompression machine works by gently stretching the spine, which can help to relieve pressure on the inter-vertebral discs, reduce nerve compression, and promote better alignment of the vertebrae. By using this machine regularly, individuals may experience reduced pain, improved flexibility, and enhanced overall spinal health.
One of the key benefits of the Lumbarest back decompression machine is its ability to target all sections of the spine, including the lumbar (lower back), thoracic (mid-back), and cervical (neck) regions. This comprehensive approach makes it a versatile tool for addressing a wide range of spinal issues and conditions.
It’s important to note that while the Lumbarest back decompression machine can be beneficial for many individuals with back pain or spinal issues, it may not be suitable for everyone. It’s always recommended to consult with a healthcare provider or a qualified professional before using any type of spinal decompression device to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for your specific condition.
The Lumbarest back decompression machine is a static device designed to provide relief and support for various sections of the spine. It is specifically engineered to assist in decompressing the spine, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica, and general back pain.
Functionality of the Lumbarest Back Decompression Machine
This machine works by utilizing a static mechanism that gently stretches and decompresses the spine. By creating space between the vertebrae, it aims to reduce pressure on the spinal discs and nerves, promoting better alignment and potentially relieving symptoms caused by compression.
Benefits of Using the Lumbarest Back Decompression Machine
Pain Relief: The decompression provided by this machine can help alleviate pain in the back, particularly for individuals suffering from issues like herniated discs or spinal stenosis.
Improved Posture: By supporting proper spinal alignment, regular use of the Lumbarest back decompression machine may contribute to better posture over time.
Enhanced Mobility: Reduced pressure on the spine can lead to increased mobility and flexibility, allowing individuals to move more comfortably.
Suitability for All Spine Sections
While the Lumbarest back decompression machine is primarily designed to target lumbar spine issues, its static nature allows it to be beneficial for other sections of the spine as well. The gentle decompression provided by the device can potentially benefit individuals with cervical or thoracic spine concerns by promoting overall spinal health and alignment.
In conclusion, the Lumbarest back decompression machine is a static device that offers targeted relief and support for all sections of the spine. Its ability to provide gentle decompression and promote spinal health makes it a valuable tool in managing back pain and improving overall well-being.
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anitalianfrie · 7 months
some cyborg au i randomly wrote (tw: body horror) // 1,3k
After the crash, they have to cut the suit off his arm to access the fracture. Expert hands slice with scissors, quickly and careless, through the leathers while he's laying on a stretcher in the back of the ambulance. He refused to lay on it, in the beginning, but the paramedics insisted. Under his schorched suit, his arm is bloody and mangled, the humerus poking the skin, creating an ugly bulge, red and purple from blood. Exposed wires, broken and fused from the heat, come out from his busted forearm. His fingers are red, crushed, metal poking through the tendons of his wrist and his palm. Sparks are igniting at the level of his shoulder. The woman in front of him is barely quick enough to extinguish them.
In the hospital they tell him that, beside the immediate impact that completely busted the majority of his enhancements on his right side - the hand traction, the strengthner, even the support - the bone shattered through the wires and the metal sheets of his upper arm, causing an internal short circuit. The wires cought fire. His nervous system is for the majority, if not completely, damaged, and it will take time for it to recover, if to recover at all.
They present him with various options. He chooses the one that will allow him to race as soon as possible. It's a new technology, they tell him. Minimal hardware, almost all neurological. The creme de la creme of innovation. They are going to screw his bone back together with a metal plate and fuse some wires at it, made of a new metal, then inserting them in his nervous system. Impulses and wires are going to run through his arm, to activate the movements, and some reinforced plates are going to be placed on his upper arm and his forearm to assure stability. They are going to rewire his entire bike-control system, since it got destroyed in the crash, and substitute the older parts with new ones, more efficients.
It's still an experimental surgery, they say, but every other option includes too much hardware. Hardware that his body will need to get used to, before he will be able to control it perfectly, with the surgical precision he needs to ride. Before he'll able to be one with his bike again.
He accepts.
In Jerez, after free practice, he realizes he can't race. Something is wrong. The arm doesn't respond to his commands, keeps getting stuck. But that's not the problem. It wouldn't be the first time he raced with a malfuncioning arm.
The problem it's all the rest. Something must have broken somewhere else, because his whole body is twitchy. The fingers of his left hand keep glitching, like if there was a bug. The lights on his ribs keep flicking, advising him that something is wrong in his balance system. At one point, blood comes out of his right eye, the one he had to modify back in 2011.
It's too much. He retires from the race.
And then, one day, while he opens a window, his arms catches fire.
It's an interesting feeling, to have one's arm buring. To feel the flesh melting on your own bones. To smell your own fat burning.
He's rushed to the hospital by Alex while he screams in agony. His right hand is still twichy, his ribs keep flashing, blood keep coming out of his right eye. His arm is on fire.
The have to open him up, rewiring him completely once again. Apparently, something went wrong the first time: they don't know what, or why. The main hypothesis is that they got some detail of the wiring wrong, and since almost all his enhancement are neural-linked, it influenced them all. It would have probably had minimal effect on somebody with more mechanicals on. Somebody more old gen. Somebody like Valentino.
Then, while he opened the window, the bone shattered again, broke trough the wires and metal sheets again, and caused another short circuit. Only, this time it wasn't just a few sparks.
it doesn't get better. All the bugs his system was experiencing keep being there, and only get worse with time. They tell him it might be an imbalance of tecnology, his too new right arm interfering with the older softwares. They tell him it might be the materials used for the new wires. The truth is: they don't know.
In 2022, he realizes he can't race anymore like this. The sparks that keep igniting on his shoulder, the continous twitches, the blood that doesn't let him see. His jaw that keeps getting stuck.
He goes to a doctor, a new one, specialized in this kind of things. Sitting there, one on one with him in his study, white walls and rows and rows of books, he gets told that his right arm is no longer usable. That the tecnology that was implemented, almost all software and almost no hardware, wasn't feesable: it failed too much trials. It was dangerous. It fried the bones and the nerves. The small chances his arm had to recover its functionality are gone.
And not only: the material used for the hardware has an high percentage of rejection. At first, it gets immediately integrated in the body, allowing little to no refractory period, but soon after the majority of people start to have a reaction to it. They show him pictures of the inside of his arm. The bone is corroded, rotting along with the nerves and the muscles and the flash. His body, in an useless attempt of getting out what it percieves it shouldn't be there, has been trying to kill itself.
Of course, the doctors weren't aware of this downside, when they put it in him. It was a new tecnology, after all.
The doctor tells him, with a serious voice, both hands on the desk behind which he's seated, that the only option is amputation.
Marc looks down at his mangled arm, the muscles weak, reinforced with metal and wires to allow him to use it still, control lights blinking up and down for its whole lenght. The piece of metal they weren't able to get out, risking to compromise too much funcionality, that still goes through his wrist. His fingers, kept straight only by metal rods and small plates. It's been a couple of months since he's been able to move them fully. The wires getting out of his open forearm, where the bike control is supposed to be. They took it out when he stopped racing. It was too much of a risk to keep it there.
His arm. What's left of it. Rotten and dying.
He agrees to the surgery.
There's not much he can do about it anyway.
Three days later, fresh out of surgery, he looks at his new arm. It's not a marvel of tecnology: he insisted on having an older model, a mainly mechanical one, that couldn't interfere with his other systems. Even when they told him it wouldn't happen, that they would update all his softwares, he refused to change his mind. A new neurological path gets estabished, one apt to replace his nervous system. It has the same updates as the rest of him, the oldest ones he could get without risking major bugs.
The metal shines under the sterile lights, against the white sheets. he moves his fingers, and for the first time in God knows how long, they do exactly what he wants them to. They will need constant manteinance. System updates, eventual rewiring, oil in between the joints. That's the main problem of menichals: they need work. Old racers used to do it constatly, back then, up until the 2000s. But nobody ever had a whole limb replaced.
Marc looks at this new part of him, delicately sawn to his shoulder, wires white and red and blue inserted into his skin, connecting it to the rest of him, making him funcional again.
Marc looks at his new arm, and cries.
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jcbbby · 2 years
thank you @quinnsbower for this idea! xoxo <3 I wrote this as if Henry maybe defeated Eleven, or if Eleven peaced tf out after escaping with him following the massacre.
I'm sorry it's kind of short, and lowkey the beginning is ASS and probably too much description. I think it gains traction halfway through lol. hopefully this is otherwise nice to read!
The news channels were running wild. It was unusual to see such chaos being broadcast, since Hawkins had always been a sleepy town. Nothing ever happened here. Apparently there was some tragedy down at Hawkins Lab. Not much was known yet, but the news anchor had mentioned a coroner was there and no one was being allowed in to the building. You sat on the couch watching it unfold.
The scenes from outside the lab were bleak. Countless stretchers covered in white sheets were being wheeled out. A bruised and bloodied man in a three piece suit stood to the side, speaking to the police. The anchorwoman mentioned that the man was Dr. Martin Brenner, the director of the lab. A press conference was said to begin any moment, before cutting to the live feed from outside the lab.
"Good afternoon. I am here to discuss details of the events that happened here at Hawkins International Laboratory earlier today. From what we have gathered, a male employee went on a gruesome rampage throughout the building. The number of casualties has not yet been determined, but there are a significant amount. It is believed that our main suspect is a 6 foot male with blonde hair and blue eyes, last known to be wearing a white shirt and white pants. A tattoo with the digits 001 can be seen on his left wrist. We would like the public to be aware that he is considered armed and dangerous. If you see him, do not approach. Call 911 immediately. This is all we have at this time, thank you." The police officer left the microphone and turned back to Dr. Brenner and a few other police officers.
An image of a young man, with wavy blonde hair and blue eyes was put up on the screen. The image looked like it was from some sort of identification badge. You felt slightly guilty for it, but you couldn't help but find him attractive. And those eyes were gorgeous, you couldn't deny it, there was something about them...You wondered what was going on behind them.
The following day, most people were still on edge. The culprit had still not been found. You went on about your day, going to work at the local movie theatre, which was much quieter than usual for a Saturday. After you shift had finished and you changed out of your work uniform, you headed back home, walking your usual route through a wooded area. You liked the woods, it was peaceful and gave you quiet space for introspection, as well as seclusion. You often spent time in the woods after work smoking or drinking to unwind a little. Something your mother certainly wouldn't approve of.
Sitting on a fallen log, you dropped your bag next to you, fumbling around for your flask and the book you were currently reading. You took a swig, wincing as it slid down your throat with a soft burn. From behind you, you heard movement and twigs snap. You whipped your head towards the source of the sound. Nothing.
"...Hello?" You called out. No answer.
Against your better judgement, you slowly got up, walking deeper into the wood. Your heartrate increased, feeling like you weren't alone. Suddenly, you felt an incredible force. It lifted you off the ground, pinning you to a tree. You shrieked, terrified and confused. Then, out of the shade, he emerged. Blonde, dressed in white, covered in blood. His arm was outstretched in front of him, out at you. Was he holding you like this without touching you? You couldn't contain your panicked whimpers and pleading.
"Quiet." He growled, his voice warm and deep.
"P-p-please...I was just walking home. Please..." You cried.
He tilted his head slowly, his eyes dark and cold. He looked you up and down, analyzing. He noticed the flask, still clutched in your hand.
"Give me the flask, and I'll let you go. You never saw me." He hissed.
"It's yours, it's yours. I never saw you, I promise!"
He slowly lowered you back to the ground. You collapsed to your knees, quivering with fear and trying to steady your breathing. He approached you with heavy footsteps and took the flask from your hand. Without a word or reaction, he unscrewed the top and chugged its contents. You cautiously stood up, brushing the dirt from your knees. You stared at him.
"Y-You're...him, aren't you?" You breathed. "From that lab?"
He threw the empty flask off to the side, stepping menacingly toward you. "What if I am?"
You stood frozen. "I...I just...why did you...?" You asked, your voice not able to go above a whisper.
He was now inches from you. He was so intimidating, but so handsome. His eyes stared deeply into yours. They held such anger and hatred, but you felt as though you could see the human beneath that. A sad, hurt, frightened human who just wanted to be free. It sent a shock through your chest.
"They thought they could control me...they thought they could make the rules." His eyes narrowed. "They imprisoned me. Physically, mentally...in their own pathetic, selfish world." He spat. "Now..."
Your breath hitched as he reached to your hair, carefully removing a leaf that had stuck between the strands before letting it fall to the ground.
"...you never saw me." He glared and turned to walk deeper into the woods.
Watching him disappear into the trees, you continued to breathe deeply and try to make sense of what just happened. You wanted to follow him. You wanted...to help him? Without a second thought, you started after him, forgetting your belongings still sitting on the tree. When you caught up with him, he had come to a small stream. He had started removing his white button up, leaving him in a plain white t-shirt. He bent down, splashing the water on to his face, using the inside of his button up, free from the blood stains, to scrub the old, dried blood from his face. He put his hands back in the water, bringing them back up to run them through his hair, slicking it back. You stared, finding him almost angelic. Graceful and enchanting. Though knowing what he had done, he was far from an angel. Perhaps a fallen angel.
You adjusted your stance and under your feet, leaves crunched. The man snapped his neck in your direction, looking surprised to see you. He stood up and lowered his head, staring at you through his eyebrows.
"I thought I made myself clear." He growled.
You swallowed. "I..I uh..."
"Would you like to join the others? Do you want to be like them?" He began to walk toward you like a lion stalking prey.
"N-no...I just...I wanted-" You stuttered.
"What? You wanted what?" He was now flush against you, staring down at you.
"I...don't know." You felt tears welling up as you whimpered softly, buzzing in his overwhelming presence. "I don't know. I want to help."
He reached a hand up to wipe a tear from you cheek. "Oh you poor, sweet thing...no one can help me."
You didn't reply, you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. He stared into you deeply for a moment as you felt your body tense. His eyes almost had you hypnotized. Looking you up and down once, he took a step back.
"What's your name?" He asked, suddenly taking a more friendly tone.
"Y/N" You squeaked out.
"I'm Henry." He smiled wickedly. "So Y/N, how did you think you could help me?"
"I'm not sure...you just seem...like a lost soul."
"Lost?" He scowled. "No, I know exactly who I am."
"...so tell me, then. That's what I want." You suddenly felt a wave of bravery. "I want to know: who are you?"
He smirked, bending down to bring his lips to your ear. "I'm a god of this world." He whispered.
You shivered as his warm breath gently brushed across your earlobe. He pulled back, stepping backward, still grinning wickedly at you. He raised his arm out in front of him. Suddenly, your feet rose from the ground again. You gasped as you felt yourself drifting closer to him, until you were face to face, meeting him at his height.
"You may not be able to help me, but every god needs someone to worship him." His voice was gruff, he reached up to cup your cheek. "Would you do that?"
Your breath was heavy. It was like he had you in a trance. "Yes. Yes I will." You breathed.
"Good." He leered at you, stroking your cheek with his thumb. "Good girl."
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kurvo · 1 month
🌟 Discover the Top Cervical Traction Device in Australia! 🌟
Neck pain got you down? The Cervical Traction Device in Australia is here to help you feel your best again! This cutting-edge device is designed to gently stretch and relax your cervical spine, providing much-needed relief from tension and discomfort. Say goodbye to those nagging aches and hello to a more comfortable you! 🙌
The NeckStretchPro Cervical Neck Stretcher is perfect for anyone looking to improve their posture, reduce neck stiffness, or simply enjoy a moment of relaxation. Its easy-to-use design makes it a convenient addition to your daily routine. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or just need some extra support, this device has you covered. 💆‍♂️
Ready to take control of your neck health? The Cervical Traction Device Australia is your solution for lasting comfort and well-being. 🧘‍♀️🌿 Don’t wait—get yours today and start feeling better tomorrow!
Check out the full details and order yours now at Kurvo's NeckStretchPro! 🌟
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keltoncandy · 30 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kanjo Neck Stretcher for Cervical Traction.
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krunaldigitalads · 1 month
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proextenderindia · 3 months
Choosing the Best Penis Extender: Factors to Consider
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Penis extenders are devices designed to promote penis enlargement through traction therapy. Selecting the right one involves considering several key factors to ensure safety, effectiveness, and comfort. This guide explores essential considerations when choosing a penis extender to help you make an informed decision.
Understanding Penis Extenders
Penis extenders, also known as traction devices or penis stretchers, work on the principle of traction. They apply a gentle stretching force to the penis over time, stimulating cell growth and promoting increased length and girth. This non-invasive method is favored by many men seeking to enhance their penis size without surgery or medication. Penis extenders are typically composed of a base, adjustable rods, and a support system to hold the penis in place comfortably during wear.
Effectiveness of Penis Extenders
Research supports the effectiveness of penis extenders for penis enlargement when used correctly and consistently. Studies have shown that traction devices can lead to significant increases in penile length, especially when used over several months. The gradual stretching encourages tissue expansion and cellular division, contributing to permanent gains in both flaccid and erect states. However, individual results may vary based on factors such as adherence to usage guidelines and initial penis size.
Safety Considerations
Safety is paramount when using a penis extender. Look for devices that are FDA-approved or CE-certified to ensure they meet health and safety standards. Opt for models made from medical-grade materials to minimize the risk of allergic reactions or skin irritation. It's essential to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding usage duration and tension levels to prevent discomfort or injury. Regularly check the device for any signs of wear and tear and replace components as needed to maintain safety and effectiveness.
Comfort and Fit
Choosing a penis extender that fits comfortably is crucial for long-term use. Look for devices with adjustable settings to customize the tension and accommodate your size comfortably. The base should provide adequate support without causing pain or constriction, especially around the glans (head) of the penis. Some extenders come with additional padding or cushioning to enhance comfort during wear. Ensure the device allows for natural blood circulation and does not restrict movement or cause discomfort during daily activities.
Adjustability and Customization
An effective penis extender should offer adjustable settings to tailor the traction force according to your comfort level and progress. Devices with interchangeable rods or springs allow for gradual increases in tension as your penis adapts to the stretching regimen. This flexibility is essential for optimizing results while minimizing discomfort or potential side effects. Consider how easily you can adjust the device and whether it offers a range of tension levels suitable for beginners and experienced users alike.
User Reviews and Testimonials
Reading user reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness and reliability of a penis extender. Look for feedback on comfort, ease of use, and noticeable changes in penis size over time. Real-life experiences can help you gauge the device's performance and decide if it aligns with your expectations and goals. Pay attention to reviews that discuss customer support, warranty issues, and overall satisfaction with the purchase process, as these factors contribute to a positive user experience.
Price and Value
While price shouldn't be the sole determining factor, consider the overall value offered by the penis extender. Compare prices across different brands and models, taking into account features, materials, and customer support. Some extenders come with additional accessories or warranty options that enhance their value proposition. Balance your budget with the device's reputation for quality and effectiveness to make an informed investment in your sexual health.
Where to Buy
Purchase your penis extender from reputable retailers or official manufacturer websites to ensure authenticity and quality. Avoid unauthorized sellers or significantly discounted products that may compromise safety or effectiveness. Look for retailers that offer secure payment options, discreet packaging, and reliable customer support to address any concerns or issues after purchase. Consider reading customer reviews and ratings to verify the retailer's reputation and satisfaction levels among previous buyers.
Choosing the best penis extender requires careful consideration of factors such as effectiveness, safety, comfort, adjustability, and user reviews. By understanding these considerations and selecting a device that aligns with your needs and goals, you can embark on a safe and effective journey towards penis enlargement. Remember to prioritize safety, follow usage guidelines, and maintain realistic expectations for gradual results over time.
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downincmi · 4 months
Back Stretchers Market: Revolutionizing Spinal Health
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Back stretchers are medical devices designed to help relieve back pain by gently elongating the spine. These devices help improve posture, reduce back tension and allow the back muscles to relax. Consisting of a sturdy yet comfortable frame, back stretchers provide gentle traction to decompress the back and alleviate pain. The growing geriatric population who are more prone to develop back issues and rising cases of sedentary lifestyles resulting in back problems have increased the need for back relaxers.
The Global Back Stretchers Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 162.2 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 4.6% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030. Key Takeaways Key players: Key players operating in the Back Stretchers market are Nubax, Backbridge, Nayoya Wellness, Theraband, Chirp, LumbarTrac, Teeter Hang Ups, Zen Health, DJO Global, Fit for Life LLC, OPTP, Gaiam, AmazonBasics, ProsourceFit, and Stamina Products Inc. Growing demand: Rising prevalence of back pain mainly due to hectic lifestyles, lack of physical activity, prolonged sitting has augmented the demand for back stretchers globally. Back stretchers provide an inexpensive and convenient way to get relief from back strain. Global expansion: Major players in the market are expanding their geographical footprint by tapping opportunities in developing markets of Asia Pacific and Latin America. These regions are witnessing increased uptake of physical therapy products due to growing health awareness. Market Key Trends Home use back stretchers are gaining popularity driven by the trend of home-based physical therapy. Lightweight and portable back stretcher devices that can be easily set up in homes allow users to stretch and relax their back muscles in the convenience of their residences as per their schedule. This convenience factor is driving the demand for home use back relaxers. Growing health and fitness channels on social and digital media are raising awareness about benefits of back stretches and importance of good posture which is contributing to the increased adoption of back stretcher devices for back pain relief.
Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: It is moderate as the back stretchers market is fragmented with presence of several small to medium players. However, significant capital is required to manufacture back stretchers and gain brand recognition. Bargaining power of buyers: It is high due to availability of numerous alternatives in the market and lack of differentiation. Buyers can negotiate on price easing owing to availability of substitutes. Bargaining power of suppliers: It is moderate as there are many suppliers providing raw materials required for manufacturing back stretchers. Switching costs are also low for suppliers. Threat of new substitutes: It is high as other devices like inversion tables, massage chairs, foam rollers provide similar back relief functionality. Competitive rivalry: It is high owing to presence of numerous branded and unbranded players competing on price and innovation. Geographical Regions North America accounts for the largest share in the back stretchers market in terms of value owing to strong healthcare infrastructure, rising geriatric population suffering from back pain, and growing awareness. Asia Pacific is expected to witness the fastest growth during the forecast period due to increasing disposable incomes, growing middle class population, and rising prevalence of lumbar pain attributed to sedentary lifestyle in countries like China and India.
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raheena · 4 months
Elevating Saudi Arabia: Mitsubishi Electric's Innovative Solutions for Every Building Type
Elevators in Saudi Arabia play a critical role in shaping the nation's modern infrastructure. As cities grow taller and more complex, reliable and efficient elevator solutions become essential for smooth movement of people and goods. Mitsubishi Electric, a world leader in elevator technology, offers a comprehensive range of elevator solutions designed to meet the specific needs of various building types across Saudi Arabia.
Mitsubishi Electric's Commitment to Innovation and Quality:
For decades, Mitsubishi Electric has been synonymous with cutting-edge elevator technology. Dedicated to innovation and quality, the company strives to transform the way people move by seamlessly ensuring smooth and swift transitions. Their diverse product range caters to all building types, from residential houses to high-rise commercial spaces, hospitals, and industrial facilities.
Elevating Every Space:
Residential Elevators: Mitsubishi Electric offers a selection of residential elevators designed for convenience and comfort. These elevators cater to the specific needs of multi-story houses and apartments, ensuring effortless movement for residents.
Commercial Elevators: Modern commercial buildings require reliable and efficient elevators that handle high traffic volumes. Mitsubishi Electric provides a range of commercial elevators with features like high speed, energy efficiency, and intelligent dispatch systems for optimal passenger flow.
Passenger Elevators: Designed with passenger comfort and safety in mind, these elevators offer a smooth and quiet ride for people of all abilities.
Cargo and Freight Elevators: For robust movement of goods, Mitsubishi Electric offers cargo and freight elevators with increased capacity and heavy-duty construction. These elevators are ideal for industrial facilities, warehouses, and logistics centers.
Hospital Elevators: Hospitals require elevators that cater to specific needs, such as bariatric capacities and stretcher compatibility. Mitsubishi Electric provides specialized hospital elevators that prioritize safety and efficiency for patients and staff.
Food Elevators: Designed for the unique requirements of food service establishments, these elevators ensure proper hygiene and temperature control for safe and efficient food transport within buildings.
High-Speed and Gearless Traction Elevators: For high-rise buildings, Mitsubishi Electric offers high-speed and gearless traction elevators that provide fast and energy-efficient movement.
Beyond Transportation: Aligning with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030:
Mitsubishi Electric understands that elevators are more than just transportation systems. They contribute significantly to the overall experience and functionality of a building. The company's commitment to innovation aligns perfectly with Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, which focuses on developing modern and sustainable infrastructure.
Mitsubishi Electric Saudi Ltd., with its headquarters in Riyadh and a network of branch offices across the country, ensures a local presence and caters to the specific needs of the Saudi Arabian market. Their focus on advanced elevator solutions contributes to the enhancement of urban infrastructure, showcasing the nation's technological advancement. By partnering with Mitsubishi Electric, building developers and architects can contribute to shaping the modern, smart cities envisioned in Saudi Arabia's future.
Looking for the perfect elevator solution for your building project in Saudi Arabia?
Contact Mitsubishi Electric Saudi Ltd. today and explore their comprehensive range of elevators designed for every building type. With their commitment to innovation, quality, and local presence, Mitsubishi Electric is the ideal partner for elevating your project to new heights.
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abcexpresspk · 4 months
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand - ...
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elbeetbetak · 5 months
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Cervical Neck Traction Pillow
Help relief neck pain in just 10 minutes a day. The neck stretcher is intended to be used for people who are Prolonged bowing your head, sit still for along time, improper sitting posture, stiff neck, help relieve neck pain and pressure, help restore neck curve naturally. The neck and shoulder relaxer is ergonomic design, the curve of neck relaxer matches the cervical spine. When you lie down, it offers vertical, horizontal support, and Curvature stretch for neck traction, allowing the cervical traction pillow to position the head to reduce spinal pressure, support the cervical spine and help restore the C-shaped curve of the neck. “Buy now and enjoy a shopping experience that oozes quality and comfort!”
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saharaground · 6 months
Healthcare and Ambulance Services in the District Magura
Magura, located in the southwestern part of Bangladesh, is a district known for its cultural heritage, historical landmarks, and agricultural significance. The district is famous for its traditional music and dance forms, reflecting the cultural richness of the region. Notable landmarks include the historic mosque in Shatrujitpur and the memorial complex of poet Michael Madhusudan Dutta. The healthcare situation of the district on the other hand, requires substantial improvement. Despite having various healthcare facilities like hospitals, health centers, and clinics, there are significant shortcomings. Some areas and clinics face challenges, including limited access to fundamental medications, not to mention the scarcity of advanced medical treatments and specialised healthcare professionals.
Some of the hospitals and clinics available in Shibchar are,
Magura Maternity Hospital
General Hospital
Saleha Clinic & Diagnostic Complex
Magura Diabetic Hospital
Maa O Shishu Kolyan Kendro, Magura
Magura Poly Clinic
Upazila Shastho Complex, Magura
Niramoy Private Hospital 
Magura Shishu O Chokkhu Hospital
Jahan Private Hospital
Beroil Government Health Complex
Arpara UH&FWC, Shalikha, Magura
Ayon Medical Center
Piyarles Medical Services and Hospital Private, Magura
Life care clinic
Norshinghati Community Clinic
Shohrab Mashrura Memorial Foundation
Magura Central Health Care
Bushra Garden
Shurjer Hashi Clinic 
Green View Diagnostic Center
Shopno Diagnostic Center
In spite of the numerous hospitals and clinics, these institutions lack the essential equipment and specialised medical staff required for thorough patient care and treatment. As a result, many patients find it necessary to seek treatment elsewhere. Consequently, it becomes the duty of healthcare services and professionals to guarantee the welfare of these patients during their transportation, whether from Magura to Dhaka or any other preferred hospital. Ambulance services play a vital role in preserving the stability of the patient's condition during transit.
Therefore, to ensure the health and safety of the diverse range of patients or critical patients, emergency healthcare services need to provide a thorough ambulance support, including various types of ambulances and medical assistance, such as,
Standard or Basic Ambulances
Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Ambulances
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Ambulances
Air Ambulances
Advanced Life Support (ASL) Ambulances 
Ambulances for Transporting Deceased Bodies
Ambulances mentioned above are capable of doing almost everything that we expect from an Intensive Care Unit of a hospital. When we think about stabilising a critical patient, we immediately think about all the technical ICU support, and these ambulances provide just that. These ambulances (except Standard Ambulances and Ambulances for Transporting Deceased Bodies) are equipped with, 
Bi-phasic Defibrillator
Automatic external Defibrillator (AED)
Cardiac Monitor 
Suction Pump (electronic and manual)
Infusion Pump 
Syringe Pump
Volumetric Pump
Artificial Manual Breathing Unit (adult, child and neonatal)
Mouth to Mask Ventilation Device
Pulse Oxymeter 
Fluid and Blood Warmer
Roll-in Cot Main Stretcher (Manual or Auto loading)
Foldable secondary stretcher
Spine Board with restraint set
Resuscitator Adult with Overpressure Valve
Cervical Collar different size (set of 6)
Dual Head Stethoscope
Wall-Mounted Sphygmomanometer
Portable O2 Cylinder – D Size with regulator
Portable Suction Unit
Stair Chair stretcher
Head Immobiliser
Scoop Stretcher
Traction Devices
Extrication Devices
Compression Device 
First Aid Kit
Vacuum Mattress
Additionally, these ambulances have a medical crew on board, who are skilled and certified healthcare professionals, including nurses, paramedics and Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), who possess the expertise to manage diverse medical emergencies. Their extensive training over several years enables them to effectively serve and handle any sort of critical patients. 
Ambulance services play a crucial role in stabilising a patient by providing immediate and specialised medical care during transportation. These ambulances ensure that the patients reach the hospital, risk free and on time. 
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elevator388 · 6 months
The Price of Healing: Hospital Elevator Costs and Traction Elevator Considerations
Hospitals are complex ecosystems that rely on efficient vertical movement. Enter hospital elevators, crucial for transporting patients, staff, and equipment throughout the facility. But how much does it cost to install one of these vital workhorses? Let's explore hospital elevator costs alongside the advantages and disadvantages of traction elevators, a popular choice for these settings.
Hospital Elevator Costs: A Balancing Act
The price tag for a hospital elevator varies depending on several factors:
Size and Capacity: Hospitals require elevators capable of handling gurneys, stretchers, and multiple people. This translates to a larger size and higher weight capacity, which increases the cost.
Number of Floors Served: Each additional floor serviced by the elevator adds to the cost due to increased materials and installation complexity.
Features: Automatic doors, stainless steel finishes, anti-bacterial surfaces, and advanced controls all contribute to a higher price point.
Local Regulations and Permits: Meeting stringent hospital safety codes and obtaining permits can impact the overall cost.
Know more about
hospital elevator cost
advantages and disadvantages of traction elevator
Ballpark Figures:
Here's a general range to give you an idea:
Basic Hydraulic Elevator: $100,000 - $150,000 (often used for lower-traffic areas)
Traction Elevator: $150,000 - $300,000 (preferred choice due to higher capacity and speed)
Traction Elevators: The Workhorses of Hospitals
Traction elevators are a popular choice for hospitals due to several advantages:
High Capacity: They can handle heavier loads compared to hydraulic elevators, making them ideal for transporting patients, equipment, and multiple people.
Higher Speeds: Traction elevators offer faster travel times, crucial in emergency situations.
Smoother Ride: They provide a smoother and more comfortable ride for patients and staff.
Greater Efficiency: Traction elevators can be more energy-efficient in high-rise buildings compared to hydraulic options.
However, traction elevators also have some drawbacks:
Higher Initial Cost: They are generally more expensive to install than hydraulic elevators.
Machine Room Requirement: Traction elevators require a separate machine room to house the machinery, which might not be feasible in space-constrained hospitals.
Maintenance Needs: They may require more complex maintenance compared to hydraulic elevators.
The Final Decision
Choosing the right elevator for your hospital requires careful consideration of your specific needs and budget. While traction elevators offer significant advantages, a cost-benefit analysis should be conducted to determine if they are the most suitable option. Consulting with experienced elevator companies can help you navigate these factors and make an informed decision.
Remember: Hospital elevators are a long-term investment. While the initial cost is important, factors like reliability, maintenance requirements, and energy efficiency should also be factored into the equation.
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keltoncandy · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Kanjo Neck Stretcher for Cervical Traction.
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krunaldigitalads · 2 months
MRL Bfl Lifts | Superior manufacturer Industrial, Traction, Hydraulic& Hospital, Elevators
We provide Best Home, Hospital Elevators/Lifts in major cities Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, Vapi, Jodhpur, Udaipur, Jaipur, Sanand, Dholera, Patan, Bharuch, Ankleshwar.
Types of Elevators
Elevators, essential for vertical transportation in buildings, come in various types, each designed to meet specific needs.
Traction Elevators Traction elevators are the most common type, utilizing a counterweight and steel ropes to move the car up and down the shaft. They are known for their speed, efficiency, and suitability for high-rise buildings. Key components include the traction machine, counterweight, and car.
MRL Elevators {Machine Room Less} MRL elevators are a modern variation of traction elevators that eliminate the need for a dedicated machine room. This space-saving design is ideal for buildings with limited rooftop space. The compact traction machine is integrated into the hoistway, reducing installation costs and improving energy efficiency.
Hydraulic Elevators Hydraulic elevators use a piston and hydraulic fluid to lift the car. They are commonly used in low-rise buildings due to their slower speed and potential for oil leaks. However, they offer smooth operation and are often preferred for applications requiring frequent stops, such as in hospitals.
Hospital Elevators esigned specifically for hospitals, these elevators prioritize patient comfort and safety. They feature wider cars to accommodate stretchers, emergency equipment, and medical staff. Additional features may include silent operation, emergency power backup, and anti-microbial finishes.
Industrial Goods Elevators Industrial goods elevators, or freight elevators, are designed to transport heavy loads between floors in industrial and commercial buildings. 1 They are built with robust components to handle the weight and frequent use. Features like load capacity, platform size, and safety mechanisms are crucial considerations
Home Elevators Home elevators, also known as residential elevators, are designed for personal use within homes. They offer convenience and accessibility for individuals with mobility challenges or for multi-story homes. These elevators are compact, quiet, and often customized to match the home’s interior design.
For more Details Click here : https://www.bfllifts.com/
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