#traces of sylvian
makedvioletplayable · 3 months
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D.violet as the sylvian trooper and sylvian. Also in the palette editor that part of her weapon is connected to her lips so that's why her whip is partly gray in the first one 🤷.
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catboymitosis · 4 months
Hey hey!
So, do you remember when you wrote a fic about Levi's doppelganger? I absolutely adored how you portrayed Levi 😍❤, grappling with the idea of his ideal self. It totally makes sense why they'd want to transform into the contestant. But, what's really got me curious is about Daan as the doppelganger. What kind of ideal could he represent? What could he become?
Here's some DaanLevi fanart for you.
Think of it as a little bribe, hehe.
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Omg no way no way 😭❤️ They are so so cute and expressive you draw them perfect. I love so much thst you put the doppelganger mouth on his neck and god. The hot milk interaction is so real Daan would have to be pulling out his military voice constantly to live out his fantasy that he saved Levi and is able show him the good things in life. I'm so glad even a Levi doppelganger can truly enjoy a cup of hot milk <3 Thank you so much I will treasure this!!! Consider me successfully bribed :3
Thinking up a Daan doppelganger within my guidelines of "the ideal version of them according to the people in their lives" I kept coming back to the idea of him being a bunnymask. His entire life and all the connections he ever had were all built on the grounds of his connection to Sylvian. His parents wanted him to be a bunnymask, the Von Dutch's took him in because of his time with bunnymasks, there is not a single thing in Daan's life that cannot be traced back to Sylvian this fact makes me insane.
So I think doppelganger Daan would be an open Sylvian cultist actively trying to lure people into doing rituals with him, kind of like a siren, very flirty and debauch with no coyness or intellectual front. Basically just a sex object. The way I'd present this would be based on what I think would torment Daan the most to see so I don't think he would be naked he would be wearing the same clothes (maybe he could have a mask still). From Pocketcat we can see Daan has a pretty shaky sense of identity already so seeing something that looks like him thats dressed up as him that says its him and that he's like this would hurt him the most imo.
I brought this idea to the council (my discord friends) and was given this to imagine and share as being the vibe of doppelganger Daan.
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cryptile · 5 months
Ok so basically the old gods are like forces of nature or general concepts like creation or destruction and one of the gods, sylvian, asked a lesser being (possibly a non human new god?) called vitruvia to design humans, which she then made a bunch of and kept kinda like an ant farm. There's a throne that allows you to ascend to becoming a new god but it's actually a dead end to stop humanity from getting too powerful like you become a new god but now you have no hope of ever even approaching the powers of the old gods. Except for when an old god dies if the child of a new god is there when the old god dies they can absorb the power of the old god and become an ascended one. This has happened exactly twice, once being alll-mer, basically funger Jesus, and the second being the god of fear and hunger, the god the series is named after. Ascended gods rival the power of the old gods, usually taking the place/role the old god had.
But old gods don't really die in the way we think of the word, they more just kinda leave. And they leave behind a trace, which is basically the closest thing they have to a corpse, but the trace still does the stuff the old god did. You can even still worship the trace, which is how vinushka/God of the depths/gro-goroth(?) worship works. The god of the depths dies in the first game, and most of its abilities go to the girl who becomes the god of fear and hunger, but any insect related abilities do not appear in the second game, possibly implying that the girl didn't really like them and instead favored rats and frogs (trust). And there's an enemy in the second game that's just a moving mass of beehives that's associated with the symbol for the god of the depths and this basically implies that the trace of the god of the depths is still active and it has kept its insect affinity.
New gods still exist in the physical world and would usually be the rulers and like warlords and stuff and this pissed off the old gods so sylvian asked vitruvia to design the perfect human, which ended up being alll-mer. He then absorbed some old gods soul who either is Gro-goroth or the trace has since faded, erasing it from history. He then killed all the new gods (new gods don't leave traces when they die) and established an old world order of old god worship.
A few hundred years later, five people venture into the city of Mahavre, the city of the gods/the place where the golden throne is, and four of those five people ascend to New godhood. These four are called the fellowship, and they started re establishing old god worship. Then more than a thousand years later, one of the members of the fellowship noticed the god of the depths was almost dead and so she bore a human child (the girl from the first game) and kept her in the dungeon from the first game. She was kept as a "blank slate", only ever having known fear and hunger. The father of the child is a guy called legarde, he's basically just Griffith from beserk, he's also like this chosen one and he wants to ascend to godhood but I don't really care about him so we're moving on. The girl is brought to the dying God, and she absorbs it's power, leaving only it's trace with the abilities she didn't really want. This brought humanity into the cruel age, which is basically just the industrial revolution.
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. I knew like most of the information because i watched a lot of videos about the first game, but i didn't know a LOT of the more in-depth lore and this is all so interesting. If you want to explain termina lore to me i would be so so happy. That's the game i know the least about. This is a blessing
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sloshys · 11 months
My little fucking guys
Im so fucking bad when it comes to writing hcs or character analysis. Im going to try it out but i hope someone who’s a writer and whos interested this pairing gets to explain it all better than i can.
Everything under the cut theres some talk about sex at the end but its brief
I want to preface this that despite the fact that im very much into shipping every time i enter a new fandom i dont think any termina characters were able to directly confess their feelings to eachother. They simply have too much going on in mind, too busy surviving or hardly trust eachother. Despite the amount of events happening, i think only 3 days is super short amount of time for these guys to truly be sure of their feelings for eachother and dont have time to think over it ( only Samarie truly makes sense to me cuz she knew Marina before that even if its one sided)
Their parallels
Both of them were doomed to grow up fast in order to survive because of political and religious circumstances that neither had control over. Daan lost his family because they were fervent Sylvian worshippers, and Osaa grew in the chaos of the religious wars ravaging his country (perhaps that's how he lost his father in the process, but that's just a theory). Also, their respective situations parallel each other as they focus on both the traces of the old gods Sylvian (Daan’s parents being bunnymask cultists) and Gro-goroth (war and chaos in Abyssonia). It doesn't mean anything in particular about the characters themselves, but these two old gods did complete each other.
They both had an advanced education with Daan being an apprentice butler and modern medicine while O’saa studied spirituality and religion.
During adulthood, they both went through unspeakable horrors. For Daan, it was war; he only managed to keep his sanity with the letters he exchanged with Elise. For O'saa, it was being haunted by nightmares and his exploration of the dungeon of fear and hunger. These events traumatised them, and they had their own ways to cope with them, but Daan is visibly depressed.
Both seem to have an interest in fashion as they are self conscious on the way they dress. (Daan hates dirtying his clothes and O’saa likes being complimented on them)
Oh so youre both men with two “a ” in your names
Interpretation and headcanons
-O'saa had several people unknowingly open up about their problems at the confessional booth. Daan, who was wandering alone in the church with his thoughts eating him up, decided to give it a go, even if he wasn't religious, even if no one would respond. Part of him felt like it was sort of therapeutic. But to his surprise, someone did respond on the other side of the booth. Daan’s interest perks up when he notices the lack of professionalism from what he would assume to be a priest. They were judgmental and cold, but also understanding and interested at the same time. The rational thoughts of someone who doesn’t follow a specific belief and has their own morals they want to stand by. Yeah nothing like a priest Daan also hears some sort of familiarity with the voice and slowly realises who owns it. Daan would start playfully answering questions until O’saa couldn't keep up his identity. Unlike the other participants, he doesn't come out of the booth laughing; it’s just Daan looking at him smugly while the yellow mage’s expression is between disappointment and irritation. But regardless, they did have a nice talk in there, not that either of them would admit it.
-tbh a lot of their relationship is a back and forth one of them making a joke, the other roll their eyes and they would reply with “why are you always so serious???”
-O’saa secretely likes making Daan laugh. He keeps telling himself because his humor is more of his taste but its mostly cuz Daan always looks so gloomy
-Actually, these two don't know how to express their emotions. Daan sees how distant O’saa is from everyone and kind of wants him to be able to settle in with the group. O'saa, who doesn’t like to show his sympathy, still tries to make Daan laugh at times because he seems worryingly miserable and sad (his own jokes tend to make him laugh more than Daan, however). They just try to cheer each other up in the most complex brain gymnastic game by poking fun and making bad jokes with the worst timing possible, which mostly confuses the both of them more than anything else.
- O’saa doesnt like Daan’s smoking and drinking habits. But he does admit that it gives him a certain charm and the drinks he makes for him
-When O’saa revealed the identity of the Sulfur god to Daan there was this sting of empathy he felt for him despite Nas’hara’s scolding. And didn’t want to reveal to much not just for the sake of forbidden otherworldly knowledge but to spare him from such heavy info when he’s already going though so much grief.
-Daan was, deep down, extremely grateful for O’saa sharing his knowledge. When they met later, he insisted on taking care of O'saa's wounds after he was shot by August’s arrows. But O’saa is always on guard and asks Daan to take his vest off while he holds on to it and his scalpel. He will grab the back of his neck, warning Daan that If he tries anything funny, he will deal him a fatal blow. Despite the fact that it was supposed to create tension, the two were never this physically close to each other before…
-Daan would notice O’saa fragrance and Osaa would notice Daan’s lipstick
-Now sex is a difficult topic. Something that forces them into a state they so desperately tried to avoid their whole lives. The feeling becoming undone by sharing something with someone special or showing vulnerability. A primal feeling, feeling alive. They had a quick fuck to release steam. They try to convince themselves that its for personal satisfaction or giving a helping hand but it ever hardly felt like that. They still had this connection they refused or couldn’t to share with spoken words. It never went too far, but it was never bad. Quite the contrary, the sex was good but always too short
-O’saa realised he had developped a worshipping kink because of Daan. But Daan noticed it much earlier.
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Smash or Pass, traces of Sylvian from fear and hunger.
The og milf
Girl let me crawl in that ribcage. 🥵
Smash. I wish we could see more of the world when Sylvian had a good hold on it, you know? Some of the descriptions of there just being writhing masses perpetually undulating in pleasure are so good...
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vermimorph · 5 months
enki and nosramus interactions are very cute but i’m never forgiving miro for traces of sylvian
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beatdisc · 7 months
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It's hard to get a re-issue for less than $40 these days, so we're always thrilled when an archival label makes the effort to keep iconic albums in print for a reasonable price!
Today we'd like to shout out Groenland Records for allowing these Krautrock classics to remain readily available in-stores for only $35 a pop. More labels, take note!
- Neu! - Neu! 2 - Neu! '75 - Neu! '86 - Harmonia - Musik von Harmonia - Harmonia - Deluxe - Harmonia & Eno - Tracks & Traces
... all in-store now for $35 each. Plus we'll also be stocking more titles from DAF, David Sylvian, Holger Czukay and Michael Rother in the coming weeks.
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sullenarchives · 2 years
Director’s cut version of a review originally published in The Wire 383, January 2016
Japan: A Foreign Place
Anthony Reynolds
Burning Shed Hbk 209pp
Anthony Reynolds's biography is the first book to treat Japan's career seriously and at length. For a long time the British music press saw the band as something of a joke. The solo works of former members – particularly David Sylvian – have at times overshadowed the output of their short lifetime. Reynolds does the worthwhile public service of bringing together a solid mass of facts, details and opinions that have not had a public airing before and fleshing out that history. In particular, he’s the first to marshall a detailed account of the shifting tensions within the band that led to their demise. Half-truths circulated for years about the clash of egos between Sylvian and bassist Mick Karn, ending with Karn's live-in girlfriend, photographer Yuka Fuijii, leaving him for Sylvian and sealing their fate; Reynolds gives us the facts and handles the dissonant perspectives of participants very deftly.
But whatever its qualities Reynolds' is still very much a generic rock biography, one that leaves the reader wondering whether it's the best form for the subject. Aside from a young Karn's dalliance with Angie Bowie and some standard-issue touring horror stories – even at the height of their fame the band travelled in a bus that smelled of “stale vomit” – there's very little sensational material in their story. The image of sophistication and decadence they projected disguised an isolated group of workaholic blokes from the south London working class. Sylvian “put work before everything else”, even sleep, aided by a short-lived coke habit. Groupies – “Princess Diana and Jerry Hall types”, as tour lighting manager Par Can put it, who stacked shelves at Tesco by day – weren't tolerated on tour. Lacking much life to latch onto, Reynolds's narrative boils down to a succession of recording dates and increasingly tiresome, claustrophobic jaunts. Meanwhile, as drummer Steve Jansen recounts, “we had buried our true selves within a public image, which was a vital form of expression, a liberation”, but also another kind of trap.
This disconnect Japan lived through, between experience and image, forms the kernel of their music of masks and disembodied voices, glamour and horror – the “dialectical image” of postmodernity and our own moment of endless simulacra. But in Reynolds's narrative life overrides art. He describes the fissure between reality and publicity – which gave the alienated emotion of their songs its positive and negative moments – without analysing its importance. The signifiers that drift through the group's great period – the initially meaningless choice of name, Tin Drum's détournement of Chinese kitsch, the purloining of Motown and Satie, the pop-futurist tradition of Kraftwerk inherited through Yellow Magic Orchestra – were to some extent arbitrary, pulled from their context by whim. But even the strange, unyielding spaces of Tin Drum aren't simply enigmas; some explanation is possible. Work tracing the ideas and images that came into the band's orbit and how they used and restructured them would have been invaluable, as Michael Bracewell's Remake/Remodel, on Japan's great progenitors Roxy Music, proved. It's good to get solid details about the band's sartorial evolution, including some delightful photos of the young Karn and Sylvian (including a better look at the Anthony Price jacket from the cover of Gentlemen Take Polaroids), but Reynolds' handling of fashion is far from sophisticated.
Neither is he all that compelling on the music itself. Describing Quiet Life, the album that began the band's path to the avant-garde dark heart of 80s pop, as “unique but recognisably palatable pop music” is a descent into Tony Blackburn territory. He is strong on the technical aspects of the band's changing studio practice – maybe a little too strong at times, as we get reams of detail about preferred instrument brands. But he still gives a coherent picture of a conventional group moving, via the laboratory of the studio, into a compositional form closer to Eno's ambient records or the great Miles Davis/Gil Evans collaborations: sound as rich and intentless as the currents of dream. The band formed a strange bridge between the studio craftsmanship of mid-70s pop – Todd Rundgren and Steely Dan were among their favourite artists – and the brief flourishing of New Pop, bypassing punk entirely. It was precisely such residual traditionalism, and the shelter of 70s-hippie label Virgin, that allowed the disturbing experiment of Tin Drum to proceed under the protective camouflage of chart success.
The great lacuna in this story is Sylvian. He declined to contribute to the book, although Reynolds draws on interviews Sylvian has given over the years. (Karn died in 2011, but published a memoir of Japan that Reynolds quotes extensively.) It would barely make a difference if he had: concealing himself in plain sight, the deep cover agent of pop and experimental music wouldn't do anything so vulgar as give himself away to a mere biographer, except perhaps to present another of the masks that he's hidden behind over his career – post-glam siren, New Romantic balladeer, cosmopolitan fourth-worlder, the Howard Hughes of UK improv. The portrait that emerges here – of the frontman as a vain, petulant control freak, but also an “ordinary guy” behind the shades – is intriguing but sketchy, an aspect that speaks to the real nature of the book’s incompleteness.
Reynolds makes some effort to pencil in the details of Sylvian and younger brother Jansen's childhood in South London, but clearly cannot find the sort of apparently revealing detail that biography thrives on. He emphasises how deeply ordinary – how dull, even by the local standards of 1970s Catford – their background was. Their father was a bricklayer and the family struggled to remain in the respectable fraction of the working class. Sylvian would later make the paradoxical suggestion that “there was a survivalist element” to his self-fashioning in the matrix of art, androgyny and apparent vulnerability. (As detailed in Fred and Judie Vermorel's Starlust, such signs made Sylvian into a fertile fantasy-figure for the group's fans, to the exclusion of other members.) Is this, as Mark Fisher has suggested, what Sylvian and Japan were hiding from, the “ghosts of my life” that turn success sour – the spectres of class trauma in a society where subculture would soon be rendered extinct? A real exploration of the band would need to pore deeply through these contradictions of pop at the cusp of neoliberalism, but Reynolds's is a nice provisional start.
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azuredmoon · 5 years
JULY. @mercenaryhearted sent me a lot of asks regarding hobbies and pastimes of Dimitri (which I have thought about A LOT ) and so I'm compiling them all here
What hobbies does he has that aren’t fighting related ? What are thing he can do to wind down or that calm him down ?
He horseback rides a lot, but that’s still counted as fighting related to some degree...
Reading !! Homeboy loves to read to relax or winddown -- mostly adventure and thriller-esque novels that he doesn’t need to think too much to read. Other things he likes to read are history books, but again, it’s mostly for the thrill of hearing stories of knights and heroes. He’s kind of like Ashe in that respect. 
Other than that Dimitri likes to sew to calm down, but his support with Mercedes dashed that HC out. HOWEVER, I think, once he’s gotten the hang of it, he starts sewing more for function purposes ( mend his uniform, create a cloak for winter etc. ), he starts doing it for leisure. Again, he mostly does functional sewing, but he’s slowly actively seeking out ( asking his classmates if they need anything mending, putting a little embelishment on his doublet etc ). 
Can he play any instruments ? 
By princely expectations, yes. Whatever the Fire Emblem equivalent of a harpsichord is, that’s what he learned to play.
Can he sing ? 
Yes !! Faerghus is a devout kingdom -- even more so the capital of Fhirdiad. As a prince, Dimitri was expected to go to ceremonies that involved a lot of singing as well as choir practice. Does he sing well ? It depends on who you are asking. He isn’t good but he also isn’t terrible. 
What’s his favorite music ? 
Although, Dimitri personally isn’t very religious ( though duty as the holy heir pushes him to be ), he does have a fondness for the music in the cathedral and the way it is sung. He has so much childhood memories attached to the light and heavenly singing of choirs that seem to lift to the heavens. Personally, however, Dimitri loves dramatic orchestrations and opera music ( think like this ) mainly because of the stories these operas tell. He listens to such music much more for the dramatic tales rather than the music. 
How good at art does you think he is ? Does he like to dance ? Can he act?
His whole perfect prince is an act so yes Felix can tell you he’s good -- I kid ! 
Dimitri can dance ( all thanks to Edelgard’s tutelage ) but he isn’t an excellent dancer, mind you. He managed enough not to step on the toes of his dance partner, but that’s about the extent of his skills. In terms of art, he isn’t exceptionally skilled but he definitely has a blooming talent for it.  
He dabbled in watercolors and some sketch work as a child but after the death of his father, he put all those childhood hobbies aside to focus on seemingly more important things. ( Catch him doodling at the margins of his notes -- something like flowers or hands -- and you see traces of artistry). Perhaps the closest thing he’s good at to art right now is that he has beautiful and neat handwriting. 
What are games he likes to play ? 
Whatever the medieval / Fire Emblem equivalent of Polo is, that’s what he was playing. Something outdoor and has the capability of being rough. I imagine he liked playing this with Felix, Sylvain and Ingrid as a child. He probably wasn’t the best player out of the bunch. ( I imagine Sylvain and Ingrid were definitely better than him ). 
His father tried to teach him board and cards games which are more appropriate for entertaining noble guests, but they never stuck with Dimitri. 
What’s his favorite kind of weather 
A breezy, sunny day -- specifically a breezy, sunny day. He has a lot of good associations with the season of summer as this was the season he spends away from Fhirdiad and with his Felix, Sylvian, and Ingrid. Plus, winter in Faerghus is pretty harsh and it probably spills over to Spring, and so Summer is the ripest time to go out for horseback riding
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It’s hypocritical of my to say since I have an OC whose only pictures are heavily ref’d from an actor but it kinda weirds me out a little bit when I see OCs who are traced from pictures of real celebrities like not even changing hair or clothes or lighting, there’s someone with 100s of pictures in their OC’s gallery and almost all of them are 1:1 pictures of David Sylvian which I think goes beyond face-claim and into creepy territory
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makedvioletplayable · 3 months
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Dahlia as the traces of sylvian
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I know someone is probably asking themselves why her and not gro-goroth considering her personality and well
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That's why
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theresabookforthat · 6 years
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Black History Month
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Incisive and timely, An African American and Latinx History of the United States is a bottom-up history told from the viewpoint of African American and Latinx activists and revealing the radically different ways people of the diaspora addressed issues still plaguing the United States today.
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 For more on these titles visit Black History
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cryptile · 5 months
Ok so like before I get into termina I'll explain the gods a bit. There's four main cults, three of which are associated with old gods. In the first game there's the bunny masks who worship sylvian, the god of love and fertility, and the wolf masks who worship gro-goroth, the god of destruction. There's also the owl masks from the second game who are believed to worship vinushka, who's the child of gro-goroth and sylvian, and also the god of nature, but vinushka died a long time ago. And then there's the horse masks, and we don't actually know who they worship. There's two main theories, one bring that they worship rher, moon God/trickster god, and the other one being that they used to worship whatever his Alll-mer absorbed and the reason why we don't see them is because that Gods trace has fully faded.
And on the subject of Rher, the inciting incident in the second game is the festival of termina. Basically three days where a number of contestants must kill each other until only one remains, and those who take too long or refuse to partake in the festival or just catch the attention of Rher, they transform into a monster called a moon scorch. Everyone's moonscorched form is different and like based on their personalities and insecurities and such. But it's later revealed that Rher has left (different than dying) and it's trace, which is literally just the moon, is all that exists anymore. This fits with the rher horse mask theory because they aren't ever seen. A different God is just using the power left in rher's trace to invoke the festival, the newly seen sulfur god.
During alll-mer's Ascension, he had to cast off his impurities like cruelty and hatred and it created another being called the sulfur god. But the sulfur god ended up becoming far more powerful than Alll-mer and pretended to be Alll-mer while the real Alll-mer isn't really worshipped much. This also supports the theory that Alll-mer absorbed gro-goroth because blood magic was said to be gro-goroth's gift to mankind but blood sword, blood portal, and longinus are all Alll-mer skills. We already know that old gods who die or leave can still sometimes be worshipped, their powers being drawn from its trace, and gro-goroth's trace is an optional boss in the first game. We even get explicit examples in the case of Rher and vinushka both having skills and affinities. And since the god of the depths trace still has insect based stuff we know that the old gods trace can still have some of the spells, so it makes sense that other blood magic spells like hurting and black orb are still gro-goroth spells. So basically the entirety of Europa-based Alll-mer worship is actually sulfur worship.
Everyone who dies at the festival gets cast down into the sulfur pits, and sometimes if a special ritual is done or if you kill the other contestants fast enough you get all the goodness in your soul burned away and emerge an agent of cruelty and hatred, and get to join the sulfur cult. We see a few sulfur cultists in the game, like needles, stitches, perkele, and a few others probably, two of whom are actively hostile and kill you in cruel and unusual ways, and the third expressing outright hatred for the player after they win the festival and then attacks them.
The town of prehevil which is basically prague is the site of an old Eastern Union experiment, which is basically the ussr. They tried to make a machine to connect the human minds in basically the Internet, consisting of three telectroscopes and the logic. The telectroscopes are like psychic antennae to connect to the logic, which is basically a human consciousness connected to a massive underground computer. The project was shut down presumably because of like ethical stuff. But then the bremen army which is just like funger Germany starts invading surrounding countries, eventually capturing prehevil and continuing the logic project. The leader of the bremen nation is none other than legarde from the first game, having ascended to new godhood. He now is known as the Kaiser, he's basically the Austrian painter from the bad guys of ww2, also I don't know if I mentioned yet this game takes place in like 1942, basically what I'm saying is that legarde sympathisers from the first game probably felt pretty silly when game two dropped.
So they end up taking a pow who's also the sister of one of the playable characters and put her in the logic once it's fully reactivated, creating the machine god. Legarde is super obsessed with bringing humanity to New heights, he's the human parent to the girl from the first game, now he's trying to create something with the power of an ascended one without relying on the death of an old god. The machine god tries to lead you to the telectroscopes throughout the game, and has has infiltrated rher's realm, where it can be seen in the form of countless hands holding up a bunch of wooden boards. Also I forgot to say earlier rher's realm is basically just like a small pocket of like some mirror world, it's made out of this purple clay stuff, and the machine god's constructed wooden hallways are there wherever there's manmade structures. This not only shows how the machine god is the combined subconscious of humanity, but it also shows how the old gods and ascended ones literally rewrite reality around then, so the bunkers in which the machinery resides suddenly have always been the body and form of the machine god.
In the canon ending you get to fight the logic and witness the birth of a god, same as the first game. And also like the first game, anyone who witnesses this birth doesn't survive. You then get to meet the machine god and enter the artificial green (the green hue is like the place the old gods are from, the artificial green is basically just a manmade realm similar to the sulfur pits or rher's realm), and join the collective conscience of the machine god. I'll say more lore stuff as I think of it or corrections as I notice them 💖
Every single time i learn more about funger lore, it gets cooler and more fucked up. God i love this game so much
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mitjalovse · 6 years
I admire Ryuichi Sakamoto, though I must admit his jobs previous to Yellow Magic Orchestra did not reach the visibility of Hosono and Takahashi. However, he did make a name for himself through his session work for several Japanese musicians, where you can trace the early attempts of his modus operandi. Yes, the records by Tatsuro Yamashita, Shigeru Suzuki, Kazumi Watanabe and Taeko Ohnuki among others contain some of the tricks he would develop later on with the prime Japanese synthpop group and his solo career. Nonetheless, they remain intriguing. I mean, just listen to this tune by Taeko Ohnuki and notice how the sonic palette here resembles Sakamoto's procedures on Sylvian's Brilliant Trees. Moreover, while Sakamoto lacked the prior public profile of his peers in the outfit, he still got the brilliance similar to theirs. No wonder Yellow Magic Orchestra ended up being such a great band, since each member of the collective proved himself already on his own.
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pikapikafilms · 4 years
Un film documentaire de Keïko Courdy sur la zone d'exclusion de Fukushima.
Musique de Ryuichi SAKAMOTO (avec la voix de David Sylvian) et Seigen ONO, Montage Giuliano Papacchioli / Avec le soutien des KissKissBankers - PIKAPIKAFILMS 2021 - 16:9 HD couleurs - 1h27min VO.Jap ST. Fr /Eng
A la recherche de l'esprit de la zone. Une histoire de nature, d'hommes, de femmes, et de défaite technologique. Les liquidateurs de la centrale ouvrent secrètement leur quotidien à la caméra.
Les vagues se brisent éternellement sur le rivage de la centrale nucléaire de Fukushima Daiichi. À côté d'une installation blanche pour incinérer les déchets radioactifs, des enfants jouent au sol, des sacs noirs de terre contaminée s'accumulent, et l'herbe pousse par-dessus. Le film suit la vie de personnes qui ont survécu au tsunami et qui ont été forcées d'évacuer, de personnes revenues dans les heures les plus sombres pour sauver leur pays, et de travailleurs venus de loin, les liquidateurs de Fukushima Daiichi. Dans la zone, les traumas invisibles sont partout. C'est l’histoire d’une catastrophe, d'une technologie défaillante, de la résilience d’une population et de la transformation d'un territoire. Au Japon, le gouvernement voudrait oublier et avancer, mais les traces ne peuvent pas être effacées aussi facilement. Keïko Courdy a filmé chaque année depuis 2011, développant une relation de confiance avec les populations locales et le monde secret des ouvriers nucléaires, montrant la vie dans ce monde parallèle, une île invisible.
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siva3155 · 5 years
300+ TOP PSYCHOLOGY Objective Questions and Answers
PSYCHOLOGY Multiple Choice Questions :-
1. At which site the mind and body interact in the brain … a) Pineal gland b) throid gland c) Hypothalamus d) gonads 2. Who discovered the chemical basis of neurotransmission … a) Bandura b) Charles sherrington c) Luigi galvani d) Otto loewi 3. Human CNS is composed of … a) somatic nervous system b) brain and spinal cord c) autonomic nervous system d) all of these 4. The link between the nervous system and the endocrine system is due to the presence of? a) corpus callosum b) reticular formation c) cerebellum d) hypothalamus 5. In neurons, the axons are insulated by the a matter named as … a) Nerve fiber b) Myelin sheath c) Ganglion d) Sylvian sheath 6. The term “soma” is related to … a) synapse b) neuron c) axon d) cell body 7. Melatonin is produced by which gland? a) posterior pituitary b) hypothalamus c) pineal gland d) anterior pituitary 8. The goal of social cognitive therapy is basically … a) self-actualization b) self-regulation c) uncovering hidden conflicts d) all of these 9. Social Learning Theory was developed by … a) Albert Bandura b) Alfred Hitchcock c) Albert dakwin d) Albert Einstein 10. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is based on which perespective? a) agentic b) learning c) behavioral d) none of these4
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PSYCHOLOGY MCQs 11. The ecological theory explains about … a) cognitive development b) affective processes in development c) environmental influences on development d) none of these 12. Which theory says that there are sensitive periods of development in human life? a) social cognition theory b) ecological theory c) ethological theory d) none of these 13 Which of the following approaches to personality is least deterministic? A The humanistic approach B The behavioral approach C The psychoanalytic approach D The social learning approach Answer: A 14 In Freud’s theory of personality A The id operates by secondary process B The superego obeys the pleasure principle C The ego obeys the reality principle D The ego operates by primary process thinking Answer: C 15 The frustration-aggression hypothesis; A Was developed by social learning theorist B Assumes that frustration produces aggression C Assume that aggression is basic instinct D Claims that frustration and aggression are both instinctive Answer: B 16 The James-Lange or body reaction theory of emotion says A You feel emotion then a bodily reaction B Emotions and visceral reactions are simultaneous C The somatic nervous system is the seat of emotion D You react with your body first then you feel emotion Answer: D 17 Analysis of avoidance learning suggest that many phobias are acquired through ______ conditioning. A Classical B Operant C Intermittent D Reinforcement Answer: A 18 The ability to learn by observing a model or receiving instructions, without reinforcement, is called_____ A Contingency B Social learning C Cognitive learning D Instrumental learning Answer: B 19 Conditioned response may be eliminated by withdrawing reinforcement. This is known as: A Extinction B Discrimination C Spontaneous recovery D Stimulus generalization Answer: A 20 Any stimulus that follows a behavior and increases the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated is called a: A Cue B Punisher C reinforcer D Situational stimulus Answer: C 21 Illnesses that seem to result from an interaction of physical and psychological factors are called: A Somatic B Hysterical C Psychosomatic D Conversion disorder Answer: C 22 Which of the following clinical procedures are based, in part on classical conditioning? A Transference B Token economy C Two chair technique D Systematic desensitization Answer: D 23 When people are _____ they have lost touch with reality. A Manic B Neurotic C Psychotic D Psychopathic Answer: C 24 Intelligence can be defined as: A Knowledge of a great many facts B The ability to get good grades in school C All the factors that make one person different from another D The ability to think abstractly and learn from experience Answer: D 25 According to Piaget the process of building mental representation of the world through direct interaction with it is: A Adaptation B Conservation C Metacognition D Egocentrism Answer: A 26 People who consistently come up with _____ explanations of events are more prone to depression. A dysthemic B Delusional C Pessimistic D Overly optimistic Answer: C PSYCHOLOGY Objective type Questions with Answers 27 The leading cause of mental retardation is believed to be: A Inherited traits B Environmental factors C Organic brain syndrome D Fetal alcohol syndrome Answer: B 28 An affective disorder in which a person swings from one mood extreme to another is classified as: A Bipolar B Unipolar C Manic D Depressive Answer: A 29 Albert Ellis and Aron Beck are names associated with the ____ therapy approach. A Gestalt B Cognitive C Behavioral D Phenomenological Answer: B 30 The process by which a trained professional uses psychological methods to help people with psychological problem is known as: A Psychiatry B Psychoanalysis C Psychosurgery D Psychotherapy Answer: D 31 Basic characteristics of tasks that result in social loafing is that they are: A Additive B Negative C Subtractive D Multiplicative Answer: A 32 Job satisfaction is enhanced by tasks that are: A Very easy to accomplish B Overwhelming and rewarding C Unrelated to one’s personal needs D Challenging but not overwhelming Answer: D 33 Piaget’s stage for infancy is: A Formal operation B Preoperational thought C Sensory motor thoughts D Concrete operations Answer: C 34 When a researcher tests several groups of people at the same time each group at a different age, he is conducting a(n) ______ study. A Sequential B Cross-sectional C Longitudinal D Observational Answer: B 35 An individual becomes a member of social group through the process of: A Aging B Learning C Maturation D Socialization Answer: D 36 The first two weeks of life are referred to as: A Early childhood B The neonatal period C The period of infancy D The preoperational stage Answer: B 37 It would be more accurate to say that maturation: A Can be delayed by illness or poor nutrition B Is dramatically accelerated by good nutrition C Is not affected by any environmental factors because it is genetic D Is greatly accelerated by good health care and delayed by illness Answer: D 38 Which of the following is part of the psychosocial domain? A Memory B Judgment C Motor skills D Style of behaving Answer: D 39 The stage of prenatal development during which the developing organism is most vulnerable to injury is the: A Embryonic stage B Fetal stage C Germinal stage D Zygotic stage Answer: A 40 The child’s increasing skill at using his muscles is due chiefly to: A Maturation B Learning C Pushing by parents D An opportunity to exercise Answer: B 41. In psychology, case studies are used to: A show importance of case studies. B assess heritability of individual C draw general conclusions about behaviour of the client D draw conclusions , about individual behavior on the basis of group finding View Answer Answer: C 42 Perceptual constancies are A Likely inborn and not subject to leaning B An aid in perceiving a stable and consistent world C Confusing to an individual rather than helping him determine what really exists D Illusion in which we perceive something that does not correspond to the sensory information Answer: B 43 Psychology may best be described as the scientific study of _______ and ______. A Mental states, physical states B Thoughts, emotions C Behavior, mental processes D Mental health, mental illness Answer: C 44 Freud believed that adult problems usually: A Result in Freudian slip B Result in bad dreams C Can be traced back to critical stage during childhood D Are the result of poor behavior Answer: C 45 Gestalt theory emphasizes: A A flow of consciousness B The atoms of thought C Environmental stimuli D Our tendency to see pattern Answer: D 46 Whereas the _______ asked what happens when an organism does something; the _____ asked how and why. A functionalist, behaviorist B structuralist, introspectionist C structuralist, functionalist D functionalist, structuralist Answer: D 47 The _____ lobe is to hearing as the occipital lobe is to vision. A cerebeller B Parietal C Temporal D Frontal Answer: C 48 Reflexes are usually controlled by the: A Hypothalamus B Spinal cord C Frontal lobe D Medulla Answer: B 49 A part of the brain that sends signals “alert” to higher centers of the brain in response to incoming messages is: A amygdala B Hippocampus C Limbic system D Reticular formation Answer: D 50 Perception of the brightness of a color in affected mainly by: A The saturation of light waves B The wavelength of light waves C The purity of light waves D The amplitude of light waves Answer: A 51 Which of the following is not a clue for depth perception? A Orientation B Interposition C Reduced clarity D Linear perspective Answer: A 52 Psychophysics is the study of: A Depth perception B Perceptual illness C Movement perception D The psychological perception oh physical stimuli Answer: D 53 Which of the following is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system? A Brain and spinal cord B Only sympathetic nervous system C Only the parasympathetic nervous system D Both the sympathetic and Para-sympathetic nervous system Answer: D 54 Which one of the following does not contribute to memory ? A Interesting / disinteresting learning material B Goal behind learning C Gender D Some rest after learning Answer: C 55 In terms of efficiency in scanning information, which one of the following strategies is considered to be the best ? A Conservative focusing B Focus gambling C Simultaneous scanning D Successive scanning Answer: C 56 According to Master and Johnson following is the correct sequence of human sexual response : A Excitement → Orgasm → Plateau → Resolution B Excitement → Plateau → Orgasm → Resolution C Excitement → Arousal → Orgasm → Resolution D Arousal → Excitement → Orgasm → Resolution Answer: B 57 In graphical representations showing stress levels on X axis and performance on Y axis, best performance can be expected at A Lower end of X axis B Middle portion of X axis C Higher end of X axis D None of the above Answer: B 58 Lesions of the ventromedial nuclei in the hypothalamus produce A Anorexia B Obesity C Low level of Leptin D Hypoinsulinemia Answer: B 59 When the action potential reaches the end of the axon terminals, it causes the release of A An electric spark that sets off the next neuron B Positively charged ions that excite the next cell C Negatively charged ions that inhibit the next cell. D Neurotransmitters that excite or inhibit the next cell. Answer: D 60 AIDS attack a number of very different population; young gay men, intravenous drug users, haemophiliacs, Haitians, infants and recipients of blood transfusion, but commonly among them is the decrease in T lymphocytes, so it is an example of A Inductive reasoning B Deductive reasoning C Analogical reasoning D Syllogism Answer: A 61 Muller-Lyer illusion is likely to occur more in cultures characterised by A People living in rectangular and square buildings B People living in buildings which are round and have few corners C People living in open spaces D People living in caves Answer: A 62 One prominent class of theorists of deductive reasoning believe that deduction depends on _____ of inference akin to those of ______. A informal rules; logical calculus B formal rules; analytical calculus C procedural rules; logical calculus D formal rules; logical calculus Answer: D 63 What is the correct sequence of products in Guilford’s Struct of Intellect Model (SOI) ? A Unit → Class → System → Relations → Implication → Transformation B Class → Unit → Systems → Relation → Transformation → Implication C Unit → Class → Relation → System → Transformation → Implication D Unit → Relation → Class → System → Transformation → Implication Answer: C 64 The light passes through the eye in which of the following sequence ? A Cornea, Pupil, Lens, Retina B Cornea, Lens, Pupil, Retina C Lens, Cornea, Pupil, Retina D Pupil, Cornea, Lens, Retina Answer: A 65 Which one of the following statement is true in the context of item analysis ? A Item-total correlation = Item-remainder correlation B Item-total correlation is greater than or equal to item-remainder correlation. C Item-total correlation is smaller than or equal to item-remainder correlation. D Item-total correlation cannot be negative. Answer: B 66 The difference in images in the two eyes is greater for objects that are close and smaller for distant objects is an example of A Binocular Disparity B Convergence C Accommodation D Relative Size Answer: A 67 Shaping in instrumental conditioning means A Teaching a complex sequence of behaviours by first shaping the final response in the sequence and then working backwards B A continuous reinforcement schedule is used for establishing new behaviours. C It involves reinforcing successive approximations of the final desired behaviour. D Consistent occurrence of a behaviour in the presence of discriminative stimulus. Answer: C 68 According to Trichromatic theory of colour vision, which of the following are the three types of cones ? A Red, Yellow and Blue B Red, Blue and Green C Yellow, Blue and Green D Yellow, Red and Blue Answer: B 69 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn on the basis of the above study ? A The researcher’s hypothesis has been accepted. B The researcher’s hypothesis has been rejected. C The researcher’s hypothesis has been partially accepted. D Inadequate data to evaluate researcher’s hypothesis. Answer: B 70 Amit met with an accident and later turned into impulsive, irresponsible and less concerned with the consequences of his actions. He must have suffered damage in A Parietal lobe B Frontal lobe C Occipital lobe D Temporal lobe Answer: B 71 Effective teaching may include conceptual scaffolding, which is best described by the following statement : A introducing practice sessions after every module. B gradually fading support as student proficiency increases. C punishing student for incorrect answers. D encouraging brighter students to help weaker students. Answer: B 72 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 73 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 74 The following instrument can not be utilized in the measurement of emotions : A Sphygmomano meter B Galvanic skin response C Digital thermometer D Pupillary measurement camera Answer: C 75 Arrange in sequence the stage of personality development according to Rollo May A Innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → rebellion → creative consciousness of self B Innocence → rebellion → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self C Ordinary consciousness of self → innocence → rebellion → creative consciousness of self D Rebellion → innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self Answer: B 76 The rapid change in performance as the size of reinforcement in varied is called A Crespi effect B Disequilibrium hypothesis C Premack principal D Programmed learning Answer: A 77 In Solomon Asch’s study on conformity, subjects conformed to the Group approximately what percent of time A 25% B 35% C 45% D over 50% Answer: B 78 Perceived fairness of the amount and rewards among individuals refers to ________ while perceived fairness of the ways used for rewards and pays refers to _________. A Organizational justice, Distributive justice B Equity, Organizational justice C Distributive justice; Procedural justice D Procedural justice; Distributive justice Answer: C 79 The concept of _______ is vital in the understanding of fractional antedating goal response A Drive stimulus reduction B Reactive Inhibition C Secondary Reinforcement D Conditioned Inhibition Answer: C 80 Which of the following identity status describes the individual who has been exploring but not yet committed to self chosen values and goals ? A Identity achievement B Identity foreclosure C Identity diffusion D Identity moratorium Answer: D 81 Scientific study of Creativity is considered to be started by A Galton B Guilford C Torrance D Mednick Answer: B 82 Culture exerts strong effect on memory through the operation of cultural schema. One’s memory is influenced by learning in A Own culture effect B Culture effect due to enculturation C Acculturation effect D Socialization effect Answer: A 83 Evolutionary Social Psychology Research seeks to investigate : A Changes in human behaviour B Seeks to investigate the potential role of genetic factors on social behaviour C Interrelationships between people of two groups of different social environment D Focuses on individual’s behaviour. Answer: B 84 Which one of the following is the right explanation of flash bulb memory ? A New, important, helpful social events B Unspecific, important, common events C Specific, surprising, unimportant events D Unspecific, important, common events Answer: A 85 Which of the following sequences is correct with respect to effective teaching ? A Match student’s level → specify learning goals → emphasize self comparison → suggest improvements and model problem solving. B Specify learning goals → emphasize self-comparison → suggest improvements and model problem solving → match student’s level. C Suggest improvements and model problem solving → match student’s level → specify learning goals → emphasize self-comparison D Emphasize self-comparison → match student’s level → specify learning goals → suggest improvements and model problem solving. Answer: A 86 Sleep disorders can be categorized as A Paraphilias and Dysfunctions B Insomnia and Hypersomnia C Parasomnias and Dyssomnias D Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Answer: C 87 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 88 Selective attention in vision and audition respectively have been dubbed as A ‘optic’ and ‘haptic’ B ‘spotlight’ and ‘gateway’ C ‘spatial’ and ‘acoustic’ D ‘central’ and ‘peripheral Answer: B 89 Which is not the part of “on the job training” ? A Orientation training B Job instruction training C Role playing D Apprentice training Answer: C 90 “Pygmalion effect” in educational settings suggests : A exceptional progress by student as a result of high teacher expectations. B biases creeping into summative assessment C authenticity factors in classroom assessment. D influences on curricular structure. Answer: A 91 Which of the following is not a diagnosable sleep disorder : A Somnambulism B Somniloquy C Sleep terror D Insomnia Answer: B 92 A field experiment at the Bronx Zoo illustrated the potential importance of _________ indicating that an individual has legitimate authority. Fill in the blank from given below. A Gender B Uniforms C Age D An authoritarian personality Answer: D 93 Thinking is a complex set of collaborations between __________ and _________representations and processes. A Linguistic; semantic B Linguistic; verbal C Semantic; non-linguistic D Linguistic; non-linguistic Answer: D 94 Signal detection depends upon A motivation and expectations B signal intensity and noise C sensitivity and response criterion D absolute and relative thresholds Answer: C 95 Which of the following does not present with symptoms of mental retardation ? A Cri du chat syndrome B Down’s syndrome C Fugue D Trisomy-21 Answer: C 96 Therapist suggested to Sunil that while trying to give up the habit of washing hands unnecessarily, he should wear a rubber band around his wrist and snap it everytime he feels like washing his hands. What therapy he is using ? A Systematic desensitization B Aversion therapy C Flooding D Modelling Answer: B 97 The need for _______ produces active, controlling social behaviour while need for _________ produces more passive, less controlling social behaviour. A affiliation; self-esteem B confidence; intimacy C affiliation; intimacy D intimacy; affiliation Answer: C 98 According to Triarchic Theory of Intelligence, arrange the correct functional sequence of metacomponents A Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → choosing appropriate strategy → selection of lower order processes → selection of mental representation → allocation of mental resources → monitoring → evaluation. B Identification of problem → defining the givens, goals & obstacles → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation. C Identification of problem → choosing appropriate strategy → defining givens, goals and obstacles → allocating mental resources → monitoring → selecting mental representation → evaluation D Defining the givens, goals and obstacles → identification of problem → selection of lower order processes → choosing appropriate strategy → selecting a mental representation → allocating mental resources → monitoring → evaluation Answer: B 99 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 100 In which one of the following scaling methods, Law of Comparative Judgement is used clearly while computing scale values ? A Summated ratings B Equal appearing intervals C JND scales D Paired Comparison Answer: D 101 The model of memory most frequently cited consists of Short Term Memory (STM) which serve(s) as gateway to Long Term Memory (LTM). This model was propounded by A Ebbinghaus B Craik and Lockhart C Tulving D Atkinson and Shiffring Answer: D 102 The phenomenon of clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed and had been discredited refers to : A Belief bias B Belief perseverance C Over confidence D Framing decisions Answer: B 103 Mechanistic and Cognitive approaches to motivation differ in the extent to which ______ are invoked to account for the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of goal directed behaviour. A Dynamic traits B Higher mental processes C Drives D Instincts Answer: B 104 Which of the following is the term for describing a child’s one word utterances ? A Over extensions B Under extensions C Holophrases D Telegraphic speech Answer: C 105 What would be the multiple correlation between the job efficiency and the three predictors (M.B.A. marks, selection test scores, and the evaluations scores at the end of inhouse training) ? A 0.50 B 0.65 C 0.75 D Inadequate data Answer: C 106 The b coefficient obtained in multiple regression is A Partial correlation coefficient B Correlation coefficient C Regression coefficient D Partial regression coefficient Answer: D 107 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn on the basis of above paragraph ? A All the four predictors (M.B.A. marks, selection test scores, evaluation scores at the end of inhouse training and communication skills) are uncorrelated with each other. B Out of the four predictors, at least some are correlated with each other. C Communication skills scores are uncorrelated with other predictors. D The four predictors theoretically appear to be correlated, but we cannot infer about their intercorrelations from the data provided. Answer: B 108 Words learned under water are recalled : A Better on land than under water B Better above land (sky) than on land C Better above land (sky) than under water D Better under water than on land Answer: D 109 Amit met with an accident and later turned into impulsive, irresponsible and less concerned with the consequences of his actions. He must have suffered damage in A Parietal lobe B Frontal lobe C Occipital lobe D Temporal lobe Answer: B 110 Effective teaching may include conceptual scaffolding, which is best described by the following statement : A introducing practice sessions after every module. B gradually fading support as student proficiency increases. C punishing student for incorrect answers. D encouraging brighter students to help weaker students. Answer: B 111 A social worker, appointed to assist the psychiatrist, used to administer and interpret Rorschach test. This is an A ethically incorrect practice B ethically correct practice C ethically correct practice provided the results are used only for diagnostic purpose. D ethically correct practice provided the results are kept confidential and are used only for diagnostic purpose. Answer: A 112 Arrange in sequence the stage of personality development according to Rollo May A Innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → rebellion → creative consciousness of self B Innocence → rebellion → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self C Ordinary consciousness of self → innocence → rebellion → creative consciousness of self D Rebellion → innocence → ordinary consciousness of self → creative consciousness of self Answer: B 113 The rapid change in performance as the size of reinforcement in varied is called A Crespi effect B Disequilibrium hypothesis C Premack principal D Programmed learning Answer: A 114 In Solomon Asch’s study on conformity, subjects conformed to the Group approximately what percent of time A 25% B 35% C 45% D over 50% Answer: B 115 Perceived fairness of the amount and rewards among individuals refers to ________ while perceived fairness of the ways used for rewards and pays refers to _________. A Organizational justice, Distributive justice B Equity, Organizational justice C Distributive justice; Procedural justice D Procedural justice; Distributive justice Answer: C 116 Which of the following identity status describes the individual who has been exploring but not yet committed to self chosen values and goals ? A Identity achievement B Identity foreclosure C Identity diffusion D Identity moratorium Answer: D 117 Scientific study of Creativity is considered to be started by A Galton B Guilford C Torrance D Mednick Answer: B 118 Sleep disorders can be categorized as A Paraphilias and Dysfunctions B Insomnia and Hypersomnia C Parasomnias and Dyssomnias D Serotonergic and Dopaminergic Answer: C 119 Which is the correct sequence of the stages involved in creative thinking ? A Preparation; orientation; illumination; incubation; verification B Preparation; incubation; illumination; orientation; verification C Orientation; preparation; incubation; illumination; verification D Orientation; preparation; illumination; incubation; verification Answer: C 120 Selective attention in vision and audition respectively have been dubbed as A ‘optic’ and ‘haptic’ B ‘spotlight’ and ‘gateway’ C ‘spatial’ and ‘acoustic’ D ‘central’ and ‘peripheral Answer: B 122 In Erikson’s theory, which psycho-social crises preceed and succeed Autonomy v/s Shame : 1 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Industry v/s Inferiority 2 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Industry v/s Inferiority 3 Industry v/s Inferiority and Identity v/s Role confusion. 4 Basic trust v/s mistrust and Initiative v/s Guilt. Answer: Basic trust v/s mistrust and Initiative v/s Guilt. 123 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Horner found high level of motive to avoid success or fear of success in females. Reason (R) : As a result of success, the threat of social rejection and fear concerning perceived lack of feminity are aroused in women 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 124 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment is used to determine organizational outcomes. Reason (R) : People expect informational transparency and respect in organizations. code : 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 125 Match List - I with List - II and select the correct answer by choosing from code given below : List-I List-II (Concept) (Explanation) (a) Episodic retrieval (i)Physical environment at retrieval matching that at encoding. (b)Context-dependent retrieval (ii)Mood at retrieval matching that at encoding. (c)State-dependent retrieval (iii)Retrieval stimulated by hints from the external and internal environment. (d)Cue-dependent retrieval (iv)Subsequent reactivation of stored memory code : (a) (b) (c) (d) 1 (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) 2 (ii) (iv) (iii) (i) 3 (iii) (iv) (ii) (i) 4 (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) Answer: (iv) (i) (ii) (iii) 126 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Rational persuation refers to the use of logical arguments and facts to persuade others for achieving a desired result. Reason (R) : Managers use several techniques to influence others in organizations. code: 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (B) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 127 Read each of the following statements - Assertion (A) and Reason (R); and indicate your answer using code given below : Assertion (A) : Perception remains constant although the proximal sensation changes Reason (R) : Our perceptual system has mechanisms that adjust our perception of the proximal stimulus. code: 1 Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 2 Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 3 (A) is true, but (R) is false. 4 (A) is false, but (R) is true. Answer: Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 128 Which of the following explains the Threshold Hypothesis regarding Intelligence - Creativity relationship ? 1 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity 2 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity upto a particular level of Intelligence 3 There is a positive correlation between Intelligence and Creativity beyond a particular level of Intelligence. 4 There is a negative correlation between Intelligence and Creativity beyond a particular level of Intelligence. Answer: 2 129 Which one of the trait theories/models is/are NOT based on factor analytic methodology ? (a) Allport’s Theory (b) Costa and McCrae’s Model (c) Goldberg’s Model (d) Eysenck’s Theory code: 1 (a) only 2 (a) and (c) only 3 (b) and (c) only 4 (4) (b) and (d) only Answer: (a) only 130 The factors that operate with deep levels of processing are : (a) Distinctiveness (b) Sameness (c) Elaboration (d) Physical contours Code: 1 (a) and (b) only 2 (b) and (c) only 3 (b) and (d) only 4 (a) and (c) only Answer: (a) and (c) only 131 Backward Conditioning occurs when : A CS and US are presented simultaneously B CS is presented first and US is presented before the termination of CS C CS is presented first and US is presented after the termination of CS D US is presented first and CS is presented after the termination of US Answer: D 132 The James-Lange theory and the cognitive theory of emotion disagree on whether : A specific brain centers are involved in specific emotions. B bodily feedback determines which emotion is felt. C individuals can judge their emotions accurately. D there is no any biological involvement in human emotions. Answer: B 133 Biologically based emotional and behavioural tendencies that are evident in early childhood represent : A Trait B Type C Temperament D Style Answer: C 134 In Jungian theory, the idea that energy is automatically redistributed in the psyche in order to achieve equilibrium or balance depicts : A Principle of Equivalence B Principle of Synchronicity C Principle of Entrophy D Principle of Opposites Answer: C 135 After the recent terrorist attacks in France, a psychologist proposed a study wherein he would interview two hundred French citizens to find whether their attitude towards fate as a consequence of the attack. This study can best be labelled as : A attitude change experiment B field experiment C ex post facto study D psychometric study Answer: C 136 Which of the following is correct while comparing classical and operant conditioning ? A Operant conditioning takes place before reinforcement while classical conditioning takes place after reinforcement. B Operant conditioning takes place as a result of some voluntary action while classical conditioning takes place without choice. C In operant conditioning, response is elicited while in classical conditioning it is emitted. D In operant conditioning magnitude of the response is the index of conditioning while in classical conditioning it is the rate of response. Answer: B 137 Words learned under water are recalled : A Better on land than under water B Better above land (sky) than on land C Better above land (sky) than under water D Better under water than on land Answer: D 138 Which of the following sequence is correct ? A Oral phase ® Anal phase ® Latency ® Phallic ® Genital B Anal ® Oral ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital C Oral ® Anal ® Phallic ® Latency ® Genital D Oral ® Phallic ® Anal ® Genital ® Latency Answer: C 139 Which memory is the result of instrumental/motor learning processes ? A Semantic memory B Episodic memory C Sensory memory D Procedural memory Answer: D 140 In which lobe of the cerebral cortex, the primary olfactory cortex lies ? A Frontal lobe B Temporal lobe C Occipital lobe D Parietal lobe Answer: B 141 “Factor Analysis is used as a means of confirming a structured model than as a means of discovering a structural model”. This is true of which theory of intelligence ? A Spearman B Thurstone C Jensen D Guilford Answer: D 142 What is the role of positive and negative reinforcement ? A To increase the likelihood that responses preceding both will be repeated. B To decrease the likelihood that responses preceding negative reinforcement will be repeated. C To increase the likelihood that responses preceding only positive reinforcement will be repeated. D To ensure that there are no negative consequences following the behaviour. Answer: A 143 While forming a concept one chooses to take one hypothesis and selects many of its features to quickly form the concept at once : A Successive scanning B Conservative focusing C Focus gambling D Simultaneous scanning Answer: C 144 What is the correct sequence an auditory stimulus takes to reach the primary auditory cortex ? A Cochlear nuclei - Superior olive - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus B Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Medial geniculate nucleus C Superior olive - Cochlear nuclei - Inferior colliculus - Medial geniculate nucleus D Medial geniculate nucleus - Inferior colliculus - Superior olive - Cochlear nucleus Answer: A 145 In the above context, which one of the following correlation should be computed to obtain item-remainder correlations ? A Point biserial correlation B Phi-coefficient C Rank difference correlation D Tetrachoric correlation Answer: A 146 Which one of the following statement would be true in the above context ? A Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the split-half reliability coefficient may differ from .90. B Split-half reliability coefficient would also be .90, but the Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient may differ from .90. C Both Kuder - Richardson reliability coefficient and split-half reliability coefficient would be .90. D The correlation between odd and even parts of the test would be .90. Answer: A 147 To obtain inter-item correlations, which one of the following correlation coefficient should be used in the above analysis ? A Biserial correlation B Point biserial correlation C Phi-coefficient D Rank difference correlation Answer: C 148 What is the expected Cronbach alpha for the short versions, referred to in the paragraph ? A 0.45 B 0.67 C 0.82 D 0.90 Answer: C 149 Which one of the following conclusion can be drawn from the data provided above ? The new Abstract Thinking Test has : A Satisfactory convergent validity B Satisfactory divergent validity C Satisfactory concurrent validity D Unsatisfactory concurrent validity Answer: D 150 The factors that influence social behaviour and thoughts in certain ways are called : A Independent variables B Confounding variables C Dependent variables D Mediating variables Answer: D 151 Phonemic restoration as we perceive speech in a noisy party is an example of : A Top down processing B Bottom up processing C Subliminal perception D Supraliminal perception Answer: A 152 Feeling touchy or hypersensitive following an upsetting experience is a form of : A Imprinting B Habituation C Sensitization D Reflexive Behaviour Answer: C 153 Because it has the external features associated with the concept of dog, a wolf is perceived as a dog. This is an example of : A Centration B Equilibration C Object permanence D Prototype Answer: D 154 Which of the following is the final destination for much of the brain’s information about emotion before action is taken ? A Amygdala B Anterior cingulate cortex C Pre-frontal cortex D Hypothalamus Answer: C 155 Cattell propounded gf-gc theory of intelligence mainly based on : A First order factors of abilities B Second order factors of abilities C Third order factors of abilities D Higher order factors of abilities Answer: B 156 Which one of the following statements is true ? A The ‘Global Five’ factors in personality refer to the second-order factors of 16 PF, latest edition. B The ‘Global Five’ factors refer to the factors assessed by the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, latest edition. C The ‘Global Five’ factors refer to the factors assessed by Goldberg’s bipolar adjectives. D The ‘Global Five’ factors are derived from Eysenck Personality Profiler, latest edition. Answer: A 157 Which of the following statements best defines maturation ? A It is directly based on social-cognitive learning B It is an automatic biological development of the body that naturally unfolds over time C It does not take place in human beings D It is the basis of all physical and psychological developments Answer: B 158 Four important elements in the theory of signal detection are : A errors, hits, speed and accuracy B speed, accuracy, power and false alarm C hit, miss, correct rejection and false alarm D acuity, efficacy, speed and power Answer: C 159 Jia had written a list to do her week end work, but incidently left it home while going out for her first activity. Trying to remember the list, Jia remembers what was at the beginning of the list and what was at the end but not those things in the middle. This is an example of : A Encoding specificity effect B Flash bulb memory C Serial position effect D Tip-of-the tongue effect Answer: C 160 Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) are mainly indexing : A Creative Products B Creative Processes C Creative Personality D Creative Persuation Answer: B 161 Which one of the scaling method is more likely to yield multidimensional attitude scale ? A Guttman scalogram analysis B Paired comparison method C Equal appearing intervals method D Method of summated rating Answer: D 162 When is aspiration a method of choice to make a lesion ? A in a deeper brain area B in an area of cerebral cortex C an irreversible lesion D in underlying white matter Answer: B 163 A psychologist was administering a projective test which involved a word association task. She tended to nod and smile every time a plural word was given by the respondent. The following testing bias was seen : A favoritism B test wiseness C selective reinforcement D gender of assessor Answer: C 164 Which of the following is a characteristic of Chomsky’s theory ? A Development of language is between three and five years of age B Language development is dependent on the reinforcements received by the child C Children acquire mistakes in language by observing their parents and others around them D Children have an innate mental grammar Answer: D 165 The centre - surround organization of ganglion cells that enhance contrast at edges in a visual environment is well illustrated by : A Craik bands B Mach bands C Luminance bands D Optic bands Answer: A 166 The growth needs of ERG theory are represented by various needs in Maslow’s model : A Physiological and social needs B Safety needs and esteem needs C Social needs and esteem needs D Esteem needs and self-actualization needs Answer: D 167 In Bloom’s taxonomy of educational objectives, the following appear in ascending order : A Remember ® Understand ® Apply ® Analyze B Apply ® Analyze ® Understand ® Remember C Understand ® Apply ® Remember ® Analyze D Analyze ® Remember ® Apply ® Understand Answer: A 168 Helpers respond to the needs of a victim because they want to accomplish something rewarding; this may be referred as : A Negative state - relief model B Empathic - joy hypothesis C Empathy - altruism hypothesis. D Pluralistic empathy Answer: B 169 Which is the correct order of the emergence of following Psycho-Social strengths ? A Love, Fidelity, Wisdom, Care B Care, Fidelity, Love, Wisdom C Fidelity, Love, Care, Wisdom D Care, Fidelity, Wisdom, Love Answer: C 170 Detecting movement in spite of camouflage is easier for people who are : A field dependent B field independent C both field dependent and field independent D neither field dependent nor field independent Answer: B 171 Self is conceptualized in Western and Eastern perspectives on personality, respectively, as : A free and deterministic B instinctive and learned C ideal and real D independent and interdependent Answer: D 172 When a Background Interference Procedure was used experimentally, the following findings became apparent ? A Field independent persons did better than field dependent persons B Field dependent persons did better than field independent persons C Both field dependent and field independent persons did equally well D BIP enhanced the performance of all subjects Answer: A 173 People with moderate mental retardation would have an IQ in the range of : A 10 to 19 B 35 to 54 C 55 to 70 D 20 to 34 Answer: B 174 The following is not typically found in a school guidance counsellor’s office : A Sand pit B Lie detector C Psychometric tests D Puppets and play dough Answer: B 175 According to Piaget the children are able to grasp the concept of object permanence and conservation in : A Sensory motor stage B Pre-operational stage C Concrete operational stage D Formal operations stage Answer: 176 Which one of the following design is used in the above research ? A Multigroup design with single I.V. B 232 factorial design C 232 mixed factorial design D Repeated measures design Answer: B 177 Which one of the following statement is true in the context of above study ? A The assumption of homogeneity of variance was satisfied. B The assumption of homogeneity of variance was not satisfied. C The correction for heterogeneity of variance was required. D The data are insufficient to evaluate the assumption of homogeneity of variance. Answer: A 178 On the basis of the information provided about the main effect of A, it can be concluded that : A Interpolated learning had no effect on the recall of A. B Interpolated learning caused retroactive interference. C Interpolated learning caused retroactive facilitation. D Either retroactive interference or retroactive facilitation has occurred. Answer: D 179 What would be the degrees of freedom for the numerator and denominator of the F - ratio defined as ‘MSA3B/MSE’ ? A 1 and 96 respectively B 1 and 98 respectively C 2 and 97 respectively D 3 and 96 respectively Answer: A 180 A procedure that establishes a sequence of responses which lead to a reward following the final response and then working backwards is called A Shaping B Stimulus control C Chaining D Stimulus generalization Answer: C 181 In a study on scaling of attitude items, eleven statements were included. What would be the number of pairs of attitude statements ? A 21 B 55 C 110 D 121 Answer: B 182 Who first attempted to describe personality traits in terms of Lexican descriptors ? A Ross Stagner B Allport and Odbert C R.B. Cattell D Coasta and McCrae Answer: B 183 Which of the following is correctly arranged ? A Encoding – retrieval – storage B Encoding – storage – retrieval C Storage – encoding – retrieval D Retrieval – encoding – storage Answer: B PSYCHOLOGY Questions and Answers Pdf Download Read the full article
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