darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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This was taking in Eastern Passage Nova Scotia Canada. It was a beautiful day not a cloud in the sky. All the fishing boats were getting ready to head out to their favorite fish grounds. Fishing is something I love to do. Most of us don't get the opportunity to do what we love to do, because we are so busy in our daily lives, we are so caught up worrying about what everyone else is doing, we lose track on what really matters. My business is my main focus, however I take time out to enjoy my family life. Someone once told me that I have much respect for. He said people will follow you if you have the results, and your living by the way your results show. Take the time out of your busy schedule and help someone that really needs it, attitude equals gratitude. So if your looking for a change and your stuck on a good business idea reach out to me I will be happy to show you a proven system that thousands of people are emplamenting right now. It's the largest growing online business in the world. Its helped people who want a change from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind. Just simply reach out to me by writing info in the comments below. #freedom #entrepreneur #lifestyle #blogger #fishing #smile #business #free #online #happy #success #love #familytime #changeisgood https://www.instagram.com/p/BkMiM92AMvG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16131jhev20dl
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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This was taking in Eastern Passage Nova Scotia Canada. It was a beautiful day not a cloud in the sky. All the fishing boats were getting ready to head out to their favorite fish grounds. Fishing is something I love to do. Most of us don't get the opportunity to do what we love to do, because we are so busy in our daily lives, we are so caught up worrying about what everyone else is doing, we lose track on what really matters. My business is my main focus, however I take time out to enjoy my family life. Someone once told me that I have much respect for. He said people will follow you if you have the results, and your living by the way your results show. Take the time out of you busy schedule and help someone that really needs it, attitude equals gratitude. So if your looking for a change and your stuck on a good business idea reach out to me I will be happy to show you a proven system that thousands of people are emplamenting right now. It's the largest growing online business in the world. Its helped people who want a change from the hustle and bustle of the daily grind. Just simply reach out to me by writing info in the comments below. #freedom #entrepreneur #lifestyle #blogger #fishing #smile #business #free #online #happy #success #love #familytime #changeisgood
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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We all need the love of a friend. My friend just happens to be my cat doc. He is always there for me though all my anxiety, and depression. When you have a business,it's not easy to keep motivated, and consistent. Life is full of challenges, However them challenges make you stronger. Online marketing has changed my life. I have stayed consistent, although it's been a challenge I feel I made the right decision for my family. I would recommend this business for anyone who is couchable, and wants to make a change in your everyday life, I am exsited for our future, just remember keep consistent, never let anyone tell you your not worthy. Believe in yourself , and you will reach the stars. #future #life #family #entrepreneur #lifestyle #blogger #summer #fishing #hunting #happy
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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Just a couple of year ago I was a long haul truck driver. I put 24 years of my life, going up and down the road and I loved it. However the trucking industry was changing, and I knew my carrier was coming to a end. Life on the road was hard, always away from my family and friends. Everytime I arrived home from being gone for 2 to 3 weeks. Honesty I didn't want to go back out. But my last trip was Texas. I knew when I was sitting in that truck stop I was going to be all done. So when I finally arrived home I told my wife I was all done trucking. Not knowing what I was going to do next, I worked the summer driving dump truck. To be honest it was fun, but not what I wanted to do. Then one night I was scrolling through Facebook and seen a guy from Alberta who worked in the oil fields. He had a 3 min video up exsplaning how he was making a living doing online marketing. I had no idea what that even was, and I really didn't know anything about computers. But I took a chance on a guy who I had know idea who he was. So just over a year later I quit my job. And I helping others do the same. This community has changed my life for ever. It's a step by step system that you don't have to have any Proir knowledge of the online world. There is a 14 day money back guarantee if your not satisfied. So if this is something that interests you reach out to me, my email is [email protected] for more info. Or you can watch the free workshop at anytime. My link is in my bio section. #entrepreneur #family #trucker #summer #golfer #camping #hunting #fishing #blogger #life #likeforfollow #awesome #friends #books #laptop
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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This is my wife on her way to work. It was dress up day. It's ok to be different, this is what attracts us to each other. If we were all the same how boring would life be. Don't let people put you down and make fun of you, your better then that. When I started my journey in online marketing, my friends couldn't stop laughing at me. Even though I was scared to make a change, because of my anxiety. I had a lot of things against me my depression was the biggest thing. It all changed when I found a community of people that really wanted to help me find out who I really am. So if I can do plug into a system with no experience in the online marketing world. And help others reach there goals, you can do this too. Tap on my link in the bio section, simply put in you name and email. #family #summer #friends #travel #love #beautiful #happy #nature #beach #entrepreneur #health #fishing #hunting #skydiving # smile 😀 (at Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia)
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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Well I don't know about all of you, but I am just about done with winter. The beach sounds like a good place to be, I know in the warmer places most of you are already enjoying the beach weather. Now that I have my global online affiliated marketing business, I have the time freedom to enjoy what life has to offer. This is a step by step proven system that can take a ordinary guy like me with no prior experience and give me the freedom to do what I want,how awesome is that. When I started my journey, I didn't even know how to turn on a computer. This isn't for everyone, but if have the drive and determination and couchable I would love to work with you. So if you are like me and suffer from depression and anxiety, our personal development and coaching will help you get out of that funk your in. Don't be scared to reach out to me I am just like all of you out there,trying to make a better life for me and my family. So if your looking for a change and tierd of that same old grind. Hit me up and we can talk. You can also check out our free workshop, simply by taping on my link in the bio section. 👇🏻 #entrepreneur #family #summer #beach #fishing #hunting #racing #businessman #businesswoman #friends #life
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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Over a year ago. I was scrolling though social media and something caught my eye. There was a guy on a vide o talking about a online marketing opportunity. I watched it 3 times in a row. My wife and I was sceptical at first, but soon found out it was a legit opportunity. I wanted to tell my friends but I was so scared they would laugh at me. But I told them anyway, and they said to me your a truck driver. What do you know about online marketing, they ridiculed me and called me names like, looser, your insane it a scam. I can't tell you how upset and embarrassed I felt. They are not laughing at me now. Not long after I joined this community my whole life changed. I felt like the whole world was lifted off my sholders. When I got plugged into this system, and learned the step by step training. I can now help others like my mentor and this community has helped me. So if you want to help others and build a business that can change your life reach out to me click the link. Above or below this post, it will take you to a free workshop. Where we will exsplan how to build your business to get the results your looking for. #entrepreneur #businessman #family #friends #team #travel #love #beautiful #happy #summer #nature #smile #amazing #beach #fishing #hunting #happiness #water #health #likeforfollow 😀❤️🙏
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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When I went down to see my parents last weekend. Something hit me hard, I realised my mom and dad are getting up and years. I know a lot of you out there have lost there parents. But just remember they are always there watching you. They are watching you fail, they are watching your success. So never give up on your dreams. Get yourself out there. When people start to know your name, that's when the magic happens. #entrepreneur #family #life #nature #happy #fishing #hunting #future #starts #now #free #workshop #mentor #friends #community #help 🙏❤️😀 (at Halifax, Nova Scotia)
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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Never let anyone tell you that you can't do something. Listen to your heart, it will never lie to you. When some of my friends keep telling me you are making a big mistake doing online marketing. You are a truck driver and that's all you will ever be. So I told them watch and see what I do in a year. Now I have my own business, with a awesome team and community support. I knew my personal development needed some work, I was constantly procrastinating, and I didn't believe in myself. Now that I have all that under control I dare one person try to stop me now. #entrepreneur #family #determination #life #love #goals #nature #boating #fishing #hunting #travel #businessman #businesswoman #blogger #father #husbandandwife #success #summer #free #workshop #friends
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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There is no place like home. My family and I live in Nova Scotia Canada. I can't express how nice it is to be able to have a home cooked meal every night. Things have changed since I started on this journey. My global online marketing business has taken off, to my surprise for someone that had no prior exsperance,I can't believe it's even happening it's like a dream. You can plug into this system and see results almost right away. We give you the training, and the tools you need to open up your own online marketing business. So if your not happy in your current situation, why not take a chance on something new, you only have one life to live, Why not live it. #family #travel #love #beautiful #happy #followme #summer #fishing #nature #boating #health #work #free #entrepreneur #mentorship 🙏😀❤️
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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When I heard that one man put a car into space. That to me is incredible, how one man had a dream and made it come true how cool is that. This really motivated me to take my business to the next level. Elon Musk founder and CEO of space X and co founder and CEO of tesla. He does no advertising this man is the real deal, I have so much respect for someone who can create and invent something out of nothing. Never ever say you can't do the impossible, because all of us have the ability to do what ever we put our mind too. #freedom #inventions #family #spacex #cool #vacation #free #workshop #water #sports
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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There comes a time when you just have to take a break from your business. With my business running 24/7 I can go and do what I love to do. It was so awesome to meet my mentor for the first time. We did some masterminding, and after that we took the four wheelers to the lake. This opportunity has changed my life and my families life. Honestly I am thankful to be able to help others reach there full potential, that they didn't even know they had. #family #goals❤️ #time #fun #fishing #hunting #vacation #free #workshop #friendsforever 🙏❤️😀🏌️🏿‍♂️🏖
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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This is a picture of when my family and I were at the tall ships. It was a really nice day, but I could see the fog in the distance heading our way. Halifax Nova Scotia is such a beautiful place to live or visit. But my life wasn't always like this, trucking was my life I loved it, but the hardest thing for me was being away from my family. So I knew I had to make a change, but I had no idea what I wanted to do, I never had much education but I was always a dreamer. When this opportunity of online marketing came into my life I was scared of failing. However I took a chance on something I never knew I could do,till I came out of my comfort zone. Wow how things of changed over 1 year. #future #family #goals #summer #fishing #hunting #music #entrepreneur #free #workshop #picoftheday #summer 🙏❤️😀
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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Why can't our day be like these two. Just snoozing away not a care in the word. Can you imagine living your life like a cat or dog, I think it would be cool. I thought I would share this just to show you all true love on this special day. # love #brothersisterlove #family #relax #friends #lovers #happy #time #cutepets
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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This is a beach not far from where I live. My family and I go there every summer. 🏖👪 Bayswater beach is located in Nova Scotia Canada. People who live local would know exactly where this is. We have had some big storms in the past that put big rocks and debris scattered all along the beach. But somehow nature seemed to fix it back to its original state. What is so nice to say is, I have the time freedom to go to the beach with my family and enjoy life. So if your interested in knowing how I can live this kind of lifestyle and be happy doing it comment "teach me" or simply click my link in my bio section, or dm. #freedom #family #beach #friends #bonfire #happyvalintinesday💘 success #business #free #workshop 🖥
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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No dream is to big, no mountain is to high. 🎬 ✈️🏖Visualize where you want to be,reach out and touch your dreams. We all have a purpose in life, dig deep in your soul find out who you are. If your not happy and feel alone, and need help with your personal development reach out to me. Click my link in my bio sign up for our free workshop. 🖥 🙏❤️ #health #vaction #awesome #beach #summer #smile #nature #picoftheday #likeforfollow #happy #free #workshop #yougotthis.
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darrellsgoals-blog · 6 years
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When I decided to hang up my steering wheel I knew it was going to be a big change. I was so used to getting up to make customer deliveries on time. I loved my job but I knew the trucking industry was changing. So I took a chance on online marking, not knowing this would totally change my life. When I found this community I was thinking to myself, "Do I really want to open up to complete stranger." The answer was yes. I need that personal development to grow my business, and the 90% done for you system had what I was looking for, freedom. #family #travel #love #beautiful #happy #picoftheday #summer #friends #free #workshop #entrepreneur.. check out my website dmlifegoals.com
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