#toyama sisters
lisanees · 2 years
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Kasumi wrong script
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reddbl · 1 year
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I love their friendship! 😌
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lilliemadoka · 5 days
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i think this is my favourite screenshot of satoru ever. everyone should look at her right now
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uranusyyy · 2 months
heijis a valentines baby to me. hes born the year after shinichi tho js because i dont like the idea of him being older
kazuha was born mid november.. she makes fun of him for being a year younger even though the difference is 4 months
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maleyanderecafe · 1 year
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Yandere Killing!! ~When I told my obsessive childhood friend, "I love you too," she shifted to the romantic comedy route~(Manga)
Created by: Toyama Monaka/Kazuichi
Genre: Smut
The continual descent into translating yandere stuff continues. This one only has one chapter out for me to translate so far, so really the only last maybe 10 pages have any semblance of smut. Still though, the artwork for this one is very pretty and I am so happy with the way that I typefaced this one like you will not believe how clean it is compared to other ones I've translated.
The story starts out with a man named Isogi begging in front of Miyoshi to take him back after he cheated on her with another girl. Miyoshi of course bluntly rejects him, stating that the one thing he cannot forgive is cheating to which Isogi is dragged away. After that, her coworkers get worried about her and she continues her work at the coffee shop, only to meet up with another man named Ohara who asks if the two of them will be eating dinner tonight. Ohara and Miyoshi are childhood friends and have a tendency to eat together with her sister Ryoka. Outside, Isogi stalks Miyoshi until Ohara comes to "have a talk with him". At night, it seems Ohara is late and Miyoshi and Ryoka eat together instead, before Ryoka turns in for the night warning Miyoshi to be more careful when it comes to Ohara. Ohara comes over to eat and we see that Miyoshi has had a long time crush on him, however, feels that he has no interest in him because of an event that happened when she was in high school. At work, Tayaka ends up proposing to Miyoshi after she laments about her ex for a bit promising that he will be loyal, however, is interrupted by Ohara. Ohara seems pretty pissed which leads to Miyoshi feeling depressed about this fact as she still has a crush on him. Not wanting this to eat her, she tries to call Ohara so that she can confess to him, even if she feels he won't reciprocate. However, while attempting to do so, her sister ends up calling her instead, warning that Ohara is right behind her before Ohara takes her phone. Ohara is extremely jealous and starts to touch her. talking about how Isogi and Tayaka don't deserve her before basically mating pressing her at the end.
Basically I think that the plot of this smut (I mean most smuts barely have a plot, fair enough) was pretty intriguing until the very end of this chapter where everything escalates way too fast. I guess considering the title states it goes into a comedic route that might be the reason why? Hard to tell with just the first chapter though. Also because we know that the male lead is a yandere at all times, the misunderstanding of her not realizing that Ohara does have a huge crush on him is pretty like...well, the dramatic irony is not lost on me, I suppose. Still, I did think that the entire thing with Sayuki's drive to not try to get back together with someone who cheated is pretty good, although I'm not sure why she feels like that since we don't know if she's actually had problems with cheaters in the past (before Isogi) and I feel (?) like it's pretty standard for people to not get back with someone who has cheated on them if there is not reason to (like having kids or being financially dependent on them for instance). Like I said though, the ending of that is pretty confusing- how did Sayuki's sister Ryoka know that Ohara was right behind her and why did she call in the first place? I mean, I know Ryoka was pretty much the only person who knew the two liked each other, but how did she know he was coming for her? And like. I don't understand why Ohara didn't just try to confess to her in the first place if he likes her so dang much anways, especially since it did seem like the two of them were close. Again though, this is a smut so it's not like the plot is the most important part of this story, there's just a lot of things going on that don't really have an explanation now.
That being said, this artwork is very pretty and it does a good job with the yandere expressions that we did get. Hopefully as more chapters come out that I can translate we can figure out what is going on in this story.
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iamumbra195 · 29 days
Detective Conan/DCMK characters in a Classroom of the Elite setting would be so interesting to watch/read.
I've only just finished the CoTE anime (Seasons 1-3) so i haven't read the manga or the light novel but the Advanced Nurturing Highschool or AHNS for short is so, so shady. If it and the White Room existed in the DCMK universe, I have no doubt in my mind that they would have some connection to the Black Organization.
So just imagine an AU where Shinichi caught Vodka doing an arms deal in middle school but didn't get caught by Gin like in canon. Imagine him trying to investigate them but coming up with nothing until he, Ran, and Sonoko are on a train ride for the first day at AHNS where he runs into Gin and Vodka, just like he did in canon episode 5.
He learns their codenames there and saves the people on the train from being bombed to hell. Unfortunately, this ends up making him, Ran and Sonoko late for their very first day. They're thankfully excused because the incident was out of their hands before being placed into their respective classes.
You can have adult characters like Jodie and Amuro be teachers and business owners while also acting as undercover agents.
Important student characters at the school:
Hattori Heiji (he can be in the same class as Shinichi where they are both antagonistic at first but later become allies and friends)
Toyama Kazuha (they were made for each, I will never seperate them)
Kuroba Kaito (who also happens to be Kaitou KID and regularly sneaks off school campus for heists. Jii Konosuke cases places for him and he contacts the man using a secret phone he smuggled in. He tends to downplay his academic and physical skill to be somewhat average so he's in Class C or B)
Nakamori Aoko
Akako Koizumi (no magic in this AU but she's interested in spirituality and shit like tarot cards and all)
Hakuba Saguru (suspects of Kaito of being KId and regularaly requests time off from school to go to the heists)
Eisuke Hondou (but only for a little while near the end of 1st year as a rival for Shinichi and love interest for Ran before going back to America to pursue the future he wanted)
Sera Masumi (would be introduced in 2nd Year when Shinichi starts investigating Bourbon as a potential subject because she somehow found out he has connection to the maker of the pill that shrunk her mother)
Important characters outside of school
Agasa Hiroshi (supplies Shinichi with spy tech)
Haibara Ai AKA Miyano Shiho (shrunken and lives with Agasa just like in canon, specifically sought Agasa out because he was a connection to Shinichi, who was involved in her sister's case and was a detective at that. They contact each other through secret phone. She also happens to be one of the failed subjects of the white room)
Miyano Akemi (During school break, Shinichi went back to Beika where he was then approached by Masami Hiroto and the rest goes like canon with her dying in his arms)
Akai Shuichi (still don't know what I'm gonna do with him but he's important)
Rena Mizunashi AKA Hidemi Hondou
Side Characters in school
Nakamichi (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Eisuke Aizawa (Shinichi's soccer friend)
Kazumi Tsukamoto (a third year in Ran's karate club)
Tashiro (Ran's friend)
Hidaka (Ran's friend)
Anyways, I imagine Shinichi being in a different class from Ran and Sonoko and just thinking about ShinRan competeing but also saving each other's asses from time to time is beautiful.
Having Kaito and Shinichi's respective Black Organization be one and the same would make it more interesting as well.
Anyways, I think these characters are fun to play around with in this setting, mixing the dramatic school life in CoTE with the looming threat of the Black Organization as Shinichi delves deeper and deeper into the case.
Idk how this would be resolved but it would be so, so fun to read if written well. Shinichi's gonna be so paranoid by the end of this lol.
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tsunflowers · 3 months
"mito’s gender is supposed to be this big plot point but she has no thoughts about it ever. ren turns her into a boy and rewrites her memories so presumably she thought during that period that she had always been a boy and only remembered otherwise when ruka broke the spell. she has nothing to say about it. actually she doesn’t have much to say about how fucked up it was for him to do all that
do you think the manga shows more of her internal monologue and thoughts or is it just not important[?]"
I haven't read the manga & I'm certain that it wasn't author's intention, but that description makes it sound like Mito might be Agender, or maybe Gender Casual.
Because that whole part of not really having thought on being turned into a boy makes me think of an inverted version of Elliot & Ellen Dunkel from El Goonish Shive.
Fairly early on in the comic's story, Elliot was hit with an alien magi-tech "beam of turn you into a hot girl (and also increase any existing attraction you have to guys)" and (due incredibly complicated reasons that wouldn't be fully revealed until much later) thought he would be stuck like that for the foreseeable future. So he attempted to use an ancient artifact intended to remove curses called "The Dewitchery Diamond" to undo it. Except, the diamond was improperly made by its novice creator & "removes curses" by extracting any enchantments affecting someone and turning them into a separate beings that are capable of spreading their "curse", and leaving the original target the ability to change into their transformed state at-will (in-universe the Diamond was responsible for the creation of werewolves).
So anyways, not only did Elliot using the diamond create Ellen, his sister who has all his memories up until the point of contact with the diamond (but notably the Diamond canonically gives it's creations entirely new souls, and Ellen was also later given a second set of childhood memories of being raised as girl from a dream alternate reality that never existed to help "age-up her soul"), it also served as a "improper trigger" for his magical awakening.
This improper awakening made it so that:
A) all spells he develops have to do with turning into a girl in some way, meaning the "turn into a superhero" spell he gets is specifically a "turn into a superheroine" spell,
B) he has a build-up of magical energy that requires him to use the "turn into a girl" spell at regular intervals to prevent it from going off uncontrollably at random.
My point being that because all of this, he later figure's out that he's "Gender Casual" (a term coined in-universe by him/IRL by the author as a self-descriptor) and likes having access to the ability to transform even though he's fine either way (and so continues to do so even after he stops having the magical build-up).
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(Side note: I'm using He/Him for Elliot because that was most recent preference stated in the comic, via one of the Q and A chapters)
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this conversation between ellen and elliot is so cute. I'm charmed by it even though I don't know the characters. I don't think ms toyama ema has put even a tenth of the thought that went into these pages into the gender identities of the characters in vampire dormitory
am I right that the author of el goonish shive is someone who started out like "it would be crazy if there was a beam that turned you into a girl, and kind of cool also. I'm not going to unpack this" but over the course of writing a webcomic about it began to unpack it and went on a bit of a gender journey along with their characters? if so then you can't help but put a lot of thought into the gender of your characters. if ms toyama is a cis woman she may never have thought about gender and ended up with a gender casual character from a position of thoughtlessness rather than deep thought...
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uenodivision · 10 months
Hypnosis Mic Shuffle Team, Vol. 3 (Part 3) (Cont.)
Chinen Sisters
Kira "Huntress" Chinen
Taria "Misfit" Chinen
Murder in Ōta City Tonight
Unbearable Hotheads
Oki "ATLAS" Teagan
Ryuko "Mista Z.B." Umemoto
You Can't Touch Us (Don't Try)
Dirty Hands
Asuka "TREA$URE" Koizumi
Fumio "Dissector" Shimizu
Win or Lose? (You Decide)
Dog & Cat
Tasuku "Katame" Kawanoe
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Headaches of the Police
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Why So Serious?
Contagious Energy!
Ryūnosuke "Fist N Fury" Sekiguchi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Get Up and Do Something!
Dream a Little Dream... (Rush Hour Solo)
Aranai "Ride or Die" Norikoru
Sumire "Diabla" Shinomiya
Kaoru "Arachne" Shinozaki
Kanra "D. Vil" Akemi
Yuuya "ARROW" Kanata
Yano "Y-STARR" Ietsuna
Joey "Joker" Kurusu
Lyall "Corvus" Shiba
Move Your Body or You Die! (Yuriko Kuromiya's Training Camp from Hell) (Black Dalhia Solo)
Hip-Hop, Eat Your Heart Out (Ride or Die Solo)
You All Are Just Toys (Cinder Solo)
@ota-division @ginza-division @suginami-division @enoshima-division @fukuokadivision1 @toyama-division @kanazawa-division @niigata-division @naha-division @naradivision @akihabara-division03 @shinagawa-division @edogawa-division @katsushika-division
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kumamoto-division · 9 months
Strange magic christmas list
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Spend a day with Kururi and Eden
New books
For control my emotions and bipolar disorder
For Hiko would have lived
For spend a day with Izana-san in one of our libraries
thanks to Kensaku-san from Toyama for all he did for me and my sister (and apologize to him for the troubles he had with my second attempt of suicide)
For silence the voices in my head
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New costumes for stageplays
For try to talk with Tomi more often
Some new knifes
To make undertaker pride
For Nastume have more careful with the spirits
For finally sees Chōten family fall
For beat kan-chan in one of our fights
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New art supplies
For my work will be in more art galleries
Still working of my poisons
For finally have a snake
Have more dates with Kunio
For...try to meet my brother-in-law,Tomi
For finally say Aoba about my past vision
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positivelyruined · 4 months
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How I See Mita | happy golden birthday, lolu! 20 years old on the 20th of May @lorcandidlucienwill
Animal 🦊 FOX
The phrase “cunning as a fox” came about for a reason. Nearly every culture regards the fox as stealthy, and smart. However, their intelligence is related to their comfort. As creatures, they become incredibly well-acclimated to their surroundings and can navigate with surprising speed. Immediately, Fox represents the elusive and mysterious adaptability to dwell in difficult environments, but never lose their playful edge.
Toyama Bay, Japan is one of the few locations worldwide where you can see the inner workings of nature lit from below — instead of above. Most blue beaches are the result of bioluminescent algae, but in Toyama, the bright glow is caused by an active gathering of the Firefly Squid. The species glows at night, lighting the beaches, and attract visitors from near and far.
Flower 🐯💐 TIGER LILY
The Tiger Lily is a bright, eye catching addition to any flower garden. However, these striking blooms are more than just aesthetically pleasing. They also hold significant spiritual and symbolic meaning throughout history. In many ancient cultures, Tiger Lily flowers were considered sacred. The bright orange color of the petals is an embodiment of life energy and was thought to represent creativity and passion. Tiger Lily flowers were often used in rituals as an offering to invoke healing, protection, and good fortune.
Character 🪷 KATE SHARMA
Ah, Kathani Sharma — a quick-witted, bold, and stubborn heroine — who puzzles Anthony Bridgerton to his very end. Kate possesses a true essence of independence, which was rare for women of her time. Positioning herself as an outsider in the ton made it much easier for her to handle the sharp words of those who disagreed with her fiercely formed opinions. Underneath her sharp exterior is a deeply loyal sister, dedicated friend, and passionate woman. Her story is a journey of learning to respect her own needs and desires after a lifetime of putting others first.
Season 🍁 AUTUMN
The beauty of Autumn is in the change. Autumn’s fiery colors are embraced around the world; but they are not the only part of it which holds beauty. Autumn is the blender on a painter’s palette, taking all the best of both summer and winter, and merging their drastically different elements into warm and comforting creations. Apple Cider, anyone?
Adventure is the call to action, no matter where, no matter when. The hardiest of souls can find adventure within the great scope of nature or in the quiet lore of an old bookshop. Wherever they go, adventurers bring with them a sense of excitement for whatever lies ahead. Don’t let them get bored — they can cause trouble when not properly occupied.
Color 💃🏻 MAROON
“And I chose you
The one I was dancing with in New York
No shoes
Looked up at the sky and it was
So scarlet, it was maroon.”
MAROON — Taylor Swift
Gemstone 💎 AMBER
Amber frequently holds once living things, so the ancients believed that amber possessed the essence of life itself. Colored with the drops of the sun, there is little question as to why. Its warm beauty is still associated with positive energy, warmth, and connection.
Samosas are a triangular shaped, South Asian pastry filled with spiced potatoes, meat, or fish. They can be served as an entree, appetizer, or snack. Their origin dates back to the Medieval Times, in the Middle East.
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liecoris · 2 months
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@mysticallities sent:
🕯 for Liber, Lugh, & Mai (Toyama)
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「Liber is such an interesting character, I'm rather happy to call her my sister~」
「I don't know much about her, but。。。 she's interesting。」
「I'd like to get to know her more。」
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【 Mukuro's inner thoughts about your muse(s) 】 ♡ 【 accepting 】
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midwinterhunt · 6 months
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Real Name: 黒澤 からす Kurosawa Karasu
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 174 lbs
Birthdate: Jan 1st
Profession: Pro Hero
Place of Residence: Near what used to be Okubo Park in Shinjuku, Tokyo. He lives with his little sister.
Quirk Name: Murder
Type: Emitter
Description: He can communicate with, control, and is followed by all corvids crows. They will scout for him, do him favors, keep watch for him. They will attack people for him and protect him. He is part of their murder and has a mental link with them, meaning that they share some of his intelligence, and he shares some of their instincts and impulses. More or less functioning as a hive mind. He can also transfer his consciousness into any of his birds to take full control of it. This effectively lets him have the body of a bird, but it leaves his own body vulnerable and defenseless, so it is a risky move.
Weapon: A gun that he loads with taser bullets.
He also has a cape (batman style where he can glide on it)
Family: • Sister: Torimi, 15 years old, her quirk is growing feathers • Other: The rest of his family lives in Toyama His entire family has songbird based quirks. They are all inhumanly pretty and have unbelievably beautiful and angelic singing voices.
Hero Name: Corvus
Epithet: The surveillance hero
Agency: Head and founder of the Bird's Eye hero agency
Poll Rank: he's in the 90s.
Specialty: Digging up hard to locate villains and organizations
Publicity: Everyone who lives in or close to Shinjuku knows him and has probably met him briefly, and he is also known throughout Tokyo by and a few other scattered towns.
Appearance: He has steel gray hair that he keeps styled in an undercut. His eyes are yellow edged in brown, and are extremely piercing. He has fair, smooth skin, finely tones muscles, and a very symmetrical face. All around he is an inhumanly attractive man.
Background: When he was young he seriously struggled with the side effects of his quirk, and only got a solid hold on it in his last year at school. He started his career working in Best Jeanest's hero agency. He worked there until he could get on his feet and go solo. He has had trouble in the past with his girlfriend close friend betraying him and showing her true colors as a villain. In the past couple years, he started trying to get his own agency going. So far the Bird's Eye Agency consists of Corvus and a few friends, plus the occasional sidekick. The agency works to attack and cut off villain activity at the source.
Trivia -Okubo Park has been transformed into his aviary which also serves as a safe place for citizens who are in danger are need somewhere to stay. There is a solid wall surrounding it, so a crow has to be hailed to open the gate. -He is in the top 50 Most Attractive Single Male Heroes, but he doesn't know about this himself. -He can occasionally be heard singing idly, and he has the voice of an angel. -His Quirk used to be called "Flock," but he changed it when he was a teenager to be edgy. -He is farsighted, so he wears reading glasses. -Magpies are the exception to Corvus's quirk. He may be able to bond with them and share a brain cell, but even he can't control them. -He can't drive -He spent his entire third year investigating Nezu to figure him out, and still has that file, but never found what he'd been hoping for. -He doesn't use contractions when speaking. At All. -Autism Swag for real
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ecargmura · 7 months
Dog Signal Episode 16 Review - Destructive Behavior
I do like the topic of destructive behavior discussed in this episode because I feel like I needed this as my dogs had a habit of destroying toys and walls in the past. Not all dogs will misbehave by being destructive, but it is a common occurrence if they are stressed out. What could be the cause of stress? There are many different factors and I love that the show discusses them to the client of the day.
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Throughout this show, the clients who come to Proud Dog have been either ignorant of their dog’s problems or have been abusive. This episode’s client is Ema Toyama, Ritsuka’s newly hired apprentice and aspiring dog groomer, who is the owner of Ryuta, a Jack Russell Terrier and she’s probably the most respectful client by far, despite her ups and downs of training her dog. You can tell she’s such a sweet and respectful girl by the way Ritsuka and Niwa behave towards her. Ritsuka usually has a fiery personality, but her softer side is usually reserved for her friends and kind dog owners like Shikishima and Oyamada. Seeing Ritsuka behave like a big sister to Ema was such a treat to watch. Niwa was also nice to her too! He would usually be blunt and cold towards his clients as they do things that piss him off, but Ema was actually one of the rare times he was nice to a dog owner and the first time he admits that the human is not to blame in her situation. Not only that, Miyu was acting rather shy around her when he first saw her! He’s usually cheerful and energetic towards other female clients, so this is the first time I’ve seen him be all shy around a girl!
I loved watching Ema do whatever she can to fix Ryuta’s destructive behavior. She tried taking him out for longer walks. She tried taking him to the dog park with her friends. She tried rearranging her dorm room so that Ryuta can be a bit more comfortable and that she doesn’t have to get her textbooks and other important items destroyed by him. She has no money because of his destructive behavior, but she never complains about that or him one bit! I think her patience and love for her dog is astounding for someone so young! The little mistakes she made that caused Ryuta to almost die wasn’t her fault at all. It just happened. Seeing her blame herself for letting him have access to get to the dried squid and then choking on a shoelace wasn’t her fault at all, but it was still so sad to see her blame herself for what had happened. I know it was easily preventable had she been a bit more careful, but dogs are not to be underestimated as they are intelligent creatures. What I like about Dog Signal is that the human characters are very human. Even if they do ignorant or despicable things, it’s because they’re human that they do it. The author really knows how to create such humane characters and Ema is a perfect example.
I’m surprised on how destructive Ryuta was, honestly. I don’t think I’ve seen an instance where a dog gnawed out of a cage! My dogs weren’t this destructive in the past, so it’s crazy to see how destructive canines can be if under stress. When Ryuta started choking, I was legit worried he was going to die. I’m glad that Ema sought help and Dr. Kubo did everything he can from arriving to work earlier than usual due to the emergency patient and performing successful surgery on Ryuta.
I like how Ema is to Ritsuka like how Miyu is to Niwa. Ritsuka telling about the dog she had back then and why she isn’t raising another will definitely be another emotional sob fest and I’m preparing my tissues next week. What I learned from Niwa’s past is that those with sad pasts that revolve around dogs will definitely be tearjerkers. What are your thoughts on this episode?
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putschki1969 · 2 years
C.C.C. Live Stream Ambient Border: Hikaru Guest Appearance
Sorry, I am a bit late with these news. Hikaru was a guest at today’s live stream on the C.C.C. YouTube Channel. Thankffully, the video got archived. Hikaru is talking about her upcoming appearance in the stage play “Ambient Border” in which she will play the character “Asebi”. A majority of the broadcast was dedicated to a section with 100 rapid fire questions, some of the stuff was kinda interesting because but overall nothing too exciting. Look beneath the cut for a rough summary!! On a side note, Hikaru is wearing a hoodie that’s part of the official merchandise (not on sale anymore tho).
『アンビエントボーダー』プレイベント『Ambient Border -DAWN-』 Event title: “Ambient Border -DAWN-” Venue: Akihabara Talk Live BAR from scratch Date: December 17 【Day】OPEN 14:30 / START 15:00 (~2h) 【Night】OPEN 18:30 / START 19:00 (~2h) Tickets: Ticket with XMAS Present:¥4,000+1drink(¥500) Pre-order ticket: ¥3,000+1drink(¥500) Door ticket:¥4,000+1drink(¥500)
『アンビエントボーダー/Ambient Border』 ・ Date: 2023, Feb 01 - Feb 05 (8 performances in total) 2/1 19:00 2/2 19:00★ 2/3 14:00★ / 19:00★ 2/4 13:00★ / 18:00★ 2/5 12:00   / 16:00★ ★ A different mini live is scheduled to take place after the performances ★ Hikaru’s mini live is scheduled for the 1st performance on February 3 ・ Location: CBGK Shibugeki !! Check out ALL Ambient Border NEWS HERE!
100 Questions with Hikaru
Rough summary of Hikaru’s 100 Rapid Fire Questions:
Name: Hikaru | Sex: Female | Birthday: July 2 | Age: 35 | Height: 155cm | Dominant hand: Right-handed but holds microphone in left hand | Grip strength: ~30kg | Shoe-size: 23cm; Feet are small but wide | Blood type: 0 | Birthplace: Toyama | Uni club activities:? | Favourite sport: None | Any lessons she took: Piano, tennis, drums, musical | Part-time jobs: Nursery, Doutor, family restaurant, hotel lobby | Current hobby: Sleeping, reading, watching TV etc | Special skill:None | Motto: Persistence pays off | Why: Because finding the will to continue is always hard | Siblings: 1 younger sister | Pet you would want?: Something small | Favourite food: Egg and chicken | Least favourite food: Everything she cannot handle even if she tried to give it a try again and again | Favourite train station: Toyama Station | Why: Because it’s her hometown | Favourite animal: Small animals | Least favourite animal: Bugs | Favourite colour: Black, white, red, blue | Favourite season: When it’s not too hot or too cold | Favourite day of the week: No idea, she likes all of them | Dream for the future: Continue singing | Recent present that made her happy: No recent presents from anyone but she gave a neat present to Keiko | Something you want recently: ? | Special meal to cook: Anything you just need to boil | Favourite electronic device: Microwave | What to put on fried egg: soy sauce | What’s best to combine with rice: Mentaiko | Favourite brand: Nothing specific | Believe in destiny: Yes | Any place she is happy to have visited: Every place she has visited | Any place she wants to visit: Every place she hasn’t visited yet | Favourite TV program: Moya stuff | Favourite drama: Doesn’t watch it | Favourite film: Before Sunrise | Favourite Japanese comedy: Moya Moya Summers | Favourite anime: too much but basically everything by CLAMP - she s dying to see the X-Series finished  |  Favourite character: Too many | Favourite manga: Too many | Some voice actor questions with some random names I don’t know | How many hours of sleep: 3-5 | Ideal date: At home | Something that hasn’t changed in her life: She never lies and she is stubborn | Any fetish: Legs | her charm point: She asks the viewers | If she had to compare herself to an animal: Sloth | Favourite 4-character-idiom: 温故知新 = gain new sights by studying the past | Favourite game/pastime as a child: Puzzle | Nickname as child: Hikaru, Hi-chan | Recent happy moment: When singing | How does she reward herself: Sleeping, reading, manga, anime | Favourite artist: Beyonce | Favourite genre: R’n’B | Favourite song: Too many but she loves Ambient Border atm | Play any instruments: She took some piano and drum lessons but hasn’t played in ages | Instrument she would like to play: Anything with strings but mostly guitar or bass but her hands might be too small | Biggest fail during a live: Dropping her microphone | Favourite venue: She loves all of them | What do you want to it right now: Donuts | If she could return to her student days: If there is something she wants to do, she won’t hesitate to do it | Favourite miso soup ingredient: Wakame, onions and egg | Sweet or savoury: Both | Are her drawings any good: No | Big smile for the viewers | One suggestion to do something: Get a ticket for Ambient Border | One suggestion to stop doing something: Stop hesitating to subscribe to her YouTube channel | Favourite Ambient Border character: ? | Highlight of Ambient Border: The fact that it is very entertaining | Favourite oden ingredient: radish, konyaku, egg | Non-negotiable policy: Stand by one’s beliefs and refuse to bow | Words that made her happy: Any praise really | Something she likes about herself: She has no idea | Something she would like to improve about herself: Her inability to deal with sudden changes  | A habit: Always using formal speech in mails | If you could bring one item to an inhabited island, what would it be: Knife | What #2 in your Top 10 of all-time favourite things: Singing | Most expensive thing she has bought recently: Nothing really | What would you do if you weren’t a singer: Teacher of young kids in nursery school | Favourite gesture of the opposite sex: | What would you tell Hikaru from 10 years ago: Let’s do our best | What would you like to ask Hikaru 10 years from now: What are you doing? | If you could time travel, where would you go: She would rather not travel through time | Challenge she would like to take on: Compose songs | What would she do on the last day of earth: Meet people she wants to meet, eat what she wants to eat, just do normal stuff | What’s your personal Ambient Border: Chance and opportunity | Final few words: Everyone go see Ambient Border.
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nugsters · 1 year
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💮 We are Chuohku! 💮
If you follow my Toyama Division blog, you've seen her before but now she has official art! Yano's older sister finally can debut which is so exciting lololol
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icy-gendango · 1 year
*scoots up stool and huddled in quilt* Yakuza story?
STORY TIME!!!! Sorry this is soooo long!
I went to school in Japan for a brief amount of time as an exchange student. Most of my Japanese language class went, we were all kinda like family so it was great to tour the country with close friends. The school I went to was in my USA teacher's hometown, Toyama, so she got to be with her family while we were there. It was all in all a good time, I have severe anxiety but was able to pass it off as jitters. The time came to meet our host families, and for me, it was the most scary part. We would all be split up and sent to families on our own. I was never that good with speaking Japanese, but pretty good at reading and writing.
Turns out it didn't even matter! My host family was half british(the mom and dad met in the UK and came back to Japan, so both of my host siblings spoke fluent english). The class I was in was with my host sister, and the whole class was conversational in English(with only a few bumps).
School days flew by and my first summer break in Japan was just around the corner. Everything seemed fine. That is, until my host parents told us we would be meeting the rest of the family, and would be staying at my host grandfather's home a few hours drive away. I didn't think much of it, until the last day of school.
It was after-school that last Friday, and I was hanging out with some classmates in a lab room. Everyone was always super nice and inviting, wanting to learn about the US and my different habits. The exchange was mutual and I made a few friends in the process. Today was different however. My host sister said she needed to run clubs errands. Cool. She was in archery. It was a few hours later. The sun was starting to set. I was a little worried, and my classmates offered to help look for her with me.
It was then that the intercom went off, and I was asked to go to homeroom. Okay... weird. My homeroom teacher was really sweet. She spoke fluent English and was incredibly close with her class (she had been with them for two years). She was relieved to see me but seemed a bit unnerved. She said we needed to talk, and my host sister was too scared to bring it up herself, so she was going to talk to me instead. I was super confused. I thought maybe I had messed something up or did something offensive. My teacher then made a funny comment. She said we needed to talk outside. Find a place with no cameras. What. I was practically shaking, wondering what I did.
She sat me down on the steps outside the school, my host sister on one side of her and me on the other. She began to tell me some things that honestly scared the hell out of 16 y/o me. She said, "I need to let you know that while you are away, I want you to protect [host sister], keep her safe for me." Red flag. Was it abuse? "[Host sister]'s grandfather is a very dangerous man, and I want you to be very careful around him, okay?" Oh? Uhm? Politician? Oh, wait... is it? I tried to ask her, and she cut me off, saying she couldn't tell me. But at this point, I was fully freaked out and a bit persistent. I asked her if it started with a 'y' and she gave me a long, sad look before saying she couldn't tell me. The conversation took about an hour, but I felt myself numb over at some point, and I don't remember much past the point of me and my host sister going somewhere unsafe and needing to be careful. Also that there would be yakuza.
Oh cool. And my host sister looked so uncomfortable. Her head was ducked down the whole time. She barely spoke the whole walk home after that. She said she didn't want to talk and that was it. I left it be. But boy was I terrified. I didn't know much about the Yakuza, except for the typical stuff. Organized crime, donation drives, yknow.
We went home and I stewed for the next two days before our departure. I wondered it my US teachers knew that I would be taken hours away. I wondered how easy it would be for me to disappear on this trip. The words of my homeroom teacher haunted me those two days. I remember sending a final message to my now fiance. An ambiguous farewell. I wasn't taking the news very well, clearly.
The departure day came. The drive was nice, or at least it would've been if I hadn't been shaking so much. I was told that no one else in the family spoke English, so I would have to stick to my host sister or brother. The house... how do I explain how rich this house was. It was three stories, tradition meiji. There was a luxurious rock garden that honestly could have passed as an entire park. I remember losing my way in it one day. He had rocks imported from all around the world and perfectly trimmed trees. Offhand, my host mother told me one of them was cost over 3k (usd). I treaded lightly in that garden.
I met some aunts, uncles, and cousins. The day went well. Then came dinner. It was massive. Giant platter of sashimi, sushi, and more expensive foods. It never seemed to end. Then he arrived. I didn't realize it was him at first, I was introduced much later that night. He was... pretty nice. He kept telling me to eat. He was always feeding me. Every time we ended up in a room together, he would give me food. I wonder if it was because I was American(haha americans eat so much, haha), or if he was just being a generous host. His clothing style screamed yakuza. Hawaiin shirts, slacks, and the most expensive, radiant dress shoes I think I've ever seen in my life. He was loud, confident, and grandpa. He insisted I called him ojichan. Yep. He whacked my back a lot when he would sit with me.
One time in particular, I had woken up super early and went downstairs to sit at the dining table. He came home with nothing but a bag of tomatoes. He asked me if I liked tomatoes, then proceeded to cut up the whole bag of tomatoes and ate them with me. Completely out of pocket. The tomatoes were good. I tried not to think about it too much(who goes to the store for just tomatoes. The store that's like 40 minutes away. To eat. Raw. Tomatoes. Where did he get the tomatoes?).
It went pretty well. Except I did embarrass myself. Looking back, it was clearly the result of a 16 year old exploding from the severe amount fo stress. I was placed in a room with golden shrine. Full tatami downstairs. It was dark, too. The screen doors led to a hall the fully wrapped around the building, which also had more screens that went outside. I just felt so insecure and overwhelmed. I was the only person downstairs, too. The absolute fear of me being snatched away and no one being able to hear me drove me crazy. I ended up having a bit of a breakdown. My aunt found me and moved me upstairs. I remember feeling just. So overwhelmed. I was prepared for something scary. A crime boss's house in the middle of nowhere. Being responsible for my safety and possibly my host sister's. The rest of the stay was fine. I slowly settled in the new environment. I saw my host grandfather most in that time. My different sleep schedule seemed to match up with his... work schedule. So he often would come home and hang out with me. He didn't speak any English, but we both would try to understand eachother. It was kinda funny.
I was spooked over something not as scary as I'd thought it would be. I wish I had taken pictures of that house. I was too scared at the time. I essentially vibed with grandpa for a week before heading back to my host parent's house. My host sister never spoke or explained herself to me. I knew she had a right to be scared, and so did I. I just wish we were able to have a conversation about it and clear things up. I thought I was being dragged into a den. In reality, it was just some rich old guy who made his was in organized crime. I didn't do anything to upset him, and he welcomed me into his home.
Looking back, I think the series of events is WILD. It was an intense emotional roller coaster. It's funny to think about today. Also the fact that my luggage from my host family ended up delayed by three days. When I got it back, it was ransacked. All my possessions were there, but clearly, someone had checked through it. I think about that, too.
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