#toya - walk on and on
beybuniki · 6 months
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alternative universe where there are TWO epic fail sons in the todoroki familiy
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habken · 26 days
I have no clue what's going on with MHA anymore but wow y'all sure are eating good today huh /j
it's just win after win for us it's crazyy
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ssruis · 1 month
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My favorite piece of an trivia is that she didn’t even want to be in the disciplinary committee but she got dragged into it only for her to literally go through a new unique hell every day because rui + tsukasa are doing some dumb shit. Also toya literally has complete faith in tsukasa & will be told to his face that tsukasa is involved with that stuff and he’ll just respond like “hmm… tsukasa-senpai wouldn’t do that though…” + this later applies to rui as well
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(Toya looking at rui doing that scary expression as he thinks abt fucking with tsukasa) wow he seems excited to bring smiles and joy to everyone around him. Imagining toya watching rui dragging a screaming tsukasa away from the scene of an explosion and he’s just like “they seem like they’re having a lot of fun together 😌”.
I want to believe an is complaining about them both at practice one day and toya’s just like “I didn’t know there was another pair of students at our school that share names with tsukasa-senpai and kamishiro-senpai… I hope they don’t get caught up with the students who are causing you trouble” & an and akito both cycle through all the stages of grief at a rapid pace
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toyastales · 2 months
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Perfect for a late night romantic stroll.
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yo idk if you've mentioned it yet, but there's some cool bird imagery in the Walk On and On gacha.
The designs seem to relate to the concept of hiyoku birds (one winged birds that can only fly after meeting their partner). Whilst Akito is only a 2 star so we didn't get a 3d version, Toya's outfit (which features his character colour) has one wing on the back and only matches with the Akito coloured version since the other versions are the wrong colour and one is also on the wrong side. Also might relate to the event song which mentions flightless birds, and also Akito's refusal to partner up with anyone else in the main story.
idk if Kohane's outfit has anything similar going on, but I don't recall Kaito's having anything like that.
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Kohane’s matches with Toya’s! The wing switches side on variant 2 of both their costumes (which are in their partner’s image color). I think another cool trivia about this set is the crows in the art. Did you know that crows mate for life and in the story Toya said to Akito that he wanted to stand shoulder to shoulder (look at where the hiyoku wings are) with Akito for the rest of his life actual quote from the event (now look at the card below and look at where the crows are and then look at where the hiyoku bird wings are again)
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Also the bridge of Utsuro wo Aogu you know the part where they sing each others names. This might be slightly relevant to the next part w KAITO’s costume actually.
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Bird lore.
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Kaito’s has a really cool detail actually of one complete wing and one damaged wing. I wonder if this is a reference to Souma and Arata (since Souma esp did quite a bit in this event). Like how Souma was severely and permanently injured in that car crash and had to give up performing but Arata keeps carrying on for him. Because the wings are already paired up as well so you see what I’m saying?
(I’m thinking too deeply it’s probably just meant to differentiate from the VBS costumes)
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chiricat · 1 year
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face the rhythm
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Kiyoomi scrunches her nose. She��ll never get Motoya’s obsession with plants. It was fine when it was just succulents, those are easy enough to take care of, but flowers fucking reek.
It’s not a bad smell per say, but it’s stupidly strong in this shop, even with her mask up. They’re pretty at least, she’ll give them that.
She’s debating between the pretty blue flowers and the silly, warm yellow ones. Motoya should have never trusted her judgment, how’s she supposed to resist the urge to tease her for always being in a yellow coloured team? At least Kiyoomi can say she’s escaped it in the Black Jackals cause gold isn’t yellow.
“Is there anythin’ I can help you with?” A pretty blonde girl in a red apron asks. Kiyoomi nearly jumps out of her skin, where’d she come from?
“Um, can I get these?” Kiyoomi points at the two, ready to bolt out of here because Employee Girl is way too gorgeous for her to not make a fool out of herself. Her palms are sweaty and she’s so grateful her mask is covering half her face.
The girl leans in way too close to Kiyoomi’s space and reads the labels, “Cornflower and fressia? I can put them together for you but d’you wanna check out the white freesia’s instead? They’d be real pretty together.”
“Yeah, sure.” Kiyoomi could be asked for her credit card information right now and she’d hand it over no questions asked. What did she ask her for again?
“Great, they’re over this way.” Employee Girl walks away and what else is Kiyoomi supposed to do but follow?
The flowers they stop at all look the same to Kiyoomi but she holds her breath as the girl talks about a few different ones, pointing them out and saying stuff about how pretty things look prettier together. Her name tag reads “Miya O.” A pretty name for a pretty girl. She wonders what the O stands for.
“That sound good?”
Kiyoomi nods, Miya’s voice sounds great in fact.
“Well you’re in luck! We finished our orders for today so I can put it together for ya right now but please submit a request a few days in advance next time. We’re pretty busy during the afternoon so ya picked a decent time to come in.”
Miya picks a few different flowers and the blue ones from before – the cornflowers – and heads to the back. Kiyoomi wants to protest but she’s just a customer and Miya’s an employee doing her job.
Miya peeps her head out after closing the door. She bites her lip before calling out, “Can I ask ya for a favour?”
“Uh, sure.”
“If ya see a girl with my face try an’ clock in, tell her she’s s’pposed to be in bed right now. My sister’s a bit of a workaholic, I stole her name tag this mornin’ for her own good.”
She assumes Miya means that she’s a twin but that’s not fair to her at all. She’s just a girl. Kiyoomi only hopes she won’t have to see the two of them together. One pretty girl’s bad enough for her heart as is.
The time passes by in a blur. At one point she’s keeping a vague eye out for Miya’s clone to walk in while looking at the different flowers; the next she’s being given her bouquet, paying for it, and waving bye to the prettiest girl in the world.
Oh well, it’s not like she’s the main character in a yuri manga.
Kiyoomi drops off the flowers at Motoya’s. She’s supposedly too busy taking care of her sick girlfriends to make the trip herself. Kiyoomi wonders if that excuse is just bullshit since it’s been months and she’s still not met Osamu and Rin yet. Unfortunately, Motoya’s apartment’s stuffy and reeks of sickness so maybe there’s some truth to Motoya’s words.
“You got the flowers?” Motoya closes her room door behind her, thankfully right before a loud sneeze is released by one of her definitely real girlfriends. Well there goes that bet Kiyoomi had going with Yachi.
“Yeah, I still don’t get why you can’t have a normal hobby. These things die in like, a week.”
Motoya fusses over the flowers for a bit, making them nice and pretty in a clean vase that held her last bouquet. “One, Samu gets all blushy when I give her flowers and two, I just like them. It’s low stakes responsibility that forces me to have my shit together.”
Kiyoomi snorts. Motoya’s always had her shit together, even if it looks like a mess on the outside. Her cousin is one of the most ruthlessly competent people she knows.
“Hey Kiyo, where’d you get these by the way?” Motoya asks cutting the store tag off a stem.
“Doesn’t it say there?” Kiyoomi asks. “Miya’s Boutique I think.”
“Well whichever employee rang you up left you a little something.” Motoya tosses the label to her with a smug little smirk.
Kiyoomi wants to shove her hand into her face to wipe it off, but Motoya would lick her first and she doesn’t want to think about where her tongue’s been, sick partners or not.
She takes a look at the what Motoya meant and pretends like the name and numbers aren’t sending a rush of blood straight to her face. She carefully tucks it into a pocket while maintaining eye contact with her menace of a cousin. Motoya can smell the smallest twinge of embarrassment in a crowd and she is not to be trusted to mind her own business.
She laughs at nothing, like the airhead Kiyoomi’s always known her to be, but there’s something unsettling in the knowing glint in her eyes. Kiyoomi firmly ignores it: if it isn’t acknowledged, it isn’t real.
“Oh this is killing me, Kiyo you’ve gotta come over next week. Please I think I’ll die.” Motoya abandons her flowers in favour of hanging off of her arm and giving her stupid puppy eyes. “You can bring whoever left you their number. Actually, please bring them, you’ve gotta.”
Fuck, how’s Kiyoomi supposed to say no to her puppy eyes.
“Fine, but fat chance I bring her over.”
Motoya sniffs hautily, like Kiyoomi’s doing her a great disservice. “You’ll regret it.”
“Doubt it,” Kiyoomi sighs, hoping future-her doesn’t give in to Motoya’s ridiculous demands.
She leaves with a halfhearted wave, feeling preemptive disappointment in herself because she knows Motoya’s not going to let her go so easily. Whatever. She’s got better things to spend her energy on.
How many i's in a “hi” is too desperate to send?
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lyn-ne · 7 months
with the whole thing of Akito and Kohane reaching RADer levels of singing, do you think there’d be a possibility for an akihoha event?
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thatoneweirdo14 · 17 days
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prskcards · 9 months
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[From Now On, Always]- Aoyagi Toya (trained)
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prskcostumes · 9 months
Melody Walker
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Melody Walker is a costume that can be obtained by pulling in any Standard Gacha past the From on a perch Gacha! The costume comes with an Exclusive Accessory for Toya and a Standard Accessory!
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quirkwizard · 1 year
Can you do a Quirk Marriage with Air Walk and Larceny?
QM between Air Walk and Attraction to Small Objects?
New Quirk Name: Suction or Air Pockets
This Emitter type Quirk activates whenever the user clenches their hands or feet. In doing so, they can create a unique pocket of air, holding it like a solid object. The pocket will rapidly suck in small objects to it over a short range. If something is too large, the user will instead suck onto it, allowing them to scale it. This can even affect liquids and gases, letting the user suck in and climb the air. This gives the user a good mix of mobility and utility, letting them maneuver around themselves or parts of their surroundings. They can remove items from people, jump their way around foes, pull objects from behind people to attack them, mitigate the effects of gas-based Quirks, or just use it to clean up their place. Though the Quirk is limited to the user's hands and feet and can only work on smaller targets, limiting the user's options in certain situations. The Quirk does require some focus to clench their body parts and maintain the effect.
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toyastales · 6 months
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I love to see large plants in a bathroom.
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mymarifae · 1 year
project sekai. go.d. fuck.
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prosekaipng · 2 years
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yoistars · 11 months
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