#toy fair 2018
eijiroukiriot · 2 years
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a merry dynamy to all of you! may the new year contain many more dynamys
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gqueentblr · 4 months
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Hey everyone ! I've decided to make a fanart of @popfizzles ' cupsona ! I love their art so much it literally inspire me 🙏😭 I'm planning to redesign my cupsona one day (the last time I've drawn her it was like in 2018 on sony sketch 💀) and I think I might draw a few doodles with Valentine if that's okay with you Fizzles ! Btw I can send to you my drawing without the AI disturbance thing if you want ! I hope you like it !
I really need to post more on this app 💀 Gonna think about it, might post my next drawings here too !
🇨🇵 ver : Hey tout le monde ! J'ai décidé de faire un fanart du cupsona de PopFizzles ! Je kiff ses dessins, ça m'inspire littéralement 😭🙏 Je prévoit de redesign ma cupsona un jour (la dernière que jlai dessiné ça devait être genre en 2018 sur sketch 💀) et je pense faire quelques petites doodles avec Valentine si c'est ok pour toi Fizzles ! Au fait je peux t'envoyer mon dessin sans le truc de perturbation d'IA si tu veux ! J'espère que tu l'aimes !
J'ai vraiment besoin de poster plus souvent sur cette appli 💀 J'y penserais, je vais sûrement poster mes prochains dessins ici aussi !
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adobe-outdesign · 2 months
I'd love to see a full-on review of Burlap from you! As a matter of personal taste, I do like it as a Plushie 2.0, but I also sympathize with your dissatisfaction in the loss of that creepy vibe. Which pets do you like best in it?
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Poor, poor Burlap. It was originally introduced as Burlap Doll alongside Steampunk, Toy, and Origami as part of a 2018 poll to pick a new colour, wherein it came in dead last, probably because it was by far the least cute option of the four. That said, us burlap lovers were annoying vocal enough that TNT eventually caved and released it anyway.
Unfortunately that was a small victory, as there's been a gradual shift in appearance and tone. Burlap's original intent, and the reason so many of us loved it, is that it was creepy. Burlap pets were supposed to be dolls haphazardly stitched together from sack cloth and whatever pieces of junk happened to be lying around, with dead button eyes and stitched-up mouths. It was a very distinct vibe, almost scarecrow-like, and that made it really stand out.
However, TNT has been softening the colour over the years. Bright colors were introduced; the junk and scrap materials concept was almost entirely dropped; straw-like elements were replaced with soft fuzzy tan fur; and so on and so forth. Compare the Burlap Usul, released in 2023, with the Burlap Ogrin, released in 2020:
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And just to be clear, the more plushie-like burlap pets are by no means inherently bad; a lot of them are downright adorable or have very pleasing designs. It's just that, for a site that celebrates Halloween each year and has an entire land dedicated to it, there's a strange lack of creepy colours available. There's Halloween, Mutant, Wraith, Ghost, Zombie, Darigan, and... well, that's it. Burlap was not only a welcome addition to this category, but it filled a very specific niche, as there were no other creepy doll colours. We already have plushie as a colour, but we definitely didn't have anything like the original burlap.
Favorite Species:
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Lenny: The original Burlap Doll design put up for voting, the Burlap Lenny is delightfully creepy. The fraying fabric on the wings is a great touch, and I love all the metal bits used here; some springs for the head feathers, random scrap parts for the legs. It's fun, distinct, and has a ton of personality. I also really like the eyes, which are not only black but have red string in the middle, something even the other creepy burlap pets didn't keep.
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Bori: The Burlap Bori has less scrap parts and fewer black accents, but it's still well done overall. There's lots of good details here, like the fraying fabric around the claws, the stitch work and material of the back plates, and the way the tail haphazardly tied together with some loose rope.
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Quiggle: This isn't quite as detailed as the other three burlap pets, but it still brings a lot to the table with its freaky twig fingers and casual rope around its neck. The texturing and warping of the burlap texture is truly well done here and the whole thing has a great sense of dimension. The only thing is that while I like the mismatched eyes in theory, the blue feels a little distracting; I feel like maybe a light brown or tan might've worked better.
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BONUS: Like I said, the plushie-style burlap pets are still very nice looking, and it wouldn't be fair of me to talk about only the creepy pets while not mentioning the non-creepy ones. The Burlap Kau is definitely the best of the crop, with super soft plush fur that reminds me a bit of Highland cows. There's nice detailing in things like the corduroy snout and iridescent eyes, and while there's some colour, it's kept to light earth-tones as to not feel jarring against the browns. Good stuff.
Least Favorite Species:
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Scorchio: Even by new-age burlap standards, the Burlap Scorchio is a trainwreck. The eye-searing teal underbelly is both over-saturated and too low-contrast relative to the brown, creating an eyesore that draws too much attention to a pointless part of the design. There's no real creativity in things like the spikes, and the eyes don't feel like they align to the face properly. The stitched-together wings are a little fun at least, but it's not enough to save this design.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I need advice, please, you never answer my asks, even though you do with tkkrs spewing lies and hate. Please, I used to love every Jikook interaction, but since a while ago, I can't do it without thinking about how 99% of the fandom are tkkrs and hate JM. I want to enjoy their moments like you do, but it hurts so much to see all the hate JM receives. Sometimes I wonder if JK is worth it...like JM would be free if he dated someone else...tkkrs only want JK to be TH's sex toy, and if JM is with someone else, at least we could enjoy Jikook even if it's them just being friends. Or JK could shut tkkrs up sometime and try to defend Jimin...I gave up on TH confirming Jennie, he's a coward and doesn't want to lose his fans (tkkrs), so he's going to keep doing fanservice namedropping JK everytime he needs it... please, what is your secret? how can I enjoy jkk again? why are there so many people that believe JK is TH's boyfriend if JM is the one he loves? really, everything is so frustrating. Poor JM, I'm tired
Maybe I dont answer your asks because you say things like "maybe Jimin should find someone else" Matter of fact, let it be known to everyone: I delete all such asks. Or any asks that sound remotely like anti JK. Jimin loves who he loves. He is head over heels for this man. Get with the programme or move the fuck on. Coz your fav aint never gonna drop JK just coz u want him to. And I personally figure that is common sense. So anytime I get an ask saying JK doesn't deserve Jimin I don't even finish reading that shit. I delete. So I'm sorry you're upset anon, but if this is how u talk everytime then that's why I have never answered u.
That being said, anon pointed out how I have time to reply to antis n tkkrs. I'm sure some of u who have sent me good Jikook asks probably wonder the same thing. Why does she reply to them but hasn't answered my ask from months ago? This is a fair question. Apart from my current situation 🤰🏽 I may not have time sometimes. And some of your asks require research. Some of your asks are so good they deserve time and thought put into them. Meanwhile insulting a piece of vermin or an anti is easy. I don't have to think when talking smack to these assholes. I don't need to research anything. Plus its very satisfying and takes 0 effort on my end. So that's why it seems like I prioritise them.
Answering a good ask and answering it properly, could take all day sometimes. As much as I love doing it, it requires a lot of time and effort. So yeah, incase any of u was frustrated about how u sent a good ask a long time ago and yet I seem to have time for antis, thats why. That, and people who send links. Those asks are easy n take no time at all.
I'm sorry guys. Really.
But anon, u asked for advice on how to enjoy Jikook moments despite the existence of tkkrs.
I will start by taking you back to this post I made when all hell broke loose that one time. It is incredibly important that people remember: your feelings are not Jimin's. This is the man who in 2018 was sent a death threat and he said that Armys were more worried about this person than he was. That he was alright and that no one should worry.
Quickly, lets pay attention to this part one more time
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His fans were more concerned than he was. I do believe this to be the case 1000% right now too. You are more worried about the vermin than he is. You are more worried about Jikook antis, than he is. He doesn't care. If he cared he would pull away from JK. If he cared we wouldn't be getting a Jikook documentary. If he cared why would be continue providing Jikook content despite knowing some people will not receive it very well??? Despite knowing there are people who wanna kill him for hanging with JK?
If he cared we would be starved for moments on official content. He would keep away from JK if antis were affecting him. Period. There is no "poor Jimin." He's more than okay.
Anon, my advice is to keep this in mind. This is what I do. Jimin doesn't care, so neither do I.
So instead I laugh at them and mock them because they are just wasting their time and energy. No amount of hate and death threats are gonna stop Jimin from loving those he loves. And this is the truth.
Plus, why be concerned with people who believe members hate each other? Like in what world does that make sense?? Anon, you have seen the fuckery i share on this blog. These people are brainless and stupid. As we speak they claim that wasn't JK with Jimin in Tokyo. How can u take such people seriously??? I know I don't. I can't. For me to even consider the shit coming out of your mouth you have to make sense and tkkrs dont make any fucking sense.
So my advice, this is up to you and you only. Its is up to u to treat these people like the mental cases they are; by not taking them seriously. Report, block and move on. Go watch a happy Jimin compilation or something. If u can't take the hate, then unfollow all report pages, mute key words, stay on the clean side of twitter. Believe u me, it exists. Curate your timeline anon, it is possible. Even on twitter.
I promise you Jimin does not care. He used to but he sure as hell doesn't anymore. You remember this crucial part, and you will be able to enjoy Jikook in peace.
Plus, if you've been paying attention to JK, you will notice he doesn't feed tkkrs. He really doesn't. Not like in the past. And the dude has made it clear he doesn't like them... not even a little bit. And can u blame him? Look at you and how u feel. Now imagine JK, Jimin's boyfriend seeing this hate. Imagine how he feels. You can tell he ain't about tkkrs. Especially this year. Even they know it and so they rely on V for tkk content. (Denying them moments is the most JK can do. Interfering or trying to shut them up wouldn't work. If it didn't work with V, twice, it won't work with JK either)
This is the only advice I can give u. Hope u heed it. Because no one deserves their BTS experience taken away from them. Xoxo
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chaifootsteps · 5 months
weird comparison but bear with me
so Helluva Boss season 2 reminds me of My Fair Lady
so basically in the play the whole story is this rich guy makes a bet he can turn a flower girl into a proper lady. then he spends the whole time berating her, not letting her eat during long periods of study, etc etc until eventually she's able to speak 'properly'
and when she successfully passes herself off as not only a lady but a princess in disguise at this fancy ball, the rich guy spends the entire evening taking all the credit for having won the bet, not only not praising her for the accomplishment but not treating her like a human being with any feelings of her own at all
the flower girl sees he doesn't see her as person and since she's poor he thinks he can just treat her like a prop or a toy for his amusement. She leaves for good. this is where the play ends
the movie, by comparison, bolts on a frustrating second act where the rich guy changes in the most minimal way possible to take her for granted less and she comes back to his house, roll credits
Ozzie's is the end of act 1. It's the point where the rich character is forced to acknowledge how he's leveraged his wealth and power to treat the poor character like a plaything for his own clarification
Season 2 is all the stuff the movie added on where the audience is supposed to accept that anything other than the poor character walking out for good is a happy ending
and for as frustrating as the second act of the movie of My Fair Lady is, it still manages the bare minimum of understanding the rich character is not in the right.
And to be fair, not everyone likes the 2018 ending to My Fair Lady. Some people think it destroys the ambiguity, or that the ending is more complex than people give it credit for, or all kinds of things.
Helluva Boss is My Fair Lady the movie with every last iota of complexity meticulously sifted out, and if Eliza really was meant to be seen as an ungrateful harpy and Higgins a long-suffering, marginally flawed nice guy.
(Also, if every time someone interpreted it any other way, George Cukor came back from the dead and threw a tantrum on social media.)
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f0point5 · 2 days
Uhhh tell me why you think Daniel is Down Bad coded. I see him more as a The Prophecy kinda guy
Oh have I been WAITING for this question because I will die on this hill (also the prophecy is so Charles)
✨Daniel Ricciardo x Down Bad - A Thesis✨
“Did you really beam me up?
In a cloud of sparkling dust,
Just to do experiments on,
Tell me I was the chosen one”
Daniel to RB. They chose him when they were coming off this period of being unbeatable, chose him when they had their pick of drivers. Chose him to drive alongside their golden boy like he could be their next one.
“Then sent me back where I came from,
For a moment I knew cosmic love”
How when the real golden boy came they started to relegate him to second driver. Right after he had become their number one after Vettel. Right when he'd had a taste of what he wanted, they started to take it away.
“Now I'm down bad crying at the gym,
Everything comes out teenage petulance,
"What if I can't have him"
I might just die, it would make no difference,"
From the moment he realised that it was Max they were really betting on, he started acting out, seeing slights everywhere (eg. how he talked about how he felt him being even partially blamed for Baku 2018 was unfair and evidence of favouritism to Max), throwing his toys out of the pram, “teenage petulance”, because nothing felt fair anymore. The attitude of, "well if I can't be him, if I can't be number one here then I don'twant to be here at all. Would they even care if I left?"
“In a field in my same old town,
That somehow seems so hollow now”
The Red Bull second seat was where he'd started but it didn't feel good enough anymore. What was once an honour now felt like mocking.
“They'll say I'm nuts if I talk about the existence of you,
For a moment I was heaven struck”
History will not remember him as a Red Bull golden boy. They'll talk about Max followed Vettel and how Daniel bridged the gap. But he knows that for a moment he was dipped in gold
“How dare you think it's romantic,
Leaving me safe and stranded”
They never wanted him to leave, but it felt unfair that they would think he could stay. Sure, he was safe, he was what they wanted him to be, but he wasn't what he wanted to be. How could they think he could accept that?
In conclusion, for me that song fits his relationship with Red Bull most, Down Bad and Loml.
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leonardcohenofficial · 9 months
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tagged by @herbaklava @timrothencrantz and @wutheringdyke to post my top nine new-to-me watches of the year—thank you all! in no particular order (l-r, top row to bottom row):
skinamarink (kyle edward ball, 2023) great freedom (sebastian meise, 2021) earth mama (savanah leaf, 2023) nineteen eighty-four (michael radford, 1984) enys men (mark jenkin, 2022) marina abramović & ulay: no predicted end (kasper bech dyg, 2022) paris 5:59: théo & hugo (olivier ducastel and jacques martineau, 2016) nationtime (william greaves, 1972) giants and toys (yasuzo masumura, 1958)
while i hit my continual goal of half of the films by women and nonbinary filmmakers, i still definitely need to keep up with deliberately seeking out films by directors of color! tell me your faves if you’ve seen any of these; do we think i can hit 150 titles in 2024? 👀🎬🍿🎥
i'll tag @sightofsea / @lesbiancolumbo / @nelson-riddle-me-this / @draftdodgerag / @edwardalbee / @majorbaby / @radioprune / @glennmillerorchestra / @deadpanwalking and anyone else who'd like to do this!
my full watchlist is included under the cut, favorites of the year are bolded in red:
The Final Exit of the Disciples of Ascensia (Jonni Phillips, 2019)
Nothing Bad Can Happen (Katrin Gebbe, 2013)
Dive (Lucía Puenzo, 2022)
The Menu (Mark Mylod, 2022)
The Wonder (Sebastián Lelio, 2022)
The Whale (Darren Aronofsky, 2022)
Shapeless (Samantha Aldana, 2021)
Skinamarink (Kyle Edward Ball, 2023)
Avatar: The Way of Water (James Cameron, 2022)
Actual People (Kit Zauhar, 2021)
Honeycomb (Avalon Fast 2022)
Warrendale (Allan King, 1967)
Women Talking (Sarah Polley, 2022)
This Place Rules (Andrew Callaghan, 2022)
Nationtime (William Greaves, 1972)
Deep End (Jerzy Skolimowski, 1970)
Incident in a Ghostland (Pascal Laugier, 2018)
Keane (Lodge Kerrigan, 2004)
I Start Counting (David Greene, 1970)
Bones and All (Luca Guadagnino, 2022)
Tár (Todd Field, 2022)
The Most Dangerous Game (Ernest B. Schoedsack and Irving Pichel, 1932)
These Three (William Wyler, 1936)
Dead End (William Wyler, 1937)
The Sport Parade (Dudley Murphy, 1932)
We're All Going to the World's Fair (Jane Schoenbrun, 2021)
Ratcatcher (Lynne Ramsay, 1995)
Smile (Parker Finn, 2022)
Holiday (Isabella Eklöf, 2018)
When Women Kill (Lee Grant, 1983)
Softie (Samuel Theis, 2021)
My Old School (Jono McLeod, 2022)
Beyond The Black Rainbow (Panos Cosmatos, 2010)
The Diary of a Teenage Girl (Marielle Heller, 2015)
Infinity Pool (Brandon Cronenberg, 2023)
Murina (Antoneta Alamat Kusijanovic, 2021)
The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh, 2022)
Doubt (John Patrick Shanley, 2007)
Enys Men (Mark Jenkin, 2022)
Bully (Larry Clark, 2001)
My King (Maïwenn, 2015)
Festen (Thomas Vinterberg, 1998)
Marina Abramovic & Ulay: No Predicted End (Kasper Bech Dyg, 2022)
Elles (Małgośka Szumowska, 2011)
Poison Ivy (Katt Shea, 1992)
ear for eye (debbie tucker green, 2021)
Spring Blossom (Suzanne Lindon, 2020)
God's Creatures (Saela Davis and Anna Rose Holmer, 2023)
I Blame Society (Gillian Wallace Horvat, 2020)
Bama Rush (Rachel Fleit, 2023)
Is This Fate? (Helga Reidemeister, 1979)
Paris 5:59: Théo & Hugo (Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau, 2016)
Madeline's Madeline (Josephine Decker, 2018)
The Strays (Nathaniel Martello-White, 2023)
Here Is Always Somewhere Else (René Daalder, 2007)
The Weather Underground (Sam Green and Bill Siegel, 2002)
American Revolution 2 (Mike Gray, 1969)
Judas and the Black Messiah (Shaka King, 2021)
Underground (Emile de Antonio, Mary Lampson, and Haskell Wexler, 1976)
Saint Omer (Alice Diop, 2022)
Baby Ruby (Bess Wohl, 2022)
Welcome to Me (Shira Piven, 2014)
Clock (Alexis Jacknow, 2023)
Knock at the Cabin (M. Night Shyamalan, 2023)
Blue Jean (Georgia Oakley, 2022)
Soft & Quiet (Beth de Araújo, 2022)
Jesus' Son (Alison Maclean, 1999)
The Rehearsal (Alison Maclean, 2016)
Violent Playground (Basil Dearden, 1958)
Grizzly Man (Werner Herzog, 2005)
A Banquet (Ruth Paxton, 2021)
Jagged Mind (Kelley Kali, 2023)
The Night Porter (Liliana Cavani, 1974)
Good Boy (Viljar Bøe, 2023)
Sanctuary (Zachary Wigon, 2022)
Little Girl (Sébastien Lifshitz, 2020)
Séance on a Wet Afternoon (Bryan Forbes, 1964)
Massacre at Central High (Rene Daalder, 1976)
Summer of Soul (Amir "Questlove" Thompson, 2021)
Bad Things (Stewart Thorndike, 2023)
Still (Takashi Doscher , 2018)
Lake Mungo (Joel Anderson, 2008)
The Vanishing (George Sluizer, 1988)
The Ringleader: The Case of the Bling Ring (Erin Lee Carr, 2023)
Giants and Toys (Yasuzo Masumura, 1958)
Spoonful of Sugar (Mercedes Bryce Morgan, 2022)
Double Lover (François Ozon , 2017)
Hereditary (Ari Aster, 2018)
Bodies Bodies Bodies (Halina Reijn, 2022)
Don't Call Me Son (Anna Muylaert, 2016)
Great Freedom (Sebastian Meise, 2021)
Mother! (Darren Aronofsky, 2017)
The Mind of Mr. Soames (Alan Cooke, 1970)
The Bloody Child (Nina Menkes, 1996)
Bunker (Jenny Perlin, 2021)
Polytechnique (Denis Villeneuve, 2009)
Scouts Honor: The Secret Files of the Boy Scouts of America (Brian Knappenberger, 2023)
The Woodsman (Nicole Kassell, 2004)
Giant Little Ones (Keith Behrman, 2018)
The Killing of a Sacred Deer(Yorgos Lanthimos, 2017)
Nineteen Eighty-Four (Michael Radford, 1984)
Saltburn (Emerald Fennell, 2023)
Renaissance: A Film by Beyoncé (Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, 2023)
May December (Todd Haynes, 2023)
Free Chol Soo Lee (Julie Ha and Eugene Yi, 2022)
Girl (Lukas Dhont, 2018)
Queen of Hearts (May el-Toukhy, 2019)
Streetwise (Martin Bell, 1984)
System Crasher (Nora Fingscheidt, 2019)
Burden (Richard Dewey and Timothy Marrinan, 2016)
As Above, So Below (Larry Clark, 1973)
The Captive (Chantal Akerman, 2000)
Run Rabbit Run (Daina Reid, 2023)
Subject  (Jennifer Tiexiera and Camilla Hall, 2022)
Earth Mama (Savanah Leaf, 2023)
Woodshock (Kate Mulleavy and Laura Mulleavy, 2017)
Swept Away (Lina Wertmüller, 1974)
Meadowland (Reed Morano, 2015)
Brainwashed: Sex-Camera-Power (Nina Menkes, 2022)
La Ciénaga (Lucrecia Martel, 2001)
Zola (Janicza Bravo, 2021)
The Starling Girl (Laurel Parmet, 2023)
Night Comes On (Jordana Spiro, 2018)
Dance, Girl, Dance (Dorothy Arzner, 1940)
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beanbagbuddies4life · 4 months
Hong Kong Toy Fair 2018
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via "This special limited Beanie Baby was made to thank you for attending our exclusive showing at the Peninsula Suite ! Peninsula Hotel Hong Kong"
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drarryspecificrecs · 2 years
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H/D Career Fair 2022 : (fics only)
@hd-fan-fair || official masterpost || AO3 || ∑ = 35 works (art, fic, podfic) The Mods : @phoenix-acid & @sassy-cissa Banner © :
@pygmy-puffy (official banner)
@chamomileteafuel's Qui Vivra Verra
@beanomatica's once more, with feeling
The Beau-tea Of It All by @poison-literature [T, 7k] (food) Loose leaf tea | (travel) Worldwide
The Best Cup Noodle by @deliciousblizzardshark [T, 4k] (food) Cup noodles | (travel) Attending an American university
Both Feet in the Grape by Enchanted_Jae [T, 1k] (food) Wine grape-stomping | (travel) Italian countryside vineyard
Chicken Parmi and a Lager by @captateur [T, 3k] (food) Chef/Pub Owner!Harry & Draco | (travel) Australia
Chocolate Cocks and How to Make Them by @drarryruinedme7 [E, 9k] (food) Edible sex toys, chocolate factory owner!Draco | (travel) Switzerland
Contentious Confections by tigersilver [M, 17k] (food) Bertie Bott’s every flavour beans | (travel) Worldwide
The Final Frontier by @themightyflynn08 [T, 3k] (food) Cooking in space | (travel) Space
Hope's Only Promise by @bluesyquill [E, 86k] (food) Oranges/mangoes/papaya | (travel) Cuba
Hunc Draco Dormiens Amat Titillari by @lalalaartje [M, 15k] (food) Chocolatier!Draco | (travel) Belgium
I Want Your Heart To Be For Me by @thebooktopus [E, 4k] (food) Picnic | (travel) Paris, France
it is not a house by @brightluminae [E, 43k] (food) People eating house | (travel) Arctic
The Least Expected by momatu [G, 17k] (food) Chef!Draco | (travel) Mallorca, Spain
on your heart by @maziktheli [T, 9k] (food) Palestinian | (travel) Palestinian restaurant
Peerless by dysonrules [T, 14k] (food) Catching food to survive | (travel) South Pacific desert island
Preserving Lemons by @saintgarbanzo [E, 17k] --- ART by @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm (food) Palestinian, chef!Harry | (travel) Italy & Palestine
Qui Vivra Verra by @chamomileteafuel [E, 22k] (food) Café waiter!Draco | (travel) Paris, tourist!Harry
That Time I Was Possessed By a Norse God by @drwhoisginnyholmes [E, 8k] (food) Hunger for the unknown | (travel) Nordic countries
The Thief and the Throne (Fallen Kingdom) by @gnarf [M, 26k] (food) Food thief!Harry | (travel) Fairytale AU, Nordic countries
This is not a love song by @enjale [G, 12k] (food) Food empath!Harry | (travel) Horchata
Through Worlds by @rainbees [M, 42k] (food) Restaurant meet cutes, discovering new dishes | (travel) Japan
True Love is Priceless, Finding True Love is Expensive by @meloflavor [T, 4k] (food) Japanese (uni don/mochi) | (travel) Blind date dining experience
✔ other fests in 2022 ✔ fests in other years ✔ H/D Fan Fair : Career Fair 2021 | Sex Fair 2020 | Fan Fair 2019 | Food Fair 2018 | Career Fair 2017 | Pet Fair 2016 | Pottermore Fair 2015 | Career Fair 2014 | Book Fair 2013 | Career Fair 2012 | Travel Fair 2010 | Career Fair 2009
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lok-repository · 8 months
New Korra picture book
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Based on Airspeed's last video, it looks like there will be a new Korra picture book coming in 2027 (!?) that will be along the same vein as the ATLA Heart of Hero picture books that have been coming out. Interestingly, the author for the upcoming Korra picture book seems to be a travel writer so not sure if they have the wrong author listed. Here's some more info from the listing:
On Sale Date: May 4, 2027
ISBN 9780316408110, 0316408115
Hardcover Picture Book | 
40 pages
$18.99 USD, $23.99 CAD
Juvenile Fiction / Action & Adventure Key Selling points:
THRIVING FANBASE: While Avatar has been off the air since 2008, and Korra since 2014, their fandom has continued to thrive—and GROW! This is in part due to the recent roll out of both series on Netflix. LASTING MEDIA ATTENTION: The shows continue to get lots of love in the media with frequent articles and inclusion in roundups:
Avatar ranked in both Vanity Fair’s and IndieWire’s respective 2018 lists of the best animated TV shows of all time
The final scene of Korra ranked in io9’s 2018 list of the “100 Most Important Pop Culture Moments of the Last 10 Years.”
SOCIAL REACH: The shows have over 6.7M followers across their social channels and almost 800K subscribers on Reddit. Their creators are also avid posters, and they frequently talk about their passion for and continued involvement with the brands. PERFECT TIMING: There will be a new live-action Avatar series likely coming to Netflix in 2022. Also, with 2020 being Avatar’s 15th anniversary and 2022 being Korra’s 10th anniversary, it’s poised to be the “The Decade for Avatar!” PUBLISHING: Avatar has a thriving reader fanbase, too! Dark Horse has been successfully publishing original graphic novels that target teens and adults since 2012 and has no plans to stop—in fact, The Promise, an Avatar graphic novel, recently hit #6 on the NYT list 7 years after its publication! The Kyoshi YA novels, recently published by Abrams, were each instant NYT bestsellers and continue to grab attention. In 2021 the publishing category will continue to expand to include a new Avatar YA series, a new Avatar MG series, and a new three-part Korra graphic novel series. CONSUMER PRODUCTS: Multiple lines of business are planning on ramping up their product, including more presence at mass, expanded collectibles, homeware, and retail initiatives at specialty stores like Box Lunch and FYE. Existing CP includes apparel, a trading card game, video games, LEGO sets, toys and stuffed animals, homewares, additional publishing, and home video that has generated over $18M since 2015 in DVD, Blu-Ray, and Steelbook formats. Avatar is a consistent top 10 item at both Box Lunch and Hot Topic.     DUAL APPEAL: With its eye-catching design and original content, we expect these titles to appeal to existing adult fans who want to collect and share with their children while also providing an entry point.
You can find the whole listing on the Edelweiss website.
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age-of-moonknight · 9 months
Do you know comics where moon knight team up with strange? Or deadpool?
Or where he interact with magic marvel characters?
Oh, for sure! Moon Knight has teamed up with Doctor Strange a couple times, as well as with Doctor Voodoo and Clea. There's also the Damnation event which involved a whole slew of magic users and magic-adjacent characters, including Doctor Strange, Doctor Voodoo, and Wong. The event itself, however, is,,,,unfortunately (fair warning, the following is largely just my opinion) not the greatest in its portrayal of MK. It tends to use Mr. Knight as the comedic relief and the "comedy" boils down to "ohohoheehee I'm so unstable and can someone please recommend me a psychiatrist," which can be...abrasive if you're feeling charitable and I've seen others who were feeling decidedly less charitable describe it as a little offensive. Which is a shame, because at least in my eyes, the event has a great line up and could have been even better. I'll throw in the citations though for anyone who wants to check it out and form their own opinions.
MK's relationship with Deadpool is uuuuh unfortunately a bit more rocky. Moon Knight's goals rarely line up with Deadpool's in the 616 Universe, so MK doesn't "team up" with Wade so much as, as I said in this post (and I quote myself not to self-aggrandize, but because, well, I'm not particularly creative in my metaphors), use Wade like one of "those stress-relief squeeze toys." Moon Knight was greatly intrigued when he discovered Wade can't die and consequently uses that to his advantage. Outside of the 616 continuity, Mr. Knight is much more sympathetic to Wade in Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again, but gosh, I never feel great recommending that series without some degree of forewarning. While I genuinely enjoyed some moments, as you can probably guess from the title,,,,it has such a terribly sad ending that still kind of haunts me tbh. But I'll include that just in case you're curious! All of the associated citations are beneath the cut as this was starting to get a bit long (whoops mea culpa)
Doctor Strange
Moon Knight (Vol. 1/1980), #36: A classic two hero team-up
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (vol. 1/1989), #44 and #46: Strange was pivotal in I guess what could be considered exorcising a demon out of Moon Knight
“The Empty Tomb,” Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #2: I'm not entirely sure if this is 616-compliant (and I kind of hope it isn't personally), but this is another case of Marc approaching Stephen for medical/mystical advice The following are instances I found of MK and Strange being on a larger team together but their interactions are comparatively minimal
Marvel Knights (Vol. 1/2000), #8
Original Sin (Vol. 1/2014), #4
Punisher (Vol. 13/2022), #9-12
(Special Note) The Avengers (Vol. 8/2018), #33: the infamous time Marc punched out Strange and stole the Eye of Agamotto, which Marc mentions he wishes he could properly apologize for in Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man (Vol. 1/2022), #1 and is pointedly brought up by Wong in Moon Knight (Vol. 9/2021), #9 (the Damnation event is also alluded to in that latter issue) Deadpool
Vengeance of the Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2009), #7-8: Their only major interaction, as far as I'm aware, but it's not a team-up unfortunately (mainly they just beat each other up)
Deadpool (Vol. 4/2008), #28-9: Some collaborative work together, but the most interaction they have is when Moon Knight needs very little prompting to snap Deadpool's neck (unfortunate all around)
Deadpool (vol. 4/2008), #49.1: the previous incident gets a one-page musical reprise (this is Deadpool we're talking about, so you know I'm not kidding hahaha)
Deadpool: Assassin (Vol. 1/2018), #4: They do manage to have a comparatively amicable one-panel interaction here though...
“So White. Yet, So Dark,” Moon Knight: Black, White & Blood (Vol. 1/2022), #1: ...but not amicable enough that Marc will lend Wade the Mr. Knight suit the next time they see each other
Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe Again (Vol. 1/2017) #1-3
Doctor Voodoo
Moon Knight (Vol. 1/1980), #21: Classic team-up
Marc Spector: Moon Knight (vol. 1/1989), #6-7: Classic team-up
Black Panther (Vol. 3/1998), #20-22: Collaborated on a team together
Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #5: An absolute delight of a classic team-up
Doctor Strange (Vol. 6/2023), #2: Mr. Knight calls her and Stephen in on a case
Bonus: according to Strange (Vol. 3/2022), #9, after working together, Clea thinks Moon Knight is a "dear," much to Stephen's consternation.
Moon Knight did work with the Strange Academy kids in Strange Academy: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2023), #1, but that ends on a bit of a cliffhanger (for MK at least) that never did quite get resolved, unless I missed something entirely.
The issues Moon Knight appears in for the Damnation event are as follows, in chronological order:
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #1-2
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #15
Doctor Strange (Vol. 4/2015), #387
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #3
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1/2017), #16-17
Doctor Strange: Damnation (Vol. 1/2018), #4
And with that, I'll leave you with something that could have been and something I will never miss a chance to bring up: Greg Smallwood's Midnight Sons (I WEEP for roads not taken, let me tell you)
I hope there's something in here that is of interest to you! Happy reading!
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four-bandaids · 1 year
list eight shows for your followers to get to know you! thank u for tagging me lovely juliaaaaa @raplinenthusiasts 🥰 will be adding comments hence 'read more' cut incoming!
BREAKING BAD (2008-2013) / BETTER CALL SAUL (2015-2022): i'm nOT TRYING TO CHEAT with the first entry but brba literally changed my life. (met one of my best friends EVER through that show for instance!!) and later on bcs somehow managed to flip that blueprint while being in the same universe of the original show. vince gilligan and peter gould created masterful, succulent narratives that don't simply hold up upon rewatch too - they get better and better the more details you glean between the frames.
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE (2018): mike flanagan projects hit different for me, but none more so than hill house. it is an adaptation in every sense of the word (you'll get a different yet equally fulfilling experience reading the shirley jackson source material) but the differences lead us to a heartbreaking story that is unflinchingly real. it really showcases that "horror" isn't confined to certain genre conventions. rather, it thematically threads through every facet of life. accepting that and coming to terms with what scares us most can provide the healing we need.
MARVEL'S DAREDEVIL (2015-2018): i admit to being a sucker for the ~gritty superhero aesthetic. also found families. then the melodrama of losing/regaining them. go ahead and emotionally scar me with erstwhile religious guilt and it scratches a narrative itch i love to indulge in.
THE NEWSROOM (2012-2014): on the flip side, aaron sorkin bombast - all the heartrending swell that comes with it - is also wildly entertaining to me. this series in particular came out when i was toying with the idea of being a broadcast journalist myself (went to school for it and everything) and it was fascinating to hinge some of my hopes of what newsrooms could be. this show has one of my favorite pilots ever.
SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS (2018-2019): the only good thing facebook watch ever did and they went ahead and canceled it... this underrated rumination on what it means to move on after a loved one's death once again falls into the Too Real™ category. it's heavy so i will provide fair warning before recommending it to anyone. but if like me you garner comfort from seeing hard topics depicted in fictional form, you'll understand why i wanted, more than anything, for this show to continue til a satisfying close.
IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA (2005-present): my white idiots. that is all.
THE OA (2016-2019): this was too ahead of its time which pisses me off to no end because MORE PEOPLE NEEDED TO APPRECIATE BRIT AND ZAL'S ARTISTRY. their commitment to testing the boundaries of our beliefs and understanding about humanity as a whole is unrivaled. through sci-fi/fantasy tropes they encourage us to be there and care for each other despite unanswerable questions. there are things we simply cannot know about the power of human connection, and that's okay. love anyway.
LODGE 49 (2018-2019): these two years in particular seems to have provided me with the best, most impactful television and i am not complaining. everything i love surrounds death and how to deal with it. moreover, in the case of lodge 49, we're expressly told again and again that being where we are is enough. despite living in the shadow of sorrow and loss, we deserve tranquility and acceptance just as we are. aaand now i just convinced myself to do a rewatch.
tagging @satellitemp4 @tbelchers @cordiallyfuturedwight @captainbobbiedraper @garethsedwards @girlpash @ellargent @betharmon 🤍
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elfdragon12 · 10 months
You know... I think my personal top 5 Transformers stories in no particular order are:
Beast Wars
Bumblebee 2018/ROTB
G1 Sunbow cartoon
BW just overall has really good and consistent character writing and development with a nice balance of silly kids show to serious thought-provoking story. The graphics and rendering are indeed dated but the actual animation looks better than a lot of later shows (TFP, CV, and ES are some of the only computer animated TF shows that hold up against it). Say what you will of Blackarachnia/Silverbolt, Blackarachnia never once takes a back seat to SB (he's her malewife) after they get together and her story is always hers (unfortunately rare for m/f ships). Everyone wants the Dinobot arc even if they can't figure out why it was so good (I'd say WFC was the closest to replicating the true spirit of it). It's also what I grew up with.
IDW2 has so many female characters, well-known and obscure, and I love them all (no Furman nonsense here!). Plus, good queer ships right off the bat with none I dislike. I also find the setup for Cybertronian society really interesting and I enjoyed the exploration of a society that has so heavily defined itself by its war trauma. I appreciated the handling of Geomotus. Also, I very much appreciated how fair it was to organic races (pity it was canceled before Ruckley could include humans). I also felt like this series had a better handling on how to make safety vs freedom a more balanced argument (for example, I did sympathize with the struggle of the Constructicons, but WHEW! That's a good show as to why leaders held the people back even if it was a bit self-fulfilling prophecy).
BBB/ROTB are what we wanted for live action films. They're not high art, but they have good characters, fun action, decent pacing, nice character designs, and touching moments. The human drama doesn't overshadow the Transformers story the fans are here for.
G1 is the OG, what can I say? It's an 80s show meant to sell toys to kids, but it's still good (as long as you remember what it is). While there certainly are some episodes that are very... Episode, there are also some legitimately good stories. Also, I personally loved season 2 just being a long string of character vignettes (the two Tracks episodes are top tier as well as the Blaster. There are a lot of good organic characters, including some really good female characters. It's a fun time, overall.
The second youngest Transformers series has had a pretty strong showing for a first season (the season finale was rushed and wonky, but that reeked of the showrunners getting yanked around without a clear answer on whether they got a season 2 or not and, unfortunately, not unusual for the franchise). The animation is top notch, blending 2D and 3D really well. The fight choreography is exciting. The family dynamic is heartwarming. I extra love Swindle here with his brother, Hardtop. The hints of the past have been enticing and I'm curious as to what further reveals are in store.
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uneessencesensible · 1 year
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N°2018 – Dimanche 14 mai 2023
« C’est quoi le bonheur selon toi ? »
C’est vivre sa vie comme on le souhaite. C’est accepter que la tristesse, la colère, la peine et tant d’autres sentiments négatifs ne sont pas des options dans notre existence. Nous avons besoin d’eux pour avancer, pour apprendre, pour savoir gérer les crises suivantes. Le bonheur, c’est aussi accepter de gérer sa culpabilité quand elle nous rend visite. C’est embrasser les bons moments et affronter les mauvais. C’est trouver son équilibre entre la vie personnelle et la vie professionnelle. C’est faire ce qu’on aime, avoir des passions, profiter de la nature, de ses proches. C’est se lever tard parfois, parce qu’on a besoin de se reposer. C’est un bon plat gourmand, réconfortant. C’est parfois glander devant la télévision ou même dans son lit et rêvasser. Le bonheur, c’est vaste. Généralement, il se situe dans de petites choses. Il n’est pas nécessaire de faire de grands projets tout le temps pour être heureux. Puis, tout dépend de ce qu’on y met. Nous sommes tous différent et la réponse sera forcément différente en fonction de chacun.
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sketch-shepherd-art · 2 years
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Felt like re-editing this old drawing of some THoK background characters in the form of a Pegasus couple I did back in early 2021, but in my new and improved digital art style. 
In all fairness it’s not really the art itself that was bad, i just had an absolute dogshit quality scanner that made my art look really ugly. I still think this new version looks better nonetheless. Redbubble link here 
Btw they’re still based off these itty bitty Pegasus toys I got back in 2018
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popculturelib · 1 year
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The Beanie Baby Craze and Bust
In the 1990’s, the Beanie Baby craze swept through America. First appearing in 1993 at the World Toy Fair in New York City, these small stuffed animals were filled with P.V.C. Pellets and came in all shapes in sizes -- from common animals to characters from popular culture. Many collected them, seeking out the rarest versions they could find. Some displayed their Beanie Babies, others played with them and made clothes for them. The “Original Nine” Beanie Babies were: Legs the Frog, Squealer the Pig, Brownie the Bear (later renamed Cubbie the Bear), Flash the Dolphin, Splash the Whale, Patti the Platypus, Chocolate the Moose, Spot the Dog, and Pinchers the Lobster!
But the craze didn’t last. On January 1, 1999, Ty released twenty-four Beanie Babies into their product line, which completely discouraged collectors. Twenty-four new Beanies cost around $120, when stores were selling them for the $5 they were supposed to go for. Collectors usually collect in order to gain all or most of the product, so when the line becomes unmanageable, they begin to lose interest. Because Ty had flooded the market with Beanie Babies, collectors were now seeing their collections lose value. By the early 2000s, sales had declined by 90 percent from the craze years. In 2018, older Beanies sold for anywhere from $2 to $30,000 through online retailers. Ty continues to make plush toys, but they are much more readily available.
Our Collection
This collection, donated by Matthew Wilson, includes one box of Beanie Babies of all kinds. They are organized chronologically by release year. Many of the Beanie Babies do not have hang tags (the red, heart-shaped Ty tags), and some do not have tush tags, making Beanie identification difficult. Several hang tags show signs of damage, especially folding. Several tags have protective covers on them.
We have many of the classic Beanie Babies, such as Patti the Platypus (1993), as well as several examples of special lines. The most complete special line we have is the 2004 McDonald’s promotion. Of the twelve Beanies released, we have six of them. The McDonald’s Beanie Babies are recognizable by their smaller size and distinctive McDonald’s logo on the chest. We also have an example from the Zodiac line (Goat, 2000), the Pinky’s line (Gemma, 2005), the Pluffies line (Basketball, 2005), and the Alphabet Beanies collection (I and G, 2005). There are also several holiday themed beanies in regular, extra-large, and teenie beanie sizes.
For more information about our Beanie Baby collection, check out our finding aid at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl/Collections/beanies.html.
The Browne Popular Culture Library, founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
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