#townie rescue
sanssouci-sims · 8 months
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now just what in the hell is this guy thinking with this career outfit
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shiningstages · 1 year
"Thank you for accompanying me, Alice", well, accompanying was probably the wrong word (bodyguarding might be closer to the truth), but the words and feeling is genuine, if not slightly apologetic. There's a small bouquet in their hands, carefully plucked and arranged to the best of their ability of wildflowers, and the reason for why they had asked for her help. Even if some of the monsters close to the village were peaceful, that couldn't be said for all of them (and Akira didn't want to accidentally anger any of them either). Now, all they hoped was that Shino would forgive them for their small argument. "I'll treat you to dinner as thanks—um, if you're fine with that, of course."
"It's no problem at all, Akira! I'm just glad you asked me to tag along; the woods can still be pretty dangerous, even among the safer areas." Not that Alice was...particularly hinting at anyone going off into dangerous territories on their own to do god-knows-what and then get surprised by some monster or fiend. Priscilla springs to mind when the ranger looks over the flowers Akira had picked, though. She was just glad that Akira the towny was such a responsible citizen that she didn't have to worry as much about...And yet their reasoning for their outing is of course on her mind. "Oh, you don't have to do that. Helping out a friend in need is enough for me." She starts with a smile, finally returning Akira's gaze again. "...I'm sure Shino will like these, though, and then you two making up will be more than enough payment too. But if you two need anymore help, don't hesitate to ask, okay?"
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imthepunchlord · 9 months
So, I haven't played PMD Gates to Infinity, but started watching a walkthrough of it, and the beginning of it struck me as a promising idea for a PMD game: your partner wants to build up a town.
Adding a town management aspect to it sounds like a great inclusion for a PMD game.
You literally start with nothing, you have only you and your partner to rely on at the start in the barren wilderness where there are dangerous wild pokemon about, and your base is a hollow tree that you hide in. You get news and supplies initially through nomadic traders that may go by your spot, you may also see them in dungeons and they'll do trade with you. These guys will also start you off with hints, rumors, and quests to help start building up that town.
You'll go into dungeons to save certain NPCs who would be willing to join you and help build up that dream town. You go into dungeons to gather up materials and food. Maybe seeds to do a little bit of farming. You'll go in at the request of pokemon that will join if you see their requests through. You could also do crisis mission that could pop up, like the river suddenly stops flowing so you need to go into the near dungeon to find out why.
And through your efforts, gradually homes will be built in that once barren spot you and your partner called home, and the land will get more green and vibrant. Some of those nomadic traders may even settle in your town if you'll have them, setting up shops. You can see a bank built up, a rescue base for those that will defend the town while you're away, homes for farmers, a mail hub, ect..
And as it gets going, you and your partner can go talk to townies every day, offer them gifts to boost friendship, and see if there's anything they need. You can see events where there are disputes that you can help resolve. You can even have some pokemon come up and challenge you two for the right to run the town, and it could be that some may want to fight you for it, some want to do a challenge of gathering materials, it could even be a popularity vote.
If incorporating a friendship system, that could influence how well you do when the town is in danger. Playing off that this is a more dangerous world of pokemon, so towns and villages are super rare and typically hidden, your town can be at risk of raids. They can be like randomized Monster Houses that happen outside your town. If you got at least decent friendship with NPCs you gathered, they'll rush up to help you fight and defend the town, while those you have lower friendship with will go hide, though maybe certain ones will go fight anyway, friendship good or not.
And of course mid game you'll have your story related to why you're there in the pokemon world, insert legendaries and big disaster here; but at the initial core, it's just the idea of having a town management in a PMD game and it just sounded so fitting and could've been a lot of fun. And it could've gone further than what GtF brought in as a concept, as I don't think being next to an already established settlement really helped with that idea.
But really starting from scratch, going into dungeons to get NPCs and materials, that should've been the way to do it.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
Family is More than Blood
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Klaus and Raelyn's daughters and son head to the Salvatore school. Each of their children carries the weight of wanting to represent the family name the best they can. But when monsters come to destroy Mystic Falls that won't be as easy as they think.
1 - Never Get a Break
2 - We're More Than A School
3 - Back to Mystic High
4 - First Date and Snooping Parents
5 - Another Short Honeymoon
6 - Saltzman Family Reunion
7 - Mikaelson Kids Are Key
8 - Family Vacation
9 - Mystic Falls Tradition
10 - Mikaelson Bickering
11 - A Day Helping Witches and Werewolves
12 - Rescuing Rae
13 - Once Upon A Baby
14 - Back to New Orleans
15 - Humans and Supernaturals Together
16 - I'm the Loophole
17 - The Auburn-hair Girl
18 - Decisions and Realizations
19 - Time Away From Work…
20 - Andrea’s Theory
21 - Keeping us up at Night
22 - Memories and Tricky Games
23 - Super Squad Assemble
24 - One Step Ahead Always
25 - Kai Parker Screwed Us
26 - Blasts From The Past
27 - Some Familiar Faces
28 - Where We Started
29 - Not Klaus’s Plan
30 - Raelyn’s Trigger
31 - Not out the woods Yet
32 - Acting like Teenagers
33 - Resisting Urges
34 - We All Have Darkness
35 - The Save Raelyn Squad
36 - Finally Defeating the Hollow
37 - The Mikaelson Grandchild
38 - Switching Date Plans
39 - An Ordinary Vampire
40 - The Saltzman Merge
41 - Baby Mikaelson Twins
42 - Happy Valentine’s Day
43 - Valentine’s Day pt 2
44 - Mother for a Day
45 - No Simple Conversations
46 - Looking out for Others
47 - Vampire Friends
48 - Not The Only Broken One
49 - The Price of Landon Kirby
50 - What Being Left Out Causes
51 - The Lane Family Darkness
52 - Dark Raelyn
53 - What Are Her Intentions
54 - Start Thinking With Your Head
55 - Idiot Townies
56 - Changing the Course
57 - They Grow Up Too Fast
58 - Family Certainty Does Change
59 - The Most Reckless Plan Ever Imagined
60 - Missing What We Had
Comments really appreciated ❤️
- Read the first book called Gemini Runaway before this one.
Tag list - just ask to be added @secretdreamlandmentality @melvia-ito @kmc1989 @tallrock35
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bonefall · 1 year
I'm a little bit obsessed with the wider societal implications of the clan cats getting discovered, I mean, what does this mean for cats? Do they have to pay taxes now or something?
Imagine that we discovered Clan cats. Right at the same time they did-- 2008-ish. You see it on the news, they have a science man in a coat holding a pretty normal looking tabby with a radio collar.
You've always known cats were smart, yeah, this is a universe where it's widely accepted that cats rank somewhere around chimpanzees and ravens on the intelligence scale. But this is still pretty shocking! Wow! The science man is talking about evidence of fire use, the destruction of the White Hart woods over in Chelford, the attack on the bulldozer, and how the colony seems to have fled.
He explains that the team's goal is to find the rest of them again and study what exactly makes them so special, if the cat they're holding (he calls her Millie, explains she was rescued from a shelter) is exactly the same as these wild cats. IF they can be found again-- they're still not sure if they disbanded.
It seems obvious to you. Of COURSE they're all the same. You're a Chelford townie, you've seen the strays with their funny little spike collars. Did they all think there was some dude putting them on for the past 20 years? The vindication is nice.
You follow it pretty avidly for the next few weeks, but most people have short attention spans. The cat discovery doesn't even dominate the headlines for more than a few days before the lack of updates makes it fall off in favor of some new celebrity or economy thing.
When the Clan cats are found again, a year later near the big lake east of Hengest, it's exciting. It's 2009 now and the team is trying to get more updates out to the public. It's not the sensation it was a year ago, but you're happy to see the little guys around.
You're finally able to see some trail cam footage, the cat everyone calls Cheeto picks one up and drops it down a ravine, there's memes, everyone's in love with it.
But what does this... really change about your daily life? Not much.
You still go to work, you still hang out with your buddies and have your human problems. Cats still don't get citizenship or pay taxes-- why would they now when they never have? Chimps don't. YOU side eye your lazy cat when you have to pop open a can of food for him, but for the most part, it's just business as usual.
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ares-the-great · 11 days
It's All Hocus Pocus Legacy
Do you enjoy legacy challenges? Do you like the weird and the strange? The spooky and kooky? Well, do I have a challenge for you.
Introducing the Hocus Pocus Legacy Challenge, a full ten generations centered around the Occults and Weird Sim quirks the Sims 4 has to offer it's audience.
The Basic Rules are as Follows
This is for normal lifespan, but you can make it harder by playing on short, or easier by playing on long.
You can either do this as a rags to riches, or use money cheats for the initial house, but no other money cheats after.
The next generation can start as early as child age.
You can start the next generation before you finish the previous, but you have to finish the first to finish the next.
You can use university to excel careers, but no cheating is allowed. Generation Ten HAS to go to university to finish the challenge.
You can immediately age up newborns if you want too, and can only prematurely age up infants if you have 5+ milestones completed. Toddlers-Teens have to live through the whole timespan.
Heirs can be any child (Favoritism is cherished here).
To make the sims the occults they need to be, you can either cheat it, or make their other parent that occult. Either way is allowed.
You have to keep every gravestone from past generations. You can leave them in the household inventory, or make a ‘graveyard’.
Each Generation has to have a Good Relationship with Grim.
Enjoy, and have fun!
- Species - Human
- Aspiration - Best Selling Author
- Traits - Squeamish, Paranoid, Creative
- Career - Writer
- Max Skills - Medium, Writing, Photography
Live in a haunted house your whole Adult/Elder life
Write at least 3 Scary Stories
Become a paranormal investigator as an adult
Befriend Bonehilda
Have at least two children before becoming an adult
Have at least 5 friends that are ghosts
- Species - Human
- Aspiration - Freelance Botanist
- Traits - Loves the Outdoors, Hot Headed, Vegetarian
- Career - Gardener
- Max Skills - Gardening, Handiness, Mixology
Live in Henford on Bagley from young adult until you die
Have an oversized pumpkin patch
Befriend Patchy
Carve Pumpkins every Saturday
Have at least three partners before settling down as an Adult
Have at least one child with each partner, and none with your endgame Spouse
- Species - Spellcaster
- Aspiration - Spellcraft and Sorcery
- Traits - Genius, Self Assured, Bookworm
- Career - Engineer
- Max Skills - Charisma, Logic, Gemology, Wise (Optional)
Grow and Maintain a Gem Tree
Run a Yard sale for Jewelry every Sunday
Befriend two spellcaster mentors, Fall in love with the Third
Become a high ranking Spellcaster before becoming an Elder
Have a familiar
Have Twins or Triplets
- Species - Vampire
- Aspiration - Vampire Family
- Traits - Family Oriented, Lovebug, Neat
- Career - Romance Consultant
- Max Skills - Romance, Parenting, Vampire Lore
Be Mentored by Daddy Vladdy as a Young Adult
Marry one of the Vatore Siblings
Have at least one kid with a Townie living in Ciudad Enamorada, and as many as you want with your spouse
Complete the Axolotl Collection
Drink from at least three different Werewolves
Have good relationships with all of your children
- Species - Werewolf
- Aspiration - Lone Wolf
- Traits - Erratic, Glutton, Cat Lover
- Career - Veterinarian
- Max Skills - Veterinarian, Fitness, Cross Stitch
Own and run a Vet Clinic in Moonwood Mill
Become Best Friends or Enemies with Greg
Reach a High Rank Wolf before you marry your partner
Have three Cats at all times. When one dies, adopt or rescue a new one
Complete the Feather Collection
Make your own Wolf Pack
- Species - Mermaid
- Aspiration - Live Fast (Teen), Beach Life
- Traits - Child of the Ocean, Kleptomaniac, Party Animal
- Career - Criminal, Boss Branch
- Max Skills - Mischief, Singing, Cooking
Live in Sulani as soon as you turn into a Young Adult
Complete the Seashell Collection
Marry and have kids with an Alien
Keep all of your Teenage Friendships at a High Relationship
Befriend a dolphin
Have at least 6 Enemies
Species - Alien
- Aspiration - Playtime Captain (Child), Angling Ace
- Traits - Cringe, Goofball, Overachiever
- Career - Fisherman
- Max Skills - Fishing, Baking, Rocket Science
Have a high relationship with your alien parent
Have a Highschool Sweetheart, Marry them, and then Divorce as adults
Complete the Fish Collection
Attend every Aliens Night at the Bars
Build a Rocket and travel to Sixam
Have a total of 5 Kids before finishing the Generation
- Species - Alien or Human
- Aspiration - Master Chef
- Traits - Cheerful, Green Fiend, Nosy
- Career - Restaurant Freelance
- Max Skills - Cooking, Piano, Wellness
Own and Run own a Five Star Restaurant
Do a yoga routine every day
Travel to The Forgotten Grotto
Complete the Snowglobe Collection
Marry a Glutton
Adopt all of your Kids
- Species - Human
- Aspiration - Country Caretaker
- Traits - Animal Lover, Dance Machine, Noncommittal
- Career - Video Game Streamer (Teen-Young Adult)
- Max Skills - DJ Mixing, Comedy, Video Gaming
Always live on a lot with the Simple Living Lot Trait
Have and Maintain the perfect garden
Travel to the Sylvan Glade
Complete the Gem Collection
Have a least one Cow or Llama
Have a Wishing Well that you use on a daily basis
- Species - Human
- Aspiration - Whiz Kid, Academic, Public Enemy
- Traits - Evil, Perfectionist, Ambitious
- Career - Scientist
- Max Skills - Mischief, Logic, Research and Debate
Have ten Enemies before becoming a Young Adult
Go to all four terms of University for Physics (distinguished or not)
Complete the metals collection
Prank at least 5 Sims a day
Leave two Sims at the Altar
Never Marry
Let me know if you want an extra gen or two, since I didn't use strangerville :p
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snapghoul · 1 year
SoapGhost Aus that have been bouncing around in my head
I have thought way too much about these, they’re really long but I crave these fics.
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Mer/Biologist Au: (this already kinda exists) Shark/or Orca mer!Ghost, Biologist!Soap who works at a rescue aquarium/museum. Ghost gets caught in one of they’re nets while tracking a recent release, while soap is on a day off. He get brought back to base(what Soap and Gaz call it) and put into a holding tank, Ghost is not very fond of that. Unknown to Ghost, there is another Mer in the aquarium already, Price a shark/or Orca as well who unfortunately cannot be released since he needs prosthetic fins after begging attacked, and lives in the main room (a huge tank, like the Chimelong Ocean Kingdom). He mostly hides during public hours in a connected tank away from eyes, but he is very kind to the staff (only 141 & laswell). How Soap and Ghost first meet is Ghost drags Soap under while he’s walking across the catwalk of the holding tank. Ensue Soap trying to befriend the grumpy Mer. OTHER CHARACTERS: Alex probably a dark blue Discus Mer (bc I think blue suits him but can be changed). Farah could be either Biologist or Mer, Graves definitely works at the aquarium and is a meanie, don’t know where Shepard fits but definitely a bad guy. Alejandro and Rudy are definitely both Mers. Valeria is baddie, but in a good way, she helps the mers but is disliked by Alejandro bc she (purposely) almost ran him over after a argument.
Wolf Walker Au: Soap is a wolf walker and Ghost is a Townie who’s family was killed by wolf walkers. Soap lives with his family in the woods, he is the only male in his family (bc honestly this man acts like he grew up with all sisters) and struggles to protect them from hunters set on destroying them. Chomps down on Ghost, who tracked him down one night, he didn’t mean to but Ghost had him pinned. Now Ghost is panicking bc he is the hunter become the hunted, something he’s hated forever. Soap thinks is fun after he gets snapped at my his mother. Ghost tells Price, another hunter, who tells Gaz who tells Roach, who tells the rest of the 141 hunters. They all swear not to hunt him unless he hurts a human. Ghost agrees. Eventually Soaps family gets tracked & captured in wolf form and is held captive in the town. Soap goes feral bc we love. Ghost is torn bc he known the pain of loosing family but he can’t let soap hurt innocent people. Ghost & the others talk him down and devise a new plan to free his family. It goes side ways, but ends with them being free. The 141 hunters follow the wolf walkers to a new forest to build new away from the hate.
Dragon Rider Au: we love a classic dragon fic. This stems from another Au by someone I can’t remember their name, buts they’re is based off GOT, where Ghost is a Targaryen (I think?) I love that Au. This Au is similar but with out the GOT, where Soap is a knight that gets saved by a dragon rider during battle, he never gets the rider name but remembers the dragon vividly and the mask. Soap wanted to be a rider but his knighthood to his monarch forbids him from riding, so he often thinks of the rider. Until one day the baron of house Riley is known to visit, Soap nearly fell over when the dragon that lingered in his thoughts blasted him with strong gusts from its wings. And it’s the masked rider! Soap is excited to see him again and finally thank him for saving his life. Then Soap gets assigned to Baron Riley to aid in a soothing rising conflict in bordering lands, he is even more excited. Less excited to learn he gets stuck on the ground with his horse while his leader is overhead. Soap eventually cracks the Baron and becomes close friends, he also gets to ride the dragon when they get separated, leaving soap with Ghost’s dragon. I think Soap should get his own at some point and then they can both be menaces of the sky.
Artist/Barista 141 Mafia Au: now this is also a things but this Au is just too good. Soap is a artist who works at a local cafe with his best friend Gaz, a free lance photographer. They live together and are chaotic besties. The cafe is a front for the 141 group, the leader Price owning it, both Soap and Gaz and unaware, bc Price is a stickler for keeping everything under tight wraps. Ghost is second in command is a feared by most members for being so ruthless and cold. He hangs around in the corners menacingly but is SO smitten for Soap, he is absolute fool when he speaks to the artist, like he’s so thankful for his mask or he’d be a glow stick with how red he gets, and he always complains to Roach after he embarrasses himself again. Roach thinks it’s funny but will stick with his bestie as his wingbug. One night after closing, Gaz and soap get snatched by Shadow company, 141’s biggest rival, they destroy the cafe and hold the boys for ransom. Both a confused like “who?” Cut to hurt comfort, after the two get tortured and tossed to the street after the shadows realize they really don’t know anything and Price finds them with busted noses, wet clothes and so many bruises. Ghost is infuriated when Price returns with them all busted up but informed of what their place of employment actually is. A lot of gang fights and plan to remove shadow company from the city, Soap gets to blow stuff up, Ghost gets a lil better at voicing his feels for soap (still bright red tho) and Price gains to new members who are way better at fighting then their other jobs. Also I feel like 141 would be a classy mafia, like 3 peice suits with slim bullet vests and under arm holsters.
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anamoon63 · 9 months
Rather Long Sims 4 Rant
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Before I continue with my The Sims 4 stories, it is with sadness that I inform you that the Wilsons recently lost the beautiful celebrity home they had just moved into. I don’t know exactly what happened, what I know is that it happened right after the For Rent EP update (which I didn’t buy or install, but yes, I did update). From that day on, my sims, who were on vacation in Sulani at the time, were unable to get back in the house. Every time they tried to return, the game would get stuck eternally at the loading screen. I tried everything, even evicting them and returning them to the house. Nothing, just the screen kept loading forever.
I also tried to demolish the lot to re-install the house, but every time I did this, (and I tried a lot of times), the game either crashed or kept loading infinitely. After many attempts of a lot of things like repairing the game, resetting it to factory settings, removing my mods folder, restoring saves, and all the solutions I know (I am die hard when it comes to troubleshooting The Sims), I finally decided to leave it alone and accept that my sims would never recover their beloved house and that they had to move.
Now they’re happily living again in Brindleton Bay, in one of the bigger houses there; they are comfortable, and going on with their lives, though I still really miss and long for the other house, which is still sitting there, since I have not been able to demolish it to put a new one. It’s still stuck there, which annoys me to no end cause I like my cities clean and functional, and just knowing that there is an abandoned and inactive house there really upsets me.
I know I could start a new save and install the house in a clean Del Sol Valley, but that would mean Allan and his family would lose all their current social and work relationships, which at this point for me is unthinkable, with all the networking they have established, co-workers, school friends, romances, etc. Plus, what about all the makeovers I did to everyone they knew? I mean, I saved every townie I made over in my library, but would I have to reinstall them one by one? Maybe, but how? I still don’t know much about this game; I know that in The Sims 3 it wouldn’t be a problem for me.
Anyway, the Wilson’s story wasn’t over, it wasn’t difficult to move them, the only thing that hurt me were Allan and Zoe’s awards, trapped in their lost home. But in one of the rare and fortunate times that I was able to enter the bugged house in build mode, I saved the room where the awards were in my library, and then installed it in the Wilson’s new house. That’s how I rescued the awards that now lie on a shelf in Allan and Zoe’s new bedroom. I continued to play and got a lot more photo footage of them, in addition to what I had before the update disaster. By the way, this is the first time I’ve had problems with an update, of any kind. I pride myself in being an expert at troubleshooting The Sims, but I guess I still have a lot to learn regarding The Sims 4, which is a relatively new game for me.
Anyway, I plan to uninstall the entire game soon and reinstall it on my other hard drive cause I’m running out of space and will need more since I plan to get a few other game packs in the future. Once my game is reinstalled, I’d love to be able to demolish the ruined house in Del Sol Valley and, if possible, reinstall it on the cleaned-up lot to give the Wilsons back the home they lost. So, if by any chance someone read this very long post to the end, and has gone through something similar to this, (i.e. not being able to enter a house but also not being able to demolish it in order to reinstall it), please let me know if you were able to solve it and how. Any new ideas, other than everything I already mentioned and all those obvious solutions around on EA’s Q&A, would be welcome.
Sorry for the rant, and thanks for reading this far. 🩷
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Note: The house is Famous Mansion, in the Sims 4 Gallery, by emma4101, original by JL_Sims 4. Never had issues with it before.
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mickimagnum · 2 months
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I was tagged forever ago by @harmonia-sims and this has sat in my drafts ever since, so here it finally is!
NAME: Marin Rose Miller
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5'8"
FAVORITE FLOWER: English Daisies
FAVORITE SCENT: Anything Pear Scented
COFFEE, TEA, or HOT CHOCOLATE: Coffee, especially after starting college AND doing her veterinary internship.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5, if she's lucky.
DOGS or CATS: While Marin loves all animals, dogs are her FAVORITE.
DREAM TRIP: Glamping and horseback riding in Chestnut Ridge
NUMBER OF BLANKETS: Infinite. She keeps baskets of throws all over her house. She can never have enough cozy items.
RANDOM FACT: Marin rescues strays, trains them, and adopts them out to townies in need of a loving companion. (it doesn't hurt that it brings fresh faces into her vet clinic either...)
I previously did a 3 Facts post about Marin. If you're interested you can read more about her here.
I'll tag: @invisiblequeen | @changingplumbob | @blvckentropy | @bakersimmer | @bloomingkyras
-OR- If I didn't tag you and you want to do it, consider yourself tagged, my friend!
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tracybirds · 7 months
Happy March of the OCs!!
A bunch of people kindly let me make a Sims version of their OCs for a Thunderbirds save I was making, just to have as background characters instead of the regular townies. So here's what I made based off their descriptions, and some links so you can look at the wonderful creations in which they originated! And feel free to let me know if you have some OCs you'd be okay with adding to the project!
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Firstly, we have Jasmine and Jade, two treasure hunters in need of International Rescue's helping hand, from @katblu42's wonderful story Jasmine and Jade [Tumblr | AO3]
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Next, we have the Raoul rangers, from @gumnut-logic's Kermadec AU! From top left to bottom right; Mel Fisher, Elspeth Rana, and Sam and Liam Coyle :D I'm very, very fond of these folks! Mel is my personal favourite, simply because I love her passion for conservation and how she gives Scott a good run for his money haha (metaphorically AND literally!)
They first feature in We'll Be Home For Christmas, which can be found here [AO3] (I know it's on Tumblr somewhere too, but I am struggling to find it oops)
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Next is Everett Sanders and Jules Sheridan, created by @whatgaviiformes for the infamous Chicken Dad series (long live Chicken Dad!!) which begins here! Although they're both Gordon's friend, Everett and Virgil have their own special connection, which is explored here (and is in my incredibly unbiased opinion, adorable). Everything is also happily on Tumblr for copious reblogging here!
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Next is the Carter family, created by @louthestarspeaker! From top left to right bottom, we have Brook and Kim, then their children Desiray, Eagan, and Laurie. Laurie is a good friend of Alan's and features in the fic Shoulder to Shoulder [Tumblr | AO3]
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Next are Squirt and Alisha, created by @squiddokiddo
Squirt and Gordon have lots of sweet interactions together, which you can check out here, and Alisha is Kayo's girlfriend and can can be found here and here. There might be some art that's slipped through the cracks of tagging so here's their OC art tag to enjoy alllllllll the art :D
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Finally, Arthur and Andrew John Trumbull, created by @tikatu. Andrew John features in The White Winds as Fermat's roommate, which can be found on ffnet here. Arthur is his father. There's quite a number of OCs, since Tikatu's created a whole Wharton's for Alan and Fermat, and I have not gotten around to making everyone ><
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cantseemtohide · 3 months
Hi it's me and I'm in your inbox ✌🏽
If your sims were to be interviewed, who would say the nicest thing about you and who would say the meanest?
Don't by modest or shy now 😌
Hi! Thank you for the ask 😊
Nicest would probably be one of the randomly generated townies who got rescued from the void and promoted to played sim so it has to be Sunisa Pengngam, former maid of the Villareal family. I think she has done well out of my gameplay 😊
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Meanest would be Raj Rasoya. He might not say it out loud but he would be thinking it. This poor blameless sim was turned into an evil killer and when he's not being played he feels very awkward about it.
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squaretable-sims · 2 years
Make your own UberHood with all the townies!
Yes! You!  At this stage, to my knowledge, you can only do this the lazy way when creating an Uberhood new, from scratch. It may well be possible - but IDK. The ancestors... well thats a hard job which I dont think anyone wants to tackle. Not all of these subhoods add the NPCs, but most do. Its hit and miss. But thats part of the fun I guess!
Base Game
Pleasantview This is easy, meetme already did the work for us. Thanks Komei, Goopy, I guess you were too iconic. Their Simblr Here.
Strangetown Sunrader has subhoodified Dorsal Axe’s Fixed Strangetown. Dorsal Axe’s is a dream for purists who merely wish to not borkify their games. Find Sunrader’s Website here. 
Once again, Sunrader comes to the rescue. They used A technique of their own invention to extract Townies and NPCs, added them to MeetMe’s template, and then converted to a subhood. Once again, their website is here.
Introducing ZachJohnUnlimited on MTS. While he has gone through the process of adding Townies and NPCs to MeetMe’s Bluewater Village, Riverblossom Hills and Desiderata Valley using CAS, this is their work from scratch, and includes all of the Dormies plus extra lore.  Find Sim State University, La Fiesta Tech and Academie Le Tour on their MTS Post here. 
Downtown Did you know all the Downtownies were made in CAS? I didn’t. Yes, that includes Joy Despret Lakshmi Byall. Find them on Meetme’s Livejournal, the place which started this all.
Open for Business, Seasons and Freetime
Bluewater Village Zach has manually recreated the townies which werent yeeted by meetme, here in Bluewater Village. Get it from MTS here.
Riverblossom Hills As above, plus a version with the RBH NPCs. Get it from MTS here.
Desiderata Valley As above again. Get it from MTS here
Apartment Life
Belladonna Cove I did the work of converting TheNeonPlumb’s CAS work myself. Get the deetz on that thread. This and Downtown are the only ones with no NPCs. Get it from my Simblr here. 
Bon Voyage
I don’t think there are clean templates. Can someone let me know if there is one? Twikkii Island and especially Takemizu Village are diabolical. Three Lakes gets a pass (a mountain pass, hahaha). Just use the ones that ship with the game, god. Unrelated, ProfesionalPartyGuest has done a good job at making Locals which are less terrible. click on the hood names earlier to find em.
Thanks to @knut-rocketman who helped me with putting this list together over discord when I was off my face on Vertigo medication (I made my game into a BFBVS several times). Jawusa’s empty hoods might also be of use.
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jhernan-dez · 9 months
Need someone to write a Yellowjackets Hunger Games AU. But where Jackie and Shauna are reaped together.
I think Jackie would be a townie like Peeta, who's well liked and popular. Shauna is from the seam and they were somehow still childhood best friends.
Jackie would be reaped first. Shauna would go to volunteer, but Tai would stop her.
When Javi is reaped next- Shauna would volunteer. She used to babysit him, she wouldn't lose them both. She volunteers and everyone would see it as a sisterly act, but she knew she did it to go with Jackie.
I think Jackie would play up to the Capital like Peeta did in the first book. While Shauna is all broody and mysterious, like Katniss.
Nat would be their mentor. She had survived her games when she was 15, two years prior. She would be a drunk or a junkie too- but she would try to help them. Shauna and Nat would make a deal to keep Jackie safe- but then Nat would pick Shauna to help more.
I think Jackie would lie about being "in Love" with Shauna to get them both attention and support for the games. But Shauna would be horrified because she's already in love with Jackie.
When the games start- Shauna and Jackie would be initially separated - but Shauna would ultimately fight her way to Jackie and keep her alive.
To get them food and supplies from sponsors- Jackie would play up their romance while Shauna fought to keep her sanity.
The whole thing would be gay and angsty. Shauna would think the whole thing was an act, and she would be good at playing up her part while being just as good at dismissing the whole thing later. But Jackie would be falling hard for Shauna. She would see Shauna in a new light, not as just her old friend, but instead as the person who volunteered for the hunger games to keep her alive, the person who fought for her, killed for her and now lives with her, the person who loved her more than anything or anyone. .
Their games would be a few years before the rebellion.
So when they both win- they get a few years as victors and mentors before the rebellion really kicks off. Shauna would join the rebellion without fail, just like Johanna and Finnick had in the books, while Jackie would just worry for Shauna.
Shauna would be reaped again for the quarter quell. Jackie would get reaped as well, but Nat would volunteer for her.
Jackie would end up being taken like Annie was. Shauna would be going crazy without her in 13.
They would get a tearful and heartfelt reunion once Jackie gets rescued. And they would be engaged to be married and traumatized together after the war ended.
Ahhh.... I just can't write it! Too many ideas and no skill to execute it!
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curiousb · 4 months
The Tilney Family Album: Volume XIX
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Being an elder isn't slowing Lizzy down. She's still hungry for knowledge...
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...and still climbing that career ladder as a result.
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Until one day, there's someone there to meet her when she gets home from work...
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As Lizzy leaves this mortal plane - through the mailbox - Henry's friend from work Jan Tellerman seems disproportionately upset over the death of someone she hardly knows. But those turn out to be crocodile tears that she's shedding...
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With Jan waiting for her moment, Henry takes consolation for his loss in his feline friend.
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Henry is surprised and flattered - he never realised that Jan might feel that way about him, although he has just received quite a nice pay-out for the loss of his beloved wife, which could certainly be contributing to his current appeal...
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Jan is sending out some rather mixed signals though. It seems she possibly finds his money attractive, but his personal attributes not quite so much.
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Over in Sanditon, it's granddaughter Esme's first birthday! She looks so much like mum Eleanor.
~ Capricorn 6 / 7 / 10 / 4 / 7
~ Adventurous / Athletic
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With the kids growing up and space in their small bungalow at a premium, Eleanor and Esther decide it's time to get their house in order, and they lay their beloved rescue dogs Max and Buffy to rest in the corner of Sanditon cemetery that has been set aside for pets; and we enjoy a spontaneous romantic interlude between Townies Marisa Bendett and Benjamin Long - aww!
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However, it soon becomes clear to everyone that the most satisfactory situation all round would be for the family to move in with widower Henry, back in Merybury, where there's plenty of space for the children to grow. Ellis's first priority is to introduce himself to Kobe.
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It's been a long while since Henry has had rugrats playing on the rug.
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But he hasn't forgotten how to be the most attentive dad/granddad ever.
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zergula · 2 years
Welcome to The Kingdom Of Kaodina
The Kingdom Of Kaodina welcomes you to our bustling yet ancient town! Our townsfolk are living their best lives as their ancestors did before them. It's a simple life in Kaodina but luckily, the townsfolk seem to have special abilities to make it a little more exciting! There's mischievous fairies, wicked witches, wild werewolves, vicious vampires, and even beautiful mermaids everywhere! There are fantasy homes, ruins, and lots of parks for your sim to explore!
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I have played Moonlight Falls and Dragon Valley far too many times. I wanted a new fantasy/medieval/tudor world to play in so I decided to try making my own! I found this gorgeous map by JanasCreatives and just had to make my very own perfect new tudor town!
Interesting Characters
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There are a lot of townies from Dragon Valley and Moonlight Falls here: The MacAnna Sisters, Robin Hooley, The Dolans, The O'Connells, The Goodfellows, The MacDuffs, Chaucey Grimm, Gladsten Farmwell, John Burb, Siobahn Murphy, Bailey and Chester Swain.
The Mudd Family is a farming family! They love to get their hands in the mud to plant, build, and more! You'll see them tending to their garden on their lovely lot all of the time!
The Blossom Fairies are best fairy friends and probably 99% responsible for all of the shenanigans around town.
Cordelia Morgan has been a resident of The Kingdom Of Kaodina since the beginning…mostly because they can't keep her out of Kaodina Bay. She is a daughter of the sea king!
Flora Root loves her little house on the peninsula. She can practice her alchemy potions, let her garden thrive, and all with an absolutely beautiful view!
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Around Town
27 community lots 74 residential lots
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There is lots to do in The Kingdom Of Kaodina! Along with all EA rabbitholes, there is:
Splash Mountain Rollercoaster by soocoolsim - set as a beach, your sims can lay under the sun, swim, snorkel, play in the water, or even ride an amazing rollercoaster!
Camp Plumbob by ruthlesskk - even medieval sims still like to camp so bring them down to this beach and pick your favorite tent!
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Royal Bulldog Pub by XOX1 - you can definitely meet some interesting folks at this dive bar!
The Old Mill - a smaller version of SimGuruKitty's Old Mill, you can catch only the best fish here. It's the town's best secret
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The Three Broomsticks by elle0808 - a lovely cafeteria where your sims can enjoy all kinds of different delicacies from around the world
Kaodina Market And Nectary - lots of fun trinkets to find here or sell your own! You will be surprised at the nectar selection as well!
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Kaodina Entertainment District is where you will find the grocery store, theater, bijou, and a fun arcade with all games.
The Opera House And Casino is Kaodina's Live Show Venue where you can see your favorite performer, play some casino games, or both!
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Country Bear Jamboree by Sandraelle - this is where all of the locals gather to have some fun
Kaodina Library has a lot of books and you can buy some at its bookstore, too! The Vault of Antiquity is here for all of your deep research needs. The Wyeth Institute art gallery is right next door!
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Visit the Gypsy Camp by LariFari2009 to purchase potions and glimpse into your future…for a price, of course.
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Prosperity Lounge and Casino by Joolster - a dance club with an underground live music room
Notre Dame de Paris by soocoolsim - an absolutely gorgeous recreation of the Notre Dame where your sims can get married, or get buried.
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Kaodina Fire And Rescue - a small station on a big lot with everything you need for the firefighter career.
Construction Pete's Junkyard - a small junkyard with lots of treasures to be found!
The Duke Of Bows Renaissance Fair - store venue edited a bit by me and set as the town gym
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The Kalua Pool by Snowmoon - a cool oasis pool ready for your next party
DunBroch Archery by Sandraelle - a recreational park where you can practice your archery, martial arts, or just enjoy the scenery
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Orchard House - a community garden hangout with a working tractor so you can grab those goodies even faster. Who says a medieval town can't be a little modern?
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Other Important Info
Kaodina is a medium world. I have all expansions, all stuff packs, and all store content so I am sure most of it is used in this save. If you do not have some of the items, the game will generate another item in its place. The only expansion not used is PETS so I am not sure how it will perform with pets and horses, etc. but there is plenty of room for them. This is a world save file so you will have to have the world installed in order to play the save file. In this download there is the world download and 3 save files:
KaodinaCommunityLots - this save is only the community lots, no residential houses
KaodinaUnpopulated - this is the final version of the save with zero households
KaodinaPopulated - this is the final version of the save with all households
There is zero custom content in this save
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I hope you enjoy! Please tag me @zergula or hashtag #kaodina in any posts or photos you share because I would love to see them. You can check out my other world saves here: River Falls and here: Simarellen Happy simming!
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midnitestar · 1 year
the fixer upper ranch challenge, by midnitestar.
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hello! i started this challenge as more of a personal use (a sort of guideline if you will) in order to get me engaged with the horse ranch gameplay and to avoid using cheats or getting bored. then i figured that making a detailed & structured challenge would be even better, so here it is!
⸻ main premise ⊱
your city-dweller sim suddenly is made aware that their grandparent, who they have never met, has inherited them their estate at chestnut ridge, a vast 64x64 lot with an abandoned ranch and lots of family history to discover at town.
the objective of this challenge is to start from the bottom at chestnut ridge and become the most influential family in town by the end of three generations.
make money with the ranch's resources, win over the judgemental seniors, and gradually renovate the estate until it's good as new.
you can see this as sort of a mini legacy challenge, honestly FURC (fixer upper ranch challenge) is a mixture of everything...
this challenge is still in process, so i'll be updating this post as i think of new & concrete ideas for each generation. feel free to join me with your own gameplay at #fixer upper ranch challenge, ask questions or even share suggestions here!
more information under the cut 🎔
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at all times avoid using money, skill or relationship cheats (or any kind of cheat for that matter). you will only get 50,000 simoleons at the start of generation 1 as part of your sim's inheritance / or use freerealestate to get your sim's grandparent's estate for free, and set 20,000 simoleons. this will be your renovations budget.
your sim cannot travel to any other world, they must complete their activities and affairs inside chestnut ridge.
follow the intended order of the generations. there's just three of them, and their storylines are linear!
add a mayor, a sheriff, an influential family and some small-ranch townies in your world. this will enrich your gameplay and your sim's relationships! (read: drama)
start with an actual abandoned ranch lot. with a bunch of junk and stuff. i recommend grandma's abandoned ranch by ralucii and Abandoned Ranch by enikobalogh in the gallery!
feel free to use any cc or mods that you want to improve your experience, as long as they don't give you an unfair advantage over other players.
don't get a job for your sim, either full time or half time. however, you may get money through other traditional rags-to-riches methods, such as gardening, frog breeding, fishing, selling other collectibles, etc.
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⸻ generation 1 : the newcomer ⊱
you grew up an only child and raised by a single, widowed mother, and although you didn't mind much your father's absence, the conditions of his death have always been a mystery to you - more so with your mother refusing to talk about the subject. what you do know about him, though, is that he loved music, and you do too. you look after his old guitar with your life, and even decided to skip college and go straight into following your dream of becoming a known musical artist at san myshuno. however, you don't find success straight away and start to lose motivation rather quickly. that's when a secretive lawyer knocks at your studio apartment's door to give you the opportunity of a lifetime: to start again in a small town, far away from your previous failure. you immediately travel to chestnut ridge and get right to it - you have a ranch to renovate and a lot to learn about your father's side of the family. no easy task, surely!
aspiration: big happy family traits: rancher, animal enthusiast, clumsy initial budget: 20k ~ 50k (read general rules)
master the following skills: guitar, horse riding, and handiness.
complete your aspiration.
go to the nightclub or the bar at least once a week.
start making money by rescuing horses, training them until they increase their market price, and selling them to other ranchers.
adopt two small goats, raise them and sell their milk. (optional: use @brazenlotus' cheesemaking skill mod to sell cheese!)
renovate at least 5 rooms in the estate OR two floors + build a small barn for one or two horses.
have a kid with another townie who has a small ranch too (optional: marry them and have other children if you'd like).
PLOT POINT! the mayor seems to be having a problem with you entering the community. they think that you're too naive, as per usual with sims who hail from the city, and that you don't know what you're doing. you know, typical condescending seniors. however, they back down a little when you tell them your last name... surely that must mean something? just what kind of person was your grandparent?
to be continued...
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