#tourist tax
bradsbackpack · 1 year
Iceland's New Tourist Tax: What You Need to Know
In its continuing efforts to sustain its pristine landscapes and unique heritage, Iceland has recently made the move to implement a tourist tax. This has come as a response to the increasing influx of visitors attempting to visit the country. The sheer number of visitors is putting pressure on the natural wonders, so the tax has been introduced so that the funds can be used to preserve them for…
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spacey-llama · 6 months
i let the mental illness win
god this specific jack ryder is so special and precious to me
if i'm feeling it i may make another one of these for season 2
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rosalesbeausderholle · 6 months
People would call you communist for this (lol) but the solution for the housing crisis we have all over is to set a minimum and maximum price per square meter that you can rent/sell a place for and that maximum price per meter should be adjusted so that it never exceeds a specific reasonable percentage of local salaries. Also, governments should be tougher on places not being fit to rent. No, you shouldn't be able to rent anything less than 45m² as 'a flat', that's either a room or a storage unit.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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This is how people react to tourism tax to combat overtourism
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bogkeep · 9 months
the ferry ride was terrible in many ways, but doing nothing for several hours but lie down in a dark cabin and listening to the most recent murderbot diaries was. admittedly. pretty nice
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darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
i like how vermont is currently experiencing a massive natural disaster and the first line out of some tourists mouths online is like "when can i visit? will this impact my trip?" like boo fucking hoo brenda we gotta take care of our own people right now maybe consider thinking about the well beings of locals for once.
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thecedarchronicle · 4 months
I'm pretty sure Alex only has brothers canonically, but that means we can make one trans lmao
hahah i thought of that too but i guarantee in any family of 5 kids at least ONE of them is going to be doing something messy with their gender. i mean they're a vendor at a pride festival so 😎
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garrettwrites · 2 months
The internet is amazing because if before the commoners and the wealthy were separated to such an extent they barely glimpsed into each other's lives, now we get to hear those well off in society complaining about cruises, vacations, fancy earphones, incomprehensibly expensive computer parts and niche pieces of equipment being expensive, while I need to weight my pasta to make sure it does indeed last for 7 meals rather than six so it's one less expense ""in the long run"", or wear trainers with a busted sole for months because shoes "are an unnecessary expense if these still work, no matter how much the rubber is snapping off", or eat like shit for an entire week because how dare I send 40€ on a second hand game instead of thinking off how many tuna cans, rice packs and vegetables that is. Or making groceries last so I can pay my pets' food.
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whiskeyswifty · 11 months
every time taylor goes to another one of my favorite spots i gotta fire off the hunger games canon for that place cuz i know i won't be able to go there for another 6 months. *canon blast* 🫡
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kenobihater · 5 months
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not me spending way too much money on trench art
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9kylian · 7 months
Macron is not begging on his knees if anything he's blackmailing him as we speak. That man is evil and a war criminal not a silly Kylian obsessed man with no power. Let's not.
I’m pretty sure he knows how to deal with him calm down and why expect me to call him those things under kylian’s pics?
This event screams begging to me. He’s so embarrassing.
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robobee · 2 years
i always get so hurt when I see tiktoks of white tourists in 3rd world countries and they're not getting upcharged... REPENT and pay that street vender 5 more dollars right NOWWW how dare you enjoy that 60 cent pad thai
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Do tourists think that taxes stop existing when they leave their hometowns? Do other states just not have sales tax? A customer came in and complained about the price of the room (we're the cheapest motel on the island, so they can feel free to stay somewhere more expensive for all I care), and they asked if they could get a discount if they paid cash. "Would you still take the taxes out?" Yes. Because if we didn't, that would be tax fraud, and my boss or I could go to jail. Just because the crime is white collar doesn't make it not a crime. I'm no fan of the taxman double dipping on every cent we earn and spend, but I'm not gonna cut you a $10 break when it's my ass on the line. Does the IRS not do audits where you come from? I'm not gonna break the law so a rich asshole can save a couple bucks on their already ridiculously underpriced tropical vacation. My boss is an outlier. She keeps prices low on purpose, undercutting everyone to keep the keys accessible to "normal" people, and she still manages to rake in dough hand over fist. If you think $101.25 is scandalous but you're okay with $90 even, then I don't know what to tell ya.
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finmoryo · 2 years
I kinda wanna write a modern road trip AU with a bunch of the younger Finweans (Elrond, Celebrimbor, Gil-galad, etc...) but I have no ideas for a plot
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nando161mando · 1 year
"We're doing a deep dive into the sham world for voluntourism, where people pay for the experience of charity without actually helping locals—and often even making their lives worse. Join us live on Twitch now:"
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Pros of trying to get a job in a small town: establishments will literally just print out “HELP WANTED. INQUIRE INSIDE (or leave number at bar)” and tape it to the front window and you just can.
Cons of getting a job in a small town:
If you don’t get the job, literally everyone will know and you can never go to that bar again
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