#touko nanbaka
Hiiro of Nanbaka fame, although I hate your guts, you Are my Roman Empire. (Spoilers for like. the Entire end of Nanbaka. You have been Warned)
In all respects, Hiiro does position himself to oppose Mashiro, yes, but by opposing Mashiro he becomes more and more like the man he hates. Take this analogy for an example: a child takes another child’s toy. The child who was taken from is angry, and so, they take the other child’s toy. Without interference, it becomes a cycle. That’s how I view Mashiro and Hiiro’s rivalry. Hiiro lowers himself to Mashiro’s level in order to get back at him, ultimately causing himself to mirror Mashiro. Kaazu and the Shiki are just a means to an end for their never ending grudge match.
And when talking about Hiiro, of course, you cannot fail to mention Touko. Hiiro may well have loved Touko, but with the time it has taken for him to make Kaazu and Nanba, Touko has just become a figurehead for his endless hate. Hiiro cannot and does not see Touko as a person anymore. He has constantly gone against her in her own name, what by becoming what Mashiro was. I find it to be one of the most intriguing parts of Hiiro. His “love” for Touko isn’t real anymore. It’s just something he can hold onto in order to continue his crusade against Mashiro.
Lastly, I’d like to touch on his relationship with Jyugo. It mirrors his relationship with Touko greatly, but with one key factor which makes Hiiro become a complete hypocrite. Hiiro’s “love” for Jyugo isn’t real…and it causes Jyugo to suffer. Hiiro, by harming Jyugo, thinks he is helping him. He thinks he is justified. Which is exactly what Mashiro thinks. Mashiro hurt Touko, but he was open about his selfishness while doing so. Hiiro hides his selfishness under the guise of “caring” for those he “loves”. Hiiro becomes a more hated antagonist because of this, because, in contrast to Mashiro, Hiiro is a coward. Hiiro hides his own desires under guises of the betterment of mankind. Mashiro doesn’t. Hiiro finally differentiates himself from Mashiro, but at what cost? Hiiro has become what he hated…and more.
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phantomwitch16 · 11 months
So I just learned the Nanbaka ending. Safe to say that it was not what i expected and I wanna talk about it :,)
Warning to the many people who have not been able to make it past chapter 192 or only watched the anime, the majority of what i know is from TikTok's, the comments of the vids and what i've pulled together by myself and what i've seen on Pinterest. Plus, despite my like for the series, I don't know much, its been a few years since I've done anything with the series , there is a cut off point with the manga and even then i don't know if it was in any particular order.
When i first started the series, I felt like i had a good idea of where the series was going. Like as the series would progress, we learn the pasts and motivations of the main cast, like Uno, Rock, Nico and the others, while seeing Jyugo learn about the shackles and the man on the scar. Then at the end, some shenanigans results in our main cast of idiotic prisoners being released early or finishing off their sentences in around a year or two. but because they either grew attached to the prison or liked the perks of working there (annoying Hajime, anime and food), they decide to go back and become guards of building 13. With Jyugo possibly doing something like this each day.
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But that didn't happen. Instead we get something a lot more different than what I originally imagined.
In the end of the series, we learn a lot about Jyugo's backstory, how he and the boys first me and more about the man who shackled him. As it turns out, Jyugo was never friends with Uno, Rock and Nico. They met him but they weren't friends, I think. Initally, I didn't think that he even met them before the start of the series until finding some of the fan translated pics of the manga on Pinterest (Search Nanmaka manga ending Jyugo and you should find something, just find one and keep on scrolling). All the memories that Jyugo had with them were fake ones that were inputted by the clone of the man with the scar/his biological grandfather, i.e. this guy, Hiiro, I think is his name. Hiiro with black hair, scar guy with white guy down here 👇
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I'm not entirely clear on what they were planning initially but Hiiro was the one who inputted the memories and orchestrated him going to Namba and becoming friends with the three, who possibly have at least met them individually at tone point. From what I am aware, Jyugo was the clone of Mashiro Mutsuki's (Scar man), grandson who alongside his daughter's, Touko, Jyugo's mother. She died while she was pregnant with Jyugo and Mashiro kept her body so that she could be cloned and give birth to Jyugo.
There were bit and pieces of Jyugo's childhood, with him and Hiiro. And Jyugo was nothing like how he was during the series. He was serious, had no general emotions and all that and i think his clone body was falling apart or he was sort of shapeshifting. He only became somewhat normal and acts similar to how he does to the series when he put the shackles on.
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But the shackles had another function and it was to repress his memories and powers. Specifically his memories with Hiiro, the scar man and what his friends did to him. Uno, Nico and Rock were brought in to teach Jyugo how to live in order to be released from prison and gain their freedom. And kill him some time before the series started. This was part of Hiiro’s plan but I’m not too sure about his reasoning. They did that, and when the shackles are gone we see the evidence of it on Jyugo's neck.
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All this makes looking back on previous adventures quite differently. In short they were never his friends for a time but did grow close in the time afterwards and began to feel guilt for what they did to him. They eventually come to talk to Jyugo about it and apologise but at this point, it was too late. Jyugo remembers everything when the shackles break and is practically reverted to his previous state. And it leads to a bitter confrontation that leaves the three shaken. As seen below 👇
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I'm not sure to what degree of involvement Nanba Prison and the staff there had. By all accounts, its seems that Hajime and the other guards were just as or even more in the dark than Jyugo. Upon finding him, Hajime treats him like he's always has.
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The only moderately positive thing and relatively Jyugo related thing that the reverted Jyugo does is that he has a brief interaction with Hajime’s cat who he says goodbye to.
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In the end, Jyugo disappeared from the prison with a splatter of blood left behind, leaving apparently with his grandfather. Then that's it. A very WTF kind of ending for a comedic series. It...honestly not what i expected. Beautiful art stuff, yes. WTF moments, yes. Hilarity, yes. A very bitter ending with barely any sweetness in it…neat.
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indigosabyss · 2 months
so the story of nanbaka pre-canon is... fucking insane. and given that some details were obviously not fleshed out at the beginning, I'll try to boil down the important bits:
(Obvious nanbaka spoilers under cut)
Rokudo is several hundred years old, awakening togabito without a care.
One of the people he turned into togabito is Mutsuki Mashiro (aka the Man With The Scar), granting him the ability to transfer thoughts and memories.
Mashiro became obsessed with the potential of togabito, envisioning a world where they reigned supreme.
He extended his life by creating a clone of himself and transferring all his mind into them, and then repeating the process once the clone has aged too much.
This process is repeated at minimum 115 times.
In his extended life, Mashiro gathers more togabito into the organization Shiki, and carries out experiments.
Also in this time, he has a daughter somehow called Touko.
This daughter grew up, fell pregnant after some sort of tryst with Rokudo, and then died mid-pregnancy
Mashiro (being a very normal guy) decides to clone Touko and implant memories and sensations to rebuild her to the exact state she was in before she died, with the goal of getting Rokudo's kid
This experiment failed fourteen times
Simultaneously, one of the clones Mashiro is using to extend his life has become an anomaly.
Clone Number 116 becomes the first Mashiro Clone to have an ability different from Mashiro's. He can create handcuffs and chains.
Because of this anomaly, Mashiro doesn't take over C#116, instead saving him for further research.
The fifteenth version of Touko is introduced to C#116, who gives him the name Hiiro.
She tells Hiiro that she loves him. He specifically calls the love between them romantic. (Yes, yes, I know)
Touko dies. On this fifteenth attempt, her son survives. (This our main character)
For the first six years, Number Fifteen is raised by Hiiro, who was entrusted with his care by Mashiro
Isou (the Shiki doctor) experiments on Number Fifteen, gathering data on his development and powers
By the age of six, Number Fifteen still can't speak.
A more pressing concern is that Number Fifteen's arms have a tendency to fall off. His body is constantly falling apart due to him not having any attachment to his body.
Number Fifteen is an empty container in the shape of a human; unable to recognize that he is alive.
Because he has as much attachment to his own body as he does with a random wall, he can also assimilate random walls into his "body", hence allowing him to listen in on Mashiro, and to share that with Hiiro.
Isou and Mashiro are disappointed with the lack of data from Number Fifteen, and consider storing him away and trying to clone Touko a sixteenth time.
Hiiro is reeling from the shock of Touko's replicability. In the panic, he yanks Number Fifteen at a force that would regularly have his leg come off.
However, the leg remains sturdy.
One of Hiiro's shackles have latched onto Number Fifteen's ankle, and held it together, giving the skin a better complexion.
Hiiro places Jyugo's thick black shackles around his ankles, wrists, and neck. This results in suppressing his ability and granting him awareness. His first words are: "Who are you?"
(Also. This all might have been happening in the window of time between World War One and Two???? But maybe they're just ignorant of world events w how old they are)
Mashiro creates Elf, a togabito capable of curing any disease, while also seizing control of the target's body by replacing all its cells.
Elf cells are injected into Jyugo, with the intention of taking him over.
Mashiro reveals that Hiiro's ability changing to suppress abilities means that Jyugo has the secondary ability to mutate other togabito's abilities; and he wishes to research this.
He also wants Elf to try and break down Hiiro's shackles from the inside of Jyugo's body.
Hiiro runs away with Jyugo
Mashiro vows to find them.
Hiiro goes on to form Kaazu, an international organization in charge of managing prisons.
This is to promote the incarceration of togabito, to then channel them from all prisons into one maximum security prison called Nanba Prison, to kill the creatures that Mashiro held to such high regard
Shiki starts to target unusual people in prisons, too, taking advantage of the disenfranchisement of felons like Hiiro is doing too.
At some point, Jyugo meets Nico, Uno, and Rock for the first time. This encounter ends with his death(?)
Hiiro crafts Nanba to be as interesting and amazing as the real world for Jyugo.
To put off the progress of Elf working through Jyugo's body, Hiiro wipes his memories. This is done multiple times over, with the help of Nishimiya.
He recruits Jyugo's near-killers into supporting him as they went through prisons, until they're finally transferred to Nanba.
Rokudo is still wandering around, now guarded by a Shiki bodyguard.
And from there the manga starts!!
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pineapplecrazed97 · 2 years
✨🎶Jyugo’s mom has got it goin' on
She's all I want
And I've waited for so long
Jyugo, can't you see?
You're just not the guy for me
I know it might be wrong but
I'm in love with Jyugo’s mom 🎶✨
But like on a real note, Touko deserved better 😭
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nanbaocprison · 2 years
When you read about Jyugo’s past there is a alot of interesting facts reguarding Jyugo in Elf and Jyugo conversation
There were a lot of interesting facts in that conversation especially on Jyugo.Elf calling him an interesting existence and the next words “expression never changs” foreshadowed Jyugo’s real identity as the Offender of emptiness. Jyugo subconsciously locked away his memories that might be why he was scared of elf presence because his extincts tell him that hes a threat.
Elf pointing out how forgetful Jyugo is another thing that drawn to mind is Jyugos memory this is the biggest indicator that this is Jyugos memories being suppressed. I thought Mashiro had something to do with his memory since his powers give him the ability to manipulate memory but no that was Hiiro, the shakles suppress his memories so thats why Jyugo is so forgetful. Hiiro locked him here to prevent Jyugo from recovering his memories of his past.
Elf called Jyugo specimen number 15, another detail about his past jyugo is called 15 by other when he was young since he is the 15th baby born from Touko. Jyugo hated being referred to it that way since its dehumanizing. Searcher and Report were words Jyugo is familiar with he grew up in a lab Elf angry reaction to Jyugo insulting the man with the scar on his neck is understandable, Jyugo was insulting his grandfather the one who gave him life. Elf changed Nanbaka by hinting at Jyugo past and introduce the much darker concepts of the manga from the very start Jyugos real identity was hinted right here we just didn’t notice.
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vocalist2d · 3 years
Shipping info
Takes a deep breath... (Content warning: -all fictional- incest, underaged character x adult character and possibly abusive relationship mentions. If those make you uncomfortable, the cut is underneath for a reason. Don’t interact with the post if they do. Thank you.)
The World Ends With You: Joshua x Neku, Joshua x Hanekoma, Nagi x Minamimoto, Fret x Rindo, Beat x Rhyme, Uzuki x Kariya
One Piece: Sanji x Zoro, Luffy x Ace 
Sk8: Langa x Reki, Tadashi x Adam, Tadashi x Reki
HypMic: Saburo x Jiro, Jiro x Ichiro, Jakurai x Ramuda, Dice x Ramuda, Samatoki x Ichiro, Ramuda x almost every HypMic character honestly, Doppo x Hifumi, Sasara x Rosho, Rei x Ichijiku, Rei x Otome, Kanaria x Nemu
Kingdom Hearts: Axel x Kairi, Sora x Donald Duck
The Gray Garden: Kcalb x Etihw, Adauchi x Emalf, Yosafire x Froze
Wadanohara AtGBS: Samekichi x Wadanohara
Other Okegom ships: Gris x Idate
Enstars: Rei x Ritsu, Ritsu x Mao
A3!: Misumi x Tenma, Itaru x Citron, Juza x Banri, Muku x Yuki
Pokémon: Ash/Satoshi x Goh/Gou, N x Hilbert
Persona 5: Akira x Akechi, Ryuji x Ann
Magi: Ja’far x Sinbad, Judal x Hakuryuu, Ja’far x Judal, Ja’far x Alibaba, Kougyoku x Sinbad, Alibaba x Aladdin, Alibaba x Morgiana, Vittel x Mahad, Drakon x Sinbad
Hamatora: Ratio x Birthday
Final Fantasy 15: Noctis x Prompto
Banana Fish: Eiji x Ash
Arcana Famiglia: Liberta x Nova, Felicita x Luca
As Miss Beelzebub Likes: Beelzebub x Mullin, Belphegor x Azazel, Astaroth x Sargatanas, Eurynome x Dantalion
Resident Evil: Ada x Leon, Claire x Steve
Pretty Boy Detective Club: Mayumi x Lai, Hyouta x Rei
Bungou Stray Dogs: Dazai x Atsushi, Akutagawa x Higuchi, Kyouka x Atsushi, Junichirou x Naomi, Edogawa Ranpo x Edgar Allan Poe
Danganronpa: Togami x Touko, Kirigiri x Makoto
Dramatical Murder: Aoba x Noiz, Aoba x Clear
Fate: Rin Tohsaka x Archer
Hitorijime My Hero: Kousuke x Setagawa
Horimiya: Miyamura x Hori
Ikebukuro West Gate Park (more focused on the live action version, anime form of the ship is good too): Makoto x King
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun: Hanako x Nene, Minamoto x Mitsuba
Junjou Romantica: Misaki x Usagi, Shinobu x Miyagi
Blood Blockade Battlefront: Zapp x Leo, Chain x Steven, William x Leo, William x Mary
Talentless Nana: Nana x Michiru
Nanbaka: Juugo x Uno, Momoko x Hajime
Osomatsu-San: Todomatsu x Karamatsu, Ichimatsu x Jyushimatsu, Ichimatsu x Karamatsu, Osomatsu x Choromatsu
Pandora Hearts: Gilbert x Oz
Yuri On Ice!!!: Yuri x Victor, Otabek x Yurio, Phicit x Yuri
Yarichin Bitch-bu: Yuri x Tooru
Haikyuu: Kageyama x Hinata, Kuro x Kenma
Thor movies: Thor x Loki
Genshin Impact: Lumine x Childe, Lumine x Kaeya, Lumine x Venti
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uhohcabbyo316 · 4 years
do all/as many as u want of the fandom questions im curious
Messed this up at first haha ignore that it's good now
B - A pairing you didn't initially consider but someone changed your mind
Celes x Touko
C - A paring you never liked and probably never will
T*nko x Himiko
D - a pairing you wish you liked but just can't
Kokichi x Rantaro
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Probably sonic x shadow
E - Have you added anything stupid/cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
F - What's the longest you've been in a fandom
Been in mlp fandom for many years
Q - A ship you've abandoned and why
Bakugou x Todoroki bc probably wouldn't be healthy
H - Do you prefer characters from real action series or anime series
Depends on the genre
J - Name a fandom you didn't care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
Avatar last airbender
R - A pairing you ship but you don't think anyone else ships
Himiko x Miu
T - if you mostly have homoships, do you have any heteroships
Makoto x Kyouko is p cute. Pokey x Pinkie (mlp) is a classic of mine.
V - Are you one of those fans who can't watch anything without shipping
Not at all
W - 5 favourite characters from 5 different fandoms
Leon (Dr), Jyugo (Nanbaka), Nugget (Kindergarten), Ojirou (Bnha), Rainbow Dash (mlp)
X - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Ojirou x Kaminari (Bnha), Rainbow Dash x Pinkie Pie (mlp), Chihiro x Makoto (Dr)
Y - a fandom you're in but have no ships from
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