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hero-tech · 7 months ago
Touk Boyfriend headcanons
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If you have animals on your farm, he will often visit to play with them and sometimes will bring Beast along for playdates;
You both are still often busy with your own clans, which means he can't see you all the time, but when he does run into you he'll make sure to go over to you, no matter how little time he has;
When he has extremely little time, he might just run up to you and give you a kiss before running off again- As long as you know you're loved;
His sisters were the first to notice he was into you, as he would not stop talking about you despite not making much efforts to socialize with others before;
He might be a big guy that until shortly thought he had to act tough all the time, but when you just started dating he was actually a bit shy about initiating physical contact. He quickly got used to it though and now very much enjoys displaying his affection in such ways;
He will get flustered and lose his train of thought if you start kissing his face while he's talking, but he secretly enjoys it even if he forgot what he was trying to say;
Beast joins for dates 8 out of 10 times. Even if Touk decides to not have him join, he usually shows up anyways, but he just can't stay mad at the little guy;
He's not some big poet- But he wished he could be so he could express better how much he loves you. Without realizing he shows it in different ways though. By the way his eyes are on you the moment you're around, the way he spends time with you whenever he can, the way he brings small gifts and the tight hug he gives you when you need to part again
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nazhrim · 2 years ago
Got my Touk edit working in game woo
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larimar · 1 year ago
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liu-shubao · 5 months ago
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((An old drawing I did for Shubao celebrating Bon Om Touk!))
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cloud-bees · 2 years ago
Okay I’m curious, if you’ve played both Stardew Valley and Roots of Pacha, who did you decide to romance in each?
I chose Shane in Stardew and Touk in Roots.
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yourimaginarycupcake · 7 months ago
Listen.. I love my roots of pacha husband.. But I feel so guilty at the same time. For taking him away from his baby (boar).
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bluefuecoco · 9 months ago
i know, being bi in stardew is like its super hard cuz everyone's so attractive
but in roots of pacha its 10 TIMES WORSE
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teaah-art · 6 months ago
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Balochi Miku / بلۏچی میکو
Requested by Anon!
She is wearing a doch with Balochi needlework, a salwar, and Balochi chawat style sandals. There is a touk around her neck and though you can't see it in its entirety, she's also wearing earrings (dur), bangles, and rings. Her dupatta also has Balochi needlework and sheesha embroidery/mirrorwork
While Baloch people are found in both South and Western Asia, this is meant to specifically honour Pakistani Baloch people.
I'm drawing a series of as many South Asian Mikus as I can! Here's the fifth one! Is there a South Asian Miku you would like to see? Feel free to request!
All South Asian Mikus
Commissions Open | Ko-fi
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stumpyshocky · 5 months ago
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The Boar Tamer 🐗🐗 my Roots of Pacha OC (they're married to Touk)
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wiltking · 1 year ago
still thinking about this. without having adoption agencies in the fucking stone ages i was fully expecting them to do like a stork delivery cutscene, or portray it as some kind of miracle gift from the spirits. but no, they leave it entirely up to the player's imagination and thats a bold move. you can interpret it as a spiritual miracle. but you can also very well play it like a natural birth. and i think thats awesome
been playing a ton of roots of pacha lately and finally got to the point where i have the option to have kids. really curious to find out how theyre gonna allow two gay married guys to have children in this prehistoric setting
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the-mediaeval-monk · 1 year ago
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A seated man drinking from a bowl with on hand and holding his shoe in the other
Touke Psalter W.36 f.3r Walters Art Museum
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tokidokitokyo · 9 months ago
Japanese Prefectures: Kantō - Tokyo
都道府県 (とどうふけん) - Prefectures of Japan
Learning the kanji and a little bit about each of Japan’s 47 prefectures!
東 ひがし、トウ east
京 キョウ、ケイ capital; 10**16 (ten quadrillion)
都 みやこ、ト、ツ metropolis, capital
関東 かんとう Kanto, region consisting of Tokyo and surrounding prefectures
The capital of Japan, Tokyo has 23 special wards (東京都区部), 26 cities, 1 district (西多摩郡), and 4 subprefectures (支庁)
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Tokyo is the largest urban and industrial agglomeration of Japan. Since ancient times the unassuming fishing village of Edo existed for centuries before the Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1867) made it into the capital city, while the imperial family remained in Kyoto. The Tokugawa shogunate ended with the Meiji Restoration of 1868, and Edo became the official capital of Japan, renamed to Tokyo, meaning "eastern capital." It was already the largest city in Japan and the population exceeded one million. Now it is one of the world's most populous cities and the largest industrial, commercial, and financial center in Japan. The Imperial Palace, the home of the emperor of Japan, lies at the heart of the city, encircled by stone-walled moats and broad gardens. Tokyo is the chief transportation hub for Japan and an important international traffic center, and also Japan's major cultural center.
Recommended Tourist Spot・おすすめ観光スポット Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden - 新宿御苑
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Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden
When it comes to Tokyo there is an endless list of things to do and see. So picking one to highlight was difficult, but I went with a favorite of mine. Located a short walk from Shinjuku Station, spacious lawns, meandering walking paths and tranquil scenery of Shinjuku Gyoen provide a relaxing escape from the busy urban center around it. In the spring, Shinjuku Gyoen becomes one of the best places in the city to see cherry blossoms, and in the fall the autumn colors are stunning. With an admission fee of only ¥500, it is a wonderful way to get lost in the beauty of an oasis in the middle of the metropolis.
Shinjuku Gyoen, meaning Shinjuku Imperial Garden, originated during the Edo Period (1603-1868) as a feudal lord's Tokyo residence. Later, it was converted into a botanical garden before being transferred to the Imperial Family in 1903 who used it for recreation and for the entertainment of guests. The park was almost completely destroyed during World War II, but was eventually rebuilt and reopened in 1949 as a public park.
There are three main gardens - the Japanese garden, the French garden, and the English garden - as well as a greenhouse full of tropical flowers. There are restaurants and cafes, a tea room, and a rest house with souvenirs. The garden is so large that I have never been able to view it all in one visit.
Regional Cuisine - 郷土料理 Monjayaki - もんじゃ焼き
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Monjayaki (source)
A type of pan-fried batter or savoury pancake, monjayaki is Tokyo’s version of okonomiyaki, the iconic dish of Hiroshima and Osaka. Monjayaki looks less like a potato pancake than okonomiyaki and retains a slightly runny appearance similar to melted cheese, even when cooked, but the cooking method remains the same.
The origins of monjayaki or monja can be traced back to a crêpe-like confection known as mojiyaki in the late Edo period. It was called mojiyaki (moji means character, as in hiragana) because people used it to write characters on the hot griddle surface. Monja experienced a popularity boom in the 1980s that led to the birth of Monja Street on Nishinakadori in Tsukishima where today 75 monja restaurants line the street.
To cook monja, first, stir-fry the ingredients, consisting of meats, veggies, cheese, and mochi or crispy noodles – on the griddle. Once they’re almost cooked, form a doughnut shape with a hole in the middle and pour the batter into it. Wait until the batter starts to boil, then mix it all up and press it down with the spatula to better cook it. Then scoop it into a bowl or onto a plate and enjoy.
Tokyo Dialect・Toukyou no hougen・東京の方言
Generally, the Tokyo dialect is taken to be Standard Japanese, although slang can vary between regions and social classes. Traditional dialects in central Tokyo are generally classified in two groups: Yamanote dialect (山の手言葉, Yamanote kotoba) and Shitamachi dialect (下町言葉, Shitamachi kotoba). The Yamanote dialect is characteristic of the old upper class from the Yamanote area. Since the Meiji period, Standard Japanese has been based on the Yamanote dialect. The Shitamachi dialect is a working-class dialect, and it preserves features of Edo Chōnin (Edokko) speech, also called Edo dialect (江戸言葉, 江戸弁, Edo kotoba, Edo-ben). Tokyo-style rakugo is typically played in the Shitamachi dialect.
Tokyo dialect dates back to Tokugawa Ieyasu's establishment of Edo as the main capital. Large groups of people, speaking a range of dialects migrated across the country from the former capital of Kyoto. The Kyoto dialect was the prestige language of the time and strongly influenced the Edo dialect in the early Edo period. The Edo dialect grew as Edo became the largest city in Japan and became the new prestige language in the late Edo period. Because of its unique history, especially in relation to the Kyoto dialect, Tokyo is what is known as a language island in the Kantō region. For example, traditional Kantō dialects have been characterized by the use of volitional and presumptive suffix -be, which is rarely used in Tokyo.
あたぼー (atabou) 
Standard Japanese: 当たり前 (atari mae) English: obviously
あんまり (anmari)
Standard Japanese: あまり (amari) English: not very much
しょっぱい (shoppai)
Standard Japanese: 塩辛い (shiokarai) English: salty
でかい (dekai)
Standard Japanese: 大きい (ookii) English: big
About Tokyo dialect (Japanese page)
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bottlecaprabbitgames · 8 months ago
also if y'all ain't checked out Roots of Pacha, what are you doing??? amazing game, currently on sale with it's latest update!!! amazing prehistoric civilization farming sim!!! the dev team are so nice, shout out to Karen for not kicking me for being an annoying shit 24/7 in the discord!!!
but also uhhhh who should i romance on my Switch save? Touk is not an option bc that's bae on my PC. Frers out too because i think Tetih would poison my food.
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records-of-records · 13 days ago
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Sinn Sisamouth “Groove Club Vol. 4”
Goodness from the lost 1960’s and early 1970’s Cambodian music scene. Mr Sisamouth met an unfortunate tragic end like many of his countrymen. Fortunately some of his music has survived and is very worth searching out.
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aliashowl · 8 months ago
for you? anything
chapter: one
pairing: ayahina
chapter word count: 1580
total word count: 1580
notes: modern/college au and fake dating
“Classes okay?” Kaneki asked from across the table. It was their ritual to have dinner every night, even if dinner consisted of leftover pizza Hinami brought home. Hinami insisted when she first started living with Kaneki when she was thirteen. It was rocky initially, but they’ve found their tempo these last few years.
It gave Hinami a sense of normalcy that she so desperately needed. She knew Kaneki needed it, too. Though he rarely talked about it, she knew he was lonely and enjoyed her company.
“Yeah, the workload is a lot compared to last year,” Hinami said. She was trying to read through a couple of passages from one of her assignments at the table. It was an introductory reading, so she could skim most of it and still be okay. She fiddled with her pen as she jotted some notes into her notebook.
“Yeah, senior year, they really cram everything at the last minute.” Kaneki was also glancing at some of his work while they ate. It looked like he was grading something. His red pen moved systemically over the paper, marking things correct or incorrect.
“Hm, but soon it’ll be on to grad school.” She laughed. Kaneki laughed at that, too. “As if that’ll be any easier.”
“You’ll do just fine.” He said. “Are you taking any other classes outside your major this semester?” He looked up for a moment from his work. Hinami took a bit of her food and nodded before speaking.
“No, no I’m down to the last stretch so it’s mostly my major.” She said, “though I did actually take a bio lab with Ayato a last year.”
Hinami tried to sound casual when she dropped his name. Like you could casually say, “hey, is that a tornado approaching?” She knew Kaneki had a distaste for Ayato (and Ayato had a distaste for Kaneki), but she enjoyed his company. She had thought of broaching the subject before but never dared to ruin their dinners with his name.
“And how is he doing?” Kaneki asked. His tone was neutral. But she noticed he was stagnating on one line of the paper he was on. His pen hovered over the question, but he wasn’t making any notations like he had been doing throughout their conversation. He took a sip from his drink and avoided her gaze.
“He’s good.” She said, again casual casual casual. “He’s thinking of applying to grad school as well.”
“Yeah, maybe even to the same school.”
Here it comes.
“You know I can’t tell you what to do.” He said. Even though you like to try, she thought. “But I just don’t think a friendship with him is any good.”
“Because of how he behaved in high school?” Hinami asked, even though she knew that was most definitely true.
“You know it’s more than that.”
“He’s not as bad as you think, I know his behavior hasn’t always been…good, but he’s really turned himself around.” She said. They were both no longer pretending to be working. Kaneki was just looking at her with exasperation dripping off his features, a frown that said, “I don’t believe you.”
“I’m not going to tell you what to do, and you’re a grown woman.” He said, though his tone implied something different. “But I still think you’re better off avoiding him.”
“We don’t even talk that often.” She said.
“Well, you should keep it that way,” Kaneki said.
“I just, I don’t get it!” Hinami flopped onto Ayato’s bed. Luckily, Ayato lived on campus so that she could visit him without Kaneki or Touka’s knowledge. This made things pleasant for her, but she could tell it stressed Ayato out, having to explain to his roommates that she wasn’t his girlfriend whenever she dropped by at odd hours. “He likes to act like he doesn’t still see me as the same scared thirteen-year-old girl.
“You know I don’t really give a shit about Kaneki, but it’s not odd for him to be protective over you,” Ayato replied. He sat down at his desk; homework was left to be avoided for the night when she came knocking.
“Is Touka this protective?” Hinami asked.
“More or less,” he said. “I mean, it was really only us as kids, so she did her best, but well… you know the rest.”
“Yeah, which is exactly why Kaneki wants me to steer clear of you.” She said, “which is odd because wasn’t your sister also not the most straight laced teenager?”
“Eh, Touka wasn’t as bad as I was, but she wasn’t great either.” He shrugged, trying and failing to be casual about their childhood. Hinami and Ayato had a tentative friendship when they were younger but drifted when Ayato began to spiral in high school. The deaths of their parents hit them in different ways.
For Hinami, it turned her anger inward; she blamed herself for their death. She spent many nights lost in the pages of novels too advanced for her, trying to pretend she was anywhere else, anyone else. Ayato, on the other hand, had turned his anger outward. He became violent and chaotic, lashing out at anyone and everyone.
“Yet Kaneki has no issue pursuing her, but we can’t even be friends?” She said. “Which is totally hypocritical if you ask me. I mean, they’re practically dating. He’s at her coffee shop almost every single morning, sometimes before she’s even open!”
“You could just tell him to fuck off?” He suggested.
Hinami laughed. She pulled herself into a sitting position with one of Ayato’s pillows held close to her chest. He smiled, and she felt comfortable. Despite everything, despite the flaws that interlaced his core, she knew he’d never hurt her. Kaneki had nothing to worry about. Ayato was not the same boy he was in high school. He was softer now; she could see it in how he looked at her, how his eyes would light up when she was around, or how he would smile when she rambled about whatever nonsense was plaguing her mind.
“I could never do that. As much as he might annoy me sometimes, I do love him. He took me in and cared for me when no one else could. He gave me my passion for books.” She sighed and started to fiddle with the loose fabric of the pillow she was holding.
“Yeah, I feel that way about Touka,” Ayato replied.
“I just need to do something big to make him understand I can make my own decisions. Something that will really rock him to his core, ya know?”
Ayato raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah, that definitely screams grown woman and not rebellious teenager.” He said.
Hinami threw the pillow at Ayato. He caught it easily and chucked it back. Hinami caught it, but it knocked her back a bit, and she had to readjust her position.
“I’m going to be graduating college soon but he still treats me like I’m thirteen, like I need to be protected from boys. I mean it’s not like we’re going to date.” She said. Ayato scoffed and rolled his eyes at her comment.
“Yeah, why would I ever want to date you. You’re annoying, you talk to much, you probably snore in your sleep.” He said with a smirk.
“Yeah, well I bet you drool in your sleep.” She retorted. Ayato shifted in his chair, his fingers fiddled with the strings of his hoodie, and his eyes roamed around the room. Hinami wondered if he was anxious about something. Perhaps he had an exam coming up that he should have been studying for, but instead, she was occupying all of his time.
Hinami suddenly beamed. Ayato must’ve recognized the look on her face because he was shaking his head at her.
“Whatever it is no.” He said.
“Just hear me out.”
“Let’s pretend to date.” She said. Ayato flushed hard like someone lit a fire inside the hollows of his cheeks. He opened his mouth several times before finally speaking.
“Absolutely not, what are we? A Hallmark movie?” He asked, his voice cracking a bit.
“Come on, it’s a win win. Kaneki will be pissed at first, but he’ll be forced to get to know you more and realize that I can make decisions on my own.” She was sitting up on her knees now, the momentum of her crazy idea cascading through her system.
“And what happens when I break your heart cause we will have to end things.” He said.
“I could break up with you.”
“And Kaneki will claim it’s because you realized I am not good enough for you.” He said. Ayato didn’t meet her eyes when he said this. Hinami was too wound up in her own idea that she didn’t notice the shift in his body language at that moment.
“We’ll figure out the terms later.”
“You’re talking like I’ve agreed.”
“Oh come on, please Ayato?” She put her hands up like she was in prayer, head bowed. Things were silent for a moment. The only sound was the fan in his window and his chair squeaking. Hinami stayed in the same position, hoping she could get him to agree. She wasn’t sure why the idea hit her, but it seemed logical. She trusted Ayato.
“Fine.” He said.
“Oh yes!” She jumped off the bed and into his arms, wrapping her arms around him tightly. Ayato took a moment before hugging her back.
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stardewtales · 2 years ago
every lady in roots of pacha looks so breathtakingly stunning spectacular like they brought down spring from the sky themselves just by gazing up
every man in roots of pacha looks like Some Guy, except for jukk who looks like gay dennis reynolds and touk who is incredibly hot but also, as it becomes increasingly evident the more you play, an imbecile
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