#totally not projecting with the asexual headcanons
celester0se · 1 year
Uhhhh sexuality headcanons because yes
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Oh yeah more drawings that i have sitting in my gallery
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aroace hobie inspired by @anotheroneofthegaysharks !
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xoangel-dust · 1 month
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jinxed-sinner · 3 months
hey fellow aroaces. can we not act like fics being tagged as Radioapple (or any ship for that matter) inherently means the fics are ignoring that Alastor is asexual?
I saw someone (claiming to be "local aroace Alastor defender") imply the amount of Radioapple fics vs the amount of queerplatonic Radioapple fics is bad. It's not, here's why:
Not everything included in a fic is going to be tagged because AO3 has a tag limit
Just because it's not tagged doesn't mean it's not in the fic (see above)
572 fics in the Alastor/Lucifer Magne | Morningstar tag on AO3 are tagged with Asexual Alastor, 135 are tagged with Demisexual Alastor, and 54 are tagged with Grey-Asexual Alastor, meaning a total of 761 fics have Alastor tagged as somewhere on the asexuality spectrum. This doesn't include potentially untagged fics, fics tagged as some variant of Aromantic Alastor, or fics focusing on other ships besides Radioapple
It is not inherently bad to write a fic where Alastor isn't asexual because it won't affect Alastor canonically being asexual
Not every aroace person is sex/romance repulsed (me for example)
Alastor's position on the asexuality spectrum has not been specified, so some people might headcanon him as somewhere between asexual and allosexual (demisexual, for example)
If you've never been in a QPR it can be hard to write it. I am asexual and I have done research on queerplatonic relationships and STILL can't fully grasp it. I wouldn't feel comfortable writing queerplatonic anything as a result because I don't think I'd be able to do it effectively (and also me being aroace doesn't stop me from being a hopeless romantic who projects my desires for a romantic relationship onto fictional characters)
Anyway sex and romance repulsed aroace people please for the love of all that is both holy and unholy stop acting like your experience being sex- and romance-repulsed is a universal aroace experience because it's not. Being aroace or even just asexual or aromantic is a complex experience and not everyone has the same experience of being sex- and romance-repulsed
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anodymalion · 5 months
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ok I am in fact using this as an excuse to make a long post about this thank you thank you asjksdjfaljdf
Interpreting Yuri as asexual is my very very favorite type of headcanon, which is one that 1. is compellingly coded in the source material (even if that wasn't the creator's intent), 2. is thematically relevant to what the piece of media is Trying To Do as a whole, and 3. just means a lot to me, personally, because I said so.
Coded in the source material
Yuri’s short program is “eros”, aka desire (you can interpret what “eros” means in various ways, but YOI itself explicitly refers to sexual love, at least in the English translations). Yuri struggles with this. Hard. He can’t come up with an answer when asked what eros means to him. His big revelatory moment about desire is that it’s how he feels about wanting to eat his favorite food (omg… boy). Even as the season goes on and the way he views the Eros program changes, the program doesn’t ever really embody the idea of eros as sexuality or romance (which was how the other characters expect him to interpret it) but rather as a desire to keep Victor in his life.
Like look. I’m obviously not going to say that the creator intended any kind of ace subtext to be there. I kind of doubt it was her intent. But goddamn is the subtext there.
2. Thematic relevance
The central theme throughout YOI is “love”, and especially loving people in a way that inspires you both to be your best selves: Yuri learning that the people in his life truly love and support him; Victor finding someone who makes him feel joy about skating again.
Like, Yuri’s whole skating theme for the Grand Prix is literally about him exploring what love looks like to him, even when it takes a form that other people don’t totally understand. Viewing all this through a lens of him being ace is really compelling. It adds depth to the idea of learning how to express the way you feel love even when it looks different than what other people expect. I think it’s a really delicious layer that adds even more nuance to what the show is getting at.
Besides, it’s an interesting way of viewing the criticism of the show that occurred for it not being 100% explicit about them being a couple (aka people getting mad because the kiss in ep 7 is blocked by Victor’s arm lmaooo). Like, ok, did you see the ending scene of ep 9? Did you see ep 10??? They definitely, definitely love each other, in whatever way that means for them. Their relationship takes a form that’s pretty different than the other way people in the show are going about romantic relationships, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real for them. That is very much in line with the main themes of the show.
3. Means a lot to me
In the final scene of the penultimate episode, Yuri tells Victor that they should end their coaching relationship after the Grand Prix ends. This is because he thinks he’s holding Victor back, that Victor would be happier being free to go back to skating on his own instead of being Yuri’s coach. When I watched this (and, I’ll be honest, this is completely me projecting here) I REALLY interpreted this as an ace thing. I think it’s pretty easy to internalize the idea when you’re asexual that you just won’t be… enough, for other people. In my case I ended up a strong impulse to self-sabotage relationships because I would rather be the one to end things than to let someone else tell me that who I am as a person is fundamentally lacking. Yuri destroying a connection he desperately wants because he thinks there’s something about him that is holding Victor back from a life he’d be truly happy with? Oh yeah. I can fucking relate to that.
Also: YOI came out in 2016, which was the absolute peak of hostility to ace people I was seeing on this site. It was bad here. At the same time Tumblr was going wild over this show. Everyone was watching it. Seeing a whole site of people absolutely adore a character I very deeply in my heart believed to be ace? Extremely vindicating.
In conclusion Yuri is asexual because it is fun and interesting that way, and also because of this:
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monstersandmaw · 7 months
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First time romancing Astarion, and I'm all aboard the ace-spec interpretation of Astarion that I've seen floating around. As someone who's ace, I definitely resonated with him in this scene anyway. That hug reaction from Astarion. Oof.
And the fact that if you also romance Halsin, one of the dialogue options Astarion can give you is to say something like: 'it's not because... we haven't... in a while... is it?'... My heart cracked painfully at that, I'm not going to lie. I have spoken almost exactly that sentence before, worrying that just kissing and physical affection is not enough for someone who's not ace. To have that validated by Astarion was really special for me.
(aka, I really didn't get to know Astarion very well in my first playthrough because he didn't approve of my absolute doormat of a Tav (Kaerlyn the drow) and I didn't spend much time with him, but now with my sassy monk...? I get it. I totally get why you all love Astarion so much).
EDIT: additional dialogue from Raphael talking about Cazador indicates that it might be linked to vampirism (my own headcanon for vampires anyway is they can't get aroused without having fed recently, not just BG3 vamps, but in general)
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[some poly-ace-astarion thoughts under the cut too]
I'm not 100% convinced that Astarion is really ok with the consensual poly situation in-game, because he famously doesn't say what he actually wants and is the king of manipulating others, especially in sexual situations (e.g. what Cazador sent him out to do, and how). I'm not sure if I'll reload a save and just have Halsin as a friend...
The dialogue when you check in with Astarion before the Halsin scene is... strained? Odd??? Maybe it's just me over-analysing it. He sounded strained though - his tone high pitched and more grandiose than he'd been in previous cut-scenes, where he was more softly-spoken. It sounded more like early-game Astarion to me...
Also, my dialogue options may have been totally randomised the next time I approached Astarion after a steamy night with Halsin, but they sounded kind of strained there too, and I got the 'I can never say no to you' one, which set my ace people-pleaser alarm bells ringing...
As someone who's poly-romantic but asexual, I can project/imagine here that Astarion has come to care for Tav a lot (more than he ever expected, for sure), and he genuinely wants Tav to be happy. He trusts Tav enough to know that Tav respects his autonomy and right to decide things for himself, and values Astarion for who he is, so Astarion is intellectually/conceptually happy for Tav to get something from Halsin that Astarion is not providing (sex), but perhaps emotionally that additional fact and dynamic is harder to deal with.
That could totally be me projecting though, because that's how I'd react if my husband (not ace) and I (ace) were in that situation (we've discussed it between us, actually XD). Feelings of guilt and inadequacy around sex itself are apparently very common with us ace folks, even in very healthy and happy relationships.
Anyway, that turned into a ramble I didn't intend on a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm not looking to start any discourse about this though. If you don't see Astarion that way, or had a different experience and interpretation, that's all totally valid and I'm not trying to invalidate it in anyway.
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a-roguish-gambit · 3 months
I love how when someone headcanons a not totally sex repulsed character as asexual or on the aro/ace spectrum people can't just... respectfully disagree. They gotta pull out ALLL the aphobia.
"x character can't be asexual cause they enjoy sex and have it often"
"X character is too dirty minded to be ace"
"x character can't be in a healthy relationship if they are ace"
"some ace people I met don't agree with this headcanon that means you can't headcanon it either."
"as a non ace person this character doesn't seem ace to me"
I've come across so many comments on ace Gambit posts alone and even anti ace Gambit posts....like Jesus fuck what is this, 2017 again? Let me enjoy my dumb headcanons in peace. It's my comfort character and I get to decide how to project onto it!
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fox-pr1nce · 3 months
PLEASE tell us your pride headcanons for Ashley and Andrew, those two are the queerest "straight" couple I've ever seen 🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈😈🏳️‍🌈
Ok ok ok :3
Starting w/ Ashley cause I have many many thoughts abt her. I see her as asexual! We see many times in game where she views sex in a transactional way. Getting pregnant to get out of the apartment, putting her number on the wall to use her body to get money, and after the vision when she thinks to herself that it’s a way she can keep Andrew close. And never do we see her actually desiring sex for sex. It’s always a means to an end for her. Someone else has def analyzed her in more detail and more coherently, but I needed to word dump abt this lol. As for her orientation in a romantic sense, I’m not totally sure. I wanna say she’s also somewhere on the aro spec, but that could also be me projecting on her lol. She definitely loves Andrew, but I don’t think it’s necessarily romantic, but also not merely platonic or familial. Some secret 4th option that comes from their toxic codependency. 
Now for Andrew! I see him as either bi or pan. He’s def into ladies, but there’s just something about him that screams not straight lol. I think I’m gonna settle on that he’s bi w/ a preference for women. That feels right to me. He’s pretty much the same with romantic orientation as he is w/ his sexuality imo
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osmorino · 4 months
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HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!! (also the con was pretty fun) Anyways, have my headcanons. Peppino: Trans masc & bi (totally not projecting) Pepperman: Aro/Ace (aromantic & asexual) Vigilante: Straight Ally Noise: Bi Noisette: Pan Fake Peppino: Genderfluid & Asexual Pizzahead: bro he hella gay /lhj
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twsthc · 5 months
savanaclaw headcanons and projection 🦁
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...this is what the poll from like last week was for. sorry heartslabyul and diasomnia fans teehee </3
⚠️ warnings: self harm, eating disorders
last updated: may 4, 2024
Leona is actually the twst character I've drawn the most
I hc all beastmen to have fur everywhere thats elastic and akin to mink skin
You know the texture of squishmallows? It's like that.
╰Doesn't include the thick hair in other places (head, facial, armpits, chest, pubes, etc)
Lots of scars in general + healed dermis self harm scars on thighs
Has a flat nose like a cat
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Savanaclaw mom/big sister...
Overstimulating thunderstorm? Go whine to Leona. Diasomnia students bothering you? Get leona to deal with them. Your food is too hot? Cry to Leona.
During freshman year she was way more outgoing and extroverted but eventually She mellowed out (depression moment)
She used to change hairstyles a lot before settling on freeform dreads
Also got into way more fights back then (also how she became housewarden)
Now she is (kind of) calm. Tranquil. At peace. Has depressive episodes. Relaxed.
Mostly does her own thing, and if that "thing" isn't sleeping it's some other bullshit the underclassmen roped her into
╰While wandering the castle one day, Leona stumbled upon the servants quarters. They taught him life skills (mending clothes, cooking, etc :3)
Despite being a big sis figure if she doesn't want to do something she Will Not.
And if she does do it afterall it's because she gets something out of it.
NPD, GAD, PDD (persistent depressive disorder)
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🇺🇸🇧🇷 UNLABLED + TRANS MAN (he/him)
Similarly to Leona he has a furry textured skin
Though his body hair is more coarse and longer due to him being a hyena
He has a lazy eye and tipped ear similar to Ed from The Lion King
Probably my second most drawn twst character :3
Healed epidermis self harm scars on inner wrists 🥶
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He's like the cooler afrolatino Luke Blovad
He's either winning the idgaf wars or dying on the battlefield
Has an insane collection of weird shirts from thrift stores
And he makes it work every single time! his outfits go crazy!
More connected to his AADOS/Gullah side than his Brazilian side
Though he does speak Portugese!
In fact, he speaks multiple languages because polyglots are marketable
The type of person to take a half empty bottle of ketchup and rotting apple from an empty ass fridge and make dinner happen
Constantly going to Scarabia to snag their party leftovers
Used to be a scene kid!!!! This is canon and true!!!! Pls trust me
diabetes, GAD, MDD, undiagnosed ADHD
triggering content ahead !!
he has bulimia nervosa
╰fun fact! a lot of food insecure people have eating disorders
self harmed a lot from the ages from 10-12 before eventually stopping at 13
he stopped after his grandma found out and started checking his arms regularly (#projecting)
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WAY thicker fur than leona and ruggie
Trims his body hair a lot because he overheats in savanaclaw easily
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The type of guy to be totally in love with the world and nature
They're just like. Wow. We were put on a spinning rock. With food to eat, and water drink, and air to breathe. I love being alive.
Had a little garden back at home and named every single plant
Remembers small things about people and brings them up in conversation
╰Hey dude I got you a Chipotle bowl. How did I remember your exact order? You told me. Yeah, I know it was a year ago, but--
Random but I think he dresses how Tupac did
Not even to be tough
But because he's a black suburban kid
(I'm a black city kid but this is probably how black suburban kids dress trust)
Loooves chewing on things. Has one of those chew necklaces
Autistic with botany and physical health special interest
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camilaxmartin · 6 months
gonna put them emoji’s again💀😭 so it would be: 🥑🍬🌸🐝🎨🍄
I love using these TOTALLY USEFUL emoji’s so I picked em🥰
you don’t use avocado/bee/mushroom everyday? what are you even doing?🙄
🥑: you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
probably @bunnylove1 and @blookyag, idk why tho honestly, just getting the vibes they’d help somebody out with hiding the body💀 (it’s a compliment, i swear-)
🍬: post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character:
okay uhh- (don’t cancel me plz) i respect with my whole heart that alastor is asexual and (?) aromantic but i don’t get the hate people receive when shipping him with someone? as far as i know being on the spectrum means he can still date? like i know, he doesn’t show any interest in that but if its just for a silly au or for a cool drawing then what’s the fuss about? i’m not talking like about erasing that part of him because that’s a big no no for me, but like…? respecting it but still having fun with his character? i saw a great tiktok explaining my thoughts exactly so maybe i’ll link it here if i can find it (add the link here later camila:) (besides all that i project a lot of myself onto alastor (still debating if im aromantic or not) and i want to explore myself with his character (if i can even phrase it that way) so all the hate and shit really bother me, you know?)
(another thing more about whole thing not a character is that “whatever it takes” is in my top 4 songs and i don’t get the hate it gets?? i love this song?? it’s so great?? two latina (?) girls singing together?? cmon??)
🌸: do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them:
i do actually! i have a dog and three rats:) (also had a rabbit but he died not so long ago and he was like my whole world so i got a tattoo to remember him, i’ll add it as well just because i can)
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🐝: tag your biggest supporters and say one nice thing about them:
@kimmyisachiisaiakuma - ugh of course?? like in my head we are already besties fr fr, what can i saaaay😭 idk i love you and how supportive and just friendly you are!!:) and god of course, i love your art?? but i’ve already said it a thousand times??? so here’s one thousand first??
@bunnylove1 - just how supportive you are towards my stuff and how with exactly one request i felt like we also became besties? maybe it’s just me but yeah😭
@blookyag - liking my every post and responding to every single one of them!!! she’s a treasure, really. i’m surprised someone cares about my rambling this much💀
@informist - i’ve noticed that she’s also reacting to a lot of my stuff and she’s so quick with it like?? idk it makes my heart jump okay? i love attention from people even when it’s just my stupid rambling😭 (#iamanattentionwhore 😗😗)
@rougecreator1 - liked a lot of my posts as well, and somehow i feel like they enjoy my stuff? idk tho?😭😭 yeah just noticed interactions in my activities:)
@riveramorylunar - i feel like we were more active on each other’s accounts when i was still in my lady lesso era, but idk i really liked you then and i still love seeing your stuff pop up on my main page:)
and of course, all of my lovely anons who send me their ideas that i can’t wait to write!!:)
🎨: link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it:
okay so like it changes every day?? but for now i must say this one:
why? simple. a. brokerdoll b. the marvellous style? c. i want to draw like that d. just… just look at it okay? e. lesbians.
(and a special mention for THIS as well, as it’s the first time someone ever drawn my oc and besides the fact that she looks so pretty here it’s just… idk i just love it okay, she stole my heart)
🍄: share a headcanon for one of your favourite ships or pairings:
let’s start with the fact that i even have a favourite account for all the headcanons about brokerdoll which is @vypridae (adore all the hcs, really)
buut! my personal headcanon is:
• carmilla didn’t really expect to fall for velvette, i mean in my head she just saw her as so… respectless and dumb and stupid and careless and carefree and wild and free and pretty- wait
yeah, so in my head velvette was the first to initiate anything and at first carmilla was like “ha! no way, you stupid girl” but then she started to think more and more about velvette as the time went on and one day she just got along the fact that she might be attracted to the young overlord and somehow… went with it? like she didn’t make a big deal out of it… but velvette definitely did, despite the fact she was actually the first one to say or act on her attraction in any way.
(i need to write more headcanons for them, they’re literally eating up my brain)
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dysany · 3 months
James Sirius Aro headcanon bc it's pride month
Listen listen, I know the hp new gen fandom really likes the "James and Alice" thing BUT guys he's SO aromantic for me. Im aromantic and I love James so much, he's probably my favorite character in the new era, so trust me ok? He's a perfect aromantic rep. Also James and Alice are queerplatonic I so sure
I like to imagine that James grew up being a kinda of casanova at Hogwarts, the guy who was seen with a new girl every week. It was something he was proud of and constantly showed off, despite never being seen dating one of these girls (reminder that not every aromantic person is asexual, and I definitely see James being just aromantic). I like to imagine that just the idea of ​​dating made James want to vomit, as a kid he was the "I'll never date! It's gross!" And he still thinks that way at 15, 16, 17 and 18 years old. He never understood why something that people said was the pinnacle of life caused him so much repulsion, and no matter how hard he tried, no romantic feelings came to him.
Imagine him just helping Albus and Rose with their LGBT projects at Hogwarts, wanting to be more open and better support his brother. Then one day, he ends up simply hearing about "aromanticity" for the first time. He questions, only to want to learn more, and Rose explains to him as much as possible about the aro community. James was absolutely in shock watching Rose describe every single mixed feeling he had about romance for years of his life, understanding that other people were also repulsed by romance that came in his stomach. The height of happiness and horror in his mind at the same time.
James would probably freak out and go into absolute denial for a while. He would ignore everything that wanted him to see more about the community and focus on trying to date girls, even wondering if he might just like boys. Liking boys seemed easier to understand than not liking anyone. I can see James squirming every time he was put in some romantic context, but forcing himself to do it for a while. And hating it all. Over time, after many crises and nights of feeling less than human because he couldn't fall in love, James would eventually have a long talk with Lily and Albus and they would help him. It takes weeks, months for James to really stop forcing himself into relationships. It takes a few more years, after Hogwarts, for him to say "I'm aromantic" out loud. A few years after that, Quidditch player James Potter is openly part of the LGBT community with a green, white and black flag. (Albus would totally make fun of him for now having a green flag. Brother thing)
In between, I like the idea that Alice was his main squire and companion. She helped him through his worst crises, took care of him on his best and worst days. She studied, talked and understood the most Possible to help him too. And if she understood a little more about herself, it was just an extra. James and Alice slowly settle into their relationship, Noting that they love each other even if not in a romantic way. The two are the kind of queerplatonic relationship that kisses, sleeps together, and has a lifetime without romance being a topic. And they never explain it, they don't need to. Alice understands James and loves being with him, regardless of everything
In other words: James Sirius Potter being Aro is so superior guys. His grandfather was the epitome of romance and this boy will vomit if he thinks about dating
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msnihilist · 2 months
Hey, hey!👋🏾
Number 12, 14, and 16 for the choose violence ask game?😈
For the choosing violence ask game.
12. The unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
The thing is, I don't ever really find myself getting attached to side characters. I'm one of those fans who's favorite character is ALWAYS the MC. I don't know why, that's just the rules. My favorite Ben 10 character is Ben, my favorite TAWOG character is Gumball, my favorite FOP character is Timmy, etc etc.
That being said, I guess I'll say that the Ben 10 fandom should appreciate Eunice and Elena more. People really like Looma and Attea, but not these two other ladies! I think they also have a bunch of potential for fanartists and writers to play with.
14. That one thing you see in fics all the time.
The "Zuko is an Awkward Turtle Duck" tag. It pretty much immediately tells me that the author is about to write him wildly out of character. Yes, in canon Zuko is kind of awkward. But SO MANY PEOPLE seem to conflate that with him being an uwu soft cinnamon roll when that couldn't be further from the truth.
Zuko is an asshole. Did people forget that even in the finale, his solution to not having his concerns taken seriously was to literally attack Aang? He's a jerk! He's a fuck-up! He doesn't think his actions through! The fandom woobified him so bad that it's honestly not even worth going into the ATLA tag on AO3, because every fic centers on Zuko and they're all wrong.
16. You can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Ben as asexual. Well, no, I know why people like it — because they're self-projecting. But Ben is very clearly NOT asexual.
He is immediately and physically attracted to Eunice, calling her beautiful when the pod opens to reveal that she's naked. Kevin even comments that, "Dude, you're drooling." Ben smiled when Jennifer Nocturne (a young, attractive celebrity) kissed him. Julie kisses him at the end of UA, and Ben says, "That was totally worth giving up all of that power!"
In Omniverse, Ben shied away from Ester's hug because he's already seeing someone. And then he says later to Rook, jokingly, "You think I have a chance with her?" He's happy after he kisses Kai.
Ben likes physical affection, just not unwanted affection. He doesn't like Looma or Attea enough to enjoy their aggressive forms of affection. He doesn't like Ester or Julie trying to put pressure on their relationship. If anything, Ben gives off the energy of having commitment issues and wanting a more physically casual relationship.
Ben likes to take his relationships at his own speed. That doesn't mean he's asexual.
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i-got-poisenality · 2 months
i'd love to hear some assorted Crutchie headcanons if you have them, I am collecting them like shiny rocks :)
thank you for the ask!! and now i shall go feral beast mode because I ABSOLUTELY LOVE CRUTCHIE, HES MY DREAM ROLE AND I PICKED MY NAME BASED OFF OF HIS IN THE JR VERSION!!! and this is mostly for livesies bc he’s more of a major character there
Crutchie is transmasc, asexual, and homoromantic
bridging off of the trans thing, he wears a lot of layers to hide the fact that he is not cis (totally not projecting on that one hahaaaaa)
this man is NOT neurotypical
also he really likes animal crackers
also he’s super casual about any health issues and does not like getting babied(as in he absolutely hates it and steams with rage when people baby him)
his favorite color is 💛yellow💛
this one is really specific but he has freckles on the bridge of his nose
he has called Miss Medda mom on multiple occasions, he eventually just started calling her “Mama Medda” (and Miss Medda’s heart completely melted)
he also always gets Mama Medda flowers for mother’s day, they may or may not be taken from central park
he gives the absolute best hugs and is the best at comforting people
he is the definition of the terms “walk softly but carry a big stick” and “do no harm, take no shit” as he doesn’t like causing problems or starting fights, but he has nearly broken people’s knees by wailing on them with his crutch to defend others
yeah, he’s a lover, not a fighter, but that doesn’t mean he won’t fight if he has to
animals love him and he loves animals, he is physically incapable of walking past a dog(or cat, or horse, or bug, or spider) on the street without petting it
branching off of this, he has brought SO MANY LITTLE CRITTERS BACK TO THE LODGING HOUSE (one time he brought a spider and that was the exact day Jack decided he was sleeping outside full time because the spider escaped and they never found it)
in the summertime, he likes sitting outside in the rain(if it’s light enough, that is) because he finds it really refreshing (it scares the heck out of everyone who cares about him because they’re worried he’ll get sick (this drives him a little bit crazy))
he loves hugs, like, adores them. giving, receiving, just seeing people happy when they get hugs, the warm and fuzzy feeling of them
Davey taught him about flower language(i hc that Davey likes flower language) and now he loves leaving little flowers with hidden meanings around for his friends
he just generally likes getting little gifts for his friends (even if some of them are just small fragments of metal he found on the ground or neat rocks)
very sentimental boy <3
he’s kinda bad at math so Elmer has to help him with it sometimes
still has some ptsd from The Refuge and this tends to mostly show up in nightmares, getting really scared/upset when people yell(especially if it’s at him and ESPECIALLY ESPECIALLY if it’s an older man bc that reminds him of Snyder), having panic attacks when passing by the building that used to be The Refuge, and windows with bars over them(that last one is more specifically for 92’sies bc of how The Refuge was)
on a lighter note, he loves his friends/found family/just about everyone more than most people even thought was possible
and if he ever got the chance to ride one, he’d absolutely adore ferris wheels
i know the crutchtrack shippers are few and far between BUT I AM ONE OF THEM SO HERES THE CRUTCHIE SIDE OF THAT
he was the most adorably awkward, painfully obvious, and painfully oblivious goober
it took MONTHS for both Race and Crutchie to actually realize the other was into them
Crutchie ended up actually confessing through a letter that he shoved in Races hands before skedaddling as fast as possible
once they do get together, they’re both absolute cuddle monsters
Crutchie still gets SO UNBELIEVABLY FLUSTERED every time Race flirts with him
that’s it for now, I WILL ABSOLUTELY TALK MORE ABOUT CRUTCHTRACK IF YOUSE WANT, but yes thank you so much for letting me rant about my favorite boy and sorry that this got sorta long <3
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degenrcy · 1 year
creepypasta dark headcanons (fem reader)
i have an insane amount of ideas rn and i cant make a million posts, tws: everything. you know who i am.
ticci toby: your creepy big brother, he really has changed since your older sister died or something. projects all his insecurities, anger, sadness, more anger, onto his remaining sister. bullies you at school and home, and things get even worse when he starts hanging with these new friends of his... a new knife collection that he loves to test on you, and with your shared 'interest' in cutting and self harm, it wasnt easy to avoid. better believe hes encouraging you to keep cutting, to express your sadness about your sister... but it actually just gets him really hard. when hes delusional hes the worst, he thinks your his girlfriend! silly toby, thats ur little sister!
ben: human incel/neet dude who smokes a lotta weed. he groomed you online and got you bad- spending infinite money on cosplays and other things to get you to do whatever he wants. ever since he met you online he grabbed your ip and began his cyberstalking. secret cameras and tapping into your computer's cam. he kidnaps you with the help of his friends, who all paid him to do whatever they wanted with you for a few hours before dropping you off in his basement.
jane: i dont see her as a romantic at all, more of a manipulator and probably very asexual. she wont admit it but is disgusted in her deformations and her past with jeff, but shes willing to teach you everything about being a man eater. literally. feeds you the good meat of the bad men she kills. get on her good side and understand her perspective (KAM) and you guys will be great lesbians in crime
ej: you literally have to be a cannibal to be with him. no exceptions. very stereotypical abuser bf, hes ripped asf under that hoodie because i mean human organs must have hella protein. he loves to wrap his arm around your frail neck and watch you flail until you finally pass out. his idea of finally breaking up with you is getting you knocked out, taking a few things (from organs to valuables, he totally steals) and using your body to get off, because you could never do anything right conscious. lol. snap a few pictures and blackmail you into still being with him anyways. he loves you!
jeff: big somno guy. (go to sleep!!!) he knows you cant stomach looking at him during intimate moments, on the rare occasion things ever get intimate. he shushes you back to sleep whenever you suddenly wake up to him sticking his dick inside you, having no other choice when you feel the cool blade of his knife against your skin anyways. also thinks your so adorable with the matching smile-cuts across your cheeks he helped you with. i think jeff is a romantic, in his own way.
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There's a curious thing I've observed regarding people's bias when it comes to interpreting characters:
If a character smiles at a character from the other sex or finds them pretty, they must be into them, there's no other reasonable explanation why they would do that.
If two characters of the same sex look at each other for just one second, they must be gay. There is absolutely no way they're not.
No one ever looks for other explanations; it doesn't matter how far-fetched the reasoning is or how little it is backed by canon. It doesn't even matter if it contradicts canon. Instead of looking at the full picture, people jump to conclusions all the time. Do they not want to get to the bottom of things? It seems as if every take about a character, no matter how far-fetched, is widely accepted as long as it conforms to allonormativity/amatonormativity. And for some reason it's totally acceptable to call that canon.
However, when you explain why a character is ace-coded and provide a long-ass analysis to support your findings, people twist your words, and suddenly you are
forcing your opinion on people
don't provide enough evidence, which is ironic, considering how many poorly thought-out takes out there are accepted, plus, that’s gaslighting
sloppy in your analysis
committing a capital crime because you had the audacity to analyse the source material and, apparently, that's neither fun nor desired.
As a canon writer, analysing the source material to find the explanations that are the most compatible with canon is an essential part of what I do, and I sometimes come to unpopular conclusions. To me it looks as if, even if I wrote a book about it, people still wouldn't try to disprove my line of reasoning because they're offended that I don't share their interpretation and they've decided to be petty about it.
Do people feel threatened because my analysis opposes ideas they have held up for years but never questioned because they have been reinforced in their echo chamber over and over?
Does searching for the most canon-compatible interpretation somehow invalidate their headcanons? Since when is headcanon = canon?
Or do they just hate the idea that their favourite character is very obviously ace-coded because in their mind asexuality = no sex = boring, and thus they can't help but lash out? If that's the case, please get yourself educated, so that we can discuss the matter on the same level.
All my frustrations about the aphobia and ignorance thrown at me and a friend by a few but very vocal people aside, I’m glad that some people have revealed their true face. At least, I now know whom I no longer want to interact with, and I take comfort in the fact that my analysis made so many people on the ace spectrum feel validated and seen.
PS: Admitting not being educated about a certain matter is not a weakness but a virtue. Learning is a lifelong process, there's nothing wrong with seeking to broaden one's horizon.
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